German Language and Culture Texts

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German Language and Culture Texts German language and culture texts Title Author Condition Other notes Suggested price Oxford German Dictionary Oxford As new, never used Large, £20 (RRP £30) – though hardback dustjacket has a small tear at the back (could be fixed with selotape easily) Duden CD to go with the £0.20 dictionary (but no dictionary) Understanding Stuart As new Is new £4 Contemporary Germany Parkes Germany a healthy democracy? Can Germany’s allies continue to rely on it as a reliable partner? Introductory survey of German society focusing on post- unification situation Der Nationalsozialismus 12 Fischer/Hu Very old book but 1987 book £0.50 dunkle Jahre deutscher egli/Ischi/S not marked (apart about Nazi Geschichte chaerer from 1 or 2 period of underlines in Germany in pencil) German Complete German Course L.J. Russon Old book but no Overview of £1 markings German grammar German Grammar and Usage A. E. Old book with light Overview of £0.50 Hammer markings German grammar German prelims texts Title Author Condition Other notes Suggested price The Cambridge Cambridge Companion As new Cambridge Companion £15 (RRP £23) Companion to The (Edited by Graham Modern German Novel Bartram) German novel 1890s to present Die Verwandlung Franz Kafka Light pencil marks Pocket size Reclam £1 (RRP £2) on 2 pages Die Verwandlung Kafka Very few Reclam £0.80 markings The Metamorphosis and Franz Kafka Light markings English translation of £2 (RRP £8) other Stories German text Oxford World’s Classics Erläuterungen und Various (Reclam) As new Pocket size £2.50 (RRP £4) Dokumente Reclam Frankz Kafka Die Verwandlung Erläuterungen und Various (Reclam) As new Pocket size Reclam £3 (RRP £5) Dokumente Frank Wedekind Frühlings Erwachen Frühlings Erwachen (x2 Frank Wedekind Light markings in Reclam £0.50 (RRP £3) copies) a few places but some in pen Erläuterungen und Von Bernd Hamacher As new Pocket size Reclam £2 (RRP £3.50) Dokumente Thomas Mann Mario und der Zauberer Mario und der Zauberer Thomas Mann Heavily marked in £1.50 (RRP about £6) 1st half in pencil, nothing else Mario and the Magician Thomas Mann Light markings English translation of £3 (RRP £10) & other stories German text Der Tod in Venedig Thomas Mann As new Fischer Taschenbuch £4 (RRP £7) und andere Erzählungen Verlag Deutsche Lyrik Ed. Hanspeter Brode About ¼ heavily £1 (RRP £9) marked Dämmerung (Schauspiel Elsa Bernstein Light pencil £2 (RRP 10 US dollars) in fünf Akten) markings throughout Effi Briest Theodor Fontane Old copy, light Pocket Reclam £0.50 markings Effi Briest Theodor Fontane New copy, light Pocket Reclam £2 (RRP £4.60) markings on a few pages Effi Briest (commentary) Fontane Yellow highlight English commentary 50p (commentary by Stanley throughout and Radcliffe) light marking The major novels Theodor Fontane Light markings but Commentary £3 (Fontane) – (commentary by Alan some in pen Cambridge University commentary by Alan Bance) Press Bance Im Westen nichts Neues Remarque Very few £2.50 (RRP £7) markings but in pen All Quiet on the Remarque Medium level English translation of £2.50 (RRP £7) Western Front pencil markings German text The Novels of Erich Brian Murdoch As new Camden House £20 (RRP £75; nothing Maria Remarque (Commentary on Im on amazon is selling for (Sparks of Life – Westen Nicht Neues is cheaper than £57) commentary) one chapter) English studies in German Literature German finals texts Title Author Condition Other notes Suggested price Faust Part One Goethe Quite a lot English £2 (RRP (translation by of markings translation £8) David Luke) in pencil of German and some in text pen Erläuterungen und Von Ulrich Gaier As new Pocket size £2.50 Dokumente (Goethe) Reclam (RRP Johann Wolfgang £5.60) Goethe – Faust erster Teil Faust Part Two Goethe About a 1/3 English £3 (RRP (translation by marked in translation £10) David Luke) pencil of German otherwise text good condition Torquato Tasso Goethe Heavy Reclam £0.20 markings Egmont Goethe Heavy Reclam £0.20 markings Tasso and Clavigo Goethe Light English £2 (RRP (translation by marking in translation £10) Robert David pencil/some of German MacDonald) pen text Ipphigenia in Tauris Goethe Light English £1 (translation) markings translation apart from of German title page text which is notes of plot Gedichte des Barock Various poets Markings Reclam £2.50 only on a (RRP £9) few pages Gedichte Daniel Czepko von Light £2 Reigersfeld marking in pen Bekenntnisse des Thomas Mann As new Fischer £7 (RRP Hochstaplers Felix Krull £10) Confessions of Felix Thomas Mann Light pen English 50p Krull, Confidence Man marking translation of German text Doctor Faustus Thomas Mann As new Translated £8 (RRP by John E £12) Woods English translation of the German Death in Venice Thomas Mann Pen English £1 (RRP markings in translation £9) medium to of German heavy text amounts Catharina von Andreas Gryphius Medium Pocket £0.50 Georgien markings Reclam (RRP but in pen £4.50) Cleopatra Daniel Casper von As new Pocket size £5 (RRP Lohenstein Reclam £8) Courasche Grimmelshausen As new Deutcher £10 (RRP Springinsfeld Klassiker 16 euros) + commentary Verlag Die Maßnahme Bertolt Brecht Medium Pocket £0.50 markings, Reclam some in pen .
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