
Cultural Responses to Culture periods indicated by green font

The or Medieval Warming and Little more organized and efficient manner. Hunting and 1.8 million – 11,700 ago 900 AD – 1800 AD gathering was supplemented with the of seed plants of the Eastern Agricultural Complex. By By 15,000 years ago, as the The foods of the Eastern 900 AD, gardens could not maintain pace with the continued to melt, very small groups of Agricultural Complex growing population and maize based agriculture more effective in an unpredictable environment people spread over North and South were no longer sufficient became the dominant subsistence pattern. After 1350 because they could be easily sharpened for whatever America. This was known as the to support expanding AD, the created some level of stress use necessary. Bowls, carved from stone and later Paleoindian period. The Meadowcroft populations. Beginning among Native American farmers, especially those fired clay , served as the first portable Rockshelter in Washington County, around 900 AD, the occupying the northern regions of Pennsylvania. containers and represent a more efficient method for Pennsylvania is an example of where Medieval Warming Highly fertile and settings with more frost free processing certain foods. By the end of this period, and how people lived during this period. Jonathan Frazier episode began and this days became very important in this environment and there is evidence that people were gathering more By 13,200 years ago, the population had increased the number of competition for these settings likely contributed to Episode seeds from plants such as maygrass, knotweed and increased and there are many sites frost-free days in northern regional based 9500 – 5800 years ago goose foot. These types of plant foods were available dating to this time. The majority of regions. Maize agriculture feuding seen during Temperatures remain warm and precipitation increas- in large quantities and the seeds were more easily these sites represent relatively small expands into the Upper Ohio of western the Late Woodland es. Throughout the Middle and Late Archaic periods, preserved for longer periods of time compared to camps used by hunter/gatherer families who moved Pennsylvania and the Susquehanna and Delaware period. Native Americans were adapting to a very plentiful more perishable foods such frequently, mainly exploiting animals, but also roots, Valleys of eastern Pennsylvania. This climate is In the 21st environment and their population grew dramatically. as meat and fish. seeds, nuts and berries. However, at 12,900, the start reversed beginning around 1350 AD with the onset of century, our high More food was required High quality stone was of the episode, the climate suddenly the Little Ice Age. The severity of cold temperatures population density, to support the increased part of a trade and exchange Jonathan Frazier turned very cold and dry, similar to full glacial varied but generally the growing season was more a global economy and population. Native system that served to increase communication and conditions. In Pennsylvania, there is some evidence unpredictable. In Pennsylvania, there was some a highly technical Americans reacted to this cooperation among groups from adjacent river that there was a decrease in population. It is movement of farming villages to topographic settings society are part of a situation by making valleys. Once regional alliances were formed, food assumed that some groups moved south to warmer having slightly longer growing seasons, such as hill delicate interrelated small technological resources could be more easily shared. A system of climates where food resources were more plentiful. tops, rather than valley floors. The cooler temp- cultural system. improvements to their trade partnering functioned as a quasi-insurance eratures resulted in periodic crop failures and there Climate is part of that hunting and gathering policy in a climate where food procurement was less was a need to occupy the most productive farmland. system. Global adaptation. They devel- predictable. Native American socities were changing Period Native Americans began to compete with neighboring warming causes sea oped more efficient tools and likely became more structured. Increased social tribes and feuding (low level warfare) was common. levels to rise. Populations will be displaced inland. 11,700 years ago – 1800 AD for chopping down trees, structure allowed for a more efficient exploitation of Villages grew in size for protection. They were usually Some cities may be abandoned. In the United States, more effective the environment. The Pleistocene ends at approximately 11,800 years fortified and the tribes were organized into matrilineal a drop in rainfall is predicted for the central corn belt Illustration courtesy of Lenape Lifeways Inc points for hunting and ago when the Younger Dryas episode ends abruptly. or patrilineal societies. and that will result in reduced food production. An fishing, grinding stones for the The Holocene is divided into several climatic episodes Sub-Atlantic Episode increase in hurricane activity is predicted along the more efficient processing of based on changes in temperature and precipitation. 2850 years ago – 900 AD East coast which will result in costly disasters. seeds and nuts and fish weirs This time represents a return to warm and wet Competition for agricultural land and resources to and netsinkers for catching fish. Pre- and Boreal Episodes Jonathan Frazier conditions. With this improvement, food resources this land will rise and result in social stress. As in 11,800 – 9500 years ago increased and populations grew. Known as the the past, we will have to develop technological and Sub-Boreal Episode or the Eastern Agricultural Complex, maygrass, knotweed, economic solutions to produce more food that results Temperatures increase to near present levels Mid-Holocene Maximum Warm goose foot, and sunflower was grown in small in new social systems not previously experienced. but precipitation remained low. Many of the and Dry Period gardens. This supplemented meat protein such as , Societies must prepare and plan for these changes. game animals common during the 5800 – 2850 years ago , migratory fish, as as nut bearing trees such Jim Herbstritt Pleistocene went extinct and were and Kim Stone By 5800 years ago, Pennsylvania was filled with as butternuts, walnuts and acorns. This is the replaced by modern such as groups occupying all of the major stream valleys. beginning of the Woodland period and is Summary of cultural responses to deer, elk and . Although the climate Archaic populations probably reached a tipping point characterized by a growing dependence on gardening, climate change was similar to current conditions, in terms of their ability to extract food from the requiring a more settled lifestyle. Gradually, pottery another thousand years passed before the In the Paleoindian and Early Archaic periods, environment using a simple hunting and gathering becomes much more common and styles reflect social modern forest overtook the region. Jonathan Frazier characterized by low population density, strategy. They could no longer simply move when differences between several different social groups or Initially, the forest consisted of mainly and responded to changes in climate by moving to more over-crowding occurred or make simple improvements tribes living in Pennsylvania. pine trees. This type of forest does not contain the favorable regions. During the Middle and Late Archaic to their . Compounding this problem, was diversity of foods for animals to eat as the nut bearing periods families occupied all of the river valleys and climate change. Beginning at approximately 5800 trees in an oak/hickory forest and offers fewer foods movement was not an option to offset population years ago, the temperatures continued on a warming for humans. This time is called the Early Archaic growth. Instead, technological improvements were trend but precipitation decreased. Wetlands period and represents a time of very slow population made to gather food resources more efficiently. The containing foods used by Native Americans, growth over the Paleoindian period. The Middle decrease in precipitation and relatively high decreased in size and some dried up altogether. Archaic period begins at 10,200 years ago and population densities during the Sub-Boreal episode This is known as the Transitional period and is required significant changes in Native American corresponds to the emergence of nut-bearing trees of Jonathan Frazier characterized by radical changes in technology and the deciduous forest, such as oak, walnut and technological systems. Technology was not the only social organization. Stone tools were made from high butternut. Under these improved conditions, the solution and changes occurred in social structure that quality stone that held their edges longer. They were Native American population nearly triples. resulted in groups that exploited the environment in a

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Preserving Archaeological sites enhance and enrich our lives. Climate change and the OF PENNSYLVANIA Prehistoric and historic sites are non-renewable archaeological record: resources. Unfortunately, sites are destroyed daily Adjacent to the Pennsylvania State due to development and urban sprawl. When a site Capitol in Harrisburg, The State is ruined, information about the past is lost forever. Museum of Pennsylvania offers expan- Implications for the Unrecorded archaeological sites are those most often sive collections interpreting the state’s destroyed. Every effort must be made to locate, evalu- fascinating heritage. With exhibits examining the dawn of geologic time, 21st Century ate and record their content for the future, before the Native American experience, the development projects are undertaken. If you know of colonial and Revolutionary eras, a piv- locations where artifacts have been found and wish to otal American Civil War battleground assist with the preservation of archaeological sites, PHMC/PHOTO BY DON GILES and the Commonwealth’s vast indus- we encourage you to record these locations with the trial age, The State Museum demonstrates that Pennsylvania’s Pennsylvania Archaeological Site Survey (PASS). story is America’s story. We also encourage you to donate your collections to an accredited facility. These artifacts represent The Commonwealth’s Official Museum our connection to the past and should be preserved. MUSEUM HOURS Wednesday through Saturday Information, recording forms, instructions and addi- 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Sunday noon–5 p.m. Closed major holidays. tional resources about Pennsylvania archaeology can Hours may be subject to change. Admission charged. be obtained at www.paarchaeology.state.pa.us The State Museum of Pennsylvania www.pennsylvaniaarchaeology.com 300 North St. (Third St. between North and Forster Sts.) http://twipa.blogspot.com Harrisburg, PA 17120 717-787-4980 www.statemuseumpa.org

The State Museum of The State Museum of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania’s Archaeology is one of 25 historic sites and museums and Anthropology Gallery on the Pennsylvania Trails of ® administered by the Archaeologists preserve the past and educate Pennsylvanai Historical and Museum Commission. the public about the role of archaeology in preserv- ing our heritage. In Harrisburg, The State Museum of Pennsylvania’s Archaeology and Anthropology Gallery focuses on the cultural heritage of Pennsylvanians. Visitors can explore nearly 16,000 years of human occupation, from Native American through European colonization. The museum is also the official repository for collections resulting from state and fed- eral archaeological investigations and curates these col- Tom Corbett, Governor lections for future generations. Andrew E. Masich, Chairman James M. Vaughan, Executive Director www.paarchaeology.state.pa.us www.phmc.state.pa.us 12/14 www.pennsylvaniaarchaeology.com http://twipa.blogspot.com