19 May 2015

Commenced: 5.00pm Adjourned: 6.00 pm

Re-commenced: 7.00pm Terminated: 7.55pm

Present: Councillor D Lane (Civic Mayor)

Councillors Affleck, Bailey, Ballagher, Beeley, Bell, Bowden, Bowerman, Bray, P Buckley, Cartey, Cooney, Dickinson, Downs, Drennan, Fairfoull, J Fitzpatrick, P Fitzpatrick, Fowler, Francis, Glover, Gwynne, A Holland, Jackson, Kinsey, Kitchen, J Lane, McNally, I Miah, R Miah, Middleton, Patrick, Pearce, Peet, Piddington, K Quinn, S. Quinn, Reynolds, Ricci, Robinson, Ryan, Shember-Critchley, Sidebottom, M Smith, T Smith, Taylor, F Travis, L Travis, Ward, Warrington, Welsh, White, Whitehead, and Wild.

Apologies for Absence: Councillors Cooper, B Holland and Sweeton.


RESOLVED That this item be deferred until 7.00pm for the ceremonial part of this meeting.


It was moved by Councillor K Quinn and seconded by Councillor Taylor that Councillor Kitchen be appointed Chair of Council Business for the Municipal Year 2015/16.

RESOLVED That Councillor Kitchen be appointed Chair of Council Business for the Municipal Year 2015/16.


The Civic Mayor extended a warm welcome to newly elected Members and congratulations to those Members who were re-elected at the Local Elections on 7 May 2015 and also to the borough’s three Members of Parliament on their election success, in particular, MP who had become ’s first female Member of Parliament.

The Civic Mayor further extended congratulations to Councillor Claire Reynolds and her husband , MP, on the birth of their baby son.

He also offered the best wishes of the Council to Councillor Clive Patrick on his marriage to his partner Jonathan.

The Civic Mayor was pleased to announce the Curzon Ashton FC had gained promotion to the Vanarama National League North and wished them well for the season ahead.

(Councillor Kitchen, Chair of Council Business, in the Chair)


There were no declarations of interest made by Members at this meeting of the Council.


A report of the Returning Officer was received detailing the persons elected to the office of Councillor for the Wards of the Borough. For details see Appendix A to the minutes.

RESOLVED That the report be noted.


RESOLVED That the Minutes of the Ordinary meeting of the Council held on 24 February 2015 be signed by the Chair of Council Business as a correct record.


It was moved by Councillor Taylor and seconded by Councillor J Fitzpatrick that Councillor K Quinn be appointed as Executive Leader of the Council for the Municipal Year 2015/16.

RESOLVED That Councillor K Quinn be appointed as the Executive Leader of the Council for the Municipal Year 2015/16.


The Executive Leader stated that the start of the new municipal year provided an opportunity to reflect back on the past year and what achievements had been made and also to look forward to the next twelve months.

The Council was continuing to deliver its jobs pledge to ensure that every young person had the best possible start, with over 100 apprentices commencing with the Council and partner organisations over the past year.

The Executive Leader commented on the progress of the Business Summit, set up to work with the private sector in Tameside to discuss policies and investments and was pleased to report that businesses were working with the council and partners to improve skills and employment locally.

The success of the bin swap scheme, to reduce the costs of waste going to landfill and make Tameside environmentally friendly, was highlighted, with savings of £24,000 per week, with two thirds of the Borough still to switch.

The progress of the Vision Tameside project was further highlighted, with the building of a new Advanced Learning Centre for Tameside College, together with the Advanced Technologies Centre, would guarantee that the students of Tameside received an education at the cutting edge of technology. The project, which also included the construction of a new administrative centre for the Borough, would also bring £300 million of growth through the creation of jobs, increased apprenticeships and more business for local shops and retailers. The Executive Leader emphasised the importance of looking beyond the confines of the Borough and geographical boundaries and made reference to the devolution of £6 billion of health and social care funding to and explained how this would enable the first pioneering moves to the full integration of health and social care to be made locally.

In conclusion, the Executive Leader reaffirmed the Council’s commitment to take Tameside forward and help support residents and businesses and build and strengthen the local economy through challenging times.


It was moved by Councillor K Quinn and seconded by Councillor Kitchen that the amendments to the Constitution as set out below be agreed.

RESOLVED That the constitution be amended as follows: a) Part 3b - Cabinet Positions – Portfolio of the Deputy Leader be amended to include responsibility for all matters relating to the Council’s affairs in respect of the sustainable environment portfolio including waste collection and disposal; recycling; fly-tipping; pollution control & environmental protection; pest & vermin control; licensing; trading standards; environmental health & food hygiene whilst retaining responsibility for Markets and Governance. b) Part 3b - Cabinet Positions – Portfolio of the Executive Member - First Deputy (Finance and Performance) be amended to include responsibility for all matters relating to the Council’s affairs in respect of tangible assets both land / estates (corporate landlord) and information and communication technology. c) Part 3b - Cabinet Positions – Portfolio of the Executive Member for Transport and Land Use be amended to include responsibility for all matters relating to the Council’s affairs in respect of bereavement services, taxi licensing, civil contingency and emergency planning. d) Part 3b - Cabinet Positions - Warrants of Office - Lead Members and Assistant Executive Member Neighbourhoods and Partnerships – to be renamed ‘Single Operational Environmental Service’ and to have the commensurate responsibilities. e) Part 3b - Cabinet Positions - Warrants of Office - Lead Members and Assistant Executive Member Governance – to be renamed Governance & Enforcement and to have the commensurate responsibilities. f) Part 3b - Cabinet Positions - Warrants of Office - Lead Members and Assistant Executive Member Children’s Safeguarding, Policy and Practice – to create a new role to strengthen support to the Executive Member for Children & Families with responsibility to review all current policies and procedures to ensure effective and in line with best practice, and to develop any further policies and procedures for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and be a member of the Local Safeguarding Children Board. g) Article 7 - Scrutiny Panels - The Council will appoint the Panels to discharge the functions conferred by Sections 21 of the Local Government Act 2000 and Regulations made under Section 32 of the Act and subsequent Acts and Regulations. The Council will amend the existing Panels to more closely align the structure and functions of the Council as follows:  STATUTORY & EXTERNAL PARTNER Scrutiny Panel, which will include the statutory Council's Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committee  PEOPLE Scrutiny Panel (to include review of Integrated Care Organisation model) as well as education matters set out in Section 499 of the Education Act 1996 (as amended by Section 9 of the Schools Standards and Framework Act 1998) and matters relating to the Children Act 2004.  PLACE Scrutiny Panel h) Part 4a - Procedural Standing Orders - 6. Political Groups and Leaders – be amended to include new paragraph 13: ‘To be eligible for special responsibility payments, the Main Opposition Leader, must represent a group holding at least 25% (currently fourteen) of the seats on the Council and the Leaders of Minority Parties must represent a group holding 10% (currently six) of the seats on the Council.’ i) Part 2 - Articles of the Constitution - Article 11 - Speakers Panel (Liquor Licensing) (and related clauses in constitution) to be amended to state that the Speakers Panel (Liquor Licensing) Chair and Deputy shall both be from the Controlling Group subject to the rules of political balance.


It was moved by Councillor K Quinn and seconded by Councillor Taylor, that appointments for the Municipal Year 2015/16, detailed in the tabled report, be approved.

RESOLVED That the appointments to the Executive Cabinet, Panels, District Assemblies, the Standards Committee, Opposition Spokespersons and outside bodies for the Municipal Year 2015/16 be approved and adopted as set out in Appendix B to these Minutes.


It was moved by Councillor K Quinn and seconded by Councillor Taylor that the Standing List of Conferences for 2015/16, as detailed in the submitted report, be approved.

RESOLVED That the Standing List of Conferences for the Municipal Year 2015/16, as detailed in the submitted report be approved as set out in Appendix C to these Minutes.


It was moved by Councillor K Quinn and seconded by Councillor Taylor that the Calendar of Meetings for 2015/16, as detailed in the submitted report, be agreed.

RESOLVED That the Calendar of Meetings for the Municipal Year 2015/16 be agreed.


Consideration was given to the Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Cabinet held on 25 March 2015.

Further to Minute 60, Councillor J Fitzpatrick informed Members that Tameside Council had joined eight partners in signing a pledge declaring zero tolerance for loan sharks.

It was moved by Councillor K Quinn and seconded by Councillor Taylor that the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Cabinet held on 25 March 2015 be received.

RESOLVED That the Minutes of the meeting of Executive Cabinet held on 25 March 2015 be received.


The Chair of Council Business advised that there were no urgent items of business for consideration at this meeting.

At this juncture the meeting was adjourned until 7.00pm

At the recommencement of the meeting the Civic Mayor assumed the Chair


It was moved by Councillor Ward and seconded by Councillor Gwynne that Councillor Vincent Ricci be elected Civic Mayor of Tameside for the Municipal Year 2015/16.

RESOLVED That Councillor Vincent be hereby elected Civic Mayor of the of Tameside for the Municipal Year 2015/16.

Councillor Vincent Ricci was then escorted into the meeting and advised by the retiring Civic Mayor of the Council’s decision. After duly making and subscribing the prescribed Declaration of Acceptance of Office, Councillor Vincent Ricci took his place as Civic Mayor of the Metropolitan Borough of Tameside expressing his appreciation of the honour bestowed upon him.


It was moved by Councillor J Fitzpatrick and seconded by Councillor Kitchen that Councillor Philip Fitzpatrick be appointed Deputy Mayor of the Metropolitan Borough of Tameside for the ensuing Municipal Year 2015/16.

RESOLVED That Councillor Philip Fitzpatrick be hereby appointed Deputy Mayor of the Metropolitan Borough of Tameside for the Municipal Year 2015/16.


It was proposed by the Civic Mayor and seconded by Councillor Warrington that a sincere vote of thanks be accorded to the retiring Civic Mayor, Councillor Dawson Lane, and Mayoress, Councillor Jackie Lane and the retiring Deputy Mayor, Councillor Denise Ward and Consort, Councillor Dave McNally.

RESOLVED That a sincere vote of thanks be accorded to the retiring Civic Mayor, Councillor Dawson Lane and Mayoress, Councillor Jackie Lane, and the retiring Deputy Mayor, Councillor Denise Ward and Consort, Councillor Dave McNally, for their dedicated services to the Metropolitan Borough of Tameside.


The Civic Mayor presented Medallions to the retiring Civic Mayor and Mayoress, Councillor Dawson Lane and Councillor Jackie Lane, and a certificate to their deputies, Councillor Ward and Councillor McNally, as a memento of their year of office.


Councillor Dawson Lane thanked all Members of the Council, the Chief Executive and his Executive Team and the Mayoral Team for their support to himself and the Mayoress referring to some of his highlights of the year, which included:-  The Annual Whit Friday Brass Band contest;  Armed Forces Event at Victoria Park, Denton;  ‘Move with the Mayor’ campaign, which included participation in many different sports;  Charity Sky Dive;  Welcoming representatives of many local volunteer groups to the Mayor’s Parlour;  Involvement with the Junior Mayor programme;  Visit to World War 1 memorial and battlefields at Ypres;  Tea Dances hosted across the Borough; and  The inauguration event of the High Sheriff of Greater Manchester, Mrs Sharman Birtles.

He took the opportunity to thank all those who had kindly supported his Mayoral Charity Appeal Fund dedicated to a number of organisations based in the heart of the community who make a positive difference to the lives of local people.



The following persons, at the elections held on 7 May 2015, were elected to the Office of Councillor for the Wards respectively indicated, to hold office for a period of four years:-


ASHTON HURST Mike Glover (Labour)

ASHTON ST. MICHAEL’S Yvonne Cartey (Labour)

ASHTON WATERLOO Lorraine Whitehead (Labour)

AUDENSHAW Maria Bailey (Labour)

DENTON NORTH EAST Allison Gwynne (Labour)

DENTON SOUTH Mike Fowler (Labour)

DENTON WEST Brenda Warrington (Labour)

DROYLSDEN EAST Kieran Quinn (Labour)

DROYLSDEN WEST Ann Holland (Labour)

DUKINFIELD John Taylor (Labour)

DUKINFIELD/ David Sweeton (Labour)

HYDE GODLEY Betty Affleck (Labour)

HYDE NEWTON Helen Bowden (Labour)

HYDE WERNETH John Bell (Conservative)

LONGDENDALE Gill Peet (Labour)

MOSSLEY Idu Miah (Labour)

ST PETERS Dave McNally (Labour)

STALYBRIDGE NORTH Adrian Pearce (Labour)

STALYBRIDGE SOUTH Clive Patrick (Conservative)



Executive Leader Councillor K. Quinn Deputy Executive Leader Councillor Taylor Executive Members First Deputy (Performance and Finance) Councillor J. Fitzpatrick Adult Social Care and Wellbeing Councillor Warrington Children and Families Councillor Gwynne Health and Neighbourhoods Councillor Travis Learning, Skills and Economic Growth Councillor Cooney Transport and Land Use Councillor Robinson Lead Members1 Chair of Council Business Councillor Kitchen Lead Member (Policy) Councillor M. Smith Assistant Executive Members Carbon and Waste Reduction Councillor B. Holland Children’s Safeguarding, Policy and Practice Councillor Reynolds Culture, Heritage and Tourism Councillor J. Lane Governance & Enforcement Councillor S. Quinn Performance and Finance Councillor Fairfoull Single Operational Environmental Service Councillor A. Holland Sport Engagement and Participation Councillor D. Lane


Shadow Brief Spokesperson Executive Leader Councillor Bell Deputy Executive Leader Councillor Dickinson First Deputy (Performance and Finance) Councillor Buckley Adult Social Care and Wellbeing Councillor Patrick Children and Families Councillor Beeley Health and Neighbourhoods Councillor Patrick Learning, Skills and Economic Growth Councillor Buckley Transport and Land Use Councillor Dickinson

1 Lead Members are entitled to attend Executive Board. SPEAKERS PANEL (PLANNING) SPEAKERS PANEL (LIQUOR LICENSING) 11 Members (Labour 10: Conservative 1) 9 Members (Labour 8: Conservative 1)

Labour Labour 1. Councillor McNally (Chair) 1. Councillor Welsh (Chair) 2. Councillor Sweeton (Deputy) 2. Councillor Sidebottom (Deputy) 3. Councillor P. Fitzpatrick 3. Councillor Ballagher 4. Councillor Glover 4. Councillor Cartey 5. Councillor Jackson 5. Councillor Drennan 6. Councillor D. Lane 6. Councillor A. Holland 7. Councillor J. Lane 7. Councillor Jackson 8. Councillor Middleton 8. Councillor S. Quinn 9. Councillor Ricci 9. Councillor Sweeton 10. Councillor Ward Conservative Conservative 10. Councillor Beeley

11. Councillor Dickinson

SPEAKERS PANEL (LICENSING) SPEAKERS PANEL (EMPLOYMENT 9 Members (Labour 8: Conservative 1) APPEALS) 6 Members (Labour 5: Conservative 1)

Labour Labour 1. Councillor Bray (Chair) 1. Chair of Council Business – Councillor 2. Councillor Francis (Deputy) Kitchen (Chair) 2. Relevant Executive Member for 3. Councillor Downs employee 4. Councillor Fowler 3. Councillor M. Smith 5. Councillor Kinsey 4. Deputy Executive Leader – Councillor Taylor 6. Councillor D. Lane 7. 5. Assistant Executive Member to Deputy Councillor Sidebottom Leader with responsibility for HR – 8. Councillor F. Travis Councillor S. Quinn 9. Councillor White Conservative 10. Councillor Wild 6. Councillor Dickinson

Conservative 11. Councillor Beeley

OVERVIEW (AUDIT) PANEL AUDIT PANEL 12 Members (Labour 11: Conservative 1) 8 Members (Labour 7: Conservative 1)

Labour Labour 1. Councillor Ricci (Chair) 1. Councillor Ricci (Chair) 2. Councillor I. Miah (Deputy) 2. Councillor I. Miah (Deputy) 3. Councillor Bailey 3. Councillor Bailey 4. Councillor Fairfoull 4. Councillor Fairfoull 5. Councillor J. Fitzpatrick 5. Councillor J. Fitzpatrick 6. Councillor Kitchen 6. Councillor Peet 7. Councillor Peet 7. Councillor Welsh 8. Councillor K. Quinn Conservative 9. Councillor Taylor 8. Councillor Buckley 10. Councillor Welsh STRATEGIC PLANNING AND CAPITAL 11. vacant MONITORING PANEL Conservative 9 Members (Labour 8: Conservative 1) 12. Councillor Buckley Labour CARBON AND WASTE REDUCTION PANEL 1. Councillor K. Quinn (Chair) 10 Members (Labour 9: Conservative 1) 2. Councillor Cooney

3. Labour Councillor Fairfoull 4. 1. Councillor B. Holland (Chair) Councillor J. Fitzpatrick 5 2. Councillor Jackson (Deputy) Councillor B. Holland 6. 3. Councillor Cooper Councillor McNally 7. 4. Councillor Drennan Councillor Reynolds 8. 5. Councillor Kinsey Councillor Taylor 6. Councillor Peet Conservative 9. 7. Councillor Ryan Councillor Dickinson

8. Councillor Shember-Critchley DEMOCRATIC PROCESSES WORKING 9. Councillor Taylor GROUP Conservative 8 Members (Labour 7: Conservative 1)

10. Councillor Patrick Labour 1. Councillor Cooney (Chair) 2. Councillor Fairfoull 3. Councillor J. Fitzpatrick 4. Councillor K. Quinn 5 Councillor Taylor 6. Councillor Ward 7 Councillor Warrington Conservative 8. Councillor Buckley

HEALTH AND WELLBEING BOARD EDUCATION ATTAINMENT 4 Executive Members IMPROVEMENT BOARD 7 Members (Labour 6: Conservative 1) Labour 1. Executive Leader (Chair) Labour 1. 2. Executive Member (Adult Social Councillor Cooney (Chair) Care and Wellbeing) 2. Councillor J. Fitzpatrick 3. Executive Member (Children and 3. Councillor Gwynne Families) 4. Councillor Peet 4. Executive Member (Health and 5. Councillor K. Quinn Neighbourhoods) 6. Councillor Reynolds Conservative 7. Councillor Bell

STATUTORY AND EXTERNAL PEOPLE SCRUTINY PANEL PARTNERS SCRUTINY PANEL 13 Members (Labour 12: Conservative 1) 15 Members (Labour 14: Conservative 1) Labour Labour 1. Councillor Peet (Chair) 1. Councillor Welsh (Chair) 2. Councillor Drennan (Deputy Chair) 2. Councillor Bowden (Deputy) 3. Councillor Affleck 3. Councillor Affleck 4. Councillor Ballagher 4. Councillor Bowerman 5. Councillor Cartey 5. Councillor Francis 6. Councillor Cooper 6. Councillor Glover 7. Councillor P Fitzpatrick 7. Councillor R Miah 8. Councillor Kinsey 8. Councillor Middleton 9. Councillor Ryan 9. Councillor Pearce 10. Councillor T Smith 10. Councillor Piddington 11. Councillor Whitehead 11. Councillor Reynolds 12. Councillor Wild 12. Councillor Sidebottom Conservative 13. Councillor Sweeton 13. Councillor Beeley 14. Councillor Whitehead Conservative PLACE SCRUTINY PANEL 15. Councillor Bell 15 Members (Labour 14: Conservative 1)

Labour 1. Councillor Bailey (Chair) 2. Councillor Jackson (Deputy) 3. Councillor Ballagher 4. Councillor Bowden 5. Councillor Downs 6. Councillor Drennan 7. Councillor Fowler 8. Councillor A Holland 9. Councillor I Miah 10. Councillor Pearce 11. Councillor Ryan 12. Councillor Shember-Critchley 13. Councillor F Travis 14. Councillor White Conservative 15. Councillor Patrick


Chair Councillor Bowerman Deputy Chair Councillor Cartey Councillors Bray, P. Buckley, Drennan, Fairfoull, Glover, McNally, Piddington, Sidebottom, L. Travis and Whitehead.


Chair Councillor Ward Deputy Chair Councillor Fowler Councillors Downs, Francis, Gwynne, D. Lane, Ricci, M. Smith, and Warrington.


Chair Councillor Middleton Deputy Chair Councillor T. Smith Councillors Bailey, Cooney, A. Holland, B. Holland, K. Quinn, S. Quinn and Ryan.


Chair Councillor Wild Deputy Chair Councillor J. Lane Councillors: Ballagher, Reynolds, Sweeton and Taylor


Chair Councillor P. Fitzpatrick Deputy Chair Councillor Cooper Councillors Affleck, Bell, Bowden, J. Fitzpatrick, Kinsey, Kitchen, R. Miah, Peet, Robinson and White.


Chair Councillor Sweeton Deputy Chair Councillor Shember-Critchley Councillors Ballagher, Beeley, Dickinson, Jackson, I. Miah, Patrick, Pearce, Reynolds, F. Travis and Welsh.


Chair Valerie Bracken (Independent) Mrs J Barnes (Independent) together with Councillors Bell, Kitchen, J. Lane, S. Quinn, M. Smith and one Parish Councillor.


Sir Rodney Brook, Mr Peter Saunders and Mr Peter Welsh.

OUTSIDE BODY APPOINTMENTS Other than the following bodies any other appointment will be made by the Executive Leader following a recommendation by the relevant Executive Member for example: Citizens Advice Bureau, Ring & Ride Steering Group

GM Combined Authority Executive Leader Substitute: Deputy Executive Leader AGMA Executive Board Executive Leader Substitute: Deputy Executive Leader Substitute: First Deputy (Performance and Finance) Police and Crime Panel Executive Leader Police and Crime Steering Group Chair of Council Business GM Planning and Housing Commission Executive Member (Learning, Skills and Economic Growth) Combined Authority Scrutiny Committee Councillor Peet Councillor Bailey Councillor Bell GM Health Scrutiny Panel Councillor Reynolds Business Growth, Trade and Inward Investment Executive Leader Board Greater Manchester Pension Fund Councillor K. Quinn (Chair) Councillor M. Smith (Vice-Chair) Councillor Cooney Councillor Cooper Councillor J. Fitzpatrick Councillor Francis Councillor J. Lane Councillor R. Miah Councillor S. Quinn Councillor Ricci Councillor Taylor Councillor Ward Councillor Patrick Pension Fund Working Groups: Alternative Investments Chair: Councillor Cooney Employer Funding Viability Chair: Councillor J. Fitzpatrick Investment Monitoring and ESG Chair: Councillor Taylor Pension Administration Working Group Chair: Councillor J. Lane Policy and Development Chair: Councillor K. Quinn Property Chair: Councillor S. Quinn Transport for Greater Manchester Committee Councillor Bray Councillor Robinson Councillor Dickinson Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Authority Councillor B. Holland Councillor M. Smith Councillor Bell Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority Councillor P. Fitzpatrick Councillor Piddington Asylum Seekers Executive Board Councillor Travis AGMA Statutory Functions Committee Councillor J. Lane


Part A – Member and Officer attendance


Chief Executive Local Government Association One Member and the Chief Executive iNetwork Chief Executive and the Executive Director (Place) or nominee SOLACE Chief Executive Executive Director (Governance and Resources) Chartered Institute of Public Finance and One Member and the Executive Director (Governance Accountancy and Resources) or nominee Special Interest Group of Metropolitan One Member and the Executive Director (Governance Authorities (SIGOMA) and Resources) or nominee Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation One Member and the Executive Director (Governance and Resources) or nominee Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation One Member and the Executive Director (Governance (Recovery) and Resources) or nominee Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation One Member and the Executive Director (Governance (Benefits) and Resources) or nominee CIPFA Benefits One Member and the Executive Director (Governance and Resources) or nominee Public Sector People Managers’ One Member and the Executive Director (Governance Association and Resources) or nominee Chartered Institute of Personnel One Member and the Executive Director (Governance Development and Resources) or nominee Northern Personnel Briefing (Employers’ One Member and the Executive Director (Governance Organisation) and Resources) or nominee Centre for Public Scrutiny Annual Members of the Scrutiny Panels and the Head of Conference Democratic Services Executive Director of Pensions National Association of Pension Fund One Member and the Director of Pensions (or nominee Conferences - relevant Service Unit Manager) Local Government Chronicle Investment One Member and the Director of Pensions (or nominee Conference - relevant Service Unit Manager) Local Authority Pension Fund Forum Members of the Panel and the Director of Pensions (or Conference nominee - relevant Service Unit Manager)

Executive Director (People) The Museums Association One Member and the Executive Director (People) or nominee The Public Library Authorities One Member and the Executive Director (People) or nominee Local Government Association – Culture, One Member and the Executive Director (People) or Tourism and Sport Conference nominee Local Government Association (Education One Member and the Executive Director (People) or Section) nominee

North of Education Conference One Member and Executive Director (People) or nominee Annual Social Services Conference One Member and the Executive Director (People) or nominee Society of Computer Information One Member and the Executive Director (Place) or Technology Managers nominee. Executive Director (Place) Local Government Association (Planning One Member and Executive Director (Place) or and Economic Development) nominee National Association of British Market One Member and the Executive Director (Place) or Authorities nominee Chairs of Transport Conference One Member and the Executive Director (Place) or nominee Local Government Association – Housing One Member and the Executive Director (Place) or Conference nominee Institute of Waste Management One Member and the Executive Director (Place) or nominee Environmental Health Congress One Member and the Assistant Executive Director (Environmental Services) or nominee Institute of Trading Standards One Member and Assistant Executive Director (Environmental Services) or nominee Institute of Licensing One Member and Assistant Executive Director (Environmental Services) or nominee National Society for Clean Air One Member and the Assistant Executive Director (Environmental Services) or nominee Institute of Cemetery & Crematorium One Member and the Assistant Executive Director Management Operations (Environmental Services) or nominee Health and Safety One Member and the Assistant Executive Director (Environmental Services) or nominee Executive Director (Public Health)

Local Government Association – Public One Member and Director of Public Health or nominee Health and one consultant Public Health England One Member and Director of Public Health or nominee and 3 officers Faculty of Public Health One Member and Director of Public Health or nominee and one consultant

(NOTE: In most instances the elected Member attending conferences would normally be the appropriate Executive Member. In those instances where they cannot attend then an appointee shall be decided following consultation with the Executive Member).

Part B - Officer only Attendance

Chief Executive

Society of Local Authority Chief Executives – Conference and Seminars

Executive Director (Governance and Resources)

Association of Council Secretaries and Solicitors

Law Society Local Government Group Conference and Seminars

CIPFA Audit Conference

CIPFA Capital Conference

CIPFA Treasury Management Conference

ALARM Conference Society of Metropolitan Treasurers

CIPFA IT, Audit and Security Update

CIPFA Pensions Conference

Executive Director (Place)

Education Building and Development Officers Group Conference

Association of Greater Manchester Estate Officers and Surveyors

Association of Chief Estates Surveyors and Property Managers in Local Government, North West Area and National Conference

Highways and Utilities

Executive Director (People)

Encams – People and Places

Association of Directors of Social Services Annual Spring Seminar

APSE – Conference and Seminars

Britain in Bloom – Conferences and Seminars

Association of Director of Children’s Services (Conferences and Seminars)

North West Directors of Children’s Services (Conferences and Seminars)

Director of Public Health

Greater Manchester Public Health Network – Conferences and Seminars

Association of Directors of Public Health – Conferences and Seminars

Annual Festival of Public Health

(NOTE: The appointment of officer representatives in both sections A and B will be determined by the Chief Executive or Executive Director).