Memory, Postmemory and the Role of Narratives Among Women Writers from the Adivasi Communities of Goa
DOI: MEMORY, POSTMEMORY AND THE ROLE OF NARRATIVES AMONG WOMEN WRITERS FROM THE ADIVASI COMMUNITIES OF GOA Cielo G. Festino1* 1Universidade Paulista, São Paulo, SP, Brasil Andréa Machado de Almeida Mattos2** 2Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil Abstract: The aim of this paper is to analyze the life narratives “Where have All the Songs and Rituals Gone?” (2019) by Mozinha Fernandes and “A Velip Writes Back” (2019) by Priyanka Velip, members of the Adivasi community of Goa, who consider themselves as the first inhabitants of this Indian state. These narratives have been published in the blog “Hanv Konn. Who am I? Researching the Self” organized by the late professor from the University of Goa, Alito Siqueira, whose aim is to give voice to this marginalized and silenced community. The analysis will be done in terms of the concepts of Postmemory (Hirsch, 1996, 1997, 2008), Trauma (Ginzburg, 2008; Balaev, 2008), Narrative (Bruner, 2002; Coracini, 2007), and Life-narratives (Smith & Watson, 2010). Keywords: Adivasis; postmemory; trauma; narratives; life narratives. This paper is dedicated to the memory of Professor Alito Siqueira (1955-2019) * Teaches English at Universidade Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil. She is a member of the project ‘Thinking Goa: A Singular Archive in Portuguese (2015–2019)’, funded by the São Paulo Research Foundation. She is co-editor, with Paul Melo e Castro, of A House of Many Mansions: Goan Literature in Portuguese. An Anthology of Original Essays, Short Stories and Poems (Under the Peepal Tree, 2017), and, with Paul Melo e Castro, Hélder Garmes, and Robert Newman, of ‘Goans on the Move’, a special issue of Interdisciplinary Journal of Portuguese Diaspora Studies 7 (2018).
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