
Timeline / 1820 to 1860 /

Date Country Theme

1830 Tunisia Political Context

With the capture of , France ousts the and asserts its claim to the western Mediterranean. The beys and the regency’s elite then become aware of the dangers posed by the Europeans.

1837 - 1854 Tunisia Political Context

Rule of Ahmad Pasha , known as the “Great Reformer” of modern Tunisia. His greatest achievements include modernisation of the army and the abolition of slavery.

1837 - 1840 Tunisia Reforms And Social Changes

Foundation of the Polytechnic or military school of Bardo, responsible for the education of executives of the army and public administration. The School provides education in the art of military strategy, scientific disciplines, foreign languages, literature and religion.

1837 - 1855 Tunisia Reforms And Social Changes

Ahmad Pasha Bey is known as the “Great Reformer” of modern Tunisia. Enlightened and open-minded, he tries to modernise both State and Army.

1840 - 1855 Tunisia Travelling

Khayr al-Din, the reforming minister of Tunisia, conducts various missions in Europe and to the (Sublime Gate), the honorific used for Istanbul during the Ottoman Empire.

1842 Tunisia Reforms And Social Changes

Educational reform and restructuring of the Zaytuna Mosque through the introduction of new disciplines and incentives for teachers in Tunisia.

1846 Tunisia Reforms And Social Changes

Ahmad Pasha Bey promulgates a decree freeing all black slaves in the country. Everyone born in Tunisia is declared free regardless of their parents’ origins.

1846 - 1856 Tunisia Travelling

A period of intense diplomatic activity between the Regency of and Western governments, which sees 20 diplomatic or consular agencies in Europe and the East represent the regency.

1846 Tunisia Travelling Date Country Theme

Ahmad Pasha Bey is received by King Louis Philippe at the Tuileries Palace. He stays at the Élysée Palace. He visits the parliament, the Hôtel des invalids, Napoleon’s tomb and the Palace of Versailles.

1847 - 1848 Tunisia Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

Following creation of, in the Regency of Tunis, the first mail-distribution system, the first aerial telegraph system is inaugurated connecting the Bardo, official headquarters of the Bey’s government, with Tunis and La Goulette.

1854 Tunisia Travelling

A contingent of the Tunisian army is called upon to participate alongside the Ottoman Empire, France and England in the Crimean War.

1857 Tunisia Political Context

Promulgation of the Fundamental Pact by Muhammad Pasha Bey: a “Declaration of Rights” in 11 points. The pact guarantees Tunisians and also foreigners their civil and political rights, security of persons and properties, equality before the law, etc.

1857 Tunisia Reforms And Social Changes

Promulgation of the Fundamental Pact by Muhammad Pasha Bey: a “Declaration of Rights” in 11 points. The pact guarantees Tunisians and also foreigners their civil and political rights, security of persons and properties, equality before the law, etc.

1858 Tunisia Cities And Urban Spaces

Under the reign of Muhammad Pasha Bey a major reform is carried out: the capital, Tunis, is established as a municipal town and a city council is elected. Further municipal towns were created in other parts of the country: Sfax, Sousse and Kairouan among others.

1860 Tunisia Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

The restoration of the Aqueduct of Zaghouan is completed, running water arrives in Tunis.