Annual Meeting of the Council
ITEM NO: 2 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL 19 May 2015 Commenced: 5.00pm Adjourned: 6.00 pm Re-commenced: 7.00pm Terminated: 7.55pm Present: Councillor D Lane (Civic Mayor) Councillors Affleck, Bailey, Ballagher, Beeley, Bell, Bowden, Bowerman, Bray, P Buckley, Cartey, Cooney, Dickinson, Downs, Drennan, Fairfoull, J Fitzpatrick, P Fitzpatrick, Fowler, Francis, Glover, Gwynne, A Holland, Jackson, Kinsey, Kitchen, J Lane, McNally, I Miah, R Miah, Middleton, Patrick, Pearce, Peet, Piddington, K Quinn, S. Quinn, Reynolds, Ricci, Robinson, Ryan, Shember-Critchley, Sidebottom, M Smith, T Smith, Taylor, F Travis, L Travis, Ward, Warrington, Welsh, White, Whitehead, and Wild. Apologies for Absence: Councillors Cooper, B Holland and Sweeton. 1. ELECTION OF CIVIC MAYOR RESOLVED That this item be deferred until 7.00pm for the ceremonial part of this meeting. 2. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR OF COUNCIL BUSINESS It was moved by Councillor K Quinn and seconded by Councillor Taylor that Councillor Kitchen be appointed Chair of Council Business for the Municipal Year 2015/16. RESOLVED That Councillor Kitchen be appointed Chair of Council Business for the Municipal Year 2015/16. 3. CIVIC MAYOR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS The Civic Mayor extended a warm welcome to newly elected Members and congratulations to those Members who were re-elected at the Local Elections on 7 May 2015 and also to the borough’s three Members of Parliament on their election success, in particular, Angela Rayner MP who had become Tameside’s first female Member of Parliament. The Civic Mayor further extended congratulations to Councillor Claire Reynolds and her husband Jonathan Reynolds, MP, on the birth of their baby son.
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