SPORTPLANE BUILDER Tony Bingelis WHAT does a wood aircraft look like? of construction. Actually, compared to the necessary manhours more freely It can look like an ordinary production metal construction, simple wooden than dollars. airplane ... but it doesn't have to. airplanes are cheaper to build and re- It can look like a perky little biplane, quire little or no special tools and equip- HOW LONG WILL IT LAST? an amphibian, or maybe like a plush low ment other than typical home workshop wing job with a sliding canopy. On the tools. No construction material will last other hand, it might look like something Certainly, most of us have more basic forever .. aluminum corrodes, steel out of the pages of history - a World experience working with wood than we rusts, composites decay, wood decays. War I or World War II fighter, perhaps. have with composites and metal alloys. However, with the proper protective Then again, it might look like a sporty When you complete your wood air- measures you can virtually eliminate open cockpit homebuilt obviously in- craft according to the plans, you will be rusting, corrosion and decay in what- tended for fun flying and airport hop- assured of a very stable structure, one ever material you choose to use. ping. It can even look like a sleek, remarkably resistant to a broad range Wood assembled with good glues speedy, high tech design with a tucked of stress factors ... and best of all it will and adhesives, and treated with protec- up landing gear, controllable prop and be fully paid for, easy to maintain, and tive coatings, can be made to last for loaded with instruments and avionics.
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