
Contact: Suriya Prabhakar [email protected] Hey Germanists/Linguists,

I’m Suriya, a recent German graduate from Teddy Hall, and I’m looking to sell most of my books that I bought firsthand during my degree. All the books are in extremely good condition, and some of them barely used. You may find the occasional annotation but it will be in pencil and easily erasable (except poetry books where specified). All these prices are half the original price or less (based on Amazon), so I can guarantee you will be saving loads of money (unlike me in first year) on books that you probably won’t use after your degree! They will be sold on a first come first served basis – all you need to do is email me as soon as you’ve decided which ones you want!

I’m happy to answer any questions you may have, and am willing to provide details/photos of books if needed.

Do get in touch at: [email protected]

All the best, Suriya

Author, Title Price Notes Georg Kaiser, Von morgens bis 50p Prelims mitternachts (Reclam) Frank Wedekind, Frühlings Erwachen 50p Prelims , Liebelei (Reclam) 50p Prelims Deutsche Lyrik (Eine Anthologie) £4 Prelims; pencil annotations on set poems Mann, Mario und der Zauberer (Fischer) £3 Prelims Brecht, Die Maßnahme £2 Prelims , Im Westen nichts £3 Prelims Neues , Gregorius (Reclam) £2 Prelims/Medieval , Parzival £7 VI/IX Medieval; very slight tear on Band 1 + 2 (Reclam) front cover of Band 1 (does not impact text) Parzival Translation (Penguin Classics) £5 VI/IX Medieval Das (Reclam) £5 VI/IX Medieval Morungen, Lieder (Reclam) £1 VI/IX Medieval; pencil annotations on all songs Sebastian Brant, Das Narrenschiff £3 Studienausgabe; (Reclam) VII Early Modern Daniel Casper von Lohenstein, £1 VII Early Modern Sophonisbe (Reclam) Martin Luther, An den christlichen Adel £1 VII Early Modern deutscher Nation; Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen; Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen (Reclam) Contact: Suriya Prabhakar [email protected] Martin Luther, Vom ehelichen Leben 50p VII Early Modern (Reclam) , Catharina von 50p VII Early Modern Georgien (Reclam) Andreas Gryphius, Herr Peter Squenz 50p VII Early Modern (Reclam) Andreas Gryphius, Horribilicribrifax 50p VII Early Modern Teutsch (Reclam) Goethe, Götz von Berlichingen £1 Schulausgabe (Cornelson) Goethe, Die Leiden des jungen Werther £1 Schiller, Die Räuber (Holzinger) £1 Schiller, Kabale und Liebe (Cornelson) £1.50 Lessing, Emilia Galotti (Holzinger) 50p Lessing, Nathan der Weise (Holzinger) £1 Droste-Hülshoff, Die Judenbuche 50p (Holzinger) Kleist, Die Marquise von O… 50p Kant, Was ist Aufklärung £4 Some useful vocab lists inside Nietzsche, Jenseits von Gut und Böse £2 (Reclam) Aristotle, Poetics 50p Todd Kontje, The Cambridge Introduction £6 to Carolin Duttlinger, The Cambridge £5 Introduction to Freud, Das Unbehagen in der Kultur £1 (Fischer)