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PUBLIKATSIOONID EHITUSTEADUSKOND Raamatud Antov, D., Banet, A., Barbier, C. et al. European road users' risk perception and mobility. The SARTRE4 survey [Electronic resource]. [S.l.] : IFSTTAR, 2012. 496 p. Hain, T. Characteristics of Portland cements for sulfate and weather resistant concrete = Sulfaadi- ja ilmastikukindla betooni tootmiseks vajalike portlandtsementide iseloomulikud parameetrid. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2012. 168 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. F, Thesis on civil engineering ; 37). Hani, A. Investigation of energy efficiency in buildings and HVAC systems = Hoonete ja nende tehnosüsteemide energeetilise efektiivsuse uurimine. Tallinn : TUT Press, 2012. 126 p. (Theses of Tallinn University of Technology. F, Thesis on civil engineering ; 36). Hast, E., Nilsson, A., Skrodenis, E., Antov, D. et al. Saving life, health and money in road traffic : improving road infrastructure safety in the Baltic Sea region. [S.l.] : The Swedish Transport Administration, 2012. 78 p. Hou, Q., Tijsseling, A. S., Laanearu, J., Annus, I., Koppel, T., Bergant, A., Vučkovič, S., Gale, J., Anderson, A., Westende, J. M. C.van't, Pandula, Z., Ruprecht, A. Experimental study of filling and emptying of a large-scale pipeline. Eindhoven : Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 2012. 41 p. (CASA-report ; 12-15). Virta, M. (ed.) ; Hovorka, F., Kurnitski, J., Litiu, A. HVAC in sustainable office buildings : a bridge between owners and engineers. Brussels : REHVA, c2012. vi, 117 p. (REHVA guidebook ; 16). Iital, A., Tattari, S. Guidelines for surface and drainage water quality monitoring in agriculture dominated areas. Helsinki : Finnish Environment Institute, 2012. 37 p. (The Finnish environment ; 6). Kalamees, T., Ilomets, S., Liias, R., Raado, L.-M., Kuusk, K., Maivel, M., Ründva, M., Klõšeiko, P., Liho, E., Paap, L., Mikola, A., Seinre, E., Lill, I., Soekov, E., Paadam, K., Ojamäe, L., Kallavus, U., Mikli, L., Kõiv, T.-A.
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