WHAT does a wood aircraft look like? of construction. Actually, compared to the necessary manhours more freely It can look like an ordinary production metal construction, simple wooden than dollars. airplane ... but it doesn't have to. airplanes are cheaper to build and re- It can look like a perky little biplane, quire little or no special tools and equip- HOW LONG WILL IT LAST? an amphibian, or maybe like a plush low ment other than typical home workshop wing job with a sliding canopy. On the tools. No construction material will last other hand, it might look like something Certainly, most of us have more basic forever .. . aluminum corrodes, steel out of the pages of history - a World experience working with wood than we rusts, composites decay, wood decays. War I or World War II fighter, perhaps. have with composites and metal alloys. However, with the proper protective Then again, it might look like a sporty When you complete your wood air- measures you can virtually eliminate open cockpit homebuilt obviously in- craft according to the plans, you will be rusting, corrosion and decay in what- tended for fun flying and airport hop- assured of a very stable structure, one ever material you choose to use. ping. It can even look like a sleek, remarkably resistant to a broad range Wood assembled with good glues speedy, high tech design with a tucked of stress factors ... and best of all it will and adhesives, and treated with protec- up landing gear, controllable prop and be fully paid for, easy to maintain, and tive coatings, can be made to last for loaded with instruments and avionics. easy to repair. decades. In short, your wood airplane can be con- A wood airplane, like a composite For that matter, a number of home- structed to look like any kind of aircraft one, is much quieter than a metal air- builts built in the early 1930s are still your mind can conceive .. . but, best of craft because wood doesn't "oil can" airworthy today. This, in spite of the fact all, it doesn't even have to be painted and resonate noisily like metal. that the glue used in those bygone days white like those fast, but expensive, Perhaps the primary reason wood air- was a casein glue. "plastic" ('scuse me, "composite") jobs. craft are not being built commercially is Casein glue was a dairy by-product. So, why not consider building a wood simply because, by its very nature, It lacked gap filling qualities and was airplane with a personality of its own wood does not lend itself to automated not waterproof or resistant to mold. That .. . one that will not suffer that "look mass-production. Obviously, this form made it far inferior to most glues and alike" monotony so characteristic of of construction is not a drawback to the epoxies available to builders today. many current aircraft designs. average builder who merely wants to Even so, poor glue notwithstanding, build only one aircraft and can expend these wood wonders have not only sur- WHY WOOD?

Well, why not? Indeed, wood is a natural construc- tion material ... the only aircraft build- ing material not manufactured by man. It is readily available, and even the smallest of community lumberyards may carry some of the woods suitable for use in aircraft construction (Douglas Fir, for example). You can buy a few boards and rip them to size if you have a bench saw. Or if you prefer you can purchase di- mensioned aircraft spruce wing rib capstrips and pre-cut mate- rials from one of the homebuilder supply houses. A builder with a good set of plans in hand, and a strong desire to build, will find that wood is easy to work with and is as strong as most man-made compos- ite materials and light alloys. Furthermore, an aircraft built mostly of wood will provide you with an You can begin construction of your wood aircraft inexpensively by starting with the airplane for which the overall cost, even wing ribs. Very little expense is involved here and the satisfaction gained with the today, remains lower than other forms completion of each rib is hard to convey to non-builders.

SPORT AVIATION 71 vived but a number of them are still air- worthy 50 years later. Today, in addition to the availability and use of superior adhesives and pre- servatives, the complete aircraft struc- ture is normally protected with two or three coats of clear glossy polyurethane varnish. This varnish is waterproof and does an excellent job of sealing out moisture. Another protective treatment for wood structures, known as the "West System", is used by many wood boat builders as a means for waterproofing a boat's framing and planking. It is an epoxy that coats and seals the wood quite effectively. Many homebuilders also use it. Longevity of a wood structure is un- limited provided no moisture is allowed to become entrapped over long periods of time. This means that if moisture en- ters a wood structure it should readily The rugged strength of the easy-to-buitd wood structure of a Boredom Fighter is most drain out so that no water remains ac- evident here. cumulated anywhere. You can ac- complish this with strategically located paratively inexpensive tail surfaces. ful hands-on experience and enter- drain holes. No entrapped moisture - no This enables you to become familiar tained yourself quite inexpensively, too. dry rot. with the construction practices, and to If you are a wheeler-dealer type, you Incidentally, this same need is appli- develop your skills on the relatively sim- might even be able to sell what you cable to metal aircraft structures, too. ple and least costly parts of the air- have completed to someone else. You These drain holes should be inspected plane. can't lose ... unlike bowling, golfing or periodically to assure that they remain All you need, besides the plans, is attending rock concerts, etc., you will at open. some glue, wood strips, a small sheet least have something to show for your of plywood and, perhaps, some small modest initial expenditure. ARE KITS AVAILABLE FOR aircraft nails. With these basic materials WOOD AIRCRAFT DESIGNS? on hand, you can get started on your THE THREE EASIEST TO project by constructing the tail surfaces BUILD WOOD AIRCRAFT Yes, but their numbers are not many, or, as many builders prefer, building nor are these kits as highly prefabri- wing ribs. I'll bet you have accumulated your cated as those for the current crop of Should you learn that building a wood share of brochures, visited local build- high dollar composite aircraft. aircraft is not for you, you can simply ers and once you even bought a set of Wood aircraft designs, for the most quit - and you will not be out much plans for an airplane that just caught part, are not available in kit form where money at all. everyone's fancy. It seemed just like the the major components, , wings Even so, you will have had some use- airplane for you until you studied the and tail section are prefabricated. In other words, you will have to assemble these parts from raw materials, or in some cases, from basic wood kits con- sisting of bulkheads and ribs ... or more likely consisting of wood, plywood, glue, nails, etc. Special, hard to make parts like cowl- ings, canopies, landing gear compo- nents, engine mounts and similar parts are available for many of the more pop- ular wood aircraft designs. However, even if you do elect to pur- chase some ready made parts, the overall cost of building a wood airplane is quite modest compared to those so- called, complete kit projects because you will be doing most of the construc- tion.


As with most projects, even the ex- A wood fuselage ready for its fabric covering reveals the simple method of construc- pensive kit types, building an aircraft tion typical of almost all wood aircraft... four , truss braces, and stringers. begins with the construction of the com- All joints are strengthened with plywood gussets or plywood skins. 72 MAY 1991 and are reinforced with grooved upper and lower capstrips. There is even an option for converting the basic low wing Fly Baby to a biplane using the same fuselage, tail and land- ing gear. After some 30 years or so, the Fly Baby is a well proven design. Hundreds have been built and continue to be built by builders interested in having a good safe economical airplane to fly. The construction manual is a plea- sure to use and it has proved to be a reliable best friend for many a first time builder.

THE PIETENPOL AIR CAMPER This charmer was originally designed and built by "Bernie" Pietenpol in the early '30s way up in the Minnesota north country. Thousands of the "Piet", as it is affec- The Fly Baby in its element. This is what they mean by grassroots flying it will tionately called by builders and owners, never get better than this. have been built in all parts of the world. Many, many modifications have been plans and concluded that it would be THE FLY BABY tried through the years but rarely did too expensive to build .. . even if you any of them (airfoil shapes, etc.) result could figure out how to build it. in improved flight characteristics over Well, there is new hope for you to Construction is all wood with fabric the original design. realize your ambition to build and fly covering for this low wing single seater This two seat high wing parasol is not your own homebuilt. first built in the 1960s. It can comforta- fast but it is fun to fly and can lift itself Here, for your consideration, are bly accommodate large pilots. The de- out of most any small field. three excellent wood aircraft designs I signer is well over 6 feet tall himself - The original design was intended for have always like because I believe that should tell you something about use with a converted Ford Model A en- them to be: cockpit size. gine. Many a builder had to build not 1. Fun to fly. The plans are unique in that they are only the aircraft structure, but the en- 2. Easy and inexpensive to build. in the form of a step-by-step pictorial gine as well. 3. Enjoying a timeless popularity. presentation incorporated in a single Over the years dozens of different en- 4. Economical to operate (engines loose leaf manual. The manual consists gine types (auto, motorcycle, aircraft, are under 100 hp). of many detailed drawings of individual diesel, etc.) have been installed in 5. Safe and proven (many hundreds, parts, often shown in full size or isomet- newly completed Pietenpols. The rarer actually, thousands have already been rically in support of the clearly written engine installations included the 65 hp built and flown). instructions. Siemens-Halske, LeBlonds, Anzanis, These three classics alphabetically The manual is very complete and in- Velies, Kinners and Lamberts - to name are: cludes a very useful "Bill of Materials" a few strange names. 1. The Peter M. Bowers "Fly Baby" for the major components. A large number of Piets have con- 2. The Bernard H. Pietenpol "Pieten- The fuselage is a simple box struc- verted Corvair engines and, of course, pol Air Camper" ture consisting of four longerons and the usual variety of small Continentals 3. The Bud Evans "Volksplane" (VP-1 plywood skins. The wing ribs are all the and Lycomings. and VP-2) same size. They are cut out of plywood The classical installation calls for a genuine Model A Ford engine which might, just might, develop around 45 hp (wow!). The airplane has a simple box fuse- lage made of spruce and plywood. The wing ribs are built up truss ribs with plywood gussets. The wing spars are solid spruce and the tail surfaces are simple, fabric covered wood frames. This is one of the oldest homebuilt designs in the U. S. and it has a lot of admirers. Consequently, many close friendships have developed among the numerous builders and owners of Pietenpols. In addition, there is an excellent ex- change of information and parts, thanks to the efforts of the Buckeye Pietenpol Association (first formed in 1981) and une of the all time "classics" . . . the Pietenpol Air Camper. its extensive membership. SPORT AVIATION 73 landing speeds ... generally under 60 mph. In this group of aircraft are a number of beautiful designs. Yes, they may be somewhat more complicated to build, but not always, as most of them utilize the basic box fuselage faired out with fairing strips. The thing that makes building one of these two sealers a bit more demanding is the fact that the wings may be tapered or have an elipti- cal shape with different sized wing ribs to build. Often the airplane will have a box for a one-piece wing ... and that creates a problem for many build- ers who lack the necessary building space. In this group of designs I would list Emeraudes, Minicabs, Jodel D-11's, Cavaliers and Jurca Siroccos. There Perhaps the simplest of all aircraft to build . . . the Volksplane VP-1. Its functional are others, of course, lines have a beauty of their own. Note the large tires and simple single piece aluminum Most of these aircraft have been built landing gear. in considerable number and the plans are still available. Check the classified ads in your SPORT AVIATION maga- Their newsletter will delight the hearts didn't do it - I couldn't sit that long on zine to see who is selling the plans. of all builders, owners and historians in- that hard plywood slab seat. It is, how- Better still, ask anyone who has built terested in Pietenpol aircraft. Every ever, an ideal fun airplane for airport one for details. issue is loaded with Pietenpol lore, hopping and sightseeing. building tips, material sources and latest flying activities. FOR THE FAST SET HOW ABOUT SOMETHING MORE SOPHISTICATED? Wood aircraft can be just as fast as any other kind. About all it takes is THE VOLKSPLANE In Europe they call them touring plenty of horsepower and money. The machines. These are generally two seat- basic construction in many instances is The VP-1 single seater is, perhaps, ers equipped with enclosed cockpits, no more complicated than that of the the simplest and least expensive wood nice upholstery, and are mostly pow- Pietenpol or Fly Baby. The complexity aircraft you can build. The plans first ered by small Continentals and Lycom- and cost stem from the tapered wings, became available to builders in the mid- ings. retractable gear, controllable propeller 1960s. It was designed for use with any These all wood and fabric aircraft and a cockpit full of avionics and elec- 1500cc to 2100cc VW engine. A two- cruise about 125 mph or thereabouts. tronics. place version, the VP-2 appeared in They can operate from unimproved Here are three 200 mile per hour 1970. It required larger VW engines .. . airstrips because of their relatively low wood beauties you can build and/or lust anything from 1834cc to 2100cc. The VP's, with their low fuel con- sumption of approximately 3 gph, are very economical to operate. Other than an occasional valve adjustment or an engine tune-up, the airplanes are virtu- ally maintenance free. The large 600 x 6 tires and a low stall speed of approximately 40 mph makes the Volksplanes ideally suited for grass strip operations. Modifications are never encouraged by any aircraft designer but, as is the case with most designs, the VP-1 has also had its share. But, here again, at- tempts by the rank amateur to "improve" a good basic design seldom prove to be worthwhile. If you want to build something simple and economical, the VP-1 is the plane for you. You can cut the construction costs even further by building up your own VW engine. Although I don't consider the VP's to be cross-country airplanes, the one I built made the 1,200 mile trek from Texas to Oshkosh three times! No, I The naked beauty of the Super Emeraude design. 74 MAY 1991 after: the Barracuda, Falco and GP-4. Of this you can be sure . . . there will always be beautiful wood aircraft being 1991 CHAPTER DIRECTORY built as long as there are homebuilders. CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 3 MAYODAN, NC 143 BALTIMORE, MD Philip L. Loftin Kenneth A. Lagace FLY BABY - Plans $65, info $3. Peter c/o FAA ATCT RD 3, Box 87 M. Bowers, 10458 16th Ave., S., Seat- 3860 Airport Dr. Stewartstown, PA 17363 tle, WA98168. Charlotte, NC 28208-5701 TELEPHONE - 717/993-3017 PIETENPOL - Plans information. TELEPHONE - 704/664-5091 MEETING - 3rd Friday, 7:30 p.m. Send stamped self-addressed en- MEETING - Contact President Martin State Airport velope to Buckeye Pietenpol Associa- tion, 3 Shari Dr., St. Louis, MO 63122. 4 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 65 OTTAWA, ONTARIO Stanley V. Gomoll Jamie Alexandre Also contact EAA - ask for the 1932 1042 90th Lane NE 31 DeSandtis Ct. Flying and Manual. It contains Minneapolis, MN 55434-3353 Hamilton, Ont., L8W 3A9 the original drawings for the two seater TELEPHONE - 612/784-1172 TELEPHONE - 416/575-3844 Pietenpol Air Camper. The 1933 Flying MEETING - Quarterly, Contact Pres. MEETING - 2nd Friday, 8:00 p.m. and Glider Manual has the plans for the Hamilton Civic Airport Clubhouse single seat Pietenpol Sky Scout. Toll 700 BURLINGTON, IA 723 CAMARILLO free number for ordering only, 1-800/ Tom Sims 345 Quincy Wilburn F. McClure, Jr. 322-2412. 6046 Shasta Place VOLKSPLANE - VP-1 brochure Carthage, IL 62321 TELEPHONE - 217/357-2829 Camarillo, CA 93012-4423 showing what builders are doing - MEETING - 1st Wed., 7:00 p.m. TELEPHONE - 805/987-3728 $4.50. Plans - $94. Evans Aircraft, Box Contact President MEETING - 3rd Thurs., 7:30 p.m. 744-C, La Jolla, CA 92038. Ranchaero Airport 749 SANTIAGO, CHILE Victor Sifri Casilla 16530 Correo 9 Santiago, Chile TELEPHONE - 562-2182905 MEETING - 2nd Wed., 8:30 p.m. Laura Tromben 5699

If you wish to contact the author of this column for additional information, please send a SASE to Tony Bingelis, 8509 Green- flint Ln., Austin, TX 78759.

BOOKS BY TONY The following books by Tony Bingelis are available from the EAA Aviation Foundation, EAA Aviation Center, Box 3086, Oshkosh, 1980, Glasair pioneered the molded composite revolution. Wl 54903-3086, 1-800/843-3612, in Wl Today, with over 1,100 kits sold, Glasair is synonymous with 1-800/236-4800, in Canada 414/426- very fast, dependable long-range transportation and, for 4800. Major credit cards accepted. those inclined, spectacular aerobatics with confidence. - Sportplane Builders (Aircraft Construc- Carefully thought-out improvements and refinements have tion Methods, 320 pages) - $17.95. earned the Glasair the reputation as the most reliable and /induction like of all kit aircraft. As a result Glasairs - Firewall Forward (Engine Installation command the highest resale value among homebuilts. Methods, 304 pages) - $19.95. (The documented average resale value of completed Glasair -Sportplane Construction Techniques Ills is over $136,000.) (A Builder's Handbook, 350 pages) - $20.95. Info Pack $20 \ Both * Five models. Fixed and retractable gear. Add $2.40 postage and handling for each 48 min. Video $25 / $40 * Complete kit prices starting under $17,000. publication ordered ... or order all three for Visa/MasterCard Accepted $52.97 plus $6.95 postage and handling. Wisconsin residents add 5% sales tax. Stoddard Hamilton Aircraft, Inc. • 18701 58th Ave. NE, Arlington, WA 98223 Chone: (206) 435-8533 • Fax: (206) 435-9525