session-is going to ,be n less interest* ing pnstimo than tending garden and s "putting up" fruit. Each child will 7 get the product of her or his labor, RED BANK FIRM GETS UNUSUAL and the best specimens of vegetables and canned goods will be exhibited at CONTRACT ATJSANDY HOOK. the county agricultural fair. The Building 115 Feet High and Contain- ground for the gardens was plowed ing Ten StoWei Being Moved for a Fridayrnnd-an-eager-knot-of ques- Distance of Half a Mile on Soaped MEW JEHSEY. tioning youngsters followed the Timbers by Thompson & Matthews. ploughman up and down the furrows. 1 One of the biggest moving jobs The members of the two clubs arc ever undertaken, hereabouts is being Those Clubs are under ihe Direction of IVJiss Stolla Mullin, Mildred. Sanborn, Lil- performed at Sandy Hook by Thomp- lian Holmes, Florence Layton, Mary Bpn &' Matthews of jKed Bank f pr the Mouscr, Mary and Frank Kelly, Helen Western Union telegraph company. Florence Brand—Similar Clubs Formed at Lincroft Vaughn,. Maud Norman, Rudella The Red Bank firm is moving an ob- Holmesj Milton and Russell Tomlin- servation tower forfa distance of half —A Garden Club Organized by the Junior Holy son, John Ryon, Tennont Fenton, Jo- a milo. The toweii is 115 feet high seph Mullin, Harold White, Carl Win- and has ten stories, It is moved by flame Society of St. James's Parish. ters, Clarence McQueen and Chester being slid on top af.timbers. 'These' Riddle. ' timbers are soaped and are almost as The children of the seventh and sire to can. These vegetables and by Mr. Mullin is near the school- slippery as ice. Four teams and 21 eighth grades of the Leonardo high fruits will be canned at the sessions house It will be divided into sec- men are employed ;on the job. This school huye organized a garden club of the canning club. Those who buy tions for each member of the garden contract, together • with moving a and a canning club. This garden club produce for canning must keep an club, and prizes will be given to the house at Sandy Hook for the tele- and canning club is said to be the expense account of the articles children wno raise the biggest crops, graph company, amounts to ?15,000. largest In any rural school district in bought and each member of the club The vegetables will be turned over to Thompson & Matthews have just the state. In addition to these clubs must, at tho close of the season, write the canning club, and prizes will !ie completed a number of artesian well the children of the Lincroft public an account of the,season's canning given for the best canners. The contracts, among them being a well school have organized similar clubs. work, giving a detailed statement of children of Lincroft are agog with six inches in diameter and 248 feet Tho Lincroft children are. in lowor expenses and receipts. The expenses excitement over their two new un- deep at Matawan for the Magnolia grades than the • seventh and eighth are to include not only the cost of the dertakings. Almost all of the older metal. company. This well produces grades, and they attend tho Lincroft goods canned, but the cost of the pupils have joined cither one or the a flow of 100 gallons of water a min- school in Middletown township, while cans and of the spices, sugar, etc., other of the two clubs and some have ute. A well 214 feet deep and ten tho seventh and eighth grades attend used in canning, The receipts are joined both, Apparently their inches in diameter has been made for the Leonardo high school. to comprise the value of the canned studies in practical farming und the Monmouth mutual supply com- The canning club wos started at goods according to current market canning are the most popular of nny pany at Red Bank. The well has an the Leonardo high- school last year prices, Miss Fannie Cooper will at- of the subjects they are being output of 150 gallons of water a with about twenty members. Miss tend sessions of the canning club taught. minute. A well 225 feet deep' and Florence Brand, the agricultural about once a month arid the latest de- The work will be done principally eight inches in diameter ir being teacher at the school, was local di- vices and the latest knowledge re- after school hours and during the driven for the Biondi company of rector. Miss Fannie Cooper and quired in canning, as evolved at the summer vacation. Judging by the in- Cliffwood. • PHOTO" Br ANDREW R. COLEMAN. Miss M. O. Hauser, who are at- state's experimental station,, will be terest displayed' by the youngsters, ..tached-to the state.experimental atu-_ usedjn. conducting .the canning-oper- plnyirig-games when school is not in Three abandoned artesian wells tion at New Brunswick, went to Mid- ations. All the work will take place which are part of the municipal water dletown- township several times to in the domestic science department Red Bunk Garden Club. plant at Keyport were put into com- give demonstrations of canning. At of the Leonardo high school and an The Junior Holy Name society of mission last week by Thompson & The picture above shows a house on Shrewsbury avenue, just south of the Red Bank borough boundary, those demonstrations the children did exhibition pf the canned goods will St. James's church is organizing a Matthews. These wells are 4hi owned by Cheston A. Simmons. This house was formerly the Charles M. Patterson house. It has been re- air the work, under the supervision of be made at the close of the season. garden club, somewhat on the lines of inches in diameter. Each well now built and enlarged at a cost of $14,000. It has eighteen rooms and is of the same pretentious type of archi- their instructors, At some of these • During tho past winter several the garden clubs organized at Leon- produces 200 gallons of water a min- tecture as the houses along the Rumson road. So many changes were made to it when it was rebuilt that it ute. The wells were drilled 25 years demonstrations, - particularly at a meetings of the canning and garden ardo and Lincroft. About one. hun- is virtually a new house. It has been entirely re-enclosed with shingles, and a large addition has been built meeting held at the home of James C. dred boys from nine to seventeen ago nnd had been idle for a long time. clubs were held. When the canning on the east side. New quartered oak floors have been laid throughout, and the bathrooms have been finished Hendrickson, there were a very large is done each member must have a years old are members of the Junior The borough paid ?900 for having number of spectators. regulation white canning cap and Holy Name society. .Father Casey, them repaired. in tile. Porches with tile floors have been built on three sides of the house. This year work on a larger and apron. At one of the meetings last the assistant rector of St. James's The artesian wells which supply the Mr. and Mrs. Simmons moved in the house last week. They rented a house at Shrewsbury while the church, is the leader of the boys in more elaborate scale, has been under- winter at which Miss Cooper was water for thS- Takanassee hotel at alterations were being made' to their own home. In addition to these alterations, a large number of other taken at the Leonardo high school. present, the caps and aprons were cut this movement. He has offered a Long Branch oro being reconstructed prize to the boy who has the best gar- by the Befl.BoJik firm. Thompson & changes were made on the property. The barns and outbuildings were rebuilt, and the largest barn was The garden club numbers 87 mem- out and these have been made by the J bers and the canning club has 75 children jmd are ready for use at the den and additional prizes will also be Matthews are'-olso laying a concrete moved to a new location. George W. Sewing was the architect and contractor for the changes to the house members, The garden club is oper- first canning pf vegetables. At ene offered. Most of the boys live at foundation fbriHrs. H. E.Gibb's new and outbuildings. He is now putting the finishing touches' on the job. A new dam has been made for a lake, Bod Bank, but a few are residents of ated in connection with the agricul- of these meetings the members of the house at Eumson Park, and are build- which is on the place, and a sunken Italian garden, with a rustic arbpr, is being constructed. '..." tural work in tho school. During the canning club were divided into three the surrounding villages and country ing a bulkhead'225 feet long for Mrs. winter the manual . training class groups.' One of these groups con- districts. The work of establishing Walsh-of-" Locust Point. Thompson • llr. Simmons is a comparatively new resident of this section, he having bought the Shrewsbury avenue made a very large hotbed frame and sisted of all the boys in the canning the gardens will probably be begun & Matthew's:now have fifty men on property about four years ago from Charles M. Patterson. The land comprises about twenty acres. It is a very large cold frame, This hot- class, who were taught camp cook- this week. The gardens will be at their pay. roll, and use seven teams of bounded on the north by Patterson avenue, on the east by the railroad tracks and on the south by Mr. Patter-, tho homes of tho boys and Father bed frame and the cold frame, have ery in order that when they went horses and an automobile track. son's farm. On the place is another house facing Patterson avenue. This is occupied by John Purcell, who been placed in the yard of the Leon- camping this summer they would be Casey will visit the gardens' at least ardo high school, John I. Sickles of capable of providing •well cooked; once o week ddring tho season. 'The is foreman of the Simmons place. A number of improvements and changes were made a short time ago to Navoflirilc, who is a member of the palatable moala. Another group con- ' s will-probably be garden tools,or FIREMAN MAR&S A CHANGE. the house in which Mr. Purcell lives. ' - schooPboard, has shown much! enthu- sisted of girls who were taught the a8'relating'to gardening, but the- Harold A. Duvison isNow a. Member siasm in this work of .training the proper methods of cooking vege- entire matter, of the selection of of Relief Fire Company. :_. children of the township to be good tables. A third group was composed prizes will be in the hands of Father BROKE HIS PAROLE.. farmers and good canners. He has of'girls who were taught crocheting. Harold, A.. Davison of Moiunonth " street waB elected a member of Re- Red Bank Youth is Sentenced to Rah- done a great deal of work around The first actual canning of this sea- wajr Reformatory. the school in connection with these NEW RED, BANK INDUSTRY. lief fire cbmpany at;the.:conipaay'.8 son' will take plqce this week, when monthly meepnir last Thursday.. Mr. FREEHOLDERS CONFER WITH Charles Phillips of Red Bank, who ELEVENTH GRADE ENTERTAINS classes. Ho showed the children how the canning club will can asparuguB, ATLANTIC COMMITTEE. GRADUATING CLASS. ; to set frames arid helped in this work. Castle Ice Crtam Company to. En- Davison" was formerly an assistant last January was released on proba- The members of the garden club gago in Business Here. fore'jnan-pf. NaveBink hook and lad- tion after pleading guilty to stealing He furnished the necessary soil and and canning club are: ; Two Sets of Officials Map Out a Pro- Program Consisted of a One-Act manure forthe hotbed and cold frame The Castle toe cream company has der'company, "but he resigned-from some automobile tires, was sentenced 1 this icqMpany 'about a. month ago. gram for Next Yenr for the Im- to the Rahway reformatory last Comedy Entitled "Class Day" and and.he furnished all tho seeds needed. GARDEN CLUB. -....' leased (or five years two buildings on provement of (ho Road Leading Vocal and Instrumental Selections A singular tiling in connection with Viola Kipp, David Ellin, the property of TllpmnBon & Mat- Mombers of BaKef. .'company will at- Thursday by Judge Lawrence. Ho Beatrice Walling, Oiiorso AlhvarJ, tend Bervice'iat'theSReformed church from Colt's Necb to FarroingdaU. was returned to the court by Proba- —About 12S Persons Present. this work of Mr. Slckles's is the fact Mary Fhlllipfi, Burtls Hyora, thews on LocuBt avenue. ' The build- ., The Atlantic towrisaip committee The eleventh grade of the Red that he was elected to the* school Snrnh- Hanson, Jdhn'Coutton, . . ings were completed last week. The next Sunday nig$Pin. corapany,.wit5v tion Officer Houghtori with the report board for tho express purposo of May Woodward, Kvorott Aloxnndar, ice cream eompfcny-wrlr takB possSs-1 members of tb.6 (ftllor fire companies. aiia • .the "couiitjr 'fraoholdbro "JiMd a that he had broken the rules of pro- Bttnto high'TSchool gavo a reception t<» AHu Wulllng, .IIuMicrt Duiuant, Rev. Lester- G..Leggett, the. pastor of joint metjtlng. at Colt's • Neck last the graduating class last Friday.night changing• the inathodd''emj>loyed;'m' 1 slon ^TuriO 1st arid will use the build- bation and that he had failed to make 1 1 Anita Wlllftt, "8 Ira Johnson. ' • ; • the church, will preach a serm

REDVBANK Two Modern Department Stores •and KEYP0R KEYPQRT Embracing'"Scores of Specialty Shops' l IUNI VE"RJS.A tCJlAHi

«•—— "•'••Sy".;, J1 —- Let the other fellow experiment. You want to £3 t ."$£&*• • ^*r. .... know what your prospective car will do. The reford .•my ' 5fc " "" of Ford cars in the service of more than a million f ^^ * Tyf 1 \\ i owners is the best evidence of Ford/reliability, m 1.11] .•, •• • V economy in operation and simplicity in handling. ill "X /

• J T—i Average two cents per mile for operation and main- /-• / / k\JT • .itIJfld r Mmm1\\ 1 tenance. Touring Car, $44®; Runabout $39©;. W ' J r ^ v . V s\ ^ * • u | •/©1I Coupelet $590; Town Car $640;.. Sedan $740, f. o.-.b. Detroit. For sale by . *• Sale pf White

presents an almost unlimited assortment of attractive Lingerie, -Blouses, Corsets, Infants' and Children's Dresses; Wash Goods, Table Linens and •Sheets, Cottage Curtains, Etc., at Matchless Prices. Monmouth Street, near Broad, Red Bank, N. J.] ^v _ ' FOR THE JUNE BRIDE Telephone 176 We show complete Trousseaux; also everything for the sweet Girl Graduate. .. •

. ' . DISTRIBUTOR OF Ford, Reo, Oldsmobile and Chandler Motor Cars. Supplies and Accessories. Cars for Hire. A big stock of second-hand Remarkable Offeriw Cars. A complete stock of Ford parts and accessories. Pullman, Fisk, United States, Goodyear, Goodrich, Diamond and of Women's Suiis Tires. Values to $20 at $H.5O EATONTOWN NEWS. American Mechanics. Six applica- stopping with his sister, Mrs. Samuel tions for membership were received Obrc of this place, since he left the Euchre Party to be Held for St. Doro- last Thursday night. hospital. He has almost entirely re- thea's Church Next Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Palise spent part, covered nnd he will go back to work We just secured from several prominent city Mfgrs.,, whose op- A congregational meeting of theof last week with Mrs. Palise's par- as a carpenter for Harry G. Borden erators are out on strike, a wonderful'selection of Suits at Great .Methodist church will be held next ents nt Brooklyn. within n few days. Tuesday nipht at the church. An Edward K. Carlile has rented the The women's missionary society of Price Reductions. - election of three trustees for twohouse formerly occupied by Frank the Presbyterian church nnd the help- yearn nnd-of three trustees for three Fowler nnd ho will move into it. ing hand society will meet tomorrow years will be held, All members of Ferry 13. Cook is employed by ant Mrs. William Haviland's. They are of excellent All Wool Serge, Gabardine and Poplin in the church over 21 years of age arecommission merchant at New York. The leading club met yesterday at eligible to vote. Fred G. Stcelmnn, principal of theMrs. Evan F. Jones's. Those who Black, Navy, Belgian, Tan Rookie, also popular Shepherd Checks. Mrs. Charles Breese's Sunday- Eatontown public school, addressed took part in the exercises were Miss They are thp smartest styles of tho season. All sizoa for Women school class of the Advent church thfi teachers of Eatontown township Evie Valentine, Mrs. Arllolmea Bur- guve un eiUl-rluinincnt last Wednes- last Friday afternoon at Occnnport o{! den, Miss Olivia Borden, Mrs. W. C. and Young Women "No two Alike" Made to sell to $20 day night at Mrs. Breese's on South the Gary school system. Mr. Steel- Eiinn and Mrs. Pnrsons. street. The program consisted of man visited the'Cleveland nchool at The young people's missionary so- ,•,-•; at $14.50. •vocal and Instrumental selections and Newark a few days ago to see how ciety of tho Presbyterian church met recitations. Several dollars was the system worked. Monday night in the chapel. At the cleared and it will lie used in mission- The sewing club of the" Advent last meeting df presbytery, reference ary work in Africa. * church wan entertained Saturday was mudesJ.0 the fact that the young Several persons from this place at- night by Miss Susie Brown. people's society made a better allow- tended the thirtieth annual meeting. ing for the year than any other Pres- $1S COATS AT $10.76. of Uie women's home missionary so- byterian missionary society in the $20 SILK DRESSES AT $15. ciety of the Monmouth Presbytery OCEANPORT NEWS. county. The society raised $278 for Imported Corduroy Shirred Waist Belted Coats, held last Thursday at Tcnnent. missionary, work. .. . . - .. . Handsome Chiffon Taffeta, Crepa.de. Chine, in Whito, Rose, Coponhugon, Sand; also All Party Given by Miss Patter Wool Men's Wear Serge, Black nnd Navy; Tan .Mr. and Mrs. Howard Noc of-Cuba son L,n3t Week. ' Mrs. Richard Beak returned last Crepe de Meteor, Chiffon and Georgette Crepe are spending., tho summer with Mr. Dresses, in Navy, Black, Copen, Rose Reseda Covert and Shepherd Check. White Chinchilla Miss Melba Patterson, daughter o week from the Long Branch hospital, Coats, Distinctive Models, no two alike; values Noe's brother, Albert Noe. where she gave birth to a son. nnd White; all sizes; "No Two Alike," In a dose baseball contest last Isaiah Patterson, gave, a party fo to $15, week at Monmouth park the Eaton- fourteen friends Saturday night Mrs. Graham of Long Island is at $15. nt $6.75. town school defeated the boys from The usual pastimes were enjoyed visiting Miss Evie Valentine. the Oceanport school by a score of The guests were Misses Venetia Mat- Rev. F. P. Swezey, Joseph Dick- 8 to C. " thews, Clara Munyan, Elsie Ferry, opf and John Dennis represented Alma Crawford, Gladys Hulse and Christ church at the Episcopal di- The Shrewsbury reading club met Arthur Chasey, Sherwood Scarsi ocesan convention at Trenton yester- yesterday afternoon at Mrs, Evan F. day and today. . • ' Jones's at .Shrewsbury. The club David ChiiKcy, Cecil McCloud, Harol will meet next Tuesday afternoon at Kboades, Ellis Munyan and' Lloyc; Pupils who woj-e perfect in attend- Mrs. Ada IV. Nafew's. Hulse. ance and punctuality for the past A euchre party fur tho benefit of The first summer boarders of th month were: ^ St. Dorothea's church will be held season arrived this week, and the sea .1. V. Cr^vt'lIntf'H room—I^nulsp T*:K. .Mary .MrCuilty, Until l'aiki-r. Kiuluii-lnc next Wednesday night at firemen's yon will be under way in full swing 1 "Jii-li»!|-. IIIIIIII'IIO Tlltuii, lvntliryii .Tllton, I larnhl lir>win>; '"Niiiftji1 Kli'ii;, Bi'iifcuiiiri put indications more than the ordi Scutt, l.i':-lur Scott, Waili Slii-muiit. are Mrs. William Dwyer, Mrs. George 'rlmnuiH KuKiirton. Steelc, Mrs. Patrick liremian, Mrs. nary number of boarders will spenc Mis* l-aiiK'.i ruoni—pyward t'urlcy, John P. Gaul and Mi.ss Fannie Fitz- the summer here. .T-ilili I lean, I-Mgiir liasklll" I-Milli- Ll'lleke. patrick. Mr. and Mrs. Ayles of New York .lulin 1'••••-ill. llnlicrt SIIKUI'IOII, CuriiclliiM Illy. l!>!i'ii:nli'tli Kmmi.liH, .Marl.' Kniery. William II. Foster attended the have rented William Rosch's house Klulu Iliiuilllian, K|lzii|i('tli 1'iiiti'i'. annual dinner of the Loyal Lpgion of for the summer. Mr. Rosch will con .Ml.vs Stnnrks nM>lll---Th(M>il(iiv .W.stli!!, the United States last Wednesday tiiuie to live at the house nnd will be Kilwuni <>hr<\ Henry (>l,r.'. l-ri-il Kiin-ilan a hoarder with the Ayles family. He Vlul,.t lliilini.K. Jladn .liilin^m, Jlaritiirut night at Delmonico's at New York. ivintr. Ul;ul>H l.ji\tMii, Duriilliy Liivtim . Noble \V. Moshy lias been ap- set out two new trees on his prop lMi^^i N';iscr's roiini—Jaincs ('iirl pointed agent for the Urcwster cocoa erty last week. I»avhl Illiniums, otto I.i'iu'lt.- (Ji'fipc ill,re, \VillliiiM Miim-ll, Jl'arle 'Ihilinn. company, manufacturers of choco- The members of the Epwortl KulliBrilii' .MfCuc. Klla .McCurlly. llnh- late bars. league are rehearsing for an enter- fi'ta l":ii'lior, l.ulu l'ii'dilu, .Madi'liiii' BIIK- Rev. W. L. Rhoades, who has been tainment next Tuesday night. A so urtdM. l-'ram-os O'Ui-ii'ii. THE STRONGEST GUARANTEE EVER GIVEN pastor of the South Eatontown eiahle will be held in connection witl colored Methodist church, has been the entertainment. . LITTLE SILVER NEWS. transferred to New Brunswick. So The audience at Sunday night's far no one has been appointed to fill | service at the Methodist church was Silvormerc Inn Opened Saturday the vacancy here. """ ! the largest that the 'church has ever Under New Management. County school examinations are be- contained. Violin solos, by Miss Clan Silvermero Inn at Little Silver The only full Petroleum Emulsion on the market and by ing held at the Eatontown school thir Munyan have been made a regular Point was reopened for the summer week. feature of the Sunday night services season on Saturday night by Mrs. far the most palatable. For Bronchial, Stomach and Bowel Mrs. Jnmes B. Hathaway is visiting George Day of Elizabeth is making Thomas, the new proprietor. The re- her aunt, Mrs. Overhiser of Netcong a stay with his brother, Fred Day. opening festivities were- largely at- troubles. Ask us about it. Mrs. John S. Jones spent part of John VanKirk, Jr., who is emtended- . Dancing was the principal last week with friends at Brooklyn ployed in a racing stable at Long Is- are now offering Pianos'for RENT by the MONTH land, spnet Sunday nt his home hen pastime, the music being furnished by Price, SO Cents per bottle h; Mrs. William Robinson took her a New York band. or SEASON. The rent is very reasonable and will daughter Alice to a hospital at Now .Mrs. Frank Langwith and her three The guild of St. John's chapel met II York on Monday, where the. chili children of New York spent Sunday with Mite Ethel Langwith. Friday at Mrs. George W. Arrants's be allowed if the instrument is purchased at the end Rflust give satisfaction, or your R/iONEY BACK. was txcatcil for a deformed foot. David Jones, E. I). Tncker nnd W. Mr. and Mm, F/1I. Iiutler aro en- A boys' club called the V\nierienn L. Ilathbun of New York have .moved of- the season; rent will also be allowed on any tertaining friends from New York. Woodcraft club ,1ms been organize! to their summer homes here. ROBERT H. VANDERVEER Miss Belle MacDonald- of Newby Rev. Herbert S. Munyan, with the NEW PIANO or PLAYER PIANO. Methodist Sunday-school room as the - Arthur Ryerson's new Ford auto- (KNICKERBOCKER PHARMACY) I York is spending a few days with Mi- mobile arrived last week. Ho has sold anil Mrs. II. W. Westbrook. club headquarters. The boys will go Telephone 125 RED BANK, N. . camping this summer and will go onhis old car to a Long Branch man. John Murphy, Jr., of New York Mothers' day will be observed at Write for prices and terms, or call and select what Rjient Sunday with his parents here hikes. Lester Jones is president of >.-.E^*.i>?^^f,,7. the club and Cecil McCloud is vice the Methodist church Sunday morn- you like, or look us over. Walter Gnul was a "New York ing. At night special services will be visitor Saturday. president. The club has fifteen mem- bers. ' held in observance of the nnniveranry i RULES TO OBSERVE . The fifth and sixth grades of the of tho Epworth league. Eatontown public school went on i Pianos Tuned and Repaired . hunt for May flowers last Saturday SHREWSBURY NEWS. Mrs. Margaret Slubbs of Now York "Safety First." Stop, Look and Liaten." Both of which aJ They were accompanied by their is occupying her house here for the aure preventatives from accident. teachers. Theodore Parsons Recovers nnd Goes summer. • . To insure perfect health in your household you should stop an:, Mrs. Belle Livingston anil daughter Bnclc to Collude.' The children of.the public school look to see if your plumbing is in a sanitary condition. It would b I Ethel of Brooklyn were Sunday Theodore Parsons, son of Uevtoo.l; the county grammar 'exami- KUesLs of Elder iimhMrs. L, B. Gil Dwigbt L. Pairon;:,' wi's taken sick nations yesterday. better to have it inspected and overhauled by a competent worlf Jlisn Miriam G. Dolr.uucr, ii teacher with inflammatory rheumatism last Work was stinted last week on Wil- 57 EHalsey Street, Newark, man;—I employ none other in my business. Whether it be pluml in the Eatontown school, spent Sun- week while attending Columbia law liam VanKeuren's new house at Little ing, repair or new work, tin or sheet metal work or heating in. an j day with friends at Brooklyn. school. He became so sick that his Silver Point. William White of Red 128 West 42d Street, New York City of its branches. . ' Starting with next Sunday, Elder doctor advised him to return to hi.sBank ia tho contractor. IJ. B. Giles, pastor of the Advent homo, here, and Mr. Parsons ilid so, Kdwin Wilby has returned from H 34 Flatbuih Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. . HOWARtJ FREY church, will begin a series of sermons During the week he completely re- week's business trip in Pennsylvania. on the pumblcs of Christ as found in covered,'and ho returned' to college .Joseph Fleming of New. York will the four Gospels. yesterday. Aftur college hours Mr.' put up a portable house on his prop- 74 Monmouth Street. .Aaron Tilton linii given up hi:,I'ai'.Uim; is employed in. II Nun' York oily nt Little Silver Point. He and .library. • •• his family will occupy the liouso till bluck.smith shop on Lewis street nftei 1 having conducted il far many years. John (i.. Parker nnd family have Mr. Fleming's new house is com- Walter Cnrlilc has been, sick with moved to a farm which Mr.,'l'arl:cr llctecl.. ; ., frrin(for Hcverul days. ri'ccnll.y bought nt F.-inningilali'. Myron L. Campbell and John Bates Mm. James Lynch was taken bint 'I lit1 firemen are preparing for their ipent Sunday nt New Egypt. FARME3RS and TRUCKERS Sunday to her. MIII'S home on Lone In- ;IIIrm-ij fair. It will be hi-bl in the Mrs. Kingsley of Newark has been, land.- Mm. Lynch is an invalid and firchrni'-e un June lil.'.t, :!-d ami yM< 1. spending several days with her pur- We are offering Nitrate of Soda $70.00 per ton. Reground wati taken there for the benefit of her .Mi', anil Mr.;. Chillies, M. Patterson culs, Mr, and Mrs. John II. Lippin- health. ott. ' ,. or in original packages, as you prefer. F. 0. B. Marlboro, as moved today to JWiss Jennie UcM'i; 1 Mr«. William Aumack hai recov- hoii:;i.\ iMiiii; Hell, who in stopping Henry Blinders IIIIK n new horse. long us we have stock on hand. ered from a lu-iivy (-"old. ••vifb .Mi'c. II. Kdward Armstrong, will The K'bcilara of the Methodist Mm, IVU'.r Tobcr i>s abb; to nil. up •spend lliu laimiiic.r with bur brother, Sunday-Jichuol are practicing for the after having been nick with a coinpli- J. Malcolm Ilc-ll of Anbury Talk, . Cliihiren'ii lay ' cntertuinment next JAMES.H. BA1RD Sc SCEN 'cotion of trouble*. Guoi'gu W. Kniory of KMIIIKOII, who month, • ' • A 'campaign for iltw mombr.'iii is .vit.s operated on at the Long Iira,u<|h lienjainin Sliocmnlcci' has n new i Marlboro, New Jersey beinff made by Creiicent council of .• ' - ' ' • '' ' . ' .• ; . J'.'-'• ••"••' ii. few v«;ccliu IIKO, Imi) been eutom'obile..',: • '. • , , ..-. ....• .».» •«•••• «J» * • • • • » « «-

Next Door to Boston Candy Co.

This week marks the Second Anniversary of our business career in Red Bank and we will make it a week of celebration, by holding a Special Anniversary Sale , for your benefit. This sale, which will begin Friday, Hay 12tb, will b6 the feature in each department of our store, and every bit of merchandise will come under the influence of this birthday offering. We fully appreciate the loyalty extended to THE'BROAD STUEET BAZAAR since its opening two years ago and we will do all in our power to keep this good feeling toward us. To prove this we are offering hundreds of wonderful bargains, a few of which are advertised below.

$1.00 House Dresses at , .50c. Lace Remnants; regular Sc. to 25c: a yard, at this sale, Boys' $1.00 Blouses, special at. .59c. V per yard. ' ....'. 2c. to 8c. Tremendous Reductions in .Made of good washable Ginghams; all sizes. : " Made of Pongee, Madras and Percale, not all sizes ©• Women's Petticoats at Anniversary Price. 59c. 25c. Union Linen Bureau Scarfs, special at...... 17c. in each style. • . fy Women's and Misses'Suits Made of Satine, black and colors, plaited and tucked 50c. Mercerized Table Damask at...... :...... 37c. 9 SlS.OO All Wool Poplin Suit at .$ 8.95 flounce. - ; - - v *"~~ ' BED SPREADS. "~" $12.00 AlWool Serge Suit at 7.95 Raised Marseilles Hemmed Spread, special...... 79c. , Fancy quality; snowy white, high satin luster, at 37c. J£ £20.00 variety of smart styles at 12.95 $1.00.Women's Kimonas at. '._>.. .59c. per yard,' ' ' © , $4.00 FINE FINISH BED SPREADS AT $2.95. • ' . • - «*» Made of fine Serge and All Wool Gabardines. Made of fine lawn. . Several attractive patterns, hemmed ends, full size. Unmatchable Values in Our Cotton Goods Department. J| .35c. Our Great Anniversary Sale Women's i59c. lone; Kimonas at. CROCHET SPREADS AT $1.4^1 "" " l(5c. Lancaster Apron Gingham,' special 7Vic. T and Misses' Handsome Top Coats gi.50 Table Cloths at . »., .95c. Very special at this price. . : 8c. Cotton Calico, figured and-Persian printings, in all ® $6.50 Corduroy Sport Coat at $3,95 Snowy white, heavy-quality mercerized Damask. BLEACHED SHEETING. ~ "" •colors, special at .5Vic. A Just as swagger and clever as they can be. Tzks $1.00 «o $1.50 Girls' Tub Dresses at. 79c. 20c, 45-inch, at per yard ,., 14c. your choice of rose, green or copen trimmings. *~.' -These are the manufacturer's.clQse-out line. of. fancy 15c. Dress Ginghams, in all .colors, special at 9c. per ^jf 35c., 72-inch,-at.per yard,,..._..,..^..;.,...,JJJ_,T..,.,?,^,.24c... $10 to $12 Coats at $6.75 Ginghams, neat Percales, Repps, Linens and fancy 40c, 81-inch, at per yard. 27c. — .yard, or 3.yards for. ,2$e....*£.-. , Crepes; also many styles in white Lawn; sizes 2 to 17 Bleached Muslin, 36 inches wide, standard make; regu- Many models for sport, street, outing or. afternoon years. . 50c Bolster Cases, special ,35c, or 3 for $1.00 lar 1 oc. grade.-special, per yard.... 71/20 wear. Materials include Coverts, Poplins, Checks and Women's selected Muslin Underwear, consisting of $1.00 to $1.25 Boys' Wash Suits at This Sale Only 69c. Plaids and some are all white Chinchilla. Night Gowns, Combination Suits, Corset Covers, Choiceof plain white, tan, blue and fancy effects, in 29c. Lancaster Gingham Aprons, special at 17c, or 3 Some very exceptional values in best makes of brand Drawers and Petticoats, at real grand anniversary sale all the popular materials and styles; sizes 2'/> to 10 yrs. . for 50c. Only 3 to a customer. prices from 25c. to $2.95 new Skirts at $1.45 to $4.45, worth $3.00 to £7.50. Boys'$1.00 and $1.25 Pants at. . .. .69c. Coc. Summer Curtains, special at 35c. a pair,-or 3 pairs Made of fine Serges, Gabardine, Crepes and other ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS. Of plain blue All Wool Serge and Fancy Wool Cassi- for $1.00. ' novelty materials, in all sizes. 25c. Children's Muslin Drawers, with lace.and embroi- •meres; sizes 5 to-16 year's. ' 200 Silk Petticoats, plaited flounce, at $1.00 dery trimmings at 14c. 15c. Handkerchiefs, special, 4 for 25c. Only 8 to a Children's 10c. Summer Vests, special 4 for 25c. customer. . • . 5oc. Seersucker Petticoats at. '. 37c. Children's Princess to go at . ,129c. ' Summer Gauze Vests, low neck, sleeveless, taped neck'and arm holes; all sizes. 25c. Dressing Sacques, special. . . .'.•.,' 17c. As to Shirt Waists, we are proud to say that we will Closing Out of Children's show the largest assortments of these, with the most Children's Drawers, 4 pairs for.-.-...... '... .25c. SOc. Dressing Sacques, to go at. 33c' striking styles and astonishing-prices, that was ever Of line Muslin with hemstitching'and tucks; sizes 2' Made of Fine Lawn and good Washable Percale; in White Coats all shades; sizes up to 46. ' . shown in Red Bank. They will be freely displayed on $2.00 White Serge Coats •. $1.19 to 6 years. our bargain tables. Come in and examine the style arid S3.00 fine Serge Coats, sizes 1 to 4 years $1.69 Children's White Lisle Gloves, special. 10c. Women's 25c. Cotton Ribbed Shaped Vests, 3 for 25c. make of every one of them and then pass your opinion. Slightly soiled. • . - Prices range from .95c. to $2.95 SI.So Infants' Short Coats. .69c. Boys' and Girls' Hosiery, special, 4 for 25c. In black, white and tan; all sizes. Women's \2'/2c. Unbleached Fine Cotton Stockings, 50c. ROMPERS AT 37c. special, 6 pairs for 45c. Anniversary Specials Fine checked and striped Ginghams, neatly finished Children's Knitted Cotton Drawer Bodies, for this sale Women's Long Silk Gloves, $1.00 value* at 96c. with piping, pocket and belt; sizes 2 to 6 years. only, all sizes, 3 for...... V 25c. 69c. Nainsook Combinations; small size only, at. ,29c.

supper given Thursday night by thi an appropriate sermon, and thosi choir of Calvary church. ' who attend have been asked to weai MS FROi KEYPORT Mrs. J. Burgess Davis of Cedai white flowers. •*•, Miss Carrie Hnnce, who has bee SCHOOLS OF THIS PLACE WIL Rapids, In., in visiting hor mother, Mrs. Annie W. Welch, slowly recovering from sickness, ha CLOSE JUNE 16TH. Charles J, Smith of Broad stree a relapse last week. She is under th caro of two trained nurses. The High School Graduating Clan has a position us IoeaLmannger foi the Reid ice cream company. Thi Pupils who were neither absent no Numbers Eleven—Duiineti Effect tardy the past month were: of John Hen Sold—Officer, office of the company here will b in the building formerly occupied Primary—-Anna " Curloyi :KHznbeth F Elected by St. Mary'i Guild. Curloy, Edna It. Cliccks, Gertrude i> by Wadley brothers, with whom Mr. Ecolf, Helen A. Comvny, Anna L. Jack- The local schools will close for thi Smith was associated until they went non, Dorothy .luckstin, Arma Pcrrj1 summer on June 16th, The exorcise out of business. Marion K. Wells, William K. Carney of the graduating class will be hel< Walter K Cheeks, Joseph W. Phillips S. Frank $fason has been drawn Anbury Bailey, Francis Bruck, Edwli in the high, school auditorium 01 as a member of tho United States Jnckson. June 15th. The members of the class petit jury, yhich convened at New- 'Grammar*—Stokes Schenck, Louis Con are Henrietta Robinson, Flora Solig ark yesterday. ovor, Gilbert Doljtren, IrvliiR Wells. Dor man, Lillian Seligman, Anna Mm otliy Conover, "Florence Egolf. Phylll Mrs. J. C. Elliot iand daughter Es- Conover. Sieben, Theresa Schenone, Sari ther and Mrs. Elliot's mother, Mrs Fischer, Wallace Dick, George Bren W. ,T. Duncan, are occupying th< COLT'S NECK NEWS. . nan, Edgar Walling, Thomas Brow Duell house on Division street. and Kenneth Hand. Aaron, Morris, Walter Snyder an Firit Shipment* of Aiparagui Mad, ; The business effects of John Hess, John R. Latham have been electe Lait Week. • Jr., who has done business for sevmembers of the official board of Col The'first shipment of asparagui eral years under the name of Yun vary church. from this place was made last Thurs- ker's bakery, was sold last Tuesday A. Bennett has moved from Miltc day by John G. Bennett. He senl by Arthur S. VanBuskirk, to whom Robert's house on Atlantic street tc away eighty bunches of "grass," and ; Mr. Hess made an assignment sev the Tilton house on the same street, eral weeks ago. The sale realizec was paid for it at the rate of $4.50 a about $600. Mr. Hess's liabilitie; Robert Elsworth and wife havt dozen bunches. Frank Matthews was are greatly in excess of his resource: moved from, the Taylor house o another early shipper. The Guild of St. Mary's churc: Second street to Roselle. A strawberry festival for the bene .celebrated its tenth anniversar; Freedom Council, Daughters o: fit of the Reformed^diurch _will^ b Thursday night at the parish housi , will celebrate its 25th an W~on"Ffi'day~ofTieict week at th with a social time. The annual elec niversary on Thursday evening, Ma chapel. ONE—Every Jerseyman should be interested* FIVE—Prices in NEWARK are uniformly lower , tion of officers was held, the follow 26th. Christopher Vandefveer continues ing being elected for the ensuin Mrs. Edward Howard won a gai to recover from his injuries, ,due tc in contributing in whatever way he can to the up- on equal grade goods than New York stores, with range given away last week by th being thrown out of his wagon three year: ' . . Standard gas company. building and greater prosperity of NEWARK their greater expenses, must ask you. President—Mra. A. Aumnclt. weeks ago, but he is still confined tc Vice prcHldent—Mra. A. Booth. 0. B, Wilson has moved from th the house. , that it may rank with the chief cities of the world. .recond Vico prcsldont—Mra. IJ. Sf. On- Dane house on Third street to Mrs. T. L. Lewis of Ocean-Grove gav SIX—Transit facilities for getting to Newarlc / nurff. 1 Kate Wallirig's house on Slizabeth I Secrctarj'-^HIsa Olive Britton. a lecture on temperance at the Re- TWO—NEWARK'S stores are many, equip- include' many lines of Steam Railway—the TrenMiror—Mrs. 0. V. Cole. street. formed chui'ch last week. The sing- ing at the service was featured b. ped in modern fashion and heavily stocked with Lackawanna, Central, Pennsylvania, Erie and The Royal Arcanum lodge will hoi HOLMDEL NEWS. a ladies' night Friday after the regu choruses by twelve men, under the the better class of merchandise—you can get Lehigh Valley and a network of Trolley Lines direction of E. H. Statesir. lnr session of the council. The wivei Preparation! Under Way (or Sunday what you want, when you want it; running from every direction to the great new and friends' of the members will b School Anniyenary. Albert Francis has entirely recov- entertained at five hundred and foui ered from his sickness and has gon Newark Terminal, and there are miles of good A number of tho details of the cele back to work for Frank S. Weeks. prizes will be awarded. Music wil bration of the 100th anniversary of THREE—Shopping in Newark is much more roads leading from everywhere to Newark. Ono be furnished by the Royal Arcanum Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell the Baptist Sunday-school were made Miss Carrie Campbell, Clarenci comfortable, therefore more pleasurable, and, can choose between Steam Roads, Trolley Cars orchestra under the leadership of last week. One of the speakers will Walter B. Cherry. Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Charle unquestionably, more economical, because you be Rev, Bernard Taylor of Crozier. H, Layton and their son Alfred spen and Automobile. Dr. and Mrs. William T. Walling The celebration will take pluco on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mil- save nerves, strength, time and money, when have been Bick the past week with th Thursday, May 25th. mumps. ler of Freehold, Mrs. Miller was a you come to NEWARK. SEVEN—NEWARK'S Hotels and Restaurants Rev. Jnme3 Cantine, who has been uest of Mrs. William Hartshorne i are ample, to the accommodation of as many Mrs, Eugenia Judson was the guest doing missionnry work in Arabia, Mrs. Forman Taylor last Wednesday. last week of her sister, Mrs. John spoke at tho Reformed church Sun Mrs, Daniel Sullivnn and her FOUR—NEWARK'S stores are noted for their visitors as may come to NEWARK. You will Boyer of Philadelphia. day morning, daughter Ruth of New York are a courteous treatment of patrons and their willing- fare splendidly; and you can pay as much or as Charles' Whitback, who is in th Last week the Ely cstato sold foui their summer home here. United States navy and is on thehorses to tho Anness Potter fireclay Thomas H. Lambertson bought t ness to make quick, free deliveries to many of little as you like, according to the class eating hospital ship Solace, visited his par company of Perth Amboy, teams t< team of horses last woek. the towns in northern New Jersey. place you may select. , ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Whitbeck, Thomas H. Lambertson of Colt's last week. Arthur Kuhne, formerly of thii Neck and the National flreproofing place, has moved back to Colt's Neck There are other reasons, aplenty, why you should shop in Newark, and this Mrs. P. L. Schildknecht and daugh company of Perth Amboy and a and is farming tho Kuhne property. ter Dorothy wero the guests lnsi single horse to W. A. Tansey of Marl- Mrs. J. E. Beckman and Mrs. Sam will be particularly true during - . > - week of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barkoi boro. uel Hardy spent Wednesday with Mr. of Highbrldge, N. Y. Dr. and Mrs. Fred V. Thompson and Mrs. Edward Hardy of Jersey- Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Smith him and daughter of Belwar, formerly of ville. moved from apartments on Atlantic this place, were here Saturday re street to a flat in the Levine build nowing acquaintances. SCOBEYVILLE NEWS. ing on Front -street. The farmers have protty much al The Kcansburg steamboat com finished planting potatoes and arcTlireo Memberi of a Family Sick pany resumed its steamboat service now planting corn and cutting as with Monilci, May 22-23-24-25-26-27 between this place and Now York on paragus. Very little "grass" is Mrs. Harry Malchow has almost Saturday. . grown hero nowadays, as the formers entirely recovered from measles, but When Wonderful Assortments of Newest Goods Charles A'dero of Toms River tins have found it moro profitable to grow her daughter Alico is now sick with a position lioro as collector for thepotatoes than asparagus, tho disease .Her brother, William Will Be Offered by NEWARK'S Stores Metropolitan life insuranco company. Bloomflold Sutphen has taken thi Hanco, is also sick with measles. Mr. Adere succeeds Thomas 6. Pol-contract to cut asparagus' on William Ono of Uio most attractive sights "Come^to NEWARK during our great Anniversary Celebration—see the Decorations, ing. A. Jamison's place. anywhere-(in these parts is Fred vwit Ihe big Industrial Exposition* see the Parades and Pageants, visit the Hundreds of Hov. H, W. Brcuninghnuson, rec- William Pierce has finished dig- Lorch's peach orchard, Ho has tho • good Stores. ALL NEWARK welcomes you! tor . of St. Mnry'a church, was theging a ditch for a trunk drain along largest fruit farm in the- county, and guest last week of his parents at the sid.e of tho road noar tho Ro-ncrcs nnd acres of pink blossoms Ellonville, N. Y. ' « 'ormed parsonage. Tho work was cover his proporty. AutoistB who aro Mrs. Beatrice M. Stern of Mata- done under tho direction of Bronson passing by the farm frequently stop wan will entertain,' the Koynort Butler, overseer of county road work to ndmiro tho beauty of tho orchard. literary club next Wednesday niter- in this district. Kenneth WyckblF was tho first noon. The next regular meeting of Tho interior of ono of Thoron Mc- 'aimer hereabouts to Bend asparagus the club will bo held Friday afternoon ampbcll's houses has been repainted o market, He mndo a shipment to ooooooooeoooooooooooooooooQoooooooooooeoooooooooooooo of next wook at Miss Margaret and re-decprated by Tunla Sickles. ^ew York on Monday. Bedlo's. The hpusp is occupied by Cecil Con- Miss .Kutherino Hiordan spent part M; Naftal of New York spent Fri- vor. if lnst wook with Miss Anna Gross day with Mr. and Mrs. A. Solinger. William Whitoneck has quit his job f Vanderburg.^- Mrs. F. Palmer Armstrong and m Theron McCampbell's farm and is daughters Dorothy and Doris visited IOW working for Victor Dean Ken- North Centervillo Honor Roll. JOHNSON <& MARTIN Mrs. Armstrong's parents, Mr. and Tho following pupils wero neither HIGHLANDS, N. J. Mrs. John C. Schenclt of Red Bank, Thioe loyal tompornncc legion will bsent, nor tardy from tho North EQUAL TO ANY IMPORTED BEER Saturday. give an entertainment and sociable Jentorvijlo nchool during the month WHAT AI^E THE3V DOING? The Thoughif club not Monday in tho Baptist chapel Friday night. if April: ' Esther Acker, Edna M. On draught exclusively at night with Mrs. J. Grovcr Curtis. On A collio dog owned by Jamos Mc- /ondorbilt, ThoreBa M. Walling, Saturday tho club took its annual ormick was killed by being run ovor Ralph Hoyer, Daniel' Vnndorbilt and They are Contracting, Painting and Decorating theater trip to Now York, seeing >y'an mitomobilo last woolt. Rajtnofrul Walling. Measles have- Let Ui giro you »n eitlmale on your Painting. Your homo needi it. GLOBE HOTEL "Pom Pom1' and having dinner at Next Sunday will bo observed no been provnlont among tho pupils 1 tho Cnfo Boulevard, i • • • • 'Mothers' Day" ot the Baptist irhlch has mado the attendance much Olfloe-Lane & Johnson's Hardware Store Red Bonk, N. v3. About $45 WHB cleared from tlio lurch. Itov. Wi P. Chono will preach ooror than usual. ' • . Page Four. THE RED BANK REGISTER.

signers of tne/Declaration would have of Greeley's. The Untoi League game or not—his future cant be hurt CARDINAL BIRDS. been hung [for treason! just as the club of New York, of whrch Greeley any more than It is now. That young signers of tKe Proclamation declaring was a member, demanded that ho be Freehold editor can send that auto- A Pair, of Theis BIrdi Spent the JOHN H. COOK. Editor .nd PublUher." Ireland frde and, independent have brought before a meeting of the club mobile right down to his brother Winter in Weil Red Bank. SUNDAY GEORGE C. HANCE. Anocl.lt Editor. been shot'by the British military and bo compelled to give roasons why editor here in Red Bank and be re- A pair of cardinal hirds which have a Btutaeu Msniseri authorities. The leaders- of a suc- he should not be excelled for bo- lieved at once of his great; sin, which been living in tho trees nnd bushes THOMAS IRVING BROWN. cessful rebellion [ire always regarded coming the bondsman of Davis. To must be eating into his heart like n around River strcot during tho win- this demand Horace Greeley wrote a fire eats .into a hnystaefc....And he ter are now arranging to build their Round Trip SUBSCMtTION PRICE: as patriots, to be revered by their; Due rear.;...-< ,....Jl.EO country "forever after, just as we re-reply which many people regard an cant do this any too quick for his nest. These birds are about nine Blic months .76 vere the leaders of the. American the greatest and finest thing Hint own good nor for the good of his inches in length. , Tho male bird is Three months 40 Revolution; while the leaders of an Horace Greeley ever penned. The brother editor here. He can leave bright red with n little black on each unsuccessful rebellion are always re-. publication of Greelcy's reply to the that automobile at the Register office side of his benk; The female is of ^Entered at the postofflce'at Red Bank, Union League club's demand settled nnytime he nleuses; and if that Free^ on olive gray hue. Both have crests, K-"J.. tin M-cond-clngsmatter: • . (,'tmleal sis traitors, to be forever exe- The National Capital crated. '• the matter of general amnesty for hold young man is so ashamed of his Cardinals nro very shy and very sel- WEDNESDAY, MAY" 10, 191G. • * * # Southerners once and for all, and gambling record that ho dont like to dom come near houses, but these two the result of Greelcy's work is seen OR . England, in executing the fenders have folks see him running that nuto; birds have become quito tame. today in the harmony and unity which mobittHn the day time, he can leave it The male bird has a very loud TOWN TALI*. in tliis movement for Irish independ- exists, between the North and South. ence, has followed the general course at any hour of tho night at No, 160voice, a great deal like a boy's Georfic L. Record of Jersey City of nations in dealing with those who * • • Maple avenue, Red Bank. Thus ho whistlo.-and can be heard a long dis- opened his campaign for the.Republi- take up amis against recognized au- can be relieved of his burden of sin tance on a still day, ^His call is two And, by-the-way, while that letter and all will be well. long drawn_ out notes, quickly- fol- Tho Monumental City can nomination for governor of New thority. Yet it is doubtful if the of Horace Greeley's has lost its time- -Jersey-at.a..meeting at. Jersey..City- future of "England would riot have (Town Talk continued on page 14). lowed by a series of chirps. These liness as a public issue, the principles birds usually go South in the fall, but SPECIAL. TRAIN LEAVES Saturday' night. Mi .Record's' plat- been better served by a general sei forth in that letter and its liter- Miitawan occasionally a pair will spend the v.4:45 A.M. Asbury Pnrk...... 5:44 A.M foihi will have very few planks, judg- amnesty. The men who issued the ary quality are as fine today as ever. THE HOME RULE IDEA. Mlildlotown .. BM7 A. 11 ing from his address at Saturday Proclamation of Irish Independence winter in the North, for they range lteil Bank l:55A.M. : Bradley Beach. There could be no better, reading to anywhere east of the Rookie's from BiOBA.M. Avon ... ..6:iiO A M flight's "meeting-. These phmUs will were probably-actuated by as high set before the youth of, today Republican and Democratic Candi Llttli Silver.. B. 10 A.M. Uolmnr ..;..6:53 A M be home rule for municipalities, nnd and holy motives as were the Ameri- the Great Lakes to the Gulf, The Branchport ... ,5:17 A.M. Sprlnc Lixlto...... 5:69 A.M. than this same letter. It could well datea Running on Thit Platform. cardinals which have spent the winter Long Branch.. 6:20 A.M. Son. Girt.. the driving of the-ibrewery interests can patriots who signed our Declar- be made a pnrt-of every high school (From tlio Fnlcrson Chronicle.) . West End ... ..,.6:24 A.M. ,. ation1 of Independence. The leaders in West Bed Bank nre a pair of these Dlbcrou and the. Public Service corporation course of reading and of ethics. It As the,,state campaign develops it occasional winter residents. 6:20A.M. ' out of politics. of the recent Irish revolt, like the breathes a nobility of soul seldom AllonhuiHt .... 6:30 A.M. -' Freohold ...... 0:38 A M leaders of the American revolt is becoming perfectly clear that every Tho female bird is rarely seen, as North Asbury Park.,6:3Park. 0 A. M. Engllslitown ., 0:40 A. Ml - . * # * found in public utterances. It in- candidate for governor and for the Returning, leaves Washington C:40 P. M.j Baltimore,(Unldn Station) against English' rule in 1776, well culcates -a readiness to stand alone she is much more shy than her ninte^ This is a short platform but,, it is knew what would happen to them if legislature •will have great difficulty One of tho favorite pastimes of tho a bis one, It is one which should be when, conditions require it, and it in dodging an out-spoken declaration adopted if the people are to povcrn their adventure failed. They knew shows a contempt for public clamor male bird is to perch on a tall tree An Ideal Sunday Outing that an ignominious death would be when that clamor is based on un- for or against the home rule idea. where he knows he is safe from harm • themselves. It will be fought by all their' portion. Knowing this, and In Morcer county some time ago the big interests which want to rule worthy views. The unity of the and then scold and chntter like a jay. SEE, FLYERS I CONSULT AGENTS I country today is a tributo to the wis- Assemblyman Hammond announced The cardinal can be imitated very the people for their own profit. In nowing it full well, they did not hesi- his candidacy for the Morcer county- his cimijiuign Mr. Record will have tate but went forward—to success in dom and courage of Horace Greeley; easily and will answer to the cnll and of Horace Greeley, more than of senatorship, and made complete mu- made by a human being if the person arrayed against him all the big cor-one case and to faihire in the other— nicipal home rule, including the.right poration .influences. It is a. tremen- to great honors and a glorious future any other man of recent times,' it can whistling" keeps out of sight. be said that his good works live after of each locality to pass upon the The birds which have been spend- dous fig-lit which Mr. Record has. un- in the one instance nnd to "a speedy saloon question, the tax question and dertaken, hut Mr. Record has never ind disgraceful death in thc-other in- him. . ing the winter around River street municipal ownership, an important seem to be bolder than the majority yet shirked ;i fight because the odds stance. —— o-o-o-o-o part of his announcement. Last week against him were \ng. ; * * * of their kind, for they have ventured Last week, right on the sidewalk ex-Mayor Snichtel of Trenton an- to go on people's porches and have *• * v Foolish and il^Umed as this re- leading up to the courthouse steps nounced his candidacy for the Re-even lighted on window sills. Near If republican government stands cent rebellion was, there are mil- nt Freehold, stood a Ford automobile publican nomination for state senator the river on-Kiver street is a tract of for anything- it stands for the rule of Ion's of Irishmen in Ireland arid' which was being raffled off. Now, in from Mercer county, and announces wooded land, covered in part with un- the people. That is the fundamental throughout the world who will look as his platform complete municipal derbrush and low trees, which fur- By the carload. Milk Wagons, Grocery Delivery Wagons, upon the leaders of this movement the eyes of the law, a raffle is a gam- principle on which this nation was ble and it cant legally be carried on home rule, including local option on nishes shelter for many birds during as heroes nnd martyrs, who suffered saloons. He states that there is no the winter; but the two cardinal Wagons for Light Trucking, Heavy Trucking and for most iourided.:- Under this principle every death because of their devotion to in New Jersey. Yet there that auto- municipality Would have the right mobile stood, day after day, while reason why every municipality should birds referred to have spent a large he cause of Ireland. It is in this not have complete power to regulate part of the winter in the coverts of any use. Carload of Good, Strong Farm Wagons arrived to govern itself. Yet the New Jer- aspect of the case that it may be won- Judge Samuel Kalisch of the supreme sey .legislature, controlled by cor- court, and Judge Rulif V. Lawrence all of its local affairs as it sees fit briars and bushes which cover tho Jered if it was not a mistake on the Former Assemblymnn Randolph side hill in the rear of the lots on the this week. Also Buggies, etc. If you want a wagon, no porate influences which rule the part of England to visit stern and 'of the county court; and Prosecutor : Perkins: of Bergen -efisnty.^the. other north side of:River street.--••—— — -people--for.-their, own.profit,.-lias.year, condign punishment on these ".men," GhdrlcEi--:F.— Sexton,r and -Assistant- matter what;its purpose,! have it." ' f _—.—-.—- after yearrefuscd to permit the people and if the future of England would Prosecutor Elmer H, Geran, and day announced his candidacy for to govern themselves. The state legis- state senator from Bergen county to not have been better served by a County Clerk Joseph McDermott, and FARMERS AND TAXES. lature has prevented the people from general amnesty. It is true that un- Surrogate Joseph L. Donahay, and succeed Senator Hennessey, and .in Also a Complete Line of Peering Farm Implements governing'themselves on. the license der the laws of every nation on earth Sheriff Cornelius B.- Barkalow, and his announcement he came out un- How Site-tax Would Help Country question, on the taxation question, the life of every man who takes up John Howlnnd* the sergeant-at-arms equivocally, not only for local option Districts. consisting of Hay Machines, Grain Machines, Corn Machines, and on the municipal ownership ques- arms against his government is for- of the court, and John H..Houghton, on saloons, but for home rule on tax- tion. ation. Answering the objection to (?y Robert S. Phlfer. Jr.) feited if he fails of success in his the probation officer, and the con- Here are figures that should make Tillage, etc. Also South Bend and Oliver Plows, with * * >;. undertaking; but there are times stables of the county, all good men local option, that where the saloons ivere driven out in any community a site-taxer out of any farmer who Mr. Record's campaign will be when a stern enforcement of Inw and true, walked past that automo- will think about them; they are taken parts on hand. based on giving the people these brings worse results than even the bile as they went in and out of the there would be a loss of revenue, he greatest degree of clemency and ;aid that every municipality ought to from the latest report of the state rights. lie believes that every com- sacred building where the laws' of Auditor of Mississippi: Alto a complete line of munity should have the right to.de- New Jersey are upheld. have the power to regulate its own mcrcv. system of taxation, so that any loss Total number of acres of rural cul- - cide for itself as to the sale of liquor. ••* * * * * * tivated lands, 9,876,BG4; assessed for lie believes that every municipality of revenue resulting from the aboli- CARRIAGES, WAGONS, HARNESS, WHIPS, BLANKETS, ETC., Two shining examples of general All this was bad enough, the Lord tion of saloon licenses could be made taxation at $72,336,340, or $7.42 por should have the right to decide on its acre. own methods of taxation. He be- amnesty and-mgr.cy...at..tho close of a knows. To see the vice of gambling up in nny form of taxation that the rebellion are set forth in history, and thus flaunted right in the faces of the community might decide to impose. Total number of acres of rural wild AGENT FOR STUDEBAKER VEHICLES, lieves that every municipality should .ands,' 19,338,978; assessed for taxa- have the right lo decide for itself us the results in those cases proved court officials and right in front of The politicians have been for many vastly better than punishment could the temple of justice, made the creeps years frightened at tho Idea of of- tion : at.. 559,824,128, or 53.09 per Wheelbarrows, Automobile Trailer Delivery and to the ownership of all public service acre. institutions, "such as electric light possibly have been. One of these run up and down the backs of^hose fending the saloon vote on the one Maxwell Cars plants, gas plants, trolley roiids, water examples was at the battle of Ivry, people who properly reverence the hand, and the influence of the Public The wild lands nre neld by great and sewer systems, etc. The-legis- where King Henry of France, the laws of New Jersey. One looked to Service corporation on the other, arid umber corporations, land syndicates lature in the past has refused to give "Henry of Navarre" o-f history, over- see the ticket sellers struck dead, but for this reason they have dodged the and absentee landlords. the people authority to vote on these came his enemies. The rebels against nothing of this sort happened; they home rule proposition. The home These landholders do nothing to questions and.has refused to give the the French government, with their didn't even look sick. Day aftor duy rule idea, howovor, has now gained upbuild tho state. And tho law on- people of each municipality the right foreign allies, were utterly routed, the people saw the court house yard such strength that everybody has to courages them in their idleness. to decide for themselves as to their nnd a general slaughter of the foes ofi converted into a gambling joint. Day declare-in favor of some form of np- But the case in very different with 35-37 East Front St., Opp. Globe Hotel, Red Bank home government. the king was about to begin. The after day and day after day the of- ilying the home rule principle. the working farmer. He does his historian Macaulay, in his famous ficers of the court nnd the police of The difficulty is, however, that part to upbuild the state. And just H: * * Telephone B39-W poem telling of the battle, says of Freehold, pledged to uphold the laws when we admit the right of the mu-as soon as he clears land, plows, a L^sl yenr'u number of .newspapers King Henry's men when-the rout was of the state, passed nnd re-passed, nicipality to regulate its affairs in anyfield, drains a swamp, runs a fence, in various parts of New Jersey de- complete: nnd atill nothing happened. It is one particular, the necessary logical or ill any wuy improves his land, the clared that local option was the burn- Alut l!u-!t,v.v llliiui;hl (»il vonyeiuiiT, and even said that some of these court consequence is that we are forced to aw fines him by doubling the amount ing question of the hour and they all ii li'HK "Ul- v;m officials actually bought tickets at the idmit the right of the community, to of his taxes. supported candidates who stood on a iiu-mt'Cl- Saint l!a rllinlotne \v" was gambling joint,.thus becoming part- -•egulate all of its own local affairs. IMSMM friiiii man t«i num. The law cncourngc3 idleness nnd local option platform. All these [lul • uiL spake Kt'ii'l"-' llem-y: "No ners in crime with these malefactors. The local option people are interested gambling in land values and, at the n." community to pass upon the question an honest living. ernor, for Mr, Record stands square- - * v *; was worse / to come. Among those SUCCESSOR TO 'LEM GCETCHAfVH who were seduced from the paths of of the saloons, they'are foi'ced to nil- A motion is in order to untax im- ly for local option ns part of the The other shining example of mit tho justice of tho claim that the provements and tnx the wild lands principle, of home rule. Of course,' amnesty nnd clemency, nnd this righteousness by the wicked desire to get something for nothing wns a community which has the right to nto use and the land speculator out if these newspapers' supported local stands out even- more brilliantly than pass upon saloons, should also have of existence. If you want carriages for weddings, parties, funerals or ' option candidates simply because that shown at the battle of Ivry, was young editor, the son of a Presby- the right to pass upon the question of those candidates happened to be men tbfi action of tho North nt. the close terian elder, or grand marshal, or The state cripples Hie farmer by any other function where livery service is desired we can municipal ownorship, nnd tho ques- taxing fnrm improvements. of their own party, or if they sup- of our civil war. Under the laws of deacon, or inside guard; or whatever tion of the exemption of buildings serve you with the best conveyances possible. ported local option candidates simply nations, Jefferson pavis, the - presi- the title is of the gent who passes If the state exempted farm im- We make a specialty of quick and efficient service. from taxation. provements from taxation, the taxes because their political bosses com- dent of the Southern Confederacy, the plate and does similar acts for On the other hand, those. who We are at your service at any time, day or night; week- forfeited his life, and so did every the amelioration of mankind. This on the farmer's land would be de- pelled them to do so, Mr. Record can- favor giving the right of each com- creased to $4.02 per acre and the tax day or Sunday. Do not hestitate to call us when you want not expect their,hejp in his local op- general and every officer and every Presbyterian most noble knight can- munity to set up a municipal gas private who had taken up arms riot of course permit his son to enter on tho speculator's land would bo a rig of any kind. . tion campaign; but every one of these plant or to exempt buildings from increased to $4.52 per acre. : newspapers which was sincere in its against the United States. During into' an unholy alliance with the taxation, are compelled to admit the In addition to my livery I do a general contracting busi- advocacy of local option last year will tho war the feeling in the North Prince of Darkness; and above all he The farmer would have his taxes against Davis and the South was in-cannot permit his son to profit' justice of the claim of tho local op- reduced 39 per cent; the speculator ness and will cheerfully figure on work of any kind. Good support Mr. Record this year. Those tionists that the'community should would have his raised 32 per cent, Teams, Good Wagons, Good Men. • newspapers which supported local op- tense. Particularly was this true, through such an unholy compact. have the right to deal with saloons tion candidates last year and do not against General Lee and those other * * * The farmer would then be encour- 1 prominent men of the South who had as it sees fit. aged to improve his land, and the support "Mr. Retard this year will been members of congress or who had To be sure, when I was a boy there Broadly speaking, every man whospeculator would be discouraged from simply prove to their readers that sworn to uphold the constitution and was a general belief among boys who professes to believe in the people, holding his land idle; they arc humbugs and that their sup- to defend the country. In the North went to other Sunday^chools than will be driven in the end to advocat- The speculator would sell land. port of local option last year was during the war there was a very the Presbyterian that if you were a ng the principle of complete munici- The farmer would buy land. It would founded on base and mercenary mo- popular song set to the tune of "John Presbyterian you were all right for pal home rule. The right of every not be profitable to hold land out of tives. GBobe Court ited Bank,JNL J. Jkowii!s.rioiiy1!!_ivhi(;hLliegaiL:.._liWe!U the future,-no matter what you might community to regulate its own af- usel...Bttt .it,wo;ald.b.e .very.profitable hang Jeff Davis to a sour apple tree." fsrnnn its-.~own~way~in accoiTdancc to hold land in use. '• Office Telephone 1S6 Residence Telephone 614 The home rnle principle is the only At the close of the war, when -the Sunday-school you had to watch your with the will of the majority, as as- To untax farm improvements will Bound principle in a republic. It is South was conquered, the general step. The scheme apparentlywas, as cortained at elections, is a funda- do more to colonize and upbuild rural based on the proposition that the sentiment in the North was that Jeff it was doped out in those days, that mental democratic and republican districts than any other one thing. people should rule. If the people are Davis should be hung to the tallest the Presbyterians were the elect, and principle. It is at its last analysis fit lo govern themselves at all they are sour apple tr.ee in the country and that when once a person was within the principle upon which this republic assuredly fit to govern themselves on that the whole nation should help the Presbyterian fold he was secure, is founded. The right of the ma- pull tlie rone; and this same senti- no matter what he did do or didn't do. jority to rule lies at the basis of our those matters most closely affecting He could do nny sort of thing what- them in their home localities. George ment prevailed as to other officials of republican experiment. the Confederacy and the generals of soever, according to our boyhood be- Last year former Assemblyman II. Record is milking his campaign for liefs, and not only be secure from governor'on the platform that, the the Southern armies. Blauvelt in Passnic coun'ty forced the | Men's Spring Suits harm in^the hereafter, but be virtu- whole home rule idea to the front in people are competent to rule them- ally immune from criticism here. The selves and that they should have the his candidacy for state senator. This mere fact that a man was a Presby- year the1 example of Mr. Blauvelt will right lo govefn themselves in all Does anyone suppose that if the terian was considered a sufficient re- mailers, affecting their home towns; be followed in both the Democratic snmc penalty which has,been exacted ply to anything that might be said and Republican parties by candidates and on this platform he will receive in (he recent Irish uprising had been against him. He was elected, or pre- for a substantial, good ap- at the primary the vote of every Re- destined, or something or other, to for governor nnd by numerous can- imposed on the Southern leaders in didates for the legislature. publican who really believes in home ISfiS that the United States today eternal happiness.as soon ns, he em- ; pearing suit. braced Presbyterianism, and there This campaign, will see the whole TUlC. would be the re-united country that question of home rule forced into A variety of patterns to — o-o-o-o-o- it is? Everyone knows that it would wasn't any recall to that election either. our politics as never before, and once choose from. During the past month a rebellion not! The Irish uprising was but a it becomes a political issue, the adop- took place in Ireland with the ob- flash in the pan compared with the * * * tion of the principle is as sure as any The great Wonder Car of the Day (or Price, Equipment!, Quality and ject .of freeing that country from four years of civil war in this future can be. Economy, Electric Starter and Electric Lighti. S65O f. o. b. Detroit English rule. The leaders of the re-country,yet already a dozen men have Things are changed some now. I bellion set forth a proclamation de- been executed by England for parti- dont know-that there has.been any ; for suits having the distinc- Sold in Raritan and Middletown Townihipi by change about election and predestina- Wasted Energy in Searching Deeds. claring that Ireland should of right cipation in the Irish revolt. Sup- tive features of $15 suits of be a free and independent nation. pose a hundred of the leaders of the tion and so on, but certainly there (Kroni tlic Hudson Inquirer.) L. C. RAYNOR & SON Ireland has long been opposed, to South had been executed in 18C5 for has been some change regarding the The New York legislature has bol- other houses. A great range I T.!.phone43.M Box 53 PORT MONMOUTH, N. J. English rule and.the leaders of the their participation in the war against immunity of Presbyterians from stered up its weak-kneed Torrens law ; of styles and fabrics at this recent revolt believed that the time the United States, would the South criticism, or I wouldn't dare write and is getting nearer to that proper •was ripe for Ireland to gain her free- have become reconciled? The South this nrtiele. Maybe that immunity means of registering dcods for land. price. ... dom, The movement, however, believed in the purity nnd holiness of only meant that they felt so secure Now Jersey, however, has not yet proved to he ill-timed nnd the Eng-its cause. The execution of the lead- in their own righteousness that they even broken the ice, for deeds are $15 and $20 didn't care what wao cnid about still regiGtorod in the snme old cum- 1 lish military put down the rebellion ers and generals of the Confederacy iull« that ikow a living of at lcait' promptly. Stern measures were would have been regarded by the them; and if that was the way of it, bersome way that they were regis- taken and the lenders of the move- people of the South as vengeance im- maybe that holds good yet. How- tered by our grnndfathors. $5 to you. All ore of the good djrei, FHineral Director and Efenbalmer. ment and the signers of the Procla- posed en the lenders because of their ever, I'm sort of wandering .away '"" Each title has to be searched every CHILDREN'S SUITS for age. 4 to mation of Independence were cap- devotion to the people of the South. from the matter of thnt gambling time there is a transfer, and endless 18, $1.25 to $6.50 per iuit. Assistant, Albert W. Worden, Jr. joint in the court house yard at Free- other red tape has to be gone tured. A dozen or more persons have Every man in the South would have through, at great cost and delay, prin- been executed and freedom for Ire- regarded these leaders us martyrs, hold and the young editor who won KNICKERBOCKER TROUSERS Upholstering In All Its Branches. an automobile there. cipally because a comparatively few land is now nothing more thnn a and would hnve felt that the snme people and fewor corporations make 19c to $1.50 Awnings lor Residences and Stores a Specialty. dream of the future. fate would hnve been imposed on him * * *" '..;•'' a living searching titles. * * *' also except for his Comparative in- Hats, Capa and Furnishings Camp Chain and Card Tables lor Hire. Of course that Presbyterian father The Torrens system does away The rebellion in Ireland and the significance. As it was, the bitter- cant permit his son to keep any auto- Office and Ritldence 'Phoaa 5S7. enpture anil execution of the lend- ness existing between the North and mobile which was won in such a crim- with that red tapo and endless waste. the South was healed over in a gener- If n title is searched in 191G and has Homo of Jamba Orover . Office and Funoral Parlors, 15 Monmouth Street, Red Dub, N. J. ers in that movement .show what inal munnor. It might imperil his clear title, thnt fact is recorded— •would have happened to our Revolu- ation. The country is on a stable eternal future. And after all, what for Made to Order Clothing fooling, with no sectionnl feeling, as and thereafter no search has to bo tionary forefathers had the thirteen arc a fow automobile rides, or what made back of tho year 1916. The original colonies of the United States would not be the case if the South is tho joy of ownership of a Ford mourned for its lenders and warriors county guarantees the title ns of that been defeated in their effort to gain automobile, compared with eternal date, saving'expenso and time. freedom. The only difference be- ns. martyrs. discomfort. That youth will have to * * • This is particularly advantageous tween a rebellion and n revolution give up that automobile which he ac- to people of small menus, who feel lier, in its success or failure. The one man' more responsible quired in such an iniquitous way and the weight of tho searchers' fees nt n a corrective, occasionally, to right a disordered stomach, If the American Revolution had than nny other for this general thnt is all there is to it. He will have time when they nre often trying to £ LUDLOW HALL $ been a failure, George" Washing- to bo like thnt woman who gave her which is the cause of so much sick headache, nervous- amnesty of the Southern londerii was gnin ownership to a homo. But it Is 19 Broad Street, Reel Bank ness and Glccplcs3 nights. Quick relief from stomach ton, inntend of being the father of his Horace Greeloy, the owner nnd editor experience ot the Methodist experi- also advantageous to others of gflfcht- country and instead of being a hero of the New York Tribune. So long as ence meeting,-and who told the meet- or means; in fact, it is advantageous troubles is assured by promptly taking a dose or two of •who stood "first in war, first in peace the war continued ho was relentless ing that she had found that her jew- to. all—all except tho few who maltc and first in the hearts of his country- in declaring thnt the war must be elry was dragging her down to hell their living at tho needless work of 7 men," as the school books nay, would prosecuted to tho bitter end. The and so one had given it to her sister, searching deeds. Jiave been treated as a traitor and moment the Soutli laid down its arms » • « CHARLES. LEWIS, •would have boon hung. he was1 equally vigorous in declaring New Jersey should not delay in tak- that there should be no reprisals, and Thnt wns pretty hard on that ing this advanced step toward pro- • • • woman's sinter, but this Presbyterian gressive government They act gently on the stomach, liver, kidneys nnd bowels, assisting that the people of tho South must'be and regulating these organs, nnd koeping them In a healthy condition. •When tho Declaration of American treated as brothers, mistaken in their elder's son wont find himself in any m >• Independence, was signed, ono-of the such dilemma. He is an editor and ho Theso famous pills are vegetable In composition—therefore, harmless, prevjous beliefs, but brothers never- A Literary Man. WIIOLEDALE AMP DETAIL DSAUEB m leave no disagreeable after-effects and arc not habit-forming. nigiicrH, nftcr affixing hin name, made theless. For these viewn he was de-has a brother editor man down hero "Colonel Brown seema to bo very a ient declaring that all the signers nounced from one end, of the land to n Red Bank, who, if one-tenth of literary," remarked n visitor to tho Lniabor.Sasb.Doora, Blinds. Olast A box of Beecham'a Pills In the bouse Is a protection .against the , nwnt hang together or else they the other. When, lator on, Jeff DnvlB what. I've heard about him in true, Brown household to tho negro maid, many annoying troubles caused by Etomach ills, and laya the foundation would rill.hnng ncptirntoly. That jest was ndmittcd to ball, Horaco Greoley has darned little chance of happiness glancing at a pile of magazines lying contained a bitter truth. If the went to Richmond nnd signed Davis's in this world and no chance at all in on tho floor. " . and Builders' Hardwate. colonist* had been unsuccessful In bnllbond. tho hereafter. Consequently it cant . "Yas, ma'am," replied tho cbdny- their war against Great Britain, * # • ' make any dlfforonco to this Rod Bank fncodl girl, "yas, ma'am, ho sholojr am George Wnsmngton, Thomas Jcffcr- editor man whether ho has an auto- literary. Ho Us' nat'ally. littnhs son,! John Hancock and tho other Tho North wasi outrngod by this act mobile which WA9 won in a gambling things all ovnh dis year houBO." RED DANK, N. J. LEON TAYLOR HOME. FALL RESULTS IN DEATH.' Former Acting! Governor !« Now h Allcntown Man Fatally Injured Whil Fine Physical Condition. Moving a Houpe at.Beverly. , Sbda cracker as. i. Leon R, Taylor of. Avon returnoi jBcnjumin I1'. Rogers of Allentow are a tnostnourishind flour food— lasl week from Saranac Lake, Nev one of the best known hoiuemoven Uneeda BiscuitWe themost York. Mr. Tnytor now appears to bi in Monmouth county, died ot a Tre; in the best of physical condition an ton hospital lost Wednesday from in aiounshiiug of soda crackers. Use seems even moro rugged than he dli juries received the previous I'Vida them atmeals for their food value in his college days, when ho wns while moving a house at Beverly. M star at football. Mr. Tuylmv.went ti Rogers fell n distance of twelve foe' ...-_ etweeninealsbecaiuse There ia no mystery about it, it is under the Sarnnnc more thnn a year ago, fo" and n heavy piece of timber struc are ever crisp and lowing a breakdown in- his health him across the chest*. His right arm .At all direct supervision of-the Department of Since then- ho him. been homo bin wns broken in three places nnd h once, last Christmas, and then pnl wus injured internally. Banking of the State'of J^ewJersey-^a State for n short visit. Mr. Taylor will re Mr. Rogers wuo 4u-yoa«i old an system " Second to none " in our country. open his law office nnd lie proposes t wns born at Allontown. Ho had bee devote hiniEclf to tliis business en engaged in the housomoving Imsincu tirely nnd says he.will stay put.o: since he wns ,a young.flUm nr.d1 hii politicB., Mr. Taylor served thrc< business grow to eucli jil) iptent thai tern>3 in the (isserhbly and in his liw his contracts frequently' look hiir of today generally ^performs two distinct year, when he was Rpoaker of th into other states. ; Recently he com- house, • he became acting governo pleted the moving of a-big huiklin functions."""" ~ ' ; ' —:-—----.—• when President Eieldef of the tjennt at Washington, D. C. A widow an : resigned to become the candidate fo two chiUlVe'rrEuVvlvo"Hlm. r THE BANKING DEPARTMENT governor. FREEHOLD WOMAN DEAD. and A UNION HIGH SCHOOL. Central School Proposed for Nine Mother of Freeholder Wyckoff Die Short, School District!. Tuesday of Last Week, THE TRUST DEPARTMENT A meeting wus held lit Bradley Mrs. Almira Wyckoff of l''roehohl mother of Freeholder Charluii M Bench Tuesday of last week to con 1 In the Banking Department, you have the siller the •proposition of building and Wyckoli', died Tuesday of last wee maintaining a union hjfch school for at the nge of 77 years, She had lice same banking and check book facilities as e shove school districts. The sick a lung'limc from n complication offered by the national banks, with the strong places affected are Peal, Allenhurst, of diseases. Besides I'Vccholder Asbury Park, Neptune township, Wyckoff she leaves three other chil and added inducement of receiving interest Bradley Beach, Neptune City, Avon :lren, Mrs. Charles T. Clayton o NATIONAL Belmar and Spring Luke. Calvin 'Veehold, Mrs. C. A. Knimonn n BISCUIT on your checking account where the balance N. Kendiill, state commissioner o' 'erth Amboy and Herbert Wycl;ofi warrants it. ' education, and Assistant Commis of New York.. She uljso leaves'two COMPANY ioner Meredith were at the meeting. isters and a brother, Mrs. l.ydia M They promised to appoint a commis lendrickson, Miss Margaret Morfort In the Trust Department our services cover sion composed of two assistant state and Charles H. Morford, all of Mid :ommissionevs and someone selected dletown. so wide a field that we would be pleased to .—•—«-•-*• . oy the state board of education to have our present and prospective customers make an- investigation of the school WIRE THIEVES SENTENCED. :onditions, facilities and future needs •Two Asbury Park Young Men Sent gives come in and talk the matter over, with our if the districts mentioned. The eon- to Rahway, officers. lolidation of high school districts is favpred by the state board of educa- .Joseph Martindale and Joseph Lny,- smoKers such tion on the grounds of efficiency and ;on, who had 'pleaded guilty to stcal- economy. ng copper wire belonging to the tele- ihone company at Asbury Park, were COURT STENOGRAPHER. icntenced to the Rahway reforma- ory by Judge Lawrence last Thurs- — its flavor is so different and so BROAD and WALLACE STREETS, uong Branch Men Charged with Hav- Albert package you will read: I Monmouth, Ocean and Burlington ing Sold Opium. 11 counties. He has been paid $1,500 PROCESS PATEMTCD A United States marshal visited JULY 30TH, 1907" a year, but when counsel desired his .ong Brunch last week with warrants services it was necessary to deposit or the arrest of" Dr. John W. Ben- That means to you n lot of tobacco en- $10 with the county clerk before he lett and Druggist James Birks. Sev- joyment. Prir.cc; Albert has always been 25c Ian Large White Cherries 20c could br> summoned to court. Mr. rnl.days previous to.the marshal's sold without couponf. or premiums. We Kelly will receive $2,000 a year un- sit a federal inspector was at Long prefer to give quality ! - der the new arrangement.- ranch to investigate the sale ami Dur Extra Fancy 9c HEAD RICE 6c 1b 3 lbs for 17c isposal of large quantities'of opium SEWER OUTLET LAUNCHED. lik'h had lleen shipped there. The ispecCor iluimod that Long Brunch So BIG. PKG QUAKER CORN FLAKES Matthews Brothers Performed Diffi- as"'the ^distributing point for this cult Work at Manasquan. rug along the shore. Dr. Bennett 'DAISY" BROOMS 17 c each Matthews Brothers of Red Bank ,nd Mr. Birltii were each hold under ICED HONEY JUMBLES 13 c lb launched the new'Manasquun sewer H,000 bail for thi.?Unilcd States outlet pipe from the beach Saturday rand jury. the national joy smo'ko 39c morning. The pipe is ten inches in CHILDS' BEST FLOUR diameter and 900 feet'long and it MARRIED IN GEORGIA. 'OU'LL. find .1 chsory /lowdy- yni3tter Itow much of ;i s'rfli-iVr _\ ou c.'t) was launched without mishap. The neck of Hit wood* yr-u <:rc,-> i-iro. Par, , Those Famous Coffees of Distinctive Quality pipe was pulled into tho ocean*1 on a iss Margaret Palmer of Freehold in goodness and Albert i* rii;:.';/ then* —m tiv*Urvt pfceo you Childs' Banner Brand wooden milky or spool. A donkey Weds While on Visit. s th -t ^-!>" tch'-rn ,' Tiic irp.ny r-rf 17c Ib Child.' Special Blend 25c lb id vef/s for a r.ickvl wl the i:dy red in pipe satisfaction 1 TOBACCO 13 PRif-AkiO Child.' Cafe Blend - 19c lh Child.'Winner Brand 29c lb engine on the heach furnished the Miss Margaret Palmer of Freehold tin fern dlmdt.'i'. :! lucre's Hie kar.d- power, while a block and tackle was as married to II. Mercer Jordan of is all we or its enthusi- somi pcur.d and half-pound tin : fpRSMOKEftS UUOtRTIiH iiuitiidor3m nnd tho /jonnc/ rigged up from an anchor off the twannuh, Georgia," while visiting O tfadcEsseisccvisEDiiH' beach. The cable wan.eiirrind to tho 'iends ut that place. Announcement astic friends ever claimed anchor and back to the engine drum. f the wedding was made last week 'Sweet Bloom" BUTTER 43c lb The new pipe will be connected up d it came HS a complete to for it 1 with Mannoquan'n sewer system this iends of Miaa Pnlmcr. The couple " Sterling •• BUTTER - 38c lb Avcek. let on the street while Miss Palmer It answers every smoke desire you Choice Selected EGGS 24c doz as shopping and decided to get mnr- MILK DEALERS FINED. ed iniinodiak'ly. A young lady who or any other rnan ever had! It is so as with Miss Palmer tried to dis- THOSE TASTY TEAS They Sold Milk in Botllo. Owned by ndc her frpm taking such a Insty I cool and fragrant and appealing to your Ceylon Formoin Blend - 27c Ib The Princess Blend 35c lb Other Dealers. cp, but her. efforts ware in vain. Real Old Country Auam - 35c lb Our Straight Ceylon 35c lb Joseph Schoenberg, Wnlter D. r. nnd Mrs. Jordan will live in Au- smokeappetite that you will get chummy with VanSchoiclt, R. R. Tapper nnd Wil- ustn, Georgia,'where the groom has liam. Schiller of Asbury Park were lav.' office. it in a mighty short time! • 3 Cakes CRllds' LAUNDRY SOAP lOc before Justice Edward W. Wise of \\ 3 Cakes Childs' FLOATING SOAP lOc Long Brnnch Mr.n Weds. Red Bank on Saturday on charges of Will you invest 5c or 10c to prove out our say- Thla U the rcTcr.c s,\£z cf the 3 Cakes Childs' NAPHTHA SOAP lOc selling milk in bottles owned by other Jucob Stern of Long Branch and Princo Albert tdy rpd tin. Read dealers, Tho arrests were made by Miss Sarah Sclilcssinger of Perth Am- so on the national joy smoke? lliis "Patented Proccsj'*roci:cgc- 2 Bugs Fino Table Salt 5c Hire's Root Beer - I4c H. E. Byrne, state bottle inspector. boy were married .'it the bride's homo toyou and realize -Afhat it rr.cans Houieliold Oil, Can. 7c A Good Hand Scrub 9c Mr. VanSchoick was fined 544.34 on last week. After im automobile wed- !o maliina Prince A.bcr* EJ much Childs' Metal Poli.h . 7c three complainls.of violating: the law. ding trip they returned to Long Compbeli'j Beans 8c R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., -Salem, N. C to your tfltina. Golden Noodles 4c Schoenberg was fined $9.78, Tho Branch and have started housekeep- Fruit Puddino 8c Quaker Oats, Package 8c trinln of the other two men were ing at lh.it place. Mr. Stern in en- Coleman') Mustard '13c Talcum Powder 5c postponed till tomorrow. Saged in the bakery business.

THRBDDEO CODFISH 3c Brndy Ettnte Worth $87,000,000. Deal Property Sold.- " t i Full lb Can Childs1 Pure BAKING POWDER ISc "•""Th"e"fn st"ncrountinir of-lhe-exeou- ypppiy.At. tors of the estate of Anthony N. Deal has been sold to James B. Re- Brady, who for many years had a (,'iin, owner of the Knickerbocker 3 Boxes ChildB PARLOR MATCHES lOc summer home at LOUR Byanch, was hotel at New York. The price was filed at New York lust week. It shows $60,000. Mr. Regan plans to make 19 E. Front Street WHOLESALE Main Street SHOE DRESSING White, Black and Russet 7c the value of the estate to be improvements to the house and $87,000,000. In Mr. Brady's will an grounds that will cost about $50,000. annual income of ?GO,O0O is provided He will keep the house open the en- Red Bank, N. J. and KETAIL Fair Haven, N. J. for his widow and the rest of the es- tire year. tate is divided among Mr. Brady's children and grandchildren. • Boys Hit by .Auto. Eobert'Tomkins and John Cono- 62 Broad Street. Phone 208-R Red Bank, N. J. Receiver For Hqtel. ver, Ocean Grove boys, were hit by QUALITY OUR LEADING FEATURE William A. Stevens' of Long the Asbury Park Press delivery auto Where Your Money Goes the Farthest. Branch has been appointed receiver while they were riding a bicycle last 248 S'ores in Four'States for the Monmouth Beach inn. The week. Bolli boys were cut and bruised but their injuries were not Frm Do'Jnriei—Runuon Mond«r & Thundajr, Holrndel Wtiatiity, EntontOwn ThunJor appointment was made at the petition of James C. H. McLean, adminis- serious. The bicycle wns wrecked trator of the estate of James M. Mc- and the auto was slightly damaged. Lean. This estate at one time had a mortgage on all the property that AGED LADY LAUDS WORK. was known as tho Club House Circle. Tho furniture in the hotel has been sold at auction. Mrs, Transoc Pays Flattering Tribyte to Tanlac. Cadets at Sandy Hook. Whole families in New Jersey are now indorsing Tunluc, the premier (INCORPORATED) The West Point graduating class, numbering 125 cadets, visited Sandy preparation, which is now being in- Hook last week and wan shown the- troduced here. When residents of a WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN fortifications and hip; guns. One of city since the civil-war laud the mer- the Runs in which the cadets were its of a medicine, it is a certain indi- greatly interested was the new six- j cation of suncrioritv of that medi- teen-inch rifle, said to be the most cine. Mrs. Sarah Trimsoe, who is powerful weapon in the world. This I employed in a Trenton homo, has this isun will throw n 2,400 pound pro- I to say of Tanlac: jectile 22 miles. "I-win r.fllictcil of stomach trouble ami indigestion fnr n long time, until We also wish to call your attention that we make all our own I almost nave up hope of being Mold for Companion's Death. helped. My nerves, too, were in poor Charles White, a twelve-year-old condition and I suffered greatly from Sausage, Bologna, Frankfurters, liverwurst and Pork Roll. Asbury Park boy, has been held for sleeplessness. My defective digestion Sand and All Kinds of Building laferial the grand jury on a charge of having must have impoverished my bloodi caused the death of Charles Beaurc- for I began to have pimples and sores These products are ABSOLUTELY pure and we are sure a gnrd, a West Ocean Grove hoy. on my face. Distributors for the Famous Beaver Board I Boaurcgnrd's skull wan pierced by air "One day a friend recommended ti ial order will more than convince you. irTo pick thrown during n snowball Tanlnc, which she said hud helped her fight and lie died from tho injury. wonderfully, ao I obtained a bottle White Is said to huve thrown the pick. and began ibi use, It did not take me long to realize Iwas-oh the right Ask Yourself YARD: Leonard Street and N. J. S. R. R. Phone 497J trnek at last, lleforc I finished tho Appropriate $30,500 for School*. first bottle mv appetite was much im- This Question: 9\ OFFICE: Bridge Avenue. Phone 336-M Wall, township'voters decided at a proved and I now have no difficulty special election hist Thursday to digesting the heaviest, meal. My spend $30,5(10 in adding to tho town- nerves nrn strong again nnd I can If others have made Hhip's tcliool, facilities. The pi ami | sloop nil through the night, just like- includo new schools ut Bridle and, a hnhv. a success by attending at Allcnwood and an addition to the "My prnmldnughler has been lull- ESTABLISHED 1OM TELEPHONE 111 I West Belmav school building, Tho ing Tanlac for a general run-down Dricllc school and ground will cont ; condition of her system.' and she is so HIGH GRADE SERVICE | $ir>,H0O nnd the one at Allenwood 'much improved that it'a. hard to bc- $7,000. _ _^_i __ liovo sho'a the name person .who wur, Approved and Improved ^ »J; sick BUCII a short time ago. We both Big Rental Paid for Home. want to do our nhuro toward recom- Real Estate and Insurance Cnotle Wall, the property of Myron mending so good a medicine as Tan- Healing Plumbing Roofing | It. Oppcnhoim nt Elbcron, has been lac. It has no equal for-conditions 58^4 BROAD STREET RED BANK, N. J. rented for tho nummor to Eldrldge U. I Ruch art ourB." PERTH AM9OY, N. J. . Water Systems , Gopper Work |^ Johnson, president of tho Victor talk- > Tanlnc, the rnanter medicine which ing machine company, Tho etttato is Telephone 5O0M,, Firo, life, Accident, Tornado and i« doing BO much goptl throughout the , Earthen and Iron Pipe $ one of the finest along tho Jersey country, in now being introduced In . !•! : Plate dado Insurant;® • ' - , const and tho rental IB nald to have Red Bank by Jan. Cooper, Jr., the Why could I not do been tho highest over paid for a Rcxnll dj-ug store; corner Broad and | RED BANK and SEA BRIGHT v| R.horo property. i White so? Page Six. TH£ RED BANKlBEGISTEf*.'

'-' HIGHLANDS NEWS. . members of the home 'department of, the Sunday-school have been specially) Tho Community Club Will Hold Two invited. ,' ',''•' Dances this Month. Rev. George H. Gardner was called >ung i Scaled proposals for the fuinlulij •••'•In cy opinion nothing The Community club baseball team to New Market last week to officiate is so great a source of will give n dance at Kruso's pavilion of nil tool's, labor and materials annoyanos to telephone at tho funeral of a member of tho Saturday .night. The, basebal" New Murkot Baptist church, of which Dont Hido Them With n Veil; Remove Darken Gray Hair the construction of n reinfoiced c users, nothing results in ground has been graded for the club'i Mr.. Gardner was formerly pnstor. Quickly ami easily. A low applications lirlupr ercte bridge nonr tho fnrm of Dr. so grpat a loss of temper team • nnd suits have been ordered back Its dork, flotay look, no matter how long Mr. and Mrs, Walter E. Nelson and Them With the Othmo Prescription. It not been oroy, ttrenked or laded, by E; lioborts, in the township of IIol| and time and such general through James Mnrzulli. The flrsi her two daughters Winifred nnd Con- irritability, as the game will be played on Decoration stance of New Market spent Saturday This prescription for tho removal del, County of Monmouth, N. J,, practice of calling a tele- day. .. The club.is preparing for tlv und Suhdny with Rev. George H. of freckles \vaa written by n promi- accordance with the plans and Bpq> phone number and then masquerade and civic ball which wil Gardner of Highland avenue. nent physician and is usually so suc- ficatlona prepared therefor by Gco''? having' an office toy or the be held May 20th at the Hotel Martin John Gaffey, of Brooklyn spent cessful in removing frcckle3 and giv- ing a clear,, beautiful complexion that A good old-laahloncd BOKO ton and tralphur D. Coopor, County Engineer, will office telephone girl hold Prizes will be awarded for the pret Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. compound. hnrmlcBa to uoo. Uo one will know- the wire until the desired tiest dress and the most comical dress. Patrick Gaffey. it is sold by any druggist undor Bunr- notcrcaBy or Micky. Isnotailjo, Ptillollny received by tho Board of Clio party answers. •• If there's n moneyif it foils. Co.. Newark, N. J. 600 »t tollcmlng ilrUKKlsta: Mrs. Stephen Foster of Fourtli AVf7nso"Nicolletti of First avenue j « *&.to B . H . VAHDEaVEE&AHDEaVEE&U Freeholders of the County of Mi waiting'to be done it's street was taken to tho Long Brancli has gone tqThiladelphia. Dont hide your freckles under n the CALLING party's veil; get nn ounce oC-othine and ro Rnlokocliookei Phnrmnoy. mouth, at their rooms, Coiiit Ho hospital Monday afternoon, where she Mrs. Cora M. Kearns of Garfield Freehold, N. J., on May 19th, 19 obligation to do it.»*•• was operated on. avenue is visiting friends at Asbury move them. Even the first few ap Members of the Crescent athletit Park. • -: - plications should show a wondcrfu and the hour of eleven o'clock in 'An excerpt from one of many Utters of protest The Atlantic Highlands high school improvement, some of the lighter forenoon of anld dny and then ii againtt a time

We have just made a special arrangement with the Sill Stove Works which permits us to offer this wonderful nfar "Scientific Sterling" range to our customers on extraor- ship dinary terms. Fee.

THE SCIENTIFIC STERLING SAVE $10.00 TO $15.00' When did you ever hear of an offer like this be- This remarkable kitchen range is built by the fore? We will install the "Scientific Sterling" and Sill Stove Woiks of'Rochester, N. Y. It is different r niake'all connections without charge. We will give from any range you ever heard of before. It is two you TWO SPECIAL BROILERS, one for coal, and complete and perfect .ranges all in one compact one for gas, absolutely FREE, arid a "Joint Rouble COME IN AND SEE IT range that takes up less'room in your kitchen than Guarantee Bond" signed by the Sill Stove Works Look.at this picture. Did you ever see a range an ordinary gas range, It is the ga« range that burns and ourselves.. like this before ? It will do everything that the finest coal! ' WE WILL BUY YOUR OLD RANGE gas range will do, and everything that the bes{ coal We have just bought 16 of-these wonderful range will do. Don.t think that it is .just'an ordinary We will buy your old range back and give you ranges on special terms. By arrangement with the •ranjje. When you stand in front of it and we show every cent of value there is in it. When did you ever manufacturer we are only permitted to sell them as a you all its wonderful features, you will marvel that have a chance like this before ? Sterling Club and on regular Club terms, namely, one range can do so much. $5.oo- Membership Fee and $2.00 Weekly Dues. YOUR MONEY BACK It is two big efficient ranges in the space of ONE These special terms will be in effect only, during the Try the range for thirty days and if it will not Do not get the idea that the "Scientific Sterling" life of the Club, so to take advantage of them you do what we claim in our advertisements, we will take is a combination or a coal range with a gas attach- must act at qnce. it back and refund your money. • • ment. Nothing would be further from the truth. It. Should you become totally and permanently dis- -is-the one range that does ALL' THINGS. It bakes, abled by sickness or accident after joining the Sterling JOIN THE STERLING CLUB broils, roasts, cooks and heats water.- Summer com- Club, we will pay all your future payments and the fort with gas, winter heat with coal, with JUST ONE We are going to form a Sterling Club. It will range is yours, . . • ... • RANGE! : be limited toT5 members. "Membership" wilFoperF •"""You cant imagine 'what this range is jikelititil EVERYTHING TOGAINT-NOTHING TO LOSE tomorrow, May iith... Every woman who joins you see it. It.was designed by a woman for woman's You want this range. The minute you see it you will get these special advantages, You can join for needs and has improvements and time and labor will decide THAT. Here's how you may get it: The $5.00 and the range will be delivered to you at once. saving features possessed' by no other range, This Sterling; Club will open tomorrow. There can be only Weekly dues of $2.00 pays the balan'ce, and not one is positively the first time it, has ever been sold in 16 members. If you wait one single day after the cent is added to the regular price for interest or credit. this city. club opens you may lose your chance.' As soon as we secure i 6 members the Club will close and then The special terms of $5.00 Membership Fee arid $2.00 Weekly Dues apply you will be unable to get the "Scientific Sterling" to the Sterling Club only. Our regular terms are.strictly cash. except at the regular price and terms.

1 Only 36 Inches 5 Broad Street, Near Front Street The "Scientific Sterling " can be had as shown above or with Cabinet Base and High Warming Closet


Lakowoot) high school, spent Sunday LINCROFT NEWS. with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. J, W. Itoso of Church streot. Farmers nre Making Firit Shipmonts of Asparagus. METHODIST CHURCH OFFICERS John Hay of Church street has opened his ice cream -and confec- The farmers of this neighborhood ELECTED LAST WEEK. tionery stand on Church street, op- made their first asparagus shipments, posite the'station. this week. Lincroft soil is particular- Max Koerber Having a Cellar Put Mrs. Thomas Sullivan of Pitts- ly adapted to asparagus, and this Under Hit House and Sidewalks field has opened the Berkshire board- place always produces the first ship- • Laid—Auditorium to Open Next ing house,for tho season on Center ments and the best "grass." Most Saturday Night. avenue. of the land around here is sandy, and These officers were elected at the Mr. and Mrs. George J. Merkea in the old days this place was called Methodist church last Thursday and family of-Brooklyyn spenp t last Sapdy New. Asparagus cut in this night: week at their house on Pine View section is-commonly known as Sandy, ProBldcnt—Joseph Tllton. • New "grass," and it usualy fetches a Vlco prfishlont—MrH. LeHlIo Covert. avenue. Secretary—Duvld MulllHnn, Mr. and Mrs. \V. E. Dorsey and better price than asparagus shipped Treasure!'—C. O. MulllHon. family of New York spent part of from other parts of the county. Entertalnmont committee—Mrs. Wil- last week at their .house on Palmer John Sotherlarid has bought an In- liam Howard, George L. King. avenue. dian motorcycle from Louis J. Tetley David Mullison will have charge of Mrs. Mary Quinn of Brooklyn has of Red Bank. the Epworth league meeting at the opened her restaurant on the Beach- John Riddle has bought a Ford Methodist church tomorrow night. way, opposite the auditorium, for the automobile. His daughter, Miss Flor- .BfiVi.JL& Reed of Belford willjspenk JUddlitkiJi next Sunday and Rev. J7"W. Kose James Papa oOJewnrk (B putting ,ning the car. will make an adress on "The relation up a one-story frame building on his Henry A. Conover has a new hound 'of the mother to the child and the re- lot on Carr avenue, near the Beach- lation of the child to the mother." pup -which he bought from a dog fane- Max Koerber is having a large cel- MhinEt d t0 n Of EliZ b lar put under his house and cement abetTt h spent°Lrt lost erweekt ah-t hish houso- , tionallSi'l^KE£ flne hunting doS e.an Hc h^£s sidewalks laid in front of the prop- on Crescent street nt Beach. iongel4ars than the average Lincroft erty. John E. Howland is doing the Wilham Humphrey of New York d ^ and unlesg he hold£ hi h d work. Mr. Howland also has con- spent part of lust week at his houso h>nth c flnpg of hig em.s trai, th(J tracts for laying sidewalks for Jo- on Park avenue nt Beacon Beach. ground. Mr. Conover now has three j seph Goldstein of Sea View averiu<; Miss Nettie Overton of Main street George Whitehead of Carr avenue\ dogs,. but his latest addition is the 1 nnd Miss Hazel Gardner of Maple only hunter in the lot. His Btore has Mrs. Louis Cooper of Center avenue, street spent Saturday at Keyport, Jamcn Lawson of Oak street, Fred been robbed several times, and he Mr. and Mrs. Charles Uti anduses the other two dogs as watch Schmidt of Carr avenue, Joseph family of New York have moved in Frenchmen of Highland avenue and dogs. their house on East Shore street. Mrs. George Mouser is on the sick John Mills of Bay View nyenue. Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein of-Jersoy The Keansburg auditorium on City are down for the season nt their Main street, adjoining Mucdonnlu'b house on Sen View avenue, Milton Tomlinson, son of Joseph hotel, will bo opened for the season Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cooper of San IT. Tomlinson, was standing on the on Saturday evening, with moving Francisco nro occupying their new bank of Swimming River while fish- pictures and dancing. Tho audito- houso on Center nvenue. ing last week when the bank started rium will be conducted by Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. J. Sheiivan of Brook- to slide. Milton slid head foremost Mra. George L. Worth, Miss Alice lyn spent part of last week at their into n pool of water several feet Crcar and P. Lucnri. house on Carr avenue. deeper than the height of his body. Eoscoe G. Campbell, who recently Joseph H. Painter of Wcstportal, Thc boy can swim all right, and he opened a real estate office in theN. J., IB visiting his son, H. S. Painter got ashore none the worse for his First national bank building on of Palmer avenue. mishap. . - . Church street, has rented tho Sacelor " Mrs. Mary Terry of Keyport Bpent Miss Jennie Fenton spent last week bungalow on ocean View avenue to last Friday-with Mrs. Nelson Coryell with Mrs. Melville Reid of Woodlawn There Are Class and Go in the Enticing New 8400 r. p. m. Chalmers Roadster—$1070' E. McMurray of Now York, and Fred of Creek road. farm. ' • Gchlhaus'a cottage to John J. Hnyes P. J. Dillon'"of New York spent Frank Tracy, n sailor on a torpedo, o* New York. part of last week at his houso at bout, spent part of last week with No sooner had the wave of this car's popularity miles to the life of your tires. . Yet she'll do 60 miles] Abram Morria of Creek road was Beacon Beach. relatives here. swept the land, than an immediate demand arose for an hour any time you say. ent Saturday for tho first time aftor Vincent Briggl of New York will Mrs, Linda BnBaott has returned a Roadster model of the 8400 r. p. m. 1 have been trying to get the factory to give me' having been confined to tho house nil reopen his Keansburg casino theater from a visit of several weeks at High- winter. Mr. Morris has been tho next Monday. lands Falls, New York. And here it is—a thing of class and go; a racy, more of these cars than my order calls for. Never icoper of tho light house on the William H. Oliver of Newark spent Rev. Johnson L. Miner of Red has a new model met with such a storm of orders.] Creole road for 24 yeare. part of last week at his houso on Bank will preach at the chapel here snappy, three-passenger car with enticement in every Thomas Stanford of Park avenue, Carr avenue^ next Sunday. line. • One ride in this Roadster—and you'll feel you; wlio was employed by .the Jersey Cen- The trolley cars to the steambont. must sit at her wheel every day. < * tral traction company, is running a dock mndo their first trip on Friday Mr. and Mrs. Louis Woolloy of 8400 revolutions per minute mean that her engine delivery car for his father, William morning. Bound Brook spent Sunday with Mr. Ask me about Chalmers service inspection cou-t Stanford, 'who conducts a bakery on Peter VnnDerlleido has oponed his nnd Mrs. Joseph H. Tomlinson, represents weight and friction of all reciprocating parts reduced to the minimum, lubrication perfect, pons, negotiable at all Chalmers dealers everywhere.' Main street. .grocery store on Carr avonuo for tho This system is a most important consideration.in William and Fred Gehlhaus of Phil- season. and bearing surfaces absolutely safe. adelphia, cousins of William Gehlhaua J. Drogo of Brooklyn lino oponed Bumstead'sWorm buying your car. of this place, were in town last his carousol on tho boardwalk for.thc A. safe *na BUM Bemiiy for \Totmt, Her low-geared, high-speed motor gives her season. DtooS tootes t for BO nva. IT BBTO8 Two-Passenger Roadster, $1070 Detroit • if . Wednesday. They will open' their FAILS. To dUUnn It Is in onffOl of terrific hill-climbing ability. And by translating bath houses hero next Monday. C. Mead of Newark has opened hie mow. yr.TiaftftTn? so TABS, BO Threc-l'asseiiKer Cabriolet, §1410 Detroit r • storo for tho season on Cnrr avenue. Walter Conroy "of Palmer avenue BIOEOSSS. BO psnreio BBBOBD. on* useless might into ease and acceleration, she gets 18 Colors: Rondstei—Oriford maroon with hood to match, or Mcteoiu was taken to tho Long Branch hospi- I. Loebol of Nowark has opened feotU* hai kUUa 1S9 worms. All drog» his novelty Btoro on Cnr'r nvonuo. Bl»tn ana AMlen, or ty mall—too a hot, miles ,put of. every gallon of gas, saves you $150 to blue witli black hood. Cabriolet—Oriford maroon or Valentino!* tal one night last week and was lilt. O. A. V00ttJinE81l!.»,HUlfc,»«i 1 operated on for appendicitis fifteen Abram Mills of Creek road spent per year in fuel bills, and adds many, many green with hoods to match, or Meteor blue with black lioodl minutes after ho arrived. part of last week at Now York. 3. Wadington is'laying a maple . Mrs. B. Rowland of Jorsoy City is floor with a mahogany border in thespending: tho week here. iIRL living room of his homo on Beacon J, Hill.hnn reopened hin Ico crenm Beach. Samuel B. King is doing the parlor on tho boardwalk. Oainoil 15 Founds By Taking. Vinol l J. Linz of Jersoy City has opened Norfolk, Va.-" I suffered from nor- ; Eubin Brothers of Plainfiold his photograph gallery on tho board- vomncas, nnd no appetite and wan very opened their drug store at tho corner walk. , • " • ' thin. Nothing I took Boomed to h«lp mo until onodnynfriend told moaboutvinol. of Carr nvonuo and Benchwny, in 1 30-32 W. Front Street, tho administration building, today. Another Tryst Company. I have now tnken BIX bottles and have Red Bank, N. J. Tho Seacqast national bank of An- gained fifteen pounds: havaa did up Mrs. George C. Stiles of New York __Atl-~« MM«1 An»t d\n^ null sVnlnr# ,'*_ lAXTIB Established 1901 Telephone 478 bss moved to the Rowa cottage on bury Park has taken out a chnrtor for totlttiotlto and Can cat anything."anyt — Nflk V I •'• Collins street, and will conduct it asa trust company and papers of Incor- DEHNINO, Norfolk; Va. sa boarding houso this nummor. poration were filed last week. The Vinol IB a delicious cod liver and iron 'Joseph Moller of Now York nna institution will bo known as tho Scn-tonic wlthoutoil.aconntitutionsl remedy 3««n engaged as a buyer for tho New coast trust company end han a pnid which creates nn oppotite,Dlds digestion jPofct Comfort steamboat company ID capital of, $100,000. end mnkca pure henltby blood. Try it Sea-the gammer season. .. on our BUETfiotoo Wanda Rose, who attends tho It pn^ to advertise Jn Tho Register, semttt Jr., a«a Bsa&. '-if Page EfghU THE' HeP BANK REGISTER.

election 4ft>ards in Monmouth county" will be tyeld at Freehold on Thurs- WE GIVE ^M GREEN TRADING STAMPS. ASK FOR THEM day, May 25th, and at the Red Ban tent high school on May 26th. BROKER IN To Vacate Avon Street. An ordinance providing for the va- cating of Lincoln avenue was passed nr by the Avon borough council lasl AIL PACTS'OF COUNTY. week. The vacating of this street ii part of tho council's plans for beauti- Seashore & Bungalow Homos We beg to call your special attention to the LOW PRICES and Stamp* Special on thlt week's Bulletin. If you fire fying the station grounds. (OLD. ESTABLISHED.) 104-a.Cmtlomon'iEiUto, • • 130,000 not already a customer, be one at tho earliest possible moment Satisfaction guaranteed at all times. Our Baad Personal Notes, Sales of Properly, Building Opera Removed Biff Tumor. J0(l?a, raonty mik«r, fin* alle*.. .118,000 are the VERY BEST that money car, b , We ask you to (jUrolho A&P Store, a trial and be convinced. 143-a. deilrablt. Rood buildinn, »11.000 w Mrs. Sallie Bbdintfof Matawan was 1 &a. near)»caan,rara opportunity, {4,000 tions—Lodge Doings—Slight Fires—Births, Mar- operated on for the removal of a 4H-«. nearoce&n, &.r.'houielexlra,S3,000 tumor at New Brunswick last week. Double F.rrai.40-1 Mo. »10,000,»15,000 The operation was performed by Pr. 30n.finef»rm. IOOTICW, . . jlO.600 riages, Deaths, Accidents—Other Interesting 14-a. 2 dwollinn, 3 raUei Aibury, 16,500 Reynolds of Matawan. The tumo 20*a. S-r; dwelling, 6-m. from sett, S3.70O weighed eighteen pounds. Nice Tillaio Cottage, 4 acrei, - $2,000 Features of Town and County. tGf If others have failed to sell or ex- Death from Old Age. change your property try Grant Parbb, Broker in Monmoutb County property. - Mr. and Mrs.Wnlter Butcher have The applications of John M. Rike: Mrs. Helena Ziegler of Matawan returned to Asbury Park after spend- for a license at the Thompson Hous died Saturday week from old age. OFFICEi TRUST CO. BUILDING, ing the winter with. Mrs. Butcher's Annex at Highlands and that of Eu She was born in, Germany 85 years ASBURY PARK, N. J parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jnmes Hall of gene Pannaci for the Seabright Inn ago and had been in this country Farmingdale. have been laid over until tomorrow. over sixty years. Four sons and two A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.The same action was taken, in: the•daughters survive her. Clarence Briggs of Freehold Tues- application of Basillio Bruno for re Geo. W. Sewing, day night of last week. The liaby newal of his wholesale license a1 Sunday-School Officers. has been • named., Harold Edward Long Branch. ; George B. ^Conover has been re- Contractor and QSuildor, Briggs. £..' William L. Lloyd Dead. elected superintendent of the Re- David W. Clayton of Adelphia formed Sunday-school att Freehold BED BANE. N. J. William L. Lloyd of Long Branch Thomas A. Smith is assistant super- underwent a slight operation at a died last Thursday. ,He was stricken Trenton hospital Friday week. He intendent and Garret A. Denise sec- with paralysis nine years ago and had retary and treasurer. OFFICE IN EISNER BUILDING. returned home the same day. been in poor health ever since. H Puffed Rice . . . pkg 13c Red Kidney Beans can 10c Joseph 0, Thompson .of Ocean formerly conducted a restaurant at Biker Arrested.' Room 3. Grov.e has been elected historian of Long Branch. A widow and two Teleobooe 380-J. the veteran employees' association Charles A. Poland of Ocean Grove Sultana Corn . . . can 10c Puffed Wheat pkg 10c sons survive him.v was arrested last week charged with of the Pennsylvania railroad. Jobbing ol All Hinds. Sultana String Beans . can 10c Mrs. David S. Crater and daughter, Cody—Mount. '•>' violating an ordinance in riding his Prunes, 40-50's lb 15c bicycle across one of the bridges over Estimates Cheerfully Furnlahad. Miss Gilberta, have returned to Free- Britton Mount, son of Alonzi Fletcher lake. Poland escaped with hold after spending the winter in Mount of' Manasquan, and Misa suspended sentence. New York. Miriam Cody of Glassboro, were mar Thomas Lupton of St. Petersburg, Diver Working' at Belmar. SUHY BROOK BRAND E€^S .29r FREE— ried Sunday of last week at the Doz WTTH ANY OF THE FOLLOWING Florida, is visiting his brother, Fred- bride's home. The ceremony wa A diver is at work in Shark river -SOLD ONLY IN SEALED CARTONS-Ennr Egg Guuutod- • firt W V erick Lupton of Matawan. performed by the bride's father, Rev, at Belmar removing piling which A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.James C. Cody. were put in by a contractor who Peter J. Walsh of Seabright Tuesday 1 can Sultana Spice .1 c : abandoned the work and which were of last week. . Sent to State Prison. broken off beneath the surface of the 1 pkgr A&P Ice Cream or Jelly Mrs. Guy Edwards of Asbury Park Sulivino Aschettino and Gaepano water by the waves. . A New Steam Powder....: .- lo gave birth to a son last Wednesday Accerra, who were recently convicted Club Delegates Elected. 1 can A&P Chloride of Lime. .1 i night. of assault and battery upon and an Collar Moulder attempt to kill Frank Rabino at Long Dr. Ella P. Upham and Mrs. R. A. 1 can A&P Lye...... I i Chancery Suit Dropped. Branch last March, were sentenced to Tusting will represent the Asbury •We have just installed one of Louis Finegold of Freehold has state prison for a term of from fiv Park woman's club.at the conven the Prosperity collar moulders, .1 pkg Reckitt's.Blue...... 'e dropped his suit in chancery-against the latest improvement for Best to twelve jears. . " ." • tion of the national federation of . 1 bottle Eoyal Polish...... 1' i .Mrs...A, . iy_liite..__and_i has ^accepted women's clubs- at -New-York- from turn-down collars...,_ $1,000 in forfeit money. . Mr. Tine- Pastor's Salary Increased. May 23d to June 2d. It turns them with a rounded 1 bottle A&P Vinegar...... J" gold had an option on a property, The salary of Rev. Francis H. and smooth edge; prevents Creamery which was sold to the Freehold Richey, pastor of the Asbury Park njured by Auto. ••' cracking to a minimum; leaves 0 1 Jar A&P Jam I i amusement company, and he sought Episcopal church, was raised from James H, Harkey of We3t Ocean ample tie space for tie to slide, v Our quality and price'liave made us the largest butter re- to have this sale set aside. ' $1,800 a year to ?2,100 a year by the Jroye was run down by an automo- and adds to their life and serv- ice. Send your collars and note tailers in the world EXTRA STAMPS WITH TEAS Licenses Renewed. church officials last week. This is th bile driven by Clement W. Bowen second increase Rev. Mr. Richey has Saturday week. Harkey was riding the improvement. The licenses of William H..Con- 60 stamps with 1 lb. Fancy Chop been granted. a bicycle at the time. He was cut on . -Also Tea ...Va nors for the Cedar Grove house at the head and hands. I Headquarters for flat pieces at Highlands and Joseph Little's hotel A Lincoln Relic. i, 86 cents per dozen, and rough 50 stamps with 1 lb. New Crop at Locust Point were renewed last Josiah Hedden of Spring Lake ha: Constables' Pay Fixed. t dry washes at 6 cents per lb. Tea , ..C c Thursday by Judge Lawrence. Gui- sent a President Lincoln relic to thi The pay of constables who serve seppi Grandenctti was granted a re-library at Washington. It consists of at the sessions of~;the county court 40 Stamps with 1 ID. Tea...... 0 'c newal of his wholesale license at a card on which Lincoln had written has been fixed. VThey will receive . 25 stamps with 1 lb, Tea...... 4 e Long Branch. a pass to the White House for Georg< from ?3 to $4 a day, according to 80 STAMPS withalargecan A&P BAKING POWDER 50c Ashmun, who was a grandfather of the distance they have to travel in § Bed Baok Steam Laundry i 20 stamps with % lb. India Cey- Long Auto Trip. Mr. Hedden. reaching Freehold. Phone 32-J lon Tea...... ; Ce Mayor 0, H. Brown of Spring 25 STAMPS with large bot A&P EXTRACTS 25c Lake, accompanied by two painters Lived 96 Years. • , • Billiard Championship. 62 White St., Red Bank and decorators, left Friday morning Mrs. Bridget Corbett of English George Borden of Freehold re- in an automobile for Jefferson, New town died Monday of last week at tained the pocket billiard - S STAMPS with 4-lb Carton SALT . - - - - - 5c EXTRA STAMPS WITH COFFCC Hampshire. Mr. Brown made the the age of 9G years. ~ She was born ship of the county in a match with 80 Stamps with 1 lb El Rynd trip to superintend alterations to the in Dublin, Ireland, and came to this George Mclntyre of Asbury Park ' Coffee Jtfc Waumbek hotel, in which he owns an country in a sailing vessel when she last week. The score of the match 5 STAMPS with small pkg of A&P Washing Powder Sc 26 Stamps with 1 lb of AmboBU interest. .; was 24 years old. She is survived by was 300 to 252. Coffee C2e Bradley Beach Couple Wed. a daughter. Attended Church Banquet. Comflrm the Statements Abont IS STAMPS with 4-lb pkg of A&P Washing Powder 16c 20 Stamps with 1 lb Sultana Miss Vera M. Bennett, daughter Freehold Man's New Job. Rev. John Millbank, William S D. D. D. Prescription j Coffee 3(c of George B. Bennett of Bradley Albert Barkalow of Freehold has Holmes, Dr. J. C. Clayton and 1G Stamps with 1 lb Iona Coffee Zfc Beach, and . William - A. Rogers of quit his job with the Freehold steam Ihnrles Ditmnr of Freehold attended Ceo. T.'nichardson, M. D.: • "In" my i 20 STAMPS with #-lb can of A&P COCOA - - 20c that place were married Sunday of feplnlon, D. D. D. eliould be applied in a'l ' laundry and i3 driving the automo- a banquet of Episcopal clergymen caseR of akin disease—nn immediate reliff j NONE BETTER 10 Stamps with 1 lb Good Coffee 2< c last week by Rev. Samuel Sarfcent. bile hnck for the Monmouth house and laymen at New York last to thfi Itch, ft calm to pxeltpfl nerv^H, soft, Mr. and Mrs. Rogers will live in a Later he will engage In business with Wednesday night. eoothlng, yet a powerful agent, a strength newly furnished cottage at Bradley to the general system.'* FREB DELIVERIES TO FDEE DELITOBIES TO Ira Richardson in selling fruit and A Woman Dog Catcher. Dr. Unna Holmes: %D. D. D. la as Beach. •; vegetables. hear a spcclflc for eczema and tho dreaded Fair Haven, Oceanic, Bumioi* Eatontown, Little Silver .i <1 Mrs. William S. Holmes has been psoriasis as Is quinine for malaria. I cor- Mother nnd Son in Accident. Actor in Hotel Business. appointed official dog catcher at Free- Btantly nreacrlbo P. D. I>. also (or salt Tuesday and Bridajr. Shrewsbury, Monday and Willinm Cnrney of Mntnwnn nnd rheum, tetter. baEbT's itch, plmpleB, all Thursday. Otia Harlan, tho well known actor hold. Mr3. Holmes 'linked for the job forms of itching eruptions, scales, sores" Middlotown and Atlantic Higk« his mother had narrow escapes from who hns a summer home at Long She has taken care of many homeless Dr. Ira T. Galibert: ''I freely admit - Navesink, Monday. ' serious injury last week when a Branch, has bought a half interest in that D, D. D, tenches moat caaea of lands, Wednesday. dogs and has hnd them killed when no eczema nnd permanently enrpn them. * Bclford, Tuesday. wagon they were riding in was upset tho Portaupock hotel from J. Hub owner appeared. Dr. Gabbert of Caldwell, Kansas, Is ono Hfghlands, Thursday. Chapel Hill and Leonardo, I'ri- when the horse bolted. The wagon hard Wardell. Mr. Harlan will take Artistic Program Cover. of tho best eklu spcclnllBls In the state. fell on,top of them but they escaped an active part in the management of Wrltn and ask him about D. D. D. day. Bryan S. Borden of Asbury Park Druggists aro glad to recommend- this with a few bruises and cuts. the hotel. eootblng, cooling liquid. 2Gc, 00c and Jl.OO. has designed an artistic cover for CO'nw to us and wo will, tell yon more about S6 Broad Street, Q6 Broad St., Bullot Removed from Leg. Mission Society Meeting. the Pryor band programs. Pryor is this remnrkaltln remedy.*- Your money nliclc A bullet' which had been In the shown as the central figure in the Unless tho flrat bottle relieves you. D. D. D. Red Bank, IM. J. Telephone 80. Red Bank, N. J. The thirtieth annual meeting of 'Soap keeps your skin healthy. Ask about it. leg of Gilbert Gunson of English- the woman's home missionary society design. Borden is a studentr~in GREEN TRADING STAMPS. ASK FOR town since last fall wns removed last of the Presbytery of Monmouth was ratt's institute. James Cooper, J., Druggist. OWE GIVE week by Dr. Applegatc. The bullet leld at Tennent last Thursday. The Married 25 Years. entered. Gunson's leg through tho meeting wns largely attended by so- accidental dischargo of a ride which ciety members' from all parts of the Mr. ami Mrs. Herbert W. Cooper a companion was handling. county. of Long Branch celebrated their sil- er wedding last Thursday night. A Women's Guild Elects. ' ' Auto Hits Wagon. - . large number of relatives and friends At the annual election of the A wagon in which Mr. and Mrswere present and the couple received women's guild of St. James's mission Walter Lokerson of Adelphia were many presents. at Bradley Beach last week Mrs. J. P.riding was struck by an automobile Building a Bungalow. VanKirk was elected president. Mrs. Sunday of last week. The wagon H. J. and C. R. Stines have been J. R. French is vice president, Miss was slightly damaged. The damage awarded the contract for building a Anna Leonard secretary and Mrswa. s paid for by the automobile bungalow for Frederick Fox at Bel- Peter Johnson treasurer. , driver. mar. The bungalow will have seven Aged Man Insane. • President to Speak'. rooms and all modern improvements. John T. Reid of Ocean Grove was | President Wilson will address the Attended County Rally. adjudged insane by a jury sitting be-1 New Jersey league of municipalities Claude Irons, Ernest Hall, C. En- fore a commission at Freehold last at its summer meeting to be held at si ey Clayton, Joseph Stilwell, Jr., and —week;—Mrr-Rcid-is- ninety- years" old Asbury Park. The date for the meet- Thomas Ketcham of Adelphia at- and is a veteran of the Civil war. The ing has been left open so that the tended the county young men's asso- action to have his sanity tested was President may select a time suitable ciation rally at Freehold last week. brought by his children. to him. Belmar's School Census. Married in Connecticut. Junior Club Officers. ?-•' /j? •• . William DeWorth, who has been W. H. Hoffman of Belmar has com- All you h^ve ever longed for Miss Marjorie Hulick was elected' pleted a school census of the bor- telegraph operator at Englishtown president of the junior department ough. His records show 586 children for eight years, was married at Dan-of the woman's club of Asbury Park in the town,- of whom 450 are be- r- J , in a. range-is found ' bury, Connecticut, on Tuesday, April last week. Miss Edith Winckler is tween the ages of five and eighteen. 25th, to Miss Margaret Bundy. Mr. vice president, Miss Anita Brand sec- in the Plain Cabinet Glen wood. It's made in natural black DeWorth has been transferred to letary and Miss Mary Eskew treas- Bond Ordinance Passed. an office near Trenton. The Freehold commissioners last iron finish—sosmoot h and easy to clean—the' 'Mission Idea" Wire Thief Sentenced. week passed an ordinance authoriz- Annual Firemen's Meeting. r ing a bond issue of $35,000 to build applied to a range. A room saver too like the upright piano; Harold White of Bradley Beach, At the annual meeting of Wash- a new town hall. A lot was recently •who had pleaded guilty, with three ington fire company of Ocean Grove bought on which to build the hall. other boys, to stealing telephone last week Edward C. Sweet was (Continued on next page.) •wire, w,as sentenced to six months in elected president. Charles Hickman the county jail last week. His mother was re-elected foreman and Wallace interceded for him and asked the Reed was made first assistant fore- court to be lenient. man. A Discount Club. Boardwalk for Manasquan. It is said to be the most M. L. Prentice of Ocean Grove and The Manasquan borough council perfect piece of machinery R. E. A. DeBow of Bradley Beach has awarded the contract for a board- have organized a cash discount club walk 1,000 feet long and four feet yet devised to make house- which guarantees to its subscribers a wide on the beach to Rankin broth- keeping drudgeless. cash discount on all purchases made ers. The materials to be used will from nie.rcha.nts with whom the club be furnished by the borough. has made contracts. Burns either coal, wood or A War Lecture. Brazilian Ambassador Here. Domincio DaGnma, the Brazilian gas and you can get just Herbert Ward, son-in-law of nmbnssador to this country1," visited Charlco II. Sanford of Freehold, gave 'his summer home al Long Branch the right size to fit your a lecture on the European war. atlast Thursday. He will make several kitchen. Freehold Sunday. Mr. Ward is onimprovements to the" house before leave of absence from the French occupying it for the summer. ambulance corps because of injuries Call and look them over and received in battle. Firemen Re-elect Officers. Chocolate Fudge you will understand mor& a- Mission Society Elects. The. officers of the Freehold fire department were all re-elected last Mrst T. J. Berrien was elected Sundae bout why Glenwood Ranges president of the Baptist woman's mis- week. C. B. Barkalow is president, sionary society of Long Branch last E. D. Clayton vice president, Joseph Make Cooking Easy. week. Mrs. C. F. McKoy is.first vice S. Thompson secretary and treasurer president, Mrs. J. P. Hood secretary.and E. I. Vanderveer chief. /OHOCOLATE sauce. and Mrs. Kathryn Grower treasurer. Head of War Veterans. * / Rev, Willinm T; Abbott of Asbury ^- hot or cold, poured To Move Meat Market. Park has been re-elected president of J. H. Smith of Spring,Lake will the organization composed of the sur- over our Delicious Choco- open a meat market in tho new Trout vivors of the famous 23d regiment, late Ice Cream, garnished building, at that place. Mr. Smith which was known in the Civil war as has been cngnged in this business "Grubb's Game Chickens." .several years but was loented away with whipped cream and from the business pnrt of the town. Long Time in Office.- i fresh fruit, or a cherry, Vv Ov V \ Serenaded by Firemen. William E. Harrison was elected secretary of Neptune fire company Mr. and- Mrs. Harry Whitlgck of of Asbury Park last week for tho gives you a new and attrac- Hamilton, who woro rocontly mar- 20th consecutive lerm. Ho bus been tive service. " ried, were serenaded last week-by a member of the company 28 years. members of Washington fire com- pany of Ocean Grove, who visited Chicken Thieves Busy. thorn on the companyV fire truck, Thieves stole 76 Leghorn chickens Banker to Build House. from Gcorgo W, Blatchloy's .farm near Freahold n fow nights ago. The Hurry A. Watson, cashier of tho chickens wore all marked with leg Perth Amboy, N. J. Anbury Park nnd Ocean Grovo bank, bands but the thieves removed these. •will build a liouao on avenue Irvington, N. J. to coat $8,500. Tho house ,ia to bo of Election Board Examination!. tllo and stucco. William A. Allen of Civil sorvice examinations for ap-. Ocean Grovo is tho contractor. plicants for membors of registry and

,@w. _. «A,»u—Afll REGISTER.

nt Idanaequan, has been transferred lngdale suffeied-a severe Ftroke of OB#tT A. MACKELLAR, to Bay Head. .vW. C. Poinsctt has paralysis last week while visiting'her R "/ ARCHITECT. . taken his place ut Manasquan. >€ornp«tcnt In all Brunches ot Architecture, daughter, Mrs, William VanNote,. /Office: DavMjoirBtilldimf, Red Honk, H. 1, '(Continued from last May Hare Boxing Club. Matawan Girl in Hospital, Telephone 640/ One Who Shows No Favor. Fred *A. Newman has, been np- G. M.' L. Sacks has presented a Mis3 Dorothy Reynolds, daughter ADALBERT OSTENDORPP, pointed borough recorder at Bclmar proposition fo the Long Branch com. of Dr. Reynolds of Matuwan, was * PIANIST, to fill tho place loft vacant by themissioners to use part of Ocean Park A merciless judge is FnthenTime. Available (or Concert Work anil Tcnclllnc. death of Milo C. Crcgo. Tho lior- operated on for appendicitis at theBefore him the weak nnd the"wanting Apply1 ot 14 Monttioutti Street as an athletic ground and to hold lied Bank, N. J. Will form a guaranteed ough hus been without a recorder boxing bouts in the casino. New Brunswick hospital last week, go to the -wall. Only the truth can nearly a year. Firemen Elect. stand; For years the following Btnte- R.-HAUOLD A. TILTON, Adelphia Club Elects. William Barton was elected chief ment from an Oceanic resident has D 80UGEON DENTIST. Leon Conover Sentenced. withstood this sternest of all tests. GradnaU* University of 1'cnn-lylviinla. Successor Otis F. VnnBrunt was elected pres- of the Bradley Beach fire department to Dr. J. D. .Ihrockmonon. . Leon B. Cofiovter, who wns recently ident of the Adelphia young men's last week and Daniel Hoey and Wal- No. 8 Broad Street. convicted of embezzling potatoes William Wright,-Oceanic, N. J., club last. week. Ernest Hall is vice ter Panz were elected'assistants. says: "I had a weak back and other Ofllco hours: 8 A. II. to C.301*. M, Evan Day J . from Abbott Worthley of Marlboro, president,- Leonard Hall secretary czcopt Saturdays. was fined tho costa of tho prosecution A New Cop. disorders, arising from sluggish kid- and Claude Irons treasurer. neys. I believe the weakened condi- EO. McC. TAYLOR, C. E. last week and directed to pay - Mr. Benjamin H White has resigned Sheriff Sells Property, • ; tion of my back was caused from con- G CONSULTING ENGINEER. Worthley $30. . as a policeman in Neptune township stant standing. A dull pain across -CIVIL ENGINEER and-SUBVEVOn. The Jane A. Morton property at after serving many years. He has 8 Eisner Bulldinz, Broad St.. Red Bank, N. J, Tux Board Organizes, 1 the small of my back made me feel Manasquan was sold last week at 'been succeeded by Elbert Wills. miserable and the kidney secretions R. KOBERT DICKSON, - Tho-Monmouth 'county—tax board Bhoriff's Bale-to.jacob VanCulin.--The were irregular in passage. Doan'e D -VETEIUNAKIAN, ^ organized last week by re-electing property was-taken in execution at Operation for Appendicitis, v Fair Haven, N. J. Phono (21 W, Itcd Dank William K. Devereaux of , Asbury tho suit of Eliza'J. Clayton. Mrs. William G. Presley of Long Kidney Pills greatly helped me." Park president. The secretary and Branch was operated on forappendi- PERMANENT BENEFIT. Protest Against License, citis at the hospital at that place last stenographer will be selected ot an- Over a year later,.\Mr. Wright said: Davldion nulldlns-,/' Red Bunk. other meeting. Monmouth grange of Freehold at week and is rapidly recovering. j«_ Joseph nelliy. John 3, Quliin, ita meeting last week adopted reso- "The benefit Doan's KidnejvPills gave For particulara apply to A Whits Home Viiitor. Seabright Woman Dead. me has remained permanent and. I lutions of protest against the gran^ recommend them as highly as ever." M. CONli • Mis3 Emily Woodruff, daughter of ing of a wholesale liquot licenso to Mrs. Adele W^)nrton of .Seabright, E• , • ~S AUCTIONEER J. C. Woodruff of Asbury Park, was John B, Burns of Freehold. widow of William W.harton, died last • Price 60c. at all dealers,' Dont Prompt attention to all sales o( farm Stock. one of a party of graduates of the Wednesday. She. was 75 years old merchandise and personal property, New Firehouie at Hamilton. simply ask for a kidney remedy—get P. O. Address. 102 Borden Street, Bed Bsnk. National (School of domestic art and and had been sick a long time. Donn's Kidney Pills—the samo that science that recently visited the A two, story brick firehouse is be- LOCUST POINT, U. J. Phone 8-R Atlantic Read Paper at Temperance Meeting, Mr. Wright has twice publicly recom- R. B. F. KING, White House. ing built: at Hamilton in Neptune mended. Foster-Milbum Co., Props., D VETEIUHARY SURGEON AND township. , Gnrrabrandt & Conover Miss Elizabeth Reid o£ English- DENTIST. Association Proiperoui, town read a paper at the spring insti- Buffalo, N. Y. . SHREWSBURY. NEW JERSEY. of Belmar have been awarded the Oreratoroy performed on bitches with penscs At the annual meeting of the As-contract on a bid of ?3,727. tute of the county temperance union bury Park young men's association held at Freehold Friday week. AIBO dogs treated with Scrum for DUtempa'tnJ last weolc reports were read showing Two New ReiidentB. Mange. the association to be in a prosperous Mrs. Edgar ,Walling of Asbury Auto Breaks Mail Box. Tclechone 2118. Eatontown, N. J. Shrewsbury Avenue, Red Oank condition. The organization now hasPark gave birth to a son Tuesday of An automobile left the road in R. JL M. STRYKER, Three Minutes from Depot 370 members, . last week, nnd on Wednesday Mrs, front of J. L. Hendrickson's house at D VETEnlNAUY SURGEON. Egbert Close-of that place also be- Freehold last week and broke Mr. REAL ESTATE Office, Public Service BulldUm. Telephons Mf FIRST-CLASS SERVICE Auto Company Incorporate*. came the mother of a son. Hendrickson's mail box down. RcBldonco, 81 Shrewsbury Avenue. TelechonslB-t INSURANCE RED BANK. N. J. 'Comfortable Rooms • The Montauk auto service corpor- Applegate—Leigh. A Firemen's Entertainment. ation has been incorporated with Miss Ethel .Applegate and Gilbert Spring Lake fire company _No, 1 and LOANS A. AREND, headquarters at Bradley Beach. The held an entertainment in Clark Clay- ARCHITECT. CAFE and BAR ATTACHED company will have about twenty big C, Leigh of Asbury Park were mar- 105 W.'40th Street. New York CItj. | • auto busses and several touring cars ried Sunday 'of last week at theton's garage Friday week for the ben- Klnrnonth Bulldlns, Aflborj Pork,IN. J. bride's home, Rev. \V. A. Atchley efit of the aiito tractor fund. TRUEX BUILDING. Residence. Brood Street, Red Bonk. N, I, and taxicabs. : Speclolisttn country work, •JAMBS L. WORDEN, Proprietor performod tho'cererriony. Belmar Cottage Sold. BROAD STREET Telephone Connections. •- - Noted Horseman Dead. TELEPHONE 068 RED BANK Station Agent Transferred. Mrs. W. B. Gordon of Belmar has RED BANK, N. J. OHN S. APPLEGATE & SON, William H. DuBois, a noted horse- sold her cottage at that place to COUNSELLORS Al LAW. man, died at Jamaica, Long Island, William Elsinger, who has been J station agent at Tennent, has been Thomas Harding of Newark, who will WATCH ME GttOW. Davidson Bulldlnir. BroadBtr««t. last week. Mr. DuBois's first wife occupy it as a summer home. Res BANK. N. was ..Miss .Matilda -Conklin. of..Long- transferred to Haincsport. Benju. CHESTER A. WOLCOTT, Branch and he wa3 well known at rniti T. Adhms of Bay Head succeeds Manasquan Man Sells-House. DMUND WILSON, that place " Mr. Elsinger at Tennent. Motal Callings, Emoio stacks, Metal E COUNSELLOR AT LAW. 4 George F. Armstrong of Mana- Silos. RED BANK. B. 3 Death from Consumption. On a Bike Tour. • squan has sold his house to Mrs, J.Forbel Warm Air I'tirnacos, Qennine Offices: 10 EABT FKOHT STBEE*. James McGuirc of Matawan died , John Irvin and John Perrine of W. Pratt of Ohio. Mrs. Pratt will Amerloan Insfot lion. ARY WOOSTER SUTTON, LL. M. last Wednesday after a long sickness Asbury Park are on a two-weeks' va- make Manasquan her home. Boorrna AND HEATIKO. M COUNSELLOR AT LAW. cation which they arc spending on a • SHEET METAX V7OBB:, Master In Chancery from consumption. He was El years Belmar Man's New Job. ' Sutton Building Brold Street old and is survived by eleven chil- bike tour. The trip will take them as GXTTTBB AND LEADEB WOBK A Red Bnfik. N. J. far south as-Maryland, Earl C.Conklin of Belmar has quit • SPECIAITY. dren. Mr. McGuife was a well known his job with- the Coast gas company horseman. STOVES, RANGES ADD EEBAIBS. A LSTON BEEKMAN, First Shipment of Asparagus. and is now working for the Lakewood Lot mo ostlmate on your wants. I will ii_- COUNSELLOCOl R AT LAW. New Store for Asbury Park. The first shipment of : asparagus and Coast electric company.. guarantee to BOTO yon 35 per c»*at. OCflces 10 Broad street; RED BANE. IT. J, Benjamin Sherman, formerly of from the Hazlet station this season New Brick.Platform. THEBE'S A BEA80N. - K. HERBERT E. WILLIAMS, was made last week by George B. BURGEON DENTIST. Asbury Park,. has returned to that The unused east track in front of Auto BQrvico Anywboro ia llonmoatbD place from Brooklyn and has opened Roberts, It was consigned to Peter County. Graduate University of Pennsylvania. McClees. of New York. the Asbury Park railroad station is Him STBEET, EATONTO-WN, S, 3.OHco Days In Red. Bank: Mondays. Wedataaan Ji&rd usage tf-haidware! store. Mr. Sherman was being taken up and a brick platform Phono 2120-J. and Saturdays. engaged in the hardware business at Asbury Porker Honored. will be laid in its place. 120 Broad Street Red Bank. N. I. For floors that are subjected to the constant Brooklyn. . ' John F, Knox of Asbury Park has Manasquan House 5old'. - • *. . R. W. M. THOMPSON, tread of many feet—in halls, in offices, in school boen elected,grand patriarch of the DENTAL SURGEON, Officer', Bike Stolen.' " K. H. Vreeland has sold his house 2Dd Nafl Bank Building. Red Bank. N. I houses and in churches—we recommend the per- Marshal John Hart ot-Avon left his New Jersey Encampment Odd Fel-at Manasquan to Miss Lizzie Havens, Hours 8-G. fect floor varnish— bicycia. standing in front of a store lows. This is the highest office in who will take possession next week. last week and when he went for it the the order in the state. . R. WILLIAM ROSE, The price was $5,000. D DENTIST/ machine was gone, The bicycle be- Death of Adelphia M&n. Bucceesor to Dr. R. F. Borden. longed to the borough and was new Sailor on Furlough; Gas administered. John G. Voorhecs rif Adelphia died 60 BROAD STREET. RED .BANK. N. J, last fall. Tuesday of-»last week after a long George W. Daniels, son of Albert Wins Railroad Promotion. sickness i.rCHW-freneraP d&bilityi. MrA. . Daniels of Long Branch, spent Lgst KO. D. COOPER, Voorhees wa,s~75 years old and.is sur- week home on a furlough from uift. & CIVIL ENGINEER. John E, Sexton of Long Branch, battleship Arkansas. - Successor te Gea Cooper. C, B who has been employed as assistant vived .by twp children. : Poatofflce Bnlldlng, r~—Rl^P BANK. H. ». ilAElBLE FLOOR FINISH engineer on the Erie railroad at Operation for Burst Vein. Gibson—Hufnal. r. Youngstown, Ohio, has been pro; 'EORGE K, ALLEN, JR., It is tko floor varnish without a fault. Put it William Matthews, son of J. Y. Mm, Idn Gibson nnd Willnrd A. * CIVIL ENGINEER AND BIIBVEtOB, moled to division engineer at Mead Hufnal of Asbury Park were mar- Room 7. Patterson Building, Broad Btraft. on wood floors and we'll guarantee that it will Matthews of: Asbury Park, underwent villc, Pa. - ' . ; an operation at the Long Branch hos- led at that place Saturday week by RED BANK. N. J. give them a marble-like surface that resists wear Rev. W. A. Atchley. and tear as no other varnish, vrill. Temperanca Union Convention, pital'last'ijr'fek'fdr- the relief of a This is the quality condition of our ACOB C. SHUTTS, burst vein In his leg. Mill Hands on Strike. laundering — ABSOLUTELY PER- AUCTIONEER. It preserves indefinitely the natural beauty of the wood. The spring institute of the Mon- JSpecial attention irivcn to BSICS of form itMSj - In dear, dry weather it 'will -dry in 24 hours. T" clean nwnilli- eojihiy womon'fi torhponun'fl Painting Governor's Cottage. Tho Freehold rug mill was forced FECT. farm Implements and other personal troperty. floors varnished with'I4arble. Floor Finilh merely apply a union was held in the Freehold Bap to shut down last week because of a P. O. AdJresi. 191 Broad BUeeU Bed Bonk. Arthur Blajlas of Manasquan has Our up-to-date equipment, our Telephone) 264. little DEVOE Polishing Oil according to simple directions, tist church Friday week. . Delegates tho contraciifor painting the goyern- strike of some of the mill hands, who were present from rill partSi of the ,vantod more pny. skilled .help and the exacting caro we (That's a|l the "scfuhbine!',' they, Jieej. Np^more man and br's. cottage/Jand the quarteitmaster 1 R. WM. J. WOLFERT, water and elbow grease I* We sniw.Devoe MarbleTloor county, ' ' ' '" "1* take in every detail enables ua to general's uouso at ..the state 'cump New Lodge Members. guarantee you the above kind of D OSTEOPATH. . Finish will give you satisfaction. And the guarantee of Home from the South: grounds at'Seagirt. •,"• 91 Dread street. Red Bank. H. J. • purity is on every can, ..-••'• •'-•-- WilHnm Runsley and Charles and work. Graduatoof Philadelphia college of OatMtstlu. Cluude O. Gregg, manager of thoDelegate far Letter Carriers. Thomas Moore are new members of Phlladelplilacollegeof Anatomy. And pott gli* Our.wagon will stop for the trial ate of-Amorican school of Oatcopatbyst Elra« furniture department in Steinbach's Charles Jehl has been solcetod ns the Farmingdale lodge of Knights of vllle, Mo. urnler the founder of the tclene* J. TRAFFORD ALLEN store at Asbury Park, is home from a a delegiito by the Long Branch* let- the Golden Eagle. ' bundle if you will call - T two-months' stay in the South, which RED BANK, N. J. was made for the benefit- of histor. carriei'E to represent them at theHome from Florida. health. \-...: ; . i, state convention to be held at Plain- Miss L. G. Bull and Mrs. M. K. .field.on.5lay.30th,. .^ , Wileox- -o-f—Oceivn -Grove -hiwe*--re- Dr.~H.B. VanDorn ,t ... k ..*. ,.. ^ Address by New YorkiWoman. Death of an,Infant. turned from Florida, where they DENTIST Dr. Kathorine B. Davis, commis- Cecil Fow'fer, the eight-months-old spent the winter. Second National Bank Buildinff slorier of parole of New .York city, son of Jameii"Fovvler of Long Branch, Sailor on a Furlough, - Progress Laundry Rooms' 8 and 9 made an address in the Matawan died Monday of last week. Burjai hJghVBchool Friday night. . She was Jamfes Hay ward, a sailor oti the was, made-at White Ridge cemetery "CARE" Is our Waih-Word ieciired by the woman's club of Mat- at Entontowik. , torpedo boat destroyer McDougal, is awan. enjoying a furlough with relatives at EW YORK AND LONG BRANCH Avon's Fire Chief. "ong Branch. 67 White Street, Red Bank, N. J. N RAILROAD. New Manufacturing Plant. Returned to California. Time Table In effect May 1st, 1916. George W.'.'Henderson was elected Stations in New York.Pennsyivanla It. R.Sovcnth The Long Branch manufacturing chief of the, Avon fire department Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Manuel left Telephone 629-M Red Bank Avenue anil Thirty Second Street; foot of company- has leased tho factory at last night.. Mr. Henderson was un-a3t week for thoir homo at San Corllnndt Street: foot of DctbrosfOS Street J Ilu.lton T.rraina! (H & M T. R). Church and Long Brach formerly operated by opposed. Dow. Kling was elected as- 'riincisco after spending a month at Cortlnnilt Street. Centrallt. R. of New Jersey; Sigmund Eisner mid will manufacture sistant chief..,. • iong Brunch. foot of Liberty Street; foot of West Twenty. ikirts. David Frank will manage the Third Street. plant. • Engagement Announced, Wife Beater in Jail. TRAINS LEAVE RED BANK Mi\.nnd Mrs. M. T. Eiker of Al- Thomas Connor of Freehold was For Now York: 6E5. 0 41. 703, 723, 740, 7BC- West Farms Family Moves, arrested last week and placed in the 82" 8M, 844. 917, 9 38 (MomlnyBonly), 942- lenhurst have announced the engage- 10 t>2.1125.11 65 n. m.; 1 46. 2 48.119,4 30.1E0- Mr. and Mrs, George Allen have ment of their daughter, Beatrice D., county .jail on .a charge of beating G 00, 7 43. 925 (Saturday only) p. m. Sundays- moved from West Farms into Ira to Howard L. Baumgartner of As-his wife. 8 58, 9 37. 11 11, a. m.; 120.4 19. 415. 6 47, 1)03. Bound's house at Fnrmingdale. The bury Park: 7 IP, 7 y5, 8 01), 8 B?, 9 00, 9 57 p. m. house vacated by the Aliens will be New Station Platform. For Elitnbeth'nnil Ncwnrk: 6 55, Oil. 7 63, 7 40 (Newark only), 154 S U, (Newark only). 917, coupled by Mr. and Mrs. Isnac Mar- New Show Rooms Opened. A new concrete platform is being 3 42, 1125, 1155n. m.: 140, 2 43. 130. 4 50.3 00. II. L. Zobcl opened his new auto- built at the Pennsylvania railroad sta- 7 a, 9 25. (Saturdayonly) p. m. Sundays; 8 63. mobile show rooms at'Long Branch tion at Freehold by W. A. Thompson. 9 37,11 41 a.m.: 1 20, 119. (Newark.only), t 45. 6 47, C 03, 7 10. 7 35. 8 OS, 8 38, 9 00,9 67 p. ra. jift for Jury Foreman, . • on Saturday. The show rooms are at Thieves Get Canned Fruit. Marshall Woolley of Long Branch, For Mntnwan nnd Perth Amboy: 6 65. 041. 7 03. the corner of Second avenue and Thieves got into the cellar of W. II. 7 23 7 f.li, 917. 9 42, 11 25, 11 65, a. m., 1 40, Z 48. foreman of. the January grand jury, Broadway, 4 SO, COOIMntnwanonly). 743. 3 25, (Satur- was given a large pocket wallet by Davis's house at Freehold one night days only) p.m. Sundays: 8 58. flu7. a. m." Bikes for Deal. last week and stole 25 cans of fruit. 1 20, 4 15 (Matawnn onlyj, 6 03, 719 (Mata members of the jury at a dinner held wan only), 900 p.m. f LOUIS J. TETLEY, t Asbury Purk last Thursday after- Deal borough has bought five bi- Death of a Child. For Long Branch. Aabury Park. Ocean Groro. noon. cycles and a motorcycle from Naph Point Pleasantand Intermediate stations: 122. Poland of Bradley Beach. The ma- Theo'dore, the two-year-old son of (Mondays cxceDtul) 6 00, C 02. 9 40,1027 a, ra.j Firemen's Election. Eustace Winston of Freehold, died It's Quite Clear 12 22 12 55, 143 (Saturdaysonly), 167, 2 35 chines will be used by the Deal police Tuesday, of last week of pneumonia. (Saturdays only). 4 32. 4 49, 6 37 (Saturdays John \V. Aymar has been elected department. . t . -' exct-iilcd), 5 50, C 22, 0 38. 7 37,10 40 p. m. Sun- president of the North Asbury Park Freehold Boy Operated On. to every customer that • days: 122, 6 30, 9 53, 10 37, 10 62 a.m.: 12 22. fire company. Arthur II. Hope ia Auto Trip to Maryland, 2 65,5 40. 0 C2. 10 18 p. m. Robert W. Lewis, Jr., of Freehold, we strive ta.please you For Freehold via Matiwun and C. R. R. of N. J.. vjee president, John W. Martin sec- Mr. and Mrs, Albert Nelson and ivas operated on for appendicitis at 7 It. 917.11M n. m. 1 40.1 30, 0 00 p. m. Sun- retary and Joseph C. Woodruff treas- II. T. Eldridge of Allentown recently i Trenton hospital last week. dayH: 9 37 a. m.: 4 45. 9 00 p. ra. urer. made an automobile trip to Maryland, with courteous service, LEAVE NEW YORK FOR RED BANK. ' where Mr, Nelson is interested in aVisitor from Chicago. Matawan's Fire Chief. fair prices, prompt at- C. B. R. of N. J.. footof Liberty street. 100.815. Contractors nnd Bulldero. big farm. . Mrs. William R. Montgomery of 10 JO, 1130, 1 00 (Sutiirdajs only, 1 20 (Satur- Lovis S. Emmons, Jr., wns elected Chicago is visiting relatives at Farra- daya only), 1 30. 3 so. 3 40. 4 45. 100.5 3D, o OS. And Dealers in All Kinds of fire chief of Matawnn last week over Recovering from Sickness. tention, and the variety 6 30,9 00 p. in.; 12 01 mldnlffht). Sundays- 405. BU1LDINO MATERIALS. ngdale and ut Oak Glen. 8 45.1U5. 1000,1100 a.m., 2 31). 400. 830, 0.00 William H. Digging. Charles C. Mrs. Frank C. Chambers of Free- p. til. BRIDGE AVENUE, "Ichock was made first assistant chief hold, who hns 'Jiecn seriously sick in New Drug Cferk, and purity of our C. R. ii. of N J., foot of West 23d strcot, 9 05. 9 W. Oppollti Railroad Sution, sind Gilbert W. Craig Becond assist- a Trenton hospital, is recovering. J. dark of Philadelphia has taken • 11 20, 12 tO (Saturdays only), 110 (Saturdays ant. She is now visiting her father at only). 120, !I2), 380.430, 4 60. 6 20, 8 20.8 60. Bod Bank H. J. a job as drug clerk in Emmott's drug Drugs, and Toilet 11 B0 p. m. Sundays: 8 S5.0 05, 9 60,10 W a. ra.J Work done by tbo day or contract Plainficld. 2 20,8 60. 8 20. 8 60 p. m. No job too large; none too small. Want Stores Closed Sundays. store at Manusquan. Jobbing attended to at ibort notlcs. Fire Chiefs Elected. -ots Sold at Manasquan. Penn. R. R.- 7th Ave nnd B2d Street, N. Y., Cltlmatel f umkhf i on all klndi ot A petition signed by 442 persons Supplies 0 04, 1112 n. m.: 12 34, 3 42, 4 20 (Saturdays work. wns presented to the Freehold com- George V. Henderson is the new Monroe WyckofT of Munasqunn has excoptcd). D 12 I), IL. Sunt'ayB: 933,130,1112 - Batlaftctlon Baarantoed. iold n building lot to Mrs. Annie a. m.:130, S12 p.m. missioners last week asking that storo chief of tho Asbury Park fire depart- Ponnn. R. R., Hudson Terminal (IT. ffi 11. R. R.) keepers he compolled to keep their ment. McLaren Miller is first assist- tVoolley. Church and Cortlandt Streets, 833, 9 00,1111) .Lores clo3ed all day on Sundays, ant chief and William Taggart second a.m.: 12 27 (Satunlnys only), 1230, 34], <23 (Satunlayscxceptc0),G12p. m. Bundayi:830* assistant. • _ ' 9 30,1110 a. m.s 1 DO. 6 11) c. m. Freehold Man in Business. J. L. BERGEN & CO., Thornas C. Burke, who hns been Building Apartment House. An Appeal to Wives For further ' particulara seo time-tables al employed by Miss Ellen Hunt of George W. Parker of Matawan is You know tho terrible affliction thru PROPRIETORS, stations. corner) to nmiiy lininos from the result of L. W. BERRY, Superintendent, N. Y.snd la. D. "rechoUl several yenrs, has given up transforming a storehouse owned by a. drinking husband or son. You know 10 Broad Street, Red Bank. ilia job nnd hns bought the express him into a three family apartment f tlio money wasted on "Drink" tlint CnXs! O. McFADDIN, Gon. Pals. Asont. H. X. andL. D. K. It. usiness of Charles HI Crawford. house. Euch apartment will have six a needed in tho h-nme to purchase food Telephone 79:J. ml dothinff. OnniXK hua saved thou- D. N DELL. Gen. Paoa. Aittnt, Ponn. B. IL rooms. amlfl of drinking men. It in a home W. C- HOPE, Gon'l Piaienner Alent, Central Matawaner'Gets Good Job. reatment, Xo Ktmltnrhini OKIIIMIIJO. Cun nf N. J. Girls' Club Officers. . > bo Klven secretly. Wo tiro in earnest Beer-yaumay Myrpn J. Conover, son of JadBon 1 Emmn -Irons was elected president ivlien we ask you to plve OltlllS'E a onovor of Mntnwnn, hns been en- rlnl, You liavo nothtUK tortrl.sk and Rngcd an examining and consulting of the Adelphia girls' club nt a meet- vorythliis; to K'l'ti, for j'oiu* numey will MERCHANTS STEAMBOAT CO. OF NEW JERSEY. engineer by tho mnnngcr of Charles ing Fridny weok. Anna Patterson is ))ti returned If nft^r n trlul you full to i set results from ORU1XE. '• •- TIMETABLE IN EFFECT APRIL 13lh, 1910. M, Schwab's interests in. Nevada. secretary nnd Marian Storer treus- OHItl.viJ In pmpiirod In two forma: Subject to clianao without notlco, uror. ], HOC ret treiitnient; OH HI NIC No. '1, Building a Pound Boat. o voluntary treatniont. Cost:) only Howard Hoffmnn of Belmnr is West Grove Fire Officers. $1.00 n. box. Ask na for booklet. James STEAMER SEA BIRD Tho new chief of the West Ocean Cooper, Jr., Broad mid Whlto etrcots. Between Plcr2-I.fo3tof Franklin Street, Now York (Lnmllnu nt Ih.i Ilattety to tnko on nnil let ofT luilding a pound boat for C. E. Swat- PaBaonKera only), and IILthlnndt, Highland Dcuch.Ocos.nlL-, Locust Point, l'nlr Haven and lied B«nk. ing of New York. The bont will ho Grove, fuc department ftkHurr y Mc- Teltphono Call 1701 Franklin, Now York. 423 Rod Bank. N. J. Illiililanila Tolophono, 1264, , Rich in iS feet long nnd is to he used in fish- Chesney. A. H. Phnro is firstas - ,ng along the Long Island shore. sistant nnd Ira Boicc second ussist- FOR RED BANK. FOR NEW YORK. nourishment. nnt. . ' . , Dally oxcent Sunday. P.M. Dally ucotit Simdur, AU. Delightfully Variety Shower at Matawan. I.favo Plr-r 24, foot of Franklin Hitt dntror n-rtrty 2,110 Liinvo Red Dank., t , .,,,. Mil Miss Luclln Hardon of Mntnwnn A New Grocery-Store. Street K. " Fair Havon.,,,,. 7.15 satisfying. t billion dolliri Lcavo llattory Landlns 2.55 was given n variety shower lnst woek woflh of fooil ami property wttty y*i.r. " I,ociiHt I'oint - Ui Mrs. Elm'cr HabeiHtick,of Bclmar Arrive HlfrhtundB ubotlt. 4.40 7.83 Served in the best W Rnd mlco and nop/mr ION with " Oceanic '* ...A " Occitnlo.. nt Mrs. G. W. Craig's.' Sho received is building a small storo at that plnce r,»,| " HiKlilanilii , HO) homes. , largo numbor of household nrticlea. for n grocery business for her son. • Irfcliat Point " \rtWi llattorv IjsmllnK nlWllt DM KM ' Fair Havoa* " r,,ic Arrlvo Frar.bllnBtrtotabout...... Tho storo will bo oponod June 1st. \ com • RidUank " 'iremon's Minstrel Show, b It jtefatt BK DfiiLdtf to 6.M Bottled at the brewery. rati but hKrmlon to ExcurHbn tlckot. 00 ctntH. Slnirlo Kara, .lOcontH, Order a cnYo fri)m yolir dealer, or A minstrel show wns held, at Man- Death from Cancer.. humui balnffl. Riu ilinplf NOTICE-At Battery Lnndlnar. "II olov«tod trnlno fur uptown, subwor for uptown ot loll asqunn Friday week for tho bonefit Miss Adehiido S. Woglum of Ocean iry up. No oiol vtutrrer. anil Burfaco caM nnd forties to Htalon Island and Uroohlyn, can be resoliod In two minutes, GOTTFRIED KRUEGER of Hook an'd,.*OUultlcr fi'r

Unequalled Opportunity to Purchnio Furniture, Floor Coverings, Draperies and Household Needs Post Colonial Bed Room Suite The great charm of this great design lies in its simplicity.. This suite is beautifully finished} "a Men'jfAll Wool Suits choice of either mahogany or walnut Pieces may --'---D'nrlrtVdwn and greonish gray, 2-button Boftroll "lie^purchased irTdividually as follows: '$27.50 cont'with patch pockets; regular $12.50, special at dresser, special af $21.50; $27.50 chiffonnier, special $9.76. . ..-••". --: at $21.50; $22.50 dressing table, special at $16.50; TanB ahd gray mixed tweeds, pinch hack Norfolk $25.50 bed, special at $19.50. • coat, well tailored; regular $1E.OO, special at $12.50. . Blue pencil stripe worsted suits and dark brown cassimores, two and three-button, with patch Willow Furniture °* pockets, special at $17.60. Blue unfinished worsted suits, with n green over- Chair, regular, $3.75, special, $2.98; rocker; reg- plaid, three-button, sdft roll front coat with regular ular, $4.50, special, $3.75; wing chnir, regular $9.00, pockets; Bpecial at $22.50.. special, $8X0; wing rocker, regular, $8.50, special, $7.25. In shades of apple green, brown, golden SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, NECKWEAR, brown, white enamel or any desired shade. . GLOVES. Woven madras shirts, neat stripes, fast colors, French turnover cuffs; value $1.25, special at,85c. White madras sport shirts, convertible collar, Mahogany Chairs and Tables half Bleeves; special at $1.25. Solid mahogany chair or rocker, with seat, sides Balbriggnn underwear, short sleeve shirts, ankle and back of firmly woven cane, splendid design; reg- length drawers, with'double seat; valuo 50c, special ular, $24.50", special, $16.75. at 39c. - • •" : • . Solid mahogany library table, 30x50, colonial in QTEINBACH'S Anniversary and Opening Sales have for almost half a century attracted the best class of buyers from all parts Onyx silk half hose, in black, white, tan, navy, design, beautifully finished; regular, ?3Gy50, special, gray and Palm Beach; high spliced heel, double sole, $29.00. i • 0 of the state. This year they will be more important than ever, because of the tremendous advance in pricesother'stores are and toe; value 60c, special at 35c. obliged to ask. - '.-.-' Silk four-in-hands, large open ends, many pat-., terns; value 50c, special at 39c. Windsor Chairs and Rockers Our patrons are sharing with us the benefits of early purchasing, to whichwe have added considerably for the great sale. Men's chamoisotto and silk gloves, gray, black Windsor chair, or rocker, true reproduction in Please remember, however, that you are welcome and wanted at this event, whether or not you have needs to fill. < and self embroidered; special at 95c. solid mahogany; regular, $15.00, special, $10.50. MEN'S TOP COATS. Gray and brown mixture top coats, 42 inches long; some with self collars, others with velvet col-' Mahogany Tea Wagons Suits at $12.50 Spring Silks lars; regular $18.00 and $20.00, special nt $14.50. A Subatantinl Saving on Every Yard, Due to Early Purchming and Tea wagon of solid .mahogany; has rubber tired WORTH FROM $17.50 TO $22.50. LEATHER BAGS. •wheels and removable glass tray; regular, $18.00, a Sacrifice of Profit. 100 suits, no two alike, made of gabardines, men's wear serges Charmeuse finish satin, colors and black, 36 inches wide; value Genuine leather bags, all sizes; 15, 10, 17 and special, $14.50. and checks; values from $17.50 to $22.50, special at $12.50. 18 inches ^leather lined, brass trimmings,, in blnck,_ . .$1.25. special at $l.0Q_a yard...... _; ;..: A-.. tari and brown; regular $5.00, special nt $3.0O. CHINA, GLASSWARE, HOME NEEDS...... „ ... SUMMER FURS. ••' -' — ' Charmeuse in light blue, white, brown, eggplant purple, navy, Thin blown table tumblers; regular, 60c. dozen, Iceland fox scarfs, special at $4.75, , . 40 inches wide; value. $1.50 a yard, special at 99c. a yard. special at 48c. GIRLS' GRADUATION DRESSES, Invisible stripe silk, 36, inches jvide; value $1.75 a yard, special Large size cut glass flower vase; regular $1.00, of net, voile, organdie;, selection of youthful models, trimmed with at $1.25 a yard. , ~pr special at" 75c ribbon and fine laces; value $15.00, special at $9.75. . Plaid silks, 26 inches wide; value $1.25 a yard, special", $J a yard. Mahogany smoking stand, glass insert, match SWEATERS. „ Foulard silks, 40 inches wide; value $1.50 a yard, special at and cigar rests; regular $1.39, special at $LO0. Women's fibre sweaters, old rose, Tipperary green, gold and $1.25 a yard. Electric iron, guaranteed, weight 6 pounds, com- Copen, half-belted back; value $6.50, special at $5.50. Corduroy for sport coats and skirts, 36 inches wide; value $1.25 plete with cord and plug; for use on any circuit, MISSES' SPRING FROCKS.' a yard, special at $1.00 a yard. $1.89. 50 different styles of youthful beauty, nets, taffetas and pongees, Dress Goods Japanese scrap basket in split bamboo, stained plain and striped combination; values from $17.50 to $25.00, special mahogany color;' regular 75c, special at 49c. at $10.75. • " We Bought Before Xmai with Thu "Anniveriary and Opening Sale" English rock or blue and white tea pots, 5-cup , WOMEN'S HOSIERY. in Mind. Otherwise These Prices Couldn't Exist. size, special at 25c. Fibre silk hose, garter top, black and white and colors, special Chiffon broadcloth, colors nnd black, 50 inches wide; value $2.00 Vacuum sweeper with brush attachment, made at 43c , a yard, special at $1.49 a'yard. ALL WOOL SUITS. by Bissell, easy running, special at $5.00. Black silk hose, white clocked, garter top, special at 79c. Wool poplin, 38 inches wide; value $1.00 a yard, special, 75c yd. Bluish grays and mixed' cassimeres, Norfolk Bissell's carpet sweeper; regular $2.50, special , ..Richelieu silk hose, black, white and colors, special at $1,001 Black and white checks, 45 inches wide; value $1.00 a yard, model (belted); 6ome have two pairs of Knickers;, at $1.98; Italian silk hose, black and white stripes, special at $1.25. special at 75c. a yard.- ... . . '. special at $4.25. Yellow bowls, 3 in a set, special at 29c. set. Black and white check, 3G inches wide; value 015c. a yard, special , Black and whito chock Norfolk suits, patch at 45c. a yard. pocket models, two pairs of Knickers, mohair lining; White enamel frame mirrors, in oval or round Coats Reduced regular $10.00, special at $6.75. corners, French plate glass, size 10x16, $1.35 Black .and white check suiting, all wool, 54 inches wide; value : (plain). Size 14x20, $2.50 (beveled). $9.75, Worth $25.00. $2.50 a yard, special at $2.00 a yard. WASH SUITS. Camphor flake, I9c. a box. . 25 imported English topper coats*bf excellent quality tan covert Black and white velour coating, 54 inches wide; value $3.00 a Plain white drill and Galatea stripo suits, light O-Cedar triangle polishing mop, with 5-foot cloth. - , ' yard, special at $2.35 a yard. and dark colors, sizes 3 to 8 years; special at 89c. handle, adjustable, small size; regular 76c, special ' $19.75, Worth $27.50. Cream serge, 45 inches wide; value $1.25 a yard, special, $1 yd. SHIRTS AND BLOUSES. at 59c. Large size, regular $1.26, special at 98c. Silk poplin coats, exact copy of an imported model, shirred, at ..... All wool serge, sponged and shrunk,in all colors; value $1.00 a - Plain white and neat'Btriped madras shirts and O-Cedar polish, Liquid Veneer, Liquid Gloss; the back, lined with messaline; colors, purple, rose, reseda, gray attd yard, special at 75c. a yard. . ;• blouses, with collar attached or detached, light nnd regular 25c, special at 21c. black; marabou trimming. -.'".. ' '' All wool French challies, floral and stripe designs; value 75c. a dark colors; special at 39c. : Parlor sweeping broom, No. 6, special at 29c. $11.95; Worth $17.50. yard, special at 50c. a yard. • - ' NECKWEAR. Folding ironing board, stands strong; regular 08 white chinchilla sport coats, Belted and loose flowing styles, Silk poplin, 40 inches wide; value $1.25 a yd,, special at $1 a yd. Four-in-hand, plain colors, and fancy silk tica; $1.25, special at $1.00. best quality goods; some plaid and plain colors. special at 19c. (Boys'.furnishing section.) Garden" hose, 3-ply, 50-ft. longth, $2.95. 4-ply, $12.50, Worth $19-50. \ . . Wash Fabrics , 50-ft. length, guaranteed, with brass couplings, Women's top coats, clever belted models, black, navy, tan, wool poplins and black and white velour checks, belted models and con- 25c. mercerized poplins, 2.7 inches wide, full range of colors; on: Sale of Bed and Table Linens Brass ring lawn sprinklers, 50c. vertible collars, lined with Faille satin. sale while 2,000 yards last, at one-half price, 12J£c. per yard. Prices at least 25 per cent lower than present Wood hose reels, holds 50-ft. hose, 75c. $10.75, Worth $12.50. 19c. flowered voiles, .50 pieces of beautiful, crisp, new voiles, in market. On sale on the big bargain square at Em- Milanese sport coats, novelty stripe and plnin colors, navy, blue, all the newest floral and striped effects; special at 10c per yard, ory street and.Cookman nvenue entrance. Ostrich feather dusters, washable; regular 50c, 25c. to 39c. new wash fabrics at 19c. yard. Materials include . special at 39c. white, gold, rose, green and purple. 1 "HOTEL SPECIAL BRAND"—-Torn Pillow Ca.ei. Food chopper, has three knives; regular 90c, flowered and striped voiles, woven tissues, flowered Swisses, flowered 42x36, value 20c, special at 16c. each. special at 75c. batistes, colored ombroidercd Swisses, novelty jnquard batistes, tut- 45x36, value 22c,'special nt 1'Bc, each. Separate Skirts' fercup tissues, snowball Swisses, flowered Marqujsettes, tissue Rex; • 50x36, value 24c, special at 20c. each. Curtain stretchers, made of white wood, nickel- values up to 39c, at 19c. a yard. . plated pins, size 12x6 feet; can be made smaller. Tub skirts of pique and repp; value $1.50, special at 89c. . SEAMLESS SHEETS. ' ' No. 00 stretcher, 85c; No. 1 stretcher, $1.10; No. Silvcrbloom, linen and golfino sKirts') wide'bolt,'slashed pockets, 50c. to 75c. exclusive novelty washfabrics at 34c a yard. High . .54x90, value flpc, special at :49c, each. 33 stretcher, with easel, $1.50. \ large pearl buttons; value $4.00, special at $2.95. class, exclusive foreign novelties, styles and materials too numerous .72x90, vallie fIGc.., special at fl?c. each, : Lindsay gas light, complete with globe, burner, Separate skirts in novelty elTects, made of serge, checks, mix- to mention, but a large collection of Materials de Luxe; values up to 81x90, vnlub 90c, special at 75c.'each. and 30c mantle; regular $1.00, special at 75c. Gas\ tures, plaids and silk Jersey doth;.vahie $10.00, special at $6.75. 75c, special nt 34c. per yard. "SEACOAST BRAND"—E*lra Quality Torn Pil- mantles, guaranteed; regular 25c, special at 20c.V VEILS. low Cafes. Screen doors, complete • with fixtures—2x6 by Shetland finished veiling in white, blues, brown and black; reg- 42x36, value 22q., special at 18c. each.' ftx6, $1; 2x8 by 6x8, $1.10; 2x10 by 6x10, $1.20; \ 1000 Specially Priced Blouses ular 25c, a yard, special at 18c. a yard. 45x36, value 24c, special at 20c. each. 2x10 by 7x10, $1.40; 3x7 It., $1.30. . Hemstitched chiffon veils, 1 yd. x 1 >4 yds.; rogular prico $1.00, 60x36, vnluo 26c, special at 22c, onch. special at 79c. EXTRA QUALITY SEAMLESS SHEETS. CAMISOLES. RIBBONS. 54x90, value 74c, special at 65c. each. Camisoles of flesh crepe de chine, without sleeves, trimmed with 5-inch hair bow moire ribbon; regular 25c. yd., special at 19c. yd. 72x00, value 06c, special 'at 70c each. Window Screens val. laco nnd insertion,, ribbon-run, clastic at waist, special at $U19. Satin striped hair bow ribbon; regular 36c. a yard, special at 81x90, value $1.05, special nt 89c. each. Adjustable with Hard Wood Frames. Camisoles of crepe de chine.and pussy willow taffeta, special, $1. 29c. a yard. Shades white, pink, blue, Copenhagen, navy, brown, red, "QUEEN CITY BRAND"—Beil Quality Torn Pil- CORSET COVERS. 18 inches high, 33 inches wide, 23c. old rose and black. low Caiei. 22 inches high, 33, inches wide, 26c. Corset covers of nainsook, trimmed with val. lace and insertion with embroidered organdie band, back and front alike, special at 59c. 5-inch plaid ribbon; regular 35c. a yard, special at 23c. a yard. 42x36, value 24c, special at 20c. each. : 24 inches high, 33 inches wide, 28c. Warp prints, Dresden,.Jacquards; regular 35c. to 75c. a yard, 45x36, value 26c, special at 22c. each. : 24 inches high, 37 inches wide, 30c. Corset covers of nainsook, val. lace and insertion trimmed, me- special at 25c to 39e. ayard. Variety of new and pretty shades and 60x36, value 28c, special at 24c. each. i 28 inches high, 37 inches wide, 35c. dallions of embroidered organdie front and back, ribbon-run, special at 50c. ^ designs. BEST QUALITY SEAMLESS SHEETS. 30 inches high, 37 inches wide, 40c. HANDKERCHIEFS. 54x90, value 85c, special at 69c. each. PETTICOATS. Broken assortments of initial handkerchiefs, all white, hem- 72x00, value $1M; special at 89c. each. Petticoats embroidery trimmed. stitched on fine linen; regular 25c, special at 19c. 81x00, value $1.15, special at 95c. each. Refrigerators and Ice Chests Petticoats trimmed with lace and embroidery combined. OUR "MAYO BRAND"—Pillow Cnie.. Petticoats with six rows of val. insertion and lace edge; all spe- Colored bordered handkerchiefs, special, at 12}£c. each. Polar King refrigerator, lined with heavy gal- Colored initial handkerchiefs, package-of six, special at 29c. 42x36, value 14c, special at 10c each. cial at $1.00. 45x36, value 15c, special at lie. each. vanized sheet walls, insulated with felt, detachable GOWNS. ENGRAVED GLASSWARE." waste pipe, nickel-plated fixtures, case finished in Engraved 8-inch berry bowls; value $2.50, special at $1.25. 81x90 TORN SEAMLESS SHEETS. Gowns trimmed with wide val. edge and insertion, insert of fine Specinl purchase, excellent grade, heavy, soft oak, three-door size icer; special at $13.50. tucking, ribbon-run; special at 89c 6-inch engraved glass nappies, with handle; value $2, special, $1. Polar King refrigerator, top icer galvanized; Engraved pompadour baskets, special at 50c. and $1.00. finished sheets; value 86c, special at 59c. each. ' Gowns of fine nainsook, effect, trimmed back and front BLEACHED COTTON TWILL CRASH TOWEL- special at $13.50. with vat. insertion and edging, embroidered organdie banding, rib- ' Engraved glass vases; Values up to $5.50, special at $1.39, $2 00 Ice chest, double lid, galvanized racks, well made bon-run; special at $1.49. and $2.75. •> r ING. case packed with felt, galvanized lined; large size, Gowns of fine nainsook, yoke of val. lace and organdie embroi- Extra quality, no dressing, soft finish; value 7c, f 8*50. dery, Empire effect, wide ribbon, with large bow lace trimmed sleeves; STATIONERY. special at 5c. a yard. Bread box.(white), round comers; special, 75c. special at $1.69. Hurd's pads, various sizes, 3J£c. each. HEMMED CROCHET SPREADS FOR DOUBLE Aluminum percolator, holds six cups, ebony Gowns of pink batiste, shirred at neck and waist, Picot edge; Playing cards; linen finish, bright, new backs; regular 25c, spe- BEDS, handle; regular $2.50, special, $1.95. ribbon bows; special at $1.00. cial at 18c. Value $1.00, special at 85c. eaeta. Aluminum tea kettle, No. 8 size, seamless, holds Broken assortment of initial writing paper; regular 69c, special Value $1.25, special at 95c. each. • . - Gowns of fine white batiste, scalloped embroidery edge, hnnd- at 39c. about 6 quarts; special at $1.98. smocked and ribbon-run; special nt $1.00. Value $1.50, special at $1.25 each. Perfection oil cook stove, made by Standard oil ENVELOPE CHEMISE. BOOKS. Value $1.75, special at $1.45 each. company, stands about height of kitchen table, glass Envelope chemise of fine nainsook, Empire effect, trimmed back Paint books for children, including Peter Rabbit, Mother Goose, Value $2.00, special at $1.65 each. oil holders, brass burners; 2-burner size, special at and front-with fine val. lace and embroidered organdie, ribbon-run; Little Men nnd Little. Women; regular 25c, special at 18c. HEMMED SATIN SPREADS. $7.45; 3-burner size, special at $9.95; double oven, special at $1.49. . • Doll outfits; regular 25c, special at 18c. Value $3.00, special at $2.65 each. glass front, special at $2.50. • Envelope chemise of fine nainsook, trimmed with shadow lace CANDY. Value $3.50, special at $2.85 each. Brown and white baking bowls, fire-proof, 1-ijt., back and front and embroidered organdie, ribbon-run; special, $1,00. Smooth Jordan almonds, 39c. 1b. Value $4.00, special at $3.59 each. 1%-qt., 2-qt. size, 10c. each. Envelope chemise of flesh colored batiste, val. insertion surplus Reliable assorted chocolates, 25c. lb. Value $5.00, special at $4.19 each. Bean pots, 1-qt. size, brown ware, 10c effect, with high waist line; special at $1.00. Salted peanuts, 35c. lb. FRINGED AND SCALLOPED CROCHET Silver Cream'polish, in glass jars; regular 25c, Envelope chemise of fine nainsook, high waist line, with yoke of ART EMBROIDERY. SPREADS FOR DOUBLE BEDS. special at 20c. fish-eye val. and embroidered front and back, wide band of embroi- 25c. gue"st towels, stamped on all linen, conventional designs; Value $2.00, special at $1.65 each. Sani-Flush cleaning powder; regular 25c, special dered organdie, trimmed with rosettes of two-tone ribbon, skirt special at 22c Value $2.50, special at $1.95 each. at 20c trimmed with three rows of insertion edged with lace, special, $1.50. 69c. stamped pillow cases: special at 59c. Value $3.00, special at $2.45 each. Ivory soap, 5c size; special at 6 for 25c. 69c. stamped gowns; special nt 59c, SCALLOPED SATIN SPREADS FOR DOUBLE Strong ammonia, cloudy, 10c. size, 3 for 25c; $1.00 stamped bureau senrfs, size 20x45; special at 85c. BEDS. 25c. size, 20c. : • Trimnied Hats $3.50 59c. stamped lunch sets on tan and white repp, 13 pieces—6 Value $4.00, special at $3.25 each, White Japanned pantry sets, consisting of flour, plate doilies, 6 glass doilies, 1 large center piece; special at 48c. Value $4.50, special at $3.85 each. sugar, coffee and tea canisters; special at 59c. set. A delightful surprise awaits you in our millinery saloon. JEWELRY. Value $6.00, specinl at $4.00 ench, Wash boilers, oval shape, with cover, No. 7, No. An extensive assortment of trimmed millinery, beautiful in de- Odd lot of brooches, bar pins, cuff pins, side combs, back combs; HUCK BEDROOM TOWELS. 8, No. 9, galvanized; any size, $1.0O. sign, is on display during Opening Week, and at the very extraordi- values up to 26c, special at 9c. Value $1.00 dozen, special at 85c. dozen. No. 100 Never Break wardrobe trunk; special nary price of $3.50. The materials are new, the models are new and Beautiful assortment of enameled and rhinestone bar pins and Value $1.25 dozen, special nt 95c. dozen. at $20.00. the workmanship up to the Steinbach standard. brooches; value 59c, special at 45c. Vnlue $1.73 dozen, special at $1.25 dozen. 2-burner black iron gas plate, 89c. A number of sport hats have been marked at $1.50. These hats Sterling silver hat pins, two on a card; valuo 29c, special at 15c. TWO BIG TURKISH TOWEL VALUES. 100-picce pink decorated dinner set, very neat are made to suit every requirement of anyone who motors, walks or Value 25c, special at 19c. ench. decoration, $8.95. golfs. , Value 35c, special at 25c. each. 100-piece gold and white dinner set, very neat Automobile hats have been specially priced nt 75c. Grey Kid Shoes TABLE DAMASK. design; special at $9.75. THE FAVORITES OF FASHION SPECIALLY PRICED AT $4.95. Specinl at 59c, 76c, 86c, $1.00, $1,10, $1,25, 112-picce open stock dinner set, groon, blue or High shoes will be worn until late in the Hummer, probably all $1.35, $1.60, $1.75 a yard. pink decorations; special at $16.50. Floor Coverings summer. The most popular style is in gray kid, lace and semi-high 35c MERCERIZED TABLE DAMASK. Pink "and white cups and saucers; special at RUGS. CUt. ' . . ' e. Exceptional quality, retains mercerized finish $1.25 a dozen. 9x12 Axminster rugs; regular $25.00, special at $19.50. Three hundred pairs of shoes answering the above description after washing; special at 25c a yard: 9x12 velvet rugs; regular $18.50, special at $14,50. will be placed on sale on the first Saturday of the "Anniversary" at ' BROWN'S "SHAMROCK BRAND" 9x12 velvet rugs; regular $25.00, special nt $21.50. $4.95 a pair; regular $6.95 nnd $6,95. double sntin damask napkins, 22 inches; valuo $6,50 White Goods 9x12 Wilton velvet rugs; regular $32.00, special at $27.50, Women s,and misses' walking shoes at $2.00. a dozen, special at $4,19 a dozen. 20c fine white India linon' lawn; special at Dxl2 wool nnd fibre rugs; regular $0.50, special at $4.50. Black cnli^lace shoes made over a smart English walking last, MADEIRA HAND EMBROIDERED LUNCH lOUc per yard. Tapestry seamless Brussells rugs, 9x12; Bpecial at $11.50, $12.25 medium nnd wide widths arid all lengths; regular $4,00 a pair, special NAPKINS. 25c. white imported Persian lawn; special at and $14.50. - nt $2.00 a pair. ' ' Special at $5.50 per dozen nnd up; also Madeira 12)£c. per yard. RAG RUGS. DRUGS. lunch sets at $5.50 per set and upward. 36c. white lingerie batiste, beautiful soft finish, 24x36, special nt 59c.i 27x54, special at 69c.i 36x72, special at Pebeco tooth paste, 29c, PURE LINEN HEMSTITCHED HUCK TOWELS. finest quality, 40 inches wide; special at 18c. per yd $1.35j 4x7, special at $2.50; 6x9, special at $4.35: 8x10, special at Kolynos, 14c. , • ' Value 45c, specinl at 35c. each. Finest English long cloth. This is a long cloth $6.75; 9x12, special at $8.75. • Woodbury soap, 15c. SCALLOPED AND EMBROIDERED; ALSO LACE of the better sort, exceptional quality, 36 inches JAPANESE MATTING. Stcinbach's enstilo soap (imported), 3 cakes, 25c. EDGE AND EMBROIDERED DRESSER wide, 12 yards to each piece, warranted perfect in 40-yard roll of matting, special at $7.00, $8.0O, $10.00. Nujol, 57c. SCARFS. every way; value $2.50 a piece, Special at $1.59 a HEAVY CHINA MATTING. Rcgulol, 39c. , ' " ' Size 18x54, value 50c, special at 20c, each. piece. 40-yard roll of inntting, special at $4.00, $6.00. $8.00. $10 00 Corylopsis talcum, 12c. EXTRA HEAVY WELDED SHEETS. 35c. mercerized chiffon voile, 45 inches wide LINOLEUM. ' ' LEATHER GOODS. . Size 72x90, valuo 75c, special at 6Sc, each; snow white, one of the finest voiles of this kind 2 yards wide, heavy make; regular U5c. a square yard, special Moire nnd pin seal leather fangs, a variety of now shapes; values made; special nt 18c. per yard. at 50c. a square yard. $1.00 nnd $1.25, special at 89c. , 85c French batiste, white, 45 inches wide; a very Inlaid linoleums; 2 yards wide; regular $1.15, special nt 95c a' Leather nnd whitb kid bclto, nooortment of styles and colors; Infants', Department much wanted material at'the present time, special square yard. vnluo 59c, special at 60c. Hand-made skirts, in Gertrude stylo, mndo with at 16c. per yard. cluster of lino tucks, lace edge; upcclnl nt 08c. Novelty white goods, values 45c, to 75c. per Flannel Gertrude skirts, six months to two years; yard, special at 34c. a vard. Materials include 40- specinl at 50c inch novelty voiles, gabardine, striped voiles, cross- DRESSES , bar voiles, embroidered voiles, fancy batistes, etc.; of nainsook, batiste, 59c. and upward. value up ton76c, special nt 34c. per yard. ORCHESTRA ORCHESTRA CHILDREN'S UNDERMUSLINS. , Drawors, 2 to 10 years, 2Se. anil upward. Petti- MANY UNADVERTI8ED SALES. coats, 2 to 1C years, 30c. and upward. Princoss elips, 2 to 10 years, 50c. and upward. i


AUtO SLOCKED TRAFFIC. : CHICkEN HOUSES BURNED." J. Leon Schenck of Keyport Arrested Two Buildings Destroyed, on Same and Fined. 1 Day at Holmdel. SCHOOL BOARD ENGAGES ADDI- " J. Leon Schenck ot Koyport left A brooder house on William A. his automobile standing on Monmouth TIONAL INSTRUCTORS. Jamison's farm at Holmdel caught street, directly in front of Burrowea fire Tuesday night of last week and 3 Miss Lidora Walling of Atlantic High, was completely destroyed. • About lane, on Monday night. Tho lamps lands to Bocome a Teacher of the . LAWLESS DIED VE^Y SUED* on the-automobile were not lighted, fiftysmall chicks were in the brooder Eighth Grade—New French and house and all of them were burned to 4 Several wagons on Burrowes lane German Teacher. . • woro held up by the automobile death. Adjoining buildings were IJENLY LAST WEEK, • " I which blocked traffic. Mr. Schenck At a meeting of the Red Bank threatened by tho flames, but the en- f hare are IViore Jobs for Carpenters Than There was arrested for violating a town or- board of education last night three ergetic work of farm employees and dinance and was fined $2,- The fine new teachers were engaged. These neighbors saved these J>uildings. Prominent Commission Merchant While on a Bust- 1 are ft/leh to Fill Them, and Contracting Firms are was/accompanied by n lecture on the were Miss Lidora Walling of Atlantic A chicken house_jon-B: ", Rob- harm Mr. Schenck'8 carelesness would Highlands, who will teach the eighth erts's place at-HoImdel was .royed ness Trip in Virginia Fell and Broke His Leg—H© Having One of the Best Seasons They Have Ever have caused if the firemen had been grade and who was engaged at a uesday of last weok\ No called out to a fire on Burrowes lane salary of $800; Miss Mary Ross, who - burned. The was Taken to Red Bank and He Died Six Days while the automobile was blocking the will teach French and German at a tfed by Rezeau Conover. Experienced—Three New Houses a Week. entrance to that street. salary of $1,000; and Miss Mildred Bruce of Oceanic; who will be a grade/ Later—Had $50,000 Accident Insurance. Several new houses nre being built ment. Tho lot upon which tho house teacher at a salary of $576. Mips at Red Bank and vicinity. Some of is being built was bought by Mies Walling is regarded as one of the bert P. Lawless of Rector place the county had had business dealings the houses are almost finished and Herold from the Clayton-Linton best teachers at Atlantic Highlands. STRUCK BY died last Thursday morning from with him, and many of them were on work has been started on others. All realty company. It is 50x150 feet. When the school board of that place gangrene resulting from a broken leg intimate terms of acquaintanceship the men employed in tho building of Mr, White is building a house on learned that she contemplated! a ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS BOY'S which he suffered two weeks ago with him. He had the confidence of these houses live in or near Red the west side of Lake avenue at a cost MAYOR AND COUNCIL ENDORSE change, they offered,to increase her SKULL FRACTURED. while on a business trjp in Virginia. the farmers to a remarkable degree, Bank. ••.-.- of $3,000 as an investment. It is PROJECT AND ADOPT PLANS. salary $100 per year, but Miss Wall- The disease set in a few days after and he was probably the.only com- Dotninick Marmo, Aged Thirteen he had fyeen brought home in a bag-r mission merchant doing business in During the past two months or so 23x25 feet and has a bungalow effect, ing had already decided on coming although it is two stories high and The Work Will be Started ai Soon as to Red Bank in response to an offer Years Old, is Getting Well Despite gage car. His death was sudden and this section who was able to success- an average of three now houses have the Serious Nature of His Injury unexpected, and he was talking and fully compete with the farmers' ex- been started each week at Red Bank has an attic. The houso contains six the Plant are Approved by the made to her by the Red Bank board. rooms, a bathroom, a pantry in the Stale Board of Health—Matter Miss Walling is a teacher of long ex- ' —Saved from Death by Bystander. joking with memers of his family a change. As a mathematician he had und vicinity. The contractors are few hours before his death* few equals, and he was able to add, having one of tho busiest seasons kitchen and a buffet, in the dining Had Been Hanging Fire All Winter. perience, as is BIBO Misa Ross. Miss Dominick Marmo, aged thirteen room. Modern improvements will be The project of extending the Bruce is a graduate of normal school years, son of Patrick Marmo of At- Mr. Lawless was born 55 years ago subtract and divide complicated sets theyliave ever experienced.' Many of at New York and had lived at Red of figures in his own mind without them are finding it difficult to handle installed. The-enclosure will be of sewer system to take in West Red and has had six months' experience in lantic Highlands, was struck by a shingles. Bank was endorsed by the mayor teaching. She is now at Wnfodbridge train Thursday morning and his skull Bank six years. He was a member of using pencil or paper. the big amount of work which they the firm of P. Lawless & Sons, com- For a time Mr. Lawless lived on have oh hand Any person who Ground^was broken Monday for a and. council Monday night, and plntm and she served for o time as a substi- was fractured. He is how at the v made for the improvement by George tute teacher in the Red Bank schools. Long Branch hospital. The fracture mission merchants at New York, of the Bennett farm at Tinton Falls, knows anything about carpentering summer homo on the river bank at which his two brothers, Thomas arid which he and his brothers bought or mnson work can get n job. Tho Little Silver Point for William Vnn- K. Allen, the borough engineer, were A statement was made to the board is not a serious one, and the boy's ordered forwarded to the state board by Superintendent Radcliffe concern- complete recovery is looked for, He William Lawless, are partners. Mr. This proved an unsuccessful financial contractors are fairly scouring the Kuren, a Jersey City contractor. Mr. Lawless won many friends by his venture, and the farm was sold about country looking for men. In addition VanKuren has summered at Little of health. The plans will have to be ing the number of outside pupils in has improved so much that he is able approved by the state board before the school. It has been stated that to sit up. He was cut and bruised on hbnest dealing in business. Besides a year ago, the buyer being Martin to the new houses, many repair jobs Silver for the past fifteen years. Mr. his brothers, he leaves a widow, and MaxTudes^ Mr. Lawless was a giant are under way, and at Red Bank the VanKuren's home will be of a bun- tlje work can .be_ started.. The. Red theicrowded condition.of the schools various parts of his body, but these Bank officials have -rdquestod , tho was due to tholargo Tiumborof outside injuries are not dangerous. ------five daughters, Hel(in,"Ruth,. Cather- physically. _He:\veighe046.pounds.._::: sound of the-hammer and the-saw is galow type—and -will--cost- about ine^ Marie and Patricia. He carried an accident insurance pol- in evidence on nearly every street, 110,000. The ground upon which the 'state *board to give its earliest pos- pupils. Mr. Radcliffe reported that Marmo was employed as a news- the total number of "outside pupil^in Mr. Lawless was the leading mem- icy of $50,000 on his life. Harry Ryder of South Ornnge, for- house is being built is low and the sible attention to inspecting the plans. boy by L. Catz of Atlantic Highlands. The funeral was held Saturday . foundation'will be started on the Mayor Sandt and the councilmen said the Red Bank schools was 156. More The boy was standing near the sta- ber of the firm of P. Lawless & Sons, morly of Fair Haven, is having a than two-thirds of these are in the and he was probably the best known morning at St. James's church with house built at Enstsido park as an in- level of the ground, no excavation be- Monday night that they wanted' to tion between the tracks of the north a high mass of requiem. The burial get the work started at once. Sew- high school, where the grades are not and south bound trains when the ac- commission merchant in the county. v cstment. It is on the west side of ing done, , Sand will be pumped Nearly every farmer in this part of was at Mount Olivet cemetery. Lexington avenue and is 2/1x28 feet. from the river to fill in the ground ers will be laid on every important overcrowded, and the others are scat- cident occurred. He was waiting for It will contain six rooms, a bathroom around the house. The house will be street west of Shrewsbury avenue, tered through the lower grades in the train which brings the morning and a pantry and will have on open 32x43 feet with an extension on the andiit will probably take all summer such a way as to make'no noticeable papers from New York to Atlantic DIED AT AGE OF 78 YEARS. fireplace in the living room. Modorn north side. A sun parlor will be on to get the job done. difference in the crowded state of the Highlands, and he did not see or JOHN E, LftpiHG DE&D. improvements will be installed and the north side facing the river and a Some of the streets which .will be schools. hear a train which was approaching Mrs. Sarah Ann Crater was Sick Only from the other direction. The two hardwood floors will bo laid through- concrete porch will be built on the sewered run east of Shrewsbury ave- The condition of the boys' toilet in Three Days. FORMER PROSECUTOR IS A VIC- out. The house mil be enclosed with east side. The house will contain a nue, and the eastern fends of,, some of the Beech street.school was taken up trains passed the Atlantic Highlands Mrs. Sarah Ann Crater, widow of weatherboards on the first story and living room, dining room, kitchen, these streets have not been sewered. by the board and the committee on station at about the same time. Isaac Crater and mother of Dr. Ellis TIM OF APOPLEXY. with shingles on the second story. It two bedrooms and two bathrooms On One such street is Herbert street, that school was authorized to make As the newspaper train pulled into W. Crater of Oceanport^died Sunday He Was One of the Best Known Law- will cost ?3,600 ond will be completed the first floor, and two bedrooms on and Schenck Thompson was before any necessary changes. the station, young Marmo stepped of heart disease at the^ age of 78 yers in llnr State and Had Held about the middle of July, the second floor. Tho living room the council with a request that this A motion was passed, instructing back a few paces, and he wHS;etrucK years. She was taken sick Thurs- Many Positions of Trust—He Wn« A house is being built on the east and the dining room will have beamed end of Herbert street be included in the janitor of each school to make a by the locomotive of the other train. day'. She was a daughter of Jacob 76 Years Old. " ^ side of Lake avenue for Miss Alice ceilings and paneled sidewalls, An, the new sewer project. Tho council- list of his needs'for next year for He was knocked away from the W. Morris of Long. Branch, who wa3 Hcrold of Oceanic. It is 24x28 feet open fireplace will be built in the liv- men said they would take this matter keeping the schools'in good condition. tracks. He got up and staggered a prominent hotel man. Her husband John E. Lanriing of :-Long Branch, and contains six rooms, a bathroom ing room. A garage will be con- under consideration. This list is to include brooms, mops, blindly toward the moving train. He built the old United States hotel at a former prosecutor of Monmouth and a pantry. Tho houso will have structed in the basement. .The en- Tho plan of sewering West Red floor cleaning chemicals and all BUP-would have fallen beneath the car Long Branch and conducted it for a county and one of the best known modern improvements. It will be en- closure will be shingles. Bank was taken up by the council plies needed by the janitors in their wheels but for George Stryker, a time. Later Mr. and Mrs. Crater lawyers in the state, died of apoplexy newsdealer who was standing nearby. at a.New York hospital yesterday closed with shingles. The property A atono bulkhead will be built last fall. The chief opposition to the work. moved to Bound Brook. Mrs. Crater morning.' Mr. Lanning was stricken will be graded and cement sidewalks along the river front. The property improvement came from Charles H. Mr. Stryker grabbed the boy and took up her residence at Red Bank a carried him out of danger. Young whilo on a. visit to New Jfork on will bo laid. The house will cost will be laid out with walks, and trees Root and other rich men who own LIBRARY ELECTION. few years ago. She was a half sister Wednesday, April 26th. He was taken about $3,600 and will be completed and shrubbery will be planted. The houses in West Red Bank. The coun- Marmo was placed in Earl Snedeker's of Benjamin P. Morris, Mrs. Wilbur Red Bank Library Ajiooiation Holdi automobile and taken" to Dr. John II. to tho hospital, where it was soon about the first of July. William liouse will be completed about the cilmen, after listening to the ob- A. Heisley and Mrs. Edward R. Slo- seen that his case was hopeless. He White is the contractor. Miss Herold first of August. William White of jections of these men, laid the matter Its Annual Meeting. VanMater's office, where his injuries cum of Long Branch and Mrs. James were attended to. Later the boy was was 76 years old and is survived by is building the house us an invest- Red Bank is the contractor. on the table, and nothing further was The annual meetirig of the.Red ! M. Green of Trenton. a widow and a daughter, Mrs. Fred- done till Monday,night. The streets Bank library " association was held taken to the hospital. • The funeral was held this after- which will bo sewered aro Leighton erick L. DeGraw of Brooklyn. last Wednesday and the following of- noon at the house and the sermon was John E. Laimiiig was born ut Law- MANY HOUSES RENTED. MIDDLETOWN LOTS SOLD. avenue, Herbert street, Leonard ficers were elected: : preached by Rev. J. F. Heilenman of street, Catherine Btreet, River street, A GREAT WINDOW DISPLAY. renceville and'received his early edu- President—Mra. F. I,. Blalsdell. Oceanport. A solo was sung by Mrs. cation at that place. He also at- New Occupant! for Houses nt Red Archie F. Heyer to Build Himielf a Bank street, Beech street, Sunset ave- Vice presidents—Mrs.-Henry S. Willie, L. Schwartz & Son Show the Good Frank Manson. The burial was at Bank and Vicinity. nue and Westside avenue. Mrs. John B. Bergen. ;. tended Princeton and Rutgers coj- ^ Stucco Home. Secretary—Mrs. Thomas Lewis. Points of a Range. Glenwood cemetery nt Long Branch. leges, graduating from the latter ta- • William A.' Hqpplngf reports' the The Red Bank real estate company Trenmirer—Mrs. Fred'Bnloc. A store's show window.is supposed stitution in 1800. Ho studied law to . • following rentals! • bus sold to Archie F. Heyer of Mid- Llbi'urltni—MIHB Ellzultctli Cuoper. HOME FROM HOSPITAL. Assistant librarian—Mrs. Stophon Al- to be one of the best assets of a busi- AVIATOR WORDEN KILLED. the office of Mercer Beasley of Tren- Tho house owned by Charles K. dletown four lots on Monmouth len. ' • , . ness, but only a few storekeepers ton, afterwards a supremo court jus- Straus and William O'Brien on Peters Heights, • near Middletown village. New Record Set by Walter Harrison's The report of thft librarian showed make the best use of their show wjn- Aihttry Park Man Killed During tice, After being admitted to the bar place to Mrs. Peter Gorman of Mon- Mr. Heyer is a mnson and he will Quick Recovery. dows. One of the most effective win- Flight in Texas on Sunday.' Mr. Lanning opened an office at Jer- mouth street. build a stucco house on the lots, which that 483 books w«re added to the li- Walter L. Harrison, son of Albert brary during the past year. During dow displays seen in Red Bank in a J. Hector Worden, Jr., of Asbury sey City. He was there only a little William J. Swannoll's two now he will occupy when completed. C. Harrison of South street, returned long time is that now shown in the Park, well known in aviation circles over a year when he decided to go to houses on South street to John Keh'de Almost all of the lots on the front last year a total of 20,889 books home Saturday from the Long Branch were circulated. The receiptsfor the window of L. Schwartz & Son's stove and a member of the United States Long Branch. He was the first'law- of New York and William Decker of part of Monmouth Heights have been hospital, where his loft log was^'am- store, in the building formorly occu- army resorvo list of flyers, was killed yer to open an office at that place. Pincknoy road. sold by tho Rod Bank roal entato com- year were $1,122.91. putated after an accident in which Mrs. Horace P. Cook has donated a pied by Mathushek & Son. L. while making a flight at Dallas.'Texas, His practice grew rapidly.and in 1877 Henry Ilngerman's houso on Bor- pany, whichowns the tract. The rear the leg was almost entirely cut off by Schwartz & Son are selling a coal and Sunday afternoon when a part of his he was appointed prosecutor. Mr. gen place to Dr. Harold Stokes of portion of the tract, comprising about new room for the library. The room being r^in over by a car. Mr. Har- is in tho rear of tho building and will gas range on.the club plan. One of machine broke. Worden was flying Lanning had maintained a branch of- . Freehold. seven ncres, has been leased this year rison was at the hospital only three these ranges is placed in the show at a height of 2,500 feet when the fice at Asbury Park for many yean... Wellington Wilkins's house on Irv- to Thomas Gill, who will farm the have about 500 reference books. The weeks, and.his quick recovery actn room donated several years ago by window of the store. The range has accident occurred and the machine The term of judge was often applied ing-place to Fred M. Truex of New land, a now record for tho hospital. Pre- n large number of special foaturos dashed to the ground at terrific to Mr. Lanning, although he never 'York. • m i ^—• Mrs. Blaisdell will be used as a maga- viously no person With a similar injury zine room. Sigmund Eisnor haB given and leaflets have been prepared ox- speed. Mr. Worden was 31 years old held that office. Mrs, Thomas Dnvis's house on Hud- BROAD STREET HOUSE SOLD. ever recovered sufficiently to leave plaining each of these features. A and was a son-in-law of-the late During his residence in Monmouth son avenue to Earl Williams of a table and several chairs, for use in Mri. Alice Hendrickson Buy» the the hospital in less than five weeks. the new room. leaflet is pasted on the inside of the Charles Imlay of Asbury Park. He county Mr. • Lanning had held many Bridge avenue. Dr. Edwin Field, who attended Mr. show window, where it can be read by was raled as one of the ablest of positions of trust. He gained consid- Pearson H.'B'entVett's liouse at Tin- Paulson Property. Harrison, says that never in-his" ex- New Tea Room. persons passing the store. A ribbon 'American aviators. In the early days erable prominence through his work ton Falls to Charles' Smock "of Fair Mrs. Alida J. Poulson, widow of perience as a surgeon has he seen or is attached to the leaflet and also to of the Mexican revolution Worden as receiver for, the Monmouth trust Haven, George Poulson, has sold her house heard of such n'quick recovery. Mrs. A. J. Bray, who recently that part of the range to which the was one of Huerta's army aviators. and safe deposit company of Asbury Mrs. Charles H. Bordon's house on and lot on the east side of Broad Mr. Harrison is around on crutches. moved into Dr. Harvey W. Young's leaflet refers. There are a dozen or He received his air training in Park. In this work ho engaged John Oakland street to Mrs. Daniel Mc- street to Mrs. Alice Hendrickson. The He was employed as claim agent by house at Broad street and Linden more of these special features to the France. A widow survives him. S. Applegate, Sr., of Red Bank, as Gready of New York. price paid was about $7,000. Mr. the railroad. This position has been place, will next Monday open part of range and each is explained in the counsel, and through their efforts the Mrs. John Rogers's house on Me- Poulson bought the property about kept open for him and he will re- the house as a lunch place to be same way. Any person interested depositors of the company received a chanic street to Mrs. Mnrgnret Henry six years ago for $0,000. The lot is .sume his duties within a few days. known as the Boston tea room. The can read the leaflet and can see at a ENDED LIFE IN OCEAN. greater portion of their deposits. Mr. of Mount street. 50x275 feet and runs back to Clay place was formerly {conducted by He is building a house on South street UlUIIUglancUe thMlec parUUltl oUJf. thLUeC rangIttllUCe tLoO whicWHICHh _, . , Lanning was one of the founders of Robert H. Vanderveer'a house on street. The. house has eleven rooms. Mrs. Warren Rodney as the Molly Boi f idelphia Woman Found the old Bar association of Monmouth Mrs. Hendrickson, who is now board- for his own use, and he will be mar- Pitcher tea room. it refers. This makes the-window V °. South street to Joseph Laureno of ried to Miss Elizabeth Maggs of Long display unusually strong. The manu- in the Surf at Belmar. county, which has been merged with Mechanic street. ing at the Globe hotel, bought the The body of Miss Anna McEwan of the Monmouth county bar association. Poulson property for her own use. Branch late in summer or early fall. facturer allows the firm only sixteen Ensloy E. Morris's house-on Bor- *~>-o» Extra Special Now. of these ranges for sale on the club Philadelphia, a former resident of tlon street to D. C. Matthews of Me- She will have the house remodeled. Furniture, rugs, reed chairs, porch STREET PAVING. plan. The sale begins tomorrow, and Asbury Park, was found in the surf chanic street. Hendrickson & Stout made tho sale. goods, grass rugs, refrigerators, wall Messrs. Schwartz say. that the win- at Belmar Sunday afternoon. Con- DIED OF CANCER. Harry Minton^ house on Bnttin papers, metal beds, springs and mat- dow design has brought so many in- stant brooding over the death of her joncl, at Fair Haven, furnished for Bridge Avenue and Shrewsbury Are- tresses. West Furniture Co., Key- Michael Gorman Passes Away After NEW HOLMDEL HOUSE. f nue to be Improved. quirers into the store that they expect sister, which occurred about three a Long Sickness. Hie season, to Mrs. F. E. Kleinschmidt port, N. J. years ago, is believed to have caused Plans for paving Bridge avenue the entire sixteen ranges will be sold of New York. It it Being Built for Dr. Palmer by Last January we advertised in the very soon after the sale opens. Miss McEwan to commit suicide by Michael Gorman, who has been The Red Bnnk real estate com- Douglau Cook. with concrete were presented by county papers that we were buying drowning: Where she entered the living? for the past ten years with hia pany has rented one of Mrs. Covert's George K. Allen, the borough en- merchandise in very large quantities water is not known, but when found sister, Mrs.. Richard L. Jackson of ~A new house was started at Holm- gineer, at a special meeting of the SPRAYING DEMONSTRATIONS. New Monmouth, died this morning.v •tiimmer homes on the Shrewsbury del last week for Dr. C. A. Palmer on as prices were bound to go up. To- the body had been in the water not liver, between Red Bank nnd Fair mayor and council Monday night. day we are prepared to book any size i y more than 36 hours.. Miss McEwan Mr. Gorman was forty years old and^ Haven, to B. C. Fincke, a New York the lot which Mr. Palmer bought a Tho plans were approved. Mr. Allen order from extensive varieties of dis-' for several years had been sick with short time ago from Morford Taylor. 1 Boile5!Vd Lime-Sulphu! e Tr \Fr Nex, t WeekL; . disappeared from her home Friday banker. T)iis concern has also rented stated that at the regular meeting of tinctive styles, patterns and color- and nothing was heard of her until cancer. He was a former resident of The houso will be similar to the one the council next Monday night he Three, demonstrations of spraying Hoboke,n. The funeral will be held Mrs. Eliza Hendricltson'R house on which the doctor sold recently to ings at prices lower than present cost j the finding of her body. She was Oakland street to Francis Many of would have plans for paving Shrews- at factories. Wo secured furniture, with a solution of. .self-boiled lime-' fifty years old. tomorrow at St. Mary's church at Mrs. John S. Holmes. Douglass Cook bury avenue, sulphur will be given next week on New Monmouth nnd the body will be Drummond place and Miss Anna of Belford is the contractor. Dr. sound to the core in- construction, Stephenson's house on West Front The question of graveling Leroy perfect in finish; rugs mnde of farms in this part of Monmouth MOTORCYCLE STOLEN. buried in Mt. Olivet cemetery. Pnlmer was married: n few months place nnd Union street was talked county by W. B. Duryee, Jr., the street to K. Tarzian. ago to Mrs, Myrtle DuBois nnd the straight wool, in the choice colors now over, but no definite action was taken. out of the market. county farm demonstrator. The first Machine Owned by John H. Cook, couple are living at the bride's house. Some of the councilmen thought that of these exhibitions will be given at . Former Teacher Dead. The new liouse will be completed Bigelow Wiltons,' 1915 prices Jr., Again Taken. Leonard J. Righter, formorly a WELL CONTRACT.AWARDED. on account of the large nmount of $34.50, hero how, $27.50. H, C. Higgins's Magnolia farm at An Indian motorcycle owned \by about August 1st, and Dr. und Mrs. street improvement work already Freneau Thursday morning, May teacher in the Asbury Park schools, Matthews Bros. Will Mnlto New Ar- Palmer will then move in it. Hartford tapestries, 1915 prices John H. Cook, Jr., of the Newman started it would be unwise to gravel $12.50, here now, $9.98. 18th, at nine o'clock; another demon- died of diphtheria at a New York hos- tesian Well for Town Water Plant. Springs road, was stolen Tuesday pital on Sunday. He was taken trick A contract for a new artesian well any more streets this year. Grass rugs, 59 patterns, 1916 price stration will be given at two o'clock night of last week from a building Building Addition to Houic. $8.50, now $5. in the afternoon of the same day nt with typhoid fever Monday of last on Chestnut street for tho water in the rear of Mr. Cook's house. Mr. week nnd diphtheria developed two plant wastiwarded to Matthews Bros, Fred Malone of New York is hav- Autoiit Fined $2. Axminster rugs, 191E price $19.75, J. S. VanMater's at Hazlet; and the Cook has offered a reward for infor- hero now, $14. third will be given Friday afternoon days before his death. Mr. Rifjhtor on• Monday night for ?l,i!f)5. Kiss- ing an addition of, two rooms built L. G. Wallace of Trenton was ar- mation which will lend, to the recov- hnil been n teacher of boys convicted on tho rear of his house on Catherine $57.50 leather library sets, special. of next week at J. P. Luyster's farm lier Bros, of Bolmar offered to do the rested at Red Bnnk Monday night for at Middletown. All fruit growers are ery of the machine, but no trnce has of minor offenses and who were sent •work for $1,720, and Thompson & street. The work is being done by not having a license on the car ho was ?40. been found of it. Last summer the $12.50 ice boxes, good ones, spe- made welcome at these demonstrir- to Randall's island. He was 39 yoara Matthews mado a bid of $1,7(1!). Tho Nathan Edwards of Leighton avenue. driving. Ho was fined- $5.G6. Wal- tions. motorcycle was stolen, but old. _^ growth of the town ami tho fnct that lace is a demonstrator for an automo- cial, $9.75. was found Inter in the road where # An Important Event for Women and $39.50 White Mountain ico boxes, one of tho wells of the water plant is bile concern. it hud been left by thonhief after ' Found Dead in Bed. flowing less productively than former- Young Womon. $32.50. Motorcyclist Hurt. he had vainly tried to ride it. ly make a new well necessary. Mat- A sale of "Sample" coats, suits nnd We Turn Nothing Down. $125 mahogany dining suite, Charles Ghaler, Jr., of Holmdel, Mrs. Rose K. Stewart of Allenhurst $89.50. thews Bros, guaranteed that the now dresses, $2G values at $14.50. This We'll sew on a button, mend a rip, bought a motorcycle last week. On MAIL CARRIER WANTED. was found dead in bed Monday morn- uoll will produce at least 200 gal- ia tho most important value offering put in a tuck or let out a pleat. $115 fumed dining suite, $85. Sunday he was racing on the mn- ing. She had evidently died of pa- lons of watur u minute. Thompson wo hnyn ever made. Our infloxiblo Thorc's no job too nmnll or nono •Japanese matting, per roll, $8*50. chine at Vanderburg with John Long, Bids Asked for on Carrying Mail Be- ralysis Sunday night as she was about & .Matthews offered to clean out an policy is never to feature any gar- too largo, nono too simple or too com- $1,40 grass rugs, 3x6,- 95c. Jr., when ho collided with nn automo- tween Postoffice and Station. to retire. Neighbors becamo sus- 5 carloads of Period style furniture picious when they did not seo her ubnndoned well ,f,or 9300 and to re- ments but thosd constructed by plex to demand our caretnking-atten- bile. Ghaler was thrown against a Tho postoflice department is adver- fund half of this money to the town makers who know how. Owing to tion. Cleaning, pressing, dyeing ajid in G different woods and finishes. fence and was so' badly cut nnd about as usual on Monday nnd they Buyers are commencing to fully re- tising for bids for carrying the mnil visited tho house. Mrs. Stewart waa if tho well did not produco nt least tho operators' strike among those ropairing. . bruised that ho has since been laid between the Red Bank postoflice and 100 gallons of water a minute. manufacturers, wo were successful in Red Bank Steam and Dye Works, alize'how scarce good merchandise is, up. 55 years old. nnd it frequently happens that cus- tho station. Applicants for the job -purchnBing several entire lines of 24 Woat Front streot, telephone must be over sixteen years of age and sample coats, suits and dresses and 15-Rj 85 Shrewsbury avonuo. tolo- tomers tnko all we havo of certain The Tutting Store, Baptist Dominie Arrested. Your Monogram Stamped and Em- things, regardless of quantity, in or- must live in Red Bank. Bids will bo will give our customers tho benefit of phone 18-M. Red Bank, N. J., 'where IR Monmouth street, carries the received up to tho close of the Red Rev. Julian Scott, pastor of Pil- jioiicd Free of Charge at Dickopf'i. ,our purchasing powor, through the all cars stop."—Advertisement. der to protect themselves against the completo line of • Victor records. 1 For ono week only,_Jo introduce Bank offico tomorrow. ' Albert Smith grim Bnptist church of Red Bank, vast outlot of our chain of atoros, constantly advancing market. Stop Everything for your convenience in was arrested this morning for driving our-stamping facilities, we will em- nnd think of the money Baving ad- is the present mail carrier on this which mado it possible for us to so- Give Her the Beit. hearing them.—Advertisement. route. The job requires the carrier an automobile without any roar rcms- boss any box of our belter papers cure those samplo garments (no two If you buy hor chocolates and bon- vantage in placing ordor hero while purchased here, with youMnitial or tho opportunity is yours, ) to make twelvo round trips dnily ac- tration number. Ho was fined fid allko) nt prices far below their true bons at Laug'u, she'll more than ap- The Old Refrain cording to the present mail schedule, and costs. monogram,, in any'color, without ex- worth; over half of which nro on salo preciate them, as tho quality of our West Furniture Co., Keyport, N. J. ia sung by McCormnck in record No. tra charge. We hnve installed a at our Red Bnnk store. These gnr- confectionery in tho hignost tho mar- —Advertisement. 04559. It will bo one. of his most Dr. Frances R. Coolce Caller. Try Laug's Ice Cream.. Htamping machine nnd nro fully monta woro producod by makers of ket affords nnd our prices are no popular records, Of course Tusting Fresh crushed Htrnwborry ico cream equipped to do stamping, engraving Flower, and Vegetable, Plants. Save your combings nnd have your nationally famous brands. At their more than what you nave paid for tins it.—Advertisement. beautiful switch made. Secbnd na- and sundaes, mndo from tnb choicest and embossing at short notice. We request we withhold their names from somo candy not near OB good.—Ad- Tomntoes, egg plants, cabbage, lct- berries and finest cream, at Lnutr*!!. have a complete lot of monograms in vertisement. _ tucoi cauliflowor, popper plants, etc. tional bank building, third floor, room our advcrtlBfcmonts. Girl Wanted. 10, Red Bank.—Advertisement. -—Advortisemont. stock nnd can produco yours without Remombor, hundreds of sample Funnies in bloom, dnisies, geraniums Extra, girl wanted at Boston Candy delay. • Seo our window for samples Six Houses For Sale and other flowering plants, at Louis ! < • S» "Wake Up America" garments^ coats, suits nnd dresses (no Co.'s store for Saturday,and Sunday; The M»y Victor List of dies nnd also of paporti included in two ulilto.) Vulucs to $215 at $16. at oncu to cluuo ciitnto of the late Prate's.—Advertisement. , ono with experience preforred,—Ad- can bo hud as a roll for your pluyor- 'this special offer. The Dickopf Art Captain John P. White. A. T. Dorc- hns a fmo record by Henry Burr. It plnno. Got it at TusUnn'fl, only »O A. Snlz & Go., Rod Panic—Adver- vertisement^ is No. 17984. Call at 16 Monmouth Shop.—Advertisement. tisement. mus,' executor, or "agonts.—Advor- . Balloon Fight in Mid-Air. cents. . It's a firio ono-stop.—Adver- tisomont. • • Dont miss "Tho Groat Ruby," a Spring Opening. street and hear it.—Advortiaomont. tisement. . Special Plant Sale. Laug'i Pure Cindy. ' -«-«-» . • melodrama which bristles with non- Orchestra, carfares refunded and Read about it now. King's adver- Molasses cocoanut balls and sugar 46th Anniversary Batlons, including n balloon fight in tho best sales in our history. Stoin- Suleiman Wanted. Special Plant Sale. tisement on last pago of this issue.— coconnut cakes, bottor than mother and spring opening, Saturday, May mid-nir, at the Empiro Tuesday.— bach company, Anbury Park.—Advor< An experienced furniture salosmah Road nbout it now. KlnK fl ndvww Advertisement. , . used to make, at Lnug's.—Advortlso- 13th, to May 20th. Slolnbnch com- Advortisemont, tisemont. wanted. • Apply to Jacob Stclnba'ch, tisomont on last pngo of thin iBBtie,r-* mont. pany, Asbury Park.—Advortisemont. ^»-«» •— Long Branch, "N. J.—Advortiscmont. Adventiiiemont. Jicrtha Kalich in "Martn of tho •—•—•» • «• "W.be Up Amerio" .„, <»•»•»• • . •" You must BCO Marguerite Snow and "Little Mnry Sunshlno," with Baby House To Lei. lowlands)" nt the Empiro Saturday, Paramount featuro'"Tho Pursuit of Jnno Gail fonturcd in "Rupert of is nrranged as n mCdley onc-Btop, No. George Lo Guero, in "Tho Upstart," A Paramount feature.—Advortiso- Horitziui,'1 nt tho Empiro tonight.— 85541. It's a dandy, lusting haa it.' Mario Onborno nnd Henry King, i\t Seven rooinu, nil improvements, tho Phantom," at the Empire Friday. nt tho Empiro Thursday.—Advortiso- tho Empiro Monday.—-Advortiaomont. Doremus brothers,—Auvarttauinont, , tnont...... :, ... —Advertisement. *• Advortisemont. —rAdvortioomont. ment.. THB HtJU BHflTTC

DANCE AT CAMP JAHN. EAGLES SOARING HIGHER. CHURCH NEWS. Festivities Held at Keanslurg on Sat' They Annex Another Victory by De- Firemen Will Attend Reformed " ' —: ' .'"')' . urdajr Night. . feating the Pirates, Church: Sunday Night. JINKUAL MEETING TO BE HELD The ladies' auxiliary of Camp Jahn In a one-sided baseball contest be- The teachers' training class of the KERE THIS YEAR. at Keansburg. gave a masquerade ball tween the Eagles and the Pirates last Reformed church, will moot in the Saturday night on Carr aveni Thursday afternoon on' the Spring primary room tonight precedinj the American Canoe Association to Camp About $40 was cleared. The music street diamond the Eagles -were vic- prayer meeting,.which will be he on Swimming RiTer During Fourth - . -„.. lot was furnished by Lester Homer and torious by. n score of 8 to 3. The 8:0800 o'clock'lk . NexNt t SundaSd y morning'i B of July Week-*-Races to Be Held Miss Aline White of Eelford. '^Miss battery for the .winning team was topic will bo "The Vision Splendid." on tho Shrewsbury River. ' Belle Broander, dressed as a boot- Samuel Sobel, Walter Hogan and Al- This was postponed from last Sunday f- The annual spring cruise of the At- black, earned $1.85 by shining shoes, tlon Walling, while George Hughes, on account of tho sickness of the pas- lantic division of. the American canoo and she turned this money over to William Coyne and Joseph Gorman tor. The'subject at the meeting of .rssociation was held last Saturday the auxilinry. Mrs. Henry Ackerman, were on the mound for the Pirates the men's bible class Sunday after- jind Sunday, on the Rnmapo river, dressed as n colored--dade, won the and Walter Noble was oh the receiv' noon will bej "Quiet Talks About th' women's first prize, which was a silk Harold V. B. Voorhees and Jesse v ing end.. ___' ^ . •• ' > Holy Spirit." The Christian Eh. Sabath of Ued Bank, who' are mem- umbrella, and Raymond King, who deavor society will meet at 6:45 in the (>ers of tho association, represented represented a colored lady, won men's Cleared $12 by Dance. . evening. 'Sunday night will bo fire- the Monmouth boat club in this cruise. Irst prize, a silk umbrella. men's night at the church and every The American canoe association is •—>»•-• The Shepherds of Bethlehem lodge company in Red Bank will be repre . the leading canoe association of of Red Bank gave a dance in Odd sented. The choir will render special -Airicric.". and has about 10,0.00 active Had No Lights on Bicycles. Fellows' hall last Wednesday night. music. The pastor will, speak on members throughout this country and Roco Naci of Beech street and For- Over fifty persona were present and "Heroes.and_ Cowards." A, realistic Canada.—Tha Atlantic division will mis Curbi of Shrewsbury- avenue about- ?12- was' cleared.-—The mosic fire scene will be shown entitled Jtold its annual meet this year on the were fined $1 each last Friday for for dancing was furnished by Wil- 'Heroes One, and All." It will pic Shrewsbury river, starting Saturday, "•riding bicycles without lights. liam Snyder on a piano. ture the life and sacrifices of firemen, July let, and ending on Sunday, July StJi. The camp site committee re- At First Methodist church mother'i ports that it will probably arrange to day will be observed Sunday. Ai 3wvc the association's camp on Mrs. night.. Revr.Harold'P. Sloan will , Henry S. White's property, a mile be- preach on "Memories of Home." Mr. law the Newman Springs bridge, on lollins will render some old-time Hie strip of land commonly known as songs of the homo on the organ. This Dutch Neckr -The association will use recital will begin' at fifteen minutes the Monmouth boat club's clubhouse Telling Customers About past seven o'clock. as its headquarters and the associa- The topic for the mid-week serv- tion's Fourth of July races will be ce tonight at Grace church will be held' on the Monmouth boat club's Your Specials. 'God's Commands." The sermon course. The races will be limited to for Sunday morning will be "The members of the American canoe as-! Truth That Brings Freedom." The sociaticn. The camp will ifc divided | I believe it would be a good plan for a store following musical numbers will be into two sections, one section for the J rendered: You have ^t Red Bank a National Guard male members of the association and keeper to pick out one item in his store each Processional—"For the Beauty of tho •the other for the women and girls who Earth." , ! gen place, and arrangements were made for children's day, which will j and boosting help to fill the ranks" and provide CLOTH IKKS. i ©nkerson ll!> 214 1>1 . i be held on the 6econd Sunday in June. I \ llnlmen . H V 111 .. . ; A Want Advertisement in every issue of The a waiting list which every successful military JfaKer J7ii i Hurley KN i!i:i io;i : Register fur a whole year would cost only Thir- CHURCH MEN'-S BANQUET. Tctlcy ir.l Jfil ... unit should have. ; • Uenjjimin " ?u,- teen Dollars. . _, * , Over 150 Persons at Dinner of Pres- .HlIRS K< Iji; 17," . byterian Brotherhood. Ask for the Commanding Officer at his About 150 persons attended the Advertising of this-"kindt" carefully carried out, sixth annual.banquet of the Presby- office in the Armory next Monday night, or 13:;' 1 terian Brotherhood in the social room j K . I- ) and with the store methods carefully looked after, Kyan . of the church Thursday night. Wil- write him'there. Dukiet ought to give profits of a great many times Thir- liam B. Lloyd, president of the "Broth- erhood, acted as toastmaster. An ad- "Watson teen Dollars by the end of .the year. dress of welcome was made by Rev. J. W. Rofran. Other addresses were The hezip::: :;-jrrjamtr.: which •was made by James W. McCarthy of Jer- conducted c.-. Kc-iiy tr.a yes-zriz? That kind of store advertising, to be effective, sey City, Rev. Wilton Merle-Smith of st tie ss~'j?liS:-~ S.^ji -xss ~on ty ought to be continuous. — • • Now-York, Rev. Austin Scott of Rut- Claude O^-r;:- iv L ;:':.re c:' 1J-S. •jgefs college and Rev. C. j Day of the Labor temple of New tied for The advertisement ought to appear every week, ; York. Other guests at the speakers' •of 111. 'table were Senator Henry E. Acker- 'and the advertisement ought .to be changed each ;son, Col. William W. Barbour and J. ^ INTER-CLASS BALL GAMES. | H. Parker, The dinner was prepared week and kept in the paper with the same : by the women of the church and they Tournament Arranged by the Grades land the members of the dinner com- of the Leonardo High School. regularity as the front door of the store is unlocked imittee received many compliments ; from the diners. The members of the The grades of the Leonardo high each day. . • • • •dinner committee were Richard A. school have• arranged ?n irtcr-clas? (Strong. James D. Otterson, P. J. H. baseball schedule for tho champion- jWhittaker, George McC. Taylor and ship of the school. The first game The Register goes into 5,550 homes each week. was played last Thursday between the j Daniel II. Applegatc. • eighth and ninth praties and. was wen ! That's a heap of people to talk to each week. iy the ninth grade by the score-of H • m Best B to 7. On Monday tho eleventh grade CHURCH IN SCHOOLHOUSE defeated the twelfth grade by n score i of 12 to G. The next (fame will be j First of n Series of Religious Serv- of played. tomorrow ufterjuion. ices at Vanderburg. The games are played afternoons The first of a series of prayer meet- on the school's nthlct'c field near tlie ings or mission services was con- schoolhouse, after school closes. ducted in the Vanderburg . school- house Tuesday night of last week by Rev. WilmiT MacNair, pastor of the CATHOLIC LEAGUE MEETS. Holmdel Reformed church. Thirty- eight persons were present. Another Large Gathering at Empire Theater prayer meeting will be held next g FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY jj Sunday Afternoon. RIFLE SHOOTING POPULAR. SOCIABLE AT SHREWSBURY. Tuesday night at the . schoolhouse, About. 250 persons attended n Nearly 10,000 Rounds Fired by Civil- Ono Hundred Person! at Party at nnd meetings will be held every two ^ Another Sparkling "Broadway" Vaudeville Bill Headed By Uf meeting of the' Monmouth league weeks thereafter. Vanderburg has Sunday afternoon (it the Empire the- ians on tlio Armory Range. Christ Church Rectory. The Absolute Peer of Educated Simians H| The night set aside at Troop B no church of its own. 'It is qfT.of the ater. The Monmouth league is,com- Christ Church of Shrewsbury and main lines of travel, and on account posed of men from the various Cath- armory for citizens of Red Bank to St. John's chapel of Little Silver held use the rifle range proved very popu- of its being four miles away from olic churches in the county. Rev. a parish sociable Wednesdny night at Holmdol, which is the nearest place John E, McCarthy, Jesuit priest of lar during the winter months. Close the rectory at Shrewsbury. About to 10,000 rounds of ammunition were to Vanderburg, it is inconvenient for New YorU, made the principal ad- 100 persona were present. The rec- Vanderburgers to go to church. Tho == A Born Actor and Humorist dress. Before Father McCarthy fired and some good scores were made. tory was attractively decorated with The range is 110 feet long and the Holmdel church formerly held mis- = An Enigma to the Scientists of the World _= Ejpoke a short .musical program was lilies and spring blossoms. Piano sion services at Vnnderburg, but rendered consisting of selections by positions of firing were kneeling, sit- solos wore given by Mrs. David lla- H§ After Seeing This Monkey-Man You Will Think Darwin Was Nearly Right Us ting and prone. Each man paid one these were discontinued a number of Charles Klaus's orchestra, and voc:i! gec, violin solos by Miss Mary Dennis years ago. - solos by Miss Myrtle Antonules, Carl cent for eiich shot that he used and and songs by Miss Eva Mount, Mrs. M —OTHER HIGH-GRADE ACTS AND BEST PHOTOPLAYS— §^ Bigclow and Edward Farrell. this was all the cost to the shooters. Archie Mosby and Dr. Magee. The range will be opened again as RESIGNS AS PRESIDENT. soon as the manufacturers of am- Coffee, ice cream and cake were A Bluebird Pliotonlny served. "BUPIHIT 07 liUNTSAU" i FARMER'S ANKLE SPRAINED. munition begin to fill orders for small Annual Meeting of Shrewsbury Hos- A Beautiful Btory llnscil on tlio Sequel to Antliony Hope's calibre cartridges. JimGi VanBrunt of Holmdel Injured AUCTION BRIDGE PARTY. pital Auxiliary. m WED The Prisoner of Zemlu. JANE (JAIL anil a Breclully Holoctod Cnot^ by a Fractious Mule. Tho nnnunl meeting of the Shrews- The Brilliant nncl Magnetic filar James Vanllrunt, foreman of Many Prizes Won at Mrs.. Howard bury auxiliary of the Long Branch m THURS Priioi for Estnyi. Whitfield's Last Week. hospital was held last Wednesday at, HuunnaurHuuunnaura uflow Theron Mc'Cumpbell's Ram^nessin Papers on "The effect of alcohftl m •« With tho Popular Juvcnllo Actor, aeorgo Lo Guere, ln farm at Holmdel. is liiid up witb^a Mrs. Howard Whitfield of Bucna the home of the president, Mrs. . 'TITE UPSTillT." on tlie human system" were read at place entertained a number of friends Charles 'Jrt, Pntterson. Reports were sprained ankle. He undertook to puT a meeting of the women's temperance "Wlmt I Had, X tort—$hut X lost, Z K»pt—What 1 Burnt, I Hara" a worn out shoe off a mule's foot ln.'.t ut an nuction bridge party lust presented which ohowed that th» Such is tho OiirloiiH Paradox which Arouses tho CurioBlty union of Rod Bank at Mrs. William Wednesdny afternoon. Mrs. George auxiliary was among the leading sup- ^ FRI •week, and while he was holding the 11. Wilson's last Thursday. The pa- ana Hots tho Key for the Production of . mule's leg the nnimal tried to' shake Hnncc Patterson won first prize. The porters of the hospital the past year. "THE PURSUIT OF THE PHANTOM" pers were prepared by public school other awards went to Miss Minnie m 12 him off. Mr. VanBrunt was thrown pupils, and prizes of $3, $2 and $1 Mrs. Patterson, who had been presi- A Romance of ArtlBt's Ltfo ln a Little Soil Const Town. oft" his balance, causing his ankle to Cooper, Mrs. George B. Golf, Mrs. dent of the auxiliary a number "of were offered for the best essays. The Lillian VnnBuskirk, Mrs. Daniel H. years, tendered her resignation. No Daniel Frohinan prosonts tho Colotiratod International Etur bo sprained. He is able to oversee, the awards went to Ida F. Potter, Robert H SAT MMB..BERTHA KAUIOH farm work, but he Iiu.i to use crutches. •Brewer and Emily Grover. Applcgate, Mrs. Harry C. Burrowes, one wns elected to succeed her, as " In Jlor Foremost Dramatic Huccosn Mrs. Clarence White, Mrs. Edward 8. the members of the niixilinry nro try- %3> Allaire, Mrs. if. II. Garrison, . Mrs. ing to prcvnil upon her to reconsider "MARTA OK THIS IMWLJVNDB" • Holy Name Election. ' Won Prize at New York. Joseph II. Lynch and Mrs. Douglass her resignation. •" , A Patho Gold Rooator Fcaturo The Holy- Name society of St. Mrs. Laurence A."1 Carton of Oak Fqnwick. . *^_ "irrixB MAM BDnomini" Jatncs's church on Monday night Glen farm at Everett attended a sil- Wltli Unby Mnrlo Oaborn* nnrt Henry Kins. elected John F. Maloney president, Carhart—Lamberlson. ver jubilee reunion held by the Cath- Good Pupil, at Colt's Nock. M' as A Thrilling Drury Lnno Melodrama, Anthony Bncigalupi vice president, olic summer school of Ainbrica at the Colt's Neck pupils who had perfect Miss Lillian Carhart of Koanuburg TUES Joseph I), Minton- secrctairy, Charles Waldorf-Astoria at New Fork on Fri- records for attendance and punctual- nnd' Claro Lnmbortaon of Matnwtm "THE GREAT RUBY" Hoffman treasurer and John F. Kelly wore married Saturday, April 20th, at a© 8co tho 8cn«ational Balloon Fight In Alld-Alr., day night. Euchre nlaying 'vrim ity for the past month were Fred the Baptist parsonage at Keyport by standard bearerer. . A carcad tournamene t among the pastimes of tlYc jubilee and Decker, Mildred Clayton, Matilda wan held and James lily was the Mm. Carton won a prize of a pair of Itcv. A. W. Hand. Mr. and Mrs. Oba- winner. Francis, Alice Fields, Albert Franci's dinh Cnrr|Of'Keansbnrg were the at- silver salt and pepper cellars. and Olin Tower. ' ; tendanta. '. • . , • THE RED BANK REQI8TER. Page ThlrteW.

TUB 0BOOKD NATZOnAti DAHE OSBBWDBUBY DAIRY. OAimOIlN'8 YU&GAZTZZINP PLANT. "BUKOTEB CLOTHES," DAHLIAS. REPUTED BOAEDrrWno1r3E. of Bed Bank solicits your buBlnoto, Milk and cream, fresh butter, sweet IJxpcrt vulcanizing done promptly and Hot ttidthci Ih inn- (let that enm- -Vow Is the time to plant thihllas. I Hoarders warned in • rrltnpti bunrdlnn butter and buttermilk. Special milk for reasonably. Bring your tire work here 'fortaljle'sulf.mado to your measure by linve a few more ready Bproti^ed dahlias .house, centrally located: nicely furnlnhril inn QEOorn) HATIOHAI. BARS babies, Telephone 4S9-W Rod Bank. and bo convinced. 64 White atreot. lied Frank Baenger, S'J% Monmouth street, and canna Illy bulbs at .15 cents por rooms with all Improvements; lli'Ht-clmiB Bank, Phono 82-M. ncur umpire, Ited Bnnk. Plione 413-J. dozen,'or 3 cents each. J. II. .Nelson, 270 tabli1, reasonable rnCI>«; nlMo.niealH only OCEANIC WOMAN HAS FOUR of Red Banlt is strong, safe and pro- Locust avenue, Red Bank. KrcBBlvo. . . OABAail FOB SAKE CHEAP. furnished. Iludsnn House, Hi Jiudsuo GENERATIONSMJF RELATIVES. Portnblo garage, 13x10 feet, wooden ' WASIUHO. BYADD'S OAJXAOIl, avenue, Red Malik, i-liono -I53-J, tm oBooxrv NATIONAL SANK . construction, for snle cheap. Apply to Have your washing done at the Jersey Broadway, near Oceanport avenuo, Long FOB BALE. of Rod Bank will help honest and enter- A. Skeels, Pinckiicy road, Rod Bnnk. Coast laundry. Family wash, rough dry, Branch, N. J, Open day and night. Two pens of Thompson strain Bjirreil DABBED BOOK EGGS Mra. Elizabeth Lonffitrest Celebrated prlslntfliuslncBO pooplo. ' 00 cants; flat work. Ironed, 16 cents' Phone 236-W. First-class auto service, Plymouth. Rocks, 22 uuliy chicks, - over for hatching, Thompson strnln, hotter Her Birthday Friday—She Re- HONEY TO LOAU. Phone 204 Red Bank. anywhere, anytime. Storing.' Supplies.. two we*?ks oltl, willi mothers; also •!i|- than ever, no lacubutorH or broodord.' ceived. Many Colli and Gifts—She TOH QBOOHD NATIONAL BASTS ' Money to loan In sums to Bult bor- foot privet.hedge, three foot high. ll>3 used, fnrm rango, eggs from thin choice Enjoys Good Hoalth. of Rod Bank pays Interest on time do rowers on first bond and mortgage. SEAL ESTATE WANTED. rUENITUEE BEPAXBED. liranch avenue, lied Bank. ntoc't by-the scltliifr, or $1 por hundred. posits. , - A. L. Ivlns, ReglBtor building, Red Banlc Will rent a few pcres Bultublo for Furniture of all kinds repaired. Re- Mrs, Louis Soffcl,« Overlook Kami, Hod( Mrs. Elizabeth Longstroet of Ocer : chickens and vegetables. House on prop- storing of untlquo and mahogany fur- THBEE^DAYS. Banit. rjesldcnci! on Ilalf-Mllu roads anic celebrated her 91st birthday last ' - WANVSD* - MABB FOB BALE. . erty must have conveniences. AddresB niture a specialty. Henry Grause, Front An all-around man would like wnVk Baby carriage, Box 86, Shrewsbury, Bay maroj sound .and true; also two- Box 034, Elberon, N, J. • street, near Southern rallroadrRed-Baitkr Tuesday; -Thursdny-nnd-Frldajr-of-Tnch" FIBEPBOOF FOBTABLB OABAOED. Friday. Mrs. Longstreot received N, J- . •• ' ••.•'. seated top wagon for sale, price (130. week, ur a steady poattioii; can furnlHll ' Ford, special frnino, $25; steel COttit calls fromninny friends and relatives Apply at 129 Chestnut street, Red Bank. FOTOTBY WANTED. TOMATO AND EGGPLANTS. good reference*. Address Curtis, 188 $49; nil steel, $89. fiiivo public garaga during the day, and an informal re- .OANB BEATS. ' . Will pay 20 cents per pound alive, or 20,000 transplanted in boxca, two SIviiiuiilc street, Red Dank. expense, will pay for Itsolf In short Cane s(Tuta put In at 33 Wharf avonuo, CESSPOOLS. 23 cents per pound dressed for old fowl. inches npnrtT ready to set In tho field time. Garage heater, $26. Bend tot ception was held at night. A feature Red Bank. Cesspools and toilets cleaned. E. H. O. Dlotz & Son, 123 West Front street, now, SC per thousand. C. L. Smith, Port YOUNG COUPLE'S OPPORTUNITY. further particulars. Belmont Stowart of the celebration was a birthday Fallon, Rumson Neck Farm. Leonard grocern and butchers. Monmouth,'N. J. Phone 43-J Kean.sburg. We have -a big Hat of lots, for sale at Iron Works, 1307 Flatlron building, New cake given by Mrs. Fhineas M. Smith HOUSE TO BENT. avenuo, Fair Haven, N. J., P. 0. box 178. the rlftfit prices; U!HO various Hums of York City. of Oceanic. Ninety-one candles were Sultnble for small family, cheap. Call - BUTOBEBSI YOUNCt MAN WANTED. money to loan on first bond and mortr or address Miss Llliblo Morris, box S8 SODA -FOUNTAIN FOB BALE. Thirty Yorkshire IIORH In prime condi- Young mini to work In automobile gage. Francis White ngency, Moninouth SHOE BEFAIBING AT SHOUT XTOTIOS on it. Mrs. Longstreot received many, Belford,N..J.-..:.- :. Boila fountain and everything needed tion,.100 to 180 pounds, corn and bnrley- paint Bhop or boy to learn (mile; good street'at Broad, Red Bunk. Loavc your shoos when you como to giftsand a "number of postal 'cards.'" for /led cream parlor for sale, -h. fed, for sale; puro bred HtocIC W; A wages to right "party."'" C. "A. Ciuili>tair&" town and'thoy "Will bo "repaired for you " Mrs. Lrnigstreot WUB born on a AUTO FOB BALE. Schwartz & Son, Front street, Red Bank. Jamison, Holmitel, N.-J. Son, Shrewsbury, X. J. Opposite depot. ' SI. C. ANTONTDIS, by the time you aro ready to go home. Overland runabout, In good condition, blacksmith and wheelwrleht Wagon First-class material nnd expert worlt« farm about a mile ond a hn'.f from for wilo. Apply to John II, Bates, Little . . WAGON FOB SAKE. E. ELLSWOBTH ALESANDEB, OLIVE OIL. work and auto springs a specialty. Sec- men together with moderato prices. D. Shrewsbury. She has lived in this Silver Point, ^ iuT,rciiJ"wagon, liugood condition, for tile contractor. Tiles for floors, walls The parent olive oil Imported from ond' hand wagons and asparagus knives A. MBZM. 68 Broad Btreet, Red Bank. locality about forty years. Despite jalo.\ • No. reasonable offer refused. Ap- roofs and fireplaces. Tiling of bath- Italy, at Louis Prate's fruit utore. Best for. sale. 107 West Front street, oppo- Phone 193-w. her advanced age Mrs. Longstreet HOUSE Aim BUNOAIOW FOB SALE ply 'tqVgilllam^ B. Itjttle, Fair Haven, rooms a specialty. 14 Monmouth street. for cooking;, naiad ,dressing, etc. In site West street, Red Bank, at 125 Leighton avonue. For furthei Phono 626-J Red Bank. . • original Una, from half-pint to a gallon. BOAT FOB SALEi ~~ enjoys good health. She sews for particulars apply at 137 Lclghton avc FOB, BENT FUBNISHED. For Hale cheap, lx-foot motor boat, many hours during the day and hernue, Red Bank. FOB SALE. FURNISHED BOUSE FOB BENT. HOBSE FOB SALE. Finest residential part of Broad street, /^-h. ,1>. Palmer engine; In.good condi- memory, is remarkable fof-a woman At 82 Borden street, lionuo nnd stable, With large grounds, fruit, etc,; modern Bay horse, eight years old, sound, kind house of nine rooms, electricity, two tion, overhauled this spring; boat newly ot her age. There are five genera- fxn.-t.-n BABBIT WANTED. lot 42x110 foot, extra lot 42x30 feet. J. Improvements, for tho summer months. and gentle; will work either SIIIKIC or batlis, nice lawn, with fruit iinil shade painted, itrnxoii fur spiling, havo bought State prlco wanted and breed; tamo Carton, 38 East 25th streot, New York Corner Main and Tinton avenues, Eaton- double. For. particulars apply to GeorKe trees. Address .Mrs. A, G. Brown, 139 a larger lioat.' N'o reasonable offer re- tions of the family living. Mrs. Long- animal preferred. Address Rabbit, box City. • . town, N. J. i. Butler. Dey, 242 Shrewsbury avenue. Red Bank. Broad street, or phono 178-W. . fused. James lhmcll, 198 Hudson ave- afreet has two daughters and three 313. Red Bank. ... nue, Red Hank. Bone, they being Mrs. Adelaide Bor- TYPEWBXTEB FOB BALE. HOUSE AND BABN FOB BALE. SHOESI SROSSM SHOESIII HELP WANTED. SPOT CA8H FOB LOTS. Smith Premier typewriter,'No. 10, for Corner of River street and Leighton Tls n feat to lit feet. We cnn!Ilt you Three, colored girls for general house- FAINTING, DECORATING, J den of Red Bank and Mrs. Henrietta River Plaza lots Wanted. State loca> sale, almost new; bargain for a quick avenue; house has water and gas. In- in a working or. dress shoe nt 52. Also workers; one colored girl for chnmboj- paper hanging and hardwood finishing. "Wyckoff and Horace, Samuel and tlon and price. Address Spot Cash, box Bale. Address Typewriter, box 313, Redquire of Frank tu. Chambers, 26 West good line of oxfords. Clienp John, Wharf mald; also positions for farm linnds and Many years j-wit!i tho most prominent 317, Red Bank. . . Bank. Front street,- Red Bank. avonue and Kast Front street, Ked.Bank. general workers. Apply at f, Wharf ave- decorators In*New York city; will oxe- Leon Longstreet of Oceanic. Mrs. nue, or phono 72-.I Red Bank. cutc painting ami decorating In all Its Longstreot's grandchildren are Mrs. LOX FOB BALE. SOB-BENT JUNE lit. SOBXSNSa to BON, branches. Hc-nsonaMo prices. Fred A., BOOS FOB HATOHINO. Johnson, Church street and Main road, Robert VanBrunt, Mrs. George Kuhl Barred Plymouth lifiaka, 60 cerrts for Lot, 60-foot front on Riverside ave- Apartmont house, six rooms and bath, sign painters. Auto lettering and strip- 1 AUTO FOB SALE. and Miss Annie Borden, all of Bed 15 eggs, J. C. Worden, 17 Washington nue, next to Miller's house; prlco 11,800. electric lights, all improvements; fine Ing and general sign work a specialty. E. • M. F. touring car, 1512 model, de- Fair Haven, N. J.. • street, Red Bank. Address Lot For Bale, box 318, Redcondition. Apply .to Horace Tros, 126 Get In touch with us before giving out mountable rims, presto lights, electric Bank, daughters of Mrs. Adelaide Bant •• „ Branch avenue, Rod Bank. your work. Schlentz & Son, Eatontown, horn, clock, etc.; set of new tires; in HTCAETHTS DETECTIVE BUBHATT. Borden; Mrs. J. E. W; Cooper of Oce- PLAY BALL. good running order. Will selr l cheap. Reliablo male and female detectives anic and Charles Wyckoff of Wash- UOOEBN DANOEB. WATCH LOST. Apply to Box 236, Red Uanlt. furnished for all purposes. Communi- Everything In tho sporting goods line Elsie Parsons, pupil of Chollf, Castle Boy's gun metal watch, with leather • PLEASURE BOAT FOB BALB. cations absolutely conlldcntial. Civil and ington, D. C, children of Mrs. Hen-at tho right price at Totley«,, 17 Broad House, etc. Phone 680-M for appoint- fob, lost near Oakland street school. Re- Thirty-foot gasoline pleasure boat for FOB BENT. '. criminal cases, Investigating, shadowing. rietta Wyckoff; Ralph Longstreet of streot, Red Bank. I ment. Residence 130 Broad street, Red turn same to 'Leigh Kberle, 108 Pearl sale, cabin; forward and rear control; House for rent, on the Fair Haven 129 Branch avenue, Red Bank. Tele- v phone 851. J. J. SIcCarthy, chief. Li- New York, son of Horace Longstreet j BALF A HOUSE FOB BENT. Bank, street, Red Bank. ~ Reward. _, ' 6.2 horse power engine; must be sold for road, trolley passes the door, five rooms, MisB tlva Longstreet of Oceanic, room. Thomson's Auta ,Oarage, Avon, gas• anU city water In thekltclien; $10 censed and bonded. On West Front street, Improvements. OSTENDOBPF MUSIC 8TOBE. PRACTICAL CABINET MAEEB. per month. Inquire of Joshua Bennett, daughter of Samuel Longstreet; and Apply to Miss Wols, 80 West Front Pianos, musical instruments, sheet Fine furniture-and antiques repaired 04 Wallace street, Red Bunk. UPHOLBTEBEB. Miss Marjorie,Longstreet of Oceanic, street. Red Bank, music, etc. Tuning and repairing, 14 and polished; upholstering of furniture. OFFICE SUPPLIES, Furniture recovered anil repaired, cur- daughter of Leon Longstreet. Her Monmouth Btreet, near postofflce. Red K. Tarzlan, 20 Maple avenue, corner of No matter what you need In your of- FUBNITUBE MOVEBS. tains, draperies and Austrian shades.; ' - WANTED. Bank. White Btreet Red Bank. . fice, from pins to ledgers, we have It; C. W. Bennett & Co., furniture and laying of carpets, matting and linoleum. great-grandchildren are Mrs, John Woman wanted; must know how to wonderful assortment. See our line pianos moved, genoral carting, large auto Davenport sofas, couches, mattresses Conover, Mrs. Alfon6o Gaskill, Leon, cook; no Washing. Cull at 229. Broad FUBNIBHES BOOM. STBNOGBAPHEB. first. 31. F. Tetley, 17 Broad street, Red van for long or short distance. Esti- and cushions made to order. Maltland Beprinald and Robert VanBrunt, Jr., streot, Red Bank. Airy, light and pleasant furnished Stenographer with some experience, Bunk. mates given on all work. • 203 Herbert Thomson, 37 Kast Front''street, Red of Red Bank, children of Mrs, Robert HOUSE FOB BENT. room to lot, with nil improvements, rea- graduate from Trainer's business col- street, Red Bank. Telephone. . Bank. Phono 11-W. , Half a house at 20 Irving placo, from sonable. 110 Monmouth street, Red lego, wants a position. Address P. S. H., TO LET. , "VanBrunt, :nnd Frank Kuhl,. son .of Juno-lst[ also top soil for salo.- John B. Bank; / Navcslnk po'sfofflce. Box 16. Old established blucksmlth shop, In FOB SALE. LOST. Mrs. George Kuhl;- Mrs, Longstreet's Grovor, Red Bank. farmers'—nrarUTtr—Wimrf" HVCMHKV Red Hatching cgt'B,- Bnrreil-Hocks, Thomp- •• Femnli»~Alrei!ii!e--terrier,--nino months • HOUSE FOB SALE. PUBB BBED HOGS FOB BBEEDING. Bnnk. Kqulppc-d for business. Apply to son strain, 75 cents per 15, $6 per 100;old; markings, dark body, sandy colored great-great-grandchildren are Bertram HOESE WANTED. Ideal llttlo houHe for Bale In center of Excellent puro bred Yorkshire gilts, Harry C. Badeau, lii Broad street, lied White Pekln duck eggs, 75 cents per head; nanie .luily: brown leather collar. Conover, son of Mrs. John Conover; Want a good work horse, cheap for town; Improvements, price ?3,500. Wil- eight months old, for breeding; In flrst- Bank. dozen; bronze turkey egKS. 1*'. c. Byram, Last soon on owner's |thii'<> on Riversldo leon Francis Gaskill, son of'Mrs. Al- cash, Address T. Hounllian, 104' Bridge liam A. Hunting, Broad street, Red claas condition and perfect health. W. Upper Broad street, Red Bank, drive, near^ UniVu's tmi'k, nn Wednes- fonso Gaskill, and the five children of avenue, Red Bank. < . • Bunk. . A, Jamison, Holmdel, N. J. FOB SALE. day, Miiy oil, Iti'ward. Sirs. James M. House and lot at Port .Monmouth, well "PI0OT3EB" FOB SALE. Duane, Lorust, X. J. Charles Wyckoff of Washington, D. C. WHITE dXnii WANTED. FOB BENT. TO LET. located; price $2,000. Big-.bargalns on Tlilrtj'-flve-foot day cruiser, In A-l. Girl or elderly woman. for general IIouso at 217 Branch avenuo for rent, Just off Branch avenue, 59 Tower Hill Bridge avenue and Linden place. Fran- condition, fully equipped with twelve- HOUSE FOB SALE OB BENT housework. 187 West Front street, lira. seven rooms; cheap to right party. In- avenue, six rooms, all improvements. cis White agency, Monmouth street at horse power Uridgeport motor, can bo on easy terms, suitable for raising poul- SWENTAIN CONVICTED. diaries Hoffmann. quire of W. A. Hopping, or your own Will make rent right to right party. Broad. bought at the' right price. Located at try; lot 15Sx51 feet, fronting on road agent. Look before going elsewhere. Sicltles's boat works, Red Bank. that lends from Pleasure Biy to Littlo Murderer of John Boiton Sentenced TWO BOOMS FOB BENT. HAVE YOU TBIED IV1 Silver; houso contains seve'n rooms. For BANTANOELO ft MABZO00A. ANSBEW OITABBLLA. It has tho appearance nnd taste of THE HANDY SHOP. rent for ono year witli prlviloge of to Die Week of Jury 3d. Two rooms for rent In private family, Hemstitching, plaiting, pinking, mend- longer time. Inquire at 15 South Sev- J with use of kitchen. 18 Throckmorton Imported and domestic bottlers and Dealer In fresh and smoked meats ot fresh butter. It's delicloua. That "Good ' Emil Swentain was convicted at avenue, Hcd.Bnnk. V dealers In wines, liquors and mineral all kinds. Olive oil, fresh eggs and fresh Luck" margarine, 26 cents per pound. Ing, remodeling; everything to make life enth avenue, Long Blanch, N. J. Freehold yesterday on a charge of waters, 66 West street, Red Bank. Phone killed poultry a specialty. 72 Bridge Sold "by George Wolf, 2 West Front easy for you. Will be opened about Stay FOB SALE. avenue, Red Bank. Phono 671. street. lutli in Kridel building, C Broad street, murdering John Boston, an aged Hotel, range, eight covers, waterback; one lllght up, near Front street. i,osr. farmer living near Farmingdnle, on new bricks nnd grate. Tho Amsterdam, EGGS WANTED. HATCHING EGGS AND BABY CHICKS. FOBD FOB SALE. Whitn fox terrier with brown spots We want 10,000 etrgs for cash or in Utility strain R. I. Reds, heavy winter A 101.4 Ford touring enr, in first-class WHY NOT lost on Monday, Slay 1st. License No. February 17th. Swentain WOB sen-LocuBt Point, N. J. buy somo ground bone and pulverized 15;'name Bun^a on wltle collar; also Ad- tenced by Judge Kalisch to die in the trade. Walsh's Economy Mnrket, cor- layers, eggs »1 per sotting, $5 per 100:running order, new tires, extra tubes, dle Gledhlll, Leonnrd avenue, Ited Bank. DONT FOBGET ner Shrewsbury avenue and Oakland baby chicks $16 per 100. Junior Red fully equipped, cbeap to quick buyer. sheep manure and use. on your lawn? .electric chair during the week of Btreet.- ' . .' ' Yards, Red Bank, Phone 300-J,- H. F, .opplettUte, Lung Branch, N. J." It. Tho results will- surprise "you. M. V.Will '"Hive, suitable ' reward. Finder that Totloy'R nuws and stationery storo Drown & Co,, coal," wood nnd grain, 24 ploaso return name, iload or alive, - to July 3d. Two weeks after being ac- Is now located at 17 Broad streot. Call D. No. 1. - -•• * Fr.'inli Hhmmsir, Leonard avenue. and look him over. FOPULAB COFFEE. FBEBSE BOASTED COFFEE. .Wharf avenue, Red Bank. Phone 27. • quitted 6i the murder of Jane Acker, Try our populnr blend coffee, 20 cents Fresh roasted coffee, 5 pounds from LIST YOUB HOUSES. PBESCBIPTIONS. an aged woman who livetTalono in a FOB BAXE. per pound. It's delicious nnd la a fa- $1 up, delivered to your residence. Im- If your house Is rentable list It with GET DALY ' Our prescription department has tha small hut near Farmingdale, on June Settings of Muscovy and Pekln duok vorite blond. Gcorgo Wolf, 2 Wost Front porters • & Roasters' Association. A. us. We have inquiries for houses that to do your electrical work, and go there freshest of drugs always on hand; ft 4th, Swentain beat John Boston to eggs. 11. Schllchtlng, Tlltori lane, Red street. Sklrde, Red Bank. Phono 47-R. rent from $12 per month upwards. In- for your electrical supplies. Estimates complete stock which precludes substi- Bank. R. F. D. ,78. quire at Room 6, Register building. A. given." Jobs promptly attended to. Em-tution; and Its work la absolutely ac- death with a club and then went to MONEY TO LOAN HOUSE FOB SALE L. Ivlns. pire theater building, Red BanM. Ofllce curate. Wo respectfully solicit your Boston's house and was beating his &ABOBEBB WANTED. n auma to milt borrower; Red Bank on Westslde avenue, light, heat nnd phone, 413-M, Residence phone, 33-W. patronage. Warn's drug store. "Mac? • nephew, known as Young John, when Inquire of the-Monmouth Contracting properties preferred. Insurance In oldwater. For sale reasonable on terms to MEN FOLKS, ATTENTION!! Carhart, successor, Koyport. "N. J. Co., rooms 17-18, Second national bank rellablo companies. Francis White suit purchaser. Thompson & Matthews Now's the time to buy a pair of pants. HOUSE FOB SALE. two men appeared and drove him' off. building, Red Bank. agency. Co., Herbert stroet, Red Bank. Khald pants, 1)6 cents upwards. Others New seven-roorn house at Little Sliver FOB SALE OB BENT. Swentain attempted to kill himsolf by from one dollar upwards. Cheap John, for sale at a bargain, near station; lot A teu-ai're fiinn, with an eight-room cutting his throat with a penknife FOB SALE. FOB SALE. FOB BALE. Wharf avenue and East Front street, 150x175; all kinds of fruit trees and house, barn, wagon sheds, chicken houses 10,00(1 two-year-old privet for hedge Two-horoo farm wagon; also double Sorrel cob, lady's horse, free driver. Red Bnnk. berries; plenty of shrubbery. ApplT y to with room for 1,00i 0 chickens; SOU peach when officers ran him down. harness and single harness for sale. Sirs. J. W. Rushton, Llttlo Silver, N . J. trees nnd 100 :upl<* Iroes; hptwepn Lin-' fencing, at $2 per hundred, 13. E, Ma< Apply to John Verticil, Crawford farm, croft and ThlttiM. Falls, inquire at lo- liunoy. Koyport, N. J. Charles W. Schneider, florist, Little Sil- near Red Bank. Address C. F. Bough- Bupnrass OPPOBTUNTTY. ; ver, N. J, •• ton, 23 Roso strootj' A'ow York. IBIS BED BANK HAIB PABLOB. Heph Mfl'Kl'H, liliu'iiilt, N. J. Addresu REPAIRING BRICK STREETS. MAN WANTED. Lunch anil oyster house for sale, es- Shampooing, scalp and facial massage Kdtontowil, bl»x 2 1, it. !•'. D. No. 1. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. tablished eight years, good yearly busi- with an electric vibrator; manicuring, Man wantod to do teaming; one who GOOD PRICES PAID ness, near state camp; age and sickness EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS. . Trolley Company is Putting Paving understands the care of horses. Address Watch our • windows for prices of for men'a second-hand suits. Call or reason; no agents. E. G. Brlggs, Mana- switch making and children's hair cut- box 63, Oceanic, N. J. meats, We also have fresh fruit and phono the City dry cleaning and dyeing squan, N, J, tin?. Room 10, ICisner bulfding, Red Now 21-ft. launch hull, S150; new 4-h. in Good Condition. vegetables. Walah'u Economy Market, works, 9 Mechanic street, near Broad Bank. Phono 302-M. Mrs. Lucy Coloy. p. Ferro .motor, equipped, $115; 14-ft. launch, fully equipped, $50; 30-ft. launch The work of repairing the holes FOB SAID. Rod Bank, street, Red Bank. Phono 207-J, SECOND BANS CXOTHXB WANTED. Automobile, four-cylinder runabout, BTHAM VULCANIZING. hull, Rt$iiulilur tiqi, $110; 5-h, p. motor, and defects in the brick paving on NUT MEATS. Will pay highest prices for your old Automobile tiro and tube repairing equipped, 2-c.vllmler, $E0; ill-ft. open .•Monmouth street, betwoen the tracks nearly, new, reasonable. Inquire of T, BTOBEFOB BENT. ' clothing if In good condition, men's only. Holten, Oceanic, N. J. Pocan nut meats! walnut meats, Store on Monmouth' street, near post- Estimates cheerfully given. Phono 18- promptly done. Adam L. Huylar, dealer launch hull, $36: • 1-h. p. Little Giant of the trolloy company, was started hickory nut meats, shelled almonds and ofllce. For further particulars apply to M, or call Herman Levin at 95 Shrews- In bicycles, motorcycles and supplies, motor. $35. Skklos's boat worlts, East yesterday morning. A' force of six . OALI HAMS. other nut incuts ut Loula Prate's, In Jaro Red Bank Real Estute Co., Second na- Auto tires and accessories. Corner of Red Hunk,' or in bulk. bury avenue. Front and Osborn street, Keyport, N. J. men is employed. James Hogan, Sr., Call hams, \ic. 1b. Walsh's Economy tional bank bulldipg,rRea Bank. Market, Shrewsbury -avenue and Oak- HIGH AHT OaiLlIOS. is in charge of-the work. All the HOUSE FOB BENT. SHBEWSBUBY RIVER FJZONT LOT. land utroot, Rod Bank. MUSIC IiOVEHS, ATTENTION! One-half aero plot on Shrewsbury rivor MOTOBOYOLE FOB BALE. I havo special motal plates particu- brick-paved streets of the town will A five-room house for rent at Kane's front for oalo at most reasonable prlco. Harley-Uavidson, 1914 moilel, fully larly ndaptaulo to all rooms in private FOB BAKE. orosalng; convenient to trolley. For par- Tho Etude, the wonderful magai!h«ion equipped, with or without slde-cnr,' in- dwolllngfl. These plates includo colonial, bo ropaired. The trolloy company is ticulars address William Kuno, Middle- music, Is nnw on .sale nt nil Red Bank Plenty of shade trees; sandy beach. Ap- flour do lln, rococo nnd special fruit nna compelled to do this by a recent de- Bmall horse nnd Jagger wagon for salo news atflndK, ir> cents per copy; $1.50 per ply for terms to William H. HIntelmann, cluding rear seat, lnrgo tool box, cont, cheap. Apply to J. Strange, Hillside, At- town, N. J. . Rumson, N. J. leggings, cap, etc., ' for sale. Address game platco for dining room; also plain cision of the public utilities commis- lantic Highlands, N. J. year. .11.. F. Tetley, distributor. Box 73, Eatontown, N. J., for particulars. and ornamental tile for bathroom. Dan- sion. Strawberry Festival at Colt's Neok. iel H. Cook, tho metal ceiling man, HOBBE FOB BALD. A strawberry festival will be held in ' WANTED - AGENTS WANTED QUICK. CABPENTEB AND. BUECDEB. Shrewsbury avonuo, Red Bank. Phono the Colt's Neck Reformed chapel Thurs- A laundress to take home a few shirt Either sex. $30 weekly guaranteed, 3C8-J. Souttd nnd gentle; good' worker nnd sellliiff our combination 12 in 1 kitchen H. L. Merrltt, builder. • Job Ing a 1 GOLD OUtfTURS WANTED. drlvor. llyans greeiihouuo, Rumson day evening, May 18th. If very stormy, waists, etc., every .week; must under- specialty. Screens and screen doors Apply at Fraser'8 gold leaf factory, road, Little Silver, N. J. next night. stand flue work, fluting and plaiting. urtleltj tu homes and huti'la. Sample 2Gc. made at short notice. No Job too small FASMEBS TAKE NOTICE.' union street. Address P. O. box 21, Red Ha nit. Particulars free, united Siilea company, or too largo. Estimatos glvon. Box "United Impress company going out of Bayoilne, X. J. business entirely and will therefore aac- BOTS WANTED. HOTBED SASH. »; 257, Atlantic Highlands, or Navealnk, 1 SALEBMAIT -WANTED. ' Five boys wanted to learn plumbing Write or call and get prices on hard- BOY .WANTED, N. J. rlflco entire stock of horses and mares: , Snlesman for delivery route. Apply at trade. Apply to Cook & Oakloy, 18 West ware, seeds ana spraying material. A Btrong boy wanted to carry In as- SUMMER PUPILS, prices $50 to $12T>. Any person In need Child's bakery. Front stroct, Red Bank. Asher P. Woolley, 188 Main street, Mat- paragus and do some hoeing, $1 per day, Young ninn,' graduate of Normal of one, call at ofllce, 219 Orange street, awan, N. J, summer Job. S. L. deFabry, Llttlo Sil- school, desires to take'a few pupils In AUTO T£BE BHOP. corner Nesiiitt, Newark, N. J. , Phono BABN FOB BENTi GET YOUB STOVES BEPAmaD. ver, N. J. Phone 88-R Red Batik. grammar .school subjects 'during Julie, ThiB la the place to have your tires' •1193 Branch Brook. Open daily, Sunday Centrally located; cheap. Red Bank July and August. . Address Teacher, box repaired. New and second hand tires in Included. No connection with any other Let us repair your stoves now. L. HOBSE FOB SALE. 313, fled Bnnk. Heal Estate Co. > Schwartz & Bon, West Front street and Good working horse for sale, works BUMMER UNDEBWEAE BABGAINS. stock. Will buy old casings and tubes stable.' Maple avenue, Red Bank. Blnglo or double, gentle nnd perfectly Wen's balbriggan underwear 20 cents for Junk.- Bicycle tires vulcanized. TEH CABPEITTEES WANTED. sound. C. W. Schneider, florist, Little a garment. Bltick underwear 25 cents a POULTBY HOUSES FOB BALE. Frank E. Ivlns, 26 Mechanlo street, Red Bank. HObSE FOB SALE. Apply nt once. George A, Hawkins, MEN'S SECOND HAND COATS. Silver, N. J. garment. Cheap John, Wharf avenuo We -have a number of good modern Seven-room house in Horough of Rum- Fair Haven, N. J. and East Front streetRod Bank. houses, all sizes, reasonable prices for son; lurgo grounds, loo-foot front on Spocial from ?1.25 up, Cheap'John, riulck dlaposnl; one Hall Incubator, 3,000 BOABDEB WANTED. East Frojjt street and Wharf avonue, FOB SAXE. eggs, $100, cost $400. Hoyal Farms, Lit- trolley line, gas, wuter and electricity in. rq o WANTED. Red Bank. Open evenings. Single iron bed and springs; also FOB BENT^ tle Silver, N. J. Have a pleasant room with board, suit- front of property; line school In Immedi- Address Information to Lock box I7,i child's Iron crib nnd go-cart. Call at House of seven rooms, paneled din- able for boarder who desires home com- ate neighborhood; fruit and shado trees, Fair Haven, Nl J. BLACKSMITH AND HOBBESHOEB. Mrs. J. H. Cook's, Main street, Little ing room, open grate, electricity, flue forts; near trolley and depot. For parr vegetnhlo .Kiirilon, ete. Bmall cash pay- Frank Gray, practical horaeshoer. The Silver, N...I. bath, etc., nt No. G Peters place. Address OFFICES FOB BENT. ticulnrs apply to Mrs. Margaret Hurley, ment; balance nn mortKagc If desired. FURNISHED noon TO BENT. Mrs, A. G. Brown, or bhone 17S-W. Front office and adjacent room In Reg- 115 Bridge avenue, Red Banlc Phono Apply to owner, George A. Stcole, Eat- Apply at 10 Wallace street, rear of Brlok Shop, 19 Mechanlo streot Eotab llshed IE years In Red Bank. STEAM VULCANIZING. ister building for rent; possession at 492-W. ontown, M. J. v Second national bank. ..—We. .use-.the.- best.materials.-and-guar- .._,_. J-ABM-JFOB-BAIill. «>L?eL_sJea«>L?eLsJeam hgatandjyjit8&E'fllhgat..and_jyjit8&_Efll_fiif t A farm of 67 acres for sale, house and ther particulars apply at The Reglstor COLOBED. SUO-AB BAHBELS FOB SALE. antee the best work In town. John Han- office, Rod Bank., INDIAN MOTORCYCLE STOLEN. B. BITBAU. Have about 250 sugar barrels for sale, sen, 34 West Front streot, Red Bank. farm buildings, stream runs through Furnished or unfurnished roams to lot I will pay suitable reward for Infor- Remover of dead animals, Bel Bank, farm, one mile from Tinton Falls. Apply or would rent one-half of my house rea- K, J. Telephone 129-J. either In lot or separate. Chllds' gro- Phone 72-W. mation leading tn the- recovery- of -my cory, Broad streot, lied pnnk. to S. J. Bennett, Tinton Falls. N. J. COWB! COWS 11 COWSIII sonable to respectable colored parties; lliillun motorcycle Unit was stolen from You can always secure good cows for ones without small children preferred. SPECIAL PLANT SALE. ASPABAGUS EIDGER FOB SALE. my Kiirnge Thursday, nlt'llt. All infor- f Surrey asparagus rldger, In good (con- SAVE YOUB OLD OABPETS. family or .dairy use, and our Kuanmteo Call evenings, ltamsey, 188 Mechanic mation, whether of little or of great Im- Read about It now. Klng's advertise- OHAUFFEVB, dition, for saltj cheap for cash. S, L. Beautiful reversible ruge made from holds you safe. Dry cows taken in. ex- street. portance, will be appreciated and will ba ment on last page of this Issue. Competent chauffeur desires position, deFnbry, Llttlo Silver, N.-J. Phono 80- old carpets and chenlllo portieres. Write change. JInrx Brothers, cattle dealers, 'treated strictly cimlld..|itlal. John H. gnt years' experience. Apply,at 197 R Red Bank. for circulars. American Rug Manufac- Shrewsbury, N. J. LEGAL PAFEBB. Couk, Jr., .Newman Springs road, Rod FOB BENT, West Beecli street, Rod Bank. tory, 296 Vermont street, Brooklyn. Affidavits, acknowledgments, leaseB, Bai|k, Phone lli;t-ii. Central hotel at Rumson. Apply to BAG. OABPET F.OB 8AI.E. MONEY TO LOAN* LOTS FOB SALE. bond and mortgages, deeds, etc., pre^ 'William Naughton, Uumson, N. J, $100,000 at 0 por cont to loan on bond TBEES TBIMMED. Three adjoining lots for sale on the pared by me. In my ofTlco from eight LABORERS WANTED. ' Protty, home-made rag carpet, 31 All kinds of trees trimmed nnd south side of Sunset UVCIIUP, 50x150. o'clbck to six. Edward W. Wlae, Justice BOOK TO LET. yards, Just fresh from the loom. Llbblo and mortgugo In Hums of 520,000 to Men wanted for labor work for chemi- Morris, box 88, Bolford, N. J. $30,000. D. S. Meyer, box 102, Long sprayed; gardens, lawns and hedges Can he sold separately or together. Ap- of tho peace, room 7, Eisner building, cal .niiiniifuetiiror at Newark; no ex- Largo front room, all.conveniences, to Branch, N. J. taken care of by a competent man. J. P; ply to John \v. Schmidt, 111) Spring Red Bank. plosives; stcmly work; i\o labor troubles. let. 68 Mnplo avenue, Red Dunk, Evans, 77 Oakland street, Red Bank. stroot, Red Bank. . , Laborers 3U cents por hour, 8 limit's pep 93,300 WANTED. ' APASTMENT FOB BENT. • EXCELLENT FBOFEBTY FOB SALE.day; plant men, ;>"» and 10 cents per hour, . HE WANTED. Wanted,' ?2,300 on first mortgago on SLAG HOOPING. TOURING CAB FOB SAXE. Located on south side of Monmouth S hours per day. Apply to Hutterworth Female help wanted nt oneo. Apply iniprovotl property. Address Good In- Four rooms, range connected with sta- vestment, box 313, Rod Bank. tionary tubs nnd bath; gas throughout. Leaky tin and slato roofs made tight; Slightly used Ford touring car, 1915street; lot 100x100 foot, with house and Jacobson Co.'; south shin of Nowarlt nt Broad Street Baznnr, Rod Bank, Woller building, Broad street, Red Bank. also water proofing side walls, and cel-model, for sale at 5275. This ear IH a barn, for sale reasonable. For further transfer, C. It. IS. uuil russule river, or Apply In store, lars. Ogdon McClaskey, 147 Hudson big find at this price. The early bird Information apply to Frank House, address L;i borer, liox 31:1, Red Bank. WANTED. YOU KUBT TBY IT. avenuo, Rod Bank. Telephone 400-J. - eatcliOH the worm. Address ISarly Bird, chairman of trustees, 25 Whlto street, or A young girl forllght housework, Ap- That famouH popular blend coffee, 20, BUNABOUT FOB SALE. box 313, Ited Bank. any agent. FAIB AND CAFETEKIA LUNCHEON. ply at 77 Wallnco street, Hod Bank. cents per pound at- George Wolf's, 2 A 1914 Ford runnbotit for snle for W. B. MoQUAY. Tho riiihithea society of the First West Front street, Red Bank, want of use; fully guaranteed; $215 to Undertaker and einbalmor. Office open DKESSMAKEE. CLEANING AND DYZHNO.. Bnytlst church will hold a miki of fancy TOP DOH. FOB DAIB. quick buyer. Address (Julck Buyer, box day and night. Special attention to all nrcssmnlicr, just from . How York, Ladles' and gents' clothing cleaned articles, iiprnns nnd humc-mado ennd/ .Top BOII for sale, I. II. Wood, Nut- POSITION WANTED. 313, Rod Bank, calls, whether In or out of town. 16 wishes cusUiiher.s by the day, }3; stylish, and dyed. Gents' aults pressed, 50 cents. In the lecjuvp room'on Thursday after- swnmp road, Red Bank. Phono 429-M. • Married man wishes a situation as Pearl street, Red Bank. Telephone. perfect-lltthiff gowns mudo and ready Suits called for and delivered, lied Bank noon and eVtmlng, May isth. A uifetorln. chauffeur; can furnish bost roforonce. BOOKKEEPER. for finishing In one duy. Address Alphu, Steam Dye Works, 24 West Front street, luncheon1 will ho .served, lnchtdlnfl: sand- BOAT'FOB BALE. Address H. J., Entontown, N. J. Young man, 24, experienced In double GENEBA£ CONTBACTOBS. box 313, Ited Bank. 05 Shrewsbury avenuo, Red Bank. Phone wiches, linked honns, salad, strawberry Eighteen-foot sail boat, $30. Phono or alnglo entry, college graduate; best James Norman & Son, office and yard, connections. shoj'tciiko and Iri- ereiini. Como nnd got 553 lied Dank. 28 Rlvorsldo avenue. OOW FOB SAKE. roforenccs. Address Booltkoouor, box 47-61 Shrewsbury avenue, Red Bank. FUBNISHES H0O./IS 10 LET. , your Hiiiipor and puy for what you eat. Gootl family cow for sale; coming 313, Hod Bank. Concrcto work a, specialty. Get our Two desirable furnished rooms, all Im- THOMPSON & MATTKEWS CO. FUBWIBHED BOOK FOB BENT. i fresh In two woolifl. Apply to Thomas figures before having .any work done. provoments, centrally located, pleasant General contractors. Established 1806. HOUSES FOB BENT AND SALE. Good sized room to rout, furnlnhod. Welch, near Chapel Hill station. GOLd LEAF HELP. surroundings, will consider applications Incorporated 1912. Woll drillers, houso New five-room bungalow for salo. Or' Inquire at 22 Onklnnd street, Red Bank. Experienced beator, cutter, boy and FUBNITUBE FOB SALE. for two weeks. Address Rare Chance, movers, riggers, concroto work and ma-rent for $12 a month furnished, or $8 a SPBOIAI. PLANT SALE. Irl beginners. Apply during day at F. Old-fashioned • furniture and sovornl box 313, Red Hank. terials. Handling heavy machinery a month unfurnlbhed, for winter only. Also OlUiem Bnlldlnff nnd loan Auoolaton Road about It now. icing's ailvertlse- .. Chadwlck CO.'H now factory, Elm other household nrtlcles for nale: alao specialty. Ofnco, Hertort streot. Red a twelve-room houso with Improvement^' IIOB money to loan Ao help yoil own your ment on ln»t pago of this Isauo. place, ited Bank. live-room house for. rent. Inqulro of BED BANK DAIRY- Bank. Phono 613. gas and. water, at $1S a month furnished, own home. Call at the Second National Wlllliim T. easier, Mlddlotown, N. J. Splondld milk for babies, from Dr. E. or $12 a month unfurnlehort for winter Bank. WANTED. PLANTS. Fnhncstock's Shadow Brook Farm. All DO YOU NEED A NEW AWNIHGf only, or will ront tho year around. Caa Coolc wanted for family of four; ref- 15,000 plants for sale, cabbage, to- • •• .- FOB SALE. sanitary precautions taken In our enro If so, lot Sunborn figure on tho Job.bo seen, any tlmo. Mill's Villa, between FOB BALE. erences required. Inquire of C. IS. Walk- of milk and cream. Charles A. Mc-Export service, modernto prlccB, work Campbell's Junction nnd Leonardo. Mrs. Motor boat and row boat for sale, at Ioy, 208 Mnplo avenue, Rod Bank. mato, lettuce, peppers, eggplant, etc. J. First-clans team of horses, from 0 to. 7 B. Frank, R..D., Atlantlo Highlands, N. J. L. Hayes, Fulr Haven, N. J, Phono years old, weighing 2,700 pounds and Claskoy, phono 483-M. guaranteed. Houso and store awnings a reasonable price. 00 Bank streot, Red 858-W Rod Bank. specialty. Sanbom's awning and carpot Bank. WILLIAM F. nEItLY, sound. Have no further use for them. TWO LOTS FOB SALE, cleaning works, 64 Whlto street, Red 21 Pearl street Phono 19-R Red Bank. Victor Rnffelo, New Monmouth, N, J. • FOB SALS. MOTOB BOAT. LOST. $l!fiO ca.sh hnys two lots, BltxlSO fent Dank. Phono 32-M. / Three bodroimi suits, sideboard anil The right place to get good grocerlei at Reward for return of hoy's bicycle lout each, on' McC'arter avenue, near Muplo Twenty-foot motor b'ont. 0-h, p,, 2-cycIo right prlcoi. Prompt dollvones. LOT FOB BALE. KEYS LOST. dining room I'IUIII-H, oak; two Iron and Palmer engine, 1126. Phono 651] Red Monday from u Ford car between Oce- Lot, 50x150 foot, on tho south sldo of avenue. Fair Haven, Inquire of II. J. brass beil.s with very good KprhiKs; also anic and Fair Haven. Howard 8. Bor- Schneider, real estate, Fair Haven, N. J. Hunch of keya lost on Front Htreet be- .sot of litiic aprlngs; black walnut bnok- Bank. i FOB BAXE. den, Occurilc, N. J, Bergen place, lietwoon Branch avenuo Plume GOD-SI Red Bunk. tween Sinple. avfiiuc uml l'eiirl street; nnd South Htreet; good location. Ad- niinie pluto marked Charles Miller. case, piano, siiutiro, Rosewood anil In WANTED. A 31-foot motor boat, two-oyllnflor, droas Lot For Sule, box 313, Ited Bank. very good condition; plush parlor suit; A rellablo girl for general housework. 8H-h. p. Smalloy onglne. Mrs. Wilson FOBD SOUBING CAB FOB SALE. FOB BALE. Kinder kindly return sumo to Charles also two luts on River lMuza, rcnsonahloj Sraltli, Llttlo Silver Point, N. J.. ITOUHO, 40x00, pnrtly furnished, ma- Miller, care of J. W. Mount Co., Maple also e^gs for sols, Rhoilo Island Roil IMrs. Benjamin Shoemaker, Llttlo Bllvor 1IU4 moilul, In excellent condition, BOOMS FOB BENT. terial on Ri'ound to complete, on Avenuo avenuo anil White street. station. DOLL OASBIAOB WANTED. $225. If you want u big bargain, grab Furnished rooms for rent, suitable for varloty, of tho best laying stock, nnil this quick. Address Ford Touring Car, light housekeeping, In private family; of 'iVo ICIvern, Kuin.ton; full slzo lot; some stoelt of Hie suino varloty. V, Vnn- SAVE 1IOHEY. Largo reed doll carrlago. In good con- box 313, Red Bunk. $1,100; $100 cash; bargain, James Hn- BOYS WANTED. I>orn, Ui'il llauk. lleslilonee, on HulN dition, State prlco wanted. Address pleasant, homellko and linndy to station rlglit, Jr., Oceanic, N. J, Four boys wanted who are hustlers If you wont to snvo money, call at Doll Cnrrlago, box 318, Red Bank, and river. 10 Rector place, Hod Bank. and who aro IooUIng for a good pnsltlun MUo roail. WnlRli'ii Kconomy Market for moata and FOB DALE. HEBOHANT TAILOK. for the summer; very fiisy work and l STATIONEBY. Six-room semi-bungalow, improvo- <• FOB BENT. John W. Braun. Established H years short hours.' Apply after flvo o'clock, or WANTED. Allflwor that letter on correct station- nionts, oloctrlo lights, hot wator heat; Six rooms nnd bath, all Improvements, In Red Bank. All hand work. Clean- all day Satnnlny. The Homo dimly Co., BTOXB FOB DBHVIOE. cry, tho only kind Hint la 'auld by M, l'\ lot «2xl40 foot; easy torma. Addroas electric lights, heat, Perfect range. In- ing, prosslng and repairing neatly dono. 118 llergen plrico. Roil Bank. • ' , OpemtorH, IlJii.shi'i'H nuil cli'iimirH oC Registered Quornsoy and HolBtoln Box 76, Rod Bank. qulro of Troa, Branch avenue, opposlto wnlntH anil drof'son; leuniorn' pultl whHo bullB for norvlco. Blngliam Form, Oco- Totloy, 17 Broad streot, Rod Banlc Tower .'Hill tlvonuc, Rod Bank. Work guaranteed and up to dato. S nnlc, N. J. - Wharf avenue, Rod Bank. FOB SALE. lenniiiiM". Fcat-lmas & llorhcrt, I'uton- AUTO EQUIPMENT LOST. AUTO SALESMEN WANTED, . Three horses, two-ton farm wagon, Two good hlgh-clnnB auto salesmen FOB BENT FUBNISHED. BABGA1N ON SOUTH STHEET. town, M. J. PLIXB 0OMTN0- 0OOW. Electric tall light, bracket, and llccnno wantod at onco. Lottors conlldontlnl. For rent furnished, for summer Ben- two-horse riding cultivator, Jaggor -Got your screens frnni tlio snreen man, No. 41180. Sultnblo roward offered, Br. Wrltn for particulars, to Auto Hulesnioh, son, six-room houmi In Red Hank. For Lot &5K255 feet, hounn of ten rooms, wairon, mowing mitchlno and ear corn, Young, UU Broad streot, Red Bunk. all .Improvements; small Kiirngo; ICHS and! various other Implements, Thomas Oust Ornborg, Nowmnn Springs road, box 313, Rod Bank. further Information addroHB MISH M. L. than $!i,QUO will buy It; $2,500 remain on J. (Veovy, Ilriulcvolt, "Ni J. rostulllce, PLUMBING WORM. Red Bank. Crawford, 0 Sunnct avenue, Red Bunk. riunibliiR, heating nnil tinning worts POTATO P&ABWEBB. USED OABS AT A BABOAIN. mortKiigo. Francis White agency, Mon- It. F. 1). No. 0, Froohold, N, J. OUTSIDE TOrXET FOB BALE. Just received a frosh stock of Aspln- Wo havo a oouplo of very good usod SUIT OASES Ami BAND DAOS. mouth street, Rod Hank. of tho boat kind duno quickly and at ft wall potato plantors.... VanMater & . THE CITY TAELOnS. 'reasonablo figure, Let mo glvo flMll- Oiusldo toilet for flnlc. . Inqulro Ot cara, suitable for light trucks: no roa- Dont UHO paper whon you ctiiv buy a WATEBFBOOFING A SPECIALTY. Custom tailors, cleaning, pressing, re* .Jacob Dcgonrlng, 80 West I'lont street, Wolgnnd Trading Co., Ilailot, N. J. sonablo offer refused. Froohold Motor good suit cuno or hand brtg at Cheap niatos, Worlc guaranteed. D. II. Hon- • Red Bnnk. ' ' . . Co., Freehold, N. J. John's for $1 and upwards. Wharf ave- John S. Stiles & Son, plasterers and pairing, dyolng. Specialists In Fronoh MONEY TO LOAN . nue nnd Kast Front stroet, Rod Bank, bricklayers, ContrnctB taken and cstl- dry cleaning. Wo call for and deliver to nott, Fair Havon, N. J. HOBBE FOB BACH, on flrnt bond and mortnairo on Improvod WXBB TO HOOAIT so WIBB mataa furnluhod. Jobbing of all klndn. any place. First avonuo, opponlto flny- Also ilt'llvtry wagon In (fuoil comll- property In oums to suit borrowors. Al- your liouno and do all your work In tho FOB BALE, Work dono In a flrat-olnflB manner at ilor building. Atlnntlo Highlands, N. J. FOR SALE. ston Beolcman, attorney, Red Bank. pno oak roll-top desk, black walnut short notice 03 Tower Hill avenue, Rod Phono (J-W Atlantlo IIInhlnnd8, , tlon. Boyd Brothers, Walluco nlreot. olootrloal lino. All work guaronteod. Bank. On l!n«t Front nln'nt, house of IWolvs Red Bank. " • 3oorgo Hognn, fl MoLaren stroot, Rod desk and bnnk case combined; also two- J. H. JOHNSON. HOIUJEB FOB SALS. Bank. Phone 680-11, acatcLl depot carriage. In good condition. FOB SALE. Successor to McCuo & Boocroft. Board- rooiiia, Kim, wator anil toilet! lot 100x100 , FOB OAID. , . Good horncK, from |fiO up; must soil Apply to M. Fisher, Kaat Front stroot. Hatching eggs at reduced prlco; bnliy ing and llvory stable ,Rxpro»s'and all feet. Thin la a. lino location; po/fsemilon Two Cyphers, 100-clilck brodilorn, In on account of buylnjr nn auto truok. Ap- FABMS WANTED. Kooa condition, cheap. Box 01, Mhldlo- ply, to J, Qalntro, 207 Horbort streot. ANOONAB FOB SALE. , chlckH $12 por hundred; nlsn laying hens, heavy carting. Automobile vans for long In thirty dnyn.; I'mntin Whlto anepcy, Have cash buyers for largo and small two lending varieties, Hlnglo Comh Rhode or short distanco. TourlriK cars for hire. Aloiimoutli atroot at llroad. town, N.'J. farms. Send full descriptions; will in- A flno lot of Mottled Anco'naH for Halo, iBlnnd Reds and Hlngla Comb White Lcg- Peninsula avenue, noar Ocean avonuo, FOB BENT. Innoak" Goorgo W. Zuckor. graduate ng- Shoppnrdi strain, now laying;- breeding 7 stock, nono bo(tor; 75 cents each,-James luirna. II. L. Roach, R. F. D. No, 1, Ited 8oubrlght, N. 3. Phono 18. - HOUND POPPIED YOB BALD. IIOUBO on Wliito streot, |1C por month. rjoulturlBt,, Klnnoy building, NowarTc, Bank. MONEV TO LOAN. Ton thoroughbred rabbit hound mipplon No small children. Inqulro of Mrs. A.N. J, C. Doughty, Bnttln road, Fnlr Havon, 1 N. J. WINDOW OUoAXKNa. A private tnvontor linn a fr for nnlo. Address Albert Burdgc,%ocunt Hnddon, 11 White streot, Rod Bank, ' USOD AUiOMOBIl.10. Wo make a specialty of donning; nto Point, N, J. XT YOU OWN A DEBIBADLE LOT FOB BALB. , Havo a fow rebuilt usod cars, from rtowo of otoreo, ofllcon and private roel- amount to loan nn liomi /llnl IlKirtltdRO on STOP vixtma SBNT. ho Cltltenn Building and Lonn nnsoola- Twolvo young pigs, flvo months old; $100 up, including Fords, Saxon, Chciv- tiincon; also general office, cleaning rvaldentlnln or liiiHlnoxn proporty only. SOP BOH. SOB ftiB. Borrow monoy from tho Citizens tlon.wlll lonn you monoy to build a homo ono sow, ono year old; ono cow, coming rolotB, Motz, Reo, Kilt, Hudson, Max- Rates reanpnnblo. Satisfaction mmrnn- Will deal tilioct wltli borrowor and n»» Monastjuon eravol and Milestone nnd you can pay for It tho tntno as pay- Bulldlnft" nnd Loan annoclntlon to not a In profit in five months, Inqulro nt wells, Ilupmohlle. ' These cars all In toed/ 2i West Front stroot, with till poet no coninitnnlon.' Adiiroon (!&v\M . ocreonlntro; will deliver earoe. Cliorlos home, ana pay for It tho untno aa paying rier.ront. Call at tho'Second National Bruno Itaab's blacksmith shop, Llncroft, good running condition, Freehold Motor American dyors and eleanora. Plioni t Burd, Rod Banll. .. rent, Call at the Second National Bunk. N, J. ' Co., Freehold, N. J. JdJ-W. box 318, Kcu Bunlt. ' .... , .,,j HEQI3TEH,

to the ordinary citizen BRIDGE FALLS.. DOWN. whether the garbage on his street is. CHURCet SITE BOUGHT. It Collapsed just After Hone and promptly and properly collected; it Wagon Got Acrois It. makes a great difference to himCATHOLICS OF OCEANIC AND WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1916. whether his street is kept in proper The bridge on the creamery road at order; it makes a great diflfe.re.ncc to RUMSON BUY TWO LOTS. Colt's Neck collapsed last week just him whether the sewer from his house after. Allen ' Crawford , had driven TOWN TALK. The Land Was Bought from Mr». .is maintained in working condition; Emily Lopgatreet and tho Newacross it with a horse and wagon. (Continued from page 4.) and all of these are things over which Church Will Be Started on ItAllen is a son of John Crawford, the •• -si his home government has direct con., Within a Few Days. storekeeper at Tinton Falls, nnd he The window .display, of t.'Schwartz trol,. •' ' was delivering' groceries when the ',', & Son of a :rang'e which they are Holy Cross church of Seabright has bridge gave way. Beneath the bridge selling1, should result in other busi- .'•'*** bought two lots at Oceanic from Mrs. is a wide and shallow brook, and the . •" ' ness men in Red Bonk making more , The very best drgumorit in favor Emily Longstrcct, and work will be bridge is about twenty feet aboyetho . • •. • , effective use of_thejr_shoiv. .windows... of commission governmentJies in the.started within n short timo on- a now water. The bridge- was apparently "• This.window. display was arranged by fact that almost every city, town and Catholic church on the property. Each in. first class condition, and its.col- 'the manufacturer of the'range, but borough which has adopted commis- lot is 130x150 feet, iind the price was lapse was a surprise.to people living there ore many other mnnufiicturci's sion government has retained that §2,200. The property is on the cor- in,, the neighborhood. An exami- in other lines who would be glad to form of government.. .Of all the cities ner of the main road leading through nation showed-that tho piling of tho co-operate with merchants in a like towns and boroughs of the United the borough and First street. On one bridge had been undermined and nuumcr. Every store keeper oupli't to States which have adopted commis- of the lots is a house which is occu weakened by ^washouts. Around the Jilalte use of :ill designs mid displays sion government, not one per cent has pied by 'William L. Traut. This house piling was n lot of brush and rubbish, jiossilile to make his store attractive. gone buck to the old form of partisan will be moved. The sale was made and this had hidden the defects of:the Such things not only help that par- political government. Very frequent- by William Jliutelmann Negotia- bridge fromobseivation. The bridge ...-.._—ticulnr-store but they help the entire" ly: the politicians have defeated" the tion.; "for the sale were started eight is a few feet from an abandoned y p people in.(lie effort to obtain 'commis- months ago, but the sale was held up building which was formerly used as townt . NewspaperN s advertisindiig h sion government, but usually these the by a delay in remedying a legal de- a creamery. Asher • CrawWrd of •widely circulated newspapepp r is municipalities where commission gov- fect in the title to the property.. Tho Colt's Neck is rebuilding the bridge bbcsl anil cheapest ldrilddd of advertisingd , ernment was' defeated ' have tried lots wore formerly owned by the Har- under the direction of Frank S. Iml there are other good methods of again with successful results. In vey estate and were bought by Mrs. Weeks, who has charge of the bridges advertising and one of the best and some instances three elections, were Longstreet last July. nnd county roads in Atlantic town- cheapest of these other methods is held before commission government ship. : •window (Jisplay. was voted through; but each succes- Since last summer services for the sive election, sis the people became Catholics of Oceanic and Rumson more familiar with the principles of have been held in Red Men's hall at .'Tonight Judge Robert Carey of Oceanic by Rev. Michael Calhihan, ASSOCIATION TRUSTEES. commission government, showed a rector of Holy Cross church. .The at- Jersey City will spenk at the town. larger vote in favor of it, until at New Board of Directors Pays Bills hall on Monmouth street on commis- last it was carried. tendance at the services has steadily sion government for towns and bor- increased. Some'of the women of Amounting to About $600. oughs. Judge Carey niiide a tour * * * the congregation have pledged them- At the meeting of the directors'of selves to raise $50 each for the new the Red Bank young men's association through tile West, whore commission "It not infrequently happens that government originated, to learn at church. Two of these women have Monday night, -Newton "Doremus, after commission government has already discharged their obligations first, hand the manner in whiclh com- been instituted in a town or city the FrankMcMnhon, Sigmund Eisner, Ed- piission government worked. He will by holding euchre parties. These mund Wilson, John W. Mount, Cap- politicians who have been displaced women are Mrs. John Noonan and tell the people of Red Kink tonight hegin a campaign to have the new tain Charles Throckmorton, W. Mrs. M. E. Stanley. More than $50 Strother Jones and Samuel -Rider whahtth li e saw in t(lihe WWest,t an d wha htt h he : form of government set aside and the was cleared at each party. has personally learned abou com- oiJ form (^government put in force tyere elected trustees,of the institu- THE NEWSPAPER SITUATION IN RED BANK. mission government from seeing it inagain. The benefits of the new sys- tion. Up to Monday' night bills operation in cities and towns of the tem are ridiculed and its mistakes' THROWN FROM MOTORCYCLE. amounting to about ?C0O had been East. • ' . magnified. The thousand and one paid off by the present board, which campaign tricks known to politicians Red Banker's Machine Strikes Doghas been in existence less than five pg p weeks. The board is trying to wipe .Those resident.! Biink who at Eatontown. are interested' in local government— puaret hacworkek thd et olod induc regimee .th eRarel peoply edoe tos 1 John Valentine of Red Bank was out the small indebtedness before who desire, the very best possible it happen that the people go back to thrown, from his motorcycle when it directing its' efforts toward paying off All Prices Greatly Reduced government at the smallest cost—[the. old form of government. Occa- struck a dog at Eatontown last Fri- two large notes, which have been should go to the town hnll- tonight j aionally, us happened in Denver yes- day. Mr. Valentine landed on some renewed from time to time. The aml hear Judge Carey's talk. No torday, after a year of steady and loose stones in tJie road and he wasboard conferred with the ladies' aux- doubt I he speaker will be willing to I systematic organization work-on the cut on the face, and legs. Mr. Valen- iliary Monday night and Mrs. Howard answer any questions which may: be i partjrf both RepublicansjimUPemQ.-. tin e-Jiad-log-gings-onnnd-thoso-saved S._Higgins,-presideiit-of_the-auxili_aryr —Jiur^to'—hini"coifreTiii'rftt:i'tIrS="c'ost of | ci-ats, the new government was sethi' m from more serious injury. He spoke in behalf of her organization. commission government, the manner I;lK'1'? ;lml "le old f°™ replaced,bu twas taken to Dr. J. C. Rush's office A get-to-gether meeting for mem- iS in which it affects the lives of thetli c instances where the people have where his , injuries were treated. bers and prospective members will bo people who live under this form of reverted to the old form of political About $10 damage was done to theheld at the association Tuesday night, In order to make room for an entire government, its advaijtilges and its government is not one in oiie lmn- motorcycle. The dog was owned by May 23d, at half-past six o'clock. disadviuiUgcs. Petitions asking for an I 'li'cd. • Peter Tober of Eatontown. New Stock of Summer Goods, in- election to decide whether or not com-J COMPANY ELECTS OFFICERS. mission government shall be adopted j Go to this meeting tonight and KNOCKED DOWN BY AUTO. by Red Hunk have been in circulation rlc.irn the facts at first hand from a Annual Meeting of Mutual Supply cluding Gowns, Coats, Hats and -for some time, and the election will man who has probably niade a greater Edward Rockhill Struck while Work- Company Held Yesterday. be held this summer.' Eveiv resident study of this form of government - ing on Road. The annual meeting of the Mon- Furnishings. of the town ought to •leurn every- than any other man in New Jersey. Edward Rocknill of Shrewsbury mouth mutual supply company was thing possible concerning this form Ask him all the questions you like was placing stone, on the road at that held yesterday afternoon in the com- Why shop in New. York when of government, so (hat he can vote and he will no doubt answer you fair place Saturday when he was struck by pany's office at the plant near Beech intelligently when the question comes .and square. Dont let any politicians an automobile owned by Sigmund street The following officers were I am able to bring to Red Bank this before him. on cither fide delude you, for politi- Eisner of Red Bank, The chauffeur re-elected: * , 6 . * ••«-• cians who hold oflico and politicians Mew the automobile horn and several Prrniilcnt—Michael Kimiiu'l.' opportunity' to secure, at greatly If invariably happens,[when com- who hope to hold office are all against persons yelled to Mr. Rockhill to get Vlre president mid InMsurer— Charlen eommi:«ion government. Think for 0, Itrown of Lonp Mnuu'li. mission government is voted on, that out of the way, but he did not hear Scurotnry—S. Vincent 'Willis, reduced prices, Gowns and Hats'of th...e. politician,,„.,..., s.- ..in. .,.„,,>contro„l >,of. th„,,,e- KUgov,--. ,-,---yourself- . . !J°nt let any politician the warnings. Mr. Rockhill was Assistant treasurer—Theodore. Kum- ernment at the time the vote is taken I"0 .v0Ul' thinking for you. 1'ind out knocked down and was cut on the, are always against the change. From I everything you can about commission face, but his injuries were not ser- The directors are the officers and the most advanced styles ? • the standpoint of personal interest government, so that when the time ious. Dr. J. C. Hush of Eatontown John T. Egan, Alvin Kumpel and this is probably only natural, since [comes for Ited Bank^to ^votc^on the dressed the cuts. Schenck Tompson of lied Bank, and the party in power docs not want to questio'"n" you will bo--.-* able t-o .—»vote- from Edward Ivins and K Thurston Blais- give up the political jobs it holds, your own knowledge, and will not John T. Lovctt Operated On. dell of Long Branch. Mr. Kumpel even if l.lic change would bo of great vote'one way or the other simply John T, Lovett of Little Silver was nnd Mr. Thompson succeed Louis Madame La Sonne advantage to the people, What the i bemuse some politician who has aoperated on for mastoiditis at theSobe! of Red Bank and Harry H, JCri- politicians want, as everyone knows, I personal ax to grind tells you to vote del of Long Branch. ls wa Long Branch hospital, on Saturday. RED BANK, N. J. is power and good 'paying jobs for " y. He had been in poor health ever since The report for the year showed themselves, and they are not very November and had been confined to that the gross profits were $12,339.50. much concerned about the welfare of PROBATION OFFICER'S WORK. the house most of the winter. The A dividend of $9,960 was declared. . Room 2, Eisner Building • the people. • operation was successful, and Mr. During the year many alterations Annual Report Maai by John H. Lovett is steadily regaining his health. and improvements were made to the 'Wk plant. " • Not ill frequently-the politicians of Ho«.Bhtoh Covering n He is expected to return home in Loth parties get together to defeat L ih«{irst annual repoH of Proba- about two weeks. ^ comiiiLmluii government, just as the!}1011 Ollicfcr Julin H. Houghton cover- •+-*-^ • Eatontown Mat Past Masters' Night. in Ul 1 1 8 work en tlm politician^•viivi^iim.si ov Lf botM\J hfell partiefJUl V'Vis] go^l/f t toH' -1 j, /\"Ki I {=1 y -' ."' J. > , S April Card of Thanks.. Past: Masters' night was held by THE DEPOSITS OF gethe•• r las• t- fall to defea- t woman suf-- ].''' "otul.h-' ?'"'nR".J_" ""•'st.• been submitted to We wish tu thunli Dr. G. VanVoi-is Washington lodge of Free Masons frage. Neither party wants Its power f, j^ The report shows Warner for his careful and competent Monday night at Eatontown.- Dele- or its patronage interfered 'with. that Mr. Houghton has had 147 of-attendance; also the two nurses and gations were present from Eed Bank Neither party1 wants to loan any of fenders under bis caro, 118 men, 14the kind assistance of our many and Long Branch. Dr, J.-C.'Ruah the jobs it can hung onto. In every women nnd 15 juveniles. CXf this friends during the sickness of ourmade an address. The lodge has six- inr.tiince where commission govern- number !I6 have-been discharged from daughter, who is rapidly recovering. teen living past masters. ment has been voted on, one of thehis custody because of the terms of Mr. and Mrs. William H, Emery. • i m political parties 1ms opposed the probation having expired. Six of those —Advertisement. It pays to advertise in The Eegister. change, and usually the change hasplaced in his custody have been ar- been opposed by both political parties, rested for violation of probation rules, •yrho joined forces to.defeat a plan Mr, Houghton nnw has 117 offenders as shown in our reports to the Comptroller of the Currency, at the time of mak- which would take the municipal gov- in his custody. His collections during When you give your patronage to this market, our at- ing official statements during the past year, were as follows: ---;•- . ; ernment out of their hands. the v,enr amounted to $2,424.20. The tendance is most prompt, our delivery service careful and al- * + * v^ visits" made by .him during tho year ways on time. The values we give in meats, poultry, pork, ' May 1,'1915 / _. ., There should be no politics in.local numbered (187 and in addition he has veal and cured products are the best procurable. It will pay government. The sole nim should be written GG4 letters. | you to patronize us. $869,408.82 to give the people the very best gov- ernment at. the smallest expense, GAS COMPANIES TO MERGE. THESE SPECIALS ARE FOR CASH'ONLY June 23, 1915 ' Commission government is not per- Lean Chuck Roasts.... 18c lb $921,863.82' • feet, but it comes nearer perfection Freehold nnd Atlantic Highlands Sugar Cured Shoulders. 14c lb •than any other form of local govern- Companies to Consolidate. Boston Lean Pot Roast 18c lb Sugar Cured Hams.. . .19c lb ' Sept. 2, 1915 ment yet devised. Especially does it The, proposition of consolidating Prime Ribs of Beef... .20c lb Fine Dixie Bacon 17c lb come nearer perfection than the pres- the Freehold gas-light company with Very Lean Plate of Beef 12c lb $1,0 3 0,1 5 0.22 ,. ent system of electing officials, in the Standard gas company of Atlan- Legs of Spring Lamb... 24c lb Boneless Shoulders.. . .20c lb towns and boroughs, for the present tic Highlands was discussed at the Breast of Jersey Veal. .16c lb ; r : system compels partisan politics J;o annual meeting_of the.former_com-- Shoulders of Jersey Veal *• - -•- -•• —"NovrlO, 1915 ~~ \ enterHnto town and borough elec- p'ahy held last week. The controlling 20c lb Rump of Jersey Veal. .2Oc lb tions, however much the people may interest of the Freehold gas com- $1,261,403.22 desire a non-partisan government. pany was bought about a year ago by * * * Standard gas company interests and Dec. 31, 1915 gas has been supplied from the At- Evil men may get in office' under lantic Highlands plant for several Broad and Front Streets, RedjjBank, N. J. a commission government, though the months. The plant at Freehold will $1,244,402.21 chances of this are much less than probably never be used again for TELEPHONE 3O6-M •under a political government. In making gas. the case of an incompetent or dis- March 7, 1916 honest man getting in "office under a Boy Run Down by Auto, OOOOOOQOOOOOOOO00OOGOOOOOOO00OO30O0O09O00OOOCOOO0O0OS partisan political government there is *' © s no getting rid of him; he can stay in Gilbert Mnnsoii, aged six years, office until his term expires. In theson of William Mnnson, was knocked lown on Monmouth street yesterday case of a commission government, if afternoon by an nutomobile, driven anoflicial proves incompetent or dis-by Mrs. Arthur Sickles. The boy May 1, 1916 honest he can be put out of office darted across the road directly in •without waiting for his term to ex-front of the car. He was cut on the pire. The mere fact thnt unofficial leg, hut his injuries were not serious. can he put out of office if he does not Mrs. Sickles took him to »'doctor's satisfy the people has proven a great ofliee in tho automobile. lever in promoting good government 1 under commission rule. Interest at therate of 4% is paid on savings accounts, and begins the first of New Clmrcli Members. * *•• * each month on deposits made on or before the 3d of each month. All governments cost money, but John J. Many, DeWitt C. Quacken- under the commission form of (,'ov- hush, Miss Mary Thompson, Miss Min- We will collect free of charge your deposits in other banks, if you wish to crnment the cost is much less than nie Dunbnr and May and George Hill were received as members of the transfer your account to this bank. where a municipality is run on theFirst Methodist church Sunday. May political system, with political re- Griffiths, infant daughter of Alfred We respectfully solicit your business. ....•.-. wards to be bestowed on party work- Griffiths of Tower Hill avenue, was ors, regardless of the welfare of the baptised. community. It is not uncommon to 1 • heur a politician demand an office for I When Your Radiatoi Leaks, or You Want ooooooooooooooooooooGoooooQoooooeoQoaoooooooooooooooaoooooooeoooooooooboooocoeao his work at an election, even though Michael Kane to Wed.' this party worker is wholly unfit for Michael Kane of New York, for- the place demanded. Further, it ismerly of Middletown, will be married I Your Lamps, Mudguards, Hoods and Gasoline not uncommon for party workers to to Miss Catherine Fury of New York get these positions for wiiich they are nt St. Patrick's cathedral on Monday, I Tanks Repaired or New Ones Made, Call wholly unfitted; since under a partj- May 22d. Air.' Kane, has leased his -OP THE— snn . form of municipal government farm at Middletown and is employed the party workers must be given jobs in a garage at New York. for which (lie people pay in taxes, or tho piirly boss loses the support of Owns Five Grocery Stores. the worker. Fred Brown of Red Dank has • -• * * c opened a new grocery store on Municipal government is nearer the Shrewsbury avonue, near Beech people and is of much moro import- street. • Herbert Frnkc of Bridge ave- will close after this week. ance lo them than either state or na- nue is in charge of the store. Mr. 113 West Front Street Red Bank, N. J. tional government. It makes a very Brown now has five- stores in the little difference to the ordinary man county. '• . The year just dosed shows earnings in excess of 13%, on the average time 1 •whether n Republican or a Democrat Telephone 58 l-M the money was deposited with the Association. is nt the head of the natiorinl or state MacDonald Defeats Foes. government. The ordinal')' citizen, who pays his taxes nnd who makes bis An election was held at Bradley living by bis work, does not cure very Beach yesterday on a petition to re- much who gets the. national and state cnll William E. MacDonald, mnyor of appointments. Not one citizen in aBradley Beach. Tile recall was de- You will pay yourself the rent if you build, a home with the assistance of the thousand would ever know, from any- feated and Mr. MacDonald will re- thing wiiich nfTocted him, whether the main no mnyor. The vole was 2V1 Citizens Building and Loan Association. ambussndor to England or France to 158.' . . •was a Republican or a Dcmoci'at, mid For further information call at yet Uieso two appointments urc Seabright Entertainment. among tho Rrentcst the national gov- A free'entertainment and motion •criiment has to give, out. Tho ordi- picturo exhibition illustrating the nary citizen carca very little whether work'of the visiting nurse association 9 The capacity of the Kissel Truck is from 1,000 f the judge of the court is n Republi- will be held in the Seabright Metho- 5J pounds to 6 tons. . .. , I can or u Democratrat, yet tht e appointppin - dist church next Tuesday night at <9 ' ' " ' ' ' • • 'P incut oof jiidfcea is ononee of thte mo«t im- eight o'clock. , 'porlitnt'&rU of a governor of NNow 22 Reckless Place Telephone 052-J Red Bank, N. J. & Jersey. Out it does make a groat It pnys to advertise in The Rqgister. IS THE BED BANK REGISTER. Pago FiJtoen.

Anna HcBwan of Phllmlelplilii," oged Cti «{K30O0O0OO0OO0O0O0O9O0<30OO0O0OSO0O00000O0O0O00QO0O0O0 •-••'/''•••"=:;., PERSONALS. '• • tor this morning. His appetite js im- Bidi on Concrete Road. yeurw. proving and in, other respects his Bids were'received by tho Keyport M'QUIJIB.—At Mutnwiiii, on Wodnm- Desirable Residence Mrs,'Arthur Jones'.of Hcrbort condition in moro encouraging. ; council Monday night for the build- dny, .Mny 3fl, Jamea Mc'julrt', flKcd fil street gave birth to a son on Thurs- Miss Inez Yotman of Prospect ave- ing of the concrete road from the rail- yearn. . day.^ " '- -..•',.••••: • -. •„•-nue ia spending a few days at Tot-road trackB to the borough lino on niiaHTEH.—At Now VVJIIC, on Sunday. For Sale. , Harry Bo3ltoy of Locust avenue haa tenville, Stnten Island. • Broad strept. Ganford. company of May 7tli, Leonard J. ItlKhtt-i', formerly AT REDUCED PRICES been laid up with a licnyy cold. Martin MoDra of Bridge.ayenuo is of Anbury Park, aBcd 30 JTIIIH. Owner will nucrrflce for quick B«1O" Long Island city, with a bid of HOGHRS.—At a TrtaHiton li()H)}ltnl, -ejn . Goocgo Lnmborson of Bank streot having a bedroom added to bis liouiio. $21,453.77, wan the. lowest bidder. Wednemlny, lluy 3d-, rici ij:unl' n F. ItoKers Blowers, Similar to Ward but larger account moving away. Eight rooms haa bought « Maxwell touring car |WUli«m J. Shiolda of Prospect ave- If this bid Is satisfactory to the state of Alltiltott'n, ugcil 4C yi'iii'H. and better.' Strong root-cutting plants. nnd bath', all improvements; lot from. Fred.VnnDorn, ' nue IB doing tho worJt, commissioner of roads the contract 8TKWAKT.—• At AllciilMimt, on Him- 50x2Q0, Ritunte on Maple avenue. , MurUoro and William Lucas of James, Rowe . of Mnplo avonuo, will'be awarded to this company. " ' Strong root-cutting plants. $1,00 per 1OO, $8.00 per boro. . Miss Louise Slattery, Miss Mar- o'clock for the benefit of the visiting May 2d, Thoodoro Winston; a^ed li years. 1000. o Jliss Manrnret Connors of Shrows- guerito and Miss Grace nurse association of Fair Haven, WOOLUM.—At Ocean Gnivi\ on bnry avonuo returned last week from Reid were initiated as members of the Rumeon and Scabright. Thursiluy, Jlay 4th, .Ml.ss Adcliiido ' S. 1001-E3TABLJSHED-1QO1 f Princeton, where she attended the lailics' auxiliary of tho Sons of Vetor- Woglum. nBcd 07 yonr». La Grange. Hardiest of all. Fruits for a long season. funeral of her sletor, Mm, John Bo- MlihtJ -WO'HDBN,—At-DallB!<,--TMn«ron-fiiin-- [Strong root-cutting plants. $1;5Q per 100, $10.00 pe7 Eerfc~ . i' r """"• "" ' Frank Marx Oporatod On; day, Mny 7th, J. Hector Wordun, ,lr., of Frank Marx of Shrowsbtiry was op- Anbury Park, aged 31 yenrs., 1000. Mr. and Mrs, Elwood Ivlna of LONG BRANCH'S ELECTION. WXCKOW1'.—At Freeh..Id. on Tuesday, Broad street-have moved to tho house erated on for a,tumor on his stomach 1 Strawberry, Raspberry, Gooseberry, Currant, Grape and lant week. He ia rapidly getting well May 2d, Mrs, Almlra WyckolT, iigcd V7 on Lake avenuo which Mr. Ivlna John W. Flock High Man in tho Elec- years. other Small Fruit Plants in good supply. 6 "bought from George Steole. tion for Commitiianor* Yesterday. and his complete recovery is looked ZIEGLER,—At Matnwun, nn Snturdny, I- C. H. Wenzell nnd family have for. April 2Utb, Mrs. Ilolonn YAwslur, need S5 Asparagus Roots at special prices. g moved from East Front street to the An olection for fivo commissioners yearn. . > • | , house on Rival*, street formerly oc- to servo for terms of four years each . . DIETHS. was hold at Long- Branch yestorday. ALLAIRK—-At the LOUR Brnncli IIOR- cupied by Frunk Kelluni. Twonty-two candidates were in thepltnl, on Bittunlay, May Otli, JIi'B. gWest Side Millinery Parlor 8 BROAD STREET !•! Harry Jackson of Sunsot avenuo field and tho successful men were Churlca Allulro of Reil Hunk, of a 9011. will start Removal Sale, Friday, Mny 12, has returned to work nt Louis Tot- .—At KreolmUl', on TucHilay, Phone 2, Red Bank •/ • LITTLE SILVER, N.J. § John W. Flock, Dr. James Chusey, of the RED BANK, N. j. | Jey's bicyclo and motorcycle shop on Marshnll Woolley, Frunk L. HowlaadJ II Clarende llilifgB, or 11 Him. Mechanic street after having boon i™tAl).y^-At Kcd riiink, on SunJuy, oaOOOOCOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOODOOOOOCOOOeOCSOOBOOOOOOOOOGOOO and James Guire. C. Asa Francis iffisVttn, Mrs. Floyd Bnidy, of a duiigli- Very Latest in Millinery .laid up several days with grip. was a candidate for commissioner and of tcr, , . MRS. W. H. LOHMANN, T*IC*T*T*tOI*I^^ Miss , Josephine Thompson n good deal of interest was taken in JSDWAHDS.—At Anliury Pnrk, on Chestnut street hue been confined to his campaign throughout Monmouth .WcilncHfUiy, May Ud, Mra. Ouy JidwanlK, 257 SHREWSBURY. AVE., RED BANK. herhome with mumps. ;, county. Mr. Francis had been spoken of a Hon. Francis Higgins of Bank street is IIHnUKllT.—At lilKlilundH, on Friday, of as a cundidute for congress this May ritli.Mru. CJiarlcH Uvrhcrt, of u laid up with n gathering in his hand, fall, but his failure to carry his own daughter. Citizens Building Rev. Loafer G; Leggfitt is luid up town will probably put an end to his JONKS.—At Itwl Hank, on Thursday, and In most cases are the sure results •with inflnmmutory rheumatism. ambition in this direction. He reMa- y Itl!, MI'H, Arthur Jonea, of a aon. of defective vision. Not always Max Leviiiflky, proprietor of tho only about half as many votes 'liVj«rar.—At Dolford, 011 TliursUay, Bed Bank steam cleaning and dyeing j mo high man on the ticket. The Mny 4th,, Mi'sl I'aul Lyndi, of a son. Loan Association when you cannot see plainly or •works, has erected n largo electric ;o received by each candidate was WALSH.—At s™iirl|?ht, oii Tuesday, sign illuminated with green nnd I Mny 2d, Mm. Pottr J. Wtu]Hb( of a son, well, or your eyes feel weak, but •whito lights in front of hisntore. He | follows: •W1IRKLE.V.-—At I'"alr'Haven, on Bun- NOTICE OF ANNUAL from a defect which only a f , day, .May 7tli, Mrs. John "Wheelcn, of a las alsa o pup t up two largge gglass letter " WSSHWV daufc'liter. MEETING specialist cftn locate. s in bis. front window, .rtimo.i v uiHf y .. !! .i'«56 Howland MABBIAOES. Notice is hereby given that the an- artin-D. Gildner and Irving S. s r c •APPLGOATK — LI01OII, — At Aslmry Predmore are new memberb s off tho'lff™?th'fSf" ^,W£•••••,...-...-, . ;. »33 Park, 011 Hundny, April 30th, liy Kcvnua. l meeting of the stockholders, of ambulance company, Tho officers of liiryu'nt u. Ncnrcom'ii'!."! «•>« W. A. Atchlcy, Hiss Kthel Anplcuato und the Citizens Building and Loan Asso- the company will attend a camp of' " D. .Sherman .,...,.',. 80!r ) Gilbert C. Lolgli, both of Asbury Park. ciation will be held on Tuesday, the instruction at Tobyhnnnu, Pn., begin- C AH:L KranclH, BRNNIOTT — HOGRI1S. — At Bradley 16th day of May, 1916, at eight FmTi'M1t Greev n Beach, on Sunday, April 30th. by Key. ning Jtfno 19th and lasting ten da; TIl'MUr " Arrmvumltli Sl~h ^TTH Vera ivi. wennott ol^M,gkEMJ4hEibilli^ "Th^company. will go Into camp at tKe" Red-Bankj-N—J-.7 for-the- purpose of • Philadelphia Eye Specialist Hi'mm;r S. \Valtt fBai same place on July 31st. Hubert W. Zimmerman .. Beacl,]. electing a Board of Directors and for There is not much improvement in Krncstrt o TomiLliil.. DEWORTH— BUN.DY.—At Dnnbury, the .transaction of such other business AT THE the condition of Mrs, Albert (\ Har- -Miclmol VlrncoluV . ; Conmictl'cut, Wlllliim DcWorth of JSnir- as' may properly come before the rison of South street, who has~been Henry JJollno llalitown ami MI.HH AlarKarut iiundy. meeting. Krisviird J. Hclil G1J1SON — HUKNAL. — At Asliury SECOND NATIONAL eeriously sick tho past three weeks. Kdiiumd W. Slociiin Pnrk, mi Satunluy, April 29th, by ltev. C. E. BOUGHTON, Two nurses nro in. attendance. Itonjiimln V. KinaKU W. A. Atchlcy. Mm. Ida Glljson und Wll- Secretary. BANK BUILDING William Francis has moved from Tlionuii) Al lanl A, Hiifnal, both of Anbury Park. Dated May 3d, 191C. Monmouth street to his new house on Josepli It. West...... i,...'..,'.'.. '5i Mr. Flock, who was high man at the DEATHS. Every Wednesday tho Newman Springs road. CRATER.—At lied Hank, on Sunday, Mr. ami Mrs.. Charles E. Nieman election, has long cherished a desire May 7th, 31i'«, Kurtih Ann Crater, aBed Hours: 12:15 to •1:30 of Maple avenue are spending ten to be sheriff of Monmouth county. 78 yenrB, days in Cincinnati, His big vote yesterday will help along COnulOTT.—At KiiKllalitowii, on Mon-is. hereby given 'that the o'ul plr.nk Charles Johnston of Riversido ave- his ambition in this direction. day, May 1st, 51i'8, IJi'idffyt Qorhtitt, a^ud removed from the bridge nenr the FREE CONSULTATION nue has n now Chalmers automobile. 9U years. property of • Sheppenl Knapp, on Xeh>-,od hu.sband ot Mary Gooseneck bridge, will be sold at Recreation Association. HuiuliiiT l.anniiiK "I' I.mi!,' Dniiu'li. X. .1. other uutoinobile to bin tnxictih- busi- The Princeton glao club gave a con- l-'r-iiural hui'vii'i'i :it liln lai-u n:sl(U;iK'c, public auction,-in small lots, at the ness. He now has four taxicabs. cert last Wednesday night at the Red 371i Until «vulinc. l,O!ii; Branch, N. J.,respective bridges, on Friday, May Robert VanBrunt has moved from j Kunk high school for the benefit of Tltiu-.-fday. May 11 Ih,.at 2:im o'i'idck |». m.12tb, 181G, nt2:00 o'clock in the af- Shrewsbury avenuo to East Front intiTim^iit at l.uv.'rtinci'villo, Is*. J., un ' the Red Hank recreation association. Krlclay. ternoon of said day. street. ' - - Over 400 pemons were present and I.AWI.KHS.—• At ItmlHnnk! on Tllllis- Georgo R. Lamb of Cincinnati, a $50 was cleared. The concert was day, Jin:.- lth, nubiTt I'. I>:IW1OMM, aiicl Terms cash. former resident of Red Bank, was in given by 24 members of the club nnd iifi yours. By order of the Board of Chosen town a few days last week. Ho is as 1 consisted of singing and mandolin, I.LOYIX—At I.nnif HlaiH'h, on TliurH- Freeholders of the county of Mon- neat looking as ever and does not biinjo and violin playing. The-etfber- ilay, .Mny llh, William 1,. l.lnyil. jseem a day older than when he left I,AN\I.\"(3,— At N»v Vnrk, on '|'uc«- mouth. tniners were encored many times. ilay, Mny Otii, .lohn 10. LannillK of Lon^r Jiere. He said he was glad Red Bank Beforo the concert started Mrs. Lewis Hrtiiich, af:*'d 70 years. C. E. CLOSE, had entered u campaign for commis- S. Thompson of Brookdalc spoke a sion "government, because this form -M'F.WA.V.—On Sunday, May 7th, Miss Clerk. of government had bocn put in forco word of praise for Mrs. Lorainn .M, in many of the cities of his neighbor- Warren, who hus charge of recreation hood and it had been found a great work in Red Bunk. She said that improvement over the former politi- Mrs, Warren was formerly at Prince- EVERYTHING NEW and NOVEL cal governments. ton, and thut it was at the request of Mrs. Warren that tho (tlca. club m . Charles H. .Inhnxnii of Hudiion nve- came to Red Hank. Mrs. Thompson Tine has recovered from sickness and told the audience that the glee club .is out again. Ho was luid up most of J received no compensation for th«ir SPORT HATS FIRST REGIMENT ARMORY tlie winter, services, Jhe entire receipts going -AND • ..-.• John B. Hurd of Tilton avenue into the treasury of the recreution- While Halt for Summer Woor, Colored Chiffoni, Georgette to spent part of last week at New York, ists. ..•.•••• - : Crepea and Silks whero ho attended a reunion of em- ployees of the Western Union telo- After the entertainment dancing, /OPEN I030A.M.U 10.30 R gruph company. Mr. Hurd was a tele- wna enjoyed inthe hall and light re- graph operator at New York for 85freshments were served. The mem- Opposite-the Setond National Bank years. • bers of the glen club remained over ADMISSION 25:CENTS night nt homes of tho members of the 66 BROAD STREET, RED BANK Miss Catherine Whnlen of Oakland ^E^ISi£jp?JJPjrO5>./V\.\_,,: Btreet spent Sunday with relatives at association. They returned to Prince- .Xakehurst, ton Thursday morning in uutomobiles ' ,Mr. .und Mra. Harvey Jennings of furnished by association members. Oakland street spent Sunday with rol- -atives at Keyport. FIRE ON SHIP AT KEYPORT. Floyd Imfey of Oakland street is a •Jiew driver for tho American express Cook's Quarters on Freight Boat -company. • ' ' Sagamore Gutted by Fire; Clinton Harrison has been trans- Fire gutted the cook's quarters 8 East Front Street. Telephone SOS. ferred from tho American-express aboard the freight steamboat Saga- -company's ofllco at Red Bank to themore of tho New York and New Jer- company's office at Bound Brook. sey steamboat company while she was John S. Applegate,.. Jr., James moored to n dock at Keyport Satur- •Cooper, Jr., and Dr. B. H. Garrison day night. The flames had pained Some forehead of a competitor of mine has made a complaint I are on a fishingJrJIl.JnjCanada T-hoy-[-con sitf erabi e' * 'Kernl way" Tie? orVBeini; .-to-tlie-stete-board'that-I-am-sellingbutterine-for-buttcr-at-ST-cents-^ •wflT Uo~Jbined luter by Edmund Wil- discovered and when they were ex- per pound. Therefore the inspector, has been down and tested my son. tinguished by the Keyport firemen butter; and if any inspector or anyone else in this wide world of ours A nail six inches long ran into -the the cabin on the upper deck, including can prove that I ever sold anything else but butter for butter or but- Joot of one of the American express the kitchen rind all its contents, had terine for butterine I will gladly give $500 to any charitable institu- company's horses Saturday afternoon been destroyed. It was necessary to tion in Monmouth county. Now, if there are any other soreheads *ra Monmouth street. William cast tho boat free from the dock, and besides this one, get busy. I have sold only the best butter that I Shields pulled the nail,out with a pair it floated out into the bay to such a - could buy at the price I advertise it for. If any of my competitors of pliers, distance that, for a time the firemen would like to know where I buy it I will gladly tell them. The only Mrs. William Mustoe of linden were hampered because of a shortness reason some of them get sore is because they dont believe the same -jplace is sick at her home with ap- of hose. George Birch, Jr., nnd Wil- ns I do—in giving the people the benefit instead of "soaking" them pendicitis and an operation may beliam VanEnglen, two members of the a big profit. 1 dont wish this sorehead who made the complaint any necessary. . fire department, suffered cut hands hard luck in the future, but I think^it would have been more manly Miss Fannie Davison of Monmouth while fighting the fire. The damage in him if he had investigated first and found out if I was really doing' .street is spending this week with rel- amounted to several hundred dollars. thia instead of forming an opinion of his own. I gave the inspector atives at Trenton and vicinity. n sample of my butter, also told him where I bought it, and the , The assor&nent of styles in this department is sur- . »Miss Maybelle Lnury of Wallace answer was, "That's enough to convince me, if you buy your butter street is a new employee of The Reg- LODGE'S THIRD YEAR. there." ister office. passed by no other showing in this section. William Coe, William Crispell nnd Patriotic Order of America Had Cele- bration La«t Night. TO THE PUBLIC -C. Wesley Patton joined the Red . ,' I have told you before that I sell only one grade of butter and Bank lodge of Mechanics Monday About 85 persons attondod tho that's tho best that's made. That's the reason that I am the largest sight, third anniversary of the Patriotic retailer of the best butter in Red Bank. . Also that's the reason my Ttfrs.^H. Floyd Brady of East Front Order of America lodgo of Red Bank friend, the sorehead, has seen tho writing on the wall. Just to show No Two Styles Alike ;street gave birth to n daughter Sun- held last night in the lodge roomB in that I dont want n large profit I am going to sell for this week the day morning. the Child building. The first number . best creamery butter made at 34c. a pound. I also sell butterine, Mrs. Mort V. Pach of Broad street of the program was the» singing of but not for 37c. a pound. entertained a party of friendB at a tho hymn "My Country 'Tis of •BOO party last week at the Metropoli- Thee" by the audience. Recitations GEORGE W. BRAY. Reduced prices are: tan hotel at Asbury, Park. ' were given by Miss Dot Seeley, Mrs. This is to certify that I, George W. Bray, doing •':' Hobert C. Thompson of Allonwood; Myra Fox, Mrs. Carrie Patterson, business at No.. 8 Eart Front street, Red Bank, N. J,, Internal revenue collector, was at Red Reta Johnston and Rae Smith. swear that I have nOyer sold anything but a pound of Bank on Monday. Vocal solos jvcre rendered by Mrs. butter ns n pound of butter and a pound of butterine Mis3 Ariel Seaman of Oceanic is Chester Stupelli and_ Miss Fannie as a pound of butterine. spending a few days with her cousin, Luker. A comic dialogue was given GEO. W. BRAY. Mi88 Inn Dnvison of Wallace street. by Mrs. Charles Vernell and Mrs. Personally appeared before me this 9th day of Gladys Hulse, Elmer Rose, Charles Elizabeth Bennett. Tho entertain- Mny, 1916, George W. Bray of the Borough of Red. Perry, John Kumpel, Loroy Kearney, ment closed with the singing of-"The Bank, N.'J., who swears that the above statement Harry Johnston and Walter Gaul, Star Spangled Bannor." A supper is true. ' . . students of the commercial depart- was served after the • ontortuinment and dancing was enjoyed. M0RT V. PACH, ment of the Red Bank high school, en- Commissioner of Deeds. tered a typewriting contest Satur- day at Now York under the direction of tho Underwood typewriter--com- . INJURED IN CURIOUS WAY; pany. > Amory Oiborn'i Ring Caught in Ben- Our Special Money Savers for Week Ending A birthday party was givon for jamin H. Ford'i Auto. Hichaol Mirrabala on Monday night Bonjamin H. Ford was driving Wednesday, May 17th at Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Nicolotti's on through/ tho mill yard of Waters & Granulated Sugar, no moro than 10 pounds to a customer, lb.,.7l!jc Oakland street. Mr. Mirrabalo was Osborn 9 factory one day last week in Best Creamery Buttor, per lb ; 34c 22 years old. About 75 persons were an automobile. Amory Osborn wnu Strictly Fresh Jersey Eggs, per dozen 24c present Mr. Mirrnbnle is employed standing in the yard nnd ho throw BeBt Pure Lard, per lb. 15c oa a tailor at M. M. Davidson's Cloth- up Ida band an a salutation of greet- Fnncy, Large, Mcnty Bananas, por dosjen ; 17c ing store. ing whon ho saw Mr. Ford. When Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, per lb ,. 13c Fancy Hotboliso Lettuce, por hend. 8c Margaret Otterson daughter of Mr. Osborn threw up his hand a ring 1 James D. Otterson of Brond streot on one of his fingers caught on a Pet Milk, large can. , 8c These values should be seen to be appreciated. •was taken sick at the Red Bank high projection of Mr. Ford's automobile Pet Milk, small can..,.'. •. 4c school yesterday afternoon. Dr. Wal- and Mr. Onborn was dragged Bevoral Three cans Corn ...... ,, 2Bc ter Rullman was called and thought feet. The ring tore'tho flesh of his Threo cans Pens 26c her illness was caused by a severe Three cans Campbell's Soupa 26c linger to the boho. Ho was tnkonto : EVERYBODY IS COMING TO strata. • ^ Dr. Edwin Field's ofilco, whore the Three cans Campbell's Beans.. . 25c A ouchro party and dance for tho rinfr'wns cut off tho finger. Mr. Oa- Three cans Dutch Cleanser,,.,.,.,.,,,.,,., , , i5c benefit of the Pocahontas lodgo will liovn'B injuries were painful but not Pillsbury Flour., .;Mto-lb. bag, 05c( 12%-lb.'bng, 48CJ"barrel, *7.5O bo civen tonight at tho lodge rooms in neriouB and ha wan all right tho next Odd Follows' hall on Monmouth day. ' '- The winners lnst week wore Mrs. Joseph Chambcrlain'of South street, ntreot, Mni. Samuel Snbath of Front street and Mr. Bennett of Kivcr- • 11 , sido Drive. • • . . • . Mrs. Jennie Scott of Wchtoido nvo- ! nae is confined to hor houno with Anile Sprained in Fall From Pole appendicitis. She ia recovering and Arthur Jones of Hcrbort street, POTATOES WANTED who In employed by tho Public Ecrv- on operation wilt probably not bo Deliveries to Ocoanic and Rumson, Wednesdays;. Middletown, "necessary. Ico electric company, sprained his THE STORE FOR THRIFTY FOLKS. anklo when ha fell from a polo at Bolford, Port Monmouth nnd Now Monfnouth, Tuesdays and Fridays; -Jacob Straus of Llndon plnco la Shrewsbury and Little Silver, Mondays and Thursdays.' liaving his houao painted. Soabrlght last week. Mr. Jonca was laoao B. Edwards of Enst Front climbing tho polo when his foot LOIMG street, who hna been Very nick tho slipped.and ho fell. He wilt bo laid Sugar barrels, flour barrels, flat barrels and borry cratcn for nnlo. past two wcolu, wOn oomowhat bct- up Bovornl days; • _ '• Paie-SIxteen. THE RED BANK REGISTER.

employed by the Central railroad company as assistant freight Bgtnt at Belford. , Mrs:' H. J. Marshall of Hoboken FIRST CUTTINGS OF ASPARAGUS .has returned home after visiting Jier ltfADE LAST WEEK. parents, Mr. and Mrs. ElmerSchnoor of Belford. ' 'Two Naveiirik Organizations Elect. Miss Helene Andrew of Navesink Officer*—Sail Boat Owned by Lo.has returned after- having spent part ; cult Point Summer Reiident of last week with her mother at Now • Burned.., York. ."•-•• : John 2\ Hopping of Belforf cut An addition is being built .to the We particularly ask you to notice the quality, the liberal 146 bunches of asparagus, last Methodist parstfnage at Belford, 50c Corset Vahne Wednesday. He was the first one to John Heins of Belford is doing the sizes, trie neat, • effective trimmings, the excellence of ship asparagus in Middletown town- work. i To demonstrate our wonderful bargain giv- To make this sale long remembered, we've ship this seiKon. Frank A. Hopping Miss Mnry Comptbn of Now York ing organization, we've secured for this sale workmanship. These are the things, together with the determined to give exceptional values. This lot and Joseph Arrowsmith of New Mon- spent part of last week with her of Skirts and Gowns, made of fine nainsook, mouth made their first cuttinprs of mother, Mrs. M. F. Trimble of Bel- the best corset values of the season. A new asparagus on Friday. Adam, Linz- ford. medium bust,full length model, made in every low prices and variety for selection, that make Straus's trimmed with finest laces and embroideries; J mayer of Navesink cut 10 bunches Mrs. Everett Eunyon of Belford is way as good as any corset ever sold QQA would be considered cheap at $1.00 in last week. He was the first one at spending a few days with her sister- at 50c. Our special May Sale price .. OX/itJ Undermuslins so much sought after in the May Sale. any store, but our May Sale price only _ Navesink to^cut-asparaBgus. __l in-law, -Mrs.-Albert Dennis-of-Hobo~ "'"The"ladies' aid society of Navesink ken. met at Mrs. .'Sarah Devesty's last Joseph Andrew, Who makes his Thursday afternoon and elected these home in Paterson during tho winter, officers: • has returned to Navesink for the sum- THIS GROUP OF MUSUNWEAE 47c . . THIS GROUP OF jiUSUNWEA^ 95c ' ' President—Mrs. Angellne Johnson. mer. Vice president—Mrs. Oeorgu J\ Smith. Miss Lena Carter of Port Mon- An unusually attractive group of well-made undermuslins at this Another group of well-made garments, those that ar£"up °to the Secretary—Mrs. George F. Smith. 1 Treasurer—MIHS Mayme Mount, mouth spent part of last week with very low price—garments chosen for their Jtnaterials—the good workman- Straus quality, standard in every detail, those that are made right, will The Hbi'ary tennis club of Navesink Mrs. Philip Jiannini of Red Bank. ^* William Bennett of' Trenton is ship and their styles. Included in this lot are : wear well, will launder well. Included are: elected the following officers last spending three weeks with friends week: Envelope Chemise, Drawers; Corset Covers, Envelope Chemise-,; Petticoats, Combinations, President—Miss Graco B, Williams. • and relatives at Port Monmouth, Vice president—Maynnrd Card. Mrs. Edward Borthwick of Port Skirts, ' " Chemise, , Gowns. Gowns, Corset Covers, Princess Slips, Secretary—Miss lluth Wheeler. Monmouth is spending two months Treasurer—William W. Siran. with Richard Carr of Freehold. Values up to 75c in \ ) Values up to $1.25 { A tournament is being arranged by Irving Bennett of Belford is spend- this group of speci- V the tennis club. ing a few days with his sister, Mi's. ally priced garments e \ in this group of sped- A sail boat owned liy Mrs. A. F.Eugene Bealcs of Philadelphia. ) ally priced garmen is Adanau of Locust Point was de- Samuel Lee and son Donald of stroyed by fire last week. Sparks Bradley Beach spent part of last week Extra Size ^ Women's Clowns Envelope Chemise . from burning brush near by set fire with Joseph Heyer of Belford. Women's Petticoats to the boat, which had been left on The Belford grammar school de- EXTRA SIZE GOV^NS, 98c—High,, WOMEN'S PETTICOATS, 69c— WOMEN'S GOWNS. 39c—Low ENVELOPE CHEMISES, 69c— , the river bank for the winter. feated the Keansburg grammar school V and surplice styles, lace and. em- Cambric skirts of good quality, trimmed neck, slip-over style, trimmed with lace, Handsomely trimmed with embroidery Saturday by a score of 8 to 5. , The following pupils of the Belford broidery trimmings, special at 98c. with embroidery 'ruffles, extra dust cut full length and width, a regular SOc. and imported laces, a kind always sold • school are on the honor rQlI_for->ApriI: Robert Seeley of Brooklyn spent flounces, special at 69c. - Sunday with his cousin, Mrs. Thomas EXTRA SIZE PETTICOATS. 98c— quality, special at 39c. at gl.OO, special price now, 69c Sixth wade—Milton Howard. Bradley WOMEN'S PETTICOATS, 95c— VanBrnm, Lester Smith, William Van- J. Casler of Port Monmouth. Of strong cambric, trimmed with neat lilner, Wllllnni Weeden, Charles Tilton, George Walling of Belford has Of nainsook or cambric, embroidery Harle Ho>'er, Joseph Xeff, Leona I'ar- lace and ribbons, extra dust flounces, WOMEN'S GOWNS, 69c—Surplice; ENVELOPE CHEMISES, 95c—Of • lini-l, Louise' lfiMiilrlckxon, Helen Ilel- opened his ice cream parlor for the and lace trimmed, some with insertions . high and V neck models, good nain- good quality nainsook, trimmed with nuitli, Irene Niiugliton, Lillian Powell, summer on Church street. j special at 98c. to match, dust ruffles, special at 95c. sook, trimmed with embroidery and medallions and insertions of lace and .Marie Savage, Kclttli Dennis, Helen l"ar- Mrs. Susie Hilliker of Belford has • EXTRA SIZE PETTICOATS—Made; 1rell, Anna Mne Reed. returned after having spent a week WOMEN'S PETTICOATS, $1.98— lace beading, special at 69c. ribbon, special at 95c. Fifth grade—Kdward ntninott, Lloytl of cambric, trimmed with strong em- Curhnrl, liiiyniond Caaey, Stanley C'ook, with friends at New York. Very fine nainsook, exquisitely trimmed Karl Eastmond. Walter Kastmond, Dnn- Melvin. Leek of Belford is em- broidery, extra dust ruffle, special at with lace or embroidery, some with ' iel Ileiidrlckson, John .laoobus, Henry WOMEN'S GOWNS, 95c—Nain-_ ENVELOPE CHEMISES', $1.49—Of Labrec(|»e, .Harry. Lange, .limit's l.uUer, ployed by the Pcublic Service com- : dust rufflespspecial-at-$1.98,- -fine-nainsook;—fashioned" with dainty" Tiany-atrNevrBrunswICk; r~~r" sook Jfnd^cambric^gownsr"niiggrg h and .... Herman 1'ulwh,• -Henry.-1'ulncli,- Harry WOMEN'S PETTICOATS, $2.98— lace and medallions, beading and rib- jtojcey;' Alfred Rthvanlp, Anthony Mil- Miss Pearl Worden of Red Bank EXTRA SIZE DRAWERS, 29c— V necks or surplice styles, handsomely trlck," FanlilelSeiinett, Helen Casey, Dor- Good, strong cambric drawers, trimmed Handsomely trimmed with fine embroi- bonlvspecial at $1.49. othy Corson, Marlrm TH'iinK Margaret spent part of last week with Miss trinimed, special at 95c. 3>onlon, Mabel Fnrrell. Glad.VH IIyer.s, Helen Kraft of Belford. with ruffles and tucks, special at 29c. dery and imported laces, values up to Anna Mao Lnngfonl, Gertrude MrDon- William Brown of Leonardo Was S5.00, special at $2.98. ^ * ald. Julia ^IfXanuira. Jennie Phlllijis, EXTRA SIZE DRAWERS, 49c-r WOMEN'S GOWNS, $1.49—Sur- Anna Putsch, Lillian Till, Bertha Wnll- granted a chauffeur's license at As- Children's Wear lns. Isabel .Mlltrlck. bury Park last Tuesday. » Good, strong'quality cambric, trimmed Women's Drawers ' plice style, of fine nainsook, trimmed Fourth grade—George" Dennis, Ralph Mrs. Hazel McKim of New York with tucks and ruffles of embroidery, with dainty lace and embroidery, bead- CHILDREN'S' SKIRTS—In a large Kelly. Fred Lube, Gordon Wliite, Wlluier has moved to her house at Locust special at 49c.. • '-.-.' WOMEN'S DRAWERS, 21c—Made Wilson, Harry Wilson. Helen Grnndcrath, Point for the summer. in circular style ,of fine nainsook, lace ing and ribbon, special at $1.49. variety of styles, at special prices now, Evelyn Grimos. 47c, 79c, 98c. Third grade—Orvlllo Ilrowor, Itnrold James Ellingham of Old Bridge trimmed, a regular 29c. grade, special Carter, Curtis Clayton, Myron Golden, spent Sunday •with Mr. and Mrs. Gar- Corset Covers WOMEN'S GOWNS, $1.98—Fine Frederick Jones, Everett Luker, Uonftlti rett A. Lee of Belford. at 21c. ^lacLeod, John Rcddlngton, Alexander CORSET COVERS, 21c—Of fine nainsook, lace and embroidery trimmed, CHILDREN'S GOWNS—Of good Smith, Kverctt Walling, Alton White, Richard Casler of Belford has in- WOMEN'S DRAWERS, 39c—Made muslin and crepe, all nicely trimmed, Lester Johnson, Douglas Edwards, Lily stalled a new engine in his boat, which nainsook, lace and embroidery trimmed, in bloomer style, of pink, blue and white surplice models, many pretty effects, : Fisher, Tlielma Casler, Naomi Corson, priced low at 39c, 50c, 59c. Martha Fisler, Janet HIHIUer, Xuoml he uses for clamming. some of allover embroidery, French crepe, trimmed with lace, special price special at $1.98. • ' Lube, Louise Luker, ltozella Lund, Mll- Miss Mary Compton of New York style, special at 21c. , ilred Morris, Anna Murpliy, Vivien Os- is visiting her mother, Mrs. Millard 39c. x . CHILDREN'S' DRAWERS — For liiirni', .Kvclyn Post, Allue litiiiymi.'Rutli Trimble of Belford CORSET COVERS, 47c—Fine nain- WOMEN'S DRAWERS, 47c—Of WOMEN'S GOWNS, 47c—Made of girls from 4 to 14 years; also misses' Salmon. Gladys Tnrnoiv,; Louino I'alnier, 1 .Violet Mount. Miss Margaret Haggerty of'New sook covers, trimmed with lace, medal- strong quality cambric or nainsook, washable crepe, with pretty colored- sizes up to 17 years, several styles to Second . grade—James Dennis, Robert York is at her house for the season at lions, beading and ribbon, some trim- neatly trimmed with lace and embroi- floral designs, yoke*ahd sleeves trinimed choose from; also most any price, 19c, Runyon, Otto Schnoor. Russell Walling, Port Monmouth. Beulali Howard, Llllfun Maxson, Helen med back and front, special at 47c. dery, both styles, special at 47c. with lace, very special at 47c. 25c.,. 50c. &ml(h, ISilna Salmon, Frances Slegel. Harry Williams of Navesink is em- First grade—CMinries Rendy, Harry ployed in Albert Burdge's garage at Uavls, Vernon Lmllow, Junior Miller, Locust Point. • Luther Walling. William Mount, Josepli- lao Bennett, ifargaret easier, Lucy The Navesink firemen will give a CHILD'S SKIRTS. Fisher. 'Helen HiMiflrli-ksnr.. iMyrtloi Unl- euchre party and dance at the fire- sey, Anna Jones, Mahello ]jfini», Anna house tonight. Children's skirts of good material, Luker, Aline Lane, Harriett Smith, Min- A concert will1 be held at the with flounce of embroidery five nie Mount, Frances Hllllker. A very attractive line of undergarments in popular Flesh cologed Batiste The Navesink library association Baptist church on Thursdny night at inches deep, special at will celebrate the Shakespeare ter-'- eight o'clock. or fine Mercerized Lingerie Cloth—all dainty models centenary by a dramatic cast reading Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Adnnau of New 25c arrangement of Midsummer Night's York have moved to their house at Gowns 95c and $1.25. Skirts 95c Most elegant showing of hand- Dream, given by Elizabeth Sheridan Locust Point. I Fry, founder of the educational J. Howard Smith of Port Mon- CHILD'S DRAWERS. Bloomers 47c. Corset Covers 47c , plnyers' association and director of mouth has bought a new Studebaker some Blouses, satin striped ' the educational dramatic league. Mrs, nutomoblle. Drawers for children 2 lo 12 Brassieres 47c. Envolopo Chemise 95c, $1.25 and $1.49 I'Yy recently gave the same reading Miss Anna Phillip of Matawan years, made of good muslin, with and embroidered voile; Jap at the Biltmore hotel at New York, spent Sunday at her home at Port tucks and lace edging, worth 18c. silk and awning striped wash- and at Navosink. She will have the Monmouth. pair, special at same musical accompaniment. The Mr. and Mrs. David Flinn of Ho- Crepe de--Chine and accompnnista will be the New York boken spent Sunday with relatives at able Sport Waists, the latest .'studio trio, consisting of piano, harp Belford. •" . . • . 12 1-2C and violin players, interpreting: Men- Parker L. Johnson of Locust Point designs; all offered at great delssohn's music. has hud a new engine installed in his CHILD'S GOWNS. reduction; regular $1.25 and Tho Ncw.Monmoulli Baptist church uuneh. will observe mother's day next Sun- Mrs. John Wilkers of Brooklyn, Gowns for children, sizes 2 to 12 Garments $1.50 values day and a general invitation has been who has been seriously sick, is recov- years, slip-on style, ribbon and bead- extended to mothers to attend. A ering. Envelope Chemise $1.98 and $2.49 special sermon on tho subject of John Johnson of Navesink is visit- ing trimmed, a 50c. grade, at Gowns $1.98 and $2.98. Brassieres $1.49 "Mother," and selections by a male ing his son, Howard Johnson of Pnt- quartet composed of William Mor- erson. •— -- - 35c Camesoles 79c, 95c and $1.25 ford, Albert Edwards, Wilbur Cod- Vandolia Brown and LeEoy Voor- dington and Harold Coddington will hees of Belford spent Sunday at New be features of the service. ' TheYork. women's missionary society will meet Mrs. Charles Hobbs and Mrs. Eena THE SUMMER NUMBER PICTORIAL REVIEW at the parsonage tomorrow afternoon Roop of Belford spent Friday at New FASHION BOOK NOW ON SALE AT OUR PAT: PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS, SHOWN IN at three, o'clock. York. TERN COUNTER. THE SUMMER PICTORIAL REVIEW FASHION BOOK, The eleventh grade will give a play Mrs. Leah Schofield of New York Dame Fashion has made a complete revolution. entitled "A. Colonial Tea" at theis visiting .Mrs. James Kelch of Nave- If you want the latest fashions, combined with chic ore now on Bjile. A complete stock, all Bizes of every Loonnrdo high school Saturday night. sink. and style, you must have a copy of the Summer pattern shown are here. No delays when you use Those who will take part are Ruth Ralph Brown of Belford has been Fashion Book. Pictorial Patterns. Grossinfjer, Henrietta Pentermahn, laid up the past week with rheuma- Leila Budlong, Gertrude. .MuMin^. tism. ___.__. "'TJavuTMuTIisdii ' an3"Geofj*e"McVeyr Barrett and Mabel Carson of Bel- The Navesink Methodist church ford are sick with whooping cough. will change the time of services from George. Walling ^pf Belford has 7:30 to 7:45 o'clock at night during iought a new Indian motorcycle. Slmpliclo, Frank Ervln, Thomas Gill, Special Mnstor'« Sal* of Boal Bitati! John O'13ricn, Itnlph 1'eiiHo, Bartlley By virtue of a decree of tlio Court \ the summer months. The Epworth Elmer Schnobr of Belford has gono Scott, Anthony Jones, AVillle Jones, Ihnncery of Now Jersey, mnJo on l! league will give n sociable on Friday to Connecticut for the summer. lliina Kessler, Percy Jones, Tohn Conry, 14th day of April, 1816, In a can' night at Mrs. Louisa Card's at Nave- Charles Hess of Belford has bought Joseph Conry, Francis Staltor. therein pending wherein Qeorgo Frlck I sink. complainant and Charles Frlck,' ot oK new Studebaker automobile. Mrs, A. B. Parsels will lecture at are defendants, tho subscriber, ono S The township nlumni association George Pentermann of New Mon- the Baptist church tonight in the in- tho special masters of Bald Court, vr* mouth is sick with pink eye. terest of temperance. Invitation Make everything look OXPOHO to «nlp at public vondue on Mo» met at the Leonardo high school Sat- day, tho fifth dny of Juno, 1916, at tij urday night, and the graduates of the Mrs. Paul Lynch of Belford gave cards were issued and a large attend- o'clock in tlio afternoon of Bald day, ; past three years were present. The birth to a son on Thursday. ance is expected. , . like new. tlio Oloba hotel, in tho Borough ot fir evening was spent in dancing anil August Hill of Locust Point has The Reformed church will observe Bunk, Now Jersey: J bought a new speed boat. mother's day on Sunday. The ser- All tliut cerliiln tract or parcol of Inf playing games. and premises hereinafter particularly d Ernest Simpson of East Orange is mon will be on tho subject of scribed, situate, lying and being lo tl building n bungalow at Leonardo for Mothers' Sacrifices." The Christian Bottle of Bronze or Alumi- Borough of Red Hunlt, county of Mo. his own use. It will contain eight MIDDLETOWN VILLAGE NEWS. Endeavor society will meet at 7:00 mouth and stato of Now Jersey. I rooms and will bo enclosed with o'clock in the evening. Charles Tin- num and brush with $1 Beginning.In tho southeast corner « Daniel Wilson Has Job at Yardman dall will be the leader. The topic will Jlary Soffcll'H lof and on tho west side c shingles. The house will cost $1,000. with the Railroad. Easy to Sweep—Durable—Inexpensive Shrewsbury avenuo; thenco (1) north t Otto VanRipcr of Port Monmouth, be "What does Christ wnnt us to do?" worth of Wall Paper. degrees and 30 mlnutoa west 1 chain ai Daniel Wilson has accepted a posi- The evening subject will be "Loyalty 85 Units -along BofToll's lino to a post I who was employed in the Brooklyn top of tho banlt; thorico (2) nortth 69 t navy yard, has returned home. He tion with the New York and Long to our country." At the sociable and Our new stock of 1916 groos 15'mInutcH west 1 clialn 890" "lin' t" will take up his old position with the Branch- railroad company as a yard- business meeting held at Mrs. H. C. These are .the three important characteristics of to tlio river; thenco '. feet on top of bnnk nnd 32 foot on rlv1 children William, Crawford and day at Newark. Frank M. Chambers The same quality commends Brussels Carpet for Suaella of Port Monmouth spent Sun- Edward Rowe, who is employed on Together with nil tho riparian rlgli day with Mr. nnd Mrs. Force of Wnt- Ralph Thompson of Oceanport Mrs. Payne Whitney's stock farm at year-round use where exposure to dust and hard wear tltlo and Intorcst In and to the land v\ spent Sunday here. Lincroft, hns gone to Kentucky with 26 West Front St dor wator lyln/r on tho river and In fret awan. ' Mr. nnd Mrs. Cecil Conover and is inevitable, such as for Halls, Stairs, Bedrooms and of tho auovo (lOHCrlbod land; Inoludli. Miss Doretta A.' Viering of Leon- a string of race horses. Mr. Rowe Red Bank the Inchoate right of dower of HID i ardo, who hns been employed in daughter Cocilia spent Sunday with will remain in Kentucky till nfter the fondnntu Ellen Frlck, wlfo of the i Mrs, C. E. Conover of New York. racing season is ended. Phone SSS Nurseries. .. ^ fondant George Frlck; Annlo Frlck, wl| Greenhut's store at New York as a of the defendant amrlos li'rlck; Loulf cashier, is home for the summer. Miss M. E. Casserly has traded her Mrs. Marie Scott, who has been WWWWVWWN/WVWVWWW Frlck, wife of tlio defendant Lou . Albert Burdge of Locust Point has E. M. F. automobile for a new Over- living with her son, Robert Scott, has Frlck; Matilda Frlck, wlfo of tlio dofonl land. In addition to these practical features, our ant Fred Frlck; Annlo Van Wart Frli{ •sold new Ford automobile trucks to gono to New York to make her home wlfo of tho defendant Augustus F. Frl<, Lewis S, Thompson of Brookdale and Mrs. Thomas Dickinson of Eaton- with another.son. Brussels Carpets are shown in a dortrudo a, Frlck, wlfo of tho dofenflo! August Thompson of Freehold. town spent Sunday with Willinm Luf- David Schenck has sold one of his William F. Frlcli, nnd also tho right, I burrow. any, of Waltor B. Noblo, husband of 1i The Methodist church nt Navesink horses. Remson French is employed by the . Eonjamin Hnnkinson is sick with Auto Vans and Express. dofondant Julia Kolilo, us tonnnt by I' will observe mother's day next Sun- Pennsylvania railroad company at Wide Variety of Artistic, ourtcsy Initiate; together with all at day. A white carnation will be given Quinsy sore throat. Now that moving time la near 1 an slngulnr tho hereditaments and appi. Perth Amboy. Bernard A. Hickey is putting up prepared to do your noxt moving 01 tonances to tho said premises bolongK to all mothers who are present, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lufburrow furniture, planon oor baggage, to all part* New Effects and Colorings or In any wlso appertaining, I Mother's dny will be observed at an nspnragus house. of citity or countryt.. In tho lelget t sadsdtt spent Sunday with Mr. nnd Mrs. Peter Bernard Warnekpr hns a new horse vans in Red Bankk. BeforBefo e you kan Pursuant to Uio direction of nalil t the Belford Baptist church by special Dibb at Red Bank. tour noxt moving done, write, aend 01 creo said premises will bo sold.freo a services on Sunday, nnd special music which he bought from the Ely estato call for tho only reliable furniture mover which are characterized by a "degree of excellence clear of tlio mortgago thereon held will be rendered by the choir. Miss Louise Stark, a trftined nurse of Holmdel. -1 In town, and set my prices on your next the dcrondant Helen Ii, Sickles. at New York, was operated on for Mra. Harold Stout is on the sick lob. All kinds of heavy or light truck- quite unusual in such moderately priced floor coverings. Conditions made known on tlio flay Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Walter Havens of appendicitis last week. ing done at short notice. Call or addreai sale, Philadelphia have returned home af- The following pupils wero neither list. • • • Dntod May Olh, 1D1U. tor hnvin.fr spent, a few days with James Crawford of Hod Bank was J. T. EGAN, HENIIV E. ACKEnSON, Jit. absent nor tardy during the month of 11 Wall Street, Red Danll Special Master In Chancery. Claud Richmond of Belford. hero last week inspecting his fnrms. We exercise the greatest care in measuring, KoyporL N. April: neildenc»phonM24J Offlc. pbon. 6J9-R JOHN S. APPLIEQATB & BON, BoVn. Mrs. Vein Valleau nnd her daugh- Fifth and Blxth Rradon—Albert Con. Tlio first. cuttings of asparagus making-up and laying Carpets and guarantee satisfac- ter Florence of Avon are visiting Mrs, over, Thomas Dnylo, Spencer Mlllor, Al- were made last wook, nnd tho first 10 WHARF AVENUE Itod Banlt, N. J. Valleau's pnrcnts, Mr. and Mrs. Har- bert Murlltt, N'nrinnn It. Scott, Ivhnuml shipments were made this wcok. The tory workmanship.' . Conry,. i..ila noyco, Alice C'onovcr, Julia AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA vey Johntry of Belford.- Malonoy. Mlldrod Miller, Juno Power, first shippers wore John Kelly, Charles Mr, and Mra. Albert Dennis of Ho- Mamlo Simpson, Cutlierlno Wilson, Anno Kelly, Frank Haloy, Lemuel Sodon, boltcn spent part of last week with Wyckoff. • Michael Toomey and Bernard Hickoy. Priccs $1.25 per yard, upward Mra. Dennis's mother, Mrs. Albert • Tlilnl nnil fourth Kradcs—Dorothy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Asay and Dldn wanted, for: coal, furnace at HrlillchtlnK, .Ilcnu IlailHtnrk, Grace. Kunyon of Bolford. Poolo. Alice Jiicoli, Itiivmnnil ,Flnnuflnii, daughter of Red Bank spent part of nut, 100 tone, moro or loss, to bo t Mr, nnd Mra. Honry Wulllng of Ilurutil Cobh, Jay Morris, liouort Qomle, last week with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Port Monmouth spent Sunday with John Mott, JnmiiH Mott, Henry Conover. Stilwell. livorod 08 required at tho Fair Hoi Frank Ferry, Mclvln I'eimo, . Edward public school. Mrs. Waiting's brother, Otto Boyd of Kane, Harry Carter, Gabriel Slnlpllclo; William VnnBrunt Is employed on FIFTH AVENUE & 47™ STREET, NEW YORK Tottonvillo. Walling McConnaclt. Theron McCampboll's Rarnnnessin Tho Board reserves tho right to: Georgo Johnson of Belford, who is Second irraile—Ocorso Co6pcr. Bllllo farm at Hoimdol: , employed by. the Public Service com- Conovor, (,'linrlen Jacobs, MontKomory jeet any and all bids. J?"?09' J''rnnlt JndMon, Wilson Millor, Patrick Singleton hns recovered Bids to bo in rayhand s on or bef< pany, is laid up with a heavy cold. Philip Slmniiclo, lilmor Bclillclitlnu, Wal- sufficiently from his sickness to bo Miss Kntio 'Voorhces of Jersey ter Jonw), Lanronco Scott, DouRlao Mott, outdoors. Ho was laid up all wintor. June Oth, 1010, < > City spent last week with her mother, Eleanor Conover, Miibol Cooli, Mary Hall- Mr. Singleton and Boi'nnrd A. Rickey & a Register Want Advertisement to find a customer II, EDGAR SMITH, MIB. Carrio Voorhoos of Belford. Blork, Mary Kesrtor. Bentrlco Salmon. Mmt Krade—Ilolon Coopor, Hay Gill. Bpont one day, lost week nt' Now District de Stanford Anderson of Senbright is Eleanor Foolo, Emma Kooslor, Anffoliilu Brunswick. VVTWTVVVVVVVVVVVVVVTyVYYT (or aoythinggyou have to cell. They turfi the trick Pontofilco address, Fair Haven, N.f •'I Page Ceventecn, m I have just received two parcels of fine white Wesseitym Diamonds. My importer purchased, them in Amsterdam not two months ago. Are made In all Sizes for all cars. Liberal allowance niade In exchange for your old batteries

Take advantage of our They crossed the English channel in safety from the submarines and avoided the commerce raiders on their way over the Atlantic. My importer was obliged to wear a life belt on his way Made on any make Battery, across the channel and he saw more masts and funnfelsin waterthan above. Self-Starter or Magneto. We" .carry in stock parts for bat-. INSPECTION '- teries, Delco, Gray & Davis DISTILLLED WATEIR JFMJ ADVICE These beautiful gems are now safely on dry land, and form part of my large stock'of and other Starters, also Mag- diamonds. Each stone in one parcel weighs 1-3 of a carat. yEach stone in the other parcel neto.parts. While your bat- Regardless ofl Age, weighs 1-2 of a carat. • ' tery is being repaired or Date or Type. , recharged we can supply you g Your Car Around with another battery to use. as Ofiten as You Lake. They are just the right size for a moderate priced engagement ring.v I want you to come in and see these gems. You will be fascinated by their color and fire, and surprised at their price. . , ,

Telephone 1074 29 EAST mom STilEET. UEB BANK

RUMSON NEWS.* has leased tho old Oceanic Inn 'for"Elizabeth S. Ackerson visited rela- STEAM YACftT SUNK BY MINE. tho summer. Some of the members tives at Eed Bank on Saturday. A. C. Cottrell Appointed Recorder to spent Sunday at the club putting-it James. H. Ackeraon has returned Lipton's Erin, Well Known.Jo Red __— Succeed Francis Becker. ;— lnshape.lh : home-afteru-visi1rwith~MrBrMafyTJr Bk Siks iiTMediterranean. At tho meeting of the mayor and With tho coming of tho warm Stevenson of Brooklyn. Sir Thomas Lipton's famous steam fcouncil hold last Thursday night, weatHor signs of life have begun to Mrs. Mary L. Stevenson of Brook- yacht Erin, .which accompanied all 38 BROAD STREET RED BANK, N. J. Couiicilmen Churchill, Paraly and show among the camps along the lyn spont a few days with her daugh- his cup challengers to thiB country, Briggs were absent. river bank. Many-campers from Ho- ter, ' Mrs. William M. Ackerson, last was sunk by a mine in".the Mediter- William R. Murphy, John H. Wil-boken spent Sunday at their camping week. ranean sea last week. Since the out- son, Henry Boattie and Albert Pat- sites. Miss Helen L. Kingsland of Keans- break of the war the yacht had been terson, who^ were recently elected . Mrs. Emily Longstreet scalded her burg spent Tuesday and Wednesday transformed into a transport ship fire police by the Oceanic hook and foot when she accidentally upset a with Mrs. William M. Ackerson. and was being used for this purpose and ladder company, had their elec- kottle of hot water last "week. The Miss Maud L. Iyins has returned by the British government at the time &* tion coiifirmed»J[)y tho councilmon injury is painful but not serious. homo from a visit with her sister, Mrs. it was sunk. The Erin was well .Thursday night. A bicycle was lost from the rear Gifford A. Walling of Eosellc, known to Red Bank people, many of Elizabeth W, Covert presented a of Howard S. Borden's automobile Mrs. Jesse J. DeNike has returned whom had visited the yacht while it bill for $20 which represented tho Monday while the machineiwas going homo from a visit with Brooklyn rel- was anchored in the Horseshoe at appraised value of thirteen hens toward Red Bank. Tho automobilo atives. Sandy Hoolj during the international which Mrs. CoVert claims were killed had gono several miles before the oc- Miss Florence L. DeNiko was nyacht races, On several occasions by doga. Tho hens were killed early cupants of tho car discovered that the Brooklyn visitor on Monday. members of the MonmQuth boat club in March, John McPealc invostigatod bifiyclo was missing. It belonged to Miss Jessie'C. Gifford of Jersey paid visits to the yacht and were en- Caruso the matter at the tlmo and he con-Mi-: Bordenfs son. City spent the week-end with Misses tertained by Sir Thomas Lipton. Borl firmed Mrs. Covert's complaint. The P, A. Dwight and family of NewMaude and Ethel Ackerson. bill was laid over until tho first meet- York hq,vo urrived at their summer Mr. and Mrs. Jesso G. WebEter and It pays to advertis in The Register. ing in December, when all bills for homo here. children, Natlie and Virginia, were sheep and fowl killed by dogs will be J. Horaco Harding and family aro Sunday guests at the home of John "IJEPORT OF THECONDITION OF taken up for consideration. expected to be at their summer home L. T. Webster. Aw the Second Notional Bank of Itcd Bank, nt Red Tank, in tho Stale of Icw Jersey, at tho close Vernoii Prentice desires to make this week. Miss Elizabeth Sproul is sick ut her ox business. May lst)91G. tl some sidewalk improvements on his Advertised letters are at the Rum-home. property on the east sido x>f Ward nvc- son postoflice for Mrs. Maude Rich- Mrs,-William Miller and Miss Nellie Loane ani discounts.;.... .11.045.770 05 liuc near the Eumson load. Bor- ards, Francis Dolan, Mrs. C. J. Lynch, E. Poling .were Kearney visitors on Overdrafts, unsecured 160 88 ough Engineer George J). Cooper will Miss Susie E. Dillahunt and Joseph L. Thursday. U< S. Bonds to Bccur ilation (par Is the Official Piano of the Metropolitan Opera House value)..., ,.,'... 75,000.00 give him the desired grade.. Ryan.; . '.'••• ' -• '••' Frank-V": B.Young of New York Bonds other than O. J ds pledged A letter from E. L. Blichnnnn of Edward Bogart is having his house spent the week-end with his parents, to secure lioatal deposits and is used and endorsed by a multitude of the world's greatest Asbury Park, relative to' a bill for Mr. and Mrs, Charles I.'Young-. $11,000 00 - painted. ^ecurltlea, other thai musical artists. It is produced in a wide variety of artistic models, repairs to the Rumson lire company's Mr. and Mrs. John Lemlg of New Mrs. R. L. Pherry and daughters bonds (not inclj „ auto, truck was-filed for future refer- York spent Sunday with her parents Vera and Holeria of Keyport and Miss stocks), owned unpledged SlilSI 81 Grands and Uprights.^ eliec. u Mabel Clark, daughter of J. J. Clark 323,180 81 here. - -:; . •.-. •'. Subscription to stock Federal ; Tho road committee, W83 empow-• Thomas N. McCarter, president of of Brooklyn, spent Thursday with RcHorvoBnhk,,,.,,!,,... 13,500 CO ered to purchase a cat loud of oil for the Public Service corporation, en- William C. Cowles and family. Ltea amount uuputd,...... 0.75(100 the borough streets. tertained several prominent officials Mrs. Clare Stout spent Monday (I.7E0 00 The New FIARDMAN $/XI\ with Mrs, Thomas Y. .Stout of RedBiinklng-housc L BO.OCO 00 Atnyor Corlien appointed A. Co.f the corporation last Sunday nt the ; Furnituro^urntluro.. and Flxtuilixtuip*a 10.000 00 Gottroll recorder $o succeed Fran- Rumson eountry club;- : ' \ Bank. ' ''•,, . >.j Reul wlalu owned utlk-rtbua bunking cis Becker. • Tlie appointment, was home , i..., 4.40711 FiyE-FOOT GRAND ^^ Abojit fifty persons attended a ENTERED" IN BIG AUTtt RACE. Net amount due fromiFcdcral Deserve ViinnlthoUsi^ confirlncdj . ' '' dunce given last week by the St. Ag- Bank. ...,,..,{...... 41.437 65 IT, O B ^ow•iork ) Bills to the amount of ¥1,817.45 Net amount cue irom approved reservo is the smallest and most beautiful Grand Piano of the nes. guild of St. George's Episcopal Ralph Mulford and Billy Chandler to ajjents In New Yofk, Chicago, and jwero ordered paid. . church nt Rnlph Memorial hall. Drive at Slicepsliend Bay. £t Louis 73,605 69 highest class that has ever been built, and Misa Marjorio Mullen was sur,-, Chnrles H. Lewis, who has been Net amount duo from ap- prised by a party of fliends ^Monday employed on Jacob Schiff's place for Ralph Mulford, son of Frank A. proved reserve njeiUs .. CARUSO says: night. Dancing, singing and tho 3Iulford, and William Chandler, both in other reserve, cities 60,270 00 ; the past six years, will give up hisof Fair Haven, arq entered in the li ——' 133.T75 69 N usual pastimes were enjoyed, Piano position and will move to Oceanic. Net amount .diio Horn "banks and i "Its TONE is wonderful" nclectiont) wore rondorod by-Miss The -following pupils of the;' Rum- automobile race to_bn telAatkhe'jpft- lankorfr(othel r tlianlftbovo)...;.^.„.._.^23.010 42 Edna Boycc, Misa Mnrtina, Ilealy nnd hcad.Bay Saturday for the Metrppoli-, OUier checks on bank^ in the same city You are invited to call, hear and see it at any time." son schools have been- placed on thetan -trophypy . Twenty-thVey e '.entrie.entries ' ur tuwiiusrepurtiiiigbflnk 2,901 25 Miss Mullen "nnd 'Vocal aoloa-wero honor roll for the month of April: Outside checks and other ensh 1 b d i hi Convenient Terms if Desired. -given hy Miss Alice Schmidt nnd Har- ; "SCIIOOI'/NO."i.~~ r..""" have been made in the-race, including items ...[..... 2.S1421 old Giblin. . Others present were Mi\ Klt-nt nnil Hccnnd grades—Henry IHi- some of the fastest and most daring Fractional Curroncy.«ckels Catalog and Artist Autograph Books Frit on Request clMiuun, I.invrenn* Cooko, David Dnly,> divers in the world, Mulford will and cents. •79) 00 and Mrs. Joseph Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Knyinnnrl Uiily, William Dowlcll, Gordon 3.008 21 William Mullen, Misses Rita Hintel- Paul, Jnmos Snmmon, Lyonel l-'lnMe- drive n Peugot car and Chandler will Notesof pthcr National Banks 4,400 00 maiin, Mildred Fields, Calista Power, Htoln, Murcarct Daly. Anna Guile, Mary pilot a Crawford machine. Mulford Federal reserve notes. 1.260 00 Klrlioliia, Mllilreil . Trailt, llyrtlo Truut, and Chandler have both taken part • Coin nnd crrtificatca ;. ..I... CS.548 00 Anna Hogan, Marguerite McCue and Allen IVIIIHM-J'. Legal-tender notes.,...' 14.000 0 in many of the big automobile races Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer TUSTING PIANO CO. Dolores Conrad, William and Charles . Third CTIUIO—WnnWl Ivlnd, Robert Melzdorf, Robert Bruce, Leroy Kear- 7.m-r. MnrKarct Miinnn, Marcnrotfai Wullc,and their friends expect them to make and duo from U. S. Treasurer 3,760 00 16 MONMOUTH ST. Phone 2os-w RED BANK ney, Walter Gaul, Charles and Frank Kathorllle O'Brien.' a good showing in Saturday's con- Total ,.. ..- Sl.812.000 07 .Kotirtli grndo—ClmrJpa Alibl.itl, OIIHSIO tost. Ward, Augustus Schmidt, Raymond .N'lornluH, John Noonan, MIU-KUI-CI Em- I.UDILITIE3. McCue, Floyd Mullen nnd James t'l-y. lOUen [jmiKo. Last week Mulford in a Hudson car Cnpital stock paid in S 75.000 00 l-'Kth mill sixth Ri'mles—.Tiiinns Dn«-- made a wonderful record in an offi- Surplus fund 150,000 00 lon, Victor JOmory, .Ininu.s l-Ycnny, Nor- cial 24-hour test over the Sheepshead Undivided pro!) ts -.-.... 208.460 62 _ Miss Rita Hintelmnnnspent part ooff . |t"ini1 i Unu-oi- ltpT-niif<1 Koniiy .Iplili 1\'i»nnv, Leas current expenses. In- fist week wiIh7Trreii(ls"aT"Ne\vTofkT Ilnymond Wli-kolT, Mile Alililnll, Allen -Bay-traekr-He-eovered~lv81-9-miles-in-|—ti!ere9ts;--and—taKes-PAJd— 12,010-20 William Naughton has bought a AnnntriillK. I'Slicl Frultnir, Edltli Itcrulil, 24 hours and averaged over 75 miles . ! 108.450 3J Vlrulnln irvlnK. Oorutiiy VanCulln, Kva every hour for the entire distance. Circulating rolcaoutatandlnfr... 7a,150 00 new Hudson automobile. Wilson, Siarnai-ct Wilson, • UhiuTotto Nctnmount due to banks and bankers • Tlio touchers' curd club will meet Wnltp, Flnrenco FJnkolHteln. Mulford drove the car the entire dis- (other thntabove).. 15.482 23 tance, the only stops being at every Individual depnnits ' *F -^-'' •' i- • ' —**'" tomorrow night nt Mrs. Lloyd B. tiovenlli Kr'ide—Franne.H Byrne, Helen lubiect to check BOB.-ilS (8 Wheeler's. Flatloy. llnrlo Guoniei', Ellznhctli Haz- 150 miles for fuel and a few stops Certhicd checks 4,013 14 . Miss Elizabeth Dalvyniple spent lett, J-Iolotia Knhlci', Dorothy Marks, made to make adjustments to some of Cashier's checks outstanding 8 4;( Illliln MorlBold, Eilna Ilpynolda, Mailailn the machinery. Postal savings deposits E.357 7t> Saturday at New York. Tyndall, Vlnton ArniHtronK, Wayno Har- Deposits requiring notice Miss Carrio Snyder entertained voy, Hcmry Hume, Charles MCIH'B, "Wll- of leu than 30 days 383,01133 company from Brooklyn over Sun- helin SofllnK. KEYPORT'S TEACHERS. Total demand deposits 1,288,837 52 Eighth gmile—Ireno Alitilntl,, Jo'.ieph- Certificates of deposit 13,070 CO day. Ine Allrn, May Conki AKIICS 'Hiizlctt,1 Misa Marjorie Mullen spent Thurs- Ilertlm Herbert. Mitrlon Kllhli, Jlny Pnr- All but Three of Present Teachers Total 81,812.000 17 SPECIAL, ANNOUNCEMENT ter, Anna Hkidmore, Grace VanNest, Have Been Re-engaged, day at New York. While there she UlaiKnmt Wldly, Wlllln.ni Clnlr. Allon STATE OF NLW JERSEY, COUNTYOFMONMOUTH, «B saw "Tho Boomerang" which is being ICniei'y, ThoniflH GilliKiui, llan-y O'BrU'li, The Keyport board of education I, Thfimna Voorhis, cashier of thn alovo played at tho Belasco theater.. William n«ynnli1n, Pnul VnnHrunt, Har- has re-engaged the following.teachers named bunk, do solemnly swear that the above

P r -r-


The owners of the property where I have been-doing business for four years inform me that the place will change hands about June 1st. This means that I will be unable to continue here as forrtoly, that the stock I have can not be planted out on this place, so this is your opportunity to get first class stock.at just one-half the regular-catalog prices. The last special sale depleted our stock of many varieties we grow, but there is yet a good selection that you can make. I will give a few here, lack of space'does not permit me to give all—you can judge from these bargains whether it will pay you to come see me.

Hardy Aster "St. Egwin" This variety is new, and considered the best in the large-flowering class of hardy asters; tho color is a clear soft pink, and during Augustjand September the bushes which grow about 2 % feet high are cov- eredLwith.these ^beautiful: flowers..__ Strong .plants, that will bloom this year have been $2.50 per dozen, special sale price $1.25 per'dozen. •;

You are offered your choice of 45 pianos, at an average saving of $79 each. These instruments are the same identical pianos we have been selling for years at KING'S 325, $350 and $375«.each, according to style. And better pianos at these prices have SUPERB never been built or sold. HOLLYHOCKS The best stock that we These are not pianos built to sell through special sales. They are our regular dayi, have ever had. At this time KING'S EXTRA-FINE to day pianos; the same identical styles and qualities we sell day in and day out,-every wo can offer largo two-year- HARDY PHLOXES old clumps in mixed colors working day irr the year. . : Probably no other plant in tho hardy "old-fash- that will give a wonderful ioned" flowers gives more real satisfaction than the A most exceptional opportunity presented itself to purchase 45 of these instruments; display of bloom this year— Phlox. By planting in masses tho effect is wonder- have sold hundreds of them ful, nnd in tho border, or among shrubbery, the sight or 3 carloads. , , at ?2,O0 per dozen—the sale is very pleasing. Of the many hundreds of varieties, price is $1.00 per dozen. I offer those that I believe aue the best, the most We bought them cheap—and you shall have the benefit of our low price. distinct and free from disease. BEAUTIFUL PHLOXES OF RECENT Tn order to reduce the selling expensed these, INTRODUCTION. instruments, we decided to offer them at a LOW PRICE. Astrild. Brilliant carmine-red; flowers of-medium So it is a case of "first come, first served and best 8ize, rich and attractive. served,'" • . ' • Hardy Ornamental Greases B. Comic Brilliant rich purple; very showy and a The special price is $248 each for your choice of ' These we have in four choice varieties, any of line ilower. , Considered one of the best In the two styles and one .large stylo that regularly sells for which nre very effective when planted among shrub- purplej. bery, or planted no single plants on tho lawn. Strong Elizabeth Campbell. Bright salmon-pink, with red $375, at $293-all of which are now offered on the basis clumps, that were 25c. and COc. each; the sale price eye. One of the handsomest and attracts more of "You take your choice ; whether it is the small, the is just half. - • . , . attention than any othor Phlox. No collection is medium or the large size style, so long as they last." complete without this. In arranging for your payments, you may make Cornflower Aster Europa.. The Individual flowers, as well us tho ttyt.s?, any arrangements to best suit you, up to and including Stokesia Cyanea are very large; a white variety with crimson eye. Very new and the best, in its chiss. 3 years' time.in which to pay. Here is a choice Jot of New Hybrids. I bought Frnu Anton Buchnor. Puro whito flowers, tho 10 player-pianos, also. You may make a.small cash payment at the time tho seod from a reliable grower, and these seedlings largest truss and individual Ilower of tho whito include a new pink and a purple variety, aa well as Phlox; rather dwarf; a lino variety for bolder 10 oi these 45 instruments are player-pianos of you make your selection. The balance you may divide - th^blue and white. Up to the present we have only of bed of Phloxes. two styles. into weekly or monthly payments, covering a. period of had the blue and white colors in the hardy corn- Their regular price is $550 and $600 and they three years. -flower asters. These plants will bloom this year. Rheinlander. Beautiful salmon-pink, with red eye; are well worth it. Regular price has been $1.50 per dozen; sale price, the trusses arc of immense size. while they last, is 75c. per dozen. •Tragedie. A brilliant, rich, deep carmine, with The special price of these 10 instruments will FREE INSURANCE blood-red eye. One of the richest colors, An , •be $435 and $480 net each, the purchaser hav- Should you die while you are making your attractive variety for planting in masses. ing the same privilege of taking three (3) full years' payments, we will give your estate a receipt in VERONICA. Speedwell. Wanadia. A mottling of white and light violet; ench time in which to make his payments, the same as flower has'a distinct reddish eye; very showy. though he were purchasing the piano. full for the piano and cancel the balance due W. C. Egan. One of tho finest Phloxes yet intro- us. duced. The color is a light lilac, illuminated by a large, bright solferino eye; the color effect, as a Quite a number of these have already been sold, so better make YOUR choice early. whole, is a pleasing shade of soft pink, Widui-. Reddish violet, with large white center, Sale at Red Bank and J^ong Branch Stores which intensifies and illuminates tho color. Von Lasskurg. One of the best whites; flower and Store remains open evenings until 9:00 o'clock during sale truss are of immense size; dwarf, branching habit. Siebold. One of the best sciuletii; large flowers. No collection is complete without this fine red. Regulni1 price has boon"$3.00. Salo -prico is $1.50 per dozen... Longifolia Subiesiilit. The best of the hardy Vero- nicas, and beyond question the most beautiful and Sweet Williams best perennial giving blue flowers. Blooms from Everybody knows tho beautiful Sweet Williams. FAIR HAVEN NEWS. write to all the companies having will be held tomorrow afternoon a MARLBORO NEWS. early slimmer until frost, producing fall spikes that We have several hundred fine plants, which, an long poles located in the borough inform- Mrs. Joel McQueen's. almost cover the plant. Two sizes, 75c. and $1.2fe as they last, will be sold at GOc. per dozen—just half Work of Procuring Deeds for Side- ing them that the main road is soon Mr. and Mrs. Tony Hunting > an Several from Here Attend Church walk Progressing Rapidly. to be widened and requesting that the here for the season. Meeting at Asbury Park. per dozen. Regular price hns been just double. the regular price. Work of procuring deeds for thepoles be made to conform with the Mrs. John Wheelen gave birth to a Rev. and Mrs. II. A. Buzzell, Mr. land necessary in constructing side- new lines of the street. daughter on Sunday. and Mrs. John Ileiser, "Mr. and Mrs. walks along the main road is progress- An application was received from Mr. and Mrs. John Pearsall spen Homer Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Walter ing rapidly and no difficulty is ex-John Meriflman asking for the ap-Sunday at New York. Stryker, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Maran, Canna and Dalnlia Hoots pected in soon having deeds for ni*l pointment of inspector on the side. Melvina Curchin, Richard McvU Miss Clara.Smith, Miss Reba Stryker the property. Bids for the sidewalks I walk job. The councilmen were nl lister, Jr., and Halley Jones are sick and Clarence Heiser attended the at will be received i\t the next council ; of the opinion that Mr. Merrimnr with whooping cough and are unable Christian workers' institute at- the meeting on Tuesday, May 23d. ] would meet the requirements but noto attend school. First Baptist church at Asbury Park Half Regular Prices At last night's meeting of the coun- action was taken last night. . Lee Little will give up his position last week. Mrs. Walter Heiser was cil Mayor Covert called attention to Bills amounting to $348.35 were as clerk in John L. Bennett's grocery one of those awarded certificates for An unusunl opportunity to get choice cannas n"hd dahlias nt half prices. The cumins, if planted the manner, in which the Tintern ordered paid. store. tailing notes from ten of tho class now, in two or three weeks will be the sume as pot plants, planted then; these are all started and will Mrs. Frank Covert is spending lectures. Manor water company's employees William iiennelt, a member of the grow into beautiful plants. The dahlias nre the same varieties in our catalog, all strong roots, have flushed out the hydrants. Mr. Covert carpenter firm of Doughty & Bennett, few days with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Mrs. B. L. Bokcr, C. M. Wyckoff, not hud time to pot them, so you get them nt half price. Baid the water was nllowcd to runfell from a scaffold yesterday morn- Davis of New York. • S. B. King, Mrs. Henry Hnyward and with such force on Leonard avenue ing while working on a building on Mayor Frank Covert is having hif daughter, Miss R. Hayward, and Miss "that a big hole was washed in thethe Hoagland estate. A ten-inch house repaired. The roof will be Nellie Quaekenbush wore recent New load. It required the services of two plank fell off the scaffold immediately raised and n number of alterations York city visitors. men and a team a whole day to fill after Mr. Bennett hnd fallen am will be made. . The house is vacant in the hole and the cost to the borough struck him on the head. Mr. Bennett the winter and is occupied, during the Mrs. Henry Strong and Miss Fan- IMPORTA-NT—piease read every word was ?7. The* clerk was directed to was not hurt by the fall, but the plank summer by Benjamin Finck of Short nie Strong of New Brunswick spent forward a bill for $7 to the com-made a deep cut on his head. He Hills. Winficld! S. Wainwright of Lit- last week with Mrs. James Diggins. TELEPHONE ORDERS. Our phone is in the residence, not nt tho greenhouses, So please do pany. The water company also came went to a doctor and hud the injury tle Silver is doing the work. The members of the Baptist church your telephoning between 7 nnd 9 P. M., when you will be suro of having tho service of Mr. King m for some criticism because of its will meet at the church at 7:30 tomor- dressed. The state examinations are being personally. ... • • . . . delay in extending its mains on Mrs. Sidney Smith has moved from held this week at the public school. row night and will go to the homo of Maple avenue. Two letters were Frank Mulford's house to her own The enmpfire girls of the public Mr. and Mrs, R. H. Stryker and hold MAIL ORDERS. Perhnpa half of our orders come by mail, nnd if it is impossible for you to call written to the company before a rep house. , school attended n meeting of thetheir meeting. The 'committees of resentntive visited Fair Haven and the young people of the Sunday- at tho place in person, mail your order. Please send cash in full with order, as nothing is charged on Mrs. Elizabeth Faroat has returned cnfnnfire girls Monday night at Sea- when, he did get there he had no bright. Twelve girls were in the school and the women of tho church this special closing out snlc. If you want information of any kind, beforo mailing order, telephone after having spent n few days at At- will talk over their plans for the com- blank contracts for prospective users. lantic City. party and they were accompanied by at tho timo mentioned abovo. Shipments made by parcol post and express. to sign. The clerk was ordered to Mrs. Arthur Sickles. Volley ball is ing year. The meeting last week was write for • blnnk contracts and the Mrs. George Quigley of New York held at Homer Smith's, DELIVERY OF ORDERS. It will bo impossible, for us to make delivorien of plants, unless spe- has returned. to this place for thethe favorite game of the. campflre borough officials will get tho neces- summer. girls. A court.has. been built in the Mrs. Randolph of Jersey City vis- cial arrangements are made before hand. Having difficulty in securing ofllcient help, provonts nio from sary signers. .. school yard juid the girls are practic- ited her daughter, Mrs. Walter delivering order; as in former years, and tit tho very low prices now being offered wo could not, unlosn The Methodist bible class will meet ing regularly. Heiser, part of last yveek, ,., The bill of George Adams for tonight at Charles Minton's. additional charge was made, ' . changing n fire alarm box to a jiew The Fair Haven hoy scouts white- 1 The boy .scouts will hold a'meet- An entertainment will bo given by pole was finally settled by Mi . Adams ing in tho ra'hnolhmisoFrida y night. washed the Shrewsbury boy scouts the Freehold school orchestra at tho agreeing to let it be included in the last week ill a baseball contest at Fair Baptist church Saturday night. contract ho hag with the borough for Miss Emily Emery, daughter of Haven by the score of 13 to 0. Only caring for the alarm system. Mr. William Emeiiy, is rapidly improving one Shrewsbury plnyer reached sec- from pneumoniYl ami her complete "re- Notice of Settlement of Afoonnt. Adams reported that the alarm wires ond base. The game was too one- Fran Catalog. Come Early. were now all tightened from Church covery is looked for soon. Dr. Gside. d tobc interesting, but it showed ntiito of Kumm j|, HtootholT, dccrnsctl. A booklet thnt describes street east. Van Voi-is Wn'rnor has been attending that the Fair Haven,, scouts have a Notice In iR'roliy KIVOII Unit tho »e- hundreds of varieties of In this snlo, the first com- her. Mrs. Emily Minton and Miss cmml.H of. tho 'HiiluirrllicrH. oxocutoM of ers will hnvo first choice. Tho cleric waB directed to write to cracker jack baseball team capable of tlio iiHtnli.' of wild ilix'eiiHoil, will IPO nu- hardy plants, bedding Mario Doughty have been the nurses holding its own' ngainst any juvenile illleci mid tauti'il liy the mirroirnto iintl plants nnd nmnll fruits, LITTLE SILVER, N. J. thq freeholders asking that they ex- in ehrtrge. .' miinrtotl for nrttlciiient to tho Orphans It is to your ndvantago to tend the culvert on the soutii side of nine. The battery'for tho winning Court «r the I'minty or .'.liuimoiith, on llavo you a copy? If not, (Seven Dridge Road, 1 miloioutliof Rumion Road) CALL EARLY. The temperance society will meet learn wan Charles Hemming and Don- Tliiirmliiy, tho fifteenth day of Juno, ask'for one. •',..•. , Hcndrickson's gully so the borough at Mrs. George Lewis's on Sycnmorc ild Mattlicwa. __ . A. ]>., 1IHG. * Telephone C94-M can make- n fill there for the rfidp-avenue Friday night. Itatoil .May Sd, A. D., 1010. wnlk, The clerk was also ordered (•<> JAM KM A. HTOOTHOKF, A meeting of the Indies' aid society It pays to udvortise in Tho Registor. HIA FKOBT.

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