Government of Indonesia

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Government of Indonesia GOVERNMENT OF INDONESIA Control Risks Indonesia MINISTRY KEY Menara Prima 2nd floor, Jl. DR. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung Block 6.2 Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950 Professional PRESIDENT JOKO WIDODO Appointment T: + 62 21 5794 8044 VICE PRESIDENT JUSUF KALLA Political [email protected] Appointment KEY FOR POLITICAL PARTY AFFILIATION 1. PDI-P – Indonesia Democratic Party of Struggle 6. Golkar – Party of the Functional Groups Coordinating Minister for Coordinating Minister for Coordinating Minister for the Coordinating Minister for Human Chairperson : Megawati Soekarnoputri Chairperson: Setya Novanto Political, Legal & Security Maritime Affairs Economy Development & Culture Office of the President Affairs 2. PKB – National Awakening Party 7. PKS – Prosperous Justice Party Luhut Panjaitan Darmin Nasution Puan Maharani (PDI-P) Chairperson: Muhaimin Iskandar Chairperson: Sohibul Iman Wiranto (Hanura) 3. NasDem – National Democratic Party 8. PPP – United Development Party Chairperson: Surya Paloh Chairperson: M Romahurmuziy Primary & Secondary Energy & Natural Finance Trade Religious Affairs 4. Hanura – People’s Conscience Party 9. PD – Democratic Party Chief of Staff Defense Foreign Affairs Education & Culture Resources Chairperson: Wiranto Chairperson: Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Enggartiasto Lukita Lukman Hakim Saifuddin Teten Masduki Ryamizard Ryacudu Ignasius Jonan Sri Mulyani Indrawati Muhadjir Effendi Retno Marsudi (NasDem) (PPP) 5. Gerindra – Great Indonesia Movement Party 10. PAN – National Mandate Party Chairperson: Prabowo Subianto Chairperson: Zulkifli Hasan Administrative Research / Technology & Cabinet Secretary Justice & Human Rights Transportation State-Owned Enterprises Industry Health Reforms Higher Education Airlangga Hartanto Rini Soemarno Nila Moeloek Muhamad Nasir Pramono Anung Wibowo Asman Abnur (PAN) Yasonna Laoly (PDI-P) Budi Karya Sumadi (Golkar) Other Key Entities Communications & Maritime Affairs & Cooperatives & SMEs Public Works & Housing Social Affairs Youth and Sports Affairs State Secretariat (SETNEG) Information Home Affairs Fisheries Technology Anak Agung Puspayoga Khofifah Indar Parawansa Susi Pudjiastuti Basuki Hadimuljono Pratikno Rudiantara Tjahjo Kumolo (PDI-P) (PDI-P) (PKB) Imam Nahrawi (PKB) Anti-Corruption Indonesia Investment Bank Indonesia Commission (KPK) Coordinating Board (BKPM) Executive Executive Branch National Development Development of Tourism Agriculture Forestry & Environment Women’s Empowerment Planning Agency Disadvantaged Regions Agus Rahardjo Thomas Lembong Agus Martowardojo & Child Protection (BAPPENAS) and Transmigration Arief Yahya Amran Sulaiman Bambang Brodjonegoro Siti Nurbaya (Nasdem) Yohana Yambise Eko Putro Sanjoyo (PKB) Financial Services Authority Attorney General Office Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) Land and Spacial (OJK) Manpower Finance and Development Planning Supervisory Agency (BPKP) HM Prasetyo (NasDem) Harry Azhar Azis Muliaman Hadad Hanif Dhakiri (PKB) Sofyan Djalil Ardan Adiperdana *The above-mentioned organizations are key institutions with independent status under the Government. DPR main functions: legislative, budgeting and oversight. The DPR drafts and passes laws; reviews and approves regulations in lieu of law; and reviews proposals from the DPD on regional issues. The DPR also works MPR with the President to produce the annual budget. Membership is determined based on national legislative elections held every 5 years, the most recent in 2014. There are 11 commissions responsible for formulating bills to (People’s Consultative Assembly) DPR be submitted for consideration. DPD - 132 seats Deputy Speaker Speaker Deputy Speaker Abdul Kharis Almasyhari (PKS) Chair Chairman: Teguh Juwarno (PAN) DPR – 560 seats Commission I Commission VI (Regional Representative Council) (People’s Representative Deputies: Meutya Hafid (Golkar) Deputies: Dodi Noerdin (Golkar) Taufik Kurniawan, PAN Ade Komarudin, Golkar Fadli Zon, Gerindra Council) Defense, Intelligence, Foreign Affairs and Asril Tanjung (Gerindra) T.B. Hasanuddin (PDIP) Trade, Industry, Investment, Cooperatives, SMEs and Mohamad Hekal (Gerindra) - Serves an advisory function, not legislative Information Hanafi Rais (PAN) State-Owned Companies Azam Natawijana (PD) - 3 Regions: Java, Eastern Indonesia, Other Deputy Speaker Deputy Speaker - 132 seats allocated 4 per province for equal DPRD Provincial Level Council representation. Agus Hermanto, PD Fahri Hamzah Commission II Chairman: Rambe Zaman (Golkar) Commission VII Chairman: Gus Irawan Pasaribu (Gerindra) Speaker: TBD DPRD Regional / Municipality Deputies: Lukman Edy (PKB) Deputies: Satya Yudha (Golkar) Internal Affairs, Regional Autonomy, Elections, Energy and Natural Resources, Research and Deputies: Farouk Muhammad and Gusti Hemas Level Council Ahmad Patria (Gerindra) Wahidin Halim (PD) Mulyadi (PD) Agrarian Affairs Technology, Environment Muzzammil Yusuf (PKS) Tamsil Linrung (PKS) The MPR is a joint session of the DPR and DPD and is empowered to amend the constitution and impeach the president. Gerindra, 73 PDI-P, 109 Procedures for Constitutional Amendments: Chairman: Bambang Soestayo (Golkar) Chairman: M. Ali Taher (PAN) Commission III Commission VIII • A vote to amend must have 2/3 of MPR members present and a majority of votes in favor = 50% + Deputies: Desmond Mahesa (Gerindra) Deputies: Abdul Haramain (PKB) 1. PKS, 40 Laws, Human Rights and Security Affairs Benny Harman (PD) Trimedia Panjaitan (PDIP) Religion, Social Affairs, Women’s Empowerment Deding Ishak (Golkar) Iskan Lubis (PKS) Mulfachri Harahap (PAN) Sodik Mudjahid (Gerindra) Impeachment: • DPR (with 2/3 attending and supported by 2/3 attendees in a plenary session) requests the Constitutional Court to investigate wrong doings PKB, 47 Commission IV Chairman: Edhy Prabowo (Gerindra) Chairman: Dede Yusuf (PD) PD , 61 Commission IX • Constitutional Court has 30 days to investigate and decide on DPR’s proposed motion Deputies: Siti Soeharto (Golkar) • If Constitutional Court determines an offense occurred and / or proves the President or VP are no Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Food and Deputies: Syamsul Bachri (Golkar) Legislative Branch Legislative Herman Khaeron (PD) Health, Population, Manpower and Transmigration Hanura, 16 Maritime Affairs Pius Lustrilanang (Gerindra) longer eligible, DPR will hold a plenary session to propose dismissal Viva Mauladi (PAN) • MPR holds a session NLT 30 days post-receipt of DPR proposal • MPR decision via a plenary session of MPR attended by ¾ of total MPR members and accepted by Nasdem, 36 2/3 of attendees following explanation from President or VP. Chairman: Fary Francis (Gerindra) Chairman: Teuku Harsya (PD) Commission V Commission X Golkar, 91 Deputies: Mohamad Said (Golkar) Deputies: Ferdiansyah (Golkar) Transport, Telecommunications, Public Housing, Education, Youth Affairs, Sports, Tourism, Creative MPR Majority Leadership (Red-&-White) PAN, 48 Lasarus (PDIP) Utut Adianto (PDIP) Sutan Hendra (Gerindra) PPP, 39 Rural Dev. and Public Works Economy and Culture Michael Wattimena (PD) Abdul Fikri (PKS) Speaker: Zulkifli Hasan, PAN Deputy Speakers E.E. Mangindaan, PD | Mahyudin, Golkar Commission XI Chairman: Ahmadi Noor Supit (Golkar) Hidayat Nur Wahid, PKS | Oesman Sapta Odang, DPD Red-&-White Partai Demokrat (PD): Great Indonesia Deputies: Soepriyanto (Gerindra) Coalition: 113Seats Unaffiliated 61 seats Coalition (KIH): Finances and Banking, National Development Muhammad Prakosa (PDIP) (est. 20%) (est. 11%) 386 Seats (est. 69%) Planning Marwan Asan (PD) Hafisz Tohir (PAN) Supreme Court (Mahkamah Agung) Judicial Commission (Komisi Yudisial) The Indonesian Supreme Court is the highest level of the Judicial branch. Final court of appeal for criminal and civil verdicts, and resolves disputes between courts. Provides legal explanations, recommendations and advice to government institutions, and provides judicial reviews of final and binding court decisions. Assumes all organizational, financial and administrative responsibility for all lower Responsible for nominating judges to the Supreme Court courts per Department of Justice and Human Rights. and for oversight of judges in all courts. Members Constitutional Court appointed by President with concurrence from DPR. (Mahkamah Konstitusi) 51 judges divided into 8 chambers by: Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice, Junior Chief Justices (6), Associate Justices (43). Chief Justice: Hatta Ali Spokesman: Farid Wajdi • Judges are nominated by Judicial Commission The Constitutional Court is independent of the Supreme Court and rules on disputes • Appointed by President with concurrence of DPR and serve until a maximum of 70 years of age concerning the Constitution of Indonesia and matters regarding elections and political parties. Decides on constitutional validity of laws; decides disputes between state institutions; decides upon the dissolution of political parties; resolution of disputes related to the General Election. General High Courts of Appeal PTTUN Courts of Appeal Empowered to determine allegations of treason, corruption and bribery and to consider (Pengadilan Tinggi) Religious Courts of Appeal (Pengadilan Tinggi Tata Usaha Military Primary Courts of impeachment of President or Vice President. (Pengadilan Tinggi Agama) Negara) Appeal (Pengadilan Militer Tinggi) Courts of second instance or appeal. Resolve all disputes from All Constitutional Court decisions are binding. Commission for Supervision of District Courts. Generally a 3 judge panel and located in capital State administrative
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