21St Arab-German Business Forum

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21St Arab-German Business Forum 21st Arab-German Business Forum The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin – June 25th-27th, 2018 Program Organized by: Under the Patronage of: In cooperation with: Business Forum 2018 THE ARAB-GERMAN BUSINESS FORUM: PROGRAM Monday, June 25th, 2018 18:00 – Reception 21:00 h at The Palmenhof-Silbersaal Speakers: Bellevuestraße 1, 10785 Berlin H.E. Dr. Peter Ramsauer President of the Ghorfa Arab-German Chamber of Commerce & Industry / Chairman of the Committee on Economic Cooperation and Development / Federal Minister ret., Germany Tuesday, June 26th, 2018 H.E. Dr. Mustapha Adib 08.00 h Registration Ambassador of the Republic of Lebanon / Dean of the Arab at The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Diplomatic Corps, Germany Potsdamer Platz 3, 10785 Berlin H.E. Ali Al Ghanim 09.00 – Opening Ceremony Chairman, Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 10.00 h Moderation: Kuwait Stefanie Suren Journalist, Deutsche Welle, Germany H.E. Nael Al Kabariti President of the Union of Arab Chambers and Chairman of Welcoming: the Chamber of Commerce, Jordan Abdulaziz Al Mikhlafi Secretary General of the Ghorfa Arab-German H.E. Peter Altmaier Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Germany Federal Minister, Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany Dr. Volker Treier Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Association of Keynote of the Guest of Honour: German Chambers of Commerce and Industry H.E. Sheikh Jaber Al Mubarak Al Hamad Al Sabah (DIHK), Germany Prime Minister of the State of Kuwait Business Forum 2018 THE ARAB-GERMAN BUSINESS FORUM: PROGRAM 10.00 – Panel 1: 11.15 h Networking Break 11.15 h The State of Kuwait: Sustainable Development and Growth 11.45 – Panel 2 13.00 h Direct Investments & Know-How Transfer: Moderation: Supporting the Industrialisation Plans in the Arab World Dr. Nicolas Bremer Partner, Alexander & Partner, Germany Moderation: Dr. Kilian Baelz Speakers: Partner, Amereller Rechtsanwaelte Partnerschaft mbB, H.E. Sheikh Dr. Meshaal Jaber Al Sabah Germany Director General, Kuwait Direct Investment Promotion Authority, Kuwait Speakers: “Kuwait Investment Climate” Dr. Berthold Schmidt President and CEO, TRUMPF Photonics, Inc., Germany Yousef Al Obaid „The Fourth Industrial Revolution – what are we Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Kuwait, Kuwait expecting worldwide and what could be the impact for the “Macroeconomic Trends and Monetary / Financial Stability” Arab world” Dr. Osama Alsayegh H.E. Abdulaziz Al Ageel Executive Director – Energy and Building Research Center, Secretary General, Golf Organization for Industrial Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait Consulting, Qatar “Sustainable Energy in Kuwait: Vast field for Investment & Technological Advancement” Prof. Dr. Christian Aders Chairman of the Executive Board, ValueTrust Financial Eng. Loulwa Saif Advisors SE, Germany Manager of Project Tendering & Bid Assessment, Kuwait “Industrialization through investment - DACH industry Authority for Partnership Projects, Kuwait structure and success factors for direct investments” “Public-Private Partnership Projects in Kuwai Mutlaq Al Morished CEO, Tasnee – National Industrialization Company, Saudi Arabia Sharif El Akhdar Managing Partner, LimeVest Partners, Egypt Fahad Al Shatti Vice President Corporate Venture Capital, Agility, Kuwait Business Forum 2018 THE ARAB-GERMAN BUSINESS FORUM: PROGRAM 13.00 h Networking Lunch 15.30 – Panel 4 17.00 h Infrastructure Megaprojects: Government as an Enabler for Inclusive Growth 14.00 – Panel 3 15.00 h Managing the Digital Transformation: Moderation: Challenges & Opportunities of Disruptive Change Carla Everhardt Associate Partner, Roedl & Partner, Germany Moderation: Manuel Kuehn Speakers: Head of Executive Office, Siemens Middle East, UAE Olaf Hoffmann Vice President of the Ghorfa Arab-German Chamber of Commerce Keynote Speakers: and Industry & Chief Executive Officer of Dorsch Holding GmbH, H.E. Dr. Khaled Hanafy Germany Secretary General, Union of Arab Chambers, Lebanon Joachim Schares Tom Blades Managing Partner, AS+P Albert Speer + Partner GmbH, Germany CEO, Bilfinger SE, Germany “Badya City, Cairo – A Smart Approach for a Smart and Creative City” Speakers: Dr. Hichem Maya Amir Abdelghaffar Vice President Industry Digital Transformation, SAP Head of Project, General Authority for Suez Canal Economic Zone, Middle East and North Africa, UAE Egypt “Suez Canal Economic Zone: Vision & Future” Peter Haaks Executive Director Near and Middle East, DB Jan von Allwörden Engineering & Consulting GmbH, Germany Director, International Business Development, Euler Hermes Aktiengesellschaft, UAE Fahad Al Shatti „ECA Financing for Infrastructure Megaprojects“ Vice President Corporate Venture Capital, Agility, Kuwait Juergen Raschendorfer General Manager, Strabag International GmbH, Germany 15.00 h Networking Break Myriam Ouazzani Director, Deutsche Bank AG Dubai, UAE Business Forum 2018 THE ARAB-GERMAN BUSINESS FORUM: PROGRAM 17.00 – Discussion Round 19:30 – Gala Dinner 18.00 h Investment Opportunities in Venture Capital, Startup 22:00 h and Real Estate Moderation: Stefanie Suren Moderation: Journalist, Deutsche Welle, Germany Prof. Dr. Christian Aders Chairman of the Executive Board, ValueTrust Speakers: Financial Advisors SE, Germany H.E. Monther Al Eissa Ambassador, Embassy of the State of Kuwait, Germany Speakers: Mark Hauptmann H.E. Miguel Berger Member of the German Parliament, Germany Head of the Department of Economic Affairs and Sustainable Development, Federal Foreign Office, Germany Sascha Noeske CEO, Strategis AG, Germany Christian Meermann Founding Partner, Cherry Ventures Management GmbH, Germany Dr. Berthold Schmidt President and CEO, TRUMPF Photonics, Inc., Germany Rouven Dresselhaus Co-Founder & Managing Partner, Cavalry Ventures, Germany Business Forum 2018 THE ARAB-GERMAN BUSINESS FORUM: PROGRAM Wednesday, June 27th, 2018 09.00 h Registration 11.00 h Networking Break 09.30 – Panel 5 11.00 h Food Industry: Building Partnerships for Sustainable 11.30 – Panel 6 Agriculture and Food Security 13.00 h Shared Responsibility for Inclusive Development: Perspectives of Arab-German Cooperation, Political & Moderation: Economic Challenges Felix Neugart - Ambassadors’ Discussion Round - CEO, German Emirati Joint Council for Industry and Commerce (AHK), UAE Moderation: Olaf Hoffmann Speakers: Vice President of the Ghorfa Arab-German Chamber of H.E. Mohammed Al Mazrooei Commerce and Industry & Chief Executive Officer of Dorsch President and Chairman of the Board, Arab Authority For Holding GmbH, Germany Agricultural Investment and Development (AAAID), UAE “Building Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Speakers: Security in the Arab World” H.E. Dieter Walter Haller Ambassador, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Dr. El Rashid Dafalla Mohamed Saudi Arabia CEO, Emirates Modern Poultry Co. - Al Rawdah, UAE “Poultry Industry in the UAE: The Prospects and the H.E. Dr. Bader Abdelatty Constrains” Ambassador, Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Germany Prof. Ibrahim El Dukheri Director General, Arab Organization for Agricultural Dr. Abdulaziz Sager Development, Sudan Chairman, Gulf Research Center Foundation, Saudi Arabia Thavy Staal Sustainability & Project Manager – Crop Protection Africa H.E. Karlfried Bergner & Middle East, BASF, Germany Ambassador, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, “BASF Mobile Agricultural Clinic” Kuwait Dr. Wilhelm Uffelmann Partner, Roland Berger, Germany 13.00h Networking Lunch Business Forum 2018 Premium Partners: Classic Partners: FINEST BEDDING MADE IN GERMANY With the kind support of:.
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