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Franklin =Oo }~ ,.Tt ¸ Franklin =oo }~ ,.tt ¸ .... Inflation taking its toll in school costs here by Brian Wood list is the cost of petroleum The price of gasoline has consolidating the kitchens in willhave to bedone in the NewsEditor products that the school also affected the tran- the school system into one absenceof settledcontracts, system uses. Mrs. Randolphsportation budget; most bus building. Food is now which he admitted was like Inflation is biting into the estimated that fuel costs are contractors threw out old prepared at one school and "flying blind." township’s school budget so up 30.40 per cent over last year agreementsand camein with sent out to others. "Theonly thing wecan do is fast, schoolofficials already on the average and in some bids 15 to 20 per cent higher .School lunches nowcost 45 try to demand a ~o-year forsee the needto juggle funds cases, evenmore. thanlast year. cents for elementarystudents scttlementi so that we can during the upcomingschool For example, the "number As a comparison, Mrs. and55 cents in the highschool. havesome control over it," he year to prevent somesections four"’ fuel oil used in someof Randolphpointed out that the Anotherarea that will affect said. of the budgetfrom going into the schools has gone from14 school systemspent $69,675.08 the school system’soperation Mrs. Randolph said con- the red. centsper gallonto 35 cents per for heatingits buildingsduring is impendingcontract sat- tractors bidding for the Accm’ding to Dr. Edwin gallon. "Numbertwo" grade the 1972-7:3 school year and tlementswith :various employetransportation of children to Crandell, the superintendent fuel oil has gonefrom 21.8 during the 197:3-74school year, groups. Dr. Crandellsaid the parochialschools in the area of schools, and Florence cents per gallon to over 30 per whichjust ended, it spent administration is now had also hiked their charges Randolph, eeeretary to the gallon. $119,128.98for heat. negotiating with teachers from around$150 per student beard of education, a whole Gasoline, which the school "And that was even with aides, and before the year is to $200. She explained that series of cost increases is system purchases in bulk at a stringent controls to save out will have to negotiate althoughthe state reimburses wreaking havoc with their discount has still increased energy," Mrs. Randolphsaid. contracts with secretaries and the townshipfor 75 per cent of budget planning, and the fromi5 cents per gallon to 31.1 On the brighter side, the other administrators. the cost, it wouldtake a year school year has just begun, cents per gallon, accordingto schools spent less for elec- "Naturally the thrust of for the state fundsto take up Naturally, at the headof the Mrs. Randolph. tricity last year, dueto the economicdemands will affect the slack. increased conservation of these negotiations," the All of these things have a energy, but that gain is ex- superintendent commented. tremendous "accumulating pectedto be lost whenelectric He said that planning for effect," Dr. Crandellsaid. Nowyou see them...rates go up in this area of the next year’s budget, t1975-76) (See ’Costs,’ page18) state soon. Anotherarea of the budget nowyou don’t hardhit istfie’seho01supplies. Mrs. Randolphestimated the ACLUpresident The mayorasked for a show business, rise in costs for paper of hands from those members WhenDr. Marline asked products, maintenance sup- that wouldbe presentand only what wouldhappen to the plies and other materials to be t~,o or three wereraised, not hearings scheduled for that around 20 per cent on the warnscouncil countingDr. Martino.Out of meeting, someonepainted out average. tile nice-mancouncil, five are that the clerk, Lucie Lom-" The cost of floor wax alone The president of the Mr. Roth cited a state eecded to conduct official bardo, could call the meeting has gone up around three Somerset chapter of the SupremeCourt decision in 1972 and then adjourn it ira- dollars per gallon, she said. American Civil Liberties concerningthe anti-loitering If youwere planning to go to mediately. That way, the Cafeteria food has also in- Unionhas warnedthe council ordinancein the city of Orange the nextpublic council session townshipwould nothave to re- ereased in cost around15 per that theywill step into the act as proof that the statute was this comingThursday, don’t advertise andre-scheduhi the cent, but the administrationis if the townshipenforces its unconstitutional. Hesaid the bother becauseyou maybe the hearingsfor aeother date. not recommending an in- anti-loitering ordinance. township’s ordinance was only onethere, When Mrs. Lombardo crease in the costs of hot In a letter to Dr. Joseph modeledon that ordinance. At last week’s agenda learned she would have to lunches for studeuts at this Martino,the mayor,Robert S. Basically, the thrust of the session, MayorDr. Joseph show up for the meeting time. Mrs. Randolph ad- Roth said that the council’s decision, according to Mr. Martino discovered that so anyway, she replied, "My mittod, however,therewas no action in recent weeks Roth,was that if the ordinance manymembers of the council husbandis goingto love this." guaranteetile price wouldnot "demonstratesa gross lack of simplyprescribed loitering as wouldbe on vacation at die Thcnextpublicmeeting will be hiked in the future. knowledge" by the public aa offense without farther next publicsession date, there be the second Thursday in The administrationwasable officials of the presentstate of (See’ACLU,’ page 18) won’tbe enoughfor a quorum. Septmeber. io save moneyin food costs by anti-loiteringlaws in the state. Somerset Plaza food, drug will continue to serve public byBrian Wood area that both The DrugMartFloyd Rodgers, the director . weekthe chief said he wouldthe township attorney anti NewsEditor and the Grand Unionsuper- of public relations for Grand put a manon a scooter in the council that there are other marketwere closing. Union,said he had no notice area as soon as the depart- ordinancesthat coaldha used. The managersof two stores Mr. Swerdloff flatly the store wouldbe closed, but ment hired 10 more men. Mr. Swerdioff agrees; "If in the SomersetPlaza Shop- denouncedthose rumors and added "you never knowabout Mr. Swerdloff,on the other the police wouldenforce the ping Center at the corner of added that he is having no these things." Mr. Rodgers hand, claims that was tile ordinances wewouldn’t have Franklin Boulevard and trouble getting insurance. said he wouldcheck with some chief’s argumentyears ago, any problems." The phar- HamiltonStreet have denied !’Wenever had anyintention GrandUnion officials to verify "tte got moremen and nothing macist said the youths that mmorsthat their stores will of closingand we still don’t," the rumor. happened," the store owner congregate in the area leave be closing. he said, "wehave built up a Mr. Swerdloffalso charged said. beer bottles and other refuse Theyfurther denyit is un- rapportwith the peoplein this that Police Chief Russell Thechief maintainsthat he in front of the stores andhe safe to shopthere. communityand wefeel we’re Pfeiffer is "passingthe huek" jast didn’t haveenough men to send his employesoutside to "We’rehaving a problem," needed hem." by saying he needs moremen provide the patrol at the clean up the mess oc- said Barry Swerdloff, the The managersaid his store to patrolthat area effectively. stores. casionally. managerof The Drug Mart, was "convenient" for those "I’ve got it in black and He also admitted at the Several members of the "but nothing like what you, customersin the area. white from the chief," he council session that his men council scoldedthe chief last (this newspaper,)have said." The managerof the Grand declared, "they promised werenot enforcing the anti- weekfor not "providing the At the councilsessions in the Union,who declined to givehis morepolice protection years loitering ordinance because police coverage the store past month there had been name, said he had heard ago and nothing cameout of they feel the municipaljudge, comments made by coun- owners and shoppers are nothing about the supposed it." Jeffery Green, will not con- entitled to." Councilman cilmen’arid resident .in the shutdownof his store. At a council session last vict. Hawas told, however,by Richard Mcssnersaid it was "a damnshame," THENIFTY PUPPETEERS came to the Franklin Township seemsas if theysucceeded. In the bottomphoto, Clyde the The chief assured them PublicLibrary Friday afternoon to enchantoil thosethat came hippie,(with theshades and curly hair), takesa chunkout everything would be to seethem. From the looksof the two girls at the top, it somebody’shand. For other photos, see the backpage, straightened out whenhe gets (StuartCrump photos) his additional men. If the departmentgained the l0 men,It wouldonly meanone School board approves moreman per shift on patrol, The rest wouldperform ether ooonew vocational scheduled this Mondaynight courses between tits chief, Judge newpragramsandcttrrleulum Greeu and the townshipat. ’ bvBrlatWood" lla,’ry Vanllouten, cue of enrollingin it. nropusuls the beard members,raised a Silo else wonderedIf the int:uey,, ller~rt J, Silver, to NewsEditar " At t ~e ilead of the lht were mild otljection to one course towuship could got federal aomrmmewnat tno 3uclge’a twentycourses to be offeredat becauseit was placed in the fundsfor the cou,’eeif its title objections wereto enforcing At its last nubile session the high schoolthis fall some htnneeconomics department, suggesteddisc,’iminatiun. the q=.’dinanc,o,.hut it w~before the beginningof school, uew,some revised, All of them Called "Ma,’rlage anti Dr, Edwin Crandell, canco~l.t~l at laciest moment,the board of educationthis arelnthe vocatlusaleducation FamilyLiving," the eeurse is superintendent of sehuols, oecoramgto an,el l.’lOlltOr, weekapproved u variety of field, osnposed,.oo, to focusell choosinge exph!ned to I)r, Gruudfest formationof values andgouls, for boyswha wore reluctant to dating, engagen|e.t, take u simihu’ caursoin the DEPmay hike control marriage, adulthood and borneeconomies doparthmut.
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