24 2014,,59 nr 1 From cationic ring-opening polymerization to atom transfer radical polymerization Krzysztof Matyjaszewski* DOI: dx.doi.org/10.14314/polimery.2014.024 Dedicated to Professor Stanislaw Penczek on the occasion of his 80th birthday Abstract: Roots of controlled radical polymerization, including atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP), origi- nate in living ionic polymerizations accompanied by reversible deactivation, such as cationic ring-opening polymeri- zation of tetrahydrofuran and other heterocyclics. Recent developments in ATRP, including mechanistic understan- ding, synthesis of polymers with precisely controlled architecture and some applications of polymers prepared by ATRP are presented. Keywords: cationic ring-opening polymerization, tetrahydrofuran, atom transfer radical polymerization, ATRP,con- trolled radical polymerization, block copolymers. Od kationowej polimeryzacji z otwarciem pierœcienia do polimeryzacji rodniko- wej z przeniesieniem atomu Streszczenie: Artyku³ stanowi przegl¹d literaturowy dotycz¹cy kontrolowanej polimeryzacji rodnikowej, w tym w szczególnoœci kontrolowanej polimeryzacji rodnikowej z przeniesieniem atomu (ATRP), wywodz¹cej siê z jono- wej polimeryzacji ¿yj¹cej, której towarzyszy odwracalna dezaktywacja. Omówiono rozwój wspomnianych metod polimeryzacji, monomery, inicjatory i warunki reakcji syntezy polimerów o precyzyjnie kontrolowanej architektu- rze, a tak¿e zastosowanie materia³ów o ró¿norodnych w³aœciwoœciach, uzyskiwanych z wykorzystaniem ATRP. S³owa kluczowe: kationowa polimeryzacja z otwarciem pierœcienia, tetrahydrofuran, rodnikowa polimeryzacja z przeniesieniem atomu, ATRP, kontrolowana polimeryzacja rodnikowa, kopolimery blokowe. INTRODUCTION sealants, adhesives, dispersants, health and beauty pro- ducts to materials for electronics and biomedical or drug This short mini-review is intended to show how a con- delivery systems [2, 3]. cept, developed for cationic ring-opening polymerization For a long time, anionic polymerization of non-polar of cyclic ethers in the laboratory of Professor Penczek at vinyl monomers such as styrene and dienes was the only Polish Academy of Sciences, has been applied to control- synthetic method to prepare polymers with precisely led polymerization systems, comprising several radical controlled structure and low dispersity [4—6]. It was sub- polymerizations and, in particular, atom transfer radical sequently used to synthesize various segmented copoly- polymerization (ATRP). mers and macromolecules with more sophisticated archi- Current progress in polymer science is enabled by tecture, including cyclics, combs, stars, pom-poms and new synthetic avenues, permitting precise control over many others [7]. For a long time it was considered to be molecular architecture [1]. Indeed, controlled polymer impossible to extend the concept of living polymerization synthesis is the first and the most important prerequisite without chain-breaking polymerizations, introduced by to prepare polymeric materials for targeted applications. Szwarc, to cationic vinyl polymerization and especially When supplemented with an appropriate processing, it radical polymerization, characterized by significant tran- forms basis of macromolecular engineering. Preparation sfer or unavoidable radical termination reactions, respec- of well-defined, essentially tailor-made, functional poly- tively. However, a strong suppression of chain breaking mers enables their organization into many nanostructu- reactions under appropriate conditions has been succes- red functional materials for advanced applications, ran- sively demonstrated for essentially all polymerization ging from thermoplastic elastomers, coatings, various mechanisms, including carbocationic, coordination, radi- cal, and various ring opening processes (cationic, anionic and metathesis) [9]. Nearly all of these advances are * Department of Chemistry, Carnegie Mellon University, 4400 Fifth based on dynamic exchange between tiny amount of pro- Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA. pagating active centers and dominating amount of dor- Corresponding author: [email protected] mant species [10]. Cationic ring-opening polymerization POLIMERY 2014, 59,nr1 25 of tetrahydrofuran studied in Professor Penczek labora- OTf ... O k tory was perhaps the first system in which kinetics, ther- d OTf ... O modynamics and dynamics of exchange reactions was ka i k e established in great detail and with high precision [11]. k k p p t/tr k i >>k e ; K =f(DC) Subsequently, similar concepts have been extended to p p eq essentially all controlled/living polymerization systems. Scheme A. Ion/ester equilibrium in cationic ring-opening poly- merization of tetrahydrofuran CATIONIC RING-OPENING POLYMERIZATION OF TETRAHYDROFURAN thermodynamics of ion-ester equilibrium, but also the I joined Professor Penczek’s laboratory in 1972 and dynamics of these equilibrium by rapidly changing the started to work under direct supervision of Dr. Kubisa. At sample temperature and were able to directly measure that time, new very strong acids (or superacids) such as the rate constants of ionization of esters to oxonium ions triflic (trifluoromethanesulfonic) and fluorosulfonic (activation, ka in Scheme A) and their temporary termina- acids were introduced and used in polymerization of te- tion (deactivation back to the dormant state, kd in Scheme trahydrofuran (THF). This generated a significant inte- A). Since access to NMR was quite limited, most of these rest in academia and also in industry, resulting in com- studies were performed at nights and evenings in colla- mercial products including polyTHF diols, which were boration with members of Professor Goethals’group. The subsequently used in specialty polyesters and polyure- results of these studies were published in several papers thanes [12—16]. Initially it was not realized that under that revealed effect of temperature and solvents and sub- such conditions two types of growing chain ends can be sequently nature of counterions on the ion-ester equilib- in equilibrium. We originally studied the kinetics of THF ria [22, 23]. Similar studies were also carried out, in paral- polymerization in various solvents using various initia- lel, in several laboratories in the USA and also in Japan tors under classic dilatometric techniques. Polymeriza- [12—16, 23, 24]. tions employing relatively stable complex counterions The studies focused on ion-ester equilibrium were la- such as BF4,PF6, SbCl6, AsF6, or SbF6, all had similar poly- ter extended to equilibria between ion pairs and free ions merization rates but relatively higher than those with tri- in a collaborative effort with Prof. Slomkowski [25, 26]. flate derivatives. Moreover, the rates of polymerization Surprisingly, for the first time in ionic polymerization, with these complex anions were not significantly affected similar reactivities for all ionic species were observed. by solvents but the rates of polymerizations conducted The information collected on the thermodynamics and with triflate anions clearly increased with solvent pola- kinetics of polymerization of THF provided a very comp- rity. Thus, a hypothesis was born that complex anions are lete molecular picture and permitted a precise descrip- counterions of propagating oxonium ions, whereas tri- tion of all molecular events in these systems [11]. The acti- flate anions can also form covalent esters that are much vation of esters occurred predominantly via an intramole- less reactive, which meant that esters could ionize more cular process in low-strained five membered ring of THF efficiently in solvents displaying higher dielectric cons- but via external bimolecular ionization in more strained tants and form a higher proportion of more reactive oxo- seven-membered oxepane [27]. While access to high reso- nium ions. lution NMR was at that time limited, access to heteronuc- In order to verify this hypothesis, it was necessary to lear NMR, especially 31P NMR was available in Lodz. We, perform NMR spectroscopic studies to explore the struc- therefore developed an ion trapping procedure to quanti- ture of polymer end groups present at very low concen- tatively determine the structure and concentration of trations. At that time, high field NMR was not available in growing chain ends in various polymerization systems Poland and Professor Penczek decided to collaborate [28, 29]. with Professor Goethals from University of Ghent, Bel- Subsequently, the studies of cationic ring-opening gium, who had access to the first 300 MHz NMR machine polymerization of cyclic ethers were extended to cyclic in Europe. Thus, after barely finishing my first year in the amines, iminoethers, sulfides, acetals and orthoesters laboratory of Professor Penczek, I took a portable va- which resulted in establishment of a general theory for cuum line, NMR tubes, all necessary reagents and went the cationic ring-opening polymerization of heterocyclics for a two-week intense research project to Belgium, pre- [30—32]. Reactivity of monomers scaled reciprocally paring samples under high vacuum, sealing off NMR tu- with the reactivity of onium ions and the rate constants of bes and studying structure of the end groups of polyte- propagation were determined by onium ions reactivities trahydrofuran initiated by triflic esters in various sol- rather than those of monomers. Ions and ion pairs had vents [17—19]. Accordingly, we established effect of sol- similar reactivities and active — dormant species equilib- vent polarity on the
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