'41 D 1 '41 D 2 '41 DN 3 '41 DN 4 7 Dec 8-10 Dec 10 Dec 11-23 Dec

v Manila v South China Sea Wake Island Hawaiian Islands Philippine Islands Malaya Central Pacific “Air raid, Pearl Harbor—this is Allied aircraft and buildings burn HMS Prince of Wales and View of US facilities on the no drill.” Row under on Luzon Island's Clark Field Repulse (background) and a island, taken before the war. attack. after a Japanese bombing. (foreground) maneuver wildly as enemy medium bombers attack. f 7 f 6 f 5 e 1

'42 DN 5 '42 D 6 '42 D 7 '42 D 8 27 Feb--1 Mar 18 Apr 4-8 May 4-7 Jun

v Java Sea Doolittle Raid Coral Sea v Midway Netherlands East Indies Japan Eastern New Guinea Hawaiian Islands HMS Exeter capsizes B-25s take off from Hornet to Shokaku is struck by a bomb One of Hiryu's Kates scores a after numerous gun and torpedo bomb Tokyo in a surprise while turning to avoid attack by torpedo hit on Yorktown. hits. retaliatory attack. Yorktown's aircraft. f 4 f 0 h 5 h 6 '42 N 9 '42 D 10 '42 N 11 '42 D 12 9 Aug 22-25 Aug 11-12 Oct 26-27 Oct

Savo Island Eastern Solomons Cape Esperance v Santa Cruz Campaign Guadalcanal Campaign Guadalcanal Campaign Guadalcanal Campaign Japanese searchlights show heavy A Japanese bomb explodes on RAdm Norman Scott, victor of Enterprise and her escorts fire cruiser Quincy shrouded in Enterprise's flight deck. the battle and profusely at enemy aircraft. smoke from out-of-control fires. recipient (KIA 13 Nov '42). h 3 h 5 h 3 h 5

'42 DN 13 '42 N 14 '43 DN 15 '43 D 16 12-15 Nov 30 Nov--1 Dec 29-30 Jan 2-4 Mar

v Guadalcanal v Tassafaronga Rennell Island v Bismarck Sea Guadalcanal Campaign Guadalcanal Campaign Guadalcanal Campaign Eastern New Guinea Juneau's Sullivan brothers, all Minneapolis after Heavy cruiser Chicago low in the One of 8 Japanese transports to lost in action with the ship when the battle, her entire bow water and sinking after being be sunk comes under attack from she was torpedoed by I-26 the collapsed from a long lance torpedoed by Betty bombers. low-level bombers. day after a fierce night battle. torpedo hit. h 4 e 3 e 2 h 3 '43 D 17 '43 D 18 '43 N 19 '43 N 20 27 Mar 7-14 Apr 13 Jul 6 Oct

Komandorski Islands “I” Operation Kolombangara Vella Lavella North Pacific Solomons/New Guinea Central Solomons Central Solomons Heavy cruiser Salt Lake City at U.S. warships anchored in St. Louis (The Chevalier and Dutch Harbor, Alaska, 3 days Harbor shortly before coast Lucky Lou) after the battle, her O'Bannon two months before the after the battle. watchers warned of a large bow twisted from a long lance battle where Chevalier was sunk incoming air raid, 7 Apr ’43. torpedo hit. and O'Bannon was damaged. e 3 h 2 h 2 e 2

'43 DN 21 '43 N 22 '43 DN 23 '44 D 24 12 Oct--11 Nov 2 Nov 19-24 Nov 17-18 Feb

v v Gazelle Bay v Truk Bismarck Archipelago Northern Solomons Central Pacific Haguro and other ships in (Also known as Battle of Pearl Harbor hero and Navy Hellcats return to Enterprise after Simpson Harbor during an attack, Empress Augusta Bay.) Rear Cross awardee, Doris Miller, died a strike against the Japanese base 2 Nov '43. Admiral Aaron Merrill, victor of with 645 others when I-175 sank during Operation Hailstone. the battle, used fire control radar escort carrier Liscome Bay at the to advantage. Gilbert Islands. f 5 h 3 e 3 f 5 '44 D 25 '44 N 26 '44 D 27 '44 DN 28 30 Mar--26 Apr 8-9 Jun 19-20 Jun 12-16 Oct

Hollandia Biak v Philippine Sea v Formosa Western New Guinea Western New Guinea Mariana Islands East China Sea Business end of a B-25 strafer Destroyer Fletcher helped turn Zuikaku and destroyers circle Light cruiser Houston under tow undergoing maintenance. back a Japanese reinforcement while under attack from US after aerial torpedo hits suffered attempt. carrier aircraft. off Formosa on 14 and 16 Oct '44. Heavy cruiser USS Canberra is also under tow in distance. h 4 h 2 h 7 h 4

'44 N 29 '44 D 30 '44 D 31 '44 N 32 24-25 Oct 25 Oct 25 Oct 2-3 Dec

v Surigao Strait v Samar v Cape Engaño Ormoc Bay Sho-1/Leyte Gulf Operation Sho-1/Leyte Gulf Operation Sho-1/Leyte Gulf Operation Philippine Islands Battleship Fuso suffers an aerial Yamato fights off US aircraft Zuikaku's crew shouts “Banzai!” Destroyer Cooper two days attack en route to Surigao Strait. while failing to chase down their before abandoning ship. before commissioning. She was carriers. torpedoed and broke in half during the battle. PBYs rescued 168 crewmen; 191 were lost. h 4 h 4 e 6 h 1 '45 DN 33 '45 DN 34 '45 DN 35 '45 D 36 4-12 Jan 16-21 Feb 25 Feb--10 Mar 19 Mar--28 Jul

v Lingayen Gulf Iwo Jima v Tokyo v Kure Philippine Islands Bonin Islands Japan Japan A kamikaze-piloted Judy is about Saratoga as repaired after Center of the city after the Bombs explode near battleship to smash into light cruiser suffering multiple bomb and incendiary attack and fire storm Haruna lying at anchor. Columbia. kamikaze hits at Iwo Jima that that killed 84,000 and wounded left 192 crewmen dead. 102,000 people. e 5 e 4 f 7 f 6

'45 DN 37 '45 DN 38 '45 D 39 '4X DN 40 6 Apr--22 Jun 9-20 Jun 14 Jul--15 Aug

Okinawa v Sea of Japan Home Islands Renewed Battle Ryukyu Islands Japan Japan The Fight Continues Aircraft carrier Bunker Hill burns The crew of Sea Dog A mushroom cloud boils over Pick any spoil battle card to fiercely after being struck by a practices with their deck gun. Nagasaki, target of the Fat Man re-fight along with this card. You kamikaze. atomic bomb. choose year, time and suit, but year may not precede original battle. h 6 h 4 f 8 e 1