Sorghum Bibliography 1970-73 e ICRISAT Sorghum and Millets Information Center International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics ICRISAT Patancheru P.O., Andhra Pradesh 502 324, India November 1982 Contents Foreword v Preface vii List of Acronyms Ix Language Codes x BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 GENERAL i BOTANY 3-5 General 3 Anatomy and Morphology 3 Taxonomy and Germplasm 5 PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 5-11. General 5 Plant Growth and Development 6 Physiological Processes 9 GENETICS AND BREEDING 12-30 Genetics and Cytolog 12 Breeding 18 Varieties, Varietal Trials, and Hybrids 21 AGRONOMY 30-61 General 30 Climatic Influences and Crop-Weather 34 Relations Soils 34 Irrigation, Water Requirements and Soil-Plant-Water Relations 36 Cropping Systems 37 Fertilizers and Plant Nutrients 38 Harvesting .44 Planting 44 Cultivation, Soil Management, and Tillage 46 Soil Microbiology 47 Weeds and Weed Control 47 Johnsongrass 51. Forage and Pastures 52 MECHANIZATION 61 SEEDS 61-62 PLANT PROTECTION AND SEED." -TREATMENT 02-63 PATHOLOGY 63-72 General 63 Seed Rots and Seedling Diseases 64 Root and Stalk Diseases 64 Foliar Diseases: Fungal Leaf Spots and Blights 64 (iii) Foliar Diseases: Rusts, Downy Mildews, and Sooty Molds 66, Inflorescence and Grain Diseases .67 Bacterial Diseases 69 Virus Diseases 69' Parasitic Flowering Plants 71 Nematodes 71 ENTOMOLOGY 70-82' General .72 Soil Pests 73 Aphids 73 Shoot Fly Armyworm 77 Stem Borers 77 Spider Mites 78 Sorghum Midge 79 Head Caterpillar 80 Head Bug 80 Stored Grain Pests 80 Other Pests, including Birds and Rodents POSTHARVEST OPERATIONS' 82-83 Storage, Drying, and Milling 8? CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND ANALYSIS 83-86 FOOD AND HUMAN NUTRITION 86-88 General .86 Nutritive Value 87 FEED AND ANIMAL NUTRITION 88-102 Feed: General 88 Feed: Silage 90 Feed: Forage Pastures and Greenchop 92 Feed-Grain: General 94 Feed-Grain: Ruminants .95 Feed-Grain: Swine "98 Feed-Grain: Poultry 99 HCN and Livestock Poisoning 100 tECHNOLOGY AND COMMERCIAL USES 102-103 ECONOMICS AND SOCIAL ASPECTS 103-105 General 103 Marketing, Trade, and Prices 104. NUTHOR INDEX 105-124 3UBJECT INDEX I9- .R4 3EOGRAPHIC INDEX 135-138 (iv) : Foreword One of the main functions of SMIC, the Sorghum and Millets Information Center, is to collect, collate, and disseminate information on sorghum and millets to research workers all over the world. Accordingly, SMIC ,ersonnel have been engaged in collecting references on sorghum and millets (and also copies of the original documents whenever possible), since its establishment in 1977. SMIC has now embarked upon a program of publishing retrospective bibliographies on sorghum and millets. Sorgho: Bibliographie Annot6e de la Documentation Irternationale en FranQais, 1900-1976, was the first retrospective bibliography brought out by SMIC, published in September 1980. Sorghum Bibliography 7970-73, the present publication will be followed by Sorghum Bibliography 1974-76 and Millets Bibliography 1970-76. Sorghim Bibliography 1977-80 and Millets Bibliography 1977-80 are under preparation. The bibliographic activities of SMIC are being carried out by a team of documetalists consisting of J. Arora, P. Divakar, R.G. Naidu, and S. Prasannalakshmi, under the guidance of S. Dutta, Head, Library and Documentation Services of ICRISAT. I sincerely hope that the research workers inthe fields of sorghum and millets will find their efforts worthwhile. J.S. KANWAR Director, Research ICRISAT (V) Preface The Sorghum Bibliography 1970-76, now being brought out by SMIC, is intended as a sequel to the excellent publication Sorghum:A Bibliography of The World Literature, 1964-69, compiled by Baljeet Kaur under the guidance of Leland R. House and published by the Scarecrow Press in 1973 under the authorship of the Indian Agricultural Program of The Rockefeller Foundation. Originally it was intended to bring out the new bibliography in one volume. But later itwas felt that the number of references were too many, and that itwould result intoo bulky avolume. Hence it has been decided to publish two independent volumes, covering the periods 1970-73 and 1974-76. Since its establishment, SMIC's personnel have been busy in collecting references (and where possible, copies of the original documents) on sorghum and millets from a wide network of sources. Besides 600 primary periodicals, and such secondary services as Agrindex, Indian Science Abstracts, Sorghum and Millets Abstracts available in the ICRISAT library, other important sources of information have been the printouts from the following data bases: AGRICOLA, BIOSIS, CAB, CAN/SDI, IRAT, and the NTIS. All references culled from the data bases were checked with the references collected from the ICRISAT library, to avoid duplication. A great deal of sifting and standardization work was involved, since there was overlap between the entries received from the various data bases, and the data-base bibliographic entries were not rendered uniformly. Entries have been arranged according to the broad subject groups indicated inthe table of contents. The pattern followed is similar to the 1964-69 Bibliography. Within each subject group, entries are arranged alphabetically by the author. For entries by the same author, chronological order has been followed. Bibliographical entries contain sufficient data to identify the original document. Since in a number of cases the original documents were not available for checking, it has not been possible to furnish full detaiis in all the entries. Titles in foreign languages have beel translated into English and the language of the original indicated in parentheses immeCiately after the translated title. AGRIS abbreviations have been used for languages. Language codes used in the entries are given on page x. Names of ihe periodicals have been given in full. However, names of the well-known institutions have been abbreviated to their acronym forms, and a list of acronyms, with their expansions, is accordingly given on page ix. There are three indexes-author, subject, and geographic. Ingeographic index entries have been given under the countries concerned. Only in cases of India and the USA, where much relevant research work isbeing carried out, have entries been given under the State name, where available. The main collection and compilation work for this Bibliography was initiated by C.D. Handa and Chandra Vaidyanatha.n and continued by R.G. Naidu, who has given the document its final shape. P.J. Kemp, IDRC Consultant to the SMIC Project, checked the foreign language entries. S. Prasannalakshmi helped in the standardization of bibliographical citations, and P.Divakar in the preparation of the subject and geographic indexes. The contribution of the Information Services, ICRISAT, in the final editing and printing, is gratefully acknowledged. This publication is made possible by the financial assistance received from IDRC, Canada, for the SMIC Project. Subrata Dutta Head, Library and Documentation Services ICRISAT (vii) Language Codes Used in the Entries Al Albanian Ja Japanese Ar Arabic Ko Korean Bg Bulgarian Ma Macedonian Ch Chinese NI Dutch Cz Czech PI Polish Da Danish Pt Portuguese De German Ro Romanian En English Ru Russian Es Spanish Sh Serbo-Croat Fr French Sk Slovak Hu Hungarian Sn Slovenian 'In Indonesian Tr Turkish It Italian Uk Ukrainian (x):. Language Codes Used in the Entries Al Albanian Ja Japanese Ar Arabic Ko Korean Bg Bulgarian Ma Macedonian -Ch Chinese NI Dutch Cz Czech PI Polish Da' Danish Pt Portuguese De German Ro Romanian En English Ru Russian Es Spanish Sh Serbo-Croat Fr French Sk Slovak Hu Hungarian Sn Slovenian In Indonesian Tr Turkish Italian Uk Ukrainian /1' BIBLIOGLAPHY research on transplanted sorghum in 0026 FRANCE: SECRETARIAT D'E- North Cameroon. (Fr). Agronomle Tropi- TAT AUX AFFAIRES ETRANGERES, 0001 INDIAN AGRICULTURAL PRO- cale 27(8): 791-814.7 ref. (Summary: En, 1973. Sorghum and bulrush millet. (Fr). GRAM OF THE ROCKEFELLER FOUN- Es.) Pages 59-62 in Recherchesfrancaisesau DATION. 1973. Sorghum: Abibliography of service de I'Afrique tropicale s~che: the world literature, 1964-1969. Metuchen, 0016 BONO, M. 1970. Millet (Pen- actions en cours et resultats obtenus New Jersey: Scarecrow Press. 393 pp. niselum) and sorghum. Summary of the Paris, France. results. (Fr). African Soils 15(1-3): 223­ GENERAL 235. 0029 FRANKEL, O.H. (ed.) 1973. Survey of crop genetic resources Intheir 0002 ANON. 1970. Grain sorghum In 0017 CHANNER, G.W. 1973. Brief centres of diversity. First Report. Rome, Queensland. 1. Queensland Agricultural review of sorghum research in Western Italy; FAO/IBP. 178 pp. Journal 96(7): 446-453. Tanzania. East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal 39(6): 25-26. 0030 FUEHRING, H.D., FINKNER, R.E. 0003 ANON. 1970. Grain sorghum In and HSI, DCH, 1972. Sorghum research in Queensland. 2. Queensland Agricultural 0010 CHAROY, J. 1971. Irrigated New Mexico. Sorghum Newsletter 15: Jourral 96(8): 523-533. crops in Niger. Results of seven-year 127-128. measurements and experiments (1963­ 0004 ANON. 1972, Grain sorghums. 1970) at the Experimental Water Control 0031 GREEN, V.R. 1971. Sorghum in (Fr). Elevage 9: 2-5. Station at Tarna, in the Goulbi de Maradi Central America. Caribbean Farming 3(1): area. (Fr). Agronomie Tropicale 26(9): 4-7. 0005 ANON. 1973.Jowar breakthrough 979-1002. 14 ref. (Summary: En, Es.) in offing. UNI Agriculiure Service 4(46): 0032 HENZELL., R.G., and GILLIERON, 1577-1579. 0019 CIANO. 1970. Grain sorghum. W. 1970. Grain sorghum for Callide and Valleys of the Yaqui, the Mayo, the Dawson. Queensland Agricultural Journal 0006 ANON. 1973. New research under Guaymas, the Hermosillo Coast, and the 96(7): 559-563. jowar. Agro Know-how Service 2(6): Caborca area. CIANO Circular no. 49, 16-19, pp. 52-56. 0033 HENZELL, RG., and GILLIERON, W 1970. Grain sorghum in Central 0007 AICSIP. Progress Report, 1970- 0020 COOPER, D.T., GELAW, B., Queensland. Sorghum Newsletter 13:4-5. 71. New Delhi, India: ICAR. MOHAN, D.P., MUKURU, S.Z., OSWALT, D.L., SCHAFFERT, R., SINGH, R., and 0034 HINZE, G.O 1972.
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