United States Patent Office Patented Mar
3,373,000 United States Patent Office Patented Mar. 2, 1968 2 3,373,000 monofluoride is also an economical reactant, since it is PROCESS FOR PREPARING TETRAFLUORDES conveniently prepared by the disproportionation of ele AND HEXAFLUOR DES mental chlorine in liquid hydrogen fluoride, thereby avoid James J. Pitts, West Haven, and Albert W. Jache, North ing the use of expensive elemental fluorine. The selective Haven, Conn., assignors to Olin Mathieson Chemical fluorination process of this invention is particularly Sur Corporation, a corporation of Virginia prising and unexpected in view of the prior art which No Drawing. Filed Nov. 1, 1966, Ser. No. 591,079 teaches that chlorine monofluoride adds to a wide variety 9 Claims. (Cl. 23-352) of compounds, thereby acting as a chloro-fluorinating agent. For instance, U.S. Patent 3,035,893 discloses the 10 preparation of sulfur chloride pentafluoride from Sulfur ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE tetrafluoride and chlorine monofluoride. The tetrafluorides and hexafluorides of sulfur, selenium According to the process of this invention, the tetra and tellurium are provided by reacting chlorine mono fluorides and hexafluorides of sulfur, selenium and tel fluoride with sulfur, selenium, tellurium, metal sulfides, lurium are provided by reacting chlorine monofluoride metal selenides or metal tellurides. The hexafluorides of 15 with a material selected from the group consisting of Sul tungsten, molybdenum and uranium are provided by the fur, selenium, tellurium, metal sulfides, metal selenides reaction of chlorine monofluoride with the metals, their and metal tellurides. The hexafluorides of tungsten, oxides, sulfides and salts containing the metallate anion. molybdenum and uranium are provided by reacting These tetrafluorides and hexafluorides are well-known chlorine monofluoride with a material selected from the compounds, useful as fluorinating agents, gaseous di 20 group consisting of tungsten; molybdenum, uranium; the electrics, sources of high purity metallic powders, etc.
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