Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for the City of Commerce Municipal Bus Lines Transit Maintenance Facility Project Prepared for: City of Commerce City of Commerce Transportation Department (CEQA Lead Agency) Claude McFerguson, Director of Transportation 5555 Jillson Street Commerce, CA 90040 Telephone: 323-887-4419 Prepared by: UltraSystems Environmental Inc. 16431 Scientific Way Irvine, CA 92618-4355 Telephone: 949-788-4900 FAX: 949-788-4901 May 2021 This page left intentionally blank ❖ PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET ❖ PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET 1. Project Title City of Commerce Municipal Bus Lines Transit Maintenance Facility (TMF) 2. CEQA Lead Agency and Address City of Commerce Transportation Department 5555 Jillson Street Commerce, CA 90040 3. Responsible Agency City of Commerce Transportation Department 5555 Jillson Street Commerce, CA 90040 4. Contact and Phone Number Claude McFerguson, Director of Transportation (328) 887-4419 ext. 2235
[email protected] 5. Project Applicant City of Commerce Transportation Department 5555 Jillson Street Commerce, CA 90040 6. Project Location Permanent TMF Site: 5926 Sheila Street Commerce, CA 90040 Temporary TMF Site: 5733 Sheila Street Commerce, CA 90040 7. Assessor’s Parcel Numbers Permanent TMF Site: APNs 6334-025-911 and -912 Temporary TMF Site: APNs 6334-006-900 and -901 8. Project Site General Plan Permanent TMF Site: Designation(s) Heavy Industrial Temporary TMF Site: Commercial Manufacturing 9. Project Site Zoning Designation(s) Permanent TMF Site: Public Facility (PF) and Heavy Industrial (M2) Temporary TMF Site: Commercial Manufacturing (C1) 7072/City of Commerce Municipal Bus Lines Transit Maintenance Facility Project Page i Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration May 2021 ❖ PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET ❖ 10.