
Parish of The Holy Spirit, Bovey Tracey & , Ugbrooke part of the R.C. Diocese of Plymouth. Charity Number 213227

Parish Priest: Father Pat Costello Secretary: Mrs Angie Hill The Presbytery, Ashburton Road, Office hours: Tuesday – Friday 9.00am – 1.30pm Bovey Tracey, Devon, TQ13 9BY E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: 01626 833432 Website: http://www.holyspiritbovey.org Safeguarding: Marian Lancaster 07761 058653 Cheques: PRCDTR Bovey & Chudleigh RC Parish

Sunday 20th December 2020 FOURTH WEEK OF ADVENT Year B PSALTER 4

______Sunday 20 December 8.45am Mass, Ugbrooke (People of the Parish) Fourth Week in Advent 10.30am Mass, Bovey Tracey ------Monday 21 December NO MASS ------Tuesday 22 December 10.00am Mass (Rev. K Levers RIP) ------Wednesday 23 December NO MASS ------Thursday 24 December 8.30pm Blessing of the Crib and Mass, Ugbrooke Vigil of The Nativity of the Lord ------Friday 25 December 10.00am Blessing of the Crib and Mass, Holy Spirit The Nativity of the Lord ------Saturday 26 December NO MASS ------Sunday 27 December 8.45am Mass, Ugbrooke Fifth Week in Advent 10.30am Mass, Bovey Tracey (People of the Parish)

PLEASE NOTE whilst Churches can now remain open for the celebration of Mass we are reminded strongly that the COVID-19 rules still apply, so care must be taken to ensure that names and contact numbers are recorded, hands sanitised on entry and exit from church, face coverings are worn and that social distancing is maintained. The latter is particularly important when coming to receive Communion and when leaving the Church.

SUNDAY REFLECTION: Mary, you have won God’s favour. The Lord is always faithful to his promises. From before the time of right up to the birth of Jesus there is no doubt that the Lord is with his people. That which has been hidden for endless ages is revealed in Jesus Christ, the Son of the Mary.

Hymn for this Sunday: 221 Come, prepare the way Come, prepare the way of the Lord! 1. Cast off the rags that speak of sadness! Open wide the gates of your heart! God means to crown you with his gladness! For the Saviour comes, Wear his integrity with pride, and all will see the salvation of God. God himself casts sorrow aside!

2. Tell the faint-hearted, tell the fearful, 3. See them laid low, the hills and mountains. no need to worry, God will save you! Valleys are filled, becoming great plains. God comes, salvation in his hand, We are no longer left to roam, leads you to the new Promised Land! God himself will shepherd us home.

4. Those who were blind now see God’s glory, 5. Fresh water irrigates the dry land, those who were deaf now hear God’s story. flowers now grow in what was dead sand. Those who were hungry eat their fill, Earth now lies ready for the grain, those once lame now cannot keep still! earth is ripe for planting the vine!

CHRISTMAS MASS TIMES 2020: Thursday 24th December 8.30pm Blessing of the Crib and Mass, St Cyprian, Ugbrooke Vigil of Christmas

Friday 25th December Please note there will be no Morning Mass at St Cyprian, Ugbrooke The Nativity of the Lord 10.00am Blessing of the Crib and Mass, Holy Spirit, Bovey Tracey

Please remember that places must be reserved this year. If you propose coming to either Mass and have not done so already, please complete the booking sheets available at both St Cyprian’s and The Holy Spirit or reserve your place by ringing Angie during office hours and no later than 11am on Wednesday 23rd December, thank you.

SAINTS OF THE WEEK: 21st December: St Peter Canisius (1521-97) Peter Canisius was a Jesuit scholar and teacher who founded many Jesuit houses and colleges in South , and . His influence was largely responsible for the remarkable success of the Counter in that area. His compilation of a Catholic in a question and answer style has run into many editions since then.

CATHOLIC CHILDREN’S SOCIETY (PLYMOUTH) Christmas ‘Crib’ Donations: At this unusual time, when many of you may not be able to visit a church crib, donations may be made via: Post by sending a cheque made payable to ‘Catholic Children’s Society (Plymouth)’ to St Boniface House, Ashburton, Devon TQ13 7JL. BACS direct into our account: Catholic Children’s Society (Plymouth) sort code: 52-41-60 Account Number: 06024335. Text to donate £5 text 5CCSP to 70085, to donate £10 text 10CCSP to 70085 or to donate £20 text 20CCSP to 70085.

POPE’S INTENTIONS FOR DECEMBER: Prayer intention for evangelization – For a life of prayer. We pray that our personal relationship with Jesus Christ be nourished by the Word of God and a life of prayer. See also https://thepopevideo.org/

LIVE STREAMS: ’s Daily Mass: Daily Mass with

Plymouth Cathedral: Mass - Daily at 10.00am available on the Diocese YouTube Channel https://www.plymouthcathedral.co.uk/ https://www.plymouth-diocese.org.uk/

Bishop’s Conference: Bishop's Conference https://www.cbcew.org.uk/home/news-and-media/news/

Dial-a-Mass: Dial-a-Mass service broadcast from St Mary’s Cathedral, Middlesbrough. Mass is recorded and is available to listen to at 12noon each Sunday and is available for the whole week thereafter by calling 01642 130120; the recording lasts for approximately 45 minutes and will cost the equivalent to a local call.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION available by appointment.

‘A Precious Place of God’s Grace’: A reminder that this important document is available on our website www.holyspiritbovey.org . If anyone can’t access the document online limited copies are available in the porch or please let Angie or know and we will organise a copy to be made available for you. In the next few weeks we hope to be able to collate your views on this document. Your opinion on these key issues matters.

NEWSLETTER: Copies of the Weekly Newsletter and Sunday Message are available on our website www.holyspiritbovey.org . If you would like to receive your copy by post please let Angie know. Newsletter items can be sent by post to the presbytery or by email. Please note the deadline for items is Wednesday at 11am.

PLEASE CONTINUE TO REMEMBER IN OUR PRAYERS OUR SICK AND HOUSEBOUND: Ronald Asbury, Nick Martin, Susan Smith, Monica Waldron, Horton, Pamela Lekis, Mary-Lou Daniels, Elizabeth Newton, Mary Colver, George Lentern, Chelsea Fowler, Richard Dowse, Peter Dowse, Adriene O’Mara, Diana & Ron Linfield, Colin & Maureen Parnell, Mai Clifford, Jean Humphrey, Jill Huish, John Long, Christine & John Horton, Claire Bovill, Bill Rowles, Pat Smith, Tony Potter & please remember in our prayers all the priests in our diocese who are ill. At this time we remember in particular both those who are suffering with the coronavirus and those looking after them.

COLLECTIONS: 06.12.20 £249.00, Last week: £408.00, Standing Orders: £287.50. If you would like to set up a Standing Order to replace your weekly Planned Giving Envelopes please contact the parish office. Grateful thanks for your continuing support.

DIOCESAN LEVY: We have just received the invoice for the 2020 Diocesan Levy. The levy is paid by all parishes in the Diocese and is based on the average Mass attendance in each place and the income received, this averages 13% to 15% of the income. For 2020 the levy for our parish is £6,823.75 which equates to £131.22 per week. This is particularly challenging for us this year but we understand from the Diocese that our parish levy for next year will be significantly less as it will be based on the reduced income collected during the Covid period.

SAFEGUARDING: Our parish Safeguarding Representative is Marian Lancaster: if you have any enquiries or concerns about Safeguarding please contact Marian in confidence on 07761 058653. The Diocese of Plymouth’s Safeguarding Team is available on: 01364 645430 or by email on [email protected] SAFE SPACES: The Safe Spaces team is there for those who have experienced church-related abuse of any kind through its helpline and live chat service between Monday-Saturday 10am-6pm, apart from Thursdays when the service is open 12-8pm. Tel: 0300 303 1056, Email: [email protected], LiveChat: www.SafeSpacesEnglandandWales.org.uk , Website: www.SafeSpacesEnglandandWales.org.uk

MONTHLY CHARITY APPEALS: TARGETED T.H.A.T. FOODBANK UPDATE (Teignbridge Homeless Action Today): Thank you for your generosity to the children and parents being helped by T.H.A.T. it will help to bring the celebration of Christmas to those in need. Thank you for your continued generosity. Veronica Sharam 01803 872909.