Younger Dryas
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- Complex Patterns of Glacier Advances During the Late Glacial in the Chagan Uzun Valley, Russian Altai
- Behaviour of the Lake District Ice Lobe of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet During the Younger Dryas Chronozone (Ca
- Dr. Dillon H. Carr
- 271.Pdf 271 by Guest on 25 September 2021 Research Paper
- Ice Core Science 15
- Environmental Responses to Lateglacial Climatic Fluctuations Recorded in the Sediments of Pre-Alpine Lake Mondsee
- People and Processes in Quaternary Pacific Northwest
- Younger Dryas Ice-Margin Retreat in Greenland, New Evidence from Southwest Greenland
- The Late-Glacial and Early Holocene Geology, Paleoecology, and Paleohydrology of the Brewster Creek Site, a Proposed Wetland Re
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- Palaeoclimate
- Lessons from Past Global Climate Changes
- From the Oldest Dryas to the Little Ice Age
- Late Pleistocene Climate, Vegetation, and Fire History from a Southern Appalachian Bog, Whiteoak Bottoms, Nantahala National Forest, North Carolina, U.S.A
- Greenland Ice Mass Loss During the Younger Dryas Driven by Atlantic
- Marine High Resolution Records of the Last Interglacial In
- Multiple Causes of the Younger Dryas Cold Period
- Inferences from Laurentide Eskers, Canada