S USTAINABLE UNDERGROUND CONCEPTS SUSTAINABLE UNDERGROUNDCONCEPTS NORWEGIAN TUNNELLING SOCIETY PUBLICATION NO. 15 NORWEGIAN TUNNELLING SOCIETY REPRESENTS EXPERTISE IN • Hard Rock Tunneling techniques • Rock blasting technology • Rock mechanics and engineering geology USED IN THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF • Hydroelectric power development, includ- ing: - water conveying tunnels - unlined pressure shafts - subsurface power stations - lake taps - earth and rock fill dams • Transportation tunnels • Underground storage facilities • Underground openings for for public use NORSK FORENING FOR FJELLSPRENGNINGSTEKNIKK Norwegian Tunnelling Sosiety P.O. Box 34 Grefsen, N-0409 Oslo, Norway
[email protected] - www.tunnel.no SUSTAINABLE UNDERGROUND CONCEPTS Publication No. 15 NORWEGIAN TUNNELLING SOCIETY 2006 DESIGN/PRINT BY HELLI GRAFISK AS, OSLO, NORWAY Publication No. 15 ISBN-NR. 82-92641-04-1 Front page picture: Gjøvik Olympic Mountain Hall, span 61 meters. Courtesy VS-Group/Bjørn Fuhre Layout/Print: Helli Grafisk AS
[email protected] www.helligrafisk.no Disclaimer This publication issued by the NorwegianT unnelling Society (NFF) is prepared by professionals with expertise within the actual subjects. The opinions and statements are based on sources believed to be reliable and in good faith. Readers are advised that the Publications from NorwegianT unnelling Society NFF are issued solely for informational purposes. The opinions and statements included are based on reliable sources in good faith. In no event, however, shall NFF and/or the authors be liable for direct or indirect incidental or conse- quential damages resulting from the use of this information. SUSTAINABLE UNDERGROUND CONCEPTS Norway is a mountainous country. Topographical features along the western coastline are long fjords cutting into steep and high mountains.