Atlantic (period)
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- Mean Summer Temperatures and Circulation in Alpine
- The Climate in the Netherlands During the Younger Dryas and Preboreal: Means and Extremes Obtained with an Atmospheric General Circulation Model
- Pleistocene Sedimentation in the Equatorial Atlantic
- Geologic Time Notes Earth Realms Form And
- The Atlantic „Heat Pump“: Late Pleistocene to Holocene Changes in the Upper Ocean Thermal Structure of the Caribbean And
- Brief Geologic History of Virginia and the Mid-Atlantic Region Lynn S
- Stability of North Atlantic Water Masses in Face of Pronounced Climate Variability During the Pleistocene M
- Quaternary Nonglacial Geology : Conterminous US
- Fifty Millennia of Catastrophic Extinctions After Human Contact
- A Late Quaternary Correlation Chart for Norway.1 by Rolf W
- Pleistocene Relative Sea Levels in the Chesapeake Bay Region and Their Implications for the Next Century
- Mercury Chemostratigraphy Across the Cambrian Series 2 – Series 3 Boundary: Evidence for Increased Volcanic Activity Coincident with Extinction?
- Björck Et Al, Preboreal Oscillation
- High-Amplitude Variations in North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature During the Early Pliocene Warm Period Kira T
- Synchronized Moulting Behaviour in Trilobites from the Cambrian Series 2 of South China
- UC Berkeley Paleobios
- Rapid Climate Change and Arctic Ocean Freshening W.R
- Chapter 16. Late Pliocene to Holocene (2.6–0 Ma) Western Equatorial Atlantic