Sorghum Bibliography 1970-73

e ICRISAT Sorghum and Millets Information Center International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics ICRISAT Patancheru P.O., Andhra Pradesh 502 324, India November 1982 Contents

Foreword v Preface vii List of Acronyms Ix Language Codes x

BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 GENERAL i BOTANY 3-5 General 3 Anatomy and Morphology 3 Taxonomy and Germplasm 5

PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 5-11. General 5 Plant Growth and Development 6 Physiological Processes 9

GENETICS AND BREEDING 12-30 Genetics and Cytolog 12 Breeding 18 Varieties, Varietal Trials, and Hybrids 21

AGRONOMY 30-61 General 30 Climatic Influences and Crop-Weather 34 Relations Soils 34 Irrigation, Water Requirements and Soil-Plant-Water Relations 36 Cropping Systems 37 Fertilizers and Plant Nutrients 38 Harvesting .44 Planting 44 Cultivation, Soil Management, and Tillage 46 Soil Microbiology 47 Weeds and Weed Control 47 Johnsongrass 51. Forage and Pastures 52


SEEDS 61-62


PATHOLOGY 63-72 General 63 Seed Rots and Seedling Diseases 64 Root and Stalk Diseases 64 Foliar Diseases: Fungal Leaf Spots and Blights 64 (iii) Foliar Diseases: Rusts, Downy Mildews, and Sooty Molds 66, Inflorescence and Grain Diseases .67 Bacterial Diseases 69 Virus Diseases 69' Parasitic Flowering Plants 71 Nematodes 71

ENTOMOLOGY 70-82' General .72 Soil Pests 73 Aphids 73 Shoot Fly Armyworm 77 Stem Borers 77 Spider Mites 78 Sorghum Midge 79 Head Caterpillar 80 Head Bug 80 Stored Grain Pests 80 Other Pests, including Birds and Rodents

POSTHARVEST OPERATIONS' 82-83 Storage, Drying, and Milling 8?


FOOD AND HUMAN NUTRITION 86-88 General .86 Nutritive Value 87

FEED AND ANIMAL NUTRITION 88-102 Feed: General 88 Feed: Silage 90 Feed: Forage Pastures and Greenchop 92 Feed-Grain: General 94 Feed-Grain: Ruminants .95 Feed-Grain: Swine "98 Feed-Grain: Poultry 99 HCN and Livestock Poisoning 100 tECHNOLOGY AND COMMERCIAL USES 102-103

ECONOMICS AND SOCIAL ASPECTS 103-105 General 103 Marketing, Trade, and Prices 104.



3EOGRAPHIC INDEX 135-138 (iv) : Foreword

One of the main functions of SMIC, the Sorghum and Millets Information Center, is to collect, collate, and disseminate information on sorghum and millets to research workers all over the world. Accordingly, SMIC ,ersonnel have been engaged in collecting references on sorghum and millets (and also copies of the original documents whenever possible), since its establishment in 1977. SMIC has now embarked upon a program of publishing retrospective bibliographies on sorghum and millets. Sorgho: Bibliographie Annot6e de la Documentation Irternationale en FranQais, 1900-1976, was the first retrospective bibliography brought out by SMIC, published in September 1980. Sorghum Bibliography 7970-73, the present publication will be followed by Sorghum Bibliography 1974-76 and Millets Bibliography 1970-76. Sorghim Bibliography 1977-80 and Millets Bibliography 1977-80 are under preparation. The bibliographic activities of SMIC are being carried out by a team of documetalists consisting of J. Arora, P. Divakar, R.G. Naidu, and S. Prasannalakshmi, under the guidance of S. Dutta, Head, Library and Documentation Services of ICRISAT. I sincerely hope that the research workers inthe fields of sorghum and millets will find their efforts worthwhile.

J.S. KANWAR Director, Research ICRISAT

(V) Preface

The Sorghum Bibliography 1970-76, now being brought out by SMIC, is intended as a sequel to the excellent publication Sorghum:A Bibliography of The World Literature, 1964-69, compiled by Baljeet Kaur under the guidance of Leland R. House and published by the Scarecrow Press in 1973 under the authorship of the Indian Agricultural Program of The Rockefeller Foundation. Originally it was intended to bring out the new bibliography in one volume. But later itwas felt that the number of references were too many, and that itwould result intoo bulky avolume. Hence it has been decided to publish two independent volumes, covering the periods 1970-73 and 1974-76. Since its establishment, SMIC's personnel have been busy in collecting references (and where possible, copies of the original documents) on sorghum and millets from a wide network of sources. Besides 600 primary periodicals, and such secondary services as Agrindex, Indian Science Abstracts, Sorghum and Millets Abstracts available in the ICRISAT library, other important sources of information have been the printouts from the following data bases: AGRICOLA, BIOSIS, CAB, CAN/SDI, IRAT, and the NTIS. All references culled from the data bases were checked with the references collected from the ICRISAT library, to avoid duplication. A great deal of sifting and standardization work was involved, since there was overlap between the entries received from the various data bases, and the data-base bibliographic entries were not rendered uniformly. Entries have been arranged according to the broad subject groups indicated inthe table of contents. The pattern followed is similar to the 1964-69 Bibliography. Within each subject group, entries are arranged alphabetically by the author. For entries by the same author, chronological order has been followed. Bibliographical entries contain sufficient data to identify the original document. Since in a number of cases the original documents were not available for checking, it has not been possible to furnish full detaiis in all the entries. Titles in foreign languages have beel translated into English and the language of the original indicated in parentheses immeCiately after the translated title. AGRIS abbreviations have been used for languages. Language codes used in the entries are given on page x. Names of ihe periodicals have been given in full. However, names of the well-known institutions have been abbreviated to their acronym forms, and a list of acronyms, with their expansions, is accordingly given on page ix. There are three indexes-author, subject, and geographic. Ingeographic index entries have been given under the countries concerned. Only in cases of India and the USA, where much relevant research work isbeing carried out, have entries been given under the State name, where available. The main collection and compilation work for this Bibliography was initiated by C.D. Handa and Chandra Vaidyanatha.n and continued by R.G. Naidu, who has given the document its final shape. P.J. Kemp, IDRC Consultant to the SMIC Project, checked the foreign language entries. S. Prasannalakshmi helped in the standardization of bibliographical citations, and P.Divakar in the preparation of the subject and geographic indexes. The contribution of the Information Services, ICRISAT, in the final editing and printing, is gratefully acknowledged. This publication is made possible by the financial assistance received from IDRC, Canada, for the SMIC Project. Subrata Dutta Head, Library and Documentation Services ICRISAT

(vii) Language Codes Used in the Entries

Al Albanian Ja Japanese Ar Arabic Ko Korean Bg Bulgarian Ma Macedonian Ch Chinese NI Dutch Cz Czech PI Polish Da Danish Pt Portuguese De German Ro Romanian En English Ru Russian Es Spanish Sh Serbo-Croat Fr French Sk Slovak Hu Hungarian Sn Slovenian 'In Indonesian Tr Turkish It Italian Uk Ukrainian

(x):. Language Codes Used in the Entries

Al Albanian Ja Japanese Ar Arabic Ko Korean Bg Bulgarian Ma Macedonian -Ch Chinese NI Dutch Cz Czech PI Polish Da' Danish Pt Portuguese De German Ro Romanian En English Ru Russian Es Spanish Sh Serbo-Croat Fr French Sk Slovak Hu Hungarian Sn Slovenian In Indonesian Tr Turkish Italian Uk Ukrainian /1'

BIBLIOGLAPHY research on transplanted sorghum in 0026 FRANCE: SECRETARIAT D'E- North Cameroon. (Fr). Agronomle Tropi- TAT AUX AFFAIRES ETRANGERES, 0001 INDIAN AGRICULTURAL PRO- cale 27(8): 791-814.7 ref. (Summary: En, 1973. Sorghum and bulrush millet. (Fr). GRAM OF THE ROCKEFELLER FOUN- Es.) Pages 59-62 in Recherchesfrancaisesau DATION. 1973. Sorghum: Abibliography of service de I'Afrique tropicale s~che: the world literature, 1964-1969. Metuchen, 0016 BONO, M. 1970. Millet (Pen- actions en cours et resultats obtenus New Jersey: Scarecrow Press. 393 pp. niselum) and sorghum. Summary of the Paris, France. results. (Fr). African Soils 15(1-3): 223­ GENERAL 235. 0029 FRANKEL, O.H. (ed.) 1973. Survey of crop genetic resources Intheir 0002 ANON. 1970. Grain sorghum In 0017 CHANNER, G.W. 1973. Brief centres of diversity. First Report. Rome, Queensland. 1. Queensland Agricultural review of sorghum research in Western Italy; FAO/IBP. 178 pp. Journal 96(7): 446-453. Tanzania. East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal 39(6): 25-26. 0030 FUEHRING, H.D., FINKNER, R.E. 0003 ANON. 1970. Grain sorghum In and HSI, DCH, 1972. Sorghum research in Queensland. 2. Queensland Agricultural 0010 CHAROY, J. 1971. Irrigated New Mexico. Sorghum Newsletter 15: Jourral 96(8): 523-533. crops in Niger. Results of seven-year 127-128. measurements and experiments (1963­ 0004 ANON. 1972, Grain sorghums. 1970) at the Experimental Water Control 0031 GREEN, V.R. 1971. Sorghum in (Fr). Elevage 9: 2-5. Station at Tarna, in the Goulbi de Maradi Central America. Caribbean Farming 3(1): area. (Fr). Agronomie Tropicale 26(9): 4-7. 0005 ANON. 1973.Jowar breakthrough 979-1002. 14 ref. (Summary: En, Es.) in offing. UNI Agriculiure Service 4(46): 0032 HENZELL., R.G., and GILLIERON, 1577-1579. 0019 CIANO. 1970. Grain sorghum. W. 1970. Grain sorghum for Callide and Valleys of the Yaqui, the Mayo, the Dawson. Queensland Agricultural Journal 0006 ANON. 1973. New research under Guaymas, the Hermosillo Coast, and the 96(7): 559-563. jowar. Agro Know-how Service 2(6): Caborca area. CIANO Circular no. 49, 16-19, pp. 52-56. 0033 HENZELL, RG., and GILLIERON, W 1970. Grain sorghum in Central

0007 AICSIP. Progress Report, 1970- 0020 COOPER, D.T., GELAW, B., Queensland. Sorghum Newsletter 13:4-5. 71. New Delhi, India: ICAR. MOHAN, D.P., MUKURU, S.Z., OSWALT, D.L., SCHAFFERT, R., SINGH, R., and 0034 HINZE, G.O 1972. Millets and 0008 AICSIP. Progress Report, 1971- PICKETT, R.C. 1971. Sorghum research sorghum at Akron. Sorghum Newsletter 72. New Delhi, India: ICAR. at Purdue University, 1970. Sorghum 15:5. Newsletter 14: 76-80. 0009 AICSIP. Progress Report, 1972- 0035 HOUSE, L.R. 1970. World review 73. New Delhi, India: ICAR. 0021 DELCASSO, C. 1970. Brief note of st;ghum research including the econo­ on sorghum and millet in logo. African mics of production. Conference paper. 0010 AMERICAN SEED TRADE ASS- Soils 15(1-3): 607-512. Research seminar on "Sorghum and OCIATION. 1973. Report of Twenty- Millet Research in West Africa", 31 eighth Annual Corn and Sorghum Research 0022 DOGGETT, H.August, 1970. New Delhi, India: Rocke- Conference, 4-6 December 1973. Was- London; Longmans. 403 pp. feller Foundation. 33 pp. hington, D.C. USA: American Seed Trade Association. 189 pp. 0036 HOUSE, L.R. 1972. Sorghum in 0023 DOGGETT, H.1973. International 1970's world outlook. Pages 596-603 in 0011 ANDERSON, R.A., JONES, R.W., aspects of sorghum research. East Sorghum in seventies: Proceedings of an and INGLETT, G.E. 1970. Current research African Agricultural and Forestry Journal international symposium organized by on grain sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 39(6): 24. AICSIP, 27-30 Octobei 1971, Hyderabad 13:21-22. (eds. N.G.P. Rao and L.RHouse). New 0024 ECKEBIL, J.P. 1970. Improve- Delhi, India: Oxford and India Book House. 0012 ARNOULD, J.P., and MICHE, ment of cereal crops in Cameroon. J.C. 1971. Outline of the economy and African Soils 15(1-3): 35-48. 0037 IMAM, A.G. 1970. Cereal crops: utilization of millets and sorghums through- sorghum, millet, maize, (Fr). African Soils out the world. (Fr). Agronomle Tropicale 0025 FAO. 1972. Improvement and 15(1-3): 729-734. 26(8): 865-887. 46 ref. (Summary: En, Es.) production c, maize, sorghum and millets. Book Manual. Rome, Italy: FAO. 509 pp. 0038 INDIA: GUJARAT DEPARTMENT 0013 ASSEGNINOU, S. 197.3. Notes OF AGRICULTURE. 1971. Proceedings, on cereal research in Chad. (Fr). Agro- 0026 FARIS, MA.E. 1973. Sorghum Ail India Sorghum Workshop, 6-8 May, nomie Tropicale 28(10): 957-962. 9 ref. research program for the northeast of 1971, Jamnagar,. Ahmedabad. India: (Summary: En, Es.) Brazil (Report no. 1). Sorghum Newsletter Department of Agriculture. 60 pp. 16: 3-6. 0014 ATKINS, R.E. 1973. Notes on 0039 1RAT, FRANCE. 1972. Resultsof some sorghum research in Iowa. Sor- 0027 FIELDER, L.LJr. 1972. Analysis joint experiments 1972. Millet-sorghum. ghum Newsletter 16:115. of trends in yields of field crops in (Fr). Paris, France: IRAT. 36 pp. Louisiana. Louisiana State University, 0015 BARRAULT, J., ECKEBIL, J.P., Agriculuural Experiment Station, Research 0040 IRAT, FRANCE. 1973. IRAT and VAILLE, J. 1972. Account of IRAT Report no. 546. 31 pp. Annual Report 1971. Sorghum and 2 General millets. (Fr). Agronomie Tropicale 28(4): roan (Margul-Wandala, Diamare, Mayo 0065 RAO, S.B.P. 1970. Current 421-433. (Summary: En, Es.) Dan). (Fr). Those de D.E.A., Facultl des research trends on sorghum in USA-a Sciences d'Orsay, France. 52 pp. 10 ref. critique. Pages 31-35 inRecent advances in 0041 IRAT, FRANCE. 1973. Sorghum crop production: Proceedings of a and millet. (Fr). Pages 108-134 in IRAT symposium on recent advances in crop Annual Report 1971. Paris, France: 0052 MARENAH, L.J., and HANCOCK, production, February 1970, Kanpur. Kanpur, IRAT. (See also Agronomie Tropicale I.R. 1970. Report of Sorghum vulgare India: Uttar Pradesh Institute of Agri­ 28(1 ):108-134.) Pers. inthe Gambia. African Soils 15(1-3): cultural Sciences. 121-132. 0042 IRAT, MALI. 1972. Rainfed 0066 RAO, S.B.P., and PICKETT, R.C. cereals: sorghum-millet-maize. (Fr). Pages 0O53 MAUNDER, A.B. 1973. United 1971. Sorghum research trends in the 82-93 in IRAT Comit6 National de la States grain sorghum yield history, 1954- USA. Madras Agricultural Journal 58(1): Recherche Agronomique. Bamako, Mali: 1972. Sorghum Newsletter 16: 1. 8-14. 12 ref. IRAT. 0067 RODRIGO, Y., and SERRANO, 0043 IRAT, MALl. 1973. Rainfedcere- 0054 NIILLINGTON, A.J. 1973. Sor- J.M. 1971. Increasing interest for sorghum als: sorghum-millet-maize. (Fr). Pages ghum research at the Kimberley Research growing in Americas. (Es).. Hacienda 107-114 in Rapport de la Campagne Station. Sorghum Newsletter 16: 3. 66(5): 36-37. 1972-1973. iBamako, Mali: IRAT. 0055 MOORE, R.F., FLETCHER, DS., 0068 ROSENOW, D.T., and FREDE- 0044 IRAT, SENEGAL. 1973. Group II. and VAN SLOBBE, L. 1970. Sorghum and RIKSEN, RA. 1972. Lodging in the Texas Work Report of 1972. Sorghums and Pennisetum studies in southern Queens- High Plains. Sorghum Newsletter 15:133­ Mil'ets Improvement Section. (Fr). Dakar, land. Sorghum Newsletter 13: 3-4. 134. Senegal: IRAT, 47 pp. 0056 NAIDU, B.A. 1971. National 0069 ROSS, W.M., and WEBSTER, 0045 IRAT, SENEGAL. 1973. Report demonstrations on jowar-based rotation. O.J. 1970. Culture and use of grain on the establishment and functioning of Indian Farming 21(6): 42-46. sorghum. U.S. Department of Agriculture, the project: Intensification of food crop Agricultural Handbook no. 385 30 pp. cultivation (especially sorghum); Training 0057 NEAR EAST COOPERATIVE of African Research Workers (with the SORGHUM AND MILLETS CROP 0070 SAFAROV, T., and KHALBAEV, help of the Laval University). Bambey, IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME. 1973. I. 1971. Sorghum on saline soils in the Senegal: CNRA. 31 pp. Progress Report 1972. Beirut. Lebanon Samarkand Province. (Ru). Nauchnye Ford Foundation. 342 pp. Trudy, Samarkandskii Sel'skokhozyai­

0046 JONES, T. (ed.) 1973. Fourth stvennyi Institut 22: 186-189. Eastern African Cereals Workshop. East 0058 NORDQUIST. P.T. 1972. Sor­ African Agricultural and Forestry Journal ghum research notes from Nebraska. 0071 SALAS, F.CA., 39(6) (completaissue). 41 pp. and BONILLA, Sorghum Newsletter 15: 124-126. L.N. 1971. More grain sorghum Pacific region. for the dry Costa Rica, Minislerio de 0047 KANNO, H., ECHI, S., and 0059 PCAR. 1972. Corn and sorghum. Agricultura Ganaderia, Hoja Divulgativa INUYAMA, S. 1971. Recent research on Los Banos, Philippines: FCAR. 32 pp. no. 38, pp. 1-4. sorghum culture. Sorghum culture and its problems inJapan. 2. (Ja). Nogyo Gijutsu 0060 PCCMCA. 1970 Resolution and 0072 SENE, D. 1971. Rainfed cereals 27(10): 445-450. recommendations of lhe 16th Annual in the African countries assisted by IRAT. Meetings. Pages 9-10 in Corn and (Fr).AgronomieTropicale25(10-11):915­ 0048 KRISHNAMURTHY, K., BOM- Sorghum Round Table. Antigua, Gua- 931. (Summary: En, Es.) MEGOWDA, A., RAJASHEKARA, B.G., temala: PCCMCA. JAGANNATH, M.K., RAGHUNATHA, G., 0073 SHAFER, S.L. 1972. Sorghum VENLIGOPAL, N., JAYARAM, G., and 0061 PRICE, E.G. 1973. Changes in studies on the Western slope. Sorghum PRASAD, T.V.R. 1973. Investigations on sorghum associated with domestication. Newsletter 15: 4. thestructureofyieldincereals(maizea,id Ph. D. thesis, University of Illinois, USA. sorghum). Bangalore, India: University of 122 pp. 0074 SHAFER, S.L., andYOUNGMAN, Agricultural Sciences. 374 pp. V.E.1 973. Sorghum investigations inWes­ 0062 QUINBY, J.R. 1971. Triumph of tern Colorado. Colorado Slate University, 0049 Le CONTE, J. 1971. Account on research: sorghum in Texas. College Agricultural Experiment Station, Progress grain sorghum research by IRAT. (Fr). Station: Texas A&M University Press. 28 Report no. 52. Agronomie Tropicale 26(10): 1140-1144. pp. (Summary: En, Es.) 0075 SOUMARE, L. 1973. Millets­ 0063 RAO, N.G.P. 1971. Sorghum maize-sorghum. (Fr). Bamako, Mali: RAT. 0050 LITTLE, G. 1970. Grain sorghum Workshop recommendations. Indian 6 pp. shows promise in North Queensland. Farming 21(4): 49-50. Power Farming in Australia and New 0076 SPEARS, B., BOX, J., KEESE, W., Zealand and Better Farming Digest 79(7): 0064 RAO, N.G.P., and HOUSE, LR. HORNE, W., THOMAS, J., PALMER, R., 24-25. (eds.) 1972. Sorghum in seventies: Pro- ALLEN, W.S., PARKER, C., and SEIBERT, ceedings of an international symposium J. 1971. Extension education in grain, 0051 MARATHEE, J.P. 1970. Study organl:ed by AICSIP 27-30 October 1971, sorghum. Texas Agricultural Experiment concerning the prospects of sorghum Hyderabad. New Delhi, India: Oxford and Station, Progress Report no. 2938-2949, from three departments of North Came- India Book House. 638 pp. pp. 110-120. Botany 3

0077 SPRAGUE, E.W. 1973. Potential 0089 WORKER, G.F., and LEHMAN, evolution of Guinea sorghums. (East cootribulions of international corn and W.F. 1971. Grain sorghums in California African Agricultural and Forestry Journal sorghum research to developed countries. 1970. California Agricultural Experiment 38(2): 114-119. 14 ref. Proceedings of Annual Corn and Sor- Station, Field Crop Report no. 23. 14 pp. ghum Research Conference, USA 27:56- 0104 DE WET, J.M.J., HARLAN, JR., 64. 0090 YAKUSHEVSKII, ES., and VARA- and PRICE, E.G. 1970. Origin of variability DINOV, S.G. 1971. Studying of sorghum in the Spontanea complex of Sorghum 0078 SRIVASTAVA, tl.N., SINGH, R.B., crops in the Priaral Desert. (Ru). Trudy po bicolor.American Journal of Botany 57(6): and SINGH, R.P. 1973. Development of Prikladnoi Botanike Genetike i Selektsii 704-707. hybrid sorghum. Pages 6-7 in Allahabad 44(2): 74-79. Agricultural Insti!ute, Research Report 0105 GOMEZ, J.E. 1970. Dry matter 1966-1973. India. 0091 YOUNGMAN, V.E. 1970, Sor- contribution of sorghum plant parts to ghum investigations in Colorado. Sorghum grain yield. MS. thesis, Iowa State 0079 SWEARINGIN, M.L. 1971. Grain Newsletter 13: 8-9. University, USA. sorghum for northeastern Brazil. A feasi­ bility study. Washington. D.C.: USAID. 95 0092 YOUNGMAN, V.E. 1971. Sor- 0106 OVEZMURADOV, S.O,, and IVA­ pp. ghum investigations in Colorado. Sorghum NTSOVA, M.A. 1973. Characteristics of Newsletter 14:14. grain and sweet sorghum post-sowing 0080 TAPIA, B., HUMBERTO, L.P.L., growth inTurkmenian SSR. (Ru). Izvesliya and HUGO, MORICE. 1970. Results 0093 YOUNGMAN, V.E. 1972. Sor- Akademii Nauk Turkmenskoi SSR Seriya obtained in the Nicaraguan Sorghum ghum investigations in Colorado. Sorghum Biologicheskikh Nauk 6: 40-44. (Summary: Improvement Program. PCCMCA no. 16. Newsletter 15: 3-4 Turkm, En.) 5 pp. 0094 YOUNGMAN, V.E. 1973. Sor- 0107 PARVATIKAR, S.R., and PRA­ 0081 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY. 1971. ghum investigations in Colorado. Sorghum SAD, T.G. 1973. Accumulation of dry Grain sorghum research in Texas, 1970. Newsletter 16: 104. matter by the sorghum panicle. Sorghum Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Newsletter 16:91. Progress Report no. 2b38-2949. 120 pp. 0095 YOUNGMAN, V.E., and SWINK, J F. 1970. Review of grain sorghum 0108 REEVES, H.E. 1971. Growth and 0082 THAILAND NATIONAL CORN investigations Arkansas Valley Branch .'ry-matter accumulation ingrain sorghum AND SORGHUM PROGRAM. 1970. Thai- Station, Rocky Ford, Colorado. Colorado (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). Ph. D. land National Corn and Sorghum Program Agricultural ExpEriment Station, Progress thesis, Kansas State University, USA. 60 Annual Reporting Session, 15-16 January Report no. 70-44 3 pp pp. 1970. Bangkok, Thailand: Kaselsart Uni- 0096 YOUNGMAN, VE., and SWINK, 0109 WAGNER, V.J. 1973. Bushel versity. 250 pp JF 1972. Review of grain sorghum weight of sorghum grain. Queensland

0083 THOMAS, GW. 1973. Research investigati',,s. Colorado State University, Agricultural Journal 99(1): 34-35. Agricultural Experiment Station, Progress for the future, Sorghumutilization. Pages Report no. 72-22 Anatomy and Morphology 1.4 in 8th Grain Sorghum Research Utilization Conference Biennial Progrmn, 0097-0098 Deleted 0110 BABADZHANOV RA 1971. USA. Lubbock, Texas: Grain Sorghum Diurnal duration and intensity of flowering Producers' Association. BOTANY in sorghum. (Ru). Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Turkmenskoi SSR, Seriya Biologi­ 0084 THOMSON, P.L. 1970. Grain General cheskikhNauk6:83-86.16ref.(Summary: sorghum in the Northern Territory. Sor- Turkm, En.) ghum Newsletter 13: 2. 0099 ARMSrRONG, T.L., and MAUN- DER, A.B. 1973. Evaluation of geographical 01 11 BLONDON, F., and LENOBLE, 0085 THOMSON, P.L. 1973. Grain diversity within plant introductions. Sor- M. 1973. Requirements for flowering in sorghum research inthe Northern Territory, ghum Newsletter 16: 148-149. two lines of Sorghum vulgare Pers. and of Australia. Sorghum Newsletter 16: 2. S.sudanense (Piper) Stapf. (Fr). Comptes 0100 BABU, A. ., and REDDY, P.R. Rendus des S6ances de I'Acad6mie 0085 WALL, J ., and ROSS, W.M. 1971. Pate of dry matter production in d'Agriculture de France 59(2): 155-162.9 1970. Sorghum production and utilization, different plant parts at various stages of ref. Westport, Connecticut: AVI Publishing growth in sorghum Andhra Agricultural Company. 712 pp. Journal 18(3): 85-90. 9 ref. 01 12 BROWN, R., SLATER, W.G., and 0101 COSTA, OMM. 1973. Botanical WILSON, G.L. 1973. Inflorescence initia­ 0)87 WEBSTER, O.J., and CRUZADO, studies of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) tion and development. Sorghum News- E.J. 1972. Cooperative sorghum and corn Moench). (Pt) Agronomia Sutriogran- letter 16: 2. irvestigation, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, dense 9(2): 163-169. (Summary: En.) 1971-72. USDA 119 pp. 0113 BURTON, G.W., and STANSELL, 0102 DE WET, J.MJ., and HARLAN, J.R. 1971. Automatic darkbox to induce 0088 WEIBEL, DE., PECK, RA., J.R. 1971. The origin and domestication of flowering in short-day plants in mid- YOUNG, H.C Jr., KRUEGGER, J.W., and Sorghum bicolor. Economic Boi.ny 25(2): summer. Crop Science 11(4): 595'596. 2 WILSON. N.D. 1972. Broorncorn research 128-135. 32 ref. ref. progress report for 1970 and 1971 Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station. 0103 DE WET, J.M.J., HARLAN, J.R., 0114 CHRISTENSEN. J.E.1972.Deve- Research Report no.-P-659 31 pp. and KURMAROHITA, B. 1972. Origin and loprmental aspects of micro-sporogenesis 4 Botany in Sorghum bicolor. Ph. D. thesis, Iowa 0127 HOSENEY, R.C., DAVIS, A.B., Leaf area In sorghum. SorghumNews­ and HARBERS, L.H. 1973. Structure of letter 13:13-15. State University, USA. 240 pp. grain-sorghum viewed with a scanning 01 15 CHRISTENSEN, J.E., HORNER, electron-microscope. Cereal Science 0139 NISHIBE, S., and SHIKATA, S., H.T., and LERSTEN, N.R, 1972. Pollen wall 18(9): 303. 1973. Heading characteristics in grain and tapetal orbicular wall development in sorghum varieties. Sorghum Newsletter Sorghum bicolor (Gramineae). American 0128 IVANYUKOVICH, L.K. and 16:100-101. Journal of Botany 59(1): 43-58. 25 ref. YAKUSHEVSKII, E.S. 1973. Leaf anatomy of some species of sorghum (Sorghum 0140 PALMER, G.H, 1972. Morphology of starch granules in cereal grains and CLARK, L.E. 1970. Embryonic Moench subgen, sorghum). (Ru). Botanl- 0116 of the Institute of Brewing in sorghum. Crop Science cheskii Zhurnal 58(7): 1028-1037.24 ref. malts. Journal leaf number 78(4): 326-332. 32 ref. 16(3): 307-309. 7 ref. 0129 JOZSA, L.1970. Biological value 0141 PATANOTHAI, A. 1970.Heteo­ 0117 COLLINS, F.C., LERTMONGKOL, of seeds produced in main and lateral (Hu). tic response for vegetative growth and JONES, J.P. 1973. Pollen storage shoot panicles of grain sorghum. V., and fruiting development in grain sorghum. agronomic species in liquid air. Novenytermeles 19(4): 339-346. 5 ref. of certain M.S. thesis, Iowa State University, USA. Crop Science 13,4"): 493-494. 15 ref. (Summary: En.) 0118 DUDINSKII, Y.A. 1971. Primor- 0130 KHAZOVA, 1.1.1970. On the 0142 PECK, R.A.. and WEIBEL, D.E. embryology of cultivated sorghum. (Ru). 1971. Evaluation ofmorphologica charac­ dial leaf of grasses and its final forms. Botanicheskii Zhurnal SSSR 55(): 93, tersasanindexfordeterminingvegetative (Ru). Ukrayins'kyi Botanichnyi Zhurnal 102.23 ref. (Summary: En.) growth stages in Sorghum bicolor (L.) 28(4): 481-486. (Summary: En.) Moench. Oklahoma Agricultural Experi­ 9DUDINSII Y.A., and BOIKO 0131 KHAZOVA, 1.1.1972. Histoche- ment Station, Progress Report no. P-651. 011970 Problem of ant and mical study of sorghum pollen. (Ru). 9 pp. V.V. 1970.e Prolem of deass.velopntandi Uzbekskii iologicheskii Zhurnal 16(5): 0143 QUINBY, JR. 1970. Leaf and role of the ligule in grass. (Ru). Dopovidi 52-54. 10-ret. (Summary: Uzbek.) panic siNBof sorghuR paets and Akademiyi Nauk Ukrayins'kovi SSR, Seriya panicle size of sorghum parents and B 32(11): 1035-1037. (Summary: En.) 0132 KIRILLOV, Y.I. 1971. Flowering hybrids. Crop Science 10(3):251-254.12 biology of sorghum and African millet, ref. O120 DUDINSKII, Y.A., and MIKOLE- (Ru). Trudy po Prikladnoi Botanike, 0144 QUINBY, J.R. 1971. Time of NKO, TA. 1971. Origin and development of Gen~tike I Selektsii 44(2). 237-244. 8 ref. phsogiamtutyfsrhmpres stem and leaf ariculations In cereals physiological maturity of sorghum parents 14:98. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya and hybrids. Sorghum Newsletter Botanika (1970-71), no. 193-195, pp. 120- 0133 LEE, K.W., and LOMMASSON, 2 ref. structure of 121. R.C. 1972. Mitochondria-like chloroplast origin in Sorghum bicolor. 0145 QUINBY, J.R. 1972. Relationship duration to floral initiation and 0121 EASTIN,J. HULTOUISTJ.H., Proceedings of the Nebraska Academy of between development. Sor­ SULLIVAN, CY. 1973. Sorghum black Sciences and Affiliated Societies 82. 13- duration of panicle and 1 ref. layer. Crops and Soils 25(9): 10-11. 14. ghum Newsletter 15: 130-132. 0134 LEE, K.W., and LOMMASSON, 0146 RAGHUNATHA, G., RAJASHE- 0122 FELTNER, KG., .VANDERLI , R.C. 1972. Ontogeny of the apical KARA, B.G., JAGANNATH, M.K., and Rand rning .r 1c73omeet iran meristem and its vacuolation in sorghum. KF:;SHNA MURTHY, K.1973. Variation in and morning glory competiton insai American Journal of Botany 59 (6,part 2): the leaf area of grain sorghum (Sorghum sorghum. Transactions of the K72nsas 679. vulgare Pers.). Mysore Journa! of Agricul­ Academy of Science 76: 282-288 tural Sciences 7(1): 127-130.6 ref. 0135 LIANG, OH.. CHU, C.C.. REDDI, 0123 GELAW, B. 1971. Relationships N.S., LIN, S.S., and DAYTON, A.D. 1973. 0147 RAMAN, V.S. 1973. Apomixis in of certain morphological characters with Leaf blade areas of grain sorghum relation to desynapsis in sorghum. Sor­ grain yield and quality of phenotypically varieties and hybrids Agronomy Journal ghum Newsletter 16: 46-47. diverse lines and hybrids in Sorghum 65(3): 456-459. 7 ref. bicolor (L.) Moench. Ph. D.thesis, Purdue 0148 RAMASWAMY, KR. 1973. Rhi­ University, USA. 139 pp. 0136 LINNIK, V.M., and YASTREBOV, zome expression in sorghum. Madras F.S. 1970. Viability of sorghum pollen Agricultural Journal 60(9-12):1247-1249. 0124 GILLET, M. 1973. Morphological according to time of storage in field 2 ref. evolution of sorghum shoot apex as conditions. jRu). Selektsiya i Semeno­ compared to that of temperate grasses. vodstovo, Ukrainian SSR. 16:117-119. 10 0149 REDDI, N.S., and LIANG, G.H. Sorghum Newsletter 16:14. ref. 1972. Leaf area of pure lines and hybrids in grain sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 0125 GORBET, D.W., and WEIBEL, 0137 LITUN, P.P.,YASTREBOV, F.S., 116-117. DE. 1971. Study of sorghum endosperm and LINNIK, V.M. 1970. Leaf area types. Sorghum Newsletter 14: 95-96. determination in sorghum. (Ru). Vestnik 0150 SANCHEZ-DIAZ, M.F., HES- Sel'skokhozyaistvennoi Nauki, USSR 3: KETH, J.D., and KRAMER, P.J. 1972. Wax 0126 HANNA, W.W., SCHER"Z, K.F., 82-84.7 ref. (Summary: De, En, Fr.) filaments on sorghum leaves asseenwith and BASHAW, E.C. 1970. Apospory in a scanning electron microscope. Journal Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. Science, 0138 LOTER, R.A., MAUNDER, A.R.., of the Arizona Academy of Science 7(1): USA 170(3955): 338-339. 8 ref. GOURLEY. L.M., and EASTIN, J.A. 1970. 6-7. PhysiologyandBiochemistry 5

0151 SINCLAIR, T.R., HOFFER, R.M., tic Resources Newsletter, FAO 25:29-36. diverse germplasm of sorghum, Agro. and SCHREIBER, M.M. 1971. Reflectance nomy Journal 64(6): 821-822, 9 ref. and internal structure of leaves from 0163 ATKINS, R.E. 1971. Symbolic several crops during a growing season. designations of sorghum populations. 0175 MISHRA, SN., and MAUNDER, Agronomy Journal 63(6): 864-868.13 ref. Sorghum Newsletter 14:121-122. A.B. 1972. Color classification in yellow endosperm sorghum. Sorghum News­ 0152 SUGNAKAR RAO. B. 1971. 0164 GEBREKIDAN, B.1973. Impor- letter 15: 7-8. Studies on iniliation and development of tance of the Ethiopian sorghum germ­ panicle in sorghum. M.Sc. thesis, Andhra plasm In the world sorghum collection, 0176 MURTY, B.R. 1970. Note on the Pradesh Agricultural University, India. 35 Economic Botany 27(4): 442-445. 2 ref. Sorghum and Pennisetum world collec­ pp. tion. Plant Introduction Newsletter, FAO 0165 HARLAN, J.R. 1970. World sur- 23: 21. 0153 SULLINS, RD. 1972. Subcellular vey of genelic resources of sorghum. A characterization of four sorghum linesthat preliminary report. Plant Inlroduction 0177 MURTY, K.N,, NARAYANA, D., differ in endosperm type and texture. Newsletter, FAO 23:19-21. 3 ref. and KULKARNI, N. 1973. Evaluation of Master's thesis, Texas A&M University, sorghum germplasm. Sorghum Newsletter USA. 69 pp. 0166 HARLAN, J.R. 1972. Genetic 16: 21. resources in sorghum. Pages 1-13 in 0154 SULLINS, RD., and ROONEY, Sorghum in seventies: Proceedings of an 0178 NARAYANA, D., KULKARNI, N., L.W. 1973. Light and scanning electron- international symposium organised by and MURTY. K.N. 1972. Evaluation of microscopic studies of-peripheral endo- AICSIP, 27-30 October 1971, Hyderabad sorghum world collection. Sorghum News­ sperm area of waxy and nonwaxy endo- (eds. N.G.P. Rao, and L.R. House). New letter 15: 65-66. sperm sorghum varieties. Cereal Science Delhi, India: Oxford and India Book House. 0179 SINGH. M. 1972. Response of 18(9): 303 various sorghum germplasm sources to 0167 HARLAN, J.R. 1972. New classi- different agronomic practices. Final report 0155 SULLINS, RD., ROONEY, L.W., ficalion ofcultivaled sorghum. Pages512- New Delhi, India: IARI. 59 pp. and RIGGS, J.K. 1971. Physical changes 516 in Sorghum in seventies: Proceedings in Ihe kernel during reconslilution of of an international symposium organised 0180 WHITE, G.L. 1973. Genetic sorghum grain. Cereal Chemistry 48(5): by AICSIP, 27-30 October 1971, Hydera- "Bank" preserves grain varieties. Pur-due 567-575. 11 ref. bad (eds. N.G.P. Rao, and L.R. House). Agricultural Reports 3(1): 6-7. New Delhi, India: Oxford and India Book 0156 SYAMASUNDARA MURTHY, P House. PHYSIOLOGY AND 1972. Floral abnormality in the progenies BIOCHEMISTRY of tetraploid sorghum cross. Andhra 0168 HARLAN, J.R.,and DE WET, Agricultura! Journal 19(3-4): 102. 3 ref. J.M.J. 1972. Simplified classification of General cultivated sorghum. Crop Science 12(2): 0157 TATINTSEVA, S.S. 1972. Stamen 172-176. 7 ref. 0181 BALASUBRAMANIAN, A., and development in Sorghum caffrorum Jaku- RANGASWAMI, G. 1971. Use of radio­ shev. (Ru). Botanicheskii Zhurnal 57(8): 0169 HARLAN, J.R., DE WET, J.M.J., isotopes in root exudation studies with 916-921. 14 ref. and GLEN, E.1973. Comparative evolution sorghum plants. Pages 247-254 in of cereals. Evolution 27(2): 311-325. 51 Proceedings, Symposium on radiation 0158 Deleted ref. and radioisotopes in soils studies and 0159 WEATHERWAX, P. 1970. Some plant nutr;*ion, 21-23 December 1970, atypical stem structures in the Grami- 0170 HOUSE, LR. 1973. World collec- University of Agricultural Sciences, neypae.Proedinguces of the Aaemy lions of sorghums and millets. Pages 84- neae. Proceedings of the Indian Academ y 8 n P o e Bangalore, India. of Science 79: 85-90. 6 ref. 88 in Proceedings,d n s Conferenceo f r n e ono Euro­u o pean and Regional Genetic Banks. 0182 BATES, L.S., WALDREN R.P., 0160 YOUNGMAN,V.E., and LUEBBE, and TEARE, I.D. 1973. Rapid determina- WD.1971. Observations on black layer in 0171 JAIN, K.K., BHARGAVA, P.D.. lion of free proline for water-stress grain sorghum. University of Nevada, and BOONLIA, D.S. 1970. Classification studies. Plant and Soil 39(1): 205-207. Technical Bulletin no T-13, p. 23. of sorghums of Rajasthan. Rajasthan 8 ref. Journal of Agricultural Science 1 (2): 96­ 0161 ZHUKOVA, M.P. 1972. Some 103. 0183 BHARGAVA, S.C., and SIROHI, biological characteristics of the flowering in G.S. 1972. Effect of X-ray"Irradiation on. sterile lines of sorghum and their fertile 0172 MAJISU, B.N. 1971. Evaluation flowering response of some crop plants. analogues in the central zone of the and utilization of sorghum germplasm. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences Stavropol' region. (Ru). Sbornik Nauchno- East African Agricultural and Forestry 42(5): 389-392. 5 ref. Issledovatel' skikh Rabot Aspirantov i Journal 37(2): 129-141.19 ref.0184 BLINCM.,CIMERMANA.,and Molodykh Uchenykh. Slavropol'skii Nauchno-lssledovatel'skii Institut Sel'skogo 0173 MANOV, B., and GEORGIEV, I. PERTOT, E. 1972. Recent experiments Khozyaistva 5: 25-30. 1970. Evaluation of different methods of with native and modified s'rghum starch. collecting hybrid sorghum for grain. (Bg) (De). Staerke 24(12): 397-401. 8 rel. Taxonomy and Gormplasm Rasteniev"dni Nauki 5: 99-109. 0185 BLUM, A. 1973. Components 0162 ANON. 1971. Preliminary survey 0174 McMILLIAN, W.W., WISEMAN, analysi's of yield responses to drought of. of plant genetic resources (stage I).World B.R., BURNS, R.E., HARRIS, H.B., and sorghum hybrids. Experimental Agricul­ list of collections (sorghum). Plant Gene- GREENE, G.L. 1972. 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0186 BROOKING, I.R., and TAYLOR, RAO, T., and KRISHNA SASTRY, K.S. (CSH-1). M.Sc. thesis, Andhra Pradesh A.O. 1973. Plants under climatic stress. 1972. Assessment of drought tolerance Agricultural University, India. 72 pp. Plant Physiology 52(2): 180-182. 10 ref. based on chlorophyll stability index of some sorghum inbreds and hybrids. 0208 ZSOLDOS, F. 1971. Isotope 0187 BUCUR, N., LIXANDRU. G., Research Series, University of Agricultural technique for investigation of cold resis- NEJNERU, I., and MERLESCU, E. 1970. Sciences, Bangalore, India 14: 282-285. tance inrice and sorghum varieties. Plant Salinity tolerance of some grain sorghum 13 ref. and Soil 35: 659-663. 4 ref. hybrids. (Ro) Probleme Agricole 22(9): 50-54 4 ref (Summary: En, Fr, Ru.) 0199 PARVATHAPPA, H.C., POOR- Plant Growth and Development 0188 Deleted NIMA, P., RAGUNATHAN, AN., and 0209 ANON. 1970. Nutrient require­ 0189 HEILMAN, M.D. 1973. Salinity MAJUMDER, S.K. 1970. Physical and ments of sorghum. (Es). Agricultura de las and iLMAeffects nutrient1o73n aliniy biochemical changes in sorghum (Sot- mriculurdel1s and iron effects on nutrient uptake by ghum vulgare). International Biodeterio- Am ricas 19(4): 10-1"t. 14. sorghum (Sorrihum bicolor (L.) Moench). ration Bulletin 6(3): 95-99. 0210 ABDULLAHI, A., and VANDER­ Ph.D. thesis, Texas A&M University, USA. 020PTL .. 17.Slnt et- LIP, R.L. 1972. Relationships of vigor tests 170 pp 0200 PATEL, P.M. 1972. Salinity ferti- and seed source and size to sorghum 0190 HENZELL. R.G., and GILLIERON, lily interactions for live different crops in seedling establishment. Agronomy Jour- W. 1973 Effect of -.rtial and complete relation to yield andchemicalcomposition. nal 64(2): 143-144. 7 ref. panicle removalremal onon thetie raterae ofo deathleth of 9Ph D.pO11A-NANthesis, University of California, USA. 90 otrs genotypes under 97 pp. 0211 AL-ANt, A.N. 1970. Root res­ mistresome SorghumsressQuc b/color enlypndeJur oponses of sorghum to strength of soil moisture stress. ueensland Journal of 0201 RAO. B.A., and REDDY, P.R. materials. Ph.D. thesis, University of Agricultural and Animal Science 30(4): 1973 Dry-matter accumulation at impor- Nebraska, USA. 195 pp. 2ant physiological stages, grain yield and diferent levels of 0212 Deleted 0191 HULTOUIST, J.H. 1973. Physio- protein quality under logic and morphologic investigations of nitrogen in sorghum. Indian Journal of 0213 ARORA, SK., PARODA, R.S., grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.). 1. Agricultural Sciences 43(2) 138-142. 8 YASHPAL, and SHARMA, G.D 1972. Vascularization. 2. Response to internal ref. Yellow endospermic strains of sorghum drought stress. Ph.D. thesis, University of differing in toxic constituents during Nebraska, USA. 151 pp. 0202 SANCHEZ-DIAZ, M.F. 1972. growth. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 64-65. Etfects of drought on maize and sorghum. 0192 INUYAMA, S., ECHI, S., and (Es).AnplesdeEdafologiayAgrobiologia 0214 BHAN, S. 1970. Germination KANNO, H. 1971. Recent research on the 31(11-12): 927-937. 34 ref. (Summary: studies on some arid zone crops. Science physiology and ecology of sorghum. En.) and Culture 36(7): 412-415 8 ref. Sorghum, Culture and its problems in Japan 3. (Ja) Nogyo Gijutsu 26(11): 498- 0203 SANCHEZ-DIAZ, M.F., and 0215 BHASKARA RAO, E.V.V., and 502. KRAMER, P.J. 1971. Behaviour of corn REDDI, V.R. 1973. Etfect of gibberellic and sorghum under water stress and acid on the morphology, growth and 0193 LANGLET, A. 1973. Drought during recovery. Plant Physiology 48(5): vigour of sorghum seedlings. Sorghum effects on the growth and yield of grain 613-616. 36 ref. Newsletter 16:15-16. sorghum (Fr). Annaies Agronomiques 0216 BHATIA, I.S., SINGH, R,, and 24(3): 307-338. (Summary: En. De, Ru.) C204 SANCHEZ-DIAZ, M.F., and DUA, S. 1972. Changes incarbohydrates KRAMER, P.J. 1973. Turgor differences DUn gw an en fbjra 0194 MADHAVA RAO, KAJJARI, N.B., and water stress in maize and sorghum during growth and development of bajra and PANCHAL, Y.C. 1970. Drought leaves during drought and recovery. (Penniseturn typhoides), jowar (Sorghum tolerance studies in sorghum. Sorghum Journal of Experimental Botany 24(80): vulgare) and kangni (Setaria italica). Newsletter 13: 35-36 5 ref. 511-515. 9 ref. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 23(1): 429-440. 31 ref. 0195 MALINOVSKII, BN., and OSI- 0205 SUBRAHMANYA SASTRY,. K. 0217 ROUGH, W.A., and GANDER, POV, Y.F. 1972. Capacity of sorghum 1970. Effect of moisture regimes on J.E. 1971. Exogenous L-tyrosinemelabo­ seeds to germinate in a high-osmotic growth and yield of plant and ratoon crops lism and dhurrin turnover in sorghum sucrose solution as one of the indices of of sorghum varieties CSH-1 and Swarna seedlings. Phytochemistry 10(1): 67-77. drought resistance (Ru). Trudy Stavro- in summer season on sandy loam soils of 19 ref. pol'skogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Rajendranagar. M.Sc. thesis, Andhra Insliluta Sel skogo Khozyaistva 11: 128- Pradesh Agricultural University, India. 60 0218 CRAKER, LE.,ABELES, F.B and 143. pp. SHROPSHIRE, W. 1973. Light-induced ethylene production in sorghum. Plant 0196 MURTY, K.N. 1973. Drought 0206 SURAJBHAN, SINGH, H.G.,and Physiology 51(6): 1082-1083. 17 ref. tolerance in sorghum. Sorghum News- SINGH, A. 1973. Note on root develop­ letter 16: 18. ment as an index of drought resistance in 0219 CRAKER, LE., STANDLEY, L.A. sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). and STARBUCK, M.J 1971. Ethylene 0197 MURTY, K.N., and NARAYANA, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences control of anthocyanin synthesis in D .1972. Drought tolerance in sorghum. 43(8): 828-830. 7 ref. sorghum. Plant Physiology 48(3): 349- Sorghum Newsletter 15: 67. 352. 12 ref. 0207 SYED, H.M. 1970. Studies onthe 0198 PANCHAL, Y.C., MADHAVA effect of moisture stress laid at different 0220 DFKATE, Y.G. 1971. Absorption RAO, G., SANJEEVAIAH, B., SESHAGIRI stages of growth on yield of sorghum of gold by Sorghum saccharatum Pers. Plant Growth and Develbpment 7

Journal of the Indian Geosclence Asso- stances. (Cz). Biologla, Czechoslovakia, chloro-4-ethylamlno-6-isopropylamino s­ clation 13: 75-78. A 28(10): 801-812. (Summary: En, Ru.) triazine (atrazine) inexcised sorghum leaf sections. Journal of Agricultural and Food 0221 DOWNTON, J., and SLATYER, 0233 HENDRE, R.R., MASCARENHAS, Chemistry 18(1) 81-86. 26 ref. R.O. 1971. Variation in levels of some leaf A.F., PATHAK, M., SEETHARAMA RAO, enzymes. Planta 96(1): 1-12. 18 ref. B., and JAGANNATHAN, V.1972. Studies 0243 LAMOUREUX, G.L. STAFFORD, on tissue cultures of maize, wheat, rice, L.E., SHIMABUKURO, R.H., and ZAYLS­ 0222 EVETTS, L.L., and BURNSIDE, and sorghum. Biochemical Journal 128(1): KIE, R.G. 1973. Atrazine metabolism in O.C. 1973. Early root and shoot develop- 27. sorghum: catabolism of the glutathione ment of nine plant species.Weed Science conjugate of atrazine. Journal of Agri­ 21(4):289-291. 6 ref. 0234 HICKEY, J.S. 1973. Effect of cultural and Food Chemistry 21(6):1020­ alachlor and 1,8-naphthalic anhydride on 1030. 35 ref. 0223 GARG, G.K. and VIRUPAKSHA, the growth and development of grain T.K. 1970. Acid protease from germinated sorghum and corn seedlings.Ph.D. thesis, 0244 LAMOUREUX, G.L., STAFFORD, sorghum. 1. Purification and characteri- University of Tennessee, USA. 81 pp. LE., and TANAKA, F.S. 1971. Metabolism of zation of the enzyme. European Journal of 2-chloro-n-isopropylacetanilide (propa- Biochemistry 17(1): 4-12. 23 ref. 0235 INUYAMA, S., and TATENO, K. chlor) in the leaves of corn, sorghum, 1972. Caryopsis development of grain sugarcane, and barley. Journal of Agri­ 0224 GARG, G.K, and VIRUPAKSHA, sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 114- cultural and Food Chemistry 19(2): 346- T.K 1970. Acid prolease from germinated 115. 350. 13 ref. sorghum 2. Substrate specificity with synthetic peplides and ribonuclease A. 0236 JUSTICE, O.L., and KULIK, M.M. 0245 LENOBLE, M., and EVEILLARD, European Journal of biochemistry 17(1): 1970. Some effects of gamma radiation on D. 1972. Effect of low positive tempera­ 13-18. 22 ref. gerinination and storage life of seeds of tures on the development of sorghum eight crop species. Proceedings of the seedlings. (Fr). Comptes Rendus des 0225 GOVILA, O.P. 1970. Effect of International Seed Testing Association Sdances de 1,Acad~mie d'Agriculture de calcium ion on the in vitro germination of 35(3): 697-712. 29 ref. France 58(11): 888-895. 2 ref. some gramineae and malvaceae pollen. Journal of Palynology 6: 48-49. 0237 KAMALAVALLI, D.,and PATHAK, and LENOBLE, M.1972. Influence of subse­ C.H. 1972. Rule of gibberellic acid on fat positive low temperatures upon 0226 GRIB, J.,and LANNING, F.C. depletion and activities of isocitrat !yase, quent growth of sorghum seedlings. 1970. Absorption of silicon by sorghum inverlase and phosphorylase in the Sorghum Newsletter 15:s17-19. plants. Transactions of the Kansas scutellum of sorghum seeds during Academy of Science 73(3): 399-403. 12 germination. Journal of Maharaja Saya- 0247 MASTELLER, V.J., and HOLDEN, ref. jirao University of Baroda 21(3): 1-6. 24 D.J. 1970. Growth and organ formation 0227 GRUNDON,N.J. 1972. Mineral from callus tissue of sorghum. Plant nutrition of some Queensland heath 0238 KAMALAVALLI, D., PRATHA- Physiology 45(3): 362-364. plants. Journal of Ecology 60(1):171-181. PASENAN, G., and PATHAK, C.H. 1971. 0248 MOORE, G.D. 1971, Effects of 22 ref. Effect of temperature aid fixative on the chemical desiccants on sorghum seed localization of the activity of acid phos- germination. Proceedings of the Northern 0228 HACKETT, C. 1973. Growth phatase inthe roots of sorghum. Journal andmCntrWeed ot Cofern analysis of the young sorghum root of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of 26: 57-59. system. Australian Journal of Biological Baroda 17&18(3): 55-58. Sciences 26(5): 1211-1214. 16 ref. 0249 MORARD, P. 1973. Contribution 0239 KAMALAVALLI, D., PRATHA- to the study of the potassium nutrition of 0229 HARRIS, H.B., and BURNS, R.E. PASENAN, G., RAMANANDA RAO, G., sorghum. (Fr). Doctorate Thesis, Science 1970. Influence of tannin content on and PATHAK, C.H. 1972. Metabolic Naturelle, Universite Paul Sabatler, Tou­ preharvest and seed germination in changes during germination of cotton and louse, France. 215 pp. 206 ref. sorghum. Agronomy Journal 62(6): 835- sorghum and the role of gibberellic acid. 836. 7 ref. Biochemical Journal 128(1): 55. 1 ref. 0250 NAPHADE, D.S. 1973. Effect of gamma irradiation on plant growth In 0230 HARRIS, H.B., and BURNS, R.E. 0240 KASSAM, A.H., and STOCKIN- sorghum varieties. Farm Journal 14(9): 1973. Relationship between tannin con- GER, K.R. 1973. Growth and nitrogen 18-21. tent of sorghum grain and preharvest seed uptake of sorghum and millet in mixed molding. Agronomy Journal 65(6): 957- cropping. Samaru Agricultural Newsletter 0251 NARASIMHA RAO, D.V. 1972 959. 10 ref. 15(1): 28-32. 1 ref. Studies on the effect of moisture stress at different stages of sorghum. Sorghum 0231 HEINRICHOVA, K. 1971. In- 0241 LALL, S.B., and DEORE, D.N. Newsletter 15: 65. fluence of the nodal roots on the nitrogen 1971. Salt tolerance at germination of metabolism of Sorghum saccharatum L. jowar (Sorghum vulgare Pers.). Research 0252 NARAYANA, D., SUBBA REDDY, (Sk). Biologia, Czechoslovakia, A 26(7): Journal of Mahatma Phule Agricultural S., and MURTY, K.N. 1971. Effect of low 531-540. 29 ref. (Summary: En, Ru.) University 2(1): 48-55. 13 ref. temperature on the growth of sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 14: 44-45. 0232 HEINRICHOVA, K. 1973. Func- 0242 LAMOUREUX, G.L.,. SHIMA­ lion of roots of Sorghum saccharatum L. in BUKURO, R.H., SWANSON, H.R., and 0253 OGURTSOV, U.N., and KUSA­ the metabolism of nitrogenous sub- FREAR. D.S, 1970. Metabolism of 2- KIN A.A. 1971. Effect of low temoeratures 8 Botany on germination vigour, germination and 0263 RAJANNA, A., APPAIAH, K.M., 1973. Note on the effect of Di-Syston and viability of sweet sorghum seeds. (Ru). and VENKATA RAO, B.V. 1973. Preli- Thimet on germination emergence and Izvestiya Kuibyshevskogo Sel'skokhoz- minary studies on the effect of carbaryl on growth of the seedlings of sorghum. Indian yaistvennogo Instituta 29(1): 104-109. the germination of seeds of some crops. Journal of Agricultural Research 7(3-4): Current Research 2(10): 81. 3 ref. 186-188. 6 ref. 0254 OLEKSENKO, Y.F. 1971.Chara­ cters of growth and development of 0264 RAMANA, K.V.R.,RAO, K.N.,and 0274 SLVORI, E.M., and FERNA- sorghum in relation to seed size. (Ru). RAMADAS, V.S. 1971. Straight growth test NDEZ, N.O. 1973. Relationships between Kukuruza. 5: 30-31. of sorghum coleopti!e for auxin bioassay. auxin content and the growth of various Zeitschrift fuer Pflanzenphysiologie 64(1): plant species. (Es). Revista de laFacultad 0255 ORITANI, T., YOSHIDA, R., and 85-86. 7 ref. de Agronomia, Universidad Nacional de Ia NISHI, A. 1970. Studies on nitrogen Plata 49(1): 33-45. 4 ref. (Summary: En.) metabolism in crop plants. 7. The 02685 RAMULU, K., SREE RAM, nitrogenous compounds in the bleeding and RANGASWAMY, S.R. 1972. Effect of 0275 SRIVASTAVA, V.C., and CHAT- sap and various organs of the crop plants. gibberellic acid (GA) post-treatment on TERJEE, B.N. 1970. Effect of different (Ja). Proceedings of the Crop Science gamma ray induced toxic effects In rice levels of nitrogen and seedling rates of Society of Japan 39(3): 355-362. 15 ref. and sorghum. Madras Agricultural Journal jowar (Sorghum vulgare Pars.) on dry (Summary: En.) 59(9-10): 457-465. 21 ref. matter production and protein content at selected stages of plant development. 0256 ORITANI, T., YOSHIDA, R., and 0266 REAY, P.F., and CONN, E.E. Indian Journal of Dairy Science 23(3): NISHI, A. 1970. Studies on nitrogen 1970. Dhurrin synthesis in excised shoots 174-178.19 ref. metabolism incrop plants.8. Occurrence of of sorghum seedlings. Phytochemistry kinetin-like factor in root exudate of rice 9(8): 1825-1827. 13 ref. 0276 STAFFORD, H.A. 1970. Accu­ plants. (Ja). Proceedings of the Crop mulation of anthocyanins in green and red Science Society of Japan 39(3): 363-369. 0267 REAY, P.F, and CONN, E.E. seedling strains of Sorghum vulgare. 19 ref. (Summary: En.) 1970. Metabolism of aromatic-compounds Phytochemistry 9(8): 1799-1801. in higher-plants; dhurrin synthesis in 0257 PATHAK, C.H., 1970. Studies on excised shoots and roots of sorghum A.S., and BER the effects of gibberellic acid, a growth seedlings. Phytochemistry 9(8): 1825. 14 0277 SULEIMANOV, of the trace element stimulating hormone on cotton and ref. O.E. 1971. Effect treatments of sorghum. Maharaja Sayajirao University of aluminum and thermal and Baroda, India, Final technical report no. 0268 ROJAS-GOMEZ, EJ. 1971. Ef- seeds on the growth, development, and sorghum. (Ru). 106, ptl. fect of some chemicals on sugar storage in productivity of corn corn (Zea mays.), sorghum (Sorghum Trudy Tashkentskogo Setrskokhozyaist­ 82-93. 0258 PAVLOV, P.1973. Growth, deve- bicolor), and sugarcane (Saccharum vennogo Instituta 26: lopment and yield of sorghum grown at officinarum). Ph. D. thesis, Iowa Slate different light intensities. (Bg). Pages 245- University, USA. 129 pp. 0278 TAILAKOV, N. 1970. Some cha­ 252 in Nauchna sessiya na inslituta po racteristics of N and P metabolism in genelika i selekstiya na rasteniyata, Sofia, 0269 SAUER, D.B., and CHRISTEN- sorghum and maize plants grown on 1971 (Materialy). (Sunmary: En.) SEN, CM. 1970. Germinability factors of saline soil. (Ru). Izvestiya Akademii Nauk dela-grown sorghum seed. Journal of the Turkmenskoi SSR, Seriya Biologicheskikh 0259 PEPPER, G.E. 1970. Response Minnesota Academy of Science 36(2-3): Nauk 3: 34-39. 12 ref. (Summary: En.) of grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) 93-95. Moench) to shading at different stages of 0279 TAJIMA, K., and SHIMIZU, N. plant growth. MS. thesis, University of 0270 SAXENA, O.P., CHINOY, J.J., 1973. Effect of sterol, alcohol, and Florida, USA. GHESANI, P.I.,and SHAH, H.K. 1972. dimethyl sulfoxide on sorghum seedling Biochemical studies on pretreated seeds damaged by above-freezing low tempera­ of the Crop 0260 PHILLIPS, J.C,and YOUNGMAN, of Sorghym bicolor cv. M.P. Chad with ture. (Ja). Proceedings 42(2):220-226. V.F. 1971. Effect of initial seed moisture plant growth regulators. Sorghum News- Science Society of Japan. En.) content on emergence and yield of grain letter 15: 31. (Summary: ref.sorghum. Crop Science 11 (3): 354-357.9 0271 SAXENA, O.P., CHINOY, J.J., 0280 TOMEU, A.,andPEREZ, J. 1970

SHAH, H.K., MEHTA, D., and GHESANI, Effect of the desiccant diquat on the yield 0261 POKATAEVA, O.P. 1970. Accu- P.J. 1973. Metabolic changes associated and germination of grain sorghum. (Es). mulation of forms of phosphorus during with viability in sorghum. Sorghum News- Revisla Cubana de Ciencia Agricola 4(3): the ripening of seeds of heterotic hybrids letter 16: 36-37. 223-226. 12 ref. and parental lines of sorghum. (Ru). Sbornik Nauchno-tssledovatel'skikh Ra- 0272 SHIMABUKURO, R.H., WALSH, 0281 VANDERLIP, R.L., and REEVES, bot Aspirarlov i Molodykh Uch6nykh, W.C., LAMOUREUX, G.L., and STAF- H.E. 1972. Growth stages of sorghum Stavropolskii Nauchno-lssledovatel'skii FORD, LE. 1973. Atrazine metabolism in (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). Agro­ Institut Sel'skogo Khozyaistva 3(2): 43-50. sorghum: chloroform-soluble interme- nomy Journal 64(1): 13-16. 8 ref. diates in the N-dealkylation and gluta­ 0262 POKLE, Y.S., and TAYYAB, M.A. thione conjugation pathways. Journal of 0282 WILSON, R.D 1972. Characteri­ 1970-71. Effect of gamma rays on Agricultural and Food Chemistry 21(6): zation of the dormancy of the seed of wild germinability of jowar seeds. College of 1031-1036. 19 ref. cane (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench). Agriculture Nagpur Magazine 43: 8-11. 5 Ph.D. thesis, University of Missouri, USA, ref. 0273 SINGH, K., and GULATIi K.C. 95 pp. Physiological Processes 9

0283 Deleted. bicolor. Pages 382-386 in Proceedings, Congress, Surfers' Paradise, Australia. Symposium on Photosynthesis and Photo­ 0284 YAROSH, NP., and ANTONOVA, respiration, (eds. M.D. Hatch, C.B. Os- 0302 DOWNES, R.W. 1970. Effect of O.G. 1972. Phosphorus-containing sub- mond, and R.O. Slatyer). New York: Wiley light Intensity and leaf temperature on stances in hybrid sorghum seeds and the Intersclence. photosynthesis and transpiration inwheat change in their composition on ger- and sorghum, Australian Journal of rnination. (Ru). Trudy po Prikladnoi Bota- 0293 BEADLE, C.L., STEVENSON, Biological Sciences 23(4): 775-782. 20 nike, Genetike i Selektsii 48(1): 158-167. K.R., NEUMANN, HH., THURTELL, G.W., ref. 20 ref. (Summary: En.) and KING, K.M. 1973. Diffusive resistance, transpiration, and photosynthesis insingle 0303 DOWNES, R.W. 1971. Adap­ 0285 YASTREOOV, F.S., and TSYBUL' leaves of corn and sorghum inrelation to lation of sorghum plants to light intensity: KOV, V.S. 1973. Development rate, growth leaf water potential. Canadian Journal of its effect on gas exchange inresponse to and producti,,eness of sorghum hybrids Plant Science 53(3): 537-544. 25 ref. changes In light, temperature, and COz according to parental forms and photo- Pages 57-62 in Proceedings, Symposium periodic conditions. (Ru). Selektsiya i 0294 BEADLE, C.L., STEVENSON, on Photosynthesis and Photorespiration Semenovodstvo, Ukrainian SSR. 23: 54- K.R., and THURTELL, G.W. 1973. Leaf (eds. M.D. Hatch, C.B. Osmond, and R.O. 62. temperature measurement and control in Slatyer). New York: Wiley-Interscience. a gas-exchange cuvelte. Canadian 0286 YEN, ST., and CARTER, O.G. Journal of Plant Science 53(2): 407-412. 0304 DOWNTON, W.J.S. 1971. Fur­ 1972. Effect of seed pretreatment with ther evidence for two modes of carboxyl gibberellic acid on germination and early 0295 BELAK, S., GYORI, D., SMA- transfer in plants with C4 photosynthesis. establishment of grain sorghum. 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Action content of normal and chlorotic sorghum pholosynthetic activity during the forma- spectrum, absorptance and quantum plants and correlations with film density tion of the first node roots and first tiller in yield of photosynthesis in crop plants. readings from aerial, infrared color, Sorghum saccharaturn (L.) Moench, Agricultural Meteorology 9(3-4):191-216. positive transparercies. Photogram-met- Photosynthetica 5(3): 233-240. 32 ref. 32 ref. ric Engineering 39(3): 295. 0323 KHANNA, R., and SINHA, S.K. 0333 McCREE, K.J. 1972. Significance 0313 GIRISH, G.K. 1970. Respiration 1973. Changes inthe predominance from of enhancement for calculationsbased on of grain under storage condition. Bulletin C4 to C3 pathway following anthesis In the action spectrum for photosynthesis. of Grain Technology 8(1): 22. sorghum. Biochemical and Biophysical Plant Physiology 49(5): 704-706. 15 ref. 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New Phytologist 71(4): 683- 0351 SHEARMAN, L.L, EASTIN, J.D., 0362 TEARE, I.D.,and KANEMASU, 689. 13 ref. SULLIVAN, CY., and KINBACHER, E.J. E.T. 1972. Stomatal-diffusion resistance 1972. Carbon dioxide exchange Inwater- and water potential of soyabean and 0342 PASTERNAK, D., and WILSON, stressed sorghum. Crop Science 12(4): sorghum leaves. New Phytologist 71(5): G.L. 1973. Illuminance, stomatal opening, 406-409. 29 ref. 805-810. 9 ref. and photosynthesis in sorghum and cotton. Australian Journal of Agricultural 0352 SIJ, J.W., KANEMASU, E.T.,and 0363 TURNER, NC. 1970. Response Research 24(4): 527-532. 9 ref. TEARE, I.D.1972. Stomatal resistance, of adaxial and abaxial stomata to light. net photosynthesis, and transpiration in New Phytologist 69(3): 647-653. 0343 PAVLOV. P.1972. Biochemical PMA-treated sorghum: a field study. Crop changes in sorghum grown under various Science 12(6): 733-735. 14 ref. 0364 TURNER, N.C. 1973. Illumination lighl conditions. (Bg). Doklady Sel sko- and stomatal resistance to transpiration in khozyaistvennoi Akademii, Sotiya 5f3): 0353 SOZA, R.F. 1973. Influence of three field crops. Pages 63-68 in Procee­ 189-192. total energy, photosynthetic active radia- dings, Symposium on Plant Response to lion and temperature on dry matter Climatic Factors, Uppsala. Paris, France: 0344 PEPPER, G.E.. and PRINE. G.M. accumulation characteristics in grain UNESCO. 12 ref. (Summary: Fr.) 1972. Low light intensity effects on grain sorghum. Ph.D. thesis, Nebraska Univer­ sorghum at different stages of growth. sity, USA. 78 pp. 0365 TURNER, N.C., and BEGG, J.E. Crop Science 12(5): 590-593, 9 ref 1973. Stomatal behaviour and water 0354 STAFFORD, H.A., and BLISS, M. status of maize, sorghum, and tobacco 0345 POPESCU, F. 1971. Compara- 1973. Effect of greening of sorghum under field conditions. Plant Physiology live investigation of photosynthesis of leaves on the molecular weight of a 51(1): 31-36.28 ref. sorghum (Sorghum vulgare) and soya- complex containing 4-hydroxycinnamic beans (Glycine hispida) under the inf- acid hydroxylase activity. Plant Physio- 0366 TURNER, N.C., and INCOLL, luence of mineral fertilizers and different logy 52(5): 453-458. 27 ref. L.D. 1971. Vertical distribution of photo­ densities. (Ro). Annale, Uni'lersitatea synthesis in crops of tobacco and Craiova, a IIIa (Biologie Stiinte Agricole) 0355 STAFFORD, H.A., and BRAV- sorghum. Journal of Applied Ecology 8(2): 3:111-119. 9 ref. (Summary: Fr, En.) NDERBREE, S.1972. Peroxidase isozy- 581-591. 33 ref. mes of first internodes of sorghum. Plant 0346 POTTS, JRM. 1972. 4-Hydroxy- Physiology 49(6): 950-956.25 ref. 0367 VIGIL, E.L., ARNTZEN, C.J., lation of cinnamic acid by sorghum BEIGLE, ML., and SWIFT, H. 1973. microsomes. Ph.D. thesis, University of 0356 STAFFORD, H.A., and DRES- Cytochemical analysis of photosystem I California, LiSA. 84 pp. LER, S. 1972. 4-hydroxycinnamic acid and photosystem II in chloroplasts of hydroxylase and polyphenolase activities Sorghum bicolor, Journal of Histo­ 0347 PAINE, G.M. 1973. LOv light in Sorghum vulgare. Plant Physiology chemistry and Cytochemistry 21(4): 412­ intensity effects on the yield components 49(4): 590-595. 16 ref. 413. of grain sorghum. Pages 74-79, in 8th Grain Sorghum Research Utilization Con- 0357 STARR, R.I. 1972. Absorption, 0368 WALLIHAN, E.F. 1973. Portable ference Biennial Program, USA. Lubbock, translocation and metabolism of 14C-4- reflectance meter for estimating chloro- Texas: Grain Sorghum Producers' Asso- aminopyridine in corn and sorghum. Its phyl concentrations in leaves. Agronomy ciation. movement and degradation in soil sys- Journal 65(4): 659-662. tems. Ph.D. thesis Universityof Wyoming, 0348 SALAZAR, A.G., and PAULSEN, USA. 170 pp. 0369 WESLEY, W.K. 1973. Physiologi- G.M. 1971. Some physiological responses cal responses of corn and grain sorghum boride.of Sorghum Journal bicolor of Agricultural to benzene and hexach- Food studydo58 on TAJIMA, the high K.and 1973, low Physiologicaltemperature under moisture stress and during rewater­ Cheistral9(5): 1gr05-1. 1drFo tolerance of crop plant. Japan Agricultural ing. Ph.D. thesis, University of Tennessee, Chemistry 19(5): 1005-1007.19 ref. Research Quarterly 7(4): 236-242. 15 ref. USA. 90 pp.

0349 SANCHEZ-DIAZ, M.F., MOREY, 0359 TAYLOR, A.O., and CRAIG, A.S. 0370 YASTREBOV, F.S., and TSYBUL' M., and GONZALEZ-BERNAIDEZ, F. 1971. Plants under climatic stress. 2. Low KO, V.S. 1970. Pholoperiodic differences in 1970. Physiological responses of sorghum temperature, high ,!qht effects on chloro- broom corn (Sorghum effusum) collec­ and maize (corn) leaves to water stress.4 plast ullrastructure. Plant Physiology tions in relation to their geographical Transpiration responses of cut leaves in 47(5): 719-725.18 ref. origin. (Ru). Selekstiya i Semenovodstvo desiccation experiments. (Es). Anales de Ukrainian SSR 15: 136-141. Edafologia y Agrobiologia 29(3-4): 253- 0360 TAYLOR A.O., JEPSEN. N.M., 263. and CHRISTELLER, J.T. 1972. Plants 0371 YASTREBOV, F.S., and TSYBUL' under climatic stress. 3.Low temperature, KO, V.S. 1970. Photoperiodic reaction of 0350 SANCHEZ-DIAZ, M.F., MOREY, high light effects on photosynthetic plants of sorghum hybrids and parent M., and GONZALEZ-BERNAIDEZ, F. products. Plant Physiology 49(5): 798- forms. (Ru). Trudy Khar'kovskogo Se1'­ 1970. Physiological responses of sor- 802. 22 ref. skokhozyaistvennogo Instituta 90(127): ghum and maize (corn) leaves to water 107-111. stress. 3. Resistance of leaf tissues to 0361 TAYLOR, A.O., and ROWLEY, desiccation through the determination of J.A. 1971. Plants under climatic stress. 1. 0372 YOSHIKAWA, F. 1973. Photo­ sublethal water deficits. (Es). Anales de Low temperature, high light effects on synthetic activity of isolated chloroplasts, Edafologia y Agrobiologia 29(3-4): 265- photosynthesis. Plant Physiology 47(5): Ph.D. thesis, University of Nebraska, USA. 276. 17 ref (Summary: En.) 713-718.27 ref. 163 pp. 12 Genetics and Breeding

GENETICS AND BREEDING rates of isogenic sorghum lines differing Journal of Agricultural Sciences 40(12): by a single height gene (DW3). Crop 1131-1141. 6 ref. Genetics and Cytology Science 10(3): 319-321.7 ref. 0307 CHUNG, J.H. 1970. Heritabitly 0373 ATALE, S.B, and PHADNIS, B.A. 0386 CASADY, A.J., and LIANG, G.H. estimates and interrelationships among 1972. Cytological studies in gamma ray 1973. Inheritance of the sunred character agronomic traits for three grain sorghum irradiated jowar varieties (Sorghum vul. of sorghum seed. Journal of Heredity (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) crosses. gare Pers.). PKV Research Journal 1(1): 64(5): 279-281. 9 ref. Ph.D. thesis, Kansas State University, 66-69. 9 ref. USA. 75 pp. 0387 CASADY, A.J., and MILLER, F.R. 0374 ATKINS, R.E. 1971. Duration of 1970. Inheritance of hermaphrodite pedi- 0398 COLLINS, F.C., and PICKETT, stigma receptivity in cytoplasmic-genic celledspikeletsofsorghum.CropScience R.C. 1972. Combining abilily for yield, male sterile grain sorghums. Iowa State 10(5): 612-613. 5 ret. protein,and lysineinan incompletediallel Journal of Science 45(4): 607-611. 7 ref. of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. Crop 0388 CASADY, A.J., and PAULSEN, Science 12(1): 5-6.7 ref. 0375 ATKINS, R.E., and KERN, J.J. A.Q. 1971. Inheritance of Manhattan leaf 1972. Cytoplasm effects In relation to spot no. 2 of sorghum. Journal of Heredity 0399 COLLINS, F.C., and PICKETT, agronomic performance of grain sor- 62(3): 193-196. 9 ref. R.C. 1972. Combining ability for grain ghums (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). yield, percent protein, and glysine/100g Crop Science 12(6): 777-780. 11 ref. 0389 CHANDRA, S.1970. Heritability protein ina nine-parent diallel of Sorghum of some quantitative fodder characters in bicolor (L.) Moench. Crop Science 12(4): 0376 BASU, A.K. 197'. Note on three crosses of sorghum (Sorghum 423-425.5 ref. variability and heritability estimates from a vulgare Pers.) and Sudan grass (Sorghum winterseason sorghum cross. Indian Jour- sudanense (Piper) Stapf.). Tropical Agri- 0400 CRILL, D., MENGE, P., and nal of Agricultural Sciences 41(12): 1116- culture 47(3): 251-255. 13 ref. GRENNELL, M. 1972. Attempted mecha­ 1117. 2 ref. nic,,l transfer of cytoplasmic male sterility 0390 CHANDRA, S., POONNI, H.S., insorghum. Sorghum Newsletter15:128. 0377 BERAHO, E.K., and OLEMBO, and CHAUDHARY, M.S. 1971. Gene 129. 8 ref R.J. 1971. Albino and non-polyploid action governing some plant characters in mutants induced by colchicine in sor- sorghum. 2. Leaf length, leaf breadth and 040, CROOK, W.J. 1973. Heritability ghum. Journal of Heredity 62(6): 376-379. leaf number per plant. Haryana Agricultu- and interrela"ans of grain protein content 16 ref. ralUniversity Journal of Research 1(1): with other agronomic characters of 17-26. 10 ref. sorghum. Ph. D. thesis, Kansas State 0378 BHASKARA RAO, E.V.V., and University, USA. 40 pp. REDDI, V.R. 1971. Report on gamma ray 0391 CHANDRA, S., POONI, H.S.,and mutation spectrum in sorghum. Sorghum SHARMA, G.D. 1973. Gene action gover- 0402 L)ABHOLKAR, A.R., PATEL, K.C., Newsletter 14: 74-75. 1 ref. ning days to flower, plant height and slem and TELANG, S.W. 1972. Contribution of girth in sorghum. Indian Journal of plant characters to grain yield of sorghum 0379 BHASKARA RAO, E.V.V. and Agricultural Sciences 43(5): 442-448. 12 hybrids. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 72-74. 2 REDDI, VR.1972. Grain colour mutants in ref. ref. sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 92-93. 0392 CHAUHAN, B.P.S. 1973. Inheri- 0403 DE ALBA, G., REYES, N., and 0380 BLUM, A. 1970. Heterosis in tanceoffema!esterilityinsorghum.lndian HERNANDES, A. 1970. Irradiation of grain production by the sorghum panicle. Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding seeds of sorghum (Sorghum vulgnre) and Sorghum Newsletter 13: 53-54, 1 ref. 33(2): 277-280. 1 ref. wheat. (Triticum vulgare) With gamma­ rays. (Es). Pages 453-455 in Induced 0381 BLUM, A. 1970. Nature of 0393 CHAUHAN, B.P.S., and SINGH, Mutations and Plant Improvement. heterosis in grain production by the S.P. 1973. Diallel analysis of combining Muta rynand) sorghum panicle. Crop Science 10(1): 28- ability in sorghum. Agra University Journal (Summary: En.) 31. 16 ref. of Research 22(2): 11-34.21 ref. 0404 DECHEV, I. 1971. Study of the 0382 BLUM, A. 1973. Ethrel found to 0394 CHAUHAN, B.P.S., and SINGH, effect of different generations (Fi, FZ F3, be ineffective as a male sterilizing agent in S.P. 1973. Helerosis in Fi hybrid of and F4) on grain yield and quality of grain sorgho.,m. Sorghum Newsletter 16: 100. interspecific crosses in sorghum. Agra sorghum. (Bg). Nauchni Trudove, Vissh University Journal of Research 22(3): 1-7. Selskoslopanski Institut "Vasil Kolarov", 0303 BORIKAR, ST., and PHADNIS, 24 ref. Rasteniev'dstvo 20(1): 67-71. 4 ref. B.A. 1973. Line x tester analysis of (Summary: Ru, De.) combining ability in Sorghum vulgare 0395 CHAVDA, D.H., and DROLSOM, Pers. PKV Research Journal 2(1): 65-70. P.N. 1970. Helerosis among crosses of 0405. DHARAMPAL SINGH, and 10 ref. eightselectedparentalstrainsinsorghum. SINGH, U. 1973. Genetic association In Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences Sorghum vulgare Pers. Madras Agri­ 0384 BUSEY, P. 1971. Sorghum pac- 40(11): 967-973.12 ref. cultural Journal 60(9-12): 1222-1224. 10 hytene karyotypes. Annals of the Missouri ref, Botanical Garden 58(2): 245-257. 25 ref. 0396 CHAVDA, D.H., and DROLSOM, P.N. 1970. Combining ability among 0406 DHARAMPAL SINGH, and 0385 CAMPBELL, L.G., and CASADY, crosses of eight selected sorghum strains SINGH, U.1973. Study of heritability and AJ. 1970. Comparative culm elongation by the dialel crossing system. 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Pers.(jowar). Science and Culture39(10): D.E. 1971. Quantitative inheritance of 252-260. 6 ref. 455-456. 6 ref. some head and seed characteristics in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. 0429 GUTIERREZ FORERO, J.A. 1973. 0407 DMITRIEVA, AN., and KHAV- Crop Science 11(6): 787-789. 11 ref. Manifestation of hybrid vigour InSorghum ZHINSKAYA, O.E. 1970. Biochemical bicolor (L.) Moench. (Es). Botota, Colom­ characteristics of sorghum plants with 0418 FAZLULLAH KHAN, A.K., and bia: Programma Universidad Nacional de cytoplasmic male sterility.(Ru). Selektsiva MADHAVA MENON, P. 1973. Hybrid Colombia, Instituto Colombiano Agro­ i Semenovodstvo, Ukrainian SSR 15: 76- vigour in single and three-way cross pecuario. 89 pp. 38 ref. (Summary: En.) 80. hybrids of sorghum for grain yield. Madras Agricultural Journal 60 (9-12):1232-1236. 0430 HANNA, W.W. 1970. Identifi­ 0408 DMITRIEVA, AN., and KHAV- 7 ref. cation of trisomes of Sorghum bicolor by ZGINSKAYA, O.E. 1972. Folic acid observing progeny of triploid x trans­ vitamin content in plants differing intheir 0419 GAEVASKAYA, M.G, 1971. Karyo- location stocks. Ph.D. thesis, Texas A&M cytoplasm. (Ru). Selektsiya i Semenovo- logy of species of sorghum (Sorghum L.) University, USA. 44 pp. dstvo, Ukrainian SSR 21: 68-71. with different chromosomes. (Ru). Pages 74-80 in Tsito-Kariologicheskie Issledo- 0431 HANNA, W.W., and SCHERTZ, 0409 DMITRIEVA, AN, and KIZILOVA, vaniya Zlakovykh Moldavii Kishinev, Mol- K.F. 1970. Inheritance and trisome linkage E.G.1 971. Content of vitamins 81 and B2 davian SSR. 14 ref. of seedling characters inSorghum bicolor in the generative organs of maize and (L.) Moench. Crop Science 10(4): 441­ sorghum analogues distinguished by their 0420 GORBET, D.W. 1971. Inheritance 443. 14 ref. cytoplasm. (Ru).Selektsiya I Semenovo- of some endosperm types in sorghum, dstvo,Ukrainian SSR 18: 88-91. Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. Ph.D. 0432 HANNA, W.W., and SCHERTZ, thesis, Oklahoma State University, USA. K.F. 1971. Trisome identification in 0410 DOGGETT, H.1972. Recurrent 147 pp. Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench by obc;: ving selection insorghum populations. Heredity progeny of triploid xtranslocation stocks. 28 (1): 9-29. 46 ref. 0421 GORBET, D.W., and WEIBEL, Canadian Journal of Genetics and Cyto- D.E. 1972. Inheritance and genetic relation- logy 13(1): 105-109. 10 ref. 0411 DREMLYUK, G.K.1971. Princi- ship of six endosperm types insorghum. pIes of inheritance of certain characters in Crop Science 12(3): 378-382. 13 ref. 0433 HARINARAYANA, G., RAO, N.G.P., sorghum x Sudan grass hybrids. (Ru). and VENKATARAMAN, R.1971. Genetic Pages 71-74 in Kratkie itogi raboty za 0422 GOUD, J.V. 1971. Combining analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses 1969 god Moldavskogo Nauchno-Issle- ability in sorghum. Indian Journal of in sorghum. 4. Chi-square analysis of dovatel'skogo Inslituta selektsii, semeno- Agricultural Sciences 41(11): 924-931. 7 association between yield, maturity and vodstva i agrotekhniki Polcvykh Kultur. ref. plant height in F2 generation. Indian Kishinev, Moldavian SSR. Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 0423 GOUD, J.V. 1972. Mutation 31(3): 442-450. 14 ref. 0412 DREMLYUK, G.K.1971. Role of studies insorghum. (PI). Genetica Polonica the parental forms in the heritability of 13(3): 33-40. 8 ref. (Summary: En.,Ru.) 0434 JAISANI, B.G., and DROLSOM, characteristics insorghum x Sudan grass P.N. 1972. Studies of nonrandom and hybrids.(Ru). Pages 21-22 in Novoe v 0424 GOUD, J.V., JAYARAM, G., and barren-type sterility in Sorghum bicolor. polevodstve Moldavii. Kishivev, Moldavian VASUDEVA RAO, M.J. 1973. Heterosis Crop Science 12(1): 37-40. 5 ref. SSR. and combining ability insorghum. Madras Agricultural Journal 60(9-12): 1225-1231. 0435 JAN-ORN, J.1973. Estimates of 0413 DROLSOM, P.N., and JAISANI, 4 tef. genetic and environmental components B.G 1971. Random-type sterility in of variance in some quantitative genetic sorghum. Crop Science 11(2): 167-171. 0425 GOUD J.V., KACHAPUR, M.D., traits from families derived from the NP3R and VASUDEVA RAO, M.J. 1973. Combi- random mating sorghum population and 0414 DZHABBAROV, K.D., and ning ability in kharif sorghum. Mysore their application in breeding systems, DERGACH, T.V. 1973. Heterosis of Journal of Agricultural Sciences 7.369- Ph.D. thesis, University of Nebraska, USA. hybrids of local sorghum varieties on the 376. 5 ref. 177 pp. basis of cytoplasmic male sterility. (Ru). Sel'skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya 8(2): 0426 GOUD, J.V., NAYAR, K.M.D., 0436 KALASHNIK, N.S., and DREML­ 302-304. 3 ref. and RAO, M.G. 1970. Mutagenesis in YUK, G.K. 1971. Heredity of characteristics sorghum. Indian Journal of Genetics and in interspecific sorghum-sudan hybrids. 0415 FAHMY, A.H., H/.,SHEM, M.I., Plant Breeding 30(1): 81-90. 17 ref. (Ru). Sel'skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya and REFAI, F.Y. 1970. Chemical and 6(5): 685-687. (Summary: Fn.) technological studies on kernels of 0427 GOVIL, J.N., and MURTHY, B.R. different local varieties and hybrids of 1973. Combining ability for yield and 0437 KAMINSKA, A. 1973. Variability sorghum. Agricultural Research Review quality characteristics in grain sorghum. of utilization features of sorghum (Sorghum 48(6): 359-368. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant vulgare Pers.) hybrids F1 and F2. Breeding 33(2): 239-251. 25 ref. Hodowla Roslin Aklimatyzacja i Nasien­ 0416 FANOUS, M.A., and WEIBEL, nictwo 17(1): 21-39. D.E. 1970. Inheritance of head shape and 0428 GOVIL, J.N., and MURTHY, B.R. seed size. Sorghum Newsletter 13:65-66. 1973. Genetic divergence and nature of 0438 KAMINSKA, A. 1973. Variability heterosis ingrain sorghum. 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of parameters of leaf and seed: The effect 0449 LIANG, G.H., REDDY, C.R., and 0460 MAUNDER, A.B. 1972. Xenia of heterosis and inheritance features of DAYTON, AD. 1972. Heterosis, inbreeding effect of lysine and endosperm color In sorghum. (PI). Hodowla Roslin Aklimaty- depression, and heritability estimates ina grain sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 15:7 zacja i Nasiennictwo 17(2): 91-108. systematic series of grain sorghum genotypes. Crop science 12(4): 409-411. 0461 MOCK, J.J., and DAHMEN, W.J. 0439 KERN, J.J., and ATKINS, R.E. 16 ref. 1971. Attempted inter-genetic crosses 1972. Free amino acid content of the involving maize and sorghum. Maize anthers of ma!e-sterile and fertile lines of 0450 LINNIK, V.M., YASTREBOV, F.S., Genetics Cooperative Newsletter 45: 78­ grain sorghum., Sorghum bicolor (L.) and LITUN, P.P. 1971. Heritabilityand the 80. Moench. Crop Science 12(6): 835-838.15 correlation between some characters in ref. Fi sorghum hybrids. (Ru). Nauchnye 0462 MOCK, J.J., and LOESCHER, Trudy Ukrainskogo Nauchno-Issledova- W.H. 1973. Incompatability of maize and 0440 KITAEV, A.1, 1972. Mutational tel'skogo Instituta Raslenievodstva sorghum, manifest in failure of pollen changes in sorghum induced bychemical Selektsil i Genetiki 10-11: 75-79. growth. Egyptian Journal of Genetics and mutagens in the Mz (Ru). Trudy Stavro- Cytology 2(2): 338-344. 11 ref. pol'3kogo Nauchno-Issledovate:'skogo 0451 MADHAVA RAO, T., KULLIA- Instituia Sel'skogo Khozyaistva 11:52-60. WAMY, B.Y., and KAJJARI, NB. 1973. 0463 MUKURU, S.Z. 1973. Estima­ Estimation of combining ability for grain tion of genetic components, heritability 0441 KITAEV, A.I. 1972. Study of the yield in sorghum rabi hybrids. Sorghum genetic advance and inter-relationships effect of chemical mutagens on the Newsletter 16: 82-84. of kernel weight and volume, protein growth and development of sorghum in lysine and oil content and certain other the M1. (Ru). Sbornik Nauchno-Issledo- 0452 MADHAVA RAO, T., SRINIVA- traits in four segregating populations of vatel'skikh. Rabot Aspirantov i Molodykh SULU, G., JAYARAMAIAH, H. 1970. grain sorghum. Ph.D. thesis, Purdue Uchenykh Starropol'skogo Nauchno-Is- Inheritance of grain color inF2populations University, USA. 113 pp. sledovatel'skogo Instiluta Sel'skogo In- of CSH-1 and CSH-2 sorghum hybrids. stituta 5: 18-24. Sorghum Newsletter 13:37. 0464 MURTY, P.S.S., and MENON, P.M. 1973. Cytological studies of the V.P. 1970. Van- 0453 MAJISU, B.N. 1971. Effects of hybrid (Fr) aulotetraploid Sorghum atin in pollen sterility insorghum clones autoploidy on grain sorghum. East African vulgare Pers, x S.halepense (L.) Pers. and atiin inolnil ihnysorgumo cloes.- Agricultural and Forestry Journal 36(3): its progeny. Andhra Agricultural Journal (Ru). Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov, seso- 235-242. 7 ref. 20(3-4): 51-60. 13 ref. yuznyi Selektsionno-Genetichaskii ins­ titul. 9: 196-200 0454 MAJISU, B.N. 1972. Some cyto- 0465 NAGUR, T., and MURTHY, K.N.

0443 KUNJAMMA, V.K. MEENAKSHI logical aspects of autotetraploid sorghum 1970. Diallel analysis of heterosis and K.. and SURENDRAN, C. 1973. New improvement. East African Agricultural combining ability in some Indian sorghums. K.sourrce of cytoplasmiccUtoNDaAN, genic male19. sterilitysey and Forestry Journal 37(1): 54-59. BreedingIndian Journal 30(1): 26-35.of Genetics 10 ref. and Plant in genus Sc rghum. Madras Agricultural 0455 MALINOVSKII, B.N. 1971. Hete­ Journal 6O(9-12: 111-1813.2 ref. rosis and cytoplasmicmalesterility(CMS) 0466 NAKASHIMA, H., and HOSO- in sorghum breeding. (Ru). pages 156- KAWA, S. 1970. Histochemical studies on 0444 LANDI R, 1971. Introductory 199 in Geneticheskie Osnovy Selektsil cyloplasmicmalesterilityincropplants.1. note on the genetic improvement of waxy Rastenii. Moscow, USSR: Nauka. Carbohydrate fluctuation and amino acids sorghums. Pages 253-257 in Proceedings, in the anthers of maize and sorghum. Fifth meeting of the maize and sorghum 0456 MALINOVSKII, B.N. 1971. Several Hokkaido Daigaku Nogakubu Hobun Kiyo section. EUCARPIA symposium (ed. I. questions on the genetics of cytoplasmic 7:201-208. Kovacs). Budapest, Hungary: Akademiai male sterility (CMS) and its application in Kiado. breeding hybrids of sorghumforheterosis. 0467 NAPHADE, D.S. 1973. Heritability (Ru). Genetika 7(7): 42-54. 28 ref. and genetic advance for yield, flowering 0445 LASER, KD. 1972. Light and (Summary: En). and plant height following a sorghum electron microscope study of micro- cross. PKV Research Journal 1(2): 153­ sporogenesis in cyteplasmic male sterile 0457 MALINOVSKII, B.N. and KITAEV, 155. 12 ref. Sorghum bicolor (Gramineae). Ph.D. A.I. 1971. Induced mutants in sorghum thesis, Iowa State University, USA. 228 pp. (Ru). Pages 170-171 in Praktika Khimiches- 0468 NAPHADE, D.S. 1973. Studies kogo Mutageneza. Moscow USSR: Nauka. on inheritance of awned condition and 0446 LIANG, G.H. 1971. Epistasis in grain colour in sorghum. Madras Agri­ grain sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 14: 0458 MALINOVSKII, B.N., ZOZ, N.N., cultural Journal 60(3): 184-186. 7 ref. 85-87. 1 ref. and KITAEV, A.I. 1973. Induction of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in 0469 MAPHADE, D.S., and GHAW- 0447 LIANG, G.H. 1973. Transmission sorghum by chemical mulagens. (Ru). GHAWE, B.G. 1971. Effects of gamma rate of six sorghum trisomics. Sorghum Genetika 9(6): 19-27. (Summary: En.) irradiation on an increase in the relative Newsletter 16: 116. content of protein in sorghum varieties. 0459 MATTEI, M.R., 1973. Combining Madras Agricultural Journal 58(6): 429­ 0448 LIANG, G.H., and LIANG, Y.T.S. ability, heterosis, and cross breeding 431. 5 ref. 1972. Effects of atrazine on chromosomal correlation of tropical with male behaviour in sorghum. Canadian Journal sleile lines of grain sorghum (Sorghum 0470 NAPHADE, D.S., and TAYYAB, of Genetics and Cytology 14(2): 423-427. blcolor (L.) Moench). Maracay, Venezuela: M.A. 1970-1971. Inheritance of some 8 ref. Central University of Venezuela. 125 pp. plant characters in sorghum. College of Genetics and Cytology I5

Agriculture, Nagpur, Magazine 43:15-17. variability, correlations and path analysis stem borer in sorghum. Indian Journal of 8 ref. of fodder yield and its components in Genetics and Plant Breeding 31(3): 521­ sorghum. Punjab Agricultural University 529. 13 ref. 0471 NASS, H.G. 1972. Cyanogenesis: Journal of Research, 9(3): 422-427. 7 ref. its inheritance in Sorghum bicolor, 0494 RAO, H.K.H., and BODADE, V.N. Sorghum sudanese Lotus, and Trifolium 0483 POKLE, Y.S. 1972. Effect of 1970. Regression studies In jowar repens-a review. Crop Science 12(4): irradiation on sterility of jowar seeds. (sorghum). Madras Agricultural Journal 503-506. 28 ref. Botanique 3(2): 93-97. 15 ref. 57(10): 491-495, 5 ref.

0472 NAYAKAR, N.Y. 1973. Gene 0484 POTRESOVA, V.M. 1971. Inher- 0495 RAO, H.K.H., PUNDARIKAKS­ action for seven quantitative characters in itance of morphological characters and HUDU, R., and MEENAKSHI SUNDARAM, Sorghum vulgarePers. Mysore Journal of biological properties in hybrids of sweet P.C. 1972. Qualitative aspects of sorghum Agricultural Sciences 7:535-538. 11 ref. sorghum in the first generation: Preliminary hybrids. Indian Journal of Agricultural report. (Ru). Pages 66-70 in Kratkie itogi Sciences 42(11): 1004-1007. 8 ref. 0473 NORDOUIST, P.T. 1971. Genetic raboty za 1969 god Moldavskogo variances in an advanced population of Nauchria-lssledovatel'skogo Instituta 0496 RAO, N.G.P. 1970. Genotype x RS 610 grain sorghum. Ph.D. thesis, selektsii, Semenovodstva i Agrotekhniki environment interaction ingrain sorghum University of Nebraska, USA, 133 pp. Polevykh Kul'tur. Kishinev, Moldavian hybrids. Indian Journal of Genetics and SSR: Kartija Moldovenjaske. Plant Breeding 30(1): 75-80. 8 ref. 0474 NOVEILLER, G., and ECKEBIL, J. 1970. Utilization of selection in the 0485 POTRESOVA, V.M. 1972. Inher- 0497 RAO, N.G.P. 1970. Genetic research on a solution to an entomological fiance of biological and economica!ly analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses problem. Agronomic Tropicale 25(12): valuable characters in first-generation in sorghum. 1,Heterosis and its interaction 1041-1043. grain-sorghum hybrids. (lu). Pages 58-61 with seasons. Indian Journal of Genetics in Metody Selektsii Sel'skokhozyaist- and Plant Breeding 30(2): 347-361.14 ref. 047!5 OVERMAN, M.A. 1971. Compa- venykh rasteniliv Moldavii, Kishinev, rison of anther development incytoplasmic Moldavian SSR: Stiinca. 0490 ,', NG.P. 1970. Genetic male-sterile and fertile plants of Sorghum analysis of some ex:ro- x Indian crosses bicolor (Linn.) Moench. Ph.D. thesis, 0486 QUINBY. J.R. 1970. Effects of in sorghum. 2. Combining ability and University of Florida, USA 145 pp. male-sterile inducing cytoplasm In sor- components of genetic variation. Indian ghum hybrids. Crop Science 10(5): 614.4 Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 047 6 OVERMAN, M.A., and WAR- ref. 30(2): 362-376. 13 ref. MAKE, H.E. 1972, Cytoplasmic male sterility in sorghum. Journal of Heredity 0487 QUINBY, J.R. 1970. Genetic 0499 RAO, N.G.P., HARINARAYANA, 63(5): 227-233. 10 ref. differences between sorghum varieties G., ARUACHALAM, V., TRIPATHI, D.P., that influence time of flowering. Sorghum and BALAKOTAIAH, K. 1973, Genetic 0477 PARODA, R.S., and REES, H. Newsletter 13: 67-68. 2 ref. analysis of some exotic x Indian crosses ,971. Nuclear DNA variation in dusorg- in sorghum. 6. Character association nums. Chromosoma 32: 353-363. 0488 QUINBY, J.R. 1972. Influence of under selection. Indian Journal of Gene­ maturity genes on plant growth in tics and Plant Breeding 33(1): 1-6. 7 ref. 0478 PASHA, M.AM., and MUNSHI, sorghum. Crop Science 12(4): 490-492. Z.A. 1973. Correlation studies inSorghum 12 ref. 0500 RAO, N.G.P., HARINARAYANA, bicolor (L.) Moench. Agriculture Pakistan G., MURTY, U.R., TRIPATHI, D.P., and 24(3-4): 245-259. 12 ref. 0489 QUINBY, J.R. 1973. Genetic. BALAKOTAIAH, K. 1971. Self-incom­ control of flowering and growth in patability in grain sorghums. Indian 0479 PATANOTHAI, A.1972. Analysis sorghum. Advances inAgronomy'25:125- Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeing of environmental responses and genetic 162. 79 ref. 31(1): 153-155. 2 ref. effects for yield in single-crosses and three-way hybrids of grain sorghum. Ph.D. 0490 RAMALINGAM, R.S., RAMAN, 0501 RAO, N.G.P., and MURTY, B.R. thesis, Iowa State University, USA. 121 pp. V.S., and CHANDRASEKHARAN, P.1972. 1970. Components of heterosis in two Comparative study of variation in pro- sorghum hybrids. hidian Jounal of Genetics 0480 PATANOTHAI A., and ATKINS, genies of three interspecific hybrids In and Plant Breeding 30(I): 230-236. 5 ref. R.E. 1971. Helerotic response for vege- sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 39-40. tative growth and fruiting development in 0502 RAO, N.G.P., and MURTY, B.R. grain sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) 0491 RAMAN, VS. 1972. Cytomor- 1972. Further studies on obligate apomix- Moench. Crop Science 11(6): 839-843.15 phology of the hybrids S. multillorus x S. is in grain sorghum. Indian Journal of ref. roxburghii and S.arundinaceum. Sorghum Genetics and Plant Breeding 32(3): 379- Newsletter 15: 31-33. 383. 6 ref. 0481 PEARSON, J.D. 1973. Effecti­ veness of phenotypic selection based 0492 RANA, B.S., and MURTY, B.R. 0503 RAO, N.G.P., TRIPATHI, D.P., upon selected components of yield In 1971. Genetic divergence and phenotypic and RANA, V.K.S. 1970. Ilduced mutations grain sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (..) stability for some characters in the genus in sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 13:46- Moench. Ph.D. thesis. Texas A&M Sorghum. Indian Journal of Genetics and 48. University, USA. 63 pp. Plant Breeding 31(2): 345-356. 8 ref. 0504 RAO, N.G.P., and VENKATES­ 0482 PAUL, P.S., ARORA, N.D., and 0493 RANA, B.S,, and MURTY, B.R. WARLU, J. 1971. Genetic analysis of MEHND;RATTA, P.D. 1972. Genetic 1971. Genetic analysis of resistance to some exotic x Indian crosses Insorghum. 16 Genetics and Breeding

3. Heterosis in relation to dry matter 0517 ROSS, WM.1971. Multiple alleles of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 49: production and nutrient uptake. Indian for height in sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 4-9, Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 14: 89-91. 31(1): 156-176. 17 ref. 0531 SETHUPATHI, R.R., MADHAVA 0518 ROSS, W.M. 1972. Effect of MENON, P., and SREE RANGASWAMY, 0505 REDDI, V.R.1970. Chromosome bloomless (blbi) on yield Incombine kafir- S.R. 1973. Inheritance of rhizomatous association in one induced and five 60. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 121. nature In sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter natural tetraploids of sorghum. Genetica 16: 40-42. 2 ref. 41: 321-333. 0519 RUKMA REDDY, N. 1971. Dial­ lel analysis of protein and other characters 0532 SETHUPATHI, R.R., and PON- 1973. Cytogenetical studies 0506 REDDI, V.R. 1970. Pachytene in sorghum. M.Sc. thesis, Andhra Pradesh NAIYA, B.W.X. of Sorghum sudanense and S. pairing and the nature of polyploidy in Agricultural University, India. 64 pp. in hybrids its derivatives. Sorghum Sorghum arundinaceum. Caryologla 23(3): dochna and Newsletter 16: 43-46. 295-302. 10 ref. 0520 SACHAN, J.K.S., and MUKHER- JEE, B.K. 1970. Variegated pericarp in 0507 REDDI, V.R.1971. Chromosome sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 13: 46. 0533 SHANKARE GOWDA, B.T., aberrations in two haploid derivatives of MADHAV RAO, and MENSlNKAI, SW. sorghum. Cytologia 36(3): 377-381. 0521 SANDLIN, C.O. 1970. Quantita- 1972. Heterosis and line x tester analysis tive genetic studies of a sorghum cross. of combining ability in selected lines of (Sorghum vulgare Pers.). 1. 0508 REDDI, V.R., and BHASKARA Ph.D. thesis, Oklahoma State University, sorghum of heterosis. Mysore Journal of RAO, E.V.V. 1971. Double Interchange USA. 114 pp. Magnitude Sciences 6(3): 234-241. 19 heterozygotes in sorghum. Sorghum Agricultural ret. Newsletter 14: 75-76. 0522 SANDLIN, C.O., and BROOKS, J.S. 1970. Quantitative gpnetic studiesofa 0534 SHANKARE 'GOWDA, B.T., 0509 REDDI, VR., and BHASKARA sorghum cross. Sorghum Newsletter 13: MADHAV RAO, and MENSINKAI, S.W. RAO, EV.V. 1971. I.-'changes In sorghum 66-67. 1972. Heterosis and ine x tester analysis invoving the nucleolar chromosome. of combing ability in selected lines of Sorghum Newsletter 14: 75. 0523 SCHERTZ, K.F. 1970. Chromo- sorghum (Sorghum vulgare Pers.). 2. some translocation set inSorghum bicolor Combining ability. Mysore Journal of 0510 REDDI, VR., and BHASKARA (L.) Moench. Crop Science 10(4): 329- Agricultural Sciences 6(3): 242-253. 18 RAO, E.V.V. 1971. Tertiary trisomic plant 332. 6 ref. ref. of sorghum. Su~ghum Newsletter 14: 76. 0524 SCHERTZ, K.F. 1970. Single 0535 SIMONENKO, V.K. 1970. Effect 051 ' REDDI, VR, and BHASKARA height-gene effects in doubled haploid of CMS factors on'meiosis and micro­ RAO, E.V.V. 1973. Improved method of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. Crop sporogenesis in sorghum. (Ru). Sbornik inducing -utuotetraploids in sorghum. Science 10(5): 531-534. 14 ref. Nauchnykh Trudov, Vsesoyuznyi Sel­ Sorghum Newsletter 16: 16-17. ektsionno-Geneticheskii Institut 9: 201­ 0525 SCHERTZ. K.F. 1973. Possible 206. 0512 REDDI, VR., BHASKARA RAO, new cytoplasmic-genic sterility systems E.V.V., and PURNACHANDRA RAO, D. in sorghum. Pages 7-14 in Proceedings, 0536 SINDAGIS.S.,SWARUP,V.,and 1971. Some observation on the cytology 28th Annual Corn and Sorghum Research SINGH, D. 1970. Correlation between of induced interchanges in sorghum. Conference, USA. characters contributing to yield in F2 Experientia 27: 223-224. progenies of intervarietal crosses in 0526 SCHERTZ, K.F. 1973. Single sorghum. Indian Journal of Genetics and 0513 REDDY, CR, and LIANG, G.H. height-gene effects in doubled haploid Plant Breeding 30(3): 654-659. 6 ref. 1971. Genetic variability of yield in F2 Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench as in­ populations of grain sorghum Sorghum fluenced by stand density. Crop Science 0537 SINDAGI, S.S.,SWARUP, V.,and bicolor (L.) Moench. Canadian Journal of 13(2): 324-326. 13 ref. SINGH, D. 1970. Variation and heritability Genetics and Cytology 13(1): 101-104.8 of some quantitative characters in F2 ref. 0527 SCHERTZ, K.F. 1973. $ingle progenies of intervarietal crosses of height-gene effects in hybrids of doubled sorghum. Indian Journal of Genetics and 0514 RICCELLI, M.M. 1971. Differen haploid Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. Plant Breeding 30(3): 660-664.8 ref. tlalphytotoxic reaction of sorghum Crop Science 13(4): 421-423. 13 ret. cultivars to insecticides. 1. Genetic 0538 SINGH, R. 1973. Effect of high resistance to trichlorfor. Crop Science 0528 SCHERTZ, K.F., and HANNA, lysine (hl) and sugary (su) mutant genes 11(6): 923-926. 15 ref. W.W. 1971. Cytogenetics. Sorghum on improved nutritional quality of sorghum Newsletter 14: 100. grain. Ph.D. thesis, Purdue University, 0515 ROSENOW, D.T. 1970. Evalu- USA. 112 pp. ation of early generation testing for 0529 SCHERTZ. K.F., SUMPTER, NA., combining ability of restorer lines in grain SARKISSIAN, I.V.,and HART, G.E. 1971. 0539 SINGH, R., and AXTELL, J.D. sorghum. Ph D. thesis, Texas A&M Peroxidase regulation by the 3-dwarf 1973. High lysine mutant gene (hI) that University, USA. 85 pp. height locus in sorghum. Journal of Improves protein quality and biological Heredity 62(4): 235-238. 16 ref. value of grain sorghum. Crop Science 0516 ROSENOW, D.T., JOHNSON, 13(5): 535-539. 23 ref. J.W., and FREDERIKSEN, R.A. 1972. 0530 SENGUPTA, S.P., and WEIBEL, Lodging resistance. Sorghum Newsletter D.E. 1970. Cytological study inhybrids of 0540 SINGH, S.P. 1973. Characteristics 15:134-135. Sorghum almum (Gramineae). Proceedings and genetic analysis of four diethyl Genetics and Cytology 17

sulfate-induced culm height mutations of ced chlorophyll chimeras and mutations performance, inheritance and hybridi­ sorghum. Ph.D. thesis, University of in sorghum. Madras Agricultural Journal zation programs. Sorghum Newsletter 14: Wisconsin, USA. 88 pp. 57(12): 727-732. 9 ref. 48-49.

0541 SINGH, S.P., and DROLSOM, 0552 SREE RAMULU, K. 1970. Indu- 0564 SREE RAMULU, K.1971. Muta- P.N. 1973. Chemically-'nduced maturity ced systematic mutations In sorghum. tional analysis of ploidy level of cultivated and height mutants of Sorghum bicolor Mutation Research 10: 77-80. sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 14: 50-51. (L.) Moench. Sorghum Newsletter 16: 145-146. 0553 SREE RAMULU, K. 1970. Sen- 0565 SREE RAMULU, K. 1971. Indu­ sitivity and Induction of mutations in ced polygenic variability in sorghum. 0542 SINGH, S.P., and DROLSOM, sorghum. Mutation Research 10(3): 197- Sorghum Newsletter 14: 51-52. 1 ref, P.N. 1973. IndUced recessive mutations 205. affecting leaf angle in Sorghum bicolor. 0566 SREE RAMULU, K, 1971. Muta- Journal of Heredity 64(2): 65-68. 5 ref. 0554 SREE RAMULU, K. 1970. Com- genic sensitivity in sorghum. Madras parative study on the effectiveness and Agricultural Journal 58(): 33-35. 7 ref. 0543 SINGH, U. 1972. Evaluation of efficiency of radiations and chemical genetic stock and expression of heterosis mutagens insorghum. Boletin Genetico 7: 0567 SREE RAMULU, K.1972. Com­ in some varietal crosses of Sorghum 17-21. 6 ref. parison of mutagenic effectiveness and vulgate Pers. (jowar). Agra University efficiency of NMUand MNG in sorghum. Journal of Research, Science 21(1): 43- 0555 SREE RAMULU, K.1970. Induc- Theoretical an d Genetics 42(3): 44. tion of chlorophyll and viable mutations In 101-106. 36 ref. sorghum. Genetica Agraria 22: 323-334. 0544 SINGHANIA, DL., RAO, N.G.P., and HOUSE, L.R. 1970. Note on the 0556 SREE RAMULU, K. 1970. Muta- 0568 SREE RAMULU, K.1972. Modi­ inheritance of betacarotene content in genicity of radiations and chemical fication of sensitivity and mutation res­ sorghum. Current Science 39(23): 544- mutagens in sorghum. Theoretical and ponse of sorghum seeds to chemical 545. 3 ref. Applied Genetics 40(6): 257-260. mutagens. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 100­ 101. 0545 SINHA, S.K., NAIR, T.V.R., and 0557 SREE RAMULU, K.1970, Studies 0569 SREE RAMULU, K 1972. Stud- RAO, N.G.P. 1972. Amylase comple- on induction of mutations in sorghum. ies on raMULU, of quantud­ mentation as an index of heterosis in Pages 60-69 in Proceedings, Symposium ies on interrelationship of quantiative sorghum. Pages 536-539 in Sorghum in on Radiations and Radiomimetic Sub- traits in M3 and M4 generations following seventies: Proceedings of an interna- stances in Mutation Breeding. Trombay, mutagenic treatments in sorghum. Zeits­ tional symposium organized by AICSIP, Bombay, India: Food and Agricultural chrift fuer Pflanzenzuechtung 68(4): 287­ 27-30 October 1971, Hyderabad (eds. Committee, Department of Atomic Energy, 293. 28 ref. N.G.P. Rao, and L.R.House). New Delhi, Government of India. India: Oxford and India Book House. 0570 SREE RAMULU, K. 1973. Com­ 0558 SREE RAMULU, K. 1971. Effec- parison on the effects of radiations and 0546 SMITH, D.C., and DROLSOM, tiveness and efficiency of single and chemical mutagens on chromosome P.N. 1972. Modifications of internode combined treatments o, radiations and association and chiasma frequency in length and phyllotaxy of sorghum plants ethyl methane sulphonate in sorghum. diploid sorghum. Cytologia 38(4): 615­ following treatment of progenitor seed Proceedings of the Indian Academy of 621. 21 ref. with chemical mutagens. Sorghum Sciences, Section B 74(3): 147-154. 10 Newsletter 15: 144-117. ref. 0571 SREE RAMULU, K.1973. Muta­ genic effects of gamma rays, chemical 0547 SREE RAMULU, K. 1970. Indu- 0559 SREE RAMULU, K. 1971. Che- mutagens and combined treatments in ced asynapsis in sorghum. Madras mical mutagenesis in sorghum. Procee- sorghum. Zeitschrift fuer Pflanzenzue- Agricultural Journal 57(2): 129-130. 7 ref. dings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, chtung 70(3): 223-229. Section B 74(4): 161 -173. 16 ref. 0548 SREE RAMULU, K. 1970. Muta- 0572 SREE RAMULU, K., and SREE genic sensitivity of different genotypes of 0560 SREE RAMULU, K. 1971. Indu- RANGASWAMY, S.R. 1971. Estimation of sorghum to treatments with radiations, ced structural changes and melotic the number of initials in grain sorghum chemical mutagens and combination aberrations in sorghum. Cytologia 36(2): using mutagenic treatments. Sorghum treatments. Madras Agricultural Journal 229-236. Newsletter 14: 50. 1 ref. 57(5): 279-288. 16 ref. 0561 SREE RAMULU, K. 1971. Effect 0573 SREE RAMULU, K., and SREE 0549 SREE RAMULU, K. 1970. Com- of ionizing radiations and chemical RANGASWAMY, S.R. 1972. Effect of parative effects of radiations and chemical mutagens on chiasma frequency in gibberellic acid (GA) post-treatment on mutagens on fertility in sorghum. Madras sorghum. Cytologia 36(3): 543-551. 12 gamma ray-induced toxic effects in rice Agricultural Journal 57(9): 481-483. 3 ref. ref. and sorghum. Madras Agricultural Journal 59(8): 457-465, 21 ref. 0550 SREE RAMULU, K.1970. Ploldy 0562 SREE RAMULU, K. 1971. Indu­ and mulagenic sensitivity in sorghum. ced mutagenesis in sorghum. Sorghum 0574 SREE RAMULU, K., and SREE Madras Agricultural Journal 57(10): 513- Newsletter 14: 48. RANGASWAMY, S.R. 1972. Estimation of 516. 6 ref. the Initials in grain sorghum using 0563 SREE RAMULU, K.1971. Studies mutagenic treatments. Radiation Botany 0551 SREE RAMULU, K. 1970. Indu- on Induced mutants In sorghum-yield 12(1): 37-43. 32 ref. 16 Genetics and Breeding

0575 SREE RAMULU, K., and SREE Ciencla Agricola 6(1): 81-96.32 ref. sudanense Stapf. (Ru). Pages 227-231 in RANGASWAMY, S.R. 1972. Size of Praktika KhImIcheskogo Mutageneza. mutated sector and number of initials In 0586 TOMEU, A.,and PEREZ,J. 1973. Moscow, USSR: Nauka. sorghum estimated by means of chloro- Heterosis in sorghum hybrids. Cuban phyll mutants. Sorghum Newsletter 15: Journal of Agricultural Science 7(3): 355- 0598 YURCHENKO, I.T., and VIKTO- 101-104. 363. 10 ref. RENKO, V.D. 1973. Mutagenic effect of N­ nitrosomethylurea and ethyleneimine on 0576 SREE RAMULU, K., and SREE 0587 TRIPATHI, BK., GUPTA,.Y.P., Sorghum sudanense Stapf. (Ru). Tsitologiya RANGASWAMY, SR. 1972. Radio pro- and HOUSE, L.R. 1971. Selection for high Genetika 7(3): 234-237. (Summary: En.) tective effect of gibberellic acid in protein and amino acids in grain sorght!m. sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 105- Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant 0599 Deleted. 106. Breeding 31(2): 275-282. 11 ref. Breeding 0577 SREE RAMULU, K., and SREE 0588 USEGLIO DE TREIYER, E.E. RANGASWAMY, S.R. 1973 Size of the 1971. Study of haploidy in sorghum 0600 ANDREWS, D.J. 1970. Breeding mutated sector in sorghum panicles (preliminary report). (Es). Estaction Ex- and testing dwarf sorghums In Nigeria. estimated by means of chlorophyll mutants. perimental Agropecuaria Manfredi In- Experimental Agriculture 6(1): 41-50. 8 Maydica 18(3-4): 77-85. 26 ref. formaclon Tecnica no. 42. 6 pp. 11 ref. ref.

0578 SREE RANGASWAMY, SR., DE- 0589 VANDERLIP, R.L., MOCKEL, F.E,, 0601 ANDNEWS, D.J. 1970. Progress VASHAYAM, P., 3nd RAMAN V.S. 1971. and HALIM, J. 1973. Evaluation of vlgour In sorghum breeding in Nigeria. African Observations on cytology, fertility and tests for sorghum seed. Agronomy Journal Soils 15(1-3): 449-460. 3 ref. phenotype intetraploid hybrid and proge- 65(3): 486-488. 9 ref. nies of the cross Sorghum bicolor xS.ha­ lepense. Sorghvm Newsletter 14: 53-54. 0590 VASUDEVA RAO, M.J. 1973. 0602 ANDREWS, D.J., and WEBSTER, Genic analysis of eight quantitative O.J. 1971. New factoor genetic male 0579 SUBBA REDDY. B.V and RAO. characters in a five-parent complete sterility in Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. N.G.P. 1971. Genetic analysis of some diallel of sorghum (Sorghum vulgare Crop Science 11(2): 308-309.5 ref. exotic x Indian crosses in sorghum. 5. Pers.). Mysore Journal of Agricultural 0603 BALACHANDRAN, M., and Character association and response to Sciences 7(4): 657-658. MENON, P.M. 1970. Analysis of sterility in selection inadvanced generation progenies. of sorghum. Madras Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant 0591 VENKATARAMAN, K. 1970. interspecific hybrids Journal 57(11): 598-604. 15. Breeding 31(3): 510-520, 12 ref. Further report on a case of inherited Agricultural proliferation Insorghum. Madras Agricultural ref. 0580 SWAMINATHAN. M.S., NAIK, Journal 57(9): 480. 1 ref. 1972. Results of M.S., KAUL, A.K., and AUSTIN, A. 1972. 0604 BANYAI, L. of initial Choice of strategy for the genetic 0592 WAKANKAR, SM., YADAV, L.N., investigation and selection of sorghum. (Hu). upgrading of protein properties Incereals, ard SHARMA, R.V. 1970. Studies on breeding material Kozlemenyek 31(3-4): millets and pulses. Plant Foods for Human heritability, correlation and discriminant Agrartudomanyi 17 ref. Nutrition 2(3-4): 119-131. function selection in sorghum. Indian 333-334. Journal of Science and Industry, Section Sorghum I., and OCHI, M. A 4(3-4): 107-114.21 ref. 0605 BEZPALYI, N.D. 1970. 0581 TARUMOTO, (Ru). ability for drought breeding in the Mali Republic. 1970. Combining USSR1:66­ tolerance inFi sorghum hybrids. Sorghum 0593 WANG, S.L., and PI, C.P. 1972. SelektsiyaiSemenovodslvo, 68. Newsletter 13: 55-57. Genetical studies on achlorophyll mutant of sorghum. (Ch). Memoirs of the College 0582 THOMSON, P.L. 1971.Recurrent of Agriculture, National Taiwan University 0606 BLUM, A. 1972. Breeding for selection infertility-restoring line3 of grain (Taiwan Tahsueh Nung-hsueh-yan Yen- insect resistance in crop pants with sorghum. Sorghum Newslettei 14. 4-5. chiu Pao-Kao) 13(2): 71-80. 17 ref. special reference to sorghum. Pages399­ 410 in Sorghum inseventies-Proceedings 0583 TOMEU, A., MENDIOLA, B., 0594 WANJARI, M.R., and YORK, J.O. of an international symposium organized PENA, J.A., and MENCHACA, M. 1972. 1972. Inheritance of brown pericarp and by AICSIP, 27-30 October 1971,Hyderabad Diallel cross among four grain sorghum subcoat in sorghum. Crop Science 12(6): (eds. N.G.P. Rao, and L.R. House). New lines. Revista Cubana de Ciencia Agricola 819-822. 12 ref. Delhi, India: Oxford and India Book House. 6(2, English edn.): 279-288. 16 ref. 0595 WARMKE, H.E., and OVERMAN, 0007 BONO, M. 1970. Pennisetum 0584 TOMEU, A., and PENA, J.A. MA. 1972. Cytoplasmic male sterility in millet and sorghum: synthesis of results. 1972. Heterosis infour sorghum crosses. sorghum. Journal of Heredity 63(3): 103- African Soils 15(1-3): 237-248. Revista Cubana de Ciencia Agricola 6(2, 108. 19 ref. English edn.): 251-265. 35 ref. 0608 BRINDLEY-RICHARDS, G.I. 0596 WU, T.P. 1971. Cytological and 1971. Grain sorghum breeding, Sorghum 0585 TOMEU, A., PENA, J.A., and genetic changes induced in Sorghum Newsletter 14: 99. MENCHACA, M. 1972. Pedigree selection purpureosericeum by thermal neutrons. in segregant generations of sorghum Taiwania 16(1): 111-121. 0609 CRILL, D.J., and GRENNELL, crosses. Evaluation of the F4generation of MG. 1971. Emasculated crosses in crosses of TX 7078 x SEA green and TX 0597 YURCHENKO, I.T. 1971. Action sorghum species. Sorghum Newsletter 7078 x Africa blanca. Revista Cubana de of chemical mutagens on Sorghum 14: 94-95. 4 rel. Breeding 19

0610 CROOK, W.J., CASADY, A.J., 0621 GARDNER CO. 1972. Develop- random-mating sorghum population and and CAMPBELL, L.G. 1972. Scissor ment of superior populations of sorghum their application in breeding systems. emasculation of sorghum. Crop Science and their role in breeding programs. Ph.D. thesis, University of Nebraska, USA. 12(5): 709-710. 6 ref. Pages 180-196 in Sorghum in seventies: 177 pp. Proceedings of an international sympo­ 061 1 DABHOLKAR, A.R., TELANG, sium organized by AICSIP, 27-30 October 0631 JAN-ORN, J. 1973. Statistical S.W., and PATEL, K.C. 1970. Correlations 1971, Hyderabad. (eds. N.GP. Rao, and estimates of certain traiis in the sorghum in sorghum hybrids. Science and Culture L.R. House). New Delhi, India: Oxford and i'andom-mating population, NP3R. Sor­ 36(8): 476. 4 ref. India Book House. ghum Newsletter 16: 121-123.

0612 DABHOLKAR, A.R., TELANG, 0622 GARDNER, CO., NORDQUIST, 0632 JOHNSON, J.W., ROSENOW, SW., and PATEL, K.C. 1970. Path analysis P.T., and ROSS, W.M. 1971. Newbreeding D.T., MILLER, F.R., and SCHERTZ, K.F. of yield components in hybrid sorghums. systems for sorghum improvement 1971. Sorghum breeding and improve- Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant University of Nebraska. College of Agri- ment. Texas Agricultural Experiment Breeding 30(3): 625-629. 6 ref. culture Ouarlerly 18(3): 4-5. Station Progress Report no. 2938-2949. pp. 46-57. 0613 DOGGETT, H.1970.Application 0623 GEBREKIDAN, B. 1973. Stalus 0633 JOHNSON, J.W., and TEETES, of modern plant breeding methods to of sorghum improvement in Ethiopia mainly self-pollinated crops. African Soils culture. Pages 88-93 in 1st Proceedings, G.L. 1973. Breeding for greenbug resis­ 15(1-3): 629-642. 11 ref. Seminar on improved production field lance in sorghum. Pages 84-87 in 8th food crops and plant science of Africa and Grain Sorghum Research Utilization fhe near East. FAO/SICA. New Delhi, Conference Biennial Program. Lubbock, 0614 DOGGETT, H. 1970. Sorghum India: IARI. Texas: Grain Sorghum Producers As­ breeding Pages 42-48 in East African sociation. Agriculture and Forestry Research Or­ ganization, Annual Report 1969. 0624 ISAKOV, Ya t. 1971. Cytoplas- 0034 KALASHNIK, N.S. 1970. Breed­ mic male sterility as a tool in sorghum ing and genetic work with sorghum. (Ru). 0615 DOGGETT, H. 1970. Sorghum breeding and seed production. Pages Trudy Moldavskogo Nauchno-tssledovate­ improvement in East ;,.:rica. Pages 60-87 150-151 in Proceedings, Fifth meeting of I'skogo Instituta Selektsii Semenovodstva in Crop Improvement in East Africa (ed. the Maize and Sorghum Section, EUCARPIA I Agrotekhnika Polevykh Kul'tur 5: 89-101. C.L.A. Leakey). Farnham Royal, UK: Symposium. Budapest, Hungary: Aka- Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaiux. demiai Kiado. 0635 KALASHNIK, N.S. 1972. Mea­ sures to improve breeding and seed­ 0625 ISAKOV, Ya I. 1971. Develop- production work with sorghum and its 0816 DOGGETT, H., STARKE, K.J., ment and study of sorghum-sudan grass introduction into production. (Ru). Pages and EBERHART, S.A. 1970. Breeding for hybrids obtained from lines with cyto- 375-379 in Solektsiya i Semenovodstvo resistance to the sorghum shoot fly. Crop plasmic male sterility. (Ru). Sel'skokho- Zernovykh I Kormovykh Kul'tur. Moscow, Science 10(5): 528-531. 6 ref. zyaistvennaya Blotogiya 6(2): 211-216. USSR: Kolos.

0617 DOWNES. R.W., and MARS- (Summary: En.) 0636 KALASHNIK, N.S. 1972. Most HALL, D.R. 1971. Low-temperature induced 0626 ISAKOV, Ya I. 1972. Breeding important results and current problems In male sterlty in Sorghum bcolor Australian and study of heterotic hybrids of grain sorghum breeding and seed production. Journal of Experimental Agriculture and sorghum. (Ru). Kukuruza 2: 25-26. (Ru). Byulleten' Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno- Animal Husbandry 11(5): 352-356. 12 ref. Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Kukuruzy 1: 0627 ISAKOV, Ya I., and NEVOL'KO, 61-64. 0618 DRANENKO, I.A. 1972. Breed- O.D. 1970. Use of cytoplasmic male ing to increase the cold resistance of sterility inthe breeding and seed production 0637 KALASHNIK, N.S., and MIR­ sweet sorghum varieties. (Ru). Nauchno- of sorghum. (Ru). Nauchnye Toudy OSHNICHENKO, A.R. 1970. Results and Tekhnicheskii Byulleten' Vsesoyuznogo Donskogo Zonal'nogo Nauchno-Issle- prospects of sorghum breeding. (Ru). Selektsionno-Geneticheskogo Instituta dovatel'skogo Instituta Serskogo Khoz- Byulleten' Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-Iss­ 17: 18-21. yaistva 4: 193-206. ledovatel'skogo Instituta Kukuruzy 1(12): 67-70. 0619 DRANI'NKO, I.A., and SYSOEV, 0628 ISAKOV, Ya I., and SHAROVA, A.F. 1972. Problem of breeding for O.D. 1973. Use of helerosis in breeding 0638 KUL', E.P. 1972. Results chemical composition in sorghum. (Ru). grain sorghum. (Ru). Nauchnye Toudy of sweet sorghum breeding. (Ru). Pages Nauchno-Tekhnicheskii Byulleten' Vse- Donskogo Zonal'nogo Nauchno-Issle- 165-173 in Osnovnye Itogi Nauchno­ soyuznogo Selektsionno-Genetichesko- dovatel'skogo Instituta Serskogo Khuz- Issledovatel'skykh Rabot za 1956-1967 go Instiluta 18: 18-20. yaistva 6:10-14. gg., Stavropol'skii Selektsionnaya Opy­ tnaya Stantsiya, Stavropol', USSR: 0620 EBERHART, S.A. 1972. Techni- 0629 JAISANI, B.G.. and DROLSOM, Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-lssledovatel'skii ques and methods for more efficient P.N. 1971. Random-type sterility in Institut Kukuruzy. population improvement in sorghum. sorghum. Crop Science 11(2): 167-171. Pages 197-213 in Sorghum in seventies: 17 ref. 0839 LEAKEY, C.L.A. ,1970. ,rop Proceedings of an international sympo- improvement in East Africa Common­ sium organized by AICSIP, 27-30 October 0630 JAN-ORN, J. 1973. Estimates wealth Bureau of Plant Breeding and 1971, Hyderabad (ed. N.G.P. RAO, and of genetic and environmental components Genetics, Technical Communication no. L.R. House). New Delhi, India: Oxford and of variance in some quantitative traits 19. Farnham Royal, UK: Commonwealth India Book House: from families derived from the NP3R Agricultural Bureaux. 280 pp. 20 Genetics and Breeding

0640 LE CONTE, J. 1972. Note on the Texas: Grain Sorghum Producers' As- 0662 NARAYANA, D., KULKARNI, N., present situation of selection work InWest sociatlon. and MURTY, K.N. 1973. Mutation breeding African sorghum. Pages 524-527 in in sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 16: 18­ Sorghum in seventies: Proceedings of an 0652 MARIE, R.1973.Visit to the Plant 20. international symposium Organized by Improvement Station, Montpellier, France, AICSIP, 27-30 October 1971, Hyderabad organised by the Cereals Section of the 0663 NAYAR, K.M.D., RAO, M.G.K., (eds. N.G.P. Rao., and L.R. House). New French Plant Breeders Association. 6June and KRISHNA SASTRY, K.S., and GOUD, Delhi, India: Oxford and India Book House. 1972. (Fr). Agronomle Troplcale 28(8): J.V. 1970. Breeding for drought tolerance 794-795. in sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 13: 34­ 0641 LENOBLE, M., LENOBLE, S., 35. 5 ref. and PORCHERON, P.1971. Screening for 0653 MERCER-QUARSHIE, H. 1970. tolerance to low temperatures at Lusi- Sorghum and millet improvement In 0664 NISHIBE, S., and SHIKATA, S. gnan (Vienne). Sorghum Newsletter 14: Ghana. African Soils 15(1-3): 175-184. 1 1972. Grain sorghum breeding in Japan. 27. ref. Sorghum Newsletter 15:111.

0642 MADHAVA RAO, T., and GOUD, 0654 MIROSHNICHENKO, A.R. 1972. 0665 NONVEILLER, G., and ECKEBIL, J.V. 1972. Line x tester analysis In Breeding sorghum at the Sinel'nikovo J. 1970. Use of plant breeding to solve an sorghum. (Es). Anales de Edafologla y Breeding Experimental Station. (Ru). entomological problem (Fr). Agronomle Agrobiologia 31(7-8): 523-531. 8 ref. Byulleten' Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-Iss- Tropicale 25(12): 1041-1043. (Summary: (Summary: En) ledovatel'skogo Instiluta Kukuruzy 3: 45- En, Es.) 48. 0443 MADHAVA RAO, T., KULLAI- 0666 PARTHASARATHY, A.V., SIVA- SWAMY, BY., and SINDAGI, S.S. 1972. 0655 MIROSHNICHENKO, A.R., and RAMAKRISHNAIAH, M., and UDAYA- Note on utilizing male-sterile lines in the ALDOSHINA, V.I. 1971. Breeding sterile CHAND, U. 1971. Hybridization project to. production Fi hybrid sorghum suitabla for analogues for producing sorghum hybrids, combine the good attributes of the exotic rabi rainfed cultivation. SorghLun Newsletter (Ru). Byulleteri Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno- varieties and the popular local varieties. 15: 43-45. 11 ref. Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Kukuruzy 4: Sorghum Newsletter 14: 68-69. 37-40. 0644 MADHAVA RAO, T, SRINI- 0667 PETROV, 0.1., KRIVONOSOVA, VASULU, G., and KULLAISWAMY, BY. 0656 Deleted. L.P., and POSPELOVA. L.S. 1972. Male 1972. Development of new male-sterile sterility in perennial sorghum (Sorghum x sorghum lines. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 0657 MIROSHNICHENKO, A.R., and Derzhaviniiserii n Tsvel.)p and rghumproblems o off 46. KOZLOVA, V.I. 1970. Some principles breeding (Ru). Trudy Stavropol'skogo governing the selection of initial material breedng Ru. d Stvopol'skogn 0645 MAHMOUD, MA, 1970. Out- for breeding male-sterile lines of sorghum. Nauchno-lssledovatelskogo Instituta lines ofsorghum breeding In the Sudan. (Ru). Selektsiya i Semenovodstvo, Ukrai- Selskogo Khozyaislva 11:118-127. African Soils 15(1-3): 715-716. nlan SSR 16: 65-70. 0668 PICKETT R.C.. OSWALT, DL.,

0646 MAHUDESWARAN, K., and 0658 MIROSHNICHENKO, A.R., TRO- and SCHAFFERT, RE. 1971 Annual RAMAN, V.S. 1972. Breeding behaviour of TSENKO, A.G., and ALDOSHINA. V.I. report on inheritance and improvement of an interspecific hybrid in sorghum. 1973. New sorghum hybrids and methods protein quality and content ihSorghum Sorghum Newsletter 15: 34-38. of breeding them (Ru). Pages 290-295 in bocolor (L.) Moench. Indiana, USA: Selektsiya i fiziologicheskaya tekhno- Purdue University. 89 pp. 0647 MAJISU, B.N. 1971. Genetic logiya i mekhanizatsiya vozdelyvaniya male sterility in tetraploid sorhgum im- kukuruzy i drugikh polevykh kul'tur. 0669 POTRESOVA, V.M. 1972. provement. East African Agricultural and Dnepropetrovsk, Ukrainian SSR Breeding male-sterile analogues and Forestry Journal 36(3): 243-246. 6 ref. hybrids based on male sterilly (Ru). Pages 0659 MOCK, J.J., and LOESCHER, 29-31 in Nauchnye Trudy po Serskokhoz­ 0648 MALINOVSKII, B.N., and SEJ- W.H. 1973. Attempted hybridization of Zea yaistvennoi Biologii. Odessa, Ukrainian KO, D.A. 1970. Hybridization of sweet and Sorghum. Egyptian Journal of Genetics SSR. sorghum on asterile basis. (Ru). Kukuruza and Cytology 2(2): 331-337. 12 ref. 11: 27-28. 0670 PUTTARUDRAPPA, A., and GOUD, J.V. 1970. Efficient method for 0649 Deleted. 0660 MUKHERJEE, R., MEHRA, K.L., producing hybrids seeds in male sterile SINGH, A.P., and KATIYAR, D.S. 1970. sorghum lines. Sorghum Newsletter 13: 0650 MALINOVSKII,0650MALNOVKII B.N.,B.N, adand ZHU-ZU- Breedinglow HCN content.of high-yir!ding Sorghum sorghumsNewsletter with 13: 38-39. 52. KOVA, M.P. 1971. Estimation of the sterile lines of sorghum and their fertile analogues 06701 RAO, N.G.P. 1972. Five years of by the degree of sterility and pollen fertility, sorghum breeding. Journal of Scientific (Ru). Sel'skokhozyai-stvennaya Biologiya 0661 MURTY, U.R., and RAO, N.G.P. and Industrial Research 31(10): 498-509. 6(2',217-220. (Summary: En.) 1972. Apomixis in breeding grain 19 ref. sorghums. Pages 517-523 in Sorghum in 0651 MARANVILLE, J.W. 1971. In- seventies: Proceedings of an international 0672 RAUTOU, S. 1971, European provement of protein content in grain symposlum.Organized by AICSIP, 27-30 Association for Research on Plant sorghum. Pages 87-90 in 7th Grain October 1971, Hyderabad (eds. N.G.P. Breeding (EUCARPIA)-Maize - and Sorghum Research Utilization Con- Rao, and L.R. House).New Delhi, India: Sorghum Section. Sorghum Newsletter ference, Biennial Program. Lubbock, Oxford and India Book House. 14: 26-27. Varieties, Varietal Trials, and Hybrids 21

0673 REDDI, V.R., and BHASKARA 0685 TAHIR, W.M. 1970. Possibilities 0696 ANON. 1970. Maize and sor- RAO, E.V.V. 1972. Fertility and breeding of regional cooperation In strengthening ghum varieties. Queensland Agricultural behaviour of Interchange heterozygotes maize, sorghum and millet breeding and Journal 96(8): 537-542. in sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 91- agronomic work. Information Bulletin on 92. the Near East Wheat and Barley 0697 ANON. 1971. Better farm crops. Improvement and Production Project 7(1): Crops and Soils 23(9): 22-24. 0674 RICCELLI, M. 1973. Sorghum 10-16. breeding in Venezuela. Sorghum News- 0698 ANON. 1971. High yields with letter 16: 150-152. 0686 TAYYAB, M.A., NAPHADE, D.S. hybrid jowar. Farmer and Parliament 6(3): and JOGLEKAR, R.G. 1971-72. New 13-14. 0675 ROSS, W.M. 1973. Use of male-sterile strains In jowar. 2. Nagpur population breeding in sorghum: problems Agricultural College Magazine 44: 34-39. 0699 ANON. 1971 Getting high yields and progress. Pages 30-43 in Proceedings, 3 ref. with hybrid jowar. Farmer and Parliament 28th Annual Corn and Sorghum Research 6(5): 15-16. Conference, USA. 0687 THIELEBEIN, M., and TAHIR, W.M. 1973. Plant breeding for Increased 0700 ANON. 1971. High yields with 0676 ROSS, W.M., CASADY, A.J., efficiency In fertilizer use. Information hybrid jowar. Farmer and Parliament 6(9): LAWLESS, JR., and BARNETT, F.L. 1972. Bulletin on the Near East Cereal 21-22. Sorghum parental lines. Crop Science Improvement and Production Project 12(5): 722 10(3): 52-63. 63 ref. 0701 ANON. 1971. Index of principal sorghum varieties grown in Senegal; local 0677 ROSS, W.M., GARDNER, C.O., 0688 THOMSON , P.L. 1971, B-line and recommended varieties. (Fr). Cahlers and NORDQUIST, P.T. 1971. Population breeding programme. Sorghuim News- d'Agriculture Pratique des Pays Chauds breeding in sorghum. Pages 93-98 in 7th letter 14: 4. 26(1): 7-26. Conterence,Grain Sorghum Biennial Research Program. UtilizationLubbock, 0689 TROTSENKO, AG. 1972. Texas: Grain Sorghum Producers' Sorghum breeding at the Genichesk 0702 ANON. 1972. Better farm crops. Association. Experimental Station (Ru). Byulleten' Crops and Soils 24(8): 20-21. Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'ko­ 0703 ANON. 1972. Grain sorghum 0678 SHAIKH NIAZ AHMED, ABDUL go Instituta Kukuruzy 24(1): 65-68. varieties. Queensland Agricultural Journal MAJID ZAFAR, and ABDUL MAJID 0690 WEIBEL, D.E. 1973. Sorghum 98(8): 439-443 IOBAL. 1972. Sorghum sudan grass breeding .Page 30 in Oklahoma State breeding. 2.Economic utility of dwarf male University Agricultural Experiment Station, sterile lines of sorghum for continued high Progress Research Report no. 684. 0704 ANON. 1972. Sorghum proves forage production. Pakistan Journal of the predators. Agricultural Digest 4(1): Science 24(1-2): 56-60 13 ref. 0691 WEIBEL, DE., and KRUEGERL, 5-6. E.W. 1970. Broomcorn breeding­ 0679 SHEIKO. DA., and POSPELOV, progress report 1969. Oklahoma State 0705 ANON. 1973. Better farm crops. AP. 1973. Breeding sorghum for grain and University, Agricultural Experiment Station, Crops and Soils 25(7): 19-20. silage (Ru). Pages 161-165 in Nauchnye Progress Report no. 629. 7 pp. dostizheniya sel'skomu khozyistva. Slav- 0692 YAKUSHEVSKII, E.S., and VAR- 0706 ANON. 1973. Grain sorghum ropol' USSR. ADINOV, S.V. 1971. Initial stock for the varieties for 1973-74. Queensland Agri­ cultural Journal 99(8): 441-444. breeding of drought-resistant and sal- 0680 SHEPEL, NA. 1970. Develop- tolerant sorghum varieties. Vestnik 0707 ANON. 1973. Newcertified grain ment of sterile analogues of self-pollinated Sel'skokhozyaistvennoi Nauki 5: 67-71. sorghums. Queensland Agricultural Jour­ sorghum lines (Ru). Sel'skokhozyaist- nal 99(4) 215-216. vennaya Biologiya 5(1): 16-20 0693 YASTREBOV, F.S., and LINNIK, V.M. 1970. Study of the effect of general 0708 ALLEN, R.J. Jr. 1972. Sorghum 681 SHEPEL, N.A 1972. Breeding and specific combining abilities in variety trials in South Florida. Sorghum inbred lines of sorghum (Ru). Selektsiya i sorghum (Ru). Selektsiya i Semenovodstvo Newsletter 15: 10-11. Semenovodsvo, Ukrainian SSR 21: 26- Ukrainian SSR. 15: 71-75. 36. 0709 AMBEGAONKAR, L.V., and 0694 YASTREBOV, F.S.,andLINNIK, DEOLE, CD. 1973. Local and high 0682 SREE RAMULU, K. 1972. Muta- V.M. 1971. Transgression of some yielding jowar varieties in Parbhani block lion breeding in diploid and polyploid charac.ers in F2 sorghum hybrids. (Ru). (Maharashtra State). Rural India 37(10­ sorghums. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 93- Selektsiya i Semenovodstvo, Ukrainian 11): 187-191. 95. SSR 17: 61-67. 0710 ANGEL, S.B. 1970. New varie­ 0683 SREE RAMULU, K., and SREE Varieties, Varietal Trials ties of sorghum for Central America. RANGASWAMY, SR. 1972. Mutation and Hybrlds PCCMCA no. 16. 5 pp, breeding for quantitative characters in sorghm. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 95-97. 0711 APPADURAI, R., and SELVAR­ 0695 ANON. 1970. Dwarf sorghum AJ, K.V. 1972. New sorghum hybrid of 0684 SUBBA RAO, G., and HOUSE, varieties (lines) and hybrids used In the promise for the lower Bhavani Project L.R. 1970. Breeding for yield. Sorghum 1969 trials in northern Nigeria. Samaru tract-MS 2219 A x IS 3541. Madras Newsletter 13: 22-23. Research Bulletin 121: 1-7. Agricultural Journal 59(5): 292-294. 22 Genetics andBreeding

0712 ARNOLD, J.D., and DENMAN, sorghum-sudangrass hybrids. Hoards delta sorghums. Mississippi Farm Re­ C.E. 1973. Sorghum-sudangrass hybrids Dairyman 115(9): 535, 539. search 35(4): 1, 7. and hybrid sudangrass performance test. Pages 25-27 in Oklahoma State Univer- 0724 BELOUS, N.V. 1972. Hybrids of 0736NBRNE ., OO, RF, sity, Agricultural Experiment Station, Pro- grain sorghum. (Ru). Pages 182-185 n DELANEY, N.E., and GUNTON, sL1970 gress Report no 676. Zernovye i Koremovye Kul'tury na Oros- Performance of grain sorghum strains gresshZelykh under irrigation on the Darling Downs and 07'3Aha emykh Zemlyakh. in near South-Western Queensland. Queensland Journal of Agricultural and of two-way and three-way sorghum 0725 BHARDWAJ, B.D. 1973. FAQ Animal Sciences 27(2):199-202. 1 ref. hybrids. Sorghum Newsletter 15:107-108. regional cooperative varietal test!ng pro­ gramme on summer cereals. Information 0737 BROADHEAD, D.M., COLEMAN, 0714 ATKINS, RE., KERN, J.J., PAT- Bulletin on the Near East Cerea" mprove- O.H., and FREEMAN, K.C. 1970. Dale, a ANOTHAI, A., and WALSH, E.J. 1970, ment and Production Project 10(1 -2): 63- new variety of sweet sorghum for syrup Iowa grain sorghum performance tests, 64. production. Mississippi Farm Research 1967-69. Iowa State University, Agron- 33(3): 1,8. omy Pamphlet no. AG 16-9. 0726 BIEBER, G.L., ARNOLD, B.L., THURMAN, C.W., EDWARDS, N., HURT, 0738 BUNTING, A.H., and CURTIS, 0715 ATKINS, R.E., and LAOSUWAN, B.C. Jr., McMILLAN, J.W., and ALBRIT- D.L. 1970. Local adaptation of sorghum P. 1973. Iowa grain sorghum perlor- TON, R.C. 1971. Station tests 24 varieties .varieties in northern Nigeria. Samaru mance tests, 1971-73. Iowa Slate Univer- of grain sorghum. Mississippi Farm Re- Research Bulletin 106: 101-106. sity, Agronomy Par, .hlet no. AG 16-3. search 34(1): 1,8. 0739 CHETRAM, R.S. 1970. Sor­ 0716 ATKINS, RE., PATANOTHAI,A., 0727 BIEBER, G.L., and MERWINE, ghum varietal yield trial. Agricultural 4:6-7. and LAOSL'WAN, P. 1973. Iowa grain NC. 1971. Tests study grain sorghum Research (Guyana) sorghum performance tests 1970-72. tannin content. Mississippi Farm Research 0740 CHETRAM, R.S. 1970. Effect of Iowa State University, Agronomy Pamph- 34(11): 8. plant population on yield of three varieties let no. AG 16-2. 4 pp. of sorghum. Agricultural Research 0728 BLONDEL, D., and POCTHIER, (Guyana) 4: 8-9. 0717 ATKINS, RE., PATANOTHAIA., C. 1970. Sorghum vulgare variety 51-69. WALSH, E.J., and HUTCHCROFT, C.D. (Fr). Agronomle Tropicale 25(6-7): 543- 0741 CHETTY, V.R., and REDDY, P.R. 1972. Iowa grain sorghum performance 554. (Summary: En, Es.) 1972. Biochemical differences in some tests, 1969-71. Iowa State University, sorghum varieties possibly contributing Agronomy Pamphlet no. AG 16-1. 4 pp. 0729 BOADO, J.R. 1972. Comparative towards susceptibility or resistance to studies of three hybrids and one variety of shootfly. Andhra Agricultural Journal 0718 ATKINS, R.E., WALSH, E.J., and sorghum (Sorghum vulgare) and their 19(3-4): 64-70. 16 ref. PATANOTHAI, A. 1971. Iowa grain response to two methods of cultivation. sorghum performance tests, 1968-70. (Es). Cienclas Agropecuarlas 1(12).9 pp. 0742 CHOPDE, P.R., CHOUDHARI, Iowa Stale University, Agronomy Pam- 8 ref. S.D., and KATEPALLEWAR, B.N. 1973. phlet no. AG 16-0. 4 pp. Breed test of sorghum hybrids and 0730 BONNEMANN, J.J. 1970. 1969 varieties. Sorghum Newsletter 16: 62. 0719 BALAEVA, A., and SHAVRINA- grain sorghum performance trials. South 0743 CHOPDE, P.R.. WANJARI, K.B. N. 1973. Sweet sorghum hybrid Siva- Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, and KATEPALLEWAR, B.N. 1973. Per­ shskii 50, (Ru). Korma 6: 42-43. Circular no. 19. 20 pp. formance of the strains from Uganda,

0720 BANYAI, L. 1971. Study of the 0731Nigeria and Egypt. Sorghum Newsletter effect of selection in a varietal collection 07ai31 pefoman ce .16: 56. trials. South of sweet sorghum. (Hu). Agrobotanika 13: grain sorghum performance Da.ota Agricultural Experiment Station, 0744 CHOPDE, P.R., WANJARI, K.B., 45-51.3 ref. (Summary: En.) Bulletin no. 202. 16 pp. and WADHOKAR, R.S. 1973. Nicking studies inhybrid seed production of PSH­ 0721 BARBULESCU, A. 1972. Resis- 0732 BONNEMANN, J.J. 1972. 1971 2and CSH-3.Sorghum Newsletter16:55­ tance components of some sorghum grain sorghum performance trials. South 56. varieties to green aphid of cereals Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, (Schizaphi3 graminum Rond.). (Ro). Insti- Circular no. 205. 20 pp. 0745 CHOPDE, P.R., WANJARI, K.B., tutului de Cercetari Pentru Cereale si and WADHOKAR, R.S. 1973. Stigma Plante Tehnice Fundulea, Anale!e Seria C receptivity studies Inmale sterile parent of 38: 217-228. 13 ref. (Summary: En, Ru.) 0733 BONNEMANN, J.J. 1973. 1972 recep sudiesinlSrepeno grain sorghumgran performanceprfomane srghm trials.tial. SouthSuth 2219A).PSH-2 Sorghum(PMS 1036A) Newsletter and CSH-3 16: 53-54. (MS 0722 BARBULESCU, A., and KRAUS, Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, M.1973. ResistaoceSchizaphi; graminum Circular no. 207. 19 pp. 0746 CHUTKAEW, C., CHAWANA- Rond.). (Ro). Analele Institutului de Cer- PONG, C., and JAN-ORN, J. 1972. cetari Pentru Cereale si Plante Tehnice, 0734 BOWMAN, D.H. 1971. Grain Regional sorghum varietal test. Sorghum Seria C 39: 225-231. 12 ref. (Summary: sorghums for the delta. Mississippi Farm Newsletter 15:139-140. Ru, En.) Research 34(3): 6. 0747 CLAPP, J.G., and CHAMBLEE, 0723 BAYLOR, J.E. 1970. How to use 0735 BOWMAN, D.H. 1972. Tests of D.S. 1970. Influence of different defoli­ Varieties, Varietal Trials, and Hybrids 23

ation systems on the regrowth of pearl tetraplolds. Euphytica 21 i): 86-89. 6 ref. GREGORY, J., WATSON, C.E., and millet, hybrid sudangrass, .md two sor- WILLIAMS, D.H. 1977. Test yields of ghum-sudangrass hybrids from terminal, 0758 DRANENKO, I.A. 1970. Produc- sorghum and corn 1972. New Mexico axillary, and basal buds. Crop Science lion of sorghum-sudangrass hybrids and State University, Agricultural Experiment 10(4): 345-349. 8 ref. sterile analogues of sudangrass. (Ru). Station, Research Report no. 252. 36 pp. Sbornikh Nauchykh Trudov, Vsesoyuzhyi 0748 CLARK, L.E., and ELLIS, E.B. Selektsionno-Geneticheskii Institut 9: 89- 0769 FINKNER, R.E., GREGORY, J., 1973. Evaluation n! oelected sorghum 92. MALM, N.R., WATSON, C.E., and WILL­ lines for weathering resistance. Pages 66- IAMS, D.H. 1970. Performance of sorghum 70 in 8th Grain Sorghum Research 0759 DREIER, A.F., NORDOQUIST, P.T., and corn hybrids, 1969. New Mexico State Utilization Conference, Biennial Program. DORNHOFF, G.M., GRABOUSKI, P.H., University, Agricultural Experiment Station, Lubbock, Texas: Grain Sorghum Pro- MOOMAW, R.S., and NELSON, L.A. 1973. Research Report no. 164. 28 pp. ducers' Association. Nebraska grain sorghum performance tests 1972. Nebraska Agricultural Experi- 0770 FINKNER, R.E., GREOGRY. J., 0749 DAVIES, F.F. 1970. Sorghum ment Station, Oulstate Test Circular no. MALM, N.R., WATSON. C.E.. and WILL­ performance tests. Oklahoma State Uni- 153.39 pp. IAMS, D.H. 1972. Performance of sorghum versily, Agricultural Experiment Station, and corn hybrids 1971. New Mexico State Progress Report no. 637. pp. 64-65. 0760 DREIER, A.F.,NORDQUIST, P.T., University, Agricultural Experiment Station. GRABOUSKI, P.H., MOOMAW, R.S., and Reserch Agrt E3pp, 0750 DAVIES, F.F., and MORRISON. NELSON, L.A. 1972. Nebraska grain Research Report no.223, 36 pp. RD. 1970. Performance test of sorghums sorghum performance tests 1971. Neb­ in Oklahoma, 1969. Oklahoma Agricul- raska Agricultural Experiment Station, 0771 FONTANA, NE., TOVAR, P.D., of tural Experiment Station, Progress Report Outstate Test Circular no. 148. 40 pp. and ORTEGA, A.V. 1970. Introduction varieties and hybrids of grain sorghum no. 628. 31 pp. 0701 DUNAVIN, L.S., LUTRICK, M.C., (Sorghum vulgare Pers) into Portuguesa S6ptlmas 0751 DAVIES, F.F., and MORRISON, LIPSCOMB, R.W., STANLEY, R.L., PRINE, State. S A (Es) In Memoria. Araure, R.D. 1971. Performance test of sorghum in G.M., ALLEN, R.J. Jr., GREEN, V.EJr. and Jornadas Agronomicas. Acarigua, Oklahoma 1970. Oklahoma Agricultural CONOVER, R.A. 1971. 1970 forage and edo. Portuguesa, 17-20 April 1969, Vol. I. Experiment Station, Progress Report no. grain sorghum performance trials in Caracas, Venezuela: Sociedad Venezo­ 1 642. 28 pp. Florida. University of Florida Agronomy lana de Ingenieros Agronomos. 25 pp. Mimeo. Report no. AG 71-1, 35 pp. ref. 0752 DEMIDENKO, P.M., ZAKHAR- CHUK, NN., and MALPCHENKO, VS. 0762 DWARAKINATH, R., SETHU 0772 FONTANA, N.E., TOVAR, PD., 1973. New varieties o1 cereal crops In RAO, M.K, SRINIVAS MURTHY, J., and ORTEGA, A.V., and CAMPINS, L. 1972. Dnepropetrovsk province. (Ru). Trudy DUDHANI, C.M. 1970. Barriers to change Evaluation on the behaviour of grain Dnepropetrovskrovince (Flu).Trzyan as expressed by adopters in relation to sorghum varieties in the Western Plains, no ovInsliluta 18: 27-32. high-yielding varieties. Mysore Journal of Venezuela. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 141 ­ nogo Agricultural Sciences 4(4): 451-459. 13 143. 0753 DENMAN, C.E. 1972. Sorghum ref. 0773 FREEMAN, cultural practices and varietal environ- KC., BROADHEAD, menial interaction experiments. Okla- 0763 ESKEW, E.B.1971.Performance D.M., COLEMAN, DH., and ZUMMO, homa Agricultural Experiment Station, of grain sorghum hybrids in South N.1973. Cooperative sweet sorghum Progress Report no. 617. 7 pp. Carolina 1970. Clemson University Exten- variety tests for sugar during 1970 in four sion Circular no. 516. 14 pp. southern states. US Agricultural Research 0754 DENMAN, C.E., MORRISON, Service, Southern Region, Publication no. R.D., PECK, R.A. and ARNOLD, J.D. 1973. 0764 ESKEW, E.B. 1972. Performance ARS-526. 10 pp. Performance tests of hybrid sorghums of grain sorghum hybrids in South and corn in Oklahoma 1972. Oklahoma Carolina 1971, Clemson University Exten- 0774 FUDULOV, D., and IVANOV, I. Agricultural Experiment Station, Progress sion Circular no. 516. 15 pp. 1971. Recent studies of hybrid grain sorghums in Dobrudzha. (Bg). Rasleriev" Report no. 679.44 pp. 0765 ESPINOSA, E. 1970 Results dni Nauki 8(2): 81-88.(Summary En.)

0755 DENNIS, R.E., VOIGT, RL., and obtained from high-yielding corn and EMPTON, E.C. 1973. Which sorghum sorghum varieties in Panama during the 0775 FUENTES, V.J.S. 1970. Rdsum6 varieties shall I grow? Oueensland rainy season. PCCMCA no. 16. 4 pp. of sorghum tests in 1969 in Guatemala. Cooperative Extension Services, Uni- PCCMCA no. 16. 7 pp. versily of Arizona no. 120. 4 pp. 0766 ETASSE, C., and LAURENT, P. 1971. Index of the principal varieties of 0776 GAIKO, N.T., and ISAKOV,Ya.I. 0756 DESA, KB., KHATRI, T.J., and sorghum cultivated in Senegal. (Fr), 1972. Productivity of various sorghum PATEL, R.P. 1972. Note on the stability Cahiers d'Agriculture Pratique des Pays cultivars and hybrids grown for grain or parameters for resistance to witchweed Chauds 26(1): 1-20. silage in Rostov Province. (Ru). Izvestiya (Striga asiatica L.) in sorghum varieties. Timiryazevskoi Sel'skokhozyaistvennoi Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 0767 FARIS, M.AE., and CARMO, AKademii 3: 52-59. 10. ref. (Summary: En) 42(11): 1066-1067.2 ref. C.M. do., 1973. Performance of grain sorghum selections inthe state of Ceara, 0777 GEORGE, J.R., RHYKERD, CL., 0757 DOGGETT, H., and MAJISU, Brazil. Sorghum Newsletter 16: 6-11. and NOLLER, C.H. 1971. Effect of light B.N. 1972. Fertility improvement In auto- intensity, temperature, nitrogen, and stage letraploid sorghum. 3.Yields of cultivated 0766 FINKNER. R.E., ARLEDGE, J.S., of growth on nitrate accumulation and dry 24 Genetics and Breeding matter production of a sorghum- TON, K.W. 1973. Evaluation of brown- Pratique des Pays Chauds 2: 69-87. sudangrass hybrid. Agronomy Journal seeded grain sorghum hybrids for crude 63(3): 413-415. 10 ref. protein. Pages 121-127 in Louisiana State 0800 IRAT. UPPER VOLTA, .197 University, Agricultural and Mechanical Varieties of sorghum recommended 0778 GHODE, RN. 1971. Study of College, Department of Agronomy Agri- Upper Volta. Paris, France: IRAT. 20 Pl natural resistance of popular sorghum cultural Experiment Station, Project Report. varieties to tissue borers. Sorghum 0801 IRAT. UPPER VOLTA, 197 Newsletter 14: 54-56. 0789 HARRIS, H.B. 1970. Grain sor- Note on cereal varieties that can I ghum for the Southeastern United States. popularised in Upper Volta: Sorghui 0779 GIOVANARDI, R. 1971. Coin- Pages 35-42 in 52nd Annual Report. millet, maize, rice. (Fr). Paris, Franc parison of hybrids of Sorghum vulgare x" Southern Seedmen's Ascociation, New IRAT, 7 p. Sorghum vu/gare var. sudanense and Orleans, Louisiana, USA. choiceof the best stage of development for. 0802 ISAKOV, Ya. I. 1973. Ne harvesting with respect to the type of 0790 HARRIS, H.B. 1973. RS-700, a varieties of sorghum and sorghum utilization. (It). Rivista di Agronomia 5(2-3): bird-resistant grain sorghum hybrid with sudan-grass hybrids. (Ru). Selektsiya 201-209. 23 ref. (Summary En.) improved grain digestibility. Pages 5-14 in Semenovodstvo, USSR 6: 45-48. Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station, 0780 GOUD, J.V. 1972. New hybrid Research Report no. 150. 0803 ISAKOV,Ya.l.1973.Yield'ofne jowar for higher yields in dry lands. hybrids between sorghum and sudai Current Research 1(2): 17-18. 0791 HART, R.H., RETZER, H.J., grass bred using male sterility.(Ru).Tru( DUDLEY, R.F., and CARLSON, G.E. 1971, Donskogo Zonal'nogo Nauchno-Issli 0781 GOURLEY, L.M., and BOWMAN, SeedIng sorghum x sudangrass hybrids dovatelskogo Instituta Sel'skogo Kho D.H. 1973. Grain sorghum hybrid tests, int6 tall fescue sod. Agronomy Journal yaistva. 6: 15-18. 1972. Mississippi Agricultural and Foresty 63(3): 478-480. 14 ref. Experiment Station, Research Highlights 0804 ITNAL, C.J., PARAMESWAR4 36(4): 1,6. 0792 HARVEY, T.L.,and HACKEROTT, PPA, R..and GOPALAKRISHNA RAO, I H.L. 1971. Performance of KS 30 under 1973. Some observations on early mat 0782 GRAVES, C.R. 1971. 1971 per- greenbug infestation inthe field. Sorghum rity and shootfly resistance in ra formance of field crop varieties: corn, Newsletter 14: 83-84. 4 ref. sorghum varieties and hybrids. Sorghu oats, wheat, barley, rye, soybeans, alfalfa, Newsletter 16: 76-79. red clover, grain sorghum, tobacco. 0793 HERBEK, J.H, and BITZER, M.J. University of Tennessee Agricultural 1972. Grain sorghum performance tests. 0805 JANARDHANA RAO, P., PR, Experiment Station, Bulletin. 69 pp. Pages 8-11 in Univesity of Kentucky, SADA RAO, G.P., and JAGAN MOH, College of Agriculture, Miscellaneous RAO, S.1970. High-yielding Tella Joni 0783 GRAVES, C.R. 1972. 1972 per- Publication no. 402. (Sorghum cernuum) variety for growing formance of field crop varieties: corn grain rabi season of Nellore District. Andh sorghum, summer annuals, oats, rye, 0794 HERNANDEZ, B.J.R. 1970. Ex- Agricultural Journal 17(3): 91-92 barley, wheat, alfalfa, red clover, tobacco, perimental results of grain sorghums in soybeans. Pages 3-68 in University of the Dominican Republic PCCMCA no. 16. 0806 JAN-ORN, J., and PUKAWES, Tennessee, Agricultural Experiment Sta- 9 pp. 1970. Sorghum variety improvement ai tion, Bulletin no. 503. testing, Department of Agriculture. Sc 0795 HOFF, J.C. 1971. Corn and ghum Newsletter 13: 77. 0784 GRAVES. C.R. 1973. 1973 per- sorghum performance tests in Wyoming, formance of field crop varieties: corn, 1970. University of Wyoming, Agricultural 0807 JOHNSON, J.W., and ROSI grain sorghum, summer, annuals oats, rye, Experiment Station, Bulletin no. 540. 20 NOW, D.T. 1970. Release of gra barley, wheat alfalfa, tobacco, soybeans. pp. sorghum breeding stocks. Sorghum New University of Tennessee, Agricultural letter 13: 71. Experiment Station, Bulletin no. 523. 95 0796 IARI. 1970. Varieties of agro­ PP. nomic characters-owar (Sorghum vul- 0808 JOHNSON, R.I., and HOLLANI gare). Pages64-66 in NewTechnologyfor J.R. 1970. Irrigated grain sorghum in Ne 0785 HACKEROTH.L., and HARVEY, Dryland Farming. New Delhi, India: IARI. South Wales, 1967-68 trials. Sorghu T.L. 1971. Greenbug-resistant population Newsletter 13: 5-6. development. Sorghum Newsletter 14: 84. 0797 IARI. 1970. Varieties and agro­ nomic practices-owar (Sorghum vul- 0809 KACHAPUR, M.D., and GOUI gare). Pages 66-74 in New Technology for J.V. 1970. Performance ofhigh-yieldir 0786 HACKEROTT, H.L., and HARVEY, dry land farming. New Delhi, India: IARI. sorghum varieties in Mysore State. So T.L. 1972. Greenbug-resistant grain sor- ghum Newsletter 13: 41-42. ghum germplasm releases (KS42-KS44). 0798 INMAN, L.L. 1970. Tests on the Sorghum Newsletter 15: 117-118. varieties, and observations on the prob- 0810 KACHAPUR, M.D, PARAME, lems of production of maize, sorghum and WARAPPA, R., and KAJJARI, N.B. 197 0787 HACKEROTT, H.L.,and HARVEY, millet in the wet tropics of Sierra Leone. Performance of some ofthe new sorghui T.L. 1973. Perfo-mance of greenbug- African Soils 15(1-3): 587-591. varieties in Mysore State. Sorghui resistant grain sorghum hybrids.. Sor- Newsletter 16: 80, ghum Newsleter 16:115-116. 0799 IRAT. UPPER VOLTA. 1971 Sorghum varieties that can be popularised 081 1 KAJJARI, NB., MADHAVA RA( 0788 HAJI-HASHIM, A.H., and TIP- in Upper Volta. (Fr). Cahiers d'Agriculture M., PARVATIKAR, SR., and PRASADT.( Varieties, Varietal Tr'als, and Hybrids 25

1973. DM.S 652-a newdrought-tolerant 0824 KRISHNA MURTHY, K.,and 0835 LUNDEN, A.O., and ERION G.W. sorghum variety. Agriculture and Agro- RAJASHEKARA, B.G. 1970, Hybrid jowar 1973. Early grain sorghum lines for South Industries Journal 6(7): 38. popular in Mysore. Intensive Agriculture Dakota. Sorghum Newsletter 16: 126, 8(8): 8-9. 0812 KAJJARI,.NB., and NAYAKAR, 0836 LUTRICK, MC. 1972. Evaluation N.Y. 1972. Early kharif sorghum for dry 0825 KRISHNA MURTHY, K., RAJA- of selected varieties of grain sorghum, land. Current Research 1(1): 10. SHEKARA, B.G, RAGHUNATHA, G., 1971. Sorghum Newsletter 15:13. JAGANNATH, M.K., VENUGOPAL, N., 0813 KAJJARI, N.B., and PUTTA- and BOMMEGOWDA, A. 1973. Investi- 0837 MADHAVA RAO, M., KAJJARI, RUDRAPPA, A. 1972. Development of rabi galions on the varietal differences ingrain N.B., and GOUD, J.V. 1970. Preliminary jowar hybrids for the scarcity tract of yield of sorghum (Sorghum vulgare Pers.). studies on the performance of rabi hybrid Mysore State. University of Agricultural Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences Sorghum developed in Mysore State. Sciences, Bangalore, India, Research 7(1): 1-5. 10 ref. Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences Series 14: 248-253. 4 ref. 4(2): 216-217. 2 ref. 0826 KULKARNI, N., MURTY, K.N., 0814 KAPUSTA. G, 1972. Adaptation and NARAYANA, D. 1973. Dwarf variety 0838 MADHAVA RAO, T., and KUL­ of grain sorghum hybrids to claypan soils of sorghum, RC-6. Sorghum Newsletter LAISWAMY, B.Y. 1972. RSH-1, a new in Southern Illinois Sorghum Newsletter 16: 20-21. high-yielding rabi jowar has an average 15: 24 yield potential of 25 to 30 quintals/ha. 0827 KULKARNI, N., NARAYANA, D., Current Research 1(5): 37-38. 0815 KARAMKHODOEV, L. 1972. and MURTY, K.N. 1972. Role of local Results of a study of initial sorghum varieties in the sorghum improvement 0839 MADHAVA RAO, T., SRINIVA­ material under rainfed conditions. (Ru). work in Andhra Pradesh. Sorghum SULU, G., and JAYARAMAIAH, H. 1972. Pages 184-195 in Bogarnoe Zemledelie. Newsletter Dushanbe, Tadzhik SSRYedrsos 15: 66-67 Yield respofise offhbi hybrid grainri sorghumogu under varying seasons. Sorghum News­ 0828 KUMAR, B.V., RAMA RAO, K.V., letter 15: 40-43. 0816 KARVE. A.D. 1970, Sorghum MURTHY, K.N, and PARTHASARATHY, varietal trials at Sakharwadi. Sorghum A.V. 1970. Evolution of varieties and Newsletter 13: 33-34t hybridsnutritive combiningvalue. Sorghum good yieldNewsletter and high13: H.08401 1972. MAJISU, Yield stabilityB.N., and ofDOGGETT, sorghum nutritiv value. Sorghum Newsletter New hyvarieties and hybrids in East African 0817 KARVE, A.D. 1972. New hybrid 27-28. environments. East African Agricultural sorghum. Tonnage Club Farm News 6(5): and Forestry Journal 38(2): 179-192.. 10 9-11. 0829 KUNKEL, E., and CARDENAS, J. ref. 1970. Susceptibilily of four sorghum 0818 KARVKE, A.D., and PRABHUNE, varieties to different rates of atrazine, 0841 MALM, N.R., FINKNER, R.E., R.N. 1973. New dwarf hybrid sorghum. propazine and noruron. Texas Agri- GREGORY, J., WATSON, C.E., and Sorghum Newsletter 16: 67-68. cultural Experiment Station, Leaflet no. WILLIAMS, H. 1971. Performance of 1031. sorghum and corn hybrids, 1970. New 0819 KERBABAEVA. ZA. 1971. Char- Mexico State University. Agriclutural acteristics of postharvest growth in 0830 LANDI, R. 1972. Trials of hybrid Experiment Station. Research Report no. heterotic sorghum hybrids. (Ru). Ylmy. sorghum of the sudan grass x sudan 189. 32 pp. Jazgylar. Turkm. Univ. 62: 66-69. (Sum- grass type involving lines from Italian mary: Turkmen.) varieties. (It). Maydica ref. 17(2-3): 35-39. 8 0842 MANN, H.O. 1970. Broomcorn variety test, 1969. Colorado State Univer­ 0820 KIRILLOV, Y.I. 1971. Results of 0831 LENOBLE, M., LENOBLE, S., sity, Agricultural Experiment Station, studies on specific and varietal diversity in and PORCHERON, P.1973. Components Progress Report no. 20. 2 pp. sorghum. (Ru). Trudy po Prikladnoi of the yield in sudan grass sorghum x Botanike. Genetike i Selektsii 44(2): 145- sudangrass hybrids. Sorghum Newsletter 0843 MANN, H.O. 1970. Broomcom 146. 21 ref. 16: 12-13. testing. Sorghum Newsletter 13:10.

0821 KOMOLI, R.F. 1973. Hybdrid 0832 LODHA, MC., and BHAT- 0844 MANN, H.O. 1971. Broomcorn grain sorghums predicting yield for NAGAR, S. 1971. Know your hybrid testing. Sorghum Newsletter 14: 16. varying site conditions. Agricultural Gazet- grains. Farmer and Parliament 6(8): 15­ te of New South Wales 84(6): 367-369. 16. 0845 MANN, H.O. 1972. Broomcorn testing. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 4-5. 0822 KRISHNA, K.S., SIDDARA- 0833 LONGENCKER, D.E. 1971.Per- MAIAH. B.S., and ASWATHAJAH,B. 1972. formance of commercial grain sorghum 0846 MANN, H.O. 1972. Broomcorrn Characteristics of hybrid lowar seed hybrids infields trials at Dell city,1966-67. variety test, 1971. Colorado State Univer­ producers. Rural India 35(2-3): 31-34. Pages 26-28 in Texas Agricultural Ex- sity, Agriculturpl Experiment Station, Pro­ periment Station, Progress Report no. gress Report. no. 29. 0823 KRISHNA MURTHY, K. 1970. 3002-3009. Preliminary studies on synchronizing 0847 MANN, H.O. 1973. Broomcorn flowering in sorghum varieties with night 0834 LUNDEN, A.O. 1971. New sor- variety testing. Colorado State University interruptions. Science and Culture 36(4): ghum releases. Sorghum Newsletter 14: Agricultural Experiment Station, Progress 233-235. 3 ref. 99-100. Report. no. 18. 26 Genetics and Breeding

0848 MANN, H.O., LANGIN, E.J., and sorghum for the Ukrainian Steppe. Visnyk Research and Development Center, YOUNGMAN, V.E. 1972. Sudan, sorghum- Sil'skohospodars'koi Nauki 7: 55-57. Agronomy Department Series no. 206, sudan hybrid test, 1971. Colorado State 8 p. University, Agricultural Experiment Station, 0860 MIROSHNICHENKO, A.R., and Progress Report, no. 30. TROTSENKO, A.G. 1972. Grain sorghum 0872 NIP, W.K., and BURNS, E.E. hybrid Stepnoi 5. (Ru). Selektslya i 1971. Pigment characterization in grain 0849 MANN, H.O., LANGIN, E.J., and Semenovodstvo, USSR 5:61-62. sorghum. 2. White varieties, Cereal YOUNGMAN, V.E. 1973. Yield and quality Chemistry 48(1): 74-80. 15 ref. of sudan, sorgo-sudan, sorghum-sudan, 0861 MOORE, R.F., and FLETCHER, and pearl millet hybrids. Sorghum News- D.S. 1973. KS 19 height genotype. 0873 NORDOUIST, P.T., WEBSTER, letter 16: 105-106. Sorghum Newsletter 16: 3. O.J.,GARDNER, C.O., and ROSS, W.M. 1973. Registration o1 three sorghum 0850 MAURICIO, R.M. 1971. Dilfere- 0862 MURANJAN, S.W. 1972. Study germplasm randommating populations. ntial phytotoxic reaction of sorghum of the high-yielding varieties programme Crop Science 13(1): 132. cultivars to insecticides. I.Genetic resis- in Maharashtra (1967-68). Part 1. Kharif tarice to trichlorfon. Crop Science 11(6): bajra inNasik District, Part 2. Rabi jowar in 0874 OSWALT, D.L., and PICKETT, 923-926. Poona District.Pune, India: Gokhalo In- R.C. 1972. Purdue-AID sorghum project: stitute ot Politics and Economics. 49 pp. International protein yield trials and 0851 MERWINE, N.C., SANTAWISUK, evaluation. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 107. T., and BIEBER, G.L. 1972. Yield In- 0863 MURTY, B.R. 1970. Analysis of formation on 31 varieties of grain adaptationof world collection new hybrids 0875 OSWALT, D.L., and PICKETT, sorghum. Mississippi Farm Research of sorghum and Penniseturn. African Soils R.C. 1972. Status of protein evaluations 35(2): 2. 6-7. 15(1-3): 707-710. on the world sorghum collection. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 106-107. 0852 MIESNER, J.R., and YORK, J.O. 0864 MURTY, K.N., KULKARNI, N., 1973. Performance of three-way grain and NARAYANA, D. 1973. Yellow- 0876 OSWALT, D.L, SRINIVASAN, G., sorghum crosses. Sorghum Newsletter grained sorghum hybrid. Sorghum News- and DELONG, R. 1973. Grain sorghum, 16:103-104. letter 16: 20. forage sorghum and sorghum-sudan­ grass commercial variety and USDA 0853 MIKESELL, ME., PAULSEN, G.M., 0865 MUSTAFA, A.I., and MAC- Regional grain sorghum performance ELLIS, R.Jr., and CASADY, A.J. 1973. Iron MASTE, M.M. 1970. New varieties of trials in Indiana. 14 pp. (Mimeo.) utilization by efficient and inefficient sorghum grain suitable for starch pro­ sorghum lines. Agronomy Journal 65(1): ductiun. Starke 22(6): 192. 10 ref. 0877 OVERLEY,,C.B., and WALTER, 77-80. 22 ref. T.L. 1970. Report on Kansas grain 0866 NARAYANA, D. 1973. Multilo- sorghum performance tests, 1969. Kansas 0854 MILLINGTON, A.J. 1972. Sor- cation testing of CSH-1 in Andhra State University of Agriculture and App­ ghum varietal research. Sorghum News- Pradesh. Sorghum Newsletter 16: 21-22. lied Science, Agricultural Experiment letter 15: 2. Station, Bulletin no. 534. 33 pp. 0867 NARAYAN, K., and HUSSAINI, 0855 MIRANDA FILHO, J.B. 1973. S.H. 1970. Recommendations for CSH-1 0878 PARAMESWARAPPA, R., KAJ- Evaluation of inbred lines of sorghum. hybrid sorghum seed production in JARI, N.B., and SYAMASUNDAR, J. 1973. Relatorio Cientifico Escola Superior de Andhra Pradesh. Andhra Agricultural CSH-1 jowar performs better than CSH-2, Agricultura 'Luiz de Oueiro' 7: 113-116. Journal 17(3): 71-74. CSH-3 and CSH-4 advanced trials. Current Research 2(12): 104-105. 0856 MIROSHNICHENKO, A.R., and 0868 NATRIBHOP, S., and FERRARIS, ALDOSHINA, V.I. 1971. Biological charac- R.1970. Sorghum variety trial. Pages 83- 0879 PARFITT, R.L., and DROVER, teristics oi inbred lines of grain sorghum. 86 in Thai-Australian Chao Phya Res- D.P. 1971, Preliminary results of a two­ (Ru). Pages 85-88 in Osnovnge rezul'taty earch Project. Second Report to the year sorghum trial, on a Grumusol, issledovanii na Sinel'nikovskoi Selekt- Ministry of Agriculture of the Kingdom of Waigani, Papua New Guinea. Papua New sionnoi Opytnoi stantsii 1949-1969 gg. Thailand. Part B. Canberra, Australia: Guinea Agricultural Journal 22(3): 174­ Dnepropetrovsk, Ukrainian SSR. Department of Foreign Affairs. 176. 1 ref.

0857 MIROSHNICHENKO, A.R., and 0869 NIEHAUS, M.H., and SCHMIDT, 0880 PARODI, R.A., and SCANTAM- ALDOSHINA, V.I. 1971. Study of grain- W.H. 1970. Bird-ressistant grain sorghum: BURLO, J.L. 1970. Description of the sorghum lines for general combining a new crop for Ohio. Ohio Agricultural male-sterile line 1338A INTA obtained ability. (Ru). Doklady Vsesoyuznoi Akad- Research and Development Center, from the dual-purpose sorghum ferterita emii Sel'skokhozyaistvennykh Nauk imeni Research Circular no. 182. 19 pp. pergamino. (Es). Idia 272: 15-16. V.I. Lenina 10: 10-13. 8 ref. 0870 NIEHAUS. M.H., and SCHMIDT, 0881 PARODI, R.A., and SCANTAM- 0858 MIROSHNICHENKO, A.R., and WH. 1970. Evaluation of birG-resistant BURLO, J.L. 1970. Description of the BOLTOVSKAJA, J.I. 1971. Sweet sor- grain sorghum inOhio. Agronomy Journal male-sterile line 2729A INTA, obtained ghum Silosnoe 3. (Ru). Seleklsiya i 62(5): 677-678. 6 ref. from the sweet sorghum variety minu Semenovodstvo, USSR 36(2): 65-66. INTA. (Es). Idia 272: 42-44. 0871 NIEHAUS, M.H., and SC;IMIDT, 0859 MIROSHNICHENKO, AR., and W.H. 1971. Ohio grain sorghum perfor- 0882 PARODI, R.A., and SCANTAM- SOTULA, P.I. 1970. Heterosis hybrids of mance tests for 1970. Ohio Agricultural BURLO, J.L. 1970. Number of days to Varieties, Varietal Trials, and Hybrids 27 flowering and maturity In hybrids and 1970. Foreign hybrids and varieties of 0907 RICCELLI. MM., CASTRO­ cullivars of grain sorghum. (Es). Estaclon grain sorghum. (Bg). Pages 5-14 in MARTIN, M., and CALDERON, G. 1971. Experimental Manfredi, Informacion Tec- V"prosi na furazhnoto prolzvodstvo I Preliminary observations on the behaviour nica no. 32. 3 pp. khranene na selkostopanskite zhivotni. of grain sorghum varieties and lines at Sofia, Bulgaria: lzdatelstvo na Bulgarskata Maracay, Venezuela. Sorghum News­ 0883 PARODI, R.A., and SCANTAM- Akademiya na Naukite. (Summary: Ru, letter 14: 119. BURLO, J.L. 1970. Yield of grain sorghum En.) cullivars in tests at the Manfredi Agricul- 0908 RlCCELLI,M.M.,VIERA-DIAZ,J. tural Experiment Station during the last 0896 PRABHAKAR, A.S., YADAHALLI, CALDERON, G., and CASTRO-MARTIN, five years. INTA, Argentina, Technical Y.H., and MELI, S.S, 1972. Performance of M. 1972. Preliminary observations on the Information Bulletin no. 34. hybrid sorghum (CSH-2) under different behaviour of grain sorghum varieties and intra-row spacings. Sorghum Newsletter lines at Maracay, Venezuela. Sorghum 0884 PARODI, R.A., and SCANTAM- 15: 49-51. Newsletter 15: 141. BURLO, J.L. 1970. Stubbling of grain sorghum cultivars. INTA,Argentina, Tech- 0897 PRABHANJAN RAO, S.B., RAM- 0909 RICCELLI, M.M., VIERA-DIAZ, nical Information Bulletin ,no.36. NATH, B., and CHATTOPADHYAY, S. J., CASTRO-MARTIN, M. and ROJAS, F. 1971. M 35-1 jowar, a boon to fainted 1973. Preliminary observations on the 0885 PARODI, RA,, and SCANTAM- areas of Bellary tract.Sorghum Newsletter behaviour of grain sorghum varieties and BURLO. J.L. 1971. Two new cytoplasmic 14 60-61. lines at Maracay, Venezuela. Sorghum male-sterile lines, "1338A INTA" and Newsletter 16: 152. "2729A INTA" Sorghum Newsletter 14: 0898 PARBHANJAN RAO, SB., RAMA- 0910 ROSENOW, D.T., and 1-2 JOHN­ NATH, B., and MITTAL, S.P. 1973. SON, J.W. 1970. Release of partially 0888 PARODI, R.A., and SANTAM- Promising rabi jowar variety for rainfed converted seed stocks from sorghum BURLO, J.L. 1972. Description of the areas. Sorghum Newsletter 16: 73-74. conversion program. Sorghum Newsletter "Frondoso INTA" variety of sweet sor- 13: 71-72. ghum (Sorghum vulgare Pers. var. sacc- 0899 PRASAD, M.V.R., and SINGH, haratum Moench.). In. Tech. Inst. Nac. R.P. 1973. Select your crop for western 0911 ROSENOW, D.T., and JOHN­ Tecnol. Agropecu., Estac. Exp. Agropecu., Ratasthan. Indian Farming 22(10): 13-15. SON, J.W. 1971. Release of grain sorghum breeding lines. Sorghum News­ no. 46,4 pp. 0900 PRASADA RAO, G.P., JANAR- letter 14:112-114.

0887 PARVATIKAR, S.R., KULKARNI, DHANA RAO, P.,and JAGANMOHAN 0912 ROSENOW, D.T., JOHNSON, M.V., and GOPALAKRISHNA, M. 1973. RAO, S. 1972. Short-duration high- J.W., and MILLER, F.R. 1971. Sorghum Earlessness in sorghum. Sorghum News- yielding and quality jowar variety for conversion releases. Sorghum Newsletter letter 16: 87-88. Nellore District. Andhra Agricultural Jour- 14: 108-112. nat 19(5-6): 151-154. 0888 PATIL, S.V. 1972. Agronomic 0913 ROSENOW, D.T., JOHNSON, practices for hybrid jowar inMysoreState. 0901 RAMA RAO, P.V., and PARTHA- J.W., and MILLER, F.R. 1972. Sorghum Currert Research 1(12): 77:79. SARATHY, A.V. 1970. Note on regional conversion program. Sorghum Newsletter jowar variety trial at Vizianagaram. Sor- 15:133. 0889 PATTANAYAK, C.M. and LAL, ghum Newsletter 13: 31. B. 1970. Promising jowars. Indian Far- 0914 ROSS, W.M. 1970. Performance mers' Digest 3(8): 25. 0902 RAMA RAO, P.V., and PARDHA- of three-way grain sorghum hybrids. SARATHY, A.V. 1970. Regional testing of Pages 129-134 in Proceedings, 24th 0890 PATTON,W.B., and WATSON, hybrids. Sorghum Newsletter 13: 31. Corn-Sorghum Research Conference, V.H. 1972. Growth responses of a American Seed Trade Association. sorghum-sudan hybrid. Sorghum News- 0903 RANA, B.S., BALAKOTAIAH, K., letter 15: 118-119. TRIPATHI, D.P., and RAO, N.G.P. 1972. 0915 ROSS, W.M., and HACKEROT, Adaptability of grain sorghum hybrids and H.L. 1972. Registration of seven isocyto­ 0891 PAVLOV, G.N. 1973. New pro- varieties in India. Pages 528-535 in plasmic sorghum germlasm lines. Crop mising cultivars of sorghum. (Ru). Vestnik Sorghum in seventies: Proceedings of an Science 12(5): 720-721. Sel'skokhozyaistvennoi' Naukl 8: 25-28. international symposium organized by (Summary: En. De. Fr.) AICSIP. 27-30 October 1971, Hyderabad 0916 SENANARONG, A. 1972. Pro­ (eds. N.G.P. Rao, and L.R. House). New mising new varieties of maize and 0892 PECK, RA., DAVIES, F.F., and Delhi, India: Oxford and India Book House. sorghum. Kasikorn 45(6): 477-485. DENMAN, C.E. 1973. Grain sorghum performance test. Pages 13-15 in Okla- 0904 REYNOLDS, G. 1973. Here 0917 SHAFER, S.L.,andYOUNGMAN, homa State University Agricultural Experl- comes high-lysine sorghum! Farm Journal V.E. 1971. Grain sorghum tests. Colorado ment Station, Progress Report no. 676. 14:15. State University, Agricultural Experiment Station, Progress Report no. 71-21.2 pp. RIBAGIN, T. 1971. Study of 0893 PETKOV, D., and PETKOV, N. 0905 1970. Study of some new American introduced grain sorghum hybrids. (Bg). 0918 SHANMUGAM, K.S, 1972.Won­ sorghum hybrids. (Bg). Rasfenlevudni Rasteniev'dni Nauki 8(9): 35-42. 11 ref. der jowar for India. Modern Agriculture Nauki 7(4): 45-50. (Summary: Ru, En.) 3(6): 19-21.

0894 Deleted. 0906 RICAUD, R. 1970-71. Sweet 0919 SHAVRINA, N.1973.Changes in sorghum for sugar production in Loui- the approved regional sorghum varieties. 0895 PETKOV, T., and SHENTOV, R. siana. Louisiana Agriculture 14(2): 4-5, 7. (Ru). Kukuruza 4: 28-29. 28 Genetics and Breeding

0920 SHEPEL', N.A. 1970. Bring the 71-5. 15 pp. hybrids to bird damage in Louisiana. scrghum x sudan-grass hybrids into Agrdnomy Journal 62(2): 211-213. production. (Ru). Zemledelie 12: 35-38. 0933 SURUPOV, V. 1970. Variety trials with grain and silage sorghums. (Ru). 0943 TIWARI, K.N., and SINGH, M.P. 0921 SHEPEL', N.A. 1970. Production Kukuruza 10: 30-31. 1972. Effect of soil types on nutrient of sterile analogues of sorghum inbreds, responses of high-yielding varieties of (Ru). Sel'skokhnzyaistvennaya Biologiya 0934 TABORDA, F., MARQUEZ, P.J., kharif (summer monsoon) crops. Journal 5(1): 16-20. and OROPEZA, F. 1970. Experimental of the Indian Society of Soil Science 20(3): grain sorghum hybrids. Sorghum News- 211-217. 9 ref. 0922 SHF 7-', N.A. 1970. Sorghum letter 13: 81-83. variety "Genicrirskoe I" (Ru). Zernovye i 0944 TOMEU, A. 1970. Insect resis­ Maslichnye Kul'tury 12: 23-24. 0935 THOMSON, P.L. 1971. Grain lance in hybrid grain sorghum, (Es). sorghum variety trials for 1969-70 in the Revista Cubana de Ciencia Agricola 4(2): 0923 SHEPEL', N.A. 1973. Sorghunm tropical zone of the Northern Territory. 121-126. 7 ref. hybrid Sivashskii 50. (Ru). Kukuruza 3:30- Sorghum Newsletter 14: 3. 31. 0945 TOMEU, A., and MENDIOLA, B. 0936 THOMPSON, T.E., SCHERTZ, 1971. Performance of the F3generation of 0924 SHINDE, C.B, 1971. Sorghum K.F., ROSENOW, D.T., and MILLER, F.R. grain sorghum. (Es). Revista Cubana de hybrids and their insect enemies. Farmer 1971. Height modification within three- Ciencia Agricola 5(2): 221-225. 12 ref. and Parliament 6(5): 21-22, 25. dwarf and four-dwarf progenies of grain sorghum. Crop Science 11(6):811-813.5 0946 TOMEU, A., and MOSELEY, F. 0925 SHIVANANDAIAH, M.P., MAHA- ref. 1972. Insect resistance inhybrid sorghum. RUDRAPPA, K., and GOUD,J.V. 1973. 2. Rainy season. (Es). Revista Cubana de Varietal response of rabi jowar to 'karl' 0937 TIPTON, K.W., BARTLESON, Ciencia Agricola 6(3): 365-370. 7 ref. soils of Mysore State. Sorghum Newsletter J.L., MARSHALL, J.G., RABB, J.L., SING- 16: 85-87. LETARY, C.B., ROBINSON, D.L., SLOANE, 0947 TOMEU, A., and MOSELEY, F. L.W., and TRAHAN, G.J. 1972. Perfor- 1972. Insect resistance in an F3sorghum 0926 SHURUPOV, V. 1970. Varietal mance trials and fertility studies with grain population. (Es). Revista Cubana do trials with grain and silage sorghum. (Ru). sorghum hybrids inLouisiana. Pages 123- Ciencia Agricola 6(3): 371-378. 12 ref. Kukuruza 10: 30-31. 144 in Project Report, Agronomy Department. Louisiana Agricultural Ex- 0948 TOMFU, A., and PENA, J.A. 0927 SINGH, A. 1971. Analysis of periment Station. USA. 1972. Intergeneration comparison of yield trends in paddy, wheat, maize, jowar bulked sorghum populations. 1.Parents: and baira Indian Farmhing 21(4): 23-25. 0938 TIPTON, K.W., BARTLESON, F2 and F3in the dry season. (Es). Revista J.L., MARSHALL, JG., RABB, J.L., SING- Cubana de Ciencia Agricola 6(1).97-106. 0928 SINGH, A., SINGH, I.J., and LETARY, C.B., ROBINSON, D.L., SLOANE, 24 ref. PANDEY, R.N. 1971. Production functions L.W., and TRAHAN, G.J. 1972. Perfor­ for some igh-yielding varieties of sor- marce trials with grain sorghum hybrids in 0949 TOMEU. A., and PENA, J.A. ghum. Indian Journal of Agricultural Louisiana. Louisiana Agricultural Experi- 1972. Intergeneralion comparison of Sciences 41(): 645-649. 3 ref. ment Station, Agronomy Department bulked sorghum populations 2.F2versus 0929 SINGH,K., MAHESHWAR, BK., Research Report no. 26. 21 pp. F3in the wet season. (Es), Revista Cubana 0929ieScaNAHriK., 6MAHESH07ARI,,2BKe, and SHARMA, RK. 1972. Sweet sorghums 0939 TIPTON, K.W., BOQUET, G.P., de Ciencia Agricola 6(l): 107-110 2 ref. in India. 1.Varietal performance. Proceed- and BROADHEAD, D.M. 1970. Sweet ingsofaconferenceofSugarTechnology scrghum variety test. Pages 111-113 in 0950 TOMEU, A., and PENA, J.A. Association of India 38(2): A141-A145. Project Report, Agronomy Department. 1972. Intergeneration comparison of Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station. bulked sorghum populations. 3.F3versus 0930 SINGH, P. and CHOUBEY, S.D. USA. Ft (Es). Revista Cubana de Clencia 1972. Effect of varying levels of nitrogen Agricola 6(1): 111-120. 6 ref. on the yield and yield attributes of some 0940 TIPTON, K.W., DAVIS, J.H., sorghum varieties. Indian Journal of FLINT, RN., MARSHALL, J.G., PHILLIPS, 0951 TOMEU, A., PENA, JA., and Agricultural Sciences 42(4): 337-341. 5 SA., and RABB, J.L. 1971. Tests show MENCHACA, M. 1972. Diallel cross ref. best grain sorghum hybrids for State. among the Fi of six sorghum crosses. Louisiana Agriculture 14(3): 8-11. (Es). Revista Cubana de Ciencia Agricola 0931 SINSKA, J. 1972. Evaluation of 6(2): 267-278. 21 ref. sorghum varieties according to their 0941 TIPTON, K.W., DAVIS, J.H., reaction to cytoplasmic pollen sterility. FLINT, R.N., MARSHALL, J.G., PHILLIPS, 0952 UPADHYAY, U.C., CHOPDE, (Sk). Vedecke Prace Vyskumneho Ustavu S.A., RABB, J.L., and SINGLETARY, CB. P.R., SHINDE, VK., and PURKE, S.V. Rastlinnej Vyroby v Piestanoch 10(20): 1970. Performance trials with grain 1973. Defoliation studies on PSH-2 69-77. 14 ref. (Summary: En. Ru.) sorghum hybrids in Louisiana. Pages 91- sorghum hybrid. Sorghum Newsletter 16: 107 in Project Report, Agronomy Depart- 60-62. 0932 STANLEY, R.LJr., DUNAVIN, ment. Louisiana Agricultural Experiment L.S., ALLEN, RJ.Jr., RUELKE, O.C., Station. USA. 0953 USA: UNIVERSITY OF GEOR- PRINE, G.M., and HANNA, W.W. 1971. GIA. 1970. Field crops variety trials: 1969. 1970 sorghum-sudangrass and pearl 0942 TIPTON, KW., FLOYD, E.H., University of Georgia, College of Agri­ millet variety trials in Florida. University of MARSHALL, J.G., and McDEVITT, J.B. culture Experiment Station, Research Florida. Agronomy Mimeo Report no. AG 1970. Resistance of certain grain sorghum Report no. 63. 82 pp. Varieties, Varietal Trials, and Hybrids 29

0954 USA: UNIVERSITY OF GEOR- performance at Bushland and Startford, 0976 WORKER, G.F.Jr. 1972. Sum- GIA. 1971. Field crops variety trials:1970. 1967-1970. Pages 117-141 in Texas mary of grain sorghum test results, 1971. University of Georgia, College of Agri- Agricultural Experiment Station, Progress California Agricultural Experiment Station, culture Experiment Station, Research Report no. 2961. Field Crop Report no. 26. 5 pp. Report no. 94. 93 pp. 0965 WALKER, H.J., ROSENOW, D.T., 0977 WORKER, G.F. 1973. Grain 0955 USA: UNIVERSITY OF GEOR- and BOCKHOLT, A.J. 1971. Grain sorghum performance. California Agri- GIA. 1973. Corn and grain sorghum sorghum performance In Texas, 1970. cultural Experiment Station, Field Crop performance tests: 1972, Pages 4-45 in Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Report no. 28. UniVersity of Georgia, College of Agri- Miscellaneous Publication no. 1013. 84 culture Experiment Station, Research pp. 0978 WORKER, G.F. 1973. Grouping Report no. 149. of grain sorghum cultivars by days to 0966' WLKER, H.J., ROSENOW, D.T., flowering for Imperial valley and similar 0956 VARADINOV, S.G. 1970. Hybrid and COKER, J.R. 1973. Grain sorghum southwestern desert areas. California sorghum in the southern regions of the performance rests in the rolling and high Agricultural Experment Station Agronomy Volgograd Province. (Ru). SbornikTrudov plains of Texas, 1972. Pages 3-69 in Progress Report no. 50. Aspiranlovi Molodykh Nauchaykh Sot- Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, 0979 YAKUSHEVSKII, ES., DORO rudnikov Vsesoyuznoi Akademii 16: 218- Miscellaneous Publication no. 1077. SHINA, L.M., and OGURTSOV, V.N. 1973. 224. S I A . . n G R S V .. 1 7 Economic and breeding value of the best 0967WALH,EJ. 971 Perormnce varieties of sorghum in the left-bank area 0957 VENKATARAMAN, K. 1973. and within-hybrid variability of three-way of sh ineRu). ae Yield performance of sorghum hybrids, and single-crosses in grain sorghum of Kuibyshev province.(Ru). Pages 41-45 CSH-1 and CSH-2, seasons. (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). Ph.D. in Selektsiya i Zashchia Rasteni Kuiby- Madras Agricultural Journal 60(4): 273- thesis, Iowa State University, USA. shev, USSR. 274. 0968 WALSH, E.J., and ATKINS, R.E. 0980 YELLAIAH SETrY, A. 1973. 0958 VENKATESWARA RAO, L., 1973. Performance and within-hybrid Studies on the ideal plant type and its SREENIVASULU, M.R., and PARTHA- variability of three-way and single relationship with grain yield in sorghum SARATHY, A.V. 1970. Evolution of short- crosses of grain sorghum. Crop Science hybrids and selections of diverse genetic statured high-yielding sorghums with 13(2): 267-271. 15 ref. backgrounds. M.Sc. thesis, Andhra Pradesh yellow grain for Nandyal valley (Kurnool Agricultural University, India. 77 pp. and Cuddapah Districts of Andhra Pradesh). 0969 WALTER, T.L. 1971. Report on 0981 YORK, J.O. 1971. Arkansas Sorghum Newsletter 13: 28-29. 1971. Kansas grain sorghum perfor- grain sorghum performance tests for mance tests. Kansas Agricultural Ex- 1970. University of Arkansas, Agricultural 0959 VINOGRADOV, Z.S. 1970. periment Station Bulletin no. 543. 35 pp. Experiment Station, Mimeograph Series Production of new sorghum hybrids no. 190.11 pp. displaying heterosis. (Ru). Sbornik Trudov 0970 WALTER, T.L. 1973. Report on Aspirantov i Mo~odykh Nauchnykh Sot- 1972 Kansas grain sorghum performance 0982 YORK, JO. 1973. Arkansas rudnikov Vsesoyuznoi Akadtemii 17:187- tests. Kansas Agricultural Experiment grain sorghum performance tests for 191. Station, Bulletin no. 565. 32 pp. 1972. University of Arkansas. Agricultural Experiment Station, Mimeograph Series 0960 VISSOVA, V.I., and SHABALTA, 0971 WEIBEL, D.E. 1973. Release of no. 209. 12 pp. S.M. 1970. Varieties of sorghum with parental lines. Sorghum Newsletter 16: resistance . to bacterial disease (Ru). 124-125. 0983 YORK, J.O., and MIESNER, J.R. Nauchnye.Trudy Stavropol'skogo Sel'sko- 1973. AKS-618: a new hybrid grain khozyaistvennogo Instituta 33: 35-40. 0972 WEIBEL, D.E., STARKS, K.J., sorghum. Arkansas Farm Research 22(2): WOOD. E.A., and MORRISON, R.D. 1972. 6. 0961 VI rTAL RAO, S. 1971. Cereal Sorghum cultivars and progenies rated production-the role of high-yielding for resistane to greenbugs. Crop Science 0984 YOUNGMAN, V.E. 1971. Sor­ varieties. Andhra Agricultural Journal 12 (3): 334-336. 4 ref; ghum performance results. Colorado 18(1): 8-18. 4 ref. State University, Agricultural Experiment 0973 WILLEY, R.W., and BASIIME, Station Progress Report no. 71-29. 4 p. 0962 VOIGT, R.L. 1970. Arizona grain D.R. 1973. Studies on the physiological sorghum, forage sorghum, and sudan- determinants of grain yeld infivevarieties 0985 YOUNGMAN, V.E. 1973. Sor­ grass performance tests, 1969. Arizona of sorghum. Journal of Agricultural ghum performance results. Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station Report Science 81(3): 537-548. 13 ref. State University, Agricultural Experiment no. 258. 38 pp. Station, Progress Report no. 49. 0974 WINDSCHEFFEL, J.A., VAN­ 0963 WALKER, H.J., JOHNSON, J., DERLIP, R.L., and CASADY, A.J. 1973. 0986 YOUNGMAN, V.E., MANN, H.O., and BOKHOLT, A.J. 1972. Grain sorghum Performance of 2-dwarf and 3-dwarf grain SWINK, J.F., HINZE, G.O., and SHAFER, performance tests inTexas, 1971. Pages sorghum hybrids harvested at various S.L. 1970. Sorghum performance tests in 5-74 in Texas Agricultural Experiment moisture contents. Crop Science 13(2): Colorado in 1970. Colorado Agricultural Station, Miscellaneous Publication no. 215-219. 12 ref. Experiment Station, General Series no. 1021. 912. 28 pp. 0975 WISEMAN, B.R., and McMIL­ 0964 WALKER, H.J., PORTER, K., and LIAN W.W. 1971. Sorghum variety trials at 0987 YOUNGMAN, V.E., MANN, H.O., GIVENS, T. 1971. Grain sorghum hybrid Tifton. Sorghum Newsleter 14: 33-34. SWINK, J.F., HINZE, G.O., and SHAFER, 30 Agronomy

S.L. 1971. Sorghum hybrid performance crops of West Africa (Senegal, Mall, objectives and perspectives. (Fr). Agro­ tests in Colorado. Colorado State Uni- Guinea). (Ru). Trudy po Prikladnol Bota- nomie Tropicale 28(1): 86-87. versity, Agricultural Experiment Station, nike, Genelike I Selektsii 50(3): 268-290. General Series no. 920. 24 pp. (Summary: En.) 1010 COWLEY, W.R., and SMITH, B.A. 1972. Sweet sorghum as a potential 0988 YOUNGMAN, V.E., MANN, H.O., 0998 BARNA, B. 1972. Increased sugar crop in south Texas. Pages 628­ SWINK, J.F., HINZE, G.O., SHAFER, S.L., interest towards Sorghum vulgare sudan- 633 in Proceedings, 14th Congress of the and LANGIN, E.J. 1972. Sorghum per- ense culture. Magyar Mezogazdasag International Society of Sugarcane Tech­ formance tests in Colorado in 1972. 27(44): 8-9. nologists. Baton Rouge, USA: Franklin Colorado State University. Agricultural Press. 11 ref. Experiment Station, General Series no. 0999 BILBRO, J.D. 1972. Yield proba­ 928. bilities for cotton and grain sorghum 1011 DASTANE. N.G., MAHENDRA grown under dryland conditions on the SINGH, HUKKERI, S.B., and VAMA- 0989 ZAITSEVA, Y.F. 1970. Results of Texas high plains. Agronomy Journal DEVAN, V.K. 1970. Crop-wise results: trial work with sorghum hybrids (on a 64(2): 140-142. 12 ref. sorghum. Pages 30-33 in Review of work sterile basis). (Ru), Trudy Kishinevskogo done on water requirements of crops In Sel'skokhoz/aistvennogo Instituta 71: 80- 1000 BLONDEL, D., and POETHIER, Ind'a. Pune, India: Navabharat Prakashan. 86. G.1970. Results from the foliar analysisof sorghum. (Fr). Agronomie Tropicale 25(6- 1012 DOGGETT, H. 1972. Improve­ 0090 ZWEIFLER, E., and HOLUBAR, 7): 543-554.7 ref. (Summary: En, Es.) ment of sorghum in East Africa.Pages47­ G. 1970. Grain corn and grain sorghum 59 in Sorghum insewnties: Proceedings variety tests, 1969. (De). Versuchsergeb- 1001 BONO, M,, and SOUMARE, L. of an international symposium, organized nisse der Bundesanstalt fbr Pflanzenbau 1970. Pennisetum millet and sorghum by AICSIP, October 27-30 1971,Hydera­ undSamenprufunginWienno. 162.30pp. options. African Soils 15(1-3): 745-747. bad (eds. N.G.P. Rao and L.R. House). New Delhi, India. Oxford and India Book 0991 ZWEIFLER. E., and HOLUBAR, 1002 CABANGBANG, R.P., and GO- House. 9 ref. G. 1971. Grain maize and grain sorghum MEZ, A.A. 1972. Phenotypic stability of variety trials 1970. Versuch sergebnisse yeild ingrain sorghum populations. SAB- 1013 DOUGHTON, J.A. 1971. Grain der Bundesanstalt fur Pflanzenbau und RAO Newsletter 4(2): 95-102. 9 ref. sorghum agronomic research In the Samenpruung1003 CHAMBERLAIN, R., and WIL- Northern Territory. Sorghum Newsletter AGRONOMY SON, G.L. 1971. Lodging of grain 14:5. sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 14: 9-10. 1014 DOWNES, RW. 1971. Relation­ General ship between evolutionary adaptation and 1004 CHAMBERLAIN. R. and WlL- gas exchange characteristics of diverse 0992 ANON. 1973. Jowar. Agro Know- SON, G.L. 1973. Yield development of sorghum taxonomy. Australian Journal of How Service 2(6): 1-6. grain sorghum under watered and dry Biological Sciences 24(5). 843-852. 25 ref. conditons. Sorghum Newsletter 16:3. H.P., 0993 ALLEN, L.R., LYNN, McKENZIE, MC., NOLAN, C.N., THOMAS, 1005 CHANNER, G.W. 1970. Sor­ C.A., and SMITH, F.H. 1971. Growing ghum agronomy. Ukiriguru Research 1015 DOWNES, R.W. 1972. Effect of grain sorghum inSoulh Carolina.Clemson Notes 45: 1-4. temperature on the phenology and grain University, Extension Circular no. 285. 6 yield of Sorghum bicoor. Australian pp. 1006 CHAUDHARY, M.H. 1972. Com- Journal of Agricultural Research 23(4): petition removal in sorghum and corn. 585-594. 15 ref. 0994 ANDERSON, W.K., WHAN, I.F., Ph.D. thesis, University of Illinois, USA. 79 GRIERSON, J.G., BENTLEY, C.R., BEE- pp. 1016 DUTHIE, I., and WILSON, G.L. TON, R.J.S., and HORE, I.H. 1973. 1972. Time to heading as a yield Agronomy, farm management and 1007 CHUNG, J.H., and LIANG, G.H. determinant in grain sorghum. Sorghum economics of growing and utilizing 1970. Some biometrical studies on nine Newsletter 15: 1-2. multiple cropped grain sorghum in the agronomic traits in grain sorghum, Sor­ Ord River Valley, Eastern Australia. ghum bicolor (L.) Moench 1. Variance 1017 DZHUMAGULOV, B.A. 1973. Armidalo, New South Wales, Australia: components and heritability estimates. Cultural methods for Sorghum vulgare New England University. 138 pp. 48 ref. Canadian Journal of Genetics and Cyto- sudanense in dry farming in Alma-Ata logy 12(2): 288-296. 11 ref. Region. Vestnik Serskokhozyaistvennoi 0995 ARRAUDEAU, M. 1971. Impro- Nauki, Kazakh SSR. 1: 43-47. vement of sorghum yields in S. Mada- 1008 CLEGG, M.D. 1972. Light and gascar. (Fr). Agronomie Tropicale 26(4): yield related aspects of sorghum cano- 1018 EASTIN, J.D., HULTOUIST,J.H., 456-475. (Summary: En, Es.) pies. Pages 279-301 in Sorghum in and SULLIVAN, C.Y. 1973. Physiologic seventies: Proceedings of an international malurity ingrain sorghum. Crop Science 0996 BACSA, P. 1971. Ecological symposiumorganizedbyAICSIP, October 13(2): 175-178. 14 ref. sensitivity of broomcorn variolies. (Hu). 27-30 1971, Hyderabad (eds. N.G.P. Rao Nbv~nytermel6s 20(4): 317-322. 1 ref. and L.R. House). New Delhi, India: Oxford 1010 EBERHART, S.A., and SPAR- (Summary: En.) and India Book House. 49 ref. AGUE, G.F. 1973. Major cereals projectto improve maize, sorghum and millet 0997 BAKHAREVA, SN., KORSAKOV, 1009 COTTE, A. 1973. Maize and production in Africa. Agronomy Journal N.I., and LEMESHEV, N.K. 1973. Field sorghum improvement in Eastern Europe: 65(3): 365-373. 9 ref. General 31

1020 ECK, H.V., and DAVIS, R.G. 1032 GOLDSWORTHY, P.R. 1970. sorghum in relation to varieties and' 1971. Profile modification and root yied, Canopy structure of tall and short planting densities. (Ja) Japanese Jour­ distribution, and activity. Agronomy Jour- sorghum. Journal of Agricultural Science nal of Tropical Agriculture 13(4): 215-219. nal 63(6): 934-937. 18 ref. 75(1): 123-131. 11 ref. (Summary: En.)

1021 ECKEBIL, J.P. 1970.Work under- 1033 GOLDSWORTHY, P.R. 1970. 1045 INDIA: DEPARTMENT OF AGRI­ taken by the IRAT Station in North The sources of assimilate for grain CULTURE, ANDHRA PRADESH. 1973. Cameroon on the muskwari sorghums development in tall and short sorghum. Intensification of rabi jowar production in planted. African Soils 15(1-3): 17-20. Journal of Agricultural Science 74(3): Andhra Pradesh (1972-73). Hyderabad 1022 ECKEBIL, J.P. 1970.Improve. 523-531. 18 ref: India: Department of Agriculture. 6 pp. ment of cereal crops in Cameroon. (Fr). 1034 GOUD, J.V. 1973. Vistas In rabi 1046 IRAT, MAURITANIA. 1972. Deve- African Soils 15(1-3): 21-34. sorghum improvement. Sorghum News- ment project for agronomic research and letter 16: 84-85. its application in the Senegal River Basin. 1023 EL-HIENY, M.Z, KASSEM, E.S. Inventory of experiments on winter crops EL-GHAWAS, M., and EL-TOHAMI, M.K. 1035 GREEN, V.EJr. 1970. Progress on dieri soil, 1961-1971. Draft report on 1972. Variability inmorphological charac- insorghum research reported at regional works carried out at the Kaedi Station ters, yield components, quality characters meetings. Sorghum Newsletter 13: 7-8. (Mauritania) and in the Upper Region of of grain sorghum. Assiut Journal of the Central Senegal River Valley. (Fr). Agricultural Sciences 3(2): 65-84. 24 ref. 1036 GREEN, V.E.Jr. 1970. Experi- Rome, Italy: FAO. 106 pp. mentation with grain sorghums in South 1024 ENYI, B.A.C. 1973. Analysis of Florida, 1969. Sorghum Newsletter13:15- 1047 IRAT, SENEGAL. 1970, Deve­ the effect of weed competition of growth 16. lopment project for agronmic research and yield attributes insorghum (Sor-ghum and its applications in the Senegal River vulgare) cowpeas (Vigna ungui-culata) 1037 GREEN, V.E.Jr. 1971. Experi- Basin. First study of technical data and greengram (Vigna aureus). Journal of mentaiion with grain sorghums in South records and field trials 1967-68 and 1968- Agricultural Science 81(3): 449-453. Florida, 1970. Sorghum Newsletter 14:24- 69 (general agronomic trials and food 25. 1025 ENYI, BAC. 1973. Effects of crops). (Fr). Rome, Italy: FAQ. 124 pp. defoliation at flag leaf and time ol anthesis 1038 GREEN, V.E.Jr. 1972. Problems 1048 ISAKOV, Ya, I. 1971. Relation­ on the yield of sorghum. East African and progress with sorghum in experi- ship between productivity of sorghum Agricultural and Forestry Journal 38(4): ments and for commercial production, sudan grass hybrids and cuting dates. 410-414. 7 ref. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 8-9. u). ga iabisa, no.2,2-3. (Ru). Luga i Pastbishcha, no. 2, 32-33. 1026 FAQ. 1973. Development project 1039 HARRIS, H.B. 1970. Grain sor­ for agronomic research and its applica- ghum yield as related to panicle counts. 1049 ISAKOV, Ya. I. 1973. Yield of tion in the Senegal River Basin. Sorghum Sorghum Newsletter 13: 19-20. new hybrids between sorghum and sudan cultivation during the dry seascn in the grass bred using male sterility. (Ru). Trudy Senegal valley: how to improve its 1040 HARRIS, HB., and FISHER, D. Donskogo Zonal'nogo Nauchno-Issle­ cultivation and production. (Fr). Rome, 1973. Yield of grain sorghum in relation to dovalelskogo Institula Selskogo Khozy- Italy. FAQ. 18 pp anthracnose expression at different deve- aistva 6:15-18. lopmental stages of host. Pages 44-46 in 1027 FISCHER, K.S., and WILSON, 8th Grain Sorghum Research Utilization 1050 IVANOV, S.1972. Determination G.L. 1971. Physiological factors limiting Conference Biennial Program, USA. Lub- of optimum stand density for a sorghum the yield of grain sorghum. Sorghum bock, Texas: Grain Sorghum Producers' hybrid grown for grain proouction. (Bg). Newsletter 14: 6-8. 2 ref. Association. Rasteniev"dni Nauki 9(5): 137-143. 11 ref. (Summary: Ru, En.) 1028 GARROD, P.V. 1973. Sorghum 1041 HINZE, G.O. 1973. Relationship production on the Island of Molokai: a of factors influencing protein yield and 1051 IVE, J.R. 1970. Symposium on feasibility study. Hawaii University College quality in Sorghum bicolor (Linn.) Moench. sorghum production. Under-sowing Town­ of Tropical Agriculture Agricultural Ex- PhD. thesis, Purdue University USA. 124 sville stylo. Turnoff 2(3): 13-14. periment Station, Report no. 7. 14 pp, pp. 1052 IZVEKOV, A,1973. The neces­ 1029 GILL, G.RH., CAMERON, D.G., 1042 HINZE, G.O., and YOUNGMAN, sity to expand the sorghum crop. (Ru). and NORTON, J.S. 1970. Dawson Callide V.E. 1972. Grain sorghum seeding rate Zemledelie no. 3, pp,57-59. agricultural region. 2. Sorghum. Queens- study at Akron, 1971. Colorado State land Agriultural Journal 96(10): 666-671. University, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1053 JENKINS, J. 1971. Stalking rog- Progress Report no.7. ues of sorghum field. Farm Quarterly 1030 GILL, GRH. CAMERON, D.G., 26(1): 62-71. and NORTON. J.S 1970. Dawson Callide 1043 HOUSE, L.R. 1970. Sorghum agricultural region. 3.Sorghum. Queens- imporvement programme in India. Infor- 1054 JOWETT, D. 1972. Yield stability land Agricultural Journal 96(10): 666-671. malion Bulletin on the Near East Wheat parameters for sorghum in East Africa, and Barley Improvement and Production Crop Science 12(3): 314-317. 14 ref. 1031 GOLDSWORTHY, P.R. 1970. Project 7(1): 17-19. Growth and yield of tall and short 1055 KARVE, A.D. 1971. Effect of sorghums in Nigeria. Journal of Agricul- 1044 IKEDA, M., and NAKAGAMA, A. atrazine on the yield of hybrid sorghum. tural Science 75(1): 109-122. 14 ref. 1970. Yield, abilities in dwarf grain Sorghum Newsletter 14: 58-59. 32 Agronomy

1056 KATIYAR, O.P., and RAWAT, 22(1-2): 189-190. 1081 NALAMPANG, A., and WEIBEL, R.R. 1971-72. Effect of certain insecli- D.E. 1970. Nature of a dwarfing factor. cidal treatments on the yield of jcwar 1068 MARBLE, V.L. 1972. Grain sor- Sorghum Newsletter 13: 66. (Sorghum vulgare Pers.) given for the ghum rewards intensive management control of Pyrilla perpusillaWalker.Journal World Farming 14(11): 14-17. 1082 NGUYEN, Vu. 1971. Develop­ of Scientific Research of the Banaras ment project for agronomic research and Hindu University 22(1): 25-32.6 ref. 1069 MARTIN, N.P., and WEDINW.F. its applications inthe Senegal River Basin. 1972. Yield and composition of grain Main data on sorghum cultivation in the 1057 KHOT, B.D., and WAROKAR, sorghum stover. Sorghum Newsletter 15: Senegal River Valley. (Fr). Rome, Italy: RT. 1970. Physiological basis for yield 108-109. FAO. 23 pp. variations in three varieties of jowar (Sorghum vulgare Pers.). Research Jour- 1070 MASHARIPOV, G, 1973. Sor- 1083 NIEHAUS, M.H., and SCHMIDT, np.: of Mahatma Phule Agricultural Univer- ghum on saline soils. (Ru), Zemledelie 1: W.H. 1971. Grain sorghum shows promise. sily 1(1): 21-26. 7 ref. 62-63. Ohio Report on Research and Deve­ lopment In Agriculture, Home Econo­ 10.B KOENIG, R.F. 1973. Estimation 1071 MAUNDER, A.B. 1970. Inter- mics and Natural Resources 56(2): of some environmental and genetic mediate height class. Sorghum News- 19-20. sources of variation affecting protein letter 13:11, 13. quantity in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) 1084 OLSON, T.C. 1971. Yield and Moench) grain. Ph.D. thesis, University of 1072 MAY, P.J. 1971. Grain sorghum water use by different populations of Nebraska, USA 129 pp in the Ord Valley-three crops a year? dryland corn, grain sorghum, and forage JournalofAgricultureofWesternAustralia sorghum in the western corn belt. 1059 KOLI, S.E 1970. Cereal agro- 12(4): 113-114. Agronomy Journal 63(1): 104-106. 11 ref. nomy. (Fr). African Soils 15(1-3): 149-156. 2 ref. 1073 McNEE, D.A.K. 1971. Irrigated 1085 OWEN, F.G., and KUHLMAN, grain sorghum at St. George. Queensland J.W. 1970. Sorghums (Sorghum vulgare). 1060 KOROBIL, EN. 1972. Northern Agricultural Journal 97(10): 506-509. Pages 347-364 in Prnduction of field limit of ripening for sorghum and Setaria crops: A textbook of agronomy (ed. M.S. viridis in the southern part of the Far East. 1074 MELI, S.S., PATIL, R.V., SHIVA- Kipps). New York, USA: McGraw Hill. 23 (Ru). Pages 45-51 in Voprosy Geografii RAJ, B., and YADAHALLI, Y.H. 1970. ref. Dal'nego Vostoka 10. Khabarovsk, USSR. Effect of moisture regimes on yield of 1086 PARODI, RA., FREZZI, M.J., and

1061 KRAVCHENKO, A.P. 1972. Grain hybrid jowar. Sorghum Newsleter 13: 45 SCANTAMBURLO, J.L. 1971. Causes of sorghum, a high yielding drought resistant reductions in the yield of grain sorghum. crop. (Ru). Kukuruza 1: 21-22. (Es). Estacion Experimental Agropecuaria, 1075 MERCER-QUARSHIE, H. 1970. Manfredi, Informacion Tecnica, no. 39. 8 1062 KUMAR, K., CHANDOLA, R.P., Some yield losses of sorghum in Northern pp. and BOONLIA, D.S. 1970. Sorghums of Ghana. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Rajasthan-variability studies. Pune Agri- Science 2: 103-112. 1087 PARVATIKAR S.R., and PR- cultural College Magazine 60(1-2):33-41. ASAD, T.G. 1973. Effect of shading the 14 ref. 1076 MIRAMONTES, B., and ORTE- earheads on the yield of sorghum. GA, T.E. 1972. Effects of calcium Sorghum Newsletter 16: 89-91. 1063 LANGLET, A., and ALDHUY, A. carbonate and calcium silicate on the 1971. Observations on yield factors In yield of sorghum and several chemical 1088 PEEPER, T.F.,WEIBEL, D.E.,and grain sorghum. (Fr). Comptes Rendus des characteristics of 3 soils in Mexico. (Es). SANTELMANN, P. W. 1970. Influence of S6ances de I'Academie d'Agriculture de Agrociencla, Serie C 7: 81-93. 22 ref. dicamba on the growth and development France 57(18): 1606-1616. 1 ref. (Summary: En.) of grain sorghum. Agronomy Journal 62(3): 407-411. 4 ret. 1064 LUTRICK, M.C. 1971. Production 1077 MITTAL, S.P., VERMA, B., and of grain sorghum: Bird-resistant or non- RAMNATH, B., 1972. Increase rabi jowar 1089 PICKET R. C. 1970. Research bird resistant ? Sunshine State Agricultural yield in small holdings under dryland on protein and yield of sorghum. African Research Report 16(3): 18-19. conditions. Indian Farming 21(12):25-26. Soils 15 (1-3): 697-699.

1065 MADHAVA RAO, T., SRINI- 1078 MOHIUDDIN, S.H., and YAS- 1090 PLUCKNETT,D.L,YOUNGE,O.R., VASULU, G., and KULLAISWAMY, B.Y. EEN, M.1973. Note on effect of moisture IZUNO, T., TAMIMI, Y.N., and ISHIZAKI, S.M. 1972. Present yield status of sorghum and stress on yield and yield components of 1971. Sorghum production in Hawaii. millets from the trials conducted at sorghum CSH-1. Indian Journal of Agro- Pages 3-33 in Hawaii Agricultural Experi­ regional research station, Raichur. Sor- nomy 18(1): 96-97. ment Station, Research Bulletin no. 143. ghum Newsletter 15: 46-47. 1079 MURTY. K.N. 1971. Some obser- 1091 PRINE, G.M. 1970. Farming corn 1086 MAHABAL RAM. 1973. Get high vations on the agronomic experiments on and sorghum can up production per acre yields from tajra and jowar. Intensive sorghum in Andhra Pradesh. Sorghum tenfold or more. Florida Cattleman Live­ Agriculture 11(5): 2-8. Newsletter 14: 43. stock Journal 34(4): 44-46.

1067 MANDY, G. 1973. Broom corn 1080 NABOS, J. 1970. Present state 1092 PRINE, G. M. 1970. Grain yields "Mezokovacshazi". Aca Agronomica of experimentation on millet and sor- of corn and grain sorghum under different Acaderniae Scientiarum Hungaricae ghum. African Soils 15(1 -3): 723-727. plant populations and row spacings. General 33

Proceedings of Soil and Crop Science three-way and single crosses at two 11 16 SINGH, M., KRANTZ, B.A., and Society of Florida 29: 181-189.5 rel, planting rates. Sorghum Newsletter 15: BAIRD, G.B. 1972. Agronomic produc­ 122-123. lion techniques in sorghum. Pages 302­ 1093 QUINBY, JR. 1972. Grain-filling 333 in Sorghum inseventies: Proceedings period cf sorghum parents and hybrids. 1106 RUSSELL, J.S. 1973. Yield trends of an international symposium organized Crop Science 12(5): 390-691. 13 ref. of different crops in different areas and by AICSIP, October 27-30 1971 renflections of the sources of crop yield Hyderabad (eds. NG.P. Rao. and L.R. 1094 RAGHUMURTHY, M., KULKARNI, improvement inthe Australian environment. House). New Delhi, India: Oxford and K.R., VENKATARAMU, M.N., and SHA- Journal of the Australian Institute of India Book House. 41 ret, KUNTALA RAJU. 1971. Survey on the Agricultural Science 39(3): 156-166. 28 effect of agronomic practices on the yield ref. I 117 SINGH, M., and PAL. M. 1970. of hybrid sorghum under rainfed condi- Sow jowar early for higher yields. Indian lions. Mysore Journal of Agricullural 1107 SAADATI, K., TRYBOM, J.C., Farming 19(10): 7-8. Sciences 5(3): 257-267. 4 ref. and VANDERLIP, R.L. 1971. Effect of magnetic seed treatment on agronomic 1118 SON, S.H. 1971. Studied on 1095 RAMACHANDRAN, M., GOPA- characteristics of corn, soybeans and ecological variation and Inheritance for LASWAMY, N., LOGANATHAN, N.S., sorghum. Transactions of the Kansas agronomical characters of sweet sor- SIVASANKARAN, D., and SHANMU- Academy of Science 74(3-4): 337-341. 6 ghum varieties (Sorghum vulgare Pers.) in GASUNDARAM. S. 1973 Studies of ref. Korea. Research Reports of the Office of agronomic practices of crops for the Rural Development (South Kurea) 14: 77- Parambikulam Aliyar project area. Mad- 1108 SALAZAR, B.A. 1972. Situation 115. ras Agricultural Journal 60(3):176-178. of sorghum cultivation in Central America. (Es). Agricultura en El Salvador 12(1 ):14- 1119 SREENATH, P.R. 1973. Size and 1096 RAO, D.V.N., REDDY, G.S.R., 19. shape of plots and blocks infield trials with DAMODARAM, G, and PArHASA- 'MP Chari sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) RATHY, AV. 1971. Studies on the 1109 SAPIN, P. 1971. Development Moench). Indian Journal of Agricultural presence of total solids indifferent stages project for agronomic research and its Sciences 43(2): 110-112. 2 ref. of sorghum crop. Madras Agricultural applications in the Senegal River Basin. 1120 STEWART, GA. 1970. High Journal 58(7): 662-664. 1 ret Subsidence sorghum cultivation in Senegal potential productivity of the tropics for River Valley. Agronomic research findings. cereal crops, grass forage crops, and 1097 RAO, N.G.P. 1970. Sorghum (Fr). Rome, Italy: FAO. 21 pp. beef, Journal of the Australian Institute of culture dry to irrigated farming. Indian Agricultural Science 36(2): 85-101.71 ref. 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1104 ROSS, W.M. 1972. Seed yields 1115 SINGH, D., and SINGH, U.1973. 1126 WORKER, G.F. Jr., AYERS, R.S,, on 4-dwarf male-sicri!k, seed stocks. Discriminant function technique for the KARAH, M.A., and THOMASON, R.E. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 121-122. improvement of grain yield in Sorghum 1973. Effect of dense, stratified sandy soil vulgate Pers. (jowar). Indian Journal of on crop rools. Journal of Agricultural 1105 ROSS, W.M. 1972. Yield of Farm Sciences 1:1-5.9 ref. Science 81(3): 513-516.2 ref. 34 Agronomy

1127 YAKUSHEVSKII, E.S., and VA- evapotranspiration of wide-row sorghum W.R.. 1972. Dryland evaporative flux in a RADINOV, S.G. 1971.Studieson sorghum in the Central Great Plains. Agronomy subhumid climate. 4. Relation to plant in the desert north of the Aral Sea. (Ru). Journal 63(4): 520-527. 19 ret. water status. Agronomy Journal 64(2): Trudy po Prikladnoi Botanike, Genetike i 173-176. 13 ref. Selektsii 44(2): 74-91. 7 ref. 1139 HEERMAN, D.F., and GARD- NER, H.R. 1970. Evapotranspiration model 1150 STONE, L.R., HORTON, M.L., Climatic influences and Crop. for dryland crops for the Great Plains. and OLSON, T.C. 1973. Water loss from Weather Relations Pages 79-109 in Kansas State University an irrigated sorghum field. 2. Evapo­ Evapotranspiration in the Great Plains transpiration and root extraction. Agro­ 1128 BARTHOLIC, J.F., NAMKEN, Seminar. Fort Collins, Colorado, USA: nomy Journal 65(3): 495-497. 9 ref.' L.N., and WIEGAND, C.L. 1972. Aerial USDA. thermal scanner to determine tempera- 1151 SZEICZ, G.,VAN BAVEL, C.H.M., tures of soils and of crop canopies 1140 KAVANDIKAR, V.R. 1971-1972. and TAKAMI, S. 1'973. Stomafal fa,;Icr in differing in water stress. Agronomy Study of the influence of weather factors the water use and ciry matter production Journal 64(5): 603-608. on the grain yield of rabi jowar (Sorghum by sorghum. Agricultural Meteorology vulgare Pers.) at Sholapur (Maharashtra). 12(3): 361-389. 23 ref. 1129 BENACCHIO, S.S, and BLAIR, B.A. Agricultural College Magazine 24: B.O. 1972. New apprqach to phenologi- 94-95. 1152 TAYLOF, A.O. 1973. Environ­ cal research relationships between envir- mental problem with grain sorghums. onmental factors and days toappearance 1141 MAUNDER, A.B., WAITS, G.D., Proceedings of the Agronomy Society of of the first leaf in four parenial species. and WEDDIGE, L.A. 1970. Environmental New Zealand 3: 57-62. 2 ref. Agronomy Journal 64(3): 297-302. effects on lysine and protein. Sorghum Newsletter 13: 10-11, 12. 1153 TEARE, I.D., KANEMASU, E.T., 1130 BRUN, L.J. 1972. Evaluation of POWERS, W.L., and JACOBS, H.S. 1973. Monteith's evapotranspiration model in 1142 PUECH, J., and HERNANDEZ, Water use efficiency and its relation to soybean and sorghum lields. Ph.D. thesis, M. 1973. Comparison of evapotranspira- crop canopy area, stomatal regulation, Kansas State University, USA. 91 pp. lion invarious crops and a study of some and root distribution. Agronomy Journal factors affecting rhythms of water con- 65(2): 207-211. 17 ref. 1131 BRUN, L.J., KANEMASU, FT., sumption. (Fr). Annales Agronomiques and POWERS, W.L. 1972. Evapotr;3ns- 24(4): 437-445. 25 ref. (Summary: En, De, 1154 TEARE, I.D.,MOHANRAO, M.R., piration from soybean and sorghum fields. Ru.) and KANEMASU, E.T. 1973. Correlation of Agronomy Journal 64(2): 145-148.15 ref transpiratlon rates by cobalt chloride 1143 QUINBY, J.R., HESKETH, J.D., method and stomatal diffusion porometer. 1132 BRUN, 1.-, KANEMASU, E.T., and VOIGT, R.L. 1973. Influence of Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences and POWERS. W.L. 1973. Estimating temperature and photoperiod on floral 43(7): 639-642. 12 ref. transpiration resistance. Agronomy Jour- initiation and leaf number in sorghum. nal 65(2): 326-328. 5 ref. Crop Science 13(2): 243-246. 15 ref. 1155 UPADHYAY, U.C., and NIRVAL, B.G. 1972. Yield of unirrigated Sorghum 1133 CADDEL, J.L. 1971. Effect of 1144 REICH, V.H., and ATKINS, R.E. vulgare Pers. P.J.4K as influenced by the photo-eriod and temperature on the 1970. Yield stability of four population sowings done in different meteorological maturity of sorghum. Ph.D. thesis, Okla- types of grain sorghum, Sorghum bicolor weeks of the kharif season. PKV Research homa State University, USA. 111 pp. (L.) Moench, in different environments. Journal 1(1): 96-100. 5 ref. Crop Science 10(5): 511-517. 6 ref. 1 134 CADDEL, J.L., and WEIBEL, D.E. 1971. Effect of photoperiod and temper- 1145 RITCHIE, J.T. 1971. Dryland Soils ature on the development of sorghum. evaporative flux in asubhumid climate. 1. Agronomy Journal 63(5): 799-803. 8 ref. Micrometeorological influences. Agro- 1156 ADAMS, J.E. 1970. Effect of nomy Journal 6311): 51-55. 19 ref. mulches and bed configuration. 2. Soil 1135 CADDEL, J.L.,andWEIBEL, D.E. temperature and growth and yield res­ 1972. Photoperiodism in sorghum. Agro- 1146 RITCHIE, J.T. 1972, Model for ponses of grain sorghum and corn. nomy Journal 64(4): 473-476. 4 ref. predicting evaporation from a row crop Agronomy Journal 62(6): 785-790. 17 ref. with incomplete cover. Water Resources 1136 EASTIN, J.D., BROOKING, I.R., Research 8(5): 1204-1213. 23 ref. 1157 ADAMS, J.E., and THOMPSON, and TAYLOR, AO. 1975. Temperature D.O. 1973. 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1165 BALASUNDARAM, C.S, MAL- 1176 FOSTER, H.L. 1970. Liming Science 21(2): 237-239. ATHI DEVI, S., LAKSHMINARASIMHAN, continuously cultivated soils in Uganda. 1 186 RYAN, J.A., SIMS, J.L., and C.R., and RAJAKKANNLI, K. 1972. Soil East African Agricultural and Forestry PEASLEE, D.E. 1971. Laboratory methods test crop respon:se studies on CSH.1 Journal 36(1): 58-69. 25 ref. for estimating plant-available nitrogen in cholam with special reference to nitrogen soil. Agronomy Journal 63(1): 48-51. in a black calcareous soil. Madras 1177 FREYTAG, A.H., WENDT, C.W., Agricultural Journal 59(11-12):666-670.7 and LIRA. E.P.1972. Effects of soil- 1187 SARMA, V., and PATIL, R.V. ref. injected ethylene on yields of cotton and 1971. Residual effect of sorghum and sorghum. Agronomy Journal 64(4): 524- maize fertilization on succeeding crop of 1166 BHOR, SM, KIBE, M.M., and 526.21 ref. groundnut. Journal of the IndianSocietyof ZENDE, G.K. 1970. Interrelationship bet- Soil Science 19(3): 313-316. 4 ref. ween free lime status of soils and the 1178 KAPOOR, H.C., and NAIK, M.S. uptake of Mn, P and Ca by paddy and 1970. Effects of soil and spray applica- 1188 SETTY, R.A., BALIGAR, V.C., jowar plants. Journal of the Indian Society lions of urea and storage on the 8- RADDER, G.D., PATIL, R.V., and PATIL, of Soil Science 18(4): 479-484. 15 ref. carotene content of yellow-endos perm S.V. 1970. Effect of thimet on the rate of sorghum and pearl millet grLins. Indian nitrification in black clay loam soil. 1 167 BIANCO, V V., PATRUNO, A., Journal of Agricultural Sciences 40(11): Sorghum Newslette, 13: 42-43. 4 ref. and CAVAZZA, L, 1972 Field trials on the 942-947, 12 ref. improvement of saline soils in the Sibari 1189 SHUKLA, U.C., ARORA, S.K., Plain. (1l). Revista di Agronomia 6(1):3-12. 1179 KRISHNA REDDY, C. 1970, ZILE SINGH, PRASAD, K.G., and SAFA­ 3 rel.(Summary: En.) Studies on the rooting pattern arid yield YA, N.P. 1973, Differential susceptibility in responses of hybrid and improvec jowar some sorghum (Sorghum vulgare) geno- I 1O BONNER, W.P. 1972. Sulphur (Sorghum vulgare Pers.) varieties under types to zinc deficiency in soil. Plant and fractions of selected soils in Louisiana as two soil moisture regimes and three Soil 39(2): 423-427. 13 ref. related to the yield of a sudangrass- fertility conditions. M.Sc. thesis, Andhra sorghum hybrid Ph D thesis, Louisiana Pradesh Agricultural University, Hydera- 1190 SINGH, N.T., and DHALIWAL, State University, USA 108 pp bad, India. 82 pp. G.S. 1972. Effect of soil temperature on seedling emergence in different crops. 1169 BRENES, E., and PEARSON, 1180 MAGALHAES, A.F., and RIZ- Plant and Soil 37(2): 441-444. 8 ref. R.W. 1973. Root responses of three ZON, L.A. 1973. Soluble phosphorus in gramineae species to soil acidity in an ammonium phosphorus acid solutions 1191 SMITH, D.H., and MAUNDER, oxisol and an ullisol. Soil Science 116(4): and its relation with phosphorus absorbed A.B. 1971. Use of a soil moisture meter to 295-302. 15 ref. by sorghum in some soils in Rio Grande differentiate root growth between two do Sul. Agron. Sulriograndense 9(2): 233- sorghum hybrids. Sorghum Newsletter 14: 1 170 BROWN, J C., and JONES,W.E. 239. 21-22. 36 Agronomy

1192 TSOI, SM. 1972. Duration of 1202 CHAROY, J. 1971. Irrigated 1213 MARREWIJK, G.A.M. Van 1973. interphase periods of growth in maize and crops along the Niger river: Results of Influence of rainfall on emergence, growth sorghum in relation to soil moisture seven years of measurements and and development of sorghum. (NI). content. (Ru). Byulleten' Vsesoyuznogo experimentation (1963-1970) at the Agri- Surinaamse Landbouw 21(3): 112-120. 4 Ordena Lenina Instiluta Rastenievodstva cultural Hydraulics Experimental Station ref. (Summary: En.) im.N.I. Vavilova 21: 42-46. of Tarna inthe Goulbi de Maradi Area. (Fr). Agronomie Tropicale. 26(9): 979-1002. 1214 MUSICK, J.T., and DUSEK, D.A. 1193 TSOI, S.M. 1972. Effect of soil (Summary: En, Es.) 1971. Grain sorghum response to pre­ moisture content on the height of maize plant and seasonal irrigation to deep and sorghum plants. (Ru). Byullelen' 1203 FUEHRING, H.D.1973. Effect of plowing on Pullman clay loam. Pages 13­ Vsesoyuznogo Ordena Lenina Instituta antitranspirants on yield of grain sor- 25 in Texas Agricultural Experiment Rastenievodstva im.N.I. Vavilova 21: 46- ghum under limited irrigation. Agronomy Station, Progress Report no. 2951-2952. 51. Journal 65(3): 348-351. 15 ref. 1215 MUSICK, J.T., and DUSEK, D.A. 1194 UMRANI, N.K., PHARANDE, K.S., 1204 GEORGIEV, G. 1970. Tolerance 1972. Irrigation of grain sorghum and and QUAMARZZAMAN, S.1973. Mulching and self-tolerance of cereals under winter wheat in alternating double-bed conserves extra moisture. Indian Farming irrigated conditions. (Bg). Rasteniev" dni strips. Journal of Soil and Water Conser­ 23(5): 24-25. Nauki 7(9): 13-24. (Summary, Ru, En.) vation 27(1): 17-20. 8 ref.

1195 VERMA, S.K., and ABROL, I.P 1205 HILER, E.A., and HOWELL, T.A. 1216 MUSICK, J.T., SLETTEN, W.H., 1971. Study of the effects of soil moisture 1973. Grain sorghum response to trickle and DUSEK, D.A. 1971. Preseason stress and fertility levels on hydrodcyanic and subsurface irrigation. Transactions of irrigation of grain sorghum inthe southern acid formation in sorghum. Journal of the the ASAE 16(4): 799-803. 18 ref. high' plains. Transactions of the ASAE Indian Society ofSoil Science 19(1): 1-4.9 14(1): 93-97. 7 ref. ref. 1206 KOWAL, J., and ANDREWS, D.J. 1973. Pattern of water availability and 1217 MUSICK, J.T., SLETTEN, W.H., 1196 YADAHALLI, Y.H., and PRABH- water requirement for grain sorghum and DUSEK, D.A. 1973. Evaluation of AKAR, A S.1972. Effect of soil compac- production at Samaru, Nigeria. Tropical graded furrow irrigation with length of run lion on seedling emergence and growth Agriculture 50(2): 89-100. 13 ref. on a clay loam soil. Transactions of the on hybrid sorghum (CSH-1). Sorghum ASAE 16(6): 1075-1080, 1084.13 ref. Newsletter 15: 56, 58.2 ref. 1207 LANGIN, E.J., and MANN, H.O. 1973. Preseason irrigation for grain 1218 NEW, L. 1971. Influence of Irrigation, Water Requirements sorghum. Colorado Agricultural Experi- alternate furrow irrigation and time of and SoilI-Plant-Waier Relations ment Station, Progress Report no. 73-16. applications of grain sorghum produc­ 2pp. tion. Pages 26-32 in Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Progress Report no. 1197 ALLEN, R.R., and MUSICK, J.T. 1208 LANGIN, E.J.,MANN, H.O., 2951-2952. 1971. Wheat and grain sorghum irrigation REUSS, J.O., and DANIELSON, R.E.1972. inawidebed-furrowsystem.Transactions Water and nitrogen for grain sorghum. 1219 ONKEN, A.B., SUNDERMAN, of the ASAE 15(1): 61-63. Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station, H.D., and JONES, R.M. 1972. Correlation of Progress Report no. 72-34. irrigated grain sorghum yield with applied 1198 BALVIR VERMA, CHITTARAN- and residual soil nitrogen. Sorghum JAN, S.,RAMANATH, B., and RAM 1209. LANGIN, E.J., MANN, H.O., Newsletter 15:138. MOHAN RAO, MS. 1973. Effect of REUSS, J.O., and DANIELSON, R.E. 1973. supplemental irrigation from run-off water Irrigation scheduling for grain sorghum. 1220 OSBORN, J.E., HOLLOWAY, M,, on sorghum yield in semi-arid (Vertisol) Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station, and WALKER, N. 1972. Importance of tropical area. Sorghum Newsletter 16: 71 ­ Progress Report no. 73-36, 2 pp. irrigated crop production to a seventeen­ 72. county area In the Texas High Plains. 1210 LEWIS, R.B. 1973. Expansion of Texas State University, Water Resources 1199 BATHKAL, E ,and DASTANE, the stress-day index for irrigation sche- Center, Publication no. WRC-72-2. 38 pp. N.G. 1972. Utilizing climate-moisture- duling of grain sorghum. Ph.D. thesis, water use relationships in improving soil Texas A&M University, USA. 97 pp. 1221 PANDEY, S.L., MAHENDRA PAL, moisture budget metiod for irrigation and DAYANAND. 1970. Note on the effect scheduling. PKV Research Journal 1(1): 1211 MAERTENS, C., and CABEL- of depth of water table on jowar CSH-1 70-76. 17 ref. GUENNE, M. 1971. Effect of irrigation on production. Indian Journal of Agronomy the use of soil waler by various annual and 15(1): 87-88. 1200 BLUM, A. 1970. Effect of plant perennial crops. (Fr). Comptes Rendus density and growth duration on grain Hebdomadaires des Seances de I'Aca- 1222 PANDEY, S.L.,and SINHA, A.K. sorghum yield under limited water supply. demie d'Agricullure de France 57(11): 1971. Studies on water table positions, Agronomy Journal 62(3): 333-336. 13 ref. 926-937. 8 ref. soil properties, crop growth and yield under drained and undrained conditions. 1201 BLUM, A., SULLIVAN, C.Y., and 1212 MALHOTRA, S.P., BHARARA, Indian Journal of Agronomy 16(4): 494­ EASTIN, J.D. 1973. On the pressure L.P., and PATWA, F.C. 1971. Impact of 501.2 ref. chamber technique for estimating leaf irrigation on land utilisation and cropping water poterial in sorghum. Ag-onomy pattern in a desert region. Annals of Arid 1223 PHARANDE, K.S., UMARANI, Journal 65(2): 337-338. 7 ref. Zone 10(2&3): 203-214.11 ref. N.K., and KALE, S.P. 1973. Moisture­ Cropping Systems 37

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Chugoku Nogyo Kenkyu 42:35­ of intercropping hybrid sorghum and 1970. Effects of intercropping of sorgo 37. soybean. Agriculture and Agro-Industries (Andropogon-Sorghum var. saccharatus Journal 6(2): 17-18 4 ref. K.) and soybean (Glycine max M.) on 1286 ARRIVETS, J. 1972. Fertilisation growth, yields and qualities of two crops. of the local varieties of sorghum on the 1265 PRITHVI RAJ, LINGE GOWDA, Research Reports of the Office of Rural ferruginous tropical soils of Mossl plateau B.K., KAJJARI, N.B., and PATIL, S.V. 1972. Development, Korea 12(1): 117-123. in Upper Volta. (Fr). Ouagadougou, Upper Mixed cropping of hybrid jowar and cotton Volta: IRAT. 30 pp. gives higher profits Current Fsearch 1276 TIWARI, B.P., MALEY, S.R., and 1(2): 18-19. TOMER, S.S. 1973. Mixed cropping of 1287 ATAR SINGH, and BAINS, S.S. soybean with jowar and maize. JNKW 1971. Consumptive use and moisture 1266 RAHEJA, P.C. 1973. 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Manage- cultural Jcurnal 98(3): 114-120. ment of atypic paleudult (Orangeburg) in 1289 ATAR SINGH, and BAINS S.S. North Florida. 1. Rotational cropping for 1279 YUKHNO, G.Y, 1970. Mixed 1973. Yield grain quality and nutrient general crops. Proceedings of the Soil and stands of maize and sweet sorghum. (Ru). uptake of 'CSH-1' and 'Swarna' sorghum Crop Science Society of Florida 30:175- Kukuruza 5: 22-23. at different levels of N and plant Fertilizer and Plant Nutrients 39

population. IndianJournal of Agricultural Norwood. Pages 196-198 in Lousiana 1311 COSTA, J.A. 1970. Influence of Sciences 43(4): 408-413. 3 ref. State University, A&M College, Depart- plant population, levels of fertilizer N and ment of Agronomy, Agricultural Experi- sowing date on the yield components 2 1290 AVILAN, R.L., RODRIGUEZ, B.A., ment Station, Project Report. cultivars of groin sorghum (Sorghum and ZAMBRANO, RJ. 1972. Fertilizer vulgare Pers.). (Pt). Revista da Faculdade. application and its residual effect on the 1300 CHANDRAVANSHI, B.R., SHA- de Agronomia e Veterinaria da Univer­ yield of grain sorghum (Sorghum vulgare RMA, A.K., and ARWAR, R.B. 1973. sidade Federal do Grande do Sul 10: 45- Pers.) on soils of the Maracay series. Performance of afew sorghum cultivators 46. Agronomia Tropical 22(5): 555-561. 13 under varying levels of nitrogen fertiliza­ ref. lion. Fertiliser News 18(5): 41-42. 1312 DAS, M.N., SARDANA, M.G., KHOSLA, R.K., and RAO, P.P. 1972. Crop 1291 BATHKAL, B.G., PATIL,J.R., and 1301 CHENCHURAMAIAH, B. 1970. responses to fertilizers. Fertiliser News PATIL, BR. 1970. Response of hybrid S'udies on the effect of varying levels of 17(11): 59-64. sorghum (Sorghum vulgate Pers.) to N,P nit, gen and times of its split application and K fertilization under rainfed condition. on the yield and yield components of 1313 DECAU, J., CASALIS, P., COM­ Indian Journal of Agronomy 15(4): 350- ratoon jowar (Sorghum vulgare Pers.) BRET, M., and PUJOL, B.1971.Effect of N 352. 2 ref. hybrid CSH-1. M.Sc. thesis, Andhra fertilizer on grain sorghum in rain-fed Pradesh Agricultural University, Hydera- conditions, Results of a trial oncalcareous 1292 BERRA, E., PRESTON, T.R., and bad, India. 45 pp. clay in Toulouse. (Fr). Comptes Rendus HERNANDEZ, T. 1971. Effect of levels of des Seences de I'Acad.emie d'Agricul- N, P and K on yields of grain sorghum 1302 CHISCI, G.C., and LERI, G.P. de France 57(18): 1616-1626. including residual action on regrowth. 1973. Application of nitrogen to sorghum. (Es). Revista Cubana de Ciencia Agricola (It). Pages 103-106 in Relazione sull'Atti- 1314 DECHEV, 1.1971. Development, 5(1): 97-111. 35 ref. (Summary En.) vita delta Slazione Sperimentale di Prac- yield and quality of sorghum grain as ticoltura di Lodinegh anni 1967-1968. affected by fertilizers. (Bg). Rasteniev"dni 1293 BHANDARI, G.S., LALLAN SINGH, Nauki 8(3): 75-85. (Summary Ru, En.) and GUPTA, U.S. 1971. Effect of different 1303 CHISCI, G.C., and LERI, G.P. 1315 DECHEV, I. 1973. Effect of concentrations of some ammonium ferti- 1973. Residual effect of nitrogen fertilizer nitrogen dressing on grain quality and lizers on the germination of Pennisetum on sorghum herbage. (It). Pages 106-108 nutrient uptake by sorghum. (Bg), Poch­ typhoides Stapf. and Hubb. and Sorghum in Relazione sull'Attivita della Stazione voznanie i Agsokhimiya 8(4): 71-79, vulgare Pers. Plant and Soil 34(1): 229- Sperimentale di Practicoltura di Lodinegh Summary: Ru, En.) 232. 2 ref. anni 1967-1968. 1316 DUBEY, S.K., and LAL, J,P. .1294 BLONDEL, D.1970. Latestresults 1304 CHOPDE, P.R.,PATIL, MB.,and 1971. Response of sorghum to nitrogen. on the increase in protein content of CHOUDHARI, S.D. 1971. Parbhani hybrid Feriliser News 16(7): 47-48. sorghum and millet grain by the use of jowar responds well to nitrogen. Fertiliser nitrogenous fertilizers in Senegal. (Fr). News 16(12): 97-98. 1317 EKPETE, D.M. 1972. Predicting Dakar, Senegal: IRAT. 8 pp. 15 ref. response to potassium for soils of eastern 1295 BLONDEL, D.1971. Contribution 1305 Deleted. Nigeria. Geoderma 8(2-3): 177-189. to the study of the increase in dry matter 1306 CHOUDHARI, C.S., and PAH- 1318 ENGELSTAD, O.P., and ALLEN, and the nitrogen nutrition in rain-fed ALLE, P.S. 1970-71. Effect of graded S.E. 1971. Effect of form and proximity of cereals in Senpgal. (Fr). Agronomie doses of nitrogen and various plant added Non crop uptake of P.Soil Science Tropicale 26(6-7): 707-720. (Summary: populations on the growth and yield of 112(5): 330-337. 23 ref. En, Es.) coordinated sorghum hybrid-1. Nagpur Agricultural College Magazine 43: 16-18. 1319 FATIMAKHATOON, 1970. Effect 1296 BOBDE, GN.,andKHUSPE, V.S. 4 ref. of nitrogen fertilizers on protein quantity 1973. Effects of nitrogen fertilization on and fractions of some hybrid rice and certain yield attributes and yield in 1307 CHOWDRY, KR. 1970. Econo- sorghum. M.Sc. thesis, Andhra Pradesh differrnnt varieties of sorghum. PKV Re- mics of fertiliser use in local and hybrid Agricultural University, Hyderabad, India. search Journal 1(2): 149-152.3 ref. sorghums. Farm and Factory 5(1): 21-26. 67 pp.

1297 BOBDE, G.N., and KHUSPE,V.S. 1308 CHUNDAWAT, G.S. 1972.Effeci 1320 FILIPOV, H.1971. Fertilizer appli­ 1973. Note on response of high-yielding of phosphate fertilization and legume, cation to sorghum on slopes and eroded sorghum hybrids and composites to non-legume component on nitrogen re- land. (Bg). Pochvoznanie i Agrokhimiya nitrogen fertilization. Indian Journal of serve of soil. Indian Journal of Agricultural 6(3): 123-129. (Summary: Ru, En.) Agronomy 18(2): 219-220. Research 6(2): 167-168. 1321 GANRY, F. 1972. Determining 1290 BORULKAR, D.N., UPADHYAY, 1309 CONRAD, B.E., and HOLT, E.C. nitrogenfertilisingoncerealsinsandyand U.C., and TAK, V.B. 1973. Studies on rates 1970. Influence of post harvest residue sandy clay soils. (Fr). Presented at: Actes of nitrogen application to sorghum hybrids/ management arid fertilization incrop yield. des Journ6es d'Eludes sur la Recherche varieties. Sorghum Newsletter 16: 66. Agronomy Journal 62(4): 549-550. et la Vulgarisation, 8-15 January 1973, Rufisque, Senegal. Bambey, Senegal: 1299 BRUPBACHER, R.H., and MAR- 1310 CORLETO, A. 1971. Effect of N CNRA. 10 pp. SHALL, J.G. 1973. Influenceof application fertilizer on maize and sorghum. (it). of sulphur on soil reaction and yield of Revista di Agronomia 5(4): 269-276. 26 1322 GARVALHO, S.R., and FRANCO, grain sorghum and soybeans grown on ref. A.A. 1973. Importance of phosphorus on 40 Agronomy sorghum (Sorghum vulgare) yield ina red- 1333 HIPP, BW., and GERARD, C.J. sers pollutants? An appraisal with reference yellow pod0olic soil. (Pt). Pesquisa Agro- 1973. Influence of previous crop on nitrate to Indian conditions. Fertiliser News pecuaria Brasileira, Serie Zootecnia 8(2):. distribution In a clay soil profile and 17(10): 17-22, 59-63. 23 ref. 1-4. 20 ref. (Summary: En.) subsequent response to applied N. Agronomy Journal 65(5): 712-714. 7 ref. 1344 KANWAR, J.S., DAS, M.N., and 1323 GOPALSWAMY, A., DURAIRAJ, SARDANA, MG. 1973. Are fertiliser M.N., GOVINDASWAMY, M., and BALA- 1334 HOLANDA, F.J.M., ALBUOU- applications to jowar, maize and bajra SUBRAMANIAN, R. 1973. Lttility of urea- ERCIUE, J.J.L., and CARMO, economical? Fertiliser News 18(7):19-28. formaldehyde as a fertilizer on sorghum 1972. Mineral fertilization in sorghum in 2 ref. and finger millet (Eleusine coracana the valley of Curu-Pentecoste. Ceara Gaertn.) crops. Madras Agricultural Jour- (Brazil). (Pt). Ciencia Agronomica 2(2): 1345 KAPUSTA, G. 1973. Grain sor­ nat 60(8): 1063-1065. 4 ref. 113-118. 5 ref. (Summary: En.) ghum nitrogen rate x date of planting study. Sorghum Newsletter 16:114. 1324 GOVIL, B.P., and PRASAD, R., 1335 HORTENSTINE, C.C, aid ROTH- 1971. Phosphorus nutrition of hybrid WELL, D.F. 1972. Use of municipal 1346 KHOT, B.D., and NARKHEDE, sorghum. Indian Farming 21(8): 24-25. compost in reclamation of phosphate N.N. 1970. Lodging in kharif jowar mining sand tailings. Journal of Environ- (Sorghum vulgare Pers.) as influenced by 1325 GOVIL, B.P.. and PRASAD, R. mental Quality 1(4): 415-418. 7 ref. nitrogen and phosphate fertilization. Re­ 1973. Growth characters and yield of search Journal of Mahatma Phule Agri­ sorghum (Sorghum vulgare Pers.) as 1336 HORTENSTINE, C.C., and ROTH- cultural University 1(1): 75-81. 16 re!. affected by contents of water-soluble Pin WELL, D.F. 1973. Pelletized municipal triple superphosphate/dicalcium phos- refuse compost as a soil amendment and 1347 KHUSPE, V.S., and PATIL, D.S.S. phate and triple superphosphate/rock nutrient source for sorghum. Journal of 1970. Effect of drilling, top-dressing and phosphate mixture. Fertiliser News 18(6): Environmental Quality 2(3): 343-345. 7 foliar application of nitrogen through urea 33. ref. on growth and yield of unirrigated rabi sorghum (Sorghum vulgare Pers.). Poona 1326 GRAVES, CR., OVERTON, J 1337 IDRIS, M., FISHER, F.L., and Agricultural College Magazine 60(1-2): 1­ TROGDON, G.W. 1970. Correlation of 6. 5 ref. McCUTCHEN, T., and SAFLEY, L. 1972. grain sorghum yield to nitrogen as AKS-614 grain sorghum response to measured by various soil test mehods. andnitrogen Home in Science1970-1971. 81: 25-27.Tennessee Farm Bangladesh Journal of Soil Science 6(2): Studies1348 onKOTESWARA the effect ofRAO, placement P. 1973. of 9-16. 16 ref. fertilizers on the uptake of nutrients by

1327 GULLO, J.L., MORARD, P., and 1338 JENNY, F. 1973. Agricultural jowar (Sorghum vulgare Pers.). M.Sc. BERDUCOU, J. 1972. Influence of the thesis, Agricultural College, Bapatla, India. progressive substitution of potassium by expeiesi thenral phops 38 pp. sodium on sodimthe mineralonthemineal cmpoitiocomposition of of Tilemsi (Mali) on rain-fed crops. (Fr). grain sorghum. (Fr). Agrochimica 16(4-5): (Summry: En,:Es.7 1349 KRISHNAN, K.S., SONI, P.N., 310-318. 23 ref. (Summary: De, En,Es, It.) and RUSTOGI, V.S.1972. Irrigation and 1339 JONES, R.M., ONKEN, A.B., and fertilizer responses of wheat, maize, jowar 1328 GUPTA, A.K., and GUPTA, Y.P. SUNDERMAN, H.D. 1971. Effects of and bajra in I.A.D.P. Districts. Fertiliser 1972. Effect of nitrogen application on the fertilizer on Irrigated grain sorghum: News 17(9): 50-55. 1 ref. protein quality of Sorghum vulgare Pers. northern high plains of Texas. Pages 33­ Indian Journal of Agricultural Research 39 in Texas Agricultural Experiment 1350 KURDIKERI, C.B., KATARKI, 6(3): 191-195. 11 ref. Station Progress Report no. 2954. B.H., and GURURAJ, H.1972. Effectof soil and foliar application of urea with and 1329 GUPTA, RN, SINGH, Y.P., and 1340 JOSHI, K.G., and MOREY, D.K. without endrin on yield of hybrid sorghum. SINGH. SR 1973. Response of jowar to 1969-70. Effect of nitrogen levels on Sorghum Newsletter 15: 58-59. 4 ref. fertilizers nn newly terraced land. Indian nitrogen uptake and dry matter accumu­ Journal of Agronomy t8(2):145-147.5 ref. lation by kharif jowar (Sorghum vulgare 1351 LAL, B., SINGH, C., GUPTA, Pers.). College of Agriculture Nagpur P.C., and BAJPAI, K.S. 1973. Response of 1330 HALASZ, K. 1972. Examination Magazine 42: 1-9. 10 ref. grain sorghum cultivars to nitrogen in of fertilizer response in maize and grain Nainital tarai. Indian Journal of Agronomy sorghum. (Hu). Novenytermeles 21(1): 1341 JOWETT, D.1971. Nitrogen and 18(4): 473-476. 2 ref. 71-80. 20 ref. (Summary: En.) phosphorus responses of sorghum and corn in Uganda. Agronomy Journal 63(4): 1352 LANGIN, E.J. 1970. Effect of 1331 HALEY, L.E., SIMPSON. B.J., 654-655. 3 ref. nitrogen fertilizer, number of irrigations, and BRAWAND, H. 1972. Fertilizer and and plant population on corn and grain farming system effect on grain sorghum 1342 KACHAPUR, M.D., LINGEGO- sorghum production. Colorado Agricultural production. Renner Research Report WDA, B.K., PRABHAKARA SETTY, T.K., Experiment Station, Progress Report no. 1968-1972. 1:13-22. GOPAL REDDY, M., and KRISHNA- PR 70-14. 5 pp. MURTHY, K. 1973. Note on fractional 1332 HIPP, BW, and GERARD, C.J. application of nitrogen to hybrid sorghum. 1353 LINGEGOWDA, B.K., INAMDAR, 1971. Influence of previous crop and Indian Journal of Agronomy 18(4): 545- S.S., and KRISHNAMURTHY, K. 1971. nitrogen mineralization on crop response 546. 2 ref. Studies on the spilt application of nitrogen to applied nitrogen. Agronomy Journal to rainfed hybrid sorghum. Indian Journal 63(4): 583-586. 8 ref. 1343 KANWAR, J.S. 1972. Are fertili- of Agronomy 16(2): 157-158. ertilizer and Plant Nutrients .4

1354 LUTRICK, M.C. 1970. Preliminary Journal of Environmental Quality 2(1): 89- of roots In CSH-1 and Swarna jowar report on the response of grain sorghum 92. 7 ref. (Sorghum vulgare Pers.) under different to applied nitrogen. Proceedings of the levels of nitrogen. Indian Journal of Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida 1365 MILEY, W.N. 1972. Fertilizing Agronomy 17(3): 241-243. 5 ref. 30: 46-50. 9 ref. and liming grain sorghum (milo). Arkansas University, Extension Leaflet no. 499. 12 1376 PANDA, S.C. 1972. Performance 1355 MAHAPATRA, I.C.,RAJENDRA pp. of the high yielding varieties of jowar PRASAD, KRISHNAN, KS., GOSWAMI, under different levels of nitrogen. Indian N.N., and BAPAT, S.R. 1973. Response of '1366 MORRILL, L.G., MAHILUM, B.C., Journal of Agronomy 17(2): 77-78. 3 ref. rice, jowar, maize, baira, groundnut and and TUCKER, B.B. 1970. Sorghum ferti­ castor to fertilizers under rainted conditions lization. Pages 62-63 in Oklahoma Agri- 1377 PANDEY, S.N., SHENDE, R.L., on farmers' fields. Ferliliser News 18(8): 18- cultural Experiment Station, Progress and SABLEY, D.V. 1971. Effect of 28. Report no. 637. nitrophosphate and time of application on yield of jowar. Ferliliser News 16(12): 89­ 1356 MAHENDRA PAL, and SINGH, 1367 MORTVEDT, J.J., and GIOR- 91. M. 1970. Nitrogen a king-pin for high DANO, P.M. 1971. Response of grain yields of sorghum. Fertiliser News 15(6): sorghum to iron sources applied alone or 47-50. with fertilizers. Agronomy Journal 63(5): 1378 PARTHASARATHY, A.V., SIVA­ 758-761. 10 ref. RAMAKRISHNAIAH, M., and RAO, C.R. 1357 MAHTAB, S.K., SWOBODA, A.R., 1971. Beneficial effects of placement of GODFREY, C.L., and THOMAS, G.W. 1368 NADAGOUDAR, B.S., and KUR- fertilizers for stepping up yields of 1972. Phosphorus diftusion insoils. 2.The DIKERI, C.B. 1972. Effect of some sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 14: 68. effect on phosphorus uptake by plants. micronutrients in presence of high phos- Soil Science Society of America Proceed- phorus on seedling characters of Sot- 1379 PATIL, FIN., BIRADAR, BM., ings 36(1): 55-57. 12 ref. ghum vulgare (L.). Sorghum Newsletter RADDER, G.D., and SHIVARAJ, B. 1970. 15: 62-63. 4 ref. Time and method of nitrogen application 1358 MALFA, G.1970. Induced fertility for hybrid sorghum (CSH-1). Sorghum of corn and sorghum by the effect of 1369 NAPHADE, D.S., KSHIRSAGAR, Newsletter 13: 43-45. 4 ref. nitrogen fertilization and of residues of A.R., and MUKEWAR, A.M. 1971. Studies their cultivation. Tecnica Agricola 22(4): on the manuring and spacing of Nagpur 1380 PATIL, RV., PRABHAKAR, A.S.,, 396-418. Jowar hybrid-1 (Sorghum vulgare). Farm and KRISHNAMURTHY, K. 1972. It pays Journal 12(5): 20-21. 4 ref. more to apply nitrogen intwo splitdoses to 1359 MALFA, G., and RANTUCCIO, hybrid sorghum (CSH-1). Current Research C. 1971. Accumulation of nitric nitrogen in 1370 NARASIAH, D.B., SADAPHAL, 1(6): 44-45. corn and sorghum in relation to the M.N., and WRIGHT, B.C. 1972. Effect of biological phase of the plants and nitrogen nitrogen fertilization and plant population 1381 PATIL, R.V., YADAHALLI, Y.H., doses. (It). Agricoltura Iltaliana 71(3): 139- on hybrid sorghum (CSH-1). Indian KATTI, C.P., and MELI, S.S. 1972. Time of 162. (Summary: En.) Journal of Agronomy 17(3): 128-132.7 ref. nitrogen application for hybrid sorghum CSH-1 and CSH-2. Sorghum Newsletter 1360 MALLAIAH PANTULU, C.C., 1371 NOBLE, J.C., and KLEINIG,C.R. 15:60-62.5 ref. PRASADA RAO, K.E., and PARTHA- 1971. Response by irrigated grain sor- SARATHY, A.V. 1972. Note on sorghum ghum to broadcast gypsum and phos- 1382 PEDDI REDDY, T. 1973. Effect nitrogen fertilizer trial at Vizianagaram. phorus on a heavy clay soil. Australian of zinc on the uptake of nitrogen and Sorghum Newsletter 15: 76-77. Journal of Experimental Agriculture and phosphorus and yield of two varieties of Animal Husbandry 11(48): 53-58. 19 ref. grain sorghum (Sorghum vulgare Pers.) 1361 MARTIN, N.P. 1973. Grain sor- under rainfed conditions. M.Sc. thesis, ghum stover composition as influenced 1372 OFORI, CS. 1972. Effect of Agricultural College, Bapatla, India, 36 pp. by plant maturity, nitrogen fe't lization, and nitrogen source on the yield of three ensiling, Ph.D. thesis, Iowa State University, sorghum varieties in Northern Ghana. (Fr). 1383 PEEVY, W.J., TIPTON, K.W., USA. 115 pp. African Soils 17(1-3): 109-115. 9 ref. SEDBERRY, J.E.Jr., and BRUPBACHER, RH. 1973. Effects of available soil 1362 MATHERS, A.C. 1970. Effect of 1373 ONKEN, AB., and SUNDER- phosphorus on the yield of grain sorghum ferrous sulfate and sulfuric acid on grain MAN, H.D. 1972. Applied and residual grown on Olivier silt loam soil, 1973. sorghum yields. 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1386 POPESCU, F. 1970. Influence of of moisture regimes, nitrogen levels and 1408 SANTIAGO, P. 1970-71. The mineral fertilizers on the contents of dry mulching on growth yield and water use of effect of fertilizers on the yield of grain substance, ashes and total nitrogen in sorghum CSH-1. M.Sc. thesis, Andhra sorghum on alateritic soil. (Es). Revista de sorghum (Sorghum vulgare) and soybean Pradesh Agricultural University, Hyderabad, la Facultad de Agronomia, Universidad de (Glycine hispida) cultivated in different India. 97 pp. Zulia, Venezuela 1(4): 7-19. (Summary: denisties. (Ru). Analele Universitatii din En.) Craiova, Biologie Stiinte Agricole Ser. Ill-A 1398 REDDY, SN., RANGAMANNAR, 2: 175-184. (Summary: En.) K.T.V., REDDY, SR., and REDDI, G.H.S. 1409 SAXENA, P.N., KAVITKAR, A.G., 1972. Note on the foliar application of urea MONGA, M.K., and CHOWDHARY, R.K. 1387 Deleted to jowar variety Swarna. Indian Journal of 1971. Fertiliser response under rainfed Agronomy 17(4): 363-364. 3 ref. conditions. Indian Journal of Agronomy 1388 POPESCU, F.1973. Variations In 16(2): 189-203. 8 ref. the content of sugars in sorghum 1399 ROTH, J.A., and HORROCKS, (Sorghum vulgare) and soybean (Glycine R.D. 1973. Grain sorghum yields as 1410 SCHAEFER, P., and GEIDEL, H. hispida) under the influence of mineral affected by nitrogen source. Sorghum 1973. Calculation and demonstration of fertilizer and various densities. (Ro). Newsletter 16:119-120. the effects of NPK fertilizers from the Analele Universitatii din Craiova, Biologie, fertilizers program of the FAO Fieedom Stiinte Agricole, Ser. Ill-A, 5: 78-83. 6 ref. 1400 Deleted From Hunger Campaign (FFHC) in Ghana. (Summary: En, Fr.) (De). Zeitschrift fuer Acker und Pflan­ 1401 ROY, R.N. 1971. Fertilize your zenbau 137(1): 1-23. (Summary: En.) 1389 POULAIN, J.F., and ARRIVETS, hybrid sorghum to harvest a bumper crop. J. 1973. Effect of principal fertiliser Indian Farming 21(5): 24-26. elements other than nitrogen on the yield 1411 SESHADRI, P., and PETER, S.D. of staple food crops sorghum-millets- 1402 ROY, R.N., and WRIGHT, B.C. 1972. Influence of graded levels of millets in Senegal and Upper Volta. (Fr). 1973. Effect of fertilizer application on nitrogen on hybrid sorghums. Andhra African Soils 17(1): 189-214.44 ref. morphology and weight components of Agricultural Journal 19(5-6): 111-116. 6 the panicle of Sorghum bicolor (L.) ref. 1390 POULAIN,J.F., and TOURTE, R. Moench. Indian Journal of Agricultural 1412 SETTY, RA. 1971. Effect of 1970. Effects of deep preparalion of dry Sciences 43(4): 419-422. 4 ref. fertilizer levels and time of nitrogen soil on yields from millet and sorghum to aer ti onlev e groth, nitrogen which nitrogen fertilizers have been 1403 ROY. R.N., and WRIGHT, B.C. applicalion on hegrowth, nitrogen uptake added (sandy soil from a dry tropical 1973. Sorghum growth and nutrient and yield of hybridjowar(CSH-1).Thesis, area). African Soils 15(1-3): 553-586. uptake in relation to soil fertility. 1. Dry University of Agricullural Sciences, matter accumulation patterns, yield, and Bangalore, India. 1391 PRABHAKAR, A.S., MELI, S.S., N content of grain. Agronomy Journal andCHALLAIAH.1973, Effect of fractional 65(5): 709-711.11 ref. 1413 SHAIKH, GA., and ZENDE,G.K. application of nitrogen on the growth and 1971. Response of hybrid maize and yield of hybrid sorghum (CSH-1). Sorghum 1404 S.C.PA. (Soci6t6 Commerciale hybrid sorghum to the application of Newsletter 16: 81. 1 ref. des Polasses el de I'Azote) France. 1972. different phosphatic fertilizers. Poona South Western Region: Trial conducted at Agricultural College Magazine 61(1-2): 1392 RAMANADHAM, S., KRISHNA Maz(res (Ari~ge) on sorghum and barley. 56-60. 7 ref. MURTHY. B., and VENKATESWARA (Fr). Pages 282-284 in Rapport Annuel RAO, T. 1972. 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Time and method of jowar to fertilizers in soil climatic complex nitrogen application for hybrid sorghum 1406 SADAPHAL, M.N., and SINGH, on cultivator's fields in Maharashtra. (CSH-1). Sorghum Newsletter 14: 67-68. R.S.P. 1971. Grain yield attributes, yield Indian Journal of Agronomy 18(1): 29-37. and nutrient uptake in sorghum as 1395 RAO, N.G.P. 1971. Fertilizer for influenced by nitrogen and rates and 1416 SHEKHAWAT, G.S., and CHU- new varipties of sorghum. Farm Extension methods of phosphorus application. Pages NDAWAT, G.S. 1971. Response of jowar Digest 3(3): 123-126. 585-594 in Proceedings, International varieties to nitrogen. Indian Journal of Symposium on Soil Fertility Evaluation, Agronomy 16(1): 125-126. 3 ref. 1396 RAO, P.V., SARMA, K.N., SUB- Vol. 1. BARAYUDU, V.C., and PARTHASARATHY, 1417 SINGH, P., and CHOUBEY, S.D. A.V. 1972. Studies on rates of nitrogen 1407 SAHASRABUDDHE, K.R. 1972. 1972. Effect of varying levels of nitrogen application to sorghum hybrids/varieties. 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(Summary: En.) Agriculture 124(1): 62. width, and plant population on grain yield and yield component associations ingrain 1480 DECHEV, I. 1973. Seeding date 1457 GAIDARVO, N., PETEV, D., sorghum. Iowa State Journal of Science as affecting the yield and quality of VASILEV, K., and UZUNOV, P. 1970. 45(4): 563-574. 14 ref. sorghum grain. (Bg). Rasteniev"dni Nauki Determination of losses at the harvesting 10(9): 135-140. of sorgho with combine.(Bg). Selskosto- 1469 BALL, W.S. 1971. Flat channel panska Tekhika 7(5): 39-51. terraces for sorghum production. Sorghum 11681 DUSEK, D.A., WOOD, F.O., and Newsletter 14:16-17. MUSICK, J.T. 1971. Narrow row spacings 1458 MADIIAVA RAO, and PUTTA- of irrigated grain sorghum seeded with RUDRAPPA, A. 1970. Effect of harvesting 1470 BLUM, A. 1972. Effect of planting grain drills. Texas Agricultural Experiment days on grain sorghum yields. 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Weed Science practices in jowar and guar forage grown 18(5): 590-596. 22 ref. 1549 PRICE, V.J. 1972. Minimum with varying seed proportions. Indian tillage: looks like a winner. Soil Conserva­ JournE,I of Agronomy 15(4):365-368.2ref. 1537 ECHI, S. 1971. Research trends lion 38(3): 43-45. on the cultivation of sorghum. (Ja). Nogyo 1527 TOMEU, A, and ABAD. Y.1970. Gijutsu 9: 397-402. 1550 RAKHIMUKLOV, RI., and Effect of sowing distance on yield of three AMANGEL'DIEV,1 0A KIMUK K. 1973. Cultivation. . and of grain sorghum hybrids. (Es). Revista 1538 ECKEBIL, J.P. 1970. Work under- Sorghum vulgare sudanese in northern Cubaria de Ciencia Agricola 4(2): 127- taken by the IRAT Station in North Turkmenistan (Ru). Khtopkovodstvo 11: 130. 13 ref (Summary: En) Cameroon on the transplanted "Musk- 11-12, wari" sorghums. (Fr). African Soils 15(1­ 1528 WITT, M.D, VANDERLIP, RL., 3): 13-16 and BARK, L D. 1972 Effect of row width 1551 REZANIA, M.1973. 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1553 SGTHAG. 1971. Cultivation of 1563 BALASUBRAMANIAN, A., and cal and weed control in grain sorghum. sorghum on receding flood in the RANGASWAMI, G. 1073. Influence of Sorghum Newsletter 13: 58-60, francophone countries of Black Africa. follar application of chemicals on the (Fr). Pages 243-282 inUtilisalion agricole qualitative changes in bacterial and 1575 BURNSIDE, O.C. 1971. Pre­ des Eaux de Crue en Afrique. Part 1. fungal population in the rhizospheres of emergence and postemergence herbici- France. Sorghum vulgare and Crotalaria juncea. des for sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter Madras Agricultural Journal 60(3): 218- 14:91. 1554 STIBBE, E., and ARIEL, D.1970. 224. 17 ref. No-tillage as compared to tillage practices 1576 BURNSIDE, O.C. 1971 .Sorghum indryland farming of a semi-arid climate. 1564 BALASUBRAMANIAN, A., and herbicides. US North Central Weed Netherlands Journat of Agricultural Science RANGASWAMI, G. 1973. Influence of Control Conference Research Report no. 18(4): 293-307. 14 ref. foliar application of chemicals on the root 28, pp. 141-151. exudations and rhizosphere microflora of 1555 TAKAHASHI, M. 1971. Studies Sorghum vulgare and Crotalaria juncea. 1577 BURNSIDE, O.C. 1973. Control on the cultivation of 2 sudangrass x Folia Mycrobiologica 18(6): 492-498. of weeds insorghum. Sorghum Newsletter sorghum crosses. I. Results on poorly 16:121. fertilized soil. (Ja). Scientific Reports of the 1565 GANTOTTI, B.V., and RANG- Miyagi Agricultural College 18: 49-52. 1 ASWAMI, G.1971. Improvements in the WIKS GA , OOMA, R, 1970. ref. physical properties of soil under the WICKS, G.A., and MOOMAW, R.S. 1970. influence of the rhizosphere microflora of Control of weeds ingrain sorghum across four different plant species. Plant and Soil Nebraska with herbicides. Pages 27-31 in 1556 WENDT, cW. 1973. Effects of four dilferent p ec. Proceedings, 25th US North Central Weed minimum tillage-vertical mulch concept 35(2): 347-356. 28 ref. Control Conference. 4 ref. on soil moisture and yield of grain sorghum at Lubbock, Texas, 1970-71. 1566 JACKSON, N.E., FRANKLIN, R.E., 1579 BURNSIDE, O.C., and WICKS, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and MILLER, R.H. 1972. Effects of G.A. 1972. Competitiveness and herbi- Progress Report no. PR-3152. t3 pp. 3ref. vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae on gro- cide tolerance of sorghum hybrids. Weed wth and phosphorus content of three Science 20(4): 314-316. 5 ref. 1557 YORK, G.T., and VUILLET, A. agronomic crops. Soil Science Society of 1970. Sorghum: its cultivation in France. America Proceedings 36(1) 64-67. 7 ref. 1580 BURNSIDE, O.C., and WICKS, (Fr). Agronomie Tropicale 25(2): 451 -457. G.A. 1972. Weed control research across 14 ref. (Summary: En.) Weeds and Weed Control Nebraska in sorghum. Sorghum News­ letter 15:126-127. Soil Microbiology 1567 ANON. 1973. Control weeds in sorghum. Agric. Am. 22(8): 24-25. 1581 BURNSIDE, O.C., WICKS, GA., 1558 AMIN, J.B. 1971-72. Investigations and WIESE, A.F.1972. Herbicides needed into the role of azotobacter in bajri, jowar 1568 ANON. 1973. Watergrass moves for growing sorghum. Weeds Today 3(2): and wheat. Bansilal Amritlal Agricultural into Texas sorghum fields. Crops and 14-15. College Magazine 24: 110. Soils 25(6): 28. 1582 CARDENAS, J. 1970, Weed 1559 BAGYARAJ, D.J.,and CHALA- 1569 BESHANOV, A.V., VOEVODIN, control insorghums. (Es). Hoja divulgativa, PATHY, K. 1970. Studies on the rhizos- A.V, and STONOV, L.D. 1970. Third All- subgerencia Thcnica, Division de Inves­ phere micro"ora of sorghum as influenced Union conference on herbicides. (Ru). tigacion, Instituto Colomblano Agrope­ by mixed cropping with other four plant Zashchita Ractenii 15(5): 24-25. cuarlo. 4 pp. 4 ref. species. Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences 4(4): 415-423. 14 ref. 1570 BEZRUKOV, M.V., and PANE- 1583 CHADHOKAR, P.A.,and MANI, VSKII, N.P. 1970. Use of herbicides in V.S. 1972. Effect of herbicides on weed 1560 BALASUBRAMANIAN, A. 1972. sweet sorghum plantings. (Ru). Trudy control and grain production in sorghum. Note on the inhibition of Pseudomonas Stavropolskogo Sel'skokhozyaistven- Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences solanacearumEF. Smith by seed diffusates nogo Instituta 33(1): 242-245. 42(7): 610-613. 4 ref. of sorghum (Sorghum vulgare Pers.). 1584 CHAMBERLAIN, EW., BECTON, Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences 1571 BHAN, V.M., arid MAURYA, R.A. 15J4a LARN, .. 17.TOer 6(3): 359-360 2 ref. 1973. Control weeds for higher grain A.J., and LE BARON, H.M. 1970. Toler­ sorghum yields. Indian Farmers' Digest ance of sorghum to posteergence 1501 BALASUBRAMANIAN, A.1972. 6(6): 45-46, 56. applications of arazine. Weed Science Studies on the interrelationships between 18(3): 410-412.8 ref. microorganisms and germinating seeds 1572 BHAN, V.M., and SINGH, M. 158b CHAMBERLAIN, E.W., WIESE, and roots of Sorghum vulgare and 1970. Weed control in field crops at A.F., OWEN, D.F., BECTON, A.J., and Crotalaria ,'uncea.Thesis, University of Pantnagar, India. Research Report 1967- TURNER, W.E. 1972. Low-volume app- Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India. 68. PANS 16(4): 684-689. lication of propazlne and atrazine to sorghum. Weed Science 20(1): 12-16. 3 1562 BALASUBRAMANIAN, A., and 1573 BLUMENFELD, T., KLEIFELD, ref. RANGASWAMI, G. 1973. Influence of Y., and HERZLINGER, G. 1973. Experi­ foliar application of chemicals on the ments with a new herbicide: U-27267. 1586 CHANDRA SINGH, D.J., and antagonisti actinomyceles in the rhizos- Phytoparasitica 1(1): 82-83. NARAYANA RAO, K. 1971. Recom­ phere of two plant species. Indian Journal mendatlions for the use of herbicides. of Microbiology 13(3): 175-177. 1574 BURNSIDE, O.C. 1970. Chemi- PANS 17(2): 231-232. 48 Agronomy

1587 CHANDRA SINGH, D.J., and of weeds to crops. 1. Effect on germl- 1609 FENSTER, C.R. 1972. Sorghum SUBBARAO, I.V. 1970. Chemical weed nation. Science and Culture 39(12): 556- weed control. US North Central Weed control in Indian Farming. Food Farming 558. 9 rof. Control Conference Research Report no. and Agriculture 2(11):P 27-30. 12 ref. 29, pp. 258-267. 1598 DUTTA, T.R., PANWAR, O.P.S., 1588 CHANDRA SINGH, D.J., and and VINOD SHANKAR. 1972. Studies on 1610 FRANS, R.E., and STATION, SUBBARAO, I.V. 1971. Studies on weed competition in a field of mixed H.C. 1972. Herbicide field evaluation trials residual persistence of herbicides in red sorghum and cowpea. Indian Agriculturist on field crops 1971. University of soil. Indian Journal of Weed Science 3(2): 16(1): 33-39. 11 ref. Arkansas, Agricultural Experiment Station 112-119.1599 EAAFRO, KENYA. 1970. Weed Mimeograph Series no. 200. 37 pp.

1589 CHENAULT, E.W., WIESE, A.F., control (in sorghum) Pages 58-59 in East 1611 GAD, AM., and EL-MAHDI, and HOLLINGSWORTH, D. 1971. Pre- African Agriculture and Forestry Re- M.A.M. 1972. Effectofthelocalherbicides plant vs. preemergent herbicide appli- search Organization Annual Report. M.1 5 and its residues on darnel and some cation for weed control in grain sorghum. vegetable and field crops. Desert Institute Texas Agricultural Experiment Station 1600 EASTIN, E.F. 1972. Evaluation of Bulletin 22(2): 407-409. 10 ref. Progress Report no. 2951-2952, pp. 106- a sorghum seed treatment to prevent 116. injury from acelanilide herbicides. Agro- 1612 GARCIDUENAS, M.R. 1971. nomy Journal 64(4): 556-557. 4 ref. Weed control in irrigated sorghum and 1590 CHISCI, G.C. 19/0. Influence of maze. (Es). Agronomia 134: 2-7. 8 ref. soil management, herbicide application 1601 EASTIN, E.F. 1972. Field screen­ and row distances on the dry matter yield ing of new herbicidal chemicals 1971 1113 GARDIER, H. 1972. Weed control of a hybrid sorghum. (It). Rivisita di Texas Agricultural Experiment Station of sorghum. (Fr). Producleur Agricole Agronomia 3:174-176. (Summary: En.) Progress Report no. 3012, pp. 1-14. Fran(ais 48(106): 25.

1591 CROISSANT, R., and HEIKES, E. 1602 EASTIN, EF., and-HELPERT, 1971. Sorghum197. Srghm herbicideerbcid evaluations.ealutios, C.W.herbicidal 1972. chemicals Field screening 1972. Texas of Agri-new GRE,1614 R, GARDIER,and PERES. H., G.FAIVREDUPAI 1971. Weed Sorghum Newsletter 14:17. cultural Report no.Experiment3133, pp. 1-13.Station Progress sorghumcontrol trials crops. of grains (Fr). sorghum Pages 903-917and forage in

1592 DECHEV, I., and ZHELEV, A. Proceedings, 6th Conference of the 1972. Trails with some triazine herbicides 1603 EASTIN, E.F., and HELPERT, French Committee for the Control of applied alone and incc.,binalion with 2,4- C.W. 1973. Preemergence and post- Weeds (Comple Rendu 6e Conf6rence du D for weed control insorghum grown on emergence sorghum herbicide evalua- Comit6 Franqais de Lulle centre les meadow-bog soil, (Bg). Raslenlev"dni lions in Burleson County for 1971 and Mauvaises Herbes), Paris: COLUMA Nauki 9(2): 115-124. 14 ref. (Summary: 1972. Herbicide evaluations in row crops Ru, En.) for the Brazes Bottom 1971 and 1972. 1615 HANAI, 0., and KANZAWA, H. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station 1971. Studies on weed control for green 1593 DECHEV, I., and ZHELEV, A. Consolidated Progress Report no. sorghum. The problems of sorghum 1973. Residual effect of Patoran applied to PR3155-3156, pp. 9-13. 7 ref. culture in Japan (Ja). Nogyo Gijutsu sorghum on weed control, grain yield and 26(12): 555-559. quality of the succeeding crops of wheat 1604 EASTIN, E.F., MERKLE,. M.G., and oats. (Bg). Rasteniev"dni Nauki 10(2): and SPEARS, BR. 1970. Grain sorghum 1616 HARDCASTLE, W.S., and WIL- 139-143. 1 ref. (Summary: Ru, En.) weed control for the Brazes Bottom. KINSON, R.E. 1971. Reactions of several Texas Agricultural Experiment Station crops to dichlobenil. Weed Science 19(6): 1594 DECHEV, I.,and ZHELEV, A. Progress Report no. 2770. 9 pp. 655-658. 6 ref. 1973. Residual effect of Iriazine herbi­ cides and combinations of triazines with 1605 EASTIN, E.F., WEAVER, D.N., 1617 HEIKES, PE., and SWINK, J.F. 2,4-D on the weed infestation, seed and MERKLE, M.G. 1971. Grain sorghum 1970. Sorghum herbicide evaluations. properties of grain and the yield of wheat weed control for 1970 in the Brazes Soighum Newsletter 13: 9. and oats. (Bg). Rasteniev'dni Nauki 10(7): Bottom. Texas Agricultural Experiment 121-125. 1 ref. (Summary: Ru, En.) Station Progsess Report no. 2881. 7 pp. 1618 HEIKES, P.E., and SWINK, J.F. 1973. Evaluation of several preemer­ 1595 DELVO, H.W. 1973. Herbicide 1606 EVETTS, L.L., and BURNSIDE, gence and postemergence herbicides for usage on major field crops in the North O.C. 1973. Competition of common weed control and phytotoxicily insorghum. Central Region and United States. Pages milkweed with sorghum. Agronomy Jour- Sorghum Newsletter 16: 104-105. 12-17 in Proceedings, 28th North Central nat 65(6): 931-932. 9 ref. Weed Control Conference. 1619 HERRON, J.W., and THOM- 1607 FAIVRE-DUPAIGRE, R., and PSON, L. Jr. 1971. Chemical control of 1596 DIMOV, P., and IVANOV, S. BOCHET, F. 1972. Weed control trials in weeds in farm crops in Kentucky 1971. 1972. Effect of number of inter-row grain and fodder sorghum. (Fr). Noliziario University of Kentucky. Cooperative Ex­ cultivations and chemical methods of sulleMalattiedellePiarle86(13):55-70.3 tension Service, Miscellaneous Publi­ weed control on development and yieldof ref. (Summary: It,En. Es.) cation no. 113, pp. 1-11. sorghum. (Bg). Rasteniev"dni Nauki 9(1): 111-118. 11 ref (Summary: Ru, En.) 1608 FELTNER, K.C. 1970. Ten worst 1620 HOLMES, J.E. 1970. Symposi­ weeds of field crops: pigweed. Crops and um on sorghum production: weeds. 1597 DUBEY, P.S 1973. Phylotoxicity Soils 22(7): 13-14. Turnoff 2(3): 9. Weeds and Weed Control 49.

1621 IRAT, SENEGAL. 1973. Work Sciences 40(5): 474-480. 9 ref. Toulouse region. (Fr). Comptes Rendus report 1972, Crop Protection Division. des Sdances de I'Academie d'Agricul- Herbicide trials on groundnut, millet and 1633 KUKEDI, E. 1970. Results and lure de France 57(18); 1627-1637. 1 ref. sorghum. (Fr). Bambey, Senegal- CNRA. experiences of chemical weed control 33 pp. experiments in grain sorghum 1968 and 1644 MENDOZA, M.D. 1970. Weed 1969. Novenylermeles 19(3); 275-287. control in Guatemalan sorghum. PCC­ 1622 IRAT, SENEGAL. 1973. Adden- MCA 16.2 pp. Jum to the report on work in 1972, Crop 1634 KUKEDI, E. 1971. Chemical Protection Division. Herbicide trials on weed control of sorghum varieties in 1645 MILLER, F.R., and BOVEY, R.W. groundnuts, millet, sorghum: Nioro du Rip Hungary from 1955 to 1970. (Hu). Aca 1971. Effect of herbicides on the germi- Station. (Fr). Bambey, Senegal: RAT, 3 pp. Agronomica Academiae Scientlarum nation and seedling growth of sorghum Hungaricae 20(1-2): 17-26. (Summary: and corn. Texas A&M University, Agricul­ 1623 JAN, P. 1971. Problems con- En, Ru.) tural Experiment Station Progress Report nected with weed control in maize, millet no. 3001. 12 pp. 7 ref. and sorghum (Fr). Presented at the 1635 KURDIKERI, C.B., and PATIL. Symposium sur le D~sherbage des S.V. 1973. Weed control in ratoon 1646 MINTON, EB. 1972. Effects of Cultures Tropicales, 1971, Antibes, France. sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 16: 91-92. weed control in grain sorghum on Paris: COLUMA. 5pp. subsequent incidence of verticillium will in 1636 KURDIKERI, C.B., and PATIL, cotton. Phylopathology 62(5): 582-583. 6 1624 JAN, P. 1972. Problems posed S.V. 1973. Residual effects of herbicides ref. by the weeding of maize, millet, and used in sorghum on the succeeding sorghum crops. (Fr). Agronomie Tropi- crops. Sorghum Newsletter 16: 93. 1647 MITTAL, S.P.. CHANDRASE­ cale 27(2): 236-238. (Summary: En, Es.) KHAR, K., and NAMBIAR, K.T.N 1973. "LAVAKE,DE., CHENAULT, 1625 JAN, P. 1973. EW., Comparative efficiency of weedicidesand 1625 JAN, Chemical weed 1637manual weeding in raintad surghum. P. 1973. Chemical weed WIESE, AF., and VANDIVER, C.W. 1971. Sorghum Newsletter 16: 72-73. control trials of sorghum in West Africa. Tolerance of sorghum hybrids to post­ (Fr). Pages 488-498 in Proceedings, 7th emergence herbicides. Texas Agri- 1648 NADAGOUDAR, BS, KURDt- Conference of the French Committee for cultural Experiment Station Progress KERI, C.B., and HOSMANI, MM. 1972. the Control of Weeds (Compte Rendu 7e Report no. 2951-2952, pp. 74-105. Ei of hd in controllin Conference du Comit6 Franrgais de Lutle weedsEfficiency of hybridof herbicidessorghum inCSH-1. controlling Sor­ contre les Mauvaises Herbes). Paris. 1638 LINGEGOWDA, B.K. KACHA- ghum Newsletter 15: 55-57. 3 ref. COLUMA. PUR, M.D., INAMADAR, SS., and KRISHNA- MURTHY, K 1972. It is profitable to use 1626 1649 NARASIMHA RAO, D.V., and Deleted weedicides for control of weeds in CSH-1 SURENDER REDDY, K. 1973. Weed 1627 jowar. Current Research JORDAN, L.S, and JOLLIFFEE, 1(7): 49-50. tions.control Sorghum in sorghum Newsletter under rainfed16: 22-23. condi­ V.A. 1971. Protection of plants from 1639 LUIB, M., and BEHRENDT, S. herbicides with 1,8-naphthalic anhydride 1970. Results obtained with prynachlor in 1650 NILSON, E.B., RUSS, O.G. and as illustrated with sorghum. Bulletin of soya beans, sorghum and maize. Pages CONDRAY, J.L. 1972 Chemical weed Environmental Contamination and Toxico- 460-464 in Proceedings, 10th British control in field crops 1972, Kansas Agri­ logy 6(5): 417-421. 3 ref. Weed Control Conference. 4 ref. cultural Experiment Station Bulletin no. 549, pp. 1-17. 1628 KAPUSTA, G. 1972. Herbicidal 1640 MADELON, J., and FAIVRE­ weed control in grain sorghum Sorghum DUPAIGRE, R.1973. Weedcontroltrialsin 1651 NILSON, E.B., RUSS, O.G., Newsletter 15: 25-26. crops of forage and grain sorghum. Pages CONDRAY, J.L., and FELTNER, K.C. 479-487 in Proceedings, 7th Conference 1629 1971. Chemical weed control in field KAPUSTA, G.1972. Influence of of the French Committee for the Control of crops 1971. Kansas Agricultural Experi­ several surface-applied and incorporated Weeds (Compte Rendu, 7e Conftrence ment Station Bulletin no. 540, pp. 1-17 triazine herbicides on grain sorghum du Comil6 Franqais de Lutte contre les tolerance and weed control. Sorghum Mauvaises Herbes.) Paris: COLUMA. 1652 PATRO, G.K., and NAYAK, B.C. Newsletter 15: 25. 1972. Studies on the relative performance 1641 MAKODZEBA, I.A., and MAT- of Afaton, Tafazine 50-W and Fernoxone 1630 KAUR, S. and NARWAL, YUKHA, L.E. 1971. Methods for combat- incontrolling weeds of jowar (Andropogon RP. 1972. Common weeds and their ting weeds in sorghum plantings. (Ru). sorghum Brot.). 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1655 PATRO, G.K., and TOSH, G.C. 1667 SAEED, A.A., IDRIS, H., and succeeding crops. Mysore Journal of 1970. Residual effect of herbicides in AHMED, S.O.S. 1973. Relative effects of Agricultural Sciences 7(4): 588-596. 11 control of weeds in ratoon jowar (Andro- two urea herbicides on some local weeds ref. pogonsorghumBro.).AndhraAgricullural and crops In the Gezira. Sudan Agricul­ Journal 17(4): 97-101.4 ref. tural Journal 8: 44-50. 6 ref. 1679 SHUKLA, S.P. 1971. Compara­ tive germination behaviour of a weed and 1658 PATRO, GK., and TOSH, G.C., 1668 SANKARAN, S., and MANI, V.S. three related crops. Indian Journal of 1972. Chemical control of weeds injowar 1972. Effect of weed growth on nutrient Experimental Biology 9(3): 413-414. 3 ref. (Andropogon sorghum Brot.). Journal of uplake and seed yield of sorghum (var. the Assam Scientific Society 15(1): 1-7. CSH-1). Indian Journal of Weed Science 1680 SHUKLA, S.P. 1972. Ecological 4(1): 23-28. 7 ref. studies on weeds of agricultural fields. II. 1657 PATRO, G.K., TOSH, G.C., and Phylosociology of cultivated grounds of NAYAK. B.C. 1972. Weed control in 1669 SANKARAN, S., and MANI, V.S., Ujjain. Indian Journal of Weed Science sorghum through cultural and chemical MAHENDRA PAL., and KAUSHIK, S.K. 4(2): 95-106. 14 ref. methods. Indian Journal of Agricultural 1970. Weed-killing chemicals insorghum Sciences 42(12): 1128-1131.5 rel. cultivation. Indian Farming 20(1): 13-14. 1681 -SINGH, M., PAL, M.,TURKHEDE, B.B., SARAN, G., and KAUSHIK, S.K. 1658 PHILLIPS, W.M. 1970. Weed 1670 SANTELMANN, P.W. 1972. Her- 1973. Studies on weed control Ingrain control methods, losses and costs due to bicide evaluation in grain sorghum. sorghum. Indian Journal of Agronomy weeds, and benefits of weed control in Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station 18(2): 202-205. 3 ref. grain sorghum. Presented at 1st FAO Progress Report no. 671. pp. 8-9. International Conference on Weed Control, 1682 SLIFE, F.W. 1973. Recent deve­ University of California, Davis, Report 1671 SANTELMANN, P.W., and BAL- lopments in weed control in corn and WC/70: WP/8. Rome: FAO. 9 pp. 12 ref. DWIN, F. 1972. Sorghum protection sorghum. Proceedings of the Annual Corn against herbicide activity. Oklahoma and Sorghum Research Conference, 1659 RASMUSSEN. J.A., and EIN- Agricultural Experiment Station Progress USA. 28: 58-61. HELLIG, F.A. 1973. Allelopathic effects Report no. 662, p.51. of common milkweed on grain sorghum. 1683 SMITH, D.T. 1970. Herbicidal Proceedings of the South Dakota Aca- 1672 SANTELMANN, P.W., and MUR- control of wild watermelon, devils-claw demy of Science 52: 271-272. RARY, D.S.1972. Weed control research: and volunteer castor in cotton and grain grain sorghum. Oklahoma Agricultural sorghum. Texas Agricultural Experiment 1660 REEDER, J. 1970. Are comple- Experiment Station Progress Report no. Station Progress Report no. 2846-2855, tely weedless crops possible? Crops and 662, p. 49. pp. 20-23. Soils 23(2): 15-16. 1673 SAROHA, M.S., and GUPTA, 1684 SMITH, D.T., and FICKLE, J.S. 1661 RICCI. J.R., and HINOJO, J.M. O.P. 1970. Herbicidal cum mechanical 1970. Herbicidal control of morning glory 1970. Control of weeds with herbicides in control of weeds in doob (Cynodon and cocklebur in loamy sand cropland. maize and sorghum (Es). Estacion Ex- dacylon) infested hybrid sorghum Madras Texas Agricultural Experiment Station perimental Agricola, Tucuman. Circular Agricultural Journal 57(1): 49-52. 1 ref. Progress Report no. 2846-2855, pp.23-27 no. 185, pp. 1-9. (Summary: En.) 1674 SAROHA, M.S., and SINGH, 1685 SMITH, D.T., and WIESE, A.F. 1662 ROBISON, L.R., and WITTMUSS, HG. 1971. Use of simazine, EPTC, and 1971. Cocklebur control and grain sor­ H.D. 1973. Evaluation of herbicides for PEBC (pebulate) for weed control in ghum response to herbicides on loamy use in zero and minimized tilled corn and Hybrid sorghum. Madras Agricultural sand soil. Soil and Crop Research in the sorghum. Agronomy Journal 65(2): 283- Journal 58(4): 310-315. 10 ref. Rolling Plains. Texas Agricultural Experi­ 286, 13 ref. ment Station Consolidated Progress Re­ 1675 SCHOLL, J.M., and WOLDE- port no. 2884-2897, pp. 24-25. 1663 ROETH,F.W 1970.Comparison TATIOS, T. 1970. Influence of weed of atrazine uptake, metabolism, and competition on grain sorghums. Sorghum 1686 SMITH, R.L. 1972. Herbicidal resistance in sorghum and corn. Ph.D. Newsletter 13: 83. control of weeds in grain sorghum 1971. Sorghum Newsletter 15:13-15. thesis, Universitypp. of Nebraska, USA. 89 1676 SCHWEIZER, E.E., and SWlNK, PP. J.F. 1971. Field bindweed control with 1687 SPOTANSKI, R.F., and BURN- dicamba and 2,4-D and crop response to SIDE, O.C. 1973. Reducing herbicide injury 1664 R'ETH, F.W., and LAVY, T.L. chemical residues. Weed Science 19 (6): to sorghum with crop protectants. Weed 1971. Atrazine uptake by sudangrass, 717-721. 20 ref. Science 21(6): 531-536. 14 ref. sorghum, and corn. Weed Science 19(1): 93-97. 1677 SERGEEY, V.G. 1972. Effect of 1688 SWINK, J.F., and HEIKES, E. herbicides on carbohydrate-protein met- 1972. Sorghum herbicide evaluations. 1665 ROETH, F.W., and LAVY, T.L. abolism-in sorghum plants. (Ru). Trudy. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 5-6. 1971. Alrazine translocation and mela- Kubanskii Sel'skokhozyaistvennyi Institut bolism insudangrass, sorghum, and corn. 48: 61-65. 1689 TARANOVA, R.S, 1971. Weed Weed Science 19(1): 98-101. control in sorghum crops (Ru). Zashchita 1678 SHERIFF, RA., HUNSIGI, G., Rastenii 4: 22-24. 1666 ROJAS, G.M. 1971. Control of and KRISHNA SASTRY, KS. 1973. Weed weeds inirrigated sorghum and corn. (Es). control in cotton (Gossypium hlrsuturn)by 1690 TOUZAA, G.1971. Weed control Agronomia (Monterrey) 134: 2-7. herbicides and their residual toxicity to Ingrain sorghum InProvence. (Fr). Pages Johnsongrass 51

917-928 in Proceedings, 6th Conference the Northern Territory. Australian Journal 1712 GREER, H., THOMAS, N.B., and of the French Committee for the Control of of Experimental Agriculture and Animal WILLIAMS, O.H. 1973. Chemical weed Weeds (Compt6 Rendu, 6e Conference Husbandry 10(46): 588-591. 5 ref. control in cotton, Sorghum halepense. du Comit6 FranQais de Lutte contre les Oklahoma State University Cooperative Mauvaises Herbes. Paris: COLUMA. 1702 WRAGE, L.J., ARNOLD, W.E., Extension Service, Extension Facts no. and O'NEAL, W.B. 1972. Weed control in 2762. 4 pp. 1691 UNGER, P.W., ALLEN, R.R,, and sorghum. South Dakota State University WIESE, A.F. 1971. Tillage and herbicides Extension Facts no. 533.6 pp. 1713 GRUPCHE, R.1972. Influence of for surface residue maintenance, weed Sorghum halepense. (L.) on the anatomical control, and water conservation. Journal Johnsongrass physiological changes in maize leaves. of Soil and Water Conservation. 26(4): (Ma). Godisen Zbornikna Zemiodelstvo, 147-150. 28 ref. 1703 BALANDINA, I.D. 1971. Effect of Skopje 24(1): 37-45. (Summary: En.) Dalapon and TCA on Sorghum halepense. 1692 VESECKY, J.E., FELTNER, K.C., Khimiya v Sel'skom Khozyaistve 9(10): 1714 HINOJO, J.M., COSSIO, R.P. and VANDERLIP, R.L. 1973. Wild cane 52-55. and BARCUDI, R. 1973. Control of and forage sorghum competition in.grain Sorghum halepense with asulam: methyl sorghum. Weed Science 21(1): 28-32. 18 1704 BERYDZE, A., and TSINTSADZE, (4-aminophenyl) sulfonyl carbamate. (Es). ref. A. 1970. Effect of extracts from roots of Revista Industrial y Agricola de Tucuman wild Sorgh!um halepense L. on the vital 50(1): 27-37. 1893 WALTER, J.P., EASTIN, E.F., and activity of grape roots. Akademiia Nauk MERKLE, M.G. 1970. Persistence and UkSSR Introduktsiia ta aklimalizatsiia 1715 HOROWITZ, M. 1972. Early movement of fluorodifen in soils and roslyn na Ukrainl 4: 109-114. development of johnsongrass. Weed plants. Weed Research 10(2): 165-171.5 Science 20(3): 271-273. ref. 1705 BLASINGAME, D.J., and TOLER, R.W. 1973. Johnsongrass, a host of corn 1716 HOROWITZ, M. 1972, Effect of 1694 WHITEHEAD, W.K., GARNER. stunt. Phytopathology 63(4): 440. growth regulators on Cynodon dacrylon T.H., and WEBB, B.K. 1970, How. uniform (L.) Pers., Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers, mixing of trifluralin affects weed control. 1706 BURT, G.W., and WEDDERS- and Cyperus rotundus L. Weed Research Agricultural Engineering 15(8): 470-471. POON, I.M. 1971. Growth of johnson- 12(1): 11-20. 16 ref. grass selections under different temper­ 1695 WICKS, G.A. and BURNSIDE, atures and dark periods. Weed Science 1717 HOROWITZ, M.1972. Effects of O.C, 1972. Preplant atrazine applications 19(4): 419-423. desiccatioin and submergence on the on sorghum. Weed Science 20(1):49-52. viability of rhizome fragments of ber­ 9 ref. 1707 CANERDAY, J.V., and GUD- mudagrass and johnsongrass and tubers AUSKAS, R.T, 1970. Effect of maize dwarf of nulsedge. Israel Journal of Agricultural 1696 WICKS, G.A. BURNSIDE, 0.C., mosaic virus infection of yield, protein Research 22(4): 215-220. and FENSTER, C.R. 1970. Influence of soil content, and digestibility of johnsongrass incorporation on heroicide performance and a sorghum sudangrass hybrid. Plant 1718 HOROWITZ, M. 1972. Effects of In sorghum. Agronomy Journal 62(2): Disease Reporter 54(5): 424-426. 12 ref. frequent slipping on three perennial 252-255. 7 ref. weeds, Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., 1708 CHANDRASEKHARAN, P., and Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers., and 1697 WIESE, A.F., CHENAULT, E.W., RAMASWAMY, K.R. 1973. Cytogenetical Cyperus rotundus L. Experimental Agri­ and HOLLINGSWORTH, D. 1973. Pre- studies interspecific derivatives involving culture 8(3): 225-234. 11 ref. plant application of herbicides for weed Sorghum durra (2n-20) and indigenous control in grain sorghum. Agronomy johnsongrass (S. halepense). Madras 1719 HOROWITZ, M. 1972. Seasonal Journal 65(4): 583-586. 14 ref. Agricultural Journal 60(9-12): 1210-1216. development of established johnson­ 16 ref. grass. Weed Science 20(4): 392-395. 1698 WIESE, A.F., CHENAULT, E.W., and SCOTT, D.L. 1971. Pre-emergence 1709 CHAUDHARY, J.P. 1970. Joh- 1720 HOROWITZ, M.1973. Biology of weed control in sorghum on Amariloo fine nsongrass, Sorghum halepense, A new troublesome perennial weeds in Israel, sandy loam soil. St,;l and Cr.,p Researc.h host of sugarcane green borer, Raphi- Cynodon dactylon, Cyperus rotundus, in the Rolling Plains. Texas Agricultural metopus ablutellus Zeller (Phycitidao: sorghum halepense. Agricultural Research Experiment Station Consolidated Pro- Lepidoptera). Journal of the Bombay Organization, Weed Control Research, gress Report no. 2884-2897, pp. 23-24. Natural History Society, 67(1): 117-118. 2 Israel, Pamphlet no. 480. 147 pp. ref. 1699 WIESE, A.F., and VANDIVER, 1721 HOROWITZ, M. 1973. Competi- C.W. 1970. Soil moisture effects on 1710 EASTIN, E.F., and HELPERT, tive effects of Cynodon dactylon, Sorghum competitive ability of weeds. Weed Sci- C.W. 1973. Evaluation of herbicides for halepense and Cyperus rotundus on ence 18(4): 518-519. 9 ref. control of johnsongrass in Burleson cotton and mustard. Experimental Agri- Country for 1972. Texas Agricultural culture 9(3): 263-273. 14 ref. 1700 WOLDETATIOS, I. SCHOLL, Experiment Station Progress Report no. J.M., and KUST, C. 1971. Weed control in 3153-3039, pp. 29-31. 1722 HOROWITZ, M. 1973. Competi­ grain sorghums. Sorghum Newsletter live effects of three perennial weeds, 14: 120-121. 1711 GARCIA, L., and LANGE, A. Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., Cyperus 1971. Control of johnson and Bermuda rotundus L. and Sorghum halepense (L.) 1701 WOOD, IM.W. 1970. Herbicides grass. Agricultura en el Salvador 11(1): Pers., on young citrus. Journal of Horti­ for weed control ingrain sorghum crops in 11-13. cultural Science 48(2): 135-147. 52 Agronomy

1723 HOROWITZ, M. 1973. Spatial US Department of Agriculture. 18 pp. D.E. 1971. Cytological study of hybrids of growth otSorghum halepense (L.) Pers. Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. Pro­ Weed Research 13(2): 200-208. 1737 McWHORTER, C.G.,and HART- ceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of WIG, E.E. 1972. Competition of Johnson- Science 51: 56-60. 1724 HOROWITZ, M., and FRIED- grass and cocklebur with six soybean MAN, T. 1971. Biological activity of varieties. Weed Science 20(1): 56-59. 1750 SPILSBURY, R.D. 1972. Effects subterranean residues o Cynodon dacty- of MSMA and Sandoz 6706 herbicides Ion (L.) Pers., Sorghum halepense (L.) 1738 MILLER, F., and SIERRABR- upon the metabolism of johnsongrass. Pers., and Cyperus rolundus L. Weed Re ACCRO, A. 1972. Sorghum halapense and Ph.D. thesis, University of Arizona, USA. search 11(2): 88-93. 7 ref. S. verticilliflorum In southwestern Puerto 81 pp. Rico. Journal of Agriculture of University 1725 HULL, R.J. 1970. Germination of Puerto Rico 56(4): 442-444. 1751 SPOONER, A.E., JEFFERY, W.R., control of johnsongrass rhizome buds. and HUNEYCUTT, H.J. 1971. Effect of Weed Science 18(1): 118-121. 1739 MILLER, J.E. 1971. Johnson- management practices on johnsongrass grass control. Georgia University Ex- for hay production. Arkansas Agricultural 1726 IONCHEV, P. 1971. Use of tension Circular no. 552. 8 pp. Experiment Station Bulletin no. 769. 19 pp. aminotriazole to control bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) and johnsongrass 1740 MILLHOLLON, R.W. 1970. (Sorghum halepense) in vineyards. (Bg). MSMA for johnsongrass control in 1752 WEDDERSPOON, IM., and Gradinarska i Lozarska Nauka 8 (5): 117- sugarcane. Weed Science 18(3): 333- BURT, GW.1973. Johnsongrass control 124. 336. with soil sterilants. Proceedings of the Norlhern-eastern Weed Science Society 1727 KLEIFELD, Y. 1970. Combined 1741 NESTER, R.P., WOODAL, W.E., 27:121. effect of trifluralin and MSMA on johnson- .and HURST, H.R. 1972. Chemical preplant 1753 YOUNGCLAUS, W.A. 1972. grass control In cotton. Weed Science control of johnsongrass. Arkansas is everybodys bs. University Extension Leaflet no. 348.5 pp. A grichmicleAe5(5)e6s8 18(1): 16-18. Agrichemnical Age 15(5): 6,8. 1728 KOVACS, MT. 1972. Dhurrin(p- 1742 NORTON, J.A., and STOREY, Hydroxy-mandelonitrile-Beta-D-glucoside) J.B. 1972. Studies show dalapon treat- Forage and Pastures allelopath idenlified in johnsongrass ments for johnsongrass control in pecan (Sorghum halepense Pers.) rhizome orchards give satisfactory results. Pecan 1754 ANON. 1972. Kimberley Re­ exudate. PhD. thesis, University of Quarterly 6(1): 10-12. search Station review of forage progress Maryland USA. 143pp.PAROCHETTI, JV. 1972. John- 1968-1971. Journal of Agriculture of 1729 McWHORTER, C.G. 1971. songrass control in noncropland. Pro- Western Australia 13(1): 10-15. Growth and development of johnsongrass ceedings of the Northeastern Weed ecotypes. Weed Science 19(2): 141-147. 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Weed Science 19(5): number of cuts under irrigated condition. 496-500. 1746 RAMAN, V.S., and RAMAS- Indian Journal of Agricultural Research WAMY, KR. 1973. Cytomorphological 5(4): 219-226. 4 ref. 1733 McWHORTER, C.G. 1971. features of johnsongrass (S. halepense Summary of methods for johnsongrass Pers.). Sorghum Newsletter 16: 48-49. 1757 AHLUWALIA, M., and SOLO- control in soybeans in Mississippi. MON, S. 1971. Breeding for yield and Mississippi Farm Research 34(9): 4-5. 1747 ROETH, F.W. 1973. Johnson- quality in forage sorghum, Sorghum grass control in corn with soil-incorpo- Newsletter 14: 46-47. 1734 McWHORTER, CG.1972. Fac- rated herbicides. Weed Science 21(5): tor affecting johnsongrass rhizome 474-476. 1758 AHLUWALIA, M., and SOLO- production and germination. Weed MON, S.1973. Study of mass selection in Science 20(1) 41-45. 1748 SCARSBROOK, C.E., EVANS, prdmising exotic Ft hybrids of forage CE., GRIMES,, H., ROUSE, R.D., and sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 16: 31-34. 1735 McWHORTER, C.G. 1972. SMITH, L.A. 1971. Fertilizers for john­ Flooding for johnsongrass control. Weed songrass on calcareous black belt soils, 1759 AHLUWALIA, M., SOLOMON, Science 20(3): 238-241. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station S., and RANA, V.K.S, 1972. Single-cul and Bulletin no. 412. pp. 4-14. multi-cut yield evaluation of promising 1736 McWHORTER,C.G. 1973.John- indigenous and exotic cultures of forage a weed. Washington, D.C.: 1749 SENGUPTA, S.P., and WEIBEL, sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 74-76. Forage and Pastures 53

1760 AHMED, SN., ZAFAR, AM., and the plant of hope. Culture. Forage content of some annual grasses. (It). IOBAL, A.M. 1972. Sorghum sudangrass utilisation. (It). Avvenlye Agricole 81(5): Annali della Facolta di Agraria, Universita breeding. I. Economic utility of dwarf male 123-127. degl Studi di Perugia 26:191-211. 29 ref. sterile lines of sorghum for continued high (Summary: En, Fr.) forage production. Pakistan Journal of 1772 BALLATORE G.P. 1972. Fodder Science 24(1-2): 56-60. production In semi-arid conditions with 1783 BONCIARELLI, F., and MONOTTI, particular reference to Sicily. (It), Qua- M. 1973. Residual effect of nitrogenous 1761 AHUJA, L.D. 1970. Forage derni di Agronomia 7: 1-70. 68 ref. fertilizer applied to fodder grasses. (It). production in arid zone areas of Rajasthan. (Summary: En, Fr.) Revista di Agronomia 7(2-3): 150-158.38 Indian Farming 20(9): 18-21. ref. (Summary: En.) 1773 BARAKAT, MA., KHALIL, M.K., 1762 ALAM, S., and SANDAL, P.C, and MITKEES, A.l. 1970. Salt tolerance of 1784 BOWEN, J.E. 1972. Manganese­ 1972. Relationships among free amino four forage crops. (Ar). Alexandria Journal silicon interaction and its effect on growth acids in male fertile and male sterile of Agricultural Research 18(2): 277-283. of sudangrass. Plant and Soil 37(3): 577­ sudangrass, Sorghum vulgare var. 9 ref. (Summary: En.) 588. 19 ref. Sudanene. Bangladesh Journal of Botany 1(1-2): 199-204. 1774 BARDOSSY, A 1970. Investi- 1785 BOWER, C.A., OGATA, G., and gations into the growing of fodder corn in TUCKER, J.M. 1970. Growth of sudan and 1763 ANDREW, C.S., and ROBINS, manifold association with various annual tall fescue grasses as influenced by M.F. 1971. Effect of phosphorus on the legumes and Sudangrass. (Hu). Iregsze- irrigation, water salinity and leaching growth, chemical composition, and critical mcse Mezogaz. Kiserl. Intez. Kozlem. fraction. Agronomy Journal 62(6): 793­ phosphorus percentages of some tropical 10(1): 47-75. 794. 4 ref. pasture grasses. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 22(5,. 693-706. 37 1775 BARRAULT, J. 1973. Forage 1786 BOWMER, K. 1971. Barnyard ref. research In North Cameroon. Yield and nutritive value of some local forage crops. Farmers' Newsletter 79: 12-24, 16-17. 1764 APPADURAI, R., HRISHI, V.K.K., (Fr). AgronomieTropicale28(2):173-188. MEENAKSHI, K., and SURESH, S. 1973. (Summary: En, Es.) COH. 2: A fodder-cum-grain sorghum 1787 BRAHMAKSHATRIYA, RD.1971. hybrid for Tamilnadu. Madras Agricultural 1776 BARRINGTON, G.P., and BRUHN, Comparison of physical methods of Journal 60(9-12):.1237-1240. H.D. 1970. Effect of mechanical forage- forage evaluation with chemical and harvesting devices on field-curing rates biological measurements. Ph.D. thesis, 1765 ARATA, H., MOGAMI, K., DOI, and relative harvesting losses. Transac- University of Minnesota, USA. 120 pp. Y., TARUMOTO, I., FURUDOI, Y., and lions of the ASAE 13(6): 874-878. 4 ref. ODE, H. 1972. Newly bred forage 1788 BROWN, A.R., and BEATY, E.R. sorghum variety 'Sendachi'. (Ja). Hirs- 1777 BHAGMAL, SREENATH, P.R., 1970. Effect of triazine herbicides on the hima Prefectural Agricultural Experiment MEHRA, K.L., and MAGOON, M.L. 1971. prussic acid content and forage yield of Station Bulletin no, 32, pp. 51-68.33 ref. Genetic divergence of fodder altributes in sorghums. Agronomy Journal 62(1): 101­ (Summary: En.) sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 14: 71-72. 102. 9 ref. 1766 ARNOLD, J.D., and DENMAN, 1778 BISHOP, H.G. 1973. Gulf coun- 1789 BRYAN, W.E. 1972. Yield pro- C.E. 1973. Forage sorghum performance try pastureb-2. Queensland Agricultural bability evaluations for summer annual test. Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Journal 99(6): 325-331. forages on some Tennessee soils. Ph.D. Station Progress Report no. 676, pp. 23- thesis, University of Tennessee, USA. 122 24. 1779 BLOCKER, H.D., HARVEY, T.L, PP. and LAUNCHBAUGH, J.L. 1972. Grass­ 1787 BADWAL, S.S. 1971. Correla- land leafhopers. 1. Leafhopper popula- 1790 BUNCE, R.C. 1972. Multiple-cut lion between grain and fodder yield in tions of upland seeded pastures in forage sorghum. Rhodesia Agricultural jowar. Madras Agricultural Journal 58(6): Kansas. Annals of the Entomological Journal 69(3): 51-53. 531-533. 5 ref. Society of America 65(l): 166-172.12 ref. 1791 BURNS, J.C., BARNES, 1768 R.F., BAKIR, 0. 1970. Investigations 1780 BLUNT, C.G., and FISHER, M.J. WEDIN, W.F., FIHYKERD, C.L., and on the effects of ecological factors on the 1973. Production and utilization of fodder NOLLER, C.H. 1970. Nutritional charac­ growth and development of important and grain sorghum as forage for cattle in teristics of forage sorghum and sudan­ forage crops. (Tr). Ankara Universitesi the Ord river valley, Western Australia. grass after frost. Agronomy Journal 62(3): Ziraat FakUltesi Yayinlari no. 327. 116 pp. Australian Journal of Experimental Agri- 348-350. 11 ref. 40 ref. (Summary: En.) culture and Animal Husbandry 13(62). 234-237. 1792 CARRILLO MENDEZ, L.E. 1971. 1769 BALDONI, R.1972. Sorghum: a Forage sorghum for the Mexicali valley. development for livestock. Terra e Vita 1781 BOLYSHEV, N.N. 1971. Yield (Es). Centro de Invesligaciones Agrico­ 13(38):16-17. and chemical composition of sweet las del Noroeste (Mexico) Circular no.56. clover and Sorghum vulgare sudanense in 2 pp. 1770 BALDONI, R. 1972. Sorghum, dark Chestnut and Solonetz soils. (Ru). the plant of the future. (It). Informatore Pochvovedenie 8: 134-138. 1793 CARTLEDGE, 0., and CON- Zootecnico 19(20): 6-7. NOR, D.J. 1973. Photosyntheticefficiency 1 782 BONCIARELLI, F., and MONOT- of tropical and temperate 1771 grass canopies. BALDONI, R. 1973. Sorghum, TI, M. 1971. Nitrogen fertilizer and nitrate Photosynthetlca 7(2): 109-113. 19 ref. 54 Agronomy

of the 1794 CARVALHO, 1973. (Sh). Radovi Poljoprivrednog Fakulteta G.R. 1972. Biology and acology Forage sorghum. (Pt.) Gelba 19(207): 12- Univerziteta u Sarajevu 20-21(22-23): 3- bromegrass seed midge in Nebraska. 13. 14. 26 ref. Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station Research Bulletin no. 252. 23 pp. 1795 CARVALHO,, FRANCO, 1007 DOLAN, D.D., BRAVERMAN, A.A., and SOUTO, S.M. 1973. Importance S.W., and PFLEGER, F.L. 1973. Walk-in 1818 EVERS, GW. 1973. Forage of phosphorus in the production of fodder drying room for removing moisture from sorghum and millet variety tests for sorghum (Sorghum vulgare) on a red- seed crops of forage introductions, southeast Texas. Texas Agricultural yellow podzolic soil. (Pt). Pesquisa Agronomy Journal 65(4): 678-680. Experiment Station Progress Report no. Agropecuaria Brasileira, Zootecnia 8(2): 3150, pp. 1-6. 1-4. 20 ret. (Summary: En.) 1808 DOMINIONE, C. !972. After wheat, maize, and sorghum forage plants. 1819 EVERS, G.W., CRAIGMILES, J.P., 1972. 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1857 HULPOI, N., MOGA, I., SLUS- and GURUSIDDARADHYA, H.S. 1972.A- pects of cereal forages (maize and ANSCHI, H,, MOGA, R., and VARGA, P. 1-14-8: a fodder sorghum. Current sorghum) in the irrigated districts of 1970. Experimental results concerning Research 1(1): 8-9. Southern Italy. (1t).TerraPugliese20(7-8): the agrotechnics of fodder plants under 33-50. 30 ref. irrigation conditions. (Ro). Probleme 1869 KAMBAL, AE. 1972. Perfor­ Agricole 22(3): 17-31. 20 ref. (Summary: mance of some local and introduced 1881 LANZA, F., and PORCELLI, S. En. Fr, Ru.) varieties of forage sorghum at Shambat. 1971. Technical and economic problems Sudan Agricultural Journal 7:12-16.6 ref. of forage production In Apulia. (It), 1858 HULPOI, N., MOGA, I., SLUS- Informatore Agrario Special no. 1,pp. 3.. ANSCHI, H., POP, M., POPAT.etaI.1970. 1870 KANTSALIEV, VT. 1972. Effect 23. 17 ref. Some experimental data concerning the of presowing soil tillage on the yields of agrotechnics of nonirrigated fodder plants fresh herbage of sorghum. (Ru). Kukuruza 1882 LECHTENBERG, V.L. 1971. Di­ in different pedoclimatic conditions of 5: 15. urnal variation in various non-structural Romania (Ro). Probleme Agricole 22(4): 1871 KAWANABE, S., and USHI- carbohydrates of alfalfa (Medicago sativa), 4-17. 11 ref. (Summary: En, Fr, Ru.) 1871 KAWA ar o tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) and YAMA,M. 190.Comparison ofdrymatter sudangrass (Sorghum sudanense). Ph.D. 1859 HUSSAIN, M.K.,and KHAN, M.A. production in forage grass species. (Ja). thesis, Purdue University, USA. 145 pp. 1973. Correlation studies in sorghum- Proceedings of the Crop Science Society sudangrass hybrid forage. SABRAO of Japan 39(1): 84-89. (Summary: En.) 1883 LECHTENBERG, V.L.,HOLT, D.A., Newsletter 5(1): 51-53. 5 ref. 1and YOUNGBERG, H.W. 1973. Diurnal vriee1872 KISELEVA, AK. 1972. New variation innonstructuralcarbohydratesof 1860 IGARASHI,1860IGAASH, T.,T, KITAJIMA,KTAJMAS., S., Tredy,varieties Nauchno-lssledovalel'skiiof fodder crops. (Ru). Nauchnye Institut SrhSorghum sudanenseuaes (Slapt)Saf assifune influenced HASHIMOTO, H., KISHITA, A., and Sel'skogo KhozyaistvaYugo-Vostoka. 82- by environment. Agronomy Journal 65(5): MAEDA, K. 1970. Residual effects of 85. 579-583. 18 ref. phosphate fertilizers on the growth of forage crops cultivated on avolcanic ash 1873 KNOWLES, R.P. 1973. Brome- 1884 LENOBLE, M. 1972. Sorghums soil. (Ja). Bulletin of the Kyushu grass seed midge causes seed loss in for fodder. (Fr). Producteur Agricole Agricultural Experiment Station 15(3): Saskatchewan. Forage Notes 18(2): 38- Frangais 48(106): 23. 275-289. 18 ret. (Summary: En.) 39. 1885 LENOBLE, M. 1973, Limits of

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1892 MALiN3VSKII, BN, POSPE- sorghum, sorghum-sudangrass hybrid, composition of fodder crops insuccess- LOV, AP., ZHUKOVA, M.P., and CHE- and pearl millet performance trials, ive cropping with irrigation. (Ro). Anatole RNOMORDOV, V.F. 1973 Producing Simpson Experiment Station 1971. Clem- Instilutului de Cercelari Pentru Coreale si high-yielding and high-quality lines, son University Extension Circular no. 522. Plante Tehnice, Fundulea, B 38: 379-388. varieties and hybrids 0Agrain and silage 8 pp. 5 ref. (Summary: Ru, En.) sorghum and sudangrass with resis­ tance lo pests and diseases. (Ru). Pages 1902 McCLAIN, E.F., and JUTRAS, 1912 MOGAMI, K., DOI, Y., FURUDOI, 68-73 in Naucknye dostizhenlya-Sel' M.W. 1971. Performance of forage Y., and ARATA, H.1973. Studiesonforage skokhozyaistvennyi Inslilut, Stavropol'. sorghum hybrids for silage potential inthe sorghum, breeding utilizing cytoplasmic piedmont of South Carolina 1965-70. male sterile lines. 1.Effect of the parental 1 893 MALINOVSKII, BN., and SEJKO, Clemson University Extension Circular no. lines on the green forage yield of hybrids. DA, 1970. Using the Szarvas in 521.16 pp. Hiroshima Agricultural Experiment Station breeding hybrids of forage sorghum. (Ru). Bulletin no. 33, pp. 47-56. 24 ref Seleklsiya i Semenovodstvo, USSR 35(3): 1903 McCLAIN, E.F., and JUTRAS, (Summary: Ja.) 46-47. MW. 1971. Performance of pearl millet, sudangrass, and sorghum-sudangrass 1913 MULAS, G. 1970. Interesting 1894 MALINOVSKII, B.N., and SHEI- hybrids and varieties in the piedmont of adaptation tria:. iybrid forage sorghums KO, D.A. 1971. Promising sweet-sorghum South Carolina. Clemson University in the dry parts of the Nuoro district, (It). hybrid Stavropol'skii Kormovcl. (Ru). Extension Circular no. 522. 15 pp. Agricoltura 19(5): 75-78. 5 ref. (Summary: Spornik Nauchno-lssledov.el'Fkikh, Ra- En,) bot Aspiranlov i Molodyi,.h Uchenykh, 1904 McDONALD, R.P., TURNER, J.W., Slavropol'skii Nauchno-lssledovatel'skii MONDART, C.LJr., and SINGLETARY, 1914 MURTHY, DK.,andRAMARAO, Instilut Sel'skogo Khozyaistva 6: 3-5. C.B 1971 Cow-calf production on KV. 1970. Study of fodder sorghum temporary pastures. Journal of Animal varieties. Sorghum Newsletter 13: 27. 1895 MANNIKAR, ND., GILL, A.S., Science 32(2): 386-387. and ABICHANDANI, C.T. 1971. Note on 1915 MURTY, UR. 1971. Standard­ the effect of simazine on the fodder 1905 MEHNDIRATTA, P.D., PHUL, ized cotton blue stain for pollen garmina­ production of M.P. Chari (Sorghum bicolor). P.S., and ARORA, N.D. 1971. Genetic tion and growth in Andropogoneae Current Science 40(23): 641-642. 1 ref. diversity in relation to fodder yield and its grasses. Stain Technology 46(5): 239-243. components in sorghum. Indian Journal of 1896 MARTY, J.R., and FIORAMONTI, Genetics and Plant Breeding 31(2) 300- 1916 NAPHADE, DS. 1972. Correla- S. 1970. Comparison of various rotations 304. 5 ref. lion and path analysis for some characters on silly, poorly-structured soil: the impro- contributing to fodder yield in sorghum. ving effect of growing forage crops. (Fr) 1906 MEHNDIRATTA, P.D., and SIDHU, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences Annales Agronomiques 21(3): 269-286 B.S. 1972. Studies on genetic diversity in 42(9): 790-791. 8 ref (Summary: En, De, Ru.) forage sorghum. Plant Science 4:16-20.9 ref. 1917 NEJNERU, I.,STAN, V., HALGA, 1897 MARTY, JR., and PUECH, J M., and HANGANU, V. 1970. Irrigated 1971. Efficiency of water in forage 1907 MEHRA, K.L., SHAGMAL, KATI- multiple fodder crops on winter wheat production. (Fr). Comples Rendus Heb- YAR, D.S, VELAYUDHAN, K.C., and stubble on the flood plain of the river Prul. domodaires des Seances de I'Academie MISRA, U.S. 1970. Fodder sorghum (Re). Lucrari Sliintifice, Inslitulul Agro­ d'Agriculture do France 57(11): 938-948. improvement programme at the Indian nomic 'Ion lonescu de la Brad', lasi, 1 11 ref. Grassland and Fodder Research Insti- (Agronomic-Horticullura): 177-184. 10 lute. Sorghum Newsletter 13: 48-49. ref. (Summary: Ru, Fr, En.) 1898 MATCHES, AG. 1973, Anti- 1918 OSMAN, MS. 1971. Influence of quality components of forages. Crop 1908 AAELICHAR, B. 1970. Hybrid tillage methods on soil structure and on Science Society of America Special sudangrasi Hyso. Uroda 18(9): 330-331. the yield of Abu 70 fodder. Sudan Publication1909 MOGA, I.,and MOGA, R 1970 Agricultural Journal 6: 59-63. 7 ref.

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International Seed Testing Association Commerciale des Potasses et de I'Azote, 35(1): 145-150. 3 ref. Document Technique 12: 26-30. 2067 HANSING, E.D. 1971. Seed treatment. Sorghum Newsletter 14:84-85 2078 RICKARD, S.F., and MILLER, 2056 RITTER, C.W. 1973. Progress C.C. 1970. Seed poeln il ras report of local grain production. Hawaii C.190Sedprotectant field trials: rerityooaperative pExtension Service. 2068 HANSING, E.D. 1973. Effect of sample size requirements. Plant Disease University Cooperative no 110,ice. seed treatment on control of seed decay, Reporter 54(12): 1041-1044. 9 ref. Miscellaneous Publication no. 110, pp. seedling blight, and covered kernel smut 74-75. of sorghum. Pages 47-48 in 8th Grain 2079 RUPPEL, R.F. 1971. Effect of Sorghum Research Utilization Conference seed treatment with carbofuran and 2057 SISTACHS, M. 1973. Effect of Biennial Program, USA. Lubbock, Texas: propoxur on germination of small grains. desiccants on grain sorghum. Cuban Grain Sorghum Producers' Association. Journal of Economic Entomology 64(6): Journal of Agricultural Science 7(3): 371­ 374. 7 ref. 1554-1556.2 ref. 2069 HARDAS, M.G., SUPARE, N.R., Chemical 2058 SOTULA, P.I. 1970. Methods of and KARANJKAR, R.R. 1973. Castor oil, 2080 SIMON, J.A. 1970. stored seed production of hybrid sorghum on a an adhesive, for sorghum seed treatment control of microorganisms in Univer­ sterile basis. (Ru). Kukuruza 5: 30-31. with carbofuran. Sorghum Newsletter 16: grains. Ph.D. thesis, Kansas State 49-50. sity, USA. 70. pp. 2059 SUBBAREDDY, S., NARAYANA, D., and MURTY, K.N. 1971. Certain 2070 HOMEYER, B.1971.TerracurP, 2081 SIM)N, P.W., and KULIK, M.M. experiences in the seed production of a broad-spectrum soil Insecticide and 1971. Routine estimation of captan on CSH-3. Sorghum Newsletter 14: 44. nematicide. Pflanzenschutz-Nechrichten Individual sorghum seeds. Journal of the Bayer 24(3): 367-406. 85 ref. Association of Official Analytical Chemists 2060 UNGER, P.W., and WOOD, F.O. 54(5): 1110-1112. 1971. Dryland grain sorghum production 2071 HSI, D.C.H., FINKNER, R.E., and on the Northern High Plains of Texas. MALM, N.R. 1971. Evaluation of seed 2082 TANAKA, A., WAKIKADO, T., Texas A&M University Agricultural Ex- treatment chemicals on sugarbeets, gran and OUCHI, Y. 1971. Field survey of periment Station Progress Report no. sorghum, and peanuts. New Mexico State oviposition by sorghum dry leaf trap. 2957, pp. 55-63. University Agricultural Experiment Station Kyushu Association Plant Protection 17: 86-88. Bulletin no. 589. 12 pp. 12 ref. Proceedings PLANT PROTECTION AND EEDOLAR.P., 2083 VYAS, S.C., and NENE, Y.L. TREATMENT GUPTA, KHA,S5G., andad, TYAGI,CANDA, P.C.PC 1971. ., seed1973. in Degradationstorage. JNKVV of thiramResearch on Journaltreated 2081 ANON. 1971. Save jowar and Elfect of fungicidal dressing on viability of seed in1store. sorghum (Sorghum vugare Pers.) seeds. baira crops trom pests and diseases. News from APAU 3(1-2): 1-2. Rajasthan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2084 WATANABE, H., ITO, H., SHIBA- 2(2): 138-142. BE, S., and IIZUKA, H. 1971. Effect of 2062 ANON. 1972. Contaminated seed gamma-irradiation on the microflora of brings sorghum ban in South-East. Crops 2073 LAKSHMINARAYANA, K., and maize and milo: studies on the micro­ and Soils 24(7): 21. PRABHAKAR RAO, K. 1972. Studies on organisms of cereal grain: 2 (Ja). Journal compatibility of carbofuran on seed with of the Agricultural Chemical Society of 2063 ANON. 1973. Disyston protects fungicides. Sorghum Newsletter 15:68. Japan 45(2): 55-61. fSummary: En.) sorghum. Crop Protection Courier 13(2): 26. 2074 MARIN, N.H., DIAZ, B.E., and 2085 WATANABE, H., ITO, H,, SHI- SARRIA, V.D. 1970. Certification of maize BABE, S., and IIZUKA, H. 1971. Effect of 2064 BANERJEE, S.N., DIWAKAR, and sorghum seed in the Cauca valley, gamma-irradiation on the storage of Pathology 63

maize and milo: studies on the micro- 2096 EDMUNDS, L.K. 1971, Etiologi- 2109 KING, S.B. 1972. Sorghum dis­ organisms of cereal grain: 13. (Ja). cal studies on small seed malady of grain eases and their control. Pages 411-434 in Journal of the Agricultural Chemical sorghum. Pages 6-7 in 7th Grain Sorghum Sorghum in seventies. Proceedings of an Society of Japan 45(2): 55-61. (Summary: Research and Utilization Conference International Symposium organized by En.) Biennial Program, USA. Lubbock, Texas: AICSIP, 27-30 October 1971, Hyderabad Grain Sorghum Producers' Association. (eds. N.G.P. Rao, and L.R. House). 2086 YOUNGMAN, V.E. 1972. Effect New Delhi, India: Oxford and India Book of seed moisture and chemical seed 2097 FREDERIKSEN, RA., and RO- House. treatment on the establishment of sor- SENOW, D.T. 1970. Multiple disease ghum Nevada Agricultural Experiment resistance in exotic sorghum lines. 2110 MANSOUR, 1.1973. Diseases of Station Series T 14: 24. Phytopathology 60(9): 1292. maize, nlillet and sorghum. Pages 550­ 556 in Proceedings, FAO/SIDA Seminar, PATHOLOGY 2098 FREDERIKSEN, R.A., and RO- Improvement and Production of Field and SENOW, D.T. 1971. Disease resistance in Food Crop Plant Science, Africa/Near General sorghum. Pages 71-82 inProceedings of East. New Delhi, India: IARI. 26th Annual Corn and Sorghum Research Conference, Chicago. 2111 NARWAL, R.P. 1973. Silica bod­ 2087 ANON. 1971. Disease problems ies and resistance to infection in jowar of intercrops. Rubber Research Institute 2099 FREDERIKSEN, R.A., and ROS- (Sorghum vulgare Pers.) Agra University of Malaya, Planters' Bulletin 112: 62-65. ENOW, D.T. 1972. Worst diseases of Journal of Research, Science 22(3): 17­ crops. Sorghum and sudangrass. Crops 20. 5 ref. 2088 ANON. 1971. International sor- and Soils 24(6): 9-12. ghum diseases: symposium: global deve- 2112 NISHIHARA, N. 1973. Biblio­ lopments. Participant Journal 6(5): 2-4. 2100 FREDERIKSEN, R.A., and graphy of soiling crop diseases inJapan. ROSENOW, D.T. 1973. International and 2. Diseases of sorghums. (Ja). Bulletin of 2089 AHfMED, MA.,andHUSAIN, S.S. Newslette'all disease' '16: sorghum 138-139. nurseries. Sorghum 3141510rfthe National Grassland Research Institute 1971. Studies on stored grain fungi. 3. 3:134-145. 140 ref. Fungi from cereals. Pakistan Journal of 2101 GORBET, D.W., and KUCHA- Scientific and Industrial Research 14(3): RET, T.A. 1973. Disease evaluations of 21T3 PEDGAONKAR, S.M., BHAG­ 237-240. 9 ref. grain sorghum in North Florida. Sorghum WAT, VY., and CHOPDE, P.R. 1972. Newsletter 16: 111. Observation on the incidence of sorghum 2090 AMADOR, J. 1970. Sorghum diseases in germplasm grown at the diseases. Texas A&M University, Texas 2102 HARRIS, H.B. 1971. Notes on Sorghum Research Station, Parbhani. Agricultural Experiment Station Series B sorghum diseases in Georgia. Sorghum Sorghum Newsletter 15: 90. no, 1085. 20 pp. Newsletter 14: 32-33. 2114 PONTE, J.Jda, and OLIMPIO, 2091 BASKIN, CC,, MOORE, W.F., 2103 ICAR. 1971. Jowar (Sorghum J.A. 1972. First list of plant diseases in the 201BSKJ.,and.CUTREL,MOE,1W.F2 vulgare). Pages 41-44 in Crop Diseases State of Piaui (Brazil). (Pt). Revista da ANDRIES, J., and FUTRELL, M.C. 1972. Calendar. New Delhi, India: ICAR. Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia 5: Sorghum diseases inMississippi in 1971. 47-50. (Summary: En.) Sorghum Newsletter 15:119-121.6 ref. 2104 I1AT, SENEGAL. 1973. Work Report, 1972. Plant Pall ..:ogy Department 21 15 PURANIK, S.B., PARVATIKAR, 2092 BOCKHOLT, AJ., TOLER, R.W., (Fr). Bambey, Senegal: IRAT. pp. 1-27. 11 S.R., and BIDARI, V.B. 1973. Note on the and FREDERIKSEN, R.A. 1971. Measur- ref. "stem break or bend in sorghum". ing the effect of disease on grain sorghum Sorghum Newsletter 16: 88-89.' performance. Pages 13-16 in 71h Grain 2105 INDIA: MINISTRY OF AGRI- Sorghum Research and Utilization Con- CULTURE, DIRECTORATE OF EXTEN- 2116 RYAN, J., MIYAMOTO, S., and ference Biennial Program, USA. Lubbock, SION, FARM INFORMATION UNIT. 1973. BOHN, H.L. 1973. Prevent chlorosis in Texas: Grain Sorghum Producers' Asso- Sorghum diseases in India and their plants with use of sulfuric acid. Progres­ ciation. control. New Delhi, India: Ministry of sive Agriculture in Arizona 25(2): 3-5. Agriculture, Directorate of Extension, 2093 CHRISTENSEN, CM., 1970. Farm Information Moisture content, moisture transfer, aiid217SARNG.190ApriaUnit 44 pp. 2117 SAHARAN, G.S. 1970. Appraisal of plant disease losses and their effect on invasion of stored sorghum seeds by 2106 JOUAN, B., and DELASSUS, M. Indian agricultural production. Pesticides fungi. Phytopathology 60(2): 280-283. 8 1971. Main diseases of millet and 4(11): 20-22. 8 rel. ref. sorghum in the Niger Republic. (Fr). Agronomie Tropicale 26(8): 830-860. 25 2094 CHRISTENSEN, C.M. 1971. In- ref. (Summary: En, Es.) 2118 SUBBARAJA, K.T. 1973.Sludies vasion of sorghum seed by storage fungi on the effect of four saprophytic fungi on at moisture contents of 13. 5-15% and 2107 KARGANILLA, A., and ELAZ- seed quality of hybrid CSH-1. Sorghum conditions of samples from commercial EUGI, F.A. 1970. Local diseases of Newsletter 16: 37-40, bins. Mycopathologia et Mycologia Appli- sorghum. Philippine Phylopathology 6(1 - cata 44(3): 277-282. 2): 83-88. 2119 SUNDARAM, N.V., PALMER, L.T., NAGARAJAN, K., and PRESCOTT, J.M. 2095 DELASSUS, M. 1970. Obser- 2108 KING, S.B. 1970. Sorghum and 1972. Disease survey of sorghum and valions on sorghum disease in"Maggia" millet pathology. African Soils 15(1-3): millets in India. Plant Disease Reporter soil. African Soils 15(1-3): 105-108. 473-476. 56(9): 740-743.6 ref. 64 Pathology

2120 SUNDARAM, N.V., ard RAY- 2131 SAVITRI, H.1970. Studiesonthe coal rotand diffusive resistance.Sorghum CHAUDHURI, S.P. 1973. Sorghum dise- seed-bdrne fungi of sorghum. M.Sc, Newsletter 14: 20-21. ases in India and their control. New Delhi, thesis, Andhra Pradesh Agricultural Uni­ India. Ministry of Agriculture. 44 pp. versity, India. 60 pp. 2143 NAGARAJAN, J., SARASW- ATHI, V., and RENFRO, B.L. 1970. 2121 Deleted 2132 ZUMMO, N. 1972. External Fusa- Incidence of charcoal rot (Macrophomina ium monififorme var. subglutinans asso- phaseoi) on CSH-1 sorghum. Sorghum 2122 VIDHYASEKARAN, P., PARAM- ciated with right-angle bending and Newsletter 13: 25. BARAMANI, C., and GOVINDASWAMY, twisting of sweet sorghum stalks. Phylo- 2144 SHARMA, J.K. 1973. Biochemi­ C.V. '1971. Role of cellulolytic and pathology 62(7): 800. cal analysis of stem tissues of sorghum proteolytic enzymes in pathogenesis of varieties varying in susceptibility of obligate and facultative parasites causing Root and Stalk Diseases Colletotfrichum graminicola causing an­ sorghum diseases. Indian Phytopathology thracnose. Sorghum Newsletter 16: 93­ 24(2): 305-309. 17 ref. 2133 BERGOUIST, R.R. 1973. Colle- 94. !otrichumgraminicola on Sorghum bicolor 2123 VIDHYASEKARAN, P., PARAM- ' Hawaii. Plant Disease Reporter 57(3): 2145 SHARMA, J.K. 1973. Conidial BARAMANI, C., and GOVINDASWAMY, 272-275. 12 ref. germination and growth studies of Colle­ C.V. 1973. Role of pectolytic enzymes in totichum graminicola in the leaf extracts pathogenesis of obligate and facullative 2134 COOK, GE., BOOSALIS, M.G., of sorghum varying in susceptibility to parasites causing sorghum diseases. DUNKLE, L.D., and ODVODY, G.N. 1973 anthracnose. Sorghum Newsletter 16: 94­ Indian Phytopathology 26(2): 197-204. 14 Survival of Macrophomina phaseoli in 95. ref. corn and sorghum stalk residue. Plant Disease Reporter 57(10):873-875. 12 ref. 2146 SHARMA, J.K., and SINHA, S. 2124 WANGIKAR, P.D., and RAUT, 1972. Leachate biochemistry of leaf in J.G. 1972. Notes on some plant diseases 2135 DUTTA, A.K. 1973. Studies on relation to Colletotfrichum graminicola round about Akola. PKV Research Journal some host factors affecting perithecial causing anthracnose of sorqhum. Sor­ 1(1): 139-140. development in Colletotrichum falcatum ghum Newsletter 15: 27. 1 ref. Went. Science and Culture 39(5): 227­ Seed Rots and Seedling 228. 2147 SHARMA, J.K., and SINHA, S. Diseases 1972. Studies on phyllosphere microflora 2136 FREDERIKSEN, R.A., ROSE- of sorghum in relation to anthracnose graminicola 2125 BANKS, J.C., and LYND, J.O NOW, D.T., and TULEEN, D.M. 1973: caused by Colletotfichum 15: 1971 Infrared detection of Aspergillus Pythium root rot of sorghum on the Texas (Ces.) Wilson. Sorghum Newsletter Newsletter 28-30. parasiticus growth on moist sorghum High Plains-1972. Sorghum grain. Agronomy Journal 63(2): 340-342. 16: 137-138.2 re.2148 SHARMA, J.K., and SINHA, S. 5 ref. 2137 FUTRELL, M.C. 1971. Fusarlum 1973. Sporecontent of alrovera sorghum stalk rot of sorghum inMississippi in1970. field near Agra, India.Sorghum Newsletter 2126 BASU CHAUDHARY, KC. 1973. Sorghum Newsletter 14: 88. 4 ref. 16: 96. Antagonistic actinomycele associated with sorghum seeds. Indian Phytopatho- 2138 HARRIS, H.B., and SOWELL, 2149 VOIGT, R.L. 1971. Possible new logy 261): 107-110. 13 ref. G.Jr. 1970. Incidence of Colletotfichum pathogenic strain 'of the milo disease graminicola on Sorghum bicolor introdu- organism Periconia circinata In Arizona. 2127 BORKAR, G.M, and BHAGWAT, ctions. Plant Disease Reporter 54(1 ): 60- Sorghum Newsletter 14: 2-3. V.Y. 1972. Production of pectic and 62. 11 ref. celluloytic erzymes by seed-borne micro- 2150 VOIGT, R.L., TROUTMAN, J.L., flora of hybri, jowar, CSH-1. Sorghum 2139 ISHII, S., and YOSHIMURA, S. and CARASSO, F.M. 1971. Root rot Newsletter 15: 87-88, 1 ref. 1971. Causes and the control of wilt problems associated with sorghum In diseases in sorghum. Agricultural Horti- Yuma, Arizona. Pages 22-23 in 7th Grain 2128 BORKAR, G.M.. and BHAGWAT, culture 46(9): 1327-1332. Sorghum Research and Utilization Con­ VY. 1972. Seed borne fungi of hybrid ference Biennial Program, USA. Lubbock, jowar CSH-1. Soighum Newsletter 15: 82, 2140 JONES, R., and HANSING, E.D. Texas: Grain Sorghum Producers' Asso­ 84-87. 2 ref. 1972. Root-infecting fungi isolated from ciation. sorghum seedlings. Transactions of the 2129 FUTRELL, MC. 1973. Use of Kansas Academy of Science 75(3):199- Foilar Diseases: Fungal Leaf crude toxin extract of Fusarium monifi- 206. Spots and Blights Iorme to select out resistant cultivars of sorghum and corn. Pages 39-40 in 8th 2141 KULKARNI, N.B., and KALEKAR, 2151 BELL, D.K., HASKELL, H., and Grain Sorghum Research Utilization Con- AR. 1971. Varietal resistance In sorghum WELLS HOMER, D. 1973. Rhizoctonla ference Biennial Program, USA Lubbock, to Colletofichum graminicolum (Ces.) blight of grain sorghum foliage. Plant Texas: Grain Sorghum Producers Asso- Wilson, in Maharashtra State. Research Disease Reporter 57(6): 549-550. 1 ref. ciation. Journal of Mahatma Phule Agricultural University 2(2): 159-160. 1 ref. 2152 BHOWMIK, T.P.,andPRASADA, 2130 HANSING, ED. 1970. Control of R. 1970. Physiologic specialization In seed-borne fungi with systemic fungicioes. 2142 MAUNDER, AB., SMITH, D.H., Helminthospoium turcicum Pass. from (Fr). Proceedings of the International and JUDAH, B.W. 1971. Bloom and India. Phylopathologische Zeltschrift 68(1): Seed Testing Association 35(3): 815-820. bloomless Isogenics as related to char- 84-87. FungalLea! Spots and Bllghts 65'

2153 ELAZGUI, F.A. 1973. Identity of 2164 MISRA. A.P., and MISHRA. B. jowar caused by Helminthosporium tetra­ the species of Helminthosporium causing 1971. Variations in four different isolates mera McKinney. PKV Research Journal leaf spot of sorghum. Philippine Agricul- of Helminthosporium turcicum from Sor- 1(2): 224-225. 2 ref. turist 57(5-6): 219-231. 14 ref. ghum vulgare. Indian Phytopathology 24(3): 514-521.4 ref. 2176 RAWLA, G.S. 1973. Gloeocer­ 2154 ELAZGUI, F.A., and EXCONDE, cospora and Ramulispora in India. Tran- O.R. 1973. Host-parasite relationship in 2165 MISRA, A.P., OMPRAKASH, and sactions of the British Mycological Society Helminthosporium leaf spot of sorghum. MISHRA, B. 1972. Fruit rot of litchi (Litchi 60(2): 283-292. 8 ref. Philippine Agriculturist 57(5-6): 210-218. chinensis ) caused by Helminthosporium 13 ref. hawaiiense Bugnicourl Indian Journal of 2177 SHARMA, J.K., and SINHA, S. Horticulture 29(3-4): 355-356. 1970. Biochemical basis of resistance to 2155 FREDERIKSEN, R.A., and RO- anthracnose in sorghum incited by SENOW, D.T. 1973. New source of 2166 MISRA, AP., and SINGH, R.A. Colletotrichum graminicola. Pages 882­ resistance to Helminthosporium blight in 1971. Comparative study of four isolates 887 in Plant Disease Problems (ed. S.P. sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 16: 136. of Helminthosporium tetrameraMcKinney. Raychaudhuri). New Delhi, India, Indian Journal of the Indian Botanical Society Phytopathological Society. 2156 HARRIS, H.B. 1972. Impact of 50(3): 276-284. 7 ref. the 1970 southern corn leaf blight 2178 SHARMA, J.K., and SINHA, S. epidemic on 1971 grain sorghum acreage 2167 NAGARAJAN, K., SARSWATHI, 1971. Effect of leaf exudates of sorghum in Georgia. Sorghum Newslelter 15: 20- V., RENFRO, B.L., and SUNDARAM, N.V. varieties varying in susceptibility and 21. 1 ref. 1971. Report of Ramulispora sorghicola maturity on the germination of conidia of from India and reaction of sorghum Colletotrichum graminicola (Ces.) Wilson cultivars to R. sorghi and R. sorghicola, causing anthracnose. Pages 597-602 in 2157 KHAN,A.M., ALI, K.. and AHMED, Indian Phylopathology 24(4): 644-648. 4 Ecology of Leaf Surface Micro-Organism A.1970. Host-parasite interaction and the ref. (eds. T.F. Preece, and C.H. Dickinson). influence of mineral deficiencies on London: Academic Press. severity or seedling blight, caused by 2168 NISHIHARA, N. 1973. Target Colletotrichum species on sorghum. Pages spot of sorghums. (Ja). Bulletin of the 2179 SINGH, B.S.P. 1972.Susceptibi­ 430-434 in Plant Disease Problems (ed. National Grassland Research Institute lity of maize dwarf mosaic virus-infected S.P. Raychaudhuri). New Delhi, India: 2:46-53. (Summary: En.) sorghum and corn to Helminthosporium Indian Phylopathological Society. maydis Nisikado and Miyake. Ph.D. thesis, 2169 ODVODY, G.N., and DUNKLE, Auburn University, USA. 85 pp. 2158 MALAGUTI, G., and TOVAR, D. L.D. 1973. Overwintering capacity of 1972. Zonate leaf spot in sorghum and Ramulispora sorghi. Phytopathology 63 2180 SINGH, G., and GUPTA, R.B.L. maize. (Es). Ciarco 2(3):91-95.(Summary: (12): 1530-1532.3 ref. 1973. Varietal evaluation and crop loss in En.) jowar due to rough leaf spot caused by 2170 ODVODY, G.N., DUNKLE, L.D., Ascochyta sorghina Sacc. Rajasthan 2159 MILLER, FR., and FREDERIK- and BOOSALIS, M.G. 1973. Occurrence Journal of Agricultural Science 4(1): 61- SEN, R.A. 1971. Host reaction of selected of sooty stripe of sorgtum in Nebraska. 64. sorghum lines and steriles to Helminthos- Plant Disease Reporter 57(8): 681-683. 10 porium maydis. Pages 20-21 in 7th Grain ref. 2181 SINGH, R.S. 1970. Leaf spots of Sorghum Research and Utilization Con- jowar. Indian Farmers' Digest 3(1): 41-42. ference Biennial Program, LISA. Lubbock, 2171 PATEL, B.N., and BAIN, D.C. Texas: Grain Sorghum Producers' Asso- 1973. Reactions of five species of 2182 SINHA, S., and SHARMA, J.K., ciation. Gramineae to racesO and T of Hemintho- 1971. Role of humidity on sporulation sporium maydis and Race 2 of H. Carbo- pattern and infection in anthracnose of 2160 MILLER, F.R., and FREDERIK- num. Plant Disease Reporter 57(6): 507- sorghum caused by Collefotrichum gra- SEN, R.A. 1971. Reaction of selected 508. 5 ref. minicola. Proceedings of the Indian sorghum lines to Helminthosporiummay- National Science Academy (Part B), dis. Sorghum Newsletter 14: 100-105. 5 2172 PAULSEN, A.O., and KARGA- Biological Sciences 37(6): 407-412. ref. NILLA, A.1973. Note: Red leaf disease of grain sorghums in the Philippines Philip- 2183 SUBBARAJA, K.T., SUBRA­ 2161 MISRA, AP., and MISHRA, B. pine Agriculturist 57(5-6): 264-268. 10 ref. MANIAN, J.S., SRINIVASAN, S., and 1971. New records onHelminthosporia on PILLAYARSAMY, K.1972. Control of leaf Sorghum halepense in India. Indian 2173 RAMNATH, LAMBAT, A.K., PA- spot diseases of sorghum. Sorghum Phytopathology 24(1): 208-210. 1 ref. YAK, M.M.,LILARAMANI, J., and RANI, I. Newsletter 15: 90-91. 1973. Interception of race T of Helmin­ 2162 MISRA, A.P., and MISHRA, B. thosporium maydis on sorghum seed. 2184 TARUMOTO, I.,and ISAWA, K. 1971 HPlminthosporiumhawaiiense inci- Current Science 42(24): 872-874. 5 ref. 1972. Several investigations on leaf blight lant of a new seed rot of Sorghum vulgare. reaction in Sorghum spp. Sorghum Indian Phytopathology 24(2): 401.2 ref. 2174 RAUT, J.G., and BHOMBE, B.B. Newsletter 15:111-114. 1972. Leaf spot disease of sorghum 2163 MISRA, AP., and MISHRA. B. caused by Rhizocfonia bataticola. Indian 2185 THAKUR, J., and TRIPATHI, 1971. Studies on three isolates of Phytopathology 25(4): 586-587. 5 ref. D.H.P. 1972. Leaf spot disease of hybrid Helminthosporium rostratum Drechsler jowar caused by Curvularia lunala in from sorghum in India. Indian Botanical 2175 RAUT, J.G:, and WANGIKAR, India. Indian Journal of Mycology and Society Journal 50(3): 232-237 2 ref. P.D. 1973. Leaf spot disease of hybrid Plant Pathology 2(2): 181.5 ref. 66 Pathology

2186 TULEEN, D.M., FREDERIKSEN, 2197 BALASUBRAMANIAN,KA.1973. Madras Agricultural Journal 60(9-12): RA., and SHU-HUA, S. 1972. Sorghum Influence of nitrogen and phosphorus 1814. VulnerabilitytoHelminthosporiummaydis fertilizers on the expression of downy Plant Disease Reporter 56(8): 682-684. 9 mildew of sorghum. Plant and Soil 38(2): 2209 GOVINDU, H.C., PATIL KULK- ref. 477-479. 5 ref. ARNI, B.G., and RANGANATHAIAH, K.G. 1970. Present status of downy mildew of sorghum, millets and maize In 2187 VIDHYASEKARAN, P., KANDA- 2198 BERGOUIST, R.R. 1971. Sour- diseases Indian Phytopathology 23(2): SWAMY, D., DURAIRAJ, P., and KANDA- ces of resistance in sorghum to Puccinia Mysore. 378-379. 4 ref. SWAMY, T.K. 1971. Protection of sorghum purpurea in Hawaii. Plant Disease Repor- plants from helminthosporiose by immuni- ter 55(10): 941-944. 6 ref. zation. Indian Journal of Agricultural 2210 JAVIA, RB., and BAIN, D.C. Reaction of sorghum to injection of Sciehces 41(3): 284-288. 17 ref. 2199 CLARK, L.E., FREDERIKSEN, 1970. R.A., and GLUECK, J.A. 1970. Effect of juice from sorghum infected with Sclero­ seed quality on reaction of sorghum to spora sorghi. Phytopalhology 60(4): 584. 2188 WANGIKAR, P.o., and RAUT, downy mildew. Sorghum Newsletter 13: J.G. 1972. Dark tan coloured leaf spot of 74. 2211 JONES, B.L. 1970. Mode of hybrid jowar caused byHelminthospoium Sclerospora sorghi conidial infection of tetramera McKinney. PKV Research 2200 DANGE,.S.R.S, JAIN, K.L., SINGH, Sorghum vulgare leaves. Phytopathology Journal 1(1): 140.9 ref. SB., and RATHORE, R.S. 1973. Hetero- 60(4): 584. pogon contortus as a collateral host of 2189 seogZUMMO, No . Foliage dise- sorghum downy mildew (Scle.rospora 2212 JONES, B.L 1970. Simple techni­ ases of sweet sorghum. Pages 80-83 in sorghi) of maize in Rajasthan. Current que of Inoculating sorghum with Sclero­ 7th Grain Sorghum Research and Utili- Science 42(23): 834. spora sorghi using conidia as inoculurn. zation Conference Biennial Program, Plant Disease Reporter 54(7): 603-604. 9 USA. Lubbock, Texas: Grain Sorghum 2201 DOGGETT, H. 1970. Downy ref. Producers' Association. mildew in East Africa. Indian Phytopa­ thology 23(2): 350-355. 2 ref. 2213 JONES, B.L. 1971. Mode of Sclerospora sorghi infection of Sorghum SEN. R.A. 1973. Head blight of sorghum in RA.1971.Downy bicolor leaves. Phytopathology 61(4): Mississippi 1972. Pages 37-38 in 8th 2202 FREDERIKSEN, of maize-and sorghum. 406-408. 13 ref. Grain SorghumGrain Research SoSorghumesNewsletterti14z106. and Utilization mildew diseases Conference Biennial Program, USA. Lub- Sorghum Newsletter 14: 106. 2214 JONES, B.L. 1971. Techniques bock, Texas: Grain Sorghum Producers' 2203 FREDERIKSEN, R.A. 1973. Sor- for artificial inoculation of sorghum with Association. ghum downy mildew ... a disease of maize Sclerospora sorghi. Pages 3-5 in 7th and Utilization and sorghum. Texas Agricultural Experi- Grain Sorghum Research USA. Lub­ Follar Diseases: Rusts, Downy ment Station, Research Monograph no. 2. Conference Biennial Program, Producers' Mildews, and Sooty Molds 32 pp. bock, Texas: Grain Sorghum Association. 2191 ANON. 1973 Sorghum downy 2204 FREDERIKSEN, R.A., BOCK- KAVERIAPPA, K.M. 1973. In­ mildew. Texas Agricultural Experiment HOLT, A.J.,ROSENOW, D.T.,andREYES, 2215 vestigations on the downy mildew of Station, Research Monograph no. 2. L. 1970. Problems and progress of of sorghum downy mildew in the United sorghum. Mysore, India: University 23(2): 321- Mysore. 171 pp. 2192 AGARAWAL, S.C., and KOTA- States. Indian Phytopathology STHANE, S.R. 1973. Efficacy of systemic 338. 16 ref. 2216 KENNETH, ., and KLEIN, Z. fungicides and antibiotics in checking the 1970. Epidemiological studies of sorghum rust of Sorghum vulgare (L.). Science and 2205 FREZZI, M.J. 1970. Downy mil- downy mildew Sclerospora on sorghum Culture 39(5): 235-236. dew of sorghum caused by S. sorghiin the Israel Israel Journal of Province of Cordoba, Agrentina. (Es). Idia and corn in Agricultural Research 20(4): 183. 2193 BAIN, D.C. 1973. Association of 274: 16-24. Fusarium monililorme with infection of 2217 KENNETH, R., and SHAHOR,G. sorghum seedlings by Sclerosporasorghi. 2206 FREZZI, M.J., PARODI, R.A., and 1973. Systematic infection of sorghum Phytopathology 63(1): 197-198.3 rel. SCANTAMBURLO, J.L. 1970. Lack of andcorn byconidiaofSclerosporasorghi. germination in sorghum and its causes. A Phytoparasitica 1(1 ): 13-21. 6 ref. 2194 BALASUBRAMANIAN, K.A. 1972. new method of rapid analysis effective in Leaf shredding stage in maize incited by determining germinating qualities of seed. 2218 KING, S.B., and WEBSTER, OJ. Sclerospora sorghi. Current Science (Es). Idia 272: 45-57. 1970 Downy mildew of sorghum in 41(7): 269. 3 ref. Nigeria. Indian Phytopathology 23(2): 2207 FUTRELL, M.C., and FREDE- 342-349, 4 ref. 2195 BALASUBRAMANIAN, K.A. 1973. RIKSEN, R.A. 1970. Distribution of sor­ Green island in the rust infection of ghum downy mildew (Sclerospora sorghi) 2219 MOHANRAJ, D., and BHAS- sorghum. Current Science. 42(12): 440- in the U.S.A. Plant Disease Reporter 54(4): KARAN, k. 1972. Hyperauxiny in sorghum 441. 2 ref. 311-314. 16 ref. leaf infection with Puccinia purpurea in relation to.phyllosphere microflora. Cur­ 2196 BALASUBRAMANIAN, KA.1973. 2208 GANGADHARAN, K., MEEN- rent Science 41(19): 712-713. 7 ref. Effect of downy mildew on the roots of AKSHI, K., KUNJAMMA HRISHI, V.K., and sorghum. Current Science 42(15): 549. 1 SURENDRAN, C. 1973. Note on two 2220 NAGARAJAN, K., RENFRO, B.L., ref. downy mildew tolerant sorghum varieties. SUNDARAM, N.V., and SARASWATHI, V. Inflorescenceand Grain Diseases 67

1970. Reactions of a porton of world Society, Pantnagar. Indlah Phytopatho. colouration of great millet grains Inear collection of sorghum to downy mildew logy 23(2): 173-435, heads due to Curvu/aria lunata (Coch/ilo­ (Sc/erospora sorgh). Indian Phytopatho- bolus lunatus) on sorghum. Rajasthan logy 23(2): 356-363. 9 ref. 2231 TROUTMAN,-J.L., and MATEJ- Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2(2): KA, J.C. 1972. Downy mildew of small 113-115. 2221 NAOVI, NZ. 1971. Mycoplasmic grains and sorghum In Arizona. Plant stage of Sc/erospora sorghi Weston and Disease Reporter 56(9): 773-774. 4 ref. 2241 BHATNAGAR, G.C., KHERA, S., Uppal and Fusarium moni/iforme Sheldon. TIKYANI, M.G., and NANDAKUMAR, C. Ph.D. thesis, Mississippi State University, 2232 ULLSTRUP, A.J. 1970. Opportu- 1970. Studies on the blackening of jowar USA. 61 pp. nitles for international cooperative re- Sorghum vulgare grains in Rajasthan. search on downy mildews of maize and Indian Science Congress Association 2222 NAQVI, NZ., and FUTRELL, sorghum. Indian Phytopathology 23(2): Proceedings 57(4): 545-546. M.C. 1970. Aphid-transmissible material 386-388. produced by Scl~rospora sorghi in corn 2242 BURROUGHS, R., and SAUER, and sorghum plants. Phytopathology 2233 ULLSTRUP, A.J. 1973.Overview D.B. 1971. Growth of fungi In sorghum 60(4): 586. of the downy mildews of corn and grain stored at high moisture contents. sorghum. Report of a Workshop on the Phytopathology 61(7): 767-772. 11 ref. 2223 NAfl"I, N.Z., and FUTRELL, downy mildews of sorghum and corn. MC. 1971. Aphid transmissible my- Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, coplasma producr.d by Sclerospora sor- Department of Plant Science, Technical 2243 CHINNADURAI, G.1970. Effect ghi in corn and sorghum. Sorghum Report no. 74-1, pp. 5-12. of cycloheximlde on nucleic acid and Newsletter 14: 89. 2 ref. protein synthesis In Sphaceia sorghi 2234 VIDHYASEKARAN, P., CHIN- McRae. Current Science 39(7): 165-166. 2224 PATIL-KULKARNI, B.G., PATIL, NADURAI, G., and GOVINDASWAMY, 9 ref. NK., and MALEBENNUR, N.S. 1972 C.V. 1971. HCN content of sorghum Studies with oxathiin derivatives and other leaves In relation to rust disease Inci- 2244 CHINNADURAI, G.1970.Physio. chemicals for the control of seed rot, dence. Indian Phytopathology 24(2): 332- logy of sorghum spikelets infected by damping off and downy mildew diseases 338. 15 ref. Sphacelia sorghi. Effect on phenolics and insorghum. Mysore Journal of Agricultural polyphenol oxidase. Indian Journal of Sciences 6(1): 1-4. 4 ref. 2235 WILKINSON, D.R. 1973. Poten- Experimental Biology 8(4): 3418-349. 5ref. tialities of downy mildews inthe Americas. 2225 PATIL-KULKARNI, B.G., PUT- Report of a Workshop on the downy 2245 CHINNADURAI, G.1971. Physio- TARUDRAPPA, A., KAJJARI, N.B., and mildews of sorghum and corn. Texas logy of sorghum spikelets infected by GOUD, J.V. 1972. Breeding for rust Agricultural Experiment Station, Depart- Sphaceia sorghi, 1.Effect of metabolism of resistance in sorghum. Indian Phytopa- ment of Plant Science, Technical Report carbohydrates, respiration, and nitrogen. thology 25(1): 166-168, 1 ref. no. 74-1, pp. 16-25. Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 70(1): 23­ 30. 2226 PAVGI, M.S. 1972. Morphology Inflorescence and Grain and taxonomy of the Puccinia species on Diseases 2246 CHINNADURAI, G. 1971. Role corn and sorghum. Mycopathologia et 2236 ALAGIANAGALINGAM, M.N., of fertilizers on the incidence of sugary Mycologia Applicala 47(3): 207-220. and SOUMANI, R.C.K. 1972. Note on the disease of sorghum. Tropical Agriculture 2227 PUTTARUDRAPPA, A., PATIL- formation of multi-sori by Sphacelotheca 48(1): 51-53. 6 ref. KULKARNI, B.G., KAJJARI, N.B., and reiliana (Kuhn) Clint insorghum. Andhra GiOUD, J.V. 1972. Inheritance of resis- Agricultural Journal 19(3-4): 105. 4 ref. 2247 CHINNADURAI, G.1972. Effect (ance to downy mildew (Sclerospora of certain trace elements on the growth sorghi) in sorghum. Indian Phytopatho- 2237 ASHAGARI, D. 1973. Impor- and sporulation on Sphacelia sorghi. logy 25(3): 471-473. 4 ref. tance of sorghum smuts and their control Indian Phytopathology 25(4): 599-600. 8 in the Alemaya area. In Fourth Eastern ref. 2228 SAFEEULLA, K.M. 1970. Investi- Africa Cereals Workshop, 17-23 October gations on the biology and control of the 1973. (ed. T. Jones). East African 2248 CHINNADURAI, G., and GOV­ downy mildew diseases of sorghum and Agricultural and Forestry Journal 39(6): INDASWAMY, C.V. 1970. Effect of cyc­ millets in India. Research Report 1969- 28. loheximide on some oxidases of Sphace­ 1971 (PL 480 Grant FG-In-414). Mysore, lia sorghi. Indian Journal of Experimental India: University of Mysore. 37 pp. 2238 BHAGWAT, V.Y., and PED- Biology 8(2): 153. 7 ref. GAONKAR, S.M. 1973. Presence of moldy 2229 SAFEEULLA, K.M. 1970. Studies grain in a seed lot, its significance and 2249 CHINNADURAI, G., and GOV­ on the downy mildews of bajra, sorghum method for separation. Sorghum News- INDASWAMY, C.V. 1970. Infection of and ragi. Pages 405-411 inPlant disease letter 16:51-53. sorghum by Claviceps purpurea. Plant problems (ed. S.P. Raychaudhuri). New Disease Reporter 54(10): 844. Delhi, India: Indian Phytopathological 2239 BHAGWAT, VY., and 'PED- Society. GAONKAR, SM. 1973. Studies on head 2250 CHINNADURAI, G., and GOV­ mold on jowar-effect of individual fungus INDASWAMY, C.V. 1970. Studies on 2230 SAXSENA, H.K. 1970. Proceed- on seed viability during storage. Sorghum sugary disease of sorghum. Zeitschrift ings of the 1st International Workshop on Newsletter 16: 65-66. fiJr Pflanzenkrankheiten, Pflanzenpatho­ the downy mildew of maize corn and logie und Pflanzenschutz 77(4-5): 221­ sorghum of the Indian Phytopathological 2240 BHATNAGAR, G.C. 1971 DIs- 224. 68 Pathology

2251 CHINNADURAI, G., and GOV- Texas. Pages33-36in 8th GrainSorghum 2273 KOTESWARA RAO, G., POOR- INDASWAMY, C.V. 1971. Influence of Research Utilization Conference, Biennial NACHANDRUDU, G., and POORNACH- nitrogen nutrition on the spore size of Program, USA. Lubbock, Texas: Grain ANDRUDU, D. 1971. Testing of agrono­ Sphacelia sorghi. Indian Phytopathology Sorghum Producerf.'Associalion. mically Important varieties for their reac­ 24(1): 177-178. 1 ref. tion, to head moulds. Sorghum Newsletter 2262 GRAY, E., LACEFIELD, G.D., 14: 43-44. 2252 CHINNADURAI, G., and GO- andLOWE, J.A. 1971. Head mold on grain VINDASWAMY, C.V. 1971. Alkaloid pro- sorghum. Plant Disease Reporter 55(4): 2274 KULKARNI, D.M. 1973. Perpe­ duction by Sphacelia sorghi. Indian 337-339. 6 rel. tuation sugary disease of Sorghum Phytopathology 24(1): 180-181. 4 ref. vulgare Pers. in Dharwar. Current Re­ 2263 GUNASEKARAN, M..1972. Coin- search 2(8): 63. 4 ref. 2253 CHINNADURAI, G., and GOV- parison of amino acid pools of two INDASWAMY, C.V. 1971. Host range of physiological races of Sphacelotleca 2275 MANIS, A.L. R., Jr. 1977. In vitro sorghum sugary disease pathogen. Mad- reiliana. Current Science 41(1): 28-29. 6 culture of myce :um and telispores of ras Agricultural Journal 58(7): 600-603. 6 ref. Sphacelotheca reiliana and biochemical ref. changes associated with infection of 2264 GUNASEKARAN, M. 1972. Com- Sorghum bicolor by races I and 3 of 2254 CHINNADURAI, G., GOVIN- parative studies on sugars and organic Sphacelotheca rei/iana. Ph.D. thesis, DASWAMY, CV., and RAMAKRISHNAN, acid pools of two physiological races of Texas A&M University, USA. 93 pp. K. 1970. Pathogenicity of sorghum ergot Sphacelotheca reiliana. Current Science fungus (Sphacelia sorghi) McRae. Ex- 41(3): 113-114.5 ref. 2276 MANTLE, P.G. 1973. Production perientia 26(2): 209. 3 ref. of ergot alkaloids in vitro by Sphacelia 2265 HARRIS, H.B., FISHER, CD., and sorghi. Journal of General Microbiology 2255 CHINNADURAI, G., GOVIN. SOWELL, G. 1971. Head smut of sorghum 7(2): 275-281. DASWAMY, C.V., and RAMAKRISHNAN, inGeorgia. Plant Disease Reporter 55(4): K. 1970, Studies on the effect of stigmatic 312-313.6 ref. 2277 MATHUR, R.L., and .DALELA. exudales of sorghum on the parasitism of G.G. 1971. Estimation of losses from Sphacelia soighi McRae. Phytopatho- 2266 HASSAN, S.F., KHAN, Z.N.A., green ear disease (Sc/erospora gramini-" Icqlische Zeilschrift 69(1): 56-63. KHAN, A.M., UBAIDUL ISLAM, A.N.M., cola) of bajra (Pennisetum typhoides) and and KHAN, MA. 1970, Floral infection of grain smut (Sphacelotheca sorgh) of k256 CHINNADURAI, G., LALITHA- sorghum with long smut Tolyposporium jowar (Sorghum vulgare) in Rajasthan. KUMARI, D., and GOVINDASWAMY, ehrenbergii Kuehn, (Pat.). Punjab Journal Indian Phytopathology 24(1): 101-104. C.V. 1970. Reaction of various species of Agricultural Research 8(4):411-412. and varieties of sorghum to sugary 2278 MATHUR, R.S., SINGH, P.P., disease. Madras Agricultural Journal 2267 KANNAIYAN, J. 1970. Studies YADAVA, HR., and GUPTA, S.B. 1970. 57(12): 735-736, 1 rel. on ergot disease of cumbu. M.Sc. thesis, Results of resistance tests of jowar Agricultural College and Research Insti- (Sorghum vulgare (L.) varieties against 2257 CROSIER, W.F., HARMAN, G.E., lute, Coimbalore, India. 103 pp. smut (Sphacelotheca sorghi (Lk) Clint.) in and BRAVERMAN, SW. 1971. Establish- Uttar Pradesh during the period 1966-69. ment of Curvularia and Helminthosporium 2268 KING, S.B. 1970. Covered and Labdev Journal of Science and Techno­ spp. insmall-grain seeds. Phytopathology loose smut of sorghum in Nigeria. logy 8B(4): 247-248. 61(2): 128. Sorghum Newsletter 13: 65. 2279 NAGARAJAN, K., and SARA- 2258 FAHIM, MM., and RAGAB, MM. 2269 KOTESWARA RAO, G., and SWATHI, V. 1971. Production of "honey­ 1971. Histological and physiological slu- GOPAL REDDY, N. 1973. Fungicidal dew" like secretions in the culture of dies of Sphacelotheca reiliana the inci- control of head moulds. Sorghum News- Sphacelia sorghiMcRae. Sorghum News­ tant of sorghum head smut and its control, letter 16: 23-24. letter 14: 39-40. Agricultural Research Review 49(3): 67­ 80. 2270 KOTESWARA RAO, G., and GOPAL2280 NAGARAJAN, K., and SARAS- 2259 FP.EDERIKSEN, R.A., ROSE- varieties and hybrids of sorghum for their WATHI, V. 1971. Effect of systemic NOW, D.T.. and REYES, L.1970. Reaction reaction to head moulds. Sorghum News- ungicides on the sugary disease orga­ 1and 3 letter 16: 25. nism Sphacelia sorghi McRae. Sorghum of^, commonV--- ... sorghum ...... iines to. races .. . .. Newsletter 14: 41. Viru, Diseases 69

2283 PADAGANUR, G.N., and GOV- 2294 SUNDARAM, N.V. 1971. Possi- tissues. Phytopathologische Zeitschrift INDU, H.C. 1971. Studies on the varietal ble resistance to sugary disease in 73(2): 163-170. 26 ref. reaction and physiologic specialization of sorghum. Indian Journal of Genetics and Sphacelotheca rei/iana (Khun) Clinton, Plant Breeding 31(2): 383-387. 7 ref. 2306 EASWARAN, K.S.S. 1973. Phy­ head smut of sorghum. Mysore Journal of siology of resistance to a bacterial Agricultural Sciences 5(4): 377-382. 2295 SUNDARAM, N.V. 1971. Smuts disease in sorghum, 5 Nature of nitrogen and other earhead diseases of sorghum synthesis in sorghum tissues. Phytopa­ 2284 POORNACHANDRUDU, D.,and and their control. Lecture, FAO/SIDA/ thologische Zeitschrift 76(2): 117-122. KOTESWARA RAO, G 1972. Fungicidal ICAR Training Centre on Maize, Sorghum control of head moulds. Sorghum News- and Millets for Africa and Near East. New 2307 GOTO, M., and STARR, M.P. letter 15: 70. Delhi, India: IARI. 5 pp. 1971. Comparative study of Pseudo­ monos andropogonis, P Sitzolobi, and P. 2285 POORNACHANDRUDU, D., and 2296 SUNDARAM, N.V., BHOWMIK, alboprecipitans. Annals of the Phytopa- VENKATA RAO, G., NAGARAJAN, K., and T.P. and KHAN, I. 1970. New host for thological society of Japan 37(4): 233- KOTESWARA RAO, G. 1971. Effect of Sphacelia sorghi. Indian Phytopathology 241. 23 ref. dale of seeding on the incidence of 23(1): 128-130. 6 ref. sorghum sugary disease (Sphacelia sorgh; 2808 HALE, C.N., and WILKIE, J.P. McRae). Sorghum Newsletter 14: 45-46. 2297 TAMIMI, S.A. 1970-71. Reaction 1972. Comparative study of Pseudo­ of some sorghum varieties to long smut monas species pathogenic to sorghum. 2286 PURANIK, S.B., PADAGANUR, disease in Iraq. Mesopotamia Journal of New Zealand Journal of Agriculural G.M.,and HIREMATH, FlN. 1973. Suscep- Agriculture 5(6): 47-57. Research 15(3): 448-456. tibility period of sorghum ovaries to Sphacelia sorghi. Indian Phytopathology 2298 26(3): 586-587. 4 ref. insrhmganTRIPATHI, R.K.netdwt 1973. Aflatoxins ed 1972.2309 Bacterial HALE, leafC.N, stripe and ofWLKIE, sorghum J.P. in in sorghum grains Infected with head New Zealand caused by Pseudomonas moulds. Indian Journal of Experimental rubrisubalbicans. New Zealand Journal of 2287 RAMA SASTRY, D.V. 1973. Biology 11(4): 361-362, 363. Studies of the sugary disease of sorghum Agricultural Research 15(3): 457-460,14 caused by Sphacelia sorghi McRae. Ph.D. 2299 WILSON, JM., and FREDE- ref. thesis, Indian Agi "ultural Research Insti- RIKSEN, R.A. 1970. Histopathology of the 2310 RANGASWAMI, G., and RAJA­ lute, New Delhi, India. interaction of Sorghum bicolor and Spha- GOPALAN, 5. 1973. Bacterial diseases of celoiheca reiliana. Phytopathology 60(5): cereals: Sorghum vulgare Pers. Pages 2288 RANGANATHAIAH, K.G 1971. 828-832. 9 ref. 103-105 in Bacterial Plant Pathology. Studies on grain smut of jowar caused by Coimbatore, India: Tamilnadu Agricultural Sphacelotheca sorghi (Link) Clinton. 2300 WILSON, J.M., and FREDE- University. Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences RIKSEN, R.A. 1970. Histopathology of 5(4): 506 resistance inthe Sorghum bicolor/Spha- 2311 VLASOVA, V.I., and NILOLAEVA, celotheca reilana interaction. Phytopa- N.F. 1973. Bacterial diseases of sorghum 2989 RANGANATHAIAH, K.G., and thology 60(9): 1365-1367. 4 ref. in the Stavropol'region. (Ru). Nauchnye GOVINDU, H.C. 1970. Reaction of some Trudy Stavropol'skogo Sel'skokhoz,aist­ sorghum varieties to grain smut (Sphace- Bacterial Diseases vennogo Instituta 3(35): 41-45. lotheca sorghi (Link) Clinton). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 40(4): 2301 CHUMAEVSKAYA, MA. 1971. 2312 WATSON, D.R.W. 1971. Bac­ 298-301. 12 ref. Bacterial streak disease of sorghum and terial pathogen of sorghum in New sudangrass. (Ru). Vestnik Moskovskogo Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricul­ 2290 ROSENOW, D.T., FREDERIK- Universiteta, Seriya VI, Bidlogiyal, Poch- tural Research 14(4): 944-947. SEN, RA., and REYES, L. 1970. Resis- vovedenie 26(5): 115-117. tance to the new race of head smut Virus Diseases (Sphacelotheca reiana). Sorghum 2302 CHUMAEVSKAYA, M.A. 1972 2313 ANON. 1973. Virus-free sor- Newsletter 13: 70-71. Spots on sorghum and sudangrass. (Ru). ghum. Astep closer. Queensland Agricul­

2291 ROSENOW, D.T., FREDERIK- Zaschita Rastenir17(8): 3 tural Journal 99(4): 214. SEN, R.A., and WILSON, J.M. 1973. Fusa- 2303 EASWARAN, K.S.S. 1970. Con- 2314 BATTE, RD., TOLER, RW., and rium head blight of sorghum in Texas. trol of bacterial red leaf blotch disease in BOCKHOLT, AJ. 1970. Effect o time of Sorghum Newsletter 16:132-135. sorghum. Indian Phytopathology 23(1): inoculation with maize-dwarf mosaic 2292 SIDDIQUI, M.R., and KHAN,I.D. 156. 2292SIDIOUIad KHN, MR,D. virusics of strain grain A sorghum on agronomic hybrids. characteris- Phytopa­ 1973. Fungi and factors associated with 2304 EASWARAN, K.SS. 1971. Phy- thology 60(4): 581. the development of sorghum ear-moulds. siology of resistarce to a bacterial Transactions of the Mycological Society disease in sorghum.* . Alterations in the 2315 BENIWAL, S.P.S., and GUDAU­ of Japan 14(3): 289-293. phenols. Phytopatholo.gische Zeitschrift SKAS, R. 1972. Virus-infected corn and 71(2): 141-146. 21 ref. sorghum more susceptible to fungal 2293 SUNDARAM, N.V. 1970. Sugary attack. Highlights of Agricultural Research disease of sorghum. Pages 435-439 in 2305 EASWARAN, K.S.S. 1972. Phy- 19(2): 14. Plant Disease Problems (ed. S.P. Ray- siology of resistance to a bacterial chaudhuri). New Delhi: Indian Phytopa- disease in sorghum. II. Carbohydrate 2316 BHARGAVA, K.S., JOSHI, R.D., thological Society. metabolism in normal and inoculated and NARAYAN RISHI. 1971. Cynodon 70 Pathology

mosaic-a new virus disease of ber- and DENNIS, R.E. 1970. Elevation and Southern France. (Fr). Annales de Phyto­ mudagrass. Indian Phytopathology 24(1): temperature effects on severity of maize pathologle 2(4): 681-687. 12 ref. (Sum­ 119-122. 10 ref. dwarf mosaic virus in sorghum in Arizona. mary: En.) Plant Disease Reporter 54(12): 1064- 2330 Deleted 1068. 12 ref. 2317 CHATTERJEE, S.N., and SINGH, A.B. 1973. 2 new virus diseases of Sor- 2340 SIGNORET, P.A. 1971. Studies ghum vulgare in Poona. Indian Science 2327 HOLLAND, J.F., and EVANS, G. of a mechanically transmissible virus Congress Asscciation Proceedings 60: 1971. Virus diseases of sorghum. Sor- isolated from sorghum in Southern 673-674. ghum Newsletter 14: 11. 1 ref. France. Plant Disease Reporter 55(12): 1090-1093. 1 ref. 2318 DANIELS, N.E., and TOLER, 2328 HUTCHINSON, P.B.,FORTEATH, R.W. 1971. Transmission of maize dwarf G.N.R., and OSBORN, A.W. 1972. Corn, 2341 SNOW, J.P. 1970. Effects of mosaic by the greenbug. Texas Agricul- sorghum and Fiji disease. Sugarcane maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) infec­ tural Experiment Station Progress Report Pathologists' Newsletter 9: 12-14. lion, variety, temperature, and light on the no. 2863-2876. pp. 20-22. ultrastructure and red pigment expression 2329 IGNOFFO, C.M. 1973. Deve- of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. Ph.D. 2319 DOCAMPO, D., and IRMA LA- lopment of a viral insecticide: concept to thesis, Texas A&M Univers, USA, 54 pp. GUNA. 1973. Maize dwarf mosaic virus commercialization. Experimental Para­ (MDMV) r.,maize and sorghum in sitology 33(2)Y 380-406. 2342 SNOW, J.P., and TOLER, R.W. Cordoba Province. Idia 312: 47-54. 1970. Ultrastructure of MDMV-infected 2330 JOHNSON, J.W. 1970. Effect of grain sorghum varieties susceptible and 2320 DUNKLE, L.D. 1973. Relation of a systemic insecticide on the spread of tolerant to MDM infection.Phytopathology virus-like particles to toxin-producing maize dwarf virus in sorghum. Sorghum 60(4): 588. fungi in corn and sorghum. Proceedings of Newsletter 13: 74. Annual Corn and Sorghum Research 2343 SUNDARAM,N.V.,NAYAR,S.K., Conference 28: 1321-1322. 2331 KHURANA, S.M.P., and SINGH, and RAMA SASTRY, D.V. 1973. Note on S.1972. Sugarcane mosaic strains, E & C occurrence of crazy top of sorghum in 2321 EDMUNDS, L.K., and NIBLETT, in India and new sorghum differentials. India. Indian Phytopatho!ogy 26(3): 603­ C.L. 1973. Occurrence of panicle necro- Sugarcane Pathologists' Newsletter 9: 6- 605. 6 ref. sis and small seed as manifestations of 8. maize dwarf mosaic virus infection in 2344 TEAKLE, D.S., CONDE, B., otherwise symptomless grain sorghum 2332 KLEIN, M., HARPAZ, I., GREEN- MOORE, R.F., and FLETCHER, D.S. 1972. plants. Phytopathology 63(3): 388-392. 5 BERGER, A., and SELA, I. 1973. Mosaic Transfer of sugarcane mosaic virus ref. virus disease of maize and sorghum in resistance from Krish sorghum to inbred Israel. Plant Disease Reporter 57(2): 125- lines. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 2-3. 4 ref. -2322 FAZLI, S.F1. 1971. Response of 128.22 ref. sorghum, millet and corn to different 2345 TEAKLE, D.S, GEORGE, D.L., strains of sugarcane mosaic virus and 2333 MARKOV, M., 1972. Studies on BYTH, D.E., and MOORE, R.F. 1970. strain Aol maize dwarf mosaic virus. Ph.D. maize mosaic in Bulgaria. I. Identific~tion Inheritance of red stripe and mosaic thesis, Texas A&M University, USA. 166 of the virus. (Bg). Rasteniev"dni Nauki reactions in sorghum. Sorghum News­ pp. 9(8): 171-179. (Summary: Bg, Ru, En,) letter 13: 2-3. 2 ref.

2323 FAZLI, S.F.I.,TOLER, R.W., and 2334 MOLINE, H.E. 1973. Mechani- 2346 TEAKLE, D.S., and GRYLLS, BOCKHOLT, A.J. 1970. Reaction of cally transmissible viruses from corn and N.E. 1973. Four strains of sugarcane selected sorghum and millet hybrids, sorghum in South Dakota. Plant Disease mosaic virus infecting cereals and other cultivars, and accessions to strains of Reporter 57(4): 373-374. 4 ref. grasses in Australia. Australian Journal of sugarcane mosaic virus and maize dwarf Agricultural Research 24(4): 465-477. 20 mosaic virus. Phytopathology 60(9): 2335 PAULSEN, A.O., and SILL, W.H. ref. 1291-1292. 1970. Absence of cross-protection bet­ ween maize dwarf mosaic virus strains A 2347 TEAKLE, D.S., and MOORE, R.E. 2324 FUTRELL, M.C. 1971. Associa- and B in grain sorghums. Plant Disease 1972. Apparent effect of the N gene of tion of maize dwarf mosaic virus and Reporter 54(7): 627-629. 6 ref. sorghum on incidence ofinfection by a Fusarium moniliforme with yellows and "Johnson grass" strain of sugarcane stunting of corn and mosaic of grain 2336 PERSLEY, D.M., GREBER, R.S., mosaic virus. Australian Journal of sorghum. Pages 10-12 in 7th Grain and MOORE, R.F. 1972. Research notes: Biological Sciences 25(4): 873-875. 1 ref. Sorghim Research and Utilization Con- a new source of mosaic resistance in ferenLt. Biennial Program, USA. Lubbock, sorghum. Australian Plant Pathology 2348 TEAKLE, D.S., MOORE, R.F., Texas: Grain Sorghum Producers' Asso- Society Newsletter 1(2): 11-12. GEORGE, D.L., and BYTH, D.E. 1970. ciation. Inheritance of the necrotic and mosaic 2337 ROSENKRANZ, E.E. 1973. Pre- reactions in sorghum infected with a 2325 GILLASPIE, A.G.Jr., and KOIKE, sent status of MDM corn stunt and other "Johnson grass" strain of sugarcane H. 1973. Sugarcane mosaic virus and virus and virus-like diseases of corn and mosaic virus. Australian Journal of maize dwarf virus in mixed infections of sorghum. Proceedings Annual Corn Sor- Agricultural Research 21(4): 549-556. 10 sugarcane and other grasses. Phytopa- ghum Research Conference 27: 65-79. ref. thology 63110): 1300-1307. 2338 SIGNORET, P.A. 1970. First 2349 TEAKLE, D.S.,PRITCHARD, A.J. 2326 HINE. R3., OSBORNE, WE., observations of a mosaic on sorghums in 1971. Resistance of Krish sorghumlo four ivematoaes 71

strains of sugarcane mosaic virus in 2360 MURTY, KN. 1971. Striga in- Nematropica 2(2): 30-32. Queensland. Plant Disease Reporter cidence in Andhra Pradesh, India. Sor­ 55(7):'596-598. 11 re. ghum Newsletter 14: 46. 2371 DICKERSON, O.J., WILLIS, W.G., 2350 TOLER, DAINELLO, F.J., and PAIR, J.C. 1973. R.W., BOCKHOLT, A.J., 2361 OGBORN, J.E.A. 1970. Methods Sting nematode, Belonolaimus Iongicauda­ and FAZLI S.F.I. 1971. Sorghums with of controlling Striga hermonthica for West tus, in Kansas. Plant Disease Reporter multiple virus disease resistance. Pages African farmers. Samaru Agricultural 56(11): 957. 6 ref. 8-9 in 7th Grain Sorghum Research and Newsletter 12(6): 90-96. 37 ref. Utilization Conference Biennial Program, 2372 DUNN, R.A., and MAI,W.F. 1973. USA. Lubbock, Texas: Grain Sorghum 2362 OGBORN, J.EA. 1972. Signi- Reproduction of Pratylenchus penetrans Producers' Association. ficance of the seasonal pattern of in roots of seven cover crop species of emergence of Striga hermonthica Benth. green-house experiments. Plant Disease 2351 TOSIC, M., and MALAK, J. 1973. Pages 562-571 in Sorghum inseventies: Reporter 57(9): 728-730. 5 ref. Reaction of some sorghum varieties to Proceedings of an international sym­ certain isolates of maize mosaic, maize posium, organized by AICSIP, 27-30 2373 EDIZ, S.A. 1972. Pathogenicity dwarf mosaic and sugarcane mosaic October 1971, Hyderabad (eds. N.G.P. of Meloidogyne naasi to Sorghum bicolor viruses, (Sh). Zastita Bilja 24(122): 15-23. Rao and L.R. House). New Delhi, India: and life cycle and additional hosts of M. (Summary: En). Oxford and India Book House. naasi, Ph D.thesis, Kansas State University, USA. 54 pp. 2352 ZUMMO, N., andGORDON, D.T. 2363 PANCHAL, Y.C.1973.Striga:the 1971. Comparative study of five mosaic enemy of sorghum. Current Research 2374 FORTUNER, R. 1973. Descrip­ virus isolates infecting corn, johnsongrass, 2(8): 55-56. tion of Pratylenchus sefaensis n. sp. and sorghum in the United States. Hoplolaimus clarissimus Phytopathology n. sp. (Nema- 61(4) 389-394, 31 ref. 2364 TEFEREDEt3N, T. 1973. Stimula- toda: Tylenchida). (Fr). Cahiers ORSTOM, lion of Striga hermonthica Benth. germina- Sdrie Biologie 21: 25-34. (Summary: En.) Parasitic Flowering Plants tion with sorghum rool exudate. M.Tech. thesis, Brunel University, UK. 36 pp. 30 ref. 2375 FORTUNER, R., 2353 CHOPDE, and AMOU­ P.R,, and SHINDE, GOU, J. 1973. Tylenchorhynchus gladio- V.K. 1973. Effect of coriander sowing and 2365 VENKATESWARA RAO, L., latus n.sp. (Nematoda: Tylenchida), a mahua powder treatment on germination RANGAIAH, BV., and PARTHASARATHY, nematode associated with crops in of Striga parasite. Sorghum Newsletter 16: A.V. 19701. Screening of new hybrid Senegal and Gambia, (Fr). Cahiers 58-59. derivatives of sorghum against striga ORSTOM, Sdrie Biologie 21: 21-24. (Striga lutea Lour). Sorghum Newsletter (Summary: En.) 2354 CHOPDE, P.R., and SHINDE, 13: 29. V.K. 1973. Effect of Gramoxone and 2376 GOLDEN, A.M., and BIRCH- Fernoxone (paraquat and 2, 4-D) on the Nematodes FIELD, W.1972. Heferodera graminophila control of Striga weed. Sorghum News- n. sp. (Nematoda: Heteroderidae) from letter 16: 59-60. 2366 ANWAR, SA., CHAUDHRY,G.O., grass with .a key to closely related and CHAUDHRY, N.A. 1973. Nematodes species. Journal of Nematology 4(2): 147­ 2355 CHOPDE, P.R., SHINDE, V.K., associated with corn and sorghum. 154. 8 ref. and SEWLIKAR, A.L. 1973. Screening Punjab Journal of Agricultural Research. sorghum varieties for resistance to striga 11(4): 101-102. 2377 GOOD, J.M. MURPHY, W.S., (Striga lulea Lour). Sorghum Newsletter and BRODIE, B.B. 973. Population 16: 57-58. 2367 BIRCHFIELD, W. 1973. Patho- dynamics of plant nematodes in cultivated genesis and host-parasite relations of the soil: length of rotation in newly cleared and 2356 EGLEY, G.H. 1971. Mineral cyst nematode, Heterodera graminophia, old agricultural land. Journal of Nemato­ nutrition and the parasite-host relation- on grasses. Phytopathology 63(1): 38-40 logy 5(2): 117-122. 11 ref. ship of witchweed (Striga). Weed science 5 ret. 2378 19(5): 528-533.23 ref.278JHONA.,anBUT JOHNSON. AW., and BURTON, , 2368 CHAWLA, M.L., and PRASAD, G.W. 1971. Effects of two nematicides on S.K 1973. 2357 RAT, FRANCE. Multiple cropping and a mixed population of five species of 1971. Methods nematodes. 1. Effect of fertility manage- plant-parasitic nematodes and on yield of of protection against strigas. (Fr). Cahiers ment and intensive rotations on nematode selected millet and sorghum-sudangrass d'Agricullure Pratique des Pays Chauds 3: populations and crop yield. Indian Journal hybrids. Journal of Nematology 3(4): 314­ 145-150. of Nematology 3(1): 34-39. 22 ref. 315.

2358 KASASIAN, L. 1973. Miscella- 2369 CHEVRESROMAN, 2379 JOHNSON, A.W., and BURTON, neous observations R, GROSS, G.W. 1973. Comparison of millet and on the biology of H.D., and SASSER, J.N. 1971. Influence of sorghum-sudangrass hybrids grown in Orobanche crenata and 0. aegyptiaca, selected nematode species and number untreated soil and soil treated with two Pages 68-75 in Symposium on Parasitic of consecutive plantings of corn and nemalicides. Journal of Nematology 5(1): Weeds, Malta, 1973 Wageningen, Nether- sorghum on forage production, chemical 54-59. 8 ref. lands: European Weed Research Council. composition of plant and soil, and water use efficiency. Nematropica 1(2): 40-41, 2380 KHAN, AF., and 2359 MORABAD, KHAN, A.M. IR., JAGANNATH, 46. 1972. Studies on distribution and popula- B., KURDIKERI, C.B., and KAJJARI, N.B. tion of Longidorus brevicaudatus, Xiph­ 1972. Striga resistance in sorghum. 2370 DAO, D.F. 1972. Influence of inema basiri and X.americanum in Uttar Sorghum Newsletter 15: 47-49. 4 ref. different crops on populations of nematodes. Pradesh and Rajasthan with description of 72 Entomology

Longidorus psidii n. sp. (Nematoda: 2393 BRENIERE. J. 1970. Entomo- 2405 KADOUM, A.M., and SAE, S.W. Dorylaimoidea). Indian Phytopathology logical research carried out in French- 1970. Effects of some organophosphorus 25(2): 269-274. 6 ref. speaking West Africa in the fields of compounds and their metabolites on sorghum and millet. African Soils 15(1-3): sorghum grain esterase and certain 2381 TIKYANI, M.G.. and KHERA, S. 93-99. 15 ref. insects attacking sorghum grain. Bulletin 1970. New species of Telotylenchus of Environmental Contamination and (Nematoda: Tylenchida). Labdev Journal 2394 DAVIES, J.C., and JOWETT, D. ToAicology 5(3): 213-217. of Science and Technology 88(1): 27-29. 1970. Control of sorghum pests with insecticides in Eastern Uganda. East 2406 KETCHERSID, M.L. 1970. 2382 TIKYANI. M.G., and KHERA, S African Agricultural and Forestry Journal Residues in sorghum treated with the iso­ 1970. Survival of a new species of 35(4): 414-421.12 ref. octylesterof2,4-D.PesticidesMonitoring Telotylenchus in the absence of host plant Journal 14(3): 11-113. 7 ref. Sorghum vulgate. Indian Science Congress 23P3 DePEW, L.J. 1971. Effect of in­ Association Proceedings 57(4): 549-550. furrow treatments of three systemic 2407 KOURA, A., and EL-HALFAWY, R insecticides on grain Sorghum bicnlor A. 1972. Weight loss in stored grains 2383TAGA , G.C. endS, emergence. Journal of Economic Entoo- caused by insect infestation in Egypt. des odhpurensis n.sp. pfromsoil of great logy 64(5): 1321-1322. 5 ref. Bulletin de la Soci~t6 Entomologique desfom silodhuresis f geatd'Egypto . s. 56: 413-417. millet from Rajasthan, India. Zoologischer 2396 DICKE, F.F. 1972. Philosophy on Anzeiger 184(3-4): 239-241. the biological control of insect pests. 2408 LAVERY, H.J., and BLACKMAN, Journal of Environmental Quality 1(3): J.G. 1970. Sorghum damage by torikeets. 2384 VERMA, R.S. 1970. Scutel- 249-253. Queensland Agricultural Journal 96(11): Ionema ramai sp. nov. (Nematoda: Hoplo- 785-787. laiminae) associated with Sorghum vul- 2397 FARIS, M.A.E., and SANTOS, gate Pers from Uttar Pradesh. Bulletin of J.H.R. 1973. Controlling insects under 2409 LLOYD, C. 1971. Control meas­ Entomology 11(2), 118-120. pollination bags. Sorghum Newsletter 16: ures for several insects occurring under 11. pollination bags in sorghum breeding 2385 VERMA, R.S. 1972. Three new nurseries, Sorghum Newsletter 14: 12. species of nematodes in the sub-family 2398 FYE, R.E. 1971. Grain sorghum: Ecphyadophorinae associated with a source of insect predators for Insectson 2410 McMILLIAN, W.W., and WISE- cereal crops in Uttar Pradesh (India). cotton. Progressive Agriculture in Arizona MAN, B.R. 1972. Insect species present Zoologischer Anzeiger 189(1-2): 89-94. 23(1): 12-13. on sorghum heads of various stages of maturity. Journal of the Georgia Entomo­ ENTOMOLOGY 2399 FYE, R.E., and CARRANZA, R.L. logical Society 7(3): 179-182. 1972. Movement of insect predators from General grain sorghum to cotton. Environmental 2411 MEISCH, M.V., TEETES, G.L., 2386 ANON. 1971. Insect control in Entomology 1(6): 790-791. 2 ref. RANDOLPH, N.M., and BOCKHOLT, A.J. field corn sorghum and smallgrains 1971 ­ 2400 GUPTA, J.C. 1972. Incidence of 1970. Phytotoxic effects of insecticideson 72. Arizona University Extension Folder 2400nsc etso alysme six varieties of grain sorghum. Journal of no. 146. 4 s iF mator insect pests of early summer Economic Entomology 63(5): 1516-1517. fodders in Haryana, India. FAO Plant 7 ref. 2387 ANON. 1971. International sym- Protection Bulletin 20(2): 36-38. 2 ref. -2412 MOORE, L., GERHARDT, P.D., 1973. sorghum. Pesticides 5(12):35- 2401 HARDAS, M.G., SUPARE, N.R., TUTTLE, D.M, and WARE, G.W. posium on 93 36. R- TTLDMadWRGW and KARANJKAR, R.R. 1972. Influence of Fie:d corn sorghum and small grain insect Arizona University Co­ 2388 ANON. 1971.Research on grain modern systemic insecticides on the c,ntrol, 1973-74. Extension Service no. 14. 4 pp. sorghum insects and spider miles in development of grain sorghum. Sorghum operative 81-82, 83. Texas. Texas Agricultural Experiment Newsletter 15: MOSHER, D.R., and KADOUM, Station. Progress Report no. 2863-2876. 2413 Effects of four lights on pp. 2402 JOTWANI, M.G., DINESH, C., A.M. 1972. 35 YOUNG, W.R., SUKHANI, T.R., and malathion residues on glass beads, 2389 ALLWOOD, A.J. 1971. Sorghum SAXENA, P.N. 1971. Estimation of avoid- sorghum grain, and wheat grain. Journal entomology. Sorghum Newsletter 14: 5-6. able losses caused by the insect complex of Economic Entomology 65(3): 847-850. on sorghum hybrid CSH-1 and percentage 10 ref. 2390 BOTTRELL, D.G. 1971. Entomo- increase in yield over untreated control. logical advances in sorghum production. Indian Journal of Entomology 33(4): 375- 2414 PASSLOW, T. 1973. Insect pests Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, 383. 5 ref. of grain sorghum. Queensland Agri­ Progress Report no. 2938-2949, pp. 28- cultural Journal 99(12): 620-628. 40. 2403 JOTWANI, M.G., and YOUNG, W.R. 1971. Sorghum insect control: here's 2415 PRADHAN. S. (ea.) 1971. Inves­ 2391 BOYER, W.P. 1971. Insects of what's working in India. World Farming tigations of insect pests of sorghum and sorghum in Arkansas. Arkansas Farm 13(9): 6-8, 10, 11. millets, 1965-70. Final Technical Report, Research 20(1): 2. New Delhi, India: IARI. 157 pp. 2404 KADOUM A.M., and LAHUE, 2392 BOYER, W.P., BARNES, G.. and D.W. 1972. Degradation of malathion on 2416 PRADHAN, S. 1971. Practical and sterilized sorghum grain, strategy of integrated pest control.Inter­ JONES, B.F. 1971. Control grain sorghum viable ­ insects. Arkansas University Extension Journal of Economic Entomology 65(2): national Congress of Entomology 2: 170 Leaflet no. 451.8 pp. 497-500. 11 ref. 173. Aphids 73

2417 RANEY, H.G. 1973. Grain sor- 2428 TIPTON, K.W., FLOYD, E.H., in soil and grain sorghum. Texas Agri­ ghum insects. University of Kentucky MARSHALL, J.G., and RABB, J.L. 1970. cultural Experiment Station, Progress Re- Cooperative Extension Service no. 20. 2 Testing insecticide leaf damage to grain port no. 2863-2876, pp. 25-28. pp. sorghum. Louisiana Agriculture 13(3): 10­ 11. 2439 SRIVASTAVA, A.S., and SRI­ 2418 RATHORE, VS., RAGHUWAN- VASTAVA, K.M., and NIGAM, P.M. 1971. SHI, R.K., SOOD, NK.,andKAUSHIKU.K. 2429 WISEMAN, BR., FRENCH, J., On the life history of white grub, 1970. Control of Sorghum pests. PANS McMILLIAN, W.W., and TODD, J.W. 1973. Bolotrichia consanguinea Blanch (Cole­ 16(2): 358-360. 3 ret. Insecticide treatment to reduce loss in opt., Melolonthidae). Zeitschrift fOr yield to sorghum caused by sorghum Angewandte Entomologie 68(2): 154­ 2419 ROSAS, JE. 1970. Phytotoxi- insects. Journal of the Georgia Entomo- 157. city of 9 insecticide formulations applied logy Society.8(2): 123-126. to 21 sorghum cultivars. (Es). Agricultura 2440 TEETES, G.L. 1973 Phyllop- Tecnica en Mexico 3 (1): 31-35. 7 ref. 2430 WISEMAN, B.R., McMILLIAN, haga crinita: Damage assessment and (Summary: En, De, Fr.) W.W., FRENCH, J., ard TODD.J.W. 1972. control in grain sorghum and wheat. Control of insects attacking sorghums in Journal of Economic Entomology 66(3): 2420 ROSAS, J.E. 1972. Phytotoxicity South Georgia. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 773-776. 10 ref. of some insecticides of 21 varieties of 22. Aphids grain sorghum in Tamaulipas. Folia Entomologica Mexicana 23-24: 35-36. 2431 WISEMAN, BR., McMILLIAN, W.W., and WIDSTROM, N.W. 1973. Insect 2441 BARBULESCU, A. 1971. Effect 2421 RUMMEL, D.R., and TEETES, resistance studies on sorghum at SGIRL. of some chemical fertilizers on green GL. 1973. Effect of pesticides on balance Pages 59-60 in 8th Grain Sorghum cereal aphid (Schizaphis graminum at arthropod populations in grain sor- BiIsiuuuidResearch Utilization Conference, Rond.) attack oneclr sorghum. Pnr (Ro). rtciAnalele ghurn. Folia Entomologica Mexicana 25- Biennial Program, USA. Lubbock, Texas: nstituuui de Cerceari Pentru Protectia 26: 67. Grain Sorghum Producers' Association. Plantelor 7:185-192. (Summary. En.) 2442 BARBULESCU, A. 1973. Role of 2432 YOOVADEE GRANADOS, KO- cultural measures in the control of the 2422 SALDARRIAGE, V.A. 1973. SOL CHARERNSOM, SURACHET cereal greently (Schizaphis graminum Parasites, predators and entomophagous JAMORNMAN, and ANUCHIT CHINA- Rand.) on sorghum. (Ro). Probleme de organisms of corn and sorghum pests in JARIYAWONG 1973. Insect pests of Protectia Plantelor 1(1): 50-71. 17 ref. Colombia. (Es.). Pages 287-296 in 5th maize and sorghum inThailand and their (Summary: En) Meeting of Corn Producers in the Andean control. Pages 138-141 in Kaselsart Zone, Pairumani, Cochabamba,26March University Annual Report 1972-73. 2443 BELTRAN, J.A. 1972. Effect of 1973. Cali, Columbia: CIAT. Bangkok, Thailand: Kasetsart University. photoperiod and temperature on sorghum uptake and greenbug ingestion of isoto­ 2423 SALDARRIAGE, V.A. 1973. In- 2433 YORK, G.T. 1970. Recent deve- pically labelled nutrients and 14Cthimet. sects and other pests of corn and lopments regarding insects of cereals. Ph.D. thesis. University of Nebraska, USA sorghum in Colombia Pages 302-311 in (Fr). African Soils 15(1-3): 493-496. 3 ref. 159 pp. 5th Meeting of Corn Producers in the Andean Zone. Pairumani, Cochabamba, 2434 YOUNG, J.H., and PRICE, R.G 2444 BOTTRELL, D.G.1971.Sorghum 26 March 1973. Cali, Colombia: CIAT. 1970. Entomology research. Oklahoma greenbug progress with an old pest on a Agricultural Experiment Station, Progress new crop. Texas Agricultural Progress 2424 SCHEIBNER, R.A., and GRE- Report no. 639, pp. 8-10. 17(4): 18-19. GORY, W.W. 1970. 1970 insecticide recommendations for field corn, small 2435 ZAFAR, AM., and AHMAD, M. 2445 BOTTRELL, D.G., and CATE, grains, grain sorghum, and bluegrass. 1973. Quantitative determination of dime- J.R.Jr. 1970. Evaluation of insecticides University of Kentucky Cooperative Ser- cron (Phophamidon) residues on citrus, applied as foliar sprays for controlling vice Miscellaneous no. 278-G. 5 pp. sorghum, ar.d brinjal by chemical method. greenbugs on grain sorghum, Lubbock Pakistan Journal of Scientific Research County, Texas, 1969. Texas Agricultural 2425 SCHEIBNER, R.A., GREGORY, 25(1-2): 25-30. 6 rel. Experiment Station, Progress Report no. W.W., and RANEY, H.G. 1972.1972 insec- 2758.3 pp. licide recommendations for field corn, Soils Pests small grains, sorghum, and blue grass 2446 BOTTRELL, D.G., and CATE, University of Kentucky Cooperative Exten- 2436 CALKINS, C.O. and KIRK, V.M. J.R.Jr. 1970. Evaluation of systemic sian Service Miscellaneous no, 278. 6 pp. 1973. Food preferences of a false insecticides applied as seed and solid wireworm, Eleodes suluralis. Environ- treatments for controlling greenbugs on 2426 SINGHANIA, D L 1972. Know mental Entomology 2(1): 105-108. 4 ref. grain sorghum, Lubock County, Texas, your sorghum and ds pests. Indian 1969. Texas Agricultural Experiment Farmers' Digest 5(8): 37-38. 2437 DANIELS. N.E. 1971. Detection Station, Progress Report no. 2761.6 pp. of insecticidal residue and control of soil 2427 SUKHANI. T.R, SRIVASTAVA, insects. Journal of Economic Entomology 2447 BURCHETT, D.M. 1970. Preli- K P., and JOTWANI, MG 1973. Gum 64(1): 175-177. 9 ref. minary control work on "sorghum green­ acacia as a sticker for sorglum seed bug" insouthern Colorado. Entomological treatment. Entomo:.gists' Newsletter 2438 DANIELS, N.E. 1971. Soil insect SocietyofAmerica, North-Central Branch 3(4): 25-26. control and insecticidal residue detection Proceedings 25(2): 131-132. 74 Entomology

2448 CATE, J.R.Jr., and BOTTRELL, 2459 EIKENBARY, R.D.1972. Biology 2470 JOHNSON, J.W.1971.Evaluatlon D.G. 1971. Greenbug control with low and integrated control of greenbug on of sorghums for greenbug resistance. application rates ot insecticide. Sorghum small grains and sorghum. Oklahoma Sorghum Newsletter 14: 114-116. 1 ref. Newsletter 14: 117-118. 1 ref. Agricultural Experiment Station, Progress Report no. 662. 43 pp. 2471 JOHNSON, J.W., and TEETES, 2449 CATE, J.R.Jr, and BOTTRELL, G.L. 1972. Evaluation of sorghum hybrids D.G. 1971. Reaction of eight grain 2460 ESMAILI, M., and WILDE, G. and lines for adult plant greenbug sorghum hybrids to natural populations of 1972. Behaviour of the parasiteAphelinus resistance. Sorghum Newsletter 15:137. the greenbug, Lubbock County, Texas, asychis in relation to the greenbug and 1969. Texas Agricultural Experiment certain hosts. Environmental Entomology 2472 JOHNSON, J.W., and TEETES, 3 ref. GL 1973. Technique to evaluate adult Station, Progress Report no. 2763. 3 pp. 1(2): 266-268. sorghum plants for greenbug resistance.

2450 CATE, J.R.Jr., BOTTRELL, D.G., 2461 FREDERIKSEN, R.A., BOCK- Sorghum Newsletter 16:139-140. and TEETES, G.L. 1973. Management of HOLT, A.J., and JOHNSON, J.W. 1972. 2473 RANEY, H.G. 1970. HostLpara- the greenbug on grain sorghum. 1. Disease reactions of greenbug resistant site Interaction between Aphelinus asy- Testing foliar treatments of insecticides selections. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 137- chis (Walker), and imported parasite, and against greenbug and corn leaf aphids. 138. three aphid species of sorghums. Ph.D. Journal of Economic Entomology 66(4): thesis, Oklahoma State University, USA. 945-951. 15 ref. 2462 FREDERIKSEN, R.A., and DANI- 72 pp. ELS, N.E. 1970. Influence ofgreenbugs on 2451 CATE, J.R.Jr., BOTTRELL, D.G., stalk rots of sorghum. Texas Agricultural 2474 RANEY, H.G., COLES, L.W., and TEETES, G.L. 1973. Management of Experiment Station, Progress Report no. EIKENBARY, R.D., and MORRISON, R.D. the greenbug on grain sorghum. 2. 2772. 7 pp. 1 ref. 1971. Host preference, longevity, deve- Testing seed and soil treatments for lopmental period and sex ratio of Aphe­ greenbug and corn leaf aphid control 2463 HACKEROTT, H.L., and HARVEY, linus asychis with three sorghum-fed Journal of Economic Entomology 66(4): T.L. 1971. Greenbug injury to resistant species of aphids held at controlled 953-959,6 ret. and susceptible sorghums in the field, temperatures. Annals of the Entomological 14 ref. Society of America 64(1): 169-176. 2452 GATE, RH., ARCHER, T.L., Crop Science 11 (5): 641 -643. EIKENBARY, R.D., STARKS, K.J., and 2464 HARRIS, H.B., and TIPPINS, 2475 SCHUSTER, D.J. 1973. Compo- MORRISON, RD. 1973. Parasitizalion of H.H. 1973. Aphid, worm and mold control nents of sorghum resistance to the the greenbug by Aphelinus asychis and under selling bags. Sorghum Newsletter biotype C greenbug, Schizaphisgraminum the effect of feeding by the parasitoid on 16: 112-113. (Rondani), and host and plant response of aphid mortality. Environmental Entomo- a native parasite Lysiphlebus lestaceipes logy 2(4): 549-553.13 ref. 2465 HARVEY, T.L. 1971. Research (Cresson). Ph.D thesis, Oklahoma ';ate on greenbug and resistance in sorghum. University, USA. 81 pp. 2453 DANIELS, N.E. 1971. Insecticidal Pages 84-86 in 7th Grain Sorghum greenbug control ingrain sorghum. Texas Research and Utilization Conference 2476 SCHUSTER, D.J., and STARKS, Agricultural Experiment Station, Progress Biennial Program. USA. Lubbock, Texas: K.J. 1973. Greenbugs: components of Report no. 2163-2876. pp. 16-20. Grain Sorghum Producers' Association. host plant resistance in sorghum. Journal of Economic Entomology 66(5): 1131­ 2454 DANIELS, NE. 1972. Insecticidal 2466 HARVEY, T.L., and HACKE- 1134.8 ref. control of greenbugs in grain sorghum ROTT, H.L. 1970. Chemical control of a Journal of Economic Entomology 65(1): greenbug on sorghum and infestation 2477 SCHWEISSING, F.C., and 235-24C. 3 ref. effects on yields. Journal of Economic BURCHETT, D.M 1973. Greenbug control Entomology 63(5): 1536-1539. 15 ref. on sorghum. Colorado State University, 2455 DANIELS, N.E., and CHEDES- Agricultural Experiment Station, Progress TER, L.D. 1971. Greenbug control ingrain 2467 JACKSON, H.B. 1971.Parasite- Report no PR 73-38 3 pp, sorghum. Texas Agricultural Experiment hos interacKion of native parasites and RprnP 73-38 3 pp. Station, Progress Report no. 2951-2952, htinteraci o aivesparasitesuan 2478 SETOKUCHI, 0. 1973. Ecology pp. 142-166. Aphefinus asychis on aphids of sorghum. of Longiunguis sacchari (Zehntner) (Aphi- Ph.D. thesis, Oklahoma State University, didae) infesting sorghums. 1. Nymphal 2456 DANIELS, N.E., and CHEDES- USA. 54 pp. period and fecundity of apterous vivi- TER, L.D. 1972. Aphid control in grain parous female. (Ja). Pages 95-97 in 9th sorghum. Texas Agricultural Experiment 2468 JACKSON, H.B. and EIKEN- Proceedings of the Association for Plant Station, Progress Report no. 3107 , pp. BARY, R.D. 1971. BionomicsofAphelinus Protection of Kyushu. 2 ref. (Summary: asychis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), an En.) 2457 DePEW, LJ. 1971. Evaluation of introduced parasite of the sorghum foliar and soil treatments for greenbug greenbug. Annals of the Entomological 2479 STARKS, K.J., MUNIAPPAN, R., control on sorghum Journal of Economic Society of America 64(1): 81-85. 10 ref. and EIKENBARY, R.D. 1972. :nteraction Entomology 64(1): 169-172. 7 ref. between plant resistance and parasitism 2469 JACKSON, H B.. ROGERS.C.E., against the greenbug on barley and 2458 DePEW, L.J. 1972. Further evalu- and EIKENBARY, RD. 1971. Colonization sorghum. Annals of the Entomological alion of insecticides for greenbug control and release of Aphelinus asychis, an Society of America 65(3): 650-655. on grain sorghum in Kansas. Journal of imported parasite of the greenbug. Economic Entomology 65(4): 1095-1098. Journal of Economic Entomology 64(6): 2480 STARKS, K.J., WEIBEL, D.E., 10 ref. 1435-1438.4 ref. and JOHNSON, J.W. 1972. Sorghum Shoot Fly 75

resistance to the greenbug. Sorghum 2402 WALKER, AL, COTTRELL, D.G., 2503 BARRY, D. 1972. Chemical Newsletter 15: 130-131. and CATE, J.R.Jr. 1973. Hymenopterous control of sorghum shooffly on a suscep­ parasites of biotype C greenbug in the tible variety of sorghum In Uganda. 2461 STARKS, K.J., WEIBEL, D.E., high plains of Texas. Annals of the Journal of Economic Entomology 65(4): WOOD, E.A. Jr. JOHNSON, J., and Entomological society of America 66(1): 1123-1125. 8 ref. CASArY, A.J. 1971. Greenbug resistance 173-176. 9 ret. in Sorghtm. Sorghum Newsletter 14:97. 2504 BARRY, D. 1972. Notes on life 2493 WALKER, A.L., CATE, J.R. Jr, history of a sorghum shootfly, Atherigona 2482 STARKS, KJ, WOOD, E.A.Jr., PAIR, S.D., and BOTTRELL, D.G. 1972. varia soccata. Annals of the Entomological i.-,d TEETES, G.L. 1973. Effects of Volumetric method for estimating popula- Society of America 65(3): 586-589. 4 ref. temperature on the preference of two lions of the greenbug on grain sorghum. greenbug biolypes for sorghum selections. Journal of Economic Entomology 65(2): 2505 BASKARAN, P., and JOTWANI, Environmental Entomology 3(2): 351-354. 422-423. 3 ref. M.G. 1972. Chemical control of sorghum 3 ref. insect pests. 5. Comparative efficacy of 2494 WARD, C.R., HUDDLESTON, carbofuran and cytrolane as side dress­ 2483 STARKS, K.J,, WOOD, E.A.Jr., E.W., ASHDOWN, D., OWENS, J.C., and ings against stlooffly Atherigona varia and WEIBEL., D.E. 1972. No preference of POLK, K.L. 1970. Greenbug control on soccafa and stem borer Chilo zonellus. a biotype of the greenbug fora broomcorn grain sorghum and the effects of tested Annamalai University Agricultural Re­ 65(2):cultivar. 623-624. Journal 4of ref.Economic Entomology Economicinsecticides Entomology on other insects.63(6): 1929-1934. Journal of search Annual 4-5: 140-145.

8 ref. 2506 BRENIERE, J. 1972. Report of 2484 TEETES, G.L. 1973. Greenbugs the symposium on the control of sorghum on sorghum. Crops and Soils 25(7): 8-9. 2495 WEIBEL., D.E., STARKS, K.J., shootfly, Hyderabad, India, 1-3 November and WOOD, E.A.Jr. 1973. Release of 1971. (Fr). Agronomie Tropicale 27(10): greenbug-resistant germplasni. Sorghum 1051-1055. 2485 TEETES, G.L., and JOHNSON, Newsletter 16: 123-124. J.W. 1972. Mechanisms of greenbug 2507 BRENIERE, J. 1972. Sorghum resistance in sorghum. Sorghum News- 2496 WILDE, G., and FEESE, H. 1973. shootfly in West Africa. Pages 129-136 in letter 15: 135-136 New corn leaf aphid biotype and its effect Control of sorghum shootfly (eds. M.G. on some cereal and small grains. Journal Jotwani and W.R.Young). New Delhi, 2486 TEETES, G.L. and JOHNSON. of Economic Entomology 66(2): 570-571. India: Oxford and India Book House. J.W. 1973. Damage assessment of the 3 ref. greenbug on grain sorghum. Journal of 2508 BUSHARA, A.G. 1971. Atheri- Economic Entomology 66(5): 1181-1186. 2407 WOOD, E.A.Jr. 1971. Designa- gona varia soccata shootfly. Agricullural 24 ref. tion and reaction of three biotypes of the Society of Sudan, Agricultural Magazine greenbug cultured on resistant and no. A 2123, pp. 16-19. 2487 TEETES, G.L., ROSENOW, D.T., susceptible species of sorghum. Journal FREDERIKSEN, R.A, and JOHNSON, J.W. of Economic Entomology 64(1 ): 183-185. 2509- CHACHORIA, H.S. 1972. Con­ 1973. Predisposing influence of green- 5 ref. trol of shootfly with insecticide sprays and bugs on charcoal rot of sorghum. Texas large-scale trials in India. Pages 274-286 Agricultural Experiment Station, Progress 2498 WOOD, E.A.Jr., and STARKS, in Control of sorghum shootfly (eds. MG. Report no. 3173, 6 pp. 1(J. 1972. Effect of temperature and host- Jotwani, and W.R. Young). New Delhi, plant interaction on the biology of three India: Oxford and India Book House. 2488 THIRUMURTHI, S., SUBRA- biotypes of the greenbug. Environmental MANIAM, T.R., and ASAF, AK. 1972. Note Entomology 1(2): 230-234. 8 ref. 2510 DEORE, B.P., TALEY, Y.M., and on the occurrence of ragi root aphid THAKARE, K.R. 1971-72. Comparative Tetraneura hirsuta B. on hybrid jowar 2499 WOOD, E.A., Jr. WEIBEL, D.E., efficacy of different insecticides for the CSH-1. Madras Agricultural Journal 59(9- and STARKS, K.J. 1970. Sorghum resis- control of sorghum shoottly Atherigona 10): 575. 2 ref. tance to the greenbug. Sorghum News- varia soccata Rond. (Diptera: Anthomyii­ letter 13: 67. dae). Nagpur College of Agriculture Maga­ 2489 TWINE. P.H. 1971. Insecticide zine 44: 55-59. 5 ref. trial against corn aphid Rhopalosipham Shoot Fly maidis (Fitch) on sorghum. Queensland 2511 DEORE, B.P., TALEY, Y.M., and Journal of Agriculture and AnimalScience 2500 ANON. 1973. Shooffly of jowar THAKARE, K.R. 1972-73. Preliminary 28(1):19-22. and bajra, control by soil or seed studies with birlane, acontact insecticide treatment. Agriculture and Agro-Indus- for the control of sorghum shootfly, 2490 VAN RENSBURG, N.J. 1973. tries' Journal 6(5): 42. Atherigona varia soccata (Rond.) on Notes on the occurrence and biology of hybrid sorghum CSH-1 (Diptera: Antho­ the sorghum aphid in South Africa. myiidae). Nagpur College of Agriculture Journal of Entomological Society of South 2501 BABHULKAR, N.N., and TALEY, Magazine 45: 67-69. 1ref. Africa 36(2): 293-298. Y.M. 1971. Systemic insecticides in the control of sorghum shootfly, a major pest 2512 GRANDOS, R.G., GRANDOS, 2491 VAN RENSBURG, N.J. 1973. of hybrid sorghum CSH-1. NagpurCollege RY., and JAMORNMAN, S. 1972. Effect of Population fluctuations of the sorghum of Agriculture Magazine 44: 60-66. 8 ref. sorghum shootfly Atherigona varia soc­ aphid Melanaphis (Longiunguis) forma cata Rond. Infestation levels on sorghum sacchari(Zehntner). Phytophylactica5(4): 2502 BARRY, B.D. 1970. Sorghum yield in Thailand. Pages 107-111 In 127-133. shootfly. Sorghum Newsletter 13: 79. Control of sorghum shootfly (eds. M.G. 76 Entomology

Jotwani, and W.R.Young). New Delhi, control of sorghum shootfly Atherigona K.1972. Note on the varietal difference in India: Oxford and India Book House. varia soccata Rondanl. Current Research the Incidence of shoolly in sorghum. 2513 IRAT, UPPER VOLTA., 1973. 2(12): 110-111. 4 ref. MysoreM(3)366-368. Journal 8 ref.of Agricultural Sciences (sorghumSorghum Atherigonashootfly). (Fr).varia Pages soccata 11-12 Rond. in~2524 KUNDU, G.G., and PREM 6(3) 366368 8 ref. Rapport annuel 1973. Defense des KISHORE. 1970. Biology of the sorghum 2534 RAJASHEKARA, B.G,, RAGH- Rapprtu Enomlogie3. Ouagaedou , shoottly, Atherigona varia soccafa Rond. UNATHA, G., JAGANNATH, M.K. and Ouagadougou, (Anthomyiidae, Diptera). Indian Journal of KRISHNAMURTHY, K. 1973. Control of UpperCultures. Volta: Enlomologie. IRAT. Entomology 32(3): 215-217. 5 ref. shootfly (Atherigona varia soccata Rond.)

2514 JOTWANI, MG, MARWAHA, infesting sorghum. Indian Journal of K,K., SRIVASTAVA, K.M., and YOUNG, 2525 KUNDU, G.G., PREM KISHORE, Entomology 35(3): 271-273. 6 ref. W.R.1970. Seasonal incidence ofshootfly andJOTWANI,M.G.1971.Newrecordsof 2535 RAJURKAR, B.S., and THA- (Atherigona varia soccata Pond.) injowar parasites of the sorghum shoottly, Atheri- KARE, K.R. 1973. Resistance in sorghum hybrids at Delhi. Indian Journal of gona varia soccata Rondani. Pages varieties to shootfly (Aherigona dca on insect pests of Maltoch). Part I. PKV Research Journal Entomology 32(1 ):7-15. 2 ref. 145-146 in Investigation Re sorghum and milets 1965-1970 (ed. S. 1(2): 176-1. 5 5 ref. 2515 JOTWANI, M.G.,SHARMA, G.C., Pradhan). New Delhi, India: IARI. 1(2):176-178. SRIVASTAVA, B.G., and MARWAHA. K.K. 1970, 1971. Ovipositional response of shootfly, 2526 KUNDU, G.G., PREM KISHORE, 2536 RAMANATHA CHETTY, V. sorghum Atherigona varia soccata Rondeni, on and JOTWANI, M.G. 1971. Seasonal Biochemical differences in some towards some promising resistant lines of sor- incidence ofsorghumshootflyatUdaypur varieties possibly contributing to shootfly. ghum. Pages 119-122 in Investigation on Pages 131-137 in Investigation on Insect susceptibility or resistance insect pests of sorghum and millets pests of sorghum and millets 1965-1970 M.Sc. thesis, Andhra Pradesh Agricultural 1965-1970 (ed. S. Pradhan). New Delhi, led. S.Pradhan). New Delhi, India: IARI. University. Hyderabad, India, 46 pp. India: IARI. 2527 LAKSHMINARAYANA, K., and REDDY,2537 P.R.RAMANATHA 1972. Biochemical CHETTY, differences V., and 2516 JOTWANI, M.G., and'SRIVAS- PRABHAKAR RAO, K.1972. Screening of in some sorghum varieties possibly or TAVA, K.P. 1970. Studies on sorghum some promising sorghum lines for resis- contributing towards susceptibility lines resistant against shootfly, Atheri- tance of shootfly. Sorghum Newsletter 15: resistance to shootfly. Andhra Agricultural 16 rr gona varia soccata Rond. Indian Journal 69. Journal 1 to 640. ref. of Entomology 32(1): 1-3. 10 ref. 9(3-4): 64-70. 16 2528 MITTAL, S.P., PRABHANJAN 2517 JOTWANI, M.G., SUKHANI,T.R., RAO, S.B., RAMANATH, B., VERMA, B., Chemical control of sorghum shootfly and SINGH, S. 1971. Seed treatment of and SAM, M.J. 1973. Chemical control of Afherigona var/a soccafa Rondani. M.Sc. sorghum with carbofuran for the control of shootfly in hybrid sorghum under rainfed thesis, Andhra Pradesh Agricultural Uni­ shootfly. Pesticides 5(4): 13-14, 25. conditions. Pesticides 7(6): 18-19, 25. versity, Hyderabad, India. 80 pp.

2518 JOTWANI, MG., SUKHANI,T.R., 2529 NARAYANA MOORTHY, M.1971. RAO, V., RAM MOHAN and SINGH, S. 1972. Further studies on Effect of adult food on the pre-productiv3 2539 RANGA HOSMANI, S.A., and RAMA- seed treatment of sorghum for the control process of the sorghum shootfly, Atheri- RAO, MS., M. 1973. Effect of sowing of shoottly (Atherigona varia soccata gona varia soccata Rondani. M.Sc. thesis, CHANDRAM, of shootfly and Pond.). Pesticides 6(3): 16-18. 4 ref. Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, dates on the incidence Hyderabad, India. 35 pp. varietal performance of rabi jowar in 2519 JOTWANI, M.G., and YOUNG, Mysore. Indian Journal of Agronomy W.R, (eds). 1972. Control of sorghum 2530 NAVANEETHAN, G., LETCH- 18(3): 314-322. 18 ref. shootfly: Proceedings of an international OUMANANE, S. SANTHARAM, G,,SUN- symposium, 1-3November1971,Hydera- DARA RAJU, R., and SREE RAMULU, 2540 RAO, L.V., RANGAIAH, B.V., bad. New Delhi, India: Oxford and India U.S. 1973. Efficacy of some granular SREENIVASULA, MR., RAMACHANDRA Book House. 324 pp. insecticides in the control of sorghum REDDY, D., and PARTHASARATHY, A.V. shoottly (Atherigona varia soccafa Rond.). 1970. Studies on varietal resistance to indica). 2520 KARVE, A.D. 1972. Parathion Pesticides 7(9): 19-20. sorghum shootfly (Atherigona injury. Sorghum Newsletter 13: 29-30. Sorghumprotects sorghumNewslelter from 15: 81.shootfly 2531 PATEL, A., PATEL, AR., and PATEL, H.S. 1970. Effect of insecticide 2541 RAODEO, AK., TIKAR, D.T., and 2521 KRISHNAMURTHY, K., ASHOK granules in minimising the attack of CHUNDURWAR, RD. 1972. Records of KUMAR, TN.and NAGESHCHANDRA, B. shootfly (Atherigona indica) and stemborer natural parasites of sorghum shootfly, 1971. Transplanting in sorghum increases (Chilo zonellus Swinh.) on the yield of Atherigona varia soccafa Rondani. Cur­ yield and keeps the shoolfly at bay. Indian sorghum hybrid. Junagadh Agricultural rent Science 41(11): 430-431. 1 ref. Farming 21(3): 22-23. College Magazine 8(1): 73-77. 2542 RATHORE, V.S., SOOD, N.K., 2522 KRISHNANDA, N.,JAYARAJ,S, 2532 PRABHANJAN RAO,S.B., MIT- and RAGHUWANSHI, B.K. 1972. Chemical and SUBRAMANIAM, T.R. 1970. Resis- TAL, S.P., and RAMANATH, B. 1971. control of Atherigona varia soccata Rond. tan'.e in sorghum to shootfly Alther/ona Evaluation of new chemicals for control of (Anlhomyiidae: Diptera), the sorghum 'aria soccata Rond, Madras Agricultural shoolfly injowar. Sorghum Newsletter 14: shootly. Mysore Journal of Agricultural Journal 57(11): 674-679.10 ref. 59-60. 4 ref. Sciences 6(4): 471-473. 3 ref.

2523 KULKARNI, K.A., THIMMAIAH, 2533 RAGHUNATHA, G., RAJA- 2543 SEPSAWADI, P., MEKSONGSEE, G., and USMAN, S, 1973. Chemical SHEKARA, B.G., and KRISHNAMURTHY, B., and KNAPP, F, 1971. Effectiveness of Stem Borers 77

various insecticides against a sorghum 2555 THIMMAIAH, G., MUTALIK- Armyworm shootfly.Journal of Economic Entomology DESAI, KS., PANCHABHAVI, K.S., and 64(6): 1509-1511.8 ref. MALIPATIL, M.B. 1971. Note on the 2564 BARNES, D., FLORES, R., and efficacy of phorate applied incombination FUENTES. D.V.O. 1973. Effects of the 2544 SHRI RAM, and GUPTA, M.P. with manures and fertilizers inthe control systemic insecticides cyolane and cytro­ 1972. Efficacy of some newer chemicals of sorghum shoolfly, Atherigona varia lane compared with carbaryl on the in the control of shootfly in fodder soccata Rond. (Anthomyiidae: Diptera). population of larvae of Spodoptera sorghum. Sorghum Newslelter 15: 71-72. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences frugiperda on sorghum in Viesca Coahuila, 41(4): 363-364. 6 ref. Mexico. Folia Entomologica Mexicana 25­ 2545 SINGH, R. 1973. Influence of 26: 71-72. different varieties of sorghum on the 2556 THIMMAIAH, G., PANCHABH­ biology of the sorghum shootfly, Atherigona AVI, KS,, and KULKARNI, K.A. 1973. 2565 BROWN, E.S., and MOHAMED, varia vat. soccata Rodani. M.Sc. thesis, Seasonal incidence of sorghum shootfly, A.K.A. 1972. Relation between simulated Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, Atherigona varia soccata Rond. and armywormdamageandcroplossinmaize Hyderabad, India. 39 pp. midge, Contarinia sorghicola Coq. Sor- and sorghum. East African Agricultural ghum Newsletter 16: 69-70. 2 ref. and Forestry Journal 37(3): 237-257. 14 2545 SOTO, P.E., and LAXMINARA- ref. YANA. K 1971. Method for rearing the 2557 THIMMAIAH, G., PANCHA­ sorghum shoottly. Journal of Economic Entomology 64(2): 553. 4 ref. BHAVI, KS.,MUTALIKDESAI, K.S.,'USMAN, 2556 KUNDU, G.G., and PREM S., and KAJJARI, N.B. 1973. Chemical KISHORE, 1971. Note on the varietal 2547 SRIDHAR, N. 1973. Studies on control of sorghum shooffly (Atherigona difference in leaf damage due to Pseuda­ the chemical control of sorghum shootfly, varia soccata Rondani) (Diptera: Anthomyi- letia separata (Walker) in sorghum. Pages Atherigona varua soccaia Rond. M.Sc. idae) in Mysore State. Indian Journal of 153-155 in Investigation oninsectpestsof thesis, Andhra Pradesh Agricultural Uni- Agricultural Sciences 43(3): 294-298. 7 sorghum and millets 1965-1970. (ed. S. versily, Hyderabad, India, 54 pp. rfref. Pradhan). New Delhi, India: IARI.

2548 SRIVASTAVA, AS, and SINGH, 2558 THIRUMURTHI, S., SUBRA- 2567 MAYO, Z.B. Jr. 1972. Damage to Y.P. 1973. On the development and MANIAM, T.R., and PALANISWAMY, P. sorghum in the greenhouse by fall lifecycle of the sorghum fly Atherigona 1973. Evaluation of certain granular armyworms reared on artificial diet for varia soccata Rond, (Diptera: Anthomyi- insecticides in the control of the sorghum different lenglhs of time. Journal of idae) in India. (De) Anzeiger fur Schadling- shoolfly, Atherigona varia soccata Rond. Economic Entomology 65(3): 927-928. 9 skunde, Pllanzen-und Umweltschutz Madras Agricultural Journal 60(7): 449- ref. 46(11): 168-169.7 ref. 450. 9 ref. Stem Borers 2549 SRIVASTAVA, AS., SINGH. Y.P., 2559 THIRUMURTHI, S., SUBRA­ and RAM, S 1973. Control of Atherigona MANIAM, T.R., and PALANISWAMY, P. 2568 APPERT, J. 1973. Parasitic varia soccala Rond. (Anthomyiidae: Diplera) 1973. Etficacy of certain new insecticides insect fauna of graminaceous stemborers a serious pest of sorghum. Labdev as seed treatment in the control of in Madagascar. (Fr). Enlomophaga 18(1): Journal of Science and Technology, Part sorghum shoottly. Atherigona varia 77-94. (Summary: En.) B 11 (1-2): 17-18. 13 ref. soccata Rond. Madras Agricultural Journal 60(7): 580-581. 5 ref. 2569 APPERT, J., and RANAIVOSOA, 2550 STARKS, KJ. 1970. Increasing H. 1970. Sesamia calamistis Hampson infestaltons of the sorghum shootfly in 2560 THOBBI, V.V., and JAGAN (Lep., Noctuidae) stem borer of the experimental plots. Journal of Economic MOHAN, N. 1971. Note on beneficial Gramineae. (Fr). Bulletin de Madagascar Entornology 63(5) 1715-1716. 7 ref effect of combined insecticide-fungicide 20(290-291): 633-652.21 ref. treatments incontrol of sorghum shoolfly. 2551 STARKS, KJ, EBERHART. SA.. Pesticides 5(4): 15-16. 5 re3f. 2570 BRENIERE, J. 1971. Problemsof and DOGGETT. H. 1970. Recovery from lepidopteran grass borers in West Africa. shootfly attack ina sorghum diallel. Crop 2561 USMANAS., and GOUD, JV ( Annales de Zooogie et Ecologie Science 10(5) 519-522 16 ref 1970. ShoofA resistance iU JrV. Animate 3(3):287-296. (Summary: En.)

2552 SUBBA RAO, G., and HOUSE, PANS 16: 716. 2571 CHANDRA, J..andMEHROTRA, L.R 1970 Breeding for resistance to the A.K. 1972. Sex attraction inthe jowar stem sorghun shootfly. Sorghum Newsletter 2562 USMAN, S., and GOUD, J.V. borer, Chilo partellus (Swinh). Science 13 23 24 1972. Breeding for shootfly resistance in and Culture 38(2): 95-96. sorghum. Mysore Journal of Agricultural 2553 SUBRAHMANYAM. B, and LAK- Sciences 6(4): 509-512. 2 ref. 2572 DANG, K., ANAND M., and SHMINARAYANA, K. 1971. Studies on JOTWANI, M.G. 1970. Simple improved chemical control of sorghum shootfly, 2563 VENUGOPAL, MS, PERUMAL, diet fo; mass rearing of sorghum stem Atherngona varta soccata Rond. Sorghum R.S., and SUBRAMANIAN, T.R. 1972. borer, Chilo zonellus Swinhoe. Indian Newsletter 14 42-43 Studies on the relative efficacy of Journal of Entomology 32(2): 130-133. 2 carbofuran seed treatment and certain ref. 2554 THANGAMUTHU, G.S., RAJ, granular insecticides against sorghum SM., and GNANAMURTHY, P.1973. Get shoolfly, Atherigona varia soccata Rond 2573 DHAMDHERE,S.V.,ODAK,S.C., more yield by control of jowar shootfly Annamalai University Agricultural Re- and SHIRKE, D.B. 1972. Preliminary Farm and Factory 7(3)- 27-28 search Annual 4-5: 146-149, studies on the control of jowar stem borer 78 Entomology with granular ;"secticides. Rural India 2583 JOTWANI, M.G., and PREM 2594 STARKS, K.J., SCHUMAKER, 36(2-3): 38-4 r . KISHORE. 1973. Control of stem borer G., and EBERHART, S.A. 1971. Soil fertility Chilo zonellus (Cwinhoe) on high-yielding and damages by Chino zonellus to grain 2574 GERHARDT, P.D., MOORE, L, sorghum hybrids CSH-1 and CSH-3. sorghum. Journal of Economic Entomology ARMSTRONG J.F., and KASPERSEN, L.J. Entomologists' Newsletter 3(8): 51-52. 64(3): 740-743. 8 ref. 1972. Southwestern corn borer control in grain sorghum. Journal of Economic 2584 JOTWANI, M.G., SINGH, S.P., 2595 SUBBA RAO, G., and HOUSE, Entomology 65(2): 491-494. 6 ref. and CHAUDHARI, S.1973. Sources of L.R. 1970. Breeding for resistance to stem stem borer resistance in sorghum. Ento- borer. Sorghum Newsletter 13: 25. 2575 GHODE, RN., and KATIYAR, mologists' Newsletter 3(10): 64-65. R.N. 1971. Insecticidal trial to control Chilo 2596 TEETES, G.L., and RANDOLPH, partellus (zonellus) Swinhoe. Sorghum 2585 LAKSHMINARAYANA, K., and N.M. 1971. Insecticide sprays and granules Newsletter 14: 57-58. SOTO, P.E. 1971. Technique for mass for control of the sugarcane borer on grain rearing of sorghum stem borer Chilo sorghum. Texas Agricultural Experiment 2576 HENDERSON, C.A., FREEMAN, zonelus (partellus). Sorghum Newsletter Station, Progress Report no. 2863-2876, K.C., and DAVIS, F.M. 1973. Chemical 14: 41-42. 3 ref. pp. 29-31. control of lesser cornstalk borer in sweet sorghum. Journal of Economic Entomo- 2586 MOHYUDDIN, A.I., and GRE- 2597 VYAS,H.K., BASER, S.L, BETALA, logy 66(5): 1233. ATHEAD, D.J. 1970. Annotated list of the S.R., and SHARMA, S.K. 1971. Varietal

2577 IVANYUKOVICH, L.K. 1970. parasites of graminaceous stem borers in susceptibility and resistance of different Some structural features of the vegetative East Africa, with a discussion of their jowar varieties against stem borer Chile" organs of the plant in sorghum varieties potential biological control. Entomophaga zonellus shootfly, Atherigona indica and with and without resistance to corn borer. 15(3): 241-274. aphids, Aphis maidis. Rajasthan Journal (Ru;: Sbornik Trudov Aspirantov i Mole- of Agricultural Science 2(2): 143-146. dykh Nauchnykh Sotrudnikov Vsesoyuznoi 2587 MOORTY, M.N. 1973. Technique Akademii Sel'skokhozyaistvennykh Na'uk for mass rearing of sorghum stem borer. 2598 WARD, C.R., KEMPER, S.D., imeri V.I.Lenina 17: 192-196. Sorghun Newsletter 16: 26-27. BROTHERS, G.W., and SHAW, R.A. 1973. Chemical control of the sugarcane 2578 JOHNSON, J.W., and ROSE- 2588 NAGARKATTI, S., and NAIR, rootstockweevilongrainsorghuminWest NOW, D.T. 1971. Differential respor'se of K.R. 1973. Influence of Iild and cultivated Texas. Folia Entomologica Mexicana 25­ sorghum varieties and hybrids to the Gramineae and Cyperacaae on populations 26: 66-67. surgarcane rootstock weevil. Sorghum of sugarcane borers and their parasites in Newsletter 14: 116. North India. (Fr). Entomophaga 18(4): 2599 WISEMAN, B.R., and McMILLIAN, 419-430. 13 ref. W.W. 1970. European corn borer and pink 2579 JOTWANI, MG., ANAND, M., scavenger caterpillar damage to sorghum and ROSHAN, L. 1972. Coccinella unde- 2589 PATEL, B.M., SHAH, A.H., and in South Georgia. Sorghum Newsletter 13: cimpunctate Linn. as a predaor of VORA, V.J. 1973. Control of jowar stem 21. sorghum stem borer, Chi/o zonellus borer Chilo zonellus Swinhoe (Pyralidae: (Swinhoe). Indian Journal of Entomology Lepidoptera) on hybrid jowar in South Spider Mites 34(1): 70-71. Gujarat area. Junagadh Agricultural College Magazine 19(1): 85-89. 2600 CATE, J.R. Jr., and BOTTRELL 2580 JOTWANI, M.G., CHAUDHARI, D.G. 1971. Evaluation of foliar sprays for S., and SINGH, S.P. 1971. Development of 2590 RANDOLPH, N.M., and TEETES, controlling the banks grass mite on grain Chilo zonellus (Swinhoe) on three pro- G.L. 1971. Control of the sugarcane sorghum in the Texan High Plains 1969. mising resistant varieties and a suscepti- rootstock weevil on grain sorghum. Texas Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, ble hybrid of sorghum. Pages 147-148 in Agricultural Experiment Station, Progress Progress Report no. 2863-2876, pp. 22­ Investigation on insect pests of sorghum Report no. 2863-2876, pp. 34-35. 23. and millets 1965-1970. (ed. S.Pradhan). New Delhi, India: IARI. 2591 RANG,.;.iAJAN, A.V., MAHA- 2601 EHLER, L.E.,1973. Spider mites DEVAN, N.,i., and JANAGARAJAN, A. Acarina tetranychidae associated with 2581 JOTWANI, M.G., CHAUDHARI, 1973. Convol of stem borer and earhead grain sorghum and corn inTexas. Journal S., SINGH, S.P., and YOUNG, W.R. 1971. bug on sorghum, K4. Sorghum Newsletter of Economic Entomology 66(5): 1220 Studies on resistance in sorghum against 16: 96-98. 2 ref. stem borer Chio zonellus (Swinhoe). 2602 FLAHERTY, D., LYNN, C., JEN- Pages 113-118 inInvestigation on insect 2592 SIDDIG, SA. 1972. Graminaceous SEN, F., and HOY, M. 1972. Correcting pests of sorghum 1965-1970. (ed. S. stem borers in the Northern Province of imbalances-spider mite populations in Pradhan). New Delhi, India: IARI. the Sudan. 1. Ecological studies. (De). Southern San Joaguln vineyards. California Zeitschrift f. Angewandte Entomologle Agriculture 26(4): 10-12. 2582 JOTWANI, M.G., DOHAREY, 71(41: 376-381. (Summary: En.) K.L., and DANG K.1971. Development of 2603 KULKARNI, K.A., THIMMAIAH, stem borer Chiio zone/lus (Swinhoe) 2593 STARKS, K.J., and DOGGETT, G., and USMAN, S. 1973. Incidence of larvae on jowar (Sorghum) and maize. H. 1970. Resistance to a spotted stem sorghum mite, Oigonychus indicus(Hirst) Pages 150-152 in Investigation on insect borer in sorghum and maize. Journal of and its predator, S/ethorus pauperculus pests of sorghum and millets 1965-1970 Economic Entomology 63(6): 1790-1795. Weise, Sorghum Newsletter 16: 70-71. 1 (ed. S.Pradh3n). New Delhi, Irdia: IARI. 9 ref. ref. Sorghum Midge 79

2604 TEETES, G.L., 1973. Insecticidal Contarinla sorghicola(Coq.) IntheCuliacan 2625 PARODI, R.A.,C-AMBA, R.D.and control of spider mite ingrain sorghum on valley, Sinaloa. (Es). Agricultura Tecnlca SCANTAMBURLO, J.L. 1973. Huerin the Texas High Plains. Texas Agricultura en Mexico 3(3): 102-114.15 ref. (Summary: INTA: a grain sorghum cullivar resistant to Experiment Station, Progress Report no. En, De, Fr.) sorghum midge. (Es). Estacion Experi­ 3178, pp. 1-4. mental Agropecuaria, Manfredi, Infor­ 2615 HERNANDEZ, R.F., 1972. Corn- macion Tecnica, no. 54. 5pp. 7 ref. 2605 TEETES, G.L., 1973. Spidermite parison of 2methodsforthedetermination control on grain sorghum on the Texas of the effectiveness of insecticides in the 2626 PITRE, H.N., and. ROTH, J.P. High Plains. Sorghum Newsletter 16:140- sorghum midge Contarinia sorghicola. 1973. Midge conrol on grain sorghum 141. Folia Enlomologica Mexicana 23-24: 34- with Insecticides. Mississippi Farm Re­ 35. search 36(8): 5-6. 2606 WARD, C.R., HUDDLESTON, 2627 RAMIREZ, JL.1973. Preliminary E.W., OWENS, JC., HILLS, TM., RICHARD- 2616 HUDDLESTON, EW., ASHDOWN, effort toward the chemical control of the SON, L.G., and ASHODOWN, D. 1972. D., MAUNDER, B., WARD, CR, WILDE, G, sorghum fly Contarinia sorghicola in Control of the banks grass mite attacking and FOREHAND, CE.1972, Biology and Muna Yucatan, Mexico. Folia Entomo­ grain sorghum and corn in West Texas. control of sorghum midge. 1. Chemical Iogica Mexicana 25-26: 99-100. Journal of Economic entomology 65(2): and cultural control studiesin WestTexas. 523-529. 7 ref. Journal of Economic Entomology 65(3): 2628 RANDOLPH, NM, MEISCH, M.V., 851-855. 25 ref. and TEETES, GL. 1971. Effectiveness of Sorghum Midge certain insecticidu-. against the sorghum 2617 IRAT, UPPER VOLTA., 1973. midge based on a new method of 2607 BABULKAR, N.N., TALEY, Y.M., Gall midge of sorghum Contarinia sor- determining infestation. Journal of Econo­ and KHAN, KM. 1973. Chemical control ghicola Coq. (Fr). Paqes 4-10 in Rapport mi Enlomology 64(1): 87-88. 2 ref. of sorghum earhead midge (Contarini. annuel 1973. D~fense des cultures. sotghicola Coq.). PKV Research Journal Entomologie. Ouagadougou, Upper Volta: 2629 RANDOLPH, N.M., and TEETES, 2(1): 30-31. 9 ref. IRAT. G.L. 1971. Effectiveness of five scheduled 2618 JOHNSON, J.W., ROSENOW, applications of insecticides on grain 2608 ATE, JR.Jr., and BOTTRELL, Rs sorghum for control of the sorghum D.G, 171.Fied ealul o ofnsetic~e 20G. 1971. Field evaluation of insecticide D.T.,to the and sorghum TEETES, midge G.L. in 19731converted Resistance exotic midge.Station, TexasProgress AgriculturalReport no. 2863-2876,Experiment treatments for control of the sorghum sorghum cultivars. Crop Science 13(6): pp. 10-13 midge. Texas Agricultural Experiment 754-755. Station, Progress Report no. 2863-2876, pp. 13-15. 2630 ROSAS, C.J.E. 1973. Control of 2619 JOTWANI, MG, SINGH, S.P., Confarir,ia sorghicola Coquillet, and the 2509 CHANNA BASAVANNA, C.P., and CHAUDHARI, S. 1971. Relative susceptibility of grain sorghum (Sorghum and CHANA BASVNA, .P.,7 susceptibility of some sorghum lines to vulgare). (Es). Fitolecnia Lationamericana and VOSWESWARA GOWDA, B.L. 1973. midge damage. Pages 123-130 in In- 9(1): 52-56. 7 ref. (Summary: En.) Occurrence of diapause in the sorghum vestigation on insect pests of sorghum midge. Conlarinia soinghicola Cur- and millets 1965-1970 (ed. S.Pradhan). 2631 ROSAS, C.J.E. 197:3. Critical {Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Mysore. Cur- New Delhi, India: IARI.peidothsrgu flCnaia rent Research 2(8): 60-61. 2 ref. period of the sorghum flyContarina sorghicola in grain sorghum and its 2620 JOTWANI, M.G., and SUKHANI, control in the Northwest Region of 2610 DIAZ, C.G. 1972. Preliminary T.R. 1973. Control of sorghum midge, Tamaulipas. Folia Entomologica Mexi­ studies on sorghum midge Contarinia Entomologists' Newsletter 3(6): 40. cana 25-26: 92-93. sorghicola in the lowland region. Folia Entomologica Mexicana 23-24: 36. 2621 KUNDU, G.G., and SHARMA, 2632 ROTH, J.R., and PITRE, H.N. J.K. 1973. Incidence of sorghum midge in 1973. Sorghum midge population dyna­ 2611 HARDAS, M.G., SUPARE, N.R., Rajasthan Entomologists' Newsletter mics and control. Sorghum Newsletter 16: and CHCPDE, P.R. 1972, Studies in the 3(12): 78. 117-118. seasonal incidence of sorghum midge (Contarinia sorghicola) infesting sorghum 2622 McMILLIAN, W.W., WISEMAN, 2633 RUMMEL, D.R., and DANIELS, hybrids. Sorghum Newsletter 15:88-89.2 B.R., and JONES, R.L. 1973. Attractant N.E. 1971. Sorghum midge surveys In the r9f. tests with midges ,ndparasites of midges. Panhandle and South Plains of Texas. Sorghum Newsletter 16: 113. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, 2612 HARRIS, KM., 1970. Sorghum Progress Report no. 2863-2876, pp. 8-10. midge. PANS 16(1): 36-42. 2623 MERY, CC. 1973. Control of sorghum midge. Conlarinia sorghicola, in 2634 SHEDLEY, D.G. 1971. Sorghum 2613 HARRIS, KM. 1971, X-ray detec- Mexico with lorsban insecticide. Down to midge threat to recycle cropping. Journal tion of Contarinia sorghicola (Coq.) larvae Earth 29(3): 22-24. of Agriculture of Western Australia 12(4): and pupae in sorghum spikelets. Bulletin 114. of Entomological Reseech 60(3): 379- 2624 PADRON, T.J.. SOSA. MC., and 352. 10 ref. CARRILOO, S JL. 1972. Determination of 2635 SLIFER, E.J., and SEKHON, S.S. the numbers of the population of Contarinia 1971. Circumfila and other sense organs 2614 HERNANDEZ, R.F. 1971. Some sorghicola (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in on the antenna of the sorghum midge observations on the ecological biology sorghum at different times Folia Entomo- (Diplera: Cecidomyiidae). Journal of Mor­ and control of the sorghum midge, logica Mexicana 23-24: 33-34. phology 133(3): 281-302. 80 Entomology

2636 STANFORD, R.L., HUDDLES- Control of the sorghum midge. Sorghum Head Bug TON, E.W., and WARD, C.R. 1972. Biology Newsletter 16:113. and control of the sorghum midge. 3. 2659 MURTHY, D.V, 1971. Jowar vs. Importance of stage of bloom and 2648 WISEMAN, B.R., McMILLIAN, earhead pests. Intensive Agriculture 9(6): effective residual of selected insecticides. W.W., and WIDSTROM, NW. 1972. Avoid 10. Journal of Economic Entomology 65(3): damaging sorghum midge populations by 796-799. 12 ref. planting sorghum early in South Georgia. 2660 PARKER, F.W., and RAN- Sorghum Newsletter 15: 23. DOLPH, N.M. 1972. Mass rearing the 2637 TALEY, Y.M., DEORE, B.P., and chinch bug in the laboratory. Journal of THAKARE, K.R. 1971. Bionomics of 2649 WISEMAN, B.R., McMILLIAN, Economic Entomology 65(3): 894-895. 5 Contarin'a sorghicola Coquillet (Diptera: W.W., and WIDSTROM, N.W. 1973. ref. Cecidomyiidae). Indian Journal of Ento- Sorghum midge damage inSouth Georgia. mology 33(2): 202-208. 10 ref. Sorghum Newsletter 16: 113. 2661 RANDOLPH, N.M., and TEETES, 232650 TOM. WISEMAN, B.R, WDSTROM, G.L. 1971. Control of the chinch bug on 1971. The sorghum midge and its control. N.W., and McMILLIAN, W.W. 1970. Direc- grain sorghum. Texas Agricultural Ex­ Texas Agrcultural Experiment Station, tional flights and color preference of the periment Station, Progress Report no. Progress Report no. 2863-2876, pp.5-8, sorghum midge. Sorghum Newsletter 13: 2863-2876, pp, 32-34. 20. 2662 THIMMAIAH, G., DESAI, M.K.S., 2639 WARD, CR., HUDDLESTON, 2651 WISEMAN, B.R, WlDSTROM, PANCHABHAVI, K.S., and MALIPATIL, E.W., PARODI, R.A., and RUIZ, G. 1972. 2651 WISEMAN, B.. W iht M.B. 1972. Note on the effect of late Biology2. Chemical and controlcontrol ofin the Argentina. sorghum Journal midge. NW.,movementsand McMILLIAN,and color preferenceW.W. 1972. ot theh sowingeahaSwn onnuteclcrsnie~agsau~ the incidence of sorghumog~~t. 2. hemcalconrolinArgntia.of 6(3)Eonoic 81-81. ntooloyoural sorghumsoghu midge.mige.JounalofJournal of Economicconmic earheadin North bugMysore (Ca/ocoris Region. angustatus Sorghum News­Leth.) of Economic Entomology 65(3): 817-818. Entomology 65(3): 767-770. 4 ref. letter 15: 54. 1 ref. 6 2ef. 1912f letter 15:

2640 WIDSTROM, N.W., WISEMAN, 2652 WOLFENBARGER, DO. 1972. 2663 WOOD, E.A.Jr., and STARKS, B.R., and McMILLIAN, W.W. 1972. Some Sorghum midge infestation relationship KJ. 1972. Damage to sorghum by a gene effects conditioning resistance to with distance from field margin. Florida lygaeid bug. Nysius raphanus. Journal of midge and webworm injury in sorghum. Entomologist 55(4): 263-265. Economic Entomology 65(5): 1507-1508. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 22-23. 2653 YORK, J.O. 1973. Midge factor 2 ref.

2641 WISEMAN, B.R, and McMILLIAN, inletter grain 16: sorghum 101-103. testing. Sorghum News- StoredSoe Grainri Pestset W.W. 1970. Screening for sorghum midge resistance. Sorghum Newsletter 13: 20. Head Caterpillar 2664 HUNKAPILLER, PD. 1970. Search for resistance to the maize weevil, 2642 WISEMAN, B.R., and McMILLIAN, 2654 OLIVER, B.F., and TIPTON, K.W. the lesser grain borer, and the angoumois W.W. 1970. Parasites of the sorghum 1972. Effect of diet formulated from grain moth among 269 cultivars of' midge. Sorghum Newsletter 13: 21. sorghum hybrids on weight gain of corn sorghum. Ph.D. thesis, Kansas State earworm larvae. Journal of Economic University, USA. 145 pp. 2643 WISEMAN, BR., and McMILLIAN, Entomology 65(6): 1759-1760. 5 ref. W.W. 1970. Preference of sorghum midge 2665 LAHUE, D.W. 1970. Laboratory among selected sorghum lines, with notes 2655 PAGE, F.D. 1971. Sorghum head evaluation of dichlorvos as a short-term on overwintering midges and parasite caterpillar. Queensland Agricultural Jour- protectant for wheat, shelled corn, and emergence. US Department of Agri- nal 97(8): 431-434. grain sorghum against stored-grain in­ culture, Productivity Research Report no. sects. US Agricultural Research Service 122. 8 pp. 2656 RANDOLPH, N.M., and TEETES, no. 37. 25 pp. G.L. 1971. Field methods to determine the 2644 WISEMAN, B.R., and McMILLIAN, infestation ot the sorghum webworm and 2666 LANGE, S.K. 1973. Labuatory W.W. 1971. Another parasite of the the damage by the sorghum midge in studies of varietal sorghum grain resis­ sorghum midge. Sorghum Newsletter 14: grain sorghum. Texas Agricultural Ex- tance to the maize Weevil, Sitophilus 35. periment Station, Progress Report 2863- zeamais (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). 2876, pp.15-16. Ph.D. thesis, Kansas State University, 2645 WISEMAN, B.R., and McMILLIAN, USA. 141 pp. W.W. 1971. International center for evalu- 2657 RAWAT, R.R., JAKHMOLA,S.S., ation of sorghum resistant to midge injury, and SAHU, H.R. 1970. Assessment of 2667 PERSON, N.K.Jr., and SOREN- Sorghum Newsletter 14: 35. losses of hybrid sorghum "CSH-1" to SON, J.W.Jr. 1970. Use of gaseous earhead caterpillars, and comparison of nitrogen for controlling stored product 2646 WISEMAN, B.R., and McMILLIAN, insecticidal controls. PANS 16(2): 367- insects incereal grains. Cereal Chemistry W.W. 1973. Diapause of the sorghum 369. 7 ref. 47(6): 679-686. 4 ret. midge, and location within the sorghum spikele. Journal of Economic Entomology 2658 SRIVASTAVA, A.S., and SINGH, 2668 PERSON, N.K.Jr., and SOREN- 66(3): 647-649. 7 ref. Y.P. 1973. Control of He/iothis armigera SON, J.W.Jr. 1973. Effects of gaseous Hub. (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera) attacking nitrogen on emergence of Immature 2647 WISEMAN, B.R., McMILLIAN, sorghum. Current Science 42(24): 865- stages of rice weevils (Sitophi/us oryzae W.W,, and MARCHANT, W.H. 1973. 867. 11 ref. L.) in cereal grains. (Fr). Annales de Other Pests 81

Technologie Agricole 22(3): 541-549. 6 Journal of Entomology 33(4): 473-474. extent of bird damage. AndhraAgricultural ref. (Summary: En, De.) Journal 18(5): 205-207. 6 ref. 2678 CHETRAM, R.S. 1970. ­ 2669 PUTTARUDRAPPA, A., THIM- lualion of sorghum resistance, to bird 2690 SANDHU, G.S., and RAMESH MAIAH, G., and GOUD, J.V. 1971. Studies damage. Agricultural Research 4:1-5. CHANDER. 1973. New record of Maliar­ on the varietal resistance of sorghum pha separatela Raganot on sorghum. grains to rice weevil. Sitophilus oryzae 2679 GHODE, R.N., and KATIYAR, Entomologists' Newsletter 3(9): 55-56. Linn. Madras Agricultural Journal 58(6): R.N. 1970. Control of the sorghum shoot 426-427. 3 ref. bug, Pundaluoya simplicia Dist. Sorghum 2691 SHATVORYAN, M.P. 1971. Sor- Newsletter 13: 32-33. ghum bai for rodents. Zashchita Rastenii 2670 ROUT, G. 1973. Studies of 16(3): 13. resistance of sorghum to angoumois grain 2680 HORNER, N.V. 1971. Blonomics moths, Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier), and of the spider Metaphidippus galathea 2692 Sh'VPUJE, P.R. 1970. Record of red flour beetles, Tribolium castaneum (Walckenaer) and its significance as a chloropid fly, Mepachymerus sp., on (Herbst.). Ph.D. thesis, Kansas State biological control agent Insorghum. Ph.D. sorghum troin India. Entomologists' News- University, USA. 102 pp. thesis, Oklahoma State University, USA. letter 6(10): 55. 67 pp. 2671 SHRI RAM. 1971. Relative sus- 2693 SRINATH, D.,andNATARAJAN, ceptibility of seeds of sorghum collections 2681 'HUDDLESTON, E.W., WARD, T.V. 1972. Occurrence of the leaf hopper, to lesser grain borer, Rhizopertha domini- C.R,, and PARODI, R.A. 1972. Chemical Pyrilla perpusilla Walker. coimbatorensis ca (Fabr.). Sorghum Newsletter 14: 73. control of Astylus atromaculatus . at- Fennh. (Lophopidae: Hemiptera) on some tacking grain sorghum in Argentina. introduced sorghum varieties. Mysore 2672 SITHANANTHAM, S., KUPPU- Journal of Economic Entomology 65(3): Journal of Agricultural Sciences 6(3): SWAMY, S., SAMIAPPAN, M., ANANDA- 892-894. 7 ref. 362-363. 1 ref. KRISHNAN, K.B., and SUBRAMANIAM, T.R. 1972. Eva'uation of "Minifume" as a 2682 KATIYAR, O.P., and MUKARJI, 2694 SRIVASTAVA, AS., and SINGH, fumigant for storage pests. Madras S.P. 1971. Protect maize and jowar from Y.P. 1973. Survey, life history and control Agricultural Journal 59(9-10): 559-560. noxious insects. Indian Farmers' Digest of Cryptoblabes gnidiella Mill, (Pyralidae: 4(11): 21-23 Lepidoptera), a new pest of hybrid 2873 SITHANANTHAM, S., SUNDA- sorghum. Labdev Journal of Science and RAMURTHY, V.T., and SUBRAMANIAM, 2683 KUNDU, G.G., and SHARMA, Technology, Part B 11(3-4): 37-40. T.R. 1971. Efficacy of "Pyrocon" as a J.K. 1973. Note on the occurrence of protectant for sorghum seeds against the almond-moth, Ephestia cautella Walker 2695 SRIVASTAVA, A.S., SRIVASTAVA, rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae L. (Curcu- (Lepidoptera: Phycitidae), as a serious J.L., an. SAXENA, H.P., 1970. Observations lionidae: Coleptera). Bulletin of Grain pest of sorghum. Indian Journal of on the life history and ecology of Technology 9(4): 291-292. 6 ref. Agricultural Sciences 43(4): 427-428. 2 Marasmia trapezalis Guen. (Lep., Pyra­ ref. lidae) a serious pest of jowar bajra and 2674 STEVENS, R.A., and MILLS, R.B. maize with special reference to its nature 1973. Comparison of techniques for 2684 MANAGOLI, S.P. 1973. Attack of of damage anL -'cidence (De) Zeitschrift screening sorghum grain varieties for shoot bug, pundalouya bug (Peregrinus fir Angewandte Entomologie 66(4): 369­ resistance to rice weevil. Journal of maidis) on rabi jowar in dry tract of Bijapur 371. (Summary En). Economic Entomology 66(5): 1222-1223. District. Farm Journal 14(3): 16-17. 1 ref. 2696 SRIVASTAVA, A.S., SRIVASTAVA, 2685 McMILLIAN, W.W., WISEMAN, K.M, KATIYAR. S.S.L., and BHADAURIA, 2675 SUBBA RAO, V. 1970. Effect of B.R. BURNS, RE., and HARRIS, H.B. 1972. A.S. 1971. New record of Typhaea physico-chemical characters of different Bird resitance in diverse grain sorghum stercorea L.(Mycetophagidae: Coleoptera) sorghum varieties and hybrids on ovi- germplasm. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 22. on hybrid jowar. Indian Journal of position and development of the rice, Entomology 33(1): 94-195. weevil Sitophilus oryzae (L.). M.Sc. thesis, 2686 PERUMAL, R.S. 1973. Bird Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, damage in sorghum crop. Farm Facts 2697 THAKARE, K.R., and SHARNAGAT, Hyderabad, india. 90 pp. 7(3): 41-42. B.K. 1970. Control of caterpillars in leaf whorl of hybrid jowar plants. Nagpur Other Pests, Including Birds 2687 PERUMAL. R.S., and SIVAKUMAR, College of Agriculture Magazine 43: 29­ and Rodents C.V. 1972. Relative bird damage in certain 33. 6 ref. sorghum hybrids. Andhra Agricultural 2876 ADESIYUN, A.A. 1973. Bird Journal 19(3-4). 99-101. 4 ref. 2698 VENICA DE NEMIROVSKY, N. damage to cereals grown in the dry 1972. "Spotted beelle"Asty/lus afromaculatus season in some parts of Northern Nigeria. 2688 PERUMAL, R.S., and SUBRAMA- Blanch, Coleoptera pest of sorghum, in Samaru Agricultural Newsletter 15(1): 34- NIAM, T.R. 1973. Studies on panicle the central part of the provinces of 35. 3 ref. characters associated with bird resistance Cordoba and Santa Fe. I dia 296: 54-60. in sorghum. Madras Agricultural Journal 2677 CHANDRA, J., and DAVID, H. 60(4): 256-258. 11 ref. 2699 VISHAKANTAIAH, M., and VIS­ 1971. Occurrence of two species of thrips WESWARA GOWDA, B.L, 1973. Two new (Haplothrips tolerabilis Priesner and Tae- 2689 PERUMAL, RS., SUBRAMANIAM, hosts of Lygaeus pandurus Scopoli (Hemi­ niothrips traegardhi Trybour) on sweet T.R., and LEELA, D.P. 1971. Studies on the plera: Lygaeidae) in Mysore. Madras Agri­ sorghum, Sorghum vulgare Pers. Indian birds visiting CSH-1 sorghum and the cultural Journal 60(5): 340. 6 ref. 82 Postharvest Operations

2700 WEBSTER, J.A., and KOHLS, of sorghum grain. Cereal Chemistry 48(5): 2722 GARLAND, P.J. 1971. Intro­ H.L. 1972. Occurrence of a cecidomyiid, 528-532. 7 ref. duction to grain drying. Farmers' News­ Clinodiplosis sp. on grain sorghum in letter 75: 5-9. Michigan. Journal of Economic Ento- 2712 CASWELL, G.H. 1970. Cereal mology 65(3): 923. 5 ref. storage in the Northern States of Nigeria. 2723 HALASZ, K.1971. Temperature African Soils 15(1-3): 461-468. of grain sorghum stored in soils (Hu). 2701 WILLIAMS, D.J. 1970. Mealy- Takarmanytermesztezi Kutato Intezet bugs (Homoplera, Coccoidea. Pseu- 2713 DELOUCHE, J.C., and BASKIN, Kozlemenyei Takarmanybazis 11(1): 51­ dococcidae) of sugar-cane, rice and C.C. 1973. Accelerated ageing techni- 60. 14 ref. (Summaries: Ru, En, Fr, De.) sorghum. Bulletin of Entomological Re- ques for predicting the relative storability search 60(1): 109-188. 77 rel. of seed lots. Seed Science and Techno- 2724 HALASZ, K. 1.973. Storage of logy 1(2): 427-452. 36 ref. sorghum seed inplastic-film covered silos 2702 WISEMAN, BR., and McMILLIAN, (Hu). Kozlemenyei Mellek Takarmany­ W.W. 1971. Damage to sorghum by 2714 DEMAN, J.M., BANIGO, E.O.I., termeszlesi Kutato Intezet Kozlemenyei Hemipteran bugs. Sorghum Newsletter RASPER, V.. GADE, H., and SLINGER, S.J. 13(1): 87-93. 1 ref. 14: 35. 1973. Dehulling of sorghum and millet with the palyi compact milling system. 2725 HARDEN, M., and YANG, S.P. 2703 WISEMAN, BR., and McMILLIAN, Canadian Institute of Food Science and 1972. Comparison of milling effects of six W.W 1971. Damage to sorghum in South Technology Journal 6(3): 188-193. grain sorghum Ilours. Sorghum Newsletter Georgia by Hemiptera. Journal of the 15: 139. Georgia Entomological Society 6(4): 237- 2715 DESIKACHAR, H.S.R. 1973. Mil­ 242. ling technology ot cereal grains in India 2726 JOHN, SW,, and MULLER, H.G. and its improvement. Pages 232-236 in 1971. Sorghums: have we overlooked 2704 WISEMAN, B.R., McMILLIAN, Proceedings, Seminar on post-harvest their real value? Milling 153(9): 21-22,24. W.W., and MARCHANT, W.H. 1973. Bird technology of cereals and pulses, 21-23 damage among sorghums. Sorghum December 1972, New Delhi. (eds. S.V. 2727 LANE, G.T. 1972. Preservation Newsletter 16, 114. Pingale., A. Austin., and M.T.R. Nair). New methods and their effect upon the nutritive Delhi, India: Indian Nnfinnal Science value of sorghum grain. Pages 113-120 in POSTHARVEST OPERATIONSPOSTARVET Academy,OERATONSceedings. fCAR, CSIR, FCI. 27th Texas Nutrition Conference Pro­ situation in 2716 FAO. 1971. Current Storage, Drying, and Milling relation to the milling of sorghum and 2728 MATHEW, G., and RAJAGOPAL,. millets and their utilization for flour. L.S. 1970. Comparative study of the 2705 ANON. 1973. Cereal storage Agricultural Economics Bulletin for Africa efficacy of tl:ree improved household and drying. Tecnica Molitoria 24(20): 573- 13: 73-79. devices for stor,'e of raw and parboiled 579. 2717 FAVIER, J.C., CHEVASSUS- jowar (Sorghum v:ilgare). Indian Journal AGNES, S., JOSEPH, A., and GALLON, G. of Home Science 4(2): 71-75. 2706 ANDERSON, R.A. 1971. Dry- 1972. Traditional sorghum technology in milling process for grain sorghum. Sor- Cameroon. Effect of grinding method on 2720 MAXSON, E.D., FRYAR, W.B., ghum Newsletter 14: 37-38. nutritional value. (Fr). Annafes de la ROONEY, L.W., and KRISHNAPRASAD, Nutrition et de I' Alimentation 26(6): 222- M.N, 1971. Milling properties of sorghum 2707 ANDERSON, R.A., and BUR- 250. 19 ref. grainfwith different propoions of comeous BRIDGE, L.H. 1971. Integrated process to floury endosperm. Cereal Chemistry for dry milling grain sorghum. North- 2718 FREEMAN, J.E., BOCAN, B.J., 48(5): 478-490.8 ref. western Miller 278(7): 24-28. 9 ref. and ZOBEL, H.F. 1972. Starch: variation associated with location in corn and 2730 MUCKLE, T.B., and STIRLING, 2708 ASAF, AK., ABRAHAM, E.V., sorghum plants. Crop Science12(1):122- H.G. 1971. Review of the Jrying of cereals and SUBRAMANIAM, T.R. 1973. Proxim 124. 21 ref. and legumes in the tropics. Tropical as an effective prolectant for sorghum Stored Products Information 22:11-30.37 seeds in storage. Madras Agricultural 2719 FREEMAN, J E., and VERY, W.J. ref. Journal 60(7): 582-583. 2 ref. 1972. Rapid procedure for measuring starch paste development and its appli- 2731 MULLER, H.G. 1970. Traditional 2709 AUREN. 1970. Incidence and cation to corn and sorghum starches. cereal processing inNigeria and Ghana. extent of infestation on food grains stored Cereal Science Today 17(2): 46-48, 50- Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science by the cultivators in Gujarat in 1961. 53. 3 ref. 3(2): 187-195. 15 ref. Pesticides 4(12): 55. 2720 FREEMAN, J.E., and WATSON, 2732 NELSON, L.R., CUMMINS, D.G., 2710 BASS, L.N. 1973. Controlled SA. 1971. Influence of sorghum endos- HARRIS, H.B., and BAIRD, D.M. 1973. atmosphere and seed storage. Seed perm pigments on starch quality. Cereal Storage of high moisture grain sorghum Science and Technology 1(2): 463-492. Science 16(11): 378-381. 6 ref. (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) treated 104 ref. with propionic acid. Agronomy Journal 2721 FRYAR, W.B.. ROONEY, L.W., 65(3): 423-425. 7 ref. 2711 BLESSIN, C.W., ANDERSON, and CATER, C.M. 1971. Protein and R.A., DEATHERAGE, W.L., and INGLETT, amino-acid content ot successive layers 2733 NELSON, L.R., CUMMINS, D.G., G.E. 1971. Effect of alkali dehulling on removed by perling sorghum grain. Cereal HARRIS, H.B., and CALVERT, G.V. 1972. composilion and wet-milling characteristics Science Today 16(9): 309. Grain preservatives for storage of high­ Chemical Composition 83

moisture grain. Experiment Station, College CSIR, FCi. mercial pearling of grain sorghum (jowar) of Agriculture University of Georgia and culinary uses for pearled sorghum Research Report no. 129. 10 pp. 5 ref. 2743 RANGASWAMY, J.R, POORNIMA, products. Journal of Food Science and P., and MAJUMDAR, S.K. 1971. Obser- Technology b(1): 11-13. 9 ret. 2734 NORRIS, JR. 1971. Chemical, vations on the breakdown of thiram at physical, and histological characteristics different moisture levels ir, stored grain CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND of sorghum grain as related to wet milling sorghum. Journal of Stored Products ANALYSIS properties, Ph D. thesis, Texas A&M Research 7(2): 129-131. University, USA. 119 pp. 2753 APICHATABOOTA, A., and WEI­ 2744 RANGASNAMY, JR, RAGHUNA- BEL, D.E. 1971. Sorghum protein analysis 2735 NORRIS, JR., and ROONEY, THAN, AN., and MAJUMDAR, S.K. 1970. with the udy dye-binding procedure. L.W. 1970. Wet milling properties of four Organic acids as proteclants for moist Sorghum Newsletter 14: 96-97. sorghum parents and their hybrids. Cereal grain sorghum during storage. Bulletin of 2754 ARORA, 5K., PARODA, Chemistry 47(1): 64-69. 6 ref. Grain Technology 12: 85. and, R.S., and YASH PAL 1973 Chemical com 2736 PARAMESWARAPPA, R., KAJ- 2745 REINERS, RA., HUMMEL, J.B., position and nutriive value during grow h JARI, NB., and SYAMASUNDAR, J. 1973. PRESSICK, J.C., and MORGAN, R.E. o y ewsleler 16s2 oh Preliminary studies on the flour recovery 1973. Composition of feed products from Sorghum Newsletter 16:27. and its relation to seed size in some the wet-milling of grain sorghum. Cereal 2755 ARORA, 5K., SHUKLA. UC., varieties of sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter Science Today 18(11): 378-383. 16: 75-76. 3 ref. YASH PAL., and PRASAD, K.G. 1972. Dry matter production and chemical compo­ 2746 ROONY, L.W. MAXSON, ED., sition of sorghum as affected by zinc 2737 PARAVATHAPPA, H.C., SHAN- and FRYAR, W.B. 1970. Milling properties application. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 63- KAR, J.V., and MAJUMDER, S.K. 1972. of sorghum grain with differert proportions 64. Comparative storability and quality of of corneous to floury endosperm, Cereal 'jowar' (Sorghum vulgare Pers.) in under- Science 15(9): 303. 2756 AUSTIN, A., SINGH, H.D., HANS ground and aboveground storage structures LAS, V.K.,and RAO, N.G.P. 1972. Variations in villages. Bulletin of Grain Technology 2747 SHOUP, F.K., DEYOE, C.W., in protein and lysine content in Sorghum 10(1): 25-29. 5 ref. FARRELL, E.P., HAMMOND, D.L., and vulgare. Acta Agronomica 21(1-2):81-88. MILLER, G.D. 1970. Sorghum grain dry 2 ref. 2738 PAULSEN, MR., and THOMPSON, milling. Food Technology 24(9): 88-92.14 T.L. 1973. Drying analysis of grain ref. 2757 BATES, L.S., and DEYOE, C.W. sorghum. Trar tions of the ASAE 16(3): 1973. Dimethyl sulfoxide and amino acid 537-540. 12 rcf. 2748 SORENSON, J.W., PERSON, analysis. Cereal Chemistry 50(3): 309- N.K. Jr., HOBGOOD, P., STEWART, B.R., 311. 4 ref. 2739 PINGALE, S.V. 1973. Utilisation McCUNE, W.E., and HAILE, D.G. 1971. of coarse grains. Pages 137-138 in Storing processing and handling sorghum 2758 BECKWITH, A. C. 1972. Grain Proceedings, Seminar on post-harvest grain. Texas Agricultural Experiment sorghum glutelin: isolation and char­ technology of cereals and pulses, 21-23 Station, Progress Report no. 203t-2949, acterization. Journal of Agricultural and December 1972, New Delhi (eds.S.V. pp.60-71. Food Chemistry 20(4): 761-764. 7 ref. Pingale A. Austin., and M.T.R. Nair), New Delhi, India: Indian National Science 2749 TOMEU, A.,MENDIOLA, B.,and 2759 BECKWITH, A.C., and JONES, Academy, ICAR, CSIR, FCI. DIAZ, N. 1973. Sorghum seed storage. R.W. 1972. Physical, chemical char- Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science acterization of grain sorghum prolamine 2740 PINGALE, SV., AUSTIN, A., and 7(1): 107-115. 13 ref. fractions and components. Journal of NAIR, M.T.R. (ees.). 1973, Seminar on Agricultural and Food Chemistry 20(2): oost-harvest technology of cereals and 2750 VENKATA RAO, A., MUTHU- 259-261. 6 ref. pulses, 21-23 December 1972, New SWAMY, G.,andGOVINDASWAMY, C.V. Delhi, India: Indian Nalional Science 1970.Effectsofvarioustypesofstorageof 2760 BOUGH, W.A., and GANDER, Academy. ICAR, CSIR, FCI. 354 pp. treated seeds on viability and seedling J.E. 1972. Isolation and characterization vigour. Madras Agricultural Journal 57(9): of chelidonic acid from Sorghum vulgare. 2741 PURNADHARANATH, B. 1970. 472-474. 3 ref. PhytochL.-istry 11(1): 209-312. 10 ref. Physiological and biochemical changes associated with deterinration of sorghum 2751 VIRAKTAMATH, C.S.,and DESI- 2761 BOWDEN, B.N., and WILLIAMS, grains during storage. M.Sc. thesis, KACHAR, H.SR. 1972. Processing of P.M. 1971. Sterols in grass seeds. Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University. sorghum with special reference foils use Phylochemistry 10(12): 3135-3137, 13 India. 43 pp. as human food. Pages 588-595 in ref. Sorghum inseventies: Pruceedings of an 2742 RAMA RAO. V.V., and OJHA, international symposium organized by 2762 BRILEY, M.E.W. 1973. Amino T.P. 1973. Drying of corn, lowar, groundnut AICSIP, 27-30 October 1971, Hyderabad acid availability in in vitro grain sorghu" and chillies. Pages 72-83 inProceedings, (ed. N.G.P. Rao and L.R. House). New enzymic hydrolysates. Ph.D. thesis, Texas Seminar on post-harvest technology of Delhi, India:Oxford and India BookHouse. Technical University, USA. -: pp, cereals and pulses, 21-23 December 1972, New Delhi. (eds. S.V. Pingale., A. 2752 VIRAKTAMATH, C.S. RAGHA- 2763 BURNS, R.E. 1971. Method for Austin, and M.T.R. Nair). 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2764 BUSSON, F. 1970. Proteins in Australian Journal of Biological Sciences characteristics of various grains. Cereal tropical cereals and leguminous plants. 25(3): 487-497. 24 ref. Science Today 15(11): 381-384. (Fr). Voeding 31(2): 98-107. 6 ref. 2775 GARCHt, J.S., KAWATRA, B.L. 2786 IARI. 1973. Annual progress 2765 CAVINS, J.F., BLESSIN, C.W., WAGLE, D.S., and BHATIA, I.S. 1970. report of the scheme for studies on protein and INGLETT, G.E. 1971. Amino acid Studies on extraction and isolation of leaf quality of sorghum, millet, wheat and other infusion of grain sorghum. Sorghum proteins of various crops grown in the cereal grains forthe period 1970-71 and Newsletter 14: 36. Punjab. Punjab Agricultural University 1971-72. New Delhi, India: IARI. 320 pp. Journal of Research 7(2): 211-215. 24 ref. 2766 CAVINS. J.F. BLESSIN, C.W., 2787 JONES, R.W., and BECKWITH, and INGLET, GE. 1972. Infus wrc,, 2776 GROU, E., and BARBULESCU, A.C. 1970. Proximate composition and sorghum with lysine, methionine, and A. 1971. Amino acid content of some proteins of three grain sorghum hybrids tryptophan. Cereal Chemistry 49(5): 605- varieties and hybrids of sorghum with and their dry-mill fractions. Journal of 608. 7 ref. di'ierent reactions to cereal greenfly Agricultural and Food Chemistry 18(1): (Schizaphis graminum Rond). (Ro). Studii 33-36. 11 ref. Botanica 23(3): 2767 CHANDRA, S, HOUSE, L.R., and si Cercetari de Biologie, 1971. Pentosans in ARORA, 5K. 1970. Estimation of some 281-284. 10 ref. (Summary: En.) 2788 KARIM, A. thesis, Texas A&M essential amino acids ingrain sorghum by sorghum grain. Ph.D. USA. 100 pp. paper chromatography technique. Indian 2777 GROVER, H.L., and GUPTA, Y.P. University, cereals Journal of Agricultural Sciences 40(1): !- 1972. Estimation of tryptophan in 4. 12 ref. and pulses. Indian Journal of Agricultural 2789 KARIM, A., and ROONEY, L.W. Research 6(4): 267-272. 14 ref. 1971. Evaluation of the modified bluret 2768 DECHEV. I. 1973. Chemical method for determination of protein in composition and field germination capacity 2778 GULLO, J.L., MORARD, P., and sorghum grain. Cereal Science Today of sorghum harvested at different stages of BERDUCOU, J. 1972. Effect of the 16(9): 311. ripeness (Bg). Nauchni Trudove, Vissh progressive substitution of potassium by Selkostopanski Insiitut 'Vasil Kolarov' sodium on the mineral composition of 2790 KARIM, A., and ROONEY, L.W. 22(1): 27-31. grain sorghum. (Fr). Agrochimica 16(4-5): 1972. Pentosans in sorghum grain. 310-318. 23 ref. (Summary: En, De, Es, It.) Journal of Food Science 37(3): 365-368.18 2769 DEOSTHALE, Y.G., and MOHAN, ref. V.S. 1970. Locational differences in 2779 GURZHIEV, G.A. 1972. Age protein, lysine and leucine content of dynamics for sugars and hydrogencynide 2791 KARIM, A., and ROONEY, L.W. sorghum varieties. Indian Journal of in the leaves of grain and sweet sorghum. 1972. Characterization of pentosans in Agricultural Sciences 40(11):935-941.12 (Ru). Trudy po Prikladnoi Botanike, sorghum grain. Journal of Food Science ref. Genetike iSelektsii 46(3): 14,-154.13 ref. 37(3): 369-371. 18 ref.

2770 DEOSTHALE, Y.G. MOHAN, VS., 2780 GUSTAFSON, G.L. 1970. Puri- 2792 KHATTAB, A.H., KARAM-ALLA, and V'SWESWARA RAO, K.1970. Varietal fication and properties of UDPG phyro- K.A., and NOUR, A.AM 1972. Amino acid differences in protein, lysine, and leucine phosphorylase from Sorghum vulgare. composition of some sorghum grain content of grain sorghum. Journal of Ph.D. thesis, University of Minnesota, varieties. Stdan Journal of Food Science Agricultural and Food Chemistry 18(4): USA. 170 pp. and Technology 4: 27-29. 6 ref. 644-646. 16 ref. 2781 HAIKERWAL, M., and MATHIE- 2793 KLIMENKO, V.G., and ZUBAI- 2771 DEOSTHALE, Y.G., NAGA RAJAN, SON, AR. 1971. Extraction and fraction- DOV, U.Z. 1971. Chromatographic and V., and VISWESWARA RAO, K. 1972. ation of proteins of- sorghum kernels. electrophoreti,: investigation of sorghum Some factors influencing the nutrient Journal of the Science of Food and seed glutelins. (Ru). Doklady Akademii composition of sorghum grain. Indian Agriculture 22(3): 142-145. 7 ref. Nuk Tadzhikskoi SSR 14(1): 68-71.6 ref. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 42(2): (Summary: Tadzhik.) 100-108. 12 ref. 2782 HAIKERWAL, M., and MATHIE- SON, A.R. 1971. Protein content and 2794 KLIMENKO, V.G., and ZUBAI- 2772 DEYOE, C.W., SHOUP, F.K. amino acid composition of sorghum grain. DOV, U.Z. 1971. Study of sorghum seed MILLER, G.D., BATHURST, J., LIANG, D., Cereal Chemistry 48(6): 690-699. 14 ref. globulins on carboxymethyl-cellulose. SANFORD, PE., and MURPHY, L.S. 1970. (Ru). Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Turk Amino acid composition and energy value 2783 HARRIS, H.B., and BURNS, R.E. menskoi SSR, Seriya Biologicheskikh of immature sorghum grain. Cereal 1973. Relationship between tannin coc;tent Nauk 2: 54-60. (Summary: Tadzhik) Chemistry 47(4): 363-368. 9 ref. of sorghum grain and pre-harvest seed moulding. Agronomy Journal 65: 957-959. 2795 KOENING, R.F. 1973. Estimation 2173 EWART, J.AD. 1972. Further of some environmental and genetic studies on SS bonds in cereal glutelins. 2784 HARRIS, H.B., CUM,.'3, D.G., sources of variation affecting protein JoLrnal of the Science of Food and and BURNS, R.E. 1970. Tanni,' content quantity in sorghum (Sorghum blcolor (L.) Agriculture 23(5): 567-579. 19 ref. and digestibility of sorghum graim as Moench) grain. Ph.D. thesis, University of influenced by bagging. Agronomy Journal Nebraska, USA. 129 pp. 2774 FULCHER, R.G, O'BRIEN, T.P., 62(5): 633-635. 12 ref. and SIMMONDS, D.H. '972. Localization 2796 LAMAR, P.L. 1973. In vitro of arginine-rich proteins in mature seeds 2785 HAWK, A L., KAUFMANN, H.H., measurement of the availability of starch of some members of the Gramineae. and WATSON, C.A. 1970. Reflectance and protein In sorghum qrain. Ph.D. Chemical Composition 85

dissertation, Texas A&M University, USA. sorghum. (Fr). Chimle et Anal. 53(5): 315- of thlram (tetramethyl thiuram disulphide) 108 pp. 322. residues on grains. Journal of the Association of OfficialAnalytical Chemists 2797 LANE, G.T., BADE, D.H., and 2807 MUKHERJEE, R., SINGH, A.P., 53: 519. THOMPSON, Y. 1971. Chemical recons- VIJAI SINGH, and KATIYAR, D.S. 1971. titution of sorghum grain. Texas Agri- Chemical composition of some promising 2818 RANGASWAMY, J.R., POOR­ cultural Experiment Station, Progress selections of sorghum. Sorghum News- NIMA, P., and MAJUMDAR, SK. 1970. Report no. 12963, pp. 15-17. letter 14: 73-74. Rapid colorimetric method for estimation of ferbam and ziram residues in grains, 2798 LANE, G.T., LEIGHTON, R.E., 2808 NORRIS, J.R. and ROONEY, Journal of the Association of Official and BADE, DH.1972. In vitro evaluation L.W. 1970. Enzymatic determination of Analytical Chemists 53: 1043. of chemically reconstituted sorghum starch in sorghum grain. Cereal Science grain. Journal of Dairy Science 55(3):328- 15(9): 304. 2819 REICH, V.H., and ATKINS, R.E. 330. 1971. Variation and interrelationships of 2800 NOVAKOVA, E., and PRUGAR, protein and oil content, and seed weight, 2799 LIANG, Y.T., MORRILL, J.L., J. 1973. Measurement of riboflavin in Irgrain sorghum. Iowa State Journal of ANSTAETT, FR., DAYTON, AD., and cereal and legumes. (Cz). Rostlina Vyroba Science 46(1): 13-22.21 ref. PFOST, H.B. 1970. Effect of pressure, 19(5): 533-544. 35 ref. (Summary: En, Ru, moisture, and cooking time on suscepti- De.) 2820 ROONEY,L.W.1973. Review of bility of corn or sorghum grain starch to physical properties, composition and enzymatic attack. Journal of Dairy Science structure of sorghum as related to 53:336-341, 2810 OLIFSON, L.E., NECHAEV, A.P., utilization. Cereal Science 18(9): 304. OSADCHAYA, ND., and MIKHAILOVA, 2800 LOCKMAN, RB. 1972. Mineral L.F. 1971.Chemical nature of thecooring 2821 ROONEY, L.W., FRYAR, W.B., composition of grain sorghum plant sam- material isolated from the hull of sweet and CATER, C.M. 1972. Protein and amino pies. Part 1. Comparative analysis with sorghum grain. (Ru). Izvesliya Vysshikh acid contents of successive layers corn at various stages of growth under Uchebnykh Zavedenil, Pishchevaya Tek- removed by abrasive milling of sorghum different environments, Communications hnologiya 1: 39-41. grain. Cereal Chemistry 49(4): 399-406. in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 3(4): 13 ref. 271-281. 18 ref. 2811 PICKETT, R.C. 1970. Protein and yield research in sorghum. African 2822 ROONEY, L.W., and SULLINS, 2801 LOCKMAN, R.B. 1972. Mineral Soils 15(1.3): 697-699. R.D. 1970. Chemical, physical and mor­ composition of grain sorghum plant phological properties of diploid and samples. Parl 2. As affeced by soilacidity, 2812 POHLAND, AE., and ALLEN, R. letraploid Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench soil fertility, stage of growth, variety and 1970. Analysis and chemical confirma- kernels. Crop Science 10(1): 97-99. 7 ref. climate factors. Communications in Soil lion of patulin in grains. Journal of the Science and Plant Analysis3(4):283-293. Association of Official Analytical Che- 2823 ROONEY. L.W., and SULLINS, mists 53(4): 686-687. R.D. 1973. Varietal differences in sor­ 2802 LOCKMAN, R.B. 1972. Mineral ghum-do they exist? Pages 26-32 in 8th composition of grain sorghum plant 2813 POHLAND, A.E., and ALLEN, R. Grain Sorghum Research Utilization Con­ samples. Part 3. Suggested nutrient 1970 Stability studies with patulin. Journal ference Biennial Program, USA. Lubbock, sufficiency limits at various stages of of the Association of Official Analytical Texas: Grain Sorghum Producer's Asso­ growth. Communications in Soil Science Chemists 53(4): 688-691. ciation. and Plant Analysis 3(4): 295-303. 2814 RAMA RAO, K.V., and PAR- 2824 ROUGHAN, P.G., and SLACK, 2803 MAXSON, ED., CLARK, L.E, THASARATHY, A.V. 1970. Estimation of C.R. 1973. Simple methods for routine ROONEY, LW., and JOHNSON, J.W. cyanogenic glucosides content in sor- screening and quantitative estimation of 1972. Factors affecting the tannin content ghum varieties. Sorghum Newsletter 13: oxalate content of tropical grasses. of sorghum grain as determined by two 26-27. Journal of the Science of Food and methods of tannin analysis. Crop Science Agriculture 24(7): 803-811.13 ref. 12(2): 233-235. 13 ref. 2815 RANDOLPH, N.M., andTEETES G.L. 1971. Residues from chemical 2825 SABIHA, S.1973. Effect of the 2804 MAXSON, ED., and ROONEY, treatment of grain sorghum. Texas method of heat treatment of soyabean L.W. 1972. Evaluation of methods for Agricultural Experiment Station, Pro- protein and its supplementary value to tannin analysis in sorghum grain. Cereal gress Report no. 2939-2949, pp. 41-46. sorghum. M.Sc. thesis, Andhra Pradesh Chemistry 49(6): 719-729. 2Q ref. Agricultural University, India. 85 pp. 2816 RANGASWAMY, J.R., MAJUM­ 2805 MAXSON, E.D., and ROONEY, DAR, SK., and POORNIMA, P. 1972. 2826 SAE, S),,., KADOUM, A.M., and L.W. 1972. Two methods of tannin Colorimetric method for estimation of CUNNINGHAM, BA. 1971. Purification analysis for Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench methyl iodide residues on jowar (sor- and some properties of sorghum grain grain. Crop Science 12(2): 253-254. 11 ghum) and rice. Journal of the Associa- esterase and peroxidase. Phyochemistry ref. lion of Official Analytical Chemists 55(4): 10(1): 1-8. 35 ref. 800-801. 3 ref. 2806 MORARD, P, and BOURRIER, 2827 SALYAMETOV, R.A., and MAS- E. 1971. Quantitative determination of 2817 RANGASWAMY; JR., POOR- SINO, I.V. 1971. Sorghum vitamins. (Ru) several organic acids In plant tissues by NIMA, P., and MAJUMDAR, S.K. 1970. Tashkent, Uzbek SSR: Knizhnaya Letopis' gas chromatography. Test case using Quick colorimetric method for estimation 75 pp. 86 Food and Human Nutrition

2828 SCHAFFERT, R.E. 1972. Protein weather factors (Hu). Takarmanyter- containing substances of the seeds of quantity, quality, and avalability in Sor- mesztesi Kutato Intezet Kozlemenyei some varieties of sorghum. (Ru). Izvestiya ghum bicolor (L.) Moench grain. Ph.D. 13(2): 67-76. 16 ref. Akademli Nauk Tadzhikskoi SSR, Olde­ thesis, Purdue University, USA. 72 pp. lenie Blologlcheskikh Nauk 1: 24-29. 2840 VERMA, D.K. 1970. Differences 2829 SECKINGER, H.L., and WOLF, of amino-acid contents in normal and 2850 ZUBAIDOV, U.,andKLIMENKO, M.J. 1973. Sorghum protein ultrastructure male sterile inflorescences of sorghum V.G. 1972. Investigation globulins of as it relates to composition. Cereal CK-60. Pages 44-47 in Proceedings of a sorghum seeds chromatographically on Chemistry 50(4): 455-465. 11 ref. symposium on recent advances in crop hydroxyapatile and by electrophoresis on production, February 1970, Kanpur. Kan- paper and in acrylamide gel. (Ru). 2830 SEELY, M.K., and CONN, E.E. pur, India: Uttar Pradesh Institute of Izvestiya Akademil Nauk Tadzhikskoi 1971. Hydroxynitrile lyase (Sorghum Agricultural Sciences. SSR, Oldelenle Biologicheskikh Nauk vulgare). Methods in Enzymology 17 (pt. 4(45): 47-52. 10 ref. (Summary: Tadzhik.) B): 239-244. 2841 VIRAKTAMATH, C.E., RAGHA- VENDRA, G., and DESIKACHAR, rI.S.R. FOOD AND HUMAN NUTRITION 2831 SENTOV, R., and DIMITROVA, 1972. Varietal differences in chemical R. 1971. Content of the cyanogenic composition, physical properties and Oenerl glucoside durrin in certain sorghum culinary qualities of some recently deve­ varieties. (Bg). Rasteniev"dni Nauki 8(1): loped sorghum strains. Journal of Food 2851 DENDY, D.A.V., CLARKE, P.A., 105-111. (Summary Ru, En.) Science and Technology 9(2): 73-76. 7 and JAMES. A.W. 1970. Use of blends of ref. wheat and non-wheat flours in bread­ 283i2 Deleted making. Tropical Science 12(2): 131-142. 2842 WEAK, E.D., MILLER, G.D., FAR- 2833 STAFFORD, H.A.. and BALDY, RELL, E.P., and WATSON, C.A. 1972. 2852 DENDY, D.A.V., JAMES, A.W., R. 1970. Monophenol oxidase activity in Rapid determination of germ damage in and CLARKE, P.A. 1971. Use of sorghum extracts of sorghum. Plant Physiology 45: cereal grains. Cereal Chemistry 49(6): as a diluent for wheat flour in bread­ 215-222. 19 ref. 653-663. 11 ref. making. Sorghum Newsietler 14: 22.

WEIBEL, 2853 DESIKACHAR, H.S.R. 1973. Uti­ 2834 STEKAR, J., and MUCK, 0. 2843 WILSON, N.D., and of the udy lisation of cereals and cereal products. 1971. Selenium conent of cereal grain. D.E. 1971. Further comparison (Sn). Zbornikm BotenniskeealF ae dye-binding and Kjeldahl procedures for Pages 133-136 in Proceedings, Seminar (Sn). Zbornik Biotchenniske Faku;ete protein analysis. Sorghum Newsletter 14: on post-harvest technology of cereals Univerze v Ljuhljani, Kmetisistvo. 18: 13- 97. and pulses, 21-23 December 1972, New 17. 10 ref. Delhi (eds. S.V. Pingale., A. Austin., and 2844 WU, Y.V., CLUSJEY, J.E., and M.T.R. Nair). New Delhi, India: Indian 2835 STEPHENSON, E.L., YORK, J.O., JONES R.W. 1971. Sorghum profamins: National Science Academy, ICAR, CSIR, BRAGG, D.B., and IVEY, C.A. 1971. Amino their optical rotatory dispersion, circular FCI. acid composition and availability of dichroism, and infrared spectra. Journalof different strains of grain sorghums. Page Agricultural and Food Chemistry 19(6): 2854 GALVAND G., and LANZA, A. 92 in 7th Grain Sorghum Research and Ut izn Conereinorgheea Pram, 1139-1143. 12 ref. 1972. Effect of natural and synthetic Uilization Conference Biennial Program, pigmenting substances added to diets USA. Lubbock, Texas: Grain Sorghum 2845 WU, Y.V., CLUSJEY, J.E., and based on sorghum on egg yolk colour. 1. Producers' Association. JONES, R.W. 1971. Structure of sorghum (it). Avicoltura 41(6): 67-77. (Summary:. prolamin from OK 612, RS 626, TE 77 and En,) 2836 SUNG, N.E., KANG, H.R. 1970. Funk G 766 hybrids. Sorghum Newsletter On the amino acid compositions of the 14: 36. 2855 GOPALAN, C. 1972. Pellagra in Korean cereal proteins. (Ko). Korean sorghum eaters. Pages 661-669 in Journal of Nutrition 3: 113-117. (Sum- 2846 YANEZ, E., BALLESTER, D., Proceedings of the First Asian Congress mary: En.) GONZALEZ, M., and CONTRERAS, D. of Nutrition. Hyderabad, India: Nutrition 1973. Chemical composition, amino acids Society of India. 2837 TABORDA, F., CAPOTE, F., and and biological quality of five cv. of BOSCAN, L. 1970. Tannin variations in sorghum (Sorghum vulgare). (Es). Agri- 2856 GOUSSAULT, B., SAMSON, grain sorghum. Sorghum Newsletter 13: cultura Tecnica 33(2): 77-81. 14 ref. M.F., and ADRIAN, J. 1972. Effect of wheat. 81. millet and sorghum brans on ration 2847 YASH PAL ARORA, SK., and digestibility. (Fr). Industries Alimentaires 2838 TAJIMA, K. 1971. Fatty acid BHAGWAN DAS. 1973. Variability inthe et Agricoles 89(11): 1597-1602. composition of lipids in the leaves of the protein and tannin content Inthe grains of crops from tropical and temperate areas. yellow endospermic strains of sorghum. 2857 HARDEN, ML., and LAM, M.W. 1.Isolation of lipids by silicic acid column Sorghum Newsletter 16: 28. 1973. Grain sorghum as afood forpeople. chromatography and preliminary results Sorghum Newsletter 16: 144. on the fatty acid composition. Proceedings 2848 YASH PAL, SHARMA, B.N., and of the Crop Science Society of Japan BHATIA, I.S. 1972. Note on liplds in 2858 HART, M.R., GRAHAM, R.P., 40(3): 247-254. 12 ref. sorghum. Indian Journal of Agricultural GEE, M., and MORGAN, A.I.Jr. 1970. Sciences 42(5): 435-436. 8 ref. Bread from sorghum and barley flours. 2839 VARGA, A. 1973. Crude protein Journal of Food Science 35(5): 661-665. content of sorghum grain in relation to 2849 ZUBAIDOV, U. 1970. Nitrogen- 12 ref. Nutritive Value 87

2850 HINDERS, R. 1971. Nutritionist Agricultural Experiment Station, College Chemistry 20(1): 83-86. 14 ref. looks at grain sorghum. Pages 56-58 in Station, Texas Sorghum Newsletter 16: 7th Grain Sorghum Research and Utiliza- 141-144. 2883 DANIEL, V.A., DESAI, B.L.M., tion Conference Biennial Program, USA. VENKAT RAO, S., SWAMINATHAN, M., Lubbock, Texas: Grain Sorghum Pro- 2871 ROONEY, L.W., SULLINS, R.D., and PARPIA, H.AB. 1970. Effect of ducers' Association. GUSTAFSON, C.B., MAXSON, E.D., and supplementing with limiting amino acids FRYAR, W.B. 1970. Sorghum quality on the nutritive value of the proteins of 2880 KIM, J.C. 1973. Niger: Recipes research. Sorghum Newsletter 13: 75. low-cost balanced foods on blends of for the processing of millet and sorghum cottonseed, peanut, ragi (Eleusine cora­ biscuits. (Fr). Rome, Italy: FAO. 19 pp. 2872 ROONEY, L.W., SULLINS, R.D., cang) or wheat. Plant Foods for Human and MAXSON, E.D. 1971. Sorghum quality Nutrition 2(1): 1-6. 2881 KIRKPATRICK,28614E.E. 1973.KIRKPATRICK,,E"EAN1973.VHighHigh research. Sorghum Newsletter 14: 107. lysine sorghum to aid world's hungry. 2873 SCHWEIGART, F., and VLIET- 2884 DESAI, B.L.M., DANIEL, V.A., Purde3():Aricltue-8.VENKATReort RAO, S, SWAMINATHAN, Purdue Agriculture Reports 3(1): 6-8. STRA, H. 1971. Production of kaffir corn M., and PARPIA, H.A.B. 1970. Studies on grits. Muhle 108: 538-539, 551-552, 586- low cost balanced foods suitable for 2862 LAMAR, P.L. 1973. In vitro 589. feeding weaned infants in developing measurement of the availability of starch countries, II.Supplementary value of low and protein in sorghum grain. Ph.D. thesis, 2874 SHAPLEY, D. 1973. Sorghum: cost balanced foods and Bengal gram Texas A&M University, USA. 126 pp. "miracle" grain for the world protein flour to poor Indian diets. Indian Journal of shortage ? Science 182(4108): 147-148. Nutrition 2863 MILLER, O.H., and BURNS, E.E. and Dietetics 7(1): 21. 1970. Starch characteristics of selected 2875 WALKER, H.G. Jr.,LAI, B., ROCK- 2S85 DESAI, B.L.M., KURIEN, S., grain sorghums as related to human WELL, W.C., and KOHLER, G.O. 1970. DANIEL, V.A., VENKAT RAO, S., SWA­ foods. Journal of Food Science 35(6): Preparation and evaluation of popped MINATHAN, M., and PARPIA, H.A.B.1970. 666-668. 19 ref. grains for feed use. Cereal Chemistry Effect of calorie restriction on the 47(5): 513-521. 31 ref. supplementary value of a protein food to 2864 MUSTAFA, A.I.,MAHGOUB, S.IN., poor vegetarian diets based on kaffir corn and ABDO, S.1971. Ginger biscuits from Nutritive Value (Sorghum vulgare) and wheat. Plant dura (Sorghum vulgare). Sudan Journal of Foods for Human Nutrition 2(1): 7-11. Food Science and Technology 3: 30-33. 4 2876 ADRIAN, J., and PETIT, L.1970. ref. Vitamins in cereals and their evolution in 2886 ELLIOTT, J.S., and McPHER­ the course of technological treatments. SON, C.M. 1971. Nutrient values of and 2835 PEPLINSKI, A.J., and PFEIER, (Fr). Annales de Ia Nutrition et de consumer ireference for grain sorghum VF. 1970. Gelatinization of corn and I'Alimentation 24: B1 31 -BI 68. 71 ret. wafers, Jouriql of the American Dietetics sorghum grits by steam-cooking. Cereal Association 58(3): 225-229.23 rel. Science Today 15(5): 144, 149-151. 2877 ADRIAN, J., QUEROZ, M.J.M., and FRANCE, R. 1970. Vitamin PP in the 2887 FAVIER, J.C. 1973. Nutritive 2866 PERTEN, H. 1972. Study on the seeds of cereals and legumes. (Fr). valueoftwostaplefoodsofAfrica:manioc introduction of millet and sorghum flours Annales de laNutrition et de I'AlImen- and sorghum. (Fr). Thbse de Doctoral de in breadmaking in Senegal. (Fr). Agro- tation 24: 155-166. 8 ref. Science, Universit6 des Sciences et nomiei rdaiTropicale 27(4): 491491eg92 -492. 2878 G.1970.Techniques, Languedoc. 103 pp. 188 ref. 2878 AGREN, G. 1970. Chemical and biological evaluations of protein quality in 2888 HARDEN, M., BRILEY M., and 2867 PION, R.1973. Protein and amino Ethiopian crops and diets. Acta Socletatis YANG, S.P. 1971. Effect of amino acid acid compusition of foods of vegetable Medicorum Upsaliensis 75 (5-6): 257- supplementation on the nutritional value origin. (Fr). Revue Franqaise de Dietdtique 265. of grain sorghum. Part 1. Sorghum 17(66): 13-25. Newsletter 14: 118. 2879 BANIGO, E.O.I., MULLER, H.G. 2889 HARDEN, M., BRILEY, 288 RANGASWAMY,J.R. 1973.Ob- M., and 1972. Manufacture of ogi (a Nigerian YANG, S.P. 1971. servations on the sorption of watervapour fermented cereal porridge): comparative sA nG, onEffect the ntitonaof amino l alueacid by rice and sorghum. Journal of Food evaluation of corn, sorghum and millet, supplementation on the nutrit2onat value Science and Technology 10(2): 59-61. 7 Canadian Institute of Food Technology of grain sorghum. Part 2. Sorghum ref. Journal 5(4): 217-221. 18 ref. Newsletter 14: 119.

2869 ROONEY, L.W., GUSTAFSON, 2880 BHAVANI,B. 1970. Leucine and 2890 HARDEN, M., LAMB, M.W., and C.B., and SULLINS, R.D. 1970. Influence nicotinic acid metabolism. Proceedings of CAUTHEN, S.1970. Stability of fat in the of brown-grain and yellow-grain sorghums the Nutrition Society of India 9: 24-27. 9 germ fraction of the grain sorghum kernel. on attributes of products from white-grain ref. Sorghum Newsletter 13: 75-76. sorghum. Cereal Science Today 15(7): 2991 JOHN, S.W., and MULLER, H.G. 206. 2 ref. 2881 Deleted 1973. Thiamine in sorghum. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 24(4): 2870 ROONEY, L.W., LAMAR, P.L, 2882 BREUER, L.H.Jr., and DOHM, 490-491. MAXSON, E.D., SULUNS, R.D., and C.K. 1972, Comparative nutritive value of KHAN, MN. 1973. Sorghum research In several sorghum grain varieties and 2892 MAXSON, ED. 1973, Relatlon the cereal quality laboratory at the Texas hybrids. Journal of Agricultural Food and between sorghum tannins and nutritive 88 Feed and Animal Nutrition value of the grain. Ph.D. thesis, University International 5(2): 93-100. stuffs. 1. Sorghum vulgare (dura). Sudan of Wisconsin, USA. 445 pp. Journal of Food Science and Technology 2902 ROONEY, L.W. 1972. Grain 4: 39-45. 3 ref. 2893 McCOLLOUGH, R.L., DRAKE, grading and varietal factors that influ­ C.L., and HARRISON. K.F. 1970. Nutritive ence the nutritive value of sorghum grain. 2912 YU, J.Y., YUN, S.R., KIM, K.K., value of four varieties of sorghum grain. Pages 195-196 in 28th Texas Nutrition KWON, H.H., KIM, I.P., and AHN, K.O. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Conference Proceedings. 1973. Studies on the nulrilive value of Bulletin no. 536, pp. 41-46. Korean foods. 5. (Ko). Korean Journal of 2003 ROONEY, L.W. 1972. Sorghum Nutrition 6(1): 11-13. (Summary: En.) 2894 MICHE, J.C. 1973. 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Nutrition Reports International 1: 297-303. Science Today 15: 240-243. 2914 ALBIN, R.C., SKILES, C.A. Jr., ZINN. D.W. 1971. Rough­ 2896 NARAYANASWAMY, D., KURIEN, 2905 ROONEY, L.W., and SULLINS, KEY, J.C., and for finishing S., DANIEL, V.A., SWAMINATHAN, M., R.D. 1973. Feeding value of waxy and age and nitrogen sources of Animal Science and PARPIA, HAB. 1971. Supplemen- nonwaxy sorghum grains as related to cattle. Journal 32(2): 369. tary value of a low-cost protein food based endosperm slructure. Pages 15-29 in 28th on a blend of wheat and soyabean flours Proceedings of Annual Corn and Sor­ WINSTEAD, J., to poor Indian diets based on wheat and ghum Research Conference. 2915 ALBIN, R.C., GRUB. W., COLE- kaffir corn. Indian Journal of Nutrition and ZINN, D., WELLS, D., G. 1971. Dietetics 8(6): 309-314. 7 ref. 2903 SARKAR, AN., and SOME- MAN, E., and MEENAGHAN, HOUDHRY, A.K. 1972. Some aspects of Cattle performance in Soulh-western feedlots. 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Culture of Chemistry 47(3): 266-273. 3 ref. 2917 BALDONI, R. grain sorghum for the development of 2898 NARAYANASWAMY, D, KURIEN, of high- the livestock industry in the hilly areas. S., DANIEL, V.A., VENKAT RAO, S., 2908 SINGH, R. 1973. Effect sugary (Su-mutant) Terra Pugliese 21(11): 3-6. SWAMINATHAN, M., and PARPIA, HA.B. lysine (t-ll-mutant) and 1972. Supplementary value of yeast mutant genes on improved nutritional 2918 BEEBY, L.D. 1970. Value of grown on petroleum hydrocarbons to poor quality of sorghum grain. Ph.D. thesis, various ieeds for lot-feeding. Agricul­ diets based on kaffir corn and wheat. Plant Purdue University, USA. 112 pp. tural Gazette of New South Wales 81(8): Foods for Human Nutrition 2(3-4): 167- 433-437. 170. 2909. TALWALKAR, R.T., and PATEL, S.M. 1970. Biological evaluation of pro- 2919 BOLSEN, K.K., COX, O.J., and 2890 Deleted teins of ambadi (Hibiscus cannabinus) DRAKE, C.L. 1972. 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2923 CUMMINS, D.G., and DOBSON, 2933 ICAZA, E.A.1971.Feedingvalue 2944 McGINTY, D.D. 1972. Sorghum J.W. 1972. Digestibility of bloom and of several grain sorghum hybrids. 11th in animal nutrition. Pages 465-485 in bloomless sorghum leaves as deter- Livestock Production Day Proceedings, Sorghum Ir seventies: Proceedings of an mined by a modified in vitrotechnique. pp. 52-55. international symposium ogranized by Agronomy Journal 64(5): 682-683. 6 AICSIP, 27-30 October 1971, Hyderabad ref. 2934 ILORI, J.O., and CONRAD, J.H. (eds. N.G.P. Rao and L.R. House). New 1971. Nutritional evaluation of selected Delhi, India: Oxford and India Book House. 2924 DEMARQUILLY, C.1970. Nutri- sorghum varieties for the growing rat. tional value of the cereal plant, sorghum Proceedings of the Agricultural Society of 2945 McNEAL, X.. and RAY, M.L. and sunflower. (Fr). Fourrages 42: 53- Nigeria 8: 28-29. 1971. 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2954 PLASTOA.W.1970.High-mois- Hawaii, Department.o! Animal Sciences, 2975 CUMMINS, D.G. 1973. Methods lure grain. A new feedlot ration. Queen- Cooperative Extension Service, Miscella- of evaluation and factors contributing to sland Agricultural Journal 97(8):419-422. neous Publication no. 110, pp. 83-87. yield and digestibility of sorghum silage hybrids. Pages 18-28 in 27th Proceedings 2955. PLASTO, A.W., and GELLERT, 2965 TAMURA, S., KENMOCHI, K., of Annual Corn and Sorghum Research M.J. 1972. High-moi;ture grain sorghum SUZUKI, T., SUGIMURA, K., HORII, S., Conference, USA. in a feedlot grain. roceedings of the and MORIMOTO, H. 1972. Amino acids Australian Society of9Animal Production 9: contents of 32 raw feed materials in 2976 CUMMINS, D.G., McCULLOUGH, 262-265. Japan. (Ja). The N.tional Food Research M.E., and DOBSON, J.W. 1970. Evalua­ Institute Report 27: 35-40. (Summary: En.) lion of corn and sorghum hybrids for 2956 RABAS, D.L. 1971. Relation of silage. Ghana Agricultural Experiment chemical and morphological characteris- 2966 TUDOR, 3D., and MORRIS,J.G. Station, Research Report no. 72. 18 pp. 4 tics to palatability in sorghum speciesand 1971. Effect of frequency of ingestion of ref. crosses. Ph.D. thesis, University of urea on voluntary feed intake, organic Minnisola, USA. 49 pp. matter digestibility and nitrogen balance 2977 CUMMINGS, K.R., WATSON, of sheep. Australian Journal of Experi- V.H., HUNT, G.C., and LUCK, J.W. 1971. 2957 RIEWE, M.E., and BREUER, L.H. mental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Intake and digestibility of corn and 1970. Relationship of the feeding value of 11(52): 483-487. sorghum silages. Journal of DairyScience sorghum grain hybrids to the feeding 54(3): 455. value of their parents. Texas Agricultural 2967 WAGNER, D.G., and SCHNEI- Experiment Station, Consolidated Pro- DER, W. 1970. Influence of storage time 2978 DANIELS, L.B., and FLYNN, C. gress Report no. 2775-2800. pp. 33-35. on feeding value of whole reconstituted 1972. Sorghum silage for dairy heifers. milo. Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Arkansas Farm Research 21(2): 13. 2958 SANFORD, RA., RIGGS, J.K., Station, Miscellaneous Publication no.84, POTTER, GD., ROONEY, L.W., and pp. 28-32 2979 DENHAM, A.H. 1971. Compari­ CONN, J. 1970. In vifro and in vivo sons of corn silage, sorghum silage, and digestibility of sorghum grain varieties, sorghum pasture supplemented with Texas Agricultura! Evperinent Station, soyabean meal and urea for calves. Consolidated Progress Report no. 2775- Feeds5ling* Colorado State University Agricultural 2800, pp. 38-41. Experiment Station, Progress Report no. 20168 ANTHONY, W.B., HARRIS, R.R., 71-47. 4 pp. 1972. Estimated NEM 2959 SCHAKE, L.M., GARNETT, E.F., and BROWN, V.L. RIGGS, J.K., and BUTLER, O.D. 1970. and NEG for corn and sorghum silages. 2980 DENHAM, A.H. 1971. Perfor­ Commercial feedlot evaluation of micro- Journal of Animal Sciences 34(2): 356. mance of steer calves fed sorghum silage, nized and steam-flaked grain sorghum alfalfa hay, and alfalfa silage. Colorado rations. Thxas Agricultural Experiment 2969 BOLSEN, K.K.,CHYBA, L.J., and State University Agricultural Experiment Station, Consolidated Progress Report no. RILEY, J.G. 1972. Evaluation of 4 forage Station, Progress Report no. 71-49. 2 pp. of 2775-2800, pp. 25-30. sorghum silage additives. Journal Animal Science 35(5): 1113. 2981 DIDIER, M. 1972. Ensiling of 2960 SHARMA, VV., JHANWAR, B.M., maize and grain sorghum for bull-calves. and TAPARIA, AL. 1972. Utilization of 2970 BOLSEN, K.K., RILEY, J.G., and (Fr). Le Producteur Agricole Frangais. sorghum stover by cattle. Indian Journal HOOVER, J.D 1973. Four forage'sorghum 111: 18-21. Kansas Stale of Animal Science 42(7): 480-487. 22 ref. silage additives evaluated. University Agricultural Experiment Station, 2982 ESCANO, J.R. 1971. Effect of 2961 SHOUP, F.K. 1970. Factors Bulletin no. 568, pp. 31-36. varying energy levelq in complete feeds affecting protein utilization of sorghum 2971 CATCHPOOLE,V.R. 1972.Labo- containing irain sorghum silage on grain in feeds and foods. Ph.D. thesis, ralory ensilage of Sorghum almum cv. response Li dairy cows. Ph.D. thesis, Kansas Slate University, USA. 201 pp. Crooble. Tropical Grasslands 6(3): 171- Louisiana State University, USA. 98 pp. 176. 11 ref. 2962 SINGH, N., VERMA, ML, SIDHU, 2983 FARAG, F.A., NOUR, A.H., and G.S., and KOCHAR, AS. 1970. Corn- 2972 CLANTON, D.C., and KARN, J.F. GOHAR, M.A. 1971. Studies on the parison of in vivo and in. vitro techniques 1973. Yield and food value of selected ensilage of some green plant residues. 4. for the determination of the nutritive value silage crops fed to calves. University of Sweet sorghum. Agricultural Research index o some common Indian cattle Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Sta- Review 49(2): 165-172. 15 ref. feeds. Indian Journal of Animal Science tion, Bulletin no. SB-522. 15 pp. 40: 252-261. 2984 FISHER, LJ., LESSARD, J.R., and LODGE, G.A. 1971. Utilization of 2963 SRIVASTAVA, R.P., and KUSH- 2973 CMARIK, G.F., and McKIBBEN, formic-acid treated sorghum-sudan sil­ WAHA, N.S. 1971. Study of various G.E. 1971. Sorghums replace corn in age by dairy cows. Canadian Journal of nutrients in rwar (Andropogon sorghum) silage for beef cattle. Illinois Research Animal Science 51(2), 371-376. 16 ref. at different stages of maturity. Indian 13(2): 3-4. Veterinary Journal 48(8): 838-843. 5 ref. 2985 FRONTERA, AR, MORENO, 2974 CUMMINS, D.G. 1972. Quality. A.H., TORANZOS, M.R., FOLQUER DE 2964 STANLEBY, R.W. 1973. Effect of evaluations of sorghums for silage in MARTINEZ, M.E., and PEREZ CARBA- processing. and storing of grains and Georgia. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 21-22. 2 JAL, H.F. 1973. Effects of the addition of forage on their feeding value. University of ref. sugarcane molasses and urea on sor­ Feed: Silage 91

ghum silage. (Es). Universidad Nacional 2096 LIMA, C.R., ARAUJO, M.R., and crops in the foothill plains of Kopet Dagh de Tucuman, Facultad de Agronomia y SOUTO, S.M. 1972. Nutritive values of Mountains. (Ru). Izvestiya Akadernii Nauk Zootecnia no. 49.23 pp. 18 ref. (Summary silages from sorghum and napier, guinea, Turkmenskol SSR, Seriya Biologicheskikh En). pangola and guatemala grases. (PI), Nauk 6:71-76.7 ref. (Summary: Turkmenian, Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, Serie En.) 2986 GARCIA, JA., SILVA, DJ. da, Zoolecnia 7: 53-57. (Summary: En.) and CAMPOS, J. 1970. Molasses/urea 3006 PATEL, L.G., and DAVE, A.D. mixture with sorghum silage, perennial 2997 LUSK, J.W., and HURT, V.G. 1972, Losses in making silage and hay soyabean hay and molasses grass 1971. New summative equation to use from jowar. Indian Journal of Dairy pasture for heifers. Revista Ceres 17(93): with cell wall analysis for estimating dry Science 25(1): 35-38. 20 ref 183-201. matter digestion o!silages. Journal of Dairy Science 54(3): 456. 3007 PEPPER, G.E., and PRINE, G.M., 2987 GILL, S.S., CONRAD, H.R., NEW- 1970., Corn, sorghum, kenaf and their LAND, W.H., and BRAKEL, W.J. 1970. 2990 MARTIN, J., PECK, R., ENGLAND, mixtures for silage. Proceedings of the Response of dairy cows to corn and grain M.W., ALEXANDER, J., and TOTUSEK, R., Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida sorghum fed as soilage and silage. Ohio 1971. Comparison of corn processing 29:208-214.6 ref Agricultural Research Development Cen- methods, several levels of corn silage and ter, Research Bulletin no. 1036. 11 pp. sorghum stover silage vs. corn silage for 3008 PETERSON, W. CUMMINGS finishing steers. Oklahoma Agricultural K.R., and 2988 WATSON, V.H., 1973. Corn or GONI, S.K, PATIL, SH., and Experiment Station, Miscellaneous Pub- sorghum silages for dairy replacements. HARAPANAHALLI, M.D. 1971.Conserva- lication no. 85, pp.45-51. Journal of Dairy Science 56(2):313-314. tion of hybrid sorghum stover nutrients as silage. Mysore Journal of Agricultural 2999 MIROSHNICHENKO, A.R., and 3009 PRINE, G.M., 1971. Evaluation of Sciences 5(3): 283-289. 12 ref. ALDOSI lNA, V.I. 1971. Recommended mixtures of kenaf, sorghum and corn for silage sorghum hybird Kormovoi. (Ru). silage. Proceedings, Soil and Crop Science 2989 HALASZ, K. 1973. Nutrient con- Kukuruze 10:23-24. Society of Florida 31: 51-54. 3re. tent in silaged sorghuw grain. (Hu.). Bull. Duna Tisza Kozi Mezogazd Kiserl. Intez. 3000 MISKOVIC, K., and RASOVIC, 3010 PUND, W.A. 1970. Finishing Kecsk. 8:85-93. (Summary: En.) B., 1972. Quantitalive participation of yearling steers with high-energy grain lactic acid bacteria in the epiphytic sorghum silage. Mississippi Agricultural 2990 HARRIS, R.R., BROWN, V.L., and micToflora of sorghum, maize, lucerne and Experiment Station, Builetin no 780.16 pp. ANTHONY, W.B. 1971. Sorghum silage in silage maize. (Sh). Savremena Poljoprivreda growing ralions foryearling beef steers. 20 (1): 45-53. 7 ref. (Summary: En.) 3011 PUND, WA. 1970. Grain sor- Highlights Agricultural Research 18(2): 6. ghum silage feeding test. Mississippi 3001 MOLINE, W.J. 1971. Crops for Farm Research 33(5): 4,8. 2991 JOHNSON, RR., FARIA, V.P., silage in Western United States. Pages and McCLURE, KE. 1971. Effects of 16-43 in Technological papers presented 3012 REEVE, TA., ROBISON, G.D., maturity on chemical composition and at international Silage Research Con- and GUENTHNER, H.R. 1973. Corn and digestibility of bird-resistant sorghum ference, Washington Hilton Hotel, Wash- sorghum production for silage insouthern plants when led to sheep as silages. inglon DC., December 6-8 1971. Cedar Nevada. Nevada University, Max. C Journal of Animal Science 33(5): 1102- Falls, Iowa, USA: National Silo Association. Fleischman College, Cooperative Exten­ 1109. 27 ret. 52 ref. sion Service no. 131. 7pp.

3002 MONTGOMERY, 2992 JZSA,L 1970. M.J., BEAR- 3013 RITCHIE, H.D., WOODBURN, Productivity of DEN..B., J., MILES, J.T., and HIGH, J.W. D.A., DINGERSIN, R.L., HENDERSON, hybrid sudan grass as compared osilage 1970. Comparison of alfalfa orchard grass H.E., WOODY, H.D., and STROHBEHN, maize and swe9l sorghum. (Hu). Debreceni and sorghum sudangrass hybrid low- Agrartudomanyi Egyetem Tudomanyos andisourghu sangrawih bridag fo DR. 1972. Wintering pregnant heifers In K ozlemenyei 15: 51-60. 11 ref. (Summary: moisture silages with corn silage for drylot on two varieties of sorghum silage Ru.lene) lactating dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy and two sources of supplemental nitrogen. Science 54(4): 446-448. 5 ref. Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, 29%3 JOZSA, L. 1971. Results of 3003 ORTEGA, G.A., RUBIO, R.R., Research Report no. 174, pp 55-65. experiments with fodder crops grown for and HUERTAS, V.E. 1971. Comparative silage. (Hu). Takarmanylermeszlesi Kutato feeding value of grain sorghum silage and AA1a TORAO,,LANE, Inlezel K6zlemenyei 11(1, Suppl.)5-16.20 maize silage forin sodum saea A.A., and TORANZO, E.G.D. de. 1970. ref. (Summary: RI, En, Fr. De.) AgronomicaNutritive value of sorghum and alfalfa En.) silages. Ciencia e Investigacion 25(10): 2994 JOZSA. L. 1973. Comparative 459-466. suitability of sudangrass, sweet sorghum 3004 ORTEGA, G.A., RUBIO, R.R. and and maize for silage. Cereal Research HUERTAS, V.E. 1972. Feeding value of 3015 ROBISON, G.D., JENSEN, E.H., Communications 2: 29-41. 18 ref. grain sorghum and maize for milk and BOHMAN, V.R.1971. Sorghum silage production. (Es). Revisla Inslituto Colom- for growing beef cattle. Nevada University, 2995 JOZSA, L 1973. Results of biano Agropecuario 7(4): 415-424. Max. C Fleischman College, Agricultural experiments conducted with sudangrass (Summary: En) Circular no. 114.6 pp. and sweet sorghum. (Hu). Takarmany­ termesztesi Kutalo Intezet K6zlemenyei 3005 OVEZMURADOV, S.O., and 3016 ROSAS, H., QUINTERO, S.O., 13(2): 17-37. (Summary: Ru,En, Fr, De.) STRELETS, R.S., 1972 Important silage and GOMEZ, J. 1971. Silage of hybrid 92 Feed and Animal Nutrition

sorghum, corn, molasses and urea for P.C.O. de. 1973. Sorghum silage and 3034 ARORA, S.K., BHAGWAN DAS, beef cattle feeding pasture during the dry ground sorghum as roughage for steers in and YASH PAL. 1973. Variation and season. (Es). Pages 198-203 in University a dry lot. (Pt). Revista da Socladade relationship of mineral matter and silica of Panama Faculty Agronomical Progress' Brasileira de Zootecnia 2(1): 82-89.14 ref. content in sorghum forages. Sorghum Labores. Invest. Agropecu. (Summary: En.) Newsletter 16: 27-28.

3017 SCHMID, A.R., MARTEN, G.C., 3026 WALDO, D.R., KEYS, J.E., SM!TH, 3035 ARORA, S.K., and LUTHRA Y.P. and GOODRICH, RD. 1970. Influence of L.W., and GORDON, C.H. 1971. Effect of 1972. Variability of starch and sugar drying methods and temperatures on in formic acid on recovery, intake, digesti- contents Ingrains of sorghum foragesand vitro dry matter digestibility of corn and bility, and growth from unwilted silage. its correlation with tannin and mineral sorghum fodder and silage. Agronomy Journal of Dairy Science 54(1): 77-84. 10 matter content. Stdrke 24(2): 51-53. Journal 62(4): 543-546. 15 ref. ref. (Summary: De, Fr.)

3018 SILVA, J.F.C.,GOMIDE,J.A.,and 3027 WATSON, V+., WARD, C.Y., 3036 CUMMINS, D.G. 1971. Rela­ FONTES, C.A.A. 1973. Nutritive value of SANDERS, T., ALBRITTON, R.C., BRIS- tionships between tannin content and maize and sorghum silages and of dry COE, C., COATS, R., and LUSK, J.W. 1970. forage digestibility in sorghum. Agro­ .maize and sorghum fodders. (Pt). Revista Sorghums for silage InMississippi. Missis- nomy Journal 63(3): 500-502. 16 ref. Ceres 20(111): 347-353. 11 ref. (Sum- sippi Agricultural Experiment Station, In­ mary: En.) formation Sheet no. 1109. 2 pp. 3037 CUNNIGHAM, M.D., and RANG- LAND, W.W. 1971. Plant composition and 3019 SMITH, D.H., LAMBRIGHT, L.E., 3028 WELLHAUSEN, H.W. 1971. Sor- feeding value of sudan grass and and MAUNDER, A.B. 1973. Management ghum production for grain or silage. sorghum-sudan grass in a controlled of dual-purpose silage hybrids relative to Arkansas University Extension Leaflet no. grating system. Journal of Dairy Science production and utilization. Sorghum News- 427.8 pp. 54(10): 1461-1464. 14 ref. letter 16: 147. 3038 DANLEY, M.M., and VETTER, 3020 SMITH, D.H., LAMBRIGHT, LE., Feedi Forage Pastures and R.L. 1970. Effect of maturity and proces­ and MAUNDER, A.B. 1973. Comparison of Orenohop sing on forage carbohydrates. Journal of a bird-resistant and ahetero-yellow grain Animal Science 31(5): 1029-1030. sorghum for silage purposes. Sorghum 3029 All, T. 1971. Use of sorghum Newsletter 16:147-148. forage. 1.The influence of stageof growth 3039 DANLEY, MM., and VETTER, on dry matter digestibility estimated in R.L. 1971. Changes In carbohydrate and 3021 SOUZA LUCCI, C. de, and vitro and chemical composition of the 3 nitrogen fractions and digestibility of BOIN, C. 1970-71. Comparative study of fractions of sorghum forage. (Ja). Journal forages: methods of sample processing.. different proportions of sorghum silage. 5. of Japanese Society of Grassland Science Journal of Animal Science 33(5): 1072­ Santa Eliza and perennial soybean hay for 17(4): 269-274. 14 ref. (Summary: En.) 1077. 18 ref. lactating dairy cows. (PI). Boletim de Industria Animal 27-28: 231-254. (Sum- 3030 All, T. 1972. Use of sorghum 3040 DANLEY, MM., and VETTER, mary: En.) forage.2. Chemical composition and R.L. 1973. Changes In carbohydrate and digestibility of each tissue comprising nitrogen fractions and digestibility of 3022 SOUZA LUCCI, C. de, PAIVA, sorghum forage. (Ja).Journal of Japanese forages, maturity and ensiling. Journal of J.A.J., NOGUEIRA, F., and ERNESTO, A. Society of Grassland Science 18(2): 95- Animal Science 37(4): 994-999. 16 ref. 1972. Comparative study between sor- 102. 6 ref. (Summary: En.) ghum silages (Funk's 77F, sarl and grain 3041 DIAZ, H.B., LAGOMARSINO, Funk's varieties) and Lorn silage as 3031 All, T., 1973. Use of fodder E.D., and PRETTE, I.R. 1973. Digestibility roughage for lactating dairy cow,. (Pt). sorghum. 3. Composition and rate of evaluation of most common natural and Boletin de Industria Animal 29(2): 331- disappearance of neutral detergent fibre some cultivated forage species In the 338. (Summary: En.) by in vitro (silk bag method).and in vilro semi-arid region of northwest Argentina. method. (Ja). Journal of Japanese Society Revista Agronomica del Noroeste Argen­ 3023 TAKANO, N., INOUE, S., and of Grassland Science 19(1): 3-10.22 ref. tino 9(1): 55-68. MANDA, T. 1973. Formic acid as an (Summary: En.) additive of high-moisture grass silage. 1. 3042 DUBOIS, C., and VERVACK, W. The required amount of formic acid and 3032 ALLEN, R.J.Jr. 1971. Grazing 1972. Introduction to the tables of amino quality of formic acid silage. (Ja). National sorghum In the everglades agricultural acid composition of farm fodders in Grassland Research Institute, Bulletin no. area. Sorghum Newsletter 14: 23. Belgium and of the primary materials used 4, pp.1-8. 18 ref. (Summary: En.) In the animal feed industry. (Fr). Pages 3033 ARORA, S.K., ARORA, N.D., 737-764 in Proteines et acides amines en 3024 VELLOSO, L. 1970-71. Corn and PARODA, R.S., LUTHRA, Y.P., and SHA- nutrition humaineetanimale. Livrejubilaire sorghum silages, corn fodder and sugar- RMA, G.D. 1972. Chemical composition pubilI en hommage au Prof. Dr. H.C.Albert cane as roughages for beef steers infeed- and nutritive value of some fodder de Vuyst do i'Universit6 de Louvain lot trials. (Pt). Boletim de Industria Animal varieties of sorghum. Pages 582-587 in (Belgique). Madrid, Spain: Editorial Garsi. 27-26: 313-323. (Summary: En.) Sorghum in seventies: Proceedings of an 24 ref. (Summary: NI, En De, Es.) international symposium organized by 3025 VILELA, H., SILVA, J.F.C., FON- AICSIP, 27-30 October 1971, Hyderabad 3043 EDWARDS, N.C. Jr. 1970. Effects TES, L.R., CAVALCANTI, SS., MOREIRA, (ed. N.G.P.Rao and L.R.House.) New of cutting management on growth anjd H.A., FIGUEIREDO, E.P., and ANDRADE, Delhi, India: Oxford and India Book House. regrowth after cutting, and digestibilityof a Feed: Forage Pastures and Greenchop 93

sorghum-sudangrass hybrid cultivar, 3054 LEGEL, S., and TAFRAN, A. phasIs on beef forage studies. Mississippi Sudax SX-11. Ph.D. thesis, University of 1971. Investigations Into the nutrient Farm Research 34(10): 4-5. Tennessee, USA, 137 pp. content of cultivated and forage plants grown under subtropical conditions Inthe 3064 3044 EDWARDS, NCJr., MOSS, B.R., VOILLEQUE, P.G., and FRI- Syrian Arab Republic and of their by- MOODY, E.L, ADAMS, D.R., PELLETIER, BOURG, H.A., and MONTGOMERY, M.J. products, 1.Grain (Cereals and Le- C.A., and HOSS, D. 1972. Effects 1971. Cutting management of effects on gumes) Beitraege zur Tropischen und feeding sudangrass on iodine metabolism growth rate and dry matter digestibility of Subtropischen Landwirtschaft und Tro. of lactating dairy cows. Journal the sorghum-sudangrass of Dairy cultivar Sudax penvelerinaermedizin 9(4): 267-276, 16 Science 55(10): 1487-1491. SX-1 1.Agronomy Journal 63(2): 267-271. ref. 7 ref. 3065 NELSON, A.B., and NEUMANN, 3055 LEGEL, S., and TAFRAN, A. A.L. 1970. Alfalfa hay, cottonseed 3045 FRONTERA, A.R., REBOLA, hulls, J.L., 1972. Investl ations into the nutrient cottonseed meal, and trace minerals In and VALY, E.L. 1973. Deferred grazing of content of cultivated and forage plants high-milo rations for finishing steers. New sorghum by beef steers, supplemented grown under subtropical conditions inthe Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station, with molasses and urea. (Es). Revista Syrian Arab Republic and of their by- Bulletin no. 571, pp. 3-17. Agronomica del NoroesteArgentino 11(3- products. 3. Green forage, silage, and hay. 4): 227-239. 9 ref. (Summary: En.) (De). Beitraege zur Tropischen und Sub- 3066 PATEL, C.A., DHAMI, B.M.,and tropischen Landwirtschaft und Tropen- PATEL, B.M. 1971. Comparison of napler 3046 GAFFAR, M.A., and KADUSKAR, veterinaermedizin 10(4): 285-292. 21 ref. hybrid, guinea grass and green jowar as a M.R. 1972. Nutritive value of Jowar fodder. (Summary: En, Fr, Es.) green fodder supplement for milk produc- Indian Veterinary Journal 49(11): 1133- lion. Indian Jounal of Dairy Science 24(3). 1136. 4 ref. 3056 LIMA, C.R.,ARONOVICII, S.,and 119-122. 14 ref. SOUTO, S.M. 1973. Influence of supple­ 3047 HANNA, W.W., MONSON, W.G., mentary feeding during the dry season on 3067 POLIDORI, F.1970. Rational use and BURTON, G.W. 1973. Histological the development of dairy heifers main- of maize and sorghum fodder for feeding examination of fresh forage leavesafterin tained on guinea grass pastures. (PI). cattle for meat and milk production. (It). vitro digestion. Crop Science 13: 98-102. Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, Zoo- Tecnica Agricola 22(6): 535-552. 31 ref. tecnia 8(2): 35-38. 7 ref. (Summary: En.) 3048 HERNANDEZ, O.A. 1971. Pas- 3057 LUSK, J.W., and McGEE, W.H. 3068 RABAS, D.L.,SCHMID, .A.R.,and lure utilization by rotational grazing. Idia 1971. Harvest early for quality hay. MARTEN, G.C. 1970. Relationship of 278: 1-9. 17 ref. Mississippi Farm Research 34(8): 1-2. chemical composition and morphological characteristics to palatability in sudan­ 3049 HOVELAND, C;S., HARRIS, R.R., 3058 MARCHI, A., and GIRAUDO, grass and sorghum xsudangrass hybrids. BOSECK, J.K., and WEBSTER, W.B. 1971. C.G. 1973. Effect of time of starting to Agronomy Jounal 62(6):762-763. 11 ref. Supplementation of steers grazing sor- graze sorghum on weight gain of cattle. ghum-sudan pasture. Auburn University (Es). Revista de Investigaciones Agro- 3069 RABB, J.L., and OAKES, J.Y. Agricultural Experiment Station, Circular pecuarias 10(5): 185-194. (Summary: En.) 1973. Summer annual grasses for grazing no. 188. 8 pp. 7 ref. and hay inthe Red River valley. Louisiana 3059 MARTIN, J.W., PECK, R., ENG- Agriculture 16(3): 13, 15. 3050 JACKSON, M.G., and GUPTA, LAND, M.W., ALEXANDER, J., and TOTU- D.C. 1971. Value of concentrate supple- SEK, R. 1970. Methods of utilizing the 3070 RAMADAN. M.Y., and ROBIN­ mentation of berseem forage for milk sorghum and corn plants for finishing SON, W.I. 1972. Digestibilities of green production inbuffaloes. Indian Journal of cattle. Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment forages by sheep. Joint Agricullural Animal Science 41(2): 86-91. Station, Miscellaneous Publication no. 84, Research and Development Project, pp. 47-52. University College 3051 LADAN, P.E., BELKINA, of North Wales, Bangor, N.N., and Ministry of Agriculture and Water, and GUSTUN, M.I. 1973. Changes in 3060 MOIR, K.W. 1971. In vivo and in Saudi Arabia, Publication no. 8. 6 pp. nutritive value of fodder crops with phase vitro digestible fractions in forage. Journal of vegetation. (Ru), Doklady Vsesoyuznoi of Science of Food and Agriculture 22(7): 3071 READ, J.W., and DAWE, S.T. Ordena Lenina Akademii Sel'skokhoz- 338-341. 26 ref. 1970. Comparative animal production yalstvennykh Nauk 7: 4-5. from hybrid forage sorghum and paspa­ 3061 MONSON, W.G., and BURTON, 3052 LAGOMARSINO, ED., lum/white clover pastures underirrigation PRETTE, G.W. 1972. Effectsoflengthofcutand-af in southern New South Wales. Sorhgum I.R., and RODRIGUEZ, J.C. 1973. Per- surface treatments on digestibilityof fresh Newsletter 13: 6-7. formance of some cultivated forage forage. Agronomy Journal 64: 405-406. species in the semi-arid cattle region of 3072 RIECK, W.L., CROY, LI., and northwestern Argentina. (Es). Revista 3062 MORRIS, J.G., and GULBRAN- DAVIES, F.F. 1972. Animal preference and Agronomica del Noroeste Argentino 10(3- SEN, B. 1970. Effect of nitrogen and utilization of selected lorage sorghums 4): 215-230. (Summary: En,) energy supplements on the growth of grazed in fall and winter. Agronomy cattle grazing oats or rhodes grass. Journal 64(3): 334-336. 10 ref. 3053 LAUNCHBAUGH, J.L. 1971. Australian Journal of Experimental Agri- Upland seeded pastures compared for culture and Animal Husbandry 10(44): 3073 ROLLINS, G.H., KING, C.C.Jr., grazing steers at Kays, Kansas. Kansas 379-383. LITTLE, J.A., SMITH, L.A., and GRIMES, Agricultural Ekperiment Station, Bulletin H.W.Jr. 1970, Effect of row spacing on no. 548, pp. 1-28. 3063 MORRISON, E.G. 1971. Em- sorghum-sudan forage yield and utili­ 94 Feed and Animal Nutrition

zation by dairy cows. Auburn University pastures. Tropical Groasslands 4(3): 237- 3093 COX, O.J., BOLSEN, KK., RILEY, Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin 244. 18 ref. J.G., and SAUER, D.B. 1973. Effects of no. 409. 15 pp. organic acids on the preservation and 3084 TEMPLETON, W.C., BUCK, C.F, feeding value of dry and high moisture 3074 ROLLINS. G.H., KING, C.C.Jr., and BRADLEY, N.W. 1970. Renovated milo. Kansas Agricultural Experiment SMITH, L.A., and GRIMES, H.W.Jr. 1973. Kentucky bluegrass and supplementary Station, Bulletin no. 568, pp. 37-40. Composition and digestibility of blended pastures for steers. Kentucky Agricul­ rations of concentrate and different tural Experiment Station, Bulletin no. 709. 3094 CUMMINGS, KR., HUNT, G.C., ensiled forages. Journal of Dairy Science 19 pp. and WATSON, V.H. 1971. Milo tested in 56(2): 307-308. dairy rations. Mississippi Farm Research 3085 THURBON, P., BYFORD, I.,and 34(10): 8. 3075 SELZAMETOV, R.A., and MAS- WINKS, L. 1970. Evaluation of hays of SINO, IV. 1970. Contents of vitamins in Dolichos lablab, cv. Rongai, a sorghum/ 3093 DRIEDGER, A. 1971. Chemical grain and leaf+stem. mass of sorghum. sudangrass hybrid, cv. Zulu, and Towns- and physical characteristics related to (Ru). Kukuruza 10: 29-30. ville lucerne (Stylosanthes humilis H.B.K.) digestibility and utilization of processed on the basis of organic matter and crude sorghum grain. Texas Nutrition Confer­ 3076 SHERIDAN, K.P., HOLLAND, protein digestibility. Pages 743-747 in ence Proceedings, Texas Agricultural J.F., THOMPSON, J.A., and HAMILTON, Proceedings 11 th International Grassland Experiment Station 26: 137-141. B.A. 1972. Growth rates of lambs and Congress, Surfers' Paradise, Australia, adult sheep grazing foragesorghums and 1970.3 ref 3096 FREDERICK, H.M., THEURER, lucerne. Australian Journal of Experi- B., and HALE, W.H. 1973. Effect of mental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry 3086 WEDIN, W.F. 1970. Digestible moisture, pressure, and temperature on 12(55): 144-145. 9 ref. dry matter, crude protein, and dry matter enzymatic starch degradation of barley yields of grazing-type sorghum cultivars and sorghum grain. Journal of Dairy 3077 SHERIDAN, K.P., HOLLAND, as affected by harvest frequency. Agro- Science 56(5): 595-601. 16 ref. J.F., THOMPSON, J.A., and HAMILTON, nomy Journal 62(3): 359-363. 22 ref. B.A. 1973. Forage sorghums poor feed 3097 HARDEN, M.L., and LAMB, M.W. value for young sheep. Agricultural 3087 WESLEY-SMITH, R.N. 1972. Live- 1970. Lysine-supplemented grain sor­ Gazette of New South Wales 84(3): 186. weight gains of shorthorn steers on native ghum diets fed to young female rats. and improved pastures at Adelaide River, Sorghum Newsletter 13: 76-77. 3078 SINGH, H. 1973. Forage hus- Northern Territory. Australian Journal of bandry for the new cattle programme. Experimental Agriculture and Animal 3098 HINDERS, R., and ENG, K.1970. Indian Farming 22(11): 13-18. Husbandry 12(59): 566-572. 23 ref. Effect of grain sorghum type on starch degradation due to ,ressure cooking and 3079 SINGH, K., VERMA, N.C., 3088 WHEELER, J.L., and HEDGES, micronizing. Feedstuffs 42(10): 20. MUKHERJEE, R., and KUMAR, I. 1971. D.A. 1972. Assessment of summer forage Chemical composition and nutritive value crops for sheep by the put-and-take .3099 HINDERS, R., and ENG, K.1970, of three varieties of hybrid napier grass. grazing technique. Australian Journal of Difference in digestibility and utilization of Indian Journal of Animal Production Agricultural Research 23(5): 825-838. 17 various grain sorghum types. Feedstuffs 2(2): 3. ref. 42(38): 20.

3080 SINGH, M., ISHWAR, S., and 3089 WOODS, L.E. 1970. Beef pro- 3100 HOWE, E.E., and GILFILLAN, JACKSON, M.C. 1972. Value of concen- duct!on from pastures and forage crops in E.W. 1970. Limiting nutrients in cereal Irate supplements of sorghum forage for a tropical monsoon climate. Pages 845- grains for the growth of the laboratory rat. milk production and growth incows and 849 in Proceedings, 11th International Indian Journal of Nutrition Dietetics 7:17­ buffaloes. Indian Journal of Animal Grassland Congress, Surfers Paradise, 20. Science 42(1): 16-21. Australia, 1970. 5 ref. 3101 JAMBUNATHAN, R., and MERTZ, 3081 SINGH, R., and BHATIA, I.S. Feed-Graln: General E.T. 1973. Relationship between tannin 1972. Effect of growth stage on the levels, rat growth, and distribution of chemical composition of forage type balra 3090 ANON. 1973. Broad base milo proteins in sorghum. Journal of Agricul­ (Pennisefum typhoides) and jowar (Sor- feeding at baca feeders. Western Live- tural and Food Chemistry 21(4): 692-696. ghum vulgare) leaves. Punjab Agri- stock Journal 51(48): 52-54. 17 ref. cultural University Journal of Research 9(3): 455-459. 3091 BOLSEN, K.K., OOX, O.J., and 3102 MARTIN, J., PECK, R., ENG- DRAKE, C.L. 1972. Effect of organic acids LAND, M.W., ALEXANDER, J., and TOTU- 3082 STALLCUP, O.T FLYNN, C.J., on the preservation and feeding value of SEK, R. 1970. Two reconstitution methods and DAVIS, G.V. 1972. Milk production reconstituted milo. Kansas Agricultural and steam flaking for milo with two levels and milk fat percentage of cows fed Experiment Station. Bulletin no. 557, of protein supplementation. Oklahoma sorghum-sudan hybrid forage plus con- pp. 1-5. Agricultural Experiment Station, Miscella­ centrates of varying crude fiber content. neous Publication 84: 41-47. Journal of Dairy Science 55(5): 701. 3092 COSCIA, A. 1971. International market for feed grains and Argentina's 3103 MAY, M.A., and NELSON, T.S. 3083 STOBBS, T.H. 1970. Automatic position. (Es). Estacion Experimental 1973. Digestible and metabolizable energy measurement of grazing time by dairy Regional Agropecuaria, Boletin de Dlvul- content of varieties of milo for rats. Journal cows on tropical grass and legumes gacion Tecnica no. 11. 11 pp. of Animal Science 36(5): 874-876. 18 ref. Feed-Grain: Ruminants 95

3104 MAXSON, E.D., and ROONEY, VENKATASUBRAMANIAN, T.A. 1972. cowsfed ongreenforage.(Es).Revlstade L.W. 1972. Tannin content, enzyme Brain liplds of rats fed millet (Sorghum Investigaclones Agropecuarlas, Series 1, Inhibition, and feeding value of bird- vulgare) proteins. Biochemistry and Ex- 7: 63-85. resistant and non-bird resistant sorghum perimental Biology 10(4): 315-322. grains. Cereal Science 17(9): 260. 3125 VERMOREL, M. 1970. Energy 3114 NAWAR, I.A., CLARK, H.E., and nitrogen utilization of an INRA 450 3105 MAXSON, E.D., and ROONEY, PICKETT, R.C., and HEGSTED, D.M. hybrid sorghum composing a balanced L.W. 1973. Inhibition of enzymes by 1970. Protein quality of selected lines of diet of amino acids by growing rats. (Fr). extracts and isolated polyphenols of Sorghum vulgare for the growing rat. Annale s de Biologle Animale, Blochlmle sorghum grain. Cereal Science 18(9): Nutrition Report International 1: 75-81. et Biophysique 10(2): 327-330. 4 ref. 304. (Summary: En.) 3115 NEUHAUS, V., and TOTUSEK, 3106 MAXSON, E.D., ROONEY, L.W., R. 1971. Factors effecting the in vitro 3126 Deleted. LEWIS, R.W., CLARK, 1-.E., and JOHN- digestibility of high-moisture sorghum SON, L.W. 1973. Relationship between grain. Journal of Animal Science 33(6): 3127 WAGNER, D.G., CHRISTIAN-. tannin content, enzyme inhibition, rat 1321-1326. SEN. R., and HOLLOWAY, W.1971. Influ­ performance and characteristics of sor- ence of storage time and moisture level on ghum grain. Nutrition Reports Interna- 3116 OSMAN, H.F., THEURER, B., feeding value of whole reconstituted milo tional 8(2): 145-152. HALE, W.R,, and MEHEN, S.M. 1970. for fattening cattle. Oklahoma Agricul- Influence of Qrain processing on in vitro tural Experiment Station, Miscellaneous 3107 MAXSON, W.E., and SHIRLEY, enzymatic starch digestion of barley and Publication no. 85, pp. 64-68. R.L. 1971. Tannic-acid and sulfate in milo sorghum grain. Journal of Nutrition diets fed to rats. Journal of Animal 100(10):1133-1139. 3128 WHITE, T.W., REYNOLDS, W.L., Science 32(2): 385. HEMBRY, F.G., and HABETZ, R. 1973. 31 17 OSWALT, D.L. 1973. Nutritional Beef cattle nutrition research, Influence of 3108 MAXSON, W.E., and SHIRLEY, quality of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench as urea, molasses and roughage on corn R.L. 1973. Milo diets with added sulfate estimated by polyphenols, crude protein, and sorghum grain rations. Pages 267­ fed to rats. Florida Scientist 36(2-4): 159- amino acid composition and rat perfor- 273 in 65th Annual Progress Report, Rice 163. mance. PhD. thesis, Purdue University, Experiment Station, Crowley USA. USA. 105 pp. 3109 McCOLLOUGH, RL. 1972. Nut- Feod-Gralln: Ruminants ritive value of 8 hybrid sorghum grains 3118 PHARISS, F.M. 1970. Milo pro­ and 3 hybrid corns compared in all tein facts speak for themselves. Grain 3129 ALEXANDER, R.M., BUSH, L.J., concentrate rations. Part 1. Hybrid Production News 21(1): 4-5. and ADAMS, G.D. 1973. Effect of sorghum and corn characteristics and micronizing sorghum grain on production methods used to nutritionally evaluate 3119 ROTH, GM., BRENT, B.E., and by dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science them. Kansas Agricultural Experiment SCHALLES, R.R. 1972. Steam flaking 56(2): 306. Station, Bulletin no. 557, pp. 15-20. parameters vs. gelatinization for sor­ ghum grain. Journal of Animal Science 3130 BADE, D.H., LANE, G.T., LEIGH­ 3110 McCOLLOUGH, R.L, and BRENT, 35(5): 1134. TON, R.E., and DRIEDGER, A. 1973. B.E. 1972. Nutritive value of 8 hybrid Acetic acid treatment of reconstituted sorghum grains and 3 hybrid corns 3120 SCHAKE, L.M., RIGGS, J.K., and Sorghum grain for dairy cows. Journal of compared in all concentrate rations. Part BUTLER, O.D. 1972. Commercial feedlot Dairy Science 56(1): 124-128. 3. Digestibility of 8 hybrid sorghum grains evaluation of four methods of sorghum and 3 hybrid corns. Kansas Agricultural grain processing. Journal of Animal 3131 BAKKE, J.E., SHIMABUKURO, Experiment Station, Bulletin no. 557, pp. Science 34(6): 926-930. R.H., DAVISON, K.L., and LAMOUREUX, 27-31. G.L. 1972. Sheep and rat metabolism of 3121 STALLCUP, O.T. 1971. Amino the insoluble 14C-residues present in 3111 McCOLLOUGH, R.L., DRAKE, acid supplementation of sorghum grain. 14 C-atrazine-treated sorghum. Chem- C.L., and ROTH, G.M. 1972. Nutritive Feedstuffs 43(3): 24-25. osphere 1(1): 21-24. value of 8 hybrid sorghum grains and 3 hybrid corns compared inall concentrate 3122 STALLCUR, G.T., and DAVIS, 3132 BEESON, W.M. 1972. Grain rations. Part 2. Feedlot performance of 8 G.V. 1972. Digestion trials on high- nutrient value for beef cattle. Animal hybrid sorghumgrainsand3hybridcorns. moisture sorghum grain and stalk resi- Nutrition and Health 27(12): 18-19. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, dues. Arkansas Farm Research 21(1): 7. Bulletin no. 557, pp. 21-26. 3133 BERRY, L.D., and RIGGS, J.K. 3123 STALLCUP, O.T., DAVIS, G.V., 1971. Particle size of reconstituted 3112 MILLER, F.R., LOWREY, A.S., and YORK, J.O. 1972. Nutritive value of sorghum grain as related to its digestibility MONSON, W.G., BURTON, G.W., and high-moisture sorghum grain and stalk and cattle performance. Texas Agricul- CRUZADO, H.J. 1972. Estimates of dry residues harvested from same plants. tural Experiment Station, Progress Report matter digestibility differences ingrain of Journal of Dairy Science 55(5): 701. no. 12963-12999, p. 9-15. some Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench varieties. Crop Science 12(5): 563-566. 3124 THOELE, H.W., BROWN, R.J., 3134 BERTRAND, J.E., DUNAVIN, 12 ref. and MONTI, HE. 1970. Effect of giving a L.S., and LUTRICK, M.C. 1970. Corn and supplement of concentrate based on sorghum, both fed as high-moisture 3113 and MISRA, R., MISRA, U.K., and sorghum grain on production by dairy dry grain, for finishing beef steers. 96 Feed and Animal Nutrition

Sunshine State Agricultural Research 3144 CALHOUN, M.C.,andSHELTON, 3154 HALE, W.H. 1973. Influence of Report 15(1): 11-14. M. 1973. Evaluation of reconstituted processing on the utilization of grains sorghum grain and roughage for adap- (starch) by ruminants. Journal of Animal 3135 BERTRAND, JE., and LUTRICK ting lambs to high-concentrate diets. Science 37(4): 1075-1080. 36 ref. M.C. 1972. Feeding value of NBR (non Texas Agricullural Experiment Station, bird-resistant) and BR (bird-resistant) Progress Report no. 3179-3191, pp. 15- 3155 HARDY, C. 1973. Determina. sorghum grain in the ration of beef 17. lion of the optimum stage of maturity for steers. Sorghum Newsletter 15: 16-17. harvesting grain sorghum, 2. Relation­ 3145 CUNHA, PG., MONTAGNINI, ship between grain moisture content and 3136 BROWN, W.H., SULLIVAN, L.M., M.I,,ROVERSO, E.A., and SILVA, D.J. starch and protein content. Cuban Jour­ CHEATHAM, L.F.Jr., HALBACH, K.J., 1973. Comparative study between grain nal of Agricultural Science 7(1): 57-59.9 and STULL, J.W. 1970. Steam processing sorghum and grain corn on fattening ref. versus pelleting of two ratios of mile and steers under confinement. (Pt). Boletim barley for lactating cows. Journal of Dairy de Industria Animal 30(1): 1-7. 13 ref. 3156 HARDY, C. 1973. Ensied high­ Science 53:1448-1454. (Summary: En.) moisture sorghum grain, 2. Influence of moisture content at harvest on fermen­ 3137 BUSH, L.J., STEEVENS, B.J., 3146 DANIELS, LB., and FLYNN, C. tation parameters. Cuban Journal of and ADAMS, G.D,1972. Effect of fineness 1972. Processing bird-resistant. grain Agricultural Science 7(1): 61-68. of grinding on utilization of sorghum grain sorghum for calf starter rations. Arkansas by dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science Farm Research 21(6): 11. 3157 HARDY, C. 1973. Ensiled high­ 55(3): 399. moisture sorghum grain. 3. Carbohydrate 3147 DANIELS, L.B., WINNINGHAM, disappearance and organic acids and 3138 BUSH, LJ., STEEVENS, B.J., R.M., and HORNSBY, O.R. 1973. Expan- ethanol production. Cuban Journal of RAUCH, K.E., and ALEXANDER, R.M. sion-extrusion processed sorghum grain Agricultural Science 7(2): 203-208. 1972. Methods of processing sorghum in soybeans in diets of dairy calves. dairy cows. Oklahoma insyesIndtsodarclv. grateninrsigrain for lactatingAgricutry cows.pOhmat Journal of Dairy Science 56(7): 932-934. 3158 HARDY, C., and BOUCOURT, State University Agricultural Experiment R 92 nie ihmlse ogu Station, Miscellaneous Publication no. 87, R. 1972. Ensiled high-molasses sorghum pp. 146-157. 3143 DRAKE, C.L., CARLSON, V.P., grain. 1. Chemical and microbiological WILSON, P.H., and ALLEN, D.M. 1970.. changes. Revista de Cubana de Ciencia

3139 CALHOUN,3139CALOUN MC.,MC.andHELON, andSHELTON, Whiteelevator-run soilhum redgrainsorghum(Funk's G766W)grain com-and Agricola 6(2): 211-217.23 ref. steam- elvtrunedsghm ranc­ M.aked,M. 1970.1970 ComparisonC d anof ofpoped popped steaum pared for fattening cattle. KansasAgricul- 3159 HELM, R.E 1970. Effects of flaked, ground and pelleted sorghum tural Experment Station, Bulletin no. 536. reconstituting whole and ground sorghum grain in high concentrate rations on lambs 38 pp. grain for feeding to dairy cattle. Ph.D. under* commercial feedlot conditions. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, thesis, Texas A&M University, USA. 89 pp. Progress Report no. 2754, pp. 46-47. 3149 FIGROID, W., HALE, W.H., and THEURER, B. 1972. Evaluation of the 3160 HELM, R.E., LANE, G.T., and 3140 CALHOUN, M.C.,andSHELTON, nylon bag techniqueforestimating rumen LEIGHTON, R.E. 1972. Variations In M.1971. Comparison of reconstituted and utilization of grains. Journal of Animal ruminal lactate, volatile fatty acids, and pH dry-rolled sorghum grain inhigh concen- Science 35(1): 113-120. from reconstitution of sorghum grain. trate rations for lambs. Texas Agricultural Journal of Dairy Science 55(7): 979-982.9 Experiment Station, Progress Report no. 3150 FLYNN, M.F., and STALLCUP, ref. 2908-2937, pp. 79 O.T. 1973. Digestion trials on high­ moisture rolled mile and dry-rolled mile. 3161 HENDERSON, G.R., and BRE- 3141 CALHOUN, M.C., andSHELTON, Journal of Dairy Science 56(2): 306. UER, L.H. 1970. Digestion of sorghum M. 1971. Processing sorghum grain for grain protein and amino acids by cqttle. feeder lambs: comparison of dry-rolled, 3151 FRANKS, L.G., NEWSOM, J.R., Texas Agrcultural Experiment Station, reconstituted popped and steam flaked RENBARGER, R.E., and TOTUSEK, R. Progress Report no. 2775-2800, pp. 35­ grain. Texas Agricultural Experiment 1972. Relationship of rumen volatile fatty 38. Station, Progress Report no. 2908-2937, acids to type of grain, sorghum grain pp. 9-11. processing method and feedlot perfor- 3162 HOLMES, J.H.G., DRENNAN, mance. Journal of Animal Science 35(2): MJ., and GARRETT, W.N. 1970. Diges­ 3142 CALHOUN, M.C.,andSHELTON, 404-409. 18 ref. lion of steam-processed mile by rumi­ M. 1971. Replacement value of fuzzy nants. Journal of Animal Science 31:409­ cotton seed in high-concentrate lamb 3152 GOIC, L., VERDE, L., GIL, E., and rations. Texas Agricultural Experiment CAPPELLETTI, C. 1971. Supplement of 3163 KIESLING, H.E., McCROSKEY, Station, Progress Report 2908-2937, pp. grain sorghum for young cattle. (Es). JE., and WAGNER, D.G. 1972. Effect of 11-15. Produccion Animal 2: 38-44. (Summary: mile preparation, energy utilization by En.) fe',.':ot steers as determined by respira­ 3143 CALHOUN, M.C., and SHELTON, t'.,: calorimetry and comparative slaugh­ M. 1972. Sorghum grain processing 3153 GOMEZ, P.O., GARDNER, A.L., t:. Oliahoma Agricultural Experiment methods: comparison of whole dry-rolled and CAPPELLETTI, C. 1972. Supple- "or, Miscellaneous Publication no. 87, and ground sorghum grain for feeder mentalion of grazing steers with grain. pp. (1-75. lambs. Texas Agricultural Experiment Sta- (Es). Memoria Asociacion Lationameri­ lion, Progress Report 3017-3029, pp. 15- cana de Produccion Animal 7: 73-88.12 3164 KIESLING, H.E., McCROSKEY, 17. ref. (Summary: En.) J.E., and WAGNER, D.G. 1973. Compa­ Feed-Grain: Ruminants 97

rison of energetic efficiency of dryrolled 3174 MELTON, S.L., MORRILL, J.L., Research DevelopmentCentor, Research and reconstituted-rolled sorghum grain by DAYTON, A.D., and ANSTAETT, F.R. Summary no. 52, pp. 21-24. steers using indirect calorimetry and the 1970. In vitro and in vivo evaluation of comparative slaughter technique. Journal availability of nutrients in processed 3183 NEWLAND, H.W., REED, D.L., of Animal Science 37(3): 790-795. 28 ref. sorghum grain fed to ruminants. Journal of CAHILL, V.R., and PRESTON, R.L. 1973. Dairy Science 53(5): 679, Further studies on sorghum silage vs. 3165 LOYACANO, A.F., NIPPER, W.A, corn silage and sorghum grain vs. corn PONTIF, J.E., and HEMBRY, F.G. 1972. 3175 MORAN, J.B. 1973. Performance grain for finishing cattle. Ohio Agricultural Bird-resistant grain sorghum in beef of cattle fed crushed sorghum, and whole, Research and Development Center, Re­ finishing rations. Louisiana Agriculture crushed or dehulled-rice grain based search Summary no. 68, pp. 17-19. 16(2): 10-11. rations, Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry 13(63): 3184 PLASTO, AW. 1973. Cattle 3166 MARION, P.T., HAMMACK, S.P., 163-368. fattening on stubble and grain. Queens- SCHAKE, L.M., and RIGGS, J.K. 1970. land Agricultural Journal 99(4): 179-180. Reconstituted grain sorghum from trench 3176 MORRIS, J.G. 1973. Survival soils for cattle feeding. Texas Agricultural feeding of pregnant and lactating beef 3185 POTTER, G.D., McNEILL, J.W., Experiment Station, Consolidated Pro- cows on all-sorghum grain rations: the and RIGGS, J.K. 1971. Utilization of gress Report no. 2775-2800, pp. 31-33. effects of two levels of grain and early processed sorghum grain proteins by weaning of the calves. Journal of steers. Journal of Animal Science 32(3): 3167 MARION, P.T., RIGGS, J.K., Agricultural Science 75(3): 479-484. 19 540-543. ARNOLD, J.L, and DRIEDGER, A. 1972. ref. High moisture grain preserved with 3186 RANJHAN, S.K., and MAHE­ volatile fatty acids for beef cattle rations. 3177 MORRIS, J.G., and GARTNER, SHAWARI, M.L. 1970. Chemicalcomposl- Proceedings of the Western Section, R.J.W. 1970. Survival feeding of pregnant tion and nutritive value of perennial Juar American Society of Animal Science and lactating cows under simulated chari (Sorghum a/mum) for cattle. Indian 72(23): 417-420. drought conditions on all-sorghum grain Journal of Animal Health 9(1): 37-40. rations with and without added calcium. 3168 MAXSON, W.E. 1973. Digeslibi- Australian Journal of Experimental Agri- 3187 RIGGS, J.K. 1971. Utilization of lily and net energy studies with bird- culture and Animal Husbandry 10: 685- sorghum grain by livestock. Texas Agri­ resistant sorghum grain diets fed to 690. cultural Experiment Station. Progress steers. Ph.D. thesis, University of Florida, Report no 2938-2949, pp. 82-95. USA. 69 pp. 3178 MORRIS, J.G., and GARTNER, R.J.W. 1971. Sodium requirements of 3188 RIGGS, J.K., and McGINTY, 3169 MAXSON, WE., SHIRLEY, R.L., growing steers given anall-sorghum grain D.D. 1970. Early harvested and recons- BERTRAND, J.E., and PALMER, AZ. ration. British Journal of Nutrition 25(2): tituted sorghum grain for cattle. Journal of 1973. Energy values of corn, bird- 191-205. Animal Science 31: 991-995. resistant and non-bird resistant grain sorghuminrationsfedtosteers.Journalof 3179 MURPHY, G.M., MORRIS, J.G., 3180 RIGGS, J.K., and SORENSON, Animal Science 37(6): 1451-1457. 15 ref. and GARTNER, R.J.W. 1970. Effects of J.W. 1970. Popped sorghum grain for sodium depletion in cattle fed sorghum 3170 McCOLLOUGH, R.L., 1973. grain. Proceedings of the Australian finishing beef cattle. Journal of Animal Comparison of digestibility and feedlot Society of Animal Production 8: 201-206. Science 30: 634-638. performance of hybrid sorghum grains and 8 ref. 3190 RIGGS, J.K., SORENSON, J.W., corns fed to steers,Ph.D. thesis. Kansas State University, USA. 105 pp. 3180 NEWLAND, H.W., KLOSTER- and HOBGOOD, P. 1970. Dry heat MAN, E.W., JOHNSON, R.R., SMITH, C.K., processing of sorghum grain for beef 3171 McCOLLOUGH, and JONES, J.E. 1970. High-moisture cattle. Texas Agricultural Experiment R.L., DRAKE, bird-resistant sorghum grain vs. high- Station, Bulletin no. 1096. 11pp. C.L., SCHALLES, R.R., ROTH, G.M., and moisturedshelledcorn,andacomparison HARRISON, K.F. 1971. Feeding valueof4 of r Iled vs. whole sorghum and corn for 3191 RUTLEDGE, A.E. 1971. High­ different hybrid sorghum grains for finishing steer calves. Ohio Agricultural moisture and reconstituted grains for beef finishing cattle, Project 567. Kansas Research Development Center, Research cattle. American Feed Manufacturers Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin Summary no. 43, pp. 35-40. Proceedings, Meeting of the Nutrition no. 546, pp. 7-14.Coni3182. Council 31: 18-23. 3181 NEWLAND, H.W., 3172 McNEILL, KLOSTER­ J.W., POTTER, G.D., MAN, E.W., JOHNSON, R.R., SMITH, C.K, 3192 SABA. W.J. 1970. In vitro evalu­ and RIGGS, J.K. 1970. Factors influencing and JONES, J.E. 1971. Bird-resistant grain ations of varieties and hybrids of milo, utilization of processed sorghum grain by sorghum for finishing cattle. Ohio Agricul- wheat, and barley by a mixed suspension steers. Texas Agricultural Experiment tural Research Developmert Center, of rumen micro-organisms. Ph.D. thesis, Station, Consolidated Progresd Report no. Research Summary no. 49, pp. 48-50. 2775-2800, pp. 18-22. University of Arizona, USA. 109 pp. 3182 NEWLAND, H.W., KLOSTER­ 3173 McNEILL, J.W., POTTER, GD., MAN, E.W., PRESTON, R.L., and CAHILL, 3193 SABA, W.J., HALE, W.H., and and RIGGS, J.K. 1971. Ruminaland post- V.R. 1971. Comparison of high-moisture THEURER, B. 1972. In vitro rumen ruminal carbohydrate utilization insteers vs. dry bird-resistant sorghum grain and fermentation studies w;!h a bird-resistant fed processed sorghum grain. Journal of sorghum silage vs. corn silage for sorghum grain. Journal of Animal Science Animal Science 33(6): 1371-1374. 10 ref. finishing steer calves. Ohio Agricultural 35(5): 1076-1082. 98 Feed and Animal Nutrition

3194 SAMFORD, R.A., RIGGS, J.K., distillers feeds In dairy cattle rations-a growing swine. Journal of Animal Science ROONEY, L.W., and COON, J.G. 1970. review. Distillers Feed Research Council 37(4): 931-935. 10 ref. Ruminal digestibility of sorghum endo- Conference Proceedings 25: 11-18. sperm types. Proceedings Western Sec- 3215 COWMAN, G.L. 1970. Utiliza­ tion, American Society of Animal Science 3205 WHITE, T.W. 1970. Broken rice lion of cooker-extruder processed sor­ 21: 123-128. and rice bran compared to grain sorghum ghum grain by growing-finishing swine, for fattening steers. 10th Livestock Ph.D. thesis, Kansas State University, 3195 SAMFORD, R.A., RIGGS, J.K., Production Day Proceedings pp. 68-71. USA. 88 pp. ROONEY, LW., POTTER, G.D., and COON, J. 1971. Digestibility of sorghum 3206 WHITE, T.W. 1971. Rough rice 3216 DIGGS, B.G., and BAKER, B.Jr. endosperm types in the rumen. Texas compared to grain sorghum in finishing 1972. Swine make good use of high­ Agricultural Experiment Station, Pro- rations for steers. 11 lh Livestock Produc- moisture mile. Mississippi Farm Res­ gress Report no. 12963-12999, pp. 7-9. lion Day Proceedings pp. 127-128. earch 35(6): 1, 6.

3196 SCHUH, J.D., HALE, W.H., and Feed-Grain: Swine 3217 GARCIA, P.T., PIZZI, A.C., and THEURER, B. 1971. Pressure cooking NARDIELLO, R. 1970. Effect of barley, versus steam processing and flaking 3207 ALCANTARA, P.F., RIGOR, EM., millet, sorghum andwheat inthefattyacid sorghum grain for dairy calves. Journal of MILLER, J.C., and ARGANOSA, V.G. composition and stability of subcu­ Dairy Science 54: 401-404. 1970. Feeding value of grain sorghum for taneous pig fat. Revista de Investigac­ pigs. Philippine Agriculturist 53(10): 588- iones Agropecuarias, Serie 1. Biologlay 3197 SCHUH, J.D., LIMA,- J.O.A., 603. Produccion Animal 7(3): 87-95. HALE, W.H., and THEURER, B. 1970. Steam-processed flaked grains versus 3208 ALLEE, G.L., and HINES, R.H. 3218 GERMANOVA, L. 1970. Sor­ steam-rolled grains for dairy calves. 1971. Nutritional adequacy of milo and ghum for fattening pigs for meat. (Bg). Journal of Dairy Science 53: 475-479. wheat for the finishing pig. Journal of Pages 173-180 in V"prosi na furazhnoto Animal Science 33(5): 1145-1146. proizvodstvo Ikhranene na selskostopan­ 3198 SHELTON, M., and CALHOUN, skite zhivotni. Sofia, Bulgaria: lzdatelstvo M.C. 1973. Feeding whole sorghum grain 3209 BATTERHAM, E.S., and MAN- na Bulgarskata Akademiya na Naukite. to sheep. Texas Agricultural Experiment SON, M.B. 1970. Nutritional evaluation of (Summary: Ru, En.) Station, Progress Report no. 3179-3191, diets containing meat meal for growing pp. 13-15. pigs. 7. The value of meat m~eal as a 3219 GOMES DE CASTRO, F. 1970 protein supplement to barley, oats, 1971. Comparative study of sorghum vs. 3199 SKULTETY, M., and SOMMER, sorghum and wheat-based diets. Austra- corn supplemented w1:h animal or vegetal A. 1970. Dried sweet sorghum, dried lian Journal of Experimental and Animal protein in growing and finishing swine sugar beet and sugar beet slices with urea Husbandry. 10(46): 539-543. ration. (Pt). Boletim de Industria Animal in feeds for fattening cattle. Vedecke (New Series) 27-28:133-155. (Summary: Prace Vyskumneho Ustavu Zivocisnej 3210 BEAMES, R.M., and DANIELS, En.) Vyroby v Nitre 8: 221-223. L.J. 1970. Meat cnd bone meals incorpo­ rated at two levels in grower pig rations 3220 HANSEN, V., and SUNESEN, N. 3200 STILES, D.A., BARTLEY, E.E., based on either sorghum or wheat. 1973. Milo grain as a feed for fattening MEYER, R.M., DEYOE, C.W., and PFOST, Australian Journal of Experimental Agri- pigs. (Da). Beretning fra Forsogslaboraw H.B. 1970. Feed processing. 7.Effect of an culture and Animal Husbandry 10: 249- torlet no. 408, 28 pp. (Summary: En.) expansion-processed mixture of grain and 255. 11 ref. urea (starea) on rumen metabolism in 3221 HOMB,T.,andMATRE,T.1971. cattle and on Urea toxicity. Journal of 3211 BEAMES, R.M., DANIELS, L.J., Protein and amino acid nutrition of Dairy Science 53(10): 1436-1447. and SAWELL, J.O. 1973. Value of protein growing finishing pigs. (De). Zeitschrift fOr content of sorghum grain in pig diets. Tierphysiologie Tierernaehrung und Fut­ 3201 THIVEND, P., and VERMOREL, Australian Journal of Experimental Agri- termittelkunde 28(2): 86-102. (Summary: M. 1971. Digestive utilization of starch by culture and Animal Husbandry 13(61): En.) the growing lamb. (Fr). Annales de 146-152. Biologie Animale, Biochimie Biophysique 3222 ILORI, J.O. 1971. Nutritional 11(2):.292-294. 3212 CASTAING, J., and MOAL, J. evaluation of amino acid supplemented 1973. Study of the pork-products substi- corn diets for pigs and selected sorghum 3202 VERMOREL, M., THIVEND, P., tution of maize by grain sorghum (milo- lines for rats. Ph.D. thesis, Purdue and THERIEZ, M. 1970. Utilisation of corn) in diets of pigs raised for pork University, USA. 183 pp. energy of barley, wheat, maize and products diets. (Fr). Annales de Zootech­ sorghum by growing lambs. (Fr). Annales nie 22(3): 359. (Summary: En.) 3223 LAWRENCE, T.L.J. 1970. High­ de Zootechnie 19(4): 461-464. (Summary: level cereal diets for the growing/finis­ En.) 3213 CHAMBOLLE, M. 1971. Use of hing pig. 4.A comparison at two slaughter sorghum in swine nutrition. Suinicoltura weights (120 and 200 Ib) of diets 3203 WALDO, D.R. 1973. Extent and 12(3): 11-19. containing high levels of maize, sorghum, partition of cereal grain starch digestion In wheat and barley. Journal of Agricultural ruminants. Journal of Animal Science 3214 COHEN, R.S., and TANKSLEY, Science 74(G): 539-548. 13 ref. 37(4): 1062-1074.89 r3f. T.D.Jr. 1973. Energy and protein digesti­ bility of sorghum grains with different 3224 LUCE, W.G., OMTVEDT, I.T., 3204 WARNER, R.G. 1970. Place of endosperm textures and starch types by and ROBBINS, B.S. 1972, Comparison of Feed-Grain: Poultry 99

wheat and grain sorghum for growing- sorghum grain and soybean meal for for laying hens.(Es). Production Animal 2: finishing swine. Journal of Animal Science growing swine. Journal of Animal Science 199-202. (Summary: En.) 33(5): 947-952. 36(4): 669-673. 16 ref. 3245 BORNSTEIN, S., and LIPSTEIN, 3226 POTOCNJAK, R.J., SKOKNIC, 3235 TRIBLE, L.F., 1971. Grain sor- B 1971. Comparisons of srighum grain K.A., and CORNEJO, V.S. 1971. Sorghum ghum inswine rations. Pages 54-55 in 7th (milo) and maizc as the principal cereal as an energy source for growing and Grain Sorghum Research and utilization grain source in poultry rations. 4. The fattening pigs. (Es). Agricultura Tecnica Conference Biennial Program, USA. relative content of available sulphur 31(4): 210-216. (Summary: En.) Lubbock, Texas: Grain Sorghum Pro- amino acids in milo and maize. British ducers' Association. Poultry Science 12: 1-13. 3226 ROBBINS, B.S., LUCE, W.G., and OMTVEDT, I.T. 1971. Pelleting milo 3236 WILLIAMS, K.C., and DANIELS, 3246 BORNSTEIN, S., and LIPSTEIN, and wheat for swine. Journal of Animal L.J. 1973. Decorticated safflower meal as B. 1972. Comparisons of scrghum grain Science 32(2): 390-391. a protein supplement for sorghum and (milol and maize as the principal cereal wheat-based pig diets. Australian Journal grain source in poultry rations. 5. The 3227 ROBBINS, B.S., MAXWELL, C.V., of Experimental Agriculture and Animal effect of methionine and linoleic acid and LUCE, W.G. 1971. High-moisture rnilp Husbandry 13(60): 48-55. supplementalions on all-vegetable milo for swine. Oklahoma Agricultural Ex- layer diets. British Poultry Science 13(1): perinent Station, Miscellaneous Publica- 3237 WILLIAMS, KC., and NATOLI. 91-103. tion no. 85, pp. 109-112. W.J. 1972. Comparison between soy­ bean meal fishmeal and whale solubles in 3247 BRADLEY, W.'E., ADAMS, AW., 3228 RUANE, D.J., CAFFREY, P.J., iso-nitrogenous barley and sorghum grain and DEYOE, C.W. 1970. Effect of physical KELLEHER, D.L., and AHERNE, F.X. 1971. based diets for growing pigs. Proceedings form of sorghum grain on performance of Effect of amino acid supplementation of of the Australian Society of Animal large-type market turkeys. Poultry Sci­ milo- and barey-based diets on the Production 9:415-420. ence 49(5): 1370-1371. performance of pigs and rats. Irish Journal of Agricultural Research 10(3): 255-268. Feed-Grain: Poultry 3248 COUCHJ.R. 1972. Use of grain 3220 RUANE, D.J., CAFFREY, P.J., 3238 ANON. 1973. Is sorghum sorghum in poultry rations. Feedstuffs KELLEHER, D.L., O'CONNELL, W.J., and suitable for poultry? (Fr). Revue de 44(32): 40. AHERNE, F.X. 1970. Effect of protein level I'El~vage 23: 45, 47, 49, 51, 53. in milo- and barley- bas3d diets on the 3249 COUCH, J.R., and FARR, F.M. performance of pigs and rats. Irish Journal 3239 ADEMOSUN, A.A., and BILKO- 1970. Efficacy of beta APO-8 carotenal in of Agricultural Research 9: 345-355. VICH, F.R. 1971. Studies on high-lysine increasing the egg yolk pigmentation of maize. 1. A comparison of the nutritive eggs from hens fed diets containing 3230 TANKSLEY, T.D.Jr. 1972, Pro- value of opaque-2 maize, local yellow natural sources of xanthophylls. Poullry tein levels and lysine supplementation of maize and guinea corn for the chick and Science 49(5): 1377-1378. sorghum grain-soybean meal rations for rat. Nigerian Journal of Science(1 ):3-13 growing-finishing swine. Feedsuffs 44(44): 3250 CUCA, G.M., and AVILA, G.E. 34-35, 49. 3240 ANDERSON, J.O., and WAR- 1973. Preliminary studies on triticale in NICK, R.E. 1970. Studies of the need for diets for laying hens. Poultry Science 3231 TANKSLEY, T.D.Jr. 1973. Res- supplemental biotin in chick rations. 52(5): 1973-1974. earch with sorghum for swine. Pages 20- Poultry Science 49(2): 569-578. 25 in 8th Grain Sorghum Research 3251 DENMAN, C.E., DAVIES, F.F., Utilization Conference Biennial Program, 3241 ARMAS, A., and CHICCO, C.F. and EVANS, C.L. 1973. WGF wild game USA. Lubbock, Texas: Grain Sorghum 1970. Comparison of maize, wheat, rice feed, a grain sorghum for game birds. Producers' Association. and sorghum in rations for fattening Oklahoma State Universiiy, Cooperative chickens. (Es). Agronomia Tropical 20(6): Extension Service. Paper no. 2099. 2 pp. 3232 TANKSLEY, T.D.Jr., and BRZO- 457-462. (Summary: En.) ZOWSKI, G.R. 1972. Effects of 4methods 3252 DU PREEZ, J.J., and WESSELS, of processing sorghum grain on the 3242 ARMSTRONG, W.D., FEAT- J.P.H. 1970. Kaffir-corn and lannic-acid in energy and protein digestibility ingrowing HERSTON, W.R., and ROGLER, J.C. 1973. poultry rations. Proceedings of the South swine. Texas Agricultural Experiment Influence of methionine and other dietary African Society of Anima! Production 9(1): Station, Progress Report no. 3044-3077: additions on the performance of chicks 109-110 pp. 15-20. ted bird-resistant sorghum grain diets. Poultry Science 52(4): 1592-1599. 3253 FINZI, A., 3233 CENNI, B., IANNELLA, TANKSLEY, T.D.Jr., and ESCO- G.G., and FEDELI, C. 1970. Broom corn BOSA, A. 1971. Protein levels and lysine 3243 AVILA, G.E., PRO, MA., and (Sorghum vulgate var. technicum) to supplementation of sorghum soy diets for CUCA, G.M. 1971. Nutritive value of replace maize infood mixtures for broilers. growing finishing swine. Texas Agri- broom corn in rations for poultry. (Es). (it), Rivista di Zootecnia 43: 710-737. cultural Experiment Station, Progress Tecnica Pecuaria en Mexico 17: 13-18 Report no. 3044-3077, pp. 12-15. (Summary: En.) 3254 FONSECA, J.B, 1970. Evalua­ tion of the protein quality of selected 3234 TONROY, B.R., PLUMLEE, MP., 3244 BONINO, M.F., and MAZZA, varieties of corn and sorghum for poultry. CONRAD, J.H., and CLINE, T.R. 1973. MC. 1971. Replacement value of red Ph.D. thesis, Purdue University, USA. 122 Apparent digestibility of the phosphorus in maize, dent maize and sorghum Inrations pp. 100 Feed and Animal Nutrition

3255 FRY, J.L., HERRICK, G.M., PRI- STON, W.R., and ROGLER, J.C. 1973. 3277 SYKES, A.H. 1971. Sorghum in NE, G.M., and HARMS, R.H. 1972. Effect of Studies on the nutritional value of poultry diet. (Fr). Bulletin Technique bird-resistant sorghums and tannic acid sorghum grains with varying tannin d'Information de la Minist~re d'Agriculiure on yolk mottling. Poultry Science 51(5): contents for chicks. 1. Growth studies. 261: 623-639. 66 ref. 1540-1543. Pnooltry Science 52(2): 765-772. 15 ref. 3278 UNITED STATES FEED GRAINS 3256 GLEAVES, EW.,andDEWAN,S. 3267 ROSTAGNO, H.S., ROGLER, COUNCIL. 1971. Sorghum in poultry 1970. Influence of a fungal-enzyme in J.C., and FEATHERSTON, W.R. 1973. nutrition. (Fr). Industrie d'Alimentation corn and milo layer rations. Pcultry Studies on the nutritional value of Animal 5: 9-11, 13-15, 17-19, 21, 23-25, Science 49: 596-598. sorghum grains with varying tannin 27-30. contents for chicks. 2. Amino acid 3257 GUENTHNER, E., and CARL- digestibility studies. Poultry Science 52(2): 3279 WESSELS, J.P.H. 1970. Varia­ SON, C.W. 1970. Comparison of triticale 772-778. 13 ref. tion in amino acids Inkaffir corn cultivars corn wheat and milo laying diets. Poultry available to chickens. Agroanimalia 2(2): Science 49(5): 1390. 3268 SANFORD, P.E. 1972. Yellow 77-84. endosperm sorghum grain as asource of 3258 HALLORAN, HR., and MAU- energy for laying hens. Poultry Science 3280 WESSELS, J.P.H. 1970. Varia­ NDER, AB. 1970. Nutritional evaluations 51(5): 1855. tlion inamino acids available to chickens with bird-resistant and yellow endosperm in grain sorghum cultivars commonly sorghums. Poultry Science 50(5): 1582. 3269 SANFORD, P.E. 1972. Compari- grown in South Africa. Agroanimalia 2(4): son of feeding broiler-strain chicks yellow 199-203. 3259 KEPPENS, L. 1970. Value of endosperm sorghum grain, sorghumgrain wheat in diets for meat chickens in and corn as sources of energy. Poultry 3281 YORK, J.O., and STEPHENSON, relation to maize and milo. (Fr). Revue de Science 51(5): 1856. E.L. 1970. Amino acid digestibility of grain I'Agriculture 23(11-12): 1655-1666. sorghum hybrids by four-week old chicks (Summary: En.) 3270 SANFORD, P.E., SHOUP, F.K., Sorghum Newsletter 13: 1. DEYOE, C.W., and MURPHY, L.S. 1970. 3260 KRETCHMER, PB., and BRAN- Nutritive value of sorghum grain hybrids. HCN and Livestock Poisoning DSBERG, J.W. 1973. Cryptococci of Poultry Science 49(5): 1434. commercial bird feeds. 2. Cryptococcus 3282 All, T. 1973. Use of sorghum spp. in association with milo (Sorghum 3271 SANTANA, D.V.M., and JOSE. forage. 4. HCN content in the sorghum vulgare var. subglabrescens). Sabou- 1973. Evaluation of inorganic sulfur and forage. Journal of Japanese Society of audia 11(1). 30-32. sweet sorghum residues in poultry feed Grassland Science 19(4):333-340. 11 ref. formulation. Ph.D. thesis, Texas A&M 3261 MOSANGHINI, V., and TARD- University. USA. 107 pp. 3283 BEOHAR, A.B.L. 1973. Nitrogen ANI, A. 1971. Influence of streplo xanthin application influences hydrocyanic acid on weight-gain feed efficiency and skin contents in different varieties of sorghum. pigmentation of broilers fed on different 3272 SHAFIQUE, M.1973. Compara- JNKW Research Journal 7(1): 65. 6 ref. cereal diets,cs plata corn grain, sorghum tive value of corn, sorghum, wheat and e, replladaet c o n g ai n , s or h u m b arley in b roiler ra tio ns. Riya dh (Sa ud i and wheat. (it). Alti della Societa Italiana Arabia) College of Agriculture, Research 3284 BERTRAND, J., and GERVAIS, delle Scienze Veterinarie 25: 34.1-343. Bulletin no. 1, pp. 121-129. P. 1972. Preliminary report on the hydrocyanic acid content of some fodder 3262 QUISENBERRY, J.H., HARMS, sorghums. (Fr). Agriculture, Canada 29(2): RH., MALIK, D.D., DEATON, J.W., BRAD- 3273 SHOUP, FK., DEYOE, C.W., 24, 28, 30, 32. 19 ref. LEY, J.W., and MURTHY, P.V.L.N. 1971. SANFORD. P.E., and MURPHY, L.S. 1970. 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Compa­ rison of corn and milo in the diets of laying 3275 STEPHENSON, E.L., YORK, J.O., 3287 DAVIDESCU, D.,DAIDESCU, V., pullets. New Mexico, Agricultural Ex- BRAGG, D.B.,andlVEY, C.A. 1971.Amino and BUDOI, G. 1970. Effect of subtoxic periment Stalion, Bulletin no, 584, 21 pp. acid content and availability of different alrazine doses upon the quantity and strains of grain sorghum to the chick, quality of the Sorghum sudanensis output. 3265 ROSTAGNO, H.S. 1972. Nutri- Poultry Science 50(2): 581-584. (Ro). Lucrarile Stiintifice ale Institutului de live evaluation of sorghum grains in Cercetari Zootechnice 13:115-121. chicks Ph.D. thesis, Purdue University, 3276 SYKES, A.H. 1970. Grain sor­ USA. 129 pp. ghum in poultry nutrition. London (28 3288 DRANENKO, I.A. 1973. Some Mount St., London, WIY 5 RB): US Feed problems in the selection of sorghum with 3266 ROSTAGNO, H.S., FEATHER- Grains Council. 35 pp. low cyanide content. (Ru). Sbornik Nauch­ HCN and Livestock Poisoning 101

nykh Trudov, Vsesoyuznyi Selektslonno- determination in Sorghum vulgare. Labo- BLATT, L.A. 1973. Rapid detection of Geneticheskii Institut 10: 62-68. ratory Practice 20(6): 485-486. aflatoxin contamination in agricultural products. Journal of the Association 3289 DROLSOM, of P.N. 1973. Evalua- 3299 KRAUSS, M. 1971. Inheritance Official Agricultural Chemists 56(4): 803­ tion of hydrocyanic acid potential of of hydrocyanic acid content in sorghum 807. sorghum. Proceedings of Annual Corn (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). (De). and Sorghum Research Conference 27: Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenzuchtung 66(4): 3310 POPESCU, V., ALBU, M., and 29-35. 301-311. 10 ref. (Summary: En.) BAHMULLER, S. 1970. HCN content of some fodder crops of the genus Sorghum. 3290 EINHELLING, F.A., and RAS- 3300 LOYD, R.C., and GRAY, E.1970. (Ro). Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, MUSSEN, J.A. 1973. Allelopathic effects of Amount and distribution of hydrocyanic Biologia 15(1): 37-41.8 ref. 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Agricultural Gazette of poisonous plants found 3292 GARDNER, in India and the J.M., MANSOUR, New South Wales 81(12): 660- 661. effect of their toxins on the health of I.S., and SCHEFFER, R.P. 1972. Effects of animals. Journal of the Remount and the ',ost-specific toxin of Periconia 3303 MAHESHWARI, S.R., and GUP- Veterinary Crops 11(2): 9-19. circ nata on some properties of sorghum TA, H.K. 1972. Hydrocyanic acid poten­ plasma membranes. Physiological Plant tial in Sweet Sudan 59-3 grass. Indian 3313 ROUSSEAU, J.,CHANSARD,R., Pathology 2(3): 197-206. 16 ref. Veterinary Journal 49(6): 610-614. 8 ref. LESVEOUE, J., GEOFFROY, G., and LORGUE, C.L. 1971. Regarding fatal 3293 GUPTA, H.C.L., and PREM KIS- 3304 McCARTY, G., GRAY, E.,SHIPE, intoxication of cattle by a hybrid Sorghum HORE. 1973. Relative toxicity if some E.R., and BROWN, L.D. 1971. Effects of vulgare var. vulgare. (Fr). Produits et insecticidestotheadultsofLyttatenuicof, ensiling on the hydrocyanic acid poten- Problbmes Pharmaceutiques 26(3): 209. Is Pallas (Meloidae: Coleoptera). Madras tial of sorghum plants. Agronomy Journal Agricultural Journal 60(7): 635-636.1 ref, 63(3): 402-403. 8 ref. 3314 SCHNEIDER, R.E. and MAC- LEAN, D.E. 1970. Relative susceptibility of 3294 HARRIS, W.W. 1970. Accumu- 3305 MUKHERJEE, R., KUMAR, I seven grain sorghum hybrids to hydrogen lation of nitrate nitrogen and other mineral SINGH, A.P., and SRIVAS, N.C. 1970. HCN fluoride. Contributions from Boyce nutrients in sudangass as affected by content of sorghum at different stages of Thompson Institute for Plant Research applied nitrogen and iron. Ph.D. thesis, growth and levels of fertilizer treatment. 24(12): 241-243.4 ref. Iowa State University, USA. 162 pp. Sorghum Newsletter 13: 51-52. 3315 SCHROEDER, H.W., and BOL­ 3295 HERRON, I.W., and LABORE, 3306 MUKHERJEE, R., MEHRA, K.L., LER, R.A. 1973. Alfatoxin production of D.E. 1972. Some plants of Kentucky BHAG MAL., and SINGH, AP. 1970. Yield, species and strains of the Aspergillus poisonous to livestock. University of HCN concentration and soluble carbohy- flavus group isolated from field crops. Kentucky, College of Agriculture Publica- drated content of improved fodder sor- Applied Microbiology 25(6): 885-889. lion no. ID-2. 60 pp. 2 ref. ghum varieties. Sorghum Newsletter 13: 49-51. 2 ref. 3316 SHAIKH, G.A., and ZENDE, G.K. 3296 HUKKERI, S.B., RAJPUT, RK., 1970. Effect of different forms of phos- MUKHERJEE, R., SINGH, V., and SHU- 3307 OGATA, S.,ANDO,T.,andFUJ, phorus carriers on hydrocyanic acid KLA, N.P. 1972. Note on the effect of soil- J. 1972. Determination of hydrocyanic acid content of jowar plants. Research Journal moisture regimes and levels of nitrogen contained in sorghum-type feed plants by of Mahatma Phule Agricultural University and phosphate on the HCN content of the diffusion analysis. (Ja). Journal of the 1(2): 137-141. first ratoon of 'MP CHARI' sorghum Japanese Society of Grassland Science (Sorghurr bicolor (L.) Moench). Indian 18(2): 118-121. 3317 SHAIKH, G.A., and ZENDE,G.K., Journal of Agricultural Sciences 42(7): 1971. Effect of N,Pand K fertilizers on the 648-650. 6 ref. 3308 POLESELLO, A., and TAMPALI- HCN content of sorghum. Indian Journal NI, G 1973. Research on the HCN content of Agricultural Sciences 41(5): 456-460.8 3297 ISAKOV, Ya.l., and BSOVA, K.I. n some varieties of sorghum in relation to ref. 1973. Contents of hydrocyanic acid in their chemical composition and cultural fresh fodder of sorghum. (Ru). Trudy, techniques. Ilt). Relazione sull'attivita 3318 SHARMA, L.D. 1970. Livestock Donskoi Zonal'nyi Institut Sel'skogo della Slazione Sperimentale di Prati- hazards due to jowar poisoning. Indian Khozyaistva 6: 28-29. coltura di Lodi negli anni 1967-68, pp. Farmers' Digest 3(1): 31-33, 36. 115-138. 3298 JOSEPH, B., and GAUR, B.K. 3319 SHUKLA, NP., SINGH, A.P., and 1971. Colorimetric standardization of the 3309 PONS, W.A.Jr., CUCULIU, A.F., HUKKERI, S.B. 1973. Note on the effect of picrate method for hydrogen cyanide FRANZ, A.O.Jr., LEE, LS., and GOLD- soil-moisture stress at different stages of 102 Technology and Commercial Uses

growth on HCN content of 'MP CHARI' 220-225. 23 ref. 3341 MUSTAFA, A.I., and MACMASTE, sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). M.M. 1970. New varieties of sorghum Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 3330 FILIPPOVA, N.I., and AIDOROVA, grain suitable for starch production. 43(10): 977-979. 5 ref. E.K, 1972. Effect of sorghum dyes on the Starke 22(6): 192. 10 ref. quality of starch and syrup. (Ru). Sakhar­ naya Promyshlennost' 46(3): 69-72. 8 ref. 3342 NANCENKO, D. 1971. Possible 3320 TSURUTA, 0., MANABE, M., application of sorghum in the starch SUGIMOTO, T., and MINAMISAWA, M. 3331 FLOOD, C.A.Jr., and WHITE, industry. (Sk). Listy Cukrovarnicke 87(2): 1972. Su vey on microflora and afla-toxins G.M. 1970. Heat transfer in nucleate 36-40. in imported cereals for feed. (Ja). boiling of sorghum syrup. Transactions of Shokuryo Kenkyujo Kenkyu Hokoku 27: the ASAE 13(5): 594-596. 3343 NOORT, G.V. 1971.Variability in 47-52. batches of sorghum malt. Food Industries 3332 FREE MAN, K.C., BROADHEAD, of South Africa 24(3): 7, 9. 6 ref. 3321 VAN KAMPEN, K.R. 1970. Sud- D.M., and ZUMNO, N. 1973. Culture of an grass and sorghum poisoning of sweet sorghum for syrup production. 3344 ONATE, L.V. 1972. Present and horses: a possible lathyrogenic disease. USDA Agricultural Research Service potential utilization of cereals In the Journal of the American Veterinary Southern Region, Meridina, Mississippi, Philippines. Philippine Agriculturist 56 (3­ Medical Association 156: 629-630. Agriculture Handbook no. 441.36 pp. 23 4): 123-138. 25 ref. ref. 3322 WATSON, SA., and YAHL, K.R. 3345 PATEL, K.C., and RAY, N,1970. 1971. Survey of aflatoxins in commercial 333. GHOSH, A.K. 1972. Gur from Formation of multiple heads in sorghum supplies of corn and grain sorghum used swe,.t sorghum. Indian Sugar 22(1): 11- and its prospect. Agriculture and Agro- for wet milling. Cereal Science Today 12. Industries Journal 3(12): 25-26. 5 ref. 16(5): 153-155. 3334 GONZALEZ. G.A. 1971. Manu- 3346 PEEPLES, M.L., and MARSHAL TECHNOLOGY AND facture of sugar from sorghum. Preli- J.T.Jr. 1970. Process for obtaining starch COMMERCIAL USES minary notes. (Es). Boletin Azucarero from selected grain sorghum fractions. 3323 ANON. 1971. Method for recover- Mexicano no. 258, pp.23-27.4 ref. Journal of Food Science 35(4): 377-379.6 ing sugar from sorghum. Research and 3335 GUSTAFSON, G.L. 1970. Puri- ref. Industry 16(1): 68. fication and properties of UDPG pyr- 3347 POMERANZ, Y. (ed.) 1973.

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Production of raw sugar from sorghum 3364 BABY, V.J. 1973. Analysis of the 3374 JAYAPRAKASH, R.K. 1973, juices. Sugar Journal 35(12): 22-27. economic feasibility and recommenda- Technological breakthrough Inagriculture tions for increased sorghum production and 3354 SMITH, B.A., SMITH, R.C., Its possible socio-economic Impact In RO- and utilization in Colomb;q. Ph.D. thesis, India. World Crops 25(2): MO, 78-84. 10 ref, R.V., CRUZ, R.A., and GRIFFITHS, University of Nebraska, USA. 204 pp. F.P. 1970. Removal of starch from sweet 3375 JODHA, N.S. 1973. Prospects sorghum juices. Sugar Journal 32(12):25. 3385 COSCIA, A. 1£72. Economic for coarse cereals: permanent constraints 30, 23 rel. aspects of sorghum production. (Es). of jowar and bajra. Economic and Political Argentina Estacion Experimntal Reg- Weekly 8(52): A145-AI50. 3355 SUTHERLAND, JI. 1973. Curr- ional Agropecuaria, Informe Tecnico no. ent developments in the corn and 109. 34 pp. 3376 MARTIN, L.J. 1972. Impact sorghum industry. 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3387 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT 3396 FAQ. 1973. FAO report to the 3406 MAHABALESHWARIAH, H., and OF AGRICULTURE. 1972. Supplement for government of Mali on the problem of HIREMATH, S.C. 1971. Price movement 1971 to feed statistics: feed grains: corn, cereal marketing, on the basis of work by study of jowar in Dharwar market. Farm oats, sorghum barley. Processed feeds; H. Panhuys. (Fr). Rome, Italy: UNDP. 41 Journal 12(11-12): 15-17. 3 ref. soybean meal, other protein feeds and pp. millfeeds, hay and other forages. US 3407 MAHABALESHWARIAH, H., HIR- Department of Agriculture, Economic 3397 FOOTE, R.J., and NODGRASS, EMATH, S.C., KARAMATHULLAH,N.,and Research Service, Statistical Bulletin no, J.C. 1970. Grain sorghum: market structure TALAWAR, S.N. 1972. Marketing margin 410 (Suppl.) 64 pp. of the high plains. Texas Technical of jowar in Dharwar market. Modern University, Department of Agricultural Agriculture 3(2): 51-52. 3388 VENKATARAMU, M.N., KUL- Economics, Special Report no. 37.40 pp. 3408 MONNIER, J., and DELAFOND, KARNI, K.R., and RAGHUMURTHY, M. 10 ref. G.1972. Firstassessmentofbreederseed 1971. Cost of cultivation and economics production costs inthe 1971 season (Fr). of cultivation of hybrid jowar under rainfed 3398 FUKAZAWA, H. 1973. Interna- Bambey, Senegal: IRAT. 9 pp. conditions. Mysore Journal of Agricultural tional trade in coarse grains. Developing Sciences 5(3): 302-307. 2 ref. Economies 11(1): 76-95. 16 ref. 3409 ROBBINS, G.L., and GARVEY, W.E. 1972. Millet and sorghum price policy 3389 VENKATRAMU, M.N., KUL- 3399 GAYOSO, A., and McPHERSON, and related marketing problems in Mali. KARNI, K.R., and RAGHUMURTHY M. W.W. 1971. Effects of changing trade Washington, USA: USDA Economic Re­ 1973. Relative cost of cultivation and systems in Latin America on US agri- search Service. 38 pp. economics of cultivation of hybrid sorghum cultural exports. University of Florida, (CSH-1) and local sorghum under rainfed Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, 3410 RUDBECK, J.P. 1970. Grain conditions. Mysore Journal of Agricultural Monograph Series no. 1.433 pp. 266 ref. production and marketing in Argentina. Sciences 7(3): 454-459. 2 ref. Foreign Agricultural Service, USDA, FAS- 3400 GUZMAN, R.D., GONZALES, M 222, pp 47. 3390 VIDAL, A.G.,andGlGLI, A.1972. F.H., and LACY, K.H. 1973. Production Maize, sorghum and sunflower In the and marketing of sorghum in north and 3411 RUDBECK, J.P. 1971. Bumper Monte area: costs of production and south Cotabato. Manila: Philippines corn and sorghum crops help Argentina's returns per hectare. (Es). Revista de los Department of Agriculture, National Food grain exports. Foreign Agriculture 9(29): CREA (Argentina) 7(38): 9-12. and Agriculture Council. 22 pp. Mimeo. 2-3.

Marketing, Trade, and Prices 3401 HAYS; H.M.Jr. 1973. Organiza- 3412 RUDBECK, J.P. 1972. Argentina corn and sorghum exports decline drasti­ tion of the staple food grain marketl'ng cally in volume. Foreign Agriculture 339t ANON. 1971. Cereal market of system In northern Nigeria: a study of 10:2-4. the EEC. 1.Evolutionofforeigntradeofthe efficiency of the rural-urban link. Ph.D. EEC. (Fr). Meunerie Frangaise 238:13-27. thesis, Kansas State University, USA. 196 3413 SCHMIDT, S.C., and VANDE- pp. NBORRE, R.J. 1970. Preference patterns 3392 ANON. 1973. Statistics tables. in the world coarse grain trade. Canadian Production, external trade, prices. (Fr). 3402 JELLEMA, B.M. 1973. Imrove- Journal of Agricultural Economics 18(1): FAQ Bulletin Mensuel, Economie et ment of cereal production and marketing in 6-19. 10 ref. Statistique Agricoles 22(9): 17-44. the Central African region. Ibadan, Nigeria: International Institute of Tropical Agri- 3414 YUSSO, L.A. 1973. 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Economics, costs, returns, of hybrid 93-116. 105 AUTHOR INDEX Allen, S.E., 1318 Asana, R.D., 0291 Allen, W.A., Aaron, D.S., 1280 0311 Ashagarl, D., 2237 Allen, W.S., 0076 Ashdown, Abad, Y., 1527 D., 2494, 2606, 2616 Allwood, A.J., 2389 Ashok Kumar, T.N., Abbott, J.C, 3360 2521 Alonso, R.E., 1162 Aslam, M., Abdo, S., 2864 1163 Amador, J., 2090 Assegninou, Abdullahi, A., 0210 S., 0013 Anangel'diev, K., 1550 Aswathalah, Abel, ME., 3383 B., 0822 Ambegaenkar, L.V., 0709 Atale, Abeles, F.B., S.B., 0373 0218 American Seed Trade Association, 0010 Abichandani, C.T., Atar Singh, 1287-1289 1755, 1756, 1834- Amin, J.B., 1558 Atkins, 1836,1895 R.E., 0014, 0163, 0374, 0375, Amougou, J., 2375 0439, 0480, 0713-0718, Abiuso, N.G., 3337 0968, 1144, Anand, M., 2572, 2579 1468, 1497, 2819 Abraham, E.V., 2708 Ananda Krishnan, K.B., 2672 Abrol, I.P., 1195 Auren, 2709 Anderson, J.O., 3240 Austin, A., 0580, Abrol, Y.P, 1436 2740, 2756 Anderson, J.M., 0289 Avila, G.E., Adam, F.H., 3361 3243, 3250 Anderson, K.S., 0297 Avila, V.A., 1529 Adams, A.W., 3247 Anderson, L., 1816 Avilan, R.L., Adams, D.R., 3064 1290 Anderson, RA., 0011, 2706, 2707, 2711 Axtell, J.D., 0539 Adams, G.D., 3129, 3137 Anderson, W.K., 0994 Ayers, R.S., 1126 Adams, J.E., 1156,1157 Ando. -1., 1281 1285, 3307 Ademosun, A.A., 3239 Andade, P.C.O.(.;,3025 Babadzhanov, Adesiyun, A.A., 2676 R.A., 0110 Andrew, C.S., 1763 Babhulkar, N.N., 2501, 2607 Adrian, J., 2856, 2876, 2877, 2913, 2929, Andrews, D.J., 0600-0602, ;206, 1231- Babiker, 2953 B.I., 1493 1233, 1466 Babu, Adriano, D.C. 1281 A.R., 0100 Andries, J., 2091 Baby, V.J., 3364 Agarwal, S.C., 1282, 2192 Angel, S.B., 0710 Bacs, B., 0336, Agren, G., 2878 0337 Anstaelt, F.R., 2799, 3174 Bacsa, Aherne, F.X.. 3228, 3229 P., 0996 Anthony, W.B., 2968 2990 Bade, D.H., 2797, Ahlgren, H.L. 1981 2798, 3130 Antongiovanni, M., 0325 Badwal, S.S., 1767 Ahluwalia, M., 1757-1759, 1969 Anlonova, OG'., 0284 Bagga, A.K., 0291 Ahmad, M., 2435 Anuchit Chinajariyawong, 2432 Bagga, R.K., Ahmed, A., 2157 1954 Anwar, S.A., 2366 Baghel, S.S., 1933 Ahmed, M.A., 2089 Apaya, W.A., 3361 Bagyaaj, D.J., 1559 Ahmed, SN., 1760 Apichatabootra, A., 2753 Bahmuller, S., 1945, 3310 Ahmed, S.O.S., 1667 Appadurai, R., 0711, 1764 Ahn, K.O., 2912 Bailey, J.L., 0292 Appaiah, K.M., 0263 Bain, Ahuja, LD., 1761 D.C., 2171, 2193, 2210 Appala Naidu, B., 1234 Bains, S.S., 1114, 1287-1289 Ahuja, V.P., 0288 Appert, J., 2568, 2569 Baird, AICSIP, 0007-0009 D.M., 2732 Appolonia, B.L., 3325 Baird, G.B., 1116 Aidorova, E.K., 3330 Arata, H., 1765 1912 Baird, R.W., 1164 Ali, T 3029-3031, 3282 Araujo, M.R., 2996 Bajai, J., 1184 Alagianagalingam, M.N., 2236 Archer, T.L., 2452 Bajpal, Alam, S., 1762 K.S., 1351 Arganosa, V.G., 3207 Baker, B., Jr., 3216 AI-Ani, A., 0211, 1158,1159 Ariel, D., 1554 Bakhareva, S., 0997 Albin, R.C., 2914, 2915 Arledge, J.S., 0768 Bakir, 0., 1768 Albrillon, R.C., 0726, 2009, 3027 Armas, A., 3241 Bakke, J.E, 3131 Albu, M., 1944, 1945, 3310 Armbrust, D.V., 0290 Balachandran, M., 0603 Albuquerque, J.J.L., 1334 Armstrong, J.E., 1467 Balaeva. A., 0719 Alcantara, P.F., 3207 Armstrong, J.F., 2574 Balakotaiah, K., 0499, Aldhuy, 0500, 0903 A., 1063 Armstrong, T.L., 0099, 2021 Aldoshina, Balandina, I.D., 1703 V.I., 0655, 0658, 0856, 085, Armstrong, W.D., 3242 Balasubramanian, 2999 , 0181 1560-1564 Arnold, B.L., 0726 Balasubramanian, Aleksashova, V., 2916 K.A., 2194-2197 Arnold, J.D., 0712, 0754, 1766 Balasubramanian, R., 1323 Alexander, J., 2998, 3059, 3102 Arnold, J.L., 3167 Balasundaram, Alexander, J.P., 2927 C.S., 1165 Arnold, W.E., 1702 Baldoni, R., 1769-1771, Alexander, R.M., 3129, 2917 3138 Arnould, J.P., 0012, 3363 , Ali, F.M., 1283 F., 1671 Arntzer,, C.J., 0367 Baldy, Ali, K., 2157 R., 2833 Aronovicii, S., 3056 Baligar, V.C., Alkamper, J., 3362 1188 Arora, N.D., 0482, 1905,1926,1962,3033 Ball, W.S., Altee, G.L., 3208 1469 Arora, S.K., 0213,1189, 1926,2754,2755, Ballatore, Allen, D.M., 3148 G.P., 1772 2767, 2847, 3033-3035 Ballester, Allen, L.H., 1138 D., 2846 Arrarte, J., 1100 Ballou, C.E., 3340 Allen, LR., 0993 Arraudeau, M., 0995 Balvir Verma, Allen, R, 2812, 2813 1198 Arrivats, J., 1286, 1389 Banerjee, S.N., 2064 Allen, R.J.Jr., 0708, 0761, 0932, 1160, Arunachalam, V., 0499 Banigo, EO.I., 2714, 1161, 1465, 3032 2879 Arwar, R.B., 1300, 1475 Banks, J.C., 2125 Allen, R.R., 1197, 1460, 1691 Asaf, A.K., 2488, 2708 Banwart, W.L., 1385 106 Author Index

Banyal, L., 0604, 0720 Berry, L.D., 3133 Bohl, L., 1432 Bapat, S.R., 1355 Bertrand, J., 3284 Bohman, V.R., 3015 Barakal, M.A., 1773 Bertrand, J.E., 3134, 3135, 3169 Bohn, H.L, 2116 Barbulescu, A., 0721, 0722, 2441,2442,. Berydze, A., 1704 Boln, C., 1984, 3021 2776 Beshanov, A.V., 1569 Bolko, V.V., 0119 Barcudi, R., 1714 Detala, S.R., 2597 Bokany, A., 0336, 0337 Bardossy, A., 1774 Bezpalyi, N.D., 0605 Boiler, A.A., 3315 Bareas, F., 2018 Bezrukov, MV., 1570 Bollinger, J., 1237 Bark, L.D., 1528 Bhadauria, A.S., 2696 Bolsen, K.K., 2919, 2969, 2970, 3091, Barna, B., 0998 Bhagla, N.K., 1874 3093 Barnes, D., 2564 Bhagmal, 1777, 1890, 1907, 3306 Boltovskaja, J.l., 0858 Barnes, G., 2392 Bhagwan Das, 1642, 2847, 3034 Bolyshev, N.N., 1781 Barnes, R.F., 1791 Bhagwat, V.Y., 2113, 2127, 2128, 2238, Bommegowda, A., 0048, 0324, 0825 Barnett, F.L., 0676 2239 Bonclarell, F., 1782, 1783 Baron, H.M., 1584 Bhan, S., 0214 Bonilla, L.N., 0071 Barrault, J., 0015, 1530, 1775 Bhan, V.M., 1571, 1572 Bonlno, M.F., 3244 Barrington, G.P., 1776 Bhandari, G.S., 1293 Bonnemann, J.J., 0730-0733 Barry, B.D., 2502-2504 Bharara, L.P,, 1212 Bonner, W.P., 1168 Bartholick, J.F. 1128 Bhardwaj, B.D., 0725 Bone, M., 0016, 0607, 1001 Barleson, J.L, 0937, 0938 Bhargava, K.S., 2316 Bonomo. G., 1947 Bartley, E.E., 3200 Bhargava, P.D., 0171 Boonlia, D.S., 0171, 1062 Basail, J.O., 3367 Bhargava, S.C., 0183 Boosalis, M.G., 2134, 2170 Baser, S.L., 2597 Bhari, N.R., 1520 Boquet, G.P., 0939, 1525 Bashaw, E.C., 0.126 Bhaskaran, R., 2219 Borikar, S.T., 0383 Baslime, D.R., 0973 Bhaskara Rao, E.VV., 0215, 0378, 0379, Borkar, G.M., 2127, 2128 Basinski, J.J., 1889 0508-0512, 0673 Bornstein, S., 3245, 3246 Baskaran, P., 2505 Bhatia, I.S., 0216,1952, 2775,2848,3081 Borulkar, D.N., 1298, 1471 Baskin, C.C., 2091, 2713 Bhatnagar, G.C., 2240, 2241, 2383 Boscan, L., 2837 Bass, L.N., 2710 Bhatnagar, S., 0832 Boseck, J.K., 3049 Basu, A.K., 0376 Bhavanl, B., 2880 Bottrell, D.G., 2390, 2444-2446, 2448­ Basu Chaudhary. K.C., 2126 Bhombe, B.B., 2174 2451, 2492,2493, 2600,2608 Bates, L.S., 0182, 2757 Bhor, S.M., 1166 Bouchet, F., 1607 Bathkal, B.G., 1199, 1291 Bhowmik, T.P., 2152, 2296 Boucourt, R., 3158 Bathurst, J., 2772, 2907 Bianco, V.V., 1167 Bough, W.A., 0217, 2760 Batte, R.D., 2314 Bidarl, V.B., 2115 Bourrier, E., 2806 Ballerham, E.S., 3209 Bieber, G.L., 0726, 0727, 0851 Bovey, R.W., 1645,1966 Baylor, J.E., 0723 Bigot, A., 1840, 2930 Bowden, B.N., 2761 Beadle, C.L., 0293, 0204 Bilbro, J.D., 0999 Bowen, J.E., 1784 Beames, RM., 3210, 3211 8ilkovich, F.R., 3239 Bowen, T.E., 3274 Bearden B.J., 3002 Eillot, C., 1856 Bower, C.A., 1785 Beaty, E.R., 1788 Biradar, B.M., 1379 Bowman, D.H., 0734, 0735, 0781 Beckwith, A.C, 2758, 2759, 2787 Birchfield, W., 2367, 2376 Bowmer, K., 1786 Becton, A.J., 1584, 1585 Bishop, D.G., 0297 Box, J., 0076 Beeby, L.D., 2918 Bishop, H.G., 1778 Boyd, F.T., 3285 Beeson, W.M., 3132 Bitzer, MJ., 0793, 2045 Boyer, W.P., 2391, 2392 Beeton, R.J.S., 0994 Blackman, J.G., 2408 Bradfield, R., 1238 Begg, J.E., 0365 Blaedel, W.J., 1816 Bradley, J.W., 3262 Behrendt, S., 1639 Blair, B.O., 1129 Bradley, N.W., 3084 Beigle, M.L., 0367 Blasingame, D.J., 1705 Bradley, W.E., 3247 Belak, S., 0295 Blessin, C.W., 2711, 2765, 2766. Bragg, D.B., 2835, 3275 Belkina, N.N., 3051 Blino, M., 0184 Brahmakshatriya, R.D., 1787 Bell, D.K., 2151 Bliss, M., 0354 Brakel, W.J., 2987 Belous, N.V., 0724 Blocker, H.D., 1779 Brandsberg, J.W, 3260 Beltran, J.A., 2443 Blondel, D., 0728,1000, 1294, 1295 Braverman, S.W., 1807, 2257 Benacchio, S.S., 1129 Blondon, F., 0111 Bravinder-Bree, S., 0355, Beniwal, S.P.S., 2315 Blum, A., 0185, 0298, 0380-0382, 0606, Brawand, H., 1331 Bennett, W.F., 0296 1200,1201, 1235,1236,1470 Bray, D.W., 1950 Bentley, C.R., 0994 Blumenfeld, T., 1573 Brenes, E., 1169 Beohar, A.B.L., 3283 Blunt, C.G., 1780 Brenlere, J., 2393, 2506, 2507, 2570 Ber, O.E., 0277, 2065 Boado, J.R., 0729 Brent, BE., 3110, 3119 Beraho, E.K., 0377 Boardman, .N.K, 0289 Brathour, J.R., 2920 Berducou, C., 0328, 1327 Bobde, G.N., 1296,1297 Breuer, L.H., 2957, 3161 Berducou, J., 0327, 0328, 2778 Bocan, B.J, 2718 Breuer, L.H.Jr., 2882. Berger, B.H., 2028 Bockholt, A.J., 0963, 0965, 2037, 2092, Briley, M., 2888, 2889 Bergquist, R.R., 2133, 2198 2204,2314,2350,2411,2461 Briley, ME.W., 0299, 2762- Berra, E., 1292 Bodade, V.N., 0494 Brindley-Richards, G.I., 0608 Berry, J.A., 0305 Bodisco, V., 1957 *Brinsmead, R.B., 0736 Author Index 107

Briscoe, C., 2009, 3027 • Capote, F., 2837 2492, 2493, 2600, 2608 Broadhead, D.M., 0737, 0773,0939,1454 Cappelletti, C., 3152, 3153- Cater, C.M., 2721, 2821 1455,1472, 3332 Carasso, F.M., 2150 Cauthen, S., 2890 Brodie, B.B., 2377 Cardenas, J., 0829, 1582 Cavalan, P., 2034 Brooking, I.R., 0186, 1136 Cardenas, R., 0312 Cavalcanti, S.S., 3025 Brooks, J.S., 0522 *Carlson, C.W., 3257 Cavazza, L., 1167 Brothers, G.W., 2598 Carlson, G.E., 0791 Cavlns, J.F., 2765, 2766 Brown, AR., 1788 Carlson, V.P., 3148 Celidonlo, C., 2921 Brown, E.S., 2565 Carmo,, 0767, 1334 Cennl, B., 3253 Brown, J.C., 1170 Carneiro, A.M., 1473 Cervato, A., 1531 Brown, L.D., 3304 Carranza, R.L., 2399 Cesar, T.I., 1473 Brown, R., 0112 Carriloo, S.J.L., 2624 Chachoria, H.S., 2509 Brown, R.H., 1819 Carrillo Mendez, L.E., 1792 Chadhokar, P.A., 1583 Brown. R.J., 3124 Carter, O.G., 0286 Chalapathy, K., 1559 Brown, V.L, 2968, 2990 Cartledge, 0., 1793 Challaiah, 1391 Brown, W.H., 3136 Carvalho, 1473, 1794, 1795 Chamberlain, E.W., 1584, 1585 Bruhn, H.D., 1776 Casady, A.J., 0329, 0385-0388, 0610, Chamberlain, R., 1003, 1004 Brun, L.J., 1130-1132 0676, 0853, 0974, 2481 Chamblee, D.S., 0747 Brupbacher, R.H., 1299, 1383 Casalis, P., 1313 Chambolle, M., 3213 Bruns, HA., 1491 Castagne, M., 3326 Chan, M., 1797 Bryan, W.E., 1789 Castaing, J. 3212 Chandola, R.P., 1062, 2072 Brzozowski, G.R., 3232 Castleberry, RM., 1474 Chandra, J., 2571, 2677 Bsova, KI., 3297 Castro-Martin, M., 0907-0909 Chandra, S., 0389-0391, 2004, 2767 Buck, (.F., 3084 Caswell, G.H., 2712 Chandrasekhar, K., 1647 Bucur, N., 0187 Cabangbang, R.P., 1002, 1240 Chandrasekharan, P., 0490, 1708 Budoi, G., 3287 Cabelguenne, M., 1211 Chandra Singh, D.J., 1586-1588 Bunce, R.C., 1790 Caddel, J.L., 1133-1135. Chandravanshi, B.R., 1300, 1475 Bunting, A.H., 0738 Caffrey, P.J., 3228, 3229 Chang, A.C., 1281 Buntjer, B.J., 1261 Cahill, V.R., 3182, 3183 Channa Basavanna, C.P., 2609 Bur, R., 0334 Calderon, G., 0907, 0908 Channer, G.W., 0017,1005 Burbridge, L.H., 2707 Calhoun, M.C., 3139-3144, 3198 Chansard, R., 3313 Burchett, D.M., 2447, 2477 Calkins, C.O., 2436 Charles, J.P., 1798 Burhanuddin, M., 1239 . Calvert, G.V., 2733 Charoy, J., 0018, 1202 Burnett, E., 1147, 1148 Camargo, C.P., 2032 Chatterjee, B.N., 0275, 1260 Burns, E.E., 0339, 0872, 2863 Cameron, D.G., 1029, 1030 Chatterjee, S.N., 2317 Burns, J.C., 1791 Campbell, C.M., 2033 Chattopadhyay, S., 0897 Burns, R.E., 0174, 0229,0230,2685,2763, Campbell, L.G., 0385, 0610 Chaudhari, S., 2580, 2581, 2584, 2619 278.3 2784 Camplns, L., 0772 Chaudhary, J.P., 1709 Burnside, O.C., 0222, 1574-1581, 1606, Campos, J., 2986 Chaudhary, M.H., 1006, 1799 1687,1695,1696 Canerday, J.V., 1707 Chaudhary, M.S., 0390 Bur, G.W., 1706, 1752 Capote, F., 2837 Chaudhry, G.O., 2366 Cappelletti, C., 3152, 3153 Chaudhry, N.A., 2366 Burton, G.W., 0113, 2378. 2379, 3047, Carasso, F.M., 2150 Chauhan, B.P.S., 0392-0394 3061,3112 Cardenas, J., 0829,1582 Chavda, D.H., 0395, 0396 Busey,P.,0384 Cardenas, R., 0312 Chawanapong, C., 0746,1477 Bush, L.J., 3129, 3137, 3138 Carlson, C.W., 3257 Chawla, ML., 2368 ushara, A.G, 2508 Carlson, G.E., 0791 Cheatham, L.F.Jr., 3136 Busson, F., 2764 Carlson, V.P., 3148 Chedester, L.D., 2455, Butler, O.D., 2456 2959, 3120 Carmo,, 0767,1334 Chenault, E.W., 1589, 1637, 1697, 1698 Byford, I.,3085 Carneiro, A.M., 1473 Chenchuramaiah, B., 1301 Byth, D.E., 2348 Carranza, R.L., 2399 Chernomordov, V.F., 1892 Cabangbang, RP., 1002, 1240 Carriloo, S.J.L., 2624 Cherry, M., 2035 Cabelguenne, M., 1211 Carrillo Mendez, L.E., 1792 Chesani, P.I., 0270 Caddel, J.L., 1133-1135 Carter, O.G., 0286 Chetram, R.S., 0739, 0740, 2678 Caffrey, P.J., 3228, 3229 Cartledge, 0., 1793 Chetty, V.R., 0741 Cahill, V.R., 3182, 3183 Carvalho, 1473,1794,1795 Chevassus-Agnes, S., 2717 Calderon, G., 0907, 0908 Casady, A.J., 0329, 0385-0388, 0610, Chevres-Roman, R., 2369 Calhoun, M.C., 3139-3144, 3198 0676, 0853, 0974, 2481 Chlcco, C.F., 3241 Calkins, C.O., 2436 Casalls, P., 1313 Chinnadurai, G., 2234, 2243-2256 Calvert, G.V., 2733 CastaGne, M., 3326 Chinoy, J.J., 0270, 0271 Camargo, C.P., 2032 Castalng, J. 3212 Chisci, G.C., 1302, 1303, 1590, 1800 Cameron, D.G., 1029, 1030 Castleberry, R.M., 1474 Chittaranjan, S., 1185, 1198 Campbell, CM., 2033 Castro-Martin, M., 0907-0909 Chopart, J.L., 1171, 1532 Campbell, L.G., 0385, 0610 Caswell, G.H., 2712 Chopde, P.R., 0742-0745, 0952, 1304 Campins, L., 0772 Catchpoole, V.R., 2971 1471, 1801, 2113, 2353-2355, 2611 Campos, J., 2986 Cate, J.R., 2638 Choubey, S.D., 0930,1417 Canerday, J.V., 1707 Cate, J.R.Jr. 2445, 2446, 2448-2451, Choudhari, C.S., 1306 108 Author Index

Choudhari, S.D., 0742, 1304. 1471 Cosslo, R.P., 1714 Davis, J.H., 0940, 0941 Chowdhary, R.K., 1409 Costa, F.M.da., 1802, 2922 Davis, R.G., 1020 Chowdry, K.R., 1307 Costa, J.A., 1311 Davison, K.L., 3131 Christeller, J.T, 0360 Costa, O.M.M., 0101 Dawe, ST., 3071 Christensen, C.M., 0269, 2093, 2094 Cotte, A., 1009 Dayanand, 1221 Christensen, J.E., 0114, 0115 Couch, J.R., 3248, 3249 Dayton, A.D., 0135, 0449, 2799, 3174 Christiansen. R., 3127 Couretot, A., 3366, 3367 De Alba, G., 0403 Chu, C.C., 0135 Cowley, W.R., 1010, 1490 Deatherage, W.L., 2711 Chumaevskaya, v.A., 2301, 2302 Cowman, G.L., 3215 Deaton, J.W., 3262 Chundawal, G.S., 1308, 1416, 1476, Cox, O.J., 2919, 3093 Decau, J., 1313 1520 Cox, T.I., 1456 Dbchev, I.,0404,1314,1315,1478-14 Chundurwar, R.D., 2541 Crafford, D.J., 1173 1535, 1592-1594, 2768 Chung, D.S., 2022 Craig, A.S., 0359 Dekate, Y.G., 0220 Chung, J.H., 0397,1007 Craigmiles, J.P., 1819 Delafond, G., 3408 Chung, . K.Y., 1275 Craker, L.E., 0218, 0219 Delaney, N.E., 0736 Chutkaew, C., 0746, 1477 Crill, D., 0400 Delassus, M., 2095, 210b Chyba, L.J., 2969 Crill, D.J., 0609 Delcasso, C., 0021 CIANO, 0019 Croissant, R., 1591 Delgadillo, G., 1960 Cimerman, A., 0184 Crook, W.J., 0401, 0610 Delong, R., 0876 Cimponeru, N., 1941 Crosier, W.F., 2257 Delouche, J.C., 2713 Cilharel. J., 0300 Croy, LI., 3072 Delvo, H.W., 1595 Clank, T.F., 3327 Cruz, R.A., 3353, 3354 De Man, J.M., 2714 Clanton, D.C., 2972 Cruzado, E.J., 0087 Demarquilly, C., 2924 Clapp, J.G., 0747 Cruzado, H.J., 3112 Dembele, V., 0300 Clark, D.C., 2023 Cuca, G.M., 3243, 3250 Dembele, Z.V., 2925 Clark, H.E., 3114 Cucu, I.,1939 Demidenko, P.M., 0752 Clark, L.E., 0116,0748, 2066,2199,2803, Cuculiu, A.F., 3309 Dendy, D.A.V., 2851, 2852 3106 Cummings, K.R., 2977, 3008, 3094 Denham, A.., 1805, 2980 Claik, N.A., 1965 Cummins, D.G., 1241, 2732, 2733,2784, Denman, C.E., 0712, 0753, 0754, 089 Clarke, L.E., 2036 2923, 2974-2976, 3036 1766, 3251 Clarke, P.A., 2851, 2852 Cunha, P.G., 2948, 3145 Dennis, R.E., 0755, 2326 Clegg, M.D., 1008,1533 Cunningham, B.A., 2826 Deole, C.D., 0709 Cline, T., 3234 Cunningham, M.D., 3037 Deore, B.P., 2510, 2511, 2637 Cloninger, F.D., 1491 Cunningham, R.L., 3327 Deore, D.N., 0241 Clusjey, J.E., 2844, 2845 Curtis, D.L., 0738 Deosthale, Y.G., 2769-2771 Cmarik, G.F., 2973 Cyrankowska, B., 1875 DePew, L.J., 2395, 2457, 2458 Coats, R., 3027 Dergach, T.V., 0414 Cochard, B., 1534 Dabholkar, A.R., 0402, 0611, 0612,1933 Derscheid, L.A., 1536 Cohen, R.S., 3214 Dahmen, W.J., 0461 Desai, B.L.M., 2883-2885, 2895 Coker, J.R., 0966 Daiber, K.H., 3329 Desai, D.K., 2051 Colegrove, M.L., 1172 Dainello, F.J., 2371 Desal, K.B., 0756 Coleman, D.H., 0773 Dalela, G.G., 2277 Desai, M.K.S., 2662 Coleman, E., 2915 Damodaram, G., 1096,1267,1507 Deslkachar, H.S.R., 2715, 2751, Coleman, O.H., 0737 Dang, K., 2572, 2582 2752,2841,2853 Coles, L.W., 2474 Dange, S.R.S., 2200 Devasahayam,, 0578 Coley, W.R., 3352 Daniel, V.A., 2883-2885, 2895-2898 Devetak, Z., 1006 Collins, F.C., 0117, 0398, 0399 Daniels, L.B., 2978, 3146, 3147 Devillers, P., 0326 Combret, M., 1313 Daniels, L.J., 3210, 3211, 3236 Dewan, S., 3256 Conde, B., 2344 Daniels, N.E., 2318, 2437, De Wet, JM.J., 0102-0104, 0168, 0169 Condray, J.L., 1650, 1651 2438, 2453-2456, 2462, 2633 Deyoe,C.W., 0329,2747,2757,2772, Conlon, T.J., 1839 Danielson R.E., 1208, 1209 Dhaliwal, G.S., 1190 Conn, E.E., 0266, 0267, 2830 Danley, MM., 3038-3040 Dhamdhere, S.V., 2573 Conn, J., 2958 Dann, P.R., 1803-1804 Dhami, B.M., 3066 Connole, M.D., 3286 Dao, D.F., 2370 Dhampa Sin, 04 0 Connor, D.J., 1793 Das, M.N., 1312,1344 DhllSon, G.S., 2004 Conover, R.A., 0761 Dastane, N.G., 1011, 1199, 1375 Dlaz, B.E., 2074 Conrad, B.E., 1309,1363 Daulaly, H.S., 1976,1979,1980 Diaz, C.G., 2610 Conrad, H.R., 2987 Dave, A.D., 3006 Diaz, H.B., 3041 Conrad, J.H., 2934, 2935, 3234 David, H., 2677 Diaz, N., 2749 Contreras, D., 2846 Davidescu, D., 3287 Diaz,Dicke, N., F.F., 29 2396 Cook, G.E., 2134 Davidescu, V., 3287 DIckerson, O.J., 2371 Coon, J.G., 3194, 3195 Davies, F.F., 0749-0751, 0892, 3072, Didier, M., 2981 Cooper, D.T., 0020 3251 Dietrich, R.A., 3385 Cooper, G.L., 3328 Davies, J.C., 2394 Diggs, B.G., 3216 Corleto, A., 1310 Davis, A.B., 0127 Dimitrova, R., 2831, 2950, 2951 Cornejo, V.S., 3225 Davis, F.M,, 2576 Dimov, P., 1596 Coscia, A., 3092, 3365 Davis, G.V., 3082, 3122, 3123 Dlnesh, C., 2402 Author Index 109

Dingerson, R.L, 3013 Dzhumagulov, B.A,, 1017 Fahmy, A.H., 0415 Diwakar, MC., 2064 Falrbourn, M.L., 1174 Dlugosz, W., 1875 EAAFRO, 1599 Faivre-Dupaigie, R., 1607,1614,1640, Dmitrieva AN., 0407-0409 Eastin, E.F., 1600-1605, 1693,1710 1832 Dobson, J.W., 2923, 2976 Eastln, J.A., 0138 Faludi-Daniel, A., 0336 Docampo, D., 2319 Eastin, J.D.,0121,0308,0351,1018,113 6, Fanous, MA., 0416, 0417 Dodok, L.. 3338 1201 FAO, 0025,1026,1820,2716,3394-3396 Dogget, H., 0022, 0023,0410,0613-0616, Easty, 0.B., 1816 Farag, F.A., 2983 0757,0840,1012, 2201, 2551,2593 Easwaran, K.S.S., 2303-2306 Faria, V.P., 2991 Doharey, K.L., 2582 Ebba, F., 3369 Farlas, E.V., 1175 Dohm, C.K., 2882 Eberhart, S.A., 0616, 0620, 1019, 2551, Fars, M.A.E., 0026, 0767, 2397 Doi, Y., 1765,1912 2594 Farnworth, J., 1821-1825 Dolan, D.D., 1807 Echi, S., 0047, 0192,1537 Farr. F.M., 3249 Doman, N.G., 0336, 0337 Eck, H.V., 1020 Farrell, E.P., 2747, 2842 Dominione, C., 1808 Eckebil, J., 0474, 0665 Fatimakhatoon, 1319 Dorge, SK., 2282 Eckebil, J.P., 0015, 0024, 1021, 1022, Favier, J.C., 2717, 2887 Dornhoff, G M., 0759, 2037 1530,1538 Fazli, S.F.I., 2322, 2323, 2350 Doroshina, L.M., 0979 Edgar, J., 2932 Fazlullah Khan, A.K., 0418 Doughton, J.A., 1013 Ediz, S.A., 2373 Featherston, W.R., 3242, 3266, 3267 Douglas, JE., 2038 Edmunds, L.K., 2096, 2321 Fedeli, C., 3253 Downes. R.W., 0301-0303, 0617, 1014, Edwards, N., 0726 Feese, H., 2496 1015 Edwards, N.C., Jr., ?043, 3044 Fehir, K., 2040 Downton, J., 0221 Egley, G.H., 2356 Feltner, K.C., 0122,1608, 1651, 1692 Downton, W.J., 0292 Ehler, L.E., 2601 Fenster, C.R., 1539, 1578, 1609, 1696 Downton, W.J.S., 0304-0306 Eikenbary, R.D., 2452, 2459, 2468, 2469, Fergus, I.F., 2012 Dozinel, C., 1798 2474, 2479 Fernandez, NO., 0274 Drake, C., 2039 Einhelling, F.A., 1659, 3290 Ferraris, R., 0868 Drake, C.L., 2893, 2919, 3091, 3111, Ekpete, D.M., 1317 Fickle, J.S., 1684 3148, 3171 Elazegui, F.A., 2107, 2153, 2154 Field, J.F., 1826, 1827 Dranenko, I.A., 0618, 0619, 0758, 3288 EI-Ghawas, M., 1023 Fielder, L.L., 3370 Dremlyuk, G.D., 0411, 0412 EI-Gindi, IM., 3291, 3311 Fielder, L.L. Jr., 0027 Dremlyuk, G.K., 0436 EI-Halfawy, A., 2407 Figroid, W., 3149 Drennan, M.J., 3162 EI-Hieny, M.Z., 1023 Figueiredo, EP., 3025 Dresler, S., 0356 EI-Kadi, M., 1509 Filatov, F.I., 1828 Drew, D.C., 3368 EI-Khishen, A.A., 1843 Filipov, H., 1320 Dreier, A.F., 0759, 0760 Elliott, J.S., 2886 Filippova, N.I., 3330 Driedger, A., 3095, 3130, 3167 Ellis, E.B., 0748 Fink,. R.J., 1540 Drolsom, P.N., 0395, 0396, 0413, 0434, Ellis, R. Jr., 0853 Flnkner, R.E., 0030, 0768-0770, 0841, 0541,0542, 0546, 0629, 3289 El-Mahdi, M.A.M., 1611 1483, 2071 Drover, D.P. 0879 EI-Tohami, M.K., 1023 Finzi, A., 3253 Dua, S., 0216 Empton, E.C., 0755 Floramonti, S., 1896 Dubois, C., 3042 Eng, K., 3098, 3099 Fischer, K.S., 0307, 0309, 0310,1027, Du Bose, E., 2926 Engelstad, O.P., 1318 2041, 2042 Dubey, P.S., 1597 England, M.W., 2927, 2943, 2998, 3059, Fisher, C.D., 2265 Dubey, S.K. 1316 3102 Fisher, D., 1040 Duck, B.N., 1486 Eniman, E.L, 1817 Fisher, F.L., 1337 Dudhanl, C.M., 0762, 1111 Enyl, B.A.C., 1024, 1025, 1242 Fisher, L.J., 2984 Dudinskl, Y.A., 0118-0120, 1809 Erion, G.W., 0835 Fisher, M.J., 1780,1829 Dudley, R.F., 0791 Ernesto, A., 3022 Flaherty, D., 2602 Duggan, J.C., 1364 Escalada, R.G., 1243 Fletcher, D.S., 0055, 0861, 2344 Duitsman, W.W., 2920 Escano, J.R., 2982 Flint, R.N., 0940, 0941 DdInavin, L.S., 0761, 0932 Escobar, D.E., 0311 Flood, C.A. Jr. 3331 1810-1815, 3134 Escobosa, A., 3233 Flores, R., 2564 Dunkle, L.D., 2134, 2169, 2170, 2320 Eskew, E.B., 0763, 0764 Floyd, E.H., 0942, 2428 Dunn, R.A., 2372 Esmaili, M., 2460 Flynn, C., 2978, 3082, 3146 Dunstan, E.R., 2022 Espinosa, E., 0765 Flynn, M.F., 3150 Du Preez, J.J., 3252 Etasse, C., 0766 Folquer de Martinez, M.E., 2985 Durairaj, M.N., 1323 Evans, C.E., 1748 Fontana, N.E., 0771, 0772 Durairaj, P., 2187 Evans, C.L., 3251 Foote, R.J., 3397 Dusek, D.A., 1214-1217,1460,1481,1506 Evans, G., 2327 Fontes, C.A.A., 3018 Duthie, I.,0307, 1016 Evillard, D., 0245, 0246 Fonseca, J.B., 3254 Dulta, A.K., 2135 Evers, G.W., 1818,1819 Fontes, L.R., 3025 Dulta, T.R., 1598 Evetts, L.L., 0222, 1606 Forehand, C.E., 2616 Dwarakinath, R., 0762, 1111 Ewarl, J.A.D., 2773 Forleath, G.N.R., 2328 Dyke, H., 3393 Exconde, O.R., 2154 Fortuner, R., 2374, 2375 Dyusembekov, Z.D., 1482 Foster, H.L., 1176 Dzhabbarov, K.D., 0414 Fahim, M.M., 2258 Fralsse, C.H. de., 1830 1"10 Author Index

France, R., 2877 Gardner, H.R.,1138,1139 Goldblatt, L.A., 3309 France: Secretariat d'elat auxAffalres Gardner, J.M., 3292 Golden, A.M., 2376 Etrangeres., 0028 Garg, G.K., 0223, 0224 Goldsworthy, P.R., 1031-1033, 1485 Franco, A.A., 1322,1795 Garland, P.J., 2722 Gomes de Castro, F., 3219 Frangne, R., 2913 Garner, T.H., 1694 Gomez, A.A., 1002 Frankel, O.H., 0029 Garnett, E.T., 2959 Gomez, F., 1162 Franklin, R.E., 1566 Garrett, W.N., 3162 Gomez, J., 3016 Franks, L.G., 3151 Garrod, P.V., 1028 Gomez, J.E., 0105 Frans, R.E., 1610 Gartner, R.J.W., 3177-3179 Gomez, P.O., 3153 Franz, A.O., Jr., 3309 Garvalho, S.R., 1322 Gomide, J.A., 3018 Frear, D.S., 0242 Garvey, W.E., 3409 Goni, SK., 2988 Frederick, H.M., 3096 Gascho, G.J., 1444 Gonzales, F.H., 3400 Frederiksen, RA., 0068.0516,2037.2066, Gaur, B.K., 3298 Gonzalez, GA., 3334 2092, 2097-2100, 2136, Gausman, H.W., 0311, 0312 Gonzalez, M., 2846 2155, 2159,2160, 2186,2190, Gautam, K.C., 1642 Gonzalez-Bernaidez, F., 0349, 0350 2199, 2202-2204, 2207, 2259- Gayoso, A., 3399 Good, J.M., -,j77 2261,2290,2291, 2299,2300, Gebrekidan, B., 0164, 0623 Goodloe, H.F., 1981 2461,2462,2487 Gee, M., 2858 Goodrich, R.C,., 3017 Freeman, JE., 2718-2720 Geide, H., 1410 .Gopal, N.H., J314 Freeman, K.C., 0737, 0773, 2576, 3332 Geise, H.A., 1833 Gopalakrishna, M., 0887 French, J., 2429, 2430 Gelaw, B., 0020, 0123 Gopalakrishna Rao, M., 0804 Freytag, A.H., 1177 Gellert, M.J., 2955 Gopalan, C., 2855 Frezzi, M.J., 1086, 2205, 2206 Geng, H.Y., 0329 Gopal Reddj, M., 1342 Fribourg, H.A., 1919, 3044 Geoffroy, G., 3313 Gopal reddy, N., 2269, 2270 Friedman, T., 1724 George, DL., 2345. 2348 Gopala5wamy, N., 1095, Fritz, J., 1830 George, J.R., 0777 Gopalswamy, A., 1323 Frontera, A.R., 2985, 3045 Georgiev, G., 1204 Gorbet, D.W., 0125, 0420, 0421, Fry, J.L., 3255 Georgiev, I.,0173 2101 Fryar, W.B., 2721,2729,2746.2821, 2871, Gerard, C.J., 1247, 1332, 1333,1490 Gordon, C.H., 3026 Fudulov, C.D., 0774 Gerberma, A.H., 0312 Gordon, D.T., 2352 Fuehring, H.D., 0030, 1203 Gerhardt, P.D., 2412, 2574 Goswami, N.N., 1355 Fuentes, D.V.O., 2564 Gormanoya, L., 3218 Golo,M., 2307 Fuentes, V.J.S., 0775 Gervais, P., 3284 Goud, J.V., 0422-0426, 0642, 0663 Fujii, J., 3307 Ghare, M.M., 0291 0670,0780,0809, 0837,0925, Fukazawa, H., 3398 Ghawghawe, B.G., 0469 1034,2225,2227, 2561,2562, Fukuyama, M., 0319 Ghesani, P.I., 0271 2669 Fulcher, R.G., 2774 Ghode, R.N., 0778, 2575, 2679 Gourley, L.M., 0138, 0781 Furr, RD., 2928 Ghosh, A.K., 3333 Goussault, B., 2856, 2929 Furudoi, Y., 1765, 1912 Gibbs, M., 0317 Govil, B.P., 1324,1325 Futrell, M.C., 2091, 2129, 2137, 2207, Gidnavar, V.S., 1251 Govil, J.N., 0427, 0428 2222,2223,2324 Gigli, A., 3390 Govila, O.P., 0225 Fye, R.E., 2398, 2399 Gikic, M., 1983 Govindaswamy, C.V., 2122, 2123, 2234, Gil, E., 3152 2248-2256, 2750 Gad, AM., 1611 Gilfillan, E.W., 3100 Govlnda Swamy, M., 1323 Gade, H., 2714 Gill, A.S., 1755, 1756,1834-1838,1895 Govindu, H.C., 2209, 2283, 2289 Gadkari, P.D., 3371 Gill, S.S., 2987 Grabouski, P.H., 0759,0760 Gadzhiev, 0., 1244 Gillaspie, A.G. Jr., 2325 - Graham,R.P., 2858 Gaevaskaya, M.G., 0419 Gillet, M., 0124 Grandos,R.G., 2512 Gatfar, M.A., 3046 Gill, G.R.H., 1029,1030 Grandos R.Y., 2512 Gaidarvo, N., 1457 Gillieron, W., 0032, 0033, 0190 Granler, P., 1840, 2930 Gaiko, N.T., 0776 Giordano, P.M. 1183,1367 Graves, C.R., 0782-0784, 1326, 1486, Gallon, G., 2717 Giovanardi, R., 0779 1488 Gallopin, I.G., 1831 Girase, P.D., 1496 Gray, E., 2262, 3300, 3301, 3304 Galvano, G., 2854 Giraudo, C.G.,3058. Gray, G.R., 3340 Gamba, R.D., 2625 Girish, G.K., 0313 Greathead, D.J., 2586 Gander, J.E., 0217, 2760, 3336 Givens, T., 0964 Greb, B.W., 1258 Gangadharan, K., 2208 Givens, T.R., 1484 Greber, R.S., 2336 Ganry, F., 1321 Gleaves, E.W., 3256 Green, V.E.Jr., 0761, 1035-1038,1841 Ganlotti, B.V., 1565 Glueck, J.A., 2199 Green, V.R., 0031 Garcha, J.S., 2775 Glen, E., 0169 Greene, G.L., 0174 Garcia, J.A., 2986 Gnanamurthy, P., 2554 Greenberger, A., 2332 Garcia, L., 1711 Goddard, A.D., 1261 Greer, H., 1712 Garcia, P.T., 3217 Godfrey, C.L., 1357 Gregory, J., 0768-0770, 0841 Garciduenas, M.R., 1612 Godwin, M.R., 3385 Gregory, W.W., 2424, 2425 Gardier, H., 1613, 1614, 1832 Goetz, H., 1839 Greenell, M., 0400 Gardner, A.L., 3153 Gohar, M.A., 2983 Grennell, M.G., 0609 Gardner, C.O., 0621, 0622, 0677, 0873 Goic, L., 3152 Grib, J., 0226 Author Index 1 '1

Gribkova, N.G., 1137 Hale, W.R., 3116 Helm, RE., 3159, 3160 Grierson, J.G., 0994 Haley, L.E., 1331 Helpert, C.W., 1602,1603, 1710 Griffiths, F.P., 3354 Halga, M., 1917 Hembry, F.G., 2938, 2939, 3128, Grgorenkova, E., 1245 Halifax, J.C., 1967 Hemsley, L.A., 2932 Grimes, H., 1748 Hallm, J., 0589 Henderson, C.A., 2576 Grimes, H.W., Jr., 3073, 3074 Halloran, H.R., 2942, 3258 Henderson, G.R., 3161 Gross, H.D., 2369 Hamilton, B.A, 3076, 3077 Henderson, H.E., 3013 Grou, E., 2776 Hammack, S.P., 3166 Henderson, P.H., 1444 Grover, H.L., 2777 Hammond, D.L., 2747 Henderson, R.C., 1148 Grub, W., 2915 Hanal, 0., 1615 Hendre, R.R., 0233 Grundon, N.J., 0227 Hancock, I.R., 0052 Henzell, R.G., 0032. 0033, 0190, Grupche, R., 1713 Hanganu, V., 1917 Herbek, J.H., 0793, 2045 Grylls, N.E., 2346 Hanks, R.I., 1138 Hernandes, A., 0403 Gudauskes, R., 2315 Hanna, W.W., 0126, 0430-0432, 0528, Hernandex, B.J.R., 0794 Gudauskas, R.T., 1707 0932, 3047 Hernandez, M., 1142 Guenthner, E., 3257 Hansen, V., 3220 Hernandez, O.A., 3048, 3337 Guenthfler, H.R., 3012 Hansing, E.D., 2067, 2068, 2130, 2140 Hernandez, R.F., 2614, 2615 Gulati, K.C., 0273 Hanslas, V.K., 2756 Hernandez, T., 1292 Gulbransen, B., 3062 Harada, T., 0319 Herrick, G.M., 3255 Gullo, J.L., 1327, 2778 Harapanahalli, M.D., 2988 Herron, I.W., 3295 Gulyaev, E.I., 1246 Harbers, L.H., 0127 Herron, J.W., 1619 Gumaste, S.K., 1844, 1868 Hardaker, J.B., 1826; 1827 Herzllnger, G., 1573 Gunasekaran, M., 2263, 2264 Hardas, M.G., 2069, 2401, 2611 Hesketh, J.D., 0150,1143 Gunton, J.L., 0736 Hardcaslte, W.S., 1616 Hew, S., 0317 Gupta A.K., 1328 Harden, M., 2725, 2888-2890 Hickey, J.S., 0234 Gupta D.C., 3050 Harden, M.L., 2857, 3097 High, J.W., 3002 Gupta H.C.L., 3293 Hardy, C., 3155-3158, Hilaire, A., 1643 Gupta, H.K., 3303 Harinarayana, G., 0433, 0499, 0500 Hiler, E.A., 1205 Gupta, J.C., 2400 Harlan, J.R., 0102-0104, 0165-0169 Hill, G.D., 2046 Gupta, M.B., 1520 Harman, G.E., 2257 Hill, M.W.M., 3286 Gupta, M.P., 2544 Harms, C.L., 1845 Hills, T.M., 2606 Gupta, OP., 1673 Harms, R.H., 3255, 3262 Hinders, R., 2859, 3098, 3099 Gupta, R.B.L., 2180 Harpaz, I.,2332 Hine, R.B., 2326 Gupta, R.N., 1329 Harris, H.B., 0174, 0229, 0230, 0789, Hines, R.H,, 3208 Gupta, S.B., 2278 0790, 1039, 1040, 2044, 2102, 2138, Hlnojo, J.M., 1661,1714 Gupta, S.G., 2072 2156, 2?65, 2464, 2685, 2732, 2733, Hinze, G.O., 0034, 0287, 0986-09 Gupta, U.S., 1293 2783, 284 1041, 1042,1489 Gupta, Y.C., 1842 Harris, KM., 2612, 2613 Hipp, B.W., 1247,1332,1333, 14E Gupta, Y.P., 0587,1328, 2777 Harris, R.R., 2968, 2990, 3049 Hlremath, R.V., 2286" Guranov, B.V., 1227, 2043 Harris, W.W., 1846, 3294 Hlremath, S.C., 3406, 3407 Gurura, H., 1350 Harrison, K.F., 2893, 3171 Hirota, H., 1848 Gurusiddaradhya, H.S., 1868 Hart, G.E., 0529 Hobbs, J.A., 1248 Gurzhiev, GA., 2779 Hart, M.R., 2858 Hobgood, P., 2748, 3190 Gustafson, C.B., 2869, 2871. Hart, R.H., 0791 Hodges, T.O., 2022 Gustafson, G.L., 2780, 3335, 3336 Hartwig, E.E., 1737 Hoff, J.C., 0795 Gustun, M.I., 3051 Harvey, T.L., 0785-0787, 0792, 1779, Hoffer, R.M., 0151 Gutierrez-Forero, J.A. 0429 2463, 2465, 2466 Hogg, P.G., 1981 Guzman, R.D., 3400 Hashem, M.I., 0415 Holanda, F.J.M., 1334 Gyori, D., 0295 Hashlmoto, H., 1860 Holden, D.J., 0247 Haskell, H., 2151 Holland, J.F., 2327, 3076, 3077 Habqtz, R., 3128 Hassan, H.M., 2931 Holland, J.R., 0808 Hebib, M.M., 1843 Hassan, S.F., 2266 Hollingsworth, D., 1589,1697 Hackerott, H.L., 0785-0787, 0792, 0915, Hathcock, b., 1488 Holloway, W., 1220, 3127 2463, 2466 Hauck, R.D., 1451 Holmes, J.E., 1620 Hackett, C., 0228 Haussmann, G., 1847 Holmes, J.H.G., 3162 Hadimani, A.S., 1844 Havelka, U.D., 1487 Holmes, R.L., 1987 Hadole, V.B., 1121 Hawk, A.L., 2785 Holt, D.A., 1883 Haensel, H.D., 0315 Hays, H.M.Jr., 3401 Holt, E.C., 1309,1849, 1850 Haikerwal, M., 2781, 2782 Heatherly, L.G., 1488, 1491 Holubar, G., 0990, 0991 Halle, D.G., 2748 Hedges, D.A., 3088 Homb, T., 3221 Haji-Hashim, A.H., 0788 Heerman, D.F., 1139 Homeyer, B., 2070 Halalau, D., 1910 . Heftley, H.M., 2943 Hooda, R.S., 1962 Halasz, K., 1330, 2723, 2724, 2989 Hegsted, D.M., 3114 Hoover, J.D., 2970 Halbach, K.J., 3136 Helkes, E., 1591, 1688 Hore, I.H., 0994 Hale, C.N., 2308, 2309 Heikes, P.E., 1617,1618 Horil, S., 2965 Hale, W.H., 3096, 3149, 3154,3193,3196, Hellman, M.D., 0189 Home, W., 0076 3197 Heinrichova, K., 0231, 0232, 0322 Homer, H.T, 0115 112 Author Index

Horner, N.V., 2680 Directorate of Extension, Farm Jayaram, G., 0048, 0424 Homsby, O.R., 3147 Information Unit., 2105 Jayaram, N.S., 1515 Horowitz, M., 1715-1724, 1851 Indian Agricultural Program of the Jayaramaiah, H., 0452, 0839 Horrocks, RD., 1399, 1491 Rockefeller Foundation., 0001 Jeffery, W.R., 1751 Hortenstine, C.C., 1335,1336 Inglett, G.E., 0011, 2711, 2765, 2766 Jenkins, J., 1053 Horton, M.L., 1150,1229 Inman, L.L., 0798. Jellema, B.M., 3402 Hoseney, RC., 0127 Inoue, S., 3023 Jenny, F., 1338 Hosmani, MM., 1251, 1648 Inuyama, S., 0047, 0192, 0235 Jensen, E.H., 1863, 3015 Hosmani, SA., 2539 Ionchev, P., 1726 Jensen, F., 2602 Hosokawa, S., 0466 lqbal, A.M.. 0678,1760 Jepsen, N.M., 0360 Hoss, D., 3064 IRAT, France., 0039-0041, 2357 Jesko, T., 0320-0322 House, L.R., 0035, 0036, 0064, 0170, IRAT, Mali., 0042, 0043,1541 Jhanwar, B.M., 2960 0544, 0587, 0684, 1043, 1271,1986, IRAT, Mauritania., 1046 Jindal, V.K., 2024 2552, 2595,2767 IRAT, Senegal., 0044, 0045, 1047 Jodha, N.S., 3375 Hoveland, C.S., 3049 1492, 1621, 1622,2104 Joglekar, R.G., 0686 Howe, E.E., 3100 IRAT, Upper Volta., 0799-0801, 2513, Johannes, R.F., 1958 Howell, T.A., 1205 2617 John, S.W., 2726, 2891 Hoy, M., 2602 Irma Laguna., 2319 Johnson, A.W., 2378, 2379 Hrishi, V.K.K., 1764 Isakov, Ya.l., 0624-0628, 0776, 0802, Johnson, J., 0963, 2481 Hsi, D.C.H., 0030, 2071 0803,1048,1049,1861, 3297 Johnson, J.W., 0516, 0632, 0633, 0807, Huddleston, E.W., 2494, 2606, 2616, Isawa, K., 2184 0910-0913, 2260, 2330, 2461, 2470­ 2636,2639,2681 Ishag, H.M., 1493 2472, 2480, 2485-2487, 2578, 2618, Huertas, V.E., 3003, 3004 Ishii, S., 2139 2803, 2904,3106 Hugo, Morice, 0080 Ishlzaki, S.M., 1090, 3380 Johnson, R., 2031 Hugues, P., 1852-1856 Ish'mukhametov, L.K., 1862 Johnson, R.I., 0808,1495 Hukkeri, S.B., 1011, 3296, 3319 Ishwar, S., 3080 Johnson, R.R., 3180, 3181 Huli, R.J., 1725 Itnal, C.J., 0804 Jolliffe, P.A., 1831 Hulpoi, N., 1857, 1858 Ito, H., 2084, 2085 Jolliffee, V.A., 1627 Hultquist, J.H., 0121, 0191, 0318, 1018 Ivancenko, D.,'3338 Jones, B.F., 2392 Humherto, L.P.L., 0080 Ivanov, I.,0774 Jones, B.L., 2211-2214 Hummel, J.B.. 2745 Ivano, M., 1461 Jones, H.E., 1548 Huneycutt, H.J., 1751 Ivanov, S., 1050,1596, 3373 Jones, J.E., 3180, 3181 Hunisgi, G., 1249, 1678 Ivantsova, M.A., 0106 Jones, J.P., 0117 Hunkapiller, P.D., 2664 Ivanyukovich, L.K., 0128, 2011, 2577 Jones, M.B., 1879 Hunt, G.C., 2977, 3094 Ive, J.R., 1051 Jones, O.R., 2047 Hurst, H.R., 0122, 1741 Ivey, C.A., 2835, 3275 Jones, R., 2140 Hurt, B.C., Jr., 0726 Izuno, T., 1090, 3380 Jones, H.L., 2622 Hurt, V.G., 2997 Izvekov, A., 1052 Jones, R.M., 1219, 1339,1374, 1511 Husain, S.S., 2089 Jones, R.W., 0011, 2759, 2787, 2844, Hussain, M.K., 1859 Jackobs, J.A., 1799 2845 Hussaini, S.H., 0867 Jackson, H.B., 2467-2469 Jones, T., 0046 Hutchcroft, C.D., 0717 Jackson, MC., 3080 Jones, W.E., 1170 Hutchinson, P.B., 2328 Jackson, M.G., 3050 Jordan, L.S., 1627 Hutchison, J.E., 3372 Jackson, N.E., 1566 Jordan, WR.,1149 Jacobs, H.S., 1153 Jose.,3271 lannella, G.G., 3253 Jagadish, C.A., 1986 Joseph, A., 2717 IARI, 0796, 0797, 2786 Jaganmohan, N., 2560 Joseph, B., 3298 ICAR,2103 Jaganmohan Rao, S., 0805, 0900,1494 Joshi, K.G., 1340 Icaza, E.A., 2933 Jagannath, B., 1259, 2359 Josh[, N.C., 2064. Idris, H., 1667 Jagannath, M.K., 0048, 0146, 0324, 0825 Joshi, P.K., 1434 Idris, M., '1337 Jagannathan, V., 0233 Joshi, R.D., 2316 Igararhi,T., 1860 Jain, H.K., 1969 Joshl, V.S., 1844 Ignoffo, C.M., 2329 Jain, K.L., 2200 Jotwani, MG., 2402, 2403, 2427, 2505, lizuka, H., 2084, 2085 Jain, K.K., 0171 2514-2519, 2525, 2526, 2572, 2579­ Ikeda, M., 1044 Jaisani, B.G., 0413, 0434, 0629 2584, 2619, 2620 Iliev, A., 1461 Jakhmola, S.S., 2657 Jouan, B., 2106 Illik, M., 0337 Jambunathan. R., 3101 Jovancevic,, 1806 Ilori, J.O., 2934, 2935, 3222 James, AW., 2851, 2852 Jowee, D., 1054,1341, 2394 Imal, H., 0319 James, E., 2023 Jorsa, L., 0129, 1864, 1865, 2992-2995 Imam,A.G., 0037 Jamornman, S.,2512 Judah, BW., 2142 Inamdar, S.S., 1253, 1353, 1501, 1638 Jan, P., 1623-1626 Justice, O.L., 0236 Incoll, L.D., 0366 Janagarajan, A., 2591 Jutras, M.W., 1902, 1903 India: Department of Agriculture, Janardhana Rao, P., 0805, 0900. 1494 Andhra Pradesh., 1045 Jan-Orn, J., 0435, 0630, 0631,0746 06 Kachapur, M.D., 0425, 0809, 0810,1342, India: Gujarat Department of Javia, RB., 2210 1638 Agriculture., 0038 Jayaprakash, RK., 3374 Kachele, T.H., 1866 India: Ministry of Agriculture, Jayaraj, S., 2522 Kadirgamathaiyay, S., 1867 Author Index 113

Kadoum, A.M., 2404, 2405, 2413, 2826 Kern, A.D., 1433 Korsakov, NI., 0997 Kaduskar, MR., 3046 Kern, J.J., 0375, 0439, 0714, 1497 Kosol Charemsom, 2432 Kagali, A.T., 3403 Ketchersid, M.L., 2406 Kosovac; Z., 1631 Kajari, N.B., 0194, 0451, 0810-0813, Key, JC., 2914 Kotasthane, S.R., 2192 0837, 0878, 1259, 1265, 1868,2225, Keys, J.E., 3026 Kolb, A.R., 2016 2227, 2359, 2557, 2736 Khalbaev, I.,0070 Koteswara Rao, G., 2269-2273, 2284,. Kalashnik, M.F., 1508 Khalil, M.K., 1773 2285 Kalashnik, N.S., 0436:0634-0637 Khan, A.F., 2380 Koleswara Rao, P., 1348 Kalbhor, PN., 1496 Khan, A.M., 2157, 2266, Kothmann, M.W., 1899 Kale, S.P., 1223 Khan, I.,2296 Koura, A., 2407 Kalekar, A.R., 2141 Khan, I.D., 2292 Kovaclk, A., 1500 Kamalavalli, D., 0237-0239 Khan, K.M., 2607 Kovacs, MT., 1728 Kambal, A.E., 1869 Khan, M.A., 1859, 2266 Kowal, J., 1206 Kaminska, A., 0437, 0438 Khan, MA.Q., 2072 Kozlova, V.I., 0657 Kandaswamy. D., 2187 Khan, MN., 2870 Kramer, NW., 1544 Kandaswamy, T.K., 2187 Khan, Q.A., 1801 Kramer, P.J., 0150, 0203, 0204 Kanemasu, ET., 0352, 0362,1131,1132 Khan, Z.N.A., 2266 Krantz, B.A., 1116 1153, 1154 Khanna, R., 0323 Krauss, M., 0722, 3299 Kang, HR., 2836 Khatri, T.J., 0756 Kravchenko, A.P., 1061 Kannaiyan, J., 2267 Khattab, A.H., 2792 Kretchmer, P.B., 3260 Kanno, H., 0047, 0192 Khazova, 1.1.,0130, 0131 Kripasharker, 1874 Kantsaliev, V.T., 1542,1870 Khavzhinskaya, O.E., 0407, 0408 Krishna K.S., 0822, Kanwar, J.S., 1343, 1344 Khera, S., 2241, 2381-2383 Krishna Murthy, B., 1392 Kanzawa, H., 1615 Khliustov, P., 2936 Krishna Murthy, K., 0048, 0146, 0324, Kapoor, H.C., 1178 Khlyustov, P.A., 1543 0823-0825, 1253, 1342, 1353, 1380, Kapusta, G., C814, 1345, 1433, 1628, Khosla, R.K., 1312 1501, 1632, 1638, 2521, 2533, 2534 1629,1925 Khot, B.D., 1057, 1346 Krishna Prasad, M.N., 2729 Karah, M.A., 1126 Khurana, S.M.P., 2331 Krishna Reddy, C., 1.179 Karm-Alla, K.A., 2792 Khuspe, V.S., 1296, 1297,1347 Krishna Sastry, K.S., 0198, 0663, 1678 Karamathullah, N., 3407 Kibe, M.M., 1166 Krishnan, K.S., 1349,1355 Karamkhodoev, L., 0815 Kiesling, H.E., 3163, 3164 Krishnanda, N., 2522 Karanjkar, R.R., 2069, 2401 Kim, I.P., 2912 Krivonosova, L.P., 0667 Karganilla, A:, 2107, 2172 Kim, J.C., 2860 Kruegerl, E.W., 0691 Karim, A., 2788-2791 Kim, K.K., 2912 Kruegger, J.W., 0088 Karimov, Z., 1245 Kinbacher, E.J., 0351 Krupa, F., 1875 Karn, J.F., 2972 King, C.C.Jr., 3073, 3074 Kshirsagar, A.R., 1369 Karnani, J.T., 1837 King, K.M., 0293 Kucharet, T.A., 2101 Karve, A.D., 0816-0818, 1055, 2520 King, SB., 2108, 2109, 2218, 2268 Kuhlman, J.W., 1085 Kasasian, L., 2358 Kirillov, YJ., 0132, 0820 Kukedi, E., 1633,1634, 1876 Kaspersen, L.J., 2574 Kirk, V.M., 2436 Kulik, MM., 0236, 2081 Kassam, A.H., 0240, 1250 Kirkpatrick, E.E., 2861 Kulkarni, K.A., 2528, 2556, 2603 Kassem, ES., 1023 Kiseleva, A.K., 1872 Kulkarni, K.R., 1094, 3388, 3389 Katarki, B.H., 1350 Kisgeci, J., 1631 Kulkarni, M.V., 0897 Katepallewar, B.N., 0742, 0743 Klshlta, A., 1860 Kulkarni, N., 0177, 0178, 0662, 0826, Katliyar, D.S., 0660, 1890, 1907, 2807 Kilaev, A.I., 0440, 0441, 0457, 0458 0827, 0864, 1877 Katiyar, O.P., 1056, 2682 Kitajima, S., 1860 Kulkarni, NB., 2141 Katliyar, R.N., 2575, 2679 Kizilova, E.G., 0409 Kulkarni, P.V., 1271 Katiyar, S.S.L., 2696 Kleifeld, Y., 1573,1727 Kulliaswamy, B.Y., 0451, 064j, 0644, Kalsanos, RA., 1925 Klein, M., 2332 0838,1065 Katti, C.P., 1381 Klein, Z., 2216 Kul' pinova, E.P., 0638 Kaufmann, H.H., 2785 Kleinig, C.R., 1371 Kumar, A., 1954, 1955 Kaul, A.K., 0580 Klimenko, V.G., 2793, 2794, 2850 Kumar, BV., 0828 Kaur, MR.S., 1630 Kliputa, N.E., 1498 Kumar, C.K., 1954 Kaushik, S.K., 1669,1681 Klosterman, E.W., 3180-3182 Kumar, I.,3079, 3305 Kaushik, U.K., 2418 .Knapp, F., 2543 Kumar, K., 1062 Kavandikar, V.R., 1140 Knisel, W.G.Jr., 1164 Kundalkar, O.G., 1415 Kaveriappa, K.M., 2215 Knowles, R.P., 1873 Kundu, G.G., 2524-2526, 2566, 2621, Kavilkar, A.G., 1409 Kochar, A.S., 2932 2683 Kawanabe, S., 1871 Koenig, R.F., 1058, 2795 Kunjamma, V.K., 0443 Kawatra, BL., 2775 Koes, R.M., 2937 Kunjamma, H.V.K., 2208 Keese, W., 0076 Kohler, G.O., 2875 Kunkel, E., 0829 Kelleher, D.L., 3228, :3229 Kohls, H.L., 2700 Kuppuswamy, S.2672 Kemper, SD., 2598 Koike, H., 2325 Kurdikeri, C.B., 1251, 1259, 1350, 1368, Kenmochi, K., 2965 Koli, SE., 1059,1499 1635,1636,1648, 2359 Kenneth, R., 2216, 2217 Komoli, R.F., 0821 Kurien, S., 2885, 2895-2898 Keppens, L., 3259 Konovalov, V.P., 0442 Kurjakovic, V., 1983 Kerbabaeva, Z.A.. 0819 Korobil, E.N., 1060 Kurmarohila, B., 0103 114 Author Index

Kurtenbach, A.J., 2028 Lehman, W.F., 0089 Lynn, C., 2602 Kurtz, LT., 1449-1451 Leighton, R.E., 2798, 3130, 3160 Lynn, H.P., 0993 Kusakin, A.A., 0253 Lele, U.I., 3404 Lytle, P.W., 3405 Kushwaha, N.S., 2963 Lemeshev, N.K., 0997 Lyubenov, Y., 1254 Kust,,C., 1700 Lenoble, M., 0111. 0245, 0246, 0641, Kuz'min. G., 2025 0831. 1884, 1885 Macadam, J.F., 3302 Kwolek, W.F., 3327 Lenoble, S., 0246, 0641, 0831 Mackenzie, A.F., 1867 Kwon, H.H., 2912 Led, GP., 1302, 1303, 1800, 1847 Mackenzie, D.H., 1889 Lersten, N.R., 0115 Maclean, D.E., 3314 Labib, A.I., 2016 Lertmongkol, V., 0117 Macmaste, MM., 0865, 3341 Labore, D E., 3295 Lessard, J.R., 2984 Madelon, J., 1640 Lacefield, G.D., 2262 Lesveque, J., 3313 Madhava Menon, P., 0418, 0531 Lacy, K.H., 3400 Letchoumanane, S., 2530 Madhava Rao, 0194, 0533, 0534, 1458 Ladan, P.E., 3051 Lewis, R.B., 1210 Madhava Rao, G., 0198 Lagomarsino, E.D., 3041,3052 Lewis, R.W., ,1106 Madhava Rao, M., 0811,0837 Lahue, D.W., 2404, 2665 Llang, D., 2772 Madhava Rao, T., 0451,0452,0642-0644, Lakshminarasimhan, C.R., 1165 Llang, C.H., 0135 0838,0839,1065 Lakshminarayana, K., 2073, 2527, 2553, Lang, G.H., 0149, 0329, 0386, 0446- Maeda, K., 1860 2585 0449, 0513, 1007 Maertens, C., 1211 Lal, B., 0889,1351 Llang, Y.T., 2799 Magalhaes, A.F., 1180 Lal, J.P., 1316 Liang, Y.T.S., 0448 Magboul, BE.., 2911 Lalithakumari, D., 2256 Libershtein, 1.1.,2026 Magoon, M.L., 1777, 1890 Lai, S.B., 0241 Lilaramani, J., 2173 Mahabaleshwariah, H., 3406, 3407 Lallan, Singh, 1293 Lima, C.R., 2996, 3056 Mahabal Ram, 1066 Lam, M.W., 2857 Lima J.O.A., 3197 Mahadevan, N.R., 2591 Lamar, P.L., 2796, 2862, 2870 Lime B.J., 3353 Mahalle, P.S., 1429 Lamb, M.W., 2890, 3097 Lin, s.s., 0135 Mahapatra, I.C., 1355, 1415 Lambal, A.K., 2173 Llnge Gowda, B.K., 1253, 1265, 1342, Maharudrappa, K., 0925 Lambert, HR., 1878 1353, 1501. 1638 Mahatim Singh, 1255 Lambert, J., 0327, 0328 Linnik, V.M., 0136, 0137,0450,0693,0694 Mahendra Pal, 1221, 1356, 1503, 1669 Lambright, L.E., 3019. 3020 Lipscomb, R.W., 0761,1268 Mahendra Singh, 1011, 1503 Lamoureux, G.L., 0242-0244, 0272,3131 Llpstein, B., 3245, 3246 Maheswari, B.K., 0929 Lancaster, D.L., 1879 Lira, E.P., 1177 Maheshwari, M.L., 3186 Landi, R., 0325, 0444, 0830 Lilrle, G., 0050 Maheshwari, S.K., 1252 Lane, G.T., 2727, 2797, 2798, 3130,3160 Little, J.A., 3073 Maheshwari, SR., 2940, 2941, 3303 Lange, A., 1711 Lilun, P.P., 0137, 0450 Mahgoub, S.I.N., 2864 Lange, A.A., 3014 Lilvininko, F.P., 1886 Mahilum, B.C., 1366 Lange, S.K., 2666 Llxandru, G., 0187 Mahindra Singh, 1503 Langin, E.J., 0848, 0849, 0988, 1207- Lloyd, C., 2409 Mahmoud, MA., 0645 1209,1352 Lockman, R.B., 2800-2802 Mahtab, S.K., 1357 Langlet, A., 0193, 1063. 1534 Lodge, G.A., 2984 Mahudeswaran, K., 0646 Lanning, F.C., 0226 Lodha, M.C., 0832 Mai, W.F., 2372 Lanza, A., 2854 Lodi, G.P., 1928 Maitre, C., 1891 Lanza, F., 1880, 1881 Loescher, W.H., 0462, 0659 Majisu, B.N., 0172, 0453, 0454 0647, Laosuwan, P., 0715, 0716 Logarathan, N.S., 1095 0757, 0840 Larina, V.V., 1828 Lommasson, R.C., 0133, 0134 Majumder, SK., 0199, 2737, 2743, 2744, Laser, K.D., 0445 Longencker, D.E., 0833 2816-2818 Laulhere, J.P., 0326-0328 Longo, G., 1502, 1887 Makky, A.M., 2016 Launchbaugh, J.L., 1779, 3053 Lorgue, C.L., 3313 Makodzeba, I.A., 1641 Laurent, P., 0766 Later, R.A., 0138 Malaguti, G., 2158 Lavake, D.E., 1637 Lovetl, J.V., 1826, 1827 Malak, J., 2351 Lavery, H.H., 2408 Lowe, J.A., 2262 Malathl Devi, S., 1165 Lavy, T.L., 1664, 1665 Lowrey, R.S., 3112 Mal' chenko, V.S., 0752 Lawlesw, J.R., 0676 Loyacano, A.F., 2938, 2939, 3165 Malebennur, N.S., 2224 Lawrence, T.L.J., 3223 Loyd, R.C., 3300, 3301 Maley, S.R., 1276 Laxman Singh, 1252 Luce, W.G., 3224, 3226, 3227 Malta, G., 1358,1359 Laxminarayana, K., 2546 Luck, J.W., 2977 Malherbe, L., 3329 Lazarte, P.W., 2003 Ludlow, M.M., 0330 Malhotra, S.P., 1212 Leakey, C.L.A., 0639 Luebbe, W.D., 0160 Malik, D.D., 3262 Le Baron, H.M., 1584 LuIb, M., 1639 Malinova, B., 3338 Lechtenberg, V.G., 1882, 1833 Lukacovic, A., 0322 Malinovskii, B.N., 0195, 0455-0458,0648, Le Conte,J., 0049, 0640 Lunden, A.O., 0834, 0835 0650, 1892-1894 Lee, L.S., 3309 Lusk, J.W., 1888, 2997, 3027, 3057 Malipatil, M.B., 2555, 2662 Lee, K.W., 0133, 0134 Lulhra, Y.P., 3033, 3035 Mallalah Panthulu, C.C., 1360 Leela, D.P., 2689 Lutrick, MC., 0761, 0836, 1064, 1354, Maim, N.R., 0769,0770, 0841,1483,2071 Leeuw, P.N., 1951 2048, 2049, 3134, 3135 Manabe, M., 3320 Legel, S., 3054, 3055 Lynd, J.O., 2125 Managoli, S.P,, 2684 Author Index 115

Manda, T., 3023 2942, 3019, 3020, 3258 Meoge-400Meoon, P%M.. 0464, 0603 Mandy, G., 1067 Maunder, B.. 2616 Mensinkai, Maneewon, M., 1181 S.W., 0533, 0534 Mauriclo, R.M., 0850 Mercer-Quarshie H,0653, 1075, 1504 Manglitz, G.R,, 1817 Maurya, R.A. 1571 Merkle, M.G., 1604,1605,1693 Mani, V.S., 1583,-1642, 1668,1669 Maurya, R.K., Manis, A.L.R.Jr., 2275 1755,1835,1836 Merlescu, E., 0187 Maxwell, C.V., 3227 Mertz, E.T,, 3101 Mann, H.O., 0842-0849, 0986-0988, Maxson, E.D,, 2729, 2746, 2803-2805, Merwine, N.C., 0727, 0851, 1207-1209 1257, 1270 2870-2872, 2892, 3104-3106 Mery, C.C.,2623 Mannikar, N.D., 1755, 1756, 1835,1836, Maxson, W.E., 3107, 3108, 3168, 3169 Meyer, R.M., 3200 1895 Manov,8., 0173 May, M.A., 3103 Miche, J.C., 0012, 2894, 3363 Manson, M.B., 3209 May, P.J., 1072 Mickelson, R.H., 1258 Mansour, L,2110 Mayo, Z.B.Jr., 2567 Miesner, J.R., 0852, 0983 Mansour, IS.,2 9 Mays, D.A., 1364 Mikesell, M.E., 0853 Mansour, I.S., 3292 Mazurak, Mantle, P.G., 2276 A.P., 1159 Mikhailova, L.F., 2810 Mazza, MC., 3244 Mikolenko, T.A., Maranville, J.W., 0331, 0120 0651, 1533 McCalla, T.M., 1539 Miles, J.T., 3002 Marathee, J.P., 0051 McCarlor, M.M., 2943 Miley, W.N., 1365 Marble, V.L., 1068 McCarty, G., 3304 Milinkovic, V., 1806 Marchant, W.H., 2647, 2704 McClain, E.F., 1901-1903 Miller, C.C., 2078 Marchi, k.,3058 McClure, K.E., 2991 Miller, F., 1738 Marenah, L.J., 0052 McCollough, R.L., 2893,3109-3111,3 , Miller, F.R., 0387,0632,0912,0913.0 Marie, R, 0652 170 93 6, 3171 1645, 2037, 2159, 2160, Marin, N.H., 2074 3112 Marion, P.T., 3166, 3167 McCree, K.J., 0332, 0333 Miller, G.D., 2747, McCroskey, J.E., 3163, 3164 Miller, J.C., 3207 2772, 2842, 2907 Markov, M., 2733 McCullough, M.E., 2976 Miller, J.E., 1739 Marquez, PJ., 0934 McCune, W.E., 2748 Miller, O.H., 2863 Marrewijk, G.A.M., van., 1213 McCulchen, T., 1326,1486 Miller, R.H., 1566 Marshall, D.R., 0617 McDevitt, J.B., 0942 Millhollon, R.W., 1740 Marshall, H.G., 2027 McDonald, R.P., 1904 Millington, A.J., 0054, Marshall, J.G,, 0937, 0854 0938, 0940-0942, McGee, W.H., 1888, 3057 Millis, D.E., 1433 1299, 2428 McGinly, D.D., 2944, 3188 Mills; R.B., 2674 Marshall, J.T.Jr., 3346 McGinly, R.J., 2028 Milyurkin, A.F., 1113 Marten, G.C., 3017 McKenzie, MC., 0993 Minamisawa, M., 3320 Martin, F.G., 1268 McKibben, G.E., 2973' . Minor, H.C., 1505 Martin, J., 2998, 3059, 3102 McMillan, J.W., 0726 Minton, E.B., 1646 Martin, J.J., 2927 McMillian, W.W., 0174, 0975, 2031,2410, Miramontes, B., 1076 Mart'n, L.J., 3376 2429-2431, 2599, 2622, 2640-2651, Miranda Filho, JB., Martin, N.P., 1069, 1361 0855 2685, 2702-2704 Miroshnichenko, A.R., 0637, 0854-0658, Martin, W.E., 2052 McNamara, D.W., 1256 0856-0860, Martinez, R., 1468 2999 McNeal, X., 2945 Mlroshnichenko, IV., 1459 Marty, J.R., 1534, 1643,1896, 1897 McNee, D.A.K., 1073 Mishra, B., 2161-2165 Marwaha, K.K., 2514, 2515 McNeill, J.W., 3172, 3185 Mishra, D.P., 1923, 1924 Masaoka, Y., 1284, 1285 McPherson, CM., 2886 Mishra, S.N., 0175 Mascarenhas, A.F., 0233 McPherson, W.W., 3399 Mishrily, K.S., 3291, Masharipov, G., 1070 3311 McWhorter, CG., 1729-1737 Miskovic, K., 3000 Masiar, E., 0292 Medcalf, DG., 3339 Misra, A.P., 2161-2166 Maslinkov, I.,1461 Medvedev, A.A., 1809 Misra, D.K., 1979, 1980 Massino, IV., 2827, 3075 Meenaghan, G., 2915 Misra, R., 2946, 2947, 3113 Masteller, V.J., 0247 Meenakshi, K., 0443, 1280,1764, 2208 Misra, U.K., 2946, 2947, 3113 Matches, A.G., 1898 Meenakshi Sundaram, P.C., 0495 Misra, U.S., 1890. 1907 Matejka, J.C., 2231 Mehen, SM., 3116 Mitchell, K.J., 1988 Mathers, A.C., 1362, 1552 Mehndiralta, P.D., 0482, 1905, 1906 Mitkees, Mathew, G., 2728 A., 1773 Mehra, K.L., 0660, 1777, 1890,1907,3306 Mitlal, S.P., 0898,1077,1515,1647,2528, Malhieson, A.R., 2781, 2782 Mehrotra, A.K., 2571 2532 Mathis, G.W., 1899 Mehta, A.K., 1954 Miyamolo, S., 2116 Malhur, C.S., 2940, 2941 Mehla, D., 0271 Mladenovski, V., 1461 Mathur, R.L., 2277 Mehta, R.K., 1874 Moal, Mathur, R.S., 2278 J., 3212 Mehta, S.C., 1182 Mock, J.J., 0461, 0462, 0659 Mathur, S.B., 2075, 2077 Meisch, M.V 2411, 2628 Mockel, F.E., 0589 Matocha, JE., 1363 Mekhaeil, G.M., 1843 Moga, I.,1857, 1858, Malre, T., 3221 1909-1911 Meksongsee, B., 2543 Moga, R., 1857, 1909, 1911 Matsuyama, D.T., 1427 Meli, S.S., 0896,1074,1381,1391,1453 Mogami, K., 1765,1912 Mattei, M.R., 0459 Melichar, B., 1909 Mohamed, A.K.A., 2565 Matter, V.E., 1463 Meluon, S.L., 3174 Mohan, D.P., Malyukha, L.I., 1641 0020 Menchaca, M., 0583, 0585, 0951 Mohan, V.S., 2769, 2770 Maunder, A.B., 0053, 0099, 0138. 0175 Mendiola, B., 0583, 0945, 2749 Mohanraj, D., 2219 0460. 1071, 1141, 1191, 1900, 2142 Mendoza, M.D.,645 Mohan Rao, MR., 1154 116 Author Index

Mohluddin, S.H., 1078 Murray, D.S., 1672 Navaneethan, G., 2530 Mohyuddin, A.I., 2586 Murthy, B.R., 0176, 0427, 0428, 0492, Nawar, l.A., 3114 Moir, K.W., 3060 0493. 0501,0502, 0863 Nayak, B.C., 1652,*1657 Moline, H.E., 2334 Murthy, D.V., 2659 Nayakar, N.Y., 0472, 0812 Moline, W.J., 1953. 3001 Murthy, D.K., 1914 Nayar, K.M.D., 0426, 0663 Mondart, C.LJr., 1904 Murthy, K.N., 0177, 0178, 0196, 0197, Nayar, S.K., 2343 Monga, M.K., 1409 0252, 0465, 0662, 0826-0828, 0864, Near East Cooperative Sorghum and Monnier, J., 3408 1079, 2059, 2360 Millets Crop Improvement Pro­ Monotli, M, 1782, 1783 Murlhy, P.S..S, 0464 gramme, 0057 Monson, W.G., 3047, 3061, 3112 Murthy, P.V.N., 3262 Nechaev, A.P., 2810. Montagnini, MI., 2948, 3145 Murlhy, U.R., 0500, 0661, 1915 Nedelciuc, C., 1910 Montgomery, M.J., 3002, 3044 Musick, J.T., 1197, 1214-1217, 1460, Nedkov, N., 2952 Monti, H.E., 3124 1481, 1506 Neergaard, P., 2077 Moody, E.L., 3064 Mustafa, A.I., 0865, 2864, 3341 Negi, P.S., 1274 Moomaw, R.S., 0759, 0760, 1545, 1578 Mulalikdesai, K.S., 2076, 2555. 2557 Nejneru, I.,0187,1917 Moore, D.S., 3385 Muthuswamy, G., 2750 Nelson, G.H., 3327 Moore, GD., 0248 Myagkov, V.V., 1931 Nelson, L.A., 0759, 0760 Moore, L., 2412, 2574 Myakov, V., 2949 Nelson, L.R., 2732, 2733 Moore, R.F., 0055, 0736, 0861, 2336, Myers, L.F., 1985 Nelson, T.S., 3103 2344, 2345, 2347, 2348 Myhre, D.L., 1270 Nene, Y.L., 2083 Moore, W.F., 2091 Nester, R.P., 1741 Moorihy, M.N., 2587 Nabos, J., 1080 Neuhaus, V., 3115 Morabad, IR., 1251, 1259, 2359 Nadagoudar, B.S., 1368, 1648 Neumann, A.L., 3065 Morachan, Y.B., 1280 Nagarajan, K., 2119, 2143, 2167, 2220, Neumann, H.H., 0293 Moran, J.B., 3175 2279-2281, 2285 Nevol'ko, O.D., 0627 Morard, P., 0249, 0334,1327,2778,2806 Nagarajan, V., 2771 New, L., 1218 Moreira, H.A., 3025 Nagarkatti, S., 2588 Newland, HW., 3180-3183 Moreira, I.,0335 Nageshchandra, B., 2521 Newland, W.H., 2987 Moreno, A.H., 2985 Nageswara Reddy, M., 1260 Newsom, J.R., 3151 Morey, D.K., 1340 Nagur, T., 0465 Nguyen, V., 1082 Morey, M., 0349, 0350 Nagy, A., 0336, 0337 Niblett, C.L., 2321 Morgan, A.H., 3356 Naidenov, T., 2950, 2951 Nichols, T.E., 3377 Morgan, A.l.Jr., 2858 Naidu, A.B., 0056 Nicou, R., 1171, 1532 Morgan, R.E., 2745 Naik, L.M., 2282 Nlehaus, M.H., 0869-0871, 1083 Morimoto, H.2965 Nalk, M.S., 0288, 0580,1178 Nigam, P.M., 2439 Mc;rii;, J.L., 2799, 3174 Nair, K.R., 2588 Nilolaeva, N.F., 2311 Morrill, L.G., 1366 Nair, M.T.R:, 2740 Nilson, E.B., 1548,1650,1651 Morris, J.G., 2966, 3062, 3176-3179 Nair, T.V.R., 0545 Nip, W.K., 0339, 0872 Morrision, E.G., 3063 Nakagama, A., 1044 Nipper, W.A., 2938, 2939, 3165 Morrison, RD., 0750, 0751, 0754, 0972, Nakashima, H., 0466 Nirval, B.G., 1155 2452, 2474 Nalampang, A., 1081 Nishi, A., 0255, 0256 Mortvedt, J.J., 1183, 1367 Nambiar, K.T.N., 1647 Nishibe, S., 0139, 0664 Mosanghini, V., 3261 Namken, L.N., 1128 Nishihara, N., 2112, 2168 Moseley, F., 0946, 0947 Nancenko, D., 3342 Noble, J.C., 1371 Mosena, A., 1546 Naphade, D.S, 0250, 0467-0470, 0686, Nodgrass, J.C., 3397 Mosher, D.R., 2413 1369,1916 Nogueira, F., 3022 Moss, B.P., 3064 Naqvi, N.Z, 2221-2223 Nolan, C.N., 0993 Mower, R.L., 3340 Narasiah, D.B., 1370 Noller, C.H., 0777,1791 Muck, 0., 2834 Naraslmha Murihy, P., 1514 Nonveiller, G., 0665 Muckle, T.B., 2730 Naraslmha Rao, D.V., 0251, 1096, 1267, Noort, G.V., 3343 Muhammad, S., 1163 1507,1649 Nordquist, P.T., 0058, 0473, 0622, Mukari, S.P., 2682 Narayan, K., 0867 0677, 0759, 0760, 0873 Mukewar, A.M., 1369 Narayana, D., 0177, 0178, 0197, 0252, Norman, D.W., 1261 Mukherjee,B.K., 0520 0662, 0826, 0827, 0864, 0866, 2059 Norris, J.R., 2734, 2735, 2808 Mukherjee, R., 0660, 2807, 3079, 3296, Narayana Moorthy, M., 2529 Norton, J.A., 1742 3305,3306 Narayana Rao, K., 1586 Norton, J.S., 1029, 1030 Mukhtar, A.M.S., 2931 Narayanaswamy, D., 2895-2898 Nosko, V.K., 1246 Mukuru, S.Z., 0020, 0463 Narayan Rishi., 2316 Nott, R.W., 1173 Mulas, G., 1913 Nardlello, R., 3217 Nour, A.A.M., 2792 Muller, H.G., 2726, 2731, 2879, 2891 Narkhede, N.N., 1346 Nour, A.H., 1.509, 2983 Muniappan, R., 2479 Narwal, R.P., 1630, 2111 Novakova, E., 2809 Munshi, Z.A., 0478 Nasir-ud-din, 0338 Noveiller, G., 0474 Muradov, B., 1547 Nass, H.G., 0471 Novellie, L., 3329 Muranjan, SW., 0862 Natarajan, T.V., 2693 Murphy, G.M., 3179 Natoli, W.J., 3237 Oakes, J.Y., 3069 Murphy, L.S., 2772, 3270, 3273 Nalribhop, S.. 0868 O'brien, T.P., 2774 Murphy, W.S., 2377 Naumanko, A.I., 1508 Ochi, M., 0581,1510,1991 Author Index 117

O'Connell, WJ., 3229 Palmer, R., 0076 Pati, S.V., 0888, 1188, 1265, 1635 Odak, S.C., 2573 Panchabhavl, K.S., 2076, 2555-2557, 1636,1844 Ode, H. 1765 2662 Patil, V.S., 1375 Odvody, G.N., 2134, 2169, 2170 Panchal, Y.C., 0194, 0198,1375,2363 Patit Kulkarni, B.G., 2209, 2224, 2225 Ofori, C.S., 1372 Panda, S.C., 1376 2227 Ogata, G., 1785 Pande, R.C., 1923, 1924 Palrascou, F., 1910 Ogala, S., 3307 Pandey, R.K., 1263,1835-1838,1977, Patro, G.K., 1652-1657 Ogborn, J.E.A., 2361, 2362 1978 Patruno, A., 1167 Ogurtsov, U.N., 0253 Pandey, R.N., 0928 Pattanayak, C.M., 0889 Ogurtsov, V.N., 0979, 1113 Pandey, S.L., 1221, 1222 Patton, W.B., 0890 Oh, J.H., 1879 Pandey, SN., 1377 Palwa, F.C., 1212 Oizumi, H., 1991 Panevskii, N.P., 1570 Paulsen, A.O., 0388, 2172, 2335 Ojha, T.P., 2742 Panwar, D.V.S., 1927, 1929 Paulsen, G.M., 0348, 0853 Ojima, M., 1428 Panwar, O.P.S., 1598 Paulsen, M.R., 2738 Oleksenko, Y.F., 0254 Papp, B., 1184 Paulson, W.H., 1958 Olembo, R.J., 0377 Pappelis, A.J., 1925 Pavgi, MS., 2226 Olitson, L.E., 2810 Parambaramani, C., 2122, 2123 Pavlov, G.N., 0891 Olimpio, J.A., 2114 Parameswarappa, R., 0804, '0810, Pavlov, P., 0258, 0343 Oliver, B.F., 2654 0878, 2736 Pawson, W.W., 3378 Olson, T.C, 1084,1150,1229 Parbley, D.B., 1889 Payak, M.M, 2173 Om Prakash., 2165 Parfitl, R.L., 0879 PCAR, 0059 Omtvedl, IT., 3224, 3226 Parker, C., 0076 PCCMCA, 0060 Onate, LV., 3344 Parker, F.W., 2660 Pearson, J.D., 0481 O'Neal, W.B., 1702 Parochelti, J.V., 1743-1745 Pearson, N.K.Jr., 2667, 2748 Onken, A.B., 1219, 1339, 1373, 1374, Paroda, R.S., 0213, 0477, 1926-1929, Pearson, R.W., 1169 1511,2050 2754,3033 Peaslee, D.E., 1186 Oox, O.J., 3091 Parodi,. R.A., 0880-0886, 1086, 1930, Peck, R., 2998, 3059, 3102 Oritani, T., 0255, 0256 1965, 2206, 2625,739, 2681 Peck, RA., 0088, 0142, 0754, 0892, Oropeza, F., 0934 Parpla, H.A.B., 2883-2885, 2895-2898 2927 Ortega, A.V., 0771, 0772 Parrish, D.B., 2901 Pedgaonkar, S.M., 2113, 2238, 2239 Ortega, G.A., 3003, 3004 Parthasarathy, A.V., 0666, 0828, 0901, Pedreira, J.V.S., 1934 Ortega, T.E., 1076 0902,0958,1096,1360,1377, Peddy Reddy, T., 1382 Osadchaya, N.D., 2810 1393,1394,1396,1507,1516, Peeper, T.F., 1088 Osborn, AW., 2328 2365, 2540, 2814 Peeples, M.L., 3346 Osborn, J.E., 1220 Parvathappa, HC., 0199, 2737 Peevy, W.J., 1383 Osborne, W.E., 2326 Parvatikar, S.R., 0107, 0811, 0887, Peiersen, R.T., 2052 Osipov, Y.F., 0195 1087, 2115 Pelle, T., 3338 Oslru, D.S.O., 1262 Pasha, M.AM., 0478 Pelletier, C.A., 3064 Osman, H.F., 3116 Pashchenko, P.D., 1931 Pena, J.A., 0583-0585, 0948-0951 Osman, MS., 1918 Passlow, T., 2414 Peplinski, A.J., 2865 Oswalt, D.L., 0020, 0668, 0874-0876, Pasternak, D., 0340-0342 Pepper, G.E., 0259, 0344, 3007 2900,3117 Patanolhai, A., 0141, 0479, 0480, Peres, G., 1614,1832 Ouchi, Y., 2082 0714, 0716-0718 Perez, J., 0280, 0586 Overley, C.11., 0877 Patel, A.I., 2531 Perez Carbajal, H.F., 2985 Overman, MA., 0475, 0476, 0595 Patel, A.R., 2531 Permetl, M., 1935, 1937 Overton, J., 1326 Patel, B.M., 1932, 2589, 3066 Perny, R.A., 1643 Overton, J.R., 1919 Patel, B.N., 2171 Persley, D.M., 2336 Ovezmuradov, S.0., 0106,1920,1921, Patel, C.A., 1932, 3066 Person, N.K.Jr., 2667, 2668, 2748 3005 Patel, D.A., 2051 Perten, H., 2866 Owen, D.F., 1585 Patel, H.S., 2531 . Pertot, E., Owen, 0184 F.G, 1085 Patel, K.C., 0402, 0611, 0612, 1933, Perumal, R.S., 2563, 2686-2689 Owens, J.C., 2494, 2606 3345 Peter, S.D., 1411 Patel, L.G., 3006 Peterson, Padaganur, W., 3008 G.M., 2286 Patel, P.M., 0200 Petev, D., 1457, 1461 Padaganur, G.N., 2283 Patel., R.P., 0756 Petit, L., 2876 Padron, T.J., 2624 Patel, S.M., 2909, 2910 Pelkov, D., 0893 F.D., Page, 2655 Pathak, C.H., 0237-0239, 0257 Petkov, N., 0893 Pahalle, P.S., 1306 Pathak, M., 0233 Petkov, T., 0895, 1972 Pair, J.C., 2371 Patit, B.N., 1249 P.,trov, 0.1., 0667,1938 Pair, S.D., 2493 Patil, D.S.S., 1347 Petrova, KV., 1828 Paiv., J.A.J., 3022 Patil, B.R., 1291 Peyrot, F., 2953 Pal, M., 1117 Palil, J.R., 1291 Pfander, W.H., 2937 Palacio, R.J., 1922 Patil, M.B., 1304 Pfeifer, V.F., 2865 Palaniswamy, P., 2558, 2559 Palil, N.K., 2224 Pfleger, F.L., 1807 Palmer, AZ., 3169 Patil, R.V.. 1074, 1187, 1188, 1271, Pfost, H.B., 2799, 3200 Palmer, G.H., 0140 1379-1381, 1514 Phadnis, B.A., 0373, 0383 Palmer, L.T., 2119 Palil, S.H., 2988 Pharande, K.S., 1123,1194,1223 1118 Author Index

Phariss, F.M., 3118 Prabhanjan Rao, S.B., 0065, 0066, Raghavendra, G., 2752, 2841 Phillips, J.C., 0260 0897, 0898, 2528, 2532 Raghumurthy, M., 1094, 3388, 3389 Phillips, L.J., 1512, 1829 Prabhune, R.N., 0818 Raghunatha, G., 0048, 0146, 0324, Phillips, R., 3369 Pradhan, S., 2415, 2416 0825, 2533, 2534 Phillips, S.A., 0940, 0941 Prasad, K.G., 1189, 2755 Raghunathan, A.N., 0199, 2744 Phillips, W.M., 1658 Prasad, MV.R., 0899 Raghuwanshl, B.K., 2542 Phul, P.S., 0482, 1905 Prasad, S.K., 2368 Raghuwanshi, R.K., 2418 Pi, C.P., 0593 Prasad, R., 1324, 1325 Raheja, P.C., 1266 Pickett, R.C., 0020, 0066, 0398, 0399, Prasad, T.G., 0107, 0811, 1087 Raj, S.M., 2554 0668, 0874, 0875, 1089, 2811,2900, Prasad, T.V.R., 0048 Rajagopal, L.S., 2728 3114 Prasada, R., 2152 Rajagopalan, S., 2310 Pieri, C., 1384 Prasada Rao, G.P., 0805, 0900, 1494 Rajakkannu, K., 1165 Pierre, W.H., 1385 Prasada Rao, K.E., 1360 Rajanna, A., 0263 Pierron, M., 0326 Prathapasenan, G., 0238, 0239 Raja Reddy, G.S., 1507 Pillayarsamy, K., 2183 Pratt, P.F., 1281 Rajashekara, B.G., 0048, 0146, 0324, Pimplikar, V.D., 3371 Prem Kishore, 2524-2526, 2566. 2583, 0824, 0825, 2533, 2534 Pingale, S.V., 2739, 2740 3293 Rajendra Prasad, 1355 Pinzariu, D., 1939 Prescort, J.M., 2119 Raiput, R.K., 3296 Pion, R., 2967 Pressick, J.C., 2745 Rajput, V.S., 1923,1924 Pitre, H.N., 2626, 2632 Preston, R.L., 3182, 3183 Rajurkar, B.S., 2535 Pizzi, A.C., 3217 Preston, T.R., 1292 Rakhimuklov, R.I., 1550 Plancquaert, P., 1940 Prette, I.R., 3041, 3052 Ram, G.S., 3381 Plasto, A.W., 2954, 2955, 3184 . Price, E.G., 0061, 0104 Ramachandram, M., 2539 Plopsoreanu, M., 1941 Price, R.G., 2434 Ramachandran, M., 1095 Plucknett, D.L., 1090, 2053, 3379, Price, V.J., 1549 Ramchandra Reddy, D., 2540 3380 Prima, GD., 1947 Ramadan, MY., 3070 Plumlee, M.P., 2935, 3234 Prine, G.M., 0344 0347, 0761, 0932, Ramadas, V.S., 0264 Pocthier, C., 0728 1091,1092,1518,1948,3007, Ramakrishnan, K., 2254, 2255 Poethier, G., 1000 3009, 3255 Ramalingam, R.S., 0490 Pohland, A.E., 2812, 2813 Prishchak, GI., 1949 Raman, V.S., 0147, 0490, 0491, 0578, Pokalaeva, O.P., 0261 Pritchard, A.J., 2349 0646, 1746,1993 Pokle, Y.S., 0262, 0483, 1942 Prithvi Raj, B.K., 1253, 1265 Ramana, K.V.R., 0264 Polesello, A., 1943, 3308 Pro, M.A., 3243 Ramananda Rao, G,, 0239 Polidori, F., 3067 Prugar, J., 2809 Ramanadham, S., 1392 Polk, K.L., 2494 Puech, J., 1142, 1897 Ramanath, B., 0897, 0898,1077,1198, Pomeranz, Y., 3347 Pujol, B., 1313 1515, 2528, 2532 Ponnaiya, B.W.X., 0532 Pukawes, S., 0806 Ramanatha Chetty, V., 2536, 2537 Pons, W.A.Jr., 3309 Pund, W.A., 3010, 3011 Raman Goud, T., 2538 Ponte, J.J. da, 2114 Pundarikakshudu, R., 0495 Rama Rao, K.V., 0828,1914, 2814 Pontif, J.E., 2939, 3165 Purandharanath, B., 2741 Rama Rao, P.V., 0901, 0902, 1516 Pooni, H.S., 0390, 0391 Puranik, S.B., 2115,'2286 Rama Rao, V.V., 2742 Poornachandrudu, D., 2271-2273, Purke, S.V., 0952 Rama Sastry, D.V., 2287, 2343 2284, 2285 Purnachandra Rao, D., 0512 Ramaswamy, K.R., 0148, 1708,1746 Poornachandrudu, G., 2273 Pushpamma, S., 2901 Ramazanov, B.G., 1482 Poornima, P., 0199, 2743, 2816-2818 Pultarudrappa, A., 0670, 0813, 1458, Ramesh Chander, 2690 Pop, M., 1858 2225, 2227, 2669 Ramlrez, J,L., 2627 Popa, T., 1858 Pyllotis, N.A., 0306 Ram Mohan Rao, M.S., 1185, 1198, Popescu, F., 0345,1386, 1388 2539 Popescu, V., 1944, 1945, 3310 Quamarzzaman, S., 1194 Ramnath., 2077, 2173 Porcelli, S., 1881 Oueroz, MJ.M., 2877 Rana, B.S., 0492, 0493. 0903 Porcheron, P., 0641, 0831 Quevedo, I.F.. 1443 Rana, V.K.S., 0503, 1759 Porter, K., 0964 Quinby, J.R., 0062, 0143-0145 Ranaivosoa, H., 2569 Porter, K.B., 1513 0486-0489, 1093, 1143 Rand, R., 1958 Pospelov, A.P., 0679, 1892 Quintero, S.O., 3016 Randolph, N.M., 2411, 2590, 2596. Pospelova, L.S., 0667 Ouisenbery, J.H., 3262 2628,2629, 2656,2660, Postoyalkov, K.D., 1946 Oureshi, MA.H., 1950 2661,2815 Potocnjak, R.J., 3225 Raney, H.G., 2417, 2425, 2473, 2474 Potresova, V.M., 0484, 0485, 0669 Raafat, A., 1509 Rangaiah, By., 2365, 2540 Potter, GD., 2958, 3172 3173, 3185, Raafat, M.A., 3291, 3311 Rangamannar, K.T.V., 1398 3195 Raay, H.G.T, van., 1951 Ranganathaiah, K.G., 2209, 2288, Potts, J.R.M., 0346 Rabago, R., 1462 2289 Poulain, J.F., 1389, 1390 Rabas, D.L., 2956, 3068 Rangarajan, A.V., 2591 Powers, W.L., 1131, 1132, 1153 Rabb, J.L., 0937, 0938, 0940, 0941, Ranga Rao, V., 1185, 2539 Prabhakar, A.S., 0896, 1196, 1264, 2428,3069 Rangaswami, G., 0181, 1562-1565, 1380, 1391, 1453 Rachie, K.O., 2054 2310 Prabhakar Setty, T.K., 1264, 1342 Radder, G.D., 1188, 1379, 1514 Rangaswamy, J.R., 2743, 2744 2816, Prabhakar Rao, K., 2073, 2527 Ragab, M.M., 2258 2818,2868 Author Index 119

Rangaswamy, S.R., 0265 Reuss, J.O., 1208,1209 Rangil Singh, 1952 0632, 0807, 0910-0913, 0936, Reyes, L., 1363, 2204, 2259, 2260, 0965,0966,1484,1513, Rangland, W.W.,3037 2097­ 2290 2100, 2136,2155,.2204, Rani, I.,2173 2259­ Reyes, N., 0403 2261, 2290, 2291, Ranjhan, S.K., 3186 2487, Reynolds, G., 0904 2578, 2618, Rantuccio, C., 1359 2904 Reynolds, W.L., 3128 Rosenthal, BE., 3349 Rao, B.A,, 0201 Rezanil, M., 1551 Roshan, L., 2579 Rao, J.M., 1653 Rhykerd, Rao, C.R., 1378 C.L., 0777,1791 Ross, J.G., 0315 Rlbagln, T., 0905 Ross, J.S., 3382 Rao, D.V.N., 0251,1096, 1267,1507, Ribelro, D., 1100 Ross, 1649 W.M., 0069, 0086, 0517, 0518, Rlcaud, R;, 0906 0622, 0675-0677, Rao, G.S.C.R., 3312 0873, 0914, 0915, Riccelli, M., 0674 1104, 1105,1517,1544 Rao, H.K.H., 0494, 0495 Riccelli, M.M., 0514, 0907-0909, Rossiter, J., 1960 Rao, K.N., 0264 1101 Rostagno, H.S., 3265-3267 Rao, L.V., 1393,1394, 2540 Ricci, J.R., 1661 Roth, G.M., 3111, 3119, 3171 Rao, M.G., 0426 Rich, P.A., 1956 Roth, J.A., 1399 Rao, M.G.K., 0663 Richardson, A.J., 0311 Roth, J.P., 2626 Rao, N.G.P., 0063, 0064, 0433, 0496- Richardson, L.G., 2606 Roth, J.R., 2632 0504, 0544, 0545, 0579, 0661,0671, Rickard, S.F., 2078 Rothwell, D.F., 1335,1336 0903,1097-1099,1395, 2756 Rieck, W.L., 3072 Roughan, P.G., 2824 Rao, P.P., 1312 Riewe, M.E., 2957 Rao,P.V., 1396 Rouse, R.D., 1748 Rao, Riggs, J.K., 0155, 2958, 2959, 3120, Rousseau, J., 3313 S.B.P., 0065, 0066, 0897, 0898, 3133, 3166, 3167, 3172, 3173, 3185, 2528,2532 Rout, G., 2670 3187-3190, 3194, 3195 Roverso, E.A., 2948, 3145 Raodeo, A.K., 2541 Rigor, E.M., 3207 Rowley, J.A., Rasmussen, J.A., 0361 1659, 3290 Rijks, D., 1103 Roy, Rasovic, B., 3000 R.N., 1401-1403 Riley, J.G., 2969, 2970, 3093 Roy, S.B., 1255 Rasper, V., 2714 Ritchie, H.D., 3013 Ruane, D.J., 3228, 3229 Rathore, R.S., 2200 Ritchie, Rathore, V.S., 2418, J.T., 1145-1149 Rublo. R.R., 3003, 3004 2542 Riller, CW., 2056 Ruckman, Rauch, K.E., 3138 J.E., 1879 Riveros,, 3014 Rudbeck, J.P., 3410-3412 Raut, J.G., 2124, 2174, 2175, 2188 Rizzon, L.A., 1180 Ruelke, O.C, 0932,1518 Rautou, S., 0672, 2055 Robbins, B.S., 3224, 3226, 3227 Ruiz, G., Ravindranath, E., 1397 2639 Fobbins, G.L., 3409 Rukma Reddy, N., 0519 Rawat, R.R., 1056, 2657 Roberson, R.H., 3264 Rummel, D.R., 2421, 2633 Rawla, G.S., 2176 Robertson, W.K., 1268 Ray, M.L., 2945 Ruppel, R.F., 2079 Robins, M.F., 1763 Russ, O.G., Ray, N., 3345 1650, 1651 Robinson, D.L., 0937, 0938 Russell, J.S., 1106 Raychaudhuri, S.P., 2120 Robinson, W.I., 3070 Russell, M.J., 2012 Read, J.W., 3071 Robison, G.D., 3012, 3015 Rustogl, V.S., 1349 Reay, P.F., 0266, 0267 Robison, L.R., 1545,1662 Ruth, G.P.E., 1269 Rebola, J.L., 3045 Rockwell, W.C., 2875 Rutledge, A.E., 3191 Reddi, N.S., 0135, 0149 Rodrlgo, Y., 0067 Ruxton, I.B., 1823-1825 Reddi, V.R., 0215, 0378, 0379, 0505- Rodriguez, B.A., 1290 Ryan, J., 2116 0512, 0673 Rodriguez, J.C., 3052 Reddy,C.R,, Ryan, J.A., 1186 0449,0513 Rodriguez, R.R., 0311 Ryan, M.E., 3383 Reddy, C.V., 3263 Rodrlguez-Carrasquel, S., 1957 Roddy, D.R., 3263 Roeth, F.W., 1663-1665,1747 Saadati, K., 1107 Reddy, G.H.S., 1398 Rogers, C.E., 2469 Saba, W.J., 3192, Reddy, G.S.R., 1096 3193 Rogler, J.C., 3242, 3266, 3267 Sablha, S., 2825 Reddy, P.R., 0100, 0201, 0741, 2537 Rohweder, D.A., 1958 Sabley, D.V., 1377 Reddy, S.N., 1398 Rojas, F., 0909 Sachan, J.K.S., Reddy, S.R., 1398 0520 Rojas, G.M., 1666 Sadaphal, MN., Reed, D.L., 3183 1370, 1406 Rojas-Gomez, E.J., 0268 Sae, S.W., 2405, 2826 Reeder, J., 1660 Rollins, G.H., 3073, 3074 Saeed, A.A., 1667 Rees, H., 0477 Romanov, V.A., 1959 Safarov, Reeve, T.A., 3012 T., 0070 Romo, RA'., 3352-3354 Safaya, N.P., 1189 Reeves, H.E., 0108, 0281, 1467 Rooney, L.W., 0154, 0155, 2721, 2729, Safeeulla, K.M., 2228, 2229 Refai, F.Y., 0415 2735, 2746, 2789-2791, 2803-2805, Salley, L., 1326 Regier, ., 1225, 1226, 1522 2808, 2820-2823, 2869-2872,2902- Saharan, G.S., Rehm, G.W., 1953 2117 2905, 2958, 3104-3106, 3194, 3195, Sahasra Budhhe, K.R., 1407 Reich, V.H., 1144, 1488, 2819 3348 Sahu, H.R., 2657 Reiners, R.A., 2745 Rosas, C.J.E., 2630, 2631 Sallsbery, R.L., Relwani, L.L., 1954, 1955 2052 Rosas, H., 3016 Saksena, H.K., 2230 Renbarger, R.E., 3151 Rosas, J.E., 2419, 2420 Salas, F.C.A., 0071 Renfro, B.L., 2143, 2167, 2220, 2281 Rosenkranz, E.E., 2337 Sajazar, A.G., 0348 Retzer, H.J., 0791 Rosenow, D.T., 0068, 0515, 0516, Salazar, B.A., 11 OF, 120 Author Index

Saldarriage, V.A., 2422, 2423 Schneider, B.A., 1965 Shaptsev, E.V., 1224 Salih, F.A., 1283 Schneider, R.E., 3314 Sharma, A.K., 1300 Salyametov, R.A., 2827 Schneider, W., 2967 Sharma, B.M., 1414 Sam, M.J., 2528 Scholl, J.M., 1675, 1700 Sharma, B.N., 2848 Samford, R.A., 3194, 3195 Schrader, W.D., 127fl Sharma, C.P., 1282 Samiappan, M., 2672 Schreiber, MM., 0151 Sharma, D., 1252 Samson, M.F., 2856, 2929 Schroeder, H.W., 3315 Sharma, D.K., 2029 Sanchez-Diaz, M.F., 0150, 0202-0204, Schuh, J.D., 3196, 3197 Sharma, G.C., 2515 0349,0350 Schumaker, G., 2594 Sharma, GD., 0213, 0391, 1926-1929, Sandal, P.C., 1762 Schuster, D.J., 2475, 2476 3033 Sander, D.E., 2028 Schwartz, E.J., 1953 Sharma, J.K., 2144-2148, 2177, 2178, Sanders, T., 2009, 3027 Schweigatt, F., 2873, 3350 2182, 2621, 2683 Sanderson, K.W., 1961 Schwelssing, F.C., 2477 Sharma, L.D., 3318 Sandhu, G.S., 2690 Schweizer, E.E., 1676 Sharma, R.K., 0929 Sandlin, C.O., 0521, 0522 Scifres, C.J., 1966, 1967 Sharma, R.V., 0592 Sanford, J.O., 1270 Scott, D.L., 1698 Sharma, SK,, 2597 Sanford, P.E, 2772, 3268-3270, 3273 SCPA, 1404,1405 Sharma, V.G., 1415 Sanford, R.A., 2958 Seckinger, H.L., 2829 Sharma, V.V., 2960 Sargwan, R.S., 1962 Sedberry, J.E.,Jr., 1383 Sharnagat, B.K., 2697 Sanjeevaiah, B., 0198 Seely, M.K., 2830 Sharpless, R., 1281 Sankaran, S., 1668, 1669 Seethrama Rao, B., 0233 Sharova, O.D., 0628 Santana, D.VM., 3271 Seibert, J., 0076, 3384, 3385 Shatvoryan, M.P.2691 Santawisuk, T., 0851 Sejko, D.A., 0648, 1893 Sharvrina, N., 0719, 0919 Santelman, P.W., 1088,1670-1672 Sekhon, S.S., 2635 Shaw, R.A., 2598 Santharam, G., 2530 Seklzawa, K., 1510 Shearman, L.L., 0351 Santiago, P., 1408 Sela, I.,2332 Shedley, D.G., 2634 Santos, J.H.R., 2397 Selvaraj, K.V., 0711 Sheiko, D.A., 0679,1894, 1970 Sapin, P., 1109 Selzametov, R.A., 3075 Shekhawat, G.S.,1416, 1520 Saprykin, V.S., 1963 Senanarong, A., 0916 Sheldrick, R.D., 1971 Saran, G., 1681 Senanarong, N., 1477 Shelton, M., 3139-3144, 3198 Saraswathi, V., 2143, 2167, 2220, 2279- Sene, D., 0072 Shende, R.L., 1377 2281 Sengupta, S.P., 0530, 1749 Shentov, R., 0895,1112,1521, 1972 Sardana, M.G., 1312, 1344 Sennik, MG., 1968 Shepel, N.A., 0680, 0681, 0920-0923, Sarkar, A.N., 2906 Sentov, R., 2831 1973,1974 Sarkissian, I.V., 0529 Sepsawadi, P., 2543 Sheirdan, K.P., 3076, 3077 Sarma, K.N., 1396 Sergeey, V.G., 167-/ Sheriff, R.A., 1678 Sarma, V., 1187 Serrano, J.M., 0067 Sherro, LB., 2928 Sarma, V.S., 1271 Seshadrl, P., 1411 Shibabe, S., 2084, 2085 Saroha, MS., 1673,1674 Seshaglri Rao, T., 0198 Shibraev, N.S., 1113 Sarria, V.D., 2074 Seshu, KA., 1280 Shlkata, S.,0139, 0664 Sasser, J.N., 2369 Sethu Rao, M.K., 0762, 1111 Shlmabukuro, R.H., 0242, 0243, 0272, Sastrodihardjo, S., 1110 Sethupathi, R.R., 0531, 0532 3131 Sastry, K.S.K., 1375 Setokuchi, 0., 2478 Shlmiju, N., 0279 Sauer, D.B., 0269, 2242, 3093 Setty, R., 3403 Shinde, C.B., 0924 Savitri, H., 2131 Setty, R.A., 1188,1412 Shinde, V.K., 0952, 2353-2355 Sawell, J.O., 3211 Sewlikar, A.L., 2355 Shlpe, E.R., 3304 Saxena, H.P., 2695 SGTHAG, 1553 Shipley, J., 1225,1226, 1522 Saxena, M.C., 1414 Shabalta, SM., 0960 Shlrke, D.B., 2573 Saxena, O.P., 0270, 0271 Shafer, S.,1519 Shirley, R.L., 3107, 3108, 3169 Saxena, P.N., 1409, 2402 Shafer, S.L.. 0073, 0074,0917,0986-0988 Shivaraj, B., 1074, 1379 Saxena, S.N., 1420 Shafique, M., 3272 Shlvanandalah, M.P., 0925 Scantamburlo, J.L., 0880-0886, 1086, Shah, A.H., 2589 Shivpuje, P.R., 2692 1930,1964,2206,2625 Shah, H.K., 0270, 0271 Shkodra, M., 1935, 1937 Scarsbrook, C.E., 1748 Shahor, G., 2217 Shoup, F.K., 2747, 2772, 2907, 2961, Schaefer, P., 1410 Shaikh, G.A., 1413, 3316, 3317 3270,3273 Schaffert, R., 0020 Shaikh Nlaz Ahmad, 0678 Shrl Ram, 1975, 2544, 2671 Schaffert, R.E., 0668, 2828 Shakuntala Raju, 1094 Shropshire, W., 0218 Schake, L.M., 2959, 3120, 3166 Shaligram, G.C., 1415 Shu-Hua, S., 2186 Schalles, R.R., 3119, 3171 Shamsiev, A., 1224 Shukla, N.P., 3296, 3319 Scheffer, R.P., 3292 Shamsuddin, M., 2907 Shukla, P.C., 1932 Scheibner, R.A., 2424, 2425 Shankar, J.V., 2737 Shukla, S.C., 1923, 1924 Schertz, K.F., 0126, 0431, 0432, 0523- Shankar, K., 1969 Shukla, S.P., 1679, 1680 0529,0632, 0936 Shankare Gowda, B.T., 0533, 0534 Shukla, U.C., 1189, 2755 Schmid, A.R., 3017, 3068 Shanmugan, K.S., 0918 Shut 'Meister, K.G., 1227 Schmidt, S.C., 3413 Shanmugasundaram, S., 1095 Shurupov, ., 0926 Schmidt, W.H., 0869-0871, 1083 Shantha Veerabadraiah, S.M., 1253 Siddaramalah, B.S., 0822 Schneider, A.D., 1552 Shapley, D., 2874 Siddig, S.A.,.2592 Author Index 121

Siddique, M.R., 2292 Sinha, S., 2146-2148, 2177, 2178, 2182 Sprague, G.F., 1019 Sidhu, B.S., 1906 Sinha, S.K., 0323, 0545 Sprague, E.W., 0077 Sidhu, G.S., 2962 Sinska, J., 0931 Squires, V.A., 1985 Sierra-Braccro, A., 1738 Sirbu, M., 1939 Sreenath, P.R., 1119, 1756, 1777 Signorel, P.A., 2338, 2340 Sirohi, G.S., 0183 Sreenlvasulu, M., 0958, Sigurdson, 2540 D.C., 1994 Sistachs, M., 1419, 2057 Sree Ram, Sij, J.W., 0352 0265, 2549 Sithanantham, S., 2672, 2673 Sreeramulu, C., 1877 Sill, W.H., 2335 Sivakumar, C.V., 2687 Sree Ramulu, K., 0547-0577, 0682, Silva, D.J., 0683 2948, 3145 Sivaramakrishnaiah, M., 0666, 1378 Sree Ramulu, Silva, D.J.da., 2986 U.S., 2530 Sivasankaran, D., 1095 Sree Rangasamy, S.R., 0531,0572-0578, Silva, J.F.C., 3018, 3025 Sizaret, A., 3351 0683 Simmonds, D.H., 2774 Skiles, C.A.Jr., 2914 Srldhar, N., 2547 Simon, J.A., 2080 Skoch, K., 2907 Srinath, D., 2693 Simon, P.W., 2081 Skoknic, K.A., 3225 Srinivasan, G., Simonenko, V.K., 0535 0876 Skultety, M., 3199 Srinivasan, S., 2183 Simpson, B.J., 1331 Slack, C.R., 2824 Srlnivas Murthy, J., 0762 Sims, J.L., 1186 Slater, W.G., 0112 Srinivasulu, G., 0452, 0644, 0839,1065 Sinclair, T.R., 0151 Slatyer, R.O., 0221 SrInlvasulu, M.R., 0958 Sindagi, S.S., 0536, 0537, 0643 Sletten, W.H., 1216, 1217 Srlvas, N.C., 3305 Singh, A., 0206, 0927, 0928, 1114, Slife, F.W., 1682 Srivastava, A.S., 2439, 2548, 2549, 2658, 1423-1425 Slifer, E.H., 2635 Singh, A.B., 2317 2694-2696 Slinger, S.J., 2714 Srivastava, B.G., 2515 Singh, A.P., 0660,1978,2807,3305,3306, Sloan, D.R., 3274 Srivastava, JL., 2695 3319 Sloane, L.W., 0937, 0938 Singh, Srivastava, K.M., 2439, 2514, 2696 B.S.P., 2179 Slusanschi, H., 1857,1858 Srivastava Singh, C., 1351 K.P., 2427, 2516 Slvori, E.M., 0274 Srivastava, R.N., 0078 Singh, D., 0536, 0537, 1115, 1182 Smasoni, Z., 0295 Srlvastava, R.P., 2963 Singh, G., 2180 Smetana, P., 2932 Srivastava, S.P., 1421-1425 Singh, H., 3078 Smillie, R.M., 0297 Srivastava, Singh, H.D., 2756 V.C., 0275 Smith, B.A., 1010, 1490, 3352-3354 Stafford, H.A., 0276, 0354-0356, 2833 Singh, H.G., 0206, 1674 Smith, C.K., 3180, 3181 Stafford, L.E., 0243, 0244, Singh, H.P., 1273 0272 Smith, D.C., 0546, 1981 Stallcup, O.T., 3082, 3121-3123, 3150 Singh, I.,1874 Smith, D.H., 1191, 2142, 3019, 3020 Stan, V., 1917 Singh, I.J., 0928 Smith, D.T., 1683-1685 Standley, L.A., 0219 Singh, J., 0288, 1526 Smith, F.H., 0993 Stanford, R.L., 2636 Singh, J.N., 1274 Smith, L.A., 1748, 3073, 3074 Stanley, R.L., 0761 Singh, K., 0273, 0929, 3079 Smith, L.W., 3026 Stanley, R.L.Jr,, 0932 Singh, K.C., 1976 Smith, R.C., 3352-3354 Stanley, R.W. 2964 Singh, M., 0179,1116,1117,1356,1572, Smith, R.L., 1686 Stansell, J.R., 0113 1681, 1835, 1836, 1838, 3080 Snow, J.P., 2341, 2342 Starbuck, M:J., 0219 Singh, M.P., 0943 Snyder, G.H., 1444 Starks, K.J., 0616, 0972, 2452, Singh,.N., 2962 2476, Solomon, S., 1757-1759 2479-2483, 2495, 2498, 2499, Singh, N.T., 1190 2550, Somani, L.L., 1420 2551, 2593, 2594, 2663 Singh, P., 0930,1417 Somehoudry, A.K., 2906 Starr, M.P., 2307 Singh, P.P., 2278 Sommer, A., 3199 Starr, R.I., 0357 Singh, R., 0020, 0216, 0538, 0539, 2545, Son, S.H., 1118, 1275 Station, H.C., 1610 2908, 3081 Sood, N.K., 2418, 2542 Steevens, B.J., 3137, 3138 Singh, R.A., 2166 Soni, P.N., 1349 Stevens, R.A., 2674 Singh, R.B., 0078 Sorenson, J.W., 2748, 3189, 3190 Stekar, J., 2834 Slngh, R.P., 0078, 0899, 1263, Sorenson, J.W.Jr., 2667, 2668 Stelly, R., 3385 1976-1978 Sorokin, M.A., 1982 Stephenson, E.L., 2835, 3275, Slngh, R.R., 1526 3281 Sosa, M.C., 2624 Stevens, MH., 1426 Singh, R.S., 2181 Sostaric-Pisacic, K., 1983 Stevenson, K.R., 0293, 0294 Singh, R.S.P., 1406 Soto, P.E., 2546, 2585 Stewart, B.R., 2030, 2748 Singh, S., 2331, 2517, 2518 Sotula, P.I., 0859, 2058 Stewart, G.A., 1120 Singh, S.B., 2200 Soumare, L., 0075, 1001 Stibbe, E., 1554 Singh, S.D., 1418, 1979, 1980 Soumani, R.C.K., 2236 StIles, D.A, 3200 Singh, S.P., 0393, 0394, 0540-0542,2580, Souto, S.M., 1473, 1795, 2996, 3056 Stirling, H.G., 2730 2581, 2584, 2619 Souza Lucci,, 1984, 3021, 3022 Stobbs T.H., 3083 Singh, S.R., 1329 Sowell, G., 2265 Stockinger, KR., 0240 Singh, U., 0405, 0406, 0543,1115 Sowell, G.Jr., 2138 Singh, V., 3296 Stone, J.F., 1467 Soza, R.F., 0353 Stone, L.R., 1150, 1228, 1229 Sir,'h, Y., 1523 Spears, B., 0076 Stonov, L.D., 1569 Singh, Y.P., 1329, 2548,2549,2658, 2694 Spears, B.R., 1604 Storey, J.B., 1742 Singhanla, D.L., 0544, 2426 Spilsbury, R.D., 1750 Strelets, -RS.,1921, 3005 Singletary, C.B., 0937, 0938, 0941, 1904 Spooner, A.E., 1751 Strltzke, J.F., 1536 Sinha, A.K., 1222 Spotanskl, R.F., 1687 Strohbenn, D.R., 3018 122 Author Index

Stull, J.W., 3136 Taflakov, N., 0278 Thompson, L.Jr., 1619 Subbaraja, K.T., 2118, 2183 TajIma, K., 0279, 0358, 2838 Thompson, T.E., 0936 Subba Rao, G., 0684, 1986, 2552, 2595 Tak, V.B., 1298 Thompson, T.L., 2024, 2029, 2738 Subba Rao, L.V., 1587,1588 Takahashl, M., 1555 Thompson, Y., 2797 Subba Rao, V., 2675 Takaml, S., 1151 Thomson, P.L., 0084, 0085, 0582, 0688, Subba Reddy, BY., 0579 Takano, N., 3023 0935 Subba Reddy, S., 0252, 2059 Taley, Y.M., 2501, 2510, 2511, 2607, 2637 Thosar, V.R., 1429 Subbarayudu, V.C., 1396, 1494 Talawar, S.N., 3407 Thurbon, P., 3085 Subramanian,'J., .183 Talwalkar, R.T., 2909, 2910 Thurman, C.W, 0726 Subramaniam, Tf , 2488, 2522, 2558, Tamimi, S.A., 2297 Thurlell, G.W., 0293, 0294 2559, 2563, 2672, 2673, 2688, 2689, Tamimi, Y.N., 1090, 1427, 3380 Tieszen, L.L., 1994 2708 Tampalini, G., 1943, 3308 Tikar, D.T., 2541 Subrahmanyam, B., 2553 Tamura, S., 2965 Tikyani, MG., 2241, 2381-2383 Subramanya Sastry, K., 0205 Tanaka, A., 2082 Timirgaziu, C., 1995, 1996 Sugimoto, T., 3320 Tanaka, F.S., 0244 Timirgaziu, E., 1995, 1996 Sugimura, K., 2965 Tanksley, T.DJr., 3214, 3230-3233 Tipplns, H.H., 2464 Sugnakar Rao, B., 0152 Tantrum, I.,1988 Tipton, K.W., 0788, 0937-0942, 1383, Sukhani, T.R., 2402, 2427, 2517, 2518, Taparla, A.L., 2960 1525, 2428, 2654 2620 Tapia, B., 0080 Tiru, I., 1997 Suleimanov, A.S., 0277, 2065 Taranova, R.S., 1689 Tlwari, B.P., 1276 Sullins, R.D., 0153-0155, 2822, 2823, Tardani, A., 3261 Tiwari, K.N., 0943 2869-2872, 2905 Tarumoto, I.,0581, 1765, 1989-1991, Todd, J.W., 2429, 2430 Sullivan, C.Y., 0121, 0298, 0351, 1018, 2184 Toler, R.W., 1705,2092,2314,2318, 1201 Tateno, K., 0235, 1428 2323,2342,2350 Sullivan, L.M., 3136 Tatintseva, S.S., 0157 Tomer, P.S., 1526 Sumner, D.C., 1987 Tatwawadi, G.R., 1121 Tomer, S.S., 1276 Sumpter, N.A., 0529 Tayler, R.S., 1485 Tomeu, A., 0280, 0583-0586, 0944-0951, Sund, J.M., 1981 Taylor,A.O., 0186,0359-0361,1136,1152 1527, 2749 Sundaram, N.V., 2119, 2120, 2167, 2220, Tayyab, M.A., 0262, 0470, 0086, 1942 Tonroy, B.R., 3234 2293-2296, 2343 Teakle, D.S., 2344-2349 Toranzo,,3014 Sundaramurthy, V.T., 2673 Teare, 1.D., 0182, 0352, 0362,115"3, 1154 Toranzos, M.R., 2985 Sundara Raju, R., 2530 Teetes, G.L., 0633, 2411, 2421, 2440, Tosh, G.C., 1653-1657 Sunderman, H.D., 1219,1339,1373,1374, 2450, 2451, 2471, 2472, 2482, 2484- Tosic, M., 2351 1511 2487, 2590,2596, 2604,2605, 2618, Toth, A., 0295 Sunesen, N., 3220 2628,2629,2656,2661, 2815 Tottos-Nagy, R., 1438 Sung, N.E., 2836 Teferedegn, T., 2364 Totusek, R., 2998, 3059,3102,3115,3151 Supare, N.R., 2069, 2401, 2611 Telang, S.W., 0402, 0611, 0612,1933 Tourte, R., 1390 Surachet Jamornaman., 2432 Templeton, W.C., 3084 Touzaa, G., 1690 Suraj Bhan, 0206 Tenpas, G.H., 1958 Tovar, D., 2158 Surender Reddy, K., 1649 Terman, G.L., 1364, 1992 Tovar, P.D., 0771, 0772 Surendran, C., 0443, 2208 Texas A&M University., 0081 Trahan, G.J., 0937, 0938 Suresh, S., 1764 Thailand National Corn and Sorghum Tregunna, E.B., 0305 Surupov, V., 0933 Program., 0082 Trible, L., 3235 Sutherland, J.l., 3355 Thakare, K.R., 2510, 2511, 2535, 2637, Tripathi, B.K., 0587 Suzuki, T., 2965 2697 Trlpathi, D.H.P., 2185 Swaminathan, M., 2883-2885,2895-2898 Thakore, V.R., 1932 Tripathi, D.P., 0499, 0500, 0503, 0903 Swaminathan, MS., 0580 Thakur, J., 2185 Tripathi, R.K., 2298 Swanson, H.R., 0242 Thangam, M.S., 1993 Tripathi, SK., 1274 Swarup, V., 0536, 0537 Thangamuthu, G.S., 2554 Trogdon, G.W., 1337 Swearingin, M.L., 0079 Theriez, M., 3202 Trotsenko, A.G., 0658, 0689, 0860 Swift, H., 0367 Theurer, B., 3096,3116,3149,3193,3196, Troutman, J.L., 2150, 2231 Swink, J.F., 0095, 0096, 0287,0986-0988, 3197 Trybom, J.C., 1107 1617, 1618, 1676, 1688, 2015 Thielebein, M., 0687 Tsintsadze, A., 1704 Swoboda, A.R., 1357 Thimmalah, G., 2076, 2523, 2555-2557 Tsol, L.V., 1998 Syamasundar, J., 0878, 2736 2603, 2662, 2669 Tsoi, SM., 1192, 1193 Syamasundara Murthy, P., 0156 Thirumurdhi, S., 2488, 2558, 2559 Tsuruta, 0., 3320 Syed, H.M., 0207 Thlvend, P., 3201, 3202 Tsybul'Kov, V.S., 0285, 0370, 0371 Sykes, A.H., 3276, 3277 Thobbi, V.V., 2560 Tucker, B., 1430-1432 Sysoev, A.F., 0619 Thoele, H.W., 3124 Tucker, B.B., 1366, 1845 Szalay, S., 0295 Thomas, C.A., 0993 Tucker, J.M., 1785 Szava, J., 1438 Thomas, G.W., 0083, 1357,1363 Tudor, G.D., 2966 Szeicz, G., 1151 Thomas, J., 0076 Tufall, M., 1122 Szilagyl, M., 0295 Thomas, J.G., 2638 Tuleen, DM., 2136, 2186 Thomas, N.B., 1712 Turcany, Taborda, J., 1999 F., 0934, 2837 Thomason, R.E., 1126 Turkhede, B.B., 1681 Tafran, A., 3054, 3055 Thompson, D.O., 1157 Turner, J.W., 1904 Tahir, W.M., 0685, 0687 Thompson, J.A., 1524, 3076, 3077 Turner, M.S., 3405 Author Index 123

Turner, N.C., 0363-0366 3113 Wall, JS., 0086 Turner, W.E., 1505 Venugopal, M.S., 2563 Wallihan, E.F., 0368 Turnqulst, P.K., 1463 Venugopal, N., 0048, 0324, 0825 Walsh, E.J., 0714,0717,0718, 0967,0968. Tuttle, D.M., 2412 Verde, L., 3152 Walsh, W.C., 0272 Tweedy, J.A., 1433 Verma, B., 1077,1515, 2528 Walter, J.P., 1693 Twine, P.H., 2489 Verma, D.K., 2840 Walter, T.L., 0877, 0969, 0970 Tyagi, P.C., 2072 Verma, M.L., 2962 Wang, S.L.,'0593 Tyutyunnik, B., 2000 Verma, NC., 3079 Wanger, D.G., 2927 Tyutyunnik, T., 2000 Verma, R.S., 2384, 2385 Wangikar, P.D., 2124, 2175, 2188 Verma, S.K, 1195 Wanjari, K.B., 0743-0745, 1801 Ubaidul Islam, A.N.M., 2266 Vermorel, M., 3125, 3201, 3202 Wanjari, Udayachand, M.R., 0594 U., 0666 Vervack, W., 3042 Ward, C.R., 2494,2598,2606,2616,2636, Ullstrup, A.J., 2232, 2233 Very, W.J., 2719 2639, 2681 Umat, D.S., 1475 Vesecky, J.F., 1692, 2002 Ward, C.Y., 2009, 3027 Umarani, N.K., 1123, 1194, 1223 Veter, R.L., 3038-3040 Ware, G.W., 2412 Unger, P., 1226 Viard, R., 1534 Warmake, H.E., 0476, 0595 Unger, P.W., 1277, 1691, 2001, 2060 Vidal, A.G., 3390 Warner, R.G., 3204 United States Feed Grains Council, 3278 Vidal, D.H., 2003 Warnick, R.E., 3240 United States Department of Agriculture, Vidhyasekaran, P., 2122,2123,2187, 234 Warokar, R.T., 1057 3386, 3387 Viera-Diaz, J, 0908, 0909 Warsi, A.S., 1445-1448 Upadhyay, U.C,, 0952,1155,1298, 1434, Vigil, EL., 0367 Watanabe, H., 2085 1435 Viiai Sirigh, 2807 Watson, C.A., 2028, 2785, Uprety, D.C., 2842 1436 Vijay Kumar, 2004 Watson, C.E., 0768-0770, USA: University 0841 of Georgia., 0953-0955 Viktorenko, V.D., 0598 Watson, D.R.W., 2312 Usoglio de Treiyer, E.E., 0588 Vilela, H., 3025 Watson, S.A., 2720, 3322 Ushiyama, M., 1871 Vilietsra, H., 3350 Watson, V.H., 0890, 1257, 2009, 2977, Usman, S.. 2523, 2557,2561, 2562, 2603 Villachica, L.H., 1441-1443 3008, 3027, 3094 Uzunov, P., 1457 Villarreal, C.E., 2005, 2006 Weak, E.D., 2842 Vinod Shankar, 1598 Wealherwax, P., 0159 Vaille, J., 0015, 1437, 1530 Vinogradov, Z.S., 0959 Weaver, D.N., 1605 Valy, E.L., 3045 Viraktamath, C.S., 2751, 2752, 2841 Webb, B.K., 1694 Vamadevan, V.K., 1011 Virupaksha, T.K., 0223, 0224 Webster, J.A., 2700 Van Bavel, C.H.M., 1151 Vishakanathaiah, M., 2699 Webster, O.J., 0069, 0087, 0602, 0873, Vandenborre, R.J., 3413 Vissova, V.I., 0960 2218 Vanderlip, R.L., 0122, 0210, 0281, 0589, Visweswara Gowda, B.L., 2609, 2699 Webster, W.B., 3049 0974, 1107,1528, 1692 Visweswara Rao, K., 2770, 2771 Wedderspoon, I.M., 1706, 1752 Vandiver, C.W., 1637, 1699 Vittal Rao, S., 0961 Weddige, L.A., 1141 Van Kampen, K.R., 3321 Vlas, I.,2007 Wedin, W.F., 1069,1791, 3086 Van Rensburg, N.J., 2490,.2491 Vlasova, V.I., 2311 WeiFel, D.E, 0088, 0125, 0142, 0416, Van Slobbe, L., 0055 Vliststra, H., 2873 0417, 0421, 0530, 0690, 0691, 0971, Varadinov, S.G., 0090, 0956, 1127 Voelker, H.H., 2008 0972, 1081, 1088, 1134, 1135, 1749, Varadinov, S.V., 0692 VoIgt, R.L., 0755, 0962,1143, 2149, 2150 2480, 2481, 2483, 2495, 2499, 2753, Varga, A., 2839 Vollleque, P.G., 3064 2843 Varga, J., 1438 Volk, B.G., 1444 Weis, G.G., 1958 Varga, P., 1857 Vora, V.J., 2589 Wellhausen, H.W,, 3028 Vasilev, K., 1457 Vovchenko, AN., 1998 Wells, D., 2915 Vasilev, V.K., 1946 Vulllet, A., 1557 Wells Homer, D., 2151 Vasudeva Rao, M.J., 0424, 0425, 0590 Vyas, D.L., 1418,1979,1980 Wendt, C.W., 1124, 1177, 1556 Vaughan, C.E., 2032 Vyas, H.K., 2597 Werb, J.R., 1272 Vecchletlini, M., 1439 Vyas, S.C., 2083 Wesley, W.K., 0369 Veeranna, V.S., 1440 Wesley-Smith, RN., 3087 Vega, G.J.D., 1230 Wadhokar, R.S., 0744, 0745 Wessels, J.P.H., 3252, 3279, 3280 Velayudhan, K.C., 1907 Waeltl, H., 1463 Westerman, R.L., 1449-1451 Vellchko, G.P., 1246 Wagle, D.S., 2775 Weston, E.J., 1278 Velloso, L., 3024 Wagner, D.G., 2967, 3127, 3163, 3164 Whan, I.F., 0994 Venica de Nemirovsky, N.2698 Wagner, V.J., 0109 Wheeler, J.L, 3088 Venkat Rao, S., 2883-2885, 2898 Waits, G.D., 1141, 2021 White, GL., Venkataraman, 0180 K., 0591,0957 Wakankar, S.M., 0592 White, G.M., 3331 Venkataraman, R, 0433 Wakikado, T., 2082 White, T.W., 3128, 3205, 3206 Venkataramu, M.N., 1094, 3388, 3389 Waldp, D.R., 3026, 3203 Whitehead, W.K., 1694 Venkala Rao, A, 2750 W5ldren, R.P., 0182 Whitman, W.C., 1839 Venkata Rao, B.V., 0263 Waldrip, W.J., 1899 Wicks, G.A., 1125,1578-1581,1695,1696 Venkata Rao, G., 2285 Waldroup, P.W., 3274 Widstrom, N.W., 2031, 2431,2640, Venkateswara 2648- Rao, L., 0958, 2365 Walker, A.L., 2492, 2493 2651. Venkateswara Rao, T., 1392 Walker, H.J., 0963-0966 Wiegand, C.L., 0311, Venkateswarlu, 1128 J., 0504 Walker, H.G.Jr., 2875 Wiese, A.F., 1581,1589,1637,1685,1691, Venkatasubramanian, T.A., 2946, 2947, Walker, N., 1220 1697-1699 124 Author Index

Wild, A., 1452 Yates, J.J., 2012 Wilde, G., 2460, 2496, 2616 Yazmuradov, Y.Y., 20t Wilhelm, L.R., 3356 Yellaiah Setty, A., 0980 Wilkie, J.P., 2308, 2309 Yen, ST., 0286 Wilkinson, DR., 2235 Yenprediwar, D.D., 1435 Wilkinson, R.E., 1616 Yoovadee Granados, 2432 Willey, R.W., 0973,1262 York, G.T., 1557, 2433 Williams, DH., 0768-0770, 0841 York, J.O., 0594, 0852, 0981-0983, 2653, Williams, D.J., 2701 2835, 3123, 3275, 3281 Williams, K.C., 3236, 3237 Yoshida, R., 0255, 0256 Williams, O.H., 1712 Yoshikawa, F., 0372 Williams, P.M., 2761 Yoshimura, S., 2139 Willis, W.G., 2371 Young, H.C.Jr., 0088 Wilson, G.L,, 0112, 0307, 0309, 0310, Young, J.H., 2434 0340-0342, 1003,1004,1016,1027, Young, W.R., 2402, 2403, 2514, 2519, 2041,2042 2581 Wilson, J.M., 2261, 2291, 2299, 2300 Youngberg, H.W., 1883 Wilson, N.D., 0088, 2843 Youngclaus, W.A., 1753 Wilson, P.H., 3148 Younge, OR., 1090, 3380 Wilson, R.D., 0282 Youngman, V.E., 0074, 0091-0096, 0160, Windscheffel, J.A., 0974 0260, 0287, 0848, 0849, 0917, 0984­ Winks, L., 3085 0988,1042, 2014,2015,2086 Winningham, R.M., 3147 Yousif, Y.B., 2911 Winstead, J., 2915 Youssef, M.S.S., 2016 Wiseman, B.R., 0174, 0975, 2031, 2410, Yu, J.Y., 2912 2429-2431, 2599, 2622, 2640-2651 Yukhno, G.Y., 1279 2685, 2702-2704 Yun, S.R., 2912 Witt, M.D., 1528 Yurchenko, I.T., 0597, 0598, 2017 Wittmuss, H.D., 1662 Yusso, L.A., 3414 Woldetatios, T., 1675, 1700 Wolf, M.J., 2829 Zafar, A.M., 0678, 1760, 2435 Wolfenbarger, D.O., 2652 Zaitseva, Y.F., 0989 Wolff, I.A., 3327 Zajac, P., 3338 Woo, K.C., 0289 Zakharchuk, N.N., 0752 Wood, E.A.Jr., 0972, 2481-2483, 2495, Zambrano, R.J., 1290 2497-2499, 2663 Zaylskie, R.G., 0243 Wood, F.O., 1460, 1481, 2060 Zelayam, H., 2018 Wood, I.M.W., 1701 Zende, G.K., 1166, 1413, 3316, 3317 Woodal, W.E., 1741 Zhelev, A., 1592-1594 Woodburn, D.A., 3013 Zhukova, M.P., 0161, 0650, 1892 Woods, LE., 3089 Zinn, D.W., 2914, 2915 Woody, H.D., 3013 Zile Singh, 1189 Worker, G.F., 0089, 0977, 0978 Zobel, H.F., 2718 Worker, G.F.Jr., 0976, 1126, 2010 Zoz, N.N., 0458 Wrage, L J., 1702 Zsoldos, F., 0208 Wright, B.C., 1370, 1402, 1403, 1446- Zubaidov, U., 2849, 2850 1448 Zubaldov, U.Z., 2793, 2794 Wright, W.G., 1536 Zubriski, J.G., 2019 Wu, T.P., 0596 Zummo, N., 0773,2132,2189,2190,2352, Wu, Y.V., 2844, 2845 3332 Zwelfler. E.. 0990. 0991 Yadahalll, Y.H., 08963, 1074, 1196, 1381, 1453 Yadav, L.N., 0592 Yadava, H.R., 2278 Yahl, K.R., 3322 Yakushevskii, E.S., 0090, 0128, 0692, 0979, 1127, 2011 Yamada, Y., 0319 Yanez, E., 2846 Yang, S.P., 2725, 2888, 2889 Yarosh, N.P., 0284 Yaseen, M., 1078 Yashpal, 0213, 2754, 2755, 2847, 2848, 3034 Yaslrebov, F.S., 0136, 0137, 0285, 0370, 0371, 0450,0693, 0694 125

SUBJECT INDEX Atrazine, 1263, 1585, 1695 breeding, 0691 *effect on chromosomes, 0448 collections, 0370 Aflatoxins, 2298, 3209, 3315, 3320, effect on yield, 1055 herbicides, 1631 metabolism, 0242, 0243, 0272, performance trials, 0842-0847 3322 1663,1665 AKS-614, varieties, 0996 1326,1488 resistance, 1663 AKS-618, 0983 tolerance, Alachlor, effect on seedling growth, uptake, 1584 Callus tissue, 0247 1663-1665 Calocoris angustatus, 2662 0234 Auxin Aluminum, Carbaryl, effect on germination, 0277 bioassay, 0264 0263 Amino Carbofuran, 2069, 2073, 2079 acids, 0288, 0299, 0329, effect on growth, 0274 Carotene Lontent, 0325 analysis, 2757,276 Azotobacter, analysiton/on7n, 04,227 1558 Caryopsis development, Caterpillars, 0235 composition /conten, 0439, 2721, control Bacterial diseases, 0960, 2302, 2307, CSH-1, 2657 2772, 2776, 2782, 2792, 2821, 2310, 2311 leaf whorl, 2835,2836,2840, 2907, 3042 2697 leaf stripe, 2308 See also specific caterpillars. Ammonium fertilizers New Zealand, 2312 Charcoal eAfemonu fermtis 1physiology rot. See Macrophomina effect on germination, 1293 of resistance, 2304-2306 Phaseoli. red leaf blotch, 2303 Chelidonic acid, 2760 effect on mineral content, 1284 streak, 2301 Chemical composition, 1954, 2768, Anacentrinus deplanatus, 2578, 2590 See also specific pathogens. Anthers 2807, 2820, 2846, 3186 Banks grass mite, 2600, 2606 amino acid content, 0439 during growth, 2754 Belonolaimus longicaudatus, 2371 forage. See Forage, chemical development, 0475 BHC, physiological response, 0348 composition. Anthesis, 1025, 2041 Birds Anthocyanins, 0219, 0276 leaf, 0296 Anthracnose. See Golletotrichum damage, 2686, 2687, 2689, 2704 salinity fertility interactions, 0200 Nigeria, 2676 varietal differences, 2841 graminicola, resistance, 0174, 0790, 2678, zinc application, Antibiotics, for rust control, 2192 2685, 2755 2688 Chilo partellus, 2571, 2572, 2575, Aphelenchoides jodhpurensis, 2383 Louisiana (USA), 0942 Aphids 2580, 2582, 2585, 2594 'Ohio (USA), 0869, 0870 control, 2505, 2531, control, 2456, 2464 2575, 2583 Biscuits, 2860, 2864 India, 2589 population fluctuations, 2491 Black layer, 0121, 0160 predator (Coccinella undecimpunctata), South Africa, 2490 Blights, 2151, 2155, 2157, 2161, 2579 See also specific aphids. 2184, 2190, 2191 resistance studies, 2581, 2597 Aphis maidis, 2597 See also specific pathogens. Apomixis, 0502 susceptibility, 2597 Blissus leucopterus,2660, 2661 See also in breeding, 0661 Stem borers. Bolotrichia consanguinea, 2439 Chinch bug, 2660 relation to desynapsis, 0147 Boron, uptake and accumulation, control, 2661 Apospory, 0126 0314 Chloroplasts, 0133, 0289, 0292, Area under cultivation, 3357-3359 Bread, 2852, 2858, 2866 Armyworms, 2564-2567 0317, 0359, 0367 Breeding, 0608, 0614, 0632, 0634- galactolipids, 0297 Ascochyta sorghina, 2180 0637, 0646, 0654, 0655, 0660- mitochondria-like structures, 0133 Aspergillus parasiticus, 2125 0662, 0665, 0667, 0672, 0682- photosynthetic activity, 0372 Astylus atromaculatus, 2681, 2698 0685, 0687-0692 photosystems, 0289, 0292, 0306, Asynapsis, induced, 0547 apomixis, 0661 0367 Atherigona soccata, 2502, 2508, broom corn, 0691 Chlorosis, 2116 2513, 2529, 2533, 2546, cold resistance, 0618 2550, 2556 Chromosomes, 0419 drought resistance, 0663, 0692 aberrations, biology, 2524, 2545 0507 forage, 1757, 1760, 1861, 1893, effect of atrazine, breeding for resistance, 0616 0448 1912,1926,1989,1990 Interchanges, 0509 control, 2500, 2501, 2503, 2505- heterosis, 0455, 0456, 0628 tetraplolds, 0505 2507, 2509-2511, 2517-2521, Inbred lines, 0681 translocation, 0523 2523, 2528, 2530-2532, 2534, insect resistance, 0606, 0616, 0633, Classification, 0167, 0168, 2538, 2539, 2542-2544, 0171, 2547, 0665,2552, 2562,2595 0175 2549, 2553-2555, 2557-2560, Japan, 0664 Claviceps purpurea, 2249 2563 male sterility, 0455, 0456, 0624, Climatic stress, 0186, 0359-0361 India, 2506, 2509, 2514, 2526, 2548 0627, 0669 See also Drought. life history, 2504 Mali, 0605 Clinodiplosis, ovipositional response, 2515 2700 methods, 0613, 0622, 0630, 0658 Coccinella undecimpunctata, parasites, 2525, 2541 2579 Nigeria, 0600, 0601 COH. 2A, 1764 resistance, 2516, 2522, 2527, population breeding, 0675, 0677 Cold resistance, 0208, 0618 2535-2537, 2540, 2552, 2561, rust resistance, 2225 Collection, world, 01 70, 0176 2562, 2597 Sudan, 0645 Thailand, 2512 evaluation, 0178 Venezuela, 0674 Colletotrichum, 2157 Uganda, 2503 Brewir]g, 3328, 3329 Colletotrichum.falcatum, 2135 West Africa, 2507 Broom corn, 0088, 1067 Colletotrichum graminicola, 1040, 126 Sublect Index

2138,2144,2147 Cytology, 0373, 0464, 0512, 0530, Endosperm, 0154, 0460 bioch,',mistry of leaf, 2146 0532 lypes, 0125, 0153, 0175, 0213 conidial germination, 2145, 2178 Cytoplasm inheritance, 0420, 0421 growth, 2145 agronomic performance, 0375 Endrin, 1350 Hawaii (USA), 2133 male sterility, 0400, 0407, 0414, Enzymes, 0223, 0224, 0300, resistance, 2141, 2177 0329, 0443, 0455, 0456, 0458, 0466, 0331, 0354, 0356, 2780, 2826 sporulation, 2182 0476, 0595, 0625, 0627 carboxylating, 0336 Combining ability, 0383, 0398, 0399, genetic properties, 0337 0422, 0424, 0425, 0451, 0459, hydoxynitrile lyase, 2830 0533, 0534, 0693,0857 Damping off, con3rol, 2224 diallel analysis, 0393, 0396, 0465 Desynapsis, 0147 Inhibition, 3105, 3106 estimation,drought resistance, 0451 0581 Diallel analysis, 0393, 0396, 0465, leaf, 0221 0519, 0583, 0590 peroxidase isozymes, 0355 line x tester analysis, 0383, 0533, Diatraea grandiosella, 2574 Ephestia cautella, 2683 0534 Diatraea saccharalis, 2588, 2596 Epistasis, 0446 restorer lines, 0515 Digestibility, forage. See Forage, Ergot. See Sphacelia sorghi yield, 0427 digestibility. c lh on h Contariniasorghico/a, 2610, 2612, Di-Syston, effect on germination, control of anhocyanin synthesis, 2617, 2622,.2634, 2635,2646,02329 262622,2653 Diseases (General), 2061, 2087, production, 0218 y, 265,36, 32088 2090, 2092, 2099, yields, 1177 biology, 2616, 2636, 2639Evptasiton13013, bionomics, 2637 2100, 2107, 2108, 2110, 2113, Evapotranspiraion, 1130,1131, color preference, 2650, control, 2607, 2608, 2615,2651 2620, control,2119, 2105,2122-2124, 2109, 2120Evuto,06 2189 Evolution, 0169 contro, 2607, 2608.-2615. 2632, Florida, 2623, 2626, 2628-2632, (USA), 2101 2636, Farm management, 0994,1068 2638, 2647 Georgia (USA), 21023200 Sinaloa, 2614 India, 2105 cattle, 2921, 2948, 3204 directional flights, 2650, 2651 losses, 2117 composition, 2745 India, 2609, 2621 Mississippi (USA), 2091 feedlot, 3120 Pa asites, 2622, 2642-2644 Niger, 2106 performance, 2931, 3111, Populations, 2624, 2632 3151 resistance, 2097, 2098 raions,2927, 2938,2939, 2954, resistance studies, 2618, 2640, See also Bacterial diseases; Fungal 2955, 2959 2641,2645 diseases; Virus diseases, milo, 3090, 3091, 3093. 3094 seasonal incidence, 2556, 2611 See also specific pathogens. palatability and toxicity. 2942 susceptibility, 2619 DNA (nuclear), variation, 0477 value, 2916, 2918, 2933, 2950, Texas (USA), 2633 Domestication, 0061, 0102 2957, 2964, 2967, 3037, 3077, X-ray detection, 2613 Downy mildew. See Sclerospora 3091, 3093, 3104, 3127, 3171 Conversion, 0912, 0913 sorghi. See alto Forage: Grazing: Silage; Corn leaf aphid, 2489 Drechslera longirostrala, specific names of teed sorghums. Corn planthopper, 2684 2077 s erii 0392 Costs See Production, costs. Drought, 0191, 0202, 0204, Female sterility, 0392 Crazy top, 2343 effects on growth and yield, 0193 1312,1329-1331, 1339, 1343, Cropping systems, 1272, 1273, 1277, internal, 0191 1344, 1349,1355, 1278 1365-1367, resistance, 0194-0198, 0206 1384, 1395,1409,1414, 1415, double, 1257, 1270, 1271 breeding, 0663, 0692 1430-1432, 1435. 1515 intercropping, 1233, 1242, 1261, yield responses, 0185 application, 1290,1320,1401, 1264, 1269,1274,1275 See also Moisture stress; water stress. 1402,1424 with guinea corn, 1231, 1232 Dry matter Cameroon, 1437 mixed, 1250, 1253, 1260, 1262, accumulation, 0108, 0201, 0353, economics, 1307 1265,1266, 1276, 1279 1403 forage, 1995-1997 multiple, 1238, 1255 panicle, 0107 mineral, 1334,1386,1388 ratoon, 1243 contribution to grain yield, 0105 nutrient uptake, 1348 rotation, 0056, 1234, 1237,1248, . digestibility, 3112 response of CSH-1 and CO-18, 1249,1254,1263, 1280 1268 production, 0100, 0275, 0504, yield, 1314, 1378,1389, Cryptoblabes gnidiella, 1408 2694 0777, 1151, 1226, 1871, See also specific fertilizers. CSH-1 See under Hybrids, specific, zinc application, 2755 Floral abnormality, 0156 CSH-2 See under Hybrids, specific. Drying, 2705, 2722, 2730, 2738, Flor anmi, 0156 CSH-3 See under Hybrids, specific. CSH-4 CSH-4 08780489,2742 Flowering, 0111,0113, 0161,0467, 0878 biology, 01320823, 0882, 0978 Curvularia lunata Ecology, 0192, 1118 effect of X-ray irradiation, 0183 grain discolouration, 2240 Eloodes suturais, 2436 genetic control, India, 2185 0489 Emasculation, 0609, 0610 genetic differences, 0487 Cyanide, 3285, 3288, 3298 Embryology, 0115, 0130 initiation, 0145 Cyanogenesis, 0471 embryonic leaf number, 0116 intensity, 0110 Cyanogenic glucosides, 2814, 2831 microsporogenesis, 0114, 0445, Fodder See Forage. Cynodon mosaic, 2316 0535 Food, 2857 Cylogenetics, 0528 primordial leaf, 0118 biscuits, 2860, 2864 "Subject Index 127

bread, 2852, 2858, 2866 salt tolerance, 1773 utilization. 0172 brewing, 3328, 3329 seed production, 1861 Gibberellic acid, 0215, 0257, 0265 grits, 2865, 2873, 3328, 3350 selection, 1758 germination, 0237, 0239, 0286 gur, 3333 single and multi-cut, 1759,1790 radio protective effect, 0576 mailing, 3329, 3343 sulfur fertilization, 1879 Gloeocercospora, .2158, 2176 ogi, 2879 Turkmenistan, 1920 processing, 2751 Glutelins, 2773, 2793 varieties, 0876, 1800, 1805, 1814, isolation and characterization, syrup, 3330-3332, 2578 3356 1852,1869,1872, 1874, 1875, Forage, 0678, 1757, 1760,1761, Grain 1887,1889,1914, 1935,1958, black layer, 1765, 1772, 1774, 1780, 1792, 0160 1969 blackening, 2241 1794, 1795, 1798, 1802-1804, variety tests, 1818, 1819 bushel weight, 0109 1807, 1820-1827, 1829,1830, weed control, 1614, 1640, 1832, cattle, 3129, 3130, 3132, 1833, 1835,1840,1842,1847, 1977,1978, 3136-3138, 2004 3146-3148, 3152, 1850, 1854,1855, 1857, 1858, 3159, 3161, 3165­ yield, 1767, 1789, 1799, 1822, 3167, 3171, 1866. 1870, 188, 1884, 1885. 3175-3177, 3179, 3181, 1836,1841,1843, 1877, 1879, 3183, 1895-1897, 1899,1917,1921, 3184, 3186, 3188-3191, 3196, 1905, 1909, 1916,1918,1923, 3197,3199, 1924. 1931, 1934, 1937-1941, 3200 1927,1929,1930, 1933,1950, chemical reconstitution, 1943, 1955, 1968, 1971, 1976, 2797 1956,1964,1997,1999,2003, in vitro evaluation, 1979, 1980, 1982, 1983, 1986, 2798 3073 development, 1992. 1998, 2000. 2001,2005, 1033 Fungal diseases, 2118, 2292 digestibility, 2784 2009, 2014, 2015, 2018, 3066, seed-borne, 2128, 2131, 2140 dry matter production, 2042 3067 control, 2130 America, 1900 ensiled, 3156-3158 See also specific pathogens. filling, 0307, 1093 anti-quality components, 1898 Fungicides, 2180, 2192. 2284 lambs, 3139-3141, 3143, 3144 breeding, 1757, 1760,1861, 1893, Funk G 766, 2845 1912,1926,1989,1990 pentosans, 2788, 2790, 2791 Fusarium moniliforme, 2129 2132, production, Cameroon, 1775 2041, 2042, 2048-2050, 2193, 2221, 2324 2052, chemical composition, 1879, 1911, 2056 France, 2055 1945, 1952, 1957, 3029-3031, Genes, 0385, 0472 Hawaii (USA), 2053 3033, 3038-3040, 3074, 3081, botanical characters, 3082 0390, 0391 rats Genetic advance, 0463, 0467 brain lipids, 3113 digestibility. 1841, 2856, 2923, Genetic analysis, 0590 diets, 3097, 3125, 3222, 3228, 3229 2929, 2931. 2937, 2958, 2975, exotic x Indian crosses, 0433, 0499, growth 3017. 3029, 2929, 3030, 3036, 0579 nutrients, 3039 3041, 3047, 3060, 3061, 3100 combining ability, 0498 tannin levels, 3070, 3074, 3077, 3078, 3080, 3101 heterosis, 0497, 0504 metabolism, 3131 3095, 3099, 3110, 3115. 3133, mutations, 0540 3170, 3194, milo, 3108, 3229 3195, 3201-3203 resistance to stem borer, 0493 dry energy content, 3103 matter production, 1871 Genetic association, 0405 entomological tanic acid and sulfate, 3107 research, 1975 Genetic diversity, 0492, 1777, 1906 evaluation, 1787, reconstitution, 0155 1801 Genetic male sterility, 0602, 0647 fertilizers, 1995-1997 respiration, 0313 Genetic resources, 0029, 0162, selenium France, 1853, 1856 content, 2834 0165, 0166 sheep, 3198 genetic diversity, 1777, 1906 Genetic studies, quantitative, 0521, shrinkage, 3377 growth, 1768, 1860, 1961 0522 harvesting, steers, 3134, 3135, 3145, 3153, 3163, 1776 Genetic variability, 0482, 0513 hay production, 3164, 3168-3170, 3172, 3173, 3178, 1946 Genotype x environment interaction, heterosis, 1962 3180, 3182, 3185, 3205, 3206 0496 yield, hybrids, 1859, 1991 0123, 0402, 0404, 0418, 0825, GeograpO.^-'l diversity, 0099 0973, 1015, hydrocyanic acid, 3282, 3284, 1767 Germinability, 0262, 0269 Grain molds, 2238, 3291,3297, 3303, 3306, 3307, 2239, 2262, Germination, 0214, 2206 2269-2271, 3310, 3311 2273, 2281, 2284, ammonium fertilizers, 1293 2292, 2298 improvement, 1995 carbaryl, 0263 India, 1907 , Grazing, 3032, 3037, 3048, 3069, chemical desiccants, 0248, 0280 Italy, 1880 3072, 3088 Di-Syston and Thimet, 0273 dairy cows, 3083 mineral matter content, 3034, 3035 gamma rays, 0236, 0262 lambs, 3076 nitrogen fertilization, 1755, 1756, gibberellic acid, 0237, 0239, 0286 steers, 3045, 3049, 3053 1782, 1783 low temperatures, 0253 Greenbug See Schizaphis grarninum. North Dakota, (USA), 1839 manure, 1281 Grits, 2865, 2873, 3328, 3350 nutritive value, 1791, 3033, 3046, phosphorus-containing substances, Growth, 0108, 0142, 0205, 0216, 0254, 3051,3054,3055 0284 0281, 0285, 0488, 0489, performance trials, 0962, 17d6, Germplasm 1024, 1088, 1156, 1159, 1213, 1837,1890,1902,1922, 1947, 1222, 1427, 1428, agronomic practices, 0179 1440, 1448, 1476,1942,2011 1948 Ethiopia, 0164 analysis, 0228, 0321, 0480 Florida (USA), 0761 evaluation, 0172, 0177-0179 effect of gamma irradiation, phosphorus fertilization, 1756, 1860 green 0250 bug resistance, 0786, 2495 forage, 1768, 1860, 1961 planting dates, 1919 symbolic designation, 0163 fruiting development, 0141 128 Subject Index

light, 0344 pathogenesis, 2367 insects, 2402 low temperature, 0252 Heterosis, 0394, 0395, 0414, 0418, moisture stress, 0207, 1078 mixed cropping, 0240 0424, 0428, 0429, 0438, 0449, nitrogen, 1165,1239,1287-1289,1301, Nigeria, 1031 0455, 0456, 0459, 0501,0533, 1370, 1375, 1379-1381, 1391,1394, post-sowing, 0106 0534, 0543, 0584, 0586, 0628, 1412 vegetative, 0141, 0142 0859, 0959 planting date, 1501 Guinea sorghufns, origin and evolution, amylase complementation, 0545 seasons, 1496 0103 breeding, 0455, 0456, 0628 seed-borne mlcroflora, 2127 Gur, 3333 forage, 1962 seed molds, 2281 fruiting, 0141 seedling emergence and growth, 1196 H726, 1462 grain production, 0380, 0381, 0418 Tetraneura hirsuta, 2488 Haploidy, 0588 line x tester analysis, 0533, 0534 weed control, 1638 Haplothrips tolerabilis, 2677 vegetative growth, 0141 yield, 0957, 1114, 1397, 1501 Harvesting, 1456, 1458, 1459, 1461, Hoplolaimus clarissimus, 2374 CSH-2, 0291, 0452, 0878 1462, 2025 Hybrids (General), 0043, 0078, 0123, nitrogen, 1381 forage, 1776 0285, 0437, 0438, 0491, 0495, performance, 0896 losses, 1457 0563, 0658, 0666, 0670, 0698- yield, 0205, 0957 postharvest technology, 2740 0700, 0711-0713, 0719, 0724, CSH-3, 0744, 0878 techniques, 1463 0729, 0742, 0744, 0747, 0754, Chilo partellus, control, 2583 HCN. See Hydrocyanic acid. 0763, 0774, 0776, 0779, 0780, seed production, 0744, 2059 Head blight. See Fusarium moniliforme. 0788, 0790-0792, 0803, 0804, stigma receptivity, 0745, 2059 Head smut. See Sphacelotheca reilana 0807, 0813, 0814, 0817-0819, CSH-4, 0878 Heading, 0139 0821, 0822, 0824, 0828, 0830- Funk G 766, 2845 Height 0832, 0834, 0840, 0860, 0863, H726, 1462 gene effects, 0385, 0524, 0526, 0527 0864, 0882, 0888-0890, 0893, MS 2219 A x IS3541, 0711 modification, 0936 0895, 0896, 0905, 0924, 0934, OK 612, 2845 multiple alleles, 0517 0940, 0948-0950, 0956, 0959, PSH-2 mutants, 0541 0983, 0989,1050,1111,1112, defoliation studies, 0952 Heliothis armigera, 2658 1297, 1298, 1513 seed production, 0744 Helminihosporium, 2153, 2154 combining ability, 0451 stigma receptivity, 0745 Helminthosporium carbonum, host re- cytological studies, 0464, 0530, RS 610, genetic variances, 0473 actions, 2171 0532 RS 626, prolamin structure, 2845 Helminthosporium hawaiiense, 2162, drought, 0185, 0198 0581 RS 700, 0790 2165 forage, 1859, 1991 RSH-1, 0838 Helminthosporium maydis, 2173, 2179 genotype x environment interaction, Sivashskii 50, 0719, 0923 host reaction, 2159, 2160, 2171 0456 Sordan, 6802, feeding value, 2950, vulnerability, 2186 greenbug resistance, 0787 2951 Helminthosporium rostratum, 2163 height-gene effects, 0527 Sorghum x zea, 0659 Helminthosporium tetramera, 2166 heterosis, 0414, 0418, 0429, 0501, Sorghum bicolor x S. halepense 2175, 2188 0586, cytology, 0461, 0578 Helminthosporium turcicum India, 0903 fertility, 0578 physiologic specialization, India, 2152 inheritance, 0450, 0452, 0485 Sorghum multiflorus x Sorghum rox­ variation in isolates, 2164 Insect resistance, 0944, 0946, 0947 burghii, cytomorphology, 0491 Hemipteran bugs leaf and panicle size, 0143 Sorghum x Sudan grass hybrids, damage, 2702 leaf area, 0135, 0149 0625, 0723, 0758, 0791, 0802, South Georgia (USA), 2703 performance trials, 0769, 0770, 0781, 0831, 0920,1048, 1555,1810, Herbicides, 1125, 1569, 1573, 1576, 0833, 0837, 0841, 0902, 0914, 0938, 1811, 1813, 1864, 1892, 1903, 1578, 1581,1583, 1585, 1592, 0941, 0942, 0945, 0974 1908,1973 1594, 1595, 1600-1602, 1627 photoperiodic reaction, 0371 chemical composition, 1954 1631, 1632, 1638,1645,1647, 1648, physiological maturity, 0144 dry mattar production, 0777 1652, 1654, 1661,1667, 1669, salinity tolerance, 0187 Inheritance, 0411, 0412, 0436 1673, 1674, 1677,1683-1686, South America, 0771 nitrate accumulation, 0777 1691, 1696, 1697, 1701, 1744, sterility, 0603 palatability, 3068 1747 variation in progenies, 0490 performance, 0712, 1901, 1903 application, 1590 yield, 0479, 0612, 0851, 0883, 0957, Western Nevada (USA), 1763 evaluation, 1591, 1610, 1617, 1662, 0980 yield, 0831, 1049, 1168, 1799, 1670, 1688, 1710 Hybrids, specific 1910 pre-and postemergence, 1575, 1603, AKS-614, 1326, 1488 Sorghum vulgare x Sorghum vulgare 1618 AS-618, 0983 var sudanense, 0779 recommendations, 1586 COH. 2A, 1764 Stepnoi 5, 0860 residues, 1588, 1593, 1611, 1636, CSH-1, 0291, 0452, 0866, 0867, Sudax SX-11 1655, 1676,1678 0878,1221, 1280 digestibility, 3043, 3044 tolerance, 1579, 1584, 1637 Chilo parlellus, control, 2583 growth, 3043, 3044 trials, 1621, 1622 fertilizers, 1435, 1496 TE 77, prolamin structure, 2845 See also specific herbicides fungi, 2118, 2128 Hydrocyanic acid, 3289, 3300, 3301, Heterodera graminophila, 2376 growth, 0205 3304 host-parasite relations, 2367 herbicides, 1648 contents, 0660, 3283, 3296, 3305, Subject Index 129

3308, 3316, 3319 leaf damage, 2428 CSH-1, 2143 fertilizer effect, 3294, 3296, 3311 phytotoxicity, 2411, 2419, 2420 survival in stalk residue, forage, 3282, 3284, 3291, 3297, 2134 residues, 2437, 2438 Maize dwarf mosaic 3303, 3306, 3307, See under Virus 3310, 3311 See also specific insecticides, deseases. inheritance, 3299 Iron, 0189, 0326, 0853, 1183 Maize weevil, NPK effect, 3317 2664, 2666 chemical composition, 1363 Malathion, 2404, 2413 exchange, 0327 Inbred lines Male sterility, 0374, 0486, 0617, yield, 1363 0667, biological characteristics, 0856 0669 Irradiation, 0403, 0483, 0549, 0554, agents, Ethrel, 0382 evaluation, 0855 0556, 0558, 0561, 0571 cytoplasmic, 0400, 0407, 0414, Inflorescence, initiation and develop- gamma rays, 0236, 0250, 0262, 0443, 0455, 0456, 0458, 0476, ment, 0112 0265, 0373,0403 0595, Inheritance, 0376, 0389, 0397, 0406, 0625,0627 X-rays, 0183 histochemical studies, 0466 0411, 0412, 0417, 0420, 0421, Irrigation, 1198, 1199, 1203, 1207- genetic, 0602, 0647 0431, 0436, 0438, 0449, 0450, 1212, 1214, 1216, 1219, 1224, Maharpha sevaratela, 0452, 0463,0467,0470, 2690 0484, 1225, 1349, 1352, 1483 Malting, 0485, 3329, 3343 0563, 0592,1007 alternating double-bed strips, 1215 agronomic characters, 0397, Manures, 1369 0401 furrow, alternate. 1218 Marasmia trapezalis, beta carotene content, 0544 2695 graded, 1217 Marketing, 3406, 3407 brown pericarp and subcoat, 0594 wide bed, 1197 Africa, central, 3402 cyanogenesis, 0471 Texas (USA), 1220, 1226 Argentina, endosperm types, 0420, 3410 0421 trickle and subsurface, 1205 Botswana, female sterility, 0392 3395 Exports, 3393, 3394 fodder character, 0389 Johnsongrass. See Sorghum hale- Argentina, 3411, grain color, 0452, 0468 3412 pense. feed grains, 3092 head characters, 0416, 0417 India, 3404 hydrocyanic acid, 3299 Kernel, physical changes, 0155 Mali, 3396, 3409 Manhattan leaf spot, 0388 chemistry, 0415 Nigeria, 3401 protein content, 0399, 0401 Philippines, 3400 rhizomatous nature, 0531 Leaf Sinaloa, 3414 seed, 0416, 0417 anatomy, 0128, 0151 Texas spikelets, hermophrodite (USA), 3397 pedicelled, area, 0135, 0137, 0138, 0146, Maturity 0387 0149 sunred character, 0386 chemically-induced, 0541 blight. See Helminthosporium fur- effect of photoperiod Insect pests (General), and temperature, 2061, 2389, cicum. 1133 2390, 2402, 2408, 2410, 2414, chlorophyll concentration, 0368 for harvesting, 2415, 2417, 2426, 2433, 2434, 3155 development, 0120 physiologic, 0144, 1018 2682 size, 0143, 0149 phys, 01 Arkansas (USA), 2391 temperature, 0294, 0302 breeding for resistance, 0606, 0616, water Mealybugs, 2701 potential, 0293, 0362 Meiosis, effect of CMS factors, 0535 0633, 0665, 2552, 2562, 2595 water stress, response, 0349, 0350 Meloidogyne naas 2373 Colombia, 2422, 2423 wax filaments, 0150 Mepachymerus, control, 2386, 2392, 2396, 2397, India, 2692 Leaf spots, 2181, 2183 Meristem, apical 2409, 2412, 2416, 2418, 2505 See also specific pathogens. vacuolation, 0134 Georgia (USA), 2430 Leucine content, 2769, 2770 Metabolism, 0357 India, 2403 Light Metabos 0357 Thailand, 2432 biochemical changes, 0343 Metaphidippusgalafhea Uganda, 2394 gas exchange, 0303 biological control agent, 2680 CSH-1, 2402 growth, 0258, 0344 bionomics, 2680 earhead insects, 2659 yield, 0258, 0347 Methionine, 2766 Egypt, 2407 Ligule development, 0119 Micronutrients, 1418, 1442, 1834 India, 2400 Line x tester analysis, 0383, 0533, aluminum, 0277 resistance, 0944, 0946, 0947, 2431 0534, 3642dice, 033 soil insects, control, 2437, 2438 Lipids, 2848 nickel, 0331 Texas (USA), 2388 galactolipids, 0297 seedling characters, 1368 West Africa, 2393 Lodging, 0068, 1003 uptake, 0295 See also specihc names nitrogen and phosphate fertilization, Microsomes, 0346 1346 Microsporogenesis, 0114, 0445,0535 Insecticides, 2070, 2329, 2330, 2394, resistance, 0516 2395, 2405, 2406, 2424, 2425, Midge See Confarinia sorghicola. Long smut. See Tolyposporium ehren- Milling, 2714, 2716, 2429,2445, 2446, 2448, 2450, 2725 bergii. Cameroon, nutritive value, 2717 2451, 2453, 2454,2458, 2494, Longiunguis sacchari, 2478 dry, 2706, 2707, 2747 2501, 2505, 2509,2510,2530- Lysine, 2766, 2769, 2770, 2861 India, 2715 2532, 2543, 2544, 2558-2560, content, 0904, 2756 properties, 2729, 2734, 2735, 2563, 2573, 2575, 2608, 2615, 2746 environmental effects, 1141 wet, 2711, 2734, 2735, 2745 2623, 2626, 2628, 2629, 2636 Milo disease See effect on development, 2401 Periconia circinata. Macrophomina phaseoli, 2142, 2174, Mineral composition, 2778, genetic resistance, 0514, 2800­ 0850 2487 2802 130 Subject Index

Moisture stress, 0190, 0251 yield, 1296, 1311, 1433 Iowa (USA), 0714-0718, 0735 HCN formation, 1195 Niltrophosphate, yield, 1377 Kansas (USA), 0670. 0969 physiological responses, 0369 NP3R, 0630, 0631 Nebraska (USA), 0759, 0760 yield, 0207, 1074, 1078, 1181 NPK, 1291. 1410,1441 Nigeria, 0743 See also Drought; Water stress, effects on yield, 1292 Ohio (USA), 0871 Molds See Grain molds. Sudan, 1283 Oklahoma (USA), 0750, 0751, 0754 MS 2219 A x IS3541, 0711 seed yield, 1838 Papua New Guinea, 0879 Mulching, 1156, 1194, 1397 Nutrients, 1407 Texas (USA), 0963-0966 gravel, 1174 absorption of silicon, 0226 Uganda, 0743 moisture conservation, 1185 concentrations, 1443 See also Forage, performance trials; Mutations, 0423, 0540, 0542, 0553, requirements, 0209 Hybrids, performance trials. 0555, 0557 uptake, 0189, 0501, 1121,1289, Pericarp, variegated, 0520 analysis, 0564 1348,1403,1404 Periconia circinata, 2149 breeding, 0662, 0682, 0683 Mn, P and Ca, 1166 Pestalotia guepini, 2075 mutagenesis, 0377, 0378, 0426, Nutritive value, 0828, 2717, 2771, Fhosphate fertilization, 1308,1413 0457, 0503,0542,0548,0551, 2882-2887, 2892, 2893, 2902, Phosphorus, 1180, 1341, 1371,1406 0552, 0556, 0559, 0562, 0563 2906, 2907, 2911,2912, 2925, accumulation, 0261 mutagenic effects, 0567, 0571 2940, 3109-3111, 3123, 3186 application, 1419 sensitivity, 0550, 0566 amino acid supplementation, 2888, chemical composition, 1363 treatments, 0569, 0572, 0574 2889 forage, 1756, 1860 mutagens, chemical, 0440, 0441, effect of high lysine and sugary mineralization, 1420 0546, 0548, 0554,.0556, 0561, mutant genes, 0538 nutrition, 1324 0568.0570,0571, 0597 forage, 1791, 3033, 3046, 3051, uptake, 1357, 1422 mutants 3054, 3055 yield, 1322,1363, 1383,1421 albino and non-polyploid, 0377 growth, 2754 Photogrammatrics, 0312 chlorophyll, 0575, 0577, 0593 improvement, 2894-2898, 2900, Photoperiod, 0113, 0285, 1133, 1134, color, 0379 2908 1143 height, 0541 Nysius raphanus, 2663 Photoperiodism, 0371, 1135 Photosynthesis, 0290, 0293, 0301, Nematicides, 2070, 2378, 2379 Ogi, 2879 0305, 0307-0310, 0316-0318, Nematodes, 2366, 2369, 2380 OK 612, 2845 0320, 0322-0324, 0330, 0332, India, 2385 Oligonychus indicus, 2603 0333, 0337, 0340-0342, 0345, populations, 2368, 2370, 2377 Oligonychus pratensis, 2600, 2606 0352, 0360, 0361,0366, 0372 See also specific nematodes.- Origin, 0102, 0104 carboxyl transfer, 0304 Nickel, 0331 . Orobanche aegyptiaca, 2358 comparative studies, 0319, 0345 Nitrate accumulation, 0777 Orobanche crenata, 2358 effect of temperature. 0302, 0303 Nitrate reductase, 0329, 0331 leaf segments, 0298 Nitrogen, 0275. 1208,1298, 1304, Palatability, 2942, 3068 light intensity, 0302, 0303 1306, 1318, 1326,1333,1337, chemical and morphological chara- Phyllophaga crinita, 2440 1341, 1342, 1345, 1351, 1354, cteristics, 2956 Photosystems, 0289, 0292, 0306, 1356,1359, 1403,1411, 1416, sheep,2949 0367 1425, 1436, 1446, 1447 Panicle Plant growth regulators, 0270, 1716 application, 1301, 1302 development, 0145, 0152 See also specific regulators. CSH-1, 1165, 1239, 1287-1289, dry matter accumulation, 0107 Planting, 1117,1503, 1521, 1526 1301, 1370, 1375, 1379-1381, initiation, 0152 Cameroon, 1530,1538 1391, 1394, 1412 size, C143 CSH-1, 1494 dry-matter accumulation, 0201 Paper. 3327 depth, 1498, 1534 high-yielding varieties, 1376,1392, Patoran, 1593 dryland, 1235, 1236 1393 Patulin, 2812, 2813 mixed, 1244-1246 metabolism, 0255, 0278 Pearling, 2752 planter, 2027, 2031 mineralization, 1332, 1452 Pellagra, 2855 transplanting, 0015 protein quality, 0201, 1328 Peregrinus m3idis, 2684 Planting dates, 1471, 1473,1475, soil residual, 1219 Performance trials, 0725, 0739, 0746, 1482,1490,1492, 1512,1515, sweet sorghum, 1284 0749, 0773, 0782-0784, 0793, 1523 uptake, 0240, 1182, 1226, 1315, 0795,0809,0810, 0816,0854, CO-18, 1507 1340, 1440, 0863, 0877, 0892, 0901, 0917, CSH-1, 1501 yield, 0201, 0930, 1372-1374, 1399 0926, 0933, 0935, 0953-0955, ecological reaction, 1510 1417, 1421, 1445 0962, 0967,0976,0977, 0990, forage, 1919 Nitrogenous fertilizers, 1300, 1303, 0991,1119 juice quality, 1472 1310,1313, 1321, 1360,1361, Arkansas (USA), 0981, 0982 photosensitivity, 1466 1370, 1390, 1439, 1449-1451 Australia, 0736. 0808 Tunisia, 1500 application, 1353,1396 Brazil, 0767 water-use, 1470 forage, 1755,1756, 1782,1783 Carolina (USA), 0763, 0764 yield, 1480,1488,1501, 1509 high-yielding hybrids, 1297 Colorado (USA), 0984-0988 Ghana, 1499 production, 1352 Egypt, 0743 Planting rates, 1465, 1473,1491, protein content, 1294, 1319 Florida (USA), 0708, 0761, 0932 1519,1525 residual effect, 1303, 1358 Georgia (USA), 0975 yield, 1488 Subject Index 131

PMA treatment, 0352 Propachlor, metabolism, 0244 Texas (USA), 0062, 0081 Pollen * Propanil. phytotoxicity, 0335 Thailand, 0082 germination, effect of calcium Ion, Propazine, application, 1585 USA, 0065, 0066 0225 Propoxur, 2079 Residues, 2815 growth, 0462 Protease ferbam, 2818 histochemical study, 0131 purification and characterization, 0223 methyl Iodide, 2816 sterility, 0442, 0931 substrate specificity, 0224 thiram, 2817 storage inliquid air, 0117 Proteins, 0329, 0788, 1041, 2764, Respiration, 0290 viability, 0136 2774, 2787, 2795, 2819, 2829 2909 grain under storage condition, 0313 wall development, 0115 Amino acid balances, 0288 Rhizoctonia bataticola See Macrop­ Polygenic variability, 0565 analysis, 2753, 2789, 2843 homina phaseoli. Polyploidy, 0506, 0550 content, 0275, 2721, 2782. 2821, Rhizome expression, 0148 autoploid, 0453 2839, 2847 Rhizopertha dominica, susceptibility, autotetraploid, 0454,0511 improvement, 0651 2671 growth, 0462 inheritance, 0399, 0401 Rhizospnere histochemical study, 0131 vocational differences, 2769 influence of foliar application of sterility, 0442, 0931 variations 2756 chemicals, 1562-1564 storage in liquid air, 0117 environmental effects, 1141 microflora, 1559, 1565 viability, 0136 extraction and fractionation, 2781 Rhopalosiphum maidis, 2489 wall development, 0115 genetic upgrading, 0580 Riboflavin, 2809 Polygenic variability, 0565 in vitro measurement, 2796, 2862 Rice weevi! See Sitophilus oryzae. Polyploidy, 0506, 0550 leaf, 2775 Root autoploid, 0453 quality, 0201, 0668, 1041, 1058, exudation studies, 0181 autotetraploid, 0454, 0511 1328, 2786, 2828, 2878. 2901,3114 growth, 1191, 1230, 1446 Populations varietal differences, 2770 response to soil strength, 0211 breeding, 0675, 0677 Pseudaletia separata, 2566 Rotation cropping, 0056, 1234, 1237, .improvement, 0620, 0621 Pseudomonas, 2307, 2308 1249, 1254 phenotypic stability, 1002 Pseudomonas rubrisubalbicans,2309 atrazine, 1263 random mating, 0435 PSH-2, 0744, 0745, 0952 Florida (USA), 1268 Potassium Puccinia, morphology and taxonomy, protein content, 1248 absorption 0334 2226 yield, 1248,1249 chemical composition, 1363 Puccinia pupurea 2195 Rots metabolism, 0278 control, 2192 charcoal See Macrophomina Nigeria, 1317 Infection, 2219 phaseol nutrition, 0249 resistance, 2198, 2225 Fusarium stalk, Mississippi (USA), sweet sorghum, 1284, 1285 Pulp, 3327 2137 uptake, 1318, 1426 Pundatuoya simplicia, 2679 Pythium root, Texas High Plains (USA), yield, 1363 Pyrilla perpusilla, 2693 2136 Ptatylenchus penetrans, 2372 seed, control 2224 Pratylenchus selaensis, 2374 Radiations See Irradiation. See also specific pathogens. Prices, 3376, 3392, 3406, 3409 Radio-isolopes, 0181, 0334 Rough leaf spot. See Ascochyta sorg­ Primordial leaf, 0118 Rainfall hina. Production, 0025, 0086 effect on emergence, 121S RS 610, 0473 Africa, 1019, 3402 effect on growth and development, RS 626, 2845 Andhra Pradesh (India), 1045 1213 RS 700, 0790 Argentina, 3410 Rainfed cultivation, 0291 RSH-1, 0838 Colombia, 3364 Ramulispora sorghi Rust. See Puccinia purpuria. Costs, 3366, 3367. 3376. 3378, India, 2176 3388, 3390, 3403, 3408 Nebraska (USA), 2170 Salinity, 0189, 0241 economics, 0035, 3357-3359, overwintering, 2169 fertility Interactions, 0200 3365 reaction of cultivars, 2167 tolerance, 0187, 0241 Ethiopia, 3362 Ralooning, 1243, 1251, 1259, 2171 Sandblast injury, 0290 Georgla(USA), 2044 Invarieties and hybrids, 1267 Schizaphis graminum, 2443, 2444, Hawalii(USA), 1090 Recurrent selection, 0410, 0582 2463, 2482-2484, 2498 Hungary, 2040 Red leaf disease, Philippines, 2172 control, 2442, 2448, 2450, 2451, Kentucky (USA), 2C45 Regression, 0494 2453-2455. 2457, 2459, 2466, Molokai, 1028 Research' 2477, 2494 Nigeria, 1206 Australia, 0084, 0085 Colorado (USA), 2447 Papua New Guinea, 2046 Brazil, 0026, 0079 Texas (USA), 2445, 2446 Pxillppines, 3400 California (USA), 0089 damage assessment, 2486 Sinaloa, 3414 Cameroon, 0051 effect of fertilizers, 2441 Sudan Gezeira, 1493 Chad, 0013 influence on world, 2054 Indiana (USA), 0020 charcoal rot, 2487 Prolamins. 2844 Iowa (USA), 0014 stalk rots, 2462 fractions and components, 2759 Nebraska (USA), 0058 Kansas (USA), 2458 structure, 2845 New Mexico (USA), 0030 parasitizatlon (Aphellnus asychis), Proline determination, 0182 Tanzania, 0017 2452, 2460, 2467-2469, 2473, 2474 132 Subject Index

population estimation, 2493 Sesamia calamistis, 2569 Sorghum elfusum, photoperiodic dif­ resistance, 0633, 0787, 2461, 2465, Shading effects, 0259 ferences, 0370 2470-2472, 2475, 2476, 2479- Shoot apex, morphological evolution, Sorghum hatepense 2481,2485, 2495,2497,2499 0124 anatomy, 1731 resistant varieties, 0721, 0722 Shoot fly. See. Atherigona soccala. as a weed, 1718,1720-1722,1736 Texas (USA), 2449, 2492 Silage, 1862, 1902, 1959, 1960, biological activity, 1724 Sclerophfhora macrospora, 2343 1984, 2006,2971, 2978,2979, control, 1710-1712, 1725-1727, Sc/erospora sorghi, 2191,2202, 2203, 2983, 2992-2994, 3001', 3005- 1730,1733,1735, 1739-1745, 2210, 2211, 2213, 2215, 2217, 3008, 3012, 3013, 3019, 3020, 1747,1752 2220, 2229,2230.2232,2233 3027, 3028 corn stunt, 1705 Africa, east, 2201 additives, 2969, 2970, 2985, 2986, cytological studies, 1708, 1746, America, 2235 3000,3016 1749 aphid transmissible mycoplasma, 2222, breeding, 0679 development, 1715, 1719,1929 2223 cattle, 2973, 2981, 2982, 2984, dhurrin. 1728 control, 2224, 2228 2987,2990,3002, 3015,3021, effect of Dalapon and TCA, 1703 effect of seed quality, 2199 3022 fertilizers, 1748 effect on roots, 2196 chemical composition, 2991 growth, 1706, 1723,1729 inheritance of resisiance, 2227 cultIvars and hybrids, 0776, 1892, regulators, 1716 inoculation, 2212, 2214 1970,1972, hay production, 1751 Israel, 2216 digestibility, 2975, 2977, 2991, 2997, maize dwarf mosaic virus, 1707 Karnataka (India), 2209 3026 metabolism, 1750 mycoplasmic stage. 2221 evaluation, 2974, 2976, 3009 micronutrient uptake, 0295 Nigeria, 2218 feed value, 2972, 3003, 3004, 3011 rhizome production, 1717, 1734 nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers' intake, 2977, 3026 sugarcane green borer, 1709 effect, 2197 nutritive value, 2996, 3014, 3018 Sorghum ha/epense x S. bicolor, resistant varieties, 2208 performance trials, 0926, 0933, 1815, 0461, 0578 USA, 2204, 2207, 2231 1901 Sorghum mu/tif/orus x Sorghum rox­ Scutellonema ramai, India, 2384 production, 1812 burghii, 0491 Seed treatment, 1107, 1600, 2066- steers, 2980, 2998, 3010, 3024, Sorghum purpureosericeum, cytologi­ 2068,2071,2072, 2076, 2086 3025, 3182, 3183 cal and genetic changes, 0596 carbofuran, 2069, 2073, 2079 yield, 2972 Sorghum saccharatum propoxur, 2079 Silicon absorption, 0226 absorption of gold, 0220 succinic acid, 2065 Sitophilus oryzae dark respiration, 0320 thiram, 2083 effect of gaseous nitrogen, 2668 growth analysis, 0321 Seedlings oviposition and development, 2675 nitrogen metabolism, 0231, 0232 dhurrin synthesis, 0217, 0266, 0267 pyrocon as a prolectant, 2673 photosynthetic activity, 0322 establishment, 0210 varietal resistance, 2669, 2674 photosynthetic rate, 0320 fungi, 2140 Sitophilus zeamais, 2664, 2666 Scrghum sudanense gibberellic acid, 0215 Sitotroga cerea/ella, resistance studies, chemical mutagens, 0597, 0598 growth and development, 0234, 0273 2670 cytogenetical studies, 0532 L-tyrosine metabolism, 0217 Sivashskii 50, 0719, 0923 flowering, 0111 micronutrients, 1368 Smuts, 2237, 2295 inheritance temperatures, 0245, 0246, 0279 See a/so specific pathogens, cyanogenesis, 0471 vigor tests, 0210 Soil fodder characters, 0389 Seeds fertility, 1195, 1429 Sorghum vulgare sudanense biological value, 0129 moisture, 1192, 1193 cultivation, 1550 blower, 2023 nitrogen, 1186 culture, 0069, 0753, 0998, 1017 culture, 2043 ph6sphorus, 1180 Southwestern corn borer See Diatraea globulins, 2850 properties, 1222 grandiosella. industry strength, root response, 0211 Sowing, See Planting. India, 2035 temperature, 1156, 1157, 1184 Spacing, 1465, 1473, 1477, 1481, management, 2051 seedling emergence, 1190 1483, 1486, 1487, 1489, 1491, irradiation, 0403, 0483 Sooty stripe. See Ramulispora sorghi. 1493,1495,1497,1502,1504, moisture, 0287 Sordan 6802, 2950, 2951 1511-1513, 1516-1519, 1522, effect on emergence and yield, 0260 Sorghum almum 1524, 1525, 1527, 1528 molds, 2281 forage, 1802 moisture use efficiencies, pigment 1467 characteristics, 0339 hybrids, cytological study, 0530 yield, 1467, 1468, 1488, 1505, production, 0624, 0627, 0635, 0636, Sorghum arundinaceum 1520 0744, 2036,2038,2058, 2059 cytomorphology, 0491 Nigeria, 1485 thermal treatment, 0277 pachylene pairing, 0506 Sphacelia sorghi, 2251, 2267, 2285­ vigor, 0589, 2032 polyploidy, 0506 2289,2296 Selection, 0474, 0657 Sorghum bicolor dochna alkaloid production, 2252, 2276 high protein and amino acids, 0587 cytogenetical studies, 0532 control, 2272 pedigree, 0585 oxidoreduction of iron, 0328 damage, 2277 phenotypic, 0481 Sorghum cathorum, stamen develop- effect of systemic fungicides, 2280 recurrent, 0412, 0582 ment, 0157 growth, 2247 West African sorghum, 0640 Sorghum cernuum, 0805 honey-dew like secretions, 2279 Subject Index 133

pathogenicity, 2254 resistance, 0316, 0352, 0362, 0364 deheading, effects on stalk yield and physiology of spikelets, 2244, 2245 transpiration, 0340 sporulation, 2247 juice quality, 1455 water use, 1151 fertilizer effects, 1284 resistance tests, 2278 Storage, 2705, 2710, 2713, 2724, germination, effect of low temperature, Sphacelotheca rei/iana 2728,2732,2737,2748,2749 0253 comparison of amino acid pools, deterioration, 2741 growth characteristics, 2263 0106 fungi, 2089, 2093, 2094, 2242 hybridization, 0648 formation of multi-sort, 2236 gamma-irradiation, 0236, 2084, 2085 India, performance trials, Georgia 0929 (USA), 2265 In soils, 2723 inheritance, histological and physiological 0484 studie infestation, 2709 performance trials, 2258 0773, 0939 microorganisms, chemical control, planting date, 1490 identification arid distribution, 2260 2080 selection, 0720 in vitro culture, 2275 Nigeria, 2712 syrup production, physiologic specialization, 0737 2283 nutritive value, 2727 sugar production, Louisiana resistance (USA), studies, 2259, 2290, 230 preservatives, 2733, 2744 0906 Spider mites, 2388, 2601. 2602, proxim as protectant, 2708 Texas (USA), 1010 2604, 2605 seedling vlgour, 2750 tillage, 1542 See also spdcific miles. thiram breakdown, 2743 Syrup, 0737, 3330-3332, 3356 3podoptera frugiperda, 2564 viability, 2750 Stability, 0492 Stored-grain insects, 2665 Taeniothrips phenotypic, 1002 traegardhi, 2677 control, 2667 Tannins, 0229, 0230, 0727, 2734, yield, 1002, 1144, 1929 fumigation, 2672 2763, 2783, 2784, 2803-2805, Starches, 0184, 2718, 2719. 3354 See also specific stored-grain Insects. 2847, 2892, 303L, 3104, characteristics, 3106 2863 Striga, 2356, 2363 TE 77, 2845 degradation, 3096, 3098 control, 2354, 2357 Telotylenchus, 2381, 2382 digestion, 3116 India, 2360 Temperature effects enzymatic determination, 2808 resistance, 2359 development, 1136 granules, morphology, 0140 Striga asiaica, resistant varieties, enzymes, 0238 in vitro measurement, 2796, 2862 0756 floral initiation, 1143 industry, 3338, 3339, 3342 Striga hermontheca maturity, 1113 production, 3341, 3346 control, west Africa, 2361 phenology, 1015 quality, 2720, 3330 emergence, 2362 tolerance, Statistics 0358, 0641 germination, 2364 yield, 1136 feeds, 3387 Striga lutea, 2365 Tetraneura hirsuta, 2488 Louisiana, (USA), 3370 resistance, 2355 Thiamine, 2891 Stem borers, 2577, 2586, 2593 Succinic acid, 2065 Thimet, effect on germination, Africa, 2570, 0273 2586 Sudangrass Thinning, control, 1474 2573, 2576, 2586, 2591, atrazine, 1664, 1665 Thiram 2596 2083 breeding, 1760, 1886, 1974 Threshing, 2021 India, 2588 carbohydrates, 1882, 1883 lbsses 2020 Madagascar, 2568 chemical composition, 2010 Tillage resistance studies, 0493, 2584, 2595, growth, 1784, 1785, 1849 Kansas (USA), 1548 2597 harvesting, 1459 sweet sorghum 1542 Sudan,2592 heritability, fodder characters, See also specific borers. 0389 Texas (USA), 1556 hybrids. See under Hybrids, specif,:!. Western Nebraska (USA), 1539 Stem-break or end, 2115 Nevada (USA), 1863 Tillering, 1243 Stem development 0120 nitrogen fertilization, 1845, 1867 Tissue culture, Stem structure, atypical, 0233 0159 nutritional characteristics, 1791,1846 Tolyposporium ehrenbergii, Stepnoi 2266, 2297 5, 0860 performance trials, 1878, 1903 Toxicity, Sterility 0213, 3313, 3318, 3321 Sudax Sx-1 1, 3043, 3044 See also Aflatoxins; Hydrocyanic cytoplasmic-genic, acid. 0525 Sugar, 0268, 0906, 2779, 3323, Trade effect of irradiation, 0483 3324, 3334, 3352, 3353 international, 3398, 3413 female, 0392 Sugarcane borer. See Diatraea sacc- Latin America, 3399 interspecific hybrids, 0603 haralis. Transpiration, 0293, 0301, 0340, male. See Male sterility Sugarcane mosaic. See under Virus 0349, 0352, 0364, 1154 nonrandom and barren-type, 0434 diseases leaf temperature, 0302 random-type, 0413, 0629 Sugarcane roolstock weevil. See Ana- glight intensity, 0302 Sterol, 0279, 2761 centrinus deplanatus. resistance, 1132 Sthethorus pauperculus, 2603 Sugary disease, 2250, 2256, 2274, Triazine, 1593 Stigma receptivity, duration, 0374 2282, 2285, 2287, 2293, 2294 residual effects, 1237, Stomata 1254, 1594 host range, 2253 tolerance, 1629 behavior, 0341, 0365 role of fertilizers, 2246 Tribolium castaneum, diffusion, 1154 2670 Sulphur, effect on grain yield, 1299 Trichlorofon, genetic resistance, light, 0363 Superphosphate, 1172 0514, 0850 opening, 0342 Sweet sorghum, 1113, 1894 Trisomes, 0430, 0432 photosynthesis, 0340 breeding, 0638 Trisomics, 0447 regulation, 1153 cold resistance, 0618 Tryptophan, 2766 134 Subject nucux

estimation, 2777 yield response, nitrogen and plant 0700, 0768, 0825, 0927,1023, Tylenchorhynchus gladiolatus population, 1114 1063,1065, 1066, 1084, Gambia, 1094, 2375 Varietal trials See Performance trials. 1104, 1105, 1121, 1122, 1156, Senegal, 2375 Viability, metabolic changes, 0271 1173,1179,1200,1219, 1222, Typhaea slercorea, 2696 Virus diseases 1403 L-tyrosine metabolism, 0217 cynodon mosaic, 2316 Africa, 1054 Fiji, 2328 Australia, 1106 Urea France, 2338, 2340 calcium, 1076 effect on 8-carolene content, 1178 inheritance, 2345 compost, 1364 foliar application, 1347, 1350,1398 Israel, 2332 CSH-1, 0957, 1114,1397, 1501 maize-dwarf mosaic, 2314, 2319, CSH-2, 0205, 0957 Varieties (General), 0205, 0695-0697, 2321-2325, 2335, 2337, 2341, cultivation, 1552, 1596 0702, 0703, 0705-0707, 0721, 2342, 2351 defoliation, 1025 0726. 0728, 0729. .734, 0737, Arizona (USA), 2326 diquat (desiccant), 0280 0740-0742, 0752, 0755, 0756, Bulgaria, 2333 drainage, 1222 0762, 0778, 0782-0784, 0796- systemic insecticide, 2330 dwarf varieties, 1044 0798, 0802, 0804, 0809-0811, transmission by greenbug, 2318 endrin, 1350 0826-0830, 0834, 0836, 0840, resistance, 2336, 2350 ethylene, 1177 0876, 0891,0895, 0898, 0915, South Dakota (USA), 2334 ferrous sulfate, 1362 0916, 0919, 0931, 0979,1240, sugarcane mosaic, 2322, 2323, ferlilizer placement, 1378 1298 2325, 2344, 2347, 2348, 2351 herbicides, 1125, 1596 central America, 0710 Australia, 2346, 2349 history, USA, 0053 cytological studies, 0373 India, 2331 insecticides, 1056 diversity, 0820 Vitamins, 0408, 0409, 9827, 2876, iron, 1363 endosperm, 0154 2877,3075 light, 0258, 0347 forage, 0876, 1800, 1805, 1814, losses, 1075, 1086 1852, 1869, 1872, 1874, 1875, Water-stress, 0182, 0203, 0204, Louisiana (USA), 0027 1887, 1889, 1314, 1935, 1958, 1128 mulching, 1174 1969 carbon dioxide exchange, 0351 Nigeria, 1031, 1250 growth, 0250 mineral absorption, 0338 "nitrogen 1114, 1296, 1311, 1372, heading characteristics, 0139 photosynthesis, 0298 1399,1417,1520 high-yielding, 0805, 0862, 0900, physiological responses of leaves, nitrophosphate, 1377 0928,0943,0958,0961 0349,0350 phosphorus, India, 1322, 1363, 1520 0709, 0809, 0810, 0903 See a/so Drought; Moisture stress, physiological factors, 1027, 1057 leaf blade areas, 0135 Weathering resistance, 0748 planting date, 1155, 1311 Nigeria, 0738 Webworm, 2656 potassium, 1363, 1520 Panama, 0765 Weeds, 1620,1630, 1641, 1680, rotation, 1248, 1249 resistance 1718,1720-1722 salinity fertility interactions, 0200 bacterial diseases, 0960 competition, 1598, 1675, 1699 Sorghum x sudangrasshybrids, 0831, cold, 0208 control, 1567, 1571, 1574,1577, 1049, 1168, 1799, greenbug, 1910 0721, 0722, 0972 1582,1583, 1689, 1592,1593, spacing, 1092, 1467, 1468, 14.78, shoot fly, 0741 1596,1599,1604, 1607,1609, '1517,1520 witchweed, 0756 1612-1615, 1619, 1623,1624, stability, 1002, 1144, 1929 salt tolerance, 0692 1628,1629,1633, 1635,1638, stover, 1069 Senegal, 0701,'0766 1640,1642, 1643, 1646, 1649- sulphur, 1299 South America, 0771 1658,1661, 1666, 1672-1674. sulphuric acid, 1362 starch production, 0865 1681-1686, 1689-1691, 1694, tetraplolds, 0757 susceptibility to shoot fly. 0741 1697, 1698, 1700-1702, 1832, Texas (USA), 0999, 1124 Upper Volta, 0799-0801 1977,1978, 2004 urea, 1350 Venezuela, 0772, 0907-0909 Guatemala, 1644 weather, 1140 yield, 0973 Hungary, 1634 weeds, 1024, Varieties, specific India, 1572, 1587 winter crop, 1123 1338A INTA, 0880, 0885 Nebraska (USA), 1578,1580 zinc, 1363, 1382 2729A INTA, 0881, 0885 West Africa, 1625 See also Forage yields; Grain yields; A-1-14-8, 1868 milkweed, 1606,1659 Hybrids yields. Dale, 0737 phytotoxicity, 1597, 1618 D.M.S. 652, 0811 pigweed, 1608 Zinc Frondoso INTA, 0886 watergrass, Texas (USA), 1568 deficiency, 1189 Genicheskoe I,0922 see a/so Striga chemical composition, 1363, 2755 Huerin INTA, 2625 Wilt, 2139 dry matter production, 2755 Pusa Chari-1, 1969 Wind injury, 0290 uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus, RC-6, 0826 Witchweed See Striga. 1382 Swarna World collection, 0170, 0176 0178 yield, 1363,1382 growth, 0205 Zonate leaf spot See Gloeocercospora nitrogen, 1287-1289, 1375 Yields, 0048, 0536, 0684, 0698- sorghl. 135

GEOGRAPHIC INDEX transplantation, 1530, 1538 stem borers, 2588 CHAD, 0013 Insect control, 2403 AFRICA CANADA milling, 2715 midge, 1873 mixed cropping, 1266 receding flood cultivation, 1553 CENTRAL AMERICA. See AMERICA, AFRICA, EAST plant protection, 2064 CENTRAL protein quality, 2786 crop improvement, 0615, 0639, COLOMBIA seed Industry management, 2051 1012,1019ecnms,36 downy mildew, 2201 economics, 334 sweet sorghums, 0929 fonc rial, performance trials,2084 Insects, biological control, 2422 variability studies, 1062 0840 seed certification, 2074 water requirements, 1011 stem borers, parasites, 2586 Andhra Pradesh yield stability parameters, 1054 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC agronomy, 1079 AFRICA, WEST experimental results, 0794 high-yIelding variety, 0805 insres, 2 local varieties, 0827 grass borers, 2570 EAST AFRICA. See AFRICA, EAST multi-location testing (CSH-1), 0866 shoot ly, 2507 EGYPT nitrogen effect, 1360 performance trials, 0798 stored grain insects, 2407 performance trials, 0900,.0901, 0958 striga control, 2361 ETHIOPIA, 0623 planting dales, 1494, 1507 AMERICA, 0067 economics, 3362 rabi sorghum improvement, 1045 AMERICA,900 EUROPE, EASTERN, 1009 seed production (CSH-1), 0867 aMERICA, C 0 01 spacing, 1516 agronomy, 1108 new varieties, 0710 FRANCE, 0651 Striga, 2360 ar n m,1 5 eh ARGENTINA fertilizers,agronomy, 1557 Delhi 1313,1404, 1405 shoot fly, 2514 botanical characteristics, 0882 forage, 1853, 1856 Gujarat downy mildew, 2205 screening for tolerance to low stem borer, control, 2589 economics, 3372, 3410, 3411,3412 temperatures, 0641 Haryana feed, 3052 seed production, 2055 insects of summer fodder, 2400 digestibility, 3041 virus diseases, 2338, 2340 Karnataka forage, 1930, 1964 weed control 1643 agronomy, 0888, 1065 male sterile lines, 0880,midg,0881, 0885isecicids, 639black cotton sells, mulching, 0185 midge, insecticides, 2639 GAMBIA, 0052 downy mildew, 2209, 2228 performance trials, 0883 nematodes, 2375 economics, 3406, 3407 soils, agrohydrological study, 1162 GHANA, 0653 hybrids, 0824 spotted beetle, 2681, 2698 feed value, silage, 2976 insects slubbling, 0884 grain processing, traditional, 2731 earhead bug, 2662 sweet sorghum 0886 nilrogen effectq, 1372 midge, 2609 AUSTRALIA, 0002, 0003, 0033, 0050, NPK effects, 1410 shoot fly, 2539 0054ar,0 084, 0085 planting date, influence on yield, performance trials, 0810, 0811, agronomy, 0994, 1072,1106 1499 0813, forage, 1754, 0837 1780, 1889, 1985, 3071 yield losses, 1075 planting dates, 1515 Irrigated grain sorghum, 1073 GUATEMALA pundalouya bug, 2684 mineral nutrition, 0227 performance trials, 0775 soils (Karl), 0925 performance trials, 0736, 0808 weed control, 1644 sugary disease, 2274 Madhya Pradesh sugarcane mosaic virus, 2346, 2349 HUNGARY economics, 3371 BELGIUM herbicides, 1634 weeds, 1680 BeIUM micronutrient uptake, 0295 forage, 3042 Maharashtra climatic influences, 1140 BOLIVIA INDIA, 0007-0009, 0038, 0056, 0918, diseases, 2113, 2124 forage, 1960 1043 fertilizer effects, kharif sorghum, 1415 eOmSNA adaptability, 0903 local and high yielding varieties, 0709 economics, 3395 diseases, BRAZIL, 0026, 2103, 2105, 2119, 2120, performance trials, 0816 0079 2148 rabi sorghum, 0862 diseases, 2114 leaf spots, 2161, 2163, 2167, .2176, response to major nutrients, 1407 fertilizers, mineral, 1334 2185 response to nitrogen, 1304 performance trials, 0767 virus diseases, 2331, 2343 virus diseases, 2317 phosphorus absorption, 1180 disease control, 2120 Mysore See Karnataka BULGARIA disease losses, 2117 Punjab feed value, 2916 economics, 3381, 3358, 3359, 3404 leaf proteins, 2775 hybrids, 0774 feeds, 1907, 2962 Rajaslhan mosaic virus, 2333 fertilizers, 1172 diseases foods, 2884, 2896 CAMEROON, downy mildew, 2200, 2277 0015, 0024, 0051, 1022 herbicides, 1587 smut, 2277 forage, 1775 insects, 2415 fertilizer effects, 1976 grinding, traditional, 2712 chloropid fly, 2692 nitrogen, 1520 muskwari sorghums, 1021, 1538 shoot fly, 2509 phosphorus, 1420, 1520 1 36 Geographic Index

potash, 1520 bird damage, 2676 THAILAND, 0082 forage, 1761,1976 breeding, 0600, 0601 insects, shoot fly, 2512 midge, 2621 crop residues, 1951 Insect control, 2432 nematodes, 2380 diseases performance trials, 0868 selection of crop, 0899 downy mildew, 2218 TOGO, 0021 shoot fly, 2526 smut, 2268 TUNISIA spacing, 1520 economics, 3401 planting dates, 1500 Tamil Nadu grain processing, traditional, 2731 agronomy, 1095 growth, 1031 UGANDA fertilizer effects, 1280 intercropping, 1223 Insecticides, 2394 forage, 1764 mineralization of soil nitrogen, 1452 nitrogen and phosphorus effects, hybrids, 0711 mixed cropping, 1250 1341 Uttar Pradesh performance trials, 0695 shoot fly, insecticides, 2503 nematodes, 2380, 2384,.2385 planting dates, 1466 soils, liming, 1176 nitrogen effects, 1351 potassium effects, 1317 UPPER VOLTA smut, 2278 spacing, effect on grain yield, 1485 fertilizers, 1286, 1389 weed control, 1572 storage, 2712 midge, 2617 IRAQ water availability, 1202 shoot fly, 2513 smut, 2297 yields, 1031 varieties, 0799-0801 ISRAEL USA, 0010, 0053, 0065, 0066, 0083 downy mildew, 2216 PANAMA downy mildew, 2204, 2207 mosaic diseases, 2332 performance trials, 0764 economics, 3382, 3386, 3387, 3399 weeds, 1720 PAPUA NEW GUINEA, 2046 grain sorghum, 0789 ITALY field crops, 0997 herbicides, 1595 forage, 1880,1913 PHILIPPINES, 0059 midge, 2643 economics, 3400 mosaic virus, 2352 JAPAN, 0047 red leaf dlijase, 2172 silage, 3001 amino acids, 2965 utilization, 3344 spacing, effect on yield components, breeding, 0664 1505 diseases, 2112 ROMANIA stored grain Insects, control, 2665 forage, 1858, 1944, 1997 weeds, 1732 KOREA sudangrass, 1910 Arizona amino acids, 2836 diseases food value, 2912 SAUDI ARABIA downy mildew, 2231 sweet sorghum, genetics, 1118 feed, poultry, 3272 maize dwarf mosaic, 2326 forage, 1821-1825 milo disease, 2149 MADAGASCAR SENEGAL, 0044 root rot, 2150 agronomy, 0995 agronomy, 1047,1082,1109 Insect control, 2386, 2412 feed sorghum production, 2930 dry farming, 1026 performance trials, 0962 forage, 1840 diseases, 2104 Arkansas stem borers, parasites, 2568 fertilizer effects, 1294, 1389 fertilizers, 1365 MALAYSIA field crops, 0997 herbicides, 1610, 1741 int~rcropping, 1269 herbicides, 1621, 1622 insects, 2391, 2392 MALI, 0042, 0043, 0075, 1541 local and recommended varieties, liming, 1365 breeding, 0605 0701 performance trials, 0981-0983 economics, 3409 nematodes, 2375 silage, 3028 fertilizers, 1338,1384 nitrogen nutrition, 1295 California, 0089 field crops, 0997 performance trials, 0766 performance trials, 0976-0978 MEXICO, 0019 sandy soils, effect of repeated Colorado, 0034, 0074, 0091-0096 armyworm, 2564 sorghum cropping, 1171 forage, 1805 forage, 1792, 2006 water consumption, 1103 green bugs, control, 2477 insecticides, 2420 SOUTH AFRICA irrigation, 1207-1209 marketing, 3414 aphids, 2490 nitrogen effects, 1352 midge, insecticides, 2623, 2627, feed, poultry, 3280 porformance trials, 0848, 0984-0988 2631 SUDAN broomcorn, 0842-0847 yields, effect of calcium carbonate breeding, 0645 seeding rate, 1042 and calcium silicate, 1076 feed value, sheep, 2931 silage, calves, 2979, 2980 food consumption, 3361 Florida NEW ZEALAND forage, 1869 agronomy, 1036,1037 bacterial diseases, 2309, 2312 herbicides, 1667 diseases, 2101 NICARAGUA, 0080 NPK effects, 1283 forage, 1948 NIGER, 0018 spacing, 1493 organic soils, sod seeded sorghum, agronomy, 1202 stem borers, 2592 1160 diseases, 2106 SYRIA performance trials, 0761 utilization, 3326, 3351 feed value, 3054, 3055 sorghum-sudangrass, 0932 NIGERIA rotational cropping, 1268 adaptation of varieties, 0738 TANZANIA, 0017 variety trials, 0708 Geographic Index 137

Georgia, 2044 soils, 1168 Tennessee bird resistant hybrids, 0790 Michigan forage. 1789, 1919 diseases, 2102 Cecidomyilds, 2700 Industrial processing, syrup, 3356 corn leaf blight, 2156 silage, 3013 performance trials, 0782-0784 smut, 2265 Mississippi planting dates, 1488 feed value, silage, 2974 c seases, 2091 seeding rates, 1488 grain storage, 2733 head blight, 2190 spacing, 1486, 1488 insects, stalk rot, 2137 Texas, 0062, 0068, 0081, 1220, 2037, Hemiptera,damage, 2703 hay, 1883 2050 midge, 2648 performance trials, 0726 agronomy, 1556 stem borers, 2599 silage, 3010, 3027 amino acids, 2762 insect control, 2430 weed control, 1733 cropping systems, 1277 intercropping, 1241 Missouri diseases, 2090, 2121 performance trials, 0953-0955, 0975 planting dates, 1491 downy mildew, 2191, 2203, 2233, weed control, 1739 spacing, 1491 2235 Hawaii Nebraska, 0058 head blight, 2291 diseases feed value, calves, 2972 maize dwarf mosaic, 2318 leaf spot, 2133 growth response, 1159 root rot, 2136 rust, 2198 herbicides, 1578 smut, 2259 economics, 3368 performance trials, 0759, 0760 dryland farming, 2047, 2060 feed value, 2964 sooty stripe, 2170 economics, 3385, 3397 sorghum production, 1028, 1090, tillage, 1539 feed, 3187 2053, 2056, 3379, 3380 weed control, 1580 cattle, 3131, 3166, 3190 Illinois Nevada digestibility, 3161, 3195 adaptation of hybrids to claypan soils, forage, 2014 lambs, 3139-3144 0814 seed treatment, 2086 poultry, 3262 Iowa 0014 silage, 3012, 3015 sheep, 3198 moisture stress, 1181 sudangrass, 1863 swine, 3232, 3233 performance trials, 0714-0718 New Mexico, 0030 value, 2957, 2959 Kansas irrigation, 1483 fertilizer effects, 1339, 1363 economics, 3369 performance trials, 0768-0770, 0841 forage, 1818, 1819,1850 evapotranspiration, 1139 seed treatment, 2071 grain, chemical reconstitution, 2797 feed, 3093 spacing, 1483 chemical treatment, residues, 2815 cattle, 3148 North Carolina herbicides, 1589, 1602, 1603, 1637, value, 2970, 3109-3111, 3171 economics, 3377 1645,1683-1685, 1710 food value, 2893 North Dakota Industrial uses, 3348 herbicides, 1650, 1651 forage, 1839 Insects, 2388, 2390 Insects weed control, 1702 aphids, control, 2456 greenbug, insecticides, 2458 Ohio chinch bug, control, 2661 leafhopper, 1779 agronomy, 1083 greenbugs, 2449 nematodes, 2371 feed, cattle, 3181, 3183 control, 2455 pastures, 3053 feed, steers, 3180, 3182 influence on charcoal rot, 2487 performance trials, 0969, 0970 Oklahoma, 0088 Influence on stalk rots, 2462 tillage, 1548 breeding, 0690, 0691 Insecticides, 2445, 2446 Kentucky feeds, 3059, 3102, 3127, 3138, 3163, parasites, 2492 herbicides, 1619 3172, 3227, 3251 midge, 2633 Insects, 2417 feed value, 2967 control, 2616, 2638 in~ecticides, 2425 fertilizers, 1366, 1430-1432 Insecticides, 2608, 2616, 2629 pastures, 3084 forage, 1766 soil insects, control, 2438 performance trials, 0793 herbicides, 1670, 1671, 1712 stem borers, Insecticides, 2596 production, 2045 Insects, 2434 sugarcane rootstock weevil, Louisiana, 0027 greenbug control, 2459 Insecticides, 2598 bird damage, 0942 performance trials, 0749-0751, 0753, Irrigation, 1214, 1218 economics, 3370 0754, 0892 performance trials, 0833, 0963-0966 feeds, 2938, 2939 silage, steers, 2998 postharvest operations, 2748 fertilizer effects spacing, 1467 quality Improvement, 2870 calcium, 1426 sudangrass, 0712 seed production, 2036 magnesium, 1426 weed control, 1672 soil conservation, 1164 phosphorus, 1383 Puerto Rico, 0087 spacing, 1481, 1513 sulphur, 1299 weeds, 1738 spider mites, 2388, 2606 pastures, 3069 South Carolina, 1902,1903 control, 2605, 2606 performance trials, 0937, 0938, 0940, agronomy, 0993 Insecticides, 2600, 2604 0941 performance trials, 0763, 0764 susceptibility to herbicides, 0829 sweet sorghum, 0939 South Dakota sweet sorghum, 1010 potassium uptake, 1426 early sorghum, 0835 water use efficiency, 1225, 1226, proteins, 0788 hay, 2008 1522 seeding rate, 1525 virus diseases, 2334 weeds, 1568 138 Geographic Index

control, 1604, 1605, 1698 yield, 0999 Wisconsin forage, 1958 Wyoming, 0795 performance trials, 0795 USSR, 0070, 0090, 0106,1543 bacterial diseases, 2311 breeding, 0654, 0689 climatic influences, 1137 dry farming, 1017 flowering, 0161 forage, 1920, 1938. 2013 hay, 1946 heterosis, 0859 irrigation, effect on production, 1224 new varieties, 0752 performance trials, 0776, 0979 planting dates, 1482 silage, 3005 sorghum cultivation on sands, 1547 Sorghum vulgare cultivation, 1550

VENEZUELA breeding, 0674 introduction of varieties and hybrids, 0771 performance trials, 0772


YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC Cultivated sorghums. 1551