DEATHS in CLINIC HORROR to STOP VOTE W Iie Si Dinveitstmiooh
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m . { A. A ••• •*•• ^ ' ■ iy*-C r {o-« ^ 4- 'S; >•*■ ■• .r^ y-^ -' •• 'r, ;• ' ' ^^natiis^uy GisoiKMfioN ttt» Mdsiir or AitirOf i « t » 5 .3 4 4 •-^v- VOL. XLQ.^ NO. 1S2, (CloMWwd Adtertiping on PagB,18) o5M r^ D E A TH S Priniiaimb ih.w hidw W i i E s r /.Y IN CLINIC HORROR PASSEKGMR ON ZEP Prdte Ddayed Uat3 Experts WOUIiD IiE^VS SHIP. Aboard Oral Zeppelin, May. Sp^- fbfad Ufa Sist Hospital to Hake h - 17J— (Via - Radio) — cMaiiir^ Nathan, of New York,'one of the American passengers on the dis -fa NifarobiGiiiii^ tii vestgatkn— To RebnEd abled Graf Zeppelin, asked per '•1 ■ ■ : Notori U mission from Dr. Hugo Elckener for Catifag today to leap fro^i the ship at and % W as DrUil CEnic bmBC&tely., tached to a parachute.' . pr. Eckener assured the xiaMehsers that there is no danger, despite H d ^ e t^ fa CleTeland, O., May 17— I)r. A. J. the slowness of the ship’s pro Bnffalo, N,;Y., May 17.— Ciar-^by a medidal examiner led to the ence^pHeber, SO,,a member of the assertion th t the woman had been Pearse, Cuyahoga county coroner gress due to disabled m o t ^ add keadwinds. When permission Phlladtiphia. Pm., May .1 7 .^ BiUQAlo j^ihm force, ordered murdered. Reports Sa; Graf ^ temporarily suspended his Investt- was refused Mr. Nathan to de “ Searfu y' Al” Caponp, notorious sUiipended-today pending'a" farther The’-pollM inquiry reV^iSd that inscMdlgatioii. ipto ■ Mimamsttnees gation of the horrlhle Cletelopd part from the Graf via the para^ Chicago beer baron, and-’ his body- Sehrleber . was op duty last pjgbt sprronndiAg -tke death Ox,.bis wife, until rhldpigbt and later escorted Been Safated Near T (^ clinic disaster today and turned chute.route be became resigned guar4 ^ n k Cline, pleadefi guilty to the te^ous Journey. PattUnh,';2fi. Mrs.- Sehrleber wps Miss Flo'repee ZtanSk, 26, a friend, that Institution Into a ' research to c a r r y ^ concealed weapbnn in found dMd : ill bed todsy with.a to her bbme.‘ The girl bos been de laborl^tory. M uidpAl Couit today- and 'balleU ground ip her forehead. tained as-a material ritness. km, France, and Tkat The coroner received a delega given sentences of ohn year each ii ■< the county prison by Judge John A Sehrleber tfld his fellowT>fIj|oeva The' poUcei indicated a murder tion from Chicago, headed by Dr. that his .wife had shot herself irhile charge might be lodged against the Three of the Motors ftid A. H. Kegel, health comQii«diOO«r, WaUh. The mfah decided to plead guilty he -was sitting - in, an adjoining suspended patrolman later in the and the party went to the cl|nlc room. A snbseanept examination day. ruins to make Investigations which Attpr a Aohforence with their at- Been Repaired fa Mid Aar. It is hoped will forn^ the basis of ^ toteeys 'w m ard L. Lemiscb and measures lor preventing such Cmmelluii^aggerty, Jr. They had prpvioaplr been directed to stand catastrophies in the future. ‘5mute” ' U d Judge Walsh had d(T EX-PREi$n>BNT E4TO BULLE’nN : A t. that time unofficial sources r e v: i TROUT EGB-BKEAKFAST. rteted a .^ ot guilty;’ plea to be en-^ estimated the death toll as high as White 'River Junction, Vt. tpred on the records for each of the London, May 17.— A Central 127, -including two deaths in the TO STOP VOTE men. ^ ' May 16.—-Galyln Coolidge had last 12 hours. ' H. L. Rockwood, News dispatch from Berllia.- / Speedy Jnstlce. trout for breakfast todays city health commissioner, had ot- TO MAKE ADDRESS The “ speckled beisutiea” were shoitly after 8 o'cIbrJc tbiiMiti ficial records of 118 deaths. Jndietslent,. trial and aontepcing reported that Dr. Hugo Eckr of the nuKi occurred about 12 hours caught late yesterday in a pri 'h rtin n Warfare Breaks vate, pond in West Hartford. The ener had wlrelemed that he. L., after th-Mr arrest last night. was totsBy unable to tnanenTer ’ '-('1 PROBING DISASTER ’ Their |Mson sentence la the max- ex-president’s party of f-ar Ver- Cleveland, Ohio. May 17.— ^In mpptera brought back twenty the Graf Zeppelin which was imhm'thift .can be l^npoffd under* Refareii* ’ • • • .Bfakop to• SpeakI nsld to be, drifting heiplea^.^ vestigating possibility that negli Ort fa Hesse Over Farm What wgsVthe trhe story of the life .of Walter RunflngUin, BAnrard PennsylvunlA'statutes ' for thla of fish. They hope to have the gence on the part of someone in student and son of a wealthy, aristocratic'I^w-England:family? 'Wherei fense. Judge WalsD also could same - "fisherman’s lunch’' on leaving open the fire door of the is the weapon thati.uai. B.Xkilled11CU him?luw ; WhoTTuu were hpi enemies, uand u wnyiwhy? Whowap ffnnil SKOn at Epseopal Convention expeditioias' to Woodstock and London, .May 17.— A distrsbs basement room in which infiam- Relief B3I— Representa were thee mysterious visitors,' ' on the porch about the. time. - of the murde^^ ''^ M o S s S th f^irnev West Hartford. message was sent out from Hie Who was gave Capone mable X-ray film was stored. Coun raking when The ex-president .is tlm guest Graf Zeppelin shortly after 8 he died?-' These are"tbfa-problems that hold.the"seiution ortbi/m y^ o i l ® ? r W ikii O pos Next Week, of Major N. P. Wheelers at the ty Coroner A. J. Pearce today re tive Garner’s Charge. they were brought before him this o’clock this'afternoon saying there u d here are some of those who have-figured In: the iuveetifegtlod; -Left ^morainl hotel here named after Mr. Cool- sumed the probe of the Cleveland was serious damage on board and clinic disaster. to rights tops are Ql^re Ketmelljs former ch%uffears axid^ WijkUer H on^g- PhlUy Not Afraid. idge’s father. The death toll of Ohio's worst ton; hMow, Mrs. Mary Clark Huntington, the stvdeni’k motmr, and'Bdrnrri “ You are undoubtedly respon-. Hartford, May 17.~ m g h t that all the motors had stopped,.jtCK Vaphtogton,. May 17 — Partisan dette Williams, a friend... Chauhcey Bunco Brewpter, retired calamity in a. decade stood , egrly warfare broke out over the |50j0,- Bible for^ miany'murdera in the eordiijtg to an Exchange Telegraph' today at 123 to 124. Officials check 000,000 farm, relief bill for the first United States.” the magistrate told bishop of the. Episcopal Diocese of dispatch from Lyons, France,;‘‘at at 5:50 o’clock this evening. ‘'At- ing various death listil said the toll tlma this segiilon in: the Hdhsi'today Cahone. Connecticut, wi]l follow bis Cnitom in all probability would ihount wbei\, pahrefaratid leaden t^ayged ' “Authorities in many cities are of mapy yeprk pipe and .AdAress the DinvEitstmiooH .that time, the dispatch added, A e higher. 'admlQlstratioh Republicans' v^tb afraid of you, but Philadelphia is annual diooesah eonventlpu of his Graf wae. drifting before the wihd. ■J-' -* ;\<3 No Criminal Nci^igence resorting to trickery to prefTM^ a not afraid of. you, Mr; Al Capone. church at B ^ gep ort next T'uesday Another Exchange Telegraph dla* Thus far no crtoinal negligence test vote on the Senates My only, regret Is that, you are not m patch said that, at .4:45 o’elocAthe and T^dnesday, following the ad « has^ been ^ncover^ by the JUTestl- plan o f relief. before me on .charges which would Zeppelin was over the village'', of dress of-R t. Rer. Campion Acbe- Saillans, 25 miles southeast o f gators. Coroner Pearce" stated, Buf- . Rep, Garner of Texas, minority Justify me in ridding the United aon, no^ thb head of the. diocese, leader, who supported the original States of ypu. forever. ’ Valence, The ship had turned fery Boggs, steamfitter who was Is according, to the convention pro several times in the wind.- working in the ill-fated hospital House farm, program favored :by 'The two men were, searched, gram released here today- DeasCallomy au l. Follow- when the explosion occurred, still the Hoover administration, letj the pho.tographpd and their finger Qpring the .cUp^entiop an impor protest movement with a warning .'prints takdn. Capone' -had a dia tant eopstitnlijDpal' auo^ BERLIN REPORT/ is held today, but he is not under BY HORl^NSE SAtJNDESlSDE»S. f i suspicion. Pearce merely wants'to that If the debenture plan is knock types that, wbufd: .furnish-fa study mond, ring said to 'e,w orth 126;- hb .considered which-calls for elec'- o n Loive Baptist Goovod' Berlin, May 17.— The Lokalen-* ed out of the farm bill he. vrtll fight fpr.Freud. ‘ Money r'nnning Into four: fig- tion of foar-,memhers of. the clergy zelger printed a Paris report this question. Boggs further in the be Windsor, Conn.,.May. 17.—.— Aggln.]Again.] Coit^h Doyle,nevor' ooheeivefj a evening that Dr. Hugo Eckener- lief that he will be of much assist to' write lt,lnto the tariff bill. raa]dou)id--on 'each, rhan. and three laj^meh to the.' stapdipg , The^ Repablican pifagram, which ban ttht^i triumphed ■ over ficUqn, mhW-NXfftkY- seta n g ^ d^lged Adptided te.. Malone. itfjasaHute of th f dlqeeaein plaeikof : tint for Tkfar Iowa Hoqmshgd.idenp. 4he following ^'radiogram ance in cleuing up c^tain etents u d ' the -beat mySte3ry,siAi^ofr.the'.-oi4; New; England estate, a' JMt knefa^'having' inet blm;j^ to a stdUoh near ValCnce: ‘"Rte immediately preceding the: b ta ^ was ttpdeted to be carried ont to .ffi^eiergsmeial im at: presePt..The day, called; for aeadihgr the hill to~ month ia' not to be found-i^neatly-'irenM^hal la the tawn^a-'maiisloir, ffharkey-Strihllng fight in ship.