Business cards, flyers, invitations and more! Contact 042-552-2510 (extension77315) 227-7315 VOLUME 13 NO. 33 AUGUST 8 − AUGUST 14, 2019 SUBMIT STORIES TO:
[email protected] STRIPESOKINAWA.COM FACEBOOK.COM/STRIPESPACIFIC FREE INSIDE INFO KATSUREN CHANGES TO MILITARY MAIL MAY BE COMING PAGES 2-3 CASTLE Ruins hold special place in island’s history MARINES GET READY FOR OKINAWA, FUJI PAGE 3 ENJOY THE SIMPLICITY OF INARIZUSHI PAGE 5 PAGES 4 -5 IT’S EISA TIME! PAGE 8 gs rin a Kimodameshi b naw l to Oki hil shopping malls as seasonal attractions. Hor- BY TAKAHIRO TAKIGUCHI,c STRIPES OKINAWA ror movies and reports of haunted locations are televised, while popular kimodameshi uch like Halloween in October in (literally, to test your courage through scared the West, mid-summer is a sea- route) games are enjoyed in schools and local Mson to intersect with the dead in communities throughout summertime. Japan, as deceased ancestors are believed to Just like horror films and scary stories give visit and spend few days with us during tradi- you goosebumps, kimodameshi and haunted Special 8-page tional Obon period (August 13-15). houses make the Japanese cool with fear and Also similar to the U.S., temporary haunt- File photos pullout inside! ed houses are built in amusement parks or SEE KIMODAMESHI ON PAGE 6 2 STRIPES OKINAWA A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION AUGUST 8 − AUGUST 14, 2019 Military mail may be affected by US treaty withdrawal BY WYATT OLSON, to be counting on a meeting STARS AND STRIPES scheduled for September dur- Max D.