Reading Paradigms

Hebrew Keyboard ...... 2 Consonants ...... 3 ...... 4 Adjective Endings ...... 5 Noun Endings ...... 5 Pronominal Suffixes ■ ...... 6 Verb Stems ...... 7 Qal ...... 8 Niphal...... 9 Piel ...... 10 Hitpael...... 11 Pual ...... 12 Hiphil ...... 13 Hophal...... 14

2021.08.25 John C. Beckman • This keyboard map is used by the online quiz system. It is based on the SIL Hebrew keyboard map. • Qamats and qamats qatan are both typed as shift-A. א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח טׁ יׁ כ ך ל מ ם נ ן ס ע פ ף צ ץ ק ר שׁ שׁ ת t j f r q c p s n m l k y v x z w h d g b shift C P < N M K >

ְׁ ֲׁ ַׁ ָׁ ֱׁ ֶׁ ֵׁ ִׁ ֳׁ ֹׁ ֻׁ ּׁ ׁ֫ = u o i e a ; shift 6 E A press & release ctrl alt shift \ O E A

~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = del ּ ־ maqaf

Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P [ ] \ פ ֹ ִ ֻ י ת ר ֶ ו ק quf vav tav yud qubuts holam tag">pe

Caps A S D F G H J K L ; ‘ Return ְ ל כ ׁש ה ג ׂש ד ס ַ patah sin kaf lamed

Shift Z X C V B N M , . / Shift מ נ ב ט צ ח ז het tsadi tet

Ctrl Alt Cmd Space Cmd Alt Ctrl

~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = del

ׁ֫ Tab Q W E R T accentY U I O P [ ] \ ף ֹ ֵ tsere holam final pe

Caps A S D F G H J K L ; ‘ Return ך ָ qamats final kaf

Shift Z X C V B N M , . / Shift א ע ם ן ץ final tsadi final nun final mem alef

Ctrl Alt Cmd Space Cmd Alt Ctrl

~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = del

\ [ ] Tab Q W E ֱ R T Y U I O ֳ P

hataf segol hataf qamats ׁ֫ accent Caps A ֲ S D F G H J K L ; ‘ Return

hataf patah

Shift Z X C V B N M , . / Shift

Ctrl Alt Cmd Space Cmd Alt Ctrl

2 of 14 Reading Biblical Hebrew — Paradigms John C. Beckman Consonants Pronunciation (if needed) Name Final Form Consonant 1 א silent alef 2 ב V if no dagesh bet 3 ג gimel 4 ד dalet 5 ה he 6 ו vav 7 ז zayin 8 ח KH het 9 ט tet 10 י yud 11 כ ׁ ךׁ ׁ KH if no dagesh kaf 12 ל lamed 13 מ ם ׁ mem 14 נ ן ׁ nun 15 ס samekh 16 ע silent ayin 17 פ ׁ ף ׁ F if no dagesh pe 18 צ ץׁ ׁ tsadi 19 ק quf 20 ר resh 21 ׂש sin 22 ׁש shin 23 ת tav John C. Beckman Reading Biblical Hebrew — Paradigms 3 of 14 Vowels Letters Vowel Points Class Sound Full Vowels Reduced Vowels

patah ֲ hataf patah ַ A latte qamats he ָ qamats ָה

segol yud ֶ segol ֱ hataf segol ֶי segol he ֶה E bet tsere yud ֵ tsere ֵי tsere he ֵה

hiriq yud ִ hiriq ִי I beet

qamats qatan ֳ hataf qamats ָ O go holam he holam vav holam ֹ ֹו ֹה

shuruq ֻ qubuts ּו U goo

None abide ְ vocal shva

Vowel Letters Vowel Points Class Sound Full Vowels Reduced Vowels

4 of 14 Reading Biblical Hebrew — Paradigms John C. Beckman Adjective Endings Absolute State Construct State Number Gender (Bare) +Pronominal Suffix ■ Masculine (none) ■ (none) ַ֫ת ת ■ ָ֫ה Singular Feminine ת ת ■ ת ֵ֫ י י■ ִ֫ ים Masculine Plural ֹ֫ות ֹותי ■ ׁ ֹ֫ות Feminine

Noun Endings Absolute State Construct State Number Gender (Bare) +Pronominal Suffix ■ Usually Masculine (none) ■ (none) ֵ֫ה ■ ֶ֫ה Masculine Singular ַ֫ת ת ■ ָ֫ה Feminine ת ת ■ ת ֵ֫ י י■ ַ֫ יִם Either Dual תֵ֫ י תי ■ תַ֫ יִם Feminine ֵ֫ י י■ ִ֫ ים Usually Masculine Plural ֹ֫ות ֹותי ■ ׁ ֹ֫ות Usually Feminine

• If no accent is shown, then either of the last two full vowels can be accented. .or a pronominal suffix ■, then the vowel varies ,ת , יׁ If no vowel is shown before • ָׁ יׁ■ or , ַׁ יׁ■ , ֵׁ יׁ■ , ֶׁׁ יׁ■ only occurs on singular words. Duals and plurals use ִיׁ■ ➢ ֹת and ִם may be written defectively as ֹות and ִ ׁ ים The plural endings • ֹות■ → may omit the yud ֹותיׁ■ The feminine plural ending •

John C. Beckman Reading Biblical Hebrew — Paradigms 5 of 14 Pronominal Suffixes ■ Number Person Gender Used on Various Kinds of Words Not on Finite Verbs 3 ַי 2 ִי ׁ נִי 1ׁ נִ י C 1

ךָׁ ָך M 2 ְך Singular F

ֹׁ ה הּו ו נּו ֹו M 3 הָׁ נָה ָׁ ּה F

נּו נּו C 1

כֶ ם M 2 כֶןׁ Plural F

הֶ ם מֹו ם M 3 הֶ ן ׁ ן F

’.+1cs ‘with meב is בִ י +1cs ‘my son’, andבֵ ן is בְ נִ י So .תַ֫חַ ת and כָ מֹו is not used on prepositions except נִי The 1cs pronominal suffix 1 ’.is ‘my brother אָחִי is used on prepositions. It is also used on singular nouns and adjectives. So ׁ ִי The 1cs pronominal suffix 2 ’.is ‘my brothers אָחַי is used on prepositions. It is also used on dual and plural nouns and adjectives. So ׁ ַי The 1cs pronominal suffix 3 .( אָחֶׁיַי NOT) אָחַ י dual and plural ending. This is why ‘my brothers’ is יׁ■ of the יׁ absorbs the ׁ ַיׁ The 1cs pronominal suffix 3 ’.is ‘my brothers אָחָיׁ following the ַׁׁ ↔ ָׁׁ rule. So , ׁ ָי is sometimes written ׁ ַיׁ The 1cs pronominal suffix 3

6 of 14 Reading Biblical Hebrew — Paradigms John C. Beckman Verb Stems Active Middle Passive

Pp) Niphal (N) ֵׁ ( ַׁ P, ָׁׁ Pt, ֹׁׁ A) Niphalּׁו ,Qal (Q) ֹׁ ( ַׁ P, ָׁׁ P3+■, ֵׁׁ Pt P, Pt, A נִ ְ ■+P, Pp, A, ∞+■, M2ms ָ Pt ֹ I יִ ָּ I יִ ְ M∞A הִ ָּ ( ׁׁ֫ +M∞ (P+ ׁׁ֫ , Pp ְ

(Piel (D) ֵ Hitpael (HtD) ֵ Pual (Dp) ַ ( ָׁ Pt P, M∞A ּ ֻ P הִתְ ַ ּ P ִ ּ Pt מְ ֻ ּ Pt מִתְ ַ ּ Pt מְ ַ ּ I יְ ֻ ּ I יִתְ ַ ּ I יְ ַ ּ M∞A ַ ּ

(A / M2ms+Ø / short I+Ø ) Hiphil Hophal (Hp) ַ ( ָׁ Pt ֵ ) ִי (Hiphil (H P הֻ/הָ ְ P הִ ְ Pt מֻ/מָ ְ Pt מַ ְ

I יֻ ׁ/ׁיָ ְ I יַ ְ M∞A הַ ְ

“+■” means a pronominal suffix. On the M2ms it also includes paragogic He.

.means any ending that grabs the accent: a pronominal suffix or an accented subject ending ” ׁ֫ +“

“+Ø” means nothing at the end: no subject ending, no pronominal suffix, no paragogic He.

John C. Beckman Reading Biblical Hebrew — Paradigms 7 of 14 Qal ■ ( Ppּׁו ,Qal Qal (Q) ֹׁ ( ַׁ P, ָׁׁ P3+ , ֵׁׁ Pt ■+P, Pp, A, ∞+■, M2ms ָ Pt ֹ I יִ ְ ( ׁׁ֫ +M∞ (P+ ׁׁ֫ , Pp ְ

Qal Participle Qal Passive Participle Number Gender Absolute Construct Absolute Construct קְטּ֫ולׁ קָטּ֫ולׁ קֹטֵ֫לׁ same ← קֹטֵ֫לׁ M קְ טּולַ֫ ת ׁ קְ טּולָ֫הׁ ׁ קֹטְ לַ֫תׁ קֹטְ לָ֫הׁ Singular F

(does not occur) (does not occur) קֹטֶ֫ לֶתׁ same ← קֹטֶ֫ לֶתׁ F קְ טּולֵ֫ י ׁ קְטּולִ֫ ים ׁ קֹטְ לֵ֫יׁ קֹטְלִ֫יםׁ M Plural קְטּול֫ ֹות same ← קְטּול֫ ֹות קֹטְל֫ ֹות same ← קֹטְל֫ ֹות F

PGN QP+■ QP QI QM ׁ אֶקְ טֹ֫לׁ ׁ קָטַ֫לְתִיׁ קְטַלְתִ֫ י ■ 1cs

קְ טֹ֫לׁ ∞or Q תִקְ טֹ֫לׁ קָטַ֫לְתָׁ קְטַלְתׁ֫ ■ 2ms

קִטְלִ֫יׁ תִקְטְלִ֫ י קָטַ֫לְתְׁ 2fs omit

יִקְ טֹ֫לׁ קָטַ֫לׁ קְטָלׁ֫ ■ 3ms

or QM2ms תִקְ טֹ֫לׁ קָטְ לָ֫הׁ parHe+ קְטָלַ֫ ת■ 3fs

נִקְ טֹ֫לׁ קָטַ֫לְ נּו קְטַלְ נּ֫ו■ 1cp

קִטְלּ֫וׁ תִקְטְל֫ ּו קְטַלְתֶ֫םׁ 2mp omit

קְ טֹ֫לְ נָהׁ תִקְ טֹ֫לְ נָה קְטַלְתֶ֫ןׁ 2fp omit

יִקְטְל֫ ּו קָטְלּ֫וׁ קְטָל֫ ּו■ 3mp

קָ טֹ֫לׁ QA תִקְ טֹ֫לְ נָהׁ ↑ = 3fp ׁ 3cp = ↑ 3cp

8 of 14 Reading Biblical Hebrew — Paradigms John C. Beckman Niphal ( Niphal Niphal (N) ֵׁ ( ַׁ P, ָׁׁ Pt, ֹׁ A P, Pt, A נִ ְ

I יִ ָּ M∞A הִ ָּ

Participle Number Gender Absolute Construct נִקְטָ֫לׁ M נִקְטָלָ֫הׁ Singular F too rare to learn נִקְטֶ֫ לֶתׁ F נִקְטָלִ֫יםׁ M Plural נִקְטָל֫ ֹותׁ F

PGN Perfect Imperfect Imperative ׁ אִׁ /אֶקָטֵ֫לׁ ׁ נִקְטַ֫לְתִיׁ 1cs הִ קָטֵ֫לׁ (or N(∞/A תִ קָטֵ֫לׁ נִקְטַ֫לְתָׁ 2ms הִ קָטְלִ֫ י or N∞+1cs תִ קָטְלִ֫יׁ נִקְטַ֫לְתְׁ 2fs יִקָטֵ֫לׁ נִקְטַלׁ 3ms תִ קָטֵ֫לׁ נִקְטְ לָ֫הׁ 3fs נִקָטֵ֫לׁ נִקְטַ֫לְ נּוׁ 1cp הִ קָטְל֫ ּו תִ קָטְלּ֫וׁ נִקְטַלְתֶ֫םׁ 2mp (does not occur) תִ קָטַ֫לְ נָהׁ נִקְטַלְתֶ֫ןׁ 2fp הִ קָ טֹ֫לׁ NA יִקָטְל֫ ּו נִקְטְלּ֫וׁ 3mp נִקְ טֹ֫לׁ NA תִ קָטַ֫לְ נָהׁ ↑ = 3fp 3cp

John C. Beckman Reading Biblical Hebrew — Paradigms 9 of 14 Piel ֵ (Piel Piel (D P ִ ּ Pt מְ ַ ּ I יְ ַ ּ M∞A ַ ּ

Participle Number Gender Absolute Construct

מְ קַטֵ֫לׁ same ← מְ קַטֵ֫לׁ M Singular F (occurs 3x, always breaks rule) (does not occur)

מְ קַטֶ֫ לֶתׁ same ← מְ קַטֶ֫ לֶתׁ F מְ קַטְ לֵ֫יׁ מְ קַטְלִ֫יםׁ M Plural מְ קַטְלֹ֫ותׁ same ← מְ קַטְלֹ֫ותׁ F

PGN Perfect Imperfect Imperative ׁ אֲקַטֵ֫לׁ ׁ קִטַ֫לְתִיׁ 1cs קַטֵ֫לׁ (or D(∞/A תְ קַטֵ֫לׁ קִטַ֫לְתָׁ 2ms קַטְלִ֫יׁ or D∞+1cs תְ קַטְלִ֫יׁ קִטַ֫לְתְׁ 2fs יְקַטֵ֫לׁ קִטֵ֫לׁ 3ms תְ קַטֵ֫לׁ קִטְ לָ֫הׁ 3fs נְקַטֵ֫לׁ קִטַ֫לְ נּו 1cp קַטְלּ֫וׁ תְ קַטְלּ֫וׁ קִטַלְתֶ֫םׁ 2mp קַטֵ֫לְ נָהׁ תְ קַטֵ֫לְ נָהׁ קִטַלְתֶ֫ןׁ 2fp יְקַטְלּ֫וׁ קִטְלּ֫וׁ 3mp תְ קַטֵ֫לְ נָהׁ ↑ = 3fp 3cp

10 of 14 Reading Biblical Hebrew — Paradigms John C. Beckman Hitpael ֵ (Hitpael Hitpael (HtD P, M∞A הִתְ ַ ּ Pt מִתְ ַ ּ I יִתְ ַ ּ

Participle Number Gender Absolute Construct מִתְ קַטֵ֫לׁ M מִתְ קַטְ לָ֫הׁ Singular F too rare to learn מִתְ קַטֶ֫ לֶתׁ F מִתְ קַטְלִ֫יםׁ M Plural מִתְ קַטְלֹ֫ותׁ F

PGN Perfect Imperfect Imperative ׁ אֶתְ קַטֵ֫לׁ ׁ הִתְ קַטַ֫לְתִיׁ 1cs tDP3ms = תִתְ קַטֵ֫לׁ הִתְ קַטַ֫לְתָׁ 2ms הִתְ קַטְלִ֫יׁ תִתְ קַטְלִ֫יׁ הִתְ קַטַ֫לְתְׁ 2fs or 3ms יִתְ קַטֵ֫לׁ הִתְ קַטֵ֫לׁ M2ms / ∞ / A תִתְ קַטֵ֫לׁ (3fs (does not occur נִתְ קַטֵ֫לׁ הִתְ קַטַ֫לְ נּו 1cp tDP3cp = תִתְ קַטְלּ֫וׁ הִתְ קַטַלְתֶ֫םׁ 2mp 2fp (does not occur) (does not occur) (does not occur) יִתְ קַטְלּ֫וׁ הִתְ קַטְלּ֫וׁ 3mp or M2mp תִתְ קַטֵ֫לְ נָהׁ ↑ = 3fp 3cp

John C. Beckman Reading Biblical Hebrew — Paradigms 11 of 14 Pual ( Pual Pual (Dp) ַ ( ָׁ Pt P ֻ ּ Pt מְ ֻ ּ I יְ ֻ ּ

Participle Number Gender Absolute Construct מְ קֻטָ֫לׁ M מְ קֻטָלָ֫הׁ Singular F too rare to learn מְ קֻטֶ֫ לֶתׁ F מְ קֻטָלִ֫יםׁ M Plural מְ קֻטָלֹ֫ותׁ F

PGN Perfect Imperfect Imperative ׁ (does not occur) ׁ קֻטַ֫לְתִיׁ 1cs (does not occur) תְ קֻטַ֫לׁ קֻטַ֫לְתָׁ 2ms (does not occur) תְ קֻטְלִ֫יׁ קֻטַ֫לְתְׁ 2fs יְקֻטַ֫לׁ קֻטַ֫לׁ 3ms תְ קֻטַ֫לׁ קֻטְ לָ֫הׁ 3fs (does not occur) קֻטַ֫לְ נּו 1cp (does not occur) תְ קֻטְלּ֫וׁ קֻטַלְתֶ֫םׁ 2mp 2fp (does not occur) (does not occur) (does not occur) Dp∞ and DpA יְקֻטְלּ֫וׁ קֻטְלּ֫וׁ 3mp 3fp 3cp = ↑ (does not occur) are too rare to learn

12 of 14 Reading Biblical Hebrew — Paradigms John C. Beckman Hiphil ( A / M2ms+Ø / short I+Ø ֵ ) ִי (Hiphil Hiphil (H P הִ ְ Pt מַ ְ I יַ ְ M∞A הַ ְ

Participle Number Gender Absolute Construct

מְ קַטֵ֫לׁ same ← מַקְטִ֫ילׁ M מַקְטִ ילַ֫תׁ מַקְטִ ילָ֫הׁ Singular F

מְ קַטֵ֫לׁ same ← מַקְטֶ֫ לֶתׁ F מַקְטִ ילֵ֫יׁ מַקְטִילִ֫יםׁ M Plural מְ קַטֵ֫לׁ same ← מַקְטִיל֫ ֹותׁ F

PGN Perfect Imperfect (Long) Imperative ׁ אַקְטִ֫ילׁ ׁ הִקְטַ֫לְתִיׁ 1cs הַקְטֵ֫לׁ or HA תַקְטִ֫ ילׁ הִקְטַ֫לְתָׁ 2ms הַקְטִ֫ילִיׁ תַקְטִ֫ ילִיׁ הִקְטַ֫לְתְׁ 2fs יַקְטִ֫ילׁ הִקְטִ֫ילׁ 3ms תַקְטִ֫ ילׁ הִקְטִ֫ ילָהׁ 3fs נַקְטִ֫ילׁ הִקְטַ֫לְ נּו 1cp הַקְטִ֫ילּוׁ תַקְטִ֫ילּוׁ הִקְטַלְתֶ֫םׁ 2mp 2fp (does not occur) (does not occur) (does not occur) יַקְטִ֫ילּוׁ הִקְטִ֫ילּוׁ 3mp הַקְטִ֫ילׁ ∞3fp 3cp = ↑ (does not occur) H

John C. Beckman Reading Biblical Hebrew — Paradigms 13 of 14 Hophal ( Hophal Hophal (Hp) ַ ( ָׁ Pt P הֻ/הָ ְ Pt מֻ/מָ ְ I יֻ/יָ ְ

Participle Number Gender Absolute Construct מֻ/מָקְטָ֫לׁ M Singular F never for a strong verb too rare to learn מֻ/מָקְטֶ֫ לֶתׁ F מֻ/מָקְטָלִ֫יםׁ M Plural F never for a strong verb

PGN Perfect Imperfect Imperative ׁ אֻ /אָקְטַ֫לׁ ׁ הֻ /הָקְטַ֫לְתִיׁ 1cs too rare to learn תֻ/תָקְטַ֫לׁ הֻ /הָקְטַ֫לְתָׁ 2ms (does not occur) תֻ/תָקְטְלִ֫יׁ הֻ /הָקְטַ֫לְתְׁ 2fs יֻ/יָקְטַ֫לׁ הֻ /הָקְטַ֫לׁ 3ms תֻ/תָקְטַ֫לׁ הֻ /הָקְטְ לָ֫הׁ 3fs נֻ/נָקְטַ֫לׁ הֻ/ׁהָקְטַ֫לְ נּו 1cp never for a strong verb תֻ/תָקְטְלּ֫וׁ הֻ /הָקְטַלְתֶ֫םׁ 2mp 2fp (does not occur) (does not occur) (does not occur) Hp∞ and HpA יֻ/יָקְטְלּ֫וׁ הֻ /הָקְטְלּ֫וׁ 3mp are too rare to learn תֻ/תָקְטַ֫לְ נָהׁ ↑ = 3fp 3cp

14 of 14 Reading Biblical Hebrew — Paradigms John C. Beckman