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METRO Report (Final).Pdf SiST RESEARCH REPORT 2012:8 THE METRO PROJECT The report compiles the results from the METRO project. The different parts of the project; design fires, evacuation, integrated fire control, smoke control, extraordinary strain onconstructions and fire- and recue operations are presented separately. The most complicated and expensive part of the project was the performance of the large scale fire and explosion tests in the Brunsberg tunnel. The maximum heat release rates measured from the metro wagon was 77 MW. The main results from the project are new recommendations regarding design fires in mass transport systems, identification of key factors for fire and smoke spread in tun- nels and at stations as well as regarding the difficulties for disabled persons to evacuate THE METRO PROJECT from train in tunnels, new recommended types of way guiding systems, safer design in THE METRO PROJECT case of explosions in trains and evaluation of the fire and rescue services possibilities and limitations in underground mass transport systems. Final report Ingason, H., Kumm, M., Nilsson, D., Lönnermark, A., Claesson, A., The METRO project is a three year research project, financed by the Stock- Li, Y. Z., Fridolf, K., Åkerstedt, R., Nyman, H., Dittmer, T., Forsén, R., holm Public Transport, the Swedish Fortifications Agency, the Swedish Civil Janzon, B., Meyer, G., Bryntse, A., Carlberg, T., Newlove-Eriksson. L., Contingencies Agency, the Swedish Transport Administration, the Swedish Research Council Formas and the Swedish Fire Research Board. Palm, A. The project is unique as nine Swedish organizations work multidiscipli- nary with the same aim – to make metro systems safer. The organizations are; Mälardalen University, SP the Technical Research Institute of Sweden, Lund University, FOI the Swedish Defense Research Agency, the Swedish For- tifications Agency, the Swedish National Defense College, Gävle University, the Stockholm Public Transport and the Greater Stockholm Fire Brigade. A study from MERO This study is published within the MERO research area (Mälardalen Energy and Resource Optimization) at Mälardalen University. The research within MERO is directed towards various aspects of a sustainable society, with particular focus on the optimization and protection of community resources and infrastructure. The research groups within the area are mainly specialized in energy efficiency, resource conservation, design of sys- tems and processes, remediation of contaminated land and fire safety in underground facilities. A common denominator is all aspects of optimization and risk management, where modeling, simulation, validation and applied mathematics are important tools. Responsible research leader is Professor Erik Dahlquist. ISBN 978-91-7485-090-1 Ingason, H., Kumm, M. & Nilsson, D. (et al.) Box 883, SE-721 23 Västerås. Phone: +46(0)21-10 13 00 RESEARCH REPORT 2012:8 Box 325, SE-631 05 Eskilstuna. Phone: +46(0)16-15 36 00 E-mail: Web: STUDIES IN SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGY Studies in Sustainable Technology in- Studies in Sustainable Technology in- bjuder lärare och forskare att publicera re- vites teachers and researchers to publish sultat från forsknings- och utvecklingsar- results from research and development beten. Det kan exempelvis handla om te- work. It can e.g. be about theoretical top- oretiska frågeställningar, genomförda ex- ics, carried out experiments, reports from periment, rapportering från samverkans- cooperation/coproduction projects or /samproduktionsprojekt eller från externa from external assignments. uppdrag. The publication series includes re- Skriftserien omfattar forskningsrap- search, work and student reports. Re- porter, arbetsrapporter och studentrap- search reports are at a higher scientific porter. Forskningsrapporter är på en level and should therefore be examined högre vetenskaplig nivå och ska därför by a research director or professor within granskas av behörig forskningsledare eller the research field of the study. Work re- professor. Arbetsrapporter kan t.ex. utgö- ports may e.g. consist of descriptions of ras av beskrivningar av delförsök och ut- pilot studies or studies as a basis for fu- redningar som kan ligga till grund för ture papers or research reports. Student kommande paper eller forskningsrappor- reports may e.g. consist of master thesis ter. Studentrapporter kan t.ex. utgöras av for external principals. Work and student examensarbeten med extern uppdragsgi- reports should undergo a seminar prior to vare. Arbets- och studentrapporter ska publication. seminariebehandlas före publicering. Report scripts are to be submitted to Manuskript lämnas till redaktören, the editor for a final review and editing som ombesörjer slutlig granskning och before publication. The author, though, is redigering inför publicering. Varje förfat- solely responsible for the scientific quality tare är dock själv ytterst ansvarig för skrif- of the report. tens vetenskapliga kvalitet. STUDIES IN SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGY Research report: 2012:8 Title: The Metro Project Subtitle: Final report Authors: Ingason H., Kumm M., Nilsson D., Lönnermark A., Claesson A., Li Y.Z., Fridolf K., Åkerstedt R., Nyman H., Dittmer T., Forsén R., Janzon B., Meyer G., Bryntse A., Carlberg T., Newlove-Eriksson L., Palm A. Keywords: Fire, metro, tunnels, explosions, fire control, fire fighting Language: English ISBN: 978-91-7485-090-1 Copy Editor:: Mikael Gustafsson, Publisher:: Mälardalen University Press Print:: Mälardalen University Press Mälardalens högskola Mälardalen University Akademin för hållbar samhälls- och teknik- School of Sustainable Development of utveckling Society and Technology Box 883 P.O. Box 883 721 23 Västerås SE-721 23 Västerås Sweden © Copyright Mälardalen University and the authors, 2012. The Metro Project Contents LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................................... 6 LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................................ 9 PREFACE................................................................................................................................................. 11 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................................................................... 12 ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................................. 13 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 14 2 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................. 17 3 WP1 – DESIGN FIRES ..................................................................................................................... 20 Model scale fire tests (1:3) .............................................................................................................. 21 Laboratory tests with 1/3 of a train carriage mock-up .............................................................. 23 Carried fire load ............................................................................................................................... 25 The influence of carried fire load at earlier occurred accidents ............................................. 25 Consequences of left luggage ...................................................................................................... 26 The Swedish field-study ............................................................................................................... 27 Laboratory luggage fire tests ....................................................................................................... 29 Discussion and results .................................................................................................................. 30 Full scale fire tests in the Brunsberg tunnel ................................................................................. 31 Correlations between model and full scale fire tests .................................................................. 35 4 WP2 – EVACUATION ....................................................................................................................... 37 Literature review of accidents and empirical research ................................................................ 37 Questionnaire study ........................................................................................................................ 38 Small scale experiments .................................................................................................................. 39 Medium scale experiment ............................................................................................................... 41 Full scale experiment ....................................................................................................................... 44 Engineering tools for evacuation modelling ................................................................................ 44 5 WP3 – INTEGRATED FIRE CONTROL ........................................................................................... 45 Mälardalen University Press 3 The Metro Project
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