Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 458 Proceedings of the International Conference On Social Studies, Globalisation And Technology (ICSSGT 2019)

Social Interaction Between Etnics in Market Mastery in City Market in Kerinci Regency in a Sociological Prepective

1st Eka Putri Hardiyanti 2nd Susi Evanita* Dep. of Sociology Education, Dep. of Sociology Education, Faculty of Pascasarjana Faculty of Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract—The purpose of this study is to ethnic migrants and native Kerinci people, describe the social interaction between traders existed for a long time and migrant traders in controlling the market in Sungai Penuh in have been banyang who settled in Kerinci Kerinci Regency. The purpose of this study specifically. 1) forms of social interaction looks at 1) Research on the interaction between migrant ethnic groups and Kerinci between migrants and Kerinci natives, 2) native people: a) Relationships between factors that encourage socio-economic migrant traders and Kerinci ethnic groups, b) relations between ethnic migrants and Kerinci the formation of merchant groups. 2) factors natives in the Sungai Penuh City market 3) that encourage socio-economic relations Form of Mastery of Ethnic immigrants to the between pendatag and Kerinci aboriginal Kerinci ethnic group. This type of research is people: a) there is a pattern of reciprocity qualitative research using data collection between groups of traders, b) negotiating techniques through observation, in-depth among traders, c) because Minang traders interviews and utilizing document studies. provide economic assets in Kerinci Regency. The selection of informants based on certain 3) the form of control of migrant communities considerations (purposive sampling). Data over the Kerinci ethnicity: a) many who hold analysis uses an interactive model that the grocery store Minang Traders, b) have includes 3 steps: 1) data reduction, 2) data high integrity, c) have ethics in trade. presentation, 3) data verification (withdrawal), Keywords—Social Interaction, Ethnicity, 3) conclusion.The results of the study indicate Mastery, Market that the process of social interaction between

I. INTRODUCTION This interaction cannot be separated from human life and interests. Without interacting In Indonesia, a country that is famous for its we will be difficult and will never understand diversity, this plurality is marked by the at all with other people's circumstances. Key existence of ethnic groups who have different social interactions for understanding human ways of life. Cultural differences in Indonesia social life. Humans are Zone politicon that are are caused by differences in history and interdependent and establish social relation- cultural development of each ethnic group. To ships between people in life, in addition to meet the needs of his life as a plural society guidance for living in groups [11]. what is needed is to merge in people's lives. This method can be done by establishing good In interaction relationships that are interaction and communication with fellow intertwined can influence, change, or improve individuals, groups and communities. the behavior of other individuals or vice versa so that good cooperation can be established

Copyright © 2020 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL. This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 512 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 458

between the actors of social interaction. Social natives, the people of and Bali have interactions can be positive or negative. As for cooperated to carry out activities in the form of the positive nature leads to a good cooperation, taking care of their gardens. Assimilation, for example in terms of trading in the market namely the tradition of visiting each other group. The market itself is one of the most when there are friends who are having important institutions in an economy. Even difficulties or happy news. from most economic phenomena related to the The research above shows that integration market. The market is also one of the main occurs in a pluralistic society in realizing social drivers of the dynamics of economic life. The harmony. So as to create an orderly, peaceful functioning of the market as an economic and prosperous life. This is in accordance with institution is inseparable from the place of trade the purpose of the birth of the Republic of and activities carried out by buyers and traders Indonesia is to prioritize the interests of all its [3]. people. In addition, the objectives of the State of The market as a means of gathering Indonesia are definitively set out in the fourth transactions between sellers and buyers of paragraph of the Preamble to the 1945 Consti- goods and services where these transactions tution which includes: generally occupy a strategic location and close "... Protect all the Indonesian people and all to the settlement. Seen from Sungai Penuh of Indonesia's blood spilled to advance market, there are various kinds of modern public welfare, educate the nation's life, and shopping places owned by some people who participate in carrying out world order based are not native to Kerinci ethnicity, but migrants on independence, eternal peace and social who find the location. Not only modern justice..." markets, traditional markets can also hold a lot That the government and the local of these markets, namely migrants who can authorities can contribute or protect their own keep the market. Usually the person who holds citizens. In the smallest thing or big thing in the or controls the settlement site is the native life of its people. community or the original Trader in a place of his own area. Market activity is influenced by The results of research conducted by [1] the interactions that exist with many people show that Chinese citizens contribute more to both between traders and buyers. In the market the economy of the local community. The there are a variety of individuals who come values of Confucianism that influence the from different ethnic groups and regions [4]. success of the ethnic Chinese economy. According [12] states that the social From the form of ruler to certain groups by relationship between the perceptions of each using intellectual and moral consensus. This party to the other party which is very means that hegemony groups agree on the influential at all on the ongoing social ideological values of the authorities. In other interaction. Based on these perceptions they words if there is one who holds a leadership in give meaning to each other's presence or an area not a local native, then the ideology presence and will determine how to interact implanted will become extinct. So for with one another. Such social relations pemengang local authorities to be able to filter generally apply and regulate reciprocal out good ideas for their citizens. relationships between individuals or groups or As happened in several markets found in ethnic groups in society. the Sungai Penuh Market in Kerinci Regency. Judging from the results of the [2] research The people of Sungai Penuh City are entitled Social Interaction between Java and heterogeneous and consist of various ethnic Bali in the village of Bawang Tirto Mulyo and backgrounds, such as, Chinese, Minangkabau, Kehuripan Village in Bawang Regency. With Javanese, Indian and Malay. According to data the results obtained that the interaction from the Central Statistics Agency (Badan Pusat between Java and Bali. That to unite the Statistik-BPS) Kerinci population in numbers togetherness between migrants and local

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based on the Census Against Religion and Ethnic Groups in 2016 as follows:

Table 1. Number and Percentage of Population According to Religion in 2016

Agama Jumlah Pemeluk Presentase (Jiwa) Islam 54.990 87.18 Kristen 17.489 6.96 Khatolik 7,888 2,91 Khong hu cu 4,499 0,05 Jumlah 87,132 100 Source: Online Statistics, Kerinci in Numbers (2016: 78)

Based on the Central Bureau of Statistics other religions such as Christianity, census data above, the majority of Kerinci Catholicism, Khong Hu Cu, comparative fewer Regency residents are more followers of Islam than adherents of Islam. with a percentage of 87.18%, and adherents of

Table 2. Population Based on Livelihoods in Sungai Penuh in Kerinci Regency 2016

No Jenis Pekerjaan Jumlah 1 PNS 5,459 2 TNI/ABRI 337 3 POLISI 1,550 4 SATPOL PP 450 5 Honorer 3,450 6 Jasa 1,150 7 Wiraswasta 136 8 Swasta 120 9 Anggota DPRD 30 10 TenagaKesehatan 1,105 11 Petani 2,585 12 BuruhTani 1,474 13 KaryawanKebun Teh 279 14 PerangkatKota 1,585 15 BelumBekerja 1,350 Jumlah 22,610 Orang Source: Data on Population and Civil Registry Office of Sungai Penuh City

Meanwhile, when viewed from the markets, and this also holds not only detailed perspective of community livelihoods. In people. However, those who dominated particular, Sungai Sungai City is full, half of the holding the market were more dominant population of Sungai Penuh City are majority, migrant communities (initial observations on as the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) Teachers clothing traders in Sungai Penuh market). and in the Government Service. However, Judging from the results of research Kerinci Communities in plantation areas such conducted by [10] regarding "Communication as in Kayu Aro, Sulak, Semurup, Sekungkung, between Bugis Ethnic Cultures and Mandar Koto Keras prioritize farming and farming. Ethnics in Trade interactions in the Parepare Because the geographical location is very City senggol market" shows that the form of supportive and good land. Not only farming or communication to sellers in Bugis Ethnic and farming, their crops are sold in traditional Mandar Ethnics uses two ways, namely by

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using non verbal and verbal. The use of verbal tive, 5) research objectives apply as research is to use Indonesian and Buginese, because the subjects, 6) research data is descriptive, 7) Mandar Ethnic people are passive in the Bugis focusing on the subject's processes and language, but the Mandar Ethnics prefer to use interactions, 8) limited subject, 9) subject will avoid from selection is done purposively, 10) personal misunderstanding. contact directly, 11) human instruments, 12) prioritizing direct data, 13) data collection by [9] Minang ethnics have special charac- observation involved, 14) the relationship teristics and Merantau traditions. The impetus between researchers and informants is intimate, of the first overseas tradition is to become 15) holistic perspective, 16) oriented in unique better, secondly the existence of networks, cases, 17) empathic neutrality, 18) data validity, thirdly trust. Of these three obstacles is social 19) data analysis is carried out inductively, 20) capital in the Minangkabau ethnic group. emik Truth, 21) conclusions are subjective, 22) Kerinci community consists of Minang ethnic be flexible, 23) the importance of the deepest originating from 1940 is quite long, and overall meaning, 24) the process of collecting and 133,930 inhabitants because Sungai Penuh City analyzing data simultaneously. has a population of 80% are Minangkabau ethnic origin of birth in West . The Furthermore, why is qualitative research Minangkabau Ethnicity and other Ethnics such used because qualitative research is an in-depth as Chinese Ethnic, Indian Ethnic, Ethnic study by looking at, observing, and and Javanese Ethnic are not included in the experiencing the problem to be investigated, intense communication process and pattern. especially the issue of "Social interaction between ethnic groups in market control in the Seen from the description above, multi markets of Sungai Penuh in the City of Kerinci ethnic diversity in the Sungai Penuh market in Regency in a sociological perspective". Kerinci, Province cannot be separated According to the author this is a complex from the existence of good communication phenomenon that must be seen as a whole (interaction). Based on the data obtained, the through in depth interviews (indepth researchers are interested in conducting interview). Qualitative researchers see that research on the case, with the research title between researchers and informants can not be "Social Ethnic Interaction in Mastery in Sungai separated. Therefore, the data in the field must Penuh City Market in Kerinci Regency in be verified by qualitative means [7]. Prepective Sociology". This research was conducted at Sungai II. METHOD Penuh Market Sungai Penuh District Kerinci In researching Social Interaction between Regency Jambi. This location was deliberately ethnic groups in the market control of Sungai chosen because it fulfills the requirements of Penuh in the City of Kerinci in Prepective the purpose of this study. The location of this Sociology using qualitative research methods research is the market center of Sungai Penuh that describe and analyze data in the form of City of Kerinci Regency which is diverse in words or human actions more deeply that multi-ethnic and various regions, including: cannot be explained by quantitative figures. In Padang people, Thionghoa people, Indians, this study explore the meaning of behavior that Malay people, Batak people and others. occurs in human action. The meaning expressed The reason for choosing the research is like the actions of people regarding an event location in the Sungai Penuh market is because, so as to obtain data about the background and one of them was a researcher who lived in how the process of social interaction between Sungai Penuh City and an argument was made traders in controlling the Market in Sungai by several students about why only Minang Penuh City Market. people trade a lot here and the majority of Here are some characteristics in qualitative languages in Kerinci speak Minang. So it makes research [6]: 1) natural, 2) are dynamic and it easier to obtain data and accurate information developing, 3) research focus, 4) are descrip

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and this research can be done continuously so Markets in Sungai Penuh city of Kabupaten that saturated data is obtained. Kerinci are interacting between , Minangkabau, Chienese, Javanese and India. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Malay conversations with various other ethnic Sungai Penuh city is a city formed by the group take place using indentity dilution divisiov of a parent district (Kab. Kerinci) and becauce they have been socializing for a long one of the 11 Kabupaten or cities was time in normal daily life. Findings obtained in established in 2008. On the basis of law No. 25 the study, 1) the proces of social interaction of 2008 concerning the formation of Sungai between ethnic migrants and native Kerinci Penuh City in Jambi Province. people, had been iv a long time in the 1950s; 2) migrant communities have become part of the Sungai Penuh market as a center for detailed society without losing culture and community spending in the middle of Sungai tradition and can even build changes within the Penuh city. Sungai Penuh city is a country. heterogeneuos society with diverse ethnic groups. Forms of social interacttion between In the market control that is usually carried ethnic members take plece intensively and long. out by migrant communities because the In the traditional stucture of the existing Kerinci community earners prioritize farming stucture in the Sungai Penuh market is and farming. Because the geographical location considered quite important because of various is very supportive and good land. Not only diverse there are associations of traders in faming, their crops in traditional markers. establishing togetherness such as social Communication is a person's behavior through gathering, attending traditional festivals, social interaction and taking action on what is religious events and community service. Sungai governed by the meaning of the behavior. Penuh tradisional market is considered to be According to [5] communication is an action very functional to establish relations between between two or more parties who conduct ethnic groups, the interactions of one religion relationships in the form of mutual inter- with another religion. pretation of messages conveyed by each party. It is through this interpretation that a person One of the patterns used in market will manifest the reaction behavior on the interaction is, 1) Pattern of trade reciprocity, intention of the other party. where there is a reciprocal relatinship in the form of assistance from both financial and Burke put forwad a model of an analysis energy (mind). 2) Consumer pattern, consumers that is seen when commenication is called are unique and special things where consumers dramatic pentod, namely 1) act or submission are the king in choosing a leve, of satisfaction in by a actor, 2) scene, namely the situation or the market. Consensus in modern culture of setting of an action, 3) agent or actors, 4) agency social practice, core cultural values, ideas avd or tools, suggestions that are used by actors in aspirations avd identity are oriented towards carrying out actions. Agency here includes consumption. See positeve interaction between channels, massages, strategies, intitutions and languages and ethnic exchanges and it is other, 5) purpose, namely the purpose and carried out intensively. Although the Kerinci objectives of the action. people claim to use malay in public places, but Kenduri is a form of event or activity in the dealing or communicating with other ethnic form of a celebration carried out by the Kerinci groups following the language that has been community by offering prayers to the creator. agreed upon by a group using the Minang Kenduri is a tradition of Kerinci farmers if the language, even ethnic chinese and India speak rice is harvested and fertile by making a party MinangKabau more fluently than their owv or eating together by all people living in the etnic languages. No wonder when in Kerinci Regency area. The event was attended communication between various ethnic group by all ethnic groups in Kerinci Regency to many use the Minang language. implement and encourage farmers to be more prosperous and prosperous.

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Negotiation is where someone is given a The River City government is full of village view of the way conflicts between social actors officeor sub-districts can be proactive in are resolved or continue. According to [8] allocating development planning in market negotiation is one solution to a problem such as developments to advance and prosper the land disputes, differences of opinion in which market community. Other researchers should the parties agree to resolve their problems be able to conduct research on social through a process of deliberation and cooling. interactions between ethnicities in other One seen in the process of market interaction perspectives. Minang people are usually smart in negotiating and that is an advantage in the process of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS finding consumers in trading. Such a In this study the authors would like to relationship is what makes the Kerinci thank especially for the guidance of Dr. Susi community incapable of playing a role in Evanita, M.Si, who always guides in this trading in the market. writing and the informant who openly provides the information provided and especially to the IV. CONCLUSIONS two parents who encouraged me to finish In the process of social interaction in the completing this paper. I hope this article can Sungai Penuh market, Kerinci Regency is contribute to the wider community, especially influenced by ethnic, religious, and residential to market traders. factors. In traditional institutions are quite functional in building an interaction between REFERENCES communities whose heterogeneous people [1] Arbi Yasin. Hegemoni Ekonomi Etnik because of diverse ethnic and ethnic cultures. Tionghoa Dipesisir Kabupaten Bengkalis the reality of understanding in multiculturalism . (2017). Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, 8(3). is well conceptualized because of the nature of Retrieved from [email protected] mutual understanding and understanding in [2] Ayu Reza Ningrum. Interaksi Sosial various ethnic differences, and can contribute in Antar Jawa Dengan Bali di Desa Bawang several activities such as community service, Tirto Mulyo dan Desa Kahuripan Dalam festive events (traditional events), social Kabupaten Tulang Bawan. Tesis PIPS. gathering, religious events, as well as Universitas hereditary renewal of life. Involved in the market management include ethnic Chinese, [3] Damsar. (2002). Sosiologi Ekonomi. Minangkabau, Kerinci ethnic. The form of : PT. Raja Grafindo. market dominance is the existence of [4] Damsar. (2005). Sosiologi Pasar. Padang: competition in the economy and conceptual Laboratorium Sosiologi Fisip understanding of sociology in harmony among Unand. traders rejects the existence of differences, being able to live respect, respect, in ethnic [5] Elly, M., Usman. (2011). Pengantar differences. Able to work socially and help as a Sosiologi. Jakarta: Kencana. form of national unity with the growth of [6] Idrus, M. (2009). Metode Penelitian Ilmu interactions that are characteristic natural to Sosial. Yogyakarta: PT. Gelora Akasara. strengthen social integration between ethnicities and ethnic differences to prosper the [7] Iskandara. (2009). Metodologi Penelitian regional economy. dan Sosial (Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif). Jakarta: Gaing Persada Pers (GP Pers). While cultural adaptation and assimilation form the understanding of the sociology of the [8] Istijanto. (2007). Seni Menaklukan Penjual river market of Sungai PenuhKerinci, other dengan Negosiasi. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia forms of society can actualize positively, Pustaka Utama. namely by doing voluntary work and mutual [9] Latief. (2002). Etnis dan Adat Minangkabau. cooperation. Bandung: IKAPI.

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