The Locomotives of the Great Northern Railway, 1847-1910
[OCOMOTIVES of tl^e 11 Ix. C^ jtA. I North ern I LWAY ]^ J tmmtmmmmimmam i ¥Bwm \ inm miiminuviNH i m <i m mnmm THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY ie\0 OAK ST. HDSF THE LOCOMOTIVES OF THE GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. ¥ < ^ .r^ : j tP f. Mr. H. A. IVATT, M.i.Mech.E. Locomotive Engineer, Great Northern Railway. The Locomotives of The Great Northern Railway^ 1847^1910^ BY GEO. FREDK. BIRD. NEW AND REVISED EDITION, With 8 Full-page Illustrations and 121 Illustrations in the Text by the Author. ^I-I^- Published by the Locomotive Publishing Co., Ltd. 3, Amen Corner, London, E.G. I 9 I o . PRINTED BY PERCY LUND, HUMPHRIES AND CO., LTD., BRADFORD AND LONDON, FOR THE LOCOMOTIVE PUBLISHING CO., LTD., 3, AMEN CORNER, LONDON, E.C. Ok- PREFACE. V — CL> T N presenting a history of the various types of locomo- I tives have been constructed for the j which Great Northern the is aware of ,^^ Railway, compiler many .^ deficiencies in the work. So far from this being a history ^ of the line, the following pages cannot claim to comprise 1 more than a somewhat brief of loco- 1 anything catalogue J motives, many of which have earned fame in the annals of L railway development. To have dealt with them as fully as ^^ might be is not in the power of the compiler, and equally ?. beyond the limits of space allowable in a publication of this 'S' character. The utmost that can be urged is that, principally ^owing to the disinterested assistance of many kind friends, 0--the writer has been enabled to produce what is, so far as he ^ is aware, the first approximately complete list of the ^locomotives built for the Great Northern Railway from 'Oits opening as a small branch line in Lincolnshire until ^.
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