Congress Yearbook Annuaire Du Congrès

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Congress Yearbook Annuaire Du Congrès 31st SESSION CG31(2016)25 18 October 2016 CONGRESS YEARBOOK ANNUAIRE DU CONGRÈS Congress members without the right to vote in the Chamber of Regions have their name followed by « * » Les membres du Congrès qui n’ont pas le droit de vote à la Chambre des régions voient leur nom suivi de « * » Tel ► +33 (0)3 8841 2110 Fax ► +33 (0)3 9021 5580 [email protected] &855(17$1'352326(''(/(*$7,210(0%(560(0%5(6$&78(/6(7352326e6 $/%$1,$$/%$1,(6HDWV6LqJHV CHAMBER OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES / CHAMBRE DES POUVOIRS LOCAUX 5HSUHVHQWDWLYH5HSUpVHQWDQW Mrs / Mme Majlinda BUFI SOC SP - Socialist Party Mayor of Roskovec Municipality Mr / M. Erion VELIAJ SOC SP - Socialist Party Mayor of Tirana 6XEVWLWXWH6XSSOpDQW Mrs / Mme Voltana ADEMI PPE/CCE-EPP/CCE DP - Democratic Party Mayor of Shkoder Municipality Mrs / Mme Miranda RIRA SOC LSI - Socialist Movement for Integration Mayor of Prrenjas Municipality &+$0%(52)5(*,216&+$0%5('(65e*,216 5HSUHVHQWDWLYH5HSUpVHQWDQW Mrs / Mme Greta BARDELI PPE/CCE-EPP/CCE DP - Democratic Party +HDGRIWKHUHJLRQDOFRXQFLORI6KNRGsU Mr / M. Sotiraq FILO SOC SP - Socialist Party 0HPEHURIWKH5HJLRQDO&RXQFLORI.RUos 6XEVWLWXWH6XSSOpDQW Mr / M. Aldrin DALIPI SOC SP - Socialist Party Head of the regional council of Tirana Mr / M. Saimir PLAKU SOC SP - Socialist Party Member of the Regional Council of Berat 'HOHJDWLRQ&KDLU3UpVLGHQWGHGpOpJDWLRQ Mr / M. Erion VELIAJ (Working Language : English / Anglais) Mayor of Tirana Tel : +355 672055982 Fax : E-mail : [email protected] 'HSXW\+HDGRI'HOHJDWLRQ9LFH3UpVLGHQWGHGpOpJDWLRQ Mrs / Mme Greta BARDELI (Working Language : English / Anglais) +HDGRIWKHUHJLRQDOFRXQFLORI6KNRGsU Tel : +355 222 43639 Fax : E-mail : [email protected] 'HOHJDWLRQ6HFUHWDU\6HFUpWDLUHGHGpOpJDWLRQ Mrs / Mme Adelina FARRICI (Working Language : English / Anglais) Tel : Fax : E-mail : [email protected] 1 / 70 7KH&RQJUHVVRI/RFDODQG5HJLRQDO$XWKRULWLHVRIWKH&RXQFLORI(XURSH/H&RQJUqVGHVSRXYRLUVORFDX[HWUpJLRQDX[GX&RQVHLOGHO¶Europe F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex ±7pO33 (0)3 88 41 21 10±Fax : +33 (0)3 88 41 37 47±[email protected] ± $1'255$$1'255(6HDWV6LqJHV CHAMBER OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES / CHAMBRE DES POUVOIRS LOCAUX 5HSUHVHQWDWLYH5HSUpVHQWDQW Mr / M. David BARO RIBA NI-NR CC - Ciutadans Compromesos - La Massana Maire de La Massana 6XEVWLWXWH6XSSOpDQW Mrs / Mme Gemma RIBA CASAL NI-NR DA - Democrates per Andorra Maire-adjointe d'Ordino &+$0%(52)5(*,216&+$0%5('(65e*,216 5HSUHVHQWDWLYH5HSUpVHQWDQW Mrs / Mme Trinitat MARIN GONZALEZ* GILD-ILDG DA - Democrates per Andorra Mayor of Escaldes-Engordany 6XEVWLWXWH6XSSOpDQW Mr / M. Josep Miquel VILA BASTIDA* NI-NR /DXUqGLDHQ&RP~ Maire de Sant Julia de Loria 'HOHJDWLRQ&KDLU3UpVLGHQWGHGpOpJDWLRQ Mr / M. David BARO RIBA :RUNLQJ/DQJXDJH)UHQFK)UDQoDLV Maire de La Massana Tel : +376 736 900 Fax : +376 736 936 E-mail : [email protected] 'HSXW\+HDGRI'HOHJDWLRQ9LFH3UpVLGHQWGHGpOpJDWLRQ Mrs / Mme Trinitat MARIN GONZALEZ* (Working Language : English / Anglais) Mayor of Escaldes-Engordany Tel : Fax : E-mail : [email protected] 'HOHJDWLRQ6HFUHWDU\6HFUpWDLUHGHGpOpJDWLRQ Mr / M. Isaac PEREZ MAS :RUNLQJ/DQJXDJH)UHQFK)UDQoDLV Tel : +376 809080 Fax : +376 809081 E-mail : [email protected] 2 / 70 7KH&RQJUHVVRI/RFDODQG5HJLRQDO$XWKRULWLHVRIWKH&RXQFLORI(XURSH/H&RQJUqVGHVSRXYRLUVORFDX[HWUpJLRQDX[GX&RQVHLOGHO¶Europe F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex ±7pO33 (0)3 88 41 21 10±Fax : +33 (0)3 88 41 37 47±[email protected] ± $50(1,$$50e1,(6HDWV6LqJHV CHAMBER OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES / CHAMBRE DES POUVOIRS LOCAUX 5HSUHVHQWDWLYH5HSUpVHQWDQW Mr / M. Taron MARGARYAN PPE/CCE-EPP/CCE RPA - Republican Party of Armenia Mayor of Erevan Mr / M. Emin YERITSYAN PPE/CCE-EPP/CCE Non Party Councillor, Community of Parakar 6XEVWLWXWH6XSSOpDQW Mrs / Mme Lusine AVETYAN PPE/CCE-EPP/CCE RPA - Republican Party of Armenia Head of the Community of Kharahunj, Syunik Region Mrs / Mme Srbuhi HARUTYUNYAN PPE/CCE-EPP/CCE Non Party Head of Bazum Community &+$0%(52)5(*,216&+$0%5('(65e*,216 5HSUHVHQWDWLYH5HSUpVHQWDQW Mrs / Mme Alina HARUTYUNYAN* PPE/CCE-EPP/CCE RPA - Republican Party of Armenia Head, Community of Nor-Yerznka Mrs / Mme Armine MANUKYAN* PPE/CCE-EPP/CCE Non Party Head of Shrvenanc Community 6XEVWLWXWH6XSSOpDQW Mr / M. Vardan HOVHANNISYAN* PPE/CCE-EPP/CCE RPA - Republican Party of Armenia Mayor of the City of Jermuk Mr / M. Arayik PETROSYAN* CRE-ECR PAP - Prosperous Armenia Head of Arbat Community 'HOHJDWLRQ&KDLU3UpVLGHQWGHGpOpJDWLRQ Mr / M. Emin YERITSYAN (Working Language : English / Anglais) Councillor, Community of Parakar Tel : +374 10 57 45 01 Fax : +374 10 57 52 19 E-mail : [email protected] 'HSXW\+HDGRI'HOHJDWLRQ9LFH3UpVLGHQWGHGpOpJDWLRQ Mr / M. Vardan HOVHANNISYAN* (Working Language : English / Anglais) Mayor of the City of Jermuk Tel : +374 10 57 45 01 Fax : +374 10 57 52 19 E-mail : [email protected] 'HOHJDWLRQ6HFUHWDU\6HFUpWDLUHGHGpOpJDWLRQ Mrs / Mme Natalya LAPAURI (Working Language : English / Anglais) Member of the Municipal Council of Yerevan Tel : + 374 10 57 45 01 Fax : +374 10 57 52 19 E-mail : [email protected] 3 / 70 7KH&RQJUHVVRI/RFDODQG5HJLRQDO$XWKRULWLHVRIWKH&RXQFLORI(XURSH/H&RQJUqVGHVSRXYRLUVORFDX[HWUpJLRQDX[GX&RQVHLOGHO¶Europe F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex ±7pO33 (0)3 88 41 21 10±Fax : +33 (0)3 88 41 37 47±[email protected] ± $8675,$$875,&+(6HDWV6LqJHV CHAMBER OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES / CHAMBRE DES POUVOIRS LOCAUX 5HSUHVHQWDWLYH5HSUpVHQWDQW Mrs / Mme Silvia HUBER SOC 63g6RFLDO'HPRFUDWLF3DUW\ Vice-Mayor of Wels Mrs / Mme Pauline STERRER PPE/CCE-EPP/CCE g93$XVWULDQ3HRSOH V3DUW\ 0D\RURI5VWRUI Mr / M. Hannes WENINGER SOC 63g6RFLDO'HPRFUDWLF3DUW\ &RXQFLOORU*LHVVKEO 6XEVWLWXWH6XSSOpDQW Mr / M. Franz Xaver GRUBER PPE/CCE-EPP/CCE g93$XVWULDQ3HRSOH V3DUW\ Member of the City Government of Innsbruck Mr / M. Andreas RABL GILD-ILDG )3g)UHHGRP3DUW\RI$XVWULD Mayor of Wels Mrs / Mme Simone SCHMIEDTBAUER PPE/CCE-EPP/CCE g93$XVWULDQ3HRSOH V3DUW\ Mayor of Hitzendorf &+$0%(52)5(*,216&+$0%5('(65e*,216 5HSUHVHQWDWLYH5HSUpVHQWDQW Mrs / Mme Gudrun MOSLER-TOERNSTROEM SOC 63g6RFLDO'HPRFUDWLF3DUW\ Member and Vice-President of the State Parliament of Salzburg Mr / M. Harald SONDEREGGER PPE/CCE-EPP/CCE g93$XVWULDQ3HRSOHV3DUW\ President of the Vorarlberg Parliament Mr / M. Herwig VAN STAA PPE/CCE-EPP/CCE g93$XVWULDQ3HRSOH V3DUW\ President of the Regional Parliament of the Tyrol 6XEVWLWXWH6XSSOpDQW Mr / M. Peter FLORIANSCHUETZ SOC 63g6RFLDO'HPRFUDWLF3DUW\ Member of the State Parliament of Vienna Mr / M. Reinhart ROHR SOC 63g6RFLDO'HPRFUDWLF3DUW\ President of the Carinthia Parliament Mrs / Mme Barbara SCHWARZ PPE/CCE-EPP/CCE g93$XVWULDQ3RHSOH V3DUW\ Member of the Land of Lower Austria 'HOHJDWLRQ&KDLU3UpVLGHQWGHGpOpJDWLRQ Mrs / Mme Gudrun MOSLER-TOERNSTROEM (Working Language : English / Anglais) Member and Vice-President of the State Parliament of Salzburg Tel : +43 662 8042 2443 Fax : +43 662 8042 2088 E-mail : [email protected] 'HSXW\+HDGRI'HOHJDWLRQ9LFH3UpVLGHQWGHGpOpJDWLRQ 'HOHJDWLRQ6HFUHWDU\6HFUpWDLUHGHGpOpJDWLRQ Mrs / Mme Daniela FRAISS (Working Language : English / Anglais) Tel : +32 2 282 0680 Fax : E-mail : [email protected] Mr / M. Andreas GREITER (Working Language : English / Anglais) Tel : +43 512 508 2341 Fax : (43) 512 508 2345 E-mail : [email protected] 4 / 70 7KH&RQJUHVVRI/RFDODQG5HJLRQDO$XWKRULWLHVRIWKH&RXQFLORI(XURSH/H&RQJUqVGHVSRXYRLUVORFDX[HWUpJLRQDX[GX&RQVHLOGHO¶Europe F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex ±7pO33 (0)3 88 41 21 10±Fax : +33 (0)3 88 41 37 47±[email protected] ± $=(5%$,-$1$=(5%$Í'-$16HDWV6LqJHV CHAMBER OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES / CHAMBRE DES POUVOIRS LOCAUX 5HSUHVHQWDWLYH5HSUpVHQWDQW Mrs / Mme Samira ALIYEVA SOC Independent Member of the Municipality of Narimanov Mr / M. Humbat HUSEYNOV PPE/CCE-EPP/CCE YAP - New Azerbaijan Party Mayor of Rasulzadeh Municipality Mr / M. Tamraz TAGHIYEV PPE/CCE-EPP/CCE YAP - New Azerbaijan Party Mayor of the Narimanov Muncipality 6XEVWLWXWH6XSSOpDQW Mrs / Mme Sevil MANSUROVA GILD-ILDG Independent Mayor of Merdekan Municipality Mr / M. Ali MEHDIYEV PPE/CCE-EPP/CCE YAP - New Azerbaijan Party Vice-Chair of the Municipality of Novkhani Mrs / Mme Gulnaz SALAMOVA SOC Independent Deputy Mayor of Shaki municipality &+$0%(52)5(*,216&+$0%5('(65e*,216 5HSUHVHQWDWLYH5HSUpVHQWDQW Mr / M. Rauf ALIYEV* PPE/CCE-EPP/CCE YAP - New Azerbaijan Party Member of Qivraq municipality (Kangarli District) Mr / M. Anar IBRAHIMOV PPE/CCE-EPP/CCE YAP - New Azerbaijan Party Chairman of the Committee of Human Rights, International and Inter-Parliamentary Relations of the Ali Majlis (Parliament) of the Nackhichivan Autonomous Republic Mrs / Mme Yazgul RZAYEVA PPE/CCE-EPP/CCE YAP - New Azerbaijan Party Deputy of the Parliament of the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic 6XEVWLWXWH6XSSOpDQW Mrs / Mme Ilaha ALIYEVA* PPE/CCE-EPP/CCE YAP - New Azerbaijan Party Deputy Mayor of the Nakhichevan municipality Mr / M. Nazim BABABEYLI GILD-ILDG Independent Member of the Ali Majlis of the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic Mr / M. Huseyn HASHIMLI PPE/CCE-EPP/CCE YAP - New Azerbaijan Party Deputy of the Ali Majlis of the Nackhichivan Autonomous Republic 'HOHJDWLRQ&KDLU3UpVLGHQWGHGpOpJDWLRQ Mr / M. Anar IBRAHIMOV (Working Language : English / Anglais) Chairman of the Committee of Human Rights, International and Inter-Parliamentary Relations of the Ali Majlis (Parliament) of the Nackhichivan Autonomous Republic Tel : +994 36 545 73 77 Fax : +99 436 545 73 77 E-mail : [email protected] 'HSXW\+HDGRI'HOHJDWLRQ9LFH3UpVLGHQWGHGpOpJDWLRQ Mr / M. Tamraz TAGHIYEV (Working Language : English / Anglais) Mayor of the Narimanov
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