•TV '' ' .-*>.. ... —m . t .I...... ,*'"...'...-.,-,- •-•-•.—.' ;-. ' -Thursday, February^"'-1972-. troopers. stcfrt the-new yeat qttradjion In case of emeraen l ... [oclion" .section complete_wlth a, biaby animal The ue-w drjv< -(hrmi((li wildlife. preserve call Jibe Zip Code with 137 aHresfs Club sends gifts la'Koreiaris sing built in" West Milford, will' house moire display, diuL kilchen and a nature trall;-one of -JliaftiiOOO exotic miimalu and bifdsTindTviH-fer -~thi' fivu'iai*gest aviaries in thei-world, and a -376-0406 for Polic* Department. rTfie'alcrlness of'lroopers patrolling the. New I'aeki'ts of flower-und vegetable seeds and-; Sai3. in ajet'enl communication to the South 1 Jersey Turnpike, has- produced a record 1-17 samples of najiyi^Ne'w.Jersey flowers, made up Kliri'iiii teacliersAvho will receive the packets named Warner Bros, Jungle-I Ifttiltalv ae - tropical' rainforest, TllCTC jvill als6 be q or First Aid Squad • criminaParresIs' during (he firsl 10 days of ill a gesture of greeting and friendship by the mi behalf of the students, r'We Want you/ eording to R.Hriatj Himtrprcsident-of Animal souvonir shop, restaurant- and~a deer—park Management Services -inc.—- picnic area where ideer may'come and visit 37o^(Jl44~for Fire De[ia7tnTenT !:-five and one-half times more than during." iiieiubershipjiLlhej/arde'irt.'lub ot 'Sew.-'Jcr-_ students..to -k|iowTtliey..also have -'^Garden 1 •pienit'RingfJniiliei^The^jreseFvfe-wUlfll^give- ' liist year s cOrresp'ulKllJlg pi'liud. :—• ' "i"|; ••"'"' jhic mnnlli lo^nnlh K-nn-;m- Friends' among the .Senior 'Garden Clubs i •- -Hunt's firm is designing'and building the 376-6440 ^ Heading the list were more than 50 arrests school children, -by the 'American-Korean • -"••NewJcrsey. It was lliey wno providca a pacKel ' researchcES the opportunity'to stupy wHrfltfp- involymg narcotics valued at about $27,000, and Foundatjon/ ' —""""" ~ ~" •• n of seeds lor each child*! planl at home or in a center on-amu l,00pesJ*f • school garde.ii.WeTyiint eaeh.yhild to have a -(ireatJfiorgLOand nne--bour froili- Newark. -taplured aninials; :: v , v a from apprehensions fos. motor vehicle seeds and_ioshe£lji of pressed flower samples, paekeinl'/hijrnwn." ,"• ": . " * ^ '—• r-Ajiintals will niiinf free_ns' visitors drive along Hunt said Ilia I , the l.icensing Corp. . ot rylolatlohs, with most-occurring in . Uio-uwu^- the four-mile salariMrafl tn.th.e '-'people cages" America, with (ifficesiu NfcwjYork, arranged Rat« . " ' Sacond'Clols* PostOQe "mattco"" and suitable Jfor franiinJ~^.Seed.'T The Garden-Clubs have traditionally helped VOC.43-NO.18 P.O. Box 69, »rtng«l»hl,;M.J. 07081 »8.5O Y.arly • - ^.PaliTol Sprlngll.ld, M.J. — 20 Cenls"fer Copy . north of New Brunswick- • s ' --j— representing thepresse'd flowers arc among lo .proude • AKF- high school and. college ilcursi. Armed'", security guards will be- , Hie agreement whereby'Animal Management At (he same lime .lliej3:ur.iip1tnnrAulhority ; stationed throughout the preserve fo-wutebHor "Sdf vices of New Jersey i^ Ji^itspcDoiise. the *"* those being sent. TlujG'pressod 7 flower agricultural scholarships »$ well, as 4-fl : : —-rVileasea slatislibs for 1971 that showed'a total arrangements wore made llychlldron in Junior training for young underprivileged rural' -any troubje spots. •." -> name Warner Bros.iind (ho famed Lodney of 3 171 persons who thought they could^tnake a (Jarden Clubs Of New Jersey. i.;.^.——. -childrenTill (lie'Amerie;ln-Kwean Foundations • I'ledalorssucluisljons, tigers and bears, will -Tunes characters^—,—J-i.:.-- -:—•— ?Warnpr Rr?i5"^.liin|ile' Habitat ip iho finit : safe getaway torlhcir destination ran afoul of - Onepacket will'be given to each oTH9 ghide free (raining farm-^t^ti^HVBwtii Korea, whore - be separated from other animals and there will : > » drivtMhrough wifdlifo-proserve in_the rior- Troop D patrols..-They- WfN -\trrested-(J,WR persons for motor— ..Korea's•.prior... . - •'-.-- ••*•'*- --'.a-.-._• - i.patlent- the use of vnrl7iinr pnlnt niortln $~ _JIMi' TO RECJPROCAreMI -vehiefr—violations, bringing- tliOTtotal of all • Scienceteac "!j)-HH'oli.ng of the^KenilworiTi"'- '•-'• arrests=ta-62;219. The totaUis !l,4f>4,. or HI por- Art Associaiion-Monday at II tent, more than the !S2;755 arrests)nadeLiiLi97Q_ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliilMiiiiiiiiiiliiiiilillllliilliiMiiiiitlMiiMiiniiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiii^: CALL. OR-WRITE: ;- ercfent at Cnmmal arrests were Up MfpefccntJWSfny.liStiJ^ • " " • ± --g p.m. at the Kenilworth ..... = Communitv, Center the previous year. .: ::-.-.-—r If youlrcn seeondilry school scitiipc teacher s During --the" monthr~flf — All the arrests'-repi'esenl^SiF'ihTmiTesiinnl"" wfth'TftTah^'polltition-pnijqct you could-l>o-$2l*0 S "f'ebruary, j the • lioii- 135 SOMERSET ST., percentage, oniie 98.5 million _vehic)es-on ;lhe.-Iricli(M' in May. " — ' • : :— * Turnpike last year profeBsioiial awardlwinners.of •-• *r>t-'ii''"i---'-'-'"/w''T"i"*—'-_iZT*" -ii ' - "• "'-i' "'^-^Siffmnniittmintiniiiliiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" I • Pollution Control-Assoeintron^vill give |wn _. . - j.^.-- •-.... — .--»-•-.--.-. ..--- -. '-,- , i.< :- - •_ FOR-THE.AAOST UNUSUAL dfi agamsl-588 in ] bout savingyg s bonds tarih^ S200eacii-aikjwOrPla••-• Amg:the.59,048 Vehicle arrbsts, ,117"-wcru •JJSTING PRICES, IDEAS;..:: ,„, ;'• . Tfee)mg13aS''l2.^^-^- I have been seci'etFy "dp'' '•; '• Kdn»-HIII, Rutliluuil •TITOTSCESTIONS VTOWliship Co.mmittee Tuesday night' charged wtthtlrtiiiton drlvlndt^i A teucbe^Lnioy cntw.by suhmittinga;pynje<;t=^iUfl'rriedTfoiv six-inonths. My o. -• } k in 1970 - ~(Ibscriptiop,.wiIIvTlbIflTsf purpose, methodsthd , results liushaiulih i is. a WiMKle.i'lulyi'ung > r* munlcipa'tpurposes forthe.new fiscal year. The-- fe Jand5;v^ruation; • together with --a=letter of — -ALSO^AVJUlABLEi PARTYJttftTALS,- S A'COOK JM\ text.ot.the budget will-be published jn the of vehicles worth J722,757:00iip from$(iB7,670 in vrecommcndaliortfroTnlrscrroolTidminlstrator. , op fab 1970 Otliul." piupcrty recovered"K'as valued at . Miss_EileendBrcnnan of the Department of • lovcUindahen Rot marricdLlt -^- $(S07.07S. 11 was-$24fi,oic. the year, before. Plaht-Bjology[~u( HutgcTE-thiivcrsity, is,ac- has been kepi secret because ----- Tfie'ijroposa! represents an increase of 5.3 ceptiiig-eiitrifls in her capacityZas-educuliQiiZ ^ioaiLEElIBrflC.tfao'Simic'Tace-ori---... —rhnirmnn-nf-MASS-^APCA.- IJeraridrnss is-- -religion, My pnn*nis and His • '• -P-ft—Rov-^j)^ Cqllege of AgricUlfiire "and" ha\*e alwaysjnsislMl-tliat we* •- ' ..The finaj h?arihg;on-tho-budgeUwlll-beJaeldU- i nan. AII nuuiin our own-faith. Wirdld jissoheduled,for Saturday, March U at 10 a.m.' —.year-agn,' but then Town Hall. - • -'-.•"cacTr~othcr..; -You' can The amount to be raised by taxes in 1972 is set "Nc*a'rK"'Coll6g^l^iBngE^0B=ann9unced-J=^ v at $l,5!M,066, Which~is" $112,946 more than last. 11 Un ilsk this week ii has received $12,000 in scienceTffld*-—^'"'"P"* V' •""I « ; : tenginteei'mg^gi-aiitS-.frpin_E.I.-."duPont_-de Eersonjs_rell'gl«us affiliations^ S"H!"-f^™=Sg^S!!!=^ - lncrease9 ln salaries of municipal employees DRUG SUPPLY-— PatroJrwi*bMJMk.ew.ho.v¥S-Some.of the-evidencia which Springfield! Tr ^BEFO?£ tHE VOTE— The five jcopfenaers for the/Sprlngfleld 1 9 a Neiii(iurs'&-:Co: under that company's 1972 heftire accepting-a date, -..._ llcft ' - re responsible for the major ^orUon of the police soy ihsyseiiecj. in odnjg raid o»-a-lx>me-<*HvFwi)n:^k*«Val,-- •"-—^ ~~ BoQcd-OfJEdusatipn get together dt. recent candidates' night ' ~The affairis schcdulcjHor 7 p.in. with aroast- aid-program. •-••"»• : . _ ..Now;r;l;.a.m pr.cgnanl_anii"we .„ _^irt.Spythvyoi:cl. 7 ^.mcrease. -Salary allocations for. fire "depart-. ••-'—••• ~t--\ ::•',"•' ' . . :*~ •' ' -;:-'- •*•"".-:....':__.... ("Sprlngflejd police photo) ;; beef dinner following cocktail hour, dancing- • "••• are'very hjippy about having n^rr" sponsored by the Leogue ofJWomen Voters and.local PTAs'.~" and entertainment, open har all evening, and (PnpWbyvCogoryJKoep) ment an(j police department employees, were Icoffcclfflifi-Danpra¥7aljnale. Pried per person" :—.:—• -.', , •--•• ------rbnby. "TJils .alUsnunds' like ~; increased by about-$24JMMLjach: The -ftnr , Is, $)fi and nil reservations must be made in . .. . -Hoirio piece nfflelioii, but'lt is- "department allocation i¥'$232^lS0ifiompared to ^ deadly -serious. My ---parents- advance.,. . :; —.. •-—:-•... TO PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN: • . • would disown mo and'si) would. J repqrf "•Q^VilrU-iA/nrrl '\A/in "ricT-"'"-""-'-policodepartmentintheKrabiidgetis "Would .you -li'ke- some holp_ in preparing^ his.. It would—not—end—jike - OOUI M-WQI-CL-WIN."-'VJ«>..7~- ^nmar^.te*|484;880Jast.yeaL_^_- ~'{iiiess""'.WIIO's""Coming To ^^^ fllhcr-aredswhere-salaries-were _ •Piniiei',.JJ.rWhal~should .wirdn'.'' "—;—'^^M "3 include; traffic-control (school, guards), in lScotc|vPW*^0707(ifHe'c'al^bec0riiacte^:rt[32i!:- crease of-^-OOO; street and roads department r ^ ( "Springfield police, in conjunction with_the .high-speed chase, according to police. Strome ~46Ut for.furtfi'er-information. • *— Dear Kast and U'ent: : Increase Oof M,3Q0; lihrar.!iL_ "report^i'usi; issued by the ~ovec the previous yea^l*or adu)t andj:hiidren-s .Zachary Schneider, August .Caprto and employees, increase- of $6i000j Union County Narcotics Strike Fprcei last week is charged, with possession .-.and sale of pgpbMc DbWrylfelKj shows art—.boblis, periodicals, phonorecords, framod art Robert Southed'wer^clected to-totee^ear personsjn three separattflneldents marijuana 'and possession oT a..- dangerous : ^y^ •and-recrealtDiremployees,,.increase of $2,200. _.. ...-=-• -. ,.— :r Fncreasein circuiaYon of almost ^^ 3 _ td.-them with' various narcoticB—^weapon. jPorteris"chargcd:*wlth:posscssion~of"~ .facts. There aren't too "many — ' '' • "^ nbrary.iaidSprlngfieldwasthepnly library in—r^esday and botH • budget' iteins dn theballpt3~. Also 'contiabuHhg^'fe-'Ihe incl^aser-iri-theHf^"!.?"iolatio.nsr~hraddltlon^ . ..^ , Millburn authorities more- than 25 grams of marijuana. He"wps~ 'tehilljillM arrosted two men in connection-with one of the . released In' his father's tusTody,-Strome Is childxeii.Lespecially-whcp. _ Ihoy arc contented and happy, ^TARtS fffiM ,-..; OVER^O^^^FliimjiGS incidents. ""-".I;. — being held Wie!Tfif^5TObait/Thcy a.rfrdue.fqr . ("ive.-them ii~l*ittlp—iirnf. ^'lncfieia^'iiaitelpttt^&HH'HHi— "Fighting -ihfl51|ffin is expensive;" says Dr.- —Kcy.""scho.ol*—perj alPinformcr told "them where" ' Mdrk W. Hurwiti.-executive director of.the- superintendents, business adn-rhTis*. ...„ ,...„ , marijuana could be bought and-they- . NeWTjerseyy School Boards Associalion^Wialion^We "lioardlsccjetanes; Also, agencies such as the jjnade-i-a connection. with the, seller, who T-r -••^estimate that (hestate's school boafdsjhad t Na!lot\al School Bpaxds_Associ(itio.n_nncl-.tl)Oil me -grnntir- ~r-aile^diy~,was Strome.-- Dot. "Sgtvz:Samuel ———spond liundreds of_t|]ousands in hidden, and ' .•idditionaliJlOT.OWnb the'Rahway Valley Sewer^ •—'-'-Galabrese; Det. Howarcl- Thompson and rNew Jer-sey-StateZDepartment Of-EducaHoh |>aronls-! ~;- Patrolmen pominick-OuAm7^:dv5ard-Sabol and. -* -factual .dollars to "implomcnt federal -price- have spent large sums to inform thcir'con- . i)i-nV'-i>if iiml Marilyn: _ '.' freeze.guidelines." •*"* \ ..r •• . • Joseph Fusco reportedly tried -to- stop- _ I havobcon dalljig'ab()y for Mr.rand^lrs. John-Scott Donington of 80 T... Epinting-JuuLtJiaUthe^asspclalion aloncrhas : l rfim ColfaxTdr Itevobeeh rthaitied Springfield cor_ ..'.';' " (Continued, onJp'agc-5): TspcriT'spcrit nearly$20,00nearly-$20,000 in stafstaff limlime anandd odloodlor . . ^ Ihe'^NaTioTial •' Sc'^ipfl l - Boards'^'--|"i^^'iBoards bt ^i^i'-' "' "chairmen of the Union County Chapter'of the giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitHiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiii.iiiiiiH .000 everv time it sent a tcWrrim'"*"' " *''!•' imTUhe^nTost-,eour- l Y mended—an increase of 229..over' 1970—ahd 1 1 ite^evqly^iqhh -- EExpense s to-keep-jtgnnem|jetgal)t:6ustr-(5r—Associatiotkjt|gl n $1,000 every time it sent a telegram " 1 =? Arneriean~Heart Araociation's fund drivej The lii'v . •''•. i -I • --: •' '-*—• "i *-i • leV(usperson I'vegoiVewithfoi' announcement was'-made bv State Sen. Mat- ;f,900 books/lost, worn out or idiscarded—an . ^^ At its second meeting of. the new year last ^Faprdly^hanging^conomic^auidelinesrauring --atumL-Jiie-^frcgac-.^. In i.tato-s<;hnol Imnrfl 1 three polling places. At the Jnmes Caldwell _r.= „ ^HurwTtrsSysr-^'-V"—;*^T^^nng'timc: .^.^:.~^± -lijcrease of-aio. —:.•..'.:---r -••-,-*• .; -* • week"' at- Town Hall, the Sprlngfleldr Senior _ -: theW.nonth froef and subsequent ^«^^ : ^ ChUdrenisstoryhouria'U'ere attended by 1,724. School, for Districts 1-to fiT-approximately * ~ _ ,.-==— • .-. ,— :—,-=^-1.-:.- He now informs nie.itna.Llie " drive:'•?-' ••-•^•~~*~-.•• .- '• • . •-• Oittzen's HousingJ^omfflittec-wblcomed Elton • __.tr;r>l-,|l|iru;it7Bii !lliuLlii^Lhnpi> *|iilTiijj Tarea'north of the R^hwayi.Valley Railf yi f "•- —<—A-native of Sppingfleld; Doningtonis an. at- chlldrenrreflecting an incrpascof nine sessions" Dry ahd WiHiam p. !L^r)n\er as new m'pmhrrs -!tQ:absorb tremqndpus—hidden costs"-such asr froRTSffTn 1970~16~l'?'story~hours in71971^ A "iracksrCaprid Vas well ahead with 204 votes. They were-Jfp'pSinted,b>Cthe-Township''j.Coni. fc • Southward had-171 •. Dyaart. #gG; .Schneider. t 1 old payrolls-befoYe-thejLcould do f_;does seem a shame:"isai^lli.rwit^-iUhat^u-..-^••. '''i'. ^ • ff^" --'''f! McaJJSj. ''. le WaldTof Springfield waB „ -.. 25, Dry_toiserve „ -fhe—Springfield, Sajie Our Epvironment 1 indLonrner through DgC;. 31 "Committee - will hold its, thing in terms'of Iho tir lire now bnclr+o-^ronndTero-wlth-eaclMtiove [n^o'y Selected president of the Union County =. 5 ~"W"W e arejiotrevet n counting tin, lime spenl by countei acted bjl pressure group: ^-Keglonal Board of—EdiicaUon-at the = of this yeai. . . _ ^Saturday-, Feb. 26, from R-.yjtetirn. to 1 p.m.at ' school board members who are unpaitTpublii l=iblR-W10ngT-MV Jonathan DaylpiiRegiqnal-HlghSohool.'Glassr— lbej.ounti y cominitlcd lo nullifying lly> sp'n it of bovfi iend feels guilty and does board's reorganization meeting Monday. I A presentation of-site evaluation w>s made. officials,i!-h"B-savsr-==c= —f—. - y.thejffort - sin addition, John Kl Conlln of Garwbod 1 byjCharles Pierce, site-consultantr-with-the and tied-up newspapers will be collected. "•rotryaTirto-rcrmiin engaged -wnore ne aiso carnea nis-iow-uegree. . I. ;.*- T ~*''"y-^^"- ~ '-r ,~, °. •! - • • "A1 .IB-inch pilQ-ofjhewspapers saves a tree,",. Yd lie hcsllatqs to hull his ~ "'•Donington js ajnember of the New Jersey-— hoiplcJtalks^n^elemenlary-SchQolsJn-JuneJo _; ~i'wlurcrecGfd!;icl:nirMHBnt"T~™^ I Several rcappolntments-were-' also1 §" the-hpusing cbmmittee>and ,Howard A. , said Edna—Klein/ spokesman for • the .--SOB—-r liantoo and .Uhloiu County-Bar Associations/ and is '•. announce the.jiummer reading Commltteeiri"Ma"gazines will not be accepted^— puilOu\ •l.mp.d''- They are Dr. Ooiiajd Merachnlk,I§ . *McMurray, architect. The housing committee Scqufs~oTAmerica. j ...during-th .e^ year-haWiwa'VeraiS'-^^-l,^ictne ^ u —althqugli aipossjblexolleitionof magazines"l8"r* works ftn the Rlrt s fathci a rl 38 h n ~j= siipiiJcInllHUent of '.schools; Cc^is^^ npproved-the-directio.n--ofrthc7Tsilu uvahiation- he Springfield Republican • 'at 33•peoplef.an-evening..During^^C P °v'- ^ ?w?. ,u.3*i_Se«*ward1 .27 and that isjiou-lhey met lie i ll 1 r r | Kreder(cs, secretarary:.Dy :.Dnn MiMinon r D.D. KK. .f—^and selection procedures.._!=^—.v^ October and November.'- thextJSere."13^class^.fi^^fr ~ i 1^7 ~V '. >• = iAn(.c~ of ,_Thc Rev-^James*-Dewart,-chair>naii'^oT-the -JK. Glass should be sorted accordinglo'color an •ifrard- -hit—mh 11—ha' iommitte^sMplfiaLheJiad received'his fifsl' -..- all tpetal should be reirtoveart'he next glass-in lenpardbwl if he hienks tlw ^—^applieation-for-an-^partmenb^IlPwas-aereed——will -jjethe'-third-cbndtfetetl-by^tRejOjB-C <'ngagemenl Right now ho ha, ——— -'-rrr—rr-|Knd OlDwyerorWcstMcldrattorneysFBnd- : : ,..._„ Dayton- Jccord|ng to the latest census fjgurcs, Mrs._ :~]tnat.no nppllcattonirwduld~bfe accept{Jd"at this~-^ mtttpe—A'jpchedple" hijs beejflirran^ed^-iur—• an excellent-position-iinrt 'Tra'ncls s§idr.thcTliHrary has" well "river So- "•• time, iharajwill be;a public.nptificatioinafthe , holding-glaps-ins on thblnst Saturday o{ each -nice-salary _,Our_rdaItouihi: ^.•Rpgional.-The-Donlngtons"nrctheparentsof_sl)t^ | Irvington.auditors. ~~ .... . ' • B J L daughtersr : , .'• ' LI'i "— • :' ' ' 'pcrcent-of—the , community j registered as |" The^bbard approved- changing the a ilJimethaLapplicatlons will be. accepted; he said. :.:i-moiith. Mrs. Klein said "" "'*' ^-~- ,}UsLaikJcudcn(-but-iU borrowers. There were 8,907 borrpweWr-cardsr- ¥<&tm< | meeting dole to the fourth Monday' of j= meeting of the.housing comnlittee "SOE iS pleased with the success of this =- y prt The Dopingtons-rsald'-'that approximaiely ; - hwonip- ipry important :3iO0O UnionCountypresidents'will dietltis "Vpr" .oa.filelaL.the, end of 197^1.: ___ " Sevrry month Instead of the present fourth 3 -will beheld next Thursday, Feb. 17; at 8:30 p.m. pro|eot;"-shc^addedrzl!SprinefieldrJ6-a-con- btlbntlhof f us. 1 |p-sayK-thai^ev.4l|th^ l - 5 : : in the Planning Board room of the. Municipal. corned community and_ .everyone "Is .do wlj'flt I wish.'However, I do from-heart disease."" ; ~——^^^ ••,"•'-••••"" organizeis for year | Tuesday of the-monlh,-^——-' . i --Their estimate_was-bascd.oi) an American— SiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiB "-Building,—r:- • ,— .*.:_ eoopeyative." _-.-.»—• , • ..--i; . riot want Mi'ciuise unhappiness'*^" Heart Association pr'edictlljn thai 10,800 New have • *,and the loss of n job.-r-^l •—*— Jcr'seyans would bo fatal victims oflieiirl and • L^oliticSfcTaitivlty' with the.' •('alight :: related; disorders durthg 197t IRSrenr exper 'initiation of new members at-the December. ^~the Donliigtons aai^llfaFhearly 2,fiO0 ortho "The1 Spfingfield'Tenant.Landlord Committee.: V-.me«tlJipTWB7car's.oxec'utlvK't»fffdT50h»lsts." . inore'lhan. 0o¥aeirthsThTJnlon*-eet»itty:lh 1970 ill meet next Friday, Feb. IS, at 8 p.m^at tho" ~i7 publicity pBrnnntagn-uf-denths from•'cardiovascular" v^ p^^inor ^^anffs^pma^n 7 "' ' n-and.l 1 -diseaaea,:..w&-l)aye.ji-nartlciilar-obligation to.- r "—-"- , memPeTsBip iclialEmenl_ mjr*T Phnse II rftntat-fl-olicics^A--^^

•"f.... lie feels Hint we should siivg . Anne'Apgar.of 70 Morrison rd., Springfield, • .active in the Springfield Young Republican . any cxtrajinoncy we have.'As , has •boon named Jonathan' Dayton" Regional group may contact .Bobhic_Rounlingor ,ht ".170- forhnvihg: companu, 1 might-. High School's Betty Crocker'"Homohiaker-of «233, or KarcVi Posltan at 379-1785. : '••.•••':. • ,i* . jtS'WoJl fijrget.it. "My: weekly EVERY FAMOUS BRAND REDUCED! IT'S'SALE TIME, .. NOTHING HEID BACK! OUT Tomorrow for J9.72..-•",..,:•. . . )•• ' allowance is-'lhe same-guests GOES EVERY BEDROOM ..: EVERY DlNlMfc_4 She was chosen on the basis of her score In » Eagle Scouts installed '•I , or not. ClothinR is also ,.i\_ Drexel ' ' ' western . Bennington " Howe .;-... |. ROOM,';'. .EVERY SOFA .. ..EVEftYCHAIR... written iktiowledge dnd attitude examination Juxury because- Ihe.nmounl of HorUage 'American • •-.'•' • taken by senior girls on Dec. 7. .She,has• .Jeffrey" Marshall and William Phillips ...of . Pennsylvania Brody ' . •Springfield \)fere formally advanced to the rank . .money I'RCI just covqi."B\the Honredon . ..Selig. • ;J EVERY DINETTE... EVERY TABIE AND LAMP ' received, a specially designed award charm7 grocery'bill: '•. Barcoloungdr ' paystrom * from Cienoral Mills,'sponsor of (ho annual of Eugle Scout Tuesday night' at a-Township Quality eyeglasses for everybody. 1. am a'young" woman who Thbmaivllle . Seal/ Bedding '. ••"-' Wejman ., Highland House EVERY MATTRESS ANDfWX SPRING ... educational program. Additionally, she is now . Committee meeting following the Scout in. , fcbls as if the walls ore coming BasjeH ' - . .Simmons.Bedding, Hooker1"- . ; ' Inlernallonal EVERY REQINER AND HH1E-A-BED ... EVERY -bllgjble-foi'stateand national.honqrs. ;.: • Government Day.. •, •", ' ', •'-. '•: -' .. -One-stop, one-hour,^ervicelfbr most e^egiaSseS. ~^f in around her,' "-.,.'•' ' Jeffrey, who resides at 88,Briar Hills Circle, Craft Slratoloungor Broyhlll • ... _;. : E»»ex .. . •' . '" 'Miss.Apgar.'who'waft.elected to the National: ..r • Thousands of great-looking frames in all sizes, shapes, V lennniltlalk to my husbnnd' FAMOUS FURNITURE NAME! SEEJT NOW ... Honoi; Society ih" her'jtinior.* year, is drum is a senior patrol, leader in Troop'172, Wiltiiim, . colors and styles-frbm basics to gold-filled wire rims. I? Lane • StlHel SAVE NOW•'.;.. DASH IN TODAY! " majorette at Dayton uncl teaches twirling "to Who resides at .193 Hawthorn nve. is a senior •.Imp'aqttresistanl; glasses, bifocals, tinted and coated ; Rider will honor fourth and fifth graders after school. She spent patrol leader in Troop 70, six weeks jn,:pijon, France, during a summer rens.es.-' v - •••'•', • • • .-••-.,'-,- "• Fronch'programbeforehepsophomoreyear, A ._•,Doctors' presdriptionsifilled. Present lenses duplicated ihsurance'exec class representative, she will' mujqr in Whan you need .help you call the 1 (clpar or tinted) ' . '' ' •.•.' •'.'•'..' .Rider College, TTenTon, will ^mathematics In college-and hppes to attend. Springfield First Aid Squad. Now | honor.the president of one of. /MuHloiiberg • College., She lu a . hoiho ! we need YpU.-Volun*e»r.»g, be.q | • Qpen Daily 10 A.M. to 9 P.M., Sat. 10 A.Mi to 5 P.M. the nation's foremost In- • ihahagement studont" in '.Mary-' Ann Ulbrlclt's..- j.Bcit Aid-Squad-memberU-"i- • ...LI ! suninice firms us - part, n/. the glass at th,e'hlgh^chopl. •••• ••..,• "'-.-• ' • O Hillman/Kotari vrr \ ' I'nllege's - , winter •'.., com.-.-. •' •, TChe Stafo Homomakcr of Tomorrow,1 tti.-be— Name:: i.iieuceinent, on Sundny.- ' ' . scle'cted from all sqhool winners In the state in -—.1. —llonry-. Smith, of ' judginfe which - "SvID" center, oh performance. In '•, Address", Miiplowooil.-.presidcnt ."of ;*the; tho Dcq. 7 tost,'will be awarded a'$l,5bO'cbHogv' Equitable Life Assurance Hcholarshlp, Her school will receive a complete Society of the United States, PhoncUno.. MOVING PAY — Lewis Fredericks, assistant supa'flijtendent Mountain ayo., Springfield- WJth him are Carol Rogers, left, -sol. of Kncvclopuedln Brltnnnico. A scholarship .'and Phyllltf BellIvedu'.1 Th.e" move permltS use'of • four •will receive rfn honorary. e . and business manager of fhe Ro'glonal High School ©{strict," J416ITlorris Avenue, Union^ 688-$9OO , i. ,';'.' - t (Cor^iinuoj 9« P>f9. . W ". Oih«r loo • doctor of laws degree during Pldaie^rrtdllto f(u»h Force, 39 Briar helps• staff members-'patk'wcords. for the move of the' addltlondl ckissrooms-to i;ell?ve overcrowded conditions at -Ihecei'emonlea.-He will-also Hills'c/rcle, Springfield;. N.J; 07061 .. administrative offices yesterday (rorn • Jonathan- -Daylon- —tha-nlghrischooL™ '• •, - •-: ••''• ... '• .'.' .o •.• -, • UotoA-Vbyne-WwiOrand* U$li6uRC0NVtNUNttHARGri'lAN$ • .'' ' ':" WBNT-.jl NCCCNQt v be the guest spcnkel'.v •" CALL37MIOO a'l High School to the Keyes, Martin building, 841 •" ,.. • .'••'. . , (Photoby,BruceAutenrleth) ., • • ', • •,. * v ANNKAPCAK rPRBBI'ICKU .illlllllllllllinillllllllllllllllHIIMIIIIIIIIlilllllllllllllimulilllllhllllllll^

—v—-—.—" ••, ; ."' • .•..'•.••.•• • -•' . ' ' "I.-.'- ••- •

; .'U.'^i ."•. '.•••.' '-" • c.•'•' " •• '

'. :>.v.-...... ,.,•;.*•,•: •I "'••• i; -t. •*-. -~r'-.-k-r--- tesling -programs, itiU'i I'lally., tj •'-" "11 leaelieisfwlteii priiblwiity arrive. .Sii»|>l' Tastlcand dramatic changes in the last 1 -•uilKsiunerCurl I, Marhurjjy alid forwarded by "May I commend you and your council ori -i:#leflSine«n-uiiiflPl)ed-ioTcu fprunlimited l)'pt'lu'r-in;ide or sltind«*irdi'/edy- in.-thp sfthnnln and DrrMnrMrrsiiigrt,(iljW tnrrnpcu irli'iiinrfr—comntunlcat|on~"to ~ improve ~~"--"-•—-'-"•* —Al Its annual congregational meeting last hirrjln" going -through Jlie procedures'').e.,-:polling questions' on.the practices of secondary schools -Jt» years- Afi.we explore the hew-dovilfi!j.TPqii'.'sls .l<>.lh(^iidr»inijrtratioi* and in New Jerseyjs to final examinations. AOer-a ^, | ?.H at. "irrelevancy of our evaluative approved for all'schools at the monthljrboard , . . g 1 1 m Ms smTO I :::_-'% -it is 'recommended that professional eviiliialioiinnda'nappfc|*latlorrof trw.variabies-, S5r^€hurch-iifall~at hoard, etc, ^Although we are sometimes - -•preliminary' review "of the data" "and " otp~r ™ ^ -;^'< *nds in techniques-ttn'd- _iiuuur inlrrpreInUon «f what, we do. It'lt'a pjpn' meeting the pireviom.vyeek_-U- . .' , from eactrof UieJcair groups of- basic courses SPEECH kti : :•: The report was TiiacW- public, this wr-ek' hy_, educators trained, in psychometry can no- ""•- 'itest changeg were planned ui piuvldg-^efote^ • - like to read-wldely-in-an-—Acadsmy ' Green,—elected Paul—Iftuller,— Bonnie Bernstein,,.Student Council president: "Trust rated in <>ur"atteniptB",wlieinisli1g;proper7 -sETvationsr-ine-study-conclude-ihe^-study" concludedd that ththee methodology, iiUhe e(assroom-and-what-imd- s Uieir-'responsibilities lo provide nnmnfin evaimiiivc process in. , _. g pe p yyt^na yn r . gesater flexibilityflexibility foforr studentstudents iin theitheir fresh-fresh^-lyance; vanced courses. The lour basic coiirses. he' area of non-fiction, this course provides op VValdemar Larsen. and Edward Kellef~as" ...The .council.has been presslnR_tuJiavc, final channels^ it does.iioi..'negate the procedure^., current prai>li'ri' of final examinations. has "ihacjassroom teacher. Theschooj perspective 1n its-derail effect on theUl> man .and sophomore- years and to- provide-., chooses constitnte the nonriBrrequlremeriHor- . trustees of the church in |he:1975 Class/The rliiillU^d ..' "Hhmk^nir suggestions are excellent and' "outlived their usefulness. • ". • . -'••- > kepp'abreast we must eventually • poKunlties to study biographies and auto-' psyehologlst may lake lime away 'front dividual-puHtfrfehaye, in Ine/fffij courses for students of varying ability levels, the, first two years of high school English. The.— biWbt^"Wrnrt — meeting was conducted by the Rev; Henry . -representatives-have 'bten-iiamed to —you may, in time, be able to incorporate them. I ''As the .secondary: schools strive for coni.i change our evaluative philosophy, .. - diagnosis-OfJcaming nnd emotional problems—; the respoiisffflnsno-rmmnnlise our gp "Behavioral objectives may become thV ' couraMuate-not sequential apd may be taken in McKlnnon,. superintendent of the southern ^ —imU*e-wi(h adminisiration-iind faculty wijuld • not. stop vif~y(>u feel strong about yiiur; - prehensiveness-iiid a humanizing,approach 't< • but by assisting teachons he may very WKII • • - — —— any semester.-inciudifig any summer session througlh.pHMH.h reportst , panels, dramatizations~and- district of the Northern N This course lntroilfejtudenta to Honored during the,sessi6njor.servtee-in makes the following recommendations:' This, course includes a study in depth' of the ffices 0 1 which Jo^fliFoveralFapproacli"f ronuone_scbool_ to ~~ his expertise-to curriculum.developmchLand' 1 : vv'..i,'i had cUl^qning short story as_ajiterary-form with Intensive Shakespeare, the Playwright, through class ° f^ " ^ey were retiring were>- another. The long recognized weaknesses in the _' '1. It is recommended that in llghl of the t'valuation.NHe''muSt recognize that extcrn«J^_ _. _ - A Funeral Mass was offered Monday in St. work, in fundamental writing skills: grammar, study of one of h& plays. Also studied are Emanuel Schaller, jrusteeL. Linda.-rBtady. . preparation of teachers in the whole evaluative rosultsr time, ana lack of effectiveness of the Hcsling programs must hi?! dominate his.time,'' in preparing newspaper- James Church, Springfield, for, Joseph X usage, spelling, vocabulary, punctuatian, Beveral_j55aerni!plays to-provide Jn wi- secretary of the administrative boards Stanley . process only substantiate these findings->, presenl^jisc of final'examinations, schuols 1 energies and techniques in his constant, striving- leases ?, .Wxite_Lto_tJjiS' ne 4 Crescent rd. who-dled last raragraphingandnorganltttlon;''—.^^-— ' .—derstanding.of iHe drama~*s." an imbof tSBTT"-Jw^^' 11801 P*W CAKES training of evaluative -techniques< Bjven,.to years ago. He owned and operated a ret e e 9P y LlihW ':u -Iho fldp^l[ th'dtillJ ^ -i ^? ?V y ? "' ^tl GROUPD financial secretaiy, Ottu -HinUe awl Tliwduiii "," students,j Featured among who' have since as early-as 1917 substantiated^ cvaluatj .Reimlinger, ,assislah£, financial secretaries;—~ BUSINESSMEN'S . _"3.-Hib'recommended/that local districts VOUR HOStS: - ;EFFECTlyEiWRITING AND -THE NOVEL:'." I host offerings are. eourscsln each subseqtienLfirntnTgjis.to_the_caii5e;and JAMES.* PENNY-TH6iO0L0U> _The study oRhenovel fused as anlopportunity Mr. and _Mrs. StanlejJLord arid Mr. and MrsT"^ :extr'a-sensnry'~'ifcrcepiionv effeel of tdstmg..: — ' provide an on-going program of in-sc-ryico for' lh ir 1 s tod PAN FOpPS AWeGR GE K PASTRI g forgtudenti'to read tnore-wldelv-andttoJHTite^ Otto Hintze, communion-steward?; Glara -irstr-ology «nd ' rrenjive - -£.Researciriias ^rwerTover and over the" *. 'j"" W . Evclop*ettBEunderstanrtfiTgS goesthrough ^BREAKFAST: inheient-Avcaitiicsses of teaphcr-majle tests • atid- aeeperijtppreciations for , the twholc services writing,-'- •'-.• • '-.:".- .. -.-, together .agent li^Martha Coe, • •j y - - •• "" ' -evaluatiye^pryessas-il-reTales^ocurriculijm ESIDES-PIZZA, WE^ALSO HAV.E LARGg Services will be h^ld Jor._ "muThand and lack oT'Proper-i Ihe learning processf Many .QRIIOlMa U1T LASAGNt, ArtCJUSbAKA/^jft objective test on-the-othef.•The c pn'^rrj-'fw jjciiuuis nuvf ttH!TeSuuj;ccs already available lo, W1LH AAbAIJ, HAS I IS IU (BAKbD. AAALAHUNI WUH MbAI), sl material wjll find this course ides an bp- _ "77, of Springfield today_at ) content-ruthcr-than-the-processes'lri~Iearrting-^^' ihjcr.nallj'..: through the "use of., their . THESE DELICIOUS TRAYS SERVE; FROM ^8-REOPLE" FOR -Thorne of : >llip factory • which ; ' "-essaysand! h"booKti 'Schenack: as SoutHeniDistrict Church Society a.m. irt i ...the—-MoGracken_ - •••nrii-nnli.nl Iepiirw th^MhtlM)^ nf learning •jRuidanco-pereonnelpere , school, psychologists and O^LY$750A TRAYTTHEY»CAN BEPURCHASED HOT OR COLD s. .By_ll^brary iitherth s trainetinedd in psychometric techniques. If ;, h note- Representative, George Reimlinger, and .as Funcral-mome;-isoo-Morrig' TO BE ENJOYED AT .YOUR-OWN HOME. ,____._ „,._., , howTfp-' secretary.of the admini»t*atiye'board7"Joyce ' ay^jUnionrSheJdied;Stinaiy how? tlicSe"resdiirces cannot be readily used, outside ATX DISHES PREPARED ON PRl^TSES. PANCAKES ie reccptii : maker wKI ever conciudeTa'n—oorisulteiH-lielp-ehquldibo-provided. -•- E fr«nh£-anri'-jiirVwnMn^^^^^ "——r^ —^-3--- rHndverloolrtioSpilal.-Summit;- Imiv— Ift'cii'"iissociated with absolute score.an^cartb^konjij sampling, ':'4. It is recommended that,schools initiat. pile of newspapers, at Par """—•-' • —•—:;Gontinumg as- work-area -chairman'rare:. ... Mrs^Hartkopf. was bom- in' •pri.vale'jErcHip study of ESP fi Drugs^ifiTKeTGeneral Green _ ;Conni«r Francis,: ecumenical -affairs; Elaine^ Newark.'.—aild-I_lived——in. the teacher may find himself hardnresiKsl'tirrzK" ; a ruiinlx r -of years. — ' -Shopping Center, r-: - ,\_- .'. DeWart; education ;.,^JiVilHam • Rosselel,; Springfield forfou r years. She Judith B. Felnberg of 18 Gqtf- evangollsmt-George—Reimlin^eir-missions-; is i;urviTCd~by " '^ ~ Sunniill Adaline Geib,. social cconcernsc ; Emanuel Sdi- Mrs. Murray hoes-for all stancs.-Nni jinrrtiiF oval, Springfield, paid $35 for. —.—Wing,~aUiWiU'tlSilij^ HTT1 tlie—L'Astrolof;v and id Virginia .Qlcitsmann a sitter,. Mrs. FhiedaOrth.: "going 50-mile perhour in a 25- j Yon"'do rse. .L__Z~Terenl si^es. Differenfe th shoes, ;•. :hnirmpn of worship. Beseler facility 1 hai s what Stride Rite^ProKresslon - ori Mountain • •' ^QFl _ -rrAlbert Holler Jr., In presenting his report as :ZEpr:-2 Murray iCpiistniction: Co. aViiniie'.Sfie also was finecl!liJ =^ '• president of the board of truslees, commended lesire+o-deyelop their wrilinu ^inget dccoOntj --Inc^of-Springfiold-is-xrerting- trustees and.others-in:the congregationy^who^v la 1 ent,-Ilie—Y'B ''Crea 11v«— a new -.•' office-factory- -WrltlriRZ-WorKshop".'.: will. havffglven of time and talent for cljurch upkeep' to Keyesr Martin j •warehouse—fot^— Gharles -from Mountain onto Hillside and Improvement." The largest project fgrrlOTtr- conducted by l'*lfi "Bnrtnn Albert J;-Wymah. Jr.-of 26 Maple ave., Boseler GompanyJ on- Fern; avenue..' • — . {'-. was~tlie Installation of a sidewalk between'" ':-- The —Singer Company's':.] joiirniilisl iinfl TTJp'rlngfleld, was' arrested Saturday night .-by. "Wood road;-Klorham Park""' Wesleyjiouseand the cburch by congregants. Knitting Machinery Division, J)f[ej'J.lJic Jiii.vicc_ -writer_aii. — Springfield police, and charged jwlth^rjying^^. r i 'Begeler, ptfldi|eers_i)fjaudifc I 8peedjng,: "u'pp'('ir"l'un'ilv to~lnnr:rrr^th<' .. while under, the influence of alcohol after a car visusil, photographic _and W^FHngerhut of Mountainside, isisdi M?fS\? & Company of" 1ochni(|iics _J>f [_ stgr "~"hc wbb driving hit ,u ;triaj_anU .kiiucked"dow (rS^Klijiling, equipment, _is fined ?35 forgoing 73 miles per —Springfield as"its advertising" dev.elopmenf "." fence in front of 81 Washlngtonavi — and Junior. High Fellowships assisting "in .currently located in East hour in a 50-mile zone on Rt. 22 irTTng lighF-ttxtdres- • Still. pubife^nf-elalionsr-agency _Both> the. "Creative Wrltiiig .— Orange. Murray Construction East;iJohn_J, Brennan Jr, of Iivassessing the "state of the church," Pastor . •forthe ,U:S'.7 Canadian "and" Workshop" ujnil_^Astraiogjt-^ The police report sjid Wyman wag unable to Co Inc.is building jjie 105,00(1 J91 ' _ Dewarl referred to the "creatiyeness ofthc_ South American markets, it for"You" iirc"nffered~in HSlff.'.rrr. ; ell wherohe was-or what had happened. A, square'-fool structure,- -'••'•- - - SpTlngfWId;. si» ior going congregation in its worship, the oulreach of its—was announced by Emanuel-I the Adult- School and'the new__ Iwitnessreportedly told police thflHne^yyinan . mph In a 25-mile zone-on-BriaT- fellowship topersons in heed and the increasing ...-Pried..-d'rector_of marketing^l SCIUHII enrieliment -program ~~ vehicle, ownea-by-the:jProfessional-Scrioorof Hills circlet-Karen J. Bogert parUcipation of individual members in com- Tnc Knitting, Machinery Classes will begin during the . : Business^ at, 2583 MorFrs" ave.-,-^SrjringneId,_ 1_ IS^OUR CHILD-^ •/••PublicNoiice -":"—• ^pf Convent; Statlpirrrj2b for- •munity activities." -, . ..-••' •._.• -' -Division-markets' a line of- weDk.-of-.lTcb. 2B. nrocltnres ~gOlhg 55 mph in a 35:mlle j;6he~ " "iit^HreelirTfront-of have beeiV.mailed to.Siimmil— -NOTICE OF HEARING his report by stating: T'"0ur HAVING PROBLEMS IN SCHOOL? SPRIJ46ELELD, NEW JERSEY . on..:.Morris avenue, • and- j\rea Residents_«nd are-also-- ' NOTICE Is hereby olven that tho ^taphen-E^BIffar of ;ShorI 'av'ailalilc-.-nl.-thc Y. Further -. ItONALDA. ORB JR." Planning Board ollhoTownshlp p( The latest, most effecUye^qld to school sXiccess, Springfield,' County'-ol -Union -Snd- Hills, $30 for going"53 mph in a informationim these or, any of..: —state of NBw-uorsuyT^yllK 25-mlle.zqne on Shunpike road,' Say K"7wTy(>uf \Slcntine with'A gift ^^ ' ~ Is Irftr6diicfid in Dhlnn ("niintv/ — .-•- : on Pebrui """ EV^S=B2rcVnifse-' -'Bffcl'inBs' ~' . Two persons were fined for ; .Clockwjsp. from top, right, love' pjn,_181^go]tLwith.'" -Pr love and : mayJSc obtained by 'calling-lhe — : the'^CouScll Room, Municipal' careless driving. They are that- •manufacjures • and- ._ Jiillqut.Tdismond, -SloO!: 1 •tlC'RolH-rSSSlc; ^rith full ';. JEbronJx cbrtibine's one-tb-one-tutorffig, Y-at 27:t-:ui:in. '• ' --• Building; spnnofleld_to consider of South Orange, hit the:JTont of the buildin revealed in Jesus Christ." ' of.BRUNO'S tUlysses E/ Lee-Qf. Plalnfiejdm , _ _ ' markets ~feori5uiner~and~ in- ....^--M^^TTA—'rrvx..manTnr^ii^primiti've^tyled-' pSi-otivatrpnal .^fecfirilaues and i Ahnev^ ~HUton... Dahlia^FarrhsTat 870 Mountain" ave. y —~ dustrial products, aerospace -^electronic ^eachirig itiachlnes to ,' Ronald-A.. Orr' Jr.; special MZi'S^<£X"™$%Z^i!$ti Open Jhun. Eve» -Parking acfou tM rtr*it -LTZpoIlcerireponea.: ThiS-sprlngflBld^Eliatraai ———and-marine systems, and 0 Squad took Mieth and William EJ: Ryan c accelerate your chfld's" performahce ageni. witli- Prndenllai- , jg *"^stock IU, Liit 5 for-hvi Eileen fe. Aidekman of 1 __^_l: .'reducatlon if;.'j»nd~ • training tHESECR ..-iJClartc paiq $lf for passing:a Chatham, a pasSenjgcr in the car , "to'10verloc.k up to or beyond 'grac' -.'Jttsupflntip ^x^^VrMrty.s.A..^-.K. ^'.Sal^ •hplRutlon-lson file In ihe- Hospital,- Summit,.- where Mieth: was. treated -Of=-T-WB= H l w | "stoprllght-aEtheVcorner of S. BOARD QfQFi ADJUSTADJUSTMENT---M - i'Snihei-Si'Associalc!.'agency in 9 . S??:"!?To .!»h n Clerk and Is a^id, discharged. Ryan 'waaift&rniUed—for—*• READING • MflTH . SPELLING ' Notice Is hereby given lhat the ' Springfield, has sold'.:ovbr-J2i:'" Springfield and- Hillside Board ol -;»d|uslrnent—of the sprafned ankle and was discharged Saturday, a Funerai seryices[were held,.Tuesday at:the- — FRIDAY-DEADLINE Gradoi 1-12 Townshipof.-5prlnilloifl, Count^of hospital spokesman said.^—^ ' " ' •• '- Union, StateyQf New Jorsoy,. will -BernheimrGpldsUeJcer-Memorjal Home in '^u Itemsrrthertrian spot: _hold-a-publjcJ^oarlnooo ^bbruarv... illjlilliuaillia'- .-^poljcejMe3 that thecar.ownecl Irvingtoir- - - •- -'"" 15; "1V72 tiTi-'fftQO P.M. .nrft'viilUnQ ^as-travoling north onMourttaltl.avenuc'when news should beiivour >;INE-JEVVEUI-:RS (/ sltvcRSMi-THS SINCE IOOT JJro»rJn_lh"«ftun]ii^ I pal Huridlng, =^ Avenue v~j;- Mountoln -Aijohuo,.- Sprlnofleld,- nl. Friishly hakod hot hiaiitlChmc,' ofy ' N.'J.v*loxorisluer tho'apptlc&tlonioi^^ N'cWark,-'New Jersey"! -l-89'iMHrkeSrSereet;:1_."'™ -TORSLEtLOv BROTHERS ,(6r a . ^larla nc»v.-?f rom=IBe-—2-onlno- ! 'Otdlnance, Section 7,-^Schedulf of;. or Hi'.sserl^illfttr- uJSiiil'Wrt' ' Llmilollo'ns;.3octlBn 9,D-25andor ,. ^._Uct_lias~bee_n a-consistent' -Iricludejygur name,jaddress e- ^assTfana'Iived in Newton CentreTTMass., for': " rnnCTrmno~"Block'.v.' n\..K "• ;i .. .l7^nundarF > ? ; witlrits official mottoJ!eJow.^.-- snowy weaUlSfrwerprCOniributingl^-dgij^i _ jrlngllold, N.j; f res"ident »ClubTHeneads lhe ' ~ hdAlHhfS ™thl*e accidents^poKce'commentedr-~ itowas-ari1 Arrnysergeant durmg'world VVar^, J0.: 77:i . _^ •"-JfljumFSunday-afternOon-ln-a —"——•—•—- •• — -~ ——• ——-^-i- — '—•'—HnrryATKolb'.: Sculpture- Olub andlin—iazo- Possible. •—•• . ••/ A graduate pi iiultolk Law scliooi in Bosfon; East Brun'cwIc-k-Red-Banlt .L. , __ • . . Secretary 2,, Equality Before the Law; three-vehicle accident on Rt. 22 East.near the he had formerly owned and.operated-garages • "B"6»r-dof Ad|U5tmept reccived :.Prude.ntial!s_ corn^ ,wesl to easKUirn-around, police said". Drivers^ Splld Louder, Fob. ' ' jiiunity sorvico award Joe his -,r9rrWe=Dare—Defend Our' Kl in the Bostn area.. . -r— -'--••••-=••'--.-r— --(Pee-<5;75) Rights. • "; Pelle-of-Keacny, Dayldr€t volimloer efforts. )! heart, itiixes cveiy^dd 6! .RatherlThanfTo^^^Burke^fEasHilrtirige;,p_nd Helen —Besides his wife, he is survived by.two ^sgri l _ot"' T —School or,Finc:ahd" Industria f i-^-" »;,r *T—;. .. ' •:/•— Sfeuer; two sisters, Mrs. Katherine Collins " 5. Let -It Be ForeverH— ,_ The poIifce_r^porLsald.-Jhe Felle car was_^ and Mr?; Fanny-Siegel, and six grandchildren. ;:." Arts and,, of r-F-airleigh tuste his wtirni~yo'tir-t!ij;ides 6\—Ha—Who-Transplantedr". kiJfiJ^4hbbdl A.daU(,hter; Mrs, Adrianne Gold," died two.~ ' Dickinson UniversltyrHslyrHee IIs uu Sr»^~ • idyini'lli h Z—.•„ _i_ J-, when it slid into the turn. Felle's vehicle struck- JUti T T ^ g-°^—•—•• • •"_u.,_^ 1 . mcnibcr"mcnibcr". of -the-the - university-'university's -trri—:—•—i i •-•—-—-——-«hrt--Bliiv>lrM Yihvi-- l¥fkrnK-iito4W-:t*i*ii»kitH,«''AAr<^ Tl«» •dtr'nb lives in '_.,";'"' Burke;.car_wa9 then forced Into the slow lane .

<_-^- .-.ri. 9. 'Forward. ' — -'-—••- 'onli>rli>hniH>irt- heWoUaraoLthe_Eeopl( Richard rVlitch&ll of RosBlltrescaped injury To PuSUc4iotice ' -Shall-BetheSuprpme Law. -••lasrfhursday morning when his car struqlTa" Wcfuld you ttkre^spme^help _• on our "-utility pole and'guard-rail;on Main street near TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD - Springfield avenue, :p61lce-reported.-The 'prepaElng'^riew^pa'pgr rq' : . SPRINGFIELD,N;J-I— ._a. Wisconsin,; PROPOSAL —P b. Missouri," vehicle, owned by^^Mohawk T_ravel of: leases?-Write to PURCHASE OFJKSHIRTS 58 different tourrto everywhere ' c. West Vlrglnla ston, yVingstoni^kiddedandranoff-the^-p^^^ an(j agj<. for . ttVSpHngfleidState Borik't Second .Anniveriory, - r4aT-ICB-lfc4ilf(ith of Hx^UH>ktn^l*i>te-niid i.hTprtvrjrri'lvp^

rav< •fc— -'^^r '1 i^-'. idj^CL,-iT''jr ^^a—i^a'nn''flWtiini'iwyiifc'iK''-'"*'"a"'"r' pM^m^pw^** a.any,;:MongJ"»»6^-'what Is^ce • ;. call1 ia*7700. -. • • .i^.," .TT: a~n*; bids and w«lv« minor •Hjnwsjlny;/tn'/Hi~fficli. Moutjitviiteriiitf. -i; and WlllanivWood. ,'"., . • ." • by the voluntary Insurance.program'Jor .••X".-iJ ..-•.,:. ::l^i>r. 5-~.'.^-gji-—'_-,.' i\liirtt/iu)tli.A)td uviiiluble ' PAINTERS, . ATTBNtlONI - Soil At^"lO:ljiQ, jnembers of the Westminster" medical expenses, you must take'steps to ' voursoll lo 311,000 Inmlllos wlllv a enroll Within the enrollment period set for low CO3I Wonl Ad." Call .48A7700.—~' rSi ~frohi7ttiichthnylhro'iighoitt '. fl 1 -'r'Bllowshlp will • servp refreshments- to the! • s - ' • ' ''" ' - * 'the.evening,- \\\';jj\ confirmation class and their parents in tWyVF ' your-, group. Be sure you know when your iippej1 room of the chapej, Edllpwing'lhi's, the ' dates are;.' otherwise yQlir coverage is confirmation class and/their parents wilHattend ' nlelayed anid you face u possible increase In cenl * , Free Wt\en you qp«n n checking.or lovingi account of 4 wbemyoucangetit! ANnoue nxnms * 061*5 the 11 a.m.'communion service as a group.' Members of the confirmation class Include ' •• •'••'• :••• . •'•• ,••,. •••J " REPAIRED BY Remember, call us for the filling'of/all Tushill Ltd Inc v t: BilHE^Jbrstad, Raymond Cataldo, Stovo ClaVke, Mary Dowoy, Dibble Duerr, Beth JEsposito, your 'prescriptions. For fast, -reliable You may ttlecl'd Ti»t> Cvh by ot^nuiQ 412 Contra! Av«.'. •.. £ii- ': .',;'.: service, phorte PARK DRUGS, 225.Morrls $5.OOO one ot 1K# ocqounu lul^bulow , ^ Jeff Grant, Tom' Grimm,' Robert Hardgrove, INVESTORS ' Eott Tedvjohnsori, Karen Leite, Holly Morrison, Ave,, Springfield (In the General Greene v Qfile.Pfelfer;.Melissa Purkhiser, Nancy Sim, ' Shopping"tenter). Phone 379-4942. FREE)- '"°r ,t' ,.67^,-9552-. SCHMIEDE TREE EXPERT CO. ""•II Stewart,-Jean Wunderllch and - ' DELIVERY. ' „. Jnmia.v 711.. 1972 ' r^bWIFKMTalnuT^fi, lt;30a.m. toflp.mj; Sun.9|a.m. Icci p.in'.y ANTIQUE & BABY NEEDS to'SURGICAL SUPPtlESv CLASSIC-GAR ... .PRINCE, GARDNER WALllETS—^r RESTORAYlON Auction Ao be held • - UUSSELL STOKER" AND " BARTON'S u n .HOME OFFICE': 64 Main Sh, Mlliburn. PACKARD! ^ 513 MORRIS AVENUE • The Lrens Club of Springfield will sponsor Its CANDIES ....•HALLMARK CARDS'... ThcHonitilownBuilk 0 PANASONIC RAI1IOS ... I EXCLUSIVE ondiWOUTi; 32, SP.HlWGflCl-'Q, NfW JFBSCY 07001 )\7979Si^AUosan^Ave.^Un/ / ROLLS ROYCE •second annual auction tomorrow at 8:15 p.m. at • ,' - : PRA ' COSMETICS,' SUCH AS ^^—JrJEBALRS 373-1313 i ,- ' - JhftKnlsljtsj5f:qolun^u»uPri»ee^-WilLbeneJltJhKllt:l - Mall l.n>^Short Hlllu»Lasr'6rcinp«f*,Hillsldo» Plqiriflold.; all 322-9109 tho blind. There Is no admission charge, a cli|b Af spokesoiun said. • ...... ;^-:v- *---.- •-;.;.i^-.^f:

,." •.,'• *•'• -.-• • 1 -,•>•• '•' *:•-.; .* ••" r. * '"'I- l-. ••.'••••••

• _fl'".._ L,l;__ .! -i. ..-u^.rrU,,J..™.V. -1 *- --

'LllZtfLtl ,j££::.; . •;• \- 1972-SPRINGFlElD-fN; JJtEADER tEADjER-Thursdqy, February 10, 1972.5 X' ""'JUST Springtime travelers fhWedhfOTjQ^ ^^omiM^r 1 tnceptloni enrollmont-ha^' VPr ^j(; . •••>• - 4k^dgh^EngBnii (Continu«d frpin pog» -and-one-quarter ipiliroriTand, with-lhis year'* Dpningtons grants.1 Scholarship awards-will reach iilmosl- ••'.: Tbe4"«wnshlp eomtnltteeiinlicfpates taking ^nirs John A Lewis of Summit has organized than 30 loeat-reridentr-wfio nave Indulged in '' <>f *500 will go to the second-ranging girl in.the $2 million. ' '• '' c I from-page 1)... : 11^1708,127 In mlBcellaneoilB revennea dariffe ',j , h,P^f..hh)nC ttiur, called "April In this hobby, she said: ^ state; • (•/forts ," -said—Anderrot^ako—-noting thai - lAssoctatiuii,1'1 sari Thejband director ..CJoflBthan "Daylon .•ms.-year,™ , -.t •- .• England,", from April Urge platesoWagg enaraved-with eHiales This April,', the ~ST-Hetty"Cfeclcer "irenierendowo - progress" the band haB made. ' " During February, which Regional High Schoolis not interested in music ,. In- other' action at. the committee -mcetirig AlthogAlthough jWtoJWJ s becombo e a'.fadjn England, urj^J^^'ue,lounA Ip old Normaii iiomi'makera ofTOmorrow, representing every )> 1 ; "The bund is going above and beyond any'- 1 proclaimed Heart Monlh, volunteers"from the only for thtr^ke.-t)fTnusic. . I've"Iearned a Tuesday, the governlng.body approved on final •• brtss-rubbliig is prictipally Mirikriown ft the sTrTErigjand or_scattered about the ':r slate-(>m" anand the District of Columbia, ac-. 11..- XA/U^^i-ki- 'i '*}' great. (feal.jbQiit .many. thlngsri school music program-and-thwe-ar^the-in. „ toipreMlung -iflay-rt>e"talcen =by -^ P led:b}ryfacultradv)gerrwiUbe given AV\T;S. VY6rner. / £.'. Union County Chapter of the American Heart* " : -experiencM-with music,"; say^TJefRSaerebif -- „ arproad~a~one—way • .. .* . .i:- t.-_•___. an expense-paid educational tour' of Colonial "• :, —j— — •Assoclatjon are soliciting.uting.fundsf , both through_ 1 rnusl£"teacher and "bandjdlrector at1 the high- from olhers." •-, . itreet. -The—comtrdttw—ateor-^pprov^d—ir^ TfTM=^ishirigtoSi=l>«S' .---,•. (lie mails-and-on a house-to-lKMise-basis.. -• school since last January. ,'• *; •. J •Anderson was born In Newark, but moved to t • . recfmujiendattcm by the*, township engineer to Ttiere Is very little akJIHnvolved. Eyen orie'r t'ertKmal-observationjndinterviewgTluring-the gfflpndqy^^ Clifton ill ttfiearly aio,Whlle he was In the flftb?- > r please respond generously. The need is groat," - / ..'Anderso fTHlMCiOUlnl citeUlCUd hiUIBs servicMil VIUeC witW1Uh1 thUlCe JlEHNational l ' advertUe for-bid* for the.-improvement of - 'irst alt£mptjLnlakes~S'fiansfaci0t y~hanglh|r/r6i ^ rrourT^addeU ti> Uio eai'ller &tAte*ievel-judging"T -A^-controversy which has been grade In n Clifton public schpolr_he_liad an. \Mr, and Mrs, Donington concluded. —_. y Guard, In which he.was a siaff sergeant _..an_d : - DundaT road. Committeeman Donald Clancy jersorial use^Btassesvacy.in size from a;feW^~r^yllLJviXl^ghTiinjy.eJnj[hg anhputlMment of , '.' Funeral services-were heldMonday morning growing quietly throughout the year, . V • member of the National Guard Band; He also opportunity to st,udy The trumpet. ; 'Th5d-> " .. explained that the Improvements will include— lnch'eJlol5 feet. ,__^_..-. . ' ^c; ,l972 Betty Crocker All-American- for'MV's. Evelyn Soiburgh \yern.e_ri. 72, of Rah-. always had a passing interest in .music, but , and which has burst into print-rin - ..•'_ served as drum major for the state band In New curblng_and-a' ncwpavemenl on the road.-;. .' "W....e . will, be —,-stayinDg ^-|n London, . St. Albart's,, " HOBieniaTce. r ofTomorro• w at the conclusio, n of way, formerly of Union and Springfieldjlirs^ recent weeks,-centers about student ^ -York. He has travejgno"many.places with the nothing serious,'^-ha-expIainetf^TTiad'never---, —~-T4w=Townflhl[>-C6mmttlee also approved the Cambridge, NprwichraodjBaxSi.-Edniurida. Ulv 'our.^Her scholarship-rwill Be Increased to— Werner, the. wldoucarf^RussJlIlrWerner, • died "•niscoVEif .various,Jijmds' he_haa^played.with and he rtmatdered music as a career until dry last year . municipal aid Schedule and increased lighting . & .-•:••. The> can try punting on OieXainTTake a side • *S.WH>.-.w'itli tliose-ofthreetunners-up raised lo Friday in St. Elizabeth's Hospital. nil-; desires, end sometime demands, for in high school." ••"•"" ' •. ~ , . '.,-, • — participated (n the Tournament of Hoses in ' Qn_Edl8ori road by the Jersey Central Power. . 2^ '• trip" l67Eny,~iriveslIgafe~RomanafeRoman,' ruins, anandd tfWSitiOO'add $2,000. '..; ^^^^ : A.nattvfeotJfirsfijt01yrMrs-Werner-iivedin7^ improvements—in—4he- educational i PasadeharfSllf., in 1958"asra~memberTjrthe" —Anderson went-on to Glasaboro State College- —-and-LightCompany. "~---••":-•--• . •. -•-.•.•-•-;•.-• ^... marvelI._.IL__II at the mi —'•-"-i--tttllp blosaocnsfi ._.._„.n HeHand. - _ InadditiontJ theawardgfor sctioolrBtate and—-Union-and Springfield before'coming to Rah.-" where hexarned a BA degree In mUBlc. He also r pTQC68r 8 at .-Jxinath***- qifton High School band. ''Music has helped_ Committeemen aisp approved a motjon'to^ —rLincolnsHire—j idindi g (tarinpiri g arrivei s on'" national Homemakera of Tomorrow, a special way Iwo years ag'ff *~"~~ ••••-- me and -throngh—Jt—IxhaveThatf"niBny"ex7"~ -^received a master of-nrtn degree from .Trjiiton efs siB schedule.me. " Mrsiniywwiiiuucu. vis added,, "Thmoe touUIUIr Hiiuuishoulda S1.000 nutrition scholarship has been added to She Is survivefby.four sons,;Rjchai'd E. of aBkffieBoaraisrFTeelioiaefsioesi —.—. _..-.-CRUISES . AIR —_—RegiaaatlHlgiiuSchooL._" periences," he noted; — _ ...... T^ Stale College and has taken addlUanateourses; ^ifecf nearshunplko .— appealyvo artteta,—higtory-^buffs,",- and --•- - the, Betty Crocker;SearcK:program-thls"-yeaE—-'-Ridge\vood, Russell E. Jr. of Rahway, Robert- jn-musfc4iL T STIiAMSllir. 11US . RAIL. is "normal" 'in - -moat • _And npw the young band directoTwouId lik":-n ay '-'^~ Bastcmg-Ridge'rAnderson nHt!s)"that^wlth his • Stephen Eckman7 "•front_Iroop—737 DELUXE VALENTINE hlJZ . -,.r-. _ musical affiliations,v;the ' school -band, ' Student resentmentrfigs perhaps -. r_.-iiiauslry in Ihe-Pniteystates. for-the bawMo-be. "in-tbprshape1 _...for. (he^L-O'JipmWe"; keeping upjWthhl£OvmtrUm«____ CONVERSATION CHOCOLATES -.been compounded -b\ the fact that —And hthe festival will also giyeihe high school compelitidiiruie^sludents-areTJlannlng several -the'tasks of a^lioineowneri he is .'IraWer.busy.1! 172,.committeeman; reter fgrouqci/irom — : students ah opportunity to touiCtWrhistoric . "I sco my wife sometimes," he added. _ JCroop 73r "TownsKipXrXtlornev,;- and "Mark " events to raise the $5,000 necessary for tho trip. : • many at Dayton Were given a choice -surroundings of Winchester, in the Shenandoal)-; ^Among—JJieir , -But Anderson enjoys wh'at.-hfi,is_doing and- _ - Englehartr frorn Troop. 7iUowtisWp Clerk. One.PpUn d •^=r~r^Brizi.T J u s : on whether tp_ take final exams Valleyr where many Civil War battlesr were - - students are busy selling .advertising spaco in a •sayS~lt's 'rcwaHing-lo-see-3omething-grew7 = = v X- The-bandt&invltati'on to the Virginia festival; P., FEB. 12 several—years—agor^and then£jhg. fought: It's a bcaulifuLand historic area";" • souvenir program*f-their winter-and^sprlngr OPEN 7. DAYS A JVEEK 3tioh "was.J&keh awayv -noted, An(j[ersonv=HtPwcnt to Winchester-last concerts, selling tickets to the concerts, holding came as quite a ^urprise-tp-everyone;. said kind of'place we • car washes, cnkt> snlwrnnH riVnrcs gPjgj. ?7?3»I?9tT-i>fToar^ Whiie many of us can be proud of. p ^ ''TViiTTimifl ppnrnnlg #^d^Il¥mrrr6fcourr^youthful . . _ ... . . Stearns,1s conducting a cWt£siJn^Uchitereo~.^b^« driven by-PoHer In Springfield..'.. .:'-.' .-—It : v : : Ke yehiclbfled with/lhe'officore in pursuit.... ,».--j"-|i i;.L_-_..,_Gj!:ttysburg1 tour the battlefields and slop in • sets and other items will be-awafded by locab-^f'"id-i't," he said.'' ~~i_" '• '-, ' •" 'ZlllII ' generation and the desire r r'.a chase, reaching^speeds-of about: 70 •' ' STEVE] ; - Harper's-Perrv : .•-^-=z_x:iii<)'rf.han(.;-,TliA-hRnd-parent*3-wlll also Hold a What's^yeaunoxe-surprising-is-rlhaFlhe ofjustaBout everything, there is one, 7 .••.'• The school-band will participate in (wo dance in;earjy March, the .proceeds of whTcTf .DaytonJtegiQnal High School Band |g'a "yjfery ' ^, our (he vehicle was apprehended In . 1 yirtue almost invariably lacking- m' parades, lhri firemen's.annual parade on May 5 will go1 towardIhe-lrlp. ~ —jr..,. . young"band;"'Ohly four.-mombers-areiseniors,•;._• 1 ', .and-theL"GrandTFarade"'the-following-day. "We'hjiycjV lot of things to "do," added ••'-• -Theband director noted thatjhls leTCls —said they found two bricks of marijuana, J; the young. • . ~---^^~; C,.._ -"The parade is five miles and four-and-a-half' riderso'n,.''and our heads are still spinning "more ' to*their "tremendousjp^tyntlaj^ ^ is a-sense-of-perspective in, T^.- ,. Jipurs-lqngj" .jiotcd;f^ridff^on^givine snjnf —teom-belng-invltcdr—"••'• •-' "•'• ''—'—"— marching bund."' -•'—•"- --'—•-~^ ; , • • ^They also reportedly found a knife in StroipprS"' "of tinieTlYoung~people teifd TndrctffTon ofTheTiumbcr of bands'participating ' What we really need though is for the Citing his own experience as solo_lrumpet _ possession. •..'""./'•^--' u_JilS;homefrBy-tfacing-eash'3 career-fronKhis deliberation;- • - - that1her,pwaE-a largo quantity of marijuana at — Ncj-l'©Ql St TQf I OH; -doors"-to' the wfficJ8.pf cRange^just- __jMyh6x)d^3mranfifiSansas_farin^through his — SoBnrgBoplffarfreomfila4wing-HtaHhis-winter - render it doubly hazardous_for the unwary _ vulnerable Massachusetts Audubun said_"8aJtr --O--O-- ' Tutela's house, Vpon searching the-premises- !_,_:>-. P. . ::~' ' i5-lKe-p ast-man* ^^» I nnFTfV'pr o v irl early, successes in Memphis up-tp.his~eurran.L —ijtleastpsj>f-this writing) is abnormally mild motorist. And. ,sa|t_ gets into concrete and stricken trfces show many of the samcBymp.-^ S»«fflFh«*HY- ——with little sriowrbut we can be thankfulih^it^^i^tc^teojflj^yji^iclusp^lk-exjpe^ —-"lomB,;aB^drouglit-'atrickenstiwg^?gfowth)^ —rpptfcgj^ailegedly ^founu abuut two^poarids of ~ FAMOUS NAMS ' for drastic revisidns-of-the'rEnglisK :J_inarijuana.arid-i88=:.r.ea..devji-.--.capsuies .wiiicn ' iy -giving-w-a^^ak^fromran'-envliyniiieiital • "yesCrfa"cin^j6bs.iEverybody khows-wh»t-salt , retaroaOon.Tnarginafleaf"scorch, twig dleback^^ r ! appear to be secqmal,- they, said - ' ' • Mevjn_fi. JWadeiros_/. • aiid 6pc\nV atudiea currlculums. - lination Not oiilv is the tefcoi-d • ^U"ll-'1J' lnls D»>grapny oi joan urawior^gill problejo oTTgrowuigiand cumulative^gravlty. ^ "docVtb-automoBilcrbodlesrbut not too many "-J^and eventually death;" .'••' , -Greysliine-Earki-receiyed a WAXCHES- " Pfficers involved In the-arrest- were fjgt.' not 18 summons for not having. it's . shifted to.a "pubHc^safety^policy—.of-plowing,"-'-'-vcgetajtiori"C^|15ng^l5lghW0ys^Which are-Sit"1'" ::...-•.the-Quau^CTurnioteT^n Btr"22, .police \.t '. r Twin.^.aks.-oval, > : S rln e fOUDJEXPECT-TOPA Y THREE TIMESTTHISI^' -closelyyfofjoearly a dSecade,.th.ere are teresiing-Also^there"are'formulas'for keepiiig" n»l IfficirtoifmaWygopTOregomgjcnrenlize-^- "Sanding and;7q^iv7erZ''educatlo'n~lnto Xvinter "^au^eg:byirrislng salVconT^JEiaajdjga -.^-^Wrtc»--'i'hey^"ar^C atny-r-M^^illjer --^ P. Rj' M.^ . ra"great ihMiy fewer faults: than there uws :a"DarTof Amtricn'tm7 a- "'u*'' lluMlng a-iob- building a loving and ^feat it's'pure poison-. forJIroes- arid -pthijr - driving ::condJtraTO^nvr5ssachuseit8:!^Audubon i^gjound; Estabttshed species die out condescended to ' — ' beautiful home,_anou_organrzin^ime-and vegelalionrw»tenvnys7r^tablejwileiLSUPpiieS--—said^and: . wb agree. The New England-group—Incire^ses'and .("" recent quoles salt jnjnufacturers.;_as saying that the ;_y replace them. .. ._, „,.,_. ^hd 'Pr«ther^re,eacl^-^J^°f*'^ingfield^:^^ ^^nStt^-^ '"-«*- •. '"• —--~ —encrB-y-t— :, u.•••--• iriakotlre-'mos— t outof thepoasiFrebfiD.nn» . d eyen-IUghway. _, s andcars•-.— . "• .• ~7~"-.'. ^ - - ^r—rhighwav^uaeo•-^ —'—•• f Iheirtprodtict-hasalcynmlB'tir_.r...... '___."SjjcJi'.chlngja^while-noUllcel.y.trtht'.a— .. n en.'_ HOUSEHOLD SAVBN6S SPECIALS bout mBt g APPLIANCE SAVINGS imakingUhRinostofterselfsothat^e"^aiigtvfg^life. Her own sorrr>t cf «urpe« frnm "^nr.! *5rni^ and._ominpus_study of ,a-< by 1-jJOO percent since 1940.- ' : ."•'"••"'•".•" vfronmentahjdjsasterrcatii have deVl6ujra,'n<£; Tf -P-?!lSe ,p /••.••YOU'VE-. -is heroin. Cromwell £!FT BAR •« --^- the-most-to-otheiv •J-^pepple who were in a room at the motel arid that' •. ^^—^.-rvrr; •:. ^__^ V-i.n (| kitchen' p MUOS BAKER-3R0ILER OR COOKER-FRYER ^=^"'P;join the reslstflivccragalnsl their beliefs~ana° t'gtttb¥ - Nanwti^Strifeer^OTeetjra^ss^m the rardT"~775n prlday^- " .' ,_-'»ppl "incd-QlJhLVCon" Pop Art CampbotUJoup'-Ot-•.-. VALENTINE - will follbw i'a Jew stones'for tools, .. . : > someBo% down —-r 'Calabrese'and'Oliv6}-inong-Withi.iiijemb€rs-ol~ •'•'• .-• .•• ---•- —- .turv -StiCt'ti, (hens iis^- 7. JaTuialPf '" Broiler most profound instincts ;-how. they were 7~Eskinios^managed:n'ot only ihnrurviye.butjtb _ fOiOfATES_ REVtONiOZ. ;.l^ riaUon In/Wehton" 1070!:. f- •••-H»»nrl hn» — ;.._: _. initiated into the-arls^Fsatfoa^^iid-kHlingT ^thrive iirihenrozen7desolate-land/-Teri-yearM rff; -thif-Mtfike ForceTrscnrchod the room" after bM!^ggneHB4M0:'did H <• rVfiiF5ii51yRl^ 11 ""' Ruhlic'.'Hoticev-™~I riiiinio'.lfftrWIIinii 11? lo 500- _ Jr>n6mbers and 'adminisCFatbrSiLi—L'tiwrthey suffered death arid tnrtiire~aiul-thn ' Inter. Conr a ~"liSihihg n war** "!-.- -^. lohfri il,.5MLi.'s-'toii!it or fl h lmt -.^salting vs; plowing/and sanding, And I hope he . in a. boat .__. . ., ,(, ^l.umttoyti;..:to*c«ivprt made' of_driftwood^and who belleYe that salt is an"effectivo substitute. y.^---~ ~7"AN OROINAJICE.TO AMEND | r f"JhlKi£^i)]fLtohes^iK.Etbry:was related to Flaherty. :dPesii'tfOrget tQfficludea fair dollar flgUreforT— :AND.-.SJlP&LEAA£NT AN ; : -"^-Cook^r-Fr'vor is so versatile you cd'n fo^theplow^ Ditto a-lotofpubllcofficlals who ^..l.-.r-V. stow, 'stortm,: roi f . — will—l^e—among-the ^-the-6nvlronmental damBge nf.iinl^ng-.^lbnff^ ORDINA^iCE ENTITLED '• 1 ige-aritf^tfioirnwilUo; Ii ve7 .-'.••••'•'. by Como^'k-liiniBelf.. ^ —«-,.. _^_ thinlcsalting-isTchTsapaiClhan plowirig sriow^~ in tlic arrests. . '•' A-N-^O^R^D-IN AN C E • - /HAS A mMrf"Tfl'iifH, \y, rtmpviibtp J : < : ca > s: n 2£ejnhHp^.it-.will.be,.8ome^timc.before— *-**-— :U^".,_, - — =3Eli&.BaFsonage-Pari ot;" ~by Jflan Botliwcll— -T-The-rcsultsiof-srflfld-iiaTting are apparentJflL.. -with its dan'oadwaysr-—7— -.': PftOV,IDIN(t.^EOR:_THE. il 'V J PACK OF 56 out' .^ . „____.., . =watoi^K)mtmnv"(>ffi(;lnls^lierB-iritKai£r^j^y--^-r^ R e G u L A rroTg A N:D - '-winsw.lie-preacher's childrerj cannpt_ jm-7—The~JEIizabethtown. Water Co.- reports that CONTROL OF TRAPFIC AND, EXTRA SUPER SPECIALS FOR THE HOME fSm.-lshlngGiU.-4 02* -^- pioneers, but ^jdlistnct is-rhdvihg intriguing account. 1 —PARKING CONTROL OF~ •pf. the_backgrou)id and .-.:Jjlerswnd. They cannot understand why Elmer --chloride content 6f the.Raritan Ulvertriouhta ^ "'" ~THROUGH STREBTS.JSTOP . FOR THAT SPECIAL VALENTINE origins-of-two-dlFamatlc cases ni which Colin ,, Candori has'so much powerund'why people iire noticeably at-theicompariy's-withdrawal-point V INTERSECTIONS^- Por "kids to ENGLISH LEATHER / Meanwhile/the young people will had been criminally indicted. Duririg the nfraidof.him;. SomjEthmg is really;wrong at St.- - whereJhe-Millstpne-andRarltanTivers ~— -OPERATED-.—r| CLTAlROL mritet'rccontly at the Jamf Tf'nlmvpHSphnh| IRON (r^*r6a FJb riittl UNDER add that the bestthing about young countered __ _ _^____ _ , _ The Commonwealth Water Cft; whkh.pump£^ EettBrH-to'• the lnatmhlpef 3piliii|ll»M^ SHAVER Cognty ot^bnflm »IKPS»»I*< W(iter from thfJPns-ijjr Wn pC«1|t. pwwl«ttBH 'SI mnriol Iriiryrgrjnd Jhf High >chDDt-t$tudcnU—Jiave -a ^^ ilU m Tuesday aU6' rinds hlgller 4loritenni. iuSGalLf utthu Ciil) ' HEALTH ik BLAUTY 3T?**S (hoae. streams ^^Si bnP^lfli >-r- n> ._-. p :z^ <•— (Foe" J, l\i :i i 15!' i 9\t WgyWfj B G LMyjjyLautjiJag^n^ w.agls?^Bd WtttgW *Y«nJiSg3lgtt WOTjriiae GANI0 XJAbAI E JAMrS j-M J1a.ytmrRegTonal -Higjijfhool & B •AlrietteuiJiE !! One ihttr ABAMS "TOtr-)vuerIAI!lTO)vuerIAI!lL_MclsaiL Homemnker nr.'1'yiiiQrra * ' 'sssms as E 4 Mclsai RL'^ifrT nt^admijiiistrjution- !—desire for niiffrd-^to-thtrschooffdthh l boarrt^,1 Th^ •Massachusttts Audjlbon dugjlito thc""htgh" town B employ wputd Invite owriei-s of tBS-eclitor'rHiscretion, aiid never •^^Tjrpthe'Webelos eonipotltlon troplil35 went In: ISIALUEz „ CmnmitttL introducLs. its budget in the amount property to a meeting with residents \vho ., ,.- .* , ^ •• ,,; -;-- •-•- ••;•• -first, Mike Clarke;.second, Rus^Alpet-t, third, ~ -:MODE\: _r_; ,' Automiffc i 'continued change n that Ilic \W>7 Mcirch of fJimes is a (rtat sincuss w^ay accident statistic) up there and decided 9J-82 S3 8' ' .'• ' vcrv ^ffv^d.flooJ Jamage and Worm brooK^>«;the letter is of a political nature.;- ;. Andrew Lonhart. '-.•.: . ' ". r,•••••• TUSSY us IcntiiUve, uiai sailing a roau to jnaKO n clear only brings CLEAN UP ON SAVINGS! |AUTQMAriC. impatience fermenting"' in the •ownor»that If they didn't sign the egsomont, This newspaper reserves the right to' The-grand championship plaque./or Mike , WIND& ELECTRIC ..;, ...a. .,,,.uw».ui»that $448 "!1 ''Tr^'m{1 (rC?^u"j' more si!vcrc ac'' ANiCftThing -..•- - ' ELECTRIC . •'• 1 •^tud.ent bodyi t w J 1 hl VSILEX ( administrators, of; ,the: Itggional T WELLS" DELUXE .>.-•: A (jrnup (if local cilizensdolegate s —channcls-wTOld"hn^tr^ffcTc^lttle'hBVeil'from ; Wappeaifbcford the public. - ( SQUARE SHOOTS 'tun ccilon TOASTER , District will ne^cir give up ori\the as a' "Committee for Preservation of the FLOIIKNCK (iAUftlNKKll SCHOOL thusc hood' waters. If a floo" d plain is covered • Ui|t'whero was tho citizenry7 It Is hoped_ thritj HdME PERMANENT TWICE AS NICEl ... , ,. >»HM Jsllcomodolwllhl young people, ^^v : " , Second Clau Poslaoo Paid at Sp(-lnall(tld, N.J Constitution"'and, since public jtf Monday, Feb^ H^J'ulce, frankfurter, "with cemeht, asplmlt, housing, and If a town I.IIOl llOhUarkselncterJ * Publishodoach Thursday by - at future'crfndldate!)' nights,, the public'will! by_Ei!caldent_-RoosevelL_ proposini;-:diaiii , mustard, frankfurter.'roll,-' French • frltid 1 develops all Its wetlands and open spaces, this ""ifvainhemselVcs 6f the'ojjportunltyto question1} . , Truipar Publishing Corp. '" _', : 27 Everyone, concerned, basically,-is • change••'•'s in• thesel-upof•• th• o -Suprem -omeo (Court, have potatoes, sauerkraut, fruit, milk. r . town-wllUhuuc.fl6pd!hgprobli>ms -channels,or: the cuiidldates on Tsaues pf cpncWn"toifthej.' $7.29 1 THIS EMBLEM IS THE J.B.BB- ''. AwardocHlritplaco'bvWewJeriioyProjs dlscuBsed the .proposal with a viiew toward Tues'duy—Soiip or" juice, bacon (of cheese), VALUE ',".'^ 8e,eking-'^tllie- .same thing—an- - Aisoclatlon jnjjli'jot.gimgri! picelltncii-j ^rJKLChanncla.: •. •LX.S:-.-'—^- >-Jt,,; ,-tpwnSblp^''All Candidates-fboth-thoM.jrunnlngiL- of~B|)rlngflold-'forwiii^~'"i(ettucc:nndtomato^andwlchrfcllb'Bnd1opi)ingrT ^ An"-d ' I"f th""e" S OA/ acres •o -'•"-"-f i ...... " ----'-'•. , •-, --.- Township Committee 4hA for th«? school; /-•'educational ^system which will best messngoH to .reprpsentatlves In Congress to r for NESS AND (GOOD SHAMPOO 1 • develqp'od into something Springfield can do boards),' play a vital role*In the everyday > •' -' '. 2 02. . ,' ' . /"prepare. our youngr people for . oppose-thc -'p'litri.'^Legislation tovclarify-lhe- Wudnosduy-Juice, pizza .pies,' tossed suliid . HUEND8,, '••,.' " ••'.' „ A«horMinl<,bg,«in?stniliiiaiior ' wlthoul, Ihen (Jil.4 addcij runoff will further add . concerns of us all. lUs'lmporta'nt that wo know \ ,.• '.Whatever Jies ahead after thipir . opoiatlons of regional boards-of education In lOf Riuwlan dressing, fruit, mllkvr.",^ 7" ".• to. our' problems. N«(w Jersey'Is the most how.,tliby Hilnki ..'.. ' ''.,'••••'. .; ' tfPED& PRINTED SUPERx : ' Thursday—Juice, .roast, turkey, grhvy,. For Informolipn i BARNES HIND graduation, y r ''•l(|EWS.ANDEi)iTblllAL DEPARTMENT (he 'S(nl(8, particularly a conimbn dale-.tb ap- .... populated and -congested utatc-ln-tho-'country- -—^hi* lottorls.beingavrlttctt-with-tlie^ipproval .{•' 1"'-|i2'.HI»0$UM''-'' •': •',.•• MILK OF . .'.'• . . . Abn«!rDi>ld,.Bdltor. .'• .\. ,niov'be .done 'by r - Los Malomul, dtruclor "slow'dawn.devoloplrtchl arid presoi've what Womon Voters of'Springfield after candidates'.i S2.8JS SOtUTION 51.09 Introduced in the legislature this week, It was Friday—Soup, pr juice, 'Krllled t»hheesce . on little undeveloped land wehavo'left. nlgHit, but;before Tuosday's. school board] ^.tbmorrowi' lets all try. to set our WITH COUPON BEVALUN EGAY RUB ., . BUSIN65SpEPAMYMeNT- linpounced^by .NOltUERT T, liURKE, counsel, white, sandwicsail h or pork patty -on bull, potato /UnljUi loss radical flood plan Is .considered election. . '•••^ ' .-• . "'- • '-1 '• J , 3^6108 C . . sights, together, on no lajter than the Roburl H. ur'umoli, adverlltlno director for the" Union Cp'untjpji i Regiphug l Hoard chips, fruit, milk. by Ilk'fliwn, eusynonls will be slow In coming.' lo; chango In. ' ...•'-'—•_ ,._'" _ Si(nHow»r(i lOducfttiori ofwiijch thctownnh,rp is a mo M«IIUH subject -r^±z^r=±—,;_ -* i mu UOi:iutLKit , .r») ..". ••dayi'aftet-tombrroW% emergency. ""T"."' t miinldlpallty. '. '>' ' '• ,„ 'MTookerave. iiKU** of Women Voter* of Springfield;

:< : : ; •i-'-'-"-. :•- •;•...v -.. ..:.;-i: --..-.•..•''. , .; •...-.-•; ..i- • -„ S-;J1'.., -. 69" ••' r , •'•, V. \ :.. """l! •••• V:- i-A:' '•}'.,\- •\':.i.i~::. '••-.•: • .*-. .- -—.- ~^T~7^u7:- '-• .-ThursdpY^Ffbr ]Q. 1972 lINITHbMKTIIODlSTCIIUnCH " SPRINGFIELD PASTOR! -WB-RBW-BHUCE-WERB . EVANS, jiaylnlHajTinio ybunBfrtersrmDuflur . CHURCH MALLAT. AeAbfcMyGHEEN.' —-, D.D. • Into their blooaitreams— » patients .Load poisoning clinlc-paUenta are not"~ REV. JAMESWWART, PASTOR ' CHRISTIAN EDUCATION r^^ry -" hospitalized.unless.they have an extremely Today'—3:30 p.m., Wesley Choir -and , SHEILA KILBOURNE- r - - KVANGKL BAPTIST ClIURt'll Ingh level of lead in their blood^Dr TflDBftL,.. _Uuwship._8E-p,in,1T,eharieel ChoirHTriveU , Today-5 Pm.^Junlorl.Hiilh. Fellowship ' 242SHUNPIKE RD:,SPRINGFIELD : Chapel. 8 'p.iruy .German Mission1 Circle, .fiUDprmeeUngTorgroclese, 7 %nd 8, featuring^. T»5f?TsJre.ating them~on"ah our-paHentbari» REV.WlLLfAMaSCHMIDT.JR,..: Fellowship Hall. . •".-.•-.• dT^Newarlc and places the respbnslbiUty-fOKMring for the - n a discussion on communion. 7:15.p.m., Girls' ld _._! ..PASTOR_ v:, —Friday—8-p.nvr,-BiisyFihger«,-47-<3linjo»- «?i . 0" the.pafraittt^^DrmbjfwSh&lo be-in"--"'•'• •• - REV. JAMESC. WESTKRVELT.: T"™*v—-•«** **.•».. v^iimx'ii ocntMii; rlasBPR lhe hospital," hjSsay^, "andthelr mothers don't avcrrSprlngflcld. • ; ' ' --••.•••••• hem; :..':..• . ASSISTANT''~ • . Sunday—9:30a.m., rrfbrning worship, Trivett (or 3-year|-oIds to Grade~7~are taught'in the doctor, grinned and said, "Don't fprget mV I . , latric health care!service all the-tlnJe.~''\yc-'Counciland those engaged! in public haalth 11™ '? J>e. ejfher. We-find "the mother* Parish House, gonflwrmtinn olasa-meefa-on-thB- i i lollypop, Docker." The physician' nodded,', had 19,081 cnildjialknl.visits ^ more apt to follow through on medication Tn3ay —7:30p,m;, choir rehearsal with Jack hapfelrSerintmT'tfienineloKnowynii''Arts J iS "" --.-. Each Monday, Dr. Willard D. Smith i. cl riSecond-floof-of the Chapel. Parent* of class -smiled. reassuringly; then admonished •O«e - SSidf "and in January pf 1972 we^wer-e running „"", ""v «FP"»'lii;«>la-lf we stress the Im-. ildblfd all ages. heads a pediatric surgicaleal clinic, Dr. Baime p anee the 1. •: Friday — 7:15 p.m., Pioneer Girls. >•__ members will attend- the teaching .session. i. . i i three-year-old to "stay very,-very,quiet.so I 55O."vjgiUt«v«ry-five: days;>With-what we're "conducts un allergy (."HnlL'lUn Thursdays and u^ "I mouierV role in making her . 9:30 a.m., German language worship.^Sermon: Nursery service for ,f--and 2-year-olds Is f child well. • > . ~ " Saturday"^ 7;3Q p.m^. junior high social "The' Claims of Christ," John 5:17.- Emanuel .can, listen to your UUJe heart beat." Instead of finding" , we ...have had .to^and so that we can • Dp. N6rman Zangec is in charge of a lead "proyicjed on- the second floor of the nhnrwl • ., • , -u-o~ /••... • • • T5uTday - 9:455 a.m., Sunday-SchoolSunday School.wit, withh Schwing, lay pastor, preachingr]n;30.a.m.T ...Ujp.normal; steady-beat of a child's healthy refer our patients to specialists who are moro- -poisoning clinic on Fridays."' ' ntT:3o a.m., Westminster Fellowship members ^the-cardiologlBt heard the ITJS^THE POLICY of the pediatric health' ,._j;laises.fOr_alljigcsJJ_a.xn;., morningworship. coffee and-buns-in Fellowship Hall- 1! am '— , er cg r h , than willing to glvelis their time, knowledge 1 will :serve-TefreshnrentS to confirmation class famillar.whooshing sound he knew all too well: nnanHd 0Vfutrldnno2experience ! z '' -' • iThe lead poisoningcUnicJsihe most active of care-servlc^fnanhelame physician see the —Pastor Schmidt will continue with his messages - morning^wirahip and'sermon "Getting to" a^ndjj^lrparenta fn-Che-WF upper room of Uie ! in the Book of Acts.ll a.m.. Junior Churchy Know* You;" Acts \ 11:1-18. Offering : for'"* ,,LHUUttlee ChaCharlvl p McPhaiMPhill hah s aliolllje hI n heh r hheartt , "• —all (he specialty clinics withtRe phys "'" ~ Chapel. 9:30 afid li a.m.,-communion service. -rtiie-fantastic-mechahism that will"benmlled WTITl^TTIE: ADDITION W the specialty '—seeing-betweenr-35 and 40 youngBters under ..the leadership-of-Mrs. Robert'Donson. Morristown GollegejMerrislown Tenn one of Seventh .igrjicle^ stud.eiitevwin iwi;ek,.Dr._Zanger who serve3"his 5:45p.m., youth groups. 7 p^m.reveningGospel—rhr Methodism's hlnr-k rn)l/>gi.,g_.qp.m. - Juhtocr- ---^.yi-.v.'ia!jif>^gwuaHa..wui;HHIfim ine tf^O- • upon to beat between two'and-thhaB-*iUionx-i-clininies.-the.pediatfic-healtl h care servioerhaii: r; a ea REV;GERALt)'.f. McOARRY. PASTOR .Mondayr'' "---'-' ?p ~ sFncp-Chariyn-waaione jgar old. At that Ume, , rTodfly—H a jp., Springfiold clergy luncheon. joung-peopla* ,~.;counsels the child's parenft on ihe^steps that . . Newark BeihNTsraei, Medjcai icenfa a ANTtOCH BSPTIST CHUUCII ' ' - - MdMonday.r-3;,1y 5 p.m., Brownies. 7 p.m.; Girl, TiEVrGERARD B. WHELAN, Benediction during the school year on Friday— ^~-'_-. 'heMoPhails, who had been (old-the-ehildhatl^a- can be taken by thcnrrannMhe Medlcat-Centerrr^oluntary, non-profit institution, isa mem'ber •'8"p.ii).i choir. —--'•'--—- -.'.^ .'•••v-~—=• • Scouts"."8. p;rri., Grade 7 teachers." preview jit-tKe :r -MEEKES St. AND S. SPRINGFIELD AYE. r _ REV:-KAVMUMUD,AUMACH^--.- af 2r30 p.m. ,- — •%-: - heart murmur, were" referred to the Medical -" tohay; their housing.checked.forpossib!eIpJldrrroMhe Jewish:QinTninjaty--CounclI of Essex - '•'. 119MAINST.,MIttBUKN' • :Sunday—8:30 a.m^—worship; 9:30 a;mrr. :homeof Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth HdTtti-ar-fWsey ; ..^ ASSISTANT PASTORS • -"^rBaptisms brr-Stinday at 2 pm by ajv" vY-r Cent5r, where-electrocardiograms were .taken_^;.. J v SPRINGFIELD Sunday School and Biblcclasses. 10:45 a.m., j .violations. Many tilhes, she has managed^to County,: a beneflciary-of the annual "Unltea— J. . REV. JOSEPH DrHERRlNG, RECTOR REV, CLARENCE ALSTON, PASTOR - xther.Jesta perfortiiied fora gronpr^lcar- — find new-apartmentsfdr families away from ' Jewish -Appeal campaign and a member" Sunday— 8. a.m..JtolylCorrimuniohTyiO a.m., . Holy Communion. •-^Tuesday~7-p,m..,rWe9tmlnlsterT-Fe]lowship noon.. •—; .'. '" . -'VL::",""": • .Confessions—everjuSaturday nn^l f "•-. diologists and cardiac surgeonj.' The^ resr'"^'" Rible^ludy. TOO p.m^-Chrlstian-eduealic fVfI O ^t >7i .-H •:, the Tailing ceilings and flfeking wallsiharaTe^~ageTTCy3r^frrnDn(l^CQmrriuiiity-Fund-of " r'riloly Communiorrandsermon, first Sunday and --^i>Saturday:^evep|ng MakaV7ji.iT| __JV JUA'y,^'' andflrgt_Friday8. from 4 to.5 ^_^.theJeats convinced the doctors that, befo the irresistible little "tidbits" that find their Essex and West-Hudson;':—^——*—" —;— ' m-fafiirinEi-JTlO] r~-'itriich'lonRert CharlyjujrilLj ' Tuesday—4 p.m., Confirmation II. •/.liieeting,. --' V to repair her hearts ri)on,secoirdlhrough-fifth-Sttndaya.UQrto-H-tl.5—worship ser-vice;,7:p'.fce¥enlngl^owshlp ^'wedncsday^TrtG- p.m., Ash Wednesday a.m-.,'Church School;,babysitting at 10 a.m.' ; ...Wednesday—9 p.m., midweek service. > •. Wedhbsday-ld a.m., Ladies.' Snrifjy'hnard I-cnten ' Encpuilte^^with.^Qly;-€flmmtjnion/^•meeting.. 8 p.m.,- AsluiWednesday;-worship 'Jules. E. Baime and David- M_ Levlnson,. Stephens of Central rure B & H WAREHOUSE OUTLET M ASTER Israel Medical Center, me numbers of. child CHAROf "UNITED SYNAGOGUE-OF AMERICA kKyoning-.Group business meeting. '"l _• patients with simppftwrf""'-»1nfinnrJflporting •»«««*••'*• m::u> AM. I.' «r.M, UYAWAY TheSummit Art Center Swill •V to the 'pediatric^ facility; hffg necessitated me ' A-M. 1.1-tM. tQS,en| Elizabeth P.; Kprn in ^r^Tormatiqrt ,of a* semi-monthly pediatric car- JrtftTOR-FABID DARDASHTI — BETTER MFR. CLOSEOUT ROUTE 22, MOUNTAINSIDE ' drTT7itfl|^f; • ' diolbgy" clinic. The physlclanjirectors, and "Realily • and rilealism," -tbeh-jHsspciatey,Dr. Alma• GarduguexfjrtiUfaf^f I REV; RQNALD S.BENCE; PASTOR" Sunday at'.4,p.mv4--——-- '"' ' they are ordering complete cardiacs ' ' -tn'oeting.' •'-• — HOMEJPHONE: 754^814 •---•••;•— LADIES BLAZER i--...-^--- — ---.. ^ _^-1 - — —..-..,.. McPhail df~Newarkj-> -10^.m.\ Sabbath BerviceS. 7Vk-^:=?Sunday-9:4^a^^ the Art.Center and an'artist, T r - .-Every^other Tuesday.. Dr^Ponald-Rothfeld . -wlio died- • ' - ages; 11 a.m.,' morning,rwdrship service writer, arid teacher..;was Jergbes exomlnotlor^by Dr. DonolijtBdtHlald, cardiologist and omlttbht director _and Dr. TEdwin X. Rothfejd, director. of_the ^ Mfldklntt, Newark Beth Israel Madicol^C f-^T^^Opjii^JPre-lJSY meeting,'".^., -UMCtUO- liiisbandjof Mrs,-:filva-WoIW -^ : ^trocardlograms-TSml^laboratory reports V? and. S j> HogftiBa^^Hc^was boruuD -• 8l:i(lp,iiwg5heral.mekriber'Shtir Rribwn for h"er asaemblagea, gathered by the pediatricians. The pediatric : cardiolbcj Conference is unfiurriedr^ time SY-fJDTfitLK hos been named-general- : Wednesdays B^p:fti:7-miflweek' craver ser. -~ ^rnerchandlse. manqger of-the-rGreat .:..:.:L. .r- —--.-.I ,|o-Springfield ao'^yeaife-ago,— V1CC. ' ' ...... w^en:aiT-.eplnlons.Qn the management- of a rv MUNlT-Y-PKKSBYTElUAN CHURCH exhibited -in—--gall 4: EasternlDlscount Departmer* Stores.. -"•--• 1,7'iVi'litv se ' • Mr-Hoglund"had been em- k ™'Hasi^^''are eljlflred-pr '•.'.•'•••' • -MEETINGJ10USE.LANE i.'.. museums and universities. Rre- The ahnouMibment Wo»=^-rttode~'by* ;t, offctingjou qugiityi_ _ pioyba:as"S;iupervlsor:^vnTrr. -prmv,-cfiolr practlcfe " „,Ja«sa!d_RpthMdJhen-examines the v e ;-' '.' '•'_• •_ MOUNTAINSIDE.•'..- '. - - - ". paring ..newspaper . anfed' consulto s with the parents, explaining-Ufe <—^-ArnordSlegel, presiderttbf -the Great !STEK:-THE ItKV. ELMER A. TALCIUT?r SOME WITH_BOTH" Come Early for BM»S«UCHO AN AFFILIATE'OF THE UNION OF- will g released? Write; Jto course of acUoh^MedicaJ-Ceot£r-..speciansts—— ^_ _ corporals', vice- • ECTpHOF-CilRISTlAl^EDUCATION;; recommend.. •-~ -,--•—-•—--—-~ rf-.~.- 'president, of iJaylln, —AMEIHCAN HEBREW CONGREGATIONS ' the ArL:Center_IUsJree add —thia^neampaper ,ahd_ -r^We-alwaya-h^-the'- ••••/-- ••• ... o.. sr r Inc. (NYSE)_the ask foi^oui^'^TipB = decide''.that—the child; c —:- on- Submitting News'- problem?"'saidDr: Baime.; MEH?^SMRK(WlTS^SIKSe5 Sundoy_9yf5-a.h1.,' Bible "sludjTchurcli PIRO . ijroyen wrpng-iitpur. BU8pietons^every_timi Dr.~Baime_went on to^'explain that mi -vshii); cradle roll through' fourth gradg. 7 R,m.,;- l a Mrs. more rpnSJ5l :B; -bf T • DISCOUNT

t HCSQ2 y 1'!nn, ' - n Pnntwnn"trac.t i Duplicatr\..'«1:A_ie» 'lenses tocorrect their vision. week it's different Make reading the Hadley _L Conn Jr as Rutgers Medical School has 6 i TT ^ -_i "-'c •"•• - -I;: " " ST JAMFS ' ' • -, • 'v •, '.ntiu^u .Luui iuiiinf-iil_^.&pmiWbi gd ^by - tHe—^—^ cloi if ted a 'piust' this week, and ovory professor alVS-ehairman of the Ir.,^ M~T " — pr.O-price'-COntl'Ols^— university teaching hospital ^-AnUinlleld -i-I- anticipate- and look ^ Valentine's Day Candies Americans own i — forward tirHnrconstructidn of I a._j_ampus. hospital ' he con- — tlnuod —which-will -not only offer an educational program ~i# i^< jLeld_jcauttordered,_. of excellence but also a health care system presently. KAREN: whether^rnilk-price-controls"-^^^ -unavailable anywhere elsejn it- _nrc currently"necossaryr^or-_ ' New Jersey We hope to JflNDFORT im Ilcgatr.<3arden Stat«^-parms :.^' eventually provide Die most and Cumberland Farms bad'' ' Sophisticated kind of care lo handle the most cpmplcx of 1 .tried foImpose o new y.'t^on^^ ; — illnesses- ' • . \ _ BOXED CHOCOLATES COJN-OPWASH orderr which 'thd appellahts | Dr Conn s immediate plans SUMMONS 3'3"- TWIN HOLLYWOOD BED ' chnrgpls aimed.'4norjcingJugr' "-^-^l —»—•- ^^JTT^_ ,_ at Rutgers Medical-School will »JIMMQNS_DECOI!ATOI.-.DECORATOR* GGREEI M HEJ^lidARO a ^ #% #% v«- u*nm~iiJErlFnrnrTriiiH-IIIHI n •••It1 , .•nfAualoes! i iiimincaaLii^t — be to recruit-approximately 15 bccaUSU It-WjpuP fItfTfriry itnf^~-v facult) members to the-staff luetEE^resFMA ,_r and morel ^;:..^S —"medlclhe Ilew OFF ^iflgjeig LA.'JXLtai.UJE9 U II S^ife~^imrawe^T:ouj >••-.> ^~ gninimum ---pucea.'"v'i—*~*

•ViHBgjiiiJia •^£^S^3^f.

t=tnal—in tnljiggtW n—VaileirHoBpnaT- 54Machine*- No Waltino niid rdjdjcated- t- UMUONI -Ts- urcen urooK is uye°"primlne""primara y THAT SLBEPS J LUXURY COVeRrTN- TTiay^devbto^thelr^e...,,,. t san old stepy^o-your Full Service Bank. And, we have ' teaching hospital for Rutgers ASSORTBTe-iMNenD DeCORATOs R PRINTS AND -f.:; COLORS ALL ONHOFA KIND FLOOR ' buy a half gallon or bint af the Jalcnjs,, (Jmc_and_ moneyijo . -a loan for iaractlenllyevwytblnrr your family needs to Medical School Roguiarly JTO "furthefimprovo.ntjHJncrease r 5 A M P L E * L ^ regular pKlce...get afiother of the grow. Let's get togethett, '^ '" • > • ^' •• '. ' Dr Cbim received hiq BOO It »«• same size for . '. • . GARWOODMALL their efficiency in'processing SAVE $20 and distributing ,mi!k to New bachelor's degrc in I94i and -) ) SIZE «AI LSTEkL FRAME WITH 304 SOUTH AVENUE . • Jersey-consumer^' at-the his medical degree in 1944 LINKS) RINGaLOMFORTABLG INNERSPRIN< O lowest ^possible, prices -con- frbm Indiana University, _ MATTRESS •6A5Y'BbLLINCWHE EUS GARWOOD, NJ.T- 2PRIGE slstenf with a fair return on Ono t.ood iLimiiii m the I'avioll Siivmija His most rcdent position their costs of dilng business," Pliin^ About tliric murllis ol nil Hoiuli ALL FLAVORS (EKiopL was ab director of the Clinical T' : ... Bultor Pd(:«n) nrof purchiiaod thnyVljli' the I'lnn. I!V -Research aqnter of the hulpini; AnioricaitH wive nxiro nmnoy 'Hospital of tho University'.of c: ro $2o~oo6 thun they over driiiii'niur] ihoy could,. ' Pennsylvania. Dr. Conn had 'Thnt'B hocniiBO tlio Pnytoll Snviii(!H •been With the University of .Pliin IH such iih.'oaHy jwiy to'tinvo. A|l Pennsylvania hi|iliicml If liftii, utolmi. of i _^__mcdicine.and chairman of \hc NATIONAL MAINOFFIceLODBV WINDqWS; -. ••• You'v'o not yu'ur roiiBMtH to wivo money. . . *.<»>• lioiillmis P»M liid.WI'M I'n y 3UI" M I6il P.M-- 'nt ytnir IijTitk. (iilohmlln^hot mlblwt In ulnli' department ot medicine at the FEBRUARY JO thru JZ k ,'1'hui'o'Hrtilen«»iitrw«y-rri£loit paijiloHtily.' nr ItH-nl iiininu'tiiVt1^ unrl fuli'Mif'tilx uiii.v~-f STOWt STREET DRIVE-IN: ' ' • •join the millions who nro luiiVinfl'Homln- Iwilufcnwl until itKlnmiUliin. Presbylarian Unlwjifsity of . Mill (''Mi liiiin, * II A M lod 'IU I' M. ; BANK' . r-ii • u A M loll.PM. . .-I--; •-(•-••.• -.•.;;. 4 Uiu -Priyroll ..Sifviii({fr,Wi>\v—l^~-;i.. -' Pennsylvania Medical Center, UHANCMCS IN UNION m; - • - ..'.-, ' ' • "•lheslu>in>fUmmial'l1im\i\<"' i' •' 1 MILK-BUTTKR.EOOS.ICB CREAM• COTTftOE CHEESE.OAKED QOOOS _ . 'IVvU'-WllnuUil- —ii>4f.I, MOIIH Avi> : li/WSiriliVilJilirArt"." imposition h^ held'until' 1069. 'r IllUouiilu Oanilliis • l)i!l(|ai\ \is\m\i "• •'. ...1 I ,-. SIMMONS 1^ U' I j ;'•••.'. '"•••/- •-. •••'^ .•.•'• ' Ivmktiy-CunuleuyKiuoiichJvrt'ii/ci :*'•.'. '.'-V^ FIVE JOINTS BDAN.CH OIII«£-INr DPEH.ID A. H77D 10"T. M7STEVENTiAYS A WEEK:! TEUPHONE 6860500 Mini llmi HI,,,., nX'MloliPM • •• I n^•<• a A M Ian I'M. SLEEP 2 SQFA BEDS f FIVE POINTSBrjANCH WALK-UP; • , • -V <•• • •' W.ui llu.i Ihini, II AM luU.AM nnil 2-.i) MM lu,Uil'M|. j> BI5CUITTUPTBDBACK. , In II AM'li>«lAU .IIIII:>.1I<)I>M"D4 I'M ' Take stock in America. . Rubticlty Chairmen are CUSHIONED IN FOAMTHROUOHOUT. r • h A 'complete line of "(jo ii yoniseir' candle making supplies. \' SI'IIIMGFIELD UU4NCH':'711.1 Muiinl.lin Avu . V.|Kio ob'serve the upH H b T u c o c B $ " .ASSORTED.FABMCS'ANDCOLORJ. COI'VKIClin 1IY r,Al).Ol!N HTATK I'AHMS INC.,\\ND ALC'lilOHTS HESKHVED < M»"i llnu Fcl. B A.M. lo-6 P.M -Sol"? A.M. lo wJ Nool* 119 FP*C Buy U.S. Sayings Bonds. Friday deadline for °oV^o R 5!o?krN\ 3r//v Ti;iL^ p" ' ' . .•• , 1C ^SRRINGPIELSPRINGPIELD i ._^-B.ERk.e:L:E^-^^E^GH-TS- ii ul Ihtj ruiloMl nuuuV'iU.Viylilyin . 1. .*( t 'other than spot. news. ,762 MountainAve, Include EXIT GARDEN STATE address OPtN DAILY Till 9 - SAf. Till 6 and, phone WILDfROTTER'S, 910 SPRINGFIELD AVE. IRVINGTON / PARKWAY 143 North or 399-1200 number. Parkway Shopping Cantor / South iiiriiiiiiifininiiMiMilniiiM^iiaiHJiiiiiuii^iiiuiiiiiiiiiitiiMiitiiMu ••.•.'ii1itltiiiiiuihiihntiJtiiiiiMiiiinii •-• v, ..• V •'•••• ."•v. -,.•• l >••'• '•'•••>• \V '•,••.•'•-ri' ?xr •*-•*:••• u<-: .,../• . • - • . • • '

-.r — — -jSrir

.-Thursday, February 10,- J972 h,th6y routinely absorb in Uesxi_i_£undXan»paign thin- the department at the College Tim living v»otcnaiQM)Ilu).(in6lrti , February 1Q, 1972-. pCDCBffl ,'or...eating and, month by, local • Ifcart of Medicine and Dentistry of ifiii #i»rk' iimc(ober;-a«orai i *r'___ ' • * - AdminiBlralion. iting Inn thttjifae wayway, the-the'' Association volunteervolunteerss . New=3ers»y^at^Newarwarkk . HHee i not accumulate —^Dr.Opdykeiti professor of auu »» wifew ^ Betty} residide' iin excessive, amounts of salt in." physiology and chairman of.—Westfield. if together Us body...... • ' "~:; " ' In a recent experiment, BeJI Laboratories "BfiiTliad never Before Hoard symbolic spi.-i-i.li. —ffow. the, shark i» able-to- , * HOMg IMPROVEMENT • and the Western Electric Co gave a computer -'But despite' its machine accent, she had nn • T—A—New • Jersey.. Heart—°ffer !clues t controj its blood ~-~- ' Jersey recreation ".' "voice"soitcoald"siwalrtnstructtons-helpful—-rovided-niprc -.1- —Caly« by ..:;-::":' corrected by technicians. Frequent changes.in.- rosearcl»"_on computer-generated "speech" — comparable to a computer- than *M0,eQQJILJ97i. for 21 Herman C. Simonso, director of the Division •;'-lh«r*-complex wire7 lislsTmeahl lrcquehl~"rc-'' reateet^contribt ntribuioru s (»" Amount ofm.ltr it rum™ he IENJAMIN HOORf of Economic Development, New Jersey because (hisJs one wuy to make the computer - diseaseLjnd death in "uib"~SfiOJta, oT, watef" and ^T -far more "" research .projects in New_ OPEN 7 DAYS , 5 NIGHTS (Tues.-Sat. Eves) •recording^amFre-checking, a tedious tlmo- PROTECTIVE lich.... norr Jersey related tcrhedrt and Departrnent.of Labor ana indusiry, announced respond in human terms - (n man's own— cpuntry-high blood pressure, creases blotfS fprerttfre^ consUmlng job, subject to human error; . _ ; DEVICESTlnc; inaiij^ nccin uiuud pressure - blood vessel disease, An'd- the formation-of the committee on_bchajf_bl... language - instead of (he digital language of funaed by a grflnfirogrflnf m the However, it Is not known if withln limits, The ahark haa . dltional $150,000 is sent from HOME CONSULTATION AVAiLABLE tynald M. Heymann, Commissioner Qf Labor In the receptjexperJinenf,' the human steps.. the computer-. ^ rtrAssoeiation; -excessive salt in -the Wood P IN and 'industry;——~- — —,.— . Were by-passed-ind the computer was. made to' — ••---•-• —^." ••- .. ^; New Jersey AffiliAffiliatet , tribtiih S ; I * 1 AND Excellent Conditions ^spcak"-the-wiring instfuctifins^aireclly'hrmr -Heart^ssoGiation--{ot- h^art~ =.- ~ ~ The^EconorfiTc uevelopnieRT~C6u'ncitritiage r I WALLPAPER CO. up of business, labor-~amtguvexniDcnt leaders, autbmatic recprder. The-synthetic:, computer -*'' «ORR(S;AVE., SPRINGFIELD* 37»i63*3^- advl|jgsjhe Departmcntof Labor andjnduslry voice ' was pn>duced—by^-equipment-Tind CALL ANY TIME FOR N.J. (201) 688-9229 in promoting newjndustry and.improving f -^programs -weredevised by engineers of the Jersey. The 'money ; Industrial_climatc throughout'thc statcT^T- •'•Acoustics rteseaich Department at Bell Labs," --^sed-.to^suppofEvllal-heai:t: CONDITIONS OR SPECIAL EVENTS: "Murray-Hill. -<_ - r f-. " '-^—r ~ .,. ^^—^^^-rewarctrTin this—6tate~a"na~ N.Y. (914) 786-2787 Zj.Wi|»ing instructions.from the'"voice of Ihe ifiea^f nail '-^OTmrtryls collect^tarrlng rho .'..'computer.1! were then-tested on the produclierT" ~P •' •.-• •JDDflDT ' . I _^line. by a wireman. assembling telephone AIRPORT bar switching equipment at the Oklahoma^."-'HWSffimr—- - :» 1:= : v, Eot-people, who "wanr~to" City-plant of Western-Electric: ' ~"."~~' "" ^rvSsK~ZP~ '~jk 1 "Black., .three...thirty-»no—Amlormi change jobs, housewives who' | TO NEWARk" Strip,,,four A.1.', tubfcsocke)," the recording said—s . want time out from household | &JI=KA;iRPpRTS with electrilrltraccent;; .lo''!tell".the"assembler . chorfesjnen looking fbr.'iull- 1 Information about wire qolor, ;ldngth, anH'"'^j £^BA1-!E ENDS SATUROA^FEBRUARY^ ° | .__!L6'AVES EVERY . :-retlred who need HO, L-UIUC -,— -^ .3 HOURS—----—? connection points., Using a'cassette tarjonla'yer..; ._wijh a foot pedal for. control, she could start or SAVINGS/ : interests, Bloomfieid CtoUeae isoffariri " — ™ ^ • w**^2 V%* — nf "T ifti Tin u "TRebpIe (rodi all walks -1-T.RANSPORTATIOMJ -LZ g yj nplan nnt /toff Waatar Western Elaj.lrnrn.llElaetrlcjCprlt'es Knrpartl nolf na RalLrnhc-B.ll tqbs . *^. '-=^ .." 7 .'^V * .~_ - ' ! lll - M-. .'-" •••-• " >\i-1-—-'- . - • • .r —'•--r:— -23247900" and. Western-Electric test of the use of computer-generated-jpeech' to guide ' ' According-to' J.L. Planagan^.iiead'of-'-lb ALL 14K GOLD of Real Estate." TJTp course wnrk^nrs with rnmplaY wiring tn be n"slcd Ba-c seller as a department " T-r;^V__i pp;jpg; real estate salesmen ~_ —r- - .•• L —resisted-^our research—and Thcrcoursffr wraMjfed" by_ H ' Whcn.l reiUMiq:-60i7S or 100" ' LINEN DEPT THE MANOR - ~< ""ing out-these forms .ire. Institute of Commiinity w* Limit B1 pj6rBDsBrnBr,"Buyl; _• aman. Cliuuse your tavorite^ hl=nervjJUE^sy d lhithf P'oipect Avonuo, Wosl Ofanno ^ ^ >Y THE BUILDERS OF-CEPAR GLEN CITY Services by the Ncw^Icrsey •LiqHT-O-nAMA.0E^r-!:-..filJ ' beautilulvioff-gownfci-ln^ oe.s .1 consumer us. _ State Department of~~fom l»rlcc_lo inimity Affairs through the Perth-Amboy Model Cities program ~ahd_lhc_"Jf>crJh. ' Fantastic Buy You should compart lhe ~ - Ambpy TTnrtrrl of Educ&tion '- 15 fUlM. Singles an ltcm Wllh The proposal for the FOR THE FINEST TRADITIONAL ! ! ±H^rP7 ,'e '!lc I program cucmntly un. PASSOVER HOLIDAY - RESERVE NOW I derway, Wa&pfepared by-Dr— ed^5pnBse ''"'"""^charged dunnfTllie C Lillian Putnam professor of r ..increase you may reading-at Newark State and" favorite.songs^Hid slngors"~tron^pur.\i "dcvelppiwnlmade—possibler »f;- computer ^wanL to ask-thkth c manager tto J—program "director According _| entirb sojectipn ol pop singles.. • • •• the : : "technology nnd its applicatio•- n |\ to JJieboltf, "the focus of the_ Great racing iun wilh.APX model motorirtgrcarw.rth extra body in liiodical research',.—large;- | progranrls the development of Id Eyelet effective reading instructors PiH hV f acinn thriltsi -. scale '-patient—testing"-.—isr"'" f^ssr."-.i • .u i teachers who can dmgnn HJ^Sh is-pewnisslble because in _ v, nnd help remediate reading"' ^23^WEST JihSt, PUINFIELD, N.J, 'exciTirig-ne.w^kri'QwIedgcTr-—g - permitted -10" ' Thc^t'hizoplir""'" Julietin-ttiiii«if!n'" disabilities " ft and INTRC5DUCING THE WESTMON" 1 ^ H*gvii«r low.. •••.:• ' •|wlr« i-Oflf*- • .- . Forteons'.and'women. Werlook marr rmatjo:matorialsnas-shiny gilt-eyslite " - £m ft.olr I —~— Z01tlqLtcoiiLQmui your-local , .gypeSii fr?R S prplBctorcpniesTcompleto with gripping •SHoe DEM;"•'ir7 cleatsjiRffivshTsratflng, sliding-." " •' ' |.-V.-:*J Jfi-of lhis: EFFLC I trTCTir DU PUEX at Upsalg_ hplp lo Klyfel -lhorc precise,' CITIZENS"" n Dr I?ynll~Watson—author -knowledge of | he use and ,' FAMILY l l"" '; -television producer and for" dffedls- of medications-m^Hb word, «/ -754-2211 COMPARE these FEATURES mer director of the Julian m J • Doluxo Kitchtn C ibintts " _ __ncsburg Zoo of South Africa o Accombdotlons, Dollclqus"Maals, Spoc(al Dlbrs The study was ciiri-ied on in will speak a' Hie Upsala .Great Savings' On I /•— . • Dietary b1 LawObserved- ~ • Ldndscopini) \,vitli_Sotl in Grass Areas „ y • Synaflogueon Premlsesi, EHISrTaTn «. College Chapel auditorium^ 6Ka0OllClothes . Altcondlllbnino SEZZ: ~ • Frojit and Rear Entrancos •*- I ast Orange on Thursday —HHourSupervlslbnrFlroproof-Buirding u -> Windows iiTBaths artel Kitchons — " ~n\m Feu~l7~iin7H)e~-nubjr' ~ VERY REASONARI-ETRATES —-"Nature Hint—Tru^ ( LamR Colllna of BatrT (PWUp-Westnwjrtt 1 •'-£tilLVIew_Oyen_Ranoc- four Iitirncrs-witT* frttPF hood 'tH

sssiy- BvJeiajk,

-Alti •.SrSHSSJS! iULitit&JtlfKl DdOU^spQiUi- : • All Aluminum Stcllnrj ^-nwarded doctor wTpni e^prlcea-for food and fpod degree at (he University of |—uppers, warm plleiirilng. I . • M isar Amerind T V Systum trepe solas. JJeserl sand.'6VT1.z, HEART SHAPED ... , m2k signs of mental illness when rclal'ed proiluctb ) Ihe 1m- London in «W03 JlA||.soaspnL.h!gh .dsKrae they were ftri trnnquilizoi'' 'portnrU ttiing to remtmber is,, • Privdto Off StrLi t"Pdrl• Rrtesr dining,West of The Hudson I. placebos— innocuous — pills I fa Sweol fluay.to giyo your' . customer unr] must not ^ Sinm<> LrVi r TdiK Us ' an attempt to fornuilnte-n cofitaininR tio psych6a.ctive require him to. ..ok a olorc .- ; nirw uutural IllSturv Of. ihO-oO-^ ' heart" away. Fricrsh, delicious . _| , • Re.tTlflBrato'r.(in Sdcpnd'Soctibrl) Washor prul Dryor ' Luncheon ^om $2,00 ~, compound or medication but employee for access to the called supernatural." The talk candy by vVhitm'dni. Scfiralfts and made only of harmless sub-', , information.' . . -i "J __Jncjii(lod in'AII Modols. .' .'"'. '._•]"•"'*' .mbre..W8-alS0-!(fafuro-a-fargo Served dally from 11:30 a.m. TO 3-00 p;.m.. • will begin at H p. : and. will bo , stances, like sugar nnd watci'.* .. In addition to'the nbove"rall seleclip'n of noyeltjps lor the •.' B u Tn d vV'FoR ^sp'h i KI G^deeb P* N C Y Is free. Ho Will •mqet/witb 1 TheJh Thing .. kiddibs.. Hurry in and stock-up •.'• Cocktaii Hour- THIS'AP & MAIL TODAY ;Dlroctlons: • ,. .'...- .-,, . —— • .;-. ,- . . • •-. , '••' • "• i Feb. 18.. loralLthoswe^thbarts onlyour ~~:\ '. r'(|OM "f'rtE'NTjONr Takn Houjo.li'30-SautH to Unuto /O, right,at Mod Watch Straps .Valentines-Day-list. Gtoatbuy! 1 : Perfect Top Off- Free Hors b'oeuvres ' ;.-'.. -Jltthl .1,000 (uol Kiiinir.incn'. '". • ' • •;' •;. i '•'•""" 'Regular iow •PROM NORTH 1EHSRV, Q^doirSlajtt P«kw»v SoiUhbouiid -'in •prlM... M-'iach l Nylon Poio Shirts TRAINING 1^'|..'|1 n ra t »*% ... • MV • for. 'SINGLE FAMILY ^tirduK-StAtu P,irUwav Norihttuund lo- ;> First Quality Dinner Wo,,, $4.50 RaguUr low ' Latest 6tylos,for dvorvono irr th'b o 37 to KoUlu Parity Hose. price . . . 1.68< CANOY DEPT. each. tamily Cnooso your liivorito In'shion 5:60 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. • I r ROM RHILApilLCHIA-CAMDEN AREA: M..UI. /O Easl tq Great Eastern colors'and widths Grout buy! . ,i ' 1 .Washable long' slooyi) shiisav '201-288-8300 Cvd YbUH FKEE JEt AGE " BOOKLtX Hides all-hnlrlfnall-hnlrllnes oracki and' .*''•'•*•'••'•: *•-•"••••• . | T Imperfectlohs on ceilings and walls. • ' I HOSIERVb^Pt. V. •':.:.'• •'; " " .'jiji^J : TETERBORO SCHOOL OF AERONAUTICS Ja^bte^bUlSanWJinld' ; pri 7'doys ci woel<77. .. -7~0ur-pvm brandrEiisy to apply.wlth- •—.•• '.I •Sof.i iuri., &Ho/JdaySfrom /2;00no6n ' 00 Mopnathlb Avd., .TotorbdriJ Airport • brush or rolter. brisaJn-V. hdUr. * " 1J" • Prlvdle rooms lor cajerlrig, parties, ! . .Moonachlo,- U.J. 0>0>4 '' Interior- walla, ceilings While, colors. . ddrossi P.O. , N.J.. 0S7S9 • buslriess meetings PAINT OEPT,.' ••.-'. , NAME__ '., --• Roujle 22 East bound ---' s./icivi*rtiVi)ii|unl:is-'ndt:.uii uflWilio-' Wa.6flBrln(j.is. m 'AbDRESS- i51- GREAT S^ prlmuni tit Luwond Public Siliitv'bl ll>uSlol|j ol JoNw Jomov. Tho Buroau ul Socurillujul iho Stnto ol Naw Jorsev vi Mountainside/ ^l t'not piissud oil j)r uhdoriyc.^thu munis ol irilj qf lurino." ' .•:•>" • . •'. * ' ' city, ;'„. . S.TAT, • ',ll ' - . ', . •' ' '"' ' '"" '' ' IB THE HIQHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 10 A.M. TO 10 P.M. SUHDAY 10 A.M. TO £ P.M.

W •';'•

jj „,.__ ^_. ^..t,-, ,...._^ ! ™~ ,, Tr- I ,~: .'.•".' •"' Jj-;^2_T_ ' /••••' p " i.; ' • - ' y —"/*..• •-J-

^ Thursday/ February 1Q; FUEiOIL . . West Orange, jn<62. The name, school and ^ . "home address of the contestant is riot to be j. placed on the ea&y but on a separate slip'of ""The ' New' Jersey Turnpike Authority has llit< Turnpike's traffic volti'mte..-.' - • -- Th"e~chaiigo was brought ' ubrturttyTitudles axles—will enable the Authority-li) save" on (hemui'i> Society *ULhear_a. p the WPerTcirpWTTThe essay. Deadline for • -tieguiTthe use «{. u new tonsolidalt'd ticket to ; Appearing initially at Interchange 13, conducted by the Authority's Systems and ,,-u«-fc-#-. hi LI i. , "T— ' - Giblln, general chairman storage space at. interchanges and" at-Its-' -talk-by lir. Louis N. Vtisvary y contest which Is being gpon- 37th anniversary parade, -andTalrl j-- submitting the essay is Keb. 24, .. 'cover more than M.9 perrtiit of itfiTnll.tran .,LKIiz(ibett).itis expected lobe in full use stall 25,• Data Processing Department which indicated Administration Building In Sast Brunswick! of Kutgers. University on r -'•"VDwP,radeLgpm^Jllelyln ..eway c,halrm .,,,n ve hnoBiSgC5irr--' aetitmg.mnv^g^yp— ^;— -~ ~ -<••'—„—tnt^rfhattg^s-by-April,)'w when inventorics-ofentorics - • 'fflgr'C)assT-l^eBict "—•—• fl H fl 7 . . ... _,,.._ „ in. use since "Insects ui " he, parade down students attending pubite." private-Hnd By PAT and TOW iickch—which incorporates loll tiic pVesently. used tickets will Have been peion your f uWiate • nightgown and wool swks on i)iem. I!c a)so says you'eari't ;_ September. 1870; also Involved the use of two .'-Thept" at a meeting tomorrow iy, March »g. • nnrnnhinl eghoolii In New jorgeyjar^welcome la Publicly Chairmen: - ' ARIUVNDAVJS- ml litnfrHM>veflne Clare-t^the-other-aiiy,^atflprmrat the NationHsiale .-. her feet.-Tlien-sho .«Mnplalns=-tdl boysTrom g!rlsPHo««an4=: • • • ^^ and burner and SAVE on your ~ t6~8QbmH7T,OO0-'w6nr maximum ess) T Copley News Service "• colored with black printing.. This combination since. ,ov. _ commercial 'Categories', "it r«jrt«>prl Iht» 'Ri?h^"Tiiiilrirfig?=i9: that I'm not romantic* : convince him? '• ,.- imnual volume." "Irelapd's Right to Freedom.^._.-__ """' 'Wj0dT yb\x like somie help . Weve Was selected after extensive fit-Id fyslintjbv ttTp prominently with vehicle rlassifipatinn near I'at and Mnrilv "—. ^P" marripd just. • ; Turnpike's original system which required' ave., Springfleia._' flbill p- Nancy • Toll Collection' Depisrtmeht which revealed it determines loll nitejjt, Ilidicaled in two places^- - • " • . separate toll~UcketsT6r each rate class. ,•'. Growers interested iirlhis three months. And this isn't '. produced no glare and wiis the easiest to-read .-i'mcia-e(>nspieuousif punched hole, the other— . ("oinbining Glass 1 with Classeswit 2-h5 ii—n to five Tlle num^er of revenue vehicles using the ..-phase..:.of chrysanthemum Allstate y.i t r at night. . _ --^ ' • " .^JwinjpH ,-.. .,.'. *', " ... .'.'../• commercial vel)icl,es^inH trucks ? ? v sel ' a : ' ' 3'wnpiko has rlaerrfrom 17,948,325 In 1952, its .. culture arc welcome to attend. ._ servlceniefratl84^mtary.hofVltaJ«jisiweUas-~«me-6f theyud^g^^^ ""' - paper anri ask for our '-'Tips bed, she has curlenrin her- ...... f the bijya^ill know -Jj^differenUicket will be "used for.-.Class .6—- -'^-'—' - —-— ----- —• — —-^ "first full year of operation, to 98,553,612 in 1971. • fuel Co.•',.-• orleolfllionl'forl.returnees -at .300 aeparat|on:_^..contegtant»-are reuuested lu HuuiiilCtBelr "—^"^-Subniittlng _ News- re- - hair.an irtcii of cream oriher DcarUpsFt: - --. , girls are. You migJitUDTnt out vehicles, with six or, more .'axles- which ac MOVINGr r.lllU J I UMUIabfemover 1 l0 oar Wlfe that .:.' gt-Ulis.T83.2JB5,522.were Class-1-vehicles:: : in Ihe'Wanl AdSection. " - ' Wflverly3-4646 ,poiijt8., :=^.... '._• . •: essays through, their high jchooLnrlncliwUt. ^ l^aseB." , —- _. face, a heavy,...Jl.annel -*?V,? l >-that£antsar>^^n)yraore-7 r~ I- —-••;•• counts forjess than one-tenth of one percent of EASE DR-t S^A^•£ I y you dislike gomgtb bed with- comforjaWebut also cover up ' " her. when she looks as though mnrtfihari thp short flretsw-' ' she is wired for sound. Suggest that, BHejUKr-jier-Dear I'at and.Marllyn: whoa I amaatihg-airinternrrhlg ~| you are^afound Then buy nlan Jg brighW-entertalningX, - n^etric blanket to keep her .-^nd-vcry courteous, which Is •arm and a black-negligee for rare, He has. one problem .He '•"/ nVBT Dear Pat and Marilyn: On our first date, as"he was Today I hate-myself. I hope-kissing me good night he- • you can helpme smooth flings looked into my eyes an* said^13^^- over with Mary.. Last night "Are yoil nearsighted?' Your was my first date-wilhher and pupjls-afe:r" •• - • ' "really; ruined 'u- —"— mg.' We went to a party and I was • he asked me if I was allergic .jienrous-because I really to many things,. It happens - wanted to make a-;good im-~ihal I am '^yL- i. pressioh. I thought ope drink0 Now, wp hsvV •nWw-i)ii(iiM-; DISCOUNT CHECKS WOUIO Help, DUt One led tOtwo', out stpnrilly fnr IhrA^'mnnlhf''•'""'• ffitc,.I_don't really remember Last night was the topper-Hle whHl; napppnen hut someone^hajLhis arms around me and__- .i_i. ; -clso'drove Mary home.-,—--;a's.'--he lurned'to~H5sTBie": he " £ :? — Milton Scho*>e nHd,.0|t lefl,.and AMn—- Mary and. I both aMfHfw4-fhpr-^rc^L.Aj if • u^.^.^ u>-.).t--_i- . • . jowl i'trouble~ .„ ..„. „„„ __ r T-Txhairrnariof the. board, respectively-for-theDeari —I gr4ml)an-asse<^lier;-What correct. How caTf turn onr - ' """^ : •"•' evenings liitDTomance instead . wirhy:4J2' stores—In New,' Jersey,' tyew Oave of a medical examination? I •.—- _ feeI~illtB-Tr-guinea-plg.in:a. You ma'dcan impression but laboratory. '•<•'-. :~~~—~~ ' 'he one you had hopcd-t& ' make. However, no mistake is-rlr»i«nrt:lrl~~ ' ";";1-^ I •without—yalue=if- you- have "This 'young ;nianaaundsii_^: *> !••• learned, 'something—from it. (hough h"e"will inaEFa good ~The' trouble: Js that some rinrtnr Tn|to his littla o 8 lcarn u 0Uv r . 'V" ^ ' y servances as a' compllmeptr have. learned .NOT to: use Wh.oj "else- notices so muehT ^liquor asa crutch, you are-^about you?.'. J: ahead:7 _l-^^_. "• ;'.-' • - --o~o-- •- - -. call Mary^and-telLicoBndantlal'to Franclnei —r^ -..••i,Bona!d—TlCX-Heymami,. we(.e sciCC|ed fronr.Trentbn-I ; hef^Just wjiat you haye told ALyouuigc, you should date -commissioner-iotrrthc—New . sini,, priK(ln nniiJBoEaeulowii-f \~ met VVith;)uck, she might givg a variety of boys, In that Way, , __1 '.Jersoy Department of iLabon,-,^-^!,^!,!^ tnrougn n I you another chance. _ you can learn what you really..^ZCZZT...... -and Industry, Ihisjyce'lrimr Spcda\ recruitmonl program ._ :r±-ri_.-.-ftd)-- : - wanU-WhyXKBttlff-for Hating .. nounced thaRO inmates..froni ()f „„, ^e jersey Department .. Dear Pat and Marilyn: ., just one boy?, HJs like having ... several .stale correctional (lf. - • Please settle an. argument onedrtss whenyou could-have——-• ; I'm having with my father,, several, """•"' '"•".' ' : :• ' Here's~what it is all about. •' ' ..o~o~~'•-—=ss=; re-allowed to wear If you have, a question^ . -~ rSkillsJ;'enter in.Trentpn'.,. ;. , mechanics, combination". -ranfstosr:hool:rthlnj< It Is an :; jie pat ana-Marilyn Davis." ~~-; "Thi: wr ; is. !S_..n pilot pro,)ecU-we|ci,,rjr--un(j^gi^p|jjc__;)r4s;l -.excellent idea, but my father^ Copley JVcws Service, H. 0. is old-fashioned and says he \\QX 190, San. Diego, Calll; -will-not allow me t wi)l •• qualify them for-erri- HtnuaLors of ploynicnt upon 'retlKnmg-to—(ioWil-v-Board of Kilncntioii I aofitfty:- ^f JJ>1»*$T~" au|>" . V()ca(iomrl=ScTm"61-Syslem'.'." raementsj^it-es^enra pnson 't'RFlnslructioiVs-wUI-bo. gTvon ifornnsrBSing sought by Gov. far evenings per week-orcta le 'iOweek pBfipd, will) three certainly hours diHLOlcd to occupatiimnl ,. . . employers-ofr.' _._„. lotablo human. -iTaini»K' aiidTine.iiouii.tjLuasIc HILLS GRANULATED HILLS GRADETA" W I trained manpower will benefit Edgecbmb,' l^from—-a—sutvcy—Rutgers visor, of the Graduate ScEool • It. lvUniverslty~lswcb1n^hrctin^"lo:'.dT,^ - andL-if: Commis8inni>r fof T_determine-the; needs in-areas-^—s-'Somerbusmesses _. _ --'befcomc. ._ ;i^= 4 prnprnm,"' rnminkililn'nr iSili'iT I relating to natural resources- vojv.cd___ln,' producing, , . (he program is -funded under -I '•and agriculture. prnww'elng nri^ marketing 'ot -.., „ itann-com.niciilBdl, , .- .- .)i,t, , F(i(i0,,ui \hHipower- About 20 businesses and food and. ornamental ', V?mmiss")"Pr" Hc>"""nn Development and Training .i es-^Uaich—-as nur- pi uductsrAnoth^r large group—•— Saisaidd ' thlnO • trjlln'OrGS,— eafiJKMI: AT.,—rx*r^•TT«^ :..i.:..i. • i.. »,.. j :, , Ji/-i;"!i-S^?r.-'- «! -.''Acl=fMb'CA)'-.wliich,lIi^Now-| scrymen. florists; RSTfien provides consumer ~sqfvic(¥ _•;,_ .nearlng tthgibilityjror-parole, •. .)crKcy;is iidmln1sror(aTSJ:tlic~ -centers-.—T^lTdl • _various unknown a ^decarfe ago. ^" - "•" • ' - "f~ Klalc- Tniininc 1—and I manufacturing and "service Environmehtai UtlllzatlM) and ' —" TorganizatlSHsTTIar'e being prptectjonis^a'-third area of , '• 1 WITH ONE DOUBLE DISCOUNT CHECK WITH ONE DOUBLE DISCOUNT CHECK WITH ONE DOUBLE DISCOUNT CHECK askedjo listiheir present and great-concern: "v- :.%, -...---L^;-:•-..<"" WITH ONE DOUBLE DISCOUNT CHECK WiTH ONE DOUBLE DISCOUNT CHECK WITH ONE DOUBLE DISCOUNT CHECK a i : on-an annual basis ' ' •'•""' •— -""iirW'*f ' Thr Qiuirftlinnnaijri' scofc ~; GUARANTEED- •-.- -.-. JBle~Cllliton'7~iii'tl'd^ -yYai'flviiie lefnrmatories .since, HBB-educafbrs'-aFRutgers respond:determine,, trends, for ,env- • '•'•" JlEAJfROOF and VT IVind " ~—To.a changing technology as-ployment opportunities;- .'VWERPItOOF " its type in New »Ierse,yrsMice.'i.t...'._ •^=—they"piaTT for:the future;,:.~~~ Assooiated with-Rutgerai lii wjjl bo heltl (uilside coYifincs of •.-iliijtnslilulirin, l-raiii hopeful—: CO, — provided- by New -Jersey-Departments ofrAgriculture, " •.!his-^-iyff()rt?4vill ronIrib'utc— I' businesses' Jn natural. Education and "Tabor - and": ' ^tfrciiniiiKful I y Ip wilTd ( . resources and agticilliure areTlIndustry and the New Jersey rehabilitation-of the inniatcTrr ri£rz_'~-^^~ .'•-.'"'• oouheir •• " "v~ '•• • t;oiicewpd,'.'i§e!^0_ste!L added.. r r^^^Three StoogesL :£»*£ MEAT GROCERY^ • •••• ^oast-Beef BOUND" ^fessb^Bejms^ TOWNI Eye Round RQ^ B*3efr;: m*1^59r "RQasting QHickens w^r Spaghetti Sauce PflooR __ Corn^FJakesj —College-— Of— «)JiUIB.VTHIWOPD«THIH««PL»Ci » I-Nite of Nostalgia— onFriday, - « r:r L everyday DISCOUNT PRICE : Shell Strip-Loinliri^LE-i ~ ~zxM ?1>49 Spare JRibs ^^ Hills Stuffed Olives Hijls Sugar=~r- - .•••-— -m49«^: " at-fe-p.m:,featuring " AB*1:59 U.S. Gov't. Inspected Joe Boltoh.'' fie will :M)gpiniujgr^?BBKg~!j" present^filmg^-of~ther-"Throe- - Stgogcsj^mcludlng pne movie Fresh PorkShoulders^ Broiling & Frying Potato Buds CSSJKR CAN £**'• IHTflMor Prinks^: r^ Showing, how'the antics were ==tisfi9^ Prdgre8so Vinegar »NC -v-j^ascr: Rpyar Puddings':-;'—! • filmed: -J"^ ~ : _' '/ry^ : fu.; 1972 £ JWhoto Ghrickens- ; & 124 SPIDERS ™<*e CUT .. L__a5.79 Veal-Patties : LB.89K Pope Ollvo 011^ •ICAN. O.t Hms Prune iluiicez: ^37°- . "Officer Joe"~appears on ••Ib^"'. Ib. thy WPTX-f V - • Stewing; Beef Pnrk I nlh •«. 7S° igo.aa-65^ 29^ Wishbone Dressing ..u ^program da'ilyr-Admlssion is' $ Split, Cut-Up or Quarlorod Ib. 35- open•* lo- -the^:public— and Chuck Deckle -d LB, 1.i5 Cube Steak c LB^1.39 Hills Facial tissue > «*- ..„. , 74J-IM0 ^ ^ "I Nestles "whatjbns will be $). per-per- • OPb'N IHUH5. EUg, TIL V •-.- Torrtafo BONUS BUY v|> BONUS BUY son,7 _•-•"•• ••-•'• •"•.«..•• •(•-»)- HiMs TbrnatOrSauce ta bt Fillet syeitg^r ^LB^ 95 ""' iato Pa? •iJ&Ht^- »1^9^ SBlfliiclfidL rulder^tealfc»Huei<^" ipc-Etaaalect peppero^ to MOW?": j ^shhtanr. Violetta^/DelMonfe^ skB«3*Aa« «SE r%%;29«5 r m Toiffam^jHtiggs?- eas_ iSar^wfe'E m '•zrzgira ii ms m ilBWWW! W«WJ >r7-^^ Rlankro^i i mm : ; m^ m^o^^Bromm ^s^gm&im * ..i : a kv' 11 a T'ROZEM- "PRODUCE Parkay Margarine MON DAIRY', Birds Eye TSas^- ^Chopped 3-lbsr;&-ov«r sn imponea bnouiaer |bl 1 Cream Cheese BREAKSTONE , W 45° Baking PotatoesBUSM"* ^si, I--" to39° Spanish Onions JMZS& Lamb Chops ib TtMPTEE Creamedt Spinach m^a^e, X' C Hills .Cottage Cheese '•^»69C', everyday DISCOUNT PRICE ; ' Florida ,Gjr?pefriilt. I/|O8SI^1FR •.••• ••' ua69° Yelld^ turnips SH88)^ Banquet Cook in Bags • a- *••!> 1 : Axelrpd Sour Cream m Florida Oranges WLiwfe ^ 69° Yams ^•vssitiS!'^ '-' "•' • • -.-• Hills Diced Peppers / Chtckon, Turkey, _„• Tomatoes1 -SoA.c'iWV."[.-'. E* 23° Mrs. Filberts Margarlne-om ..•JML'40" Birds Eye Tasti Fries •, Veal & Salisbury Ropsted Peanuts $s&t'; Sealtest Yogurt pi^ •""••*.-. Howard Johnson ASSWI^ Swanson Entrees ? 0 everyday DISCOUNT PRIM Red Delicious Apples >t >S^,;.Wd49 Hills Orange juice. v : f ~ ——7^-BAKERY"- Combination Sale California ' THoCShTiS^^rtA^^"^ Vi-lb.. 6f EadN Easy to Peel Whipped Butter Arnold Raisin Tea Loaf Celentano Pizza: V:' r romeo Rich's Chicken Roll ALL'WH.TI SqUid OAUPOKNIA ' ' Arnold .White Bread, Boiled Ham & Swiss Sunkist Navel Oranges] •Cuitolti IniUllallom •Special DoilgnorFlfilih«« Pecorinb Romano\a«Aw KM."' • 'VLB,8.9° Whiting 4»H«u?Hrr Arnold Egg' Finger Roys. ,, Foil Dl>pl*volSlldlagDropervscreeni-CustomShutteri," BRAND NEW Imported $ 4 29 C Corpellng«ndBoai|)r««dEniem'bl8i . ' NEW FOR : i Hormel Genoa Salami '•[.-i • •%-LB.99 ' Medium Shrimp: Hostess Assorted Donuts " 1 Ib. For convenience In. ipecffylng, planning and designing. '71 SPIDERS Extra Lean Pastrami . .LB.M.09 Stuffed Clams fli; Gourmet Muffins B^MV Decorator SHowcawtiat opened a trade ihowroom for you to vliltwhej^ you expedite the entire plan Under one roqf, ..


!i •x- •"*•••• •1 .;--.• ', r**^"' • v x^.: :.T, ..,.,,,„.,.,..: R February 10. 1972CI Trdilsidfe to shdy/ notes the .Bayem'Vcrein-Newark held its annual ' Cook-Af Nenjeth, all irf Union; Al% Schnejderl firmer-and ,0ft;tioii^f_officer«. recently at Ilildji Kenewsky of irvington. Walter and Si** «;Milfen^sfice:pre8ident and legaTT- por ^e past i2 months cdmmitSeirof the film on nse< Farcher's Grovp, Union. Paul Ulrich of Unlpn-' Margaret KrafLuUrvington. Paul Ulrich ahdl in county coanserQrfierclr.'lnc: *nd chairman of the boards of the two areeaa scoschool* * havehave, ,bee beenn e exx - Board of the Gill School In Bearnardsville, and- • nloringjaelr sharig foc lt flt' was re-elected, president. Bill ^Ild of Union Christine Wild or Union were elated to leabVthe' v fesources plant faculty' - dance groups,---.r-—•-.- —r——V —heart rtlsfaRPT^II ar.cnunts fnt/ mnrv thrm hntf-r-- nonaW"nrRuaitfin>f Cranto?dr-«-jW president.of the«J>oard of Jhe-iSt/Berna/d's offerings. ' " - " ... We've.fiot a Problejn,1" a color,.. Union County residents -Hennann^lrich^o£[JMort-"W^^xl5Ie£lJEd- "WheOie,ajjpeiil:torcpnlrlbiit|ona cornea. ^.ta72jhaual giving campaign^f-theJcollbge'a -School-JnSladBtorifl^anneUneed-thls-week an- r^V hew school will provBea mbfe varied" .-.sound fHmrwill'beTshawirantOT'tJnfon Co\inty • fitryeBrirom'Jieafrdlsease."'•""' "~ please'respond generously. The need Is great,- --Alumni Association, it "was," ••announced this i fkii -treaBurer. .and -KaUiTe KoeBler of. Union, gyiji on Saturday", Feb. 26. at 9 p,nu'I_. .JiJ__ agreemen. t . curriculuiilnm Ih.i'thani eltlieIIIi. acliuu1.l Ii( epai ttU3iy~Hm—1 U I Pat*; Commission's Trailside Nature and- ' estimate was based on an American Rlnaldo concluded,- ' wwk hy rinrnnn- McriTrr Jr., of f trmuud. ^i :.••":,• eray . I On March 1), the Bavarian Club will present."' ~tu merge Iht twcTInstitutlons effective July i: ».nK»ir «hl fn nffpr Th(» rurrlmlum will inflmfr"' 'I 1 •"-•-'--•-" i predl^tSn that f L Qther^afflcers are Richard '.Ulrich . of a Marchfest at Fardier *Grove. Music will &'£.• association president. • Under' the' merger agreement the. new. u> •'•-••••the Unit —Pla n •an d• It•s options' of travel-study on Sunday at 2 p.m. ^ Jerseyans would be fatal victims of heart and ' Rudkin said gifts in this year's annual givipg Maplewooil: Oscar and Julia frnst, Robert by the Knickerbockers and there wiU' bje- Related disorders during 1972. said State stitutioni *The Gill-St. Bernard's School". Mil abroad,.directed study, work-study,.co" f-Bayarlgjt-enlcrtainmcnt. — •* . '' *"' • The film shows the dramatic fight,lo-wturn- effort will be directed toward the proposed 600-. <<& ' '•.".' _Senator Matthew J. Hlnaldo— " ' is nanfied be located on two -campuses'; •UpDej,.Seh"obl exehapgB programs ana a " * _-fJ_^ *•• • •-£. •...' the crewmen of the-Apollo 13 mission safely-to... ~seat amphitheatre to be constructed between"^ g l capsand J : (grades-9-12) oH^the Gladstone'campus and- me uiu ben "9-ZMKG'•'"' T I earth following aq. explpsion on boarcl the . The Union CotinfjMAalrman said Uiat nearly x, •- ^1 -• ~ ~- u I* Uie. Noinabegaii .Building~nnd~the Campus '*^r: • til .1 Jl _ • rt! .-..a -J. • '_..-.• ...' Lower-Middle Schools (grades K-8); on the since teroberand has received considerable*- service module. It emphasizes-mission control«' •~- 8i«o<)-o^the^weM9iaii-5,^ouTleathrnrOnibn Center on the Cranford campus of-^Unlon Bernardyyille ial ^ " a^aBEia.; County in 1970" were, attributable' to car- 'and spacecraft teamwork ln'rWercoming the College. The amphitheatre is part SI tho fourth ^~ traditional simfialer, or trl-melier schedules. dlovascular disease. ~ ^ Itfe-or-death problems of Apollo n as well as phase In Union College's master plan and will The new school wijl also take advantage of the worldwide reaction to the'crlsis- be-bsed for otitdopr' actlviUes, IncliBllHy—''. _ experience derivediirom-^he-new-^readfng-- z ln Percentage ofldealhs; from, cardiovascular - SEIKO .Also on Sunday, at 3 p.m. and -I p.m., Donald" Jgtaduiilon- ceremonies, concerts, dramatic.. progranT- at St7 Bernard's which has been ;... diseases, we have a parUcular obligation, to Series to include w. Mayei, Uirectbr of Trailside, wilipjesent a performances .and similar events. ' •-.- , developed with" the cooperation of Temple -a. support the fund raising activities of the HearF~ program at the Trailside Planetarium entitled :~i . - —'The amphitheatre.will be dedicated as a - -University- and Independent Educational _A£sodation,!Utlnaldo said,_ ^^_!: "Star Light -'. Star Bright." This is the story of —^nemorial-br. all' Union College~alum.nl, ex- "- iwp N. V. sho wsl Services- c^-Prliu!eton~TBFTPeaain^1..skIirs I •during Febraury,' frpjcli' Tias' been 1 variable stars and what they tell us about our ilnad Rudkinr - . —-r ---'-^ * .;• 1" BAVARIAN-CLUB OFFICffiS-^^mt»il »l»aed bythe^oyerri.VBrain Nework Inclods ™unjverse; The same program-will-biirpresented t Month, volunteers from the" The: Center£toi-XonUnuihg: ^;wBTion'-^'"'"1'"o^^"S^k^wl^ i. and is -widelv Jhewmarj^fe_ofJh(Lcarripaign,-according. tari 7 (teoted, 1r«WF-raW);Tap^lT^^ Koehkr, Hilda ) TRudkln, In to obtain gifts from as many Newark State-TJoTTege has announced a Spring , SS, i* VerV^c^^mem«lbIoav •<: ;\ Association "will 'be • Soliciting KanewsHy, Julia Ernst, (second row) Al Nemeth, Hermann Ul^cfr, Robert Cook. Bill: IComeseean Iho Tfailoide-Planetarium Cfi^s^ajjprilyjji5'_ BSESESiSJiL'.''- Union College alumni as possible, • • ._..:. Lecture-ThBaEFWs, including %l: ^iT^^^ttV^^^X^' *v*i* rwild, Presldenftciui Ulrich, AJ^ScHnerder Richard Ulrich. (bock row)-Oscqr Ernst, i aTa'perrbrWa'Dce, iffs necessary to .through (He malls and on au-hottse^to-house ."We have mailed notices to as many of our_:_r productions at Vivia^Bcaumont Theater of ^ucatlbn thtough the merger of the Gill and Sir; Olympic Star In act|o ^B-tlcke(-fr6m-the-TpaiIside»ffice-on-the basis.,' • •: •" ~"^ New Yor|rtity.-The Smtay JJ^^ " Walter KraH and f ^ _;i"XormetatudeMts.:us^wo-can; locale in-OHfer-tiF;-^ T» proud-to- brlno you Seiko he show. Tickets_are issued on "aTfirst-J li: —'BecauseJ»f-^hg^urcencv_otthe£nead •- adoli • auppoi t fui tfic-~many proBrarns' "amf"1— ' Gilt'sTITS"bpyj5:and.2pO girls will brihg^mrolrf^ _tch«, from th« Off leal Timer w~ TservedbasisrCh ;x „ . ..-art disease, the importance I _commuiijtjf services the College offers. We are Duke Gardens opening on Thursday tht ,'72 Winteterr Olympics ymp.. They're age~_nre -not—permitted--in • the' [contributing to the Heart -Fund this' month' "Th^'rnS-'S^ "^^EMlw;" . ,eproUmentto400 immediately-with ;roorafor •• automation. So • hoplngJhealumni will respond enthusiastically- uie wuunm_.Jnpni.j)i. p __ ...... expansion. '.-. •-•'•—j.-,- "-'i ./.-• '.-'.'/""' tttinjl Planetarium chambers," .' . cimnqt be" emphasized strongly enough,"The" : lukelLGardehsj-^merviUB^^ijl^^open-l-anlawarj^or7ji[jst}t^Liighed. and innovative^ If.' jewelers as they .have in past years," Rudkin. said. ;. • Theater-goers will meet on campus^at-4ym.——In nrirtttlnn tn riwji,pfln'np _-,Q_n_M.onday, TuestfayI~W.ednesday and :-,: -chairmanCdeolaredj. "Although progress has- ight for eveni|}g toursrThe greterlhoiSBrwnF^'liof UculUiral leadership fromJhEHorticuItural "The funds can be the impetus for:thaiextra for pr^-shbw.talks. James R. Murphy,'fa^Ity^^^pit>videineeded_.fipaoe for ,_» , open, every Thursday between"? nndiO/pTn"''Society'bf NcurYorktThtraward wan prwgnfwl" THE DIAMOND STORE Th(JrsrJay,.Feb. 47:,pt•J-frm.iihalf hourrnature^ beenjnade In reducing the number of deaths. ; lfJcj;flrj^ch_prb^dos:-^uality--««--nll- j>n=~-—' TtiembenoPthc-coHEge's E^plteh^DeBaft'iiiehtrr--. classrooms, and laboratories. By locating the ' : Cornor Morris & StuyvestinT taHyfoi-children wjUbe-held injhe Tfailsirfe'" \ lieservatlogs are essential- . —----• -'—at thivannual meeting ofithe society .at the Union . . Prune tut Q/aii preciate and¥morTiili» with tlnlnn i will dTscuss the "production, provide -- Upper-SchooHnTGladStotie,; the^Bernardsville— Duke Gardens Foundation recenUy received Plaza Hotel in New York. _••—•• wuntto see maintained," Rudkin said. -background'jnforrnjtibn about the playwright campus will have the neededfathletic and ^_ OWHOVISVS Hoscale -of.-'i _^ ces of New .Jersey;"' MARCHING MONEY —^ C * Riidkln, who. earned^his^bacliolor's and"- • and his style and'explore the era. —"""—~~~~classroom-opace.for Ian' anmiidlng. Lutvei• - TheTVailside' Nature.and.. SoienceEcSilefels-. - Union,- regional direct "AAdrch'--g^btm'es: • S600 -proceeds frorp—banoflt .-• . -'. ; - v v: • to the college approximately 11 p;m. __Z-L.. _=jfte.combined boards of: trustees have ap- ^1 •.;;!:' .'the^UnimiGountyiP^chlitrip Clinic as of Deer •''" .--": '-a1!: '1071. ~-f :: ^^.: '. •.-••-. "' -. . The $30 fee'includes-the lectures, bus Iran- . pointed John H, Wright Jr'.Tieallmaster of" the -apaiaation 4o-and from Lincoln1 Center^nnri—nut *••' :''.-.-—-'—" ineoibcrs/Thc. fees7Jir0"$12SO-for-nH!mbers7r;0bs7 . 3,881, Kanwood746,Garwopdl81. -Union^nd^KflflteUi^.-Deen-iH.raed'^ SIESffifotjiOiMtftmberKandhaUratefotteens. Kenilworth 260, Linden 1,7557 _ _ -ChainnaH-nf-tliB^ijntoH rniintvT~Fniiiinv5fB' professional-artists-and. craftsmen throughout the 1-. featuring KenwooJ — GaVrdrd-^"Pjckeilrtg —- Otdh Klny has dance. d ns~solois.t and in the com- , -Also^Mpuntainside 138, New-Providence 399; SstaUv-^"""*'^ ' "^ ^ * Marc countrvh 16. .• wil l featur_J 1e .thi s 'exhibi '••.t- thrbuch^h — l-to-wall pany of JosJ e UmojiU , UiitHth CurrierCi , JefJ f DuncanD . Plainficld 2,798,-Hahway 910 Roselle 594 •Bea-6ol'danJa.works_ar'e:|ncliided^»-thB'N,J. a"ii(J Valerie Setlisiind. EJinrt'eld's Americ.ai££iRbsel)e "Park, 1,444, Scotch Plains :ate"Twuseum iri~Trenron~"and "the Newark Hi> hdu parforwedin noyCral-Broadway: '"" •—••••' uieum Collection, as well as. other galleries jle.vistoii-shows and has been" the.guest^^WestfTeid-liO55,,Wlnfield M7rNbrth"Plalnfteld astern artist in many major dance oompanies. ' * -1,6B0r."r ^ i_—-L-— / • ;—--,..„__;: you Jiuy DEEPrRICH TEXTURE... —- -May, will teac1 h the techniques of Joc'Ximon, ' '. Dr,» Jay W. Fidler,'. the clinicls__medica: l SAVI Doris ilunip hroy«nd Charles Waldmau and theV r~direclor~said-tltere-was-an-increBsc'iiri971 in -byJheibox '[ class wilj accommodate the beginner, In-' the amount-"W contactvwlth-patients by-the LONG WEAR, EASY CARE tdwaedjate^ and-the-.advahced dance,student?- .professional, staff. According to Dr.'Fiaier' rnlnmnnlru ,oencOuraoe the mi -and-savd InforrnntionT1ndTescrv'ationsnrirayi5e--&btained^ rcjwMjL^ TniceSchachter-'atthe.Artist and Craftsman DRAMATIC SOLIDS OR ; Guild. :••'--- — The Keiiwopd- KR2120 AM TM 40-Wotf byJnHin/the V.office, 2R9-HH2.or Mrs." Paii'r ^iiah(-sUl^unlsJif:se^icc^ll^tiBlcs-in-Nev^ seek v publSfice ^- ' i*.ieo Receiver has, athonft its. many ~ iw, chairman.. 51-354-0458; ~ ~—.--Jersey-. -, , ~~S~—7^r~~ ..'.:. ... '• • ' • ' _ CHARM STEP;SHAG .TTC pHfeatures SjepjType_Ton«rCpn|rols O.ut- Cogswellg ' as directoctr of domestidmestic manuTamanufocc- VO-TONE...VALUE PRICED; / turing for Schering Corp., is responsible forth v « SimpleT '_2Jpui y«rm\nah fprl2^eiref speakers wHh" bank J ffonl Panel Selector Swikli, a new AM^ company's'.manufacturing operationsrat^lhe"-^v ; THIS CARPET BY : in JSIewJeryWii and Puerto Rico plants. ^M Signal Strength- Meier"and a7- Eront" -GOSTVbESS- y^W ii'Pan»l—Headphone Jack, The Qarrard- ^tecMioncfoy; BRAND HEW HAN THETSVERAGE REMHAMT t 0 ' ' Sample Sizes:"•-" '. X?&5P-- ''°"'rB^ilibus;Ddrnped Cueing hloiiiri—hnnlr - gpntremyl—*yy_ -'" SortetPoine Control,-"An'ti-Skaliny Cunliul -l3S»9-rr^..'...;.".K..LZ7J.88.:".,'..l'.'1 , : 12M5 .^..'...1)9.80 -.: ond a-Syncrb-lab motor Lor^exacLspeftd. :.-:; Apprentices in thc plumHing -field arc .being-—foutulalkijia; and to work from blueprlnts.'oral !rossr-will"bB'operi3lor.pH)5pective"d6nors »;;.;;, 143.76,. ; z^_recEuitcd -by-th«rr,Ioint-ApprentlccsHip Com- • and wrifton-JnEtructions^-Work nt heights at •^i^rfit-.i—;---n^_ATE Magnetic Cartridge ' T Millions <>fvktims Monday between~l^and-4i30-rt>;mr at West-: ftlilleo (if thft"Pllimhcrif I,nrn| Uninn Mn, 74r, |n ) _ihnTi)vy KMtfari-a mny-Yw-rirp^rvA-- minster—Presbyterian Church, North -and_ low as 2 gramsr-To complete the system JlUzahi-ll) ^.nnrl Ihp....Iginploiuna—Contraciors-I . -. _^ Salem avenues, Blizabethl . •: ,.;• |. .,r;.30'MONTH, ^" EXCELLO.... „.•.,'.... r"!wo^OlphTZ3;Wqy~~Acoustic~~buspension •99—^ Heart-Association; supporMibyJhe.1972 Heart - There has been a decrease in blood donations; .- meiiolWoliNeWVA'iW" , Washes T-, .Speaker-Systems containing a 12." woofer Applicants must be between the ages^jf 18/-——-—-V.lin/C' : Oil ., ^Eund Campaign, which jififirig conducted here - ^u^fSthe^prevalence of respiratorylnfeclloris, ~ iLIVEIllESLaOSBOUI M I. « MO • . m l a IABAWTEH TiRlsrsAUG 3.0a T' " ,•••" ":1T5». •-".'.. :t i\ V' is' '9.0fl• •'•;' « • •" I5.W - *00 -Saturday, —-•'••^••:.."--.-..: ..-_ •' ..__—1. For : ~ Applicants must bc'high' school graduateapr . I9.« >.!0 I "A Dayan the Theatrej"M - possess' .cgiiiyalency' certificates.,.' obtainJa Tmr-79^ .^Jpjloi^Ofct'tilicirie* bf" fitness;•• and'—furnisli itsabacksLageviewliflifein-the theater'r M _-....„ . „ , COLLEGE BOflRD EXAMS ftconductedunderthedrrecu'onotDonald - u ."' yllda Mantella, p^ nDhigTschl a 8 of lhe BROADLOOM CARPET '<( wparaleh'164i.i).>-~—: •-—• i nof-North Plainfield, drama instructor at~ f5 !? " ~ ^!m»».-6- 4 _^__- iSIZEri*- :-•- :--. records. Applicants.must be residents for two Uni ii-C0UuHu.uiiu^3lfadBefcto--th"e~Br^atlr"~!!!i')catlon committee of the t._Safurday or weekday clatses In basic varbal— ydarsoftht'Uniort'rjurisilictionavhich-iniludes^ ..jsnd mathematical skills to prepare for April ' A — • ~ - - Union County.'Unit; American -Glark, Cranford, ElizabetlyGiirwood, Hillstdc; ' •., Scholastic ApTltudB Tests (S.A.T.) FIIIOUS MILL PLUSH Cancer Society, announced . weekr^tha't -the • FOp BROCHURE AND INFORMAWON CALL — FEDERATED ELECTRONICS ed for.-cSSetteaZbf—th^T' this-weelrrthat -the • fourth PILESPECUL annual cancer' symposium ~ CURION REVIEW COURSE Mm OF FEDERAtED PURCHASER, INC. m •T? rPremtum^ —An-aptitude test will-be adniiutorecDind a be held in the Campus ffh. V^ '^ H '*"" . Center, theatre/on the Cranford Caln^ bfZZ^f?T J?^7. March~2-~at director: A. Panfazes '|)ersonnl-interview-will nlsp-h(Lrequircd_j—:_. W lBnd s H7e-)5/B55«lS . ^umbn-Collegtrfrom 9a.m. to 4 p,m JHeScouts.- .'? . S.fealf House, Rt. 22, -tvery well known rwff ~~'^Apprentie!s!emblidhl •Mountainside from-9.ram. to—I 1 ADD »I PER'TIRe INSTALLATION . All pllil, ~"l U5J.S. Route 3:30-ifrm. 992-6070 -T^ 992=6010 a;l=.E.T_TAX-OF Vc-^O.;tK;-- PER-THTB—-~i| 1 Every' wanted'rtlor-gnd—-I -J tifa«lt.*AA*All*i BilJnliftij hlnKaip-- - •' •"•-.' ". • ' -"—-- _^-.:.* ,. , SPRIMGFIELD j^erjye, in "addijiorrtof ;J HOURS: OPEN pAILY9 A.M/TO9;3S£JA.iSAl.$ A. AUTO SAFTEY SERVICE SPECIALS g tUSHIONED - c Solid, f^eRIe^for- less!- Berkeley MML FLOOR rjavelvyheel vlbTatlon-:problerns? tssex w IliSTr1, Un.fLV.on -tire wear?. Le.Of |-|l Jvvi experts balance your .wheels t.._ JI fuu (on innon EREST RATE llfiu;--—you'll get a smoother ride "aftd jygl, "fonftgrtlre life, . ' •

"scheduled-this—wcekcnd-foEj: BRBNDNEW 8P0IN —members-"and guests ORIGINAL •.''-.»';"." .Union^ GountyHikingClub QnSnturdaypMillle Schiitz OZITE Jillette wuiioadi [a five-mile ISg.fl -KOOEU.I'OlWESJa,. ram,ble in-the •South-MPua OUTDOOR ^BeS8tvatio»r"?rtic group --will i-JHlARKNliii'H t nt I-tvitiii' f-r^vif ln~1no ».-B|.rt—a, r»aVYaili

eulhrvrinrrSlMtfaitidg stsfism-i'.

^AacTmofieytp youoiur TfocfofgddtWwIiilf wJiifie yoyoiiu "T- 99 Bci'reman"of Wcstfield; will'., OH- BOOSfES •add excitement to[.yp'ur.iloSiMIRis:..., ~"7" •lead a group in n. tour of the' DUPONTGAS '.timu'sembnt area at Coney .lass". >. BOOSTER i '.. hahelsome, iong-wearing| easyrcare . m4 Island, a desolate sight Inmlu1- - Doot kn« ifwnayiBam • full 0% «t B«rl<«l»yl Not 4% floor is big.oh.styie and value! •:-.'•: wfflteV; 'Tlib" meeting' palace- Is 4Mi*4, 4UM aa at iwnt othw Institution*. Earn . VIMTL flSBESTOS at the Aquarlun\ entrance at from day tn to day out, * If your money la • •OOOTd OILTREAtMENT Tjfl.* OUPONT •,10:30ii.ni..The group miiyal$o.. . ptf/Afarnow tq B«rk«l«y—.we'll handl« •» th# d«tal|B i," Improvwrpowr1' aW ^W foryoul(*Proy|dingMmlnlrViu»rto**5Or«maln«to' . TILE v visit Shcopshcad-Bay—I •'• ,~L - 'DUPONT -iitkAMm KREX 1 1 ,til# thi«t you can' ' HAlir AND STAIR RUNNERS - SPECIAL! ' -,—Porr-further information" "" " / Gas-Line t dtllit ',eMp En8ln«lcl«in ,^}*§f - . TAssort6d-colorv^-T-v-thoic«-.oi_pott$rni_oiwL—: concerning Uio hikes, qnitact PER YEAR . t." • 1 OUPONT 'TKANIMIIIIOlTlaiaiM I A' FUOOR 'ONLY weaves.,. asserted sizes. Cash •• 33 ' n'n«i' 11)0 recreation departmbnt of INTEREST COMPOUNDED > FASHION iDunbl* •ml Ion, - .A TILE ' . \J^ '8 tafryi: lntrBdJble',yaluesU.^*^l^^'-y6 I*idi"^ : . the -Unioni County Park- . CONDITIONER. SIALIR, - • •• ' ' l ^msw !.':•' AND RAID QUARTERLY IGENTEF1.-. -:\-':'-£~ la'allhk'"' .«r ,; . _ .J..,,,^ >fr!

| m strong: UGTI hears" hyp - SPRINGFIELD AVE. & o «N,!«V;MViiiior.M.D*n.Yi , ' - -r AUTODBPT, OPEN SUNDAY. Berkeley offers you a full range "of. -seryices" • T JUST 112 ^.ROUtrTB-lJINlONv. I '.""""•' "••r-Npf«ipoinioi«'i«i ifMoMBineai»w»iF ••••'Y af Englisli 'cldsk . M BAVlNOB AcfboUNTB ', • BTUDINT LOANS ' : .. , .,Wtrti«-v»ltnrl«hlhiTlm)lqu«nlllli», $ $ •n.,, »»guJ.tf >• T^jm • Tf iMl • .•«• ut» now t$t d«(«U« BOYS' 9.Q0 to 16.00 values^ AAahysfybs anql sizes dvaifable. BOYS' ^rfcbroh n. Hollunback, M MOHTQAOM LOANS SHOES • . "' • Applies to, 2"|sair purchases only. SHOES information- sctvlccs for CBS • 7 Radio, and Thoinas Finnegan, ' .Aih fcbout th«i^ inti many mw/aAVfi BV.-MAIL— W» pay po«taa«. bdth wnyW.'. :* y I" unsocial*;., director -for ; -SPRIMaFIECIITlp^ •»..:,-.. • „ J. n . VALUES TO $10.00 dev.elopmiiiit. at- Soton Hall • S occit, ,lniUr«dto'»W.OOOb^P-S.L,l,C. •• ^ T"«'f, 'THurH,lSot*9 la 6 • -, . Mon.; Tu^,'., W.d., Pel. 910V/TU.,. JfSot. iunlcatioii8~\ln-'rela(io»i—to— r MltJB ^w , -U'AV^ rV- —-• ^^ • ' ' i " ^Pant^fttv 9tn 3i^Qi T^)ir«l»u^n, ff ««H| But, SlSOfo r ,. • '. • k. '• tjieir positions, .to Kn^linh . , . TT~- ' Othar otlicmm InNawaikandBait Hanovar - ' '•'•'. '"M studenta, •;-

• "-• I' I, . v ' '••• ' ''(,'• 1 ^^^^ V. •/ i' ' '' *h , ^ •^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^P^^Hi^BI


JfcNeil-tojd-nie-groiip. . iticouah 't...,.B vu. .^ lufses unit to equip the association inadequately prepared .per- _._ „ ^_-n»j -^ ,,..Jiy-?un New-. gonnei To'Huhjlcity ChoirmSm- Would you lllc» lomi help egins anye-.. p^^-^, 8he FR.D/VYDEADL.NE- In pr*porin|| ii»«»poH»l 1 AKoal^M.ooanewmenibere---^(^^-(n^-iii.. ,ln)ft'B i^, - Pay Items other than spot' liio«i? : n»uWhh« m uu»jinl i OPEN ART was set this week by the New natioaal ranking in lhe area of , news, should be in our .popirandiiklorw"! . . Jersey State Nurses' mental health and the dilution office by noop on °" Submiyiog N.w. Re- NEWARK STATE COLLEGE ABSOciatlon in conjunction of health care standards P'ra^w • >-'•»•«.»• ' With its "Calling AH Nurses" •••... ' " . ' " = NON-CREDIT PROGRAM OF ART FORMCOHMUHlfF 5^ '. The campaign, which .is;; scheduled for April,, has thF • Art Workshop lor Parent-$nd Child ..•• dual -.Duroose of . increasing LINCOLNS ^>-MARK IVl _•'Beyond ReallsnvUJijiieriliindlng Modern Art ) and jmprov MBRCURVS-^ COMETS MONTBOOt 'COUOARS '•••- association prigramsTor CkPaST- OATSUN5 '•'•-Painting- ..Prlntmakino; Intaglio Processes nursing and heflfthohrnughout • Prinfmaking: Relief Processes TT" - the state; > Puppetry Workihop lor Parent and Child :- •Wfjrk»hopin^«lc^rj»mlcJWchnlqoe«7 ..-campaign "chairman Mrs. SPECIAL SALE »-•- e Workshop in_Bas!c Jewelry Techniques ces McNeil of Harrington 1971 LEFTOVERS jlWorkshop in Furniture Design i •/•__. Park at a state menibershlp clinic forrepresentalives. from eight constilueffcles. - .ForA-Ga+alogue; Gall The Office of /The "Thelflan, Is to-Increase Center For Continuing Education, $27-2*187 mernbership by 25 percenj*^ .TRAVELING. MLLECriON --, .Three Setori Mall. UnlVerRty student* Lfcom Africa exomine-icolorfol :chlldren_r bopits In thstrnative languages which/Ore part of a )ray»lLng:,UNICeEJc6i)ecflon:"novv open to the public ionexhibit Jfiahe McLaugWln ..library on the South Orange eampW-CWtJoJitldht. qre.O^WXdofervf Akwelbf G^°,1a: ° b»»'"«»»^°|*>r; >VofUdMiklt»Hrt_6X-Thailand^'graduate busTness- •s*uaent,ancJDa-IIngWangQi Peking, China, a mdiorarrAiian Studies.

techniques |n jewelry-making," Qontmort-—^-r -^- —'-•Jils will Veexplored in thejae^lgn and .<•'.. - — of uniquq e and IndiyjrKiay T piecepeces off elD!. Ihe Workshop wlltifneet Thursdays, . f 0 to 9:30 p;tw;, Majccir9 to May 18.V' -• •"••-•—-^ '•"—•;• X. •-':. BuchpeK'h' s w«rjp^.'wilivrb^js:on,problerfli__._:,Jh^'wnivf6oiJis7onproblJ: . .; i" rorrt rn I l^-il—iS^'1^^^"-"'^^^^^ furniture " • VC f~XiXSl Ulll|»9 . \' designenjphastvjs-dasigningasitotal'process,

6^_H ___ V . ; A catalogue is available by caUing.of. writing the CcHiterfor Continuing Education; Newark' i. .State Golicge.Dhibri, N'J; 07083' SV-mF-^r^ .vV.-mcrtfefer».^j^e''Fihe-4rt^^«rtment7-Thc:. —+•'•• -"- *'- -t - .-• . , i workshops. ninSet, 10"everting sjessions beginnlni i.E PRICES -.; i.-'v—•- Visiting pn •'«. whe3 ahd;.use of. _ _,..,.. = 1 night, wish to enroll irrjlartshorn's' , Dr. James M.. Ault. dean of theT^Drew. . Workshop in BaslcfJararhlcTechniques, whicji University Theological'^School, Madison,, has will rneetTuesdays, 8.to; 10 JJ.m.rMsrch 7 to^ announced the appdintnVejitof Bishop A. JameiL" Mny Ifi. -••••••-• ;Armstrdng of thp p^nian qxw 'ho United • •_.. ' . a' The Workshop in Basic-Jewelry Techniques,^ melodist Church,.toJhc Fra-nces Youn^kcr designed'• by• nnoriwin; will deal wlth-fun-* : yosburgh visfting professarshlp for theJI972' "The response was'qulte overwhelming- -'We-weresurprised'randpleased * _ damental fpcmiaU^sfaiiricaUng-and.-finishing-JEErjoibse'mesterr"'' . '""r—^ 17. ."Vour do* brought results.•''•-* Bishopx Armstrong will 'conduct the so f/iaU wijl.no longer require — that your papers gave us far more .'TheologiqalSchool course^ChrisUari^MrriisTry- in Conjempora't^ Society," and a continuing Twos, .able to sell my piano. FORTHCOMING _ -the-bd for-f he entire {ourweekplan--'— Replies in ourJadJor-p-lsecref oOf- ~ Contemporary Sectional 3 piece lulled back -os;origino//yn3rrongec/.— ——^f;—^--


OIL-HEAT COMFOftt ""Trorrt the response /haVe-r-eceived • :"rrfice!ved Q very nice job Htrqygfi. it is-opparent that /our-circulation -'^ "You sure helped me cr great .deal _ -tO W^COSTriUXU RT FOR HOME OR FACTORY —-—-—-the 5rJ.;.better than expected... ^_. is truly-extensive'.ih rjrfc-bnd /through fne ad..\riyxwpapers -^r — ECOMOMY IS A BONUS ...' .. >-v ..-- qncrVwori'r-to thank youjjety mucH?' . ___± "r'::.OTrroun;ding cpnununifies.^ ,_\; ••';. No Other H»otl« Cloanor^ r Mako reioi-i/allontto>Ulf tt)i Eurof>o»n ~ • .;Or AiSofot ^.^v Olympict In Mumch, the TUIIp Festival In. Hollaiidlti»wlMR8»lval In Brititii • Ing— vf>? 56 You-Money ^ •• "•• " : ,.*TACCEPT.-:-•:• ::•••'- —.,«,•• *," .J"'*"'* '."._- i. MOST-MAJOR CREDIT CARDS" -Ott^BORNER - &jnversions and - I Installatlonsr KINGSTON CO.

Stuyv»s9nl Av«., Unlon;G.nl»

_6B6-O690 •

IvW -—During this sale period you can-save n-biq-SWO, on. oacri~^~' -—i I' ]ol- these magnlTIcent sectlonals^XheyJIILaroomwitrririeir . .;- I ~malesttc-splendor...addlng glamour to your llwing _rc

who operates on himself " ,Jj.. • "".".*:-'•

fct -=IVT:5T—T

l£*s an oW saying, but.it's neviBr'.niado H &.R Block's charges start at $5 and ;rooremore:, sensesense; "Ther^ e nrcn»merjob8^n~Hj^ -that-ypu Justf don1 t !L.^ 6yefe7-,milliotr-rcturns wo pi ax.- .••• Arid,/-If • we make any MOUNTAINSIDE

""•""It* 5GS5gctS^Wfffef^^ !!'i yuui choice u) cunleninnrary or traditional styling in b slately colors, Oil-white, r'j?!, opve green, ligh! blue, oid gold, Your H > R Block rts. r nnd mink. All in Lush Scotch gunrd crushed velvet! SUBURBAN PUBLISHING'.CORP, . " ••.;' ' .- ^T representative Js spe- C^Jr "round tax service and • r -1391 Sluyv4iant *««.. Unlon; N.J./ - „ ' ' • \ •;..,,,«•"••• :-i''-' -I'. cially trained arid can v. '* .assistance."' ' ' "" 1 providp inforfnation on 3" Come to the company Tradilion.il Sectional • .." ' " PUai« Irtiarl th* follow,lr«g clqitllUd odi .• ,.f *•'.• ;.v;»i-'i. USE THIS EASY WANT AD FORM ' legitimate income tax' .^ .,_.. ^t that more than 7 million .. - , M. ... . 2 piece loose pillow back benefits' and opportunities . • :• "; --.-'• Americans placed their con- £35 ,' that the average,.man on_.:the-_-'-: - fidence in last yearT Come to street, doesnt-even know exists.,;' the peopitj' who will fill .out your i: -aiex't_ino6me^.iax-.J^tuyi efficientjjfr" "-'- For instahco, do you--kno»t-ali about-. v i ^^"^-H-.^ out us , deductions' for child care or-|casualty , quickly, con/identially. Come'tp H & R 1 -7 losses? Or,'that if your income, increased 'Block.,' .••.' . .'••-•. -..,,'.,;•.. ; ••'» •; ' • " 10 .•• , • ""ovcr'lhe'T>^t_tow_ ydats^yovrxnay "save: tax dollars by'Tncome averaging?" And DON'T LET AN AMATEUR DO 'pVon if you did, would. Jrou knovy how to; r t • • • i 12 15 H»R BLOCK'S JOB; ,'•. - go about '.'injtome averaging" to begin .•'"•. u • "with? Probably not. And Jth'ere'si no rea- son why you, should. After nil, you'ro i , i7 IB ..iV V on ninntniir when it comes to doing ; H&R Block. NOW IS THE TIME • II oddllfon.il wordi ar« r.qolr.^, otlacl. • •paml. ,l,.«l pi paper) income tax. ; •• . ' • • TO FURNISH EVERY Deadline: Tuesday Noon z±~ - ROOM OF YOUR HOME .1. UNlfeN ..liilM'errta Aw. IRVINOTON • HM Sprlnjd.kl Av.. > All ot America's Most Honoii'd ••: V*f»' » •;;...:t4..y....;.....;:..;:...;...,::r.v ...... :.„....„.;,...,....,. LINDBN . 311)W,'St. Otaro* Av». • •• . 4 CLARK - H WtttKvM AV»" . PORN Brnnd Names ; For Thursday Jlub Heat ion i--X^-- WBJT PI1UO--JJJ W. Soutti Av.. ' ' I SUMMIT • JM Momli AVI. 'V' .' - '.,". • Over 20.000 Items On S.ik- PiRTH AMBbv j. uj Imlth•«>. - 22, UNION, N.J^MU-8-5500; [• Ad Tlm« (») ,',..P.» l.n.Hlon Slo«ln 7, ...".' (DiiU) /..., ' IIKLIN • Uir O«*< Tr«t Rd. 1 0 I HIGHLAND »>ARK . 114 WoodbrldBt AVl. 35, JVIIDDi)ETGWN, N. j.-671-0400 NO LESS THAN 10% OFF • |J|A"«>>"»J«"»il"*o 5 ^ OPEN EVEBtV NIGHt "VlL••9t36-SA>. TIL 6. ^ AS MUCH AS 40% OFF -|NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY^ -USE OUR CON¥BV1ENT CHARGE PLANS

'.'••• •• :'-\k

. ••.1. V'' •\ \-X' A..:-: .••••:., ; : :;; ; IB-'-V* - ••.;« i"'- '*' ' r-' r" • •V ;••••' =-V».— •J- •Thursday. 1972 _ rize^:J ;—-^r~—.-.^••, • ^. 7, Make certain' thnf a.)i'rinoxirnrtd''Vv;ijndowE arc securely locked-For doors, a pin-cylindei' away, give y^our lock is considered best, but any..deadTatcliur \ GardenGijb plans : solid bar lock will" do. ... .-•-.-•._ 7 "jSchbol Consortium "i:-~i Tts aTtratmeans of-protectlon against heavy""1 ppearance {mpncjaLHoss frorri, burglaries, the'Allstat* q week 3 vdcatfon ;••:: y - • The School Consortium of New Jersey jnf- . regional nianager''tirged-farni]ies_ip_:c'arry_: eage, volume marks ".L. -nounc^d-thift-wcek that' the Allied Cbef>)ical Getting ready to take your family on a winter Ih order lo protect against returning from the adequaUrtosarance against thefts. .Corp., Morris Township, a,nd the^tncrjcaii 'vacation? . .--—•— —~:-.~— More limn • 163 nii|lioiv-vehicles rode the .the.thlrd highest m(inta in both categories, —--NationaWlank and Trusl Co.,-MerristQwa,-bimL,. ftki-slopt? or^southern resorl to find u burglar "A good rule of Jjiumb is to carry about *1,000 •Garden Slate Parkway. In. 1971 for nn- average Thff Bll-!lrnft high tlnglBdjy for traffic on Uni-wtihaUlut_inmnrr-^w-hn4-V»tf.pH«Aug. 14 of last gfleld will - «'. " -FJowcts'-'-wUl, U> - s~--j«t ' Aspbkesman forjhe Mrs Barnes .Demaresfs honie at'1.265, Wood. BchoolSrcolleges, aadiiiustry.- -••••——^— j' your liome," he added. -Chairman' John P."GBl(a_ year-when-aft-eslimated 710,000 vehicles used as2 = c askeo readers. "Have you,ever winter burglar"; warns wmia^Ho^^»«? ^^^^^^^tr ~ : —ftirs'H-^wrenceTTGairjr. of CedirGrove at The new memb>rs1iip brings the consortium . Do-m»t~cJose~ window shades, blinds or Jersey Highway Authority, which operates'the the loll road. For a - weekend volume of the -Mountainside Garden Club's meeting 1 second honeymoon for a week-in- I'y MMrs.mv . Gjnnj : ^^j3Urii, i ilrtirtrliirtini g f.fjyfj > regional manager of the Allstate Insurance Ihls week that the record Companles^New-Jersey-RcgionalOffiee—!—: curtain completely, only far,'enough _yehlclcfi. Ihr Friday thr"iigh-8tttWtfty-iTrrloa ol .re.rstuaf t witienberg ana your own villa in .larrialpa Wi-Kl Inrtlp-i with n indflpeodertfschools: GUI, Bcrnardsvillei-Kent passerby from seeing in.-- - IcleTOIJTlie road last year last Aug. 6-8 was supreme with over two million Hunnell, 15 Stanley oval, Westfield,. . ,.. ..a'^ook, maid and a car to see the p^mit; Delbartoq, M6rristown; traveled a total distance- brwelPdver 2-1-3" MpTJack Goldberg are -co-. "'•-: 1-Install ah elcctricaVtimcr to (urn lights on recorded. ."';.,. •» . . ..'.'. .,' ~- chalrmehrThe-ad journal has Mrs. Gall, a lecturer; teacher and the winner. jautiful sights of-the island?" ", .;.-''.. Mfrlstown-Beard, Morristown; and Newark 'eluding.the Warner Lambert Pharmaceutical Billion mjles. The Parkway Is.173 miles long. J r arid off. These timers are inexpensive /and- for literature »f numerous awards; is a nationally." -"-The-Woman's Cluli lias 'arrangea d this "dream"' Academy, Dvtngstonr-The consortium has one Co. ' . . ; ...„ _.... The averagiFHIily traffic on tfie Parkway * ^hT^lcles UBen compiled yiider ThT • . - ""*> MwraiUDf la u llativiiaiiv- ,,, i Ji ~~ " ' : easily installed. dlrection;airf:-Mrf, Wallace accwdltedflower show judge with a master's lr'P 'or two as a speoial prize at its "Jamaican university., , member_._, Fairleigh Dickinson,^. The' consortium^ now _operates in v Morris",' .„. ., ,.^,.=_= ,—...... ~~~.—ay, is ffie^-.durlnglbe past yeaV was 44JT,t(32:vehicleH.:wlUi_.. an.....d 2,379,539,^9. . . . .0 .vehiclfctrave. l miles on the'' : = -.3.Have.lhe4iuLofficepl.yuj J Parkway compare with~UieZprevious year's Caflan. Mrs.'3oel KHplaTnfs "'"--• Lfiast-president-of the Mendham Uoliday.ilum Swjzzle" luncheon, fashion show two meetings"&£$£ ladison,-and three industrial' me'mocrsTn-—Somerset," Unioni and "Essex counties; '"'""" you return. Ateo'arrange \fr advance-to have flicme o7 a Hispanic-Amorican literary survey—^ annual day-byklay average for their travel estimateParkwayd' comparfigureaof'15870200e with Tfie_p0c vehicles qnd charge or-reaervationsr— Garden Club and. was chairman of the-New and card party to he he|d_9n:'Mareh.29.a.t.li a.m. your newspapers forwarded-to your vacation esti 8urj3 al tnc course, being offered in College Unlimited. ' distance along-thTTroadestlnTated at 6;519,286 -J 27<>j>05,00™»g^'0 respectively -°Mf8,7Q2,00. ; 0 J'ersey State Flower ShowTbr three years. Mrs. _ Mountainside.Inn, Rt. 22, Hountainsido- VA reports address (nrosLpiipenuiO.WLdo.this at no .extra Union College's program of'ihWi^oursesJor—nJilcs.-ajso.a.tecord...... -.-., ' •.•"-- ( 2.276.S05.000 respectively. Committee members £ttll-isT-wayE" and means' chairman of iiii''^Proceeds arc for the club's annual scholarship charge) and hold up deliveries .of milk and. adults. -j_ ' r^l_V\ ". Following (he"perennial pattern of Parkway, clude Mrs. Allan Feuer, Mrs, - (larden-Clnh nf New'Jersey. - - -• fund for two. Mountainside high sctol girls, .other.dally items that might accumulate flh C o ri t e in pdr a r y Spa n i s h • A m e~.r i c a n traffic, the volumes pf vehicles and their travel - Edward WerfeHMrsv Edward^ , v .-Assisting Mrs.- BunneU-^sJiosteBS will be one whs plans a nUrsc's'tralhlng college course • -—The—SprmKfieid Cliapter uf • Women's "~yourC.d6drslep7~ """" !' Authors," scheduled to be offered on Thursday "njilragrweipe highest "it* the mid-year months" -Rosenbaum, Mrs: Gerald ~Mrs. f ramfHTWfiltaker of Mountainside, Mrs •' and 'he ot"cr a nome economics major. ,.-.•• "Ainerican ORT (Organfzatipn -for'..' 1971 rise irv- from Ma lecture onJndians 4. Make arrangements to \\avp snow shoveled ..afternoon, today at l:15-p,m;, atJhcJPJajnficld y through_Ottober. While August . • , ShulmaifTsnd Mrs. Louifl. Itchabilitatlpn through Training) will hold-a • Mk : ? ed , RobertErnuiisdn'pf Rahway, Mrs. William- ;.This prize has beefl :madc possible by -o/f your sidewalkjf the woatfier warranjs. and campus of Union Collego.will feature 10 wBckty^ ~« dg July fprjhe monthly traffic peak,- it was"^=- A-dempnstration-leciur*-dA-uFC n "The Indianndians of Meyerowitz. The entire affair Mc'CdHum^Jr, of Flemington arid Mrs. Eugene1-—J31113'5^-1"3 and Apartment Rentals, Inc;,- combined board and general lunchepn meeting___ SKI SHOP bortie Ibarra." any circular iniyotiritfailbojc'collecled..-""", .sessions..including readings and discussions ol • lno roverse by a wider margin in the matter of New Jersey---the Lcnhi--Lenape'iwill be given" Is being held .under the "••• Hermann of Westfield. " I: — ' Morris Plains, through Johanna Frederik, a next Thursday, Feb. 17, at 12:30 p.m; at the ".-Notify, your neighbDhnilrdTtlie-pollce of _: ^internationally. „, recognizers-—««•--•••••d Land• «v«.i<....•>;«•*—•>-—•_;--•^n^acclalrncjd > -l.rav.eLniileage: / . at Upsal.• , a -College ••• - , Pas_t. _Orange , - ,• „ -T- , directorship of Mrs,. Seymour m home of-MrsCharles Lubotkin of 15 Cottage ' esda from , At a recent board: meeting.'Jlrs, W..'.Carl - cnbcr of the club, who fs area sales manager ._/L..M-ycar—high' in the i are leaving, where Wu can'be con- TTispanic authorswho. convoy the true essence August was 28 per .cent over tho annual~";" y 9tai0o:mTi}y mfessorjjyron Dri of lane.: "'"."'". "-,:-.l•"-•'--r:—c:-~-^~-- _ - Route 22- Scotch PI n ^Wy and means'vJceH '. Winning-, president, appointed Mrs. Joseph A. ^ company.-All travel arrangements are_ number- of—GI- home loans id '"!•<•" you" vypwT f» return '.'. : f~ -jhe -Latin spirit." 'nr>njjjng~rn"-Pr-gr~ averageiliiily-trnffir launl^nmnp'r^in inly'g .-__Stuart of Westfield, a memborof-ffiirtfpsais" president, " McGroarly ef Westfield as.program'chairman rbcing_ made by Towmnd Country Travel, Mrs. Leon Silver.-president, wilf conduct the ..'.— guaranteed was recorded in 6. Makcilistnf Ihe serial numbers, if any, of Adrlenne Hawley of Westfield; assistant 27 percent above; whereas July had 40 percent faculty, from 1957 -tQ. 1964, ^hp has Been for the coming year with Mrs. CurUR-G- Eyes of " " niceting. She .will: present a progcess repgrt-Of'J!:.'rj- ^11233^0675 ; 1971- ——-~r~-r-v i 0r e trav nl Dinner- will be provided by v "valuable ilcms.TliiswilH««k«-il-easier-for the—pi"f«isui ' uf modern languagea at...Unio!r"" P' ; - 8''' ''eage.than thoannuaUayerago - .prospectinPP g and .excavating Indian artifacts . r_-J_....Millburn the various "special projects orr^lhis year's- • ? = lCullc 0 Ambassador. Caierers, and -: Scotch'Plains as 'assistant program chairman"- ! --D6nald E.' Johnsqn,. ad- police to'Iracc-lhcsc items itrcase you"f-|i6me^- E and Instructor for Ihe. courso. '_. against Augustus £2 percent above'."JuneTvvas slncc ^—Mrs. Ereeman-E. Millerv-a-dlrwior-rof-the wll.fbe^displayed by professional models. Rtim agenda... , .'.'"* ..,-" •••'•.. -•;'--.'•-:—• ministrator of veteran"! at-" M "" Mrsr~JCrry_S7.ajiger pf 80 Twin Oaks oVal; ~~ r DANCfCHAtRWiEM y™ ;!-_Brooks Joint Workshop-,-.«nnbiinced a swizzl, t e -punc ,„h an, d a. .-ful.l --_--.course. —Jamaica . n —fairs,- said-Th"e^284^W0'Ti?rne~ ~ PJIigram entitled "Less is Morc^" will be held--_T.'-uncJ!eon. w'" be served, according to Mrs. UrpgtanLchairmflnjTinnounced tfiat dfter the~ T^Hoaris okayed by tho-Veterans—— 1 Jiusinesajaeoting she-will conductaTpnigram"7^^ tih »n*y ipjifi . jrihcl-'irarConcrcgqUonar W.iHj«m-R ^Hnller «-tig|rmnn "f "M* ""(?"', lilt % I I •••< " • — • . » .' . ." ^"_ pg'* » p m thood Sweet m ^"Admlnistrttlon Jn 'W\_ ex- Editor's Quote Book Orange." 7 Mrs_JwiUiara-pK>koolmer held. on-Solordoy at-tho tomplo Cffurch Mrs C PridSilzIer of the GaFderi Clubi-^.TickelSai $6.per person maybe obtained froni entitled "Through Thesh Doors" and.will in . ceeded the 1970 total'of 167J00(J___ of Wostficld-will demonstrate thejechnique of Mra- Donaltl-Hancock.,233-6627T ~ . ,:r—r. (roduce a guest speaker from the -United•-—,-,.. '" by 70 percent, and represented *^_: -usmg-folidge to enhance a minimum of flowers, - A "Chinese auction", will'be-held-by the club • Jewish AppeaL... • " ",• ...-' —— ••":'• the best year since_19577 ~ • with members-participating^^?' ' . > . . -•_atriheMountaihside:Tnn^Wednesday at noon- . Mrs. Szanger said: "Besignedfor; sensory.as-^-^- ThfJOTl ga1n.was attributcd- ; -Paimieri-Fries wwen^s4ntelleetualti6th^opa S Joseph D'Altrui, co-chairman, have requcsted-_ J!!; cquainTwomen-with the serviees-that are . IDA great improvenTCTIt in .-•^agBniBnt piclufgs^-There Is no charge (or = dllllJljrijar —V._.y:.:.•- MRS~NICHOLAS M. WOOD8S__ —^ the-^npunternenf,: whether wilh or without a§ troth-announced__L _ —mortgage "wonBy~rof^li3ia«~ .picture.": -Persons..submitting weddwg_orf — _ •-building and-biiying^—• - engagement"jpJttDre^ (nay enclose the 55 L Godfrey Bruckhaus and Mrs, Herman"Banach. slidesr nartalibn annive^'dramalizatlpif-t< •' ^(2) The first .full -year of\ I,.. [ Thelilerature group will^mbet on Feb. 24 al .illustrate the scope of these servlces"and their '. payment or-iriclude a note asking lhal they s : 1 _^«perati(in- under the-Ve"tcrans^^ ! s I-.:.' .-._---"-''.'.-.•^•—v'" \ "" ^—T— , personal-importance to eacK-of us."^" : ; •- jllpujing Abt*oH970 slgnedby- --' be billed.^-"• ^ Mrs. Howard Walters?- membership ylce- thePrcsidcni on,Oct. 23, 1970. -.. lylCtlOlaS \n/OOdS ~. - i'»llll'lll"ilii'iiii'jiii»iii"iliii|iiiiiimniiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiliiil ~ - president, said all members are, invitedrtiy— — The law restored "eligibility for—~ " attend' this 'meeting, featuring' the -united Joans; -to veterans-bfl-WorJd—- JgnTes""Dr""Wat(;rii "Jewish Tlppcal..^ War II jind_the Korean__con-. (|Uarterntaster —;T^fn«^;Emma-Sa"rhb7Jdaughter of Mir. and^' —^percent., loan funding fee in Perth A.mboy, will •' -^rs: 'Domlnl. ~r* historyrin the maximum., in- the •ceremony ;in' the••- Holy Family Chapejn; discuss the new- novel by Herman Wouk terest rale-set-for-G.thome ~Nomlnatlons~f0r-~iiew t? Cpllegeof St; EllzabethrAreception followed at 7 ".Winds of War." Rabbi Shapiro Is a graduate., .oans. The Administration tlicrs,. will'be' held .it""tin-" thp^-Manor in West Orange;—^ '—~—— of Brandeis University and served as an Army lowered the interest rate from. - -meeting. '•'-•-- Mrs. uarbariTSammet served as matron of chaplain in.Vietnam. There will also be «i B horaoriiand^^Horia Menendc.7,.of, Boston, Mass., _P^abody_Award-winning tape by Arnold Dec. 2, 1976; from 8.0 peVcent . se,rVen-"as "SauL of honor. Bridesmaids • were ' Fnrslcr of the Anti-Defamation League to 7.5 percenleffectivc Jan; 13, Rcfreghme'nts will be served Mrs Morton J Faiucd'manisl JoAnn Sarno PicpeT-Qf Springfield,' Anita ! -^-. 1971— and~1hen-dowTr-tp the Paderevrek|~iwas named ^TSantnci'r'of tfpper Saddle River, and Doreen^ "'Weiss is program chairman Mrs Saul Black ••> TENNIS ~= present - Xo percent rate"pn= ^4 Mayfleld of Unlbh. •-' Feb. 18, 1971.-: -•-'-"" '""'1 pojalid on-,Iaii. 15, 1919, ..Hugh llealy of Indian Lake served as best. . man. Ushers were-Walter Fannlng-of Roontnn, . u I.William,Salzman onryingtonrCarl Latirin of^ Sisterhpod sponsoring . < IIKISTINA RT KOtFIIAtlS Elizabeth, lx>rther-in-law of tKegrpom; and A RCIJEEY I Slourleak poses -r-Thpmas Flatterjtof-RedBank— -••"- 1.. -.. !clgss in^poprular dance .-Mrs.-Wppdi-graduated from Jonathan rrrThe-Sisterhood-«ta!emple Shrffey Shalom S ChristinSchpoljSpringfield,a.nd ^_thc College of SI.Ellzabeth, where:sh(Lricelved- - -Springfield. ayet and Shunpjke rd .Springfield _ WASHINGTONL—>>:t-= -_,: pensive-c • xyatcrTbjlr^bur the • a-a^Rr-A—riparr>p-iB -A-degree in nHr-art- —— •• *::• .^-^-^.—.^ JsLBPJmsoiiSg-O-danccjJaBS with W& Parsons °^oenceBfds)^yeakt teaching-the latest steps. There will be eight Mr and Mrs John J Palmicri Of East Jwill ^-who-was— Jlanpver have announced the engagemenLof be-lack or-sloop^or-an-ex- air f™m a tireicould.be much lessons starnne Sunday al B p m accijrding to ^-..^ .- UJwSfito^ ^^*g^.£^B. Kolfhaus .Of •«,. —-ilie^danceTclassea are. open tt Irs. Paul Fries of 442-BrlyjnUvo.. „",, "*" " . Sppngfretd, have announced the glwy^afety resear.cn(is nteriatlonaLinParsJppahyr" - i is ya'vailable.from, S The Tire Industry. Saftty The couRlewill resldfln Woodbridge. Cnunciil says a recenlt sludd \ •..^8-9226,The fee, is $30 per cmiphr 'conducted by IJje_Brllfsh Miss^Balni.ieri^who was flradimt 1 , Hanovep-Park-High^Schoorr-attcnds "ATrtr J.lT.l'j "-'^'."" "~"<^Autoinobilc Association, in j ± .. AYi ••liayioir Roglinal High Schppl7:____. u^z^i^,™,;. $„.„ - ^.:;dicaies_leaky or JSeierih _ County eiomnnintt?^C5lle^e; -^ " underinflated liresrmay be the t, whb^wasgrdduatedlrpmNcwnrk- Ca C te1 . ngineering, is serving in the United ^^^CorpaS ^ ™ ^^ Miss Axt fo weeK Air Fprce and is sf " " "cross-over", type of aZcidi nt llfiystemn Made Wigs ^, OgdenJUIah. T-^I'hb researchers found lhal - Mr and Mrs" "MorloS Axbof-SouthOfange a molorist'can drive for many H«i«h(="""8 : «"^-&aussraiugHter'pf the iit«-Leslie miles nnd not be awart* then "_ .' —Gauss, was^taduated from Brick Township have annpunccd the eiigagementlPJt_JtheiE-i_- was :ariythnjg_ xipprai^rs^society Paterson Cpllcge.jvhcrt-sho'iT^n Ross H-fjrni'ihy, riTnirmi OfSynthetl !hc_Coupcil: 'fThen wlienjhc : jr_.—T..._:_.;-speclal education. "'"•„ ^ . • & Hairpieces At. ^AJLen F. Flgchi^.f-Sprin gfield,--'chie'r->p'-^ r Miss^Ax_(r4g^an .ajumjia oLcplumBia-High _• ~ drive.rslcps on'lhe gas topiiss ""'"' * " ' Newark—was, £zi "—^Hcr fiance was graduatedlfrorn" Jonathan another vehicle- or "changes DRASTIC S.$fehool=an'd^g-omp}<^^by^^|r^npjW-MiHi)rr---A his Z ; Janes to pasf, there cairhe i>=,^ REDUeTIOMSIL •^3«!S£f^«nge«Hec~f>FM;gxadHi(iea. froinn^: I suoSen and drastic loss-of Jonathan:.Dayton HegiojiaLUigh_School_and -"r~ control.' SOCIALlSTjnLClORY7 holds a B.S,.degree:ln.ch'8'mistry frojnJSen- . ESTHER'SWIGS -ssela'er-Polytechnic Institute;.Trpy^N^Y-Hefs1"'"" —The tests,also disUnvered on a large victery in 7 7 drivers are more -likely-lo \lel jTle'acher for the Peace Corps in Bihar, JndlaT^ ^ bc n ln vl d nr23. 1919." :. int'oJ)jg trouble "from 1- m^r^io^'^fla^e^^kvSn^^, 11 ? ' ^ - Dancing-will follovfclhe They plana-September weeding. ,;.:;..:-,:..'-T" seriouy. .undcrinflatcd" rcni BtJte^ff.TffirtoT^^S^^ *."t^C-Kniphtg^orColumbus Hall, 2400 lire than from' a.^nunciured 964-8730 for appt. ;rine=m"Wto-ie-ia?KSh»tlnnc--i;^Sri Nor'h ave., Scetch Plains.-foefurther., iti-.jr' fj-ont tire. '

for a _^_^^-—10 PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN:^- " ;^± ~WouldyOU~likB~5ome help'-ln"prgpQrlna newspaper releoses? . tires' air pressures1_a.Moast- diagonal^Screon ZENITH 13" diagonal JiFT r^You 'II Love the Change! ^Neu'markr1 of^:excstmgnt:.:.l -Thursday, «mcc n montli," sayH'Ormsby. Wrltg tg~jfaii p.ewspgp.e.r__gn(l ask for our "TJps~0nISgbr , Savings and LoaiLAssociation --= ] • THIS-SP.ECML-OINNtrSEriVEOFR.I. AKD"SAT. NIGHTS FROM 5 P.M..-SUN. FROM 1 P.M. r ; "Motorists who are constantly- niittrng News ReleasosT" __^ ZT- ""——V ~—~-~— ••••- wTt¥ •"• offices serving L ' ' NCNN^AUilUS FROM 8 P.M."TO""" " * ' having-to odd nir pressure lo COLOR PORTABLE COLOR TV PORTABLE Friday &'- -i^ r -"-Miainlaiit-rccommended limits Springfield and Mcuntainsider-| u BILL ME6HAN &"THE~GEKERATlON^GAP ...-:_-J«For Someone-Speclal-on Valentine's Day" —. New -Jersey,~has been :ap-. I .r^republotiw ^pointed (6 the 1972 legislative I ~ Safutday dpaleror-rbpairinan.abouLthez.—:. WEIGHT cpnimitfee of"the tjnltc~d ' possibility of a slow leak 1 States—Savings and Loan .problem,'.' ,.. ..",." . 1 —«..,. .jonn_ p Farry-of Jl council -.also "rccortV-. Compact, with big-scfceiOLbwing! Picture tuuk-iflaknes new,-5harp-locu;s KahdcraHed io. the Zerii.tJu^diUfflt^qu.alUy.^lhis-tiantJnoiiio Contcmpbrnty . - • if'yiUt f fit ItiJ-IH.'. : rpotBirtraTT)l^clron •£uns:(pj'ljic u.lti 111ate_Lii_CQJai_viBwing;- Hamlcraltefl consAjo featuies.-Chrbiiialic"Brain"XolbfeBBmtidiitatofr" Surishirib'it6lor -'Z- ~^----^~. g£.p.j.iis;~-th.B. *r.olfvnHi.cM^LV"^?':r*"i^5T;

« S \ I B S 5 B B I 5 « lSfflSffl!«B«teitgf:«gfeglffiiK!= "'-^'EjjiirMlonTI^.'Triavo cato1i3Ty.jJaait]ned"a*pfoflfBm..(hal-ii^i4'i.«'- :£gAEIB^fagi^WriE^^ :3fiaiat raes^etieSitiBfien^ir _": COMPLETE rjiNNER; '.j;.i-_ ttet i—-—rcsearchersr-: ; i_uD--.i-.'-i 1... 1 • — New Ppoti Pr<;Uuctw : '"• " "V'"" .-'•'"-^soitilb'sfusiits •, ~-TT cars wiih severely un- Satisfying .(oods added We've evaluated many ''. Lincoln's birtnaay •: TROPICAL FRU|T SUPREME • CHILLED TOMATO IUIOE dcrlnflalcd Ures had.a ten- ' to our progrom'that available Ipotis^pnd put'. dency lo wenve ^lightly from ; *Wlillu Oliuier Junket, , weren't there before! new ones pnj tho program. I ' •• - "• HN,.r BROILED CHICKEN WITH DIPPING SAUCE • • ' •i side tcrside, bill that the "feel"" ' • ' • ROAST VfllMONriURKEVWlJll CHEFS DRESSING AND (ilBLET CRA\)Y ' J" i'';i]siipnr-screen pictiwe'in ,i compncl cahinelpljis'.lho.convAiiQilcb 'bf _ , . Chroinacolor,picturo tube for—greater briliiaivco, droiiiatic contrast nnd ' VIVIAHWOODAUIV«OSVI"I;TICS~' ' (••'• • • hOAST SIRLOIN OF OEF! AU HIS • CHOPPED bTEAK. SMOIHEREU ONIONS "FRIED FILET OF SOLETEMPUHA • nf.lhe Bteering was not always 1 . ; •$4ri Muku^UpKli ..„'••• ' • . - 3-ln-l li iduilly'l Irlpl.honui COAT SALE •ivive'l 'base- viewmofCh'ioinacolor pictuic 'tifije^nAi' hJiidcraliod Tilan sh/arpneSs of detail.- Chromhtic.• Brain Cojof'Doiiiodulalpi, Titan 80 indicative of the problem-- KiMVnAri . pl»n—3 projnmi In i|. •; •nssis for. long lasting peiloniianco 'antl'flualily color Viewing., Also • . .•; handcraflod chassis': lor greater dependability ajiikJong lasting T.V •'','-; J , . '.- JEHSEV" MIXEiyQRTa- CENTER CUT LOlNPORKCFfo'pTcOUNlf'mAO'SAqlfsr' •• ' ' —•especially when • cars have - , i •.ir 'Hl4"JWooil llocklo - *Flrit. A wtijh! reducing plan la G/qnif Spring Clean ing So let •• ' ' ,- ' J^"-£lllSP';BAC£IFCrTinCTJ[OMATO • ,.. L-.-ilu'fes-Jot-ypUl'.CQnvQriicncft, Automatic FincTuninfi •control.ahdAulo- ' .•..life.'Add the'convenience ol AFC,-Automatk Tint Guard & suporyiilco nil you down toyuur goal weight, "pi^wer steering.'.A goods In- _ , 1 Houi|ticl • . - ., • QEEF;KABOB,;RICE PILAf; OAKEDVIRfilNIA HAM WITH RAIS.IN SAUCE-. 'i_ dicnlor of excessive un- ilic Tint Guard coritrol.. t/lodol' C4030 ''••".'••:'• .'• •.,,".'.. - range 82-*chanriBl tuning.system. Mbdel-C,4512...- '•„'• ..•..' . . . "SrjcpnJ. A levoling planwhen - mostly half price • .. ' liuXcONMlIX.CO.STATKiNIJUS:.' . you'tii within Ion pounds al. yo'ui VEGETABLE flF THE DAY •P0TA10 . TOSSED SALAD-'CHOICE OF'DRESSINO ... dorlnflatiort is a rthumping" '"'"" .•>_fl!fl..CBrtlhc»te!'oi •""''•'•' gdal ciyos. you adaedjncohliuos. suuiiil-glveii-ofllby— the-tltc -•'- ••• •••':(.• iAcirjuNTKY Tjr>AV,^igu ^-'ilt'iy''«'MLl!lMMtfc8l - •i~'!'he~"trescareners -.also~~| ' helpi you slay at yourpfopo? : OBl> Appliance Centers are Individually Owned and Operated. . I Wk, ut limttiympon Huven. .' •• COrrtE|. TEA"* MILK' '.'•'.' ^ .1 warned that even one severely '."A - "Illxli In The J'oeonos" .'.. welcht while you'ie cnjoyinu an nxcHlnB uarloly.a( (oorji. • A LA CARTE^MENU AVAILABLE imderlnflatod tire can poSsibJy This Moans that at BBD You Always Buy from a Man You Know! IINW VI. 1ST: ., ;.;" cause h driver to lose control ' 1 low as VVI« »yTof!Tuy«doj.photodropfiy.Fiow«r«. I ll'll'com?! irom W«loht Wnlcheri.'. .you know ll'< rlghll • j of hia vehicle wlicn changing I * . • - Join club nioroil you lodtyl - . ' . ' Jlip conycnicnt'Holid.ay Inn wolcomes you to stny; •"• sV*\ ., janes lo pass, of. when 'quickly IT'S BBD FOR BEST SERVICE, PERSONAL ATTENTBON! .. overrfight, or longcr..its friendly •atmosphere, accelerating to. pnsK^_j|.. wan - .Write i •luxurious rooms, and free transportation to Newark 1; also •found •, lhal" an " Im- Alrpo[taro just a low ol its advantages: d'drinfl'nl.ed tire was even . CRANFORD ELIZABETH HILLSIDE CARA MIA BRIDAL SHOP Tuasday'7:3Op,m. • ".more .dunonrnus when thai i •' Thyrsday9i30a.m. ^ . AVOID THE CITIES' TftAFFIC AND PARKING PROBLEMS. lire is bnluT • '<< ' CRANrORD RADIO ta^yshlldH at »ivo-a>vay prices! ALTON APPLIANCIS TOBIA'S APPLIANCI . Shunplke «. Sprlngllold Aves'.-Sprlngtlold .. (igwark Affport follow ''Seryice Ro.nl'- sjR'ns. P.M.' . ;.,—IUBI; 7i.Q0f.M., ..., -r Now thru Feb. •• '*• ' AAonday^Ma.m. '•' • diroCtlytQ Holiday-liin. i ' '• ' . ' ThurBday 7:30p.m. • .. DESIGNER COATS

•.'OPEN'7IWYSAVV'E^K'AMI?tE PARKING •-.^r.'T^ An'l..r'«p«ni) -WANT.Et)'1 > l I'ornirrly lo S7yr> o,l (r. tlier-Cl , V/odne»day7:30p,m. ,. . shower cyrtQins^ugs*towelS'Qccessorjes |. .LUNCH • COCKTAILS • DINNER • DANCING • PARTIES r po0>>'ol SPRfNGFIELD •' '•. -£l}£* till* imwipapvr wjll lV Vet, Memorial Home Corp.' • • '. ; '." ' • '. .) • •/ ; 30,000 nearby rnuJor-JnmiJio> . LINDIN RADIO High 8,>:irkmart Sta, • Union To (ilncii your nil', C(|U*—v I. WILDIROTTIR'« PHOINIX APPLIANCI all sales final 20 E. ELIZABETH A VE. 48B-25»1 Call 992-8600 110'^pmNGFIELD AVE. •••: 200 M0HW5 AVE. 3T8-JWI ./;, -5 U MWburh Avenue, Short Hills : MILLBURN: MILLBURN AVE. AT ESSEX ST. 1 •. OPEN MON. & THURS. TO 9 • (Our Only Store)

•J' •• ••':|' '•.'••••. •• V •.' '•;r • •' » .' • 1 •'' ••'••) '

.•\ -,;'-T^ p .....^

Party. Three enltated WACS have been .February 10,'»972--_i— • Mrs.-Kwempel is-tlio {(inner MargareL-AilD 7 ^is ihdi^pensdbjjgiti t>)LWAC Veteran^ group Srtiitli'. da'ugbjer or:Mrs~Thom"_rJrSrfilth~df"''".- Union. Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. The WAC Vetefani A_soclaUoftbf tbeiJardenr Fans bnng'qppeTiTes ln William G.'Koemppl of :0nion: ' State Chapter 32, will meet tonight at 8 at the A seven-pound, seven-ounce daughter,; chen. Susana Nunez, _ War Memorial .Building, 429 E. South ave., a mother-daughter night (ashion^sJicrt^ In its r Bova presenfthrfspeaker and there Durihg the baseball season Ibe number of hat.-.-O—JMU...Stephani^e Keempe)1^^,.,.^,, way>oso bor««•n• «nJan..6, 1972, in JAMES JOYCK ' Kaleher.lVlarcy Dean, Susan llyatl and Susan ^Cranford. , . • . —Founders' Day program TiiptlifyaTJGO p.m.' The .handbag wen" know today began its life As wild anythliiR-uscd constantly, aogssold at ball-parks, equals or exceeds dPV J&emoriaMemorial General HhspltalHhspltal , UnionUnion, to Mr. and Death came jtu writer James Joyce on Jan. Pavelka. •'•„,„,'. ,..-.,"...-, Mrs. Kobert Marty, President qf the Junli ; •-•_• The group will dlscuBg a-futir-9 WAC birthday iCnQJinr** ' • . ' •_ T7»J.'..__J-ur "i/.. i _» ft :._ in the school. The fashions WH he presented by Hefreshinents .will bescrved in the cafeteria _ Woinan'^uboTCpjinwficuT^ " • fli^imetfpmH^l<"b+'¥k Sl :igfi4h8t Comity nimii. •.••iinomlst, iilllinn^li diffemit really necessary. -<*1(1 shoppingJlata, • .u. .,...-^-T.:—- ^^»^-.,-nf Mi||h|,i.,, . following tho lyiii/mm.^tt-———'••• •••,-,' ^= yomart'g-Glub • • chairman for delivery, to " 4 tuinunuw ui " Models In^tiie sptipfi taihioni will fj£ l alty . A Founders' Day luncheon wawJield Moitdtfy * the liiindbaK.dati' back to tin- 17th- wrappers, used up-lipstJcK, arid many, inany of Connectk*uf Farms,: Union;—state school; ——.—-* 1 Keally Building, i-entury. ,, ' ', , ' other siWh odds and ends can bo fouijd inUa u DiStetantfTRobin Plni , Debbi Tuduro. Palrici; at Wiolalid's Steak liouso "Iii Mountainside,—- Morris-avenue Union, Jan. Slot the home of Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Tomasqek, ^JfieK Chrislihu .Culavann, Pally Siht-k, • Representing Pranldin School PTA wero Mrs. . It is nowlhe indispensable accessory of every ".'handling. -.'• "' • • .» •• -? Kolprnan Kisc of-UnionfHUra:—American home- chairman, HHD (ITCH Guest speaKer for t evening will.heBar- foniale'from about I he age of 10, and men are ''"•'• Daily cleaning is. importannpm t to keep- the Hiirhnl|!j, SI^UM Rff-gpl ly[;lvinr. K=il . 1 unit Pi StofaiMr-fM^sMenl: -Wftthoii 1,— rike> Krayer, presldentTHSHmraiKwl tbattlcKeBrTorthe ~tonru EisW, presldenTi ens for Clean UtETi dUfi^uli———• -•• - - rttai!•'•- •—TTnininnm• -• • r ^-^nneeneea^the ai """' " - - Fletcli . - grin- ~ "Air, who will discusu s ic battle ngqjftst air how women managed in earlier days without ., Purs'e orgaiijzejs hp_tp to ___^ "MsT .Honrer; "Diikes was Garden-Show, March 10 to the lih-School; Mrs. Stanley SiriBIC ' ~" . pollution. ' tho tfvoning will be the carry-alls we have with us all the time.1—^aind.ureveiita. general upheaval wl _ ._ Founders' Daychairman: Mrs." Edward'Boffa~ "Wg$t£- Disposgt Hostesses for ho tfvoning will be | ^app^nled ^liajfmah iojLll»e_;Jfi; are atrailable. Hie show i-i— a"d Mrs, \Villiam JJuphhrn, bo,ird..membcr§. Mrs. George Nolan'ajjd Mrs. Robert Singleton. .Thc-handbaiilias-become such_a-Jiecessary- looking-for-"-your-kcyM. A weekly cleanl rig' of tjy Hahne's Day aHair In will be held at the Morris town :r uccossorv-lKH'auso of the differenl lif»' todiiv's- -outside cjjyejjiejps keep' a'pnr5e~1oTJlT Chatham before going to l r lns II be guest • *? , '. Mrs. Donald Stevensrseventh District, the. necessary cosmetics from the skin ou(7 Hotel In Newark. OUjw'at- Morrlsfown. .. school's namesake,'on Franklin's a v S0 Mrei nald ptn sw 0 — Jan. 17. .I'lio prcscritaiipnwas made by Mrs, m»Ung^rf-— r ' ^V ^ iiy! '" l ^lub ad-~^-oinb; perhaps a brush, hair spray,"a.spare .' tractlohs and demonstrations Mca^Richar_d _i . _ , c . - —• • im-- Connecticut -Farms Business and - MSor; Mrs' Homfer Dukes, honorary niemboc; slocking, a patke't of xrcdtt" catyfi,7 biU,foId,~ will be held; in the Newark- finance and budget chairman, : —"assembly I of. all iipnra.t4be Club ™?-- ^M^ felfwinger, paStpresldenfpf the -. rl«nr.e.t!es: ^if—sW-sjjKiluis),- .paper-tissues,: " ~ department~store-thToughouU announced that saterof plastic Jl includefl aiHiomiQgji' by , Mrs-'-'-Edith - junior.clUD-asw6lF'as~inchilit!iii~nf't^ip,sQ[]if>r mini*; l^py^ and pinor sundry (hings that she • "ihe^day; - shopping bag» nrilr-be croup.- .cimnol do witfioul.-- • . • Mrs: Walter H. HUdebrandt tlnued ln addition fo a new • -The_liandbaK-has. thus become a wardrobe and Mrs. -HTchard' Rauster—item, devuratal lhnjii-kikhen 1 WorneWomen hptwppbgtw^enJbn iht-e jigragers ..-•. ' will bft "W.'rtln T)iKnhc.il " — . ' • . . necessity, but.il also doubles_as_nn added'color ....--:will'-.;gerve—onv^the dlub's towels .She also'announced '.accent to the extent tb;iUlilaek bag is sMmt/Gno-iiicdal depicts'the in ipmlnattng CDmTnitteerandir that a rummage sale is being .. :." . ,rF ."V—• • presen was' announced,, two other considered — - of. t . g —members to Berve on the~~-^Mrs John Mlhalker, card from, Rutgers.. committee will, be elected party chairman, announced r, scientist ( :eived a bachelor of arts position;".;Tht rcfiia>, in creating different —from the floor at the neit club that lick_t_rar_-av_(lable io__ legreejn city .ind. regional' planning, ^n/1 n'1-"— loks'lioaveis.ililcdrihs be inindful tlidlihi. meeUng-Thuradayr-F'eb _l7___he-club's annuaUcard-party— did graduaie work at the 1969 Rutgers Tltli' ldbag can-dominate the changT =-*—— Mrs -Max Hirdes, art ^sehntuled the evening of Feb , VIII Program for \ PracticJJ^g•^l^aflners;'Ss-- ^Although there ,irc many sizes and stupes of department chairmaji. has 23 at the Ellzribethtown Gas „ well as at New York University in public a(L_ handbags.the old basil rule still holds r.h<|f the '-announced that- the art -Co auditorium, Green lane, ..—ministration., Jle is a member of thq New si^eof thchahdbag sliould bo suitable to the department" Witt m'eer today Union — . Jersey County Planners .Association', tl)(' individual. "" J. (rather -than the; usual third Mrs Hirdes and Mrs Alfred -'• Nnliminl.Assoda'tion-uf County:Dievelopinent— ilie-kbyto.scln.tion is liruper balance and1 -Thursday oflhe montbi-aLthe—Stein—haye been -appointed. ._:Co-Ordinators litidtheN.ewVprksAssocfa'tioii(if- " There is a vasli rtiige of sizes shapes and types * home of Mrs. Jonn Mihalkcr, ^hairmen of men's night - Development Co-OHlinalors. : '" "TTrr^" allowing'proper seleeluinb for the dm«4y and 468 StrauTontrdn-Unidn, at 1 BmorgaSbortf supper_aL the ^=L.Mrs.JU!l!iim,E8ulkk, general chairman qf the |iLlite.thc;statuese In charge of . chairman are-Mrs. LesUejF. - - '" Fla.-Miss Berg also is tho daughter of the Injv Club of Elizabeth will b? presenied Tnpsrinv nf " Mih.^illiiiiM^illii nl^' l^Mgv,rhirinmnnh n AnnetteGiordanQ - —-members.!.reservaHon.8,L _~.L~ . Onazy, J 1 ..W'jnrrilQn^EllzaEcthlj'owri and Country r^™ i'*!. 1 Ht .r.'.JI. r> ' • . i' __i mi • .i • . " - - "- —^ Mrs. Irving' Trimmer, Rausser, Mrs. :Dukes,".'Mrs. .made pn Christinas Da^y, H)71;-'. , . Club, Nui-lli Broad street-,['•Elizabeth;"': college and education Frederlok-^Noesner, Mrs. . ^*ie bride-elect, who u^is"".Kr^doatbd from /o wed~tjjn6n man MrsrJamcsJrLBailey, whowlllbbinLcharg5 MrVand Mrs. Louis SlaTnick"ofTJrVlngJbn - ^thmy—Hudsoh—KcgiflnaT" High .School, chairman, announced that a Trimmer, and Mrs. Walter" of the program, will Introduce Mrsr^tenley-E;— have, announced the engagement pf,' Jthelr~ _ working committee mel at her Heiss. Mrs. WilH'am^-Vogei, Highlands, uUended'-MiWrmoultrCdllegei-Slie r i raduatedTfroin-l)rilii«" RehlerJold High School, attended Kairlclgh Dickinson • —— ••' -" Mr. and Mrs I horn is In in6of Union h ut Mr jnd Mrs Joseph 1 Uinnu_of 321) Not to meet Tuesday evening University., lie received aB. Ed. degree from ..-. The Junior Woman's Club-of- Israel of- Union will host its first ^announced the tngagtmLiit of Ihtu daughter linglnm wiy Union have innounccd the :_the'Uriiyerslty of Miami inf oral"Gabl'es, Flo.; • •• Elizabeth will conduct an ;_ . £wara_s_dinnec. Sunday.-eyeiiinij,...-.loaniie, lo Ilicliaid KHIIIIT *nn (if \\r .mrf Mrb engagemtnt bf theil' daughter;!'>Aiitoiii - A]irll 9 aniie ClinloirManor Caterers iiiTlrmin;, CfiarlesJylcSpiritt of Union HL jlsois the^orrnf "Frincps to Joli___lid_U^-of-Snmorsef 5on and has reqiiested-that those _... A smorgasbord, will be served at 0:.1() p.m.,_' Uie late Mr. Glwilis kohler Mi "and Mrs. FrmielsJ llanlp of Itutland VI -whohavefidncatlonal^hftokHnr _ > -T^49rmerly of Edison magazines ,to_ contribute^ 7W '| i_ -followed by upri)^rti)s«»f beef diiineiLnt-7:30;^—Xlie-bride^eTi el- who wu>, Rr.idu il«l fionT coiitact Mrs. Jack Blujsn?243^ PJ''... ."' ••;' =—— '•—Iliiiiii) Hlp.li Sehoolr-lR-empltivcd lTn^CCHlTrV nnd-tri«ndBraro^woto>me-t.V Jaeger_I.uttil)er md Supply Co"Umon deference Systems Division of St indard Oil Co observe ihe-Pclday deadl ine-for^otfier ^-"ahnual Littlei THeater=_rama~"-^"-^»^ I|om," Additional information "may be ob- • r --.—disclosed.'until'presentation), will be-Trtmlirnr^" A.J<-ebrua'ry, \''""" "*> °»! 'a >LL. •_ -- mitiaTplansfoviheawards Freidrich " ib_vtomen—will-serve as •'"o-.-arKncom.,,in ,i,,,_; io )o is.. nrmllldjJJo eB BahrowskjijVIish . stw*Mnn •—• arid^Mrs.-Mel : T.— -...It was^announcgd'-that |n , arrives' on Febrl (npig(>nent of their daughter Annetto Rutgers • several clubs in the area will. .._^.- .^ -i J Pnti ici» 1 is;lhs0o ofMrTaNdM " ' -•-•-•- •• • 1— • HU,^ '.'f MULl " »fi f'' ««d Her fiance,:wluujl-so was graduated' from . The Junior Department of JSSK •''•' J^-^^a"^!^^ . Union lllgh-bchool.isigumor. at Newark State " „„ „,,-», , :: •yx- ••*' l1i -the~New .Jersey- mm loc,inaSs,.riie^V.B.ur:iiard lerp (rOTrsTT'l^p-TmS^^ofr--<-^|lege..-wnere- hfc.is - maloring-in- snccial ,^-_!-___>"' ern -New- Jersey' _[>. of-tho - foimdors=of~tlie-h i r t0i I I <1 • i • •< —• I i^^ •**•«! v*'fl' V'UUO '—• » m *" "~* •'onhc-chur"cy(,"wlirsnfuT;:All'H'ien afn-invitod... gie'nt-graiidson of Herman education. Hels-a-pw>fe^irinal musieliu1mid"a l Dy™"'0"^ -Unitarian .Fellowship of New | x ; ; T „ ^presented a check for $3,704,50— •••'hji - The grnifpispliahi'iin(<;ii) iinnunl Cninmiiilion' -Dohmerof Mn^tet^who will tie 03 years; old oii hicntbe'r of-Sigma Tlicta Chi fraternrty~ " dlnnerand fashion show, MaVcl>-J^at*{Be'_yiffl: -Brlmswjpk^and has-serveBTSs"^ ZZ^dt.o^Mrs.cGottscho.of the Ruth-'i;..:. ^.^SHg 'comforter-ihattret sec ^ Kit *' brkfLXLhZbldSdM'i' ' Feb. 2-1.,/. ".: .-:- -r- -;:."- "•---.A Spring, 107.1 wedding is planned.- '^'^™^_Caterersr'Weslfiffd.-as6naVi-EiizabetHr"'Th"c THiairinah of t]ie fellowship -^__ ^_ . _• ••...... ^ f. __ --=-revenirHy-will'bBglnTit 7 an^' •"'" '—•--'---' •-' Gottscho-Foundatlbri for ithfc;•"".". . _. _._.. ,~~ . ..and-^)(^therKociety—"'—"•— ••- — "purchase of a kidney, dialysis v :prizes,.dinner,'and a fashldnshowlbylMclltta^ta"-,^; -•—^ -•-,••'• -^_ ^ 'machine SaiAirday,. Jan; 29 at **•* putow coyn add charm lo^oiif -" 11 1 wl "73u prefera.nclervjoy truly restroLslesp.;.. -- •• ' >• Schmidt ortlnion. Admission will be $8. It wiia r if^^r. ..'ir' ' " ..• ==^theHollday'InnlnNewark. All d"" N».-; n*"&?" '/"V«. iHiw- '•-••.V-'-Slaci.-' •43YCU 1 1 + el : t P _^^^iuiiiliided IhaLiiiuiiibuismake rcBPrviltlonH by "^i* . "•"'".' , '-"'^7 " *~ ' '^* ---' tihe" Junior Clubs:.U4iaye —.:•"'''"''•'"'" ™'»-n»«i>i*;- :C. March rwith MrsTFlarriVRosnick ofjrvrngroli --;;;,^^ ••.'"coHecfe'a--Betty.--erockcr—i^«^r''D"J°ffi«a^iSiB»«'r _._._ isborn rb Dnipn couple^ paUmtn x l -./"— • \\. ^.: i.. . . "• ; - -'" "^ s * ' , •- •" ' ;'' - ^Tlie'chaptc.r,.:w|lJ_.|ioldJ.ts_Ui(fflllily_mce.tldg_u_iii:ade._wUli nursery" for pre- eoupoils afloTiSve^ent them-to.•'•:; ^ <«r^' '>""'ii*>°* »••"•"• ^;- . ' A..ttaughter,. Staci-Dawiie Kiiiuiipliiu;- was~" Wl :x.r - tonight In': femple Shomrei To'rah, DloSalem ' schOoliirs.J.iia.mcetlnE-will bo •'. tfiei loth Federation'ffplstrict, * t^, .^i.-^,. -—--born Jait;--H,,11)72, Ojurlunk Hnspitnl, Sinnmif.— -ave., Hillside. Mrs.-.lack Rudowsky of Union at IO:!H)a.m. nt the Wcstfield than .740,000-coupons mi nun uimmi^u IUBBIV : ,•.- .-T-v--' Simmons'farnpus quality construction for sbperb comforf and..,. '•'-"•—-.•...... ' : Many of the:riew: plibsphate-frec! 'detergents- ' will preside.'Members are requested to bring YMCA7 i were collected, ' "- '. •; .:-~»MlM, Mt>riU.PIalni,.N,yr:, "., ."••" IBTMr. ariajTHrsTftarry KiUcnpfoii-nPUnion; ::. :..^.O!!!"AvJI»»iiL-Kt.'ftn«iiilsl con1aj.ri.wa^hiiig soda (sodium carbonateKbr- formerly ol .spi-ingfitjld. •-• ' - ,^... their dive to IJvecannisters.to, the meeting. V oclal-seryico workshop , 'vorvonc knows Mi ^ __. -somcothor alkaline cleaning agent. Addlttonal - scheduled -yes torday-attorday-atr-- •proper supportf-and.GOVfiTedanlBicTuTrfuJ3eco?^ -^ pis^thefnjirMirnillp ZZ^jMllOfr-iioda-eaii make your larnidry ™ . daughter-of Mr. and) Mrs. litetiaJllpp. Her •mVrwn-rhing.s rioodod fur washing < hbfMJ jUjm^^6rte0£^Z-L, abrics spftiindfliuify;' P^ w^-id©rnv^j

^uPP ^ ..-.vm^u, ^ UHiiui.il v-^ S r -for the anhoiirfCBTOitv whether T.—IpubijuJti-ng" wedding 'qr orit,_.„ ,,,..3-——„ . \ViitiliiHK.sni.liiiM.iliiiiiidryiiddLliv»wlilclihas . te ^ 1 "wiih • or .-wiMiftut' a pictjile. 1 'erielosp -'the 55 pay merit! "foeoiffly, regained rpjipulin-ily ' uiiiong --Stnal' Hie-. menibersi of the homomnkcrs.'II is iiistronji nlkiili" Hint is ef- Bible study present organizatloii will he Person's submitting wedding SOCIETY .'.".. . *..' '. "queen size" two-piece bedding set ,-. '•or., include o^-no'to dsliing that' th'•"Ys I'li i I h - - ••- or ongegemeM pictures may .4 f !btf billed; I fccliv.o in 11)6 removal of oily sdils.-'As a water .. • •- '•' ' " '' «, . cKfjiljIi-lo attend the IVC level ., t , A 1 ..softener, washing soiln -fiirn^s n pricipilate" . SAMP'v SPT " L.- Irainingjession tp bo held in enclose 1he*T!5 "payTnent Or C 1 in' . which'cnn•still.causwinch'cniiTjIUl.e'iiusec soiisoapn curdsliimK.-."'; - ' ' ' •'.'" • ' '^° °^' ' ••" New Y'Qrk City "torndrr'bw ,-K- ,,- ..,.-.,,-, |o ,purcliaso,\ny; nrtlye! Include a -note asking that 1 , . Newark Slate College, . Ihriii'igh Sunday, -• - ', Tdvyfe sterlJnJ5 'pattorn 3175% off'tlib r.cRiii.i'r rutallVpricdl •'they-be billed. : - • '|\ ' .' elegant hide-a-beds ' • Union, will hold weekly Unbelievable Valves InLlMtiGES " f "During this. limited_ time offer you nii.iy purtluse singjo • IIUilllllllltllllllHIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIII ••••'••"'••••••• v'--'7 • '•• • ••-:• •: • •--: '_ :;.:•-"•• •;•."••••:: '• '"•:•-.\'^lS^m^^SS^m^^\--' I The WIG TEASERS devotional Bible stiijlic's in •' PORCELAIN G(FIWA)?£•'; '. v '. CATERING is "our *businu&s , . '. Willis ..Hall, ' Jloom '.201A,, , pieces,, place settings or com'plotc sots ,iiitj save 25%, on' ANNOUNCES. '. beginning this- afternoon at P.urelias'er Don't .delay,! Clomc in .tod.iy-. ', ••- : : • " • ..!•.••'' -Handsomely'Styled" sofps.for'seating qhd sleeping'... with the -. ' •,••••, V ''-'f'^W^^l'' "^ITS^"1.'''1 ' Tho New Uoh'lwolobt .."l :40. Students Interested in lu ^.e__.l EINZIGERS »,t^$' 1&.49 on ; • •• ,Wo. Bpaclallze In ctoonlnq lewelry tray..Gold or pastel decor on. white or Jollo Povnet • ,. i *, • •• 1 . Madison;OpKolstered-back-5ofaras-shown .4*44.00 ;' ., ...._•' And styllnq of synthetic and Aliethinn' Society, • n/ Sketches. '"• •••-.• ••• .. ','- .human hair wlo^i come-In religlciusly-orlcntcd group FOkOUR FEW DAYS %• i;,andsi)u NkSttt'll •• :• jtyllst. 1 STERLING SILVER SERVING eiECES. ... ' • —Sqlom-wing-buck sofu, u!> shown~ ,W«d, '• . ^•-• 50l0*AnrrlsAuo., Utiion .; . Month .Th OrcMird1' Park ' Vj/eekdayitHiSaturdaystllUP.M, . • ... ..:''. -Gluirch,—-Union .—Tliey-4.woro—. SPRING MERGHflNDISE AND— . Ottun D.1II0 To ii SAVEI-_. 1 1 .. FH.Tll 5 ;Clo«od,Momlays inierosted iii joining the large •• •••| andChlJdreri'sShoesi *' "I " ' '" rrr International IVF, which- EXPEHf H6PA1RS .' _ -^—' : : r— -' : l~"' '"" "' ' ' • ' '- • •'.'"•.' .'"', "•' , . t ' ' ": ' ^ _ ' ' '" • " ' ' , "-"• '- 'f"' '. -1 ,'V J!36 RIDQCOALt AVt... KLOHHAM I'MW, N J 3^7/100 ;•',.• i ffomotir Regular Stock I : — •? "^ A DIVISION Of. NATIONAL MQDUUAR'CON'CWTS INC upcrates on many campuses fi ....'•• •• '•.- •;• •- • • I'M .-..-. I open anlgm8--.Mon., Wed., Fri,J>i30j3.ro. to 9:00rp.rn. •M©n»cldlr,.N«wdrk Qpen,2 ni^ts^-W - .''. '. . / 1 1 ' r-i I. . ^—• *-T —^— -—'-; WN GwAvln MH.V.iftn hi Heucrnl (;dfintrles, • • —r— ^- rSf -,.'. qojostuyvtunfAuo, ''-• In Ihi- w.lnl All RBNTTHAT ROOM-Wlthia.Wunt Ad. Only Uc pur word (Mln. S3.20) Call Un 01 i-I'prcTyio. Ims, explained . eBa,7700. . ' ' ... . -••' • - '. • '• '."-..I .> .1 ! * 0^ynMori.-PrLBVM.', MIX (;;a

•X' •' '•I ' , 4 ' ••• ; '.'••I ••I: ' I •s T-~vr-":t-

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•••-*- •• 'Jf. a^ • ^^-'-i'-"- •' .''.-'' ^''wstoroli^iWfifthjrletorywIthouti^Bssr1'' ;. SPRINGEIELP_iN>J.) LEA.DIR|Cjiursday, February 10, 1972-21" TAm Grazi Minu*emerTbedten;By Hillside Y*tP% CT" PI I !#• *Mi#% ft • Ji anorone of the top players of. mb d J ieo me l o <>f:: Indiana ItaVld I' I^F-f If |OIWP'I.I f *?* ''•'"B"*.;continues to Impress;'Tom agaln^ ^.?J^ f^ :Vj^ ^1 ri^.'? !!' * P? J°hnny1»riefi chipped"in-^m'four7^~;^^ resieu On nwi ^ov.ivijmii t- piajr.ui jim ;oi iHen froun^e Chatham, 81-55 ^.limmy, heTd scoreless for three periods. Uuoc „ ...—'i8-gin?eii«;he jed Iowa froro' joutiri-lhe-final-pei4od to pa<-o theflhro stjuadf"" The Springfield Minulemen divided a pair.of Minutemen-roHfed-torthetHhird'victory of the BpinS^iJc^-—j- theWmF. Jim poured )i ppjnls Through the hoop ' Jimmy hit five-consecutive buckets and home games in basketball action Jasl week at seas&'n by.defeaiing Chatham Townshjp, 81-55. -''»;«^i^'-^^; jjyprpH n|pApnlnt• SngrP^boimg Ronnliffe-Opettuluo paced the team cloge. Neil Melsel-scored nine po|nls^for pTidTSTgrTaaas h j pTi a rseven pointsid pace Maine. A«dy Dobin and procmced a-24-20 verdict over^ Oklahoma, The_: whileBilly Adams wafroutstandlng^n^defenser—Alaska and tallied three points' '- ••••'^zg*^ \ offense, Ronnie, poured 13 points Alabama. Neil hit iff each period ofplay. Craig . Rick Greer were also solid players in the Maine __ with'26 pointsjohnson hitl8_of_his.jjajr ~T *?? y°PpWped4n4h'r«ci-^J , ?y ' 'Vbery vveirforKansas, FrannkTAtalledl . effective down the wire. Marc hit 'Olympics.wrestfihg tournament, sponsored by also/accounted foi;; eight steals duHng x >()l | -^-sWitti tl}e season movinRTnto U " " contest and assisted on fivebuckels. Goldstein fmjshes game^-Rich-Ballord wan a dcfengive standout. fuj'SBaiUve- ^sTioTs from . the~^oor. fioB ' ?! .l " s.. while GreDg hi t fiv_,e points. s.. Both boys the Union . Gounty Ijecreat.ion and Parks —'^ rolled over-Utah, 29-18ri*ete Jacques had good floor games. Joe DeFino and Ernie . .J<*, Graziano had another big game for the McCrossen scored four points for Idaho, while.- M rk tn Association in-eooperation-wilii-the Plainfield led Arizona^Pete-was-a-terror off the boards • Ford played fine^defense, -.,.__, ,f , gelhardt scored six points ma winning. - with 64 points. . . Minutemen. Joe, who is a topdefensive player, Joel Campanella-tallled three golnts. JoeLalso' Recreation Department and the Union County and had 14 points. Pete was hot in {he first half played a tog notch ftoor game-arid- wag out- . Florida stayed "two lengths behind Indiana by "Indianais second wilh«3 points. Brian^llcNSHy"_'•" -- Craig Klafter of Georgia took game scoring •Park Commission will be held on Saturday,— has beenpickingup in the! scoring column. Last as Arizona put the game out of reach early,. Bob standing on defense. Joe-Etfinger-also looked bearling_Iowa' 29-l9. Brian' Holmes paced the ' of Nevada is third with 57 points, Ernie l.iRuori '.-•-' f^M^^y^BU<^}^pointnd ld th i; Jionore pacwg the BuHdo^^ Feb. 19,at-9 a.m. -at Plainfield High School; Alan Gpldsteln of 34 Janet lane,. Springfield Conte, with seven points, was also impressive good for Idaho- • • Florida attack with 11 points. Brian niliiieach -'^Utafl^ffmttluwitb-5iland-Joe'l-Ge}warg--or7 12 rebounds. Most of l 'Ffarlc avenue, Plairtfiel3. • ..••... was.graduated in December from Lincoln L^T^,InxliaM jwlthstood-rthe -tough chalienw-pf-'^^odio help Foorida.establish.its.superiority. r^Teams comprisedof boys-9 to-14.years old his work was accOmpIishebMn the first half, as and plqyyrt ff |np Tlnor g g len are Pete Jacques (SArizonal larters. took "tf~well-deserved-rest-in-the—-r Technical Institute, Union.. .ml^,: ."i... -antHn foui tli lliiough'eignth'gradc-sponsored and Eric Clauberg played good defensiWP .--— ••—: —: Wilburn orgia aad-Bcoredsix—..(Florida 147, Jimmy ;;ieKal-- ::""V . ._..' T-'.-~ OTCSS defense. Flieschman hi| half, his game • Liol dilrnaaf tersuccessful w''^li| M namerit with individual.champions beihg the-gchopla ^gxiensive. prograrnrGoldsteln' is ' 9 points ahdplayedj-saliigame. Paul-Keisel ;Columbia still unbeaten _cco.w_ned in.46 weight classes inTttiree age-Rrade ..total' inlhe firslperiod when Chatham was lrfrr challenging.- ——;:—•-?=•===.—=^--;--•-•• ;. Tby- Frost & Son of Irvlngton. -ahd-Dave McCormlck each hit three points; divisions-.- >—- ' " .- Tech,,thcfirst.New'Jersey schopl_qr ' JefTBernstein aWHForrt Gaipa also scored. V Winners in Union County, listed as-Djstrict-6 Gregg Prussing had a good game vfor —Texas moved into a tie fof second place with—y l./._'..^ : _Jts Wrid to be accreyited- by- the National in the New Jersey—AAlt—Ju'nior'-OlympTcs^- -Springfleldi_Gregg, inserte.d into the starting Association of Trade and Technical^SehooJsT- ^Oklahoma by defeating Wyoming in a. .defen-—b. z-*,—••:-.••.IS YOUR CHILD - wrcstling program, will.progress, to the'state lineup fpr hisjicfense, responded with a fine .oiferscowyeiiiiiallphasesofalr.ctfndiliuiiin^, TTNOyyT^agueTJasTtetbairseasOit'. rea"(3l«l points Jjcrkalo scored seven and controlled the champibnshlpT'and compete agalristitlistrict game and six ijjfintsT Eric Davis also-hit-six > --heatingpand-automotive technology.;;";_ HAVING PROBLEMS IN SCHOOL? 2 champlons-fronrthe,-New .Jersey Association!s points for-Springfield and played one of his -^the=haU-.way=pOTnt-last'Satotay~WH other, seven districts on.Saturday.'Feb. 15'. -better games.Marc Roslin.was an eight point n c r , Tholalosi; most effective aid io school success•• scorer for ttio Minutemen.-Marc-also-worfted P.i?£S^S^5^^ 6J .P n¥l.~M32rinj^ ~' six. I ~'"' "IltddtillJ^Uit• hard o"iTThe__.press—ehernTSprlhgfleliJ' was teft fliii Thg 1 .Irtrtpn Rprw.'aHmrnppartmnr^l and Ross.':..^ In the game, ---; .::„ . . W • -v • 1 -ness- classes.:"for^ . ..,.„ THE FIRST STEP—-YflungstorlnSmallTrybaskstb^IFagues.aUhoJ^ l^lorfo^lpl^hfeDfcJantoo^^ Sport Shop will hold their seventh annual Fresh '; s^ at the buzzer; Hrinceton beat • ~B()bby Flleschman and'Vinnie^Mirabella~ : children-, teens and' adults will c ;••(/•=?*£• •;;- 'r-:~ ••- Other scprersj^taLSpringfield-inTKeuttuna- School, Ufa^-onel-Jdroias' Cnldwnll Srhnril get "their (Irst tastn nt nrqnnlynrl ' -Bartmouth and'Yaln stopped Brown OTch -SCored 19. poirl)g_firHpn'rT"'Hflr v5rn':" 3.- . » B heLeoriaiaTStu: - .GaudlneetSchpol, Isjeaguo dlroctpr at Sandmolor. Irt-charge at Caldyvflll Is Jack •"-• ~ (Photos-by-Jli — recreation and Hy Schneider-president of jLid IiinJBarret were thc-otheF-\V^oming-p»H»fc; oxn on up^todr Bjeyohd grade level in: Ruff, Rick WeberWebeo. Jack GraessleGraessle.Stev. Stevea PepPeDe •-. _^ - — Ross Sport Shop •phHcCT and^droveJn, . isivu gaine7iSwJs[iDeJL.ebnar.d' tallied five f & - nnH Vinnio MlrnhnTIn ___„-— .. makers - _ - ^.~ There willjbe a salt and fresh water caslmg buckkeet Ihe Columbia defense then"held_off points fri'r llnriinfj n.'ifl-fl'rij'"^ T1 gpiyi-Hnfanalmi— •:-H« thc^ loss^ tg-HiiisiijcJast-Wednesday^ Have Dictz and Paye~Wasserman. and board game. Billy Bjorstad and Joe Pullcc "sTze, registrationin-person-or ^—exhibition by Leon Chandler, fly tying hy-Boh- -ln-lhe-finarl=VVesterii-Divsion-eoiitest—Alska^-^ fnr-Jh<> .tpffinifi^fiflh yj^lpfy—nf ihp- •by iiuiil bliuuUl Ueinade as. -evening, the Minutemen rallied!~from as far__ eacn Maoiounsoinls for Harvard. : _ " er set nn, presenianon $)\ the tloss Sport Shop 'beatldaHo '£j19 'loe Montesano was the sharp PruBslrigjtd^llgcorers with_lU; soon as possible. back as iu_poinis..Again, me press defense-... L:,-^^_ ' Scott was very;effective in the I 197f*eontest awards and two movies. shooter and team leader for-Alaska Joe hit six Gregg hit tho cbrdiln-every;pi3riod.and huslIe—iJinoting Klelt l^t- .lune.pointryith hTs-buclteTs~;''r5C0TeTrwi11i 20pbinls, He'was.outstanding .on—- through advanced ^swimmer, EDDflllIV UARIUIifir gamei-wilh-So'poinls.r Ves n E cc rl Pur Buying tips ! _ToJltegisterf6r~theseT children . . _.„ r . . _ . ,,s^ chopping—for Groceries TrHHy .tnhncnn'ii [r, points pacedfCornellr^^rMartiiui\.m the-Princctotrbacjj^court was also 1 s ct 1 !9 ^obBy is^the-only other Minutemari player to- , s last w^eck ,and three teams sliare first. MeSkTnTiiFtnirComets with good play at both-^ Engineers-Wcelr-wltlT an FrprrtTlie portfolio sclenceandMedidne" Teddy playing in the Cornell-hack courtrwas=peffeolive, Martlno sfcored ^even poinls arid • justmenLfdr-little ones from 6 = .Stnalak'AVtll»ble ~~^. Madnoss in the Market \ will —-^233^612East Brunswick-Re1 d~ Bdn"k ^^iv^ra^geiMo'uble figures for the season. Bob lS7^.P!aceTnolhree remaining teams are only a —^ndsioftheroortrMarc shared offensive honors '-iSi?,-, nn,lr on,,,, 2t,1 Feel Better be the topic at Ihe SUmmit outstanding aj> lie drove through the Columbia, hustled_all over-the1 court.1 Johnny Kronerl months of age to _3 years; -- scoring at a 12:S clip arid is one of the team's top Rame. behind the Cornels, Jets and Raiders; ^irnd-was the top defensive-player. "Jon Seigel Sallys on me. Hill m Wat AAIRO PICASSaMARC CHAGALL_> Y.WCA s Wednesday iriorning defense Ted-picked iiprfreeJhrows along/the lnllled"four points while Jay Liss and^Davc mother-child, swimming; URIDIi • s U $i5ato$1400 — water babies for 3-4 year olds, reboundcrs. . - . ' "• ,; Th° 4Si movcdjnto_a. tic., for., first place. '. wiHrslx-r^ints.helped;MesWn;on;offonse~"Siaz^£.v "8-"— —;UI. Jneh) on lh('irinffnnsBrEnlUid-trom-th«>Ji»;|-popiori-tn-tti"-—hunkft—Kpn*Shtilrhn'n'pln;'pd-!riiWYt'Tlefetreh|g .,.,** ' Oinomo.W^nmmfen- Kick! *>l ' •——' Tecnnology.,,—and-today s btrwith himT KeTtlvWrdom7Mike"Dvis an -league's tOBr-scorerE; could manage -only-six_; ; 1255 $tuyvesanf-JWe..UriiortfNvL Ljinsulners luMguc of New -. petiti've cnHic^fbr girIF and ___^^_-^-.--, ..,-— r . . .^. .Ke~gaffie~a'nd.-grabbe _ . _.r^y.—z ... •:——-«».^d 10 ' -gam^t» .^-.if theyea— r -..iiileading'-'th, . --.,f...-.i e winnin...... g attack . -'. -r* Lurr y "Rol._•l s ."six-noln . . ..l effor. -t, „ ..„ ecojogica! .concerns Dr Stewart also scored in Ihe game. " points. Marc and Kenny Fingerhi)t, wha.also. 15 Jersey will be guest speaker . rebounds. ' Sharp-shooting—Vinnie" Mirabclla i^™ P°Jnts: Dave Barnes was equally ef-_ Rockets.- Dammon Clark scored three points Trailing 37-30.|n the final two minutes, Penn . scorefl-six-points.-were the top scorers for~ "boys'IB arid-under." — fcc(lvcasne I low to live better and spend drilled in six points for SpriqgTieldpg . Vinniee hos^"^ . ppnP°oredl4.points s thrbugh'thrughhejioope JiOop,, ' for Ihce Rockets and hgd^gophad-a-good defensivdefem' e game"*" "T "Francesco B, Trama director put on a late rally; Geist hit the elincTier with TT~ D'lmoithdDatmnnth-and-alsl o playeldd wel l!l in the back' Eor adults, the Wl^otters less the extra coM of con aduR lcarn-lo-swim for men even-lOQlwTnis-ror tffc, season. JJth'er Jarnes was also a defensive terror in th_arne^=^oi).EiilgeEhutwas alsfo a three-point scorer for — long one bander from off the. free thrbwcirclc. court: Teddy Parker scored; fiyc^ points for an {iudlc c( vemence What labels lell ' JimTerrarp^aTs'^ b playepayd good defense _ajn_ajndd _ _l|,e,RocketsrOthcr good efforts were turned ih ~ecolog' Xy it Rutgers UIIIVC" L- I hat swished the cords as the buzzer was Dartmouth. Jeff Keld,. Eric Froniincf "arid and women, women's learn Jo ;Sprhigfield .scorers" against Hillside.wefe Eric h ~, VF£^ making laws work~70r the JDavis, Gregg Prussin^. Marc ;R6s1in. :Atidv___^.cAfW^cAfWr BgLnisBgLnis . Jeff Vargas and BBob Shig^^^rT^tW-iffrik:Shapirff ' ' -—o sounding Gelst had rcociyeditheball'from a-^teve, Brecher were^he other DartmbulRTjOlriT _swim .iand aqua.-jgym, .waters- -—of-lia^eiigineers-on TIIL _ (onsumer, vull be among the : IIerkal^,_Jioug DeLcdnard and -Tommy. -^aGLaddci to the-attaqk. • ___'• jump ball which was. controlled~by~Andy'' makers;'";" , ' -J__. -.T—•-- exercises for,,-firming -and- Impact of Nuclear Power on -lips slit will talk about to aid _JVAi.snkwsklfother-t5nyS'geeiHg";rction were:, , .Roy Zitomcr was Uie top player last Saturday Ec s l m s r llcrkalo of PennrCieisjg'CbTimiaa'trTfe'fRalo "'" Yale lopped Brown7 2S-23rrYale-*gained-an- !or (ll A", ^ -?, w S" -in •»... lodny s homemaker r —" Jeff Fcld, JiftunyJtatte JJiUylBjorstad, Jack e Raiders. Roy hit a season-high 10 points nameQ~COrCaptain ^ AJso altehding will b_c_Phillp miss to s.tarl the l;^igTit-poin4^i?allyT^ndy-^. early leadjn the game but Brownnarrowed the 1 65l Qg ni xc :ullv V ct Stafford Hall Girls Gracsslc, Rick^ohpr nnH stP as he led the attflek_Rp^_as particularly,ef- In addition to being Brenner tnej}-hitj^jujypjLr-flf(.e^^ ' for—adu'l is—^arid childreri — =fectiveFin^he seod ld h hit pidentof.Wesler,'l, ! ,«, ! n ™Fleclrt7 c- : kindergym—forr—the' kii)-: = fectiveFiri the second perlod:as he hit seven"V OT Peddle TQ6tbGlll 1 president (if Ihe Consumer s Jurnover .: •- --'- —•f~- • -.--;•.- : '.••: •-•" iSo-way.-The effectivc7foul"Bhnotlng of "Mark" DlJintSTrJra-Tfeubei:.ra|so-lopki^^to^_ •and • Paul Zweior vice- Slnrha)" A misspH imSmirirTfphg gnvp )(m hall-I^Hn • Trj??flr fr»>t-VAl(i'yhpg l wenpn" ..MnrlrJwl. " dergarten-crewA; "Tumble'n- taught eHfJiscb in consumer Penn a and Erlc-Davis-eut-the margin to appint sftuad-wlth nine hplrrts; hitting seven of'eight—-• ./•Things'T^fq^grade schoolers7- ^-rJW-PublicltYChal^nj: , TTSJ?!^.^ '!''iie°°t "P^"1^^1d^ • . Peddle SchoolSchl,, Hightstowri,_Jias an^• an--—^Tihrisportatiorp f Division to ecllicntion and is "also an of .is he hil on.u baae.line;Tfcnnfluilog,.JV^en^ii':.BTioOwWcUa-.. _aUack. JWirch hit eightpoints-in-the'-opening'-L- 'Phlladelphi&zra's'co-captains]..--of the vnrsity '.' *IJj> -^ MarraT^dircctor of , in grades 1 -fi may register for Printing Servicet~Fcir~ 0V_RWE:CHT? Ua«««?-Wrlto lo this niiwj^'A x Their^gltlhns commendable" ^ Danccrmid rhythm tlosses dernealh was missed, Herkalo forced ajump,__ .- r Jlit^onLJIr.ivcii^ioIiheJioop., Aniy ^period and had two clutch buckets down the ;Z.fSoJhal! team"for. the past^sfigsdhrrr"— ~ .' -Western's ' {ability al foi preschoolerji_rptnd bal' "l witlrsome " - good hjistle". The~tip~wen' "'" t to .>' AuatlH'ithd Frank Fiorc also made valuable "Aquacetera," which com- '' dnd d^|< fpr our ^Xips f a so Springfield, will x They understand business- procedures bines ::-anrjEB~'a>)d" -crafts,' -S--Loni-Sutmlttlng .bJews R«- wire. Bicky Marech scoeed-fivo point^fprr-the—-—^°'' ' l astandoutfbr.thebasebalLtearn, babysitting foi infants III (Jeisl d?iH"lie~did the rest; --- ;.i_l-.;,..' contributions, to Ihe Yale .victory,, as did CU5TGM aardawardss for— ouKtandlng- x The\Uiave-3 philosophy of "achievement swimming and ganfes. u~~ lea&as/' ' :' PirateSTind was outstanding on dof'tnwr^"^! "Played offense and defrnsn ln«t fnll W» will monthf, and over are available Brie Davis paced, THE Penn scoringng^with.Jwith.J^4 -Toiiimy Roricb^-fcf-;-: -' '^—.;- , —V~'_-y-• • effortywcnrTilso: turned iiT-by-RoberrFiiik, enter Brown Univorslly next^all. •- nchicvementpHuring the past- -They are candidates for the bdst jobs^ for children nf mothers at ~..^U-...l-^^StU^tRufi^as-the^toLproducUve-pto^^^ ,"An_uiiusuaLoffering for new BRQCHUMS ^SCHOOL, BUsTtijESS, — year t o seven lopalll WesterWtn : ^nouiers-or—tjiomers^toibe-is- ; tending thep prograg m • -r'=== ^-Ml^hfc-Bri)wjOineup last" Saturday: StOTWas"- . jillB PUBIICATIOWS'; ;. --^ Blectric~oiifliiieei sr mtsteflding on-defonse^'as lirs~husUe; caused "Pre • jind-PosI JiJatal-Exer- - Call 2/3-3661 for infprmation Readers may telephone Ihe — -xiisc,',' "combining slimnasti -LOW COST- DEPENDABLE VW XI (-4242, for more details Regional dssertvbl>|.y^z~- "many Yale; turnovers."Stu netted eight poinb tu ' on-how you can be a s ' ' _pace the squad. Most of-Ruff Vbuckctscamc- ^."withirrolnving'^wim mnHpt - Stafford Hall Girl rifter steals and drives to the hbop.-Many more dance fdr-womcn-Trnd-sllnp: " nasties arew also orrjthjr YW's Thenew semester starts Monday, Feb 7 EARLY-COPY— of 4uCf-SJiliofB rolled offthe rim. Hugh Gole was helps^^dludte film, agaifreffective-for-Bni\»ii. Hogh-vyas-.the top • roster^ of ^ wjnler fitness Pubhpiiy Chairmen are 7 classes: 1 rebounder-ln the-game- and-coiitributed-five- urged -to observe the pohTtB to the attack. FreddylBopkdr tallied four .'.i. Private"•JincT.!-seriii-priyate PRINTING & REPRbt)UGTION CENTER: ] Friday—deadline for ^sw|mJ^s^jsjtensailal)le_by. Stt*t «Prlngfie.d,; Thei will STAFFORD HALL SCHOOL ummit .fnrf- 5iav p-it" "YWCA OT.r4,4^.^- " sHoW^horr films, and hear _ather—tha n spotp - nows^ ^789 SpringfiBld Ay*. \£r^r~-^^f-. i PROGRAMMED-M^riNTENANCrPROCEDURE ~Laclude your name— wmMxfli^ -he- HUMIDIFIER address _ onai Highscjtom.rtvspringtierdtooli'par.t in:, Themid=seasoriscoringslatlsUcsshowaTeal schedule _for periods -of : Jo«eph StehllkrProp. iand recreijtfdTral swimming is 2?377tt3; —ticipdnts-in-the.jirogramsince ;— number.- a_ recenl special"assembly to -prevue arid---IvnlHi* for the ^yl^flrjnTJjmshipi—G<"«gg.'...~ ^evaluatc a film, "Road to the Olympics," _PnissjiiR-of-Cqlut«bia: is the7(op scprer;wttrn7lr-" available upon request.. ts inception: in Augusts-™-' nzzGensUs to-gq uge ; . . "Swim arid -Stay F.lt^-igra "presented by-therKational- ^y^rsity^lub^and~^Tioinfa^uiiuvt'ragu^ut.l5^lBdbbyiMe^ F«r Your Home -sponsored hy Ihe Preiitderit'E Counall- — • •• • -•• - - • ^spianned^aettvity-to:-en'eourage : 1C. 7 Scoritl&duQiuETeddynJohnson-tGe) *ndTdmmy _ individuals to swim regularly" the 1972 r Dayton v. as brie bF1he New Jersoyjschpols" \Velsnlewskr(62) arethird arid fourth. Marc' _^ arid frequently- until •«> or —Registration" for- prcischopl; -Werare-sor-ry for oiir last ad-which.saici wia "are having asale-; •v- • '.•• : "innrc-milcjRire.reachedrTH is boys'---and girls'-midwinter >• National Travel' Survey—dot selected to evaluato theVfllrri as a'part of the Hosiiri of Dartmouth is fifth (60Va'ndIsf second ~ ^W. ^ _i. „—..— -„——_J,,:rhe remaining boys in". ^C* program wh"lch_wijl_ provide . materialsTlo" the top ten' are ^loe Grireiano~(Prlnceton) 5S, . ^ motivate 7W]thj^mproVe'phpical~eaucatitfir Eric Davis rP^nnjlgi'; Mn»-k Try^Yalfi •>(>,- .hlmselt.,^j^ppClubraqUogt|onnaireg to S3 * ''" »>«

ITf^Mbam KinaieB£jed;fim&m&

l ; - .5* ^r- r:"^->rXhnad»VL£mo^ngs3jjri i^fe=T:' -——. — — in I n u fe~sesBrons;-o.egT|iiiing^.^ MILnmrfJBEBES^'«erB SAW' ^JL^SrPe—SSfSfi&ai&rz—;'-TTs.••-. ^H Hi-jHH^awa *>j&*it™; m'^ti- "Umma imtr1 ' - «i ~>^» ~ _—lurfTiiUt iunafgrcrfcimorrrTilaitaV- .-._ ~ • iM i Mi HI ini in iin i Trnu— Mousse Se|r*r' Now—J t v.. boyfi : i;pxovidCd.Under thTsprograrnfqr 'their team ^JSOCIATE STORES OUR ANNUAL FEBRUARY members.. . .'. .<•.... , ' »' ' ' MAIDEN LANE JEWELERS —and girls attending kiri- VlliaaoShopplnoCentor dcigartenQffors3fl minute.') or The fllrn, "Road ,to;the Olympics,".featured tfkw Provldance French Porcelain GourrmMkra-< Ironstone Florantino - - " '' the "world's greatbst athlete," pill Toomey, BRAUNSCHWEIGER BROS -gym fun- and 30, minutes of - 37 South SI Morrl town .while It lasts- <• , '. was S48.75'-Mow .-29. .. swim instruction under the ••: Olympic'docathaloh' champion, asne explained • •••••••••••••• • • •"» 1 Quiche Pans - $8.50-Now'0" "* Jircctjon o( Mes". Joseph.' PIANO and ORGAN SALE -and -demonstrated: warmup, •• cpridiuonlng : i, Siawa—>^—--^-- --:_-- C aporasOv-" and • IJOUIH • .T^Z: -Iruining, tceliniquoc,-skills, motivatloi^riiytJ'— : QlFoquotte. The eightmorilln|t Pre-Spring Sale in, power, science fliido'See'ution of "the 100 i',Wlqsaic_ - meter run, long junip, shot put, high julnp, 120 nr aftOrnoon sessions begiiri Fat ind Lean were $5 98 - Jl*' " •" thfs weclf • and run through . yard hurdles, discus, javelin; pole vault, 4.10 was' $58.69. — Now •.-.-,. yard run and mile rtin.' '•-.•' 5 ;•'/ March 27. • • • '•— • Biggatt reductions aver on Au Giatln D15I1 - $5.98 - Now M' , Enrollment Is limited In'the' new u»8d and floor idmpU . _ % ^ Kmgsfone Festivitem.. .; _ • „ u-schodl- classes, for . Jn- ( Souffle Duhtt (Set ot 3> \nX~~—m<& GBylBe^-r-° ' • :' ••' -+rr-yr- dividual 'Instruction,, course, initrumontj. Savlngj.alio on • were$14.98-; Now IU . . was$32,00 ' Now M9- .rees.arechflrg'ed, and non -Y- soloctud modolj of famous mombcrs , lire ~ 'wolcome; , Fijhor coniplo iteroot. Hurry ' lotfiv. Au Gratin- Headers may call the<>YMCA,, in while >elodlon» ato com- 1 ADQItlONAL CHICKEN DINNER RICES J73.33.10, for fuftherj details." •\, MANY fATJE plete1. Llbarql torml to qual- TH PURCHASfrOF FKhSII FRUIT •«. VEGCTABLF.S AT HIGHRST QUALITY LOWEST PRICES 1 CHICKEN DINNER ified buy»r«. •'.'. •-. )usl A Couple Ol Our Mnny li'iilurccl Ili'ms Z0% OFF -Imported Stainless \^ • ;-,—-..-. -. • OFFBR EXPIRES FEB. if, 197? PICKUfS ONLY SortinaTravsand Platturs , GwmirtS Cwth' „,' ; • lff)O/-,( US MAINE ;r 1 POTATOfS 5 lbS./37° - '"By Soloniila of Scandinavia ..• • GUss Chriitniaiilrnarnonts •J «/r ' • ••'•-YOUR WANTAD , "IS EASY .TQ-PLA.CE' '•• LC. MclNTOSH APPLES ,,,,,','J,, v.'I, 3 lbS./49° All This And More At.A ConOertient Location •"• .'.'..ijiiST"PHONE :' «.•. INDW-ACCEPTINQREGISTRATIbNs 1st TIME OFFERED ^p, ING. *-•• •• 330South Avenue" 3 BANK STREET, SUMMIT MONDAY AND YHUMPAY i 265'"jWount aln Pflfd. 176 6730 You muit cull In advanca and |>niH(it coupon 4*1*A**************** SUMAAIT SPRINGFIELD • . Llmtacooppn«p«iI(amlly ,. You mustb«ov«n» • ' l' - '.'•'I a •. '

•'i - •."'»••. •• : y-'~ * ik>&^ '•••'•"• "•••'•* ••-•- :—"'•- .---'-•••••r- — -,-. ',••',

t>n Presbyterians agen ; An Ash Wednesday service of worship on served pastorates in Harrisburg and Beaver Saturday from ITUTH p.m. The charge is $1 per School made Valentine day placeman for the Kof concerns in Biblical - Holy Cross plans Springfield Emanuel United Methodist .Church to represent at the fair.at which, they will serve'' scholarship. JYom Wednesday through-March— will,entertain-the-,Westminsler_F'eJIowshjp of -sleak-Mrs.-GonsteakrMrs. e QQuinze l Is helpinpgg the girlgss "",—S, fhe church will fiave'an opportunity to meet, Jrvington Presbyterian Church afa "Valentine make pottery. They will also do square danang r with .pthcr pastors of the United Presbyterian Day supper pn Sunday fit 6:30 p.m. The local ' ami^^kit-abpat-Uie-way-4he blue bouifet viug "•"deupmlnatlon as •hvy.iexpourirtrtlie-iientcn..", group -will: .-prepare and-serve;? si>aghett[ _chpsen as the sta,teflqwer of Tycas^n Feb. 17,' ^^themc of discipline^and-devoUon^^j-——•?—. dinner, according.to Albert Hollered, Youth l ill iitthf^t^anrSaaa? •.'•. ——: ->;-_; Ash Wednesday : Jhc girls will visit^ef^rstanrS Participants, in addition to Dr. Stephens', will Fellowship president. ~"; .TZl"v u; . '2 headquarterq s for a demonstratlon-of-. " be the Itev. "Elmer-II. Talcott JP.VCommunity——•H°b Cross Lutheran Church, 639 Mountain ." •; 'f|^,.:W.'^__ ave —Plane-include several skits by tli« liust giuup^ trcttvitlBStrcttitlBS. :z=r ' .y ' , . Presbyterian Church- of Mountainside; the > Springfield, will begin theLenleri season — inclndhng"j*lflStisapw~sini,3Is There a'Doctor • Jonior Scouts from Troop?90 have completed Reft Howard W. MeFall Jr., Connecticut "UWs Wednesday with, a 7:45 p.m. Ash Wed- WthoHouse?^ftecords and games will also be the drawing add' pajntihg^Badge"and have • .Parms Presbyterian Church of Union, and Mrs.^'"^nesday —Encounter."' On each succeeding^- enjoyedr—' •.. -:~-- -.-•;-.-•-•" ' , ~ ^'jl.CornelltnrSjillivan, ,'i resident of Basking Ridge' Wednesday-in-Lent thsro-wiirBe a different started on the heal^haid badge. They, helil ai'- > -Jhe localjarthoriistyroupalso-hasTilansfor^ and staled supply of the SccondPi7!sbyter!an^.^ncjwnter; intojiewforrris .«:\y£rshipping;.__,,PURCHASE SYNAGOGUE SITE, , ,'Pf..' l,Gonard-Strulowifz,. left, president ,oT~Young 1 thenext-few weeks; includingg an~aftcrnoon of livities as welj-al s theihir 6vernighihtt tritip to C Camp T s I check from,Jock Stlfelmdn, vlcepresldent-of-the bowling and a BPIODI) porty at tliDrew Siniwlck=toni6rrow,^Ihey=have-chosen-Iowaas ~ Dr. Stephens isheginninfchis second decadg h' year's series of. six encounlerrs of Lent .'..': Springfield.State eankyfoiUi mortgage on-IBe site bough* by'Young Israel for Its Universitwling yan pood al .o BPIODIn Saturday) port; yMarc • ath 18. Iheir.state for the fair aniLwUl-dlfljilay^corh as pastor qf HfeXenlral Church orSumrriil~A—nnll-startTjith chsfncel^rflmav-^Salvation for"~ .Julure " ' • ' •'•-•-"•- •* • "•'• •...-•.... have—also, scheduled "a: weekend at Camp products. Some . of the girls are making jpcsl'spofecsman said, "Under his direction this Sale,"".on-Ash~Wedncsolay^The second Lerifeh.^ Idersgate^lri^Susaex Cdunty for May7l9 to 21."—potholdcrsHn connectipn-with-the "diBbler •^iir^lT h;i<; iipcnmn !.-inpfior ft jiic fi6ld,tofy^nj^njejiJ^bJ^,_^10e_ij'he"Cbristian:lz Present'group discussions, arc centering ^hinrlftTTmct' Mm t^juig^Snaris lielpinn uUiws— spciaiconcernpdeveloplnga-tutorial-servlce pn iilicouiiters.,a ySaEfirChrisl" (anaudio-visuaT - a x r n 0 ehr stla r : round-'"jrh*e—Meaning .rof- Friendship." < who are making ^belts- for the • needlecraft " an| individual basis.in_mc-jirJ3ao-ar-eas^he-r^P ^ -^' "''tf^ i .Q vea >' -~~ 7. . Discussions began last Sunday evening on Tknxh7is^w^WoJy7TT;cogTil^=ror~Its" in- The thlra Lonien.encounter, .March l; wllf 6c" "" n^ralfrjenstehip concepts;and will c'ontlntieJ ' Mrs.-H, •yrClickenger's Brownies In Troop ' t!aUv.CjSCEvJces oC-worship-featuring-modern - |jlc - cha"cel-draroa^-fflhe—Man—Who-Never- tha'tMiBrcBBT'-whot to Cooir i "| ( ~" —-w.twhr, dnnc&and-thc-a^tsjg a form-of-reifgibmr 'Hctu"«ctl,"".whlu|rig^pdrama-se't"ln-;Blbllffal'-"-'-—f^^-^ 'QJt"g^°' . ft :^-^ '.. .expression." ; ,„ ' . limes involving the searchjfor a young man TOr a d : __v... - ,Hlghsralsrtconstitutc i "~ — v. . •><--• ^encounter Will be.-'The Christian Encounters has. qcquiirotl117^Thf-terti|»i;ijijj' gynagogufr wilt-bemused ;fpr Choirof the churchj ar* are-practicing for TerriJftossiter,!PamJfirUtpn, Avella Ballard;— EB^HHSCS^—- - ''•".-• 7~-' -^ ~^"^t?^' ''' - ' '''"*%5 ^«^==- ,/rr^I • p" the World of Youth." an encounter with the' property.at the sou " of Mountain,.. , -daily morning and evening Minyan services, Lenten services::JVirs_Jamesj-Dewart directs... rjz- zucker, Bonnie KellnerrBorinie Ferguson :_' music and TJ_ _. _ g ,—iy worship of youth. avenue and ShunpiKc road. as a site for Its sirulowiiz said. A jate fcTiday: evening' re pTotid of our RnySrrnHs They hove hetpec[ our comrrrunity by helping «..--,..•..''-.-. -ri':.l : .V.....J,. -^H^z$mul%uch!tneg tdlli will be heltllwer-yt-weiBltl . anefnr will temporary morality play) will -be the fifth school, it -was- announced^ by.^Drr=teaMrd-^=number^r-st|^y^group^-wili-DC-schoduledr 1 f4» '.. . — Lenten encounter on March 15. the. sixth Strulowitz, prcsiden . of the congregation."^—Programi plans also, call for youtb-groups-and" 'zizs.om people^you and roe. And wfe are very proud_of theiHeaders, wno volunteer March 22, is "The-Christiann • Pending construction QQihc permanent jTsinglejidult activities.'Rsttgious school classes .^Encounterjs-Himsolfi^-wllicliisanadventur^in structure, services and ac(ivit]psw(H behnose'd-..' are.plamrda^rdlr> the"fall terni. ••• . . . ' so ^anc|"set the program~in motion These Scout leaders-inspire 1 c Q|| I WrtrthtttMwjgned for Holy Week. ~" -j- -—••• -flfono"'5f We building^presentl^trni^telMsi^Z^gli Holy Day servicesMllb^ . felloWBhip Jhour_ivill follow each - hppwi that this building,will bejready .fpr> the -facilities* according to Dr. StruJowitz.unti) the ' Z -. AirmrTeo-s-^we^ Month, we particularly want-to n-Italian GuIiural'Organizatlon Passover services this year, he.said. >- ... permanent structure is completed.' ---•••• The permunenl .synagogue planned for the Springfield Emanuel. United Methodist. WostmihsterlFellowship at 6 Sunday evening, . (A'MICQ), meeting at the American Legion r salute^he activities of 6ur_l6cal Scouts, and thank them for-a-job-well done , Hall, %titigficlijuinoun,cedjhc,cstablishiii(!n!. MJlliBcJlldeja main-sanctuaryj~seatlng -Church, churclvMalFat -Scademy-Greenrwiir ~ serving a"Bpaghetrr"supper.• The 'Junior High ,; -of ah annual^cholarship"graril"0f:$250"to^)iy:" _ _several hundred; an adjolnglng social hall receive a special offering this Sunday-for one of - Youth Fellowship will meet afthe same hour in : awarded to a worthy college student each-year.. . positions; _ whicli will provide expanded se'ating-for "hodlsm!s colleges which minister primarily ~*the church annex. . . • - ' • • --,- -;^^ with BOYPQWER " The^award will be granted by the club's" Holy Days and special occasions; a chapel for .to black students, with an-increasing——-. Metliodist Mcn'will meet on Monday evening -fr _ -—nchokirehlp-ooininiltee, headed by .John.""""" dally' servlces:~ctossroomsr"meeting rooms, enrollment of white pupils'. The-locnl church's at II for -a planning - sessloni as goals and- message Is presented as a public service by the community -minded firms listed below: —-Ghristiano. •• • ;—: --.- ••— . librpry and offices.•' • . • .-' ;•• • offering has been designated for Mdrristown; "progfams are developed for. 1972. New resumes ace ^, RE LS; PHARMACY --r_-AMICO-JPresidenLJbseph-Corizolo-aisb-an- Youngrlsracl-is^euirently conducting SSb :CollegerMQiTistown-,:Tcnn. "•~"-:.'.~~~ ' ' ' -president of the group Is Albert HoHeFSr.' TW COLUMBIA CONFECTIONERY- LACH'S GULF & -Norman Abatr^ R,P -— —~ -New owner.ffcaturlnu Pully Madlwn Ice Cream hBiinced the preparation of ah Kalian cookery •_ ••-. —balhservicesat Dr. Strulowitr!shbme725-Avon-T- —Adaline firib, social .cpnrcrns choinrran" of_^r ~Wesleyan_ScryicejGuild.wiil hold a "slng-a- . . Servlno the Cornmunlty 4* Yeari «46 • loth Avenue — MOBIL SERVICENTER —Three-staff—appointments—have~bcen'-an' 'recommendation of Walter Irvlngton 372 9870 — _ „ V Hour Towing ~book, composed of-Javorite recipes' of the Fryer exocutivc-r.-rds-Springfield. Meetings^and; other.7activitics— the - local _ church., stated thot-r-Morrisfown long" on-Tuesday evening at 8. ' . ' '^A_ «5 Grove Stalrvlngton 373-6038 - 734 935 18th Avenue mernbers,~which will be published 'Irt• JuntTfojr" no.uiiced .by— -Union- -,"• "Opportunity director_ ,-.. were, : —: —'.—^ arehfild.in]homes.of_mcmbcrs and community ...-Gollege;ls-'a-two-year-institution with-speclnl" -Ash Wednesday will be^pbservedljvlttl-a MOBIL 374 U«7 MnnldHir aw., School. 4430040 ' J lrvlngton-372 1830 ~ LARSEN &YMSH, INC ''Vauxhall, secretary. education, ffie college depehdsheaviljpoh-thtr Realtors For Personalized Service '-.•— sponsor _an..-."art exhibit of famous It ilian The Mountain avenue property- was; pur- response of Methodist conferences throughout 1243 Springfield Avenue —- ^.'paintings and'sctllptures A~group trip to the — Resumes are still being-accepted for job chased from Amelia Bayardwith^the aidof a;- "the country to its program.-lLJs_nmnng=13 l_jyf(>trODolilan Opera is aU>o planned counsellor, recruiter, statistician-, and two mortgago: obtained from the Springfield Stato. colleges and unjversHies of the Methodist SymphMtiyplqns WATERsCOMPANY '•'"' ThprrrinriinB was concluded with a film on the ~ leaching postsTSryc said. He asked anyone BankSrRe_HenrylM,;Lansu Agency-of Millburn PAINTER & DECORATOR 14 Myrtle Avenud LYNN & CONWAY mtwgsed : : lryjngton 373-7100 - -r_ieraphie-Uria£shttwJi--by-.vice president Itobect— ._, ...... »...„ i9-t<);conlact:himral—=was^nsrrumaitffin^ffcetin^he' 55lC Throiigh black^ybiith, Intprlor &-£xleclor—- DANCE STUDIO the^Multi I /«« A * m * M tf* 1 1 ^ ^fe ** m* ^X i • o n -1- -lai i it "^VV— '«_ M*'W M * ' m ' •- --Gardclla. •' I .' ~ ~ — toadjand^£^jt3- representative,i of ,. ; ThTh e 9;39 0a flnd-H- a.m. services'of mbrning Itl For The entire Familly J^ SpringTIcltT Irvlngton 375-0663 CRYAN'S-COCKTAIL loirsittt Avenue, old 'fayorites-in—the— symphonicr — '— Irvlngton 375 2653 — itccn industry-roprcsontntives attended tDewart.His sermon will be entitled "Getting tor - • ilimuaiGaeaWWdi ill be "performed SundayrFeb.. 27, Hot Lunches Served Dally from 11 a.jn three _ LTJic Church~~SchooI will meet at ihShb|^thNJ Entertainment-Evenings YONS HARDWARE _ with the German LaneuaBe-Bewiue-aOhe , w « , , M-Llnens-s, Bedspreads 7V7 SanlordAye., Valbburg 373 9414 Windows <• Screens Repaired Keys Cut General , Symphony Orchestra ,under~ihe lOlA.Sprlnafleln d Ayenue"—r~:~.-^,..-, Home Repairs 1— i — , - p ^hourinthesal)t;luary. Emanuol Scbwihg, ton ploymentprogram. _Henry-Lowis. ;~ ••-••••' •....•• XUSTOM7HEATING CO ivr Stuyveunt Ail—week by "Industries represeiiLed included Graver. vited-to r AM Vbur Music Needs See Us 1 57 New Street 'Ghaanelsigned-thercomplaint— ~ ~P,ickard Corp.ot Berkeley Heights";' _ - . GoUegc's-carnptises in Cranford.4SUzal55th.-and— ~^!Gran!LCflrjj!oiL.Sjiiite,"... :,J1_V lira Clinton. Avenue (at Irvlnotoo-C«nler) - Irvlnnttta J71 UK _ : lt^i EARL'S SUN SERVICE^.— - .. •"—^lliah}~fV--McManu9 of Murry Hill wis 1 rjMlSupSTOlirdl^atca-residentelt^ A featufFtbr"chlldrert-wllL be ^-recharged TVltiTShOpIIfttng jftcr ho allegedly schoorc^ufvalency-programsarc.being offered —atts^^eduqation^^-bioldgical—sciences,:'—| mBn^Prop- MARLO-TRAVEL,_lNC. _._ r : 111 H'Tubby the-Tuba,". -the musical lalcl . ~ '.- switclied the price tag on i toaster polite said b\ OIC.Ahydne who did not gi-n^npln (Vnm nign—^-pniJlnpcring, phyair-ril gfi«h>-oM RrKT lww pn- n Birthday, Wedding & AU Occasion, 372.0534" - Professional Travel Agents No Charge For Our I——melancholy tub^^p^inas -happiilesst'lrt ~.-~ [ - • • ' • • -: iz Thcorigihatpriccon thetoistei wa<;<;iG police school.-and_is interested.ili_.an 'equivalency-^—forcemontorccmont. •* ' i ti.-v •...••••__ • • ••>• 1773 SprTngfl«tiJl Ave trvlnoton 37i-1144 _ ~.l-beaiittfifemelody7~The soloist :.wiUrbe"~the~~ •3 Union Ave., Irvlngton 3733W '•'.' '""abided— ;""••—^—: certificate-should contftcf-OIG^to-enroll, thc^ Mrsl Mayer-r-'onalrman.QLth.c catalog com- j^—synfiphony.'s tuba player, PaTLaridolfl. • '•'•— NATJONAL-STATE r*-~s_:," Thomas Conklin oflrvingtpn was lUXCitcd "executive director snidr --- '•-- . "'mittce at Union Collegerlswhonbrs graduate BANK OF NEW JERSEY ~ MARVIC CORP. 3L : •c^-~--"• • • •" ,•'.. .; . ,!• .-'ii 1 Anbtlier^nember oMhe orchestra principal Formica (n Deign ••-'-•- li.Sunday.-Hc reportedly took two jifsnw blades --£ _.-!,.. • ... T '-' . •'"-••••--. off (IpsaliUl) CollegeCll , EasEtt OrangeO , whereh shhp Irvlngton offices: ^ Street -horn^ayer—!• raneisoo—uonarUrrta will be ~1 jlor-Credlt cards Accept. • _L _665 Chancellor Avenue valued at about $1.60 from the stoic Rial is r% rk *\ c #i iWan f majored in English and^lementary ed,ucatlon. |__-featurod'aS-SolulsCiitMoiart s Hom Concerto - 1036 -SoultuOrange Avenue 73? N _VjlNsbuiT) 374 CU48 • L-in « . ~..~~"'" • •'"•' and^ccccLvcdJiBCrnaster of arts degree frora- —No. 3. •:.-—"'"•"",_ ?^ THE FISflFBOWL MR. MICHAEL1S GtYrOuS in^DrOlACt ^ton "^l ^y.'vcrs'ty^SoutilLOrangc, with a "^^^Ttieconce'rtl which .starts aU 30 pjn' wllLbe •BRENNAN BICYCLE-SHOP 1 F]shSho w on e'rlh HOUSlE OF-BEAUTY- r.niajjjr, . _. . . |zzrt(ie''secondoLUie-oicchVstra s family concerts-at .5ales & Service 1044 Springfield Avenue Lalesl5tyles Antique & Classic Ca r Restoratior n |.__Summiti High-School; Advance 93 Madison Avenue Irvlnofen "374-3419 946 lath Avenue 412 central Avenue . 4UL.LII4JIU.S I SVVAUT7 t»aul- Kitzing of" Springfield,'-' ii -student-lit- •——— •'*•'" Irvlngton 375 87«s , — "" 39»»790 •.—-_..East..OKange. 673-55J3 ^_ ^ " ^.Tl «^ ^purchased through the Symphony box-office — Bclknap College •in-Contre._IIarbor,-N,H-n. kArx^XK/^ff^r 71' ^1021) Broad st. -Newark, 024 6203 FRFEDMAN BROTHERS participated in .-v-January term "projccl lu>l.d^at"~ iy\l v. yV XijlZ.. -/ l_*. _ T MARLIN feRINSER _ F|Oor civerii Oyerloolr" llospitul till, college between semesters.1 .••'-"• ,. — Books on_MuMu.& imported—Handmade Italian Linoleum.Bri t Selection of Carpet} pTCildem j Kiwing,-wno reside-aC.141 llelishaw ave, . \1U sprtngfli Complete. INS IWANCI; Service .-=— r 921 Clinton Ave., Irvlngton ll5OSprlngfleld Avenue ' --cliafrmah of the Overlook Musical Theatre, has 372 3333 or 372 3342 Sii io MeKesson post 1 •ex="adfnit-tff.g clerk Irvtrtflwn 3730400 -• •••-•-•— -~ ^ .•'preliminar-„y n6l—profi-r. t for ...... ,. ._ . -andPrTnciplciM.FfeshW(iter:"Angliri B," which • Roiioe^stucly group itl$2 ki ; -Funeral servlcesiorlMts Worcncc Wertz, 71, . - -G.BRAtfftR-SAV.NGS-& NEW JERSEY SLAG CbRP. 'Gypsy." of appr(«timutely;$21,300, mnkingifisr~"~"7Dr'.' .Charlofi-J^wartz, of'-393'. Hillside aye., focused on-angling, identification of fresh /Irvlngton 373 B256 888 Clinton Avenue VAIL$BURG_PLJJMBING : yoarJs.ptQductiflii-the-higliest money-maker_hj—LSpringfiold,-has^just been ^nam'ed technical writer species and fiy lying of 750S. Springfield ave., Springfield, were held Irvlngton 375 1B94 r- " ihe'AuxUiary's showbusiness-historyr~;;z^^^' director of •.McKeESQli:~-Laborntories, Students-aP-Bclknarr-aTB"-allowqd to par- Tuesday afternoon at tliu Joseph W Preston Tuesday J-OAN ASSOCIATION y _RICHARD'S SERVICE HEATING BURRT « E Maliv'St. _S43 347»—M«ndhaEast Oranjm e •' BathroorrrSpeclaltles^Gas Heat- The-Overlook Musicol Theatre, successor io"--:Br|dgepoct,-i^onnr— : ^r--".—3"-jv_lic1pate in-January term pjrgjects al any one of' FunoralJUomer-l53- S, Orange, ave , South - STATION- 131 Pine Grove -Terrace - ' i39 So Orange Ave 3721221 Vglliburg NEWIWIRN Delta Tire DeJIor Car Wash General Repairs .Vallsburg. 372-8100 : ' • .UieOvorlook Follies warlaunchcjl4O%9Jiy--^-^^ ...... „,„„ Oranger-She-died-Saturday at the Westfield The circuit homo study group of Youi Artie Jeanette Ronnie -US»-Sprlngfleld Avo (Near Chancellor Ave ) 1 a New Street schedule. The monllulphg- Janmir-y lorm- •--^°1!Mcscent Home,. Westfield: : >• '• Springfield willbc hefd this Tuesday evenihg Irvlngton Maplewood U\ 4717 lii •^sra-rcgisUmd.Rhariniicist-in Maryland and A Irvlngton 375 97J3 STANLEY MOTORS^ I . WOiind each subsequent year has .New Jersey; He holdsTa:master's degree in projects were befiun this year at Bclknai) '.'-^- natiye oCBrofiRlyjLLMrS' Wevfz moved to •at 8:30 at the home of Dr. and Mrs Leonard GROVE COLOR LABS' Authoclud Chrwlor.Plymouth «. Duster Deilt L£Y_FA ~~ ' ^—SoutliOrnnflffin 19I5and-Uyad4he^uiitll- __ BUSINESS OFFSI ProfesProfessionas IsaaLEhotl Phgto tolor Finisher 817 SatlngfJeld Ave .Irvlngton. 374-9400 Fabyan Place ——increased in prmildespite mounting business '_pharma£yjU!d_^a Ph.D. in pharmaceutical r--Avon~rd^ The- topic to be _ 55ITGroveTsTreeHfGroveTsfreett JL ROKNE'SICAFEl to- 371.5000 -.—— and-prodHetiiin costs. •— Y>^, chchiiaUy,—both—from^ 'the^^ Univeraity of jvtoi slie-mpved to iinrihgfipld. She -waslan ^ThelJewish View on -SERVICE, INC. ^AO^P?^ M^ /- ~1 Mt«Vi7lIn"ri^mBai7qucTHalluplo«CaTS!5oi — ' ' '" Irvlngtom730891 a p r .—Thls-;yenr'a'" show .enveloped the help^ and-'nMaTylaridr'9wnrte"-rfn!r-bnr!n--> Tompkins_ 500 Chancellor Avenue :AUT?-SALON / 193 stuvvesani Ave -^-^ J5a ^TUYVESANT=BODY & VftSSALLO'S ; 'S^tyteea-^f^Wer^lMWT^cmbcrg^iMH; iii' " Geigr>eonx?inia57"J' i0n7iHJ:J!Hli;u{ Die OJ Jewish Laws, V INTERIOR ^ NWA'SXATERING ~^-~ - SATtfeE-SHOPPE"- tl» InZalH'TTCrniirigaB-CRlM-nb ^or Ma.hy^p^y.V.Uiv ~.£ ~rr. fe^tjii^^ oflold Ave "irTJTWTgW

Tl UnderTifeW Manaoemerit'"' - -' Mur,y Slmmpns, of T.oronto will be guest oiEiiargTHrtho bank's mortgage CATENA'S TAV E RN.2 395 Stuvvesanl Avenue "I- -Ann-catenAnncatena «. BarBartt v ' Irvlngtoni 37J-9102 . .... soprano- soloist for'the Coloninl Symphony, and real estate-department. • -83 Mt. Vernon Place RVICENTER PAOLERCIO FUNERAL HOME' 1 r Ivy HIM '•-.. -• •. omolete Auto Service " David Fcldmnn of 511 Kcwdr,, Spritlgfichd ,' conducted by-.Oscar-SluimBkvT+at a coricert Heenvagen-cftme to the bank in Ifl46. He was Directors. SCHERING CORPORATION SUPERIOR PLUMBING; callcd.authoritics"Saturday to report that his Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. at the Madison Junior promptiad to vice-president in 1954 arid In John A Paolerclo Manufacturers of Fine Pharmaceuticals HEATING AND AIR ',yILLAGE BARBER SHOP Vr' 1 CENTER LOUNGE Dante A Paolerclo Jr. toil Mor(-(«^ve^ Union Tony Dollzll - • • '.: son's bicycle hati been stolen from the Florence School in Madison, f • . • J7-"—r " hewa^mad^sonJeliaewa^mad^sJe^fp t UaJeH d ; CONDITIONING. INC. • '•••*••;.•:" Fine Italian S."Arnorlcuri Poods^Ehterlalnmenl Prf. . IRVINGTON SHELL INC/ Newark N J 348>3J3J Expert Hair Styllng-dolorlhg & straightening (laudinccr School,'-according to Springfield' She hns be'on soloist on numerous.occ'asions the position of executive vice-prosident since •m^^ isat. Nlohts— •, Volkswagen Specialist! 7 / _ _5IGMA AIDES 24 Hour SorJike.Free Estimates- - .-' m>.Stuyyesan!.Ave,,_lr.vlngton-372,9ao7- .: i- ^^^ .9 Myrtle Ave.,'lrvlnaton , poliqe. The bike was. found thb next day in the "_•with"' " the Toronto Symphony and' Uie'CBC 10(19, Hcowagon, who Is ,i graduate of 1173 .CIimon"Avenu» 7~' • PARKWAY-BOWblNG- Newark (Va)lsburg) 3744887 " bKoijk by Meisel aventle, police added. ' • Symphony-, ond'bther symphonic appdaenntes Syracuse -University, -resides In' Sprlnuficld Irvlngton 373-95931' 10W Clinton Avo.. (2nd Floor) C F V l RT & BILLIARDS Near Ball SI,''Irvlngton. 371-15i] ~ ^ c®ii«k1g |n Be Sl^e2d^- '" ' 'include those with'the New York Philhar- with his wlfo, Jane. : eHANCELLOR bAUNDROMAT '•' ' . «« open 7 Days a Week SUPREME SAVINGS & WashiDry.PoldSaniiTDay Service ... 900 Springileia Avenue.: . ••- . nionicand (lie Clevelnnd, Pittsburgh, St, Louis S?'*!i?!:v-Pold.San1JD.|y_Servlc. '. • .. >• JAEGER FLFLORISTC ; INC. r . 1058 Sprinolleld Avenue luua 73) Chancellor Ave., Invlngton 3734104 Creatlv«-j3e»L.... . -. _. - Irvlrigton 375-3200 . , •,. SILVELVER CCREST BAKfiRY ' . LOAN ASSOCIATION " . I Irvlnolon~J730».13~' came . .Vancoiivor and : Winnipeg ' syfnphony' or- - 1083'Spr.lngfler-Spr.ln d Auenue' ••: -', Speclailljing in 3 • chestras, Miss Simjyions lias sung leading roles Named to dean's Hit CIRCLE i •Irvlnioto n ~~ " PARKWAY WOZNIAK • M1jouthor'Ktofc.r ^ f"™*'?™* •' SSnSPSS^ ^:sUy fe.A'vWl.O84O- F-REDjC. WALTERS;. -7with-thir-€nwdlmr"0|)era ; CoFiipTfnyTami'lrv Robin. Kaplan has boon hame'd to the dean's . l.'Korlln"'. R.P. '•'•"' .-- " ' -''•'." . "^MEMORIAL HOME l^h^|iT*n_3y3.^^5' 'Jy ' ' ' • • • • Irvlnoton,-New Jersey-' / ,—i— ' • • •r • 1085 -siuVvejant Avenue • . w. opera aiiu concert on both, radio and television list at tho University of Hartford; West Hart- Irvlngton 373,819? |"S TAVERN •. Ray E, Womlak .Manager ' SWEENEY'S DELI & • 29 Rldoowood Avenue 590 chancellor/Avenue ' ' 330 Myrtle Avenue . -JAMES F. SMITH a SON irvlngfoh 37]'435S Jn-Toronto and;Montreal.*.' ..| .".'»•.". ford, Conn., for tho fall semester'. The.daughtor. Irvlngton 3JRT917S . .Ai'en musicians who are niembers of (lie • Irvlngton 3>3O»04. ' PLUMBING & HEATING, LIQUOR STORE of Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Kaplan of 104 Field- COM EN'S FAMOUS Contractors Since 1950 ' • T*.. • '1139.South Orange Avenue ' 1 -rr Colonial' Symphony include Harold/' siapin stone dr., Springfield. Sho is a sophomore. JOHrtNY'S TAV E R>i M0 Stuyvesant Avenue. , » Vallsburg 373-54M' ••- ' • WESTERN ELECTRIC" - .FROZEN FOODS ., , v :. jPAULETTEfS'> Irv|ngt6n 373-1431 i •• " •,'..-' Hot 8, cold Horsd'oou\y:es.PUII Catering Service* . 1 bass) of Springfield. • ' • .. I Strictly Koiher.U.S. Government Inspected Johnny (.Anna Bliub-Prop. Italian Style Hot Dog^;& Sautaoei;. Chicken -Sea Tickets iqr. tho.concert will be slild'.at the 631 Prellnghuysen Avenue . - . -Moeflng Room Available .Pood -, We Deliver . • , WEST SIDE MOTORS door, For further Information readers inliy : Academic laurels / . Newark 348-5927 ' 7 ^"^H 7~Ti'~' — 4jM) Ny« Ave^r lrvlng..ot Wire Woupd Re«l»tor». . 839 Springfield Avenuh Estrln Goldbera SElLLIfOiUR Men _ Ihlns -Shob.Altb tor>l6 «. tall'Men' . RII*.M°T* 4' fompe Funebrl. .,:-•• , »-- CounfrV^uliHe'^ww-Soitar^rMheM'iiW U.;Mi!Jc.Uisso«JL&vallatilB-QiL«fly_tnstr.um.— 8aarch :"''• ••'."•• ;•' '. . '•• • \ ••''..•;'•• Realtori, Insurer!/Builders ./ • 1035 South Orange 372-9326-: . :•' • 1 Orange Avenue I." " Vallitoucair Sanforto t AvenU••.' e' (Near;Tremon,' ' t Aye.' ) « ~5fivlnoTonM Orw" "S7M5JsTBlr 9 . ^-^^ IrvlngtoW Union Avenu37S-97Be 4 • •••«.. Irvlngton 373-1 S; • Hicliurd Goldbeig, son or Mr, •'and. Mrs. •S"l'JSA"* Th ^"T Tr orgafoxatfon: TKe Aoo-member group hc» awarded . 1338 Springfield Avenue Valliburg, 372-7077 J^ITHA^yANTAP Irvlnglon 373-3344 Munis Goldberg or 7« Garden oval, Springfield, $211,000 to the MedlcaLCentor to investigate the production of estrogens In women' Gurian named to post R E MARTIN W1TZBURG & has been named to-tho deanls list for the fall with breast cancer. The first pioce,of re..arch equipment to be purchased with the- KEMPJ,ER SHOES , . WINGTON.bTT AGENCY, INC . THE, SPIRIT SHOP tULLib Auto "SALES -•'.- ls h ul0 Gam m PliH'Curlan of Sprlngfickl iiiis been e'lecled a ' ,~~ Just Co IT " . COLEMAN'^ TUXEDOS IRVINGTON - UNION - - -1 In Used Cars •• •. - - SON 1NSURORS semeslor'iit 'Nichols College, Dudloy,.Mass. ' „• . S ^ , , a Counter, which measures .radioactivity In blolbalcal truslet of the New Jersey Hearing AldDealurs „ •• LIVINGSTON -"" GoldborK, u freshiiiun nl Nichols, Is/aBraduate . samples- is. Dr. Klrschne.r Is explaininog the device to (left ttoo right): tyr» Allen Ralken for 1072. The election was. holcLui^u" recent • \ of "Jonathan "Dayton Regional High SchooC • of South Orange, and Mrs, Sarnuol Tale.hlek. 9 KempUrT; meeting at (lie rtimmda Irin, Kast Druimwlck ' : J686-?700 Springfield." \ '. •• '"; . Garden oval, both of Sprlpgllold, - - " •• - { with about 10Q persons, attending, • ' Ask For Clansified ' v- "V s -T~r TSrj- I_J ••_•*•• w~. ".& —*»•• *..-v- ,t- -•£= !2S ^~~ Thuradoy, Februory-IO, |972~ y. ^~i.

Dr: Arno|*-C. Aslicraft of i lar HMS liitiiu telescope. : for" the of the 1 7"T~e. average" distance been in ussince'e , the ob- : telescope-project ball rolling-. -Bell Laboraforlea, Smith S o-m'e r s e t , "A A I" *— e hearings are the foun.- scope antfin'19..fUWTubeand r ground amtrjijaiaBfiazihe mathematical expert., rprary between the moon and thegervatory ria firal opened in-""--*!!• *V«B "'—""•" ••»** • juua»-"•-• -stmroutwict j.iUHiciituiii jfcviiijti. ', ' _i—incBfifacni KVnnt'lM 0 Smith -,r . daiion-arouftd-wnleh the rest—the-ponirOTterdrtWTwere William Miller • Sperry blanks to the proper curves" Dr. Asheriifl then cauie of . the . 'Jn»truniejiI.:':Wfl8._bujigntwlth-4(iniis—from-tW— 1967." dropped out, others moved The creation of the ten-tnW then irf 'vVestfield, now of and thicknesses as specified in plarodonor award 'limsib/e' Observatory is still 238,857. The new unit will oc^upy"eHe' away but newcomers took' up refractor actually began with , Tucson, A.ri?.»"He two glass across :iwQ_large_bearingg gs designed; OttoKocheratos of AAi-generatec| Tetescona— miles* However, thanks to the ray trace plan set up by —-"•-••• - .. .. _.RogelleParkdrewrupji jKMHgnli.~JML- ---.- - -^•-••'-- •-' :; : . of. the twih-rotating-fiirret " juilable for mounting—lh over four years" effort- and dome-rooms;- while the other affair's more than 2,500 manhours of houses the i2'-4-inch reflector ig incidences of comniunal living and ..-jhbor-oni__ ,.- .th ,e_ r par—t o..f 'Amatea_.7r_ scope which-will also evenr~. ^ayBremosrfflree^^tempt^itore'i --Northern New-Jersey.Council of Binai B'r'^i; .-—Are women invlsimeln cWldren's booksi¥nd Astronomers, Inc., visitors to tually be phased out by the 1 ln will do all the.housework and Ihey will be u-aqiuonai Hilly gtrurtiiro hi I ' Women will participate,next month,in 0 e. TVprogratnrand-waido men find it unmanly •treated,;like kings. —~ ~~ the sky-scanning complex on college and AAI in favor of a entering it, donor award affairs, it was announced tnis . to dq^hougevvork at home? Union College's "Cranford" 7 24-inch Instrument. " ' • ording to 'two sociology J, A woman asked: J graduate sti ' "wnarBy Mrs. Kobert Lieberman; presidehf of™" These questions andothersjwere «5(plofed al :""Why "ilo men find It unmanly to do; - campus will feel that the moon '-Before"the Sperry .Obser-' I S$L • • ©^ --^DocU ——-jwHtg far-flungneighbor s are—calory-'^-^debuti—AAI—had"-| tbe^oouncil--^--—-: -——.-: -- ~_ -•Upsala-Coilege's first open '"SeminarsOn' -'hi'iuscwurk al hiiim>"bul al st|irtolor in apart- Ar unziger, 28, have been spending Mrs. Joseph Taller -has -been appolntd ., Women" sponsored by- the school's" Social' inenls they cook, launder and clean?" "'.. '""•'"* ~* rlnspr than (hey already—begun—the- work of w months toying to get firstJiand-4n~i— •<-nainnatLol*!A Day in Bermuda," and Mrs. Science Division, The djabission wastriggerc'd previously had-appeared to equipping the fajpiljty with two" apt* • • • She was.told thai .li'aailiopallifa atlpn on the flew-Hfe-styies.-": ' ' Alvm Eig has been appointed chairman of the by a slide presentation by two Yale coeds who pected women lo give service. ;. be. r --•--— modern, high quality donor dinners lo-be,held.at-the~Westmount • withiwci other students .conducted a research1 AAI npamlog thp nh.—astronomical" telescopes. J ~L .Some of-the|r preliminary findings indicate.; . ^T^^liutTmairin^thu HialiiMict! icplied: that while many young people are seeking new_ _" • Country Club-.'-WesfPaterson, Mrs. Lieberman project on whether children's books inad. —-iiRecause when Ihey l)av(! an apartment tHby i 'servatory in cooperation,with'—During—the ^construction -of jl •announredr'Mrs""Rudy^VaiBntlne-has-been~" "vertenlly leach litttegirls "that —--'--- the college. . • ' " • • these- scopesr1 two -smaller, life styles, they are riot expected to maintain ,ver[eniiyieachlittlegirl£"lliatgrowing'upand. have-l<> clean'it up themselves before they' Birthday them asJifeJong alternatives. _ ' " ' : apoemted'. co-chairman of die"Bermuda~trip Wrongiwarrledan"' d living happily ever after Is ' brine-their chicks in.". ; ". addition to the immediately available In- " Asjjailuf tlitff research, Danziger traveled and-Mrs. Evelyn Lindenfield co-chairman of all that they should pnitirlifer.T... ,_Sperry Observatory's sky- struments were'installed so the donor dinners. v , _Jpri Itnxanne Ililtz of Upsala's- sociology scanning arsenal is*a (en-inch^ "that" the", observatory could the country this summer talking to as many semifTars are part of a'regular course, bul somv- unmarried coupleras he could findv-whHetT" Plans for the "Day in Bermuda," which has a of them arejiBejnJfi-lhe.publrc. ' " ; department,organii6rV)f Ihe seminars, pointed—^ (diameter) refractor, begin the task of educating (he arejiBejQjfi-lhe.publiC. ,,m • T The Home Center That Helps You Do Everything . . . Better! Jireenwald: UveU for five weeks in an urban -waitingJist, include a jet flight-early on'M^rch •/: ' ' . —-j-- ^^ . ' flu}"•-' •i,«5tdurin tttat.duringg 'the first season'of TVS^1" telescope,—designed, gpn- thousands who have now : a, sightseeing tours and a .late dinner_fllaht structed and Insialled by AAI, learned more and mdre about • - commune- in-fJew York City. . ^- -" — — Yale coeds Elizabeth Hokadaof Honolylu and . ""Se'sanieStrfcel'' there werelno feiiialeil<>x<;ent- 1 •; *••;•• _^~, Hoping jo use findings' from- a detailed home.Mrs. Taller'. said. / ~.r—-~ -Deborah Eifler-of Spolkane concluded "women—f/>r one who played 'a pnsslvo wife, The second which" will be available to the-• -the heavens. :."~Tli»7t?mn£aiii'ri?ir« to bohold-bn-Marcbl4^ind J observatory's staff and to the itinnnalra and poroonal obocfvallono an ' .,ar.e_4iearJy_invisible" after they, and their (icason 'JSoiuue; Street —- prVid'ncpd by a From a small beginnlngTnT ertation material and eventually as a book, 1C, will feature a smdrg&sboard, dinners, and .-associates had rea,d several hundred chllaY&ffs womanV ndded a niaii liiiiy as tokenism she public in the early spring. November -of 1949 r Broadway cntertaihmelit;-^-—-•_—•—^——^—— picture books. They said they foun l""csdayLPiib. 22, at-2.,p,m. in the •.•....-,'.. _j~T-tmit-:"-maMy; UIUIBSSIUIHII- sucluluglau, 7 '/.!, 'rith-Youth-programrHiller-Foundatipns on was made so inconspicousTfnd sti, tiny that the'- lver .a5Q_iampuses, the Anti-Defamation 1 ;d '«•*•• —•!>•»*•«**«•* Bi -^-.-—psychologists and clergymen have pointed to i villain did not.seeheixthe studenti pointed.out. •• •Tul|ly" Programma.ble ' . ,2.4 ^^ j I • * m ,' I *^ I • \ m rf I I I • I k • <•••• • _»_• . . Jio.W.ate.rtTS7;we will have "^ . the erosion of family^ceiitered activity aswslgn-"" _.... • ^eagHfemeJueLeagHe, Jheiepo iN-LevutoapiiaN^LevOfcspitai] ror for angirmii_jaritfiriti . ."italsoappearsTfttnTthe books thaUhcJxJW--:- .- patients-in-Hot-Spriny,, Ark^the children's^.^lay^tt-g'reaTwortd oulside-While the girls 4Tr~- ' l^P?**?^ savings^certificotes ' .—ftf-wpiiknpRa inJhTAmericaniamUy-structure.--——nwiM/i-TrwETHCP rA»,rrh-wm-contintie "EXECUTIVES jo'nrl mr vy.int kr\'. i«ihpn hiring _dents.'. T':' ' 7- ;~T .•'•-.••. '":.'.••:: |t ria am | f-r'—-' — • will rcentinuerto -growrHowever; we -^f^^ectslProjects'inn IsraS^ludSIsrael include.. Children^Children's^ Home, -employees.- Brno .itoout yoursclnsr only S3.20I"Call -Ijjracrsjirily home • for^eniotlohally-^isturbed 686 7700,.dally_3-lo 5:00. . •• Fyy,^ty^ •, relationship-/aWlling,~and-n)any-stated that T~bpys,-~ — : ihey_telt the "experience iVbuI'd be helpful jo i^Turni lamp* o'rid_opjblionc«'ONI arid Orf ai . • -'--' by popplo going through a naw gtago in the life : Danziger views unmarried couples as even them in choosing a m'atdTrftK&JBffiis, Danzigcr- any* t.me o( doy..yDtLdeluo. Repeott (HT.-KII.OH —. - —'"cycle—youtH.- " 'evfcfy ?J hou,t-wlihoul lotctlinn Pprt V'V.'i .. ____..,., ...,~. less^-Uireat to traditional famiily structure ^;3'i5,^'H.aU..i4L.^6rD^..i9li_Uieyi5^MM: ? f bwJwnej^y-rangM--from^tKah^ommmu^^ _i_.-i.-..->-— iy'™""gijth young_men areiaph. Limit I Item Per Cerfilicqte ' study from different points of. Snow Blowen • Snow Shovolt „.., unmarried, plans.to stay that • •• and Maltin OfU ——styles, family strutture... •... . '••7.r:. ,way for the.time.being, while Greenwald'was^ 'CtfUrt?. Mf lYJ V _ .•-•.! time for" "You can be an unmarried couple unU| you married only-RWJ days after he left thB com^, "i...-JJ.Uaj5ft«ni'sii!>«*at«, ._^_c_^_. .wanttfftraVecWldren;''-hesaysr'.'Atthat:p L it discovered largelyby word'of moum.. --'--^commu'ne7' -hesays;2-Vo *' "u "hav°"»e al"'l those qther Rafik, 'Don Miller, Ben Jones-, IN EUROPE. WHERE THEY KNOW .-...As.^patlonallei^dsjConUnuat^^ SMALl CARS, THEY BUY MGkE 1 : ~tartiaee_age upward there Will ~~~n~~-_ •' ^- ^ •• • ——_Jt-•" PIATS THAN Alt OTHERS. ~. reception will be held" from, Staa.ls, Brian M. Pottier, . 'creased opportunity for'experimentati'op n with •'" COKI S£f—COMl SAVE! alternatives, but—many., individuals, upon '••'7!30-tO'iop.m,' —~";...~~ .'JamieS, JV.. Edwards, Ilex completion of this glagOnin^the life cycle, will ' 'ii, Saturday, the . Gorleigh, Frank Bridge*atpr, SStdte will be TheatBr-7Company__ Wendell T, .Brooks, Walter- BIKRAG settle to" a great extent into traditional 149 CENTRAL AVE.. OKAMGE -marriages, they say. _.. ' • " •• '' - '•' ; —-nedy and- King;" a- musical, Mallpy, Lfiontyne Ray .and.. o b 7 ; ^^ 676-6070 1HR J ACT THAT traditional' relationships ^production featuring George""Lawrence S. WHllams." -. fipton and Lorice Stevens. It _d<> not work for a significant-number.of pepp!e : NfiWa'rk StaieXollegerlinion^will be"host to " dedr^^sponsors_:fpLjlie program;-in "New makes it important, however,'that alternatives •-will beTpreB£Dtea"1lir the Hic-Jiorthcrn jNiiWTJersey-regional ;"spe'cial ..—Jersey—Include ••the State -Department' of f t a'.hi.; 1 and 3 bo txpljrcd, Danziger and Greenwaldfeelr— Olympics" onciHay 20. •" '.".••• . ~ '•- Education, Youth.Fitness Council,.Association ABINETS Communa.1- life may hot-be-tile-best-altcrr The special Olympics is a progranTrottracIc;— of Mentally Retarded Childrerii'tlh'd -the nativcrhowevof, payc GltWlb field and swimming"events sponsored by thfc••.-• Jersey Association of ircalth; Phy hhi s assumptionf s on experience: He describes his lempQrarjCjiummefeJCgidenc'eva8-a-"very Kennedy Foundation to create athletic jam- Education and Ilccreatipn._. , : - . :, putitiou uppuilunltlen fui. Iliu inentally ictai -——Gounties-represented aMItejegipnal-meet at Auditions opart straight, mmaic ciassionTtnunq, no drugs, no '" '•"'-' ';""' '' Newark State will be BergcnrBssexr.lludsbh, free sex'. I only saw ono.bottlo qf ale_th.e_whole jjQj jg Passaic Stlssex-nod^lJrtionSorrte;§()(l; scfiotd 1\Tyth^ r ThiTcommuno, locatedl.-jh.'..thq-Eprl Green THE SCOPE OF THEIR EFFORTS — Two mombers;pfL .i-._ ,.-„ in -Juntr-iijb^hc .state meet at> High school seniors..—ini sectlon/if Brook|ynrwasi>ne of sbconithe block',"" ;the telescope design lcortimltj.ee''^f' Amateur:;— r-..,.. Monmouth .CoHcgc/.tn'dctcrmirie finqjjste-for'^ fr=lere$ted In niajprihg in music and wasjhft-mpst;'"stable" of all; existlngjor-l: at college fnay^tjudition^ for -Astronomers, I are eve£ -almosb-twu yeaib, ulgiiifiuantly-Ttrmgoi ... -r new. tert-Jnch.retractor scope th6' _ . CUSHIONED SEAT STEP STOOL- hlhi 7 most, Greenwald says. an, 6rband instrumeriTs al ptace-youll bo proud to hold y;our__ Jindtfiolr-colloaguos constructed for.the WHIiam SAVE $6.01 .'-" Voluntieers are : U vi/qp l[)hnhllpd hy 15 ppn'plp nl fhw tinip -""yin-lW^Falkenhekn^oM^iyingston-Hias--—crUigreh In prepm;lng for fthglgou5~ TVesley College, Dover, Dql., wedding rleceptlon, toStimoiiial or ;. ^ Br-varor-y—on—Onlbn-v-Goll0g©-3™ Roomy, anomffl-tfiwmcH infffly.ttnnl^H. ti^ -5»wiWtfr^p .. •• , |-' -._.-. — --j- ^—•• toMlep-op uoried colb't""" Tie public relahfins counselingJicox.of l^aderehiftJrainingl?ro|ra"m:wUl.bd:Held^aT '•on-Saturday^March !8._r;--_. bowling banquet. Sedts.jjpJo 300, r campus. Richard - Ulmes - of Dunellen, Peg i«oo , ...^_MtlZI«. ,GcorgeJlssociates,lInlfinjiaajuuac-- Newark State College, D'AngbrrGyninaslum. •people._olr- -coriditlonefd, -ample HS% su cr ^_.IGraduates. in the "•."Wesley r-^jhalrrnan,-(Inv/hTte helmet)Jookson..as_p.r.. Arnold 4*'- u - UTIC1TY SERVING CART ,gfr.gf P y^^'^^^ynMdjP8 week—- TBdayJ&eb.igria--l5.P__No prior «*periencfr.. parking with dttendgnt. Come have • ~£, Ashtraft of Somerset, makes^ a '..'• miinor. Xr?\T^^^^^^^^^SSii- ---• ••••• ^n.Sessary, r •:r.'.«;^H|^ • 'M: Bill • Beutel,-co-anehorroin of: WAB(?TV~~ Colloge music*, 'mnjoi. •fe»'fc-, n,.,ii^ News", will' speak at Ihe third- cufr'iculum' consistently loncheon .with UsT^Let Carmine -or—• -'- adlustrherit. nd teacher, ^^ former newspaper-«p^er.and^^itoc ^-;-^i for jtimrTnr-thi^ 1 css Josopbr-your-hosts^help-pjan-your- -£— I DRAWER BASt CABINEiT" WALL CABINET ) n ID >iK'cati«n, frjulti-oijtle' o^d coV3 Anori*»ne time people who__,_. A graduate of _IrvJflgton_Hiph_Schnnl^,.-: r—-rfnterested students should ^ONC B6CePT10N-AT-A TlME—.- SUPERIOR-(CHAN)C;iOJ -rSHBtllFF'SSALE- -7M W x 30 H5S49 T3ntDi^"CommuTOB^61"6'far-out-people,^-he-^-Falkenheim cccoived a bachelor's "degree" Jn,~. FOR THE PERSONAL TOO ffrT" JUPER|OR-(Chan)C-100- 24"-wiDE".-. 59.49 ON ALL ~ 1 - "SUPERIDR.j-COUR-T—OP—NEW- 79 48 W«3OH«3.59 say^-^but how many "of them are app'roaching—jaurnalism from Bowling Green - ';V As chief of the-Loiidori BureauIotABC^New?s, Department ef Music; . J.ERSEY, CHANCERY SUPERIO ; R COURT OF • DIVIilON^ ESSEX COUNTY, '• NEW JERSEY, middle ela~a-valuesr";-—~ • """-'-••-.'.1:"t:'1 '...."•' University^na954_—-—^-•...•••:- . -Beute^covcrcd.EurppeTTftC'Middie East'and College, Dover, Del. 19901. CHANCERY_D|VISIONr -L- Jirr—RANGEoti-SINk HA5F Shidtrd will heq •"Africa from'-.lMS-through-WO.-T-lirough-many— .-.DOCKET NO. ' -F-.39Q.M. ESSEXCOUNTY WALL CABINET - Nevertheless, few of tho inhabitantssald tfipy ;AnArniy Voterarij he worked on a number of" FRANKLIN SOCIETY FEDERAL r 1664 Stuyvesant Av.e, "' .e>OCKETNO.F570-7) : of (he storiei covered he established conjacl — SAVINGS,..-.. JAND -LOAN ; . . • WAtNUT or PECAM <__ were happy .Most of Ihenvsaid^hey Were ll^^3ewgpap5ra^ l EARLY COPY . ASSOCIATION, a .corporstlitaQof -The-' --FedefaH^^'WntlorrBf""^—Fed t ' Some one o( a kind some samples in tlw yommnne to "piiUhelr Mves goether.. before -enter|ng_Jhp Efchoo!, public relations with~rnaTnlana~niinc sc_iliplomats and-per- Pbullclty Chairmen are urged UNION—964-«SJ»- -—N«w- York. Plaintiff—vs.- .MorlgooMl o _ &M«&'iR«'7«i»,R«n7-Tr ^d >r - corporallfih, PLAI TIFF, vs; •': to FUtti street North -i% mlntcrsectlon of the ^aldrllno o. ^X he say" are begfnning OT mt((«aMMJ?Jiilnutes_WMUOO.(eeli TWENTY-SECOND STREET with . ~ tbgethcr-behavlor. formerly CQnsidcred-"out.' 'r»esnqwThe shqw',, largelargess t pri^Kinqiof its khTdTrttfn ine New«Hfwi^-« - •; , t-;/.,.. -^ ^ :_-fh«ic^(jyi. parallel with Fllii- -the NarthMsterlv'.llne^p.f-.ALPlM.E J •~o'r6bun*ds""~bV'noCTgng4n^^ South 231 degrees *Jl nc ,m.lnute»i«e»t JS-feetMhence-W). on o map entitled "Map ol Tyi/O-Dinndnsionol nctcDlAblcrThor'^ltw'thclr'UrifJaUuirln a wldo * Natlbnal Guard Armory jn Morristown '.-.S^L^li^Kb-• ••...;'4 / parallel with the first courseSouth prpperfyol the 6assW Tract, In' Clinton Township,-Esse>fTCounty7^- '.. , ..Sovpn-Ploc»_Sollci.-_ varietwrelyoTwa;;y of ways, rangin^ g fr »«W«Thursday.Marcb!6 , ^X.^l - N.J. Burpau. of .Mlaiife "Management . ssdegrees 19 minutes East 10O feet EMBOSSED ROOM DIVIDERS B *^» include ^record^number.of gardens and tbsldVVtl llfFHth Waiimtterofconvenllnce^-~_'iijll?L -_..._.t * .. — - Itw ill include a record-number.o^g f gardens andd -',.:..•-• V';- fVE:^$2.00e -SAVS-SOe^ER PANEL FiREPllAGE ENSEMBLE ^-biologists" recently conducted the .winter Irom thence (lTrunnlno"*loha tho .> help home garacnersTina-- waterfowl.inventorv-and'fduhd g«M,430-i .lino ...ol T.WENT-Y*SECOND .99 |:Z9: ••'._,.: SAVE $15.00 :- ,-nllnnn noo nnn ilntlnn ftnpclflciillv bopauso^If— progranianesignea 10 neip nomegacacners-—in — ^utilizing state waters-This was a decrea_ —rPAklH- f|W 111 1 HITY TTl It • ^^ ~' .- L .. H *£ U h I • • I bl <« #«BahAkd««BBh'nimffliiitffi—'-"« JlrtMH • - ... '_ ' • - * ^5S-fronryHw>l97Utblar 0^404,985 and is irgsen ted ^by-substantial _deeliries-in-scaur

foit-'^QWoaKyJintoM^Uhjich italn((d.(ijiiilc:Au*/«*i»le ?•'! I IIHI*" '•iwrn^.iii.iii • >n _ ^ »._^. i i i =S3760:lfflS;

: :; ;TE2i»««flaSf~~ ._ a~I»J

:siij^. lejjf n6rmats ol Deods'lor. ESJOX county, Paoe 57. ^ • .The approximate amouht-of the' |udomon£-to be satlilled bysald_ Programs' are -directed 51 abouf.oye health and safety — arid'tliQ apphllny.' also seeh-'.lrl grefltcj- numbers with-81,700 ~v p- w"' »~^ ~^ ~* -~- ~-~ ~ - i—- , ^ btuden't au lencesrwlth Lewis' facts about unneocssflryvlsloh.loss.' • •: ',', tallied, compared.to 78,300 last yeafT New TTtoUsSnd Two Hundred Twelve . - Y0UMUltSt«IBKciuilV»l Dollars and TwolYS_."Conts • — BI«B«nt—Hu»«$«lfctl»nl ' providing Informal' . cortii In accepting the campaign- chairmanship,' "'jferseyhostsln-thewinter approximately one- ($10,312.13), -IDtrSWBf^wnH'The t 'the ' selections • Sinatra told socicty^prtssldent Bradford A. third of the black ducks In the Atlantic Flyway. costs ol the sale. J.. '•., • :,—~,— -Warner:'1'! an> shocked to Uinrh that of •the -Brant,1 another niajor.wbiterlng-species In . Th^ Sher|l|yeservcs the right to • I SIX Bulb ' "~" adlbumthosalelrom tlmetollmo' WINTER CLEARANCE ^hTTj 5tf^l0"rmnTj^metfcans^timo'ted-l<^btK^^ as provided ,by Law. , "\ " EAMILY^PAIt during_.sphpol_hours,' mid- .blind Inthe next year,half, will lose.thelr vision with'48,600 spotted In contrast, to last year's •NowafkrHTjrJmuifvTi, ml 1 LIQUID BASEMENT WALL-FAlNT~~~ SyEDESand LEATHERS October through mid-May'. 'needlessly:-.; H seems to-n)o that the society^ :l^oo; This"decline Is being-evaluated and foreverybody. JOHNP.CRYAN.SHE^llfp -- • SAVE 3" .;,.."• 1 ' DeuboJ 1 Estt|n, Attorneys''' PAIITY SPECIALS A.. ..".•- "' SAVE $100 ••'•<• •»•;.. ' ourlormtrlowprlc»»l05.-»l50. •During, the coming season the" • offorLs to . avert, • this*, tragedy deserves could represent a pooc nesting' year in 1971 • One-stop, one-hour service for most eyeglasses. _ ;•'.-., Irv.Horald, Jtn, V, •• • /. orchestra plans toporform at .;everyone's' cooperation." *• ". based on prellniinary data of juvenile-adult sex Peb. 3,10,17,'1972 (Feo»77.7o) Choose From-A •( . " •• . '.thousands of great-lpbking frames in all sizes, shapes, \ NOW schools in evory county'of tho I. ..Sinatra takos over Iho,post JieWfor.the pasl fatios securod.fronj hunter bag checks.' WIOe'ASSORTMeNT ol C0.L6RF.Ul GREETING CARDS;.PAPERS - state. • Ihrce years by Bing Crosby:' ' ' " ' ,. Colors anq styles-from basics to gold-filled'wlre rims. Jal two each twig lil«.' 100^75. 60 wot) light bulbi ' • ' KATES, NAPKINS, CUPS,' TABLECLOTHS ... av'srything lo mako. -Xc-— Mrs; ' Margaret ' Auor, •Impact-resistant glasses,brfocals,tinted and coated BULLSEYE! 13B- Y-2780 '- ; •••',• your Valentino's Day .parly ohowling tyccjiti'l ,'._.J .'_ • '-^"*>~3 PLUS--N^WSPRING ARRIVALS! , chairman pf" the youth con-' ; • COATS...»J5.UP-JKIRT$,,.I1O.-»U,-HO. ; lenses.- ' (''•' . .i' • • . •;' "'•..'• , • • .•.•'.•• « .. LB>TKBRBLAieR?Ul.T5...|5». corts for the symphony, said 1,400,000 AMERICANS 1 ijWtors' prescriptions filled.;Rresent lenses, duplicated . ^ To r^affh th« |Mr«on' you -sevecal nrrangoroents for ARE CORED OF CANCER wont, u«» an Inaxpahnlv* " Dilly 10 ».m. • A p.m. Mdiyi.lll 9 p.m. " '. sponsorship 6( the concerts s (clearorHrited)'i '..: ; Won*, od.ln Aih\» n.*«pap«r. ... .•.'" J -CIOSBIX MONDAY- ,:. • aru'uvallpblo. She inav. be v COLLEGE BOARD EXAMS FIGHT CANCER „'•- •• ''•#• It'l io •ImpU , ,.,•'•• ••' .i contacted foi'-lnforrnnticin at . . '.^.-«fClRSES«EGiNS00Ni=6R •'•,.', " l-tho SyinplM)ny_offlceH, 11)21)' WITH A .:.IT^A^ejl ,S^hqtai»lc'A|Jtl>ud« Test? (5A.T,) ' .•-•' • OPEN. DAILY A SATURDAV . I "Broad si., Newark1, "'•' '.••-•".'; CHECKUP AND .^-SATURlbAY?tlSsS^S--"WEEKDAV CLASSES * •Sh'Ki IHH. ttilnld.'j idf.ln .. < •'-• ^ ISthYEAROFSUCrJESSFULOPERATION ;; ROUTE 22 UNION- Union PlaM^hixxilnoCent.r. Across Iro-ri'pithittark ' • "ROUTI '|8 I." BRUNSWICK nice THick Road • Next To Pathmark ER WA A CHECK "'- ' DIAL''' •• tb« back ol ll,. pip,, moy (,. - ' 8 AM JO 10'PM fAREHOUSE your anawar. finch W..I. |C. ''ROUTE 1~-#ARAMUS 4MlleiNo.thofRoute4 • ClosedSunri.u - 1 HAMBURG .TPK.-WAYNE, PreakneM Shopping Center -• • OPEN *SUNDAY / CORNER OF SOUTft AVENUE & CENTER. STREET BURGLAR- - COLLEGE REVIEW CENTER 686-77O0 ' y .•BOOT!'59. «liqi($iYrM.Y/N.x, To Polhmork.CW Sunday/ .. » 1587-1320' SOCIETY 731-3928 ~:\. • • V' • 'i t ] . ( ':>;•.'>,,; •v.-'A;-' • : ••'•'. , v \ •• •V:' fUmma

Living »t Hi jineil in a mwt economical Kshfcm'l En|o» *•"•••vg> Swimming, qollino, Btachas «nd IKMrdtotlK Irv use-of traps J i«V r»sof I utllng thai Is tg»l lor «limrjii2lli»or wTltlie €>n TV •oona All unlis R»ncn itvlw In au«dsTSlr» »d. triiMt;rIEIcctric • ~9jA OQfl JtirtyHpriy' held WHNyABfcB- TRJ2ATS. =:_^: .^Z '. ; g rimris. i7:»7nV ThpRiiii Angus_groupsdouble -Festival TV 8peciano~bTbroadc#st-iiFMay on EducationalXeJevisiori Youn^ PeopIiSiWta^ J : a Few Dollars More," and when he resumed of "Hun IJon't Stop"- ond-".lJncle Duggie's FutT Channel 52. .." . . FestlvaLJVlnnlng entrleTTiTthat festival will facts uTdeterniinirirlAianninwg admissioo^n.io.i».n o.n—.-Ts=jacv- a~c6mp£inive - MOVING?FlnrJ-arepulablfmbVer = , making films- in- ABjcrica7Thg- plHye- liyht Was erected InMchlo Park, In lfi38,A*heye"^ free - ire designed to encourage-Uio- others Uiroughout the staterand^he country" t „ anything that pftstently exlsts-inxCermany or,; FdoUbTCbiH-with "The"Lt5wer^. !:A!so starxlngjerinlfe'r O'NelllrKe.n Howard,.Nlrid ; . liiDiad liis workshop. •. ' • "' •-32 \bmt7ZKnnaX6tkharXrii} tho stags comedy,''"Fort/ Carits^Jxi^inbthBrilboghtor _': membcrs-tO7alr_their' weight For entry blanks and further; informatioh, ! Kurope r.. It.is.ijt'eclsely' whatrihcmajority .of " •.' • | Opening EQchr-tPurorice'Lu^iar^jHfuouisV^ ^!hd'VatJh'ftMeadowbrqob k thaptar in Cedar Grdvev the play will r.un-tKfbiigh Fob. - . problems .wJUi fellow mem- ' ' ' rs may'wWle, to _JJhe,citj?ens"are;jopWrig forui the way of higher ggg n tf gy & bersp-withln=Bla;.conf)ne*-of- tne .,. . . . A.,Diography ol* Edison's , —idueationajiepporton"' '"Hollywood Babylbriyl^Tfyriited fttfn libout rVamqupFPrctororrpleaso iti-co'lbr, -;ri-(liildhqod, it;depicls~BJS.-|ife from his^fijst^ln^-,—j ColqmBo, 189 U rjuck, i Thursday tl yanriaIniiKh«»lia»l/>'Af^h)(y|iVn the 1920s, niajlil^ oxolusfvi' Nej jw^ ' -- ~"' "^ — "" ——— I'fMillon's to the timo tie^avcd a trjilirfroJBjij at TThTodorg lS8ac .—-t;rewjoJonathanflBS^W^egional Jligh School ^y?ppflgy -'1. "•..'"" »BUII|{. M»t»«^—uieurUieoryy o . ofi regularr ^HnfSir1ngfie|d3^to^r£n&n77w>"cre^eTn^ • Theatoc-East Orange. ^_J^lly-..WutbeL.of-MetuchenS:^vacaliofl from dieting1' is an ,. tcrvicwed-Dr.-iJanies Jan-Taji'schf director^f c ge, : i 1 u _^ThThe fifilml , w.hlch_wjis_photographell"in'TSIorhlh , I arid' Toni Mmvlh^xit"•irti^Mii" -T~--T-V.I»VU.C.limHIIUIllcspeciaH "--n^ti....-i.,?.,...i.i.i.l ; — """ Of pupil pcraenrwi-sprvir'i's for thp glvesa-frank-and.'vivid picture ii pereninial . Kdisun's life and the stories-of his (nycritions:. . _. „.„••• for It allows the.member to ' • -••-•-—.-.--•. - "STaTiJ ^^rTTffnof Ed sourcoofseftiiiUlnn^ wi^inr jn iflQllyiy^ofj ** " club, will-be on hand at-bBth~T«-atfilcii' • maihtenanee—:(a(— " COME SEE sessions'-to welcohie""guesG Pverv m nnunrl' lAee'i ".•.iti* :: : goiBS bcqhdinciyidiT ... ,' -'-'thpJJjjkBet'weffl" 'nnd.t'^ed and Board," arid lows in the marital life of a young Parisian ••:'•"' ?/v -=apdoxphiirrthe program. —completes-jJtre<^ipn^~^aTid ^ . ,lwo adult films arc; featured :on. two local—""""-1" ' ..-..— . :- )55 05OIOpmNwUI9 'TIn ••• 'addition^—to.~~i(]jaddition to. e"supervision^ from the director. •medicaHy^-approved- -. '"It is' this procedure," the dinavian Festival, has been 'scheduled.-ior .._....'J._scrcWs,.thc: Jetopd, Union ;i; jl()-~"ihc"May.fair --m'-rBiwys'!7' and i'Slolcn ' Kisses.". Francois ' spokesman • .saidl ' ptHat^' Sunday, afternoon, Juhe 11. ~^- ~-;^v ^isw* •rnables -a- dieter, J.o,learn-and— ~ ir.mnn Jnhn-P, Gallagher—iH-t)ifr-New the . Between.", directed~;by...-JflaeplL. .Tiuffaul directed thepieture.-which-v^ ^aiipns_Associatiph --Hjig: rc'Lcaud, • understand the pitfalls' of." HOW MANY COCKTAIL PA .^maintenarice,—rand-'to be. . special ..iunicT -to'lielp promote rts-campaign JTT.. "I'lie Krerifih Connection." a."tough ruthlessi r HAVE YOU AnENDED THIS . wuuuaiuc anuwfjiavc UII uie. vittruen AUIIO rarK- -'Americans Talk.Eeacekeep(ng^:_The award Sunday—matinee - shows-ifor — clffisc-aetion- thriller^ on 'the screens "'ot^the". _ permanently successful. The wsry. In Holrh.del,_said this \veek- 'thaUNew ^AS-THOniWY SEASON???? m of $1,000, to be matched by an equal amount *• "" ------••--••" — • •-' 'Miiple\to(icater. Muplewood and the Union ^- Jers,ev's-Scandlnkyian2ft J!'ji'*g.nj community lose weight, and fat people dp ;!-withirrttie~Btate;wa.s donated by the.Institute '"""Tlicator, Union Contcr, jtars'GcneJjackman',-' .will sp^n^OT^arnf^arrangVlhe"prbgra.rn; '•'."' for InternatibnalJJrder:. thr.ough_UitChational--~ " as a tot_nlly obsessed, detective turning Newf-J-j TIMETORBCiPROCATEItl il all the tlhie; however,, to -v- -He-sald-anr-inltial plafining committee hss r ; vlose It and keep, it' off is.the. ' .Been formed by Scandinavian-Americans-frpm-,—office of the Unitca" Nations" Association.-New _ York' upside down~inTn~pTjrauit^f mif~fn ~ ' to • Jersey is the first state in the nation to receive^"' lerniilional dope ring. . • ...- . ' • . OiRjmatc. It is to.this end that-. all dyer Ihivsijitiyiripllirling rn. J vn .lias beeh incorporated into tho ^^JSotherhoorf and thei-VasaVOrder,. a Swedish- • FRIDAV STARTING DEC, vw> r •=\i'iis"directed by William- Friedkin. - "Con-«-. '- LEON'S CATERER! 31 - \ ' .:-:^.^r-. :_, .'-- ' —•"• '- . 'bothscrnqns, is a-French film nboiit the highs DIOOQy y . AriierlcaiL organization";~Rcpreserilatives of "Tngham, president-of-the New Jersey Division, •.••'* '.. ;. . .v .necti6n:.'>as filmed irrcolnr.' . ; "A fine pieoi New Jersey's •icelandicJ-and Finnish-Vcomv. .said that PrCStabieyJ, Stubcr.of Wyckoff. will jrothing m^ire to • Round Trip jet non-stop Nev. .-... .» ...... 135 SOMERSET ST., direct the "Americans Talk PeSfcekeeping", r "Hansel and Gretel". will be shown at the especially -6 l.to participate toe.. r :?lni IS_OOOKeQ~QT>t"OX _ campaign lri-ths T3ta<'="«n""° "> •"•-'' via Capitol International AlrWaysrlnc.-(acer 11-- ...lenf-the venr'sbest--. ^ NO. PtAINFIEtDU- 757-5473 'Line," is^. &waiuc^ -w-—um- i ftcated supplemental carrier) *tfeiuxe rooiri'at —pictures;".'—opened-yesterday at the Fpx- : - member-.after 15 c'onsenitlve. one ol these great Miami Beach oceanlront . •..._ .- • "Theater, Route 22, UHion. .'..•.:_ ~ :i. .'.— TDLOpPUL C.ATERING • • | ji/eelts"of participation In the^ .. hotels-for 5 nites: VERSAILLES /"SHERRY n Public 7°^ ° y's~Answer " The picture,- photugmphed- in color,' and "~ club. At the termination of the : -Q-IN^WOrffEiJAC/rSAXONY • Welcome «»cktall disorder 1" starr.ing-J?eter.. Finch"ind Oscar-winning LISTING..RRICES, IDEAS J 1 Bri _=- --The^New.. Jersey Drama . _.ANP SUGGESTIONS . ^rograjh^gbal • weight) "thc" :"ii">.l". in^lri Ji.w\ Paf'y • ?aMasl^Brunch amLGcJurmftt ninner Jl.-Ahend I ' Glcnda Jacksonrtells'a tender trtangular louij I jnember:.-- receives an ad- • inclusive npliaqy; Dally •Free-Chaise lounges ••Planned social _ , , --••-.•;-;• "-" »;-ireveiii 1. Less cprcfixi 1"^"-- story involving a successful British doctor, hJa.' .Would you -Like'_sprae-he ditional award.'. . which- 22.1ndlnn : _-:--• --•••••.'.' ' •-..'-•-•-==^——program • All transfers • Two nlte tour-to its-aivards' to^a£llsLsaJU(L;.-n.-MI»tMal-- - hnzardoun - young male lover and_a w,oman;wlio-is In lov^— —in—pp&par-ing nev/spape 'fepresents the—total weight pg production personnel ih ^_ lj.'jucinu' • 2,siib.iide greet- " : I Country Club Inn anomudo nafleh" -'_'—with-the-same-boy. .. , ...... :_....:,.•:. __-!• loss.; '. /' •'• '• • ' CapfCorol Country Club Inn ar . "recognition.' '-of "oulstahdinR t\6au ^rstrinjred.. ,i.j. inc.. . • • leases? Write to- l,.',lKrt '|.^MMA.IR|I.. ' > ' ' 13 al c -t.i^_."Sunday, Bloody Sunday," which lakes f[ Resort Includes transportallpn, achievement on opening night' 'M f, _ ln»tnir" n' :-."••-"-Holly.—, z paper and aslc^fti^ bancpiet manager — I'n-additiun, a huu-•'. ~ : - of "Forty ..Carats" - tl %o ,,- ; !^"""~ - <:S-,,- wood:— y^- "'""n'mj^-iook ut.honTosexu'alJoveTafrd'huntaji';'"' jnembership and a nsjurc. 2.1.'Kra..--. -HI conditioning- program"-'^ -attend a "festive", land JUIo» H-op""""—" «», •jVUjudo^jrJiok,• Cedar Grove... i2uMji.r > s.-i'ypoof _ _John Schi'iiriger.riiri'rtcd the pTntiirt*, which presented at Uiis"' tiiiiu."—~~~ ' :&iC: ProperthjSTiwBrThere is no_obligatl6frtoi' v The awards were presented, is. French" _ rfshinK ,-" grnpi •_._ ? cleas h season . ' yp -— -flowor 29:- Ec^t'S.i::^ ^^^ ^ilEPJjg I ^li^fi'piiri'mcnlsjuill be served T~~ attend the presentation. —<-—---- —-.. ^ ' ': - Excavu- I2«.'d«:i BUY A fts: Fmrdlet critic of-^the Star' Tiedgcr, _^i.(i 6. FrlendnHIp 1972 mam 'Vmnrrjr 1A >....• i WDius- recipes will available and -BrJoyoun. - :" hrlri iSZi~ii-^lacltened there ."wil ^setf : 2V I^p>ra,j_327£5pjnaurn T/iedfelr -~z "CWspnpur.- -l---rr-. : -1H, Matter- -- "9:Wllh' -ZC-Embftr- -37^-Term of • . TURNONS J DOUGLAS warded f^!. »l 34th Sll.el . ••''•• Oc«n >l 65lh Slrval "' ' /, • Ocelyi at 32nd strtal •' FAIRBANKS iF.g,i ^Q •"Hello,'Dolly^'received the—.. ~ (lawawli .^.splendosplendorr rasflcd' ' ' "VoffcctipTtrill piiiiiiimiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniimiiiiiiiiiiiiiji .JR;-7=r^g^forort- Octorv' er7informationy A NIF, Y-CIFTY DISCOUNT CENTER _aispiiwards^^ighL)1anda rientnl. ,;::-;"".-lOTH(gh-^ ' 27. Brenk-""'. '~—far ghp'rf _J '•\ "PFn TO THE PIlBI-ir' 1 "All"limes, listed are portrays Blddleford . 4i JESEBV ^^M)J3M958 • _•),higlilighl of the'ievening,-uas • o: BMI,MccV_ -__• '. pitched-; ;^:.--^--wKtin-: ^laajnlted / 2 -nislied 1 Pdole ln~o scene from \ VALKM'INK SI'KCI AI.S " Or, SEE VOURTRSVEL AGENT , •'.-•.* -_ — .,~ -. ~- - •• —-f-r—- -4 :j.yvlicn. a special^^award— was- 2i.Cnress 1 ':.-/ T ymade to Frank_Ca'rrihgton (of-— 22, Puncture Tues.',-7:15, !»V45; Fri'.,-^45, 'The. -Pleasure of His — ^R WRITE GRANpWAV-TOUR8rlNe:,415~MApiS0N AVENUE (20UtFUOOfi).N;.Y. 100117=— riizabcth )--= io: Sal;, ly-7jj5fjpt-gun';, ,1;%.— Tthe Paper Mill PlayliWsi) in' M^ni«; '" Cornpany,' by*3amuel:~ A ntolcrnont and Ollerinq Slati-mcni has been liled wnn me Deportment ol Slale ol I he Slate 01 W ~irWa(lF:J?-flll-irIin—•""'-• "T~ XhjJtoiUr-ri ^qaag^t^r^ottriTdy i T New Vork Thp filing dnps not rnnstilul** approval ul tin' srtle or lense or offer for sale or lease s., ,7:15'; -Sal.; II;•'::•• tls by the DepartiTienl ol State or ,iny officer thereof or thai the Department of State has in nny -VCo«tr1buUoii fes^tTCHrnonp" wsy passed upon the merits ,-! such o',ln:ng. A copy of the Offering Statement is available, nner, .wKich: qporjodr upon request, from the SubuiviuVr, and in addition thereto assigned advertising uumuer — n i M . Wlthiired ' "—ATIOM? (201) 233-B5W Family. Roman-Catholic - "•' -- .Tucs.,-8J5p; C-APMIR6 A- ~Tuosday dt the—Paper „•• vox.. CJlurcli,.;0n;6n.CUy,js casting— '; /l A "MX 896-71-58. New York Real Estate Broker - John H. Davidson. Florida Real'Es;ale Broke. - Mliai -THE 'FKENCH-OcaKiZi H-S' i I/U Cape Cuml Really. GA 71BS —AD 4430 (K) TEeN"-AbERS,:irnd -fobs—by w '.^. Suii., 5:55," 9:45"; 'Cartoons,- E3BBCIAJ.D.V. MIII : -HayriousoT* fc-AT DOM'SI NEC'nON, Thur.V~Mon...- ThlOS- GM- ' tunillno-Wiinl. Ads.'C.lll 6847700 • r%M, _'. ^a(..l,2:30;.Sun., 2; IlANSBh: 1 a—..-Miliburnv'Th*:icn •ii....' Lon_Salurday,; h^tr will:....:::.-^.^:r :; m UNION 686-4373 rr34rWctniimcaer ^tth 990 Sluyvoiant »vo. (•:/.' • holiday . ' c»n'r^'»tod«v(oV«iio'ni'opifi''iino'p^M7'' • • forniances, held every..;.; .' , ' __ > S; c r c > g> n ^<«g' b»^ >s.i ^''t> * w s ' ' .3'SrOnmh—~— -i siiNHAV', BueobY stnsrf ' '*^™. ;«jaM Dori't be Lonslv-lnsure jveojceiid, qntil Sunday,'Maren. •"'.'"'".•..... <^\ HE^FREISICK_ DAY, Thur., Moh,, TlffiS^7i POR.i.stBlUn O.K. 26. the-2^ .hour production* :"-;. ^^J • ^si /^J • ^OTT ceJNNECTlbN" •..•!ijajJil,,7i"3i)7'roT'Sat.-,-i-i'45, . R: Color- rr:_ •• convert' p .10, Bar I___43iiBT30,-in:4, >;- Snn.-, i.-A: m^ ChdCha, AAambo, Rumba FoylrOtWlt "DISCOS Ti,Ii T©yola.Wi3ao« foVtiiily SJOJdownl RoyJ4i.30p.> •10. Step In ~^MA PLEWOOT)--,-'! |' lC (ld. 111 OrColISte- Dtts FED • ' Vlni,n D.l.f.d pS>m,nl ^ :",. -CONNBCT!IGNT- Come In and, ._ / r0594.>n»uo) M. ^S( stay awhile. i»\» m ""-TliuKTFri., Mnn., Tues.,'7:;i5, whlie fBjiioi.!M; 'T.^«SM;">.".-.vli.oa. OH«r go«if* I • Eatani' drin' ' k' l9:3Pr-Sa.l.', 5:45, 7:5fl, 9:55: . n «tyl«" l ^x : SOB.MAIM.ST, C MAYFAiR NO |=Suri"v'r>:-30, 7:25, 9:25;. Sat., • EASTORANGE ^LUNCHEON & DINNER J —-,- ' .'ill H^.:..__..... Alan 8 Sun;., TrratlneeVHAMSEL- SERVED.DA|L-Y_ •WJrsihg^ijersoy City, ' in exclyslyo:.. From Tho''Vmt°Ss.-JM-rtest-will hegiveh.in:the:;±- i--::^ » ZFrl., Sal., SurCwithniolJnion Hof- __J l : i PI 'Sun.. ~BTIfir.Duarlot- (oalurlno ,Joo Wlm-- Recomm«ndedjiy cu^_ -.- '-Bar, Lounge, -- ' . t~.' " - " '! • school' at-l McWllliains pi-:.--: , -tr-C\--ff•, ;.-,»...„..... , .--'^^i^TOftypJSM mor otrncrordloni our slnglno bof— . „ Noon to 9:30p.m.,.,. PrlVaWParflQii.,,, n —'Fn rr Mo'n'.v- Tuefe! ,7,-lb: Sor'l tenders, and spoclal addod attrac-1 Tiresaay7Wodn(uday 8. ThursaaV Oporl 12.ip;3O.R,m, - RIALTO^''-'232-128i 8 I UOX OFFICE OPENS C:30 SllOOtr-^ • •—- ----lOj^m.Friday &5atur'doy ,._^ -Saf.7.!>r25;:B:!SSySun^ 5,rB;3tt;i:| ----..-- (^U1)7S6'-O3W- i-nm>5-j*!it«H- tr.-lolnr.hnno U.A:.., .v.-^-'~rr~~--.-M. 1/ If—^~ -- ..mr.-r:~J;.-.:-.:-- ~- -:y- j" • fTFCT Hffl^-i'lllisl - . Entron Includlng.pDtilo and uogotablos ' •; ..„:.. |. t -. .1 lOHEOFTHt YFtR'Sl OUB DiflKA! pfHBPTMR JKKjW^^pg^^

f ! ",^1S V-.*T«' I'ls jaas» i '

eon 1 .k.MXi.'j.jjaa 5,28,-7; 20."9 :X ,. to'-- :-' "O--0- .-'• DINNERS • wNlWMAN. • "Poor M«n's- Sun.-Thurs. '* ' PARK. (Hosollc Park) — Supp.r club" SPM-5 PM " Of Customers •ft'' • wranGOUtD'' Jom«« Br.telo; WonO0«r the Finest in BKD, AND BOARD, ThUr., T r^ANAVi.iif-)N' • .'iNii QB Rl«HICJiROVE_« HALL REN "Sir. 5 PM-WldnloJ ^."'ii.f Uror. .XKinnuy.Conipnny —Pri—MnrtTT-ltnjK—rnbrSaTTT" RipNlTE SNACK II: 10; Sun., 7:30; THE GO-.. •DlNWfER PARTIES , ::% .BETWEEN, ."jriiur:; ".Krl-v -MODERN & SQUARE .DAMCIN JURK DOUGLAS ' EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT JOHSJNY^ASH^ : Mdii., •Tues., 'tt:05;. Sat.; 7, : ,• «:4r.; 'Sun.,. r>::in; 9:10; Sal',; DICKENS opeiti 11:30arii. to I\pln. "A GUNrtGHT" «>V Sun;' ituitlliees:' Cartoons, RESTAURANT f^f, "'•2:-45;'':. ' HANSKL ANDD Wld.Ke.a 12 nLooiP.to 10 piii. ^ • UHEXEL,, 1:30, .3. ' .'-' GO.., 580 NORTH AVE.VUNION I No. di8. Meadowbroolf ::Vr.srr;::: OPEN DAILY Credit Cards Honored THEATRE/ RESTAURANTV 'liWr^'i ADULTS $1 ' *.' "•' • AMPLE FREE lywR TO SHOW THAT WE HAVE BIG HEARTS AT ! -JAN-.- 27- THRU FEB". 21 •"'• * P FABRIC YARD. WE WILL GIVE YOU,.. ?t^ Lockhart IRVINGTON POLISH HOME '"•••••• ,. ",•..,.- -, ;...--K-'-^ • .. • '-\ BESTAUBAHT-COCKTAIL LOUNGE P*,-'.Qn"A"ny' fabric': ,''.' •. . CANNES TillM fESTiVAlf »j»*fl»i' e.,lrng .^rdi ••...N.J. Polka DnnclnuCiiMKir '• •v- GHINISE^AMERI«^CN IRESTAURANT • Yoii PurcjhasV'fH'|s '•'• •' '/ bntiquot Puclllll(HFpi'AnvOr:i:,i5l6Puclllll(HFpiAnvOr:56n ' ..enloi'talrimontGvor'ySat,eltltG'ySat:IS5uii7Nloh:ISi5uii7Nlohtt •Route'T, .Linden, N.J.t '•' •'.'""^ ''• oci oV'i' ' 'Valentines Weeketidi' •' "" AMERICAoSl Fcalurlnfl BD IIOBHO THIO (In Front ol Llncjjn Airport)' .. r ' , * O0*"olil« « Opon Nlloi, (exc .••"•• '•• - ?: 311.10 n p.Tnit Slalhino in MANDARfN SHANGHAI "\fN BATES M v 1' ' 5ANbwi.CHeS &-eiiVEijlciAU •' ?!?f'f "H'«r*pr-l.v»te parties • 2-453? ^TT a YARDS- - AlWilnoos Sar«.,Sun«(and Holltl.iysjtoSp.m.- ••/ '•'."" AND Artmlwioni Mat.'.40 Adapted-'by JA¥ ALiEN ' • : • ' FvV'nlnosWiOO ' ' IFO6D ayplarbrBARItLEta^GREDV" 'Livingston Roller R'nk . H i ,415 S'o. Li«|rta*ton AVe. -.v U.S.. " '— 992.J141 • ' ' " ' " UNION lcU«r i.laM) '<* mil.'. AVE.. 1455i "".rpNDIT Ji-. ,.,k

-MV • •!•'-' ,^•3,:,,^^ I .,. •//

28»Tt>ur»clay; F«bruory W "Thursday, pah

To Place Yow Ad To Place Your Ad Call 686-7700 Call 686-7700 DEADLINE: TUESDAY MOON DEADLINE: TUESDAY NOON !I.IIOR-Jfiflraa:Jn St. James Mixed at Four Kciw Lanes are Epstcln-Iiaslzer-Sghlldhaus, FOR THURSDAY PUBLICATION FOR THURSDAY PUBLICATION .Seasons-are Four-Seasons, 40-17,-BrirhardCs-- :iO-18; Glasor-Turnor, 29-1?; Lelbowitz-GerWr- TV, 35-22, and Wllpnt AmuwlatiHinnri Atlnntlr Posllan. Wr^-llvZ '.'" . -1, .Li '.„. "-»-'a Lead. Pipes, both at 32B6. Sweeps last • ;,- High -scorers-were Claire Gerete|n, 189; over wpnl In-fy^lnnHron arirl WHnal, ••-.• RusemarleEllenberger,401; MillieSemel, 176- Help Wanftd Mint Women '. 1 High scbrera were OTrbBurKharat, 558; Mike [ I iiyllisI |_. Caggiarior20M38; JohirMateckar, 2I6-M7r Eleanor Axclrod, 189. SNELLING4 SWELLING 1 ; -EAAPCOyMENT SERVICE •• -BV^ONflOTII r Willi the scoreJU^2=Utf*eor of Grove in the ' Richard Colandrea, 528; Attlmriffegtti _ OFFICE Clerical—Sales—Technical to visit newcomers In Union. If FURNITURE t Springfield hitt seven ".straighstraight points- in .. final period, the Bulldogs got down to business. - _ Joe .Pepe, 522;- George Keppler.-jJIJpSJiarpn 1137 6. Jersey St.. Elll. 3555900. Interested . please- call, for PROGRAMMERS TEMPORARIES Interview. 2334003. overtime last Friday at Cedar Grove to thwart Pepe split the cords on two jumpers and Schoch Cagglano, 157447; Virginia Caggiano*, 188-451; • The Three Queens lead in St. James Ladles at. . PROGRAMMER . . KTF. a Panther upget bid and keep in j lie for second put in'thTee:for-d-UH>oint surge as Springfield Elple Rotolo, 174-172-467; HeJetrKepp|er- 166- Four Seasonsyitli a recprdrtif-34-arj-clqgeiy; tJOMPUTH-FIITijRE_ ^place with Verona in'the Suburban Conference. pulled out in front. . 15J-458-uJDiBbble—Moytertg, 17M12; Ann followed by the Jets, 33-Z1, and swingers,'3!=2S.~- - LIQUHIATHHI SALE Dayton playg-at-New Providence at 8 p.m. Jacques, 409; Nancy'tPWady,-HHK". —rt~w6W«ff5rantedfor-baby.slHI But the Panthers fought back'-and u'ith'31 Jf You're tMSOR*MCB^Bnir»)(e«inili I 2>3 days per week. Onion. Call i Friday ahlrisTiosTIo^eKiBaTuesday a13:30 in- .se.cji>nds remainiDi<.i Paul Palek, who Jiad 24 ~o-o- ~. " lop scorers were-Koseann-Wtaryny position* available (or payroll 4743. • • — ..' two conference contests.--:-- .••*" -.._ . . pojnt$, pul tho contpstinto overtime withtifree Sprtngfield. Skittlers.lL A,477; Riitli Insley^454.199-474; Terry r Bmldt^ w For A CarfiBr HdTust A Job raudltor spade! agents «, actu.ry. — •.-: • •-'••••• . : xs.io-i AII_Lmerchahdlse. new SlWFee paW. call Mr,-, STOCKS.BONDS. ; Maxes i.••"••• ' ' •_Joe Pepe again had a superb'ouling.'hiMing:,-throwthrow . ' 'iLC^' EclioJ s wej£_ . y;1 ; Sally - In DOS or OS?rY6GOBOu maL yprogrammin beeHglble tgo ublic^ MUTUAL FUNDS. - on a sizzling 62 petrentrof his'sUOtsTTum trie- Mark ; Cheiley, 159-433; Millie Porcelli, 153-431; Helen: Read On NEW ISSUES. INSURANCE. "CONVERTIBLE SOFA^EDS ling 62 pcTcentrof his"sHOts~from the- Mark Tasher Took, it froin there jvittrhetp Yorria Anderson, 179-153-479; Marllyn Alex'y— Berkeley Tetnptateitnr'—11 Stickle, 155^29; Una Brown, 153-424rHVIadelyiF " jOirLCtiubb 8. Son, one of America's Reg. 1279.These softs-are new but ,, field for a total of 30 points: Pepe also paceTTthe from the Pepe-ScIiocK duo. He put in jhret r"178; Lorraine Vosburgh, 17H57-452; Gwen— : . busiest temps. _IJInvestment --'. - Banking manufacturer golfed and covered^ ; Teja, 185.-418; Diane'Dutll, ^Oej-Glnny-FuHk^v: most . Important .Insurance I -; squad in rebounding with is. LJ*im Schgch fllso clutch shotsirom the charity line: Pepe added;] Clickenger, 170; Jeanne Keyworth,164-16U55r TMs nosltlon with a m»|or New Jersey CCorporationo MATURE.WffMA/lwIII baby-sit In them In wrpnofab'rlc. Yours Wr""' rwwfl-yotf-io become a reolitered own home for 1 or 2 children from 1 . • performed well in the wjnnihg effort ;-he scored bucket arid Schoch tU'o^pulK-aitd-Oayton-ledJj Linda Wood, 163-159-456; Jiflny Banner, 157-154-- 163-403; Carol ;S?yinansk(, 155-402; .Natalie: '• lanlzatidns. Chubb's dally growth ls\|ust what you've been looking for tfo glv»-y.ou»*.i - Ariany openings for typists; ; • 'J^- ' i •151 --" fttur»jyillJMJ|4fecently , Installed. KrKnowledgw e of SETTERS I repr»«ntatiy»w QualjfICMTOJI™ a Mon. . Frl, Call 4B6-94S1. SofajWfhoutbeds ,..„ * 97' - :--—17 polnls-and led the teantt-with six" assists. scyen. With the Bulldogs in » fnnr-qornpr'-gtal'. 446;_ Marlon' Kunc, 157-15343?;' Estelle'-•:-• Casalq,_15O-4OO; Anggja Blanda, 166; Marlene" tefji'Iiplus '-"''1brig>establlshed Good salary, all benrilts, Holiday rl'iin, accounting clerks on .*»•«.•B-tearfianjUhcrease you? •-.—:—r.r: K2-10-7 1 os-MVTpluiANS«)BOLa mutr. if ttiltttXWKftna; _BUtf«nrH»rarv staff. If V9ir<»fiir income.;. Call MrTteonard • fan•)- JbKi BMlt s >TT •'- Horlshny, 162- II4;TWary""ErnsV;i56T~Anne employempioyea_poUe policie< s can bo -your- you. are a NWfJysey.resident aiiJ you iiave "lie sndye«»tl«»^»W' " * -—Daytonjed going into.Uie second quarter by a-—the PanthenTwcre abT^o score orilv fair poinla ""' 150. "" ,.". Twmi « a <««w jwu^TT^aiviPiii JIIU yuu naVBTTIV WILL WATCH CHILDREN In my- EARLY AMERl'CAN S^FAS -ltiiTmafgin. H6wevcr,-the"Panthers> surged .,. and (he ganie-cndMi with SpHnKfit?l(fon top,:7l- Schaffernotli, 155; Gen Ammlaho"jl62i_Kay_ OFlngboarcl-to isuccess. If ybU-Tjaye ambltlon-rouwlir find CHUBB Is the plau-to- home for worklnir!ri''thers^ao« •Reg. $429.^ Various colorv W0BT" ; Shld"""'*MI* , ' " •'' develop your future to the fullest extant. Good salary between! 14. lrvTnSfon«r*aVCall trimmed,' £:.- :.2—ahead early in the following period arid-held a . 60. "'• • , -_____^_ ^..^;;_/.:, Top teams In Temple BM the dmWtlonrStKritre' plus excellent benefit!. • ••••••. . M^-lono^i slight edge through the third. ~: .' On-.'the whole.-Paylon sparkled once again on. - .--.;,—. drive to .excelT Cfiubb 8r Son Is the ... Pleaaasnnri rwumn itatlngialsry ren«fr»m« ... .. '..BEDROOM SETS BY B^WHTT : ~ :'——;'——offonse, shooting at more than 5(1 percent cl|p.'s~- —. call Am 979-4100 today or | visit our Pknornel -JOBHliNTINGTHEHARDWAYI —place fofH?' ••—Ocpartmmit.-We are '—'-J -w- WILL BABYHIT In my home tor Italian, Medlterran -" ~~~ . - compared to "13 percent fur UJ'UVO. Tile squad --^r-r- ihclij^e5:^^155^360-30> and 5fJ's _^*.rhe Sttort Hills Mallr working'mothers. Roselle Park and Modern. Reo,- 1 a/earwlll alsoglye lunch to Ald»n« --.—-alrH>-*"•' wJiri had^five asslsTs,Jeff-Sarold ijar (es-pliis^ excellent', Springfield area. Call 374-3144. "" --- •-• •*»-•..•__ .Short.Hills, NJ.07078-A '- r-: x2-10-7. ^HlRisers— $78- xlmat^ly 100 peflple^were pn hand-last a clean svCecp'for. the Uowlihs ~^Doyton-is-nawT:atjd~cighth In Ullloil-'uiiiiUy. BgAUTICIAH-^MAMPOOER Mday-atJonathan Dayton Regional High For anrlritervlewi call: . Excellent —bpprjrtunlty seeklnfl~ parr—time-1 position, .3 & 3 olectignMips. Thtsesofas and - i>y tho Stai^-fedgeri with aTetuj'tljif -"" ' •~^--:: .chairs-are dealer carwe4laHomr. School as the SipringTieid Midget Wrestlers won Co-captain Bill Francis scored a solid victory •• • • * D Thur»davrFrldayi».rti.and.»iHThursdays-Friday p.m. anclall-tiay< - _• The Springfleld-Junior-Mihutemen-played •.league count of R'2. An Important clash with ; gfll); 379-^800, ext>2lS7:..,. t o;r r q s p o n 1 b I o We can't mtntlon manufacturer's —r Jhelr-Uiird. matchjnra^rowroverpawerlng a Ct,BRKTYPIlT ' DOMESTIC to clean our offices, Saturday. 484-4045 after 2 p.nrr in the 90-pounct class as he defeated hig op- '" ' 'R2-1Q.7 name because of prices. •..'.- tMeirruiest-game-of-lhe-basketball season last_jycr.onii.-the-team.-which.iHs dead-locked tor $100 Fe» jjald. Tired ol straight •mail factory;ohcee week, unior? young Roselle Park team, 51-12. Losing only ititftt-record d t'i typing? TOU'M tonf"tttls~pne;- Prlcrsnd hours ooeh.. Phnh»: M4; ".'Wednesday ,at the tJaudlneer School to beat-.-: second, will .take place Tuesdav^Looking even Acairgt* lyoing MM*d & you'll •two'-of Ulg~U matches, " ' ~ eighth grnHprStai'o EVfrmnpn pffl ''- -DAVWOfttceRS r-"6CUINERS . K ..\.;... rrBillBlde,42-27Lfor.their fifth vlctQr_y.against-one ' furlhar-inlo^He fiilnr)' MiV^nwiW'«%i-ln<;p,ir£: • —Lovely omc». —^Ipha-Numer.L Reason record to 3-3-1. performance,;scoring.his.firstj)in of the season —(^-Odd-CWAIRS ,...™.-.... !Ha,(kV and 059 machine. For -CASH OR TERMS —1. .. «bMA.Wfc-i,*.t,u.HfM».l_Uw1ni.t.jtTat hoiue.;^ The .midgets got off to n fine star: 51 John F. Kennedy Parkway PARCPERS0NN6L= ; >T J ' 1 when 60- in Ihc91-pound class. Steve pinned his opponent : EARN-JEXTRA MONEY. HOLD -Applicants seeking Day Work have Juniors dominated-the gamp in every The Star-Ledger rates this powerhoiisoaoiri in' 1961 Morris Ave., Union. . W-3870. 'I CANDLE- DEMONSTRATIONS. . interview apply.'.' "at pounder Jflck'Rowllns,_wre«Uing isrffrsT-^^nRHeEse^hd-peFiod. Seventh grader' Mike Short Hills, N-J. 07078 . .... ;r..\-r—;'; .-.. K, 2-10=1.4 registered at our Irvlngton'and C.redlt terms Arrarmftd— -and oulscored.'Hillsid' " e in every (he stale. -: •-'•-- ->.•. -—^ ^J •" •FOR-m«)RAAATION CALL-ST^H PefstoMT^Offlceyjbr midget r^atchTOutchiBSHliiisToeV" J r period. The victory resulted from.a well-drilled _; a Patettarecorded-his third victory of theyearas ~ SUMMER FUN? fifth grader who signed up only two _. r : CtERKTYPISt- ~:•• . •. - •;~rr-~- " • . x2-101 call:. "" ~~- •'. >."' 1 S&H FURNITURE — zone press defesne and a well-balanced socring —•- oro " he pinned his foe'ih th'iTscpond period Ik wih"Uie._ $105 Fee Paid. Lovely-iuborbsn News tHe time to start pla nnlng the matehe, , lookoo s likeike' an outstanding ,.. '•'• " "• needs sharp that summer Vacation, and Jo. 92-pound weight class,- ' • ' •--—;:—'-— ELDERLY WOMAN, des 1 -tf_you-r.. , a omeone to'clean your IATONC attack in which jo boys scored. ~~' ^_. • ... . 0s 23 points; start earning the money to pay .-1211 Springfield Avenue : Chris Clumie (73) defeated hla oppbnen", ^ houM.or_apar.tmfnt, rail.either of "" ; Steve Pepe picked up the Minutemen in the -—-Eighth-grader• Rieky-Nejfeld-remainedrthe f^ ,:wh.en sonjVi'wai •for-II. Try the fun wByl—r-^- —Irvlnuluii/ N.J. for his fourth, victory of-the season; ElghL. the following numbelersandasr k for .1 'seoond-tia'If-when he 'tallied- all rff-hin-nlne".—; only undefeated 'wrestler as he=shut -outthis ,: work required. Prlvale-batli lOARt) OPERATOR, —HOLIDAY AAAGIC Domestic Help. ' . ' 399-4U4144—. ..r . ,.... grader George Rowlins, the older brother1 of. 1941 Morris AW,Unl6fv 9A4.3B7O GI1/0 addross, relerences Exit torGardenstate Parkway • Jj"points, iHaTnlyonone-on^one moves against the- oppoWeTnT^nnheT3^6irria'we|ght class; Jtick' required. Light KS-lp-1 necessary, Replies to Box 12.. necessary. • . GQSMETICS Irvlngton.. : f ~l Jack,- pinned his opponent in the second*period now is 4^'for'(he year; ... '••'." INDUSTRIES '.'•"'" . 373JI010 170 Palisade Avenue' -Ave°,nUnlon'*r' ™" s'»^»n|- Call Union 964-73M Cllftslde Park, N.J. . .—points, for Springfield and hdped-Springfield - Seventh grader PatSmitri~wori"thfrs43»und~ 430 Mountain Ave. ~ Newark '.- -M8-3800 CLERK TYPIST TYPIST. WILL "SfiOrt HHIi 374^448"±~.- • r ••:."..-• *41.J)M^W1-33O» .^control the rebounding/...... - Spfmgiield victojy weigrrf/pla^by-^Efnultiniho secondj>eriodv- Goad-with llguresi also to run ON BILLING Fanwood 322-579* — " R 2-10-1 - '.. «--2 mfles south of atefllld (after 4)^32.9408. :l;j ' 'Rick"Weber starred on defense, playing a A default is scored when an opponent is unable' calculator ,-or will teach -If- MACHINE. Great spot for- , Palisades Amusement Park- • ...has Immediate openings for full necessary. Permanent, lull time. ;•' ' -• DJ-IO-I A23-poin( performance by_.Joe Pcpq aided by to cSntinuethe matchnjue_to_.nn injury. Co— beglhher -TSr-^5usewJ(e—- -pBurlness Opporfynities 1 :^ycrjrsolld;garrie7 Rick-a]sO-scqred-a'*-buckct. -HieTnA FELT- CO.) INC./ At returning to work. Car sdayuntil 6, Wed., irhurs.; Frl, " 5 points" from Icamnuife" JTni Bliocli" piiced 4lil I ih fdlll Kevin Doty also played -gooSErdefense „ „„,. „. . . . , ,, \o Temain^unbeateri captain Joel Allen notched:hts~thiiid;.vlctory of -Fadam-i ' nocessary.—- . f. unW-?i30;-S»turday until 4 UJ uv MU SWITCHBOARDOPERATOR TAXI CABFOH SALE Sunday 12-5. Closetf Monday^?-; rebounded ahdVofcd,-Ricn'Johns..hadLnJ>ig^4.lonadia^ n Daylon Uegional High School Uju"-!- _ the season when he"pinned, his opponent in the *J10-l Tho J>akers continije-to-rule-the -Caldwell ^MEDICAL"- RECEPTIONIST- ' -. Answering Service . IRVINGTON. For details call 373- . .Second-period to hcjt>llfnhd"!>pringnel.d team- Daytonis scheduled to"pli5>rNcw Providcnctr _second_jMrjod^Elghth grader^ EddJtrHalper -lyplny required. Medical .- - -j-EiipitJenced- TswbefTv-irrTirpTrrt^^aii"?"' 1. BOsy.offlce.: SO3-T773 '1K2.10-1 _tfta half;ljmejeadJ[ich.scored two bigfatekels- -(oinorrow-and-Vrrona:on-T""'^"'" -=; . Tiamnieredoula'12-0shulouLtOjcapturetheBft^. Saturday a. Sunday! . R2-10-B FURNlTURE?4'^laee sectional, • In. the drive.-Teddy Parker hit four- poiriftFaria Pope playcdanDthcroutstanaiirg gnme. to remain_undefeated. The Pistons-also wort —|Jbr-geo»r»l bmceworK". HoUrrvto aqU»vO«K(Swiyi5=chalr, 2 ertd " ^xthrgradei=Dan^^la5lpworr:hlsrfourUL ONfiEisjOfiAlBSL-- operate tables, cocktail and lamp tablet, .played'Well in the press, as d[d Kejiny. boards and was credited with clearing 18" "lasrweekand are agame off the pace. The ..Positions open "fojrbpth experienced; We are* looking for someone _oM overtime, .'compari^ * benefits', physlclan's office. Good typist, "SVlllUHbUAKU -MtconccsslonaTWarlnaco Perk ' UNION-PLATE GLASS ' SOM* -best offer. Call 487-JW- '•• Fjngerhut, also a four-point scorer. "•;'.. reboundsreigKI'of'offense'and 10 of defense. { I...- Aggies and Nats also |».sted_VJclOjaes._——: match of. the season with~ir4-2 deSIslon .'. Secretarles-arid-receh't.. grads. Gwxi executive character Salary open.. Call/277^300. An -medlml experience. Top spot. take. Must be mature, affer-5. —~ , ss/SixthM 48B-8020 ..•: v -— --"-.- caoable of directing Equal Opportunity/Employer. All fees paid Jjy empfoyer. ...Invest.Investmenm t "require^."-re ' Ap ^'Kenny Feld scored-tiiree ppintsJnnd dld~a~ !Ti*S SrHxiKM A»«, Berk. Bta. _fondltloh,_Reasonable. 245-4799.' ^Springfield and was a big help^ff-therboaTdsT" frbe th.rowjinc; Millburn wiKnilnc for.22_ e staff was well pleased with the No experience Tiecessaryv- butv-'-a- Irvlngton center; Hours 8 a.rrr^- VACATION RELIEF ' ~. g5?th . Mljeffia needed .spark^Bruco-Cam^ " ' iry $100. CaH Joyce, .373- and sume-tiichnlcan>recrinlcal knowledge. WeWe ' . Call alte R 3lOl> "- bther.Springfleld%oy& seeing action- were' MJllburn's Millers—kept^lie_ :{!ameclpso,_ *-'•--• ' • g-skTltni: ^meone SuriiiiiSHirHo- games big rebounder.and alsp poteKflarwho has a-rtcont' • .'.'— 'through (he opening-perioiirwhich'ended^aattE 1 tb^||thlfo r •success In Jhelr"aellv ItTeS but ffof- AoolV^r^gUS™" -" "ITayton ;>lioad' by one, H-i fc HoweVerrinSie—~T! r»asoiw'beyorW-Biel""eon>9(r „,.-, v, _ EXRERXa J scored for the league leaders. ' ._ arVt-luTA'i .ItfiST to set up milling second period with tho score-knolled'aHBrthcz; i i,ujiy starting-at-Tta»t>-.rii.,.TiiiagatTta»t>.rii.,.TiiiH niutclniut r limited In advancement or for -ln« lor surgical Instrument OVERLOOK -tr. BASSINSTRUCTIONS: lcswims^^^^ r»_.t;xcellertt_.starting salaries. .Wide Mmi! other" reason are disturbed^- plaiitT some tool • work, N:J.. , 6PCCIAL nAT6S.25 per cent off Bulldogs innved inlo IKir-lftn« piiced by - gome lieavy •co.i 10 paid • holldays.jiBnf pa 3 > tt 1 finish vacations.-Must beabffto read * **l> '^^±i:——-4 2-10-1 -lf-yo« ar* a* mature Woman,^cAri. (es^Sq^tS^rt-! i^^=fuelMn|ected"2:dooi-~ •" .-.rebounding by Russ Albert,. Russ alsohitsrflrBfc IORIZED Sales And Service and-wrlte Endllsh and do tgr a3BVjrchboaT3r-have—a • r > teePAIR MAN fOMfls-OSL - personality and pleasant llscount with this ad.ZL-'i- :r^i^-T' .r^rioriiMicketJKeyin-|:Thklhbltth Providence and Madison 3)1 Morri; Avenua SprinyfiL'Jd, N J p.m. Salary JlM.Call-Joyca j7]. _.,,„ -KB "mnce-*rVlng--Sho"rt clothingidrtvKExperlenced only. mattresses, .11 Cherry S25,. 1 Rock (next to Echo Bowling) grrgy B Hartman Veered four.points,for'the Aggies;"". -r_^: ^D.-J-lO-l-- r necessary. Call 75J-52S2 -- "-"- shifts, Schedu(es-ar«-flexlbl«C4 For all areas. Call 447-9593 or 447- structions given In your home. Midison_ Summit Millburn Caldwell • Let mVshow you how easy It Is to Light-food preparations and clean- *lls—tv-surroundlng Jerrllc Maple "tSO, Originally 1200. 374- Sprlm«el(%3W74< — n Rlv'22rtoppled over RahwcyTScqfcJrPIains : - while Lou Me.i'kalo,-Hrjwie=^^iet^=MiKe^i:j 8841... • • John • Lenard,'---certified....AlA..A*. 376-0222 maktt-Tnoney and-hav-fun In-your up -'dull«$. - BxltellenI working ^='' teacher. CalLJSiOrW: ice Is as Irnportantas the BMW- .' (twice), Berkeley-HcigKs and Union_(twice)r (tmce) mid Vrnunii Imvo bcatelTthc Bulldogs^^ Silver each scored a bucket. Herkalo was also ree«BO« "CondlttonsmoKl-Deneflts, meals ^K-J-10-l setbacks^Sumrnlt and Vtrona two very tough "'. provided free. Call Jr. Hot Sftoppes- The Bulldogs -losl. to- HtHsiele, Kenilv••••"• — an .effective rebounder:••'-...•'. - " "•' Interview.- OAL FRIDAY, (3): Alert & wllirhg- -NOFEE-I 1 IS T" after_2^,m,j!76-9855..;^. -"^m. TEMP. ^—TTT.. Thomas Jqffcrjiori"< twice J.Criitiford undCJark. .:. Tiie. Jonathan Dayton, freshmen-'- won thrirr squndi defeated Springfield by two and seyen-^ . to Jenrn.'. International._builniMjr HEADING » PSYCHOLOGICAL The--Biliikenswerepaced byJ3ean-Pajhaian; Tlred Of those J"wa111 closing In on _ 1 KBSMT^^. REASONABLB- . ^aeMtwiajwiuiuumtniitutuunumutuuiiiiuiiiHHHiiiiuitiiiMnibe—;:-7T=a't>iTn i^ow^ paccrt" the oiui^. TSKposTto said, fourth _bnsketbaU-^vlc!pry..;.,IaKt-UO:iday " by': points icspeetivcly —~_ easaoi iEHVICC.i.INC ~ 488-6388' Who led all scqrersMvith IIjwln(s, JDeaiLaJao. -VoiOJOD iomBthlnri.tthoiit iL^getU^. prlngTleirJ'A'vb.-," -Grayc_ihe BuliaogB-Jinve-liisri out. meet new people and -earn It yorr-tlve^ln-RQseJisT; ,-374- .MEDICAL S6CRETA"RY.'for DU-VOU HAVE ^rr- 1070 S excelled.as a ball handlor^4etTy-B|aboiil was iUhuxban-~BTrrs«r~ImTyiedlate; - . Irvlnot.og, N.Jr^tWOOO.: & USED money at the same-time. CALL Roselie-ParkT)r: Linden, ~rC'2-24.1 The world belong(us rto rnthe decisioaotisiun [. Needed for Immediate assignment Established 1943 „_,...^- 90" Lawson style, oH -i tmttBrrbr ;srv ' NOWl No' opening,_lor experienced girl, maker who has. thme ability totak• e Un-Union_County^EarnJilgh. pay" heading and Math Classes" —- wrTrte-broca.de (HSO new). Prlcf t Liberal penellts-CalUMUiaia" and bonuses. 1 $135. call"a:m,s or slier 5130 p.m. liuF-cOiinty ahd Kirupp sald^lhal the Teaiiils Coyle and Jerry Schwcrat each hit a foul shot Call 353-4880. ' 7~—T charge of his owrwnn destiny. Our ses • Gi ddt!>—""ttiruCpJIegei^ thru College :__' _ notile business Is the-excltHi excltHig field of 1 -374-5075. _-^- ipdsito will: bo. of how well it has heen Certified ds lifesaver ^T'he Nats defeatefl Bullets, 17-12. Rich • Speodpead'OO'ColIoqoBoard' f you live In Union*, Leadership Development. Our OLSTEi Preparatlon;'Tlndividual -Tutor Ingr j_'. • i i •. -. R-2.10,15 .boys.'the .starling varsity __pyHnhu'.f i. however. Kriipp noted that I ho Cedarqqlst paced thfc Nats wiUUils scoring and— :-""." CLERICAL •',. clients are, world wide. We are .Educotlonal. & . Psychological Dealers'^ Clalr-Elizabeth Porter-of-apringficld"_ is AUTGTAAECHANie - Kenllworth, J:- \-- represented -ln:-lhtf-U.S. aha 30 — SERVICES. .SOFA t, 3 CHAIRS/ i-MONTHS ; five 'nlnng- witli four suTistilutes. They.nre into its own in Ihe.phst fcw»~ robouhdlrig. Riclyied all ScoVersJathe-gamc"~ Full time girl wanted, ijood 345 Chestnut St., Union Testing. "• ..- • ': .—• amo ultlMl available (or moturu -or jriBTtyfllng. call . foreign countries We are seeking OLD, WILL SELL TOGETHER iciv Madisujwinrl •"'- "g 41 youngsters who We passeenfie typing.-Illlno-Snome-steno,TWIII- R 2-10-1" management persons In the Union 484-3242 ~ '.- • • • " '-•• ' - -;;H;TL iiiwy, 'fi'n.i'y Niifield,-Stu-Lifllieskind—Sieve with 7 points. Jphniiabcrino also played well in jlvldual expd; In .brakes, tuna—• train, (=ull-compa"ny bonolltj, 24 Commerce St., newark- "OH, SE.BARATELY. CALL 371- l . oypr-CelIar~(JrOT ™' -Summit^ea^MX^zlall^inter senior . _^s,-lront-end-areKhaust-5Vs terns:— "gPftRHIME 5 9.5 County area to complement our r 1045. . ; •.' • • ••-. P Steady workr M8-7*0O;ext. X; T -^DIumcnknmtTnind'Bbb'Grgidman along with 1 J e p professional team. If you desire an 442-0237— iiwiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiimiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiii'fi •:• lifesavingcojirEifniereby earning both YMeA— SS,* ^ ?iS^fl^i M I ^ ?.? l» ° Good starting ,salarv..%. company"* RN wanted toAWork part time In •_, • • ' •' R.M0-1S. Al Lipton, Don Peskih, Larry Silverstein and the atjnek, according to'Krupp'f are benef[t> Including pal* Blue Cro»s._^ our-iout-pBtlent-pedlalr-lrt-'dept,. unllmltodlncom* opportunity, and —-PIAN^LESSONS— - and-Rod Cross certlflcatlottzFinaHlfesavjfl^ 8100. u iMiy^...... - . Previous pediatrics experience bellev* In yourself, »nd have the "turtpearr~M ethod & Chords," Tod MpQjinld • • '• . ' rxC' 1 (or_modern suburban sales office nerve to do sonethlng about lt# calli 3 FULL TIME Window cleaners: USED STOCKAbfi FSNCB. y AUtornotWeJJeptrMgr .- " - In.Irvlngton. Must have general and ablllty-to-wofk wllh adults and Mustbeexperienced In scaffolding- -Or0an,-Volce, Accordion, Guitar. "APPROXIMATELySOO TEE- !iaba~yramfjCarnieritScapplltilo.- Presl'affI ti—*tj^u^~*-' ' *' ^'"5-r JohnUtJWv y also scorescoredrfor-lhir-Nhlcr—d for-the-NnlsT - I tniurdnceSer ^TrTTVaTlsburg or htll :Ht h%f^ for an'appolntnmnL-. —-—' -Beginners 8, Advanced,--Gerblno : .-iirMarchV CLERICAL',-i^p knowledga—of^-typlngr* filing --fit and boatsman-chalrr-Immedlati . .GOOD —eONDIYION;—rBeS pnecs lh'e^quadlwith--a^ig-twintiiverjee'. Thi' • —Apitlr uf fuiit^lnt~pc"ff6rnTahcgsj>aced thc^ telephone. — •-- A.A.Winston, Sales Executive Mullc SluaiO^37f-1059. ^ ^ . V | all 688-5950 j^tir^yihgton? eali!|zi4ioo: openlno, 783-J J2U. _rZ^X • : i. OFF.EB^.CALL:MRrMINTZr " Jiffipr^toring-Is-pretty ^yt>llJbalan«jdi-Kr-upp^ Jjuifets. JeffKronerFHltlwIce from the floor to _—• • X 2-10-1 in7700 ' ' •'• ' - '•>•• •-—'' -.'"' H't-f •iMdaisaiaiiejIloysl! _^arft honors with.BlUy-Candon. •inht-aut "~" -BUHROUOm MlCHIlIB js~j^ '• ^i: :r --: ""OPB W A TOR7^-e»>l»FI«tcWfr'~gooa^ ~0RANDOPENmGTiiii.,Feb.l!~ compah-y, .hlDh-mljry,-Mbefal- ; '•Town Thrift House— ^a^ty^«ifSM4(l«rjiSStorijr r>l<>»«ftf4wHlr>g''rrtirtltinnfc5luM-

- cvoni SBCReTARY, $155. Cranford co,, .?ii8lSLr0KEI^nit]icJi^ai-a^ Earn Great Pay $3$- • ~ •HSfWStuyvesanfAve., 19»S Morris Ave.runlon- 944'1301 F 2-3410 L iConvalesceht good Skills, »-5,- Fee paid.. 101 No .Wood Av*., Linden 925-1401 "YlvTCTt -•— »53AWeek-— ~—"- — :: r •^cCenter"'"""^" MILDRED MILLBR AGENCY, , . ' PLEX.IGtiiS '. ' :'.'.' wh'lch-WjjiuJ3iivo Brazil won the 15-17.100,-yard Workalter ichiol b Saturdays, ""•" HAI^DVMAN•••"••"•• ' 108 No. Union Ave.; Cranford, 274- VI? P-»rk Avt.', Sc, Plains 3228301 .week. The programs arc open* "sportailon priivided, a. hot Growlrlg N.J. Corp., located In' 234 ChestnufSt., Union M77BOO • ' . G 3-10-1 PEDDLERS FAIR -backstroke event in ViM/Si'iind nlso swam the 353J7OO L " • 4400^ • .' . ••,.'.•" book stands, snack tables, "candle Io all youth of the communlly . •lunch-at U.U1 YMCA, a full- the betterjob. Union, requires ambitious, hard . -. —^ — Rj.'io-v- Sat., April 22 lOa.m, • 4,p.ni. 'biickstr.6kt>jei>'in the 200-yard medley relay. -YEARJIHLY!!! \ \ coLteoe .. STUDENTS, -working-man -foe-newly^created" : - Fanwood RR Station (North A,ve. "nolaeetT—wine—racks,- picture from .grades three • t.• area. Job Inta Is light maintenance fyplng & dlctaphbneskllls to assist IN JILLS? ,." TWO Worlds. Service Commutes AD INFINITUAA, HUFF'S ANNUXL. .,••' expel-lence. 4B4-5V00. , . Jn 6ur Financial Dept, OpportunltV 3M-4417 .' • F 210.10 SSLECT.US^D CARS for.KeU. 22 through Feb. 25,recreation. •, .• ••• VVo like.lo Ihink oj^jfijielwii S that bettor jobs duties, receiving oftlcjLSUpplles t, S|,±n.,tepSFRi3o^ Looking* for a way out?. You can «3USpfldAvi(. • • r . Bork, HH. —COME IN TODAY •'• light .maintenance of around & 1 IwJ-etogriSwwItha Natl.^FoorJco., make extra money fast as an 1 On-Tuesday, Feb. 2%. there Junior lilHli boys and girls ol Ine QUtoin^/o Wdrld "i , .: " AT FULL iPRIGt>JBEI Stenosi Typists, Clerks, Pbx, Voluhtary General .Hospital, located' In Springfield, N.J. 9-5dally-9-O . C rim t..... Sat. . . ._ •'...'..ietv.ina the Suborbon 'Area 40 y.ori. •" ^dBrnand is"Tho' building. 35 hr, week, liberal AVON Representative. You'll get RIDE WANTED. Weekdays from. 4041353- will he a Renior high ski I rip to W« k»^oe"ing B Elil, ser-Up MAN to set up mllllnq- . ,. —'—.• FS-10-10 FIREPLACeWOOD . "• ' Je!ir (iias. A -tlmrteted • liiw% 'rhifrKday , !'«h, 24: A bus-will . Write (6ryour'lr,ee. , Apply , 375-2100. Hillside,-." Union, i luggage space. • • .' •-.•;'•., . ," /; •nl co.V, exp. Sesirable ' tvplnc • 3J2-J303 : ,K 2.10-1 machlnes for: surgical Instrument' Springfield, Millburn and Summit, Mostly oak. buar'antutw soasohed, will leave from the VWCAUf HI, leave .from ihe.'YM at 9:3lK> HEALTHY Ksarny Widow In «0's Thi»yogrweodd.ed2()Tnoielmprovemenl». ' - - ' •• I booklet that teljV ' ' 10- wpmi. new suburban on social'security Seeks, female plant, somlorne tool .worki,-N.Ji 731-8100'. dullverod a. stacked. Our" lBth". afn].. to'.retijnfat .l.p.nv./^y-^ Itraollye salaryrcall77ej"' Instrument Corp. |4» colt St.,' • ' -... G3-10-1 ' yioar. Chnrllc Vlhcohi,-iQ7-}2J4. . " . _ii.i.ti., .to" r'otui'll' at 5:30:p,hi.".. We found o way Io kBepenaWe iioite down: : . ~—: *~T >how_ Sawyer "'••' -CCUSTOMEU R SBRVICSBRVICB DBPTD^BPT.. sleep In companion) 5'day week, Handle customer orders, delivery own pleasant room with TV.plus OVERLOOK HOSPITAL Irvlngton. .A 3315 Those going (in tho trip may A winter louve dapejffOr' We Mind a way Io molto il run »ve>vbeller»r<:old Vveolhet ' X 3.101 Hd d dliv R 2-10-1 1 traiiiihg can - Information requests, etc, by small salary, Call 754-2033, 193 Morris Ave., summit. WAITRBSSB5 -for lunch. Pl»ase lent umiipniont, havo. nn grades seven, elghl^nlnc'and • We found a way to make II run even smoother np'iViatler whol the • phone & mall, All ma|or benefits, ." sElDE PROJECTOR. wealher. ' . , '. . •';'"' ' •' "• ;i . '. ~—'—- ALL HART SHIS ..helpyou.get the =-^-7— -• . R M0.) apply In person, suburban Golf ANTIQUE WAUL'. &' Mantel li'oiir's—sjki..lesson pr, -if. they 10will behi'lilftMhe YWCA on opportunity for advancement. Secretary ' ;•,"' i • Ghib, Morris Ave,, Union. Call 484- Clocks. All running, also buy, MAGAZINES FOR . And to it poet on. ; .a ",' . ,' . ' ' • bettor job. - • . NOVICB TO JOB AfP.LICANTO STONCO LIGHTING SLIDE PROJECTOR • -liriiif!—theii- .own. wjulpmenl,. Friday, evpnn1g, iFeb'^S, Xrpm 0413 for appt. repair and trade clocks. 3744355. ' Call ]74-14]laHer4 p.m.' Since '49 we'vo mado over a "ihouiond body and cWiii improve- Thin- mtly«pi«>er 'Iffc* Jiot- (KeeneCorp.) . .. REAL ESTATE - .• • K2-10-1 NAWCC-2119,1. they may 'ius't purchusc1 a lift ' 30% OFF 1 • HT-F-H 20% U to lyfOU. A ||ve,bana arid • ;vninlik . . . '• •* ,4 . - ; _• -' . , • HIGH SCHOOL STIDEKT . . .A2-2410A SKI PARKAS 2345VauxhallRd,, Union- REAL ESTATE SALES :. SECRttARY," ticket.' ' ','••• -- ' jfiig will-lie offered in the SiiVe '4°, we've madb over o llwuiand engine and Iranirniuion- ' 't Adi from •mploybre aov«'rad .- callforappt..944-70O0 WA*RBMOUSIB GENERAL_. F OUR ALREADY LOW-PRICE-— [„ ,l»v T tK- IMd.rai W.».' .nd Corrle to bell's Drug Store, 9(3' PHOTOCOPIER .115 lm|^roverr>ents. ' .' i " . - .••"-. • • K 2-10-1 stuyveiartl Ave,, Union Canter for .ASSISTANT ' Springfield location. MMaturt e nlin, AMERICAN, EUROPEAN WOOLRICH SKI AND WOOL JACK- Hoys and, girls in grades auditorium, Games,' ping-,1 30% OFF School Hour L4w If t!h«)rp«y lnai th'im ^TcSWl^^Wn^ steady employment, excellent 174-1431 alter 4 p.m. |NG CL0.THE5, ICE SKATES, til* $ 1.60 hourly minimum ^vsar DINTAL ASJIJTANT, full time, Interview. •; area It llooking .for ac«ve"sal«s aintings, 18th - - 19th century, Htf three to six will have.an ij" pong und slmffleboard will be And:thereaion lor all thii'progrbts? 4»opp e InItested Oj Jirowlno with In addition to good typ'ing -and working conditions, car essential. beautifulleautifully tramediamedi. someAOther IS,. SKI SETS, ETCV, ETC. Since '4°, we've ipenl abiiUulely no time moking silly slylin of Business .for.nonfMm emplbymtnl'OR If .experience not necessary, ...... 'XMO-iv steno you must be.ablelo develop, a 4o7-OSoO. • W, Jiyallablp^ind .the YW pool. they do not |*ay Unili and • half. Knowledge of typlnp. Nd evenings, uus . LlLlbefb e cominrssloo license antiquestis . V44-9J9/V449J9/T FOLDINOALUMINUM lKTyou r i,wha,.yr ott. , ^ ^^ preferred, Butnot necessary, call knowledge ol the Real Estate K210-1 ''' A3-2-10A wiU.bc open for «wlmnjing . , Ui Newark Avo.i] tar Work In ««o««i of 40 I1O.UMI write Box 1249- Co suburban TABLE •! ; Blli»b.lh,N,J. 07104 -working, girls' LOMBAROI.REALTOR at «7-Held. Must demonstrate take -' BIRDCAGE 51)ll>f:kii frpm In .* wprkwittk,'If Mgulrad-by Publishing Corp.,-1291 Stuyvesant, 5290 for appt. ' charge capabilities. You. will WOMAN-ipart time, earn $15 • tH , . . . 1 froni'D'tn III :io p.m.- •"' ,""•' ',' Phone 351-5t(SIJ ^•W, Nor -Sylll. IWIii.'nnUfiRapar' AV».,. gon., over 18 earn $4-'< So per hour* as-a Call3r«l43lalter4p.m , •' Union .Collier •> " become a..part of a ma|or per euenlhg showing LISA'S REMOVAL SALE moving to 1 HTf-15 .Rcglatniliiinn for the winter 5 ; UrutwWaly ""aaonpl »d« froid ropresenlatlv.e lor SARAH expansion program of' a national, wcluslye new Jewelry line. No bigger store, 20 to 40 percent off-all * Irvlnutun .* '£'' '_'I._i^.'_i- ,. \C04/*tad '.^mDloya^k'' 4»ht» • dl»- ' •COVENTRY. •Jewelry. For Investment.™ deUvery. Cell 487. merchandise REMEMBER recess' prfiKinme,' must .bo orlrnlnHta. In pay habiM44W ' of I .Inlef.VleW.call 375-3525. ••-'•• ..- -. restaurant chain, ..Salary jSPORT SHOP' K Piyi I.Sontf me'your'Iroo'SaWye'r booklol, I ' pBNTAL -b'rai tomrti«n«urale with' experience '3W8 or 371-0454. ' • WHEN AKlTlt)Ues,3H»nford PI., niiido at .Hit! YWCA or the < • *M 6t aooapt' an ad which dl»- Wrgery office if jrvlngfbn Center.' Caldwell. Mon, • Frl. 1 to 5 p.m. PIANO RENTALS " orlmlnataa avalnMt.p«r*onir 40- t lays, plus full benefit package. , : R 217-1 From ._ _,__. g YMCA- by Friday, Feb. 18. ' Calf374i30?Vwitll JlJOp.m. After 7 iMS^^ We»HIeld, N.J. location. • 234-7448. . im _$8 month^ Of^an renta.rs". 4S yeara rln' vlol.dtlofi of tiin Ag* p.m. call 992.7^47. '- . -A2-10-10A . from $25 month. Rental I apply 1354 ^tuyvesant Ave., Union • ,! "Housewives a MOTHERS . •KH-10-1- Registration forms may bo- Dlaoflmlnr Ion In Smptoymaril toward purchase. Springfl«lpringtlald AAvtv , >• YOU CAHT BEAT OUR MICESINYWHERE k 2.10.1 ••—FoyriTAiM; - WOMAN »MU 6-B2&2 >c,l, CIMI'^I tho Wa«« anJHour Starl tho Now Year right- Become obtained at lW YWor'the YM." . R E/?LTY iEllix=Er.-l.l..a.mpm ^ - . Ulvlilon Ulfloa of 1K...1/.S. Cj- a tlayds_fll_Und4n.UBfllec_Eam. -"-7-RONDOMUSI- I MOM..H FRI. 5-fl"OTHER WEEK- ' J '4V> SOtiTH AW.r^njrtM^eWi) WESTrlELD, N, Jt 1 rrcni Sat. 11 n,m. • 5 p.m. some ... NeSw U&" ...... for. 'All . Tak«r cind ,. . Hcadcra-iiuiy telephone 273-, 4—nar|minrwr"Iifb"or tinnfo' Drood [ ne*ds (ull Ume-glrVtexperlen ' »"• ^jOloiBoweokly. Part or full time, SBLL BABY'S old tpys with a CAL.LJOHN-HA.IJPp_RtL JOHN h«nr«n.X knowledge ol health foods 4 BLAST THOSE BUOSI Find on" Hwy. 22 It Vauxhall Rd.< Union SUMMITtrucks ,-Tq-^— -r-iGLTDSED-WED:—: \.h«' will' liolp #011 .wltl^.u J. I h'.i Room lit, Nawarli, N.J. or y, 381-3915, 245-2730, 487-2J50 Sde» J73-4800 1 1 1 helpful. Typing necessary WanWVd. .'Call 484-r700.,da\ly-• to, *32-8200FORAPPTl . vitamins. Unlbn.,944-7030.' lh 4^42 or 27:i-;t;t3O • for ; rnoro ., Op.n »-» bollyi Sal. 8i30-« 233-«430 1 '.Twrtphonr '*-*•-••'••'n — -*•- ! Socliool ^" ". ClnsiTriod Swice 27^48 IB Ilovuli-Ot.no. Wnnl Ail. '• ' .' Ktar PHonoL. .; !uji,...'J,Ti. Arj«•';—• .. . (24S,41OO. ;. .• :. ,.,,--, '5 - , • ... b 2.10-V information.' -v. 5«JJ ! V' * - v,.. • : • 76345671 . '-• J'J- - I,*1'

•". >• . J .•..•».._:' I •'>••' •'. •" •I, .. 1; Vv.-. r- , .;.-.^ ••'._. "~l':' 'V'1' •.",';.:'i;'."-",'.; •''->' •> NIKT L Tmwr MtfTionwTi ; ioll dining Hi 1'A bslfoT --Ai •If."' • I ' ' ' • • ~r~~". . .'. - •*"-=.— ^%J*?X^

THIS WORLD (j seminar: -3 Tiew tdyrses OF OURS -,-J- J^Hanketman-of- vfeln -concerto.- on educalidhtri offerings at CuldwellI asan asslBtant professor in the- and two showpiece' com- Mailii'iiiatics Department at Union College was" positions for orchestra , Three new credit courses have been addedto— Dr._.. > improve ,the good" reader'jsr'ef- announced .this-- we«IP-l>y~J)r.;; Kenneth - comprise the New-- JerseyVr Zif),Cpde % jaTTJmpn College the educational rtfferlngs at Union College, it ficlen'cy in reading by increasing his rate, of Ivi'i'seii. president ' - ' .. Symphony Orchestra'" 37( comprehension. •'—-•-. ^ for the Executive" will be the theme of a was announced this week by Prof.EJmer Wolf;. ; (Imiyelnjan, who taught engineering and rogram in a concert Friday „j-week" "seminar'"to be oTfe7e3~T)>rTJriIori- dcari. -"-"'' . x|=;rLi.--- —Introduction to Oceanography carriesthree sclcnrc courses-part-tlme^at'TTnlonrColIege f^'JO'pTmTarWestfieiar-^Jpr ^ pg Police^— 'creditsandis designedas a study of,Jheiea a$ a J/4-0144 for Fire Department College, beginning Tuesday, March .7, it was,;" Courses in Criminal Law for i -fr0ti-H)64 to 1967 and mathematics and physics • The orchestra will be under announced, this week' by" 'pril~Bichari£);J?'.. Introductfoii to .Oceanography, and Speed habitat for-, marine organisms.-!• will en- ".ij»urscs since the fall of 1970. will serve fuir- ' Ihfe^direction of HehrTXewls ^376-6440 for 'hoi'lind'" , J07CJ81 ; Selpoe, director of the division.of community He^ding—reeogni^—thB^need; i^hrnaijw^^ jomnas^aspects^ of physics, chemiatry;. and tinu' l)t-Kinnineihis spring .mmiwt>ir 'r"~~*f"j «, p°*^ '"" and^he^oncertwlll foature r~.._ on druj problemi- - " • •- .-.-.- curriculum offerings and to Increase sludent ; brief consideration ofestuarles^ind- A-«iaduateof-SyracoseHjnlvers4t5'Twlth tf«lP Israeli violinist Plncha>- •"•—-services; ;•• - .PtiblUkad Evary Thurtdoy by TrurMr Pubjlahlnj Corp. ,..u..a>...«..,.«.. oo.u. . . coastal water:}. An attempt will be, made to. haiMor of science degree, in electrical Adoptd a mile 0/ •utam.jircror Zukerman in Tchaikovsky's . The course is designed for newly-appointed ., options, Prof. Wolf said. < 4lUcuntaln ova., Sprlngll.ld, N.J. 07081 - 686-7700 "public relations officers and-for executive^ Ttic.Crimjnal lay/for Police is Included irtttie. present clearly the major .interrelationships' i'nnineering. Hanselman received a master of take front, iau'llh* amoved fcwConcerto in D. '" „ . .UwvEnTorcemen Enforcement CurriculuCurriculum aas aan ylw'ivqelective:: -.-.-. .between- holyppn the; phvHicHlT^'hemicalpyn, biologicaR l anadd '•ini;nci;L. degree. In thp aann> disciplinediscipline.irp. Jrpm a family or tmall groupran •//•*•' yhe concert, will "also ' whose responsibilities include pubjig relations. L l 43 NO. ,19 and1" wil' ' * 1l» tb_e a stud• - y o—f criminaHaw.an 1 *lt~1 d,i 4L*«thos« et geologica- -.1-..-.!.---Il -.*i-*r;>eesses at work irt thei nnfintt ocean_an. MM ,•d! .NewarM .^«ir>i*«lkr ^nll^n*College* AAof? -fr^——fcY EngineeringU J". .' 1 ' ' , wallHWastake. 1~ _._ * a. n lirrly'rieah uB a limited ana and present ihe Overture to "The THURSDAY. FEB>IJARY 17: i97^ . Subscription Rot* . Sacpnd Class Postage .-K-will focug-Qnihe_cor.Eorale and institutional $8.50 Yearly ' PoW dt Springfield, N.J. ..,-•-. -TrT^relatlonsWpJoth^sevdral important "Publics" r^tons-Tirr^mlmfl^i^urhT?ailjlrfft^ajrtlttdalwalerse w : postgraduate courses at ColumbiaTJnlvefslty;.. «»•>» iOlrm, It'. .«. /«n/vnSch00| for: JscandaJ" by 2O.Cpnts Per Copy" Uie irommUnlty publlcrthe erhployp>publu;;wthc' police. It is intended to^proyjdepplibc officers consumer public, accwrdirig to Frank Kabola of with hnsif phiHnyp on-Siispects' rights and ""•.' Princeton • Partners;=?nc^rl>rjnceton-based officers'; obligations. Areas to be covered in- w ". advertising qhd public relations fjrtn, who will' clude pre-triajj.trial.and post-trial procedures, -•""• conducttjhej5eminar«.irhe.rempha8is-will be6ff~ crimesOagalnst tho person, propertv~*flnd the I '"i understanding ' public• ..reflation's^ by ; ,un- - general public; legal tules governing police •••'- derstanding communic'ationwjetween em- rpractlccsand procedures, and the criminal and I • ployer*mployec, the company and the com-•.-'• civil Ifability of lawenforeement officers. It is I • "munity.Tthe company'and the media.'. a three-credit cburseT ._ '__. I Ah introductory lecture will deal with the Speed" Reading is a. rioiwedit course-l _ne.ws meaia, now theyroperate ancl how they -FOOD SUPERMARKETS . ^Tritefrelate~"wltB~lhe' publicrelatlons~cffffftr- •;^E> Kabela,.stated.. The course' will also^eOver' Phptography public relntionc-bcyond the press release, in- cluding special, overits, employee~comT7r- munlcations— handling the "negative" IVWclT situation, such- as strikes, disosters,~etc7r^;' The7 seconfl~aTTnTial p,()otograpl1y show- niity activities;-and internal and cx- featuring print and rolor. exhlbits-r.wiU-he-| I publicatlopsr ^rTT~~" JI\i-—sppnsoeed by the Wes^fieldrMountairiside.B'nai:r .: :.._the-seminai; will a t un e . ., , .... . a .„ . • ," -? ,1J -- B'rltb,on March S at Temple Emanu-EI fcona I .. discussioon formatt aannd wiH be conoucjted^.o..-.- ;t0;9lILIn'j>Cadlino for entries in theexhibitton-1 Room af tho

ivliflnmpnt."-a jaaY Bergmaiir - - c'hairman. All prints.enter must be mounted -Kabcla-^is: Z-:lZ.^^.-~~':...:-i JSy ABNERGOLD >_.:.--'. •:••--.<. ..'•J=..'.. .-Univmity^eoloLJojnaaiiimy^fiere hewfin' /"iijbbonswm be awarded for first, second and _^, 'Ruth Weisman was unanip3ously_plected ,_ ,' ; elected-tp Ph Beta Kappa. Prior to joining- .mA rjze piacements, and alLentrics will ~r>: ipregjdentafJliegprfnpeldBbyd of EducaKoin'—r —PrincetdnPartners,Inc..asaprincipaljicwas.. rcceive~Yin "Exhib(lpdral"nihjE Weslficldi ^TURIIE¥ CHICKEN — i^t Its anViual .organization meeting Monday—- executive vice-president oTGreatcrNew York'•_; Mo'untainside B7naL:Bjritli_Photography-Show.^'— --.--.. - ROASTING GROUND ;—nijjlil at Uie Florence Gaudineer School befare__ . ; g DRUMSTICK PICNIC DoqKs.1tr4.gopa •* cam MI an fljb "nudlenc'e 'id', five interested citizens.•"-;-•- - . newspapers and cable companles. Arrangements are also being" madeifor sale bf CHUCK STEAK - Two Guyi store! YoY u don'd't need to mekek speciai l Michael Mclntyre was narrVed-vlce-president.i=^i ; GOV^F-INSPECTED U.S.D.A. CHOICE : .He- is formerpbh ge g FRESH PICMIC SHOULDER FRESH »LE*N~ JIRST CUT ,. lftpt-)6^a Publishing Companv.^a .chain ^an of Ule_photos.submittedj3__ ;._. THIGHI SUGAR vcan make your choice Utin\ afiythlng In TWO Quys~ : 4aW that.she will announce cbrnrnl(tee;,ap- -^" -Hiewspapers-serving Middlegex Countyof .weekly J- p |i and entry blanks can_be obtained by^. CURED. M 1 n i Midd 1 ntn e ON'.' tremendoui a»sortrnent!UPj_£afJ'«*»*f * »*-» **~ - ,'pointments as soon as possible: Winners of last ' ^ Kabela. is also a former editort yi n the "^ltl~iaWd"^Tgmn"~~agByron~couTWestfield.- t iBoouht prKiei. ' -i.. week's school bl>atcteiectionj)egariiheir.three- Out—nf. rnmmiirtlriillnni: _and Ib. ' -Ib. —Vo'r : iyear • tarms. They are -Zachaty.. Schneider," '• ;_muriity Relations of Johnson and Johnson and—.-prcssTSpeciallzed public relations for business',';-' .!_:—•. ;±rJAua)5t'_Cpario arid RoberrSouthward. •.- has had.~~expcrience~7as~ daily - newspaper—rtstffTrr^; •:—--—" .ij_^^. .. -.— • .•'-.-. ,/i— itise of the orgariizalibn-meeUhg-held this:. '- reporter and rrnagazlneeditor. • ~^.:T"r{~~ • persons interested in registering for^PR. Tor Jhe boarj will' not meet this coming^ CORNED BEEF ; Kabela has.taught public relations atJhc ' Executlves^may ' contact the "Division -of !iywWclv.4s3REfeguKSBeeUrigiriij^t -Rutgers-Sehool of Journalism and has writtcVa BANANAS QUARTER LOIN • II IRISH BRAND v CommunitySenvJcesTat-ynlpnColIege. Tuition ENDS 1 CENTERS II) BRISKETS Mclntyte_repo)-ttM| that. thejdylsory sdiool ^j---, - •_,.,„.-..».—^, . -.- ~._ ... Ruvln, 7d or New York City-was the driver of_ number of articles on such topics as the lafor : JJ J r W-. ,, • . . " . . .;' . ..'... •• • •is'$7S... .':':- :'~-*7^r:— " •'••"• '• "' ' "withfc thla rar whlrK roa-lnto-q4«l»phone-pole on R» 22 Friday moming after he suffered c 7 ort d Mr USPA-CHOICS BCTNELeSS•"•" . SWIFT-PREMIUM ' «tudy;-T- Qrropparihl^eart aiimkr,S|Tr7n9pFreTct>ol' " »P « "uvln was pronounced_ "VAC , dead at the scene crt J J: 16"o.m. oftenorrrempts by the Springfield First Aid Squad to CROSS?RIB 4R0AS11 -,_—«te^||>^-|r—:-„. SLICED BACON PACK 85* 11 q LUSDAXHOICE-BOTTOM^ -TWO.OUyS -TOR-(iBAO6-DELUXE- ny^HR^°°2E ALARM CLOCK alternate solution to our problemsr - 5PPr K Here, a.Springfield policeman begins to pull the driver from ^ SLICED BACON added, -"but'We are not ready for.any' '"e wreckage, V^__^ • Help for individual pattern • -9:30 to i,l;30Ji.m,;.l:toi3':p;tn7r= ROUND ROAST et'^*' (Photo by Bruce Autenrleth) MrsTVVelsrnanjajdJhe hopes flie board-can —, lswifT.^REMIUMJlONELESS'Bfe"SK^T""'.-"-'-'-^ ^problems will be provided at a , tiinity will be provided_for:-_KnightsorC61unibusrwilI-hold- ___DQWNHltlrRACERS — It^fc not SapporoHsuT Springfield -winter 09 ?h Sn Wy 8l pe5 J "pattern alteration clinic"-' individual"consultation ami a'••ball Fob," 26 • to corn- TOP ROUND •Mbr-I SMOKED DAISYS " ^ _j;JJEpl;ts onthujlasts^^ display a wide variety"of :sty[as''aslhey *-- ^^^nt ' °' ° ° ° :*&** ^^O^^^^r^S^S^^--' next- Tuesday at thE Union -nnnlysis-of -fitting problems; r mcmoriile -UIP sp.rt)nrl np- .^L" avenue. -^~ --(Enota^VtGMaPry^Mp.)--^^^^ USDA CHOICE ' :_FRESH.ALL-eeef™"" • . , '-"[ii-/- -""'• —County' Pxtensjori SprAiico—aiuf TTow to -correct the^niyer^Vy of |hcCouncil home audltorium,;30aE. North ave.,. problems by alterinR Jhe. on Old Shunpike - roadF-A CALIF. SUNKIST NAVEL : -SILVER TIP (ROA;ST) GR^U^KEEr- ^i ^SHOPPING SAG: SoocTmobile slater ' Wcslfieltt. • ' " paper pattern. ±___ souvenir-journal will also be. ORANGES »• 18 T ill' 'tV, 'Yotir choice dtcolort and patiarnt. - : Jhg£Jjnic wiJLlje open frpni__ information on Jiowlo•-.published^-—-7=::.. ;._ —usnA cMoicroONELEss,. STEER SLICED " !_ _ '' _' ""'"VJ- i L 45 —I IJ» >• »' nt,imAtlm.uU*.l • . »• . "•'"''--' ' —-detemiinr^pattcr^ size by • Since the;grandopcning~in ^ . RUMP ROSST j BEEt LIVER ^^7 ^ -on- a group-basis -from otheKcohiiniunlty. "laRing^boiay measurcments^^rl97O, niany-improvonveiiti^ -CABBAGE ; »0.." '^j"j\ "" '•' ' ' Lrtu£TiM iJL#" i^3tfibcA'.tt)0D-i>iJwcH*flw^i o* l? ow-wo how to,c'heckpatterii-against _J!ave^3vecn_J]indc. anjj_lhe _ SWIPT-PBEMIUM^r; _ ;— _ ._4^T:-.. . --,...- HQUSewARES DIPT AnyoiiR Interaatprt mny ^nll Edna-KleHV-<273-* -body—-moasur-emehts^—-ai\d,y--coUheil.has.hot'n imsLto-clvic,- .-• *LL •_ £ —*ir A on's_pop concert Mrs. Chariotte Karp. chalnnah> The New 2O2JV or Peggy' Hammerrl?J_KS78h for ...... BEEF 167 ton educational goals and.submlLa, .-qind-cTs-tandinB "ensq'-' community and.ojlhcr^local WjJiSleSSSli DAIRY DEPT. CANNED HAM FRANKS 89 --.-Jersey, National Guard, - 104th Engineer Bat— formatlonr —-o-o^ '.-'•'"-r-'----;— •=— _ rjy .fV\v <>m. ?»^!^ll-^Arf-lihusual prowam'oMatevteaeU dances, -4-Sfrian MelicU\viUJ)e4studertt conduqtor, and BpOTtjto all seven boards., ; ^rptKuyuT^nrrp^fvanaBleTr^ni'ganizallOns. Tlierc are now." fUH> [""•I Appetizing Dept. r nd 1 lalion, 5OU1 Armored Division,- under the" .DAVIDF.MQORErknown-to-inanyresidents esr is scneauiea •^= jsymphony^••..^fie'-frf'&irrt'4Bvmnhonvf..wnirfie fpifainv)JnJIJBai!i UIB wlntnn r '. music from- this7iyear:s.half-tlme_sHi)ws'urfir guBte n^ted' that Hhe resolution is ±.j^.. The public may-attend'an .Tsained • voluiiteet-Jeudecs- ovor 1150 members,—from- IMPORTEP DANISH n( S direction of Capt. Holsey A; JWoqrman.and U. of Springflelil.,foiuhis-_vec(_y~column,--^The - - -will.be on hand to help'cach Springfield, -Summit; Union- MARGARINE p^s^ert^aeJbDflthanJavtonJ^l_-_Qo._._.^ featuift_he^tl_rs;drJltte^mandj^ , „- ha_t _watere ,—d dow n from what this—. „..„.,. „ „.„.„ wlll nrovH U-sifieri.—rehearsal: of J.the_ Best Grocery Buys! r-Kevin O'Brien; will provta'efotir dump Iruchs State-We're-In." appearing reeulariyjn- UieU" person loarnjipw to solve her and the surrounding area. FOE the first time in its•Ws.towSq3ayffiri^^ ,vi3_y«rdjfidafl«pcated, but it. does represent a ^d drivere iS'assTst S a rchecking and "Springfield" ' — " "" •*—^~- : Masterwork^.Chorus,..,, cQn.. 37 Church-Mall ______lay, Feb. ..band has • been Jiontoed1 with.ain jn'vitiitiori:to . c»mmQn effc^ towari1unifled[goals."" - z___ loadingasiwellas removim —ducted by David Handolph, pn,u— —t,-i-_._ 1 - -The anniversary committee- CHOPPC Participating-liRlie-'program,._ a : l J includes-Robert -llannon,- r Halt aflhahiahh school: PIHV nl the Applp'Blossom FcstivaHn Virginia-—toiginia- • -Bw Springfield board had sought a studv-of —.HI.—m,4i;—I..~^V..:T 1—next Wednesday at B p.m. _fiiting problems. GUT .yoorisroic St. Ja; ' ~ " a " '- t:?? 8 .-UHrl»wodiMus!ei^T:Th> rehearsal Will be held^^^^jr^ - ; ,, , : pf-thc Columblan- *%f^ X?*-!fSiSr ^^nfran~c.^donationswiUbeJl^foradults,and'' jn May. _.. •- ••-..- ., ; - .. ..I- assislancerwt*' liavu had Ib accommodate our r ang u Dy rs Be " 'rS"ii. 2!'£ . •-?-.—?S-een_r?6r-children.'.".".••._. . ' _-•• 4-The Apple Blossom;-Fest)vaUi-1gWated-in legiunal mihobl district: His4«s>ic-\Vas the formation andTunctipn of a Foundation, Morris—County . ?; , ^ 7l '. £ JT"- Club- W nk-Corj __ '.'....:- schedule to that of the-Guard.Accordiugly, vie Hocal-conservation coitunission!- Tl*e^meeting Pafk-Cbmmission Cultural -. .XM^i;, A^ !55!?!!^^?^ndrffi FRENCH STYLE ^aslom, the Joint PTAs, aHd-Jfl-U-BtthAve. Ih^-students-rrom the band will be icnocklng-bri 1924 to- celebrate-the- beg!f>fling-oMhe apple— ; i'7 co-chairmanr" • . to ' '•' — (Continued tin page"ST" have^vpusiponed the'~next• itwo-.-scbeduted ~ — ' irec^by-tltB-Springfield'We "Oiiif- '- l^nter, -MO Wendliam—rdr,—«c»nomist. ,~~_ •, : , . lTnoma85=J3l=jEfflncoT.a 5 grand- QR GREEN collcctlons,by one week taMarch 4 and April 8- Environrnent .Committee. The commlttee-^wlll MOrrtsiQwn^There.wilLbe iio—^Th,„.,,.e clinic is- open to. Ihe kihknightt sAt Anthonh y Graziamjr from 8:30a:m7toTiOHi,atthe JdnathanXlajrTon^^cpnsider- Moore's recommehdatiohs and~will --'- bli d th i h .public and tliorc is no charRcr-: pas(^grand .'knight; Richard •ftcBipnal-HighSchbol parking, lot,". Airs. Karp -evaluate what action may-beiecommended for- BEANS ^ said.'. ' ...' ..• ' " . ••.- rv"~ ' ' Springfield.--— 7 -••—-*====—' ii-IVincent—D'Addio;- Michiiel ^g ~1'A1I residents will have an«xtra weeinoaad?—-'----':' •"' :"''.'.' ':'Jr.:.. ' ":." ';i :: ' Pannuilo-aild AljSalzano, y family,-.' -^pringflnW^^O ineef fPe$uCiy Of O ; •. 'i6;|thefe^oMi.toloTlS7nlB^wii'wlll'"have':the'' ^osoryationi?;-3osepri:NahtiriVy- pageant-features a cast-of l — J vpTunteer"servlces~6f trucks, and^JhesJtfewr .and " Robert. • Doughe)4^ tnahl"~ — Thq —-*~ —^ferscy-National-jGiuard willireceivfi^the ap- sbiivenir journal. ~~~~ e—EEpl.anaae. Previous queens have ihcluded Luci u SWISS CHEESE . = ....r...-..T., ^..d-—Bajnea-LJohnsnn.r'AnnR-rEisehhower^rjeva- ^ rteeds',--(open -selections' from "Applause,"-_;as5T^elt"as . • Gobdwjn.fiockefelle'r and Nancy^ardin, ^ ^S^C3^feiJPweN6nce^ ^heyfeaorgery-and the speciaL needs . of hf lar it J : diversified compositions frnnv "ja?? >p- - ,rT i g" P" ' - " - ' ' l~TupCJ!U&[ FROZENFOODCEPT. v TWO'CUVS UNSWEETE*IBO~ Ballet SBAESHHU'T BLENDEO,OR ' fc-ji--. ^KOVAt ALLHAVORS 1. ^«mginesrfire fighting-etjuipnierit andI bands In, 's^ .. ,-i,. ^-JSS.-:*-™ LpEQgranrtpninrtnwrafeii^ !S«^= Itiaiitherefpre.of ihe^KSlrat Importance the FlqrenceGaudinecrSclKMl, where they will ORANGUUICF trTEiE^Hyrt^ B q fc^^y^pieiriirhj!' t we haVe-a--very4a*er:" ^~ ••.. the natioTns held during thimriit-nteHFBf-thfi "l-iCHONftafclOAlFS^ W&l Testival.-A four-hour long _ _ — •-. "erkeiey ijielgBls -heir Parid anjrtShella Dardashti, cohcer^and- • You oo^ d'Vbltswnrjfiri Wy_^£ m.es. -TWO OUVSSTtMS t PlfecES^ ^_^urcRby PURE QROUNO_ -folk singers who haV6~recently moved _to~~ n on moves through Winchester'siiis'toriqstreeMo 1 local.Boyr' iiorwbrrti'n1"/-/i_^CJPRPNET DECORATED' :.._:.::.' :L: , *%g\, world, ..It always' has-a-naUpnai celebrity '.. ..- ...bo.dolociivo' in mnioriqL.or wo>limans,liip wiiiijrf24.monilis'-or'-2'i.000' - Arts -Sorlost-a-ballat-preseh--' — appointmenta through_-their- own donor gron^- grand marshal. " •:•••••- "•nUai,-.whicho.vorcomiii'.nrsi |o«copTnqrm

aiWkBUa.a aoorp.n;tqcsinerortnB- i .'•'-^'T^b.Hlqhoit RotolwValui serKa-QtflJm shrjivlngs lntheHTeeHng=Ropm==- I oi>Hwlia''i':linpponnd itTtlit) par.]. •College, a- ording, to Dr, ..^ "gftlng to bo vyturhiwlion if's an old • eamtjs (opart company with yiiur. VWr'ydu won 'i bu m pre-school program. However,, anyone -who • alumni association has ren'~ "^Sunday,",, ,. •• •. ••;•• '-.' * . T *-.''.'/" > "•'< •. (Continued on page 5) wishes may attend',this weekly lialf-hi . tho bag-., , ._!?, • 1 <|oro,(l over" thetycars., . • • •• .. 1 1 . '--•'."''' > • t ' ; ' i •'-'.'—"""' ,' i. ...i 1 ••''.' ' showing forndults. » Unloss-iluil's wltoi yoii cairy youMi*K"H:y in • • *' • ~~"Thc Subject is Dance" is a COUPON k^ nvMUABll COUPON M- — The first'film shown was.about d IJttle Puerto\ TheJMoit Highly Developed Car Evojr^fauilt , ~. progrnm' designed to Illustrate Uican-boy in NeVyadLCIty. The second was ft^'r '«• • ... .L'tpiKViiy ca<5 c^nnitond QO. VolLiwofions jusl koup'fjolng. 'Ono,' . tho history; of^.d'nnoo. •.. forms.; TOWARO IHC f U«CHJH( or, i • 4 BAR PACK AFS chqjpter^s^eks filmed (n the Great Swamp In Chatham rodJOfi is^oiir !600rc oli'nilnuiTi'niarjiiuiiiHii unnln*.'.'Il's rod'-nionnlod from classical 'ballcl to opn- CHOCK FULL 0' NlffS FRHZE-DRIED PERSONAL SIZE |—Township, and tho third showed the life arid t.JiIgLJJQjlp/ tfoUi'un on slick fQads-'And ii s ,aff coolod lor 4,10110/ pur- - temporary jnzz.,. bahce en- tOFFEC IVORY SOAP ... paintings of• yinpjqw Homey. Thesp are sound * lon'tionCi! in IVCOI,WOVQS or cold sp^llV/'iiuTlmdorr.ido^ tho' Bootlu ' . Ihusinsts qs' well.'ns ihe' MAXIM ( : 1> ... .films in color. . -.•'•"••; " • ' ; • .•:,. • _,. - hajo'stool, ioatod bottom to protoci'iU vftal florts. 'fho oiltsido of tho • •'. Ib: eon . -. family to ho sf g west pu|^if 5 : •amateur will enjoy the per- ) ONLV AT .TWO a(JVf'*,- ;IW WITH COUPON aoo6 DNLV A? TWO Auvi •At present the library does not havc Its own VoJLswo()(iii Vuni'iji 1^ pounds a\ paiot- Tlu.- body 6f iho car'is put . formaricc, salu° Menzor. !^ * 0600 DMuv »t TWO auvt- 1 UU Ml) ••! f«b I1..I1HJ Om coupon ptr cui(om»t •. .. The'Rev.^iampi.DewBrt, president pf the. Variya Cavalcantlsfrgm' Bradl,- Keiko, .film projectpr but work's, through the togotdf' io pntcisoly lha' il's pracITf.ally'Oirlight.' In x$; moro 'than • m Qbod Iwr|) »»t. »*P <>.'.•; -Ul* CJL 300 Springfield Adult Chapter of American Field , Tamagawgawa from Japanjapan, Sandra DIJkstrDljkstra oofthf thee , cooperation of the Township Recreation 22OOchangL-s oru-l advancoi have g^nu inlo loda/s lioollti.^ArnJ rnosi ; Services, this Week announced a drive to secure Netherlands and Marina Fr.ancjni of Italy. Host -oj ihoiu woio dosipnod lo mnLi) tho car run tooiioraiyJ lasi longer,. ' Y offering class m iGJfctt?. ^-ohdst-family for'a foreign exchange student families for these'students were the Paul Department. • - ~3~ 'Swing the 1872-73 achool year at Jonathan welstna'ns, the James Klohrs and theNeldlchs. iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiii tuiy pdvancos "on.aquatic Safety Dayton Regional[High School. Presently Mr. -. Host famijles provldeilvlng accommodations . a VolL'Swac|un OPPN DAILY 9:30 A.M. 'till 10 P.M. W« r.»«rv» III* light to limit tJUintlllai. "anaMrs. Sidney Neldich and fanfUy ate hosuf for the students, with'the chapter responsible When you need help you call the The Elizabeth' VMCA'. will SUNDAY 10 A.M. till « P.M. Nol rtipomlblt for typogrsphlcil trr^iri. 4 FOR SALES ALLOWBD BY LAW . Prlav* il(«cllv« thru 3»t, F»b,.1i. 1072. •' to Charlie Manlo, a student from the' Philip-.. for the expense Involved In bringing the student * Springfield First Aid Squad, . Now. . begin n senior life saving class Rt. 22 at Morris Avo, pines who arrived In Springfield last July and to the United States. Students Snd.families are oiUTucsday at 7:30 p.m. The we need YVOU, Volunteer to be a wiineive in late June.' :, • .' ••' . carefully paired so that the'adjustment for both . Aid Squacl~memberT;^' ojnsft -will .continue -through , Al chapter.chairman, Mr. Dewact-ftnnouttced jwlll be as-easy as possible, Mr, Dewart-sald,;'*' ApriUlBrThe criurscJs open w ' " '' ' " 1 'that Springfield will be host for ahe bf the Bn5-*~^Selection of family and student Is handled by 1 all person's lflfii'ovei (by May- . ,.- Stops of» American Field Services, Fprelgn* /the New York otfjee of American Field Sec- 21) V, • ' ' Miv-iny.^^ v ^iSWi'J* •.V>^-»1?7!- ••". fA- AM"!*"*. compteUhB a.^e»r-an iPwa-willr'be^vices'r^htcH-harbeenlHvPl^ • '.Theft'o.f.qi'miii-Mvembors.'ifi c 4iri-plirs"lnauriiiice^Thoro will- " —-Itp New York for departure, They, will be ternatlorial student •-•arshi ••p program for,2- 5 ™' In Springfield July 8 through 12. Famllfes In- yearsr- BAND REHEARSAL — Mwnbw of Mar? Mifril) and Bane Hall ori Shuijplke road. Tickets can be obtained b/calling ' lE':v >•••• he no charge for\|»iombcrs. ^I £AS¥ Sft>VE SAPt LY terestediIn being hosts to students forla few ; 1 rwhtar««for th* danci* ond buff«tdlnn«r, »pon»or«cl by'th* Thit: instructor will be Bill .• •"•( Ctmtlnvn-fund«>to **nd-4h»icttoctl r" SUMMIT 7-277-3300 • marching bond toth.» Aftpfa Blowom h«itlval IhWInehwriir,' other shidents over the past years, Includinm g ' For PRIB PICK-UP .(Phpto'byJ^Jan'Photofltqph*^; -A \ mm Va.( In May will b« b«ld March - • - • ' IV... •' rr

. " V ' V ):•