Ichtiofauna Systemu Rzeki Brdy
ROCZNIKI NAUKOWE POLSKIEGO ZWIĄZKU WĘDKARSKIEGO (Rocz. Nauk. PZW) SCIENTIFIC ANNUAL OF THE POLISH ANGLING ASSOCIATION (Sci. Ann. Pol. Angl. Assoc.) 2015, tom/volume 28, 43–84 http://www.pzw.org.pl/roczniki/cms/1635/ DOI:10.12823/sapaa.0860-648X.15003 GRZEGORZ RADTKE*, RAFAŁ BERNAŚ, PIOTR DĘBOWSKI, JACEK MORZUCH, MICHAŁ SKÓRA ICHTIOFAUNA SYSTEMU RZEKI BRDY FISH FAUNA OF THE BRDA RIVER SYSTEM Instytut Rybactwa Śródlądowego Zakład Ryb Wędrownych 83-330 Rutki, Żukowo k. Gdańska ABSTRACT Research on species composition, distribution, and abundance of fish fauna in the Brda River system (left-bank tributary of the lower Vistula River) was carried out in 2011–2014. A total of 15863 individuals representing 33 species of fish and lampreys were caught at 113 sites. Gudgeon, stickleback, pike and perch were the most widespread species, while perch, gudgeon, roach and brown trout were dominants in abundance. Despite good water quality, high woodiness and little urbanized land in the catchment, most rheophilic species had low biocenotic characteristics. In comparison to historical data, the status of riverine species is weak because of hydrotechnical barriers and regulation of streambeds. A 50 km long lotic stretch of the lower Brda River has been destroyed by the construction of a cascade of reservoirs (i.e. Koronowo, Tryszczyn and Smukała). Because of the barriers, upstream access for migratory species is possible only in the area of Bydgoszcz. The impact of lakes on the fish fauna was well visible in the upper part of the system. Racer goby was observed in the lower Brda. Another invasive species, Amur sleeper, was recorded at two sites.
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