Aircraft Accident Report (NTSB/AAR-87/07)
PB8i-9 10409 TRANSPOltTATION SAFETY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20594 AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT REPORT COLLISION OF AERONAVES DE MEXICO, S.A. MCDONNELL DOUGLAS DC-9-32, XA-JED AND PIPER PA-28-181, N489lF CERRITOS, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 3’1, 1986 NTSB/AAR-87/07 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TECHNIC I REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 3.Recipient’s Catalog No. 6.Performing Organization Code 8.Performing Organization Report No. 5 a Performing Organization Name and Address lO.W&$J~i t No. ational Transportation Safety Board Bureau of Accident Investigation . 11 .Contract or Grant No. Washington, D.C. 20594 13.Type of Report and Period Covered 12.bponsoring Agency Name and Address Aviation Accident Report August 31,1986 NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD Washington, 0. C. 20594 14.Sponsoring Agency Code 15.Supplementary Notes 16.Abstract 0n August 31, 1986, about 1152 Pacific daylight time, .Aeronaves de Mexico, $.A., flight 498, a DC-9-32, Mexican Registration XA-JED, and a Piper PA-28-181, United tates Registration N4891F, collided over Cerritos, California. Flight 498, a regularly scheduled passenger flight, was on an Instrument Flight Rules flight plan from Tijuana, Mexico, Angeles International Airport, California, and was under radar control by the Los terminal radar control facility. The Piper airplane was proceeding from Torrance, California toward Big Bear, California, under Visual Flight’ Rules, and was not in radio contact with any air traffic control facility when the accident occurred. The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of the accident was the limitations of the air traffic control system to provide collision protection, through both air traffic control procedures and automated redundancy.
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