design heritage

01 Txxxxxxx Restoration of Heritage 02 xxxxxxxxx Buildings and Colonial Towns as the Country’s Cultural Inheritance


Heritage Sites, Local Wisdom and Historical Preservation is blessed with an abundance of diverse cultural wealth, which can be seen 02 as the country’s heirloom. According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of the year 2010 regarding Cultural Heritage, cultural heritage is a tangible inheritance that might come in the form of a cultural

, , heritage object, a cultural heritage building, a cultural heritage structure, a cultural heritage site and a cultural heritage area which is located on land and/or in the water and needs to be preserved because it is 03 01 historically, scientifically, and educationally valuable for the country in addition to having a religious and cultural value. has undergone a cross-cultural transformation area of Kota Gede in Yogyakarta, Kampong To call something a part of our cultural that gives birth to cultural values between Betawi Heritage Site in Condet, , and Human civilization is a humanistic process that comes in the form of culture and is expressed heritage, it needs to be stipulated by law, ethnic groups. An example of this can be seen the Machu Picchu site in Peru. through local wisdom. Local wisdom can be explained as a creative adaptation towards the with the criteria as follows: at least 50 years in Indonesia’s own local wisdom, which is The destruction of some European geographical, political, historical and situational condition which is seen through a person’s of age; has a special historical, scientific, reflected in the country’s motto of “Bhinneka cities as a result of the World War II was educational, religious and/or cultural value; Tunggal Ika.” widely considered as the ruin of the center attitude, mindset and behavior in managing his environment. According to Sartini (2006), there and has a cultural value that strengthens the A city has its own local wisdom that of civilization, which had initiated people’s are several functions of local wisdom, namely for the conservation and preservation of natural identity of the country. reflects human values as a cultural process awareness about the importance of preserving resources, the development of human resources as well as for the advancement of culture and According to Suyono Sukanto in that rises from a civilization, one that is passed history. Historical preservation is a dynamic “Revitalization of Local Wisdom and the on as a fundamental legacy that goes with effort to protect, preserve, develop and utilize education. It can also serve as advice, belief, literature and taboo that guide a community, and hold A prillia , R ahma d M arin , E ster of H ehemahita C o u rtesy ) P hotos Efforts to Strengthen the National Identity the future development of the city. A city’s historical buildings, sites and areas through a social value, as evident in the ceremonies they conduct, in addition to ethical, moral and political of Indonesia” which was published by the local wisdom represents the identity and conservation, rehabilitation, reconstruction, values of the community. Republic of Indonesia’s Ministry of Education honour of the people/nation that needs to be restoration, revitalization and adaptive reuse and Culture, local wisdom can be seen as protected, upheld, preserved and developed. efforts. These efforts are aimed at parts and the identity of a country, especially in the Some examples of a heritage site or area that sectors of a city, city and village centers, and Story by Martono Yuwono context of Indonesia where local wisdom possesses a local wisdom include the old city also natural sceneries and their surroundings left top FROM (CLOCKWISE

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04 03 xxxxx that people will not feel alienated about 04 xxxxxx their history, and also give them a sense 05 xxxxxxx of belonging and pride which is needed in 06 xxxxxxxx building a future spirit of the city. This is the main issue in the preservation of heritage buildings and sites, especially in colonial 03 buildings and cities and especially when we associate that with the fact that the country’s local wisdoms are generally in disconnect. This is a tragedy of our social life that we must face as an anomaly in the history of city development. This is also something that we must work on. Raphael Lemkin in the “Introduction to the Study of Genocide,” 1948, states that “Colonialism cannot be left without blame.” 05 The Characteristics of Colonial Cities and The Governor- Buildings in Indonesia General of the , Herman Willem Colonial cities are those built by the Daendels (1808-1811), colonialists, especially the Dutch who for had a large influence centuries had occupied Indonesia. These cities which have historical, humanistic and Another effect of the colonialization is the in the development of the cities of Batavia were usually dominated by a defense fortress civilization values, as stated in the 1975 repressed character of the people as well as (Jakarta today) and , as well as in and were later turned into trading hubs, Declaration of Amsterdam. a minority complex, a latent trait that the the colonial-style architecture seen in the governing cities of the East Indies and then According to UNESCO, a heritage site is people of this country still carry even today. East Indies throughout the 19th century, places to live for the Dutch people. Jayakarta, “a group of buildings: Group of separate or This predisposition began with a radical even though his rule was relatively short. His which was established by Fatahillah, was connected buildings, which because of their change achieved through the destruction arrogant and firm governance style managed destroyed by the VOC and on top of it they architecture, their homogeneity or their place of large ports across the archipelago before to revive the pride of the Dutch as a major built the VOC city fortress that was designed in landscape, are of outstanding universal being forcefully turned into colonial cities colonial force at that time and in effect as a copy of the city of Amsterdam. Other value from the point of view of history, art or during the VOC era, such as the eradication diminished the influence of the traditional examples are Fort Roterdam in Makassar and science” (UNESCO, Convention Concerning the of Jayakarta and the establishment of Javanese architecture which was beginning Fort van der Wijk in Gombong. In total, there 06 Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Batavia (Jakarta today) in its place. The to be adapted by Dutch aristocrats for their , J ejak V icky were around 300 defense fortresses built by Heritage, 1987). same thing could be seen in Makassar, buildings in the late 18th century, including the VOC during their occupancy in Indonesia. , and many other ports throughout housing compounds that would later be These strongholds were used as a defense The Dilemma of Restoring the archipelago. This phenomenon was known as ‘Indies Style Country House’ or 1941 stated, “These cities do not reflect the cities throughout Indonesia without any further line to guard the cities from attacks by local exacerbated during the East Indies occupation ‘Transitional Dutch Indies Country House.’. lifestyle of a city that can be seen in typical thoughts, without realizing or caring whether guerillas and foreign forces. Historical Buildings and with the enforcement of the Cultivation The arrival of Daendels prompted the European cities. These cities are merely an the spirit of place, or genius loci, is there. We In turn, these VOC strongholds grew Old Colonial Cities in System (Cultuurstelsel) in 1830, which led emergence of the architecture style known as amalgamation of several ethnic tribes who also couldn’t care less about local wisdoms, as modern cities by putting forward the Indonesia to the development of plantation towns. the ‘Indische Empire’ with classical columns inhabit nearby villages. These cities do not which are actually the basic need of the people principal of efficiency, in line with the and fully symmetrical layout, an adaptation possess an organic unanimity with the local to develop a city as a cultural process. Indeed, Then during the “privatization” era in 1870, 06 industrial revolution of the 18th century It is believed that our ancestors were valiant trade cities, mining towns and harbour of the French Empire style that was adjusted people, nor with the tradition and history of it is wise to use de Longh’s statement as a Europe that escalated hand-in-hand with the seafarers who in their glory days managed to towns were built. As a criticism against the to suit the climate and lifestyle of the East the places where they are built. These cities wake-up call for us to immediately conduct an capitalism-industrialism system. The cities sail around the islands of Asia and Africa. This Cultivation System, the “Dutch ethical policy” Indies people. This style was developed in the are centres for social and cultural activities evaluation regarding city development in this burgeoned in the privatization era after 1870 is evident in the characteristic of the old ports began in 1901, recognising the colonialist’s East Indies throughout the 19th century, as but not for the local community (inlanders). country, as well as to plan an urgent cultural to facilitate plantation projects and after that reflect the might of kingdoms/sultanates moral responsibility for the wellbeing of mentioned by Hadinoto in his work, “Daendels For them, these cities are places that are strategy. the introduction of the Dutch ethical policy G eographic of S amcora , N ational C o u rtesy ) P hotos in our naval Archipelago. But the powerfulness the indigenous people. This policy included and the Development of Architecture in the far removed from their lives and cultural Historical preservation should turn the that regulated the development of modern was cut short by three and a half centuries of three programs: irrigation, transmigration East Indies in the 19th Century.” growth.” We can read this from the excerpt process of history into a continuum, or a administration bureaucracy in the domain of political repression administered by the VOC (which would later be misused as another We have become aware of the of Ronald Gill in “Change and Morphology of continuation of the cultural development that the municipality. This policy was administered and the East Indies government, which in means that benefitted the colonialists), as phenomenon through the words of the Indonesia Towns,” written in 1988. grows and develops within a society. There will in all of the cities under the occupation of effect had altered the identity of our nation well as education, which was deemed to be East Indies’ Director of the Public Works Yet ironically, we readily accept these be a connection between values of the past, the East Indies Company, such as Batavia, from maritime-oriented into land-oriented. significantly important for Indonesia. Department of that period, de Longh, who in colonial cities that have transpired into present and future as footprints of history so , Malang, Makassar, Sawah Lunto, left top FROM (CLOCKWISE

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07 Several elements that support the furniture the country’s character as a maritime Nasional (Museum of National Awakening), street nation. Indonesia is also not ready to face Museum Sumpah Pemuda (Museum of 08 Bappenas Building (formerly Adhuc Stat), the challenges of the global era. Now, we Youth Pledge) , Gedung Joang 45 (Battle of believed to be one of are trying to catch up on some parts the 45 Building), Husni Thamrin Museum, and the main offices for 03 xxxxx Freemason activities in country’s developments that are still lagging. historical islands in Kepulauan Seribu, to East Indies 04 xxxxxx We were recently reminded of our country’s name just a few. Some traditional structures 05 xxxxxxx unsolved core problem when Jokowi-JK were also refurbished, such as Si Pitung’s 06 xxxxxxxx launched the Indonesia as a Maritime Axis house in Kampong Marunda and Al Aydrus doctrine in Sunda Kelapa old port on 22 July in Kampong Luar Batang. Ali 2014. However, we still need a change in our Sadikin’s tenure also saw the construction of mindset through various breakthrough efforts, monuments and statues that strengthen the improvements in the quality of our human nation’s spirit and patriotism, including the resources, hard work, moral ethics as well Rapat Raksasa Monument (Grand Assembly as responsibility in building the future of our Monument) in Ikada Square (today known Bukit Tinggi, and many others. country as proof of the “mental revolution” as Monas), Kota Kemenangan Jayakarta Only a few cities were left with declared by President Joko Widodo. No less Monument (Monument of Jayakarta Victory) their local identities, among important is the revolution in building cities in the old site of Jayakarta, MH Thamrin which were Cirebon, Banten, as a cultural strategy, especially in harbour Statue, and many others. Jogja, Solo and other smaller towns, in order to build the character of these However, the escalating current trend towns, such as Tasikmalaya, cities and their citizens. To quote Sir Winston of creating non-historical buildings which that were located in remote 07 08 Churchill, “We shape our buildings; thereafter have no discernible values—a trend that is areas and therefore were not they shape us.” being conducted in a massive, structured considered strategic enough for Historical preservation as a part of city and permissive way as evident in the large the government to base their control. the developments. These second-class citizens Gedung Sate was built between 1920 development has the objective to unearth number of new superblocks and malls—has There are two classifications of colonial were placed on the outskirts of the cities. and 1924 and involved 2,000 workers, and rediscover the soul or local wisdom diminished Jakarta’s character as a “Kota cities: coastal or remote. Coastal cities Helen Jessup in Handinoto divided the 150 of whom were sculptors (tombstone (spirit of place) in Indonesian cities in order Joang” (City of Battle—DKI Jakarta’s Museum were designed as harbour towns and 07 development of during carvers) and Chinese woodcarvers who to strengthen the character of the nation and Preservation Department, 1998). It is trade centers that had a strategic role in the East Indies era into four periods, namely: came from Konghu/Canton, in addition as well as to improve its dignity and self- feared that the embedding trend that was the distributing produce from the archipelago (1) From the 16th century until the 1800’s to bricklayers, coolies (unskilled laborers), esteem, and also to promote the cities as practice during the colonial era will continue to the . Examples of harbour when the VOC governed the land, during and construction workers who came from tourist destinations as regulated in the Law of today. At the very least, the eradication of towns are Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, which time the colonial architecture did the native people of West . the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of the local wisdom and character is still a feature of Padang and Makassar. Remote cities in far- not have a clear orientation; (2) The 1800’s There are several architectural styles year 2010 regarding Cultural Heritage. These today’s city planning and development. off areas had the attributes of plantation until 1902 when the East Indies government that form the design of Gedung Sate. The efforts are not only limited to the physical Therefore, an integrated effort to preserve towns, agricultural towns, industrial towns took over, with a short stint by the British windows apply the Spanish Moorish flair rehabilitation of buildings and areas, which heritage buildings and sites is needed as a and mining towns that facilitated plantation government in 1811-1815. This period saw while the building itself borrows from the can be achieved through renovation and part of city planning and development as activities and the gathering of other produce the construction of imposing structures in Italian Renaissance style. Asian influence redecoration, and are not only designated to written in the Declaration of Amsterdam from across the archipelago. These could be the neo-classical style that was different from can be seen in the towers, adopting the benefit business and the tourism industry. Nor in 1975. Nationalism and patriotism as a seen in Bandung, Malang, and Sawahlunto, the Dutch architecture at that time; (3) The roof of a Balinese (pura) and are they done for mere pleasure or to satisfy therapeutic strategy in the rebuilding and among others. years 1902-1920, during the application of Thailand’s . At the top of the certain people’s hobby, or done for nostalgic restoration of colonial cities, which is the The development of colonial cities in the ethical policy where housing compounds building is a metal spike that resembles 09 purposes or any old-time penchant of a select legacy of Ali Sadikin’s government, should be the East Indies was structured, systematical designed in the style of modern Dutch a ‘ skewer’ with 6 satay ornaments few, especially those that glorify colonialism continued by present and future generations and massive, with the colonialists bringing architecture grew rapidly; (4) The period that symbolize 6 million guldens, the values. as something that is entrusted to them. in Dutch architects to design cities as well from 1920 until the 1940’s when eclecticism amount of money spent on building the are not interested in the characters of cities Colonial cities, especially harbour towns, This was the writer’s suggestion through as colonial buildings with a ‘modern’ trait emerged as the typical architecture style of Gedung Sate. impacted by the repression of colonial culture. need to be restored as a therapeutic strategy Jakarta’s ‘Patriot Path’ which includes by copying the style of architecture in their choice in the East Indies period. After the Indonesian Independence, the They are more interested in the modern to reinstate the nationalistic spirit and establishing several Patriot paths to restore own country. Obviously, the designs were One example of the eclecticism style “irregular” phenomenon of a city’s character architecture engineering.” patriotism. This was pioneered by Ali Sadikin, the character of Jakarta in the spirit of adjusted for the tropical climate according can be seen in Bandung’s Gedung Sate. that began from the VOC era and continued the Governor of DKI Jakarta from 1966 until nationalism and patriotism. This concept was to their interpretation and were decorated The building used to function as a Dutch into the East Indies period, in which a new city 1977, when he restored Kota Tua Batavia and brought into the attention to Joko Widodo, , A ne Iq bal Restoration of Colonial with artefacts bearing local flavours as Government Office (Gouvernements Bedrijven) character was immediately embedded onto turned it into Fatahillah Park. He also restored the former DKI Jakarta Governor in 2012- of N ational C o u rtesy ) P hotos accents. There was a gap in the structure and was designed by a team consisting Ir. the ruins of an old city, seems to be taken for Cities in Indonesia: A and converted the VOC warehouses into the 2014, and was approved to be implemented, of colonial cities, namely the “upper social J. Gerber, a famous young architect who granted. This potentially repeats the practice Therapeutic Strategy Is Maritime Museum, 55 traditional Betawi beginning with the development of the class” (wealthy landowners) who lived in the graduated from Delft Technical Faculty in the of permissively embedding a city’s character dwellings and a 35 km path in Condet area. Nusantara Gallery as the prime mover through d jo g u s P riatmo Needed city centres while the indigenous people or Netherlands, Ir. Eh. DeRoo and Ir. G. Hendriks, onto the social-cultural vacuum in the name , A His efforts were continued by the next APBD-P 2013 (Revised Local Government “inlanders” who were only allowed to watch as well as the Gemeente van Bandoeng group of “modernization.” As Ronald Gill, a Dutch After 70 years of independence, the people governors of Jakarta, including turning the Budget) of DKI Jakarta’s Tourism and Cultural —as opposed to being involved as subjects— which08 was led by Colonel (Ret.) VL. Slors. architect once said, “Indonesian architects of Indonesia are still struggling to rediscover STOVIA Building into Museum Kebangkitan Department, before being made inactive. G eographic left top FROM (CLOCKWISE