2019 Crime & Safety Report

This is an annual report produced in conjunction with the Regional Security Office at the U.S. Embassy in , Azerbaijan.

The current U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory at the date of this report’s publication assesses Azerbaijan at Level 2, indicating travelers should exercise increased cautions due to the risk of terrorism. Do not travel to the Nagorno-Karabakh region due to armed conflict.

Overall Crime and Safety Situation

The U.S. Embassy in Baku does not assume responsibility for the professional ability or integrity of the persons or firms appearing in this report. The American Citizen Services unit (ACS) of the Embassy’s Consular Section cannot recommend a particular individual or location and assumes no responsibility for the quality of service provided.

Review OSAC’s Azerbaijan-specific page for original OSAC reporting, consular messages, and contact information, some of which may be available only to private-sector representatives with an OSAC password.

Crime Threats

There is moderate risk from crime in Baku. Criminal acts committed against foreigners are infrequent in Baku. Most reported crimes involve Azerbaijani citizens, with burglary and assault the most common. Late-night attacks targeted against lone men are the most common crimes against foreigners. While not common, expatriates are at greater risk of being victims of petty crime (e.g. pickpocketing) in areas that attract large crowds or are very isolated.

Some women have reported incidents of unwanted male attention, including touching and other inappropriate behavior, while walking on the streets or taking taxis alone. While the number of reported sexual assaults is statistically very low, this is likely an underreported issue due to cultural stigma. The Embassy is aware of one instance in which an assailant sexually assaulted a female U.S. citizen on an early morning jog in a park located in a tourist area.

Azerbaijan is traditionally a cash society. However, the introduction of credit/bank cards has given rise to burgeoning crime related to their use. Crime related to credit card use tends to involve end- point user fraud, as opposed to more sophisticated uses of skimmers or card cloning devices. To help protect against credit card fraud, notify your banks and credit card companies with the dates and locations of travel and closely monitor accounts once you have returned. Credit cards typically have more protection than bank debit cards. Avoid using debit cards tied directly to checking or savings accounts.

According to Ministry of Internal Affairs crime statistics for 2018, there were 26,381 crimes reported in 2018, 1% more than in 2017. The government prosecuted 144 crimes of trafficking in humans in 2018. Authorities identified 45 criminal groups specializing in narcotics, and seized over 1043 kg of narcotics.

1 Cybersecurity Issues

Financial scams are increasingly common. While the majority of Internet-based scams involve Internet dating, there have been complaints regarding fraudulent real estate sales, licensing requirements, and travel advertisements.

Other Areas of Concern

Avoid travel to Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding occupied areas. Nagorno-Karabakh is a contested area in the southeastern portion of the lesser Mountains. Fighting erupted over control of the region in the early 1990s. Although a cease-fire has been in effect since 1994, there are regular exchanges of gunfire across the line of contact; fighting briefly flared up in 2016. Land mines may be present in areas near the line of contact. Photography in these areas is discouraged and may result in detention. It is not possible to enter the self-proclaimed “Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh,” which the U.S. does not recognize, from Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan has declared it illegal to travel to Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding territories without its permission; doing so could make a traveler ineligible to visit Azerbaijan in the future. Engaging in any commercial activities in Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding territories, whether directly or through business subsidiaries, can result in criminal prosecution and/or other legal action against individuals and/or businesses by the Azerbaijani government, and might make a traveler ineligible to visit Azerbaijan in the future.

Transportation-Safety Situation

For more information, review OSAC’s Report, Security in Transit: Airplanes, Public Transport, and Overnights.

Road Safety and Road Conditions

Azerbaijan is undergoing a massive infrastructure improvement program, with many major highways and primary thoroughfares under construction. Although newer sections of the road system are significantly improved, unfinished sections remain dangerous. Road conditions are generally poor, with better conditions in larger cities. Driving hazards (e.g. debris, sinkholes, and potholes) are common. Roadways outside metropolitan areas are poorly illuminated; reduced visibility at night compounds driving hazards. It is not uncommon to encounter drivers at night not using any lighting. Construction zones may not be marked, and may be indistinguishable until the driver is already upon them. Pedestrians contribute to the hazardous driving conditions by disregarding lane markings, other vehicles, crosswalks, and signs/signals, and demonstrating a general disregard for safe pedestrian behavior.

Traffic police enforce traffic laws inconsistently and at a generally low level relative to the widespread incidents of reckless driving. Drivers often disregard traffic regulations, signals, lane markings, pedestrians, and other drivers. Drivers often speed excessively; road accidents are frequent and serious. Exercise extreme care during winter, as local authorities do not clear roadways of snow or ice, increasing the frequency of accidents.

Azerbaijan widely uses speed and traffic cameras. All vehicle license plates are equipped with radio frequency identification chips.

2 Public Transportation Conditions

The Baku metro system is an inexpensive and reliable option for transportation. Security cameras provide excellent coverage of all metro platforms. There are police units at each , which may carry out random bag checks at entrances. However, recent issues with the power grid in the city revealed a lack of reliable emergency plans to evacuate the metro system, should it become inoperable.

Only use established taxi companies and/or professional private drivers for travel. Most unmarked (and some marked) taxis are not metered; foreigners are often overcharged. Do not use unmarked taxis. Negotiate the fare before entering a taxi. Asking for a reasonable fare is expected and appropriate. The 189 telephone taxi service will provide the fare in advance, and specify the license number of the taxi dispatched. The Taxify smartphone app provides the same information. Purple London-style taxicabs (9000) may have meters, but passengers should confirm that the meter is functional. The majority of these cabs have established a 3 AZN minimum charge, although there are still several cabs that start trips with a 1 AZN minimum. Hiring a private car through a reputable hotel is generally a safe alternative, although more expensive. Uber is another alternative; general impressions indicate it is a reliable means of transportation. However, the company uses a server located in Russia, which has caused their maps to be less reliable and accurate than taxi-ordering platforms with server resources located in Azerbaijan. Be prepared to pay cab fare in cash (in small bills).

Avoid use of the public bus network in Azerbaijan largely due to the lack of training and unsafe driving practices of bus drivers. Safety and licensing standards do not meet U.S. requirements.

Other Travel Conditions

Sidewalks are often uneven, with loose or missing stones/bricks and potholes. Many sidewalks, public courtyards, and park walkways are paved with marble. Marble edges of sidewalks and marble paving stones are extremely slippery when wet or icy. The number of injuries resulting from falling on marble-paved walkways increases significantly during rainy or icy conditions.

Sidewalks and stairs leading into underground pedestrian crosswalk tunnels and most buildings are generally not handicap accessible and do not meet U.S. standards.

Personal Identity Concerns

U.S. citizens of Armenian descent may encounter anti-Armenian sentiments. Even if issued a visa, entry into Azerbaijan could be denied.

Terrorism Threat

Local, Regional, and International Terrorism Threats/Concerns

There is considerable risk from terrorism in Baku. Azerbaijan maintains its strong counterterrorism cooperation with the U.S., and actively opposes terrorist organizations seeking to move people, money, and materiel through the Caucasus region. The country remains focused on counterterrorism efforts that include prosecuting individuals under statutes related to terrorism, arresting foreign terrorist fighters returning to Azerbaijan from conflicts abroad, and conducting special operations against those the government suspected were planning terror attacks.

3 Political, Economic, Religious, and Ethnic Violence

The political situation in Baku is stable.

Civil Unrest

There is moderate risk from civil unrest in Baku. Demonstrations are infrequent. However, since 2013, there have been periodic demonstrations relating to education reforms, military hazing, and disapproval of other government actions (or inaction). A heavy police presence normally accompanies opposition demonstrations. Violence associated with demonstrations is not common, but may occur. Authorities may impose high fines on those found guilty of unauthorized protest/gatherings, or sentence them to administrative detention. Avoid demonstrations due to the risk of escalation instigated by hostile elements and agitators.

Post-specific Concerns

Faith-based Activity

Certain religious activities are restricted in Azerbaijan. Officially, the constitution stipulates the separation of state and religion and equality of all religions, and protects the right of individuals to express their religious beliefs and carry out religious rituals. However, the law states the government—and citizens—have a responsibility to combat “religious extremism” and “radicalism,” both of which are subjective. Some religious groups have faced harassment. The government has arrested or detained religious activists after raids on gatherings of minority religious groups, including Jehovah’s Witnesses and Baptists. At the end of 2018, there were 68 religious activists considered political prisoners. “Nontraditional” religious organizations continue to experience difficulties registering with the government and, as unregistered communities, they are unable to meet openly. Authorities have closed religious buildings and interrupted religious services. The government also continues to impose limits on the import, distribution, and sale of religious materials.

Personal Identity Concerns

Same-sex sexual activity is legal in Azerbaijan, but LGBTI travelers should exercise increased caution. LGBTI individuals are not specifically protected by antidiscrimination laws. Societal intolerance, discrimination, and violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity remain a problem in Azerbaijan. It is not illegal to organize LGBTI events; however, the government routinely denies applications by such groups for permits to demonstrate; general societal intolerance also inhibits such events. One of the main concerns for the Azerbaijani LGBTI community is the perceived failure of law enforcement agencies to act on violations of LGBTI individuals’ rights, and indifference to reports of crimes committed against them. The Department of State’s most recent Human Rights Report (2017) documents incidents of police brutality against individuals based on sexual orientation, and noted that authorities did not investigate or punish those responsible. The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Intersex Association rates Azerbaijan the worst country in Europe for LGBT rights.

4 Environmental Hazards

Azerbaijan is in a seismically active area; numerous low-magnitude earthquakes occur throughout the year, but the majority of them go unnoticed. Due to the risk of earthquakes, maintain a 72- hour kit with basic emergency supplies, food, medicine, water and clothing. A 5.3-magnitude earthquake struck northwestern Azerbaijan in June 2018. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, its epicenter was near Zagatala, 215 miles west of Baku.

Economic Concerns

Intellectual property right (IPR) enforcement remains weak in Azerbaijan. Although Azerbaijani law protects copyrights, patents, trademarks, and industrial designs, U.S. and multinational companies report significant problems with counterfeit goods, as well as parallel imports. While the legal structure covering IPR protections is relatively strong, enforcement is weak. Piracy and blatant infringements on IPR, such as the use of unlicensed software by both the private and public sectors and fake international computer shops are commonplace.

Privacy Concerns

The Government of Azerbaijan has a robust security camera system throughout major cities. Cell phone owners must register devices with the government in order to access the local network.

Police Response

The police presence in Baku is significant, but most officers are not experienced in dealing with Westerners, and the number of English-speaking policemen is low. Outside the capital and in rural areas, the lack of English is more pronounced. The level of police training and response varies among regions and units. Police response times are variable.

Police may stop individuals and ask to inspect identification documents. All citizens and visitors must present an official form of identification (e.g. passport, driver’s license, or a certified copy thereof) to an officer upon request. Failure to produce identification may result in temporary detention. Carry a copy of your passport and visa. At a traffic stop, drivers should have all required documents with them: passport or local registration documents, driver’s license, vehicle registration documents, and proof of insurance.

How to Handle Incidents of Police Detention or Harassment

Solicitations for bribes are common during police traffic stops. Do not pay bribes; request that the officer issue a ticket. Make note of the presence of any traffic cameras near the scene of any stop or incident, and note the time for future reference if an investigation is necessary.

Crime Victim Assistance

The emergency number for police is 102. An English-speaking operator is available 24 hours a day.

U.S. citizen victims of crime should report the incident to the Embassy’s American Citizens Services section at (994 12) 488-3300 or to the duty officer after hours. Additionally, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has established an office to assist foreign crime victim; reached it at (994 12) 590-9532 or after hours at (994 12) 490-9452.


For local first responders, refer to the Embassy’s Emergency Assistance page.

Police/Security Agencies

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) is the central executive agency responsible for public security, including the prevention and exposure of criminal offences within the framework of authorities provided by national legislation.

The Transportation Police Department, which falls under the MIA, is responsible for law enforcement activities on roads, railroads, air, and water transportation facilities, as well as environmental crimes in the basin and the national network of rivers, lakes, and other aquatic resources.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations responds to natural disasters, industrial accidents, fires, and collapsed structures. It is also responsible for other public safety response and accident prevention.

Medical Emergencies

The emergency number for ambulance is 103. Emergency response times for ambulances are longer than expected by most foreign visitors/residents. In some urgent cases, an injured/sick person may need to arrange transport themselves to a medical facility via taxi or private vehicle.

Since May 2018, most western vaccinations have not been available to the public in Azerbaijan.

Contact Information for Available Medical Services

For medical assistance, refer to the Embassy’s Medical Assistance page.

Available Air Ambulance Services

SOS can assist in emergency medical evacuation. Location: Safarov 1, Baku, Tel: (994 12) 493-5003

Country-specific Vaccination and Health Guidance

The CDC offers additional information on vaccines and health guidance for Azerbaijan.

OSAC Country Council Information

The Embassy’s Regional Security Office is organizing a Country Council in Azerbaijan. Interested private-sector security managers should contact OSAC’s Europe Team with any questions.

6 U.S. Embassy Location and Contact Information

Embassy Address and Hours of Operation

111 Azadliq Prospekt, Baku, Azerbaijan 1007; Monday-Friday, 0830-1730

American Citizens Services hours are by appointment only Monday-Thursday, 1400-1630, and Friday 0900-1200, except for U.S. and Azerbaijani holidays.

Embassy Contact Numbers

Embassy Operator: (994 12) 488-3300 American Citizens Services (Consular Section): (994 12) 488-3300 or [email protected]; ask for the duty officer after hours Marine Post One: (994 12) 488-3333 Website: https://az.usembassy.gov/

Embassy Guidance

U.S. citizens traveling to Azerbaijan should register with the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to ensure they receive pertinent security updates and notices.

Additional Resources

Azerbaijan Country Information Sheet