The Problem of Maratha Totemism 137
The Indian Journal of Social Work, Vol. XXV, No. 2 (July 1964). THE PROBLEM OF JOHN V FERREIRA MARATHA TOTEMISM In the Marathi-speaking areas of Western India, there are several castes and tribes which exhibit the phenomenon of the devak. Many interpreters of the phenomenon, which is found at its strongest among the Marathas and the occupational castes related to or influenced by them, and less strongly among the primitive tribes of the. region, have characterized it as a form of totemism. A few interpreters, however, have called the totemic" character of the devak into question. The object of this article is, therefore, to re-examine the factual evidence and the more prominent of its interpretations in order to arrive 'at the Origin, the true nature " and the significance of the phenomenon. - - "Mr. Ferreira is Reader in Sociology, University of Bombay. An early observer, James Campbell, noted The most detailed accounts of the that the Marathas of the Bombay Presidency Maratha devaks, however, have been given were divided into families, each with its to us by R. E. Enthoven. Referring to the devak or sacred symbol The devaks were Marathas. proper, to the Maratha Kunbis, patrilineally inherited, and worshipped at and to the Maratha occupational castes (the marriages and other important occassions. Bhandari, the Chitrakathi, the Gavandi,, the Persons with the same devak were not Kumbhar, the Lohar, the Mali, the Nhavi, permitted to marry. Of the devak listed, the Parit, the Sutar, the Taru., the Teli and 18 are trees and their products and 9 are so on), he says that their exogamous groups inanimate objects.
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