KOALISI DAN KONFLIK INTERNAL PARTAI POLITIK PADA ERA REFORMASI Coalition and Internal Party Conflicts of Reform Era in Indonesia Lili Romli Peneliti Utama Pusat Penelitian Politik LIPI dan Staf Pengajar Departemen Ilmu Politik FISIP Universitas Indonesia Alamat email:
[email protected] Naskah Diterima: 14 Agustus 2017 Naskah Direvisi: 20 November 2017 Naskah Disetujui: 20 November 2017 Abstract In this era of reform, political parties have internal conflicts. Factors causing the internal conflict, among others, are caused by coalition and opposition choices. The political parties involved in internal conflicts, some sparked divisions that led to the birth of new parties and some gave birth to double stewardship. Often organized internal conflicts of these political parties look very weak cohesiveness in the bodies of political parties. Internal conflicts in political parties also indicate how minimal institutionalization in the party body is in resolving conflicts to reach consensus. The tendency of internal conflict is not caused by differences in vision, mission and platform, and ideological party but by pragmatism on the choice of coalition of political parties in support of the presidential candidate and vice president and / or government and as well as the interests of power. Keywords: political party, factionalism, internal party conflicts, political coalition, presidential election Abstrak Pada era reformasi ini, partai politik mengalami konflik internal. Faktor yang menyebabkan konflik internal tersebut, antara lain, disebabkan oleh pilihan koalisi dan oposisi. Kecenderungan yang muncul, partai-partai politik terlibat dalam konflik internal, sebagian memunculkan perpecahan yang berujung pada lahirnya partai-partai baru dan sebagian lagi melahirkan kepengurusan ganda. Kerap munculnya konflik internal partai-partai politik tersebut memperlihatkan betapa lemahnya kohesivitas di tubuh partai-partai politik.