Autonomous Chaos-Strategy CONTENTS:

(4) International Resistance News

(11) The Bombs (1915) from ‘Carteles I’

(13) Report from the Autonomous Spaces Gathering, Dijon, France

(19) Towards a Warm 2008

(19) Anti-G8 2007 : Report

(28) Letter of Gabriel Pombo da Silva

(29) Prison Revolt in Belgium

(32) Against the Leaders from ‘Carteles I’

(33) Interview with Christian S, Anti-Fascist in Prison "Things have changed since 2005, we have (34) Running away from the Prison Society from ‘Incognito’ crossed a red line. When these kids aim their

(36) Letter of Christina Tonidou guns at police officers, they want to kill them. They are no longer afraid to shoot a (37) Interview with Anonymous Anarchist from Bialystok, Poland policeman. We are only on the second day

(42) Perspective of a Participant: “Atlantica” Riot since the accident and already they are shooting guns at the police." (43) Letter from Giorgos Voutsis-Vogiatzis Joachim Masanet, secretary general of the French (45) Anti-Colonial Struggle in Kanada UNSA police trade union.

(50) Letter from Artur Konowalik

(52) Stunning Like Marrasi in Flames

(54) 10 Years in Jail - or in a Cave by Thomas Meyer-Falk ISSUE #5 > >

(55) MG (Militant Group) : A Chronology Printed by the Anti-Copyright Network (57) Repression & Reports

(64) Distro [email protected] #5 / laid to rest. has always been antagonistic to organised exploitation and will remain so This magazine is an infrequent DIY printed inclined. It is not for nothing that project of incendiary texts & images, Copenhagen’s Chief of Police involving the collaboration of a small network of anarchists and anti-capitalists spread despaired of the ‘autonomous chaos- across Europe and the World. Most of the strategy’ used by black bloc militants information about current legal situations of defending not only the notorious prisoners and anti-political struggles changes ‘Ungdomshuset’ squat in Denmark frequently, check out our web pages for but their existence as an anti-political more information and links. Consider reality, at war with all governments becoming a contributor / distributor. everywhere.

When this magazine began in 2003, it was initially imagined as a project Editorial. Feb 2008 to communicate more information about insurgent european Welcome to the 5th issue of 325, an anarchist/anti-capitalist struggle irregular anarchist magazine dedicated to the into the UK, through publishing free society and open minds. Featured in previously untranslated and marginal people who wanted this publication to these pages are reports, news and images news and reports which were barely continue. Many thanks for your rage and from the struggle against hierarchy and covered by the alternative media here. friendship. [email protected] capitalism, and the words and ideas of Internet standards of newscasting prisoners, who are locked down resisting the appear to be challenging the circulation 325 is about finding out who our enemies system. of DIY printed publications as more and and our allies are. and affinity more people receive information and are not just abstract ideals but the Industrial capitalism has made mass news electronically. essence of meaningful lived human surveillance and imprisonment a reality, experience. Face-to-face relationships advancing technologies have far surpassed Radical magazines and books, already strengthen and maintain our insurrection anything historical tyrants could have marginal, seem to be getting pushed and this is what needs to be insisted upon dreamed of implementing, and our societies deeper into obscurity, as people are - the end of the political racket. Between are becoming more and more prison like, with conditioned into receiving very heavily us we aim to write what is on everyones the wall between ‘outside’ and ‘inside’ jail filtered and packaged information. Why lips but fears to say, - that this system is blurring significantly. Neo-Liberalism is passive are we making a publication that we coming down, and it would rather bring to genocide and ecological collapse, simply think very few people, even radicals, will everyone in it down as well, into dismissed as the brutal outcome to the crisis read? Well, for us, the Internet is a annihilation, rather than relinquish its at hand - The survival of capitalist rule during demanding media that seems to have a authority. a time of social and environmental turbulence. flimsy permanence. It often carries It is time this system was dismantled - ideas which have very little relation to The problem for the system is that the Immediately. what is at the ground level, more it attempts to produce hierarchic despite the ‘mirror world’ rhetoric, order, the more situations spread, Prison is the feature which unites all aspects although not only in the confused develop and breakout into the of modern society; from airports, shadows of ‘online communities’ is uncontrollable. The system wants a finely supermarkets and department stores, to misdirection to be found. We can see tuned mechanism, turning on the factories, schools and beyond. In the prison that a large amount of information is compliance of the base population but we find the clearest aspects of capitalist circulating and proliferating, but very compliance is difficult to achieve, despite exploitation, as the prison is the logical little returns off-line to the streets. the methods of neo-liberal political control, conclusion of government and the free- all-encompassing data surveillance and market - a place where everyone and It was hoped we could add to the drive paramilitary policing. Rogue elements the everything is controlled, catalogued and to communicate and ignite more system can not turn into commodity coerced as a cold statistic. The cells neither resistance in the UK, but 325 has markets it attempts to repress and reform nor rehabilitate, they hide behind grown much further than that, through destroy. For something unprecedented to closed doors the tragic contradictions of the the of comrades overseas, begin, it’s time for all of this to come down promises of consumer society. across Europe, Asia and the Americas, without reservation. who appreciate and find common 325 was created because the type of cause in the militant direction we are Industrial capitalism is causing the magazine that we wanted to read did not travelling in. The secondary aim was ecology to collapse dramatically and along exist. We had a feeling from more than 15 this, to create more links and with it will go most of our entire social and years of being involved in anarchist activity, consciousness between people fighting industrial systems. It is no longer in the that most of the time, the only people who are back, at the grass-roots level, and help mouths of the ‘extremists’ that civilisation radicalized after doing some ‘revolutionary’ create and reinforce informal networks and technology is out of control, how activities, are you, yourselves... capable of taking and/or many people now know that interesting producing/distributing propaganda, times for all of us are ahead? It might not be a time for idealistic theories, but a We don’t see producing this publication as a based around an insurrectionary anti- political or financial project. Clearly our activity state, anti-market perspective. starting place to think practically about doesn’t place itself into the realm of making how we are going to respond to money or creating new ideologies to blind So 325 has been more successful than increasing turmoil and what it is going to people with. We want to leave all that behind we expected and the last 4 issues take to fulfill our aims of free exchange with the rest of the political left-wing, which would not have happened without the and co-operation. has sparse treasures left to loot, and is best solidarity and comradeship of many mp . a data network for direct action . . a media framework for social war . . the refusal of fixed territory . This is a list of incidents, neglected cars that form prestigious symbols of Epithesis) claimed responsibility for the arsons news that rarely makes the headlines. authority inside the commodity - “On Dec. 24 we attacked the private security As an overview of social conflict, class fetishist frenzy that has taken over the company “Group 4 - Wackenhut” headquar- struggle, self-organisation, etc. it could metropolis. We do not respect the ters destroying around 15 vehicles used in never be anything but a partial listing, law-abiding citizens’ wet dreams for a money transfers. This company, apart from but it is merely a collection of moments fast car in expense of the slow suicide owning private prisons in America and defined by their participants. offered by the modern life style. The England, in our country constitutes the most revolutionary character of an arson of important piece of the growing police-like corp a economic-capitalist target isn’t of security professionals that floods the February 5, , UK - 40 anarchists found only in its physical destruction streets, breeding the big brother shoving and anti-fascists picketed the Greek but also in the illegality of the action cameras, circulating the banks’ wealth and National Tourist Office in London, burning a itself. In the decision to attack. In this guarding diverse capitalist targets contributing Greek flag and causing a scene outside the combatant situation, there are also to the increasing social control and repres- building, in protest at police collusion with losses. Accordingly, we dedicate last sion.” They also mentioned: “The message a fascist organisation during a nationalist night’s attacks in Thessaloniki and here is clear. When dealing with the rage of demonstration in Athens on the 2nd Feb. Athens to the imprisoned anarchist V. insurgents they cannot be safe, even in their Riot police were seen arming fascist Botzatzis who is accused for 3 arson headquarters. Our attack was an action of radicals with sticks and protecting them in attacks against 3 targets, as well as solidarity to our imprisoned comrades: Giannis their lines to attack left-wing and anarchist to the 3 fugitive comrades accused Dimitrakis, Giorgos Voutsis-Vogiatzis, Marios militants. After the London solidarity picket under the same case, and that chose Tsourapas, Chrissostomos Kontorevithakis, the agitators took to the streets and the way of a proud escape, than to Vaggelis Botzatzis as well as to the prisoners resisted the cops attempts to control them. give themselves in. We don’t forget of the Revolutionary Organisation November any imprisoned comrade. We will be 17 that are being kept under a state of total back soon... Conspiracy of Cells of isolation. It is an action of solidarity to the January 24, Athens, Greece - Greece: Fire, Thessaloniki-Athens” insurgent prisoners of April, many of whom banks, car dealerships, and state owned face torture and constant transfers. It all vehicles attacked. Conspiracy of Cells of January 2, Ghent, Belgium - continues...” Such attacks occur frequently in Fire has claimed responsibility for a series Vandalism against the Italian Athens and Thessaloníki, Greece’s two largest of incendiary attacks against car consulate in Ghent. Windows are cities, and are generally carried out by Greek dealerships, banks, and government smashed and coloured paint is thrown anarchist groups against private and public vehicles. These attacks took place early at the walls and doors. Graffiti is targets such as police stations, banks, tax, Monday morning in the cities of Athens and painted saying “Against All Prisons”. A legal and political offices and diplomats’ cars. Thessaloniki. Here is the claim : “Last huge protest and hunger strike night’s series of incendiary attacks against involving thousands of prisoners luxurious car dealerships in Halandri, within Italy, calling for the abolition of December 20, Santiago, Chile - The ‘Anti- Kifissia and Argiroupoli, bank subsidiaries the life sentence, is ongoing, and Capitalist Attack Group of Martyrs of the in Nea filadelfia, Dafni, Egaleo, Ano Patisia, prisoners abroad in neighbouring Santa Maria School’ claimed responsibility for Dafni and in Thessaloniki at 117, Martiou countries participated. an attack against ATM machines of a Banco Street, and against PPC (the state-run de Chile branch office with a Molotov cocktail power company) cars outside its offices in early in the morning. It caused a fire in the both Athens and Thessaloniki, is December 25, Athens, undertaken by the Conspiracy of Cells of Greece - Group 4 Fire Thessaloniki-Athens. We selected to Security vehicles burned strike the bank subsidiares because they in anti-system attack constitute the symbols-tools of exploration after youths on motor- and of the economic empire. In parallel, the cycles hurled petrol banks are the modern day corporations that bombs into a parking lot. accredit with loanee dreams the The vehicles were used consumers, so that they would beglamour by the Group 4 com- voluntarily their misery and their economic pany, part of the British- state of captivity. We attacked the PPC based security giant corporation as a response to the dozens of G4S PLC. The incident assassinations of workers that have died in occurred in the western its workplace-prisons because of the lack Kolonos area of the city. of security measures, as well as for the The “Revolutionary deadly effects (such as cancer) that appear Attack Groups” at the zones around its power plants. (Epanastatikes Omades London/Greek Soli demo We set on fire the dealerships of luxurious

4 building. Solidarity with the Insurrectionists both the left and right wing in Chile and the struggle against the state! political parties

December 20, Santiago, Chile - The December 19, Santiago, ‘Federación Revuelta Sección Antipolicial Chile - Explosive attack Antonio Ramón Ramón’ claimed against a ‘Telefonica’ responsibility for an explosive attack just branch in San Miguel, after midnight against a police station in Metropolitan Region. The Santiago’s Nuñoa district. The bombing at Telefonica blast could be the Nuñoa police station left a hole about felt within a 10-block 70 centimeters high and 25 to 30 radius. The bomb was centimeters wide in one of the outside detonated on the walls of the building and damaged a police building’s interior patio car that was parked on the grounds. The and resulted in a large blast also broke glass in nearby buildings. amount of broken glass About half an hour later the Banco from doors and windows. Santander office in Recoleta was attacked No-one was hurt. with another device. The bomb caused damage to some of the windows. Police believe it might have been a noise device/ December 18, firework. Pamphlets demanding the release - Simultaneous ‘No Borders’ blockades of Mapuche political prisoners were found December 12, Ghent, Belgium - The Italian against immigration reporting centres in the immediate vicinity of the blast. The consulate of Ghent was damaged with red to prevent dawn raids by officials and case is under investigation by military paint.. police intelligence. Extracts from the claim - police. Centres in Glasgow, “We’re here again. We’ve always existed. Newcastle, Bristol and Portsmouth Confronting the uniformed troops of the were blockaded by activists using December 8, Coast Salish Territory exploiter and terrorist state. Confronting arm-tubes and tripods. Dawn raids are (Vancouver, BC Canada) - Attack on the them. 100 years ago we challenged its used to gain custody of whole families Royal Bank of Canada. Anarchists attacked slave-master hatred in the city of Iquique, in in order to imprison them. Every day, the Royal Bank of Canada (a sponsor of the the port bloodied by its patriotic bullets and doors are kicked in and families are 2010 Olympics) at the intersection of 1st and sabers in that December of 1907. Today, in snatched from their beds and taken to Commercial. Some exceptionally large pieces the consumerist December of 2007, we detention centres, where they are of pavement were hurled through the win- attack this damned place devoted as a punished for seeking refuge in this dows. “This is a tiny taste of the mayhem we center of torture and extermination, this country. They are taken away from would like to see submerge the city of symbol of the state.”... “We salute all those their houses, jobs, schools and Vancouver for 2010. Lets build a constellation who act in solidarity with the resistance communities – their lives. Immigration of revolt that threatens not only the Olympics and who don’t believe state propaganda. Enforcement Officers come in the but capitalism and the state in general. We We support the combat that frees the middle of the night as the children and propose a new sport to be added to the 2010 Mapuche people from the state. The police their parents sleep in bed, and have games, amateur vandalism of Royal Bank of troops besiege and try to impose terror in not left to go to school or work. It also Canada locations across Vancouver and the rebel communities of the Mapuche ensures no witnesses are present. territory under Chilean occupation. The There are no official statistics as to the Canada.” Mapuche combatants expel them from their number and regularity of these raids lands. Strength brothers, the destruction of because the government will not all the states and the construction of free release the figures. The fleets of November 30, Fishersgate, UK - EDO MBM and anti-authoritarian societies have our vehicles which have been blockaded arms company attacked. During the early complete combative solidarity. It’s our this morning indicate large-scale hours of the morning red paint and bricks were objective. 100 Years After the Massacre in capacity and operation. ‘No Borders’ thrown at the walls and security cameras. does not call for a reform of deporta- the School of Santa Maria Iquique, There were no arrests. Autonomous Groups Against the State and tion centres or for ‘fairer’ immigration Capital! Multiply the Bombs that Destroy controls but for their complete the Walls of this Rotten World! Strength to abolition. It is an international network November 29, Holland - Young people of the Destruction of the State, Producer of demanding freedom of movement for almost all high schools in the Netherlands Corpses! We Are Here. 100 Years Later!!! all and working for this through direct walked out into the streets and started to ‘Federación Revuelta Sección Antipolicial action. No Nation, No Border - Fight Law & Order! create chaos. In Amsterdam riot cops on Antonio Ramón Ramón’” horses chased 13-year old kids over the Museumplein and applied the water canon on them. 250 kids were arrested (in the whole of December 15, Hamburg, December 20, Teramo, Italy - A letter - Holland). At many places small riots broke out, bomb containing nails was received by 3000 autonomes and anarchists made kids pelted buildings and cops with eggs, extreme-right militants of the ‘Tricolour a black bloc demo against state fireworks and stones. One of the buildings Flame’ political party and exploded, repression in the centre of Hamburg. attacked was that of the main media centre in although no-one was injured. The attack The demo was surrounded by high Hilversum and that of the parliament in The scared the two militants and all the numbers of police and fighting broke Hague. A motivating factor for the rebellion is inhabitants of the building they were in, out which lasted into the evening, a new law the government wants to install who woke up from the noise of the despite the security regulations in which forces kids to stay longer in school even explosion. The attack was denounced by place.

5 when there are no teachers available. School the headquarters of the regional interior affairs department. Similar demonstrations is a production line to produce obedient November 23, Georgia, USA - The workers prepared for and were also held in Madrid and also ended in Albany Dougherty Police Drug Squad open conflict. In Barcelona 10 Police monitoring. It frequently fails! compound was fire-bombed Sunday officers were injured and seven protesters night around 9 PM. Investigators believe that two Molotov cocktails were arrested. November 26, Thessaloníki, Greece - 2 were thrown over a fence from the cars were completely destroyed and another alley between Pine and Broad 5 partially damaged by fire after an arson at Avenue. Four cars were damaged, November 17, Barcelona, Catalonia - 2:50 in the morning near PAOK stadium. The including one undercover vehicle Action in answer to the repression of the arson was against a French car dealership which was totalled. A marked patrol Mossos d’Esquadra (Catalan police). (for the latest revolt in the suburbs of Paris). car was also struck by one of the Smashed windows, then Molotovs thrown Vaggelis Botzatzis was arrested and claims devices, but was only singed. Police into the town hall of the district Horta- innocence, 3 remain fugitive of terrorist have no suspects but plan to dust the Guinardo. Extracts from the claim - “...Fas- cism is that there is torture in the police charges and 2 were released after custody. remnants of the two broken bottles for stations and the population turns their heads fingerprints. aside; fascism is that people die trying to cross the economic border of Africa to November 26, Diyarbakir, Turkey - Europe and people turn their heads aside; Sabotage by militant ‘Türk Telekom’ telecom- November 21, France - France’s fascism is that the parties of the left criticize munications workers against Turkish Armed high-speed TGV rail network has been the aggression of Nazi groups or the Forces fiber-optic telecommunication lines. damaged by a “coordinated con- extreme-right and later they themselves are After a three-week pursuit the police certed campaign of sabotage”, the responsible for the situation in the police apprehended 17 suspects, among whom SNCF state-owned rail operator has stations, prisons or centers of immigrants. were three members of the Turkish Telecom- said. It said acts of sabotage over- We will not let you return to humiliate to us, munication Workers Union (Türkiye Haber- night, including fires, caused huge no aggression without an answer. This Is). The suspects stated that the sabotage delays to TGV services already hit by (action) goes to you, Carlos.” was aimed at the 2nd Tactical Air Force a long transport union strike over Command’s communication lines and also reforms. The SNCF blamed militants the Turkish Armed Forces. Due to the for the attacks, saying they wanted to sabotage Turkish F-16s returning from an harm ongoing talks to end the strike. November 17, Thessaloníki, Greece - On operation against the Kurdistan Workers’ Union officials deplored the attacks as the day of the student uprising remem- Party (PKK) were unable to land in acts of vandalism. The week of strikes brance against the American-backed fascist Diyarbakir. There has been ongoing industrial has caused havoc across France. military junta in 1973, at 4:20 in the morning an anarchist group used gas canister bombs action by workers of ‘Türk Telekom’. Businesses started complaining that the strikes are hurting their operations to destroy two police cars, one van, and the and Finance Minister Christine glass windows of an office of the municipal Lagarde said the dispute was costing police at Evosmos district. A communique November 26, Villiers-le-Bel, Paris, France France up to 400m euros (£290m) a appeared at, claiming - More than 100 police officers were injured, the action in the name of “A Minor group of day. five of them seriously, when bands of youths mostly mentally disordered persons, with a rioted for days in the suburbs of Paris after loose perversion to commit unlawful actions, the deaths of two minority teenagers. 4 pigs ruining public and private properties”. This is were injured by gun-fire and one riot cop November 21, Tarragona, Catalonia in fact is a term used by V. Floridis, a public was shot in the shoulder with a high-calibre - Several youths made a symbolic prosecutor when he announced that the rifle. The town’s police chief was beaten in attack on the military barracks of the police will be authorised to perform arrests the face after he tried to negotiate with the ‘Guardia Civil’ (Spanish military inside the universities. In Greek law the rioters. Gun fire was used to attack the police) by throwing several paint universities were a refugee from the law, due Sarcelles police station, which was burnt to bombs and eggs at the front of the to the the armed invasion of the police and the ground. Young people stood around and building. This action was aimed at the army in the schools in 1973 which laughed as they watched it burn to ruins. In defying the very existence of this caused dozens of fatalities and many cases addition, 63 vehicles and five buildings, Spanish repressive military body of torture to preserve the power of the junta. including a library and two schools, were set which is still present throughout the The group claims it was an act of solidarity on fire as the unrest spread to six suburban Catalan Countries, as well as to with 3 anarchists imprisoned before for trial - ghettos north of Paris 24 hours after two condemn them as torturers and post- Marios Tsourapas, Chrissostomos youths, aged 15 and 16, were killed when Francoists who endorse fascism and Kontorevithakis and Christina Tonidou - and their off-road motorcycle was struck by a are imposed throughout the Catalan demands “freedom to all captivated police car in the suburb of Villiers-le-Bel. In region, preventing its social emanci- prisoners of democracy”. the first two days of rioting nearly 100 cars pation. After the action 4 young and a dozen buildings were set on fire or people were pursued and arrested but Also, diverse attacks happened during the otherwise damaged by groups of young they refused to give a statement, they customary marches of remembrance of the people. On the A1 highway outside of Paris, were charged with acts of public November 1973 events. Stones and paint bold graffiti letters promised “Revenge for disorder. were thrown at the Court Council of the Villiers-le-Bel.” Cars were burning in at least State, banks and ATMs got damaged. four neighboring suburbs, and minor clashes Clashes between protesters and undercover occurred in at least one other town. “That’s policemen and between protesters and just the beginning. This is a war. There is no November 19, Barcelona, Catalonia PASOK (ex-ruling party) youth members also mercy,” one youth was reported to have said. – In response to the murder of Carlos, happened. (During last year’s November 17 march, PASOK youth members had paid “We want two cops dead.” a 16 year old anti-fa militant by a Nazi in Madrid, anti-fascists and anarchists some hooligans to beat left wing and lit garbage bins on fire and attacked anarchist protesters, to defend their bloc

6 from any possible threat). More than 20,000 ered in the city to protest the banned November 8, Athens, Greece - Gas people participated in the marches in Neo-Nazi march, chasing and beating canister exploded near a police station. 13 Athens, while the state mobilised more than up the Neo-Nazis who made it gas canisters (only two of them exploded) 8,000 policemen. Some protesters also downtown. Forty anarchists armed were placed near a police station in Patissia attacked the Lefkou Pyrgou Police with sticks were detained after they district, Athens. Near them were found some Departement (At Aristotelous Square) with turned against the police who tried to leaflets demanding “Freedom to Zoniana”. sticks and stones. In Heraklion, Crete, break up the clashes and protect the Zoniana is a village in Crete where, after a attacks with stones, bottles and paint were Nazis. Police detained 396 radicals, policeman got injured when unknown made against bank subsidiaries and security 40 of whom were anti-fascists, during persons opened fire against him, the police cameras, during the march. the clashes between anarchists and took over the whole village with more than Neo-Nazis. Nearly 200 will be 200 men from the special police forces, charged with misdemeanors. The undercover policemen and riot police units police confiscated many weapons, on an inquiry of any violations of arms and November 12, Larnaca, Cyrpus - Gas including guns, batons and knives. drugs laws. The Zoniana residents got canister attack against “Elliniki” Bank in Medics treated seven people, mistreated and many of them beaten by the Larnaka. Unfortunately police have already including one policeman, for head charged two suspects, 33 & 34 years old, policemen that besieged the village. injuries sustained in the street and claimed they previously attempted to steal money from the bank’s ATM, and after fighting. failing to do so, they set it on fire using 5 November 2, Manchester, UK - The locks gas canister devices. of the ‘Northern Assurance’ Building were November 10, Larnaca, Cyprus - super-glued shut in the early hours of the The anarchist “‘Zenon’ Larnaca morning. This was an act of sabotage Resistance Group” claimed responsi- against FD Tamesis, housed in this building, November 11, Athens, Greece - Unidenti- bility for an explosion outside a intended to highlight the company’s fied persons set the Alpha Bank subsidiary Hellenic Bank branch in Larnaca. The involvement in the construction of what will at Theatrou Square on fire, a little after attack occurred at 4am. It involved be the UK’s largest immigrant deportation midnight. They broke the glass window and five gas bombs placed at the bank’s centre, ‘Brook House’ near Gatwick Airport. threw both gas canisters and Molotov front entrance and setting of fire to Financial Dynamics, of which FD Tamesis is cocktails inside the bank, that resulted in a papers outside the door. The explo- the Manchester branch, is a ‘business and serious fire, damaging the other floors of the sion caused material damage to the financial communications’ consultancy firm building as well. In a communique sent to building, while no efforts had been which is managing public relations for Brook “Eleftherotipia” news paper the action is made to break in. The arsonists’ claimed for the “Empristikes Sinidisis” House on behalf of the UK Home Office. actions were recorded by the bank’s (Arsonist Spirits) mentioning: “Our attack security cameras. Police arrested a was not simply an act of juxtaposition handful of people in connection with against the centers that manage the Brad Will the case. They were later released Brad Will Economy. The ashes we left behind us will after nothing incriminating was found soon vanish into thin air leaving their place against them. According to a letter to new offices, darling employees, stable sent to Politis newspaper on Novem- bank rates and anxious consumers”, “Our ber 18 by the group, the attack was attack didn’t target just the mess-up with the targeted at aspects of society which normal money circulation, but to immediately create an air of deceptive tranquillity. attack those who tolerate and consent. To all “Deceptive, because even when the these that sign contracts of obedience, that passiveness that facilitates the state choose to stand waiting in a bank line in carrying out its plans, and has been faithfully repeating the advertising para- accepted by the majority of the digms, reproducing such strong good- October 26, New York City, USA - Early population, there will still be resis- civilian feelings”, “It was an attack of active morning explosives rocked the Mexican tance that bring down the deception solidarity and a message for what is about Consulate shattering windows and waking of almighty capitalism,” the letter said. to follow, dedicated to Giorgos Voutsis- neighbors, nearly one year to the day since At this point the letter referred to the Vogiatzis, who expropriated the “Ethiki” gunmen sympathetic to the Mexican ruling violent reaction by Lymbia residents in Bank at Gizi, denying to come to terms with party assassinated anarchist Brad Will. The May over government proposals to the legality of this world.” murder of Brad Will sparked weeks of create a waste disposal plant. The protest in his home of New York City. organisation said the bank had been Demonstrators occasionally got unruly and targeted as the main symbol of left the Mexican Consulate on East 39th November 11, Prague, Czech - Anarchist & capitalism and the largest enemy of Street damaged. NYPD detectives have Anti-Fa black bloc smashed a Neo-Nazi the oppressed, blaming banks for their reviewed surveillance cameras from the area demo called by the organisation ‘Young extortionate loans and excessive and believe that a lone man in his 20s hurled National Democrats’. 300 to 400 Neo-Nazis interest rates. It also said capitalists two small home made grenade-like explosive arrived in the Czech capital with the became richer due to the existence of devices at the consulate building around intention to march through its historic Jewish banks as well as the institution of 3:30 am this morning and left the scene on Quarter on the anniversary of Nazi wage labour. “We could no longer a bicycle. The attack has been compared to Germany’s “Night of Broken Glass” pogrom remain indifferent to this cruel a 2005 attack at the British Consulate (an against Jews. A police presence of 1615 exploitation and did what is all too artisan pipe bomb was detonated damaging officers on the streets barred most Neo- clear for every oppressed person,” the the facade of the building). Windows were Nazis from getting anywhere near the organisation said. The group added broken but no one was injured in either historic Jewish district, stopping them in that it welcomed similar attacks on incident nor have police made any arrests or metro stations and elsewhere. Two bus banks and a political offices in Nicosia named any suspects but at least one local loads of German right-wing extremists never which it said had prompted its own anarchist was questioned by the FBI in reached the city centre and were turned participation in the “struggle for social connection with the 2005 bombing. back to Germany. 1,500 anarchists gath- and individual independence”.

7 October 21, Copenhagen, Denmark - A October 16, Kimberley, UK - Anti- group of black-clad autonomen attacked fascists successfully blockaded a extreme-right group ‘Stop Islamisation Of British National Party (BNP) meeting Europe’ (SIOE), prior to a demonstration venue. The hall was surrounded by they had announced outside the Institute of anti-fascists from well before the Human Rights. The anti-fascists ambushed event was scheduled to take place. 2 vehicles holding the security team and The anti-fascists massively outnum- organisers of the event, seriously injuring 4 bered the police as well as the BNP people. The autonomen were not arrested and their supporters. Antifash wrote: and fled the scene. The extreme-right wing “In a pincer move of dangerous guile group claimed a senior organiser and a and cunning we approached the security team member would have been parish hall where the fash were due to killed had they not been wearing stab-proof meet from two different directions. In vests. a bit of an anti-climax there were only a handful of coppers and no obvious fascist presence. We quickly moved into a line to completely block the October 19, Thessaloníki, Greece - Gas October 6, Berne, Switzerland - Autonomen front of the hall, preventing any canister attacks against bank and ruling and anarchists wrecked havoc at a right-wing movement in and out. After a bit of political party offices. At 4 o’clock in the political rally by building barricades, throwing pushing and shoving with the morning a fire erupted on an ATM device of petrol bombs and torching cars. The Swiss outnumbered police we had a line an ‘Ethniki’ bank subsidiary at Ydra square, capital of Berne was turned into a battle zone several people deep across the in Kalamaria. 15 minutes later, a gas when anarchists and left-wing radicals seized driveway to the hall. Down at the other canister attack lead to an arson at the Nea control of the main square outside parliament, end people blocked the pedestrian Dimokratia (ruling party) offices on Efessou routing the main far-right political party two entrance to the hall. No wannabe Str. 54, causing glass windows to break weeks before a general election and catching fascists were going to get into this and minor damages. A group named the Swiss police off guard. Police officers Foundation ‘Gilles Bonnot’ claimed meeting.” admitted they had been outwitted by the responsibility for the attacks, with the guerrilla tactics of the rioters who set fires, following text: “Capitalism can be brought lifted paving stones, torched vehicles, hurled down. But not with arguments. - Eternal October 9, Buenos Aires, stones and petrol bombs, and laid waste to youth/ my night-time companion/ we are - “In the cold and damp hours of the jewelers’ stores and posh watch dealers. The both fully aware of it/ that two explosions morning, some hands placed an planned right-wing rally was disrupted by up to like the ones last night/ at Ethniki bank in explosive device in a ‘Volkswagen’ 1,000 masked autonomous street fighters who Ydras square/ and at the N.D. offices in dealership located at the intersection blocked the SVP’s (Swiss Peoples party) Krini/ worth truly more/ than two full spades of Castro Barros and Hipolito progress, outwitted the police by operating in of diamonds. - Dedicated to Giorgos Hirigoyen streets, in the capital city. In small groups moving in and out of the crowds, Voutsis-Vogiatzis. Freedom to all prisoners. - the area were found pamphlets with and ransacked the SVP stage and campaign Foundation ‘Gilles Bonnot’. Notes: Nea the following note: “This morning, we equipment. The Federal Square, site of a Dimokratia (N.D) is the ruling party in hit the ‘Volkswagen’ dealership. This charming Saturday morning flower and Greece. Giorgos Voutsis-Vogiatzis is an morning, we demonstrated our hatred vegetable market, resembled a war zone by anarchist arrested after a bank expropriation towards the German state that has Saturday night, littered with debris, masonry, in Athens. incarcerated our companions. We shattered glass and torched metal. The city demand the immediate liberation of mayor admitted “impotence” in the face of the Gabriel Pombo Da Silva and Jose riots. The SVP is lead by Christoph Blocher, a Fernandez Delgado, who are found in tough-talking populist and millionaire industri- October 17, Brighton, UK - A policeman the extermination centers of the alist. The far-right party won the elections later was attacked by about 50 cows, leaving German state, and all the prisoners of in the year, following an anti-immigrant him with four broken ribs and a punctured the world. Fire to the state, to capital campaign. The party’s main election poster lung. Inspector Chris Poole, 50, said the and its prisons. Free Jose and bears the slogan: My Home, Our Switzerland, cattle repeatedly butted and stamped on Gabriel. Revolutionary Black Cells. Keep It Secure. It shows three white sheep him when he was out walking his dog on Kurt Gustav Wilckens Brigade.” kicking a black sheep off the red-and-white the South Downs earlier this month. The Notes: Kurt Gustav Wilckens was Swiss flag. Police said 18 officers and three officer, from Brighton, Sussex, said he was born on the 3th of November 1886 in protesters were injured. There was 42 arrests. crossing a field along a footpath. One cow Germany. As an anarchist he was The violence prevented 10,000 supporters of butted him in the back, forcing him to the active in Germany, the the People’s Party from marching through ground, before the others joined in, he and Argentina. In 1922 he decided to Berne to a square in front of parliament to hear recalled. Inspector Poole said he managed hit the Argentinean lieutenant-colonel leading party members speak, including to escape when his dog fled, distracting the Varela who is responsible for the Justice Minister Christoph Blocher and cows. He was taken to Eastbourne District slaughter of 1500 striking land Defense Minister Samuel Schmid. General Hospital by air ambulance after workers in Patagonia. The 25th of attracting the attention of another dog January 1923 he throws a bomb to walker. He also suffered from severe Varela. The bomb hits both legs and bruising from his thighs to his shoulder, and October 6, Copenhagen, Denmark - Varela grasps his sable. Wilckens almost died three days later when one of his Dramatic scenes in Copenhagen as anarchists pulls his revolver and finishes the broken ribs severed an artery. Now that’s and autonomen attempted to squat a large hangman. He is arrested and locked plot of land and warehousing named “G13.” what we call Animal Liberation! up. In the night of 16th of June 1926 On Saturday 6th, between 3,000 - 6,000 Wilckens gets killed in his cell by the people took part in a co-ordinated day of prison guard Perez Millan (member of action and resistance which was met with the Patriotic League). heavy police repression. All the time demon- 8 strators used the confrontational, but non- which is ours. No guards nor prisons September 29, Ghent, Belgium - About violent, methods accepted by all. That will stop our rebellion! International 70 people took the streets and demon- meant people pushed police lines, climbed Solidarity!” strated through the city centre in solidarity over secured police-vans, used ladders to with Gabriel, Jose and all prisoners in get over fences, used tools for cutting struggle. The demo ends in front of the fences, used gas-masks to stay inside the September 29, Vancouver, Coast prison of Ghent. In Brussel several slogans of rage appeared on building like ‘Death to gassed areas, ran around in 4 big Salish Territory, (Canada) - “Win- prison and its world’ at the Hallepoort, decentralised groups, crossed railway dows of the Royal Bank of Canada ‘Let’s burn prison’ at the Justice Tribunal. tracks. The police used dog units, batons (RBC) at Hastings and Nanaimo were Two banners were hung on the big roads and an amount of CS gas never seen in relieved of their structural integrity by Denmark before . The people made it a small group of anarchists in the late around the centre of Brussels. through police lines into the G13 site, to evening with the help of fist-sized occupy it for several hours, but were cleared stones. This action was done in from the building. Also the pigs arrested a solidarity with anarchists Gabriel September 28, Bilbao, Euskadi - About total of 437 people, which is this time this Pombo da Silva, Jose Fernandez thirty individuals gathered at the German has been done in a single police action. Delgado, and Marcos Camenish, who Consulate and distributed pamphlets in People were left on concrete floor, their were on hunger strike in European solidarity with Gabriel, Jose and all hands tied up for hours with no water and prisons. As well as to contribute to prisoners in struggle. Some entered the so on, but a few crafty ones were able to the actions taking place worldwide on Consulate to make them send a fax to the slip their bonds... this international day of action. RBC German Ambassador in Madrid and the was hit because it is a bank. A German minister of Foreign Affairs. fundamental institution which October 6, Athens, Greece - Mobile phone reproduces Capital. The very system (at the service and profit of a bunch of antenna brought down. More than 40 September 28, Montevideo, Uruguay - “In vultures) that exploits people world- people responded to the Residents’ the night of Friday 28th of September the wide and destroys life in general; as it Committee and took part in an open air locks of the Goethe Institute (German simultaneously creates spectacular sabotage of a ‘WIND’ mobile phone cultural institution) and Iberia [Spanish events of repression. Such as the antenna placed in an area with kinder- Airlines Company] got sealed. On the side 2010 Olympics, which is conveniently gardens and schools in Prombona area of (of the building) ‘Solidarity with Gabriel and sponsored by RBC. Capitalism, with Ano Patisia. Jose’ and an circled A was written. A small its prisons and banks, like RBC, exist gesture to greet the comrades who made worldwide. Let the road to the an appeal to solidarity with our imprisoned Olympics be littered with the wreck- October 2, Brighton, UK - Firefighters were age we leave in their place!” Anar- comrades.” called out twice in two hours after cars were chists also squatted a house to make deliberately set on fire. The first incident an info evening about Gabriel and took place at around midnight when a Jose. September 28, Castellen, Spain - The ‘parked ‘Kia Pride’ was destroyed. Fire imprisoned anarchist comrade Joaquin crews dealt with the blaze and were later Garces Villacampa goes on hunger strike till called to a downtown area near Church the 30th of September for the following September 29, Madrid, Spain - Place in Brighton at around 2am, where an reasons: “- As a protest against the Three real estate offices in the barrio ‘Austin Metro’ was on fire. abhorrent repressive practices against the of Prosperidad got their locks sealed anarchist comrades Gabriel Pombo da in solidarity with Gabriel, Jose, Marco Silva and Jose Fernandez, prisoners of the October 2, 2007, Brussels, Belgium - A and all other prisoners in struggle. German State. - For the abolition of State - BMW dealership in Brussels was attacked Capital, privilege and domination in the with Molotov cocktails in solidarity with broadest meaning of the word. LONG LIVE Gabriel Pombo da Silva and Jose Fernandez September 29, Zurich, Switzerland - FREEDOM - DESTROY PRISON - FREE Delgado, anarchist prisoners. At least two In front of the Bezirksgericht about ANARCHIST PRISONERS” vehicles were consumed by flames. seventy persons gathered in solidarity with Marco, Gabriel, Jose and Mehmet Esiyok. Pamphlets are September 27, Barcelona, Catalonia - October 1, Brussels, Belgium - Attacks on distributed. DuPont company directors house attacked German consulate and BMW dealership. in Barcelona. The sabotage is framed within The German consulate in Brussels was the international fight to shut down attacked with paint bombs in solidarity with September 29, Rheinbach & ‘Huntingdon Life Sciences’ (HLS) animal Jose and Gabriel and all the prisoners in Aachen, Germany - About 70 vivisection company. The claim - “Last night struggle. comrades gathered at the prisons of from 27 to 28 September we decided to Rheinbach and Aachen, in solidarity visit once again our good friend Teresa, she with anarchist prisoners Gabriel is a director of DuPont, a company linked to September 29, Everywhere, Global - Pombo da Silva and Jose Fernandez HLS. We felt incredibly happy about “Today the 29th of September is an Delgado.. At Rheinbach, about 200 meeting with her again that we had to international day of solidarity with prisoners tennis balls with messages against express our love by breaking her windows..”, in struggle, and more particularly for Gabriel prison fly over the wall. In Aachen the “Stop playing doctor with your friends at Pombo da Silva and Jose Fernandez comrades outside could hear the HLS or their shit will continue hitting you Delgado, anarchist prisoners in Germany. shouts of Gabriel Pombo da Silva. A more and more. We are getting closer and Prison is the clearest expression of this text was read and distributed to the our relationship will get more intense every society based on money, collective stupidity minute. Until every cage is empty. Animal and the imprisonment of deviance (psychiat- few people who passed by. ric, social, sexual). We struggle from the liberation now! - Animal Liberation Front” inside and outside to conquer the freedom 9 September 26, California, USA - “A prisoners Gabriel, Jose and Marco. August 30th we decided to celebrate the BMW auto and an S.U.V. owned by Paul Three persons go on hunger strike in end of commercial whaling in Iceland by Moravek of 1613 Tyler Drive in Fullerton solidarity with Gabriel, Jose and removing a large section of cooling pipe in California will be needing new paint jobs Marco. the engine room of the Norwegian whaler after tonight, the night of Sunday Sept 23 m “Willassen Senior”. After ensuring that the 2007. Paul will also notice his driveway vessel was unoccupied the salt water flowing blood red, with the pristine white September 16, Switzerland & intake valve was opened unleashing a cement thoroughly stained. Paul Moravek Germany - Anarchist prisoners Marco torrent of water into the heart of the killer is V.P. of Moravek Biochemicals, a Camenisch (Switzerland), Gabriel ship that two years earlier took 14 minutes company in the practice of producing and Pombo da Silva and Jose Fernandez to brutally murder a threatened minke selling hazardous and radioactive Delgado (Germany) start a hunger whale. The sinking of the whaler and the substances. As if this isn’t moral violation strike till the 29th of September. silencing of its deadly harpoon is dedicated enough, Moravek INC. is in the habit of to the memory of the Yangtze river dolphin supplying their toxic and deadly wares to who because of humankind’s greed will H.L.S. where they are used to induce never again grace the waters of our blue September 1, Copenhagen, untold pain and disease upon hundreds of planet. The turn of our wrenches is a Denmark - A several thousand strong animals on a daily basis. H.L.S. conducts rational response to a world where tens of demo marked the six months anniver- fraudulent science and tortures and thousands of species disappear every murders without conscience. For your sary of the eviction of Ungdomshuset, support of H.L.S. Moravek, you were a long-running autonomous project year." rewarded with a visit from the Animal and social space. In 2000, the local Liberation Front. Next time you cash an government sold the building to a H.L.S. check remember that your gated Christian group that obtained a court August 28, 29 & 30, Cornwall, UK - Urban neighborhood isn’t very secure. Remem- order to evict the squatters. Squatters sprawl targeted as people burn down ber that we stood in your driveway and running the centre were evicted from expensive new houses in poor rural areas. watched the flickering blue light from your the building by an anti-terror squad on Police in Cornwall are linking three arson TV. Remember that we are capable of 1 March, sparking the worst civil attacks on new housing estates in the doing so much more. Tonight we used unrest in Denmark since World War 2. county. The attacks destroyed the designer restraint that we are not convinced you The six months anniversary demo was kitchen of a show home in Penryn and a deserve. Drop H.L.S. or there will be a followed by a street party with sound- portable building and marketing suite at two next time. - ALF” system on the site of the now torn sites in Truro. The fires occurred on three down Ungdomshuset. During the consecutive nights. Police say they have night the party erupted into a full not ruled out the possibility that they were blown riot resulting in massive caused by Cornish independence activists September 24, Santiago, Chile - The damage to several franchise stores who have threatened action over the issue prestigious Santa Maria church was and banks, burning barricades and of affordable housing, unsustainable bombed, no-one was injured. Here is part cars, several injured police officers development and manipulation of rural of the communique: “This is what the and a burnt riot van. During the riots press and the state hide: We bombed the areas. approximately 65 people were Santa Maria church in Santiago, Chile. A arrested, 5 of whom were detained cavern for the privileged people of this longer than 24 hours. Many were country. Blessed hypocrites directly August 21, Brecon Beacons, UK - The charged with disturbing the peace or responsible for the fascist dictatorship Brecon beacons gas pipeline works were that generated this deceitful democracy assaulting a police officer. sabotaged during a night action as part of praised by their damned God. We the week of action against climate change bombed the place which is erected on the and in defense of the earth. Armed with missing corpses that their brave patriotic August 31, Lancashire, UK - only a wrecking bar and determination, a heroes assassinated. This September we Prisoners revolted at Lancashire small team was able to bypass the poor interrupted its festive tricolors with our Farms Young Offenders Institution security and render immobile a total of 11 revolutionary joy.”, “At every moment some when the prison guards went on a machines including tipper trucks and of us exist watching them. We are national strike for better pay and excavators. Major engine and hydraulic everywhere. Groups De Ataque Anti- benefits. The guards attempted to components were destroyed and the Autoritario.” lock down 500 inmates into their cells pipeline itself was holed in several places. but prisoners on two wings resisted This action was carried out by normal and caused “significant damage” people and was easy to achieve others More than 120 quick reaction control should consider similar actions. The September 22, Buenos Aires, Argentina and restraint officers, known as pipeline is destroying natural habitats in - Action of solidarity with Giannis ‘Tornado Teams’, were sent in from order to supply a fuel that we cannot burn if Dimitrakis, anarchist prisoner of Greece. several prisons to put down the At dawn a branch of the real estate chain the life on this planet is to survive. rebbellion. Eight tornado teams - of Arkis (Greek ownership), located in the containing about 16 officers each - district of San Telmo, was painted with were sent from other prisons across slogans in solidarity with Giannis August 19, Amsterdam, Holland - the region. A number of youths were Dimitrakis, companion anarchist kid- Sabotage of luxury vehicles in solidarity ghosted to other prisons following the napped by the Greek state. Giannis with Jeff ’Free’ Luers. Here is the claim from trouble. Dimitrakis out on the street! the group responsible : “On the night of Sunday 19th - Monday 20th, 23 cars (most sport utility vehicles) got damaged by August 30, Svolvaer, Lofoten putting building foam inside the (key) September 18, Zürich, Switzerland - A Islands, Norway - Whaling ship trigger. And with graffiti on the outside few persons occupy Radio Lora and read destroyed by ecological militants. saying “Free Jeff”. This action is in solidarity a communique in solidarity with anarchist Here is the claim : “On the night of

10 with Jeff “Free” Luers, condemned by the conditions inside the detention centre, Oregon courts. He was sent to prison for 23 which is run by American company The Bombs (1915) years. He is a victim of the green scare and GEO, and the discriminatory deci- we want to support him and tell him he’s not sions of Newport immigration court, alone!” which is used for bail hearings and appeals involving Campsfield detainees. Three solidarity demos were held on Tuesday midday at August 19, Great Yarmouth, UK - A police Campsfield House, Lindholme station in Norfolk came under siege in the (Doncaster) and the Communication early hours of the morning when a group of about 100 people built barricades and House (London). hurled stones, beer and wine bottles at the pig station. The attack in Great Yarmouth happened after police brutally raided and July 30, Essex, UK - Earth Liberation broke up an at an industrial estate Front hits ‘Rio Tinto Alcan’ in Essex in and arrested three people in a van carrying solidarity with Saving Iceland, here is sound equipment. Ch Supt Bob Scully said the claim - “Rio Tinto Alcan, perhaps the arrested people were not involved in the the worlds worst polluter / murderer, police station attack as they had been had one of its factories sabotaged in arrested for possessing sound equipment, Essex in retaliation for buying into the It had a strong charm within us; of Abyss and but they were linking the two incidents. The ecocide of Iceland. Damage was Sun. More than with Iron and Fire, we used to call attack was declared a major incident by done in support of the ongoing with ideas and this was their charm. Norfolk Police. Police said they broke up the campaign against the heavy “unlicensed event” at a warehouse on industrialisation of Iceland. In the early We used to say: Their mobility was justice. We the Harfrey industrial estate on the outskirts hours of 30/07/07, saboteurs struck at have to cry a lot before killing somebody. of the resort just before midday, then the Smurfit Kappa, a plastics factory crowd gathered to attack. 15 people were owned by Rio Tinto Alcan in Therefore, if one is the one who throws it, who arrested. Chelmsford, Essex. The gates were loads them, we are all. Their loads are our sadness, locked shut, office doors and loading blood, pain and tears. That’s why they blow up bays were sabotaged with glue and a that way, always against the tyranny : Never message left painted on the wall. against our people. August 14, Sarstedt, Germany - Militant Vehicles belonging to Rio Tinto were action against the nuclear company “E.on”. 6 also sabotaged. Rio Tinto, who have And the dynamite was like a big brother. Even vehicles of the company were burnt causing recently acquired the business have more, like our father, killing to save us. Thanks to a damage of about 300.000 Euro. The fire arguably the worse record of any him, we can keep our hopes up, seeing how the destroyed four Volkswagen vans, one car corporation for abuse of the earth and bourgeois consternate, and be, at least for an and a work vehicle in the fenced area of the its people. Whether they’re sponsor- instance filled with fear and respect. company. ing and training paramilitaries committing genocide in the South Oh yes, it had a supreme abyss and sun. And it Pacific, removing entire mountain tops was ours. It’s explosion was like a cranium full of August 10, , Germany - Amongst the in Africa or strip mining virgin our sadness. cars burned down at the weekend there was rainforest that belongs to indigenous a luxury ‘Porsche’ sports-car and a ‘Hummer’ tribes, they must be stopped. Rio But now, no we talk about the embarrassed bombs. jeep, as well as a ‘Renault Megane’. Vehicles Tinto’s recent acquisition of Alcan Now they are not loaded with sadness, but with of nuclear company ‘Siemens AG’ and a makes them party to the greatest fury. They no longer explode against the tyranny, ‘Opel Meriva’ car of the Bundeswehr ecological crime currently being but at children’s feet; they no longer justify, they (Federal Defense Force - the united armed committed in Europe. They are looking are criminal. Any uniformed prick makes them forces of Germany, were set on fire. In the to turn Iceland’s great wildernesses blow from the machine to a city who sleeps, or to a night of the 10th of August unknown people into a series of monolithic power countryside full of labourers, or to a village who let down the air of the tires of two cars of the stations to power aluminum smelters; are singing or praying: To fate, where they end up, Deutsche Bahn (train company) in one of the most polluting and energy they end up. Friedrichshain. Besides these actions there intensive industries in the world. Rio were others: So more cars were set on fire in Tinto bring repression wherever they We are embarrassed. Yesterday.. Yesterday?.. Hamburg over the last nights and in go, in Bouganville in the South Pacific Everyday the news talk about the bourgeois Schassneberg unknown people cut the tires they hired mercenaries to rape and bombings. They are sown by planes and or of four ‘Daimler-Chrysler’ luxury cars. It looks murder all who opposed their massive zeppelins – from the sky. And they carry amongst like the militant campaign is not over after copper mine, Panguna. Their invasion our people the injustice, death and cowardness; like the G8 and neither is it intimidated by the into Iceland is no different and their own lives. raids, as especially the arson attack on a protests against heavy industry are Bundeswehr vehicle shows. In the course of being met with police violence and Oh, our bombs! ... We are ashamed. ASHAMED! this it was a hot summer for the nuclear activists are fitted up and subject to industry. state sponsored slander. It’s neces- --- sary to hit Rio Tinto where it hurts, on From “Carteles I”, a series of Spanish language the bottom line, the balance sheet. anarchist texts circulating in the Spanish prison August 4, Oxfordshire, UK - A riot broke Where it matters. Earth Liberation system and beyond. Translated into English by out in the Campsfield House immigration Front.” anarchist prisoner Rafael “Jon-Bala” Martinez Zea. prison, leading to 26 migrants escaping. 15 have since been recaptured, while the rest 325 will print the articles in serial form and also are still on the run. It followed a yard protest as a complete pamphlet alongside the second part July 21, Santiago, Chile - An on Tuesday night against the appalling of the collection of texts, “Carteles II”. explosive device detonated outside

11 the front of the home of the Chilean Home attack “represents our armed July 5, Guipuzcoa, Spain - After some mass Minister Patricia Poblete, to the east of solidarity with the anti-imperialist conflict and street violence against police, Santiago. The police claimed that there resistance that fight the cowardly people cut the railroad of the RENFE (Rail had been no damage inflicted to property occupying armies, in the lands where company), interrupting for more than 2 hours or people. The device was placed in a capital seeks to bury its claws.”, “We the railroad traffic in Guipuzcoa, with the waste basket located to the front of the are talking about Iraq, Afghanistan, suspension of 5 convoys of merchandises residence of the Minister, in the town of and many other territories that refuse and delay of another 7. This is an act of Vitacura. Poblete was at home when it to bear the harmful presence of these sabotage against the RENFE corporation in happened. The identity of the people criminals in their lands. Criminals that Guipuzcoa which destroys natural areas and responsible is not known. The past assassinate and torture, sent and facilitates the rule of the capitalists. Sunday 15 of July an explosive device supported by the rotten monarchy led exploded in the building of the embassy of by the Elizabethan corpse, which still Great Britain in Santiago, while Wednes- breathes for now.”, “This action July 5, Sanguesa, Navarrese, Spain - The day and Friday false alarms were made in expresses our rejection of the main Post Offices in Sanguesa were continuous support that the the embassies of the U.S.A. and Canada. attacked with 4 Molotov cocktails. Part of monarchic British state delivers to the the facade of the building was burnt. One Zionist State. This action shows our hour before, the Guardia Civil (Paramilitary unrestricted support to the autono- July 18, Madrid, Spain police) had reported another attack after 3 - 30 real estate mous and insurrectionist groups that agents had their locks sealed with glue and homemade devices exploded against the are within England who want to strike defaced with paint. This was done in government offices of the Treasury of the against monarchy and capital. We solidarity with the self-organised squatted greet you companions!”, “We Social Security. social centre ‘La Alarma’, which is threat- celebrate the death of each stupid ened with eviction. The slogans painted on soldier of the imperial armies, the the estate agents declared “No to the ones that died when their mother July 5, Thessaloníki, Greece - An arsonist evictions” and “We will continue dreaming, country sent them to attack other we will continue ”. The claim device of artisan production blew up the cities. We celebrate the defeat that announced that “We try with this action to front of the headquarters of the ‘New make visible the existing conflict between the military suffers when each truck Democracy’ ruling political party, provoking real estate and the occupied social explodes into the air on Iraqi land. We some damages to the building. The device celebrate the defeat of your world! was manufactured with gasoline cans and centers”. Our Demands Are: The immediate blew up before dawn in the zone of Triandria. withdrawal of the troops of the allied army in all the places of the planet July 17, Santiago, Chile - The “Leon where they are. The immediate July 3, Turin, Italy - Anarchist-insurrectionist Czolgosz Autonomous and Destructive withdrawal of the Chilean police group FAI RAT (Informal Anarchist Federa- Forces” claimed responsibility for an troops in the Mapuche territory. The tion Rivolta Anonima Tremenda/ Tremendous attack against the British Embassy in absolute and immediate disappear- Anonymous Revolt) sent 2 explosive letter Santiago to protest the aggression ance of the State of Israel and all the devices to the editor of the “Torino Cronaca” against Iraq and Afghanistan, in an e-mail States. The liberation of all the daily newspaper, Beppe Ditches, and also to sent to some Chilean media. The anar- Political Prisoners of the world, and the reporter of “La Stampa” newspaper, chist group named after Czolgosz, the the execution of its jailers. We make a Massimo Numa, for writing and printing assassin of US President William call to spread and materialise attacks reactionary articles against migrants and McKinley, also claimed responsibility for against the interests of the imperial- anarchists. Part of the claim for the action last year’s explosion at the National ists.” Intelligence Agency, to prove its vulner- declared “You will stop and think! Or you will ability. The British Embassy explosion end up dead!”. In March, the FAI RAT caused damage to the first floor windows claimed responsibility for 3 homemade July 7, Nuevo Laredo, Mexico and diplomatic personnel on the scene - Two explosive devices, made with pressure later said they had not been threatened patrol cars of the Federal cops were cookers and placed in trash cans, detonated prior to the attack. Police are continuing set on fire at 5pm, in the parking lot of in Turin’s bourgeois Crocetta neighborhood. investigations while the embassy an- a convenience store. The agents were The blasts destroyed two trash cans but nounced stricter security measures. inside the store when some people caused no casualties. The FAI RAT declared According to Chilean media, the elec- launched Molotovs, burning the cars it a part of their campaign against Temporary tronic mail sent by the group said the completely. Residence Centers (CPT’s- immigration detention centres) in the city. Several people have been arrested. July 6, Brighton, UK – 12 incidents of cars being deliberately set alight in parts of Brighton are being linked by June 8, Berlin, Germany - Several incidents police. Previously on the 4th July, six occurred in Berlin on the finishing night of cars were burnt in the city. Police now the G8. Unknown culprits destroyed several believe the same people were windowpanes of a Job-centre in Neukolln. A responsible for more vehicles being bank in Pankow was also destroyed by a set fire to this week in Whitehawk large group. In Treptow, a 16 person group Road, Hartington Road and Ditchling set fire to 8 cars and smashed another 4. A Road. There have been no arrests but ‘BMW’ in the Bucklingstrasse in forensic work is being carried out with Friedrichshain was burned about 2.45am the fire service and police. whereby also a ‘Skoda’ standing beside it was pulled in. At the Rudolfplatz in the same quarter, about 3 o’clock two ‘BMW’s were ignited. An ‘Opel’ standing in between caught fire and burned from. In both cases, 12 the fire department put the fires out. At the ReportReport Willmanndamm a “Renault Traffic” was set on fire. Another ‘Mercedes’ was set in flames about 2.15am on the parking lot of a from the groceries discounter in the Neukollner. At from the around 9pm 400 people had attended an unregistered demonstration which was declared illegal by the police. Towards the Autonomous end of the demonstrations as the police attempted to disperse the people, they had bottles and stones thrown at them. There Spaces were 6 arrests and one pig was injured by a stone. There were several cars damaged on the outskirts of the demo. Gathering, Dijon, France

On 24th & 25th of November, an project in Thessaloniki were very clear about June 8, Greece - Co-ordinated firebombing autonomous/free spaces gathering their desire to move away from discussion attacks in Athens and Thessaloniki. Five was held at the squatted social about saving particular spaces and to frame separate arson attacks on German-related targets in the northern Greek city of centre Les Tanneries in Dijon. The the discussion more in terms of how we can Thessaloníki in solidarity with the resis- purpose of this meeting was to move and maintain our political space, tance against the G-8 summit in discuss co-ordinating a decentralized discourse and activity - beyond the walls of Heiligendamm, Northern Germany. Unknown assailants threw homemade weekend of actions in defence of free individual structures. In Poland too, the bombs that destroyed six cars and an ATM spaces in April 2008 in the face of Poznan crew were in a situation similar to and damaged a shop and a state employ- continued and, in some cases, those in Greece where, under no threat of ment office in overnight attacks, police increasing repression from the state eviction, their energy was spent on said. Among the property damaged was a cash machine at a downtown ‘Lidl’ and capital. It was also an opportunity connecting with broader social struggles supermarket, a ‘Miele’ domestic appliances to meet each other, find out what such as that against rent increases and shop, and the front of a government other projects are out there, share recent economic changes. In other places, employment office. Six ‘Mercedes’ cars at two different dealerships were also experiences and ideas, and to set up where for example, housing is more destroyed. No arrests were made and no the infrastructure for an intersquat precarious and expensive, and squatting is one was hurt in the attacks. A ‘Toyota’ network. increasingly difficult such as Berlin and dealership was also set on fire at 3am. The other overnight attacks occurred in Athens Barcelona - some squats lasting no more in which three separate German targets About 120 people from about 25 than a couple of hours, the focus was on including a German school bus and ‘Opel’ countries attended the meeting in fighting to save autonomous living and and ‘Mercedes’ dealerships were dam- Dijon. The first day began with a collective space. aged. Police believe that the attacks in presentation round and was followed both cities were carried out by anarchists. by discussion in small groups (which The discussions touched on various issues: fed back to the gathering as a whole) the pros and cons of legalization, the trend June 2, Rostock, Germany - A 5000 about strategy, and analyzing what for police forces from different countries person strong international black bloc of the concept of free space actually exchanging tactics, strategies for moving out anarchists & anti-capitalists fought the police and attacked banks, supermarkets meant to people. For some, it was of the anarchist/autonomist ghetto and and other businesses in the coastal town of very much about living space, for becoming more visible and engaged in Rostock. In a show of force against the G8 others, the free space project was social struggle, and how to move away from conference of world leaders over 400 cops were injured, 26 of them seriously. The seen almost solely as a tool to a defensive position to a more offensive one. anarchists used fire-works, flares, stones, generate and connect with sticks and a few Molotov cocktails to fight generalized social struggle. For There was a desire for the next meeting to the police. Journalists from the mainstream media were also attacked and their example, those from the Yfanet discuss some of these issues in greater cameras smashed. Cars were used as depth. barricades and set on fire. There were The second and last day of the around 150 arrests, a low number consid- meeting consisted of setting up ering the disorder. At one point in the manifestation a police vehicle was totally infrastructure for an Intersquat smashed and the pigs inside heavily injured Network. The following groups were with stones and flag-poles. The cops used set up: water cannons, tear-gas and snatch- squads against the rioters, but were forced back and had to maintain a distance from april2008-coordination the crowd. The overall demonstration was If you not only want to be kept attended by around 70,000 people and informed, but also want to actively ended with a concert and a riot in the harbour area of the city. join the april2008 process in your

13 city, you should request subscription to the shared with fellow april2008 urbanism, organizing solidarity actions (on april2008-coordination e-mail list, by sending comrades and gathered in some consulates or targeted country an e-mail to [email protected], quickly place, before being put on the main companies...) for squats threatened of introducing your collective and your motivation website. eviction in other countries, proposing open to take part. If you also want to contribute to a doors and open activities in an autonomous specific working-group, the following mailing- The April Days of De-Centralised space, bringing the activities of an lists have been created. To join one of them, Action in Defence of Free Spaces are autonomous space outside in town please specify it in your introduction mail to on 11 and 12 April. There is no official (workshops, free-zone, hacklab, infoshop, [email protected]: line for what kind of action to take, so gigs), choosing a common enemy in do what you want wherever you are or various towns (as it was done by French april2008-translation join in the initiatives of other cities if squatters in 2005, with 17 decentralised To facilitate translation of all april2008 related nothing is possible in your home-town. actions on Socialist Party’s city councils documents to be published on the website in April2008 will be a mix of both and headquarters), following the Dutch multiple languages. surprise “not-announced actions and example of a white book of squatting, with So if you’re willing to share your language public announced-beforehand events. stories of squats in every cities, electing the skills, please join! “bad landlord of the week”, occupying shops and supermarkets, disturbing april2008-zine official political debates and organizing To collect texts about autonomous your own discussion about the need for spaces, squatting, gentrification and autonomous spaces, etc., etc. related topics, in order to collect resources for local collectives to put up The meeting in Dijon was inspiring and fanzines to mobilize for april2008. energizing. Certainly, the people who travelled from Berlin - which faces a april2008-radio tough year as some of its long- To make Internet and FM radio before/ established autonomous spaces such as during/after? the april2008 mobilisation Rigaer94, Liebig34 and Liebig14, days, to collect audio materials on related Schwarzer Kanal and the Kopi face topics to include in the programs, etc. imminient eviction - returned with a lot of strength. During the meeting in Dijon, it april2008-newspaper Common targets were obviously those was often said that these encounters To publish and distribute an “inspired by involved in speculation/gentrification should be seen as a starting point for april2008” newspaper with a focus on squats and private property management and further meetings in order to have the and autonomous spaces, prior to April 2008. some ideas for actions were: possibility for a collective account and squatting something crazy and huge evaluation of april2008; to have more time april2008-www right in the town center, organizing a for strategical debates; and to think about To maintain the april2008 website and digital mass action to occupy a building with new possible offensives and solidarity ressources, and organise a web editorial team the location announced in advance (as actions. The next meeting will be held in or for action reports and miscellaneous contents. during the Copenhagen G13), around Berlin on 24-26 May 2008. A few targeting real estate agencies, days after this, there are days of action in A wiki - a collaborative website - was also set blocking or removing their offices, Berlin around the theme of autonomous up. Every page can be edited, simply by locking bailiffs inside their doors, spaces. More information about this clicking on a button, while modifications are squatting politician’s houses, meeting and the action days will be made kept in memory. It is a great tool for different organizing parties available at a later date. We will also set up people to work altogether, on a text document, against gentrification, creating fake a mailing list so that people planning to on translations, on meeting minutes, etc. newspapers about autonomous come can submit ideas for discussion and spaces and housing politics to relevant discussion documents some time The april2008 wiki is now online at distribute massively in bus/suburbs before the meeting. It was also proposed and should be stations and around town, squatting that there would be a third meeting in used by the different working groups to post land in the countryside, finding October 2008 in Barcelona. This proposal work-in-progress documents and notes that strength and people to open and keep will be made at the Asamblea de Okupas need to be easily edited by others. squats in places where it never de Barcelona (city-wide squatters’ happened or where it became really assembly). Encounters might be followed It should also allow anyone involved in the difficult, to organize tourist visits of the by days of action or not, depending on the initiative to post locally produced flyers, cities showing all the houses evicted local context, the organizers choice, and posters, materials... whatever needs to be and the evil of contemporary the experience of the Berlin gathering. 14 TowTowardsards aa wwarmarm 20082008

Back then those contracts had - the fight for been a way to pacify a struggle which due to wide support, even autonomous among the population, got out of control. The old law of “divide and conquer” had been applied, the space in Berlin State divided squatters between “ready to negotiate” and “not enters the next ready”, the one would get contracts, the other eviction, and round. in general a climate of non-solidarity the first ones to go: the first destined to had been created. represent the new “center” of the town, the latter shaped by a slightly more bohemian It has been a long, busy time here in Berlin Of course, the no-tolerance politics of – yuppie character. concerning the struggle around autonomous, Berlin’s authorities, applied constantly self-organised spaces. As many people are through the years, managed to Still, in these districts there are still several aware of, this city used to be - now ages ago logorate the ones who were fighting: dozens of former squats and similar who - one of the bastions of the squatters one knows the problem of getting tired fight for their existence. movement: first in west Berlin, afterwards of being kicked out from his/her through the fall of the Berlin wall which opened temporaneous house well too often... The district with the highest concentration new territories in the abandoned Eastern part, of autonomous spaces remains the district hundreds of empty buildings have been made With the end of the squatting of Friedrichshain – Kreuzberg. And these “lived” by a wide range of people: artists, ex - emergency, it was clear that city’s are the districts where at the moment the eastern Berlin inhabitants, autonomen, autorithies and its servants would look battle for defending autonomous spaces is anarchists, musicians and more. up for new ones to repress. The fact arising - in quality and in quantity. that this city still host several dozens Constantly confronted with the well-know To answer this “illegal” and abnormal situation of autonomous self-organised spaces, gentrification monster, its inhabitants are the city applied the infamous Berlin law: each is clashing with the rising interests of facing a rising yuppification of their squat must be evicted within 24 hours. That foreign investors who are being neighbourhood by the moving in of fashion was how the squatting movement had already attracted by an housing market which boutiques, posh-alternative bars, been defeated in west Berlin in the beginning represents the cheapest one regarding commercial artists looking for an exotic of the 80s. And as one would know already, western European capitals. Some ambient to “express” themselves, and giant German authorities are well specialized in districts of the former eastern Berlin, projects such as the Media Spree, which terms of enforcing the law. Many houses Mitte and Prenzlauerberg, have been is reshaping the area around the Spree chose to get legalized, other to resist, but river (which divides Freidrichshain from following the famous battle of the Mainzerstrasse (12 squatted houses in one street, Friedrichshain district) where hundreds resisted a siege of thousands of cops for three days, delivering to history the images of the most militant and decided defenses of a squat. It was made clear that with our limited equipment (Molotov cocktails, stones, barricades and catapults) we are not able to stop an army of cops.

Nothing new: until now, there has been no case of a libertarian struggle winning its battle on the level of militarizing itself (ok, we talk here of 1968 onwards).

This is an important lesson coming from the 70’s, and of course it proved itself once again within this situation. In one way or the other, the last squat has been evicted in 1997, signing the end of an era. Afterwards, there were unpteenth attempts to squat again which has been faced with the brutal reaction of the infamous Berlin riot units. At the same time, the fact that a couple of houses obtained contracts did not prevent trouble for them: might be that the contracts would run out, or that some new landlord would buy the house, many houseprojects (legalised squats) or trailerparks have been facing eviction and repression despite their “legal” status.

15 Kreuzberg, and where the Wall used to be) of the people regarding the by the construction of bureaus of foreign eviction. enterprises such as Universal, and where an Arena (for concerts and other mass Week long actions followed, events) is going to be open in November culminating with a 2000 strong 2008, in order to bring thousands of demonstration which walked the consumers to those districts. In the districts of Mitte and meanwhile, its surroundings are seeing their Prenzlauerberg, where at the arouse and many attempts to connect better old fashioned working class houses been end a large mob made its way around among the houses. Another coordination renovated into posh lofts or luxurious damaging cop cars, yuppie bars and between the district of Mitte and apartments. And it is in these surroundings banks. Prenzlauerberg born, which organised as well that many autonomous spaces are still a long night (although no actions took place) fighting for their existence and where a The sleeping tiger woke up roaring. to show how autonomous spaces are still mounting unsatisfaction warms up the cold present and living, despite the changes of winter nights. Few days later took place the long their areas. weekend of the Rigaerstrasse, a street 2007: the sleeping tiger wakes up. in the districts of Friedrichshain which Since the beginning of the year resistance alone host 6 houseprojects and one against gentrification grew constantly, also on As mentioned before, the fact that one trailerpark. a militant level: many, many posh cars would have a contract would not guarantee became a target, and have being torched by its permanent stay: during the years many Hundreds gathered to exchange anonymous enemies of this process, and houseprojects or trailerparks disappeared, informations, participating in dozens of estate agencies got attacked. despite their former legal status. workshops, having a demonstration Rigaer94/Kadterschmiede, an half legalized against eviction and gentrification, In late May, one of Berlin’s autonomous/ squat with an half squatted part making parties. anarchist bastions, the famous ruin Kopi, has (an open bar and workshop as well) faced The first night, several burning been sold to some speculator. Despite a several eviction since 2002, the last barricades have been erected in the demonstration of more than 2000 people, houseproject to be evicted has been the surroundings and posh cars have been and a 400 strong rally under the rain during Yorckstr.59, in 2005. Both houses have smashed. the auction, people did not managed to been violently evicted by the SEK: a Worth to mention as well a militant enforce the tactic which worked for many paramilitary police-commando used against action against a well known estate years, say scaring potential investors (there squatters, which would brand their machine agency which got trashed the night have been several auction attempts against guns or baseball bats while posing on the before the long weekend. Media the Kopi before, all resulted with an hole in roof in balaclavas. drastically reported about one of the the water), and the Kopi got sold. “worst riots of the last years”, although Both houses still fight for their existence, everything has been relatively light. The fact that demonstrations took place R94 being able to re-squat some parts However, following that weekend a afterwards (its peak: a demo on the 16 of through the years (facing probably an bank took back the credit it had been June with almost 4000 people), some banks eviction again this year) and the one from financed to some speculator who got smashed and few barricades erected, did Yorckstr.59 managing to squat another wanted to buy one of the not contributed to change the situation. building after their eviction, called New housingprojects on the street. Like Yorck. always, direct action speaks louder Following the G8 (and its many militant than words... actions), and coming back to the daily In 2007 something happened which woke normality, several people thought that the up the sleeping tiger: the social center Meanwhile, state authorities theme of the defence of our spaces had to Ungdomhuset in Kopenhagen was evicted. understood that a general climate of become central in the future. At the moment, About this, enough has been written unsatisfaction arouse, and the day there are several projects endangered: already. I will just mention one thing: the after an army of riot cops occupied the Rigaer94, Liebig14, Liebig34 (women- radicality of their struggle on the street, and district to prevent further confrontation lesbian-transgender house), Rigaer78, Kopi, their campaign which managed to gain a and ruin the good climate there. Linienhofe, Brunnenstr.183, NewYorck (ex truly international audience contributed to Yorckstr.59) and SchwarzerKanal (queer pump again energy within the Plainclothes pigs of the political branch trailerpark). Rigaer84 burned down shortly housingprojects and their supporters, and would almost never leave the street before the G8, and its tenants will be provided to get people out of their endless again until the end of the G8. probably unable to come back inside. lethargy. The fact that in Kopenhagen (you can take a look at some of them people lost an house but won a radical here - All these projects are very different, have very movement through their uncompromised different political ideas or focus, some struggle has not been underlined enough. normally do not work together. And this could Following those days, many discussion Many German supporters traveled during the months to Denmark to support the comrades there, and following the eviction solidarity actions took place in more than 30 German towns. A thing which never happened when some “German” autonomous space got evicted during the last years. In Berlin, people took the streets for a spontaneous demonstration on the day of the eviction, 400 hundred people walked in Kreuzberg, and during the night some burning barricades showed the rage

16 ones or of companies involved through a well posh nieghbourhood, the front within the nuclear business), banner reading “For autonomous, self- dozens of attacks connected organised spaces – against capitalism and to the G8, big demonstrations dominion”. A clear message. seeing huge black bloc of several thousands ones, The pigs encircled them from the beginning, in showed up an unwillingness to order to discourage any attempt to take action. accept the social standards. Despite this, having reached half of its march, many fireworks got exploded against the cops, Therefore many trials for and eggs full of paints thrown against shops or terrorist organization have the pigs. been opened, some people spent time in jail, some other The demonstration was then called off, in order are still in, and new laws to respond to police harassment and create towards an even wider social chaos and therefore small groups spread in the control have been pushed area. Posh stores got smashed, barricades through. Even still, the tiger erected and set ablaze. Meanwhile the people still roars. who stood trapped within the police kettle were abused and brutalized. The so-called “warm winter” begins... After a while small groups made their way to other districts. The results have been 10 posh As an opening up for a so- cars torched down, a Mcdonalds, some banks called “warm winter” there has and chainstores smashed, cops got attacked, been a confrontational some squatting actions and few spontaneous demonstration on the 8th of demonstrations walked around during the night. December, in the city of Berlin. Already in the call, it Cops arrested about 50 people in order to has been propagated a will to act present something to the press. The media be said for all the autonomous spaces in decentralised and surprise the well talked largely about that night, how pigs did Berlin (as internationally): however, despite organised robocop units. One wanted not have things under control, and in general the differences, one recognizes the to show finally that if they are able to about the growing readiness to violence of the dramacity of the actual stand and therefore encircle a demonstration, control autonomous scene. rather choose to cooperate on a common participants beforehand, filming and base in order to save our spaces. Some close every street, we have still the On that day, one saw that the wind keeps on understand such a struggle as a mere one gift of being uncontrollable and blowing in the right direction, and that many of saving their “living rooms”, some other try creative. We just have to want this. people are radicalizing and willing to fight for instead to push things forwards and And many wanted this, on that night. our spaces and to overcome cop tactics as thematize the daily, noiseless, evictions of well. poor people or refugees, and make clear A demonstration left the square of that this is a social problem and can be Rosenthalerplatz, district of Mitte, “in This has to be outspoken: by the call to the resolved only through a radicalization of the order to disturb the winter lethargy of demonstration it has been made clear firstly struggle towards the overcoming of capitalist investors, yuppies and city authorities that one would not merely accept the usual relationships. and to reclaim our will to fight for police provocations, and that people should be autonomous spaces” (taken from the autonomously thinking about organising their As one would imagine, such cooperation is call out). own action. not always roses and flowers, but there is a common understanding of A 1500 strong block walked its way Indeed many angry individuals or groups made respecting different tactics and as long this call theirs and actions happened within the as such a solidarity is there, it is half of the following districts: Mitte, Kreuzberg, work. Some would make a rally in front of Friedrichshain, Prenzlauerberg, Lichtenberg, the owner of their house, some other would Moabit, Neukolln and Pankow. visit him or her at home throwing firecrackers, some other would rather try to link with some other social initiative against gentrification, some other would attack estate agency, companies involved within the Media Spree project or simply look for interesting cars. Police even sent a letter to the companies involved within the Media Spree project in order to warn them about the fact that “they are a target for violent autonomen”. Indeed.

The struggle around autonomous spaces must be seen within the context of a new arise of radical, militant struggle in Germany, which worries local authorities.

Almost 120 cars burned only in Berlin (posh

17 translates into “endless resistance”. One can read a list of actions on the because a house or a trailerpark has autonomous biweekly Berlin’s newspaper been saved from eviction. Which does Of course, this can as well generate a Interim (publishing since 1987...) not mean we shouldn’t open a bottle of champagne in such a case: we need nervous breakdown in other cases, depends how one chooses to handle with all this - The monthly autonomous/anarchist there is no guarantee here offered. gathering regrouped recently 150 people to discuss about freespaces and look how Social, autonomous spaces are a to go forward. A campaign has been necessary struggle nowadays as proposed, the European action days in yesterday, is becoming more and more April are on the agenda, as the ones in an argument in all Europe among defence of Kopi by the end of May, and anarchists, autonomous people and many houses work right now on others. (anti)eviction plans. Neither we do have to undervalue how Like always when things get rough, police this opened up again a never closed and state repression are on the alert, and terrain of struggle, nor we must find political police is especially trying to watch ourselves entrapped only within this: around, trying to intimidate people. A reward social control, prisons, anti-refugee racist of 3000 euros has been even put up to try to such a small victory to go forward. laws, social misery are only few of the other end the “car-phenomenon”, since around 120 Clearly, this is not a minor fight, since themes which we are not to let fall under the cars got torched this year in Berlin, which has we need spaces in order to meet, table while we fight for “our” spaces. been linked by cops also to the resistance conspire together, act, relax, fall in against eviction and gentrification. love, eat good food and take a small break from the “outside” (but we have Our fight against the system should be total, and not being single issue limited. In Moreover, there is quite some people who did to fight the idea of the ones who see recognizing the necessity of widening such a not renounce the idea that our struggle autonomous spaces as a complete circumscribed attack lays the challenge for towards autonomous spaces has to be put in outside: there is not outside in fucking Berlin’s (as everywhere else) housingprojects, the context of a capitalism!). trailerparks and its inhabitants. struggle against capitalism and its One can see Keep an eye on Berlin in 2008, spare (un)social how in cities yourself some holidays and take your time to relationships, and with a lack of travel for one of upcoming evictions: it might therefore fruitful social spaces be fun, it depends on you all as well... discussions around there is also a this are as well lack of --- taking place. “movement”, and this is not A partial list of Berlin’s autonomous As many readers happening by houseprojects and trailerparks: would already be chance. aware of, in each However, we (under eviction country there are must always to threat) always different have a critical (under eviction threat) factions within the eye on all this (to be sold and housing-movement, as soon as the probably evict) from the artists, well-known (under passing through the process of eviction threat) , to the more militant and not “feeling comfortable” is appearing. (sadly burned down!) forgetting about the punks. Many times one would think to have finally spread awareness on this topic, (ex yorckstr. 59) (for checking It is always a small portion of this wide, during an eviction campaign or in other berlin subcultural and political dates!) chaotic movement that tries to challenge the contexts of the struggle, only to watch idea that our spaces are there only as a mere how the problem one thought to have “house”, “place for concert and parties” or kicked out of the “create art”. door is crawling again through the One has to support the diffusion of radical window. And it’s ideas (and actions) towards the overcoming exactly this of post-industrial capitalism, rather than swim crawling which we in the ill defined magma of the “squatters (or have to fight whatever) movement”. against, bearing in mind that a certain The struggle in defence of autonomous tension generated spaces and towards new ones has to be by the uncertainty understood as an intermediate struggle of one’s living through which one can radicalize his/her situation can position regarding the existent, and strictly produce a moment avoiding reaching a “satisfied” (and therefore of “endless pacified) situation where one feels safe insecurity”, which

18 Anti-G8 2007: l Report

Disclaimer: This piece, while approaching many topics which might be of interest for any reflections by anarchists, autonomous people and other social rebels, is still very oriented towards the German context. Therefore, you reader, will find a few things which might sound awkward to you, if not being aware on the German situation, but I still hope that this will not necessarily create a divide, intolerance or simply make you bored. “Between the joy and the frustration of being trapped within a known play of theatre: a few notes following the G8 summit in Germany and its repercussions”. widespread of insurrection and critique at a daily, decentralized level of our uncompromisingly struggle, rather than focus us on these bigger, empty events Berlin, 2007, last stop of the “anarchist where we merely take part in a spectacle put up from our enemies and their false traveling circus” (sorry Tony Blair for not critics. The counter summit circus as path leading nowhere but to the respecting your copyright!)*: Once again reproduction of already seen schemes, lacking mostly of imagination and many of us, whether strongly convinced or therefore mostly easy to be taken under control both from agents of repression as not, got involved for the umpteenth time by any kind of recuperators. within the spectacle of a counter summit. We know this very well. We already developed a certain experience through the This time was Germany, G8, last time years, being almost 10 years since these counter summit mobilizations became perhaps Gleneagles 2005 or Thessaloniki one of the main points on the agenda of many people, radicals, anarchists, 2003, Prague 2000 or Amsterdam 1997 autonomous and leftists... for the older of us. Next time Japan? Yet unclear, still waiting to know whether the We have collected on our shoulders a decent amount of experiences, ranging Korean workers will join in, introducing us from nice stories of streetfighting with cops and amazing looting and plundering, to the magic way of fighting armed with passing through never ending meetings fighting each other (and reformists above 5m long sticks... It is always the same plot: all), to the traumas and paranoias we tried to overcome after being in these Since a few years there has been a extreme moments made of joy and fear, the endless, frustrating post-riot debates mounting, serious critique on whether we on the diehard dichotomy violence/nonviolence, until the usual question which should take part as anarchists within those affects us all: was it all worth it? kind of mobilizations or rather ignore them, or opt for decentralized actions. Different feelings come always at play afterwards: ...the tiredness of confronting with the aforementioned debate about violence, which destabilises our (already Already before Genoa 2001, a few instable) mental sanity, us knowing how senseless it is to waste time on that comrades from Rovereto (among others) because everybody should have already a clear enough idea how capitalism suggested how even us, as anarchists, won’t simply disappear by itself (and fuck no, a clown army or a climate camp have been long enough victims of the won’t help). Clearly it is not yet a crystalline, common-shared truth, otherwise we “illusion of a center”: that we should would have an insurrection ongoing, a point to which we are fairly faraway instead to underline the necessity of a nowadays (sorry for my cynicism). *Tony Blair used this term in Gothenburg 2001, after a number of anarchists were shot. 19 (Personal accounts of the G8):1

“The black bloc is a ritual. A spectacle like any other, but it is the spectacle I choose, because to me it manifests the social war. The demonstration arrives at the harbour in Rostock, and in the distance the lines of riot cops amass. We look at each other. We have never even had a conversation. This is the moment. This is the ritual. A ritual of joy. A riot of complicity. There is no fear, there is just us and them. Your eyes, and mine. Our breathless excitement. We are picking up stones and throwing them at the assembled army. Running towards and away. There is calculation. We are in our element. This is what I live for. These moments of rupture. I do not call them moments of excess because that implies that we should not be living at this pitch all the time. It is not a moment of excess because such action and such experience is not 'too much': rather it is the lack of this moment in our daily lives that is 'not enough'. We lose each other for seconds and then find each other, aware of the danger but not scared. Only ecstatic. There is the joy of their retreat. There is the joy of sudden affinity, and of complicity. We hold together, without ever having spoken one word to each other. And there is only our eyes, and our fists hurling rocks against the enemy.

At the camp, after the clarity of the fight, my head is besieged by the abstract. Drowned by the illusion of strategic choice. I would not choose to be where there are a million cops. Everyone wants to do something, which means anything, since we are here. I wonder why I come to these events. And I decide that in future I will come to these events responsibly. I do not want to be simply a tourist. Or a critic. Then I have to work out what it is I get from coming to them. And what risks I

...The nastiness at which, within those And yet, we found ourselves once keep on burning high and that other rebels situations more than ever, bourgeois again involved, taking again a trip to will put more wood into it... medias (and often so-called “alternative” the counter summit maybe as an as well...) enter the arena giving the best excuse for meeting old friends and Following the sum of these reasons, some of of themselves: in Genoa they pretended making new ones, visiting an us visited again a new territory, some of us we would throw bombs full of HIV- unknown city, country, taking a break were already there. All sharing the same infected blood to the pigs, here in from our daily life towards the critiques, all looking forward to live again that Germany they accused the Clown Army possibility of a new, liberating momentum. of using syringes full with acid liquid adventure, rupture, taking vital energy again against the pigs (!). At least, one to be brought back in our daily fight Two achieved goals are worth underlining at cannot accuse them of not being against State and Capital, collecting first: the rise of the mass militancy and radical creative, and they would offer us always new experiences, being inspired from critique during those days – as many German a good laugh, before we realize again new possibilities of radical action comrades felt the need to bring this forward for the nth time in which fucked up bad against reality, finding already-tested – and the amazing number of militant actions b-movie we do live in. affinities and discovering new ones, that happened within the “militant campaign being together on the street with against G8”. I will begin from this last one. ...The disappointment, how many plans thousands of people ready to fight, Probably not many people outside Germany did not work out, how much more could equipped with stones, Molotov are aware about this “militant campaign”. have been possible, how many of “us” cocktails and a strong will not to Militant not in the sense of “self-sacrificing” of still look for having a chat with medias, merely “dissent”, but towards an course, but in terms of radical attacks against for seeking an alliance with reformist uncompromisable assault to the sky, capitalist infrastructures. Such attacks groups, for taking a definitive break with towards something radically new. involved arsons, property damage, paint everything, having being too much bombs, graffiti. involved in the preparation of the And therefore empowering ourselves counter events and consequently through all these feelings, emotions, This campaign was launched back in 2005, mentally burned out. living the momentum where you as some clandestine German groups finally feel strong again and every publicized their need of a long-term attack ...The exhausting struggle against the possibility might be open, only if not merely against G8, but against capitalist repression which follows, producing those moments would happen more symbols as much as against people involved discouragement, sucking our energies often...but this is how things work: we within this exploitation machinery. They talked away, intimidating some of us, bringing - light some fires here and there which about the need of widespreading this attack in a few cases - heavy consequences for burn their flames fast, but always in terms of time and space, rather than those who get caught in the State’s web. hoping that this very time that fire will confining it within the usual, expected and

20 which targeted among other things cars am not willing to take. It is confusing. I use skills under the scrutiny of their which were property of the army or of the the word 'ritual' perhaps a little unfairly. masters by disguising it as a game, federal criminal office, as much as an Perhaps it is possible to re-frame our perhaps that is how we approach attempted arson against a justice building. participation in events that unfold in a the spectacle of the summit. With similar way not as ritual, but as training. It foresight, honesty, humour and That was the true bet, if this high level is only through playing out the ritual that responsibility.” achieved before and until the summit could we work out who we have affinity with, ┬ have been kept also afterwards, showing what works and doesn't work in particular how this fire would not weaken but rather situations, how we react in certain keep on burning, towards a future, massive circumstances, building shared experience cars of State secretaries or bosses of increasing... and an understanding of the people we big exploitative companies, police meet. vans and stations, companies And reading the newspapers here or the involved within nuclear transports polizeiticker (the official website of German We form an with people, such as Vattenfall (energy company), cops where they publish the “crimes” some of whom we have just met but whom Siemens or Deutsche Bahn (German happening), it seems this fire keeps on we have met under the best circumstances railways), passing through expensive burning. I reckon this is a quite and there is an immediate sense of trust. cars (mostly of the aforementioned empowering and new experience, seeing We go on a kamikaze action, creeping companies or luxurious ones). Since how many different groups and individuals, through the woods all night tracked by January, in the town of Berlin alone, many of them probably for the first time, heat-sensing helicopters and eventually more than 100 of those cars got took the decision of fighting on this level. chased and caught by German Special torched. And the list of these attacks, Forces. Was it worth it? In some ways, as of others, is keeping on growing It was already proposed in Genoa 2001, to yes, to enable us to see how we work while I write this piece. escalate from the summit days and acting together, to strengthen bonds, to deepen in advance. Back then, very few people our affinity. The point of these events is The vast choice of targets shows made this call theirs. This time, it seems just that. We are unlikely to find affinity therefore the understanding of the many people showed sympathy to this only through geography and sometimes necessity of a global attack, by any argument, and paved up the way for future we do not find it at all there. means necessary. I shall include at development within this context. the end an almost complete list of That is, we are limited by geography and actions, giving you the pleasure of At the same time, the militance on the our community of affinity is spread cross discovering what exactly was (and is) street was also experienced. Highlight of worlds. Analysing the ritual enables us to going on... The necessity of a global this was the famous demo in Rostock, on talk about much more than that point in attack rather than being focused the 2nd of June, where a massive black time. Much like capoeira was developed within the given amount of time bloc of at least 5000 people brought their by slaves as a way of developing fighting Dominion wants to confine us, as rage on the streets. Confrontations happen said, and as well a fight which is from time to time, here in Germany. But, already-given boundaries of the summit/ continuous. Indeed, the solidity of this considering the incredible level of counter summit moment. Therefore the idea of campaign is another good point. repression and well-known ability of 2 years of actions which would contribute to Many actions, of quality, looking at German pigs, this takes place mostly after the radicalization of the protests, of daily social the chosen targets, and, most the demos. This time, the first in years, a relationships and political discourse, and important, these did not stop as the large bloc walked its way with balaclavas, extend the idea that G8 is a mere, empty summit finished. took direct actions against capitalist symbol, just another expression of the symbols, and attacked the police. dominative–relations we are all trapped in. Afterwards, cars kept on burning Our struggle must be continuous, capable of regularly, and other interesting things Many cops got injured, and for many young thematizing all the people it was different aspects, living especially amazing to within the totality of be part in such a riot capitalism, we must be because they saw capable of fighting totally something which here and uncompromisingly became very rare: against the present ready-for-war- conditions. equipped robocops, and especially the That was the stone thrown infamous Berlin units, up in the water, to see if running away. the water moves. Attacking pigs is possible, is funny as And it moved. Definitely. fuck, and gives you a Within those last 2 years well-worth kick of we saw a definitive arise of militant actions, kept on happening, such as militant adrenaline so that you will like to repeat as which kept on growing more and more as the anti-fascist resistance or one racist soon as you can. summit days would come closer. More than office for the identification of illegal thirty (mostly arsons) just in the month of May refugees set on fire. And not to forget The riot in itself was not the main point 2007. the solidarity towards the newly (although nice as always) but the fact that imprisoned comrades (more on that through this people rediscover the feeling Targets ranged from usual big chains such as you can read on the communiqué that certain things are possible, even McDonald’s or Lidl (a big German supermarket issued by ABC Berlin, prisoners have nowadays with probably the best chain characterized by extremely precarious been recently released on caution), organised police in Europe which is working conditions), to private houses and 21 (Personal accounts of the G8):2

...“It has kicked off down by the harbour. The pigs have retreated for a moment which gives us an opportunity to catch our own breath and regroup, to collect some more stones and prepare for our next move. I look around me, dust and chaos dances amongst the other groups, black clad with masks, huddled, nervous, excited and confident like us.

Cobblestones and broken bottles lay strewn on the ground and on the streets around us. There are 2 cars flipped on their sides, turned into barricades, windows smashed out. The ever constant noise of helicopters resounds above us, mixed with the surreal music coming from the stage speakers by the waterfront. As we look towards the city, we can see the hundreds of riot cops moving towards us down a street. We are thousands.

traveling through Europe to give “workshop created, and we cannot pretend to requires a massive level of and training” to the not yet that well play with the same rules which responsibility, self- trust and experience organized units (as for example in Spain or always accompany us during other, which not always is working at its best and in Greece during the last year). usual moments. needs to be oiled more. And I reckon it is exactly on this “oiling process” that we have Many of us, both younger and older, felt This, added to the fact that the to work more in the next future. again motivated and willing to seek communication on this level, being possibilities to repeat that, and even some divided through different camps, was It was a worth try, at least for learning from researches done by some German fairly uneasy, created a lack of the many mistakes done and discuss universities showed how the percentage of determination, coordination and critically towards future, common “normal” youngsters who feel positively therefore effectivity in adopting this developments. Which is something that is about the black bloc rose following those tactic. very much happening right now here. riots.... Not to be forgotten though is the fact that The Reclaim The Streets, hosted in anyway some flames arose that very night: However, during all the other days, different one of Berlin’s posh districts, failed in 12 expensive cars burned down, a burning demos took place, road blockades, arsons, causing the problems people were barricade close to the Federal Criminal and the try to leave to camps and move aiming to. Several hundred people Office and two banks and one job center towards plan B, say go to a city and bring moved around, but mostly encircled got trashed from autonomous nightworkers. there our rage. by cops, and the few occasions So all in all autonomous groups found their presented to the crowd have been way among the chaotic situation and And here we come perhaps to the weakest not exploited rightly. Of course, this managed to get their targets done, showing point of those days. was not the usual idea for a summit, again the importance and necessity of such and it was the first time many of us a way of organizing. The idea of Plan B had been circulating were coming together, with all the through autonomous journals and problems this involves. Many Moreover, another achieved goal has been communiqués during the months preceding reformists or self-proclaimed in my view the birth of a deeper discussion the summit. Becoming incalculable for our politicians of the movements rode within the anarchist/autonomous movement. enemies, and move towards another the tiger and declared that the The creation of bigger autonomous/ battleground which was neither Rostock nor blockades at the fields have been a anarchist gatherings which aim to the fields. A similar idea to the one of the huge success in comparison to this coordinate us way better again in order to militant campaign, then. Sadly, it did not failure. Fair enough, plan B was not re-establish a few things such as that work as good as this first one. The plan to that successful, but at the same time streetfighting credibility which characterized host rupture in Berlin, chosen as target, it’s nice that several thousand people the Autonomen during the 80’s making them faced several problems. refused to follow the dictatorships of a threat for the city, in certain situation and their leaders up in the fields (leaders particular moments, plenaries to host At the most, a lack of coordination among that did not want “their” militants discussions about strategies and tactics, as the several autonomous/anarchist groups joining the blockades after the well as on perspectives. which converged to the three different Rostock riot) and walked towards the camps. The high level of fence, maybe a first step, for some of Autonomous plenaries, as well as a huge possessed by the local comrades proved to them, towards more radical thoughts number of discussions and self- critical be too rigid if we want to act together with and actions for the future. But then papers, followed those days, developing a people coming from other countries and again it is a completely different story common debate on many of the organise something together. Sometimes to try to coordinate among several aforementioned topics. People began again we must sacrifice a bit of security culture hundred people and more, to discuss things within autonomous media (but only a bit) in order to make place for autonomously and within a few days, such as the Interim, a bi-weekly autonomous the spontaneity we must enjoy during this for direct actions rather than for paper from Berlin which is going on since situations of rupture, where a certain eating some ready-made recipe, as more than 20 years, where a choral debate situation of “state of exception” is being the concept of blockades was. 22 demo and stood strong against cop’s It is in these moments, in the midst of creating Too often we all undervalue the attacks, until their better tools made the these temporary autonomous zones, where importance of holding a common, things become very clear. We know exactly critical debate about many things difference...), on 8th December a demo who our enemies are and it is all so far from (G8, strategy and tactics or against capitalism and dominion and for abstract. We know in an instant with whom we resistance being a minor portion of autonomous space saw 1500 people who hold affinity, when we look a comrade in the the many), also because among us took for themselves the posh district of eyes, someone who we may have no we often do not speak the same Mitte, where affinity groups took action preexisting experience with, and know exactly language: not in terms of English or against estate agency, posh fashion what to do with hardly any words spoken. We German, but in the sense that the shops, and widened the struggle during know where our rage comes from and we words with which we express the night towards other districts, with the harness it, standing our ground on the ourselves do not carry any more a result of 10 posh cars torched down, battlefield. common, recognized value, which is several banks and a McDonald’s victim of the general impoverishment smashed, and cops got also attacked. The pigs continue to move towards us, created by post-industrial capitalism surprised at the amount of resistance they are (and its running-train driven by On the 15th of December, an national up against. A car explodes into flame, sending postmodernist wankers...) and each wide anti-repression demonstration saw black smoke into the space between us and time we meet we must agree again the participation of over 4000 people, them. A shower of cobblestones rains down on the meaning we give to certain lead by a 3000 strong black bloc chanting relentlessly on the advancing pigs, and once words. “Haß, Haß, Haß wie noch nie* – All cops again they retreat back towards the city. are bastards – ACAB” (*hate, hate, hate like never before) and spreading I look to my left and a watercannon rolls Moreover, the usual conflicts we do afterwards into the city center creating towards us. The riot rages on...” # have among us, and especially in certain regions of Europe, do not disturbances while the Christmas allow some of us anymore even to shopping was taking place. give a try to discuss again. Under about Militance (again, intended as radical these conditions, the difference of Meanwhile Berlin’s cold winter nights (and questioning and consequent attack against “language” became sometimes an Hamburg as well) are warmed by the present society, willing to not bow us to unsurmountable barrier. autonomous groups who keep on the “legal” means offered by the State and attacking symbols of power of companies recuperators), which was already going on Considering all this, I feel still glad directly responsible for gentrification, since 2001 and following years and is that this occasion called G8 brought prison labour, social control and social flourishing day by day: a discussion among up some refreshing wind in the sail of misery. The process of re-organization clandestine groups, individuals, affinity group, the local autonomous/anarchist pirate towards the attack of the autonomous/ “legal” groups and so on, which is boats, in the many forms i have tried anarchist scene, whether one likes it or guaranteed by the anonymity of the to described (partially) above. Things not, has been strongly determined by the discussion papers and the fact that Interim is are still going pretty rough here, and taking place of the G8. However, i guess i an underground publication. the situation might present some have contrasting feeling about how such interesting developments within the counter summit mobilizations could/would Well, I see these discussions as a very big close future. work through the next couple of years. goal, especially under today’s situation, where in western countries It is clear to me that one would find pretty rarely we, as an international any trace of a common bunch of trouble- debate about those makers, need arguments, discussions kept somehow to meet for on a regular basis, always discussing, acting, critical but respectful of the subverting and loving dissonances, which in rather more often than general give one the feeling seldomly. One might not to be a lonely, isolated of course say that individual (or a small affinity each of us can do this group) who is breaking his on her/his own, as it or her head against the wall happens normally, but is looking for new without the necessity acquaintances and of such larger accomplices in the greyness occasions. But still of today’s reality. this is not enough for me, and for many others it seems to be A critical debate is always necessary for the By now (December 07) the the same, as the high participation to such health and the radicalism of any anarchist or autonomous/anarchist monthly large mobilizations still shows, because I autonomous movement (or however you may plenary is still taking place, seeing believe we need to recreate us in larger call all this circus...), helps in developing new between 100 to 150 people moments where we come together from perspectives, in restoring your consumed discussing together, a demonstration different experiences and put ourselves at toolbox, but also in keeping the things which against social control and a new play and see how do we work together. are worth to keep. surveillance law in September brought together an over-2000 Decentralizing is a necessary thing, for As for example rediscovering a general, strong black bloc (where hundreds counter summit as for other things, on continuous need for such a critical opposed again, successfully, the which we definitely need to keep on confrontation among us, towards the misery of pre-controls before the organizing to improve our communication destruction of the actual capitalist and results, as Plan B (badly) showed. relationships.

23 (Personal accounts of the G8):3

...“We arrived exhausted, around 2 am, having passed the police controls without incident. The camp was overflowing, over 10,000 people crammed into the site, and the kids on the gate almost didn't let us in. We drove round in what felt like ever decreasing circles for a long while looking for parking, and finally squeezed into an impossible gap and climbed into bed for a few moments peace, listening to the late- night bustle of people moving around the site.

An air raid siren in the darkness is an insistent sound, full of cultural memory. Even if you have not been told, you know what it means: you are under attack. We jumped out of the van and looked around. People were running, jumping over guy way they will be coming from. I am and there, familiar faces from other ropes, zig zagging between tents. trying to judge by the ways people struggles, coming together, quick kisses, “Bullen!”… “Cops!”... We've been here 45 run and which way they look. quick conversations. We moved towards minutes, never seen the site in daylight, the gate, not knowing what we would and now we're under attack. We drove in I still see no cops, but I start to see find, but going anyway. This is our space so many circles I don't even know which friends in the moving crowds. Here and we will defend it...” ┭

However the necessity of larger gatherings, Here is a time line of the attacks companies which exploit precarious work and boiling pot of possible moments of rupture, related mostly to the “Militant important German institutes which stays strong. campaign against G8”. accomplish the market transformation. The houses suffered stones and paint-bombs, and And also through the constant and fast one of the two lackies is so lucky that his car disappearing of social spaces all over Chronology: got burned down. Europe (yes, the always beloved but also lll harshly criticized social spaces...), produces 30.05.06, Hamburg: Stones and colour a situation in which we will have to August 2005, Hamburg: Fire to the against many shops of the HASP company. potentially discover new forms and places car of the Northern German industry for meeting and conspiring together. boss by the group A.u.g.u.s.t.2005 20.07.06, Berlin: the Autonome Anti-G8 and opening up of the “Militant Sports League sets fire to 6 fiat cars and Moments such as the eviction the campaign against G8”. attacks a police station with paint bombs and Ungdomushet social center in Copenhagen stones in memorial of Carlo Giuliani killed 5 or the popular resistance to the TAV in Italy 7.10.05, Berlin: The Autonome years ago during the protests in Genoa. come here to my mind, showing still the Gruppen/militant people set fire to a vitality and the importance of coming larger building in construction 20.08.06, Mecklemburg-Vorpommern: The together for a common – even as belonging to the foreign minister. A private house of the Mecklemburg- temporaneous and limited – resistance. restaurant was also hosted there, Vorpommern (region of the G8) minister has where luxurious dinners for foreign been attacked with stones and paint-bombs. Resistance that we must transform into ministers and similar would have attack, indeed. Again, the bet remains to taken place around the G8 as well. 28.08.06, a town near Schwerin: The Peuple decide for ourselves our common dates de Seattle (P.d.S.) wake up the prime minister where we act together, and try to avoid the 27.03.06, Bad Oldesloe: 8 trailers of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Harald ones given to us by our enemies. The same from the company Thormählen Ringstorff with paints bombs and stones. old discourse on the end, one might say, for Schweißtechnik (TST) are set ablaze They criticize him for hosting the g8 while which I probably wouldn’t have needed to by the “Internationalistic Cells”. This enforcing deportations and tolerating bad write such a long piece. company is one of the biggest living conditions of refugees. profiteers from war and neo-colonial Right, but it is a fact that until such German politics. 4.09.06, Ivenack: 1000m² GMO crops answers, or better tries, will not seriously trashed. pop up, we will have to witness in the future 25.04.06, Berlin: IOM attacked from again such a counter summit circus where anti-racist militants. 10.09.06, Eberswalde (Berlin): Autonomous we keep on risking to be doomed more groups put the arson attack they attempted and more to watch – and be part of - an 25.04.06, Hamburg: The private against a company dealing with genetically already seen theater play. houses of two main actors of manipulated corn in the context of anti g8 upcoming precariousness are protests. “Waiting for Godot” by S. Beckett comes attacked by the “Fight for here to mind, indeed. Crews”. The two persons targeted End of September 06, Hamburg: The are high in ranks bosses of “Unholy dam-bursting alliance” sets fire to the car of one of the bosses of the Hermes credit insurance Germany and colours the house of

24 another. Hermes organizes financial Kempinski hotel in Heiligendamm - building. guarantees that the German government announcing that there won´t be gives to company investment in other peace and quiet in the time before 23.02.07, Hamburg-Niendorf: four cars of countries, often following imperialist instead the summit. the catering company Dussmann melt away of social or ecological guidelines. Soon it will in fire as a contribution to the militant be decided whether such a guarantee is 1.01.07, Rostock: Paint bombs campaign against the G8. Dussmann is given for the construction of the Ilisu-dam in against a job center. profiting from selling bad food to asylum Turkey. The group calls to flood the g8 seekers. instead 3.01.07, Berlin: To criticize miserable working conditions in global factories 8.3.07, Berlin: Autonomous groups set on 3.10.06, Berlin: The ‘no-name chaots’ burn producing for companies like Adidas fire a Dussmann building, protesting several cars of companies involved in nuclear a group smashed each and every big against the inhumane catering the energy as well as some expensive others to window of the central company store company provides to asylum-seekers in a protest against the nuclear transports and the in the city centre. local camp. They call to “Fight Fortress G8. (‘chaoten’, or ‘chaotics’, in English, is Europe - Fight G8”. what the media and government in Germany 6. 01.07. Berlin: A Molotov sets call the autonomen & anarchists .ed) ablaze the storeroom of a McDonalds 13.3.07, Kühlungsborn: Anti-G8 graffiti in stuffing shack, while the writing on toxic green from town-hall down to the sea. 5.10.06, Berlin: To contribute to the the wall says “McDonalds kills” and international action-day on migration and to “smash capitalism” - refined by an A 16.3.07 Berlin: The “Militant Group” sets support the idea of an anti-racist focus of in a circle. fire to a building of commerce in solidarity militant actions before and during the g8 with political prisoners in Italy and Turkey. summit, an unnamed group throws 11.01.07, Nuclear transport route: colourbottles on the “charity” organization The group “hook in for withdrawal” 18.3.07, Berlin: 10 Renault vans on fire AWO, which runs deportation camps not only puts several so called hook-claws in create a six-digit damage to support in Berlin. the overhead contact line in front of activists of Action Directe imprisoned in the Castor train. They call to shut France. 23.10.06, Hamburg: The headquarter of down nuclear power plants and tear DAL, the German Africa-Lines is set on fire to down G8 - they claim that energy 24.3.07, Berlin: EU-promotion-bus in remind of the colonial roots of todays global politics is negotiated in action. flames, accompanied by the call to “fight rule and exploitation, and to demonstrate G8” and “smash capitalism”. against the continuities of German 15. 01.07, Oranienburg: The militant colonialism in everyday racism, as well as in group (MG) puts out of use two cars 4.04.07, Berlin: Anti-nuclear fire to a the militarist and imperialist policies of the of federal police - which they Siemens car. German government - reparations are describe as central organ of demanded. The group calls to integrate the persecution and deportation - by 7.04. 07, Börgerende, Baltic sea: colonial background into the campaign and making them go up in flames. The “Easterpainters” write “NO G8” all over the mobilization against the G8. MG directly relates their action to the front of a huge empty apartment house militant campaign against G8 and easy to see from the summit place three December 06, Berlin: For profiting from calls for further attacks. kilometers. deportation camp system anti-G8-ers colour walls, glue locks, smash windows and leave 18.01.06, Berlin: Arson against the 14.04.07, Hamburg: Colour and stones to anti-racist slogans at the federal bureau of Vattenfall company. “Hanse gate” - the building of a shipping the “charity” organization AWO. company well known by sailors and 26.01.07, Hamburg: “Revolutionary harbour workers for low wages and bad 2.12.06 Berlin: Arson against a justice- anti-militarist activists” burn the conditions. Caltrops are largely left behind building to protest against the over 50 deaths Mercedes of a top-armament- to slow down the police traffic. in Berlin’s prison during 2006. manager of Blohm & Voss maritime systems and throw colour bags on 18.04.07, Lüsewitz: Colour bags on the 24.12.06 Wuppertal: Paint-bombs against the house of another one. They write GM-science-center “Agrobiotechnikum” the private house of the boss of the GESA “attack the NATO-war-conference in accompany the destruction of a gm-potato- company. A lot of wood is left in front of his Munich – Paralyze the G8 meeting in test-field. “Gentechnik stoppen” is written door, being Christmas time. At Sylvester, Heiligendamm”. on the wall. seven trailers of the same company are demolished. 6. 02.07, Berlin: Activists welcome 19.04.07, Berlin: A laptop with information the Atomforum meeting in Berlin with about the setting up of the G8 press center 25.12.06, Hamburg: The “Ag kolonialism and stones on the nuclear company in Kühlungsborn gets stolen inside the war” sets fire to the car of state-secretary of Vattenfall & call to attack G8. house of representatives. finance Thomas Mirow in front of his house, which also got damaged by heat of flames 7./8.02.07, Berlin: Stone and colour 26.04.07, Berlin: “Money or life” group and blue paint bombs. he was chosen as attacks on a catholic military bishops drop banners inside and on top of the target for preparing the G8 spectacle of office, the software company Sap, German parliament, adjusting the German imperialist reign and being at controls of Bertelsmann foundation and the constitution to reality, which now reads “the several strings of power. the group demands house of a consultant of the ministry wishes of German economy are inviolable”. reparations for the crimes of colonialism of defense. the group “Autonomous and unconditional cancellation of all debts. anti-militarists” protest against the 30.04.07, Rostock: Anti GM slogans close profiteers of war and arms trade and to the Lüsewitz test fields. 27.12.06, Heiligendamm: “We marked next mobilise against the G8. years target” say some enemies of the g8 2.05.07, Ruhrpott area: Stones and colour throwing red and black paint bombs on the 12.02.07, Berlin: Fire on a police to five police stations.

25 10.5.07, Nürnberg: Soli colour attack 18.05.07, Berlin: Banner dropped 23.05.07, Berlin: Two Mercedes burn against Novartis. from the Siegessäule (one of most down, windows of a Lidl supermarket get famous Berlin’s monuments) “I hate smashed, “No G8” is written on the wall. 10.5.07, Lübbecke: Arson attack on capitalism and war – I hate g8 – start McDonalds by “No-G8-ELF”. to stress the summit at the 2nd of 23.05.07, Hamburg: Colour and stones to June”. the house of Karl-Heinz Warnholz of the 11.05.07, Stuttgart: Black colour to Ministry local conservative party CDU and of Interior. 18.05.07 Hamburg: Colour and manager of a real estate company. stones to the private house of August 12.05.07, Berlin: Luxurious car got burned. Wilhelm Henningsen, boss of the 23.05.07, Berlin: Two more cars burning. Lufthansa Technic ag. 13.05.07 Berlin: Fire to a Deutsche Bahn 24.05.07,. Berlin: Fire to a van of the car. (German railway company, also 19.05.07, Berlin: Fire to a BMW and energy company Vattenfall. responsible of the nuclear transport.) a car of a telephone company. 25.05.07 Berlin: Just another car... 14.05.07, Berlin: Fire to a building hosting 20.05.07, Lüneburg: Anti-g8 banners Luxus parking-places for expensive cars cross the route of the nuclear 25.05.07, Berlin: A Dodge and a and new lofts in construction, in the popular transport. Mercedes fall victim to the flames. district of Kreuzberg. 20.05.07, Göttingen: Fire destroys 27.05.07, Berlin: Two more cars on fire in 15.05.07, Berlin: Colour and stones to two two vans of the federal police after a Kreuzberg. shops of the coffee-company Tschibo, for demonstration against G8 and bad conditions in the production of some of repression was harassed by the 28.05.07, Hamburg: Rioting took place on the things they sell. police. the chaotic streets of Hamburg as the EU and Asian leaders met. After the official 15.05.07, Hamburg: Paintbombs and 21.05.07, Giessen: Field for GMO demonstration was over the real action stones against a famous luxurious hotel. crops testing destroyed at the local started as the Black Bloc took on the university. cops. Bottles, paint bombs, bangers and 16.05.07, Berlin: Activists cut out the fireworks were hurled at police lines. Riot Hansanet-advertising-icon “Alice” in one of 22.05.07, Berlin: Another expensive vans rushed in to collect the cops and these commercial mega-banners covering car burning. rocks and debris were hurled at them the Charlottenburger tor. Another banner breaking windows. One van was raided by now explains: “Alice goes G8”. Damage 22.05.07, Hamburg: Fire to the the anarchists and riot shields and some declared by the Authorities at over 50’000E Mercedes of Kai Diekmann, editor in police uniforms were taken to use later as chief of the newspaper Bild, one of disguises. Hundreds of black bloc then 17.05.07, Berlin: Fire to a Daimler-Chrysler. the biggest of Germany. reclaimed the streets and started barricading them to slow the response. 18.05.07, Berlin: Fire to two police cars, a 23.05.07, Berlin: Riot van attacked Armed with mollies, fire extinguishers and Chrysler voyager, an Audi and a car of the with stones in the Rigaerstrasse, rocks gangs roamed the streets... Deutsche Bahn railway company. famous street hosting several radical Unfortunately one person got arrested. squats/housing projects. 29.05.07, Berlin: Fire demobilizes two

At several points during the demo people had left the block, lifting up the banners surrounding the sides in order to attack journalists, banks, supermarkets and other targets of capital. As the tension was building and people were becoming more confident I saw a large group break out and start attacking a police van. Hurridly I unlinked arms with my group and made a dash past the banners, my heart jack- hammering, feeling the weight and roughness of the cobblestone in my gloved hand. I let the stone fly at the two unprotected cops in the van, hitting the driver as he tried to defend his colleage. A moment of remorse flickered through my mind realizing they were not monsters but people. Violence must have open eyes. It was very quickly (Personal accounts of the G8):4 minutes. Flares were shot at the replaced with rage, rage against every ..“It was the first demo of that size I had cops standing on top of a railway cage, against the daily comprimises and ever taken part in, my arms linked with bridge, people shouting and humiliations suffered. my affinity group in the 4,000 strong chanting in several languages, black block. Nervous and not knowing masked up, black flags flying. Sweat A raw primal scream from a defiant what to expect, I was pleased that was coursing down my neck and wounded animal, bending down, I things had started to kick off after a few back, even though it was a cool day. reached for another brick.” Ʒ 26 bigger Mercedes cars.

29.05.07, Bielefeld: Colour to the Bertelsmann company because of its manipulative role in (Personal accounts of the G8):5 transforming public education into a place where invisible chains were produced to force ..“Within a short space of time after locked in a cell won’t destroy my heart, people into economic slavery. The group marching from Rostock train station don’t let problems get you down.. demands free education and calls to attack g8. to the harbour, we are held down in We can do it, all of us! heavy fighting spread against the 1.06.07, Berlin: Another expensive car coast amongst the media circus. It Our bloc seems to be the only meaningful burning.. would have been more interesting to part of the demonstration right now, not start the skirmish inside the only in terms of police crowd management. 2.06.07, Rostock: 5’000 black bloc fighting the commercial district of the city, rather There are so few of us spread so fine pigs. than getting drawn into a pitched across the globe, that it seems needed to battle in an area with few economic denounce the massive security controls 3.06.07, Hansfelde: Activists trample down targets. It feels like our clash is being that declare all resistance impossible. By 1000 squaremeters of Monsanto GM corn. sidelined into an area where we can coming together in one city to fight with do little real damage, other than violence against the forces of state and 4.06.07, Dresden: Paints bombs on Foreigners against the police themselves. Our capital, we have practiced our clear tactics Office. international black block has a clear of social insurgence. advantage in its determined fierce anticipation of conflict. Fighting on 4.06.07, Berlin: Chrysler Voyager on fire. We have our methods, so let’s not forget the streets, out in the open breaks about them or obsess about them all my fear of confrontation.. We get 5.06.07, Berlin: Daimlerchrysler car burns. anymore. Let’s use them with intelligence split up from our larger affinity group and then recognise the extent of their in the chaos, I look at my partner, 5.06.07, Wildberg: Around 5000 square- usefulness. faces concealed, her eyes transmit meters of Monsanto GM corn get trampled on. the meanings. Here the mob wants Although an easy remark, these events in the end of all small worlds, all bitter 6.06.07, Rostock: Molotov attack against Germany make it clear to me that memories of daily defeat. Even in Caterpillar, on the wall it reads “Organize extending our revolutionary action is the our difficult moments, surrounded by social war - Increase direct action – ”. only appropriate answer to the tyranny of comrades, known and unknown, I the state and the financial market. understand that I’m not alone in the 6.06.07, Schinkelkade (Rostock): The nightly struggle, that I don’t have to feel brick-brigade attacks the international I want to push this as far as it can go, and desperate any more. All the empty organization for migration IOM with paint and so do my comrades, because there is no hours in the city alienated or spent alternative but to fight back. If the state stones. The locks are glued, slogans in wants war and solidarity with refugees are left behind. exploitation at any cost, we have to 6.06.07, Blankenhof: 2.5 ha of genetically think about that, manipulated corn destroyed. and what we are going to do in the 6.06.07, Berlin: Mercedes in flames. long-term to subvert and destroy 7.06.07, Berlin: one Mercedes and a Jaguar on this brutal system fire; 17 cars of the Telekom smashed in their of industrial terror. own yard in solidarity with the ongoing strike within that company. “No-one can protect or take care 8.06.07, Berlin: 12 cars destroyed or on fire, of anyone from several burning tyres on a street, 13 windows harm when it really of a bank and some more windows of a job happens” center and another bank smashed. anonymous comrade 9.06.07, Leipzig: Stones and barricades on a ┮ spontaneous demo against police repression. involved within the nuclear transport/ 10.06.07. Berlin: Another car on fire... 28.06.07, Berlin: A truck from the business such as Siemens, Deutsche Bahn or Vattenfall) torched in Berlin. 10.06.07, Berlin: the main building of the TAZ, nuclear friendly company Vattenfall For viewing a partial list, local lefty liberal newspaper which strongly on fire, as well as a luxurious car. contributed to the media campaign against the black bloc, is attacked with paint-bombs. 6.07.07, Berlin: Expensive car again. From July on, many cars keep on burning and other actions took place. 15.06.07, Kassel: Arson against the racist 12.07.07, Berlin: Five posh cars hit in This list of actions (in this article) stop registration office for migrants. one night. itself to this summer, but several dozens of militant actions took – and 20.06.07, Berlin: Another car on fire. Between the 12 and the 27 July: At least five big GMO crops fields have are still taking – place, mostly between Berlin and Hamburg. 23.06.07, Berlin: This time a Mercedes on fire. been destroyed around Germany. Stay tuned... 25.06.07, Berlin: A car of the Deutsche Bahn Since January 2007: 111 cars on fire. (Luxurious ones or of companies 27 LetterLetter ofof GabrielGabriel PomboPombo dada SilvaSilva

BBBut here we areee (as big or as small as we may be) learning and But what am I doing talking about poetry? fighting on one side or the other of the wall, border, gender or I suppose I mean that it is not only on race…demonstrating our love for bread that men and women survived…And as in the struggle of our freedom and disdain for tyranny. lives, some people write poetry with the tip of the feather and others with our IIIntroduction souls in the point of the pen. Fragment of the poem: everything that “““The Prrromethean Poet””” The space of Opinions forms part of the is not satisfied with “System” and it is difficult to overcome this network of class The poet is not one who plays adeptly with that system in its own terrain with its and race little verbal metaphors, but one whose awoken own weapons…and the same occurs in segregation…and it Promethean genius takes her to create the politics and social struggle… grand metaphors! should not be just a theory but also a real compromise of That is why we would do well not to mutual aid with all those who suffer but Social prioritise one half over the other, but fight that suffering. Human use all parts and forms as a part of our Historical struggle: the personal, the political, the This would not be to create new Astral social, the collective and the individual. revolutionary celebrities (in this case the prisoner) but to help all the rebels and Don Quijote is a poet of this class. He is a In the jail the relations of power, revolutionaries who emerge from the poet active and transcending. And he control and propaganda are social conflict with their daggers drawn. differentiates himself from the rest of the concentrated in a few bureaucrats (so It would be to try and set up points/ ordinary poets in the world in that he wants adept are they at this that they are bridges that allow intercommunication of to write his poems not with the point of the given a salary) they decide about the our respective worlds to exchange ideas/ feather, more with the point of the lance. good and the bad, life and death and sentiments/projects and life. Where there is imagination it must be the grades of torture that they “employ followed by will: on THEIR prisoners (forgetting that To try and talk one on one, to spread the their salaries are based on the existence word, comment on our experiences, With the sword, of prisoners and their families). With meat, debate strategy, see between the diverse realities the antagonists (…) and see what With life, And it is obvious that the “obedient things we could do collectively (despite With the sacrifice, prisoners” just like the “flexible obvious theoretical differences etc) and With Ridicule, workers” and the “honorary what others we cannot do. With Pantomine, contributors” have nothing to say, to With Heroism, protest, or complain about their chains, Numbers wise, we are not many that With Death.. their conditions and their companions believe that we have to fight against (what companions could a slave prisons…even then we can assume there The poetic metaphor then flows into the great possibly have?) social metaphor…(..) are those that are against the system- government of the moment and call The institutions are no more than themselves “revolutionaries” or less Open letter to my companions tentacles of power and the power is pompously “social-democrats” because shared amongst a few privileged that this discourse benefits them more.. This fragment of the poem “The Promethean play at being demigods over the face of Poet” from the book “Ganaras la Luz” by the earth… Leon Felipe, was sent to me one occasion by a For them the theme of jail should stay in the “chronicles of crime” because it is companion Carol (Cheers and Health to you And these links in the chain, these there that they legitimate the discourse of Carol)…The book itself was sent to me on lecherous mercenaries, they need to be “insecurity “ from which many benefit. another occasion by other companions, fought and deprived of their various Joaquin-Lucia and Elisina (Health and masks. Anarchy to you companions)..And so I can The prison in “our agenda”? Only when “the surveys” turn them into political today talk to you and show to all of you But not only that…it is not a “single value”! (Like the question of the (friends, companions, unknowns, enemies and issue struggle”, this struggle against “Environment” with “Gore” and his “neutrals”; indifferent or curious) and above prisons of all kinds (minors/old people/ “ecologists”)..That’s how they think; that’s all share what was thought, felt and written men/women/emigrants/proletariat) how these populists act. these politicians, by a poet who I greatly admire: Leon Felipe. and the system that reproduces it and these individuals… everything that this represents There are other poets that not only do I exploitation/segregation/torture. NO! admire but I keep in my heart: Walt Witman, But here we are (as big or as small as we may be) learning and fighting on one or Garcia Lorca, Miguel Hernandez, William The anti-prison struggle from an other side of the wall, border, gender or Blake, Baudelaire, Rosalia de Vastro, Pio anarchist perspective should translate race…. demonstrating our love for Cabaillas, Berthold Brecht… and the list goes as an international critique of on.. freedom and disdain for tyranny. From 28 the 16th to the 29th of September (and beyond) Canada…Those in Berlin and those in there were “moments” and “reactions”, Cornella in Barcelona… “protests” and “gatherings” “acts of sabotage” and “publications”…gestures of solidarity I want to make the most of these letters that have not passed unnoticed by those who to show my solidarity with those keep their ears alert and their eyes open… detained for supposedly belonging to the MG (Militant Group Autonomous of I don’t speak of slaves, I speak of those Berlin, The Anti-Fascist Christian, the companions who, known or unknown, on one last of the RAF, Thomas Meyer-Falk side of the wall or the other, take an active and all who resist and struggle in the part in the struggle…I speak of Marco entire world. Camenisch (in his cell in Regensdorf, Switzerland), of Jose Fernandez (in hi scell in Thanks companions, Rheinbach, Germany) of Joaquin Garces (in Always in Struggle! his cell in Castellon), of Rafael Martinez Zea 9in his cell in Badajoz)..of my cell neighbour About Gabriel Pombo da Silva: Liaudegis Algirdas who from the 19th of Gabriel Pombo da Silva Gabriel is an anarchist who along with another, Jose Fernandez Delgado, escaped from the September up to today continues on Hunger JVA Aachen, Krefelder Str. 251, 52070 brutal F.I.E.S prison system of the Spanish Strikes…. Aachen, Germany State. Gabriel and Jose are now residing in the Jails of Germany, after attempting to escape a I speak of the companions of Leuven, Gent, PS. So that there are no lingering police control on the Dutch/German border. Brussels (Belgium) who were at the doubts I continue shouting: Death to See our ‘International Resistance News’ demonstrations at Rheinbach and Aachen the State and Long Live Anarchy!! section on page 4 for details of the September and in their own cities. I speak of the Because only when we tear down this 2007 solidarity actions Gabriel mentions. companions of Switzerland (great!!), of old world will freedom be Down with the walls!! France, the Bilban@s and the English…Our born…because we have nothing to brothers of Argentina, Uruguay and lose…without freedom.. More details: c

The most visible answer was Perhaps some make the comment that these the paralysis of a movement revolts are not aimed against prison as such, that doesn’t understand that the prisoners are only in it to achieve itself. On top, a number of improvements or that some rebellious clever minds have to add so- prisoners may well be bastards? Well, called ‘constructive’ criticism. nobody ever claimed that this could not be The only goal of this seems the case. But if you think that insurgent to prevent that the flame of movements only come to exist out of revolt infects others. conscious revolutionaries, then better think again. Often it is the practices of such It’s not that we, confronted movements (“the facts which speak for with facts which speak for themselves”) which rise above the narrow A collection of recent texts.. themselves, have to throw scope of reformist demands, like for example ourselves blindly into the heat happens with conflicts on and around the of the struggle. No, but with facts so workfloor. While the demands of the struggle clear such as a prison that gets partly are only of a moderate interest (higher When the facts speak for destroyed, the most interesting question wages, no dismissals,...), it is the practices u is certainly not to investigate into infinity which are conspicuous (wildcat strikes, themselves who has done it, why it happened,... No, sabotage,...). the question we have to ask ourselves is what we are going to do with it. It would What’s a better critique of prison then the Do we still need to repeat it? Do we still have to say a lot about the ‘ideas’ we’re destruction of one? add words to facts which speak for themselves? defending if we don’t succeed in The Belgian democracy had to cope with recognizing our own desires in a Therefore it’s up to us, to those who want to dozens of uprisings and escapes in its prison burning prison and making this. Not only get rid of all prisons, to put forward our own and camps. In this way, prisoners broke the because we simply feel sympathy, but perspective within that conflict - while in the silence and the isolation they’re assigned to. because we have something to say and meantime we make a contribution to the That’s not to be sneezed at, because it’s exactly to do: the destruction of all prisons and revolt and realise a qualitative extension of this separation that is the reason for the prison the world that needs them. Out of this the perspective. This qualitative extension to exist. To remove undesirables, for one reason perspective we can become can only be achieved within the dynamics of or another, from their social context to preserve accomplices in the revolts of prisoners. revolt, not outside of it or from above. the social peace. And before the scornful blame that this When we’re talking about ‘the prison and its As it’s often the case, these sudden flickerings is only rhetoric extinguishes every urge world’ then it’s not to turn ourselves to self- of revolt surprised many. For people stuck within for rebellion, we have to take a good pity thinking that we’re all imprisoned in this the rigid framework of the ‘militant’, wild belches look at the facts. To the prisons which world of exploitation and dominance, but of discontent like the ones that occured in the were set on fire, to the prisons of which instead to discover where we can hit prison. prisons over the last year and a half show the infrastructures got partly destroyed Because prison is not only this institution gap between ‘activists’ and other people in during mutinies, to the escapes, to the with its four grey walls... her tentacles reach revolt. occupations of courtyards like recently into our own street and are vulnerable. happened in Dendermonde, Merksplas It was nothing different when the French and Ghent. This is not about inciting everybody to banlieues (suburbs) exploded in November become an ‘anti-prison activist’. These kind of 2005 and the shock waves were felt also in our specialisations only makes it more difficult to own streets. 29 recognize ourselves, as exploited amongst the 02/01 Leuven - New Year 2008. Open 12/17 Merksplas - The prison of Merksplas exploited, in the revolts which from time to time centres closed centres. We’ll never will be extended in March 2008. A new causes splits in this rotten society. Meanwhile, forget the death and the lost time. The concrete prefab-wing will be built where 60 let us not allow ourselves that a revolt in a prison Fedasil (a federal agency managing the detainees shall be locked up. stays isolated within the four walls. Let us make refugee centres) building got attacked these revolts ours, with our own ideas and this night. 12/17 Brussels - About 50 people means and propagate it in the streets. demonstrate in front of the Klein Kasteeltje 12/31 Ghent - “On New Years Eve the (open asylum centre) to protest against the Les mauvais jours finiront. windows of three banks got smashed. death of an Algerian asylum-seeker 2 days December 2007 On the walls slogans were left behind before. A second demonstration followed the like ‘destroy prison’ and ‘Rebellious New morning after. [This text was published in Uitbraak / La Cavale, Year’. In another street the windows of a correspondance of the struggle against prison, workshop and an office of the Green 12/16 Ghent - About 40 prisoners occupy the number 11, January 2008, Belgium.] party got smashed”. courtyard of Ghent prison. They refuse to go back to their cells. They protest against the 12/31 Ghent - “The local VDAB (work harsh prison regime and against the abuse by and education centre) received its first guards. They’re talking about a gang of thugs. f Brief Chronology New Year’s wishes. Slogans like; Every After several threaths the half of them return to guard on the dole! Revolt inside outside! their cells, the others hold ground for 6 hours. Demolish the prison! were spraypainted The police comes in and beat up the prisoners 01/15 Hasselt - In the city centre of Hasselt on the wall. Also some bank and with their truncheons. Some prisoners are put slogans against the prison get spraypainted. companies got decorated with slogans on ‘strict’ (visit only behind glass, no phone “Demolish the prison”, “More wounded guards” against the prison.” calls, walks only in a cage) and at least one and “Long live the revolt” were amongst them. person is not allowed to go to the courtyard 12/31 Ghent - “Burning newspapers for 2 months. 01/13 Hasselt - A visitor attacks 5 guards when were put in the mailbox of Lannoo his visit got denied because he could not submit (printing compagny that takes 12/15 Brussels - The tavern where the the right identification. In the evening 130 advantage of cheap prison labour). The Brussels public prosecutors spend their prisoners refused to return to their cells. The struggle continues!” lunchtime got vandalized by masked persons. police shows up and put down the little riots Windows get smashed and graffiti is left which continue until midnight. 12/26 - As a reaction to the Christmas behind. message of Cardinal Danneels (head of 01/12 Hasselt - 3 guards got mildly wounded the Belgian christian church), in which 12/15 Brussels - An asylum-seeker dies in when they denied a family to visit their two he questioned the scruples of the Klein Kasteeltje, open asylumcentre of Fedasil. imprisoned brothers. The 2 brothers and another detention of children in closed centres, It’s not clear what causes the death. The inmate are put in isolation. The guards demand the Minister of the Interior Dewael results of the autopsy were not thrown in the their transfer. reacts that soon a special “return- open. Officially he died of an overdose. centre” will be built for families with According to some he took the pills 01/10 - 9602 people are locked up in Belgian children. This centre may not get the themselves in order to commit suicide, prisons. Officially there is place for 8311 image of a closed asylumcentre. according to others he was stuffed with prisoners. medication against his will. It’s the 6th 12/23 Merksplas - Some prisoners of deathcase in the centre this year. 01/09 Steenokkerzeel - 4 people without the closed asylumcentre let the outside papers escaped from the closed asylumcentre world know that about 40 prisoners are 12/13 Ghent - The Italian consulate got 127bis. One of them just escaped his expulsion. being kept in isolation in their cell. vandalized. Red paint was thrown against the Two bars got removed. Still not a trace of them is facade and the slogan ‘contro tutte il carceri’ being found. Last year 49 people without papers 12/21 Lantin - About 15 people gather (against all prisons) was left behind. escaped from 4 closed asylumcentres; 27 out of round Lantin prison. Leaflets were Vottem and 12 out of Steenokkerzeel. 3 people handed out to the few visitors and were 12/12 Ittre - Farid Bamouhammad is put in got caught again. distributed in the area. A megaphone is isolation in the prison of Ittre and handcuffed used when walking around the prison. permanently on hands and feet. He gets 01/08 Lantin - Several people rally round Lantin There was a lot of reaction from the beaten up by some guards. Farid has lodged a prison and screamed out their anger about the prisoners from different cell blocks (men complaint for GBH and the humiliating and isolation circumstances within the prison. 3 and woman units). Of course, on the inhuman treatment. Immediately after that he guards come outside and threaten those side of the notorious U block isolation gets transfered again to the prison of Lantin. present. Several hundred pamphlets about the unit it remained quiet. Lots of noise was This is a well-known tactic to make it more hunger and thirststrike of Farid got distributed to made and slogans were shouted back difficult to assert a complaint. the visitors and in the prison surrounding. and forth. 12/08 Antwerp - Belgium will possibly buy 01/07 Ghent - A molotov cocktail damages a 12/18 - Another pretty example of the one of the Netherlands prison boats. The vehicle of the energy compagny Dalkia. A power of the guards and their unions. United Kingdom also shows interest. The second one was found underneath another car Prime Minister Verhofstadt (Liberal Netherlands used this boat to lock up people of the same company. Dalkia manage the party) announces his plan to oblige a without papers. Belgium should use it to lock electricity in more then one prison. minimum-service during strikes by up ‘regular’ prisoners. A boat like this consist prison guards. The social-democrat of 288 small cells. 01/05 Merksplas - About 20 asylumseekers union ACOD Prisons reacts immediately cause trouble in the “living area” of the closed and for the first time the ACOD Closed 12/04 Andenne - The guards of Andenne asylumcamp. When some guards want to put Centres as well. They threaten an prison go on strike and demand the immediate someone in isolation; asylumseekers who are immediate strike if this plan should pass. transfer of Farid Bamouhammad to a more present at the moment cause serious damages. A day later Verhofstadt changes his secured prison. According to the unions this is 12 people were put in isolation. opinion and announces that a minimum- the only possible solution to make the strong service is not that important. The secured units in some prisons operational 01/03 Lantin - Farid Bamouhammad starts an building of new prisons ‘to overcome again. For Lantin prison this is to be expected hunger and thirst strike to protest against the the over-population’, renovation works for March-April 2008. Two days later Farid isolation circumstances he’s being held in. and extra protection for the guards are a gets transfered to Ittre prison. bigger priority for the government. 30 12/02 Lantin - A prisoner dies. The cause of an education, he or she receives 0,62 euro for an and more widely. In every boss, in every death is not known. No further information is hour work. About 3000 prisoners work inside oppressor, in those infinite range of given in the press. prison. “We deliver cheap labour. That's our institutions which hospitably welcomes trump card. With this we can entice employers us and destroys us, we recognise prison.” 11/29 Oudenaarde - A prisoner threathens a towards the prison” according to Carina Saenen guard with a broken broom stick and a fork. of the Directory of Prison labor. Some of them “The prison is a company that knows lots He gets 6 months extra and a fine. The work for private companies, others make the cell of branches. Companies such as prisoner reacted furiously on the guard furniture, prison clothing, cell-doors and the bars Fabricom, Dalkia, Denys, Sodexho, the because he got arrested after his first leave on in the prison workshops. They get paid between Bank of the Post and services like VDAB suspicion for taken a hostage and put in 0,64 and 1,20 euro by the hour or by piece. (unemployment office) are responsible for isolation. Afterwards it seemed that he had Prisoners who do 'domestic' work receive 0,62 the existence of prisons because they are nothing to do with it. euro by the hour. ““Prison labour offers big building them or because of their daily advantages for employers. Apart from the cheap involvement. Offices from Ghent like 11/26 Luik - An asylum-seeker climbs on the labour there are less possibilities for prisoners to Derveaux and Abscis will design the roof of a church and threathens to jump. The resist the labour circumstances. When they murderous architecture of a new police come and an hour later he comes protest openly they just lose their job. Of course, psychiatric institution. The bank Dexia down. He acted out of the fact that he still a minimum wage is out of the question. They rents cars to the cops whereas NMBS didn’t receive legal documents. He also stated don't work with a contract and don't receive a (national railway company) and De Lijn that he’s fed up with the war between the fee as well but a 'gift'. Prisoners don't have the (public transport company) actively Turks and the Kurds. choice about the work they do. Lots of them participate in the hunt on everyone who need to work so they can pay the expensive doesn't posses valid documents. 11/25 Dendermonde - About 60 prisoners canteen or just for have something to do. In lots occupy the courtyard. They demand better of prisons one can choose between 23 hours in The prison is a company that knows her food, more recreation possibilities, more the cell or work. opponents. The past year, lots of revolts walks, lower canteen prices, more visits. They broke out in many prisons and closed refused to negotiate with the prison Because of the 'Open Company Day' in which asylum centres. Only a week ago about management. The police come and after a last also the prison of Ghent participated, anarchists 30 people who are imprisoned in the warning they return to their cells. ‘stormed' this prison. They threw paintbombs, closed asylum centre 127 bis at shouted slogans against all prisons and Steenokkerzeel revolted against the fact 11/23 Brussels - A 19-year old guy got pamphlets were thrown around. In the prison that a 22-year old boy died while being arrested in St-Jans-Molenbeek right after a surrounding anti-prison posters got pasted and kept in isolation. Last year, not only 28 car-theft. 40 youngsters attack the cops graffitis were spraypainted. The next text got prisoners escaped collectively from the who’re present. The guy escapes. The cops spread around. prison in Dendermonde but also dozens use teargas and fire a shot. The guy got of others escaped from other prisons and arrested a bit later after all and they put him at “TO THE VISITORS OF THE OPEN COMPANY closed asylum centres - with all the the court of law disposal. DAY IN THE PRISON OF GHENT” imagination and determination needed for this. In these revolts we recognise an 11/22 Dendemonde - A 19-year old prisoner The Open Company Day is not a day like any urge for freedom which is also ours. On dies in his cell. Officially it’s claimed to be a another. It's a day on which the world of money these revolts we base our solidarity with cardiac arrest. open its doors and the companies ask us to all who fight against every form of bars. admire the exploitation and the wage slavery. With all means we think appropriate we 11/20 Merksplas - About 24 prisoners Whereas the contrast between rich and poor try to cause cracks in the quiet, grey occupy the courtyard of the prison. After sharpens all the time, whereas immigrants flee walls which tells a lot about the world we being threaten with a police intervention they for the misery of which capitalism convicts them, live in. This solidarity is nothing that returned to their cells. Nobody would give any whereas the factories of death constantly stands outside of us but is an integral information about the reasons the prisoners produces harmful products which poisons our part of the struggle we fight against the had. lives... system. No Open Company day whatsoever will be enough to hide the [From: Uitbraak, correspondance of struggle “It is not different for the company called prison, daily misery and oppression. No Open against prison, number 11, January 2008, for which you came today and for which you Company day whatsoever will reduces us Belgium] likely offered money on the stock market. Some to spectators.” enthusiasts of the State and its infinite range of “Against all prisons - Freedom for all” institutions might be shocked by the fact that the prison gets presumed to be a company - [Published in Uitbraak, correspondance 'Open Door' in prisons whereas we daily find it at our cost that State of the struggle against prison, number i and Capital are nothing more then two faces of 10, November 2007]... one and the same oppression. The prison is a On October 8th 2007, an 'Open Company company. Her goal is to destroy people. Or by Day' took place in Belgium. On such a day a breaking them mentally and make them accept lot of companies but also state institutions, the rules of society (which is called g Revolt in the prison of like some police offices, open their doors. resocialisation) or by destroying them literally as Yearly, it attracts more then a million visitors. individuals and to bury them alive.” Andenne, Belgium Considering that “also the prison is some sort of company” and wants to be profiled as such, “The prison is a company that carries out the On October 10th a revolt breaks out in the prisons of Ghent, Hasselt and Ruiselede orders given by the courts of justice. Justice, her the prison of Andenne. Most of the time, (penitentiary agricultural centre) opened their judges and her tribunals don't have much to do after an uprising, prisoners are put in doors for the public. For 5 euro each about with just or unjust. They serve to defend the isolation or transferred. Therefore, we 600 spectators got a guided tour through ruling order which is based on exploitation and have to make do with information from some parts of Ghent prison. The same oppression, just as laws serve to defend the the media that contradicts themselves on happened in Hasselt prison. ““A prisoner said interests of the powerful and the rich. The prison certain details and the supposed motives that the directory of Ghent didn't want to take is a company that keeps on growing. Not only of the uprising. As it occurs more in any risks that day so they gave every prisoner are there more and more people who end up Belgium with riots and revolts in prisons, a TV for free during the occasion.““Belgium behind different forms of bars (prisons, closed also this time prisoners didn’t make clear counts over 10,000 prisoners of which half of asylum centres, psychiatric centres, junenile demands. According to the prison them receives a 'fee'. When a prisoner follows prisons...) but also the logic of imprisonment (the officials, this revolt is a signal from long- essence of this system) is spreading itself more time prisoners who don’t have any hope 31 for a release on parole. Fact is, paroles are different. And it's often because space the prisons and the camps didn't pass unnoticed and granted less and less. The establishment of a is lacking that we cannot ask the good the State prepares its reply. They have constructed new kind of court, that among other things questions. high security cells in the prisons of Lantin and deal with parole grants, only confirms this. “A Brugge, real prisons inside of the prison, to bury alive great part of the prisoners have no hope If we want this space, we have to take it the most refractory prisoners. They plan the whatsoever for a release and will have to serve and this is not possible without a blow. construction of two new prisons (Namur and their time. As a result, less and less people During years we almost never heard talk Dendermonde), two prisons for minors (Everberg and return after a leave, which in its turn reduces about what's happening on the inside of somewhere in Walloon), two psychiatric prisons (in the leaves. The situation becomes unbearable the prison walls in this country. Gent and Antwerp) and two closed centers and the risks for revolts increases.” as a Nevertheless prison was never far away, (Zaventem). ‘Ringolevio’ (1) stated in May 2007. Around 7 we all have a friend or a close one o’clock, during yard time, about 70 prisoners inside. But silence reigned. Facing their arrogance and their apparent throw up barricades in two wings. Windows invulnerability, let's diffuse this revolt and let's are smashed, sanitary destroyed and the During the last year, this silence has sabotage the machine of imprisonment. electric circuit got “dealt with”. A small fire was clearly been broken, because prisoners set. The press talks about “destruction of the took the space to make themselves Death to prison and its world wing.” The fire department and the police heard. They revolted in different ways; Freedom for all arrives quickly in large numbers (local and by confronting the jailers and the cops, c federal police and the special intervention by partly destroying the infrastructures squad) but apparently, only the police of these hated institutions or by putting mediators have intervened. fire to them. Many prisoners tried to Against the Leaders escape individually or collectively to “When the prisoners are so extremely tense, quench their thirst for freedom. we don’t enter such premises. We don’t wish We are not here to channel men, piling them up to to become a bird for the cat,” according to This agitation allows asking the good a point of orientation, in accordance of our way of chief of police Carpentier (Arches police questions. Who is filling prison? How seeing personal things. This is what all leaders department). In one wing, the riot calms down come that most of those who people the after a while. In the second wing, the riot ends prisons are condemned for crimes want, they will never be like anarchists. after a couple of hours. When a prison official against property like thievery, robbery,...? Leadership is not only bad in what tyranny tries to restore the peace through ‘dialog’, a jar concerns, it’s worse for those who haven’t any of chocolate spread hits her in the face. She When we start asking ourselves these was in shock. The damage is estimated at kind of questions, we perceive rapidly strong and different personality against 10,000 euros. At least one prisoner will be how prison is just a mere instrument of suggestions. charged for destruction and GBH. In Andenne the State to maintain the poor in line, to it has been two years since a revolt like this isolate the rebels, to protect the rich and occurred.The day after the revolt a deliberation powerful. And then we easily No. What we want is to reveal to each one, their took place between the prison management understand that this society is only own origin, and mainly, as anarchists, apparently and the police about the measures that have based on two things: exploitation and consist with Anarchy. This only means more will to be taken to prevent the next revolt. domination. power for the revolution based mainly in each (1) a name taken by rebellious prisoners who Often prisoners revolt starting from the other, even though one is a revolutionist. want to stay anonymous. specific conditions of their confinement (beatings, isolation, lack of food, lack of walks, not enough visits,...). Like when You don’t have to believe that the biggest agitators recently about sixty prisoners occupied of any town are the only revolutionaries, they n Asking the good the yard in Dendermonde to pose some demands. A few days later, the same were, and they influenced, up to the point of questions... thing happened in the prison of blinding the multitudes. This is a historic Merksplas whereas less then two calumny, like many others. They are, they were, months ago a straight mutiny exploded After the revolt in the prison of Andenne and which means a double light. Under one of them the occupations of the yards in the prisons of in the prison of Andenne. We share their Merkplas and Dendermonde, this text was revolt and express our solidarity by they show themselves, proper. With the other they distributed at a popular market in Brussels. For fighting prison from the outside - with lighten the others, they manifest their own proper them, as accomplices in a struggle for more than a year now, agitation inside and strength. And they bring out of these people, mass outside the Belgian prisons is spreading with freedom. tens of revolts in prisons, escapes,... A few and weakness, into means of action, differently months ago, an overview about the situation The story neither begins nor ends with and voluntary. was spread in English: 'Inside, outside, prison. Daily, tens of people are against: about the agitation around prisons in deported because they don't have valid Belgium' which contains a chronology till April documents. These undesirables are For us, all humans have a real value. From him or 2007. Furthermore, a journal called 'Uitbraak' locked up in camps called 'closed her, we can extract an importance that can be (in Dutch) or 'La Cavale' (in French) with centers' where they await their correspondence from the struggle against expulsion. Under the threat of worth, at least, their own life. And what’s more? prison is published regularly. You can obtain deportation, these persons (even when May the leaders think about this! the journal through the they are temporarily regularized) are of Antwerp ([email protected]) or forced to deal with miserable working download it from their website conditions that recall the ones they fled. - A companion In this way, the system assures a cheap working force. Also in these camps, A leadership can go towards the revolution. But we It's often difficult to ask the good questions. revolts occur and people try to escape. Frequently we end up with some superficial Also here our solidarity translates itself also want to go towards Anarchy. Because we are opinions which don't even approach the core in the struggle against all borders, Anarchists. of things. In this society where the bleat of the nations and States. politicians and the powerful seems to dominate everything, it couldn't be more The series of mutinies and escapes in ---From “Carteles I”, translated by Rafa M. Zea.

32 Interview with Christian S, Anti-Fascist in German Prison

About the definition of co- operation and confrontation of jobs have to be refused, also the within the prison system: An contact with the officials has to be interview with the anti-fascist avoided, beside the absolutely Christian S. from Berlin, on minimal one. Instead, the usage of resistance inside the prison your own “rights” and the walls. Christian is locked up in communication of any kind of abuse, the prison of Berlin-Tegel through an intensive work within the because of his active anti- public sphere, might be contributing fascist engagement. to a fully considerable confrontation inside and outside prisons. Source: ABC Berlin Despite the usage of a wide spectrum of oppressive means – as repressive forces would be able of ones, intended to destroy your to decide who is allowed to be own personality – not all the ones politically active in Berlin, and willing to resist are being extirpated who, instead, needs to prepare by the prisons of Berlin. The rage his/her luggage and get on his/ within the prison for young offenders, her own way. - “Why did you give yourself in?” in Moabit (prison for the people awaiting trial in Berlin) and in Tegel - “Does the decision of giving is very big, but a lighting spark from After the last time I have been yourself in then represent an the outside is missing. released, in January 2006 after the act of co-operation with the pre-trial detention time, I have been state?” asked often if I intended to serve the - “Are you aware of how resistance is looking like in other countries?” rest of the sentence, 40 months, or if I In the case of short sentences, it rather choose to go underground. A is not a problem to not give In Greece or Spain the level of topical question which appeared yourself in and to wait until the political consciousness and of already often in the history of moment you will then be resistance within prisons is much resistance, and which has been arrested. Talking about long higher, also because many actions answered in different ways. On the sentences, going underground of solidarity are happening on the one side, many people fought for my represents the only true outside, actions that here are almost release and therefore the fact that I alternative. choose to enter “freely” the prison unimaginable. Surely, also in Greece no prisoner is being released again, might take people by surprise. Regarding my case, I was because a bank has been bombed in hoping to pass the message that his/her name, but these kind of On the other one, going underground it is possible to keep on living actions are contributing in making means always more and more despite prison, not the prisoners collective charges for the ones who renouncing your friendships consciousness stronger, as well as support me, and it carries also or your political desires. To of their supporters and of all the some political results. An push the possible mistakes movement. Absolutely fatal would be escape represents a huge that lead to being caught, leaving the resistance within prisons financial and logistical put into custody and to our enemies, who gather around organizational effort to be process back it is the Neo-Nazi singer from the band carried on by all in the necessary to point them “Landser”, Michael Regner. The solidarity environment, a out to others. Indeed, solidarity demo done by the Nazis at fact which does not make a how many people the Tegel prison produced a person on the run very choose to step away at Structural increase of the Nazis here happy. Moreover, an escape least from the anti-fascist inside. following a sentence for breaching scene, following their first the peace (Christians case), “contact” with the pigs? brings also grist to the mills of the ... ones who are responsible for the - “How is resistance possible See the “Repression & Reports” inflationary increase of arrest warrants inside prison?” after a demonstration or any anti- section for more information about the case of Christian S. fascist action; at least, it makes a Cooperation in prison means for decision for the release from custody example to accept important More: very difficult for all the others. As last, workplaces, such as in the my eventual going underground would workshop or in the sanitary and have meant that Nazis and the so on... Exactly those kind

33 ‘Laws are made by the rich in order to exploit those who cannot respect RunningRunning awayaway them owing to brutal necessity’ (B. Brecht).

of an incognito prisoner inside the fffromrom thethe prisonprison big prison that is society. I can’t say whether running away is better than being in an official prison or worse than being in the prison- society. I’ve never been in jail societysociety meaningless life; what about but I know the alienation and rehabilitation centres, where mediocrity of life when you are new methods of rehabilitation back into the This article was written anonymously by exploited very well. They are different aspects productive system are tested? And what are a writer living in clandestinity. It is but of the same problem: that of not being free. I the concrete cubes called houses, where one text from a larger booklet called will never be free so long as exploitation, people swear; what are the slums where “Incognito”, which was written by people prisons, and all kinds of property and authority people enjoy their recreational hour; what living on the run from the law. It is exist, as they are the main causes of social are the supermarkets where you can buy published by ‘Elephant Editions’. The inequality. full text of this booklet is also available the rubbish that you produce; and what about the streets where people die like on our website : Far be it from me to idealise the flies? condition of clandestinity as a winning formula The repressive system is evolving. Like for insurrection, but I cannot help pointing out Aren’t those who are compelled to any sector of the big market that society its positive aspects. If you must face a prison work for a miserable wage prisoners? Aren’t has become, it is testing new methods cell, it is worth trying this adventure, which will the idiots who perform in programmes like to control individuals and subject them also give you the possibility of discovering the ‘Big Brother’ their own jailers? Aren’t all to its needs. chances that life as fugitive can offer and the those who morbidly watch the exasperating importance that this experience can have in a monotony of such programmes also jailers New measures of control have revolutionary perspective. It is also a question of themselves? Prisoners in a world where been introduced in addition to jail as of principle. Your character and tensions play the only freedom is the amount you have in such, measures that simplify the the most important role when it comes to your bank account. By creating more and problem of overcrowded prisons and making such a decision. In fact, it is better to more efficient networks of control and using allow those who govern our destiny to stay at home and wait for events to overcome more and more sophisticated instruments, earn a lot of money. House arrest, for you rather than become a prisoner of fear and dominion has penetrated all intimacy and example, is a good investment: not only of yourself. For me this is a journey on the turned all the places where people are does the prisoner manage his own fringes of society during which I’ve tried, not forced to live into prisons. detention, but an impression of always successfully, to hide myself the least More than 50,000 people are democratic repression is also given. And possible and to keep my own / taken to prison every year in Italy alone, what about the electronic bracelets that identity even if I had to hide my story and my prisons with bars and guards, where torture are applied to the ankles as though past. I’m not scared about not knowing where is constantly practised and beatings are the people were guinea pigs? These I’m going to put my sleeping bag tomorrow. normal procedure. Prisoners submitted to bracelets are provided by specialised I’ve always had a nomadic spirit and travelling the 41bis regime in Italy and the FIES companies, so new jobs are introduced. was my school, and the journey I’m making regime in Spain know all about that. Most Why don’t they call them anklecuffs? now is by far the most interesting and prisoners have committed crimes against Maybe the sentence ‘You are obliged to authentic one. It is the journey that has taught property or related to drug trafficking. Most wear anklecuffs’ doesn’t sound good in me how to find new equilibriums even if I had are immigrants from lands where western court. to keep moving. And, although with great colonisation has left nothing but misery. Prisons exist everywhere in difficulty, it has taught me to remain an I will never have any respect for a our society and invest all aspects of life. individual who struggles and not become a society whose aims are profit and war, and Aren’t certain factories and offices shadow hugging a wall. The choice of being a that locks up those who don’t accept it. where you sell your time to get what fugitive implies that you have to leave all When I heard that they wanted to lock me you need to keep on suffering and public life, all relations with friends and up I had no doubts: in the face of the producing, real prisons? Aren’t the relatives forever and adopt a continuous certitude of reclusion I preferred to run structures of schools and universities tension and attention in what you say and do. away. It was an instinctive choice; a choice where exploiters and exploited are It is a choice that should be considered that implied being taken away from what my formed rather than people, real prisons? carefully before being undertaken, a choice life had been until then but also the And what about hospitals, where you go that brings thousands of contradictions in itself satisfaction of not being caught by the to die of cancer after a stressful but, if faced with awareness and without inquisitors. The life of a fugitive is like that

34 falling into paranoia, it can keep your compels you to find spots where you running away is still reasonable, then I realize senses well alive and strengthen your can move about, the weak links of the that I will never want to enter a prison. I’ll keep capacity to adapt to any circumstances. net through which you can pass on running, as this is my nature, and I’ll keep on You start looking at the country in a unobserved, to see which hours of the cursing those who persecute me. different way, you discover a new world day are more convenient and which It is a choice that radically changes when you pick up a map in your hands, are the most convenient places to your way of life, your vision of life, your geography becomes a science that leads spend the night. It is not at all nice to judgements about things and your feelings. you to consider territory as something be hunted down, and it is even worse You become a bit and you can global, to think beyond borders, to look to know that the repression also and only express yourself freely on the rare occasions beyond forced passages and find ancient mainly concerns the people you love. that you meet friends, but then time is always too ones. It is a choice that transforms short to discuss what’s going on and what has your relations with others and with changed. You have to content your daily life, often in a yourself with a reality seen through disagreeable way. For example, the eyes of others. I think that I could when you meet someone you know, have many more possibilities if there you risk putting him/her in trouble, had been a solidarity network and and when you ask him/her a favour widespread discussion on the you have the impression that you are question of living in hiding. To offer putting him/her up against the wall. space for discussion and real By contrast, solid relations, the deep possibilities of surviving to those who ones in which complicity is are compelled to hide is in my opinion spontaneous, become more concrete an essential part of any revolutionary and passionate. experience. I think that the life of Making friends without telling the fugitives would be easier if reference truth is not easy. It is your attitude points existed, as they are and need for communication that will indispensable in order to keep in decide. To live on the run is not touch concerning any needs: easy. Your way of speaking, strange information, legal questions, behaviour and the lies you have to solidarity, money. I don’t intend to put tell surround you with an air of forward a proposal for the creation of mystery that could be interpreted any formal structure with fixed negatively. Everyone has a dear responsibilities in the long term, I am friend whom they trust completely, just thinking of a coordination of and that way everybody gets to know Living in hiding, however, individuals and groups that want to show their everything. Discretion is a virtue that is even if done with dignity, is still only solidarity, or who already do that, to those who getting more and more rare. one side of the coin. The other, the are hit by repression. I think that such a thought of your imprisoned comrades coordination could open gaps in the walls they I think that the safest way is to being submitted to humiliation and are building around us, a coordination that takes keep moving continuously so that your violence, cannot be forgotten. into account relatives and friends of the enemy has very little chance of locating persecuted, who are also hit by repression. And you. You absolutely must avoid telephone Living in hiding is a if the latter are sensitive to certain subjects, calls to relatives and friends, visits and challenge, an occasion to test your discussions could be suggested to help them letters addressed to known places. In ideas out, a choice that leads you into understand repressive mechanisms better and get fact, investigators turn their attention a life full of emotions, a reckless life in touch with others in similar conditions and precisely on to these people because they that can be very sad at times, as all maybe create their ‘own’ way of organising know that you will naturally feel like choices are. Living in hiding is like solidarity. If you hide yourself too much, break off listening to the voice of a loved one and making a gamble, day after day, a all contacts and disappear not only physically but letting him/her know that you are all right. gamble on your present because your also from your projects, then you definitely You have to bear in mind that there are at future is a dark cloud, a series of contribute to your own isolation. In this way you least two cops on all long distance trains miserable dates in your diary. At first would be playing the same game as those who and that there are police stations in all the you dream of cops and escapes, then want to get rid of us. For this reason it is big railway stations. You have also to you dream of visiting friends and extremely important that if you are compelled to know that if you are too untidily or too turning up in your usual bar. In run away you keep on living with dignity and flashly dressed you will attract attention. particular, I have to say that my don’t lose your chance to act or intervene in

The total militarization of the country dreams have changed and become discussions. terribly real. I often ask myself if As you have always done. s

35 LetterLetter ofof ChristinaChristina TonidouTonidou On the morning of 13.09.2007, Christina Tonidou was set in pre-trial detention. In Greek law she can be held up to 18 months without a trial. She is charged with 2 felonies and 8 misdemeanours.

is up to you. I hope that I make myself taken to a hospital) and one of their cars “As you all know I was arrested on the clear. broken when trying to arrest some I would like to end with a message to morning of 09-09-2007 during clashes youths. They finally arrested one 19 those who hold authority, to those who with police who had stormed the Aristotle years old girl outside the Aristotle doubted us, who did not take us University of Thessaloniki. University library. seriously: Note 1 What troubles me most is not the charges : It is accustomed that city youths "We are a volcano under pressure and set against me (I believe I can cope with every year "welcome" the country's its lava is our rage. Woe betide them if them) but my treatment by the police: prime minister with riots against the the volcano explodes; the lava will They tried to take advantage of my low "Helexpo" (a national scale event on overflow and burn everything". morale during my arrest and ever since commodities' exposition). This year they have been trying to get information though, police had taken over all roads My thanks to you all for your interest.” on pretty much anything. To be honest, I around the university and Helexpo area would rather they kept to their usual so as to prevent any riots at this area. tactics and their traditional way of Christina Tonidou Furthermore, squads of 6-8 undercover handling detainees instead of the Christina Tonidou policemen moved inside the university psychological warfare they have launched area for the last two days. They arrested 12/09/2007 against me. In the former case they would in advance more than 20 "suspicious" at least show their true face. persons. Detention Unit of the Police Headquarters of Thessaloniki Note 2 I have a few words to say in regard to my : In Greece it is not usual for the political identity . First, we do not police to go inside the universities since necessarily represent what we call the students' insurrection of 1973 ourselves to be. In other words we are not against the "junta", the military Background: always what we claim to be, which is dictatorship, that was slaughtered by something shown in practice. Many the police and the army. Since then Clashes at Helexpo, Thessaloniki considered themselves to be police is allowed to intervene inside the revolutionaries, but they were proven the university area only under certain cases After Saturday 09/09/2007 midnight opposite. according to the law. Though usually about 30-40 anarchists wearing hoods police holds back, this time police and helmets, some of them carrying a For me, to call oneself an anarchist forces had almost taken over the banner were a slogan against elections requires some deep searching of the soul university area. and forest arsons appeared signed with and a completion in all dimensions an "A" circled, attacked squads of riot- Note 3 (ethical, spiritual etc). : Marches programmed for the police and undercover policemen that day were either cancelled from fear of moved inside the universities area. The However, if you judge (at least those who any "provocation", or didn't manage or youths repelled the police using molotov know me) that my actions can be dare to move to the area the police had cocktails, fireworks, stones and sticks, described as anarchist, then do so. It is taken over. while the police threw tear gas and CS for certain that I hold anarchist ideas and I gas and some flash grenades. The hope to keep doing so until I die, because clashes were on for more than three this is some very strong feeling. hours. About three undercover policemen were injured (one of them How you chose to act from this point on

36 -- OK, So how does Poland differ from being on the streets in UK, Interview with with all the CCTV, surveillance everywhere, everyone being tracked in their cars, a lot of police controls Anonymous in the inner cities?

It's a completely different story, really Anarchist from different. Poland is basically, like for my city, Bialystok, it's like "Old-School" - type policing, so you would have like, really lots of cops on the streets, but Bialystok, Poland we haven't got almost no CCTV in town. Like I think there is like 30 cameras or something like that in the -- OK, can you introduce yourself and whole city which is about 300,000 the groups that you are involved in? people, so it is nothing compared to the UK. Probably like that (30 Well, I'm ***** from Bialystok in cameras) is just enough for one Poland. I'm involved in Anti-Fa, which is a street here, and so yeah you've got militant anti-fascist group, and I'm also much more possibilities of doing involved in lots of anarchist projects, not -- What is the situation with the direct actions, the cops are not so in any sort of permanent organisation. anarchist & anti-fascist struggle good at tracing people down, so you Also I'm in Anarchist Black Cross in Poland generally and how have lots of low level direct actions Bialystok section. does it collaborate with the happening, which would be causing struggle in neighbouring some trouble, but not being big -- And what type of activities do these countries and internationally? enough for cops to involve proper groups engage in? surveillance methods against you. So Well, it's hard to say what the with most things you do on the In respect to Anti-Fa I guess that we can situation is in general, because it streets of Poland, basically if you're talk about it later on, this is a bit of a really varies from city not caught red handed, that's it, you longer subject, as for Anarchist Black to city, like in some cities you got get away with that. Cross, it's like everywhere else; trying to a really high level of anarchist support prisoners, raising awareness activity and high level -- And the fascists have much of a about prisons and basically trying to anti-fascist activity, in some presence on the streets? push the movement into a more general places you don't have problems anti-prison critique and anti-prison with Nazis and fascists at all, Oh, yes, this is another story that direction, whilst trying not to be where as you've got really active makes it really different from the UK, reformist about it - just abolish the anarchists groups in some like say in my city you go on the prisons. places, in some places nothing is streets it is very likely you are going happening you know. In general, to meet a Nazi activist for example, -- And can you explain how you the anti-fascist movement is Nazi skinheads properly dressed with organise against the fascist groups in growing recently, like the fascist insignia on their arms and your city? proper militant anti-fascist things like that. This is a situation in movement, not the state "anti- many, many, polish cities that there Ok yeah, right that is one of my main fascists" like 'Searchlight'-type is a constant street present of Nazis. areas of activity, well, basically, we have organisations, which I never a quite tight group which we treat as a counted as anti-fascists anyway. In some cities there is a constant sort of anarchist combat group to Well the whole Anti-Fa thing street presence of Anti-Fa's as well secure the streets for anarchist activity. is growing and anarchist activity, and there you have conflict and We don't treat anti-fascism as an aim in too, but in some places it is escalation of conflict, and you know.. itself, we don't treat it as some sort of disappearing completely, so it is ideology. I think it's really important to hard really to say what the -- What type of activities are the say this from the beginning, at least general picture is, but you know Nazis and fascist groups engaged for 90% of us it's not ideology it's just you get the feeling that there are in? How organised are they in terms part of being anarchist for some and more and more anarchists, but of numbers, tactics, ideology and way of life for others. . also it has to be said that due to internationalism? Poland joining the European Yeah, We just basically try to oppose Union, lots of people just let the Well, I would say in terms of fascists and Nazis wherever they go, country. The situation was so bad organisation for Polish fascist groups, wherever they appear. Just having this for them economically that they not Nazi ones - First, the whole 'no platform' approach to them, like just decided to leave, either they movement, far-right movement, trying to stop any their meetings, any of just stopped being active or they divides roughly into two parts, which their demonstrations. React to every became active in other countries. is National Socialist (Nazis) and attack of them, also and not only react I know there is a section of the National Radicals, which is Polish to attacks, but also to do our own direct Polish Anarchist Federation in fascists, which is like being anti- actions against them. So we are not Dublin for example, and there are German, anti-Semitic, Catholic. trying to leave the initiative in their some active people in Germany, Which is also a very big difference hands. So that is in a vague way how we United Kingdom and so on. between them and Nazis - because organise.

37 work some of these people, but Nazis would be pagan, or atheist or Our Enemies whatever, and the National Radicals they are basically a mafia, small would be really Catholic level gangsters with a bit of fundamentalists you know. It's the ideology behind them. Yeah but same shit, but this is important the young ones recently started enough for your own understanding doing a bit too much activity so of the subject. Well, Nazis, apart the cops had to react. The media from 'Blood and Honour' started to write about recent acts organisation, they don't have much of vandalism on the Jewish international contacts and they are graveyards and the destruction of not really so organised politically, but Jewish monuments in Bialystok more like really violent street gangs, and so on, so the cops had to do with hints of ideology behind it, but something, they couldn't pretend -- Do you think reactionary attitudes not much. The fascist groups are anymore that "oh, nothing is are changing in Poland? moving into political actions like doing happening" on this issue. So they demonstrations, trying to spread arrested some of these Nazis and Yes, slowly, because lots of people propaganda, also because they are because the Nazis are so stupid are going abroad and meeting other usually really bad street fighters as they couldn't even maintain a cultures, other people, so it is slowly well you know, so they just choose basic security culture quite a few changing, but not as much as I would what they are best with. Some were arrested. like to see. fascist groups like 'Polish Common Youth' just basically are in parliament -- Do you think the extreme right -- There is a big Polish community in now, they realised the streets are has much support in the base UK, and there can is negative not for them, you know they have population? coverage in the right wing press been pushed out from the streets by against Polish workers - Have you anti-fascist resistance, and also there Well the Nazis definitely not. So ever suffered any racism or hostile is the main party which is the called "normal people" would behaviour based on your country of 'League of Polish Families', which probably support some of their origin and what is your opinion of 'Polish Common Youth' is the youth views, but the fact that they are the no borders/ anti-fascist organisation of this party, and they Nazis doesn't make them very struggle here? got some seats in popular, among the general parliament. So the more bright and population, the whole "War" thing Well, starting with racism, not really, flashy members of 'Polish Common comes into place. but I have had a few vaguely hostile Youth' might end up being fucking reactions to the fact I am Polish, but ministers or important people in the The Polish fascists have a bit you have to understand that we are government. That is the difference more support because they are white, you know, so this makes a big between the two - Fascists are sort anti-German, and of course they difference, we're not black, we're not of better organised politically and are not Nazis at least. Some of Asian or Muslim. We are like the Nazis are sort of more into street their ideas have support in the "acceptable" ones. I even read on violence. Polish population, in general the some fucking fascist forum that "I people are very racist and very would rather have 1000 Poles than -- How many Nazis are in Bialystok? homophobic. 1000 Pakis", and this really shows their way of thinking. I have heard I don't know exactly, but, from our -- Poland has got a traditionally that in some places in UK it is really estimation, up to 15-20 members of Catholic establishment and fucking hardcore you know, that 'Blood and Honour', which are not there has been a lot of recent people really hate Poles, but for me really active - apart from them being repression against homosexuals, personally, no, not really any hostile Nazis - and nothing is happening with can you talk about this and how reactions, but some not nice them. Apart from 'Blood and it has been opposed? reactions, but not serious. Honour', you got 60-70 young Nazis, which are actually the biggest Yes, it has been opposed.. there Yeah, anti-fascist / no border stuff- it problem, is a really, really big problem with is alright I guess, from what I homophobia in Poland and it is observed. The No Border struggle is -- How is their situation with the not only just "normal" people, but going in a good direction, and it is police? lots of politicians are openly involving quite a lot of people. As for homophobic, it gives a clear anti-fascist stuff, it is not such a big Well, the old part of Nazis, the 'Blood message to people on the streets problem here, - the Nazis themselves and Honour' lot, they keep a really that this is something that is - but I have a lot of respect for British low profile, they organise one concert widely acceptable, and it is widely anti-fascists, they have a really good a year, the police have quite a lot of accepted unfortunately. It's been history behind them, and every time interest in them obviously. Basically opposed from the anarchists by they do something they do it really because they are supposed to be some direct actions, basically good, so yeah - Respect! really hardcore and things like that. whenever politicians of some To be honest these guys are involved political party would do something -- And how is the experience of in lots of fucking dodgy business - really homophobic, there would be migrants in Poland, and how have business which has nothing to do some reprisals for that, like their anarchists acted in solidarity with with ideology, like smuggling anabolic offices being trashed or them? steroids or whatever, , something like that - there is not protection rackets, things like that much of it though. Well to be honest we don't have too you know. Fucking nasty pieces of many of them, like who the fuck

38 wants to go to Poland, you know? We people serving half a year, 3 like doing roadblocks and like, you have got quite a lot of people passing months, a year, whatever, you know, squatting the forests where through Poland to places like Germany know. trees are about to be cut and building and so on, and sometimes they get tree houses and all sorts of this like. I caught by Polish border guards. -- And is there any anti-fascist know some people are into more, Solidarity to tell of is practically non- conflict from within the walls of underground, direct actions if things existent really, the level of proper No the jail? happen, you know. As for Rospuda Border / anti-racist struggle is really valley, basically it's true that Polish low in Poland, so yeah, apart from Not from the experience of my government ordered police basically to really general actions, anti-border comrades who have been to jail, make a blacklist of ecological activists, actions, there has been not much they say not really. First of and police basically were ordered to going on. I know that in, for example - all, Nazis keep very, very low use their secret informers, which Warsaw, there are some migrant profile in jails, unless they are means that they are going to pay communities - really small ones, but really big, bad muthafuckers, you people for delivering them information there are already Vietnamese people, know? They keep really low profile, and so on. I mean these thing's have some Arab people and so on, and I they are sort of really not liked by happened before, it's just that this know that some anarchists there have the prison subculture. They are time the information actually leaked to some contact with the Vietnamese really despised actually by the the press. The press managed to community there. But these people are prison sub-culture, so if you're a obtain a copy of the order which was absolutely fucking terrified of the Nazi in prison you'd rather keep a clearly a big embarrassment for the Vietnamese secret service hunting low profile. I mean I know of this government and the police, and a lot them, even in Poland, and you never Nazi guy from my city who came of cops were saying - oh yeah, we're know if the people you're speaking with out of the prison and he used to not gonna do this order because this are maybe like spies of the Communist have this tattoo of a swastika on is non-democratic and we can't treat service, you know. So, in this case it's his neck, and it was just all burnt these people like the mafia and things quite a difficult situation you know. after he went out and I know that like that - but it's all bullshit is what I it was the other prisoners that did think you know. Yeah, I mean, the only practical help it to him. And if you are an anti- and practical contacts were with the fascist then basically you are not -- Yep. Do you think the EU uses this Chechnyan community which some getting a hassle, unless you are issue of "democratic rights" to put anarchists from Krakow, from south of like visibly punk rocker, because Poland under greater pressure? Poland, managed to organise a the prison sub-culture is really humanitarian convoy during the first conservative against outsiders in Yeah, well, hard to say really. I think war in Chechnya, which actually was general. So if you are a punk this government in particular is, I the only convoy which ever got there. rocker you are in shit as well, you You know they managed to go through had better cut your mohawk and all blockades and bribe the soldiers on things like that. But there is the way and so on, so they did actually nothing like an anti-fascist manage to reach the Chechnyans with struggle inside the prison, no - all the stuff they had and until now everything ends behind bars. there is some co-operation going on between official Chechnya -- How about the ecological and representation in Poland and Polish animal liberation struggle? It's anarchists, but of course not only been reported that the Polish Polish anarchists. So, the whole government wrote up an Chechnyan image is kind of, well I extensive blacklist of ecologists wouldn't say its big, but there is a and environmental activists at Chechnyan issue in Poland, but there the start of the recent Rospuda are people supporting them, there are Valley ecological struggle. people doing actions in favour of (Rospuda Valley is an area of Chechyans. But as for other outstanding natural beauty and communities, not yet. wilderness threatened by a Polish road building project. The EU has -- And are there many political paused the project) prisoners in Poland, and how is the prison situation there? Well, on the animal liberation mean they know they're unpopular, so thing I don't want to say too much they really try to secure their position. Well, all prisoners are sort of political because I don't know that much Basically they're really, really you know, so, but if you mean about it. I know that there has repressive: much more than other prisoners from the movement, been quite good animal liberation governments were, because they're because there are always people going direct action movement years never sure of their position... in and out with short sentences, or ago, well about 7-8 years ago, relatively short sentences, but for long which for some reason sort of -- The Law and Justice Party? standing prisoners we've got Tomasz stopped. From time to time there Wilkoszewski, the Anti-Fa prisoner that are actions happening, but not Yeah, the Law and Justice, I mean killed a Nazi skinhead about 11 years really that much. As for ecological the fucking name says it all, you know, ago and he's still in prison for that, but movement it is actually much and they just try to smash any apart from that, as I said, we always better, and there's actually lots of opposition, both like legal ones in have people going in, coming out, people into non-violent direct government (and elsewhere), they action, but yeah, into direct action throw around all sorts of scandals

39 and things like that. You see that you have a patriotic, nationalistic things. Especially in this, I remember everybody that is against them at some stance, you should be able to talking to comrades who were active in point is a main person involved in some negotiate something for yourself if this time already, I remember that scandal. I mean, for sure, lots of these you're putting American rockets in people could do shit loads of stuff just people are not fucking innocent- they your country, and they are getting after break of communist regime are scum- but it just shows how it fuck all. They are paying, actually, because cops wouldn't know what to works: as long as you are with us, we Americans to put American bases do, they were completely confused. are covering you, but if you say in Poland that will protect They didn't know which authority would something against us, suddenly you will interests of USA; this is just like, the next one to give them orders so be, properly persecuted for all the you know... just horrible! But they were really, really afraid to arrest things you did. Whereas before every some people are really trying to people for political things. Up to the politician knew, they were like, you organise some protests, and point were you could go out and paint know, nobody will do anything to them. there have been quite a lot of slogans on the walls in front of cops, (Since we made this interview the Law awareness raising actions, and in and this is like the experience of people & Justice government collapsed and one part there is anarchists with from all over Poland, that cops would gave way to a neo-liberal party on a civic more radical critique of the whole be so fucking confused that they reform platform.) thing, and on the other part wouldn't arrest people for painting you've got some more reformist things in front of them. But I think the -- And what about these plans to build organisations- socialists, momentum was sort of lost, there was US missile bases in Poland as part of whatever- even fucking Polish no continuation of this radical, active the Shield War Defense Project? This fascists are involved in that, wave just after the break-up of irritated the Russian state a great basically demanding what you call . But yeah, at the end of deal. What is the general reaction in a referendum- like a popular vote, the day I think we did benefit from this, whether this installation should be because as a matter of fact authority in Poland or not. And they're got much weaker you know, it's a fact - gathering signatures on a we're not living in a totalitarian state petition, basically according to anymore. It's becoming also Polish law if you get 100,000 authoritarian again, you know, but it's signatures it has to go for popular still very far from the control that the vote. So, I dunno, I'm usually communist government had over the completely against this stuff, but I population. don't know, in this respect I think it might work- or not- I don't know. -- And the EU?! I really hope that something will happen about it. Like our Oh well, you know of course there are anarchist collective from Bialystok some good points to it. I would be a also didNagai things like park banner evictondrops, liar if I would say it's all shit 100%. You spread shit loads of leaflets can go to work in another country and around the city about it, so people get more money, to get money which are pretty much aware of what is is worth more when you come back to happening. Poland and so on. There is a bit more freedom of movement for us, whereas -- What are your thoughts about before I wouldn't be able to come to Poland to the planned missile bases the breakdown of Soviet UK because I would need a visa and it and do you think there will be any communism in Eastern Europe was really hard to pass through the significant opposition? and your experience? And do you border and all this shit. We were think that the anarchist struggle hassled basically on every European Well, I hope there will be! As you know, is going to benefit from this border you know. As Polish people and in Russia lots of people are really collapse? so we're presumed to be smuggling against this. Really the majority of things and so on. Yes but this is, I people are basically against it. It is the Well, it is benefiting from the think the only good thing that I see for only problem of Polish people that they collapse. But to start from the the majority of people, there are lots of are usually quite apathetic, you know. beginning where I was a really bad things that aren't maybe so They would say that they are against, young boy when it collapsed, I still obvious for the normal person. but they wouldn't do much either. But remember the Russian army Basically the whole repression the government is so afraid of people withdrawing from Poland and techniques are really advancing thanks supporting against this plan that they things like that, so, yeah, I think to European Union and all expanded don't even want to get this case it's been quite a good moment, border control issues, and we are through the parliament, for all that lots of basic things improved in becoming... no, we became, part of they've got a majority in parliament, life, and there was no more the Police State Europe, that's it, you they don't even want to do that. They censorship in papers, and in TV, know? just say that basically they negotiate things like that. At least no more with the United States and, I mean it's obvious censorship. There was a -- Many people reading this interview hard to even say it is negotiation, like bit of freedom, but then of course will be aware of the Berlin based they are going to pay for Americans to politicians sorted things out so English language Eastern European put their bases in Poland. I mean this is people don't feel too free. But anarchist paper - "Abolishing Borders the worst case of arse licking I have yeah, anarchist movement from Below". What are the ever seen in my life. Even if you are definitely benefited from publications coming directly from coming from a clearly non-anarchist breakdown of Soviet Union by the Poland that you think are successful perspective. Clearly- whatever, even if fact that we could just do more projects?

40 SOCIAL CONTROL ALWAYS NEEDS YOU Perspective from a "Black Bloc" Participant of the "Atlantica" Riot

Saturday, June 23 2007: I’m writing this account to try and capture some of the beauty I experienced in the streets of Halifax that corporate and indymedia can’t seem to articulate. Corporate press is calling us violent criminals while indymedia is focusing on the arrests and not so shocking brutality of the police. Neither show the brief period where people took their lives back and stepped out of the accepted norms of dissent.

On June 15th a few friends and I who had formed an affinity group went to the starting rally to join others who came to act as a bloc. I chose to act in a bloc so that I could remain anonymous and have relative safety to engage the state and its proposed freed trade initiative. split off and head to the convention bombs as it drove from behind through center. Half a block before the split the bloc. A group at the front carrying The Black Bloc also made it so we could garbage bags were removed that shields started advancing at the cops but show a strong visual presence and put our were hiding shields made from the rest of the bloc was hesitant (It was anarchist politics front and center and not garbage can lids and people removed found out later people thought the smoke hide our real dreams of a new world. At the flags from sticks and readied bomb was teargas) so those at the front rally I was met by seventy others who chose projectiles to be used against turned around and started marching back to act in a bloc under the banner “G8 to whatever tried to stop our dissent. to the shopping district we marched Atlantica: Resistance is Global”. Just as the bloc started to split a through earlier. On our way back group of folks threw down the banner corporate media was targeted with paint The mood was tense as we began to march and started to run up hill towards the bombs and shouted at for their lies and through the downtown streets cops on convention center. The rest of the misrepresentation of the effects of free either side of the bloc as we passed through bloc shouted for people not to run trade policies. Our bloc was not there to Halifax’s main shopping district without and stay together, this set the mood be a media spectacle but to empower incident. At one point the whole march for the rest of the march. people and inspire action. paused briefly and from the bloc you could here “We are! We are! We are beautiful As our bloc got reformed we Once entering the shopping district a bloc together, we are powerful together” being approached the line of cops participant stepped out from the crowd shouted. As the march approached Parade guarding the convention center and a and splattered the front window of a Square the end point of the demo you could smoke bomb was thrown at their line police van in paint, this is when things got feel the excitement as the bloc prepared to and a cop van was hit with paint

..continued on page 44

ago that were really There are a few publications, but they worth mentioning as are not in English though. There is one well, but they're gone. called 'Another World' which would be the translation in English, and this is a -- Do you think that the really successful one, a really good large numbers of Polish anarchist magazine, with a glossy people which have cover and things like that, it is going on migrated to other for years already and has shit loads of countries will be of interesting stuff, and the anarchists positive benefit for the from Poland make a really good bulletin Polish anarchist of their anarchist library, which is movement in future as basically a bit like 'Kate Sharpley some of them return? Library' bulletin: they just make it more like a book, like once a year, with really I don't think so, no, I don't think fooling myself about lots of positive interesting stuff and besides there are so, because you see the energy coming from people there. lots of other smaller papers going out, anarchists they were traveling a but I think mainly 'Another World' and lot already before joining the -- And any last words or anything bulletins of Anarchist Black Cross are European Union, so it didn't you would like to say, or add? really, really good projects that are still change that much for us, we going on. There were some papers were actually the most mobile lot I don't know. Thanks for interview. that stopped year ago or two years always, so, no, I'm not always

42 o LetterLetter fromfrom GiorgosGiorgos Voutsis-VogiatzisVoutsis-Vogiatzis Giorgos Voutsis-Vogiatzis humanitarian public image. Based on non-violence and charity they was arrested after a bank are busily preparing the cemeteries robbery in Athens, Greece, for tomorrow's casualties on their in October 2007. battlefields of democracy. They maintain the modern work camps in the third-world countries. “Now that they've all shut their mouths, Factories of misery, where the let's talk about choices slaves of economy build the glass window of western civilization, as "...Many of us died or were taken well as the consent of the modern prisoner along the way; many others schizo-proletariat, transforming its were wounded and permanently put out class conscience into consumerist of action; and certain elements even let conscience. themselves slip into the background because of their lack of courage; but I The "proper citizens", the armed [Photo: "The bank robs you legally and likes it", heroes of the greek democracy "Their wealth, our blood": Slogans spray painted believe I can say that our formation as a outside a bank in Solonos Str, where anarchist whole never wavered until it plunged into constitute the modern expression Giannis Dimitrakis got arrested after an armed the very core of destruction." of law and order. They participate bank robbery, the same bank was burnt down by actively in volunteer work in anarchists & anti-authoritarians] To attack the modern institutions of security projects, they inform the choice of attack, historically consistent to repression and exploitation, it takes -first police on suspicious figures and the history of negation. Consistency has of all- to refuse the mass production of even attack delinquents to move with a military step between consciences that this world gives birth themselves. They get their little thinking and acting. Rioters, robbers, to. Authority no more stands for a awards from the police for their arsonists, they are all detonators to set privileged technique of administration, achievements and feel proud. The off the same war. The negation of work held fast in the net of a minority elite. It demand for security is not an is a partial negation of the economy and is a pervasive social relationship that imposed convention anymore. It is its world. Wage labour is an alienated finds its expression in every aspect of a social instinct. A pervasive process producing inequalities, based every day life. The transmutation of militarized demand for the upon one's exploitation by another. It is social antagonism has inevitably created merciless defence of property. The the commercialization of humanity's the necessity for the refabrication and cops are not the only ones in natural urge for creation and its the sophistication of the old terms of uniforms. This world's morality integration in the social factory of repression. This process did not appear wears a uniform too, and has alienated relations. Alienated work has its out of the blue, nor was it simply forced enlisted with vigor on the side of own ethics of submission. Legality, the by physical violence. Social relations the bosses. boss-model, career. have been shaped over the course of decades spent inside the social factory; On 3-10-2007 I robbed the ETE Where do you work? How much do you they have plenty of their own keywords. (Ethniki) bank on Gyzi Street. On earn? When do you get a day-off? Integration, "morality", homogeneity, my way out, about 1,5 minute Questions to inquire the subject's social "proper citizenship". That's the way the after the robbery and once I got on status. Alienated work manages and bosses manufactured the managers and my bicycle, I noticed a passerby organizes also leisure/spare time, that is their supervisors, the modern class to crossing Ragkavi Street not far equally modified by the work status that bridge the gap that were named from where I was (a street parallel enslaves it (weekend, holidays, days syndicalists as well as, of course, the to the one I was on), who was off). In reality, alienated work defines our obedient worker, who, having broken -at heading towards me. After a short whole existence. Our every day chat: last- the chainsaws of mass production, dialogue and while I was still on How was work? When do you get paid? is now able to afford his own proper my bicycle, this passerby turned Our mood: I 'm dead-tired today, not in handcuffs. They created volunteers to into a "hero" and kicked my a mood for anything, I have to wake up raise the vision of "Great Greece". bicycle resulting to its crashing early in the morning. We can finally see Unpaid submissive people who named with a passing car, and me falling how exactly the deep meaning of time is their volontary servitute "giving back to down, on the pavement. From that in great degree shaped upon the world of society". Social groups working for the point on alarm sirens were blasting labor and the needs of the economy. The maintenance of the existent repression all around me... immaterial dimension of time takes on a and exploitation that now act the role of material expression modified by the shock absorbers contributing to the My choice to rob a bank schedule of our every day captivity. global attack of the rulers. constitutes a point in my way to negation. Guerilla attacks to the Robbing an economic mechanism of captivity is not the only choice to realize Organisations (i.e. the N.G.O.s) created enemy's wealth under by acts of negation to work. But even attacks out of democracy's need to show a expropriation uphold a perpetuous

43 against economic targets constitute a collective is doomed to reproduce Some actions of solidarity radical suggestion of organization and the simultaneous defeat of our (October-November 2007): struggle, which jumpstarts the project for consciousness, that will turn into the destruction of work. the new defeated masses of our 12 October: Arson attacks against two era. banks at Zografou (Athens) I will say it again: the negation of work constitutes a partial negation of economy Hostilities continue. 13 October: Arson attack against the and its world. For example: the offices of the deputy minister of expropriation of commodities (from education (Athens) bookstores, super markets) constitutes a Giorgos Voutsis-Vogiatzis kind of negation of consumption, though 16 October: Arson attack against an not a total attack on economy. Robbing a Korydallos prison ETE bank in the city center and a bank is a way of negating work, but is Athens rulling party office at Evosmos not a total attack on capitalism. If the 18121 Greece (Thessaloniki) end justify anything, it's not the means, but the choices developed for action. The Instead of a P.S - The identity of a 18 October: Arson attack against an means follow the decision to act. They person is not defined by its ETE bank and a rulling party office at are dialectically related to the project. surname, but by the way and the Nea Krini (Thessaloniki) They are shaped inside it, but don't choices that are of his own. We shape it. My decision to rob the ETE know however that when the 5 November: Broken glass windows bank at Gyzi was not a vindictive, cameras are smashed and the and damages at the ETE bank in fortuitous attempt based on the weapons informants of the lie are beaten up Exarchia, at Eurobank on Solonos Str. I possessed, but a point in my way to a mercilessly a timer begins ticking, and at the Union of Greek Banks, on total negation of this world. A way with measuring a reverse reality. Those Massalias Str. (Athens) no final destination, but with many that have slandered and pillaged intermediate points. Many as the guns a my "personal data" will soon find Giorgos will be held for up to 18 revolutionary possesses at his arsenal. me in front of them. In any action months before jury in Korydallos' So, if there is anything we need to take of solidarity, I wish all mentions of Prison, Athens. back, it is personal consciousness. Or my name to include both my else, everything mass-based and surnames.

..continued from page 42

started. We kept moving and the next target again towards police who had made people’s frustration with pointless marches was TD Bank which lost three windows as it arrests while others encouraged the where we shout demands at empty was hit with rocks and paint bombs. We crowd to keep moving as the police buildings and politicians who don’t give a continued until we came to an intersection were gaining the upper hand. This is fuck has come to a boiling point. where BMO (Bank of Montreal sponsor of the point when police moved in and the Atlantica iniative) was hit with a paint clashes erupted as people de- Our planet is dying, Indigenous land is bomb and then the police reacted and arrested their friends and fought to being stolen, state repression increasingly attacked the crowd. The bloc could have escape arrest. I can’t comment on the present and destructive trade concepts pushed through this attack which was rest of the march because at this like “Atlantica” are being pushed through unorganized and outnumbered but people point I became isolated and needed with ease. In North America we can no retreated and turned around down the street to make my escape but I can say the longer sit idly by or be counted as marching the way we just came. As we bloc made one final paint bomb attack numbers in the streets while our comrades marched back TD Bank lost another window on the hotel where delegates were across the globe directly confront the state and was hit with more paint. We continued staying before being dispersed. and global capitalism. It is time to step up on for half a block but then a small split in and confront this system whether that be the bloc happened as some turned around At the end of the day twenty one in the militant street actions that took place people had been arrested and one in Halifax and Germany this summer or in block member and two the dead of the night when they least police sustained serious expect us. injuries. I’ve heard much criticism about what took Freedom, Love, Anarchy. place some justified and some not but I still left that action feeling more empowered then I’ve been Anonymous in a long time and hope others are too. The Black Notes: ‘Atlantica: International Bloc that took place during Northeast Economic Region’ is the that action was name of a neo-liberal trade entity that unprecedented for Halifax creates a freemarket area covering and much of Canada and I Canada and USA. hope it’s a sign that

44 Anti-Colonial struggle in Kanada ##

The Winter Olympics of 2010 will see appropriation, it masquerades behind the walls, fences and borders of capital every seemingly banal occurrence. raised (or hopefully “razed”) for all in Colonization has crossed every British Colombia, Canada to see. The border into every nation and now it Olympics is of course a corporate just goes deeper. The resource shitstorm that bludgeons wherever it extraction companies dig deeper goes, with increased surveillance, flanked by the recuperators who population profiling, gentrification and stoop even lower. I am writing this militarisation. The squalid rags and from the Coast Salish territories in so heroin brown of Vancouver’s downtown called british colombia. This is the eastside will be forcibly removed for home of the Skwxwú7mesh (also the shining primary colours of the known as Squamish), Tsliel-waututh Olympic rings. Similarly the supposed and Xwméthkwyiem people. This is brave and noble Olympic flame un-ceded land, never surrendered (reintroduced in 1936 as a symbol of but devastated by civilization’s the supreme Third Reich) will turn to intrusion. Capital is relatively recent extinguish the sacred fires of the to the Coast Salish, 150 years at remaining indigenous people. Yuppies best. Young but unrelenting, it strikes community. The majority of natives now will parade through stolen land and deeper and deeper cuts into the land live on reservations (small land tracts of doctored streets, nursed by cameras, As an anarchist I want to be in land the natives were forced onto when helicopters, pigs and a rapturous Europeans first invaded) or in poor urban media. The Olympics is the next step in solidarity with autonomous indigenous struggle. I recognize the areas. The reserves originally served to colonisation, the next step onto corral natives out of areas rich in territories that were never ceded. That generalizations inherent in writing about North American Natives as resources and to fragment nations. said, smashed windows, hijacked Communication and therefore united media spectacles and burning flags Indigenous America has many, many tribes and families, histories and resistance amongst the nations was made have already set the tone for the more difficult while settling non-natives unofficial welcoming party. traditions. Similarly the idea of sovereignty amongst sovereigntists is became easier for the invaders. The as contested anarchism is amongst reservation now is administrated by Band anarchists. Economic development is Councils. The Band council is ”Sovereignty is defined as a “supreme posited by some indigenous activists government appointed and is ostensibly authority within a territory,” free from as a path to sovereignty. So when I based on the idea of “self-governance” or external control & dependence. This refer to sovereignty I am referring to more accurately “self -assimilation”. The definition is used to describe the its most anti-authoritarian and Band Council is the government international relations between nations, autonomous incarnations. And of masquerading as the native. And the which are seen as sovereign entities course when I refer to anarchists I am government has one consistent position having total independence and control also referring to its most anti- on Indian affairs and that is the over a certain territory.A nation is often authoritarian and autonomous progression and reproduction of itself at defined as a group sharing a common incarnations. the expense of the excluded classes. The ethnicity, language, culture, history and band council negotiates treaties that turn territory. Today, terms such as country & Solidarity would mean extending their reservations into market commodities. It state are also used to describe nations, fight through my fight. It would reject also has to be understood that conditions but a nation is more correctly defined as the idea that Indians are victims and on the reservation are often compared a group of people, not a nation-state settlers are evil. It also would reject a with those of the Third World. Boil water (which often contains many nations blanket romanticisation of native advisories, rampant alcoholism, drug within its borders).” - ZIG ZAG 2007 resistance (a la Zapatistism). It would abuse, suicide, malnutrition, recognise a common class enemy unemployment etc etc… All of societies between anarchists and natives. The ills concentrated in one place. A native Colonization, the destruction of native struggle is a class struggle. A police force, who like all pigs in all places indigenous nations, continues to exist as a sovereign indigenous nation cannot dutifully destroy communities in the name historical footnote to Europe’s gold tinted exist within the spectre of the current of the law, police the reservation. All the invasion of the Americas. The nation state world. It is eradicated or assimilated while non-profits, leftist political of Canada exists as a colonial entity. It as an excluded class. It is the organizations, reform groups, continues today the project that was process of the proletarianization of environmental protection agencies and started on first contact; that is the indigenous people or the imposition power hungry personalities fall over development of western civilization at the upon them of Capital class structure. themselves to “represent” indigenous expense of the indigenous population. This inevitably creates class enemies communities… Outside the reservation This project is almost completely within the indigenous populations, the existent system forces a racist agenda unintelligible now. Wrapped and veiled in those that embrace this imposition at upon settlers. Be it white guilt or white years of assimilation and cultural their gain and at the expense of their

45 hate, capital is parading victorious in the one was injured. A Secwepemc exterior. Although not necessarily linked background. The excluded classes remain warrior immobilized an APC with a with the Olympics, this seemed to be a ignorant to their revolutionary potential. bullet. 13 Secwepemc people clear rejection of the increased charged over this resistance, many militarisation of Vancouver, not least “Canada’s native communities represent a transit security. This follows on from prior ‘tinderbox’ full of restless native youths went to jail with one elder, Wolverine, disruptions of official Olympic ready to explode in violence if progress serving 4 years. Recent Secwepemc resistance has been directed towards preparations. Earlier in the year a giant isn’t made in treaty talks” - Junior Minister Olympic flag was stolen by the Native for Indian Affairs Stephen Owen the Sun Peaks ski resort Warrior Society and claimed in honour of Vancouver Sun Feb 5/02 development. Pacheedaht elder Harriet Nahanee, who “Sun Peaks has destroyed Sweat The first incursions into British Colombia died of pneumonia after spending time in were in the mid 1800s. Colonization was Lodges, demolished Secwepemc provincial jail for protesting the expansion homes, charged Secwepemc with met with fierce resistance until the 1890s of the Sea to Sky Highway, an integral Trespassing at Skwelkwek’welt and when the indigenous insurgency was part of the Olympic infrastructure (in June forced RCMP to arrest Secwepemc overwhelmed and remained considerably 2006, $50,000 worth of damage was Elders. This Terrorism continues to weakened (connected to the utter done to the same highway development). our land everyday. Clean mountain destruction of traditional life and the forced The flag was stolen in March a month removal of children from their families and water, moose, deer, game, after protesters disrupted two Olympic medicines, other Secwepemc food is imprisonment in residential schools where Media spectacles- the unveiling of an being destroyed. Sun Peaks is they were beaten, abused and murdered Olympic countdown clock was thrown moving past the boundary of the and their culture completely eradicated) into disarray when a masked native resort into untouched, sensitive high until the late sixties when inspired by the stormed the stage and shouted into the alpine eco-systems” - American Indian Movement in the States, microphone “FUCK 2010! FUCK YOUR SKWELKWEK’WELT NOT SUN NARP and other indigenous resistance CORPORATE CIRCUS”. The Olympics PEAKS CALL OUT movements, Native insurgency was revived. was once again cited in urban unrest There were occupations of Indian Affairs Another ski resort development has when anarchists attacked banks in offices and armed highway blockades. An been so far halted by a St’at’imc Ottawa and Vancouver. The communiqué AIM supported blockade on a highway in Nation land reoccupation camp. On from Vancouver read Cache Creek protested the abysmal the coast, Cheam natives are in “This action was done in solidarity with conditions on the reservation there and constant struggle to fish the way their anarchists Gabriel Pombo de Silva, Jose tolled motorists in order to improve ancestors fished. 36 Cheam and Fernandez Delgado, Marcos Camenisch, conditions. Natives in Vancouver began to Musqueam natives were charged in who were on hunger strike in European band together to stop police brutality and August for breaching a sockeye prisons. As well as to contribute to the provide support for one another. 1990 was salmon fishing ban. The natives are actions taking place worldwide on this the year of the Oka “Crisis”, an armed using traditional fishing techniques international day of action. standoff on the Kanehsatake reserve in and rightfully chose to ignore a “Quebec” between the Canadian army and government on stolen land that tries “RBC (Royal Bank of Canada) was hit armed Mohawk warriors who were to impose fishing bans on them because it is a bank. A fundamental defending their land from the expansion of a because their industrial complex has institution which reproduces Capital. The golf course. The state laid siege to the depleted fish stocks. The Cheam very system (at the service and profit of a warriors for 77 days after a pig was shot band are also in conflict with logging bunch of vultures) that exploits people dead in an initial Surete du Quebec operations and another ski-resort world-wide and destroys life in general; incursion onto the land. The days of the development. as it simultaneously creates spectacular Oka Crisis are particularly inspirational events of repression. Such as the 2010 because of the solidarity it inspired across Meanwhile in Vancouver preparations Olympics, which is conveniently Canada. Burning bridges, toppled hydro are well under way for the 2010 sponsored by RBC” - Communique towers and highway blockades Olympics. Spray painted boldly on September 30th characterized the solidarity action and this almost every block is the ominous threat ultimately prevented the state from threat “RIOT 2010” and recently Anarchists squatted a building in solidarity using lethal force to overcome the warriors “RIOT 2010? WHY WAIT! RIOT with the Spanish anarchists and also as (the warriors eventually burnt their weapons NOW”. On Halloween night a million an attack on the gentrification and and walked away from the blockade but dollar bus was attacked and burnt speculation rampaging their never surrendered). In BC the Lil’wat nation out on the yuppified Commercial neighbourhoods. A speculation boom erected a road blockade in solidarity with Drive. Media reports the next day spurred on by Olympic fever has Mohawks and as an assertion of their own showed the torched vehicle with decimated the city; empty buildings don’t sovereignty to attack resource extraction in “RIOT NOW!” clearly daubed on its last long anymore and are usually their territory . 50 people were arrested at replaced by gated condos for the this blockade four months later. included classes. The Downtown Secwepemc people blockaded a road at Eastside has been particularly affected. Adams Lake. Five years later in 95 another The DTES is the only segment of blockade against the development on burial Vancouver that by default defies the grounds saw the Adams River bridge burnt spatial and social control programs down. Later that year Secwepemc necessitated for a modern city. The traditionalists mounted an armed defence of inadaptable misfits and homeless (a their Sundance at Ts’peten (Gustatsen large part of whom are native) of Lake). Again the Canadian state molbilized Vancouver are forced into these few a highly technologised counter insurgency blocks. A complex black market thrives, attack on native warriors. The state fired mostly comprised of crack and smack over 70,000 rounds of ammunition but no trade, but the hustle around the

46 being held in the as a friendly and insightful warrior who North Fraser Pretrial fought for the last thirty years against the centre and is now State’s destruction of Indian sovereignty. locked up in Rapid John participated in survival schools that City where he will helped young Indians reconnect to face trial on June traditional ways of life within industrial th 17 2008. Anna society and was particularly involved in Mae was murdered fighting the uranium industrial complex. John in the mid 70s was involved in setting up a survival against the gathering named in honour of Anna Mae at background of the Pinehouse, Saskatchewan. The Anna Mae FBI’s attempted Survival Camp was set up on Key Lake road, annihilation of the which later became the world’s largest American Indian uranium mine. So much written material Movement. Anna exists on the events leading up to and Mae was one of over 60 people following Anna Mae’s murder, however most downtown is the closest thing Vancouver executed on the Pine Ridge of it concerns the spectacular nature of the has to a community. People are on the Reservation in South Dakota in the FBI and to some extent AIM. Events are street all day every day and come years surrounding the armed standoff documented not because of the inspirational together somewhat to overcome the at Wounded Knee and the shoot-out value or usefulness in struggle but more to misery that surrounds them. Meanwhile at Oglala. Those murders, commonly set the scene or introduce characters that posh exclusive art galleries and coffee referred to as the “reign of terror”, would become important in the dramatic houses creep into these blocks, preceded were directed by then band council downfall of AIM. AIM was a very loose by police crackdowns and liberal chief Dick Wilson, who had organization and most Indian resistance at solutions to the “problems” of assembled a private army trained in the time was autonomous. John was one of homelessness. Crack, junk and welfare paramilitary tactics and armed by the the thousands of Natives who fought and are usually the main concerns downtown FBI. There is no evidence against continue to fight against their annihilation. but occasionally it becomes secondary to John save a drug induced statement Above all most Natives recognize that John social revolt. In 2002, the Woodwards by the fellow defendant in the case, should never be tried in the court of the squat was opened. What began as an Arlo Looking Cloud (who has occupier. Considering the interest in activist civic pressure action (media stunt retracted his statement but is now uranium mining as a “green energy source” squatting is a common tactic amongst serving life for first degree murder) has now been renewed our solidarity with reformist anti-poverty groups in Canada) and the allegations of former leaders John, extending his struggle into ours, has quickly evolved into an inspirational of AIM. So far John Trudell is the only become very important. The call has gone rupture with everyday downtown life. It former AIM leader to have out: Honour Anna Mae and Free John was clear to the squatters the link participated in court proceedings Graham. between gentrification and the Olympics. against John but Russell Means and They hung a banner that read “Campbells Robert Robideau have all made I am a warrior, I was a warrior when I first Olympic Shame” (Gordon Campbell allegations against John. John is the went to South Dakota and I’ll be a warrior being the BC premier who campaigned latest target of the COINTELPRO when I have to go (back) to South Dakota” - for the staging of the games in BC). The John Graham Woodwards squat was forcibly evicted but a slew of squatted “tent cities” and For the purpose of succinctness the west secret squats have sprung up around the coast of Canada is the main focus of this downtown since. article but a brief overview of other indigenous struggles in the country, The expansion and sustenance of the city particularly that of Six Nations is necessary. is undeniably linked to the continued Six Nations land in Ontario has been resource extraction from the surrounding contested territory since 1784 when Six rural areas. In August of August of this Nation natives (compromised of Mohawk, year a group of Tahltan and Iskut Natives Onondaga, Cayuga, Oneida, Seneca and in North Western BC blockaded a road Tuscarora) signed a treaty for the Haldimand preventing Shell from carrying out repairs Tract of land. 95 % of this land has since to a service road that leads to its coal bed been taken from them. The already methane explorations. Similar protests mentioned Oka crisis was one such had halted Shell in 2005 and 2006 and incursion onto Six Nations land. In early 13 people were arrested at a blockade 2006 Six Nation natives reclaimed their land against Fortune Minerals which has coal at the Douglas Creek Estate development, interests in that territory. Resource which extended the town of Caledonia into extraction has been met with native the reservation. Over thirty people have resistance all over Canada. Recently a been arrested since then, some facing prominent warrior in the fight against serious charges. Albert Douglas is facing uranium mining has found himself facing operation against Indian country. robbery, attempted murder, forcible the full weight of the industrial state Although no evidence exists against confinement, dangerous driving, and assault complex. John he will face the same kangaroo of a police officer and theft of a vehicle. It is court set up that sent Leonard Peltier alleged that Albert stole a US border patrol John Graham a Tutchone Nation warrior down for two consecutive life vehicle that was in the area and attempted and Vancouver resident, was extradited sentences on no evidence. to run down a pig who was injured as he from Canada to the US where he is was pulled out of the way. Douglas is also framed with killing his friend and fellow John is supported by a group of charged with robbery and assault in relation warrior Anna Mae Pictou Aquash. He was Vancouver anarchists who know him

47 to an attack on two TV cameramen in the Conclusion across Turtle Canadian Tire parking lot in Caledonia the Island The struggle in many Native Nations same day. Documents that proved the use [Tyendinaga, can be said to parallel the anarchist of infiltrators against the natives were Six Nations, struggle. Our struggles run alongside found inside that car. Trevor Miller is facing etc.] have one another but are not the same. I similar charges for the same incident. 3 also been recognise in them elements of my youth were recently arrested following the subjected to own struggle to destroy the existent beating of a housing developer in conditions that keeps me from a joyous and free Caledonia on September of this year. 9 created by interaction with the world. Our other natives were arrested after the house the very repressive system that Bell, solidarity must represent this. Liberal they were occupying was evicted by an Linamar, Scotiabank, CN Rail, and activists are just as detested amongst over-the-top riot squad operation and are others reinforce through the policies Natives as politicians and the clear now facing charges. Skylar Williams, a they create [like the SPP] with State difference between the activist and Mohawk accused of assaulting the leaders throughout North America.” - anarchist perspectives can be housing developer faced further repression Communique December 12th 2007 presented through our actions. whilst being held in jail without bail. He Chilean and Italian anarchist solidarity was continually threatened by institution with the dispossession and We can only ensure that the gift of proletarianization of the Mapuche agitation and subversion spreads people are good examples. As are from shattered windows, burning tires some of the actions of comrades and squatted land outwards and here in Canada…. onwards. “On the night of sunday September 9th anarchists shattered the windows of the army Write: recruiting center in Victoria, bc. Further encouraging the John Graham momentum of recent autonomous 307 St. Joseph Street actions. (…)This action was carried out to illustrate two sides Rapid City, of the same useless coin which is SD 57701 staff; a typical occurrence when natives the canadian state and its occupation get sent down. of lands afar [Afganistan (sic) for USA example] and the territories of turtle North of Caledonia, the Kanehsatake island [North america]. Let our reservation has upheld its reputation as a relationship to this system break like major threat to Canadian normality. The the thin glass that stands between us constant attempts to control the and the world without domination we reservation have been met with very clear desire.” - Communique September direct action. The house of the corrupt 12th 2007 band council chief James Gabriel was burnt down and an invading police force “By the time you kicked off the reservation in 2004 after the read this letter 2 fatal shooting of warrior Joe David. The vans belonging to cops have yet to return and when they do your adored Bell they will find their station has also been Canada Enterprises burned to the ground. Joseph Daye was have already been sentenced to two years under house arrest disabled. Their for burning the chief’s house. Mohawks engines are nothing from the Tyendinaga reserve have been more than the reoccupying a gravel quarry and mounting smoking vestiges rail and highway blockades demanding the that our fires have closure of said quarry. Mohawk spokesman left behind.{....}We Sean Brant faces 6 indictable mischief continue to charges and three breach of bail charges see....borders, and for the resistance at Tyedinaga. He is those who police facing upwards of 10 years. them, used to criminalize and “Now that war is being forced upon us, we isolate people who will turn our hearts and minds to war and refuse to submit to it too we will wage with all our might... Our the terror of State Spirits are strong. We are together at last Capitalism. Along with ourselves and the world of our with the Green ancestors; we are proud before our Scare victims, John children and our generations unborn... We Graham has recently are free. No yoke of white government been extradited to oppression can contain us. We are free” - Mohawk Nation Office, August 27, 1990. the US, Leonard Peltier met the same fate, and natives


AGAINST SURVEILLANCE SOCIETY LetterLetter fromfrom ArturArtur KonowalikKonowalik From ABC Poznan, Poland: This letter Use of violence by the prison guards is did what they asked for, meanwhile, was sent to ABC Poznan address, we quite common, they have a special half of them stood in a line along have no idea how this prisoner got our sound-proof room, where they carry the cell. My bed was next to the address. But three months before sending you. It looks like that, they come in wall in the end of a 20-person cell! this letter, he sent the first letter asking us 10-15 people, it depends on what Then they asked me to come inside to send him some press, zines etc. We did you've done. They wear helmets, the cell and take my stuff. I had to so, but apparently, he didn't get the protection vest, with shields and go through an "obstacle course" package we sent to him. This letter was batons. They drive you to the room [which means all the cops on his way were sent without any censorship. We don't kicking you, beating with batons all beating him up heavily - translator's know the case of this prisoner, but the over your body. When you're already comment]. They gave me one minute to letter describes Polish prison reality there, nobody can hear you, because take my stuff, which was impossible to do, perfectly. Artur asks for publishing it all the room is made in a way that no so they had another reason to beat me up. over and he also wrote that press is very sound would go out, they put a That was the third time in 10 minutes. welcome. We don't think he speaks any protection helmet on your head, so While they were having fun with my stuff, other language than Polish but you're all that you wouldn't smash it on the wall letters, photos etc. I was standing against welcome to send him signs of solidarity yourself (where's that great care the wall. There were loads of smashed jars and publish this letter everywhere you can. coming from?!) and a belt with around, that was next to the door of the handcuffs, so that you wouldn't defend cell. I didn't notice when I was hit in the yourself. Those philanthropists, head and I fell cutting my hands, there was "...This what the law depending on their mood, or how their a jar in front of my eyes, I mean, the last night with their wives was, come leftovers of a jar, it was standing with its looks like, the law several times to “cure you from the bottom down, with a smashed edge. If I demons”. When you get out of there, hadn't protected myself with my hands, I created by the after 24 or 48 hours, sometimes would have fallen in the glass with my face, longer, you have to promise you'll be in the best case possible, it would cut my immaculate dictators..." quiet. You go to a doctor (who in my face, in the worst case, it'd pierce into my case said so!) who looks at your body, forehead. I turned pale, I looked in the eyes I am 28 years old, I've been in prison for then says you won't die from it, or that of the person, who hit me, for a while he 9,5 years, this is how the life looks like you'll be fine soon. They say those realized what could have happened. He here. When you come inside the walls, things to the others too! Usually you stopped for a while, he kicked the glass, before they put you in a cell, they call your are put in another cell afterwards. and continued on beating me up. After all, so-called educator, who assures you that the put me in an isolation cell, I put out my not once they made a kitten out of a tiger, Here, I will describe only one of the stuff and laid down, counting bruises on my so it'd be much better if you sit quiet. He experiences I've had during this head. There were 16 of them. My body tells you when you can get a food punishment. Everything I write about was so bruised and sore that I was really package, when you can have visits, what are my personal experiences, but I've terrified. But the peace didn't last long. rights you have, what you can do and what chosen one, the one I wasn't quiet They cleaned up the corridor and they took you cannot! Finally, you get into the cell, about. It was as usual, but that day, it me again. While they were kicking me, I for 4 or more people; here they emphasize was a little different because of some opened my eyes, I saw them leaning over that the size of a 4-person cell is the size reasons that I want to write about, me. I knew I lost consciousness, but I of a 2-person cell but because of the fact because I will always remember that found out about the epilepsy after few that the prisons are overcrowded, they put day. I've already described how it weeks. They gave it up and carried me to 4 people in a cell like that. 2 or 4 people, looks like. That day, more of them the cell. They said the doctor had holidays, they don't give a damn, if they had wanted came for me, it was in Przemysl so they I couldn't see him, with a lot of to, they would have put the 5th one inside, prison. One of them took me to a injuries and internal pains, of kidneys, liver he would sleep on the mattresses on the common room so that they could take and something else, but it's hard to tell, I floor, so we should be happy, that there the other ones from the cell out, it was felt pain everywhere. When the signs of the are only 4 of us, and when they put the a cell for more than 20 people. They crime came off... It's hard for me to call it 5th one in, we should be understanding wanted to remove witnesses, because other way, because I have a long sentence and accept the fact that there are 5 people they wanted to start the party in that for a battery with a use of a dangerous in a 2-person cell. The letters are particular cell. When they came for me weapon in self-defense. So I am a criminal censored, even when you're already to the common room and I went out to according to the law, so who are they convicted and the letters are not read by the corridor I was thrilled with the according to the law, the law that says I am the prosecutor's office or the court, you number of cops that I saw. There were a criminal? Okay, so, when all signs went still cannot glue the envelope, so that the a lot of smashed jars in the corridor, off, they suddenly took me to a hospital, a educator and the supervisor could read they threw them out of the cell. First, civil one, to see a neurologist. He asked your letters from the family. You're already they put me against the wall with my me about my head injuries, if I had ones in convicted so you will not lie in the arms upwards and with my legs wide my childhood, or of I fell off a bike, shit like investigation, so what is this censorship astride. Then they were abusing me that. I never had any head injuries, so I told for?! If you rebel, if you break the rules full with offensive words, then I was hit in him the truth, when I had ones and all the of bans and orders, you will be punished. the back of my head and I fell down, circumstances. I knew that was the reason The punishments are: taking your tv or the party began. My whole body was why I was at the neurologist, that I lost radio away, a reprimand, a ban to go to kicked, beaten, they didn't look where consciousness, but he was the first to tell the common room, taking your food they hit. When they stopped the fun me that I was there because of epilepsy. package away (you can get one in 3 for a while, they ordered me to stand Oh fuck, post-traumatic epilepsy, months) or an isolation cell. up and stand against the wall again. I concussion. I don't know what he wrote in

50 the files, but since then, I've been taking inmates. The doctor is here once in have no place to go to. The only way out is a medicines to decrease the risk of a potential two weeks, so if you get sick two den and coming back to crime. If someone has epilepsy. days after his duty hours, then you a place to go to after being released, then have to wait another 12 days to see they're also in a lost position. They look for a Okay, so I started to act, I wrote to the him. Flu, fuck the flu, you won't die job, but it's obvious that a potential employer prosecutor, to the ombudsman. I have the from it, you wait for the doctor, in the wouldn't hire an ex-prisoner, he/she doesn't right to glue the official letters and to take meantime you would infect the other want to risk. He/she has 10 other people for confirmation of receipt of those letters. I did guys and then you all wait for him. this place, so why should he employ a man so to avoid the possible loss of those letters. Medicines, antibiotics... they cannot with criminal record. The guardian pressurizes, The attitude of prison guards towards me give you any of them without doctor's threatens with annulling the suspension of the changed, but only for the time of my acting. advice, so you walk around sick until sentence, that was temporarily suspended for So the investigation on the case started but I he shows up again. Usually you get the parole. And there's a moment of giving up got replies that there are no evidences well without any medication. Sure, and coming back to criminal life. The supporting my version, there are no traces, I why not. Why should they give any omniscient judge judges you later and says "to didn?t file it to the educator (who knew about medication (you won't die from it). be locked again" and the you're back there. I everything), to the prison's chief, I tried to Next, I want to write about the will give you few examples of alleged meet him but I didn't succeed, but he also dentist. Right now I'm in Rzeszow rehabilitation. You can paint paintings, but knew about everything. I had no forensic Zaleze prison. The dentist's here getting the canvas and paints is almost a examination because the doctor was on once a week, or, if it really hurts that miracle, you can draw graphics with ink but holiday. And the epilepsy that I have is an it makes you go mad, then can have they won't give it to you cause it's used for alcoholic one. What the fuck, when was I a visit earlier. We had one lady tattoos. You can draw with pencils but there supposed to drink? I've been in jail since my dentist here last year, she infected are no pencils at the moment (maybe they'll teens, then on my 18th birthday I was in loads of prisoners with serum buy some in few days). There are prisons that prison again, for 18 months, then I was free jaundice. There were loads of cases have what they want but those are the for 2 months and 4 days, then I was against her filed to the prosecutor administration's minions. Recently, there was imprisoned for another 2 years. That was my office to start an investigation. I heard sports competition organized by the cultural second time in jail. So when was I supposed myself once when she told one of the educator, basketball, long jump, medicine ball to drink? But, yeah, they say it's alcoholic guys "be happy that it's not HIV, only throw. There was also a volleyball tournament and that's it. I wrote dozens of letters, but of jaundice". They fired the lady dentist, between the prison units, but only the chosen course everything was totally groundless, now there's mister dentist here, he ones played (rehabilitation?). What is it? everybody fucked up, nothing happened, doesn't remove so many teeth. Lady Basketball throws etc? This is a fucking there are no evidences (so I lie for sure), dentist was pulling teeth like hell. Why isolation from the society, segregation of the they were covering each other! I couldn't do do anything, fill it, you can just get rid prisoners, like in cages, and fanning hatred. It anything, it all looked as I described. A local of it, doesn't matter, 5 or 10, hurts is because of them some go out of prisons and newspaper wrote some few shitty lines about or not, there's a defect, let's pull it! kill. I know some examples of people who that whole show they made in the prison. Not were here for one year, they were fanning only were the guards fired, also the people The methods that they use here and hatred in them, by repression, it riots inside from the very top. It all started when the the so called prison rules are them and then it blows up on the other side of prison was visited by the representatives of ridiculous. Rehabilitation, because I the wall. European Commission and they were talking wanna write something about it now, to everyone from the cells, the authorities is a word that's totally absurd. In the unit where I stay, there's a library, the couldn't take part in this, they didn't allow There's no rehabilitation here, it's a biggest one in the prison, it has a lot of books, them. Nobody was scared at that time, word made up by politicians and it but nobody reads Tolstoy here. Usually they because they believed there's a chance for doesn't meet reality in the Polish would read some 'criminal' stories and they improvement of the conditions in the prison prisons. I want to start with the fact rehalibilitate here studying their craft for and they won't be repressed, because the that they'd put in one cell a murderer, months. This is how the 'rehabilitation' looks guards weren't there during the control visit a gangster who grew up in the street, like, in short. There's one more ridiculous of the Commission. There were also controls someone who rode a bike drunken or thing for me here. You're before the made by the commission from the Central somebody who didn't pay alimony or commission every six months, they evaluate on Office of the Prison Guards, but everyone for any other small shit. The person you behavior, the process of rehabilitation. knew that it's all the same shit and first of comes in, listens to it all, learns, he's They can be 'good men' and send you to a all, complaints wouldn't work and secondly, vulnerable to many things, and half-open prison, where it is possible to get out they would be repressed. So guys were instead of living according to the law, earlier. Men in elegant suits, the best ones, scared. he becomes a potential gangster, law-abiding, with masks on their faces tell you murderer, thief or burglar. Secondly, "it's good, behavior is okay, we have no The next thing is healthcare. You're not this man sits for 23 hours doing reservations, hope to see further gonna believe it, but the nurses here are nothing, he has a lot of time for improvements, the rehabilitation goes right really incapable of their job, you can go to thinking, planning. There are a lot of way". In six months, in spite of the fact that see them or the doctor, who is there once in people who don't have a place to go you're there the same way you were there, two weeks, they would look, knock on your to when they're out of prison. There's you didn't get any document about your bad back and they have a wonderful cure, that no work where you can earn some behavior etc. they'd tell you "oh, it got worse, will heal you. I'll give you one example of money while being in prison. There you have to change, improve your behavior". many. One guy had purulent scabies, he are some prisons where you can Did they forget about the good opinion they went to see the healers, they say it's work, but those are exceptions, it's a made six months before and about the fact nothing, an allergy. The scabies grew really small percentage. Everyone can that nothing has changed? I don't know, stronger, all covered in purulent wounds, he get a parole but it works differently. maybe they had a fucked up day and they went to see the doctors again, and again Even if you're out, it's not the end. changed the opinion to a bad one (maybe they they said it's allergy. After three weeks they You get some 50-100 zlotys (around wanted to give a chance for improvement). Oh finally figured it out that it might be scabies 15-30 euros), or more when you those fucking philanthropists, they're so great! so they took him to an isolation room, but in leave the prison and that's it! As I They gave me a chance for improvement! the meantime he infected several other already wrote, there are people who That's a fucking 'gift from heavens'. 51 This next piece of writing is taken from bite the hand of those 'Detour' an Italian-made film about the severe disturbances in Genoa, Italy, at the time of the who give them the 2001 G8 Summit. The text is a spoken voice crumbles of the big track overlaid on the scenes of the attempted cake of the liberation of Marassi prison. The title of the mercantilist piece refers to the attack by the black bloc on expansion; they want the gates and offices of the jail, as they attempted to burn it down. The summit was the current laws marked by extreme pre-planned police repealed and that brutality, there was a large number of everything is owned detainees who were systematically abused by everybody. They and beaten. Some prisoners were made to grovel on the floor like dogs whilst guards ardently desire the simulated sex with them, some made to sing end of the status quo. fascist songs and salute pictures of Mussolini. The text actually describes the liberation of They look forward to Newgate prison, London, during the Gordon seeing the old dream Riots of 1780. The riots were the largest of the great London riots come symbol of the slavery to abolish; it municiple insurrection in the 18th Century, in true and eventually see clear wine seeks neither for fight nor for military a time that saw several others across the action; full of omnipotence and vivacity, world. It was "a motley crew, and of every pissed out of the public fountain. colour", The insurgent masses were working it wants to abolish all the partitions. It class, multi-racial, and fought for liberty aims to ban and humble its enemies; it All the aristocrats came out into against the slavery and confinement enforced intends to destroy the past, but hardly the streets with unprecedented by the rich. The insurrection had the ever kills or captures. aristocrats besieged and houses destroyed, mobility; they separate and then the bosses and upper-classes armed come together, concentrate and themselves with military encampments and then scatter according to their Bound to lack of discipline and checkpoints. Parliment and the Bank of coordination, this ubiquitous England was attacked. Newgate, the largest inspiration. Insurrection is not and most terrible dungeon, was liberated confined to the borders of the insurrection soon shows that its ace is amid such fire and destruction that one working slums, but goes around the lack of strategy itself. The weak spectator felt "as if not only the whole the metropolis through itinerant troops wearily follow the mass of the metropolis was burning, but all nations rioters, without ever reaching them. In yielding to the final consummation of groups, who manage to enlist things." more reinforcements wherever an era where punishment is preferred to supervision, the few policemen that patrol the boroughs are either led to STUNNING LIKE MARASSI IN FLAMES flee or to fraternise, not being able to face the great deal of determination of those become available. Sleepless beggars without a future those fanatics. The only bunch of Insurrection prefers to scatter, to wondered through the night; tens of warders to face the mob is confined in divert and to run rather than to go thousands of them surged from the the Bastille-like-prison, Newgate. The along in a slow mass march. It slums of White Chapel & Southwark, news that the biggest prison of the chooses its aims according to from hovels and lodging-houses, from kingdom is about to be assailed by the their psycho geographic garages, brothels and inns. They do mob travels around London in a tic and closeness; it does not want to not care about the Pope or the King, gather tens of thousands of onlookers. about Tories, Whigs, rituals and obtain power, but wants to destroy it by turning all authorities revenue; they do not care about the art The high walls of Newgate are about to rule and to administer. They want to and all class privileges ephemeral. to fall; the right is naked. cut unworthy preachers’ tongues and Therefore it sacks rich houses, dangerous ones. It's hard to stay Recently, I was punished to stay in an me completely every time I had to calm. isolation cell, I was fighting for my right so leave the cell. They were putting my they punished me. Isolation room means hands and legs in chains that were This how the law looks like, the law also that you cannot get any packages. For wounding my legs. I didn't have TV created by the immaculate dictators. I them it's one punishment. It's totally absurd, set or radio in my cell. There was a have to struggle with this dictatorship but they say it's one punishment. During my speaker, they were playing radio, very for at least three more years and I stay in prison I was making a lot of trouble, often they were playing 'relaxing' think this system is not gonna break as they say (self-mutilations, swallowing music, sea waves, birds' singing etc. I me. things), I've been through three surgical was alone in a cell for three years, the operations. And I hit a jailer, I smashed only faces I was seeing were faces of windows, I made rows and I was fighting for the guards, always serious and my rights, I was said to be a dangerous arrogant. I had nobody to talk to for Artek. prisoner. I was put in a special unit. Cell 3 those three years. Of course, they metres by 1,5 meter, I had two cell were trying to break me mentally and Artur Konowalik searches a day, which meant totally fucking many times had I been provoked to Zaklad Karny up everything inside. Four appeals a day. In behave in an aggressive way. Then I Zaleska 76 spite of the fact that there was a video was punished for violent behavior. 35-322 Rzeszow camera in the cell and the Big Brother was Now, I'm in a normal unit, in a normal Poland watching me all the time. They dressed me cell, but all the time they threaten me up in a red uniform, they were undressing with coming back to the unit for the

52 Built in the twelfth century and secular symbol of oppression, Newgate is the biggest and oldest of the prisons in London. It was just enlarged and embellished with new external features. However its walls, sweating with dismay, never lost their horrible look for the beggars. Amongst them there are burglars, pocket pickers and thieves of all sorts, whores and fortune tellers as well as petty thieves and homeless that argued with their hosts. Not to forget boxers and virtuous stabbers. In short a large number of poor people kept in there, who have either died or are about to die.

The burnt block of the warders opens a breach in the formidable fortress. An eye-witness says that a group of rioters, determined to force their way in, smashed the doors with bars and other means, mounted on the roof of bringing out the prisoners, who being performed in honour of the the block of the cells linked to the two are acclaimed by the mob as they destruction. Gin and wine, that had blocks, where the felons are kept. The emerge from the furnace. They are been taken from the warders, who latter broke up the roof, ripped the paraded with honour at the rhythm used to sell it to the prisoners, was windows off and came down through of the chains that they still have being distributed for free in great ladders. The flames surrounded them around their ankles. They are quantities. and an anti-riot squad could have brought to the blacksmiths of the blocked them at any time, but they neighbourhood to free them from The poet and engraver, William Blake, were ready to face any risk. their chains, before letting them who was 23 at the time, also took free in the big chaos. part in the party. The living fire that The first liberator to enter the prison is annihilated Newgate would be called Tom Haycock. When 300 hundred workers condemned present in his fruitful imagination for interrogated in court regarding his for bad debts or felony, 3 of whom years; those sublime moments would motive to take part in the attack to were to be hanged the following be the inspiration of his firing visions. Newgate, he simply replied “The aim”. day, were thus freed, while their “And what else?” they asked him. “By liberators, perching on the prison dawn” he added “Not one prison had walls, looked at the fire as if in to be in place in London”. The ecstasy. Some of them pissed on “The tigers of wrath are wiser attackers, that had drawn the plan, it as if it was a furnace to be than the horses of instruction” confidently laid siege to that building poked, while burping, swearing William Blake. that some of them knew all to well. and blaspheming. At the bottom of They started by forcing the cells in and the walls celebrating dances were

“For Mercy has a human heart; Pity, a human face; And Love, the human form divine: And Peace the human dress.” William Blake, fragment from ‘The Divine Image’.

20 June, Genoa : Anarchists attack Marassi Prison

53 Look! Human beings living in an Courts in Heilbronn and Karlsruhe The Prison underground den, with a mouth condemned me in several trials to open towards the light, reaching the 16 years 9 months and 3 weeks Prisoners which pose a danger to the imprisonment - to be served until entire den; they have been here order and security of the institution may 2013. Since I might present a be he held in solitary confinement (ie 24 since childhood and have their legs danger for society at large hours a day alone) according to the law. and necks chained so that they preventive detention has been From 1996 to 1998 I sat in isolation in cannot move... arranged afterwards. This is to be Stammheim and since then in bruchsal executed beginning with 2013 and (with two interruptions: 1998 in Straubing Retrospective - October 1996, around will continue according to the will of and again in 2002 in Stammheim). Since 5:30am in the morning, a cool autumn the law. Preventive detention May 2006 I can meet 6-7 other day slowly awakened itself... Two, (Sicherungsverwahrung - SV) is to „dangerous“ prisoners in the prison yard maybe three, dozen hooded shapes run be executed in a prison as well and for an hour. A lot of reading and writing – almost silently into Savings' Bank. One can continue for life, for as long as day in, day out, year after year. This is holds a video camera as one of the men the experts and the court believe it how I spend the time... yells: „on your knees, on your knees!“ - is right for the one in confinement. and before I can count to three I am lying At the current time there are no And if they were able to speak to on the ground, my hands and feet women placed in preventive one another would they not belive twisted, a doctor bending over me. He detention, no more danger there. that the voices they heard were asks „Are you alright? Is from the shadows anything wrong with which they saw? you?“ and I still think he must have a sense Still in Prison of humor, but he's probably only doing There is B who his job. Thus, a 14 regularly receives hour hostage-taking antipsychotic situation in a bank medications, T who at ends, which instead of 1,82m weighs only leading to providing 60kg. (see also http:// funds for a variety of political projects is 2006/08/156000.shtml) followed by a lengthy or OE who pulls himself prison sentence. away from the TV for an hour in the yard in ..So that they order to collect the cannot move, and cigarette butts from the can only see before ground so he can have something to smoke. them, being We are quite a prevented by the chains from For the bank hold-up I received 11 „dangerous“ handful of prisoners. turning their heads. Above and turning their heads. Above and years 6 months, followed by a behind them a fire is blazing at a preventive detention of unknown I won't say anything about the, at times distance.. length since various politicians from more at times less subtle, humiliations, the SDP (Social Democractic Party), harassments, „special“ incidents, After 10 years detention, which I have CDU (Christian Democratic Union), whoever wants to read more examples spent mostly in isolation I want to put CSU (Christian Social Union), as from everyday prison life can check my together a balance sheet: well as legal officials felt insulted by webpage. my letters. The Punishment Prisoners, who are determined to fight Can someone understand that I am for their liberty are quickly considered as The whole meaning purpose of not willing to serve these 17 years dangerous to the prison system, punishment in civil society is, if one and potential lifelong preventive because such a system survives due to follows an established comment in the detention without opposition? the silent agreement between inmates criminal code, to prevent criminal Punishment in civil society is an and officials, according to which the offences, be it by the punished or not yet instrument of discipline - and it is former must first accept the amerciable individuals. Beyond that part of the legal class! Naturally I cirucmstances of their imprisonment. punishment should be a retaliation for believe in a life with social Those who does not stick to this the injustice committed. The penal law responsibility, as it is called in the agreement and are not willing to stare at sees the purpose of the penal system in penal code, but my idea of a society the walls all the time and to see the rehabilitation as well as the protection of differs fundamentally from the shadows of freedom as compensation the gen public; i.e the convict should prevalent capitalistic society. for reality will, almost without fail, end up become capable to live a socially in solitary confinement, for the sole responsible life free of crime. The ..They see only their shadows, reason of preventing such prisoners from execution of sentences law again sees or the shadows of one another, - allegedly - inciting their fellow prisoners. the tasks of the execution of sentences which the fire throws on the wall apart from the protection of the public in of the cave. How can they see the Resozialisierung, i.e. the prisoner is to become able to lead in the future anything but the shadows if they within social responsibility a life without are never allowed to move their criminal offences. heads?.. m 54 And now look again and see what will naturally follow if the prisoners are released and disabused of their error. At first, when any MG (Militant Group): of them is liberated and compelled to suddenly stand up and turn his neck around and walk and look towards the light, he will suffer sharp A Chronology. pains; the glare will distress him, and he will be unable to see the realities of which, in his 12.06.01: sending of bullets to the representants of the 'Initiative for the former state, he had seen the shadows of. reparation of the victims of forced labour during the nazi regime' (Gibowski, Gentz and Lamsdorff) because of their role in relativizing the crimes of the The Imprisonment nazi regime.

Unfortunately there are too many prisoners, which 21.06.01: arson against cars of a daimlerchrysler reseller in Berlin- after many years of detention are no longer able to Marienfeld, following their role as profiteurs of the forced labour under the nazi function once freed and fail at completing even the regime. simplest everyday tasks. I'm reminded of Z, we were in neighbouring cells in 2002 in Stammheim and 05.02.02: arson attack against the social office in Berlin-Reinickendorf and could only communicate from window to window. threateningletter directed to the responsible for social politics Frank Balzer (a He'd spent half his life behind walls (home, juvenile 'personification of the social terror'). detention, prison), and after a few days of freedom – he had served his sentence to full term – had been 29.04.02: arson attack against a daimlerchrysler reseller in occasion of the detained once again. He told me about how he'd visit of Mr. Bush. gone for a walk in the city and a couple had asked him to photograph them. The digital camera which 31.12.02: arson attack at the finance office in Berlin-Neukolln following their they'd put in his hands overwhelmed him research oriented towards 'blackpayed workers'. completely. He didn't know what this tool was meant for. Obviously only a trivilaity and definitely neither 26.02.03: arson attack in Brandenburg against some jeeps property of the an explanation nor an attempt to excuse his fast german army, in occasion of the beginning of the Iraq's war. relapse, yet a piece of the puzzle. 17.09.03: arson attacks against the court of Sachsen-Anhalt and the State The price of freeing oneself from the chains while Attorney in Naumburg/Saale in to respond the trial of the 'Magdeburg Three'. still in detention can be high in particular cases, but the worldwide prison fight, as in Spain or North/ 29.10.03: arson against cars belonging the ALBA company, to attack their South America are testimony to the fact that the politic of exploitation. longing for freedom cannot be extinguished. 31.12.03: arson attack against the buros of the 'German Institute for social I myself am going to be denied the freedom of research' (DIW) in Berlin-Steglitz, considered as a 'think tank factory of movement over an unspecified amount of time, Capital'. I have never accepted that and I will never accept that. 29.03.04: arson at the knot office of the social office Pankow and the dole office Berlin-nord, to respond the approved reform which prescribed the Even ten years of solitary confinement have not comign together of social help and dole for jobless people. destroy my convictions one iota. The confiment is not as essential, as long as I am able to experience 06.05.04: arson against cars property of the Telekom to attack their solidarity from the outside. Sometimes I have been participation within the newly approve 'Hartz IV' reform (cutting to the social infuriated by reproaches from the outside. help). Occasionally over the course of the years I have been accused of playing a martyr and been advised 23.09.04: arson against the social office in Berlin-Schoneberg becuase of to cooperate with the judiciar in order to alleviate my their involvement within the 'Hartz IV' reform, as well as another arson attack cirucmstances. against the municipality of Reinickendorf, responsible for the administration of politics concerning refugees. Bullets have been sent as well to Bernd Kromer, At moments like those I need patience. member of the city parliament, for his socio-technocratic role.

Those who might ask themselves what is with the 10.01.05: arson against a new LIDL big german supermarket) construction literary fragments. These are quotes from Plato's site in Berlin-Steglitz, to respond their politic of terror and repression against Cave Allegory (The Republic, book 7, 514-520). their workers and trade unionists. Through this symbolic language prisoners are also referred to. 29.04.05: arson attack in Potsdam against cars property of the land- parliament of Brandenburg (Berlin's region) and in Berlin against the private Liberty is not something which is given – it is cars of some cops, to join the 1 of may festivities and the campaign against something which one must take for oneself! the social-technocrats.

Thomas Meyer-Falk, 08.11.05: second arson against the buros of the 'German Institute for social c/o JVA - Z. 3117, Schönbornstr. 32, research' (DIW) in Berlin-Steglitz. D-76646 Bruchsal, Germany 16.02.06: arson against a Renault car reseller in Berlin- Reinickendorf for homepage: the international day of the political prisoner, and for the freedom of the Action Directe prisoners. 20.03.06: arsons against the carpark of the Ordungsamt (they operate

55 We consider such a praxis as part of the similarly to police) in Berlin Treptow- Therefore, the other three prisoners were able to leave the prison of "innocence" campaign, which has been partly Kopenick, for their involvement within social brought forward in the case of Andrej. We refuse repression. Moabit (Berlin) a couple of days later after the payment of 30.000 euro bail such a praxis strongly, why we do so, we explained already within other texts. 10.04.06: arson to one door of the central for each of them (same as it was for Andrej). police presidium, speakes for itself. Towards an offensive solidarity work! Freedom for all! 23.05.06: arson against Berlin social court In the press release of the solidarity group about the end of the arrest for their role as jucidiary organ of the ABC Berlin - November 2007 sociotechnocracy. warrants, there have been few details about what the repressive authorities 03.09.06: arson against cars of the border knew about Andrej, concerning his police in Berlin-Lichtenberg: a month ago activities within the radical left. they were responsible of the death of some Letter fromFlorian, refugees they were following with cars. Among other things, it seems as though they have taken some Axel and Olli 10.09.06: again arson against cars cancelled memos from a notebook, as belonging to the Ordungsamt, in an example of proving his participation Dear comrades, friends and supporters! Berlin-Reinickendorf. within the last two issues of the underground newspaper "Radikal" We thank you all in this way for your enormous 19.12.06: arson against the buro complex (Radikal is an autonomous newspaper solidarity, friendship and loyality. of the neurologue Andreas Blodau in Dessau existing since the end of the 70's, and paintings at the family house of which was forced to be published With you all we managed to overcome the Dessau's police chief, Andreas Schubert, underground following a mass difficult time in prison. The letters and the visits becuase of their involvement in the death of criminalization in 1984.) of family members and comrades, your Oury Jallo (a refugee burned down in is solidarity against their repression, which became police cell, where Blodau was the doctor in This newspaper offered a national very substantial through the high number of charge and made the autopy afterwards). wide debate among autonomous groups, theoritically as much as on a solidarity events such as discussions, actions, demonstrations, letters of solidarity, all 14.01.07: arson against cars belonging the practical level, presenting as well this has been for us more than needed and border police in Oranienburg, for convering a instructions on how to build devices or helpful. Extreme thanks goes to the lawyers, mainrole in the attacks against refugees. doing sabotages. who intensively supported us and also to all the people, who organised the money for our bail. 18.05.07: arson against cop's vans in Since then, there have been many Berlin-Spandau, to respond to the national criminalization attempts, trials for Our coming release and the overturn of the raids against anti-G8 activists. terrorist organization, few people needed to leave the country for a 129a are a partial victory, which has been while in the past, but despite this is reached also through you all. The end of the still ranting nowadays). detention has represented for us a special A few thoughts about the moment of fortune. solidarity towards the We asked ourselves why we had to defendants within get this information merely through the However, there is no call to drop your guard choice of the State to make this down! The Federal General Attorney is the last 129a trials in public, rather than from a decision of proceeding futher with the 129 paragraph the solidarity group. (criminal association), the Federal General Office Berlin. keeps on spying around and putting us under What does the BKA (Federal Criminal huge pressure. Their goal would be not only to On the morning of 31.07.07, Axel H., Office) know which we do know yet destroy our political identity, but furthermore all Florian L. And Oliver R. were arrested in know, since the supporters hide these the radical left which struggles everyday towards Brandeburg an der Havel, after having details? The duty of a solidarity group the utopia of a liberated society. To reach this allegedly tried to burn down few trucks, should be to support the prisoners on destruction, they are using the preventive property of the German army. any level, and also to spread already surveillance of the State unto its very last known informations. This a necessity means. We do not let it frighten us or let us stop On the same day Andrej H. has been also within a serious and offensive in doing our necessary emancipative work. arrested and the houses, as well as the solidarity work. All the known working places of the four arrested, and of informations, as long as they are We are doing more! three more people, have been searched. known to the repressive institutions, The accusation was :”Participation within a should be made public, and not We have to accustomise again as ex-prisoners terrorist organisation under paragraph 129a”. hidden to the rest of the scene. within the daily life, take something back, They are accused of being members of the stabilise us together with our families and MG (Militant Group). As price for such an hiding, might be friends, in order to become all strong again. the loss of trust towards the solidarity As we have to recognize by now, we will need Andrej H. has been released on the 22.08, group. The question would be also for this more time than we thought we needed. and the BGH (Federal Supreme Court) who would be helped ? or should be - For the upcoming trials, we will need your declared on the 24.10 that there was no by such a praxis of keeping away support further. reason to keep anymore an arrest warrant on informations. At the latest during the him. trial such informations will be made Thanks and greetings of solidarity! public. Therefore we would leave the On the 28.11, the BGH declared that the repressive apparatus the time and the MG does not fulfill the characteristics to be possibility to publicize such Florian, Axel and Ollie catalogued as "terrorist organisation", but informations as first. simply as "criminal organisation". Berlin, December 2007

56 For more information on the reports governments also knew of the illegal Perugia, Italy - 5 arrests against alledged given here check the source and the abduction of terror suspects by US agents Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI) cell. Disclaimer: These are at the moment the only infos internet links at the back of thesection. and the US's use of clandestine detention centres. Source : Various to be found around, more infos to come as soon Find out more and organise, wise up as we have them. and fight back against repression! Operation 'Brushwood' - On the 23 October the UK - From London to the regions, MI5 is Carabinieri (Italian Military Police) of ROS (Special Europe - CIA 'Black site' prisons confirmed. expanding. Britain's security service MI5 Anti-Terrorist branch of Carabinieri) arrested 5 A Council of Europe investigator says he has is growing fast. It has doubled in size from people, while one more is under investigation but at evidence to prove the CIA ran secret jails in where it stood on 9/11, but it is also liberty. The operation took place in Perugia, Umbria Poland and Romania to illegal detain and moving out of London. By 2011, it is (Central Italy), under the name of "Operation interrogate "war on terror" suspects. Dick Marty, expected to number 4,000 staff, of whom Brushwood". The comrades are being accused of a Swiss senator, has been investigating CIA a quarter will be based in the regions as it being 'members' of a FAI cell (Informal Anarchist operations on behalf of the European human opens eight new regional centres, as well Federation), defined as being 'a very dangerous rights body. In his new report, released on as a new secret operations centre. A one' by the investigating authorities. The cell's Friday, Mr Marty says secret CIA prisons "did central aspect of this expansion is closer name should be "Coop/FAI" (Co-operative against exist in Europe from 2003 to 2005, in particular co-operation with local police forces. all political orders). Apartments have been raided in Poland and Romania". The governments of Greater Manchester was the first force to and computers confiscated by the cops. The both countries have strongly denied any set up a counter-terrorist unit and it now authorities declared also that their attention is involvement. Mr Marty says he drew on multiple works hand in glove with the security concentrating on other potential suspects. Some of sources and used his own intelligence methods service. "Actually you can't any more tell the current accusations are: sending a letter with to investigate the CIA's "extraordinary who's the cop, who's the spook. I think two bullets and death-threat to the President of the renditions", the process under which terror that's probably the test," explained local region, death-threat to the major of Spoleto, to suspects were transported around the world for Manchester Chief Constable Mike Todd. "I some Carabinieri, damage of some construction interrogation. "Some European governments have to say, when it comes to the sort of buildings in the area, possession of weapons and have obstructed the search for the truth and are tasking, co-ordinating meetings every theft. Of course, the main paragraph used against continuing to do so by invoking the concept of week between the police service nationally them is the 270bis (subversive association towards 'state secrets'.... This criticism applies to and the security service, there's no terrorism). In the documents of this FAI cell there Germany and Italy, in particular," he said. shortage of targets that we've got to deal has been various talk about the struggle against with." A tour around the unit by its head, the TAV (high velocity train), and in general other His report came as the first criminal trial over the Detective Chief Superintendent Tony projects which put the environment in danger, with CIA "extraordinary renditions" opened in Italy. Porter, reveals operations spread across a a declaration "towards the acceleration of the Twenty-five CIA agents and a US Air Force number of floors, with teams of analysts, revolutionary guerrilla and of the ecological armed colonel are on trial in their absence, accused of surveillance officers and counter-terrorism struggle in Umbria". kidnapping an Egyptian terror suspect and officers working with local communities sending him to Egypt, where he was tortured. and officers on specific issues like prisons Michele Fabian has been ghosted to the maximum- Unnamed CIA sources quoted by Mr Marty said or terrorist funding. Their aim is to generate security prison of Sulmona, the one with the Poland was the "black site" where eight "high- investigative leads in-house as well as highest rate of suicides: 7 within the last 2 years. value detainees (HVDs)" were interrogated, pursue leads that come from MI5 or other Andrea Di Nucci sits in solitary confinement inside including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed - alleged intelligence agencies. The unit is also the Capanne´s prison, Perugia, known for the death mastermind of the 9/11 attacks on the US in designed to work on community of a prisoner, Aldo Bianzino (arrested for 2001 - and Abu Zubaydah, a suspected top al- engagement and co-operation."When you possession of a small quantity of marijuana and Qaeda operative. The report says Romania "was look at the link between the service and beaten to death by the screws). Dario Polinori and developed into a site to which more detainees the police, it reaches literally from the Damiano Corrias are under house arrest, Fabrizio were transferred only as the HVD programme director general of the security service, the Reali Roscini is out. expanded". "The secret detention facilities in chief constable, right the way down to a Europe were run directly and exclusively by the community police officer working in one of Conto corrente postale n° 85325504 CIA." But it adds: "the highest state authorities our communities." The police and MI5 also on the name of: ANTONIO BRIGUORI - DONATI were aware of the CIA's illegal activities on their work closely together on a project called GIOVANNI territories". There is evidence that the CIA 'Rich Picture' designed to spot early signs operations took place in line with NATO of suspicious activity within communities. The addresses of the comrades: authorisation. Some detainees were held in As well as the regional stations, MI5 is secret for several years and subjected to also in the process of building what it calls Andrea Di Nucci "degrading treatment and 'enhanced an "operations centre" outside of London. c/o casa circondariale di Perugia interrogation technique'" (essentially a Whilst the regional stations focus on Capanne euphemism for torture). In comments published investigations, the operations centre will strada Pievaiola km.11+800 in the French daily Le Figaro, Mr Marty said be designed to allow the rapid response of 06100 Perugia "suspected terrorists" were also "kidnapped surveillance and other officers around the Italy then tortured and detained illegally in rogue country in emergencies and on short states like Syria." Dick Marty is an experienced notice. Michele Fabiani international lawyer. In January 2007 a European Source : Various Casa Circondariale - Casa di Reclusione Parliament committee approved a report which via Lamaccio 21 said EU states knew of secret CIA rendition 67039 - Sulmona (Aq) flights over Europe. The report said the Italy 57 Raids in Italy - A translation of a communique organisation. On investigation, there is no regarding ABC he changed his story and by Italian comrades. Friday the 25 of January, 8 evidence to substantiate the claims made claimed that he had seen some reference to it in raids have been ordered in the city of La Spezia, in the report to the Parole Board. Our an existing prison file on me. The investigation Livorno, Pisa and Roma. The people met by this conclusion is that the website, although revealed this to be a lie. Stillman was clearly raids, most of them being anarchists, are accused clearly political is not paramilitary or eco- guilty of malpractice in deliberately presenting of attempted murder with the aggravation of terrorist, therefore the statement to the lies as fact in an official parole report, and yet he terrorism. During the raids, material useful to Parole Board is incorrect. remains employed by Social services in Fife and catalogue the DNA of the people has been taken, to date hasn’t been subject to any form of following european directories directed to creating Statement 2: That the prisoner (John disciplinary action. They conclude the report of a data-bank for prisoners and social rebels. Bowden) whilst in Edinburgh Prison their investigation with the following: "As a result received visits from terrorists. On of this investigation we have looked at our The contested crime is having done an explosive investigation the officer could find no procedures when producing parole reports and attack against the Folgore (military corpse) station evidence to support this allegation in will consider how we can ensure that proper of via Vannucci in Livorno, September 2006. either Social Work or Prison files. stands are met, etc, etc". Translated, this means This station is a host for assassins in uniform who Therefore again we conclude that this that no concrete action will be taken against killed and destroy entire populations,who have statement is incorrect." Stillman or his line-manager in the social work done the so-called "mission of peace" in Somalia, department at Castle Huntly, Christina Brown, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and now in Iraq. Inaccurate reporting is commonplace in who enclosed with Stillman’s report to the Prison parole reports but rarely has such a report Board a covering letter supporting the validity of Like always, one tries to overturn the roles, but all prepared by a social worker contained Stillman’s claims and swearing to his honesty of us know who the real terrorists are: the ones such a dramatic allegation that a prisoner and integrity. Stillman’s lies were always going to who produce fear in order to keep the actual state currently in an open jail in preparation for be unsustainable when subjected to even a of things, the ones who, like in this case, bring to release is in fact a member of a terrorist perfunctory examination, and the investigator at prison somebody stranger to any political activity, organisation. When Stillman’s report was Perth and Kinross Council had little choice but to but still refractary to this society, and the ones who submitted last April the consequences admit that. But that was as far as he was want to change all this. were extreme and brutal. Just a month prepared to go – in terms of what motivated or before a crucial parole tribunal to decide encouraged stillman to make the accusation of Such an inquiry just confirms the interest that cops my suitability for release after 25 years in terrorism against myself and ABC, the lid was and judges reserve to a particular area which is prison, I was suddenly thrown into solitary placed back on. No one is culpable and a constantly expressing dissent, but make also one confinement and then transferred from "lessons have been learned" statement thinking about their potential crisis of abstinence in Castle Huntly Open Prison to Maximum- considered adequate to close the matter. the case they would lose every one single occasion Security Glenochil Prison. A local to make feeling their pressure on everyone who newspaper, The Dundee Courier, The matter, however, is far from closed. Apart rebels of express his/her solidarity. screamed across front-page headlines, from the Perth and Kinross investigation, the "Castle Huntly Killer Has Terrorist Scottish Social Service Council, a body set up to Freedom for Valentina! connection" and published verbatim oversee and enforce a code of conduct in the Freedom for Costa, Francesco and Daniele! Stillman’s ludicrous claim that Anarchist treatment of service users, is also conducting an Freedom for all! Black Cross (in fact a perfectly legal and investigation into Stillman’s conduct following a Solidarity to the defendants! legitimate prisoner support group) was complaint from me. Should the SSSC accept composed wholly of terrorists and the decision of the Perth and Kinross Some of the defendants and solidarious ones paramilitaries, some of whom had visited investigation then the removal of Stillman’s social me in prison. The prison system itself, work licence on the grounds of misconduct Valentina, arrested on the 25, has been transferred against whom I’d campaigned against for should, by any standard of natural justice, follow. to house arrest on the 28. years in furtherance of prisoner’s rights, jumped at the opportunity to bury me I intend also to pursue legal actions against both -- againin maximum-security conditions and Stillman’s social work employers and the use Stillman’s claims to justify subjecting Scottish Prison Service, during which I intend to New address for Juan: me to a battery of psychological expose the full extent of the prison system’s assessments and evaluations to determine complicity in Stillman’s lies and attempt to bury Juan Antonio Sorroche Fernandez the extent of my dramatically increased me indefinitely in prison. I would ask all C.C. Poggioreale danger to the public. The only thing I was supporters to write letters of complaint to the via Nuova Poggioreale 177 able to marshal in my defence was the following: 80143 Napoli support of ABC friends and comrades on Italy the outside who protested and Dave Roberts, Executive Director of Perth and demonstrated on my behalf and Kinross Council, 5 Whitefriars Crescent, Perth Source : Berlin ABC campaigned tirelessly to expose Stillman’s PH2 0PA, Scotland demanding that proper lies. Their efforts alone forced the Scottish disciplinary action be taken against Stillman and Prison system to take a more defensive Christina Brown. position and distance themselves from UK - John Bowden and Anarchist Black Cross Stillman’s ridiculous claims. Finally in Stephen Moore, Head of Social work at the 'terrorists' smear falls apart. October last year, following the completion Social Work Office, South Street, Glenrothes, of an "updated psychological risk- Fife, KY7 5NL, Scotland demanding that he Letter from John Bowden: assesment" report on me by forensic explain why Stillman continues to be employed psychologist, Dawn Harris, who explicitly at Fife Social Services. In late December 2007, following a lengthy rubbished Stillman’s allegations. investigation by Perth and Kinross Council into my Scottish Prison Service HQ, Communications complaint that Matt Stillman, a social worker Although the prison system has backed Branch, Room 338, Calton House,5 Redheugh employed by them and temporarily seconded to down in the face of the prolonged protests Rigg, Edinburgh, EH12 9HW, Scotland Castle Huntly jail last year, had deliberately lied in a organised by ABC on my behalf, Stillman’s demanding that Christina Brown, still employed critically important parole report about my lies had cost me six months locked-down at Castle Huntly Prison and so obviously involvement with what he had claimed was a in maximum-security and at least another complicit in encouraging Stillman to concoct lies "terrorist organisation", the Council has issued the year, possibly more, in prison. Stillman was in parole reports, be dismissed." following statement: investigated by Perth and Kinross Council, who provide the social work team at John Bowden "The complaint concerned two specific statements Castle Huntly Prison, and when initially HMP Noranside in the report for the Parole Board that was questioned by their investigation officer he Fern By Forfar completed by Matt Stillman. claimed that he had been "advised" by Angus others about the nature of the ABC DD8 3QY Statement 1: That Brighton Anarchist Black Cross organisation. When questioned further Scotland website was a website for eco-terrorists or about the source of his information paramilitaries, and that you were involved with this Source : Leeds ABC 58 Berlin, Germany - Christian S. an autonomous care to re-direct them to him. Christian can Urquinaona, where anti-fas attacked a small anti-fascist from Berlin is sitting again in read German, English and get along group of police guarding the entryway of the prison since the 14th of July. Altogether, he has somehow with Spanish. His current office of the Interior. After beating on the police to serve 40 months. He has been sentenced for address: for several minutes, demonstrators were chased breaching the peace in relation to 1 of May 2004, off by a charge of several police vans straight into and for the same paragraph for the incidents of Christian Sümmermann the march. Police managed to arrest 7 the 12 March 2000. For this last offense he Bnr: 441/08/5 protestors, while reinforcements hunted the obtained a suspended sentence, but he was JVA Plötzensee scattering march throughout the city. called back into prison as soon as he was Lehrter Str. 61 Demonstrators pulled dumpsters into the streets sentenced again in 2004. Both sentences relate 10557 Berlin in hasty barricades to slow down the police to his active resistance against 2 big marches of pursuit. Ten demonstrators had to be taken to the Neo-Nazis through Berlin. He already served You can support him by sending money to hospital, and numerous others were injured. several months in jail because of 1 of May 2004, this German account: Police first reported ten injuries, with one cop during which his health situation worsened. knocked unconscious, but later claimed 22 Indeed, he suffers serious Hepatitis C, and ssb e.v. injuries, probably in an effort to gain heavier suffered a complete lack of medical treatment Kontonummer: 1591 9683 00 prosecution and justify their use of force. All the during the first months of his imprisonment. Only BLZ 1001 0111 police in the area were heavily armoured. The through the pressure of his supporters, which Stichwort: Patenschaft Christian same day in Madrid, another thousand people contributed to the breaking out of a big public gathered and took over the central square. scandal about Berlin's prison conditions (the We are not surprised at all about the Source : P.G medic responsible got a lot of public hassle and deafness of the prison system towards his got removed from service) he was then able to situation. obtain again the medicines he needed. Even with his health situation (which means he needs In 2006 alone, more than 50 people serious medical treatment that is not providable committed suicide or died in Berlin's Switzerland - Racist right-wing party secures within incarceration) and the fact he is studying prisons, also following a lack of medical record Swiss vote. In October 07, the right-wing to obtain a diploma at an adult's school, he is in treatment. Prisons serves exactly one aim: Swiss People's Party won the most votes ever prison again. It is clear that this will not help him mental and physical annihilation. Christian recorded in a general election in Switzerland to fight against his terminal illness. As well, his is again one of those who will be after mounting a virulent anti-foreigner campaign trials have been a theatre where the cops had subjected to this because he refused to widely denounced as racist. The SVP, led by the space to try new tactics: as example, the bow to society's rules. Such things as controversial billionaire and Swiss Justice introduction of anonymous police witnesses, who setting a barricade alight in order to stop a Minister Christoph Blocher, 67, won 29 per cent would come armed with wigs and so on, in order Nazi-march, or any other form of resistance of the vote in Sunday's general election and to keep their identity secret. Moreover, a new trial against capitalist society, are a necessary seven extra seats in the national parliament. The began on 21st of June, against him and his part of our daily fight towards the final result published yesterday by Switzerland's girlfriend, being accused of throwing a bottle at a destruction of State and Capital. Therefore Federal Statistics Office firmly secured the cop during an antifascist rally in Dresden in those who get caught in the cages of the controversial SVP's position as the largest party 2005. Once again, the only solid proof is the State deserve all our support to show they in the Swiss parliament. "We have reached the words of two anonymous cops. On top of this, he are not alone and their fight - as well as highest score in the history of Switzerland's was arrested a few days before his new their means - are ours. Towards a society present day electoral system," said Ueli Maurer, imprisonment together with 7 other people and without prisons- Freedom for Christian - the SVP party president after the result. Mr accused of arson, in a situation that was Freedom for all! Source : Berlin ABC Blocher's populist campaign was dominated by constructed by the police, which shows itself the single issue of immigration. His party's again as a template for groundless arrest against election posters featured three white sheep anybody. The reason for it is that more than 100 standing on a red and white Swiss national flag arsons happened to occur in Berlin within the Barcelona, Catalonia - Criminal charges kicking a black sheep out of the country. last 5 months and the police have no clue about for Barcelona anti-fascist rioters. Four Alongside ran the slogan "More Security!". The those responsible, therefore they try to get people have been charged with public SVP's campaign caused considerable unease in people clueless and try to frighten the rest. After disorder and attacking the police, after an Switzerland's large immigrant community and being locked up in a low security prison, unpermitted anti-fascist rally turned into a previous to the result the left-wing autonomists Hakenfelde, waiting to know about wether he mild riot. Over 1000 anti-fascists gathered and anarchists caused considerable rioting and might be able to go out daily to attend his in Placa Universitat in central Barcelona destruction at an SVP election rally in Bern. classes and get better healthcare, he suddenly on the 17th November, six days after Neo- However the anti-foreigner rhetoric clearly was ghosted to Tegel prison, the main Berlin Nazis in Madrid killed 16 year old anti- appealed to voters, particularly in Switzerland's prison for people with longer sentences. This is a fascist Carlos Javier Palomina. That day, a rural districts. Source : Various clear political decision to negate the possibility group of anti-fascists attacked a group of for him to access day leave (being able to leave Nazis in the metro on their way to a fascist the prison for the day to work etc), made by the rally in the center of the Spanish capital. social worker Mrs.Schlagge and the director of One of the Nazis had a knife, and killed Berlin, Germany - Solidarity with Imprisoned his former prison Uwe Meyer-Odewald. They Carlos with a stab through the lung, also Berlin Anti-Fascist Andrea! On the 1.12.07 the refuse to give any reason for their decision. It was seriously injuring another anti-fascist. That Berlin anti-fascist Andrea has been arrested by actually through a posting on the local Indymedia Nazi and several others were heavily plainclothes cops of LKA's political branch. She by some Neo-Nazi that people managed to know beaten by the anti-fas, and five of them, was in a neighbourhood in southeast Berlin about this new development. A Neo-Nazi who including the alleged murderer, were where a Neo-Nazi demonstration was taking was imprisoned in the same former prison where arrested by police. Later in the day anti- place. For five months she managed successfully Christian was, told his fellow scumbags that fascists attacked the rally, which was to avoid her imprisonment, which should have Christian would be moved to this new jail, and guarded by police. In Barcelona, a happened already on the 2nd of August. She will the news spread among them so that some of spontaneous demo was organized the have now to spend her next 14 months behind those losers posted deaththreats against him. same day, and a larger protest planned for the bars and therefore she absolutely needs all Neither his lawyer, nor his wife had been the 17th. Over 1000 people showed up, our support from outside the walls. After one and personally informed about this move. Another a including anarchists, anti-racist skinheads, half week spent in the prison of Lichtenberg, clear sign again how prison autorithies will try to Anti-Fascist Action, queer anti-fa activists, Andrea has been transferred by surprise on the make Christians life hard in the future. He is at and others. Shortly after moving out, the 11th to the prison of Pankow. Through this she the moment with 5 other people in a cell, has one march began to attack police with lost a visit she had already applied for, and now hour of yard time and can get only one hour of firecrackers, sticks, bottles, and she had to apply again for all the usual things like visits each month. You can write him letter or construction equipment requisitioned from mail, sport, visits.. postcards or send info-material inside. He likes the streets. The police were unable to especially any anarchist or autonomous kind of control the march, which roamed to the A bit of history : On the 12.07 the Munich local publication. For sending him books, it would be head of Barcelona's main tourist street, court sentenced her to 4 months without better to send it to our address and we will take Las Ramblas, and then on to Placa probation. She had a pepperspray on her. Even 59 He understands, reads and writes in Spanish and though on that day there was no lefty demonstration number of under 14 year olds detained has English - Rafa used to live in Australia for years taking place,and therefore it was legal to carry a gone up 800%. This boy's death not only before returning to Spain - and is willing to do pepperspray, the court said that on that day a "state raises questions about the use of custody for translation work in both languages. He is a friend of exception" had been declared. Of course they children, but of prisons themselves and the of Gabriel Pombo da Silva. In January and April of forgot to inform the rest of the population about this. moralistic crusade to fill them,leading to this year he was on hungerstrike; the first one in Following this sentence, she faced also the loss of a increasing imprisonment, brutalisation and solidarity with prisoners in Spain and Turkey who precedent probation of three months, back then suicides at the hands of prison officers, struggle against the isolation units, the second being caught with some eggs full of pepper during private security and utimately the politicians one - which he won - for some specific demands an anti-fascist action on 1st of May 2005, in Berlin. themselves, who bear a responsibility for about his prison conditions (return of all his During a process on 31st of july, under which several each and every attempted suicide, death and materials which must enable him to continue his accusations against her got regrouped, she has incident of abuse and self-harm. According studies). In December ‘07, Rafa also participated been sentenced to five months more. She has been to the statistics, 1 person per week is killed in hungerstrikes in solidarity with Italian prisoners accused of participating within an action of the by the police forces of England and Wales against jail terms over 20 years, and also another "Uberflussigen" (an autonomous group active mainly alone and at least 10 more in UK state hungerstrike in solidarity with Turkish prisoners in on the theme of precarity) against the racist custody dying an untimely death (i.e. inside the ‘F type’ isolation units there. You can write to immigration office in Berlin-Lichtenberg; In October prisons, mental health institutions, detention Antonia and Rafael at the following address: 2006, for a blockade attempt against a Neo-Nazi camps etc.). (Rafael knows English, Antonio only Castillian) march in August 2006; For masking up during the Source : Various protests against a Neo-Nazi demonstration towards the prison of Tegel in solidarity with Michael Regner Antonio Rubiales Puerto (M 15) "Lunikoff" (singer of a famous Neo-Nazi band, Rafael Martinez Zea serving a couple of years in that prison), in October Girona, Catalonia - The Spanish State C.P. Puerto de Santamaria III 2006. On top of this come two months without condemns two Catalan political activists Crtra. Jerez-Rota, Km 6 probation following a squatting acton in the for burning a picture of the Spanish king 11500 Puerto de Santamaria Cadiz Liebigstrasse, Berlin-Friedrichshain. in public. After a long campaign of support Spain and solidarity throughout the Catalan These sentences are clearly political ones, meaning Countries, on November 20th, a judge in the that an engaged and unwilling to bow activist has National Audience court in Madrid, been sent down for quite sometime. Write her letters condemned Jaume Roura and Enric Stern to Chile - Mapuche Student Shot Dead; Political and postcards: 2.730 euros, instead of 15 months Prisoner Slowly Dying From Hunger Strike. imprisonment as first requested, for burning Police Brutality in "Democratic" Chile. A peaceful Andrea Neff the picture of the Spanish king during a protest by the Mapuche met a bloody end on 3rd Bnr: 746/07/2 demonstration in Girona due to the January when police opened fire into the crowd, Justizvollzugsanstalt fur Frauen in Berlin monarch’s visit to the city some previous killing 22-year-old university student Matias Arkonastrasse 56 months. Both Jaume and Enric admitted Catrileo Quezada. The young Mapuche man was 13189 Berlin responsibility for the actions. The judge shot in the back upon retreating, when Chilean Deutschland expressed uneasiness at the fact that they police began firing indiscriminately into the crowd spoke in Catalan and commented that as with machine guns. Among the protestors were For money donation: Spanish citizens they had the obligation to elderly civilians and children, and it was a miracle know and speak the Spanish language and, that nobody else was killed. Rote Hilfe e.V. even not understanding the detainees’ Kontonummer: 7189590600 statements, he never provided a translator. The ensuing civil outcry has been met with yet BLZ: 100 200 00 Berliner Bank Support gatherings were held during the trial more unnecessary police brutality, which has Verwendungszweck: Soli Andrea outside court and throughout the Catalan resulted in many protestors being injured and Countries. This is not the only open file detained, including Matias Catrileo's mother, Solidarity actions are of course always welcomed! against ‘injuries to the crown’. The judge Monica Quezada, his sister, and various other Source : Berlin ABC Fernando Grande-Marlaska keeps an open members of his family. On the 9th January, in the file of an another 18 youths who participated city of Temuco, Monica Quezada was arrested in a protest, also in Girona, on September along with 16 other protestors during a march 22nd. The anti-repressive organisation Alerta condemning the murder of her son by the police. UK - Self-harm and suicides in UK immigration Solidària has complained that the Catalan The tension between the Mapuche people and the centres and youth prisons. Every other day a regional police, Mossos d’Esquadra, aid the Chilean authorities has been growing since the detainee incarcerated in a UK Immigration Removal repressive institutions by keeping unlawful 10th of October 2007, when six Mapuche political Centre (IRC), makes an attempt at self-harm political files on hundreds of activists. prisoners went on hunger strike and were (suicide), serious enough to require medical Source : Catalan Solidarity treatment. In the 10 months from April 2006 to subsequently ignored by their government. The January 2007 there were 176 attempts to self-harm prisoners originally agreed to stop their protest that required medical treatment. That is one incident upon the intervention of Bishop Camilo Vial, who of self-harm every 1.7 days. In the same period, Spain - Solidarity with Antonio and Rafa, organised a mediation between the Mapuche and the government in an effort to clarify the 1,643 detainees were put on 'Formal Self-Harm at imprisoned in FIES isolation units! Since conditions concerning their imprisonment. Risk'. Detainees and campaigners believe the actual some time, in the new maxi-prison of Puerto Including why the authorities had decided to use numbers are way higher than those reported. Since III, several FIES prisoners are struggling to the Anti-Terrorism Law, a relic from the time of the the first Immigration Removal Centre opened in the expose the brutal conditions in the isolation Pinochet dictatorship that only last year the UK, there have been 10 deaths from self-harm. On wings of Puerto III. One of the FIES President had promised never again to use upon the 30 of November, Liam McManus, a young lad prisoners is the anarchist prisoner Antonio the Mapuche. The Chilean government agreed to from St.Helens, who had served half of a six week Rubiales Puerto. (Antonio Rubiales is a this mediation, and on the 17th December the sentence for breaching a supervision order hung friend of another anarchist prisoner Rafael negotiations were supposed to start. With this himself in his cell. He "had not been identified as Martinez Zea - they were both imprisoned in agreement, all but one of the prisoners, Patricia being at risk" by the prison authorities according to a Badajoz prison before, and are now both in Troncoso, stopped their hunger strike. Patricia liberal NGO 'Inquest'. It is deeply shocking that a 15- Puerto III (Rafael in 2nd degree). They are decided that she would wait until the talks began year-old boy felt so utterly desperate he was found also both involved in a court case: a year and to take place, and she was sure of the hanged in his cell , it raises very fundamental a half ago, Antonio was charged with the government's integrity in this situation, before she questions about the fact that this country imprisons murder of another prisoner, a frame-up, he joined them. And she was right to do so, as this more children than any other industrial demographic says; Zea is the only prisoner willing to agreement has apparently now been forgotten. country in the world. The teenager, who died on testify before court on his behalf. This court Patricia Troncoso is now being kept alive by a Thursday, was the 30th child to die in custody in case is scheduled to take place in the near saline drip. She has been on hunger strike for 93 England and Wales since 1990. Child custody rates future.) Rafael Martinez Zea is a social days. According to the latest medical report in England and Wales are among the highest in anarchist prisoner in Spain who would like to issued on the 7th January 2008, Patricia has lost Western Europe. Since 1993 the number of 15 to correspond with other anarchists and get 26.2% of her original weight, is suffering from 17 year olds in custody has risen by 90%; the more involved with the anarchist movement. cramps, slowed heart rate, respiratory difficulties,

60 and has a very weak pulse. The mental this he was stolen years from his life. He murder of a fellow prisoner. His stay in prison is examination found that she is speaking very was also sentenced for murdering a guard a constant risk to his life, already for a long time slowly, she is disorientated, and she is drifting in of a factory when defending himself, and he has been constantly threaten with being and out of consciousness. The prognosis for her of arson against the same factory. His last murdered and is horribly tortured. Taking into future shows that, even if she were she to stop sentence, totally unproven and totally in a account all of this, and also because we are this now, she would still never fully recover. Her conflict with procedural norms he got in a against any prisoners, a collective to support body has suffered too much damage to be able fantastic process, he was accused of Antonio Ferreira is organising an international to return to its former health. Patricia continues kidnapping a heroin courier, who was campaign to free Antonio. her protest, but she is dying. Patricia's private wanted by authorities, and for participation doctor, Doctor Berna Castro Rojas, advises that in robberies. Since the year 2005 he has First thing to do is to spread information on her patient be kept in the hospital permanently, been transferred twice. First time for situation facing him. It must be spread as wide rather than the current situation of traveling back participation in a strike of prisoners as possible. All translations of this text and other and forth from prison. She also states that against a "reform" in prison, which texts on Antonio are welcome! Contact us for Patricia should be undergoing at least daily worsened conditions of the prisoners. In any new information and propositions and for examinations, but that this is not happening. She order to crush the strike, a number of exchange of ideas: antonioferreira(at) is being neglected. In her final report, Doctor prisoners were taken to other prisons. Castro Rojas requested that Patricia be Antonio was moved to North of Portugal, If you wish to write, or to send stuff (books, immediately interned in a hospital that would as far as possible from people who were journals, materials for maintaining guarantee her life, have doctors continuously supporting him: almost all of them were correspondence, food, clothes or anything that accessible, and respect her rights of protest. The living in the South. Then there came a new could be useful), or you would like to visit him, present outrage felt by the Mapuche order and he was sent to prison of this is the address of Antonio in prison: communities has been expressed through many "Pinheiro da Cruz". Reasons for this are public protests. These demonstrations, though unclear. Meanwhile he had his first parole Antonio Ferreira de Jesus passionate, have not been violent on the side of hearing, although he had been eligible for E P Pinheiro da Cruz the Mapuche; however, they have been parole for two years already. It was always 7570 Grandola aggressively broken up by the ‘military police', very difficult to find a lawyer for him, but PORTUGAL who have used water cannons to disperse the back then he could find one. But soon he Source : crowds, and have beaten and arrested countless was moved to "Pinhero da Cruz", and Mapuche and supporters, including children. The denied parole. Soon Antonio applied for a result of this is that the tension is continuing to temporary leave from prison (this may escalate. Source : Mapuche International allow up to 8 days leave), which was also Barcelona, Catalonia - March to Wad-ras denied. We do not know how judges and womens prison. Around 50 people prisoncrats motivated the denial, but we participated on October 27th in the march know that such a refusal is an unusual organised by Rescat to the Wad-Ras prison, Barcelona, Catalonia - Repression and phenomena. Many prisoners, who were where Catalan political prisoner Laura Riera resistance. On 22 December, anarchists in sent to "Pinhero da Cruz" after him, got a was moved last August. During the march Barcelona began a twenty-four hour hunger- permission for a temporary leave and participants shouted slogans in favor of the strike and occupation of the Plaza St. Jaume, in parole. Since then, two more appeals of release of political prisoners. Police presence front of the city government building, in solidarity him for a temporary leave have been was clearly visible all the time. At the end of the with Italian prisoners and the 4F. Since 1 denied, and he is expecting yet another march, at the arrival to the prison, in front of a December, 700 Italian prisoners with life decision on parole. Hearing should have police security cord, a statement was made sentences and 4200 others have been on taken place 24th of July already, but Judge from Rescat and another one from Laura was hunger strike, demanding an abolition of life decided otherwise. read. To finalize the day of action, a solidarity sentences, which they describe as a slow death dinner was organised. Later on in the eveing sentence carried out one day at a time. Police in This far the only message which Antonio there was a mobilization to the men's prison La Barcelona have carried out around 200 evictions has received from judges, is that half of Modelo and about 300 people participated. this year. Many new occupations have occurred, this sentence will be done in May of 2008! Here is Laura Riera’s statement that was read but the total number of squats in Barcelona has According to his lawyer, such calculation at the march to Wad-Ras: fallen from nearly 300 to just over 200, since of half of his term is illegal - half of the term January. On Monday, 17 December, police came should be half of the number of days from "Salut comrades,Once again it’s only the without any warning to evict a house in the beginning to end of the prison term (rather thickness of the prison wall that separates us neighborhood of San Andreu. After roughly logical, isn't it?). If this court statement from one another. It’s only the bricks that removing the occupants, they tore down the roof would be correct, sentence of Antonio prevents us to be closer physically. However, of the houes without allowing to recover any of should be 28 years, whereas the maximum for me, for us all, this is a re-encounter!!!! We their belongings. On Wednesday, 19 December, sentence according to Portugal laws is 25 know that actions such as this one, are a show several more people were made homeless for the years. All this speaks about life sentence, of cheer, of strength and of fighting spirit. Some holidays with another illegal eviction in the Clot given by the system. If we compare the months ago we met in Picassent and now we neighborhood. About 50 police came to evict the case of Antonio with the practice with meet in the old working class area of Poble small apartment, which had not received any other prisoners, Antonio should have been Nou (Barcelona). Some months back I was notice of an eviction process. Source : P.G released 4 years ago already! along with Diego (partner) and now with Dídac (son) a baby who gives me more reasons to Persecution of Antonio has clear personal keep struggling for people’s self-determination and political motivation. There is no any and social justice in the world.As myself, as Portugal - Solidarity with Antonio Ferreira de reasons to refuse temporary leave from well as you all do, we struggle for a future Jesus. Our friend, 67 years old, born in a poor him, but these reasons are figured out by where Dídac and his people will live in freedom family, was discontent with the surrounding the system, and the very same with his and equality. We know that this is not easy but social realities, he realized his protest in practice parole. As a person, who never quits we are ready to keep going, to preserve our and ended up to a prison in first time when 17 fighting for his rights and consciousness, truth, in our desires, in our victory! I’d like you years old. Since then, he was illegally who never lets his mouth to be shut, who all to know that from the window in my wing I incarcerated five more times - by fascist regime is always active in resistance against the can see the graffiti that reads: "Libertad Laura of Portugal (until 1974) and by current prison regime, Antonio is discriminated by Riera, Pres@s a la Calle!" (Freedom for Laura democratic state. He used his time inside by the machinery of "Justice". For this he has Riera, prisoners on the street). And things as reading, self-educated by gathering more spent more than 43 years in prison, and is such as well as the march today, being beside knowledge on the world around. Antonio is a considered by the prison system as one of my son, it’s what keeps me going in our self-learned libertarian. Among the acts for which the most dangerous prisoners in Portugal. struggle, amongst you all, amongst my people!!! he was accused and sentenced are He uncovered violations of human rights TO STRUGGLE: IT’S THE ONLY WAY” expropriations from ruling classes, and storming and corruption from side of prisoncrats, he Laura Riera. of death camp "Prison Escola de Leiria" - after was also testifying in a court case, where Source : Catalan Solidarity prison officials were accused of the

61 Soon users will be able to tap fones, get Costantino and all his co-defendants is expected all their numbers, find their location, view in April. However, despite Costantino’s release, pictures, texts, turn microphone and please remember to send support to the last two camera on, view contacts, view their remaining Il Silvestre prisoners: details, etc. All through your fone or PC, whilst a growing number of private sector Daniele Casalini internet based services offer similar Casa Circondariale programs. Via Burla 59 Source : Various 43100 Parma Italy

Francesco Gioia China - Government to Deploy World's C.C. Sollicciano Largest People Tracking Network. The Via Girolamo Minervini 2/R Chinese government intends to enforce 50142 Firenze Sollicciano (FI) 20,000 surveillance cameras with facial USA - FBI admits cell phone mic is Italy recognition and wireless ID cards, backed eavesdropping tool. The FBI has confirmed the Source : ELP use of mobile phones for electronic surveillance in by a database containing minute details of criminal investigations: remotely activating a a person's life (religion, ethnicity, police mobile phone's microphone and using it to record, medical records, landlord's phone eavesdrop on nearby conversations. The number, travel payments, even purchases). UK - Hi-tech drugs testing machine on the Officially aimed at fighting crime but will technique is called a "roving bug," and was streets. A machine that takes just seconds to also help the Communist Party retain approved by top U.S. Department of Justice discover if people have been using drugs was power. The UK Government's ID card/ officials for use against members of a New York tested for the first time on clubbers queuing at a National Identity Register plans are very organized crime family who were wary of club in Oxford in September. Just one swab of a similar. At least 20,000 police surveillance conventional surveillance techniques such as person's hand is swiped by a computer which cameras are being installed along streets tailing a suspect or wiretapping him. Nextel cell can tell police and doorstaff whether that person in southern China and will soon be guided phones owned by two alleged mobsters, John has been in contact with any illegal drug. Police by sophisticated computer software from Ardito and his attorney Peter Peluso, were used by will also use the device during raids of suspects' an American-financed company to the FBI to listen in on nearby conversations. The homes to see if they have been committing crime recognize automatically the faces of police surveillance technique came to light in an opinion to fund their habits. Pc Leigh Thompson, police suspects and detect unusual activity. piece by U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan. He drugs co-ordinator for Oxfordshire, said: "The Starting this month in a port neighborhood ruled that the "roving bug" was legal because itemiser is a major advance in the technology we and then spreading across Shenzhen, a federal wiretapping law is broad enough to permit can employ in the fight against illegal drug use." city of 12.4 million people, residency cards eavesdropping even of conversations that take The machine can also analyse samples taken fitted with powerful computer chips place near a suspect's cell phone. While the from clubbers' hands, mobile phones, wallets or programmed by the same company will be Genovese crime family prosecution appears to be purses. All five who tested positive at the issued to most citizens. the first time a remote-eavesdropping mechanism weekend were refused entry to and has been used in a criminal case, the technique searched, but were not found to be in Data on the chip will include not just the has been discussed in security circles for years. possession of drugs. When questioned two citizen's name and address but also work The U.S. Commerce Department's security office admitted using earlier in the evening but history, educational background, religion, warns that "a cellular telephone can be turned into no one was arrested or cautioned. The pig said ethnicity, police record, medical insurance a microphone and transmitter for the purpose of "The itemiser will also be used to target drug status and landlord's phone number. Even listening to conversations in the vicinity of the criminals - it will be used on every search warrant personal reproductive history will be phone." An article in the Financial Times last year we carry out and give us evidence of suspects' included, for enforcement of China's said mobile providers can "remotely install a piece contact with controlled substances." Previously controversial "one child" policy. Plans are of software on to any handset, without the owner's police relied on using sniffer dogs. being studied to add credit histories, knowledge, which will activate the microphone Source : Various even when its owner is not making a call." Nextel subway travel payments and small and Samsung handsets and the Motorola Razr are purchases charged to the card. Both especially vulnerable to software downloads that steps are officially aimed at fighting crime activate their microphones, said James Atkinson, a and developing better controls on an Berlin, Germany - Turkish fascists riot increasingly mobile population, including counter-surveillance consultant who has worked against left-wing Kurds. The international crisis the nearly 10 million peasants who move closely with government agencies. "They can be in October ‘07 between the Turkish state and to big cities each year. But they are aimed remotely accessed and made to transmit room Kurdish rebels in Nothern Iraq led to massive at helping the Communist Party retain audio all the time," he said. "You can do that Turkish fascist riots against Kurds in Berlin, power by maintaining tight controls on a without having physical access to the phone." Germany. The riots started when the peaceful population at a time when street protests demonstration "Unity and Tolerance among Turks are becoming more common. "If they do Because modern handsets are miniature and Kurds", where thousands of both peoples not get the permanent card, they cannot computers, downloaded software could modify the took part, were attacked by Turkish fascists. The live here, they cannot get government usual interface that always displays when a call is fascist riots were organized by the "Grey benefits, and that is a way for the in progress. The spyware could then place a call Wolves", a well known aggressive Turkish fascist government to control the population in to the FBI and activate the microphone - all organization. Kurds and left wing people were the future," said Michael Lin, the vice without the owner knowing it happened. "A mobile hunted by them. They threw stones and bottles president for investor relations at China sitting on the desk of a politician or businessman and some had knives. A Kurdish club room was Public Security Technology, the company can act as a powerful, undetectable bug ... attacked for hours, 50 people were locked in. providing the technology. Source : Various enabling them to be activated at a later date to Police didn't get the situation under control all pick up sounds even when the receiver is down.", afternoon until nightfall. Source: Indymedia "If a phone has in fact been modified to act as a bug, the only way to counteract that is to either have a bugsweeper follow you around 24-7, which Italy - ‘Il Silvestre’ trial news. Italian eco- is not practical, or to peel the battery off the anarchist ‘Il Silvestre’ prisoner Costantino UK - Letter Bombs sent in protest against Ragusa (who was imprisoned accused of phone," Atkinson said. Security-conscious British state control and surveillance. An anti-GM crops, anti-multinational, and corporate executives routinely remove the 'Indeterminate sentence' was given to Miles COR (Offensive Revolutionary Cells) batteries from their cell phones, he added, to Cooper who sent seven letter bombs, five of activity) has been released from prison prevent covert listening and location details. which exploded, injuring eight people, to three under house arrest. Apparently there were Software exploits, tools and viruses are circulating forensic science laboratories, a computer some irregularities in the latest ‘Il Silvestre’ amongst hackers that have similar features to the company, an accountancy firm, the DVLA and an trial (the anti-nuclear power trial) and so government software. Illegal 'Bluetooth' software individual involved in security for vivisection that trial has been nullified. A new trial for exploits are already becoming common, enabling company. He denies intending to cause injury. you to steal pictures, view texts, contacts.

62 The locations were Abingdon in Oxfordshire, (on home security) begins with the changing Culham near Abingdon, Birmingham, Folkestone Europe - ‘Non-Lethal social underlying circumstances, namely the in Kent, Victoria in central London, Wokingham in economic upheavals associated with Berkshire, and Swansea. He said the letters he Weapons’ expansion globalization, and the smaller financial sent containing explosive devices were intended possibilities of governments and municipalities to cause fear rather than harm. They were sent, to tackle dissidents to meet the growing prosperity discrepancies he added, to organisations that are connected to and immigrants. between the have and have-nots in our society," government control, surveillance and monitoring. Nehm said at that conference. According to "I was hoping to achieve a bomb scare, to shut Several European governments are Nehm, these social and economic upheavals, down a building, but cause no real harm to any arming their police forces with a new which others associate with imposition of neo- individual.", "The overall goal was to shut down range of "non-lethal weapons". liberal economic policies, "will surely lead to certain departments in certain buildings and Governments in France, Switzerland, more social sacrifices and difficulties, which ultimately to highlight my cause ... If you give a Germany, Spain, and several other represent new risks of fractures within society, small group of people [the government] too much countries have ordered such weapons, power, they will eventually end up abusing it.", and are the natural hotbed for radical, extremist, or are about to, even though human "Based on what I learned at school and learned terrorist challenges." from history books, an authoritarian state rights groups are warning that the eventually develops, and free speech is stifled," supposed "non-lethality" of the guns is These justifications for non-lethal weapons are Cooper told the court. He said his decision to a myth, and that they actually can kill a symbol of the repressive character of abandon peaceful methods of protest was "not people. The most widespread "non- European and North American governments, an easy step to make". But he said he made the lethal weapon" is the stun gun Taser, and of their readiness to violently suppress transition "as it became more and more obvious that discharges electric shocks. protests against social injustice. The that the government was not going to listen to Technically that should only paralyze development and deployment of such weapons peaceful protesters and, in fact, they were the person shot at, and cause intense aims at securing the growing social inequality, starting to use anti-terror legislation against pain but they can kill. In the most at ensuring that the poor do not have a chance them", "Throughout history it has happened over recent case earlier this month, of showing their discontent against the rich. The and over again in many other countries." Canadian police killed Robert aim of these weapons is to guarantee social Referring to the issue of Britain being a Dziekanski, a Polish immigrant, in borders, to install perennial control of "surveillance society", he said: "We are one of Vancouver airport, with a Taser stun movements, to restrict and supress gatherings the most watched societies on the planet." gun. Despite such incidents, former and quell dissenters. Source : Various German police officials publicly praise use of Taser stun guns against In France, a Chinese immigrant woman was demonstrators as harmless yet seriously wounded on the 1 of September after efficient. So far in Germany, only police agents shot at her with Taser pistols. The special police commandos are police officers tried to question the woman, an equipped with such guns. Friedhelm irregular kitchen worker at a Japanese Krueger-Sprengel, former official at the restaurant in Paris. As she resisted ministry of defense, says "the non- identification, they first shot at her with their lethal weapons give police and army stun weapons, and when that failed to subdue forces wider latitude in action." he, shot her dead. About 3,000 French police Krueger-Sprengel told IPS that officers are equipped with Taser stun guns. But "security forces can act against a following the rebellion of immigrant youth rebellious population without pulling during the autumn of 2005 in the suburbs of the weapons immediately. With the Paris, municipal authorities have been granted Russia - Anti-fascist in Moscow stabbed by Taser guns for instance, police and authorization from the central government to Nazis on Valentine’s Day. On February 14th an army officers can impose themselves equip more of the police with such non-lethal antifascist activist was heavily wounded in more easily, in the sense that their weapons. The Uk is extending the use of Tasers Moscow by Nazi scum. Now he is in hospital in a power has a larger spectrum, so that to allow all police officers not trained with fire- critical state and needs money for serious rebellious people cannot react against arms to handle Tasers. In Switzerland, the treatment. This St Valentine’s day sexual them." Rainer Wendt, director at the National Council (the national parliament) voted minorities of Moscow were planning to have a German Police Officers Union, says in early October to equip immigration police little procession on one of the central squares of "the police need weapons that do not forces with the Taser stun gun for use against the city. But before the event it was heard that kill, but which hurt and cause wounds, irregular immigrants who may resist Nazi boneheads were planning to ambush the in order to control demonstrations. deportation. Other non-lethal weapons being parade. Representatives of sexual minorities Otherwise, we are declaring open discussed in Europe are laser pistols that cause rights comunity called for help from Moscow season on our police officers in battles temporary blindness, bean bags, which are antifascists. On the day of the event a big mob of against violent demonstrators." small bags shot from barrels containing up to Nazis indeed showed up at the place of the 150 small shots, gases, sticky foams, heat procession. But instead of gays and lesbians a A rationale for non-lethal weapons was emitting screens, and high-tone sirens audible crowd of about 50 antifascist skinheads and presented by Kay Nehm, former only to people under a certain age. Robots punks appeared at the square and shooed the German attorney general, in July 2006 which act as platforms for the non-lethal Nazis away. After this the parade commenced, at a conference on ‘Future Security’ in weapons and can be piloted from a remote covered by antifascist activists. But the Nazis Karlsruhe city, some 550 km southwest distance are also being deployed. managed to regroup and attack one of the of Berlin. "The necessary assessment Source : Various antifascist skinheads, who was cut off from the main force.. The guy was beat up and stabbed heavily and ended up in the intensive care unit in hospital. His life is still in extreme danger now. Doctors say that even at the best he could stay in hospital for several months. You can send money through WebMoney:

Z260630952047 (dollars) R321197368781 (Russian Rubles) E311886845482 (Euro)

After you send the money - please, send a notification about the transfer to this address:

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63 Groningen, Holland - "Listening cameras" permanent. After a 12-month test phase, the within the jail and there will be deliberate prison overcrowding, the Ministry of Justice is northern Dutch city of Groningen has officially lack of human contact created between investigating the use of satellite and radio-wave introduced new surveillance technology, the the prisoners. The country's prison technology to monitor criminals. But, instead of observation of public space with "listening population has doubled since 1993 to being contained in bracelets worn around the cameras", as a regular feature. On 15 November, more than 81,000. More than 5,000 new ankle, the tiny chips would be surgically inserted 11 cameras with microphones were installed prison places are to be created over the under the skin of offenders, to help enforce home which, according to Sound Intelligence Systems, next seven years, but the short-term curfews. The radio frequency identification tags, as the company producing them, is the first outlook of the project is dire and the nation long as two grains of rice, are able to carry installation of its kind. Further, the company has could be short 3,000 places by the middle scanable personal information about individuals, told the public that the Ministry of Justice is of next year according to an establishment including their identities, address and offending planning to use the microphones for "prisoners sceptics. Former inmate Leonard Morris record. More than 17,000 criminals are subject to with short-term sentences in group cells". says the prisons are bursting. "They say it's electronic monitoring now via bracelets but almost Moreover, this system can be used to "create a overcrowded but they just keep piling them 2,000 of them manage to evade monitoring by file on unmasking troublemakers in the cells". The in," he said. "It's like two get released, two tampering with the devices. A senior Ministry of technology has already been used in "private" come in." The sheer amount of new laws Justice source, speaking to ‘The Independent’ locations. The cameras were installed by the passed by the Labour government and the newspaper, said: "We have wanted to take Dutch national railway company NS Spoorwegen increasingly intolerant police state advantage of this technology for several years, on the international train between Amsterdam- atmosphere of the UK is a serious factor in because it seems a sensible solution to the Brussels. Source : Statewatch the rise of prisoner numbers. problems we are facing in this area. We have Britain has the highest prison population in looked at it and gone back to it and worried about western Europe. For every 100,000 the practicalities and the ethics, but when you look people, 148 are in jail - compared with at the challenges facing the criminal justice Spain - Death of Josin. On November, 21, Jose 125 in Australia and 750 in the United system, it's time has come." It was absolutely Manuel Ferreira Quintas ('Josin') died in his cell in States. Academic Andrew Coyle, professor predictable that they would enforce the chipping the prison of Villanubla. Another name on the ever of prison studies at London's King's of prisoners first, after the animals; who, other than longer list of FIES prisoners who died. Josin was College, says changes to sentencing are the anarchists, are going to object to whatever the a strong comrade and very active in the struggle putting pressure on the prison system. society does to those who have broken the law? against the FIES (hunger-strikes, letters, etc). Two "What is happening is that people who Capitalist technologies of social control are years ago he was released and went to live with previously would not have been sentenced penetrating the body, soon enough you will not be his girlfriend (a comrade who participated in the to prison are now being sentenced to able to participate fully in society unless you agree struggle from the street) and their new-born child. prison," he said. " Also those who are to be chipped in some way; no functioning chip A month ago he ended up in prison again. The being sentenced are going for much longer will mean you will not be able to conduct results of the autopsy are not known yet, but José periods of time." Ten years ago, Britain transactions like banking or making purchases, no suffered from a severe depression, and it might be bought a prison ship from the US to cope access to transport, utilities, telecommunications, he choose to die. But as said, this is not clear yet. with overcrowded cells. It was sold last specific physical places and areas, has this been Anyway, he enjoyed two years of 'freedom' in a year, but now the government is said to be the plan all along to erode the initial, rational much bigger prison, where, just as so many others in the market for another floating jail. "I resistance to chipping humans? Where this leads who left us, he could not find what he was gather officials are now scouring the seas lies madness. Source : Various searching for... Prison often kills slowly. to find a prison ship, but these, I think, are RIP José. simply nibbling at the edges of what the main problem is," he said. EU - Biometric border checks and Passenger Name Record (PNR) data retention. UK - 'Titan' jails to built for The European Commission will bursting system, Prisoners to be propose in February '08 two new injected with RF ID spychips. The systems for tracking and monitoring UK government is building 3 huge people entering the EU. One system American style 'Titan' prisons will require airline passengers to designed to hold 2,500 prisoners register online before flying to Europe each. The government claims the while the other system will use giant facilities will allow it to biometrics to track people entering and 'modernise the prison estate'. Titans leaving the Union through air, land and have more in common with prison sea borders. Last November the warehouses in the United States European Commission put forward a than with Britain's existing jails. They proposal for a EU-PNR scheme will be far bigger than anything built whereby airlines compile and pass over so far in Britain, but the prison details of passengers to security building project has few supporters. agencies to check against watch-lists A single Titan prison would almost in real time. It is now proposed that in match the capacity of the three addition all passengers wanting to fly prisons grouped together at the Isle into the EU (both visitors and citizens) of Sheppey - Swaleside, Elmley and will have to get permission to travel. Standford Hill - which currently hold The story above also says that the 2,224 in total, and at least 3 jails Commission is intending to propose a further North will be merged under third measure to take biometrics the plan. The locations of the Titans (fingerprints) of everyone entering and would be as close as possible to leaving the EU by air, land and sea. The the regions where 'demand' for proposals advise border data retention prison places outweighs the 'supply' between internal state-to-sate travel by - notably London, the West EU citizens and others also. Let us be Midlands and the North West, clear about the effect of these three although having large prisons in a proposals. Everyone - citizens and few locations will inevitably lead to prisoners Despite some amount of uproar, UK visitors travelling in and out of the EU is going being placed far from family and communities. The Ministers are planning to implant "machine- placed under surveillance, have to get permission use of new technologies to control riots and readable" tracking microchips under the to enter and checked against international watch- isolate areas of a jail will be "built in to the fabric skin of thousands of offenders as part of an lists whose scope is unknown, with data of the building" according to the politicians. The expansion of the electronic tagging transferred to unspecified agencies in the EU and use of cameras, electronic door operation and scheme that would create more space in outside with records of movements held for years. bio-metric scanning (the use of fingerprints or iris British jails. Amid concerns about the Source : Various scanning to identify people) will be widespread security of existing tagging systems and

64 UK - Climate chaos affects Government spycentre. The summer floods in the Portuguese airspace, and hence through Gloucestershire region of England caused Portuguese jurisdiction, in at least 28 significant disruption to Government flights. By cross-checking this data with Communications Head Quarters (GCHQ) and its the "in-process" records released by the staff. Unfortunately, despite some serious problems US Department of Defence concerning in unprecedented conditions, GCHQ was able to Guantánamo detainees, who were maintain its most important operations but the weighed and measured on entry, with their State was concerned that, had the flooding date and time of entry recorded, Reprieve continued for very much longer or been more was able to conclude that 728 out of 774 severe, GCHQ’s operations could havebeen even prisoners weighed in were flown through more severely disrupted. In light of these events, a Portuguese airspace, with at least 6 review is planned. In a recent report by senior rendition aircraft having flown directly from politicians about the intelligence services they refer Lajes airbase in the Azores to to "vast sums of money" spent by GCHQ, the Guantánamo. The report names these 728 government's listening post based in Cheltenham, rendition victims, lists the flights in which on an new eavesdropping programme but declined they were flown to the detention centre, to say how much was involved. The only figure two of which stopped in airports and published was the overall official total spent by the airbases in Spain (Moron de la Frontera three security agencies, (MI5, MI6, and GCHQ,) and Rota) and Portugal (Santa Maria and currently £1.8bn, rising to £2.1bn in three years. Lajes, both in the Azores), with a large The report also admitted that last summer's floods majority of the flights setting off from been denounced widely by NGOs, left in Gloucestershire caused "significant disruption" Turkey. The report also lists the politicians, Chiliean Officials and of course, the to GCHQ staff. A GCHQ spokesman claimed the passengers who were on board. Brief anarchists. Lanza and Cisternas were arrested concern was more about the water supply. The descriptions of the flight experienced by a on Feb. 4, 2006 for allegedly assaulting a centre uses water coolers for its vast computers few of those flown to Guantánamo are member of Barcelona’s Urban Guard in a street and there was concern over the possibility that included in the report, including confrontation. During the scuffle, which took intelligence staff would either be sent home or testimonies ranging from the conditions in place when authorities started a fight outside an would be unable to come to work. Source : Various which they were flown to their treatment in illegal , a pig received a serious head injury Guantánamo and during intermediate that police claim was caused by a rock thrown stages in the process, in Kandahar, by Lanza. Despite lack of evidence and the Bagram airbase and other sites. For official story changing frequently, at Thursdays Portugal - Over 700 prisoners illegally rendered example, Sudanese Al Jazeera journalist ruling, Lanza was sentenced to four and a half to Guantanamo with the help of Portuguese Sami Muhideen Al-Haj (case a. in the years behind bars. Additionally, he will have to government and others. As reported in previous report), seized in Afghanistan in December pay an indemnity of 950,795 euros (US$1.4 issues in 325, the CIA has been 'disappearing ' 2001 and flown from Kandahar to million) for the injuries that he allegedly inflicted. people from the streets of Europe and around the Guantánamo (via Turkey and Portuguese Meanwhile, Cisternas will spend three years and world, transfering them through Europe to airspace), described the conditions in three months in jail, but will not have to pay any Guantanamo Bay and other, more secretive 'Black which he was flown: "The conditions of the fine. In spite of the court•fs decision, Lanza and Sites' off the map, in order to torture them. A flight were horrific. Our hands and legs Cisternas continue to insist that they and recently released report by NGO 'Reprieve', were shackled, we had ear muffs on our Argentine Juan Pintos Garrido, who was also on conclusively shows that the Portuguese territory ears, we had a mask on our face and we trial in the case, were only passing by when the and airspace has been used to transfer over 700 had goggles on our eyes, and the goggles incident occurred. The men allege they were prisoners to torture and illegal imprisonment in were covered with paint so we couldn't beaten by police both on the street and at the Guantanamo Bay. Reprieve is a UK rights see anything through them and we had police station, sustaining injuries that required organisation acting on behalf of rendition victims mittens. I lost consciousness a few times them to be taken to the hospital. They said that and it published a report on 28 January 2008, in because of the lack of oxygen. And the after returning from the hospital, they were which it uses flight logs obtained by Portuguese flight took 28 hours". beaten again and referred to as “sudacas,” a MEP Ana Gomes in 2006, to confirm that over 728 Source : Various derogatory term for South Americans. Lanza, prisoners were flown to Guantánamo through Cisternas, and Pintos were held without bail for nearly two years. The six Europeans also charged in the case, on the other hand, were UK - Rise in telephone tapping. released on bail. The main witness was a police The number of warrants issued for officer who is suspected of having tortured the the interception of communications defendants. “Arbitrariness and xenophobia have (eg phone-tapping / mail opening triumphed over justice. Lies have triumphed over etc) - The figures in the latest report are for only nine months of the truth.” Source: Various 2006, however, when adjusted to give an annual figure these show that the total adjusted figures for the previous period give a total of >> Some useful websites: 5,723 (ie: warrants issued plus the modifications) and the new adjusted figure shows a rise to an annual figure of 6,597. Source : Statewatch alternativs2prison.ik Barcelona - 4F defendants convicted. A Spanish court on th Thursday 7 February convicted two young Chilean citizens - Rodrigo Lanza Huidobro and Alex Cisternas Amestica - for the 2006 assault of a Spanish police officer. The decision drew a strong reaction from Chilean officials, with many insisting the ruling was based on “lies” and “discrimination.” The case has 65 TheThe useuse ofof thethe BRIEF History Of imaginationimagination KINAIYAHAN UNAHON collective Part 1 Rooted from the punk scene way back in “the literal is 2002, a small group of the enemy” individuals decided to form a small collective James Hillman aimed to promote ideas of insurrection. And so was the Davao “the imagination is the root of human reality.” Anarchist Resistance Movement. It was an Marc Fonda affinity group engaging in direct and legal action, who had several The faculty we know as imagination is the umbrella's dealing with fundamental process whereby we structure our world. different issues: animal rights(Animal Resistance Movement), radical It is the facility of human consciousness that ecology (Earth First! Davao), workers rights, do-it-yourself ethics, allows us to model the universe inside our own heads and then to project this outward, reinterpreting the alternative economics and anti-capitalism (FOOD NOT BOMBS experience as sense data. DAVAO / DARM - Davao Anarchist Resistance Movement)... Check out the website: and For example, when you look with your eyes upon the for more details. The group was linked world you perceive the world ‘out there’. Although to different sectors and resistance movement in the Philippines we know that the light hitting the receptive cells (mostly in Mindanao Region) from grassroots farmers to students, of the eye, generating an electro-chemical workers, the Red Party and NGO's. interaction within the brain is the basis of seeing, for this event to have any use and any meaning (as a perception of the outside world) it must be One of the most significant actions we had as a group was the broadcast outward into the world. The screen upon uprooting of the Monsanto's 1,500 sqaure meter Bt (Bacillus which we project our perceptions is imagination; it Thurengensis) Corn field testing in Tamapakan, South Cotabato is the necessary condition of experience. (Southern Mindanao). It took us only several minutes to get the job done. We were thousands then, we were with the farmers, rural Imagination is the basis of social interaction. As folks, NGO's and the mainstream media. After then, we went to well as creating my world I come to create an Bukidnon (Central Mindanao) for the 2nd uprooting but this time, interpenetrating world that is yours. I know that Monsanto hired private armies who told us that they can afford to the contents of your mind are similar and yet different to mine, I may know that I know something kill three people 'legally' if we were to get persistent with our that you cannot. Without this understanding, I am purpose. Most of our actions then was demonstrations, picket autistic, unable to develop a full theory of mind, rallies, massfeedings, information campaign in bus terminals, limited in my empathy. schools and the streets.

We know that our imagination, or perception of the Several years later, active members focused on different projects world, can be easily altered, even manipulated. We and personal endeavors, and so was the end of it. are all aware of not seeing the wood for the trees, Others formed new collectives having different goals and of hallucinations, misperceptions and of being tricked. With this in mind we may seek to transcend advocacies . Some formed art collectives, others worked in our imagined world, to invent systems of action that NGO's, the red party and some stayed in the movement, As for the seek to know the Real World, shorn of the case of the KINAIYAHAN UNAHON (translated in Visaya as fallibility of perception. "Nature First"). the collective started in 2006, as a response to the shortcomings of the past (inability to extensively reach different Through experimental science we have tried to do sectors of the locale), decided to restructuralize the collective into a this, through the production of the laboratory. This more flexible and visible in terms of socio-enviornmental actions and approach yields many interesting results, the advocacies, and so we decided to make it as an NGO (for legal reliability of which is a testament to the remarkable interpenetration of our subjective purposes). For the past one year, we have linked with local and realities. mindanaowide social movements and organizations, and have worked on different issues such as Anti-GMO campaigns, Anti- However, the very act of making scientific models is Aerial Spraying, Organic agriculture, Hardcore/Punk Benefit Gigs, predicated on the imaginative substrate that School and Community based Environmental Issues Information experimentation seeks to get around. Moreover, as Campaign,Yoga and Spirituality and alternative lifestyle; and have modern physics leads us to believe, the observer and intiated various events in and outside the KinUMo (Kinaiyahan the observed are inseparable. The Unahon Movement) Resource Center such as alternative study perception of objective distinction, of Self from Other or of circles, fora, workshops, and Festivals such as the annual experimenter from subject is Vegetarian Festival (held every November or December) and itself an imaginative fallacy... Pinaghisuang Likha (translated in English as "One Creation"). So far, our actions are mostly on education campaigns.... We are also a member of a loose coalition of Mindanao groups called PANAGHOY SA KINAIYAHAN COALITION FOR MOTHER 66 EARTH (Translated in English as "Whispher of Nature). This videos (educational multimedia materials such as consists of grassroots (People's Association, student clubs, documentaries of local and international issues from personal Mountaineers, Art Movements) to Organization-level groups and collective contacts and supporters), downloaded audio (NGO's, Mainstream Media, Sects). books and videos from the internet, etc...

The group is eyeing to materialize three major projects in the near We are at the present aiming for the SEC Registration, Joint future that is, 1.) Resource and Learning Center - a center that Bank Account, PO BOX Mailing Address, Internet Router, provides resources for alternative learning and approach to Xerox Machine, video camcorder, digital camera and Scanner education using different media. The project already started and hopefully soon an LCD device... At the present, there are several months ago but at the moment inactive due to insufficient about 7-8 members of this collective but only 5 people are time and other priorities outside the collective. Hopefully, early active... Each has different major projects for the center. We next year we will be able to continue this on the house project; 2.) are targetting to settle on a house projects , probably February Social Upliftment Project - this aims to assist local communities or March so we can move into the base... and aid them to progressively utilize the local resources of their region, envisioning independent autonomous economic zones that if you are interested to support and help the necessities to our links and trades resources to different communities. So far, we are initial transition please give us a line or email us... in return, just still not able to move on to this project, since the gameplan is to tell us what we can do to also help and support your actions actualize these things one at a time and; 3.) Alternative Lifestyle - there in your area.. aims to promote local life support products produced by local communities as an alternative to the products of the Capitalist love and rage, market. This also aims to promote healthy lifestyle practices such as yoga and alternative medicine, etc. The case for this project is Kinaiyahan Unahon collective DAVAO the same to the former. As for the moment, we are focusing on materials acquisition for the center. So far, we have acquired 1 computer unit with printer, dvd writer (collectively owned), and 2 Contact: [email protected] units (personally owned but will be used in the center), books from international and local sources, magazines, pamphlets, fanzines, Distro

325 Distro stocks a selection of anarchist, anti- Dead Trees & Dye (UK) Some musik we made the zine to the sound of: capitalist and anti-industrial books, pamphlets and Piece Out Distro (UK) magazines, plus CD's, DVD-R's etc. Bundles of 325 Elephant Editions (UK) Amboss - Nitro/Razor Pleasure - Crisp, tight, are £1 each in multiples i.e £5 = x 5 (postage Terra Audio (UK) dark, futurist Drum & Bass. The sound of the extra). Muutosvoima (Finland) cities, razor sharp and burning, fine style! Manila Infoshop (Philippines) (subversion011)-”12 vinyl-2007 Check out the catalogue on our website, or email Irregular Rythlm Asylum (Japan) us for an up to date list. On the website you can No Way Out (France) Hecate - Seven Veils of Silence - Dark arabic tek download issues of 325 and there are more than Praxis Records (Germany) overdosed on LSD, worshipping infinite chaos. 20 booklets and posters to download as PDF, for Manufacturing Dissent (Kanada) (Zhark 12013 & 7003) “12+“7/Cd printing and reproduction. Make this zine and distro (Apologies to anyone we forgot and obsolete by creating your own distro and printing left off the list.) C7 H16 - Collectif Francais - Underground what you like. If you run a zine or a distro consider a French hip hop from singe des rues, radikal trade of material we havn’t got. We aim to answer Anti-Copyright Network: knoonerz, s.killa, insa 3k2n and more. Heavy email as soon as we can and fill all orders within 2 (Nameless Hardcore Unknowns...) lyrics to destroy ya mind and state. (Cd-r) months, but if we seem to be a bit slow don’t worry, we will respond, we’re a smal DIY project with too Recommended text: Rai Ko Ris - Anti-National Anthem - Punks from - many orders and no paid staff. Prisoners can get Criminal by Isbella Eberhardt Beautifully Nepal. The band run an infoshop in Lazimpat, free copies of 325 and other texts we have for free, written and produced pamphlet about the Katmandu. (Cd-r) [email protected] if it can get past the censors. travels of an anarchist in North Africa in the early 20th Century. Eberhardt Press La Peste - Safety First - Sprawling 20 minute 325 is available from these distros: noisecore finished off with the sound of global Prison was created for the poor. Mothers machine networks ejecting a sentient ICBM into Longing for Collapse Press (U$A) & Sons: From FIES to Aachen by Pastora & orbit. (Praxis) ”12 Tarantula (U$A) Julia - Moving account from the mothers of Black Powder Press (U$A) Xose Tarrio Gonzalez & Gabriel Pombo da Zion Train ft YT - Life that I choose - Heavy dub, Quiver (U$A) Silva, speaking about their relationship with horns, conscious anti-empire chatter from YT, Natterjack (UK) their sons through bars and how the prison rocking soundsystems near you now. (SoulSeek), Black Hoodies destroys the whole family. Leeds ABC

Hoodies £15 L & XL + £2p&p