The Eye ball: a complete coordinate system for location and time.



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Corresponding Author:- Dr. EMAD KAYYAM M.B.B.Ch, Independent Researcher Cell Phone: 00962-79-9828881 Email: [email protected] AMMAN – JORDAN.

Title: - the Eye ball: a complete coordinate system for location and time.

Key words: - Eye ball sphere, Spherical Universe, Flat Image, Flat Universe, Space Centrode, Horse shoe stone arrangement, Inferior Oblique Muscle, latitude and summer solstice.

Abstract: - As I explain in my previous article; The Eye ball and the Earth ball: Model for Inverted Planetarium, that there is a Parallel Organizational Context Potential between the Eye ball and the Earth ball when the central axe of the Eye ball (Y axe of the Cartesian coordinate system) become parallel to the rotational axe of the planet earth (Z axe of the Cartesian coordinate system) which could be reached if you parallel the two orbits of both of them. This article based on more evidence illustrates how the 3- dimensional spherical geometry of our Eye ball is adapted to fit in our spherical earth and the universe around in a way connected to the exact perception of the space and time.

Financial Disclosure: - My research is a self effort research this means that: - I did not receive any funding or support from any body also there is No role of any sponsors or funding institute in the design and conduct of the study, in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of the data, and in the preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript.

The Author Sentence: While the conclusions in this scientific article reflect destination and outcome seem compared to a high degree of complexity however, expertise knowledge elected, facts used, observations noticed and special relation made are on a high degree of refinement.



Its look like that the eye ball is a spherical organ because the planet earth and the universe a round is spherical, and according to the relativity of Einstein the Universe or (Space-time) appears to be smoothly and simply connected, and space has very small mean curvature, so that Euclidean geometry is accurate on the average throughout the universe.

There are three categories for the possible spatial geometries of our universe that have a constant curvature, depending on the sign of the curvature. If the curvature is exactly zero, then the local geometry is flat; if it is positive, then the local geometry is spherical, and if it is negative then the local geometry is hyperbolic.

The geometry of the universe is usually represented in the system of comoving coordinates, according to which the expansion of the universe can be ignored. Comoving coordinates form a single frame of reference according to which the universe has a static geometry of three spatial dimensions.

Under the assumption that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic, the curvature of the observable universe, or the local geometry, is described by one of the three "primitive" geometries (in mathematics these are called the model geometries):

3 • 3-dimensional Euclidean geometry, generally notated as E • 3-dimensional spherical geometry with a small curvature, often notated as S3 • 3-dimensional hyperbolic geometry with a small curvature, often notated as H3


Figure 1

The local geometry of the universe is determined by whether Omega is less than, equal to or greater than 1. From top to bottom: a spherical universe, a hyperbolic universe, and a flat universe. se

In evaluating this analysis and linking it with the spherical eye ball it should be kept in mind that when the Eye follows a straight line that is not a meridian starting from a tertiary position, this line Appears to make a rotation indicative of a cyclorotation of the eye.

If the eye, starting from a tertiary position, follows with sufficient speed any straight line that is not a meridian, a rotation of that line will be noted by the observer. This rotation indicates that a cyclorotation (wheel–rotation around the optic axe) of the eye has occurred. A movement of the eye a long the meridians avoid this.

The adaptation that linking the spherical earth and the spherical universe around with the spherical eye seem obvious if we pay

٥ attention to how the eye ball behaves with straight and curved lines however it's interesting to know that the image that fall on the intrinsic curvature of the retina of the eye sphere is spatially flat and even if the universe is not exactly spatially flat, the spatial curvature of the observable universe is close enough to zero to place the radius at approximately the horizon of the observable universe or beyond.

Part 1 Similarity relation between the anatomical human Eye ball and the planet Earth ball

Stonehenge circa Model:

In this Model, the theory stand on the Analogy made between the human Eye ball and the planet Earth ball in shape, tilt and the similar motion of the conjugate Eye movement and the apparent motion of the sun (also moon) which can be charted on a graph.

The two motions which are concerned with Stonehenge are those which work on the horizontal plane and chare the same Axe of rotation (“Z” axe of the Cartesian coordinate system) which the two motions work around, in case of the Earth the motion is the apparent motion of the sun that produced mainly by a combination of factors related chiefly to earth rotation a round it self, earth tilt and earth revolving a round the sun, the apparent motion of the sun are observer related who see the motion when stand on the earth.

In the case of the eye ball; the conjugate eye movement are mainly produced by the lateral and medial horizontal rectus muscles, the action is quite simple. It can be assumed in a first approximation that there muscles share a common muscle plane that is horizontal in primary position and contains the line of sight. Their axis of rotation coincides in primary position with the Z-axis of the system. P57, physiology of the ocular movements


Figure 2

Fick's Axes and Listing's Plane

Reference: The extra ocular muscles. Chapter 5, Page 89. Fig. 5-9


Figure 3

The ground track of the Sun and the conjugate Eye movement

Reference: Diagram 1 (upper) showing the geometry of the orbits is taken from-Figure2.2.p20 –Clinical Orbital Anatomy picture.

Diagram 2 (lower) shows the ground track of the sun is drawn by Dr. EMAD KAYYAM.

٨ Part 2 Eye ball center of Rotation

The eye performs rotatory movement a round a center of rotation within the globe. This center of rotation has been assumed to be fixed but newer experiments have given evidence that this is not the case. The center of rotation of the eye does not have zero velocity, it moves in a semicircle in the plane of rotation. Thus, even simple eye movements are complex. N.B Horizontal movements rotate the center of the globe in a semicircle in the plane of eye rotation.

Page 88, Adler's physiology of the eye

Figure 4

Position of space centrode as computed by Park and Park Reference: The extra ocular muscles. Chapter 5, Page 89. Fig. 5-8

٩ Part 3 Stonehenge central Horse shoe arrangement of stone and the eye ball center of rotation.

Actually Stonehenge is not a single structure but consists of a series of earth, timber, and stone structures that were revised and re- modeled over a period of more than 1400 years. In the 1940s and 1950s, Richard Atkinson proposed that construction occurred in three phases, which he labeled Stonehenge I, II, III-a, III-b, and III-c. This sequence has recently been revised in Archaeological Report (10) published by English Heritage.

During Phase III the monument underwent a complicated sequence of settings of large stones. The first stone setting comprised a series of Bluestones placed in what are known as the (sub-phase 3i). These were subsequently dismantled and a circle of and a horseshoe-shaped arrangement of erected (sub-phase 3ii).

Figure 5

The Circle and the Horseshoe

Stonehenge Phase III, sub-phase 3ii (c. 2550-1600 BCE) henge.html

١٠ The Sarsen Circle, about 108 feet (33 meters) in diameter, was originally comprised of 30 neatly trimmed upright sandstone blocks of which only 17 are now standing. The stones are evenly spaced approximately 1.0 to 1.4 meters apart, and stand on average 13 feet (4 meters) above the ground. They are about 6.5 feet (2 meters) wide and 3 feet (1 meter) thick and taper towards the top. They originally supported sarsen lintels forming a continuous circle around the top. Each lintel block has been shaped to the curve of the circle. The average length of the rectangular lintels is 3.2 meters (10' 6"). The lintels were fitted end-to end using tongue- and-groove joints, and fitted on top of the standing sarsen with mortise and tenon joints. The Sarsen Circle with its lintels is perhaps the most remarkable feature of Stonehenge in terms of design, precision stonework, and engineering.

Figure 6

Part of the outer Sarsen Circle with lintels in place In front of them are stones of the Bluestone Horseshoe (see below) henge.html

Sarsen stones are hard-grained sandstone with silaceous cement. They were probably brought to the site from the Marlborough Downs, about 30 kilometres to the north of Stonehenge.

The Trilithons are ten upright stones arranged as five freestanding pairs each with a single horizontal lintel. They were erected within the Sarsen Circle in the form of a horseshoe with the open side

١١ facing north-east towards the main entrance of the monument. They were arranged symmetrically and graded in height; the tallest is in the central position. Only three of the five Trilithons are now complete with their lintels. The other two both have only one standing stone with the second stone and lintel lying on the ground.

Figure 7

Two of the Trilithons In front of them can be seen two of the upright bluestones, which originally formed an oval inside the horseshoe of Trilithons henge.html

Bluestones may have been added next (sub-phase 3iii) but were subsequently removed.


Figure 8 The Bluestone Oval and the Bluestone Circle Stonehenge Phase III, sub-phase 3iv (c. 2550-1600 BCE) In sub-phase 3iv, a Bluestone Oval added within Trilithon Horseshoe and a Bluestone Circle added outside the Trilithon Horseshoe but inside the Sarsen Circle. henge.html

The term "Bluestone" refers to various types of mostly igneous rocks including dolerites, rhyolites, and volcanic ash. It also includes some sandstone. The Bluestones at Stonehenge are believed to have originated from various outcrops in the Preseli Hills in Pembrokeshire in Wales. How they were transported to the site at Stonehenge has been the subject of much speculation.


Figure 9 The Bluestone Horseshoe Stonehenge Phase III, sub-phase 3v (c. 2550-1600 BCE) henge.html

In sub-phase 3v, an arc of stone was removed from the Bluestone Oval to form a Bluestone Horseshoe.


Figure 10 The "Y" and "Z" Holes Stonehenge Phase III, sub-phase 3vi (c. 2550-1600 BCE) henge.html

In the final sub-phase (3vi), two circles, one inside the other, known as the Y and Z Holes were dug for the placement of stones but were never filled.


I believe when comparing the position and the shape of the horseshoe-shaped setting termed the Bluestone Horseshoe which mirrored the shape of the central sarsen Trilithons are reflecting the semi circle movement of the space centrode of the eye ball which positioned in the center of the eyeball sphere which indicate the movement around the Z axe in the horizontal plane (refer to Stonehenge circa model in part 1)

The "Y" and "Z" holes (concentric circular holes outside the Sarsen Circle) may indicate the parallel organizational context potential between the Y and Z axes of the eye and the earth when the eye converting its axe from Y to Z in the Cartesian coordinate system see part 4 figure 16 and 17.


Figure 11

1 = , a six ton monolith of green micaceous sandstone from Wales

11 = ring of 30 pits called the Y Holes

12 = ring of 30 pits called the Z Holes lan.jpg


Figure 12

Stonehenge Circa

Reference: lan.jpg

Key to plan:

1 = Altar Stone, a six ton monolith of green micaceous sandstone from Wales

2 = barrow without a burial

3 = barrow without a burial

4 = the fallen Slaughter Stone, 4.9 meters long

5 = the

6 = two of the four Station Stones

7 = inner bank

١٧ 8 = ditch

9 = outer bank

10 = The Avenue, a parallel pair of ditches and banks leading 3 km to the River Avon

11 = ring of 30 pits called the Y Holes

12 = ring of 30 pits called the Z Holes

13 = circle of 56 pits, known as

14 = smaller southern entrance

١٨ Part 4 Muscles of the eye ball

The chief – muscles that move the eye ball (the ocular or extrinsic muscles of the eye) are the four rectus (Lateral Rectus, Medial Rectus, Superior Rectus, Inferior Rectus) and the two obloquies (Inferior Oblique, Superior Oblique). These six skeletal muscles are inserted into the sclera of the eye ball mostly by glistening tendons. With the exception of the inferior oblique, they all arise from the back of the orbit.

The inferior oblique muscle arises in the front of the orbit; it arises from the anterior-medial aspect of the orbit, the four rectus muscles run forward close to the wall of the orbit and inserted into the front portion of the sclera of the eye ball, the oblique muscles (including the inferior oblique muscle) insert into the back portion of the sclera of the eye ball. Page 651,652 chapter 55 the

Orbit, Anatomy a regional study of human structure, by ernest Gardner, M.D> Donaldj. Gray, Ph.D. Ronan O'rahilly, M.Sc., M.D. Illustrated by Caspar Henselmann

Figure 13

Muscles of the orbit from Gray's Anatomy

١٩ The individual extra ocular muscles are composed of a variable number of fibers, the largest muscle mass being the medial rectus and the smallest muscle mass being the inferior oblique.

Page 93 the extra ocular Muscles, chapter 4 Physiology of the ocular movements.

The muscle plane and the axis of rotation:

The action of an individual muscle depends on the relation of the direction of its pull to the three axes around which the globe rotates. Before we consider what movement an eye would make if all but one of the six eye muscles were paralyzed, certain definitions had to do with there movements must be introduced.

The point at which the center of the muscle or of its tendon first touches the globe is the tangential point. A tangent to the globe at this point indicates the direction of pull of that muscle. The position of this point changes when the muscle contracts or relaxes and the globe rotates.

The muscle plane is determined by the tangent to the globe at the tangential point and the center of rotation. In general it is the plane determined by the centers of origin and insertion of the extra- ocular muscle and the center of rotation of the eye ball.

An axis of rotation, which is the perpendicular to the muscle plane erected in the center of rotation, corresponds to each muscle plane. The muscle plane describes the direction of pull of the muscle and determines the axis around which the eye would rotate if the particular individual muscle were to make an isolated contraction.


Figure 14

The Muscle Plane and the Axe of rotation of the inferior and superior rectus muscles

Figure 4-5.A, Relationship of muscle plane of Vertical muscles to X-and Y-axes. Reference: Page 58, Chapter 4.Physiology of the ocular movements

Inferior oblique muscle of the eye ball:

Muscle plane of inferior oblique muscle go in a direction from anterior-medial aspect of the globe to the posterior-lateral aspect. Neither muscle plane coincide, therefore, with the median plane of the globe, nor does the axis of rotation coincide with the X-axis.

The muscle plane of the inferior oblique muscle forms an angle of about 51° with median plane (Y-axis). Because of the large angle formed in primary position, the inferior oblique muscle mainly produce a cyclorotation (wheel–rotation around the Y axe).

٢١ In primary position the inferior oblique muscle causes an excycloduction (wheel-rotation to the out side), elevation and abduction (outside slide shift) of the globe.

When the globe is adducted, the angle between the median plane of the eye and the muscle plane is reduced and the inferior oblique muscle acts more and more as an elevator. With an adduction of 51° the inferior oblique would be a pure elevator. The angle between the median plane of the globe and the muscle plane increase with abduction of the eye. The inferior oblique increasingly produces an excycloduction, and with 39 ° of abduction its action is one of pure excyclodution.

The maximum action of the inferior oblique muscle as an elevator is in adduction, the maximum excycloduction occurs in abduction.

Figure 15

Muscle Plane and Axe of rotation of the Inferior Oblique muscle.

Figure 4-5.B, relationship of muscle plane of oblique muscles to X-and Y-axes. Reference: Page 58, Chapter 4.Physiology of the ocular movements

٢٢ N.B true torsion ( or wheel rotation ) of the eye around the Y axis is not under voluntary control and does not occur except for compensatory torsional movements of the eye in response to labyrinthine and tonic neck reflex arcs.

By returning to my previous article; The Eye ball and the Earth ball: Model for Inverted Planetarium, which illustrates and describe the Parallel Organizational Context Potential between the Eye ball and the Earth ball which can be reached when the central axe of the Eye ball (Y axe of the Cartesian coordinate system) become parallel to the rotational axe of the planet earth (Z axe of the Cartesian coordinate system) in which the anterior pole of the eye ball correspond to the south pole of the earth ball.

Embarking on efforts to assemble best evidence to support this new proposition, the emphasis on evidence – based facts that find the anterior pole of the eye to correspond the south pole of the earth because the cornea is like Antarctica as they have almost the same ratio of elevation from the surface of there spheres.

On average, Antarctica which is locates in the South Pole has the highest average elevation of all the continents. The elevation of a geographic location is its height above a fixed reference point, often the mean sea level. Elevation, or geometric height, is mainly used when referring to points on the Earth's surface, similar the human Eye ball anterior pole locates on the center of the cornea which is the highest point on the eye ball surface.

This model which put the Eye ball and the Earth ball as a suspended spheroid bodies in parallels at three dimensional Cartesian coordinate system leads to another novel insight interpret the mechanism of function of Stonehenge as one of the calendar arts that used as an arithmetical system in astronomy by analyzing the function of one of the extra-ocular muscle of the eye; the inferior oblique that has a muscle plane which is tilted 51° degrees from the Y-axe which is the same of Stonehenge Latitude 51° degrees north, and an Axe of rotation tilted 39° degrees from the X- Axe like the summer solstice angle which is 39° degrees north –east at Stonehenge site.


Figure 16

Figure 17

The Parallel Organizational Context Potential between the Eye ball and the Earth ball

٢٤ Part 5

The Inferior Oblique Muscle and Stonehenge Circa

Inferior Oblique Muscle plane is tilted 51° degrees from the Y-axe and its Axe of rotation is tilted 39° degrees from the X- Axe.

Stonehenge Latitude is 51° degrees north and its summer solstice angle is 39° degrees north –east.

When comparing these data about the inferior oblique muscle (unique muscle has a different origin than her sister muscles and being the lowest in its muscle mass) and by fitting it on Stonehenge circa (believing that Stonehenge is a horizontally sectioned Eye ball) we find that if we put Stonehenge in the Cartesian coordinate system,(Stonehenge center is at the 0 cross section of the system) we find that; the lane of Stonehenge is tilted 39° degrees north – east from the X-axe and of course the inferior oblique muscle plane is tilted 39° degrees south – east from the X-axe and 51° degrees from the true south (Y-axe) N.B when we parallel the Y axe of the Eye ball with the Z axe of the Planet Earth.

so if we bring Stonehenge lane to be in line with the Y-axe (true north – south Axe)i.e. tilt the lane of Stonehenge 51° degrees toward the true North (adduction of the eye ball) this will put the inferior oblique in the X-Axe of the system (true east) and make it a pure excyclo-rotator and if we bring Stonehenge lane to be in the X- axe (true – east) i.e.: tilt the lane 39° degrees toward east (abduction of the eye ball) this will put the inferior oblique muscle plane on the true south (Y-axe) and become a pure elevator of the Eye, now if we imagine that Stonehenge can be maximized to be our earth planet then the inferior oblique muscle will excyclo-rotate the planet earth in the X- plane when the lane of Stonehenge (i.e. Sun rays) in the true north – south axe (i.e. Y-Axe) and when put Stonehenge lane (i.e.: sun rays) in the east – west Axe (i.e. X- Axe) the inferior oblique muscle will elevate the earth planet in the Y plane.


Figure 18

Visual Metaphor: Eye ball, Earth ball and Stonehenge Circa


Figure 19

Relationship of muscle plane of Inferior Oblique muscle to X-and Y-axes in simulation with Stonehenge Circa

٢٧ Figure 20

Figure 21

June 21 Summer Solstice Notice how earth south pole appear to elevate as the darkness expand in the southern hemisphere


We do know that the actual motions of the Sun and the Moon are reflected in the structure of Stonehenge, and we can reason how it may have been used to keep track of these cycles.

The Earth's axis always remains pointing in the same direction as it revolves around the sun. As a result, the solar angle varies at a given place throughout the year. The variation in sun angle is the prime cause of our seasons. The orientation of the Earth with respect to the Sun also determines the length of day. Together, the sun angle and day length determine the total amount of solar radiation incident at the Earth. To illuminate this point (pardon the pun), let's follow the Earth as it progresses through its orbit around the Sun.

٢٨ On about June 21st or June 22nd the Northern hemisphere is tipped toward the sun as shown in figure 21. At noon, the sub solar point, or place where the sun lies directly overhead at noon, is located at 23 1/2o north latitude. This date is known as the summer solstice, the longest day of the year for places located north of Tropic of Cancer. The 23 1/2o parallel was so named because it is during the astrological sign Cancer when the Sun's rays strike at their highest angle of the year north of this line. The North Pole tips into the Sun and tangent rays strike at the Arctic and Antarctic Circles. (A tangent ray is one that meets a curve or surface in a single point). This creates a 24 hour period of daylight ("polar day") for places located pole ward of 66 1/2o north. We find the South Pole tipped away from the Sun, sending places pole ward of 66 1/2o south into 24 hours of darkness ("polar night"). ((Eye ball pure Elevation)). On Sept 22nd or 23rd, the Earth has moved around the Sun such that the poles are neither pointing toward nor away from the sun. On this day, the Sun is directly overhead 0 degrees, the equator, at noon. Tangent rays strike at the poles. It is the autumnal equinox and all places experience 12 hours of day light and 12 hours of darkness. ((Eye ball pure Excycloduction))

This conclusion can be applied to the Superior Oblique muscle with winter solstice and spring equinox.

Figure 22

September 21 Autumnal equinox

Pure Wheel – rotation of the eye ball

٢٩ Reference:

EARTH MYSTERIES: Stonehenge Dr. Christopher L. C. E. Witcombe Professor, Department of Art History, Sweet Briar College, Virginia

Grays Anatomy earth_sun_relations_seasons.html

Orbit, Anatomy a regional study of human stracture , by ernest Gardner , M.D> Donaldj. Gray, Ph.D. Ronan O'rahilly, M.Sc., M.D . Illustrated by Caspar Henselmann

The extra ocular Muscles, chapter 4 Physiology of the ocular movements

Wikipedia the free encyclopedia