

1. Wassily Kandinsky, On White II (1923). © Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Image Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI. 2. A watercolor painting allegedly by . Adrian Sherratt / Alamy Stock Photo. 3. A portrait of composer Carl Orff (1920). Lebrecht Music & Arts / Alamy Stock Photo. 4. A portrait of actress Hansi Burg (1926). Ullstein bild Dtl. / Getty Images. 5. Carola Neher, Rudolf Forster, and Valeska Gert on the set of the film (1931). Glasshouse Images / Alamy Stock Photo. 6. Nazi Party officials at a gymnastic exhibition in Stuttgart (1933). Everett Collection Historical / Alamy Stock Photo. 7. A charcoal drawing of Adolf Hitler by H. Oloffs. Universal History Archive / Getty Images. 8. A photograph of (1930s). Chronicle / Alamy Stock Photo. 9. Hubert Lanzinger, The Standard Bearer (1934). 10. The front page of Gauleiter Julius Streicher’s anti-Semitic weekly Der Stürmer. Special issue (May 1, 1934). PRISMA ARCHIVO / Alamy Stock Photo. 11. A reproduction of Arnold Schoenberg, Self Portrait (1935). SPUTNIK / Alamy Stock Photo.

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12. Adolf Hitler, Willy Liebel, and Albert Speer at the Nuremberg Reich Party rally site (c. 1936). ImageBROKER / Alamy Stock Photo. 13. and in Paris (1937). Everett Collection Historical / Alamy Stock Photo. 14. The cover of the exhibition guide to the Nazi “Degenerate Art” show in ( July 1937). Author’s archive. 15. The cover of the exhibition guide to the Nazis’ “Degenerate Music” show in Düsseldorf (May 1938). Author’s archive. 16. A page from the exhibition guide to the Nazis’ “Degenerate Music” show in Düsseldorf (May 1938). Author’s archive. 17. Elk Eber, Thus was the SA (1938). The Picture Art Collection / Alamy Stock Photo. 18. A poster for the German film Wunschkonzert, starring Ilse Werner (1940). Ullstein bild Dtl. / Getty Images. 19. Ferdinand Marian in the Nazi propaganda film Jud Süss (1940). Photo 12 / Alamy Stock Photo. 20. The cover for Ernst Hiemer, The Mongrel and Other Thought-Provoking Tales (1940). Author’s archive. 21. A painting of Erwin Rommel by Wolfgang Willrich (1940–1). Ullstein bild Dtl. / Getty Images. 22. A photograph of a Luftwaffe correspondent handing his film reels to a motorcyclist (c. 1941). INTERFOTO / Alamy Stock Photo. 23. A photograph of being modeled by , October 26, 1942. The Print Collector / Alamy Stock Photo. 24. Franz Eichhorst, The Memory of Stalingrad (1943). History and Art Collection / Alamy Stock Photo. 25. Hans Albers in the film Baron Münchhausen (1943). World History Archive / Alamy Stock Photo. 26. Nobel laureate making an anti-Nazi broadcast in Los Angeles (1943). Pictorial Press Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo. 27. A portrait of film actress Margot Hielscher (1950s). INTERFOTO / Alamy Stock Photo. 28. Gustaf Gründgens as Mephisto in Goethe’s drama Faust II (1959). Dpa picture alliance / Alamy Stock Photo. 29. A portrait of composer Werner Egk (May 1981). Keystone Pictures USA / Alamy Stock Photo. 30. A portrait of author Ernst Jünger (1986). INTERFOTO / Alamy Stock Photo. x