Drive Attracts 271 Early. Contributors Memorial Center
. , 1r The War Memoria' Center Needs Your Help . , ~ " .. , . , ,, .** , ... oiilte. ew.s flom. oj lb. Nt,ws Give Now! 99 K@rcbeval TV. Z-6900 Complete News Coverage' of All, the Pointes - 5e Per COpy Entered as Second Class Matter VOLUME I4-NO. 17 13.00 Per Ye9' GROSSE POINTEI MICHIGAN, APRIL 2'3, 1953 at the Post Office at Detrolt,.Mlch. Fully Paid Circulati~ . HEADLINES Memorial Center ,6,877 Voters 0/ the Cast Ballots . ... \VEEK l Drive Attracts 271 In ElectIon A,( Compiled by th. ! G,'osse Pointe News i Roslyn Road School; Audi. torium-Gymnasium, Country Th ursday, J\'Pril 16 i Early. Contributors THE COMMUNISTS drove off Day Purchase Okayed ' United States spotter planes, who Total of $3,971 Mailed in During First Weekend of Annual were taking pictures of sick and VOters in the Grosse Pointe Participation Campaign; Goal Set at $2'5,000 School District, in a special wounded prisoner-of-war con- .. ~~,'~~ voys. with furious anti-aircraft ~. -: .:~.:'.::- . election, Tuesday, April 21, ,...~.., ;.. The first weekend of the annual participation campaign fire, The UN command believed of the Grosse Pointe War Memorial Association produced 271 placed their stamp of ap. the Reds fired on Alliet aircraft, ': pro val on all seven proposi- for fear that it would be discov- mailed-in contributions, totalling' $3,971, 'it was reported on Tuesday. The goal of this year's drive is $25,000, the'mini. tions requested by the Board ered that the Communists were of Education, to effect expan:' using convoys of disabled Allit'!d mum amount needed to maintain and operate the War Me.
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