Repqrf "•Q^Vilru-Ia/Nrrl '\A/In "Rict-"'"-""-'-Policodepartmentinthekrabiidgetis "Would .You -Li'ke- Some Holp in Preparing^ His

Repqrf "•Q^Vilru-Ia/Nrrl '\A/In "Rict-"'"-""-'-Policodepartmentinthekrabiidgetis "Would .You -Li'ke- Some Holp in Preparing^ His

•TV '' ' .-*>.. ... —m . t .I.......,*'"...'...-.,-,- •-•-•.—.' ;-. ' -Thursday, February^"'-1972-. troopers. stcfrt the-new yeat qttradjion In case of emeraen l ... [oclion" .section complete_wlth a, biaby animal The ue-w drjv< -(hrmi((li wildlife. preserve call Jibe Zip Code with 137 aHresfs Club sends gifts la'Koreiaris sing built in" West Milford, will' house moire display, diuL kilchen and a nature trall;-one of -JliaftiiOOO exotic miimalu and bifdsTindTviH-fer -~thi' fivu'iai*gest aviaries in thei-world, and a -376-0406 for Polic* Department. rTfie'alcrlness of'lroopers patrolling the. New I'aeki'ts of flower-und vegetable seeds and-; Sai3. in ajet'enl communication to the South 1 Jersey Turnpike, has- produced a record 1-17 samples of najiyi^Ne'w.Jersey flowers, made up Kliri'iiii teacliersAvho will receive the packets named Warner Bros, Jungle-I Ifttiltalv ae - tropical' rainforest, TllCTC jvill als6 be q or First Aid Squad • criminaParresIs' during (he firsl 10 days of ill a gesture of greeting and friendship by the mi behalf of the students, r'We Want you/ eording to R.Hriatj Himtrprcsident-of Animal souvonir shop, restaurant- and~a deer—park Management Services -inc.—- picnic area where ideer may'come and visit 37o^(Jl44~for Fire De[ia7tnTenT !:-five and one-half times more than during." iiieiubershipjiLlhej/arde'irt.'lub ot 'Sew.-'Jcr-_ -k|iowTtliey..also have -'^Garden 1 •pienit'RingfJniiliei^The^jreseFvfe-wUlfll^give- ' liist year s cOrresp'ulKllJlg pi'liud. :—• ' "i"|; ••"'"' jhic mnnlli lo^nnlh K-nn-;m- Friends' among the .Senior 'Garden Clubs i •- -Hunt's firm is designing'and building the 376-6440 ^ Heading the list were more than 50 arrests school children, -by the 'American-Korean • -"••NewJcrsey. It was lliey wno providca a pacKel ' researchcES the opportunity'to stupy wHrfltfp- involymg narcotics valued at about $27,000, and Foundatjon/ ' —""""" ~ ~" •• n of seeds lor each child*! planl at home or in a center on-amu l,00<i ac'w site 15'minutes fro' m "and'the problems of successful breeding of. ntttuoy by TfU"io*f r : 5... .41 .Ha.untgln ov«: J$prlna(l«ld, »<J..0708l "1&for^rr^in^ coi ige'aT5g "wca'p'hns"3ni"rj*s"uncd"' -.J.Rlifh °f tin.pacRe's contains "30 i'nyel<>pesJ*f • school garde.ii.WeTyiint eaeh.yhild to have a -(ireatJfiorgLOand nne--bour froili- Newark. -taplured aninials; :: v , v a from apprehensions fos. motor vehicle seeds and_ioshe£lji of pressed flower samples, paekeinl'/hijrnwn." ,"• ": . " * ^ '—• r-Ajiintals will niiinf free_ns' visitors drive along Hunt said Ilia I , the l.icensing Corp. ot rylolatlohs, with most-occurring in . Uio-uwu^- the four-mile salariMrafl '-'people cages" America, with (ifficesiu NfcwjYork, arranged Rat« . " ' Sacond'Clols* PostOQe "mattco"" and suitable Jfor franiinJ~^.Seed.'T The Garden-Clubs have traditionally helped VOC.43-NO.18 P.O. Box 69, »rtng«l»hl,;M.J. 07081 »8.5O Y.arly • - ^.PaliTol Sprlngll.ld, M.J. — 20 Cenls"fer Copy . north of New Brunswick- • s ' --j— representing thepresse'd flowers arc among lo .proude • AKF- high school and. college ilcursi. Armed'", security guards will be- , Hie agreement whereby'Animal Management At (he same lime .lliej3:ur.iip1tnnrAulhority ; stationed throughout the preserve fo-wutebHor "Sdf vices of New Jersey i^ Ji^itspcDoiise. the *"* those being sent. TlujG'pressod 7 flower agricultural scholarships »$ well, as 4-fl : : —-rVileasea slatislibs for 1971 that showed'a total arrangements wore made llychlldron in Junior training for young underprivileged rural' -any troubje spots. •." -> name Warner Bros.iind (ho famed Lodney of 3 171 persons who thought they could^tnake a (Jarden Clubs Of New Jersey. i.;.^.——. -childrenTill (lie'Amerie;ln-Kwean Foundations • I'ledalorssucluisljons, tigers and bears, will -Tunes characters^—,—J-i.:.-- -:—•— ?Warnpr Rr?i5"^.liin|ile' Habitat ip iho finit : safe getaway torlhcir destination ran afoul of - Onepacket will'be given to each oTH9 ghide free (raining farm-^t^ti^HVBwtii Korea, whore - be separated from other animals and there will : > » drivtMhrough wifdlifo-proserve in_the rior- Troop D patrols..-They- WfN -\trrested-<m—H- school classesbetween the third and seventh- the •Fouhdalioiriii"expanding its. agricultural be a private, island' for the baboons; Special. : vanetv of charge!;, most of whjch involved grades-,'and art envelope of seeds is designated program and Ifiis renamed it. the Eisenhower features wijirjuclude a ' Walk-through "af- •'Iheaslern^JhitedrStales-. -'-; "" for each-child in the classes,. The pressed -Agneultiiral Progi^riiinionor of its" founder. Possessionandjison£aiircn{.[c,s..<986ii).197J/arid- -flowers are intended for classroom decoration I'lasidenl Dwighl r). Kisenhowc - l.W In 1970), followed by the carrying # or as possible awards foiuiut-sUitjdlng students. Tile Amo'rican-Koroan Foundation, a ;non» deadly weapons (406 in 1971 and 429 iiH97flIf and HOW MANY COCKTAIFPARTIE profit organization with executive offices at 3^5~ HA'VlE Y.OlT ATtENDEb-fHIS. receiving stolen property?(2M in 1971 and 255 hi Chariman, who lives inMontclnir; New Jersey 7 K.-I jit list., New -York, and field officesin Seoul, -1970) --•--.,,*.. .__^—-.-„..::, -.....-::.r \ : PAST : . South Korcii,\veii!ietli, 'year of"" Jl.epnnr.d . Biocoyr bj Bocpur Al the same lime, Captain Joseph- '"• is up "providingse|f-help_piUit'fype|iri)jeots to assist" That'jyery-ohnerousof you, Mr. Sykts/GiiT Prtlnts Co. will denwnslratc Nawrocki'sTiTeircitcd r>(J,WR persons for motor— ..Korea's•.prior... - •'-.-- ••*•'*- --'.a-.-._• - i.patlent- the use of vnrl7iinr pnlnt niortln $~ _JIMi' TO RECJPROCAreMI -vehiefr—violations, bringing- tliOTtotal of all • Scienceteac "!j)-HH' of the^KenilworiTi"'- '•-'• arrests=ta-62;219. The totaUis !l,4f>4,. or HI por- Art Associaiion-Monday at II tent, more than the !S2;755 arrests)nadeLiiLi97Q_ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliilMiiiiiiiiiiliiiiilillllliilliiMiiiiitlMiiMiiniiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiii^: CALL. OR-WRITE: ;- ercfent at Cnmmal arrests were Up MfpefccntJWSfny.liStiJ^ • " " • ± --g p.m. at the Kenilworth ..... = Communitv, Center the previous year. .: ::-.-.-—r If youlrcn seeondilry school scitiipc teacher s During --the" monthr~flf — All the arrests'-repi'esenl^SiF'ihTmiTesiinnl"" wfth'TftTah^'polltition-pnijqct you could-l>o-$2l*0 S "f'ebruary, j the • lioii- 135 SOMERSET ST., percentage, oniie 98.5 million _vehic)es-on ;lhe.-Iricli(M' in May. " — ' • : :— * Turnpike last year profeBsioiial awardlwinners.of •-• *r>t-'ii''"i---'-'-'"/w''T"i"*—'-_iZT*" -ii ' - "• "'-i' "'^-^Siffmnniittmintiniiiliiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" I • Pollution Control-Assoeintron^vill give |wn _. - j.^.-- •-.... — .--»-•-.--.-. ..--- -. '-,- , i.< :- - •_ FOR-THE.AAOST UNUSUAL dfi agamsl-588 in ] bout savingyg s bonds tarih^ S200eacii-aikjwOrPla<lues -•- —-Couley News Service ."" " nnancps qs |ii'-wiys-lils-Ju|""»stijr or aoctor. or-arrange^^^Stanley's -RoB4auraiiit=i £OLOR£UL CATERING hiker!,..- wa March 1 X a\ Town Hall "-XATALOG.lleT^ ~"* 1 :*to^vinners.i• •-• •n ••"its.annua• l• -•• • • far^-^IBarn^aiTiinilMarilyii: V, •*--- JHS the only way-What can' tnsceajiiarj!la^"t;ijnnsyojf.,I( ;~ JngfieldrTiTByTire Marcia ~,.^-... I, .:-"- • . .,• '••-•. >••-• Amg:the.59,048 Vehicle arrbsts, ,117"-wcru •JJSTING PRICES, IDEAS;..:: ,„, ;'• . Tfee)mg13aS''l2.^^-^- I have been seci'etFy "dp'' '•; '• Kdn»-HIII, Rutliluuil •TITOTSCESTIONS VTOWliship Co.mmittee Tuesday night' charged wtthtlrtiiiton drlvlndt^i A teucbe^Lnioy suhmittinga;pynje<;t=^iUfl'rriedTfoiv six-inonths. My o. -• } k in 1970 - ~(Ibscriptiop,.wiIIvTlbIflTsf purpose, methodsthd , results liushaiulih i is. a WiMKle.i'lulyi'ung > r* munlcipa'tpurposes fiscal year. The-- fe Jand5;v^ruation; • together with --a=letter of — -ALSO^AVJUlABLEi PARTYJttftTALS,- S A'COOK JM\ text.ot.the budget will-be published jn the of vehicles worth J722,757:00iip from$(iB7,670 in vrecommcndaliortfroTnlrscrroolTidminlstrator. , op fab 1970 Otliul." piupcrty recovered"K'as valued at . Miss_EileendBrcnnan of the Department of • lovcUindahen Rot marricdLlt -^- $(S07.07S. 11 was-$24fi,oic. the year, before. Plaht-Bjology[~u( HutgcTE-thiivcrsity, is,ac- has been kepi secret because ----- Tfie'ijroposa! represents an increase of 5.3 ceptiiig-eiitrifls in her capacityZas-educuliQiiZ ^ioaiLEElIBrflC.tfao'Simic'Tace-ori---... —rhnirmnn-nf-MASS-^APCA.- IJeraridrnss is-- -religion, My pnn*nis and His • '• -P-ft—Rov-^j)^ Cqllege of AgricUlfiire "and" ha\*e alwaysjnsislMl-tliat we* •- ' ..The finaj h?arihg;on-tho-budgeUwlll-beJaeldU- i nan. AII nuuiin our own-faith. Wirdld jissoheduled,for Saturday, March U at 10 a.m.' —.year-agn,' but then Town Hall. - • -'-.•"cacTr~othcr..; -You' can The amount to be raised by taxes in 1972 is set "Nc*a'rK"'Coll6g^l^iBngE^0B=ann9unced-J=^ v at $l,5!M,066, Which~is" $112,946 more than last. 11 Un ilsk this week ii has received $12,000 in scienceTffld*-—^'"'"P"* V' •""I « ; : tenginteei'mg^gi-aiitS-.frpin_E.I.-."duPont_-de Eersonjs_rell'gl«us affiliations^ S"H!"-f^™=Sg^S!!!=^ - lncrease9 ln salaries of municipal employees DRUG SUPPLY-— PatroJrwi*bMJMk.ew.ho.v¥S-Some.of the-evidencia which Springfield! Tr ^BEFO?£ tHE VOTE— The five jcopfenaers for the/Sprlngfleld 1 9 a Neiii(iurs'&-:Co: under that company's 1972 heftire accepting-a date, -..._ llcft ' - re responsible for the major ^orUon of the police soy ihsyseiiecj. in odnjg raid o»-a-lx>me-<*HvFwi)n:^k*«Val,-- •"-—^ ~~ BoQcd-OfJEdusatipn get together dt. recent candidates' night ' ~The affairis schcdulcjHor 7 with

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