SENATE January 7 How Many of These Hoarded Idle Acres That Many Acres Are Being.Held in Exc~Ss Government Against Thousands of Are Really Still Needed by the Army
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42 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE January 7 how many of these hoarded idle acres that many acres are being.held in exc~ss Government against thousands of are really still needed by the Army. of need both from the standpoint of civilians. My colleagues from other parts of the quantity and time. The military is a large landholder on Nation will, I am sure, instantly think of Acquisition by the Military Establish Chesapeake Bay. It owns Governor's other examples of questionable retention ment has not always been circumspect. Island in New York. It is ever acquir of real estate by the Military Establish Camp Pendleton was acquired without ing more and more land while seeming ment. Of course, ·none of us would rec ommend any curtailment or removal of adequate determination of water sup reticent to let go of any. Assistant Sec installations where this would weaken plies. This has resulted in the bringing retary Floete deserves commendation for our military forces, but I am convinced of a costly and irritating lawsuit by the tackling this important problem. The message also informed the Senate The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there ob SENATE that a committee of three Members had jection? The Chair hears none and it been appointed by the Speaker on the is so ordered. ' THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1954 part of the House of Representatives to join with a committee on the part of the The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown Senate to notify the President of the JOINT SESSION. OF THE TWO Harris, D. D., offered the following United States that a quorum of each HOUSES prayer: House had assembled and Congress was Mr. KNOWLAND. Mr. President, I 0 God, our Father, who art love and ready to receive any communication that light and truth, we turn unfilled to Thee. he may be pleased to make. ask that the Chair lay before the Sen In a world where the very foundations The message announced that the ate House Concurrent Resolution 184. seem to be shaken we cherish this hushed House had agreed to a concurrent reso The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the and hallowed moment which so long lution <H. Con. Res. 184) providing that Senate House Concurrent Resolution ago the Founding Fathers set apart as the two Houses of Congress assemble in 184, which was considered by unani an altar of prayer at the day's begin the Hall of the House of Representatives mous consent, and agreed to, as follows: ning. Here, bowing with contrite on Thursday, January 7, 1954, at 12:30 Resolved by the House of Representatives hearts, we would be sure of Thee and of o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose (the Senate concurring), That the two spiritual resources before facing the high of receiving such communications as the Houses of Congress assemble in the Hall of solemnities of waiting tasks. President of the United States shall be the House of Representatives on Thursday, pleased to make to them, in which it January 7, 1954, at 12:30 o'clock in the Grant that those who in this fateful afternoon, for the purpose of receiving such day by the people's choice have- been requested th~ concurrence of the Senate. communications as the President of the called to high places of state, facing re The message communicated to the United States shall be pleased to make to sponsibilities as heavy as the servants of Senate the resolutions of the House them. the Commonwealth have ever borne, may adopted as a tribute to the memory of be filled with the spirit of wisdom and Hon. Fred M. Vinson, late the Chief understanding, the spirit of knowledge Justice of the United. States. CALL OF THE ROLL and the fear of Thee. In an hour when Mr. KNOWLAND. I suggest the ab such vast issues are at stake for all the sence of a quorum. world, may those who here serve, con NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secre scious of the great tradition in which Mr. KNOWLAND and Mr. JOHNSON tary will call the roll. they stand, rise to greatness of vision of Texas advanced in the center aisle. The roll was called, and the following and soul as the anxious eyes of all the and Senators answered to their names: · nations are fixed upon this Chamber. Mr. KNOWLAND said: Mr. President, Aiken Goldwater Maybank ·upon the President of the United the committee appointed by the Presi Anderson Gore McCarran States and his counselors, upon the Vice dent of the Senate to act in conjunction Barrett Green McCarthy President, the Members of the Congress, Beall Griswold McClellan with a similar committee on the part of Bennett Hayden M1llikin upon all who mold our domestic policies the House of Representatives to wait Bricker Hendrickson Monroney and our relationships with other nations, Bridges Hennings Morse upon the President of the United States Burke whose decisions affect the lives of untold and inform him that the Congress had Hickenlooper Mundt millions, we implore the wisdom which is Bush Hill Murray assembled and was ready to receive any Butler, Md. Hoey Neely from above and the undergirding of Thy communication he might be pleased to Butler, Nebr. Holland Pastore everlasting arms. Together, with fixed make to it, report that they have per Byrd Humphrey Payne purpose of heart, in Thy might, unafraid, Capehart Hunt Potter formed that duty, and the President of Carlson Jackson Purtell send us forth to meet the issues of this the United States has requested the Case Jenner Robertson crucial year as in the name of the Lord committee to state that he will address Chavez Johnson, Colo. Russell our God we set up our banners. Amen. Clements Johnson, Tex. Saltonstall the Congress in person on Thursday, Cooper Johnston, S. C. Schoeppel January 7, today, at 12:30 o'clock p. m. Cordon Kefauver Smathers ATTENDANCE OF SENATORS I may say that I am also informed that Daniel . Kennedy Smith, Maine two other messages, one on the Budget Dirksen Kerr Smith, N. J. HOMER E. CAPEHART, a Senator Duff Kilgore Sparkman from the State of Indiana. and A. S. and one on the Economic Report, will be Dworshak Knowland Stennis MIKE MONRONEY, a Senator from the submitted by the President on Thursday, Eastland Kuchel Symington January 21. and Thursday, January Ellender Langer Thye State of Oklahoma. appeared in their Fergilson Lehman Upton seats today. 28, respectively. Flanders Lennon Watkins Frear Long Welker Fulbright Magnuson Wiley THE JOURNAL George Malone Williams ORDER FOR THE TRANSACTION OF Gillette Martin Young On request of Mr. KNOWLAND, and by ROUTINE BUSINESS unanimous consent, the reading of the Mr. SALTONSTALL. I announce Journal of the proceedings of Wednes Mr. KNOWLAND. Mr. President, I that the Senator from New York [Mr. day, January 6, 1954, was dispensed with. ask unanimous consent that after the IvEsJ is absent because of illness. Senate returns to its Chamber following the joint session in the Hall of the House Mr. CLEMENTS. I announce that MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE of Representatives there be the usual the Senator from Illinois [Mr. DouGLAS] A message from the House of Repre morning hour for the introduction of is absent on official business. sentatives, by Mr. Maurer. its reading bills and resolutions and submission of The Senator from Montana [Mr. clerk, informed the Senate that a quorum material for printing in the RECORD, and MANSFIELD] is absent because of illness. of the House is present and that the that discussion be limited to the usual The VICE PRESIDENT. A quorum House is ready to proceed with business. time allowed. is present. 1951, CONGRESSIONAL RECORD--SENATE 43 JOINT SESSION OF THE TWO the line referred · to by the majority REPORT ON MUTUAL SECURITY HOUSES 1eader. I noticed some of the present PROGRAM Members of the Senate, namely, the Mr. KNOWLAND. Mr. President, _ The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the pursuant to the concurrent resolution Senator from Massachusetts ·[Mr. SAL TONSTALLl, the Senator from Washing Senate the following message from the just agreed to, I move that the Senate President of the United States, received now proceed in a body to the Hall of the ton [Mr. MAGNUSON], the Senator from New Jersey [Mr. SMITH], the Senator by the Secretary of the Senate on August House of Representatives, for the joint 17, 1953, which was read, and, with the session to hear the address of the Presi from Utah [Mr. BENNETT], the Senator from Pennsylvania [Mr. MARTIN], the accompanying report, referred to the dent of the United States. Committee on Foreign Relations: . The motion was agreed to; and (at 12 Senator from North Dakota [Mr. o'clock and 16 minutes p. m.) the Sen YoUNG], and the Senator from Dela THE WHITE HOUSE, ate, preceded by its Secretary <J. Mark ware [Mr. FREAR], were required to stand August 17, 1953. Trice), its special Deputy Sergeant at during the joint session. Perhaps other To the Congress of the United States: Arms <C. A. Bottolfsen>, and the Vice Senators were-required to stand also. I am transmitting herewith the report President, proceeded to the Hall of the In addition to what the majority leader on the mutual security program cover l~:mse of Representatives to hear the an has stated, I believe when the line is ing ·operations during the 6 months nual message of the President of the formed in the Senate, preparatory to ended June 30, 1953, in furtherance of United States. going to the Hall of the House of Rep the purposes of the Mutual Security Act resentatives, that the line should be made of 1951, as amended.