

Minutes of the meeting of Michaelstow Council Meeting held in the Treveighan Methodist Chapel on Thursday March 7th 2019. Present: Cllr. J. Marshall (chair), Cllr. R. Whitby, Cllr. A. ffrench Blake, Cllr. A. Button, S. Mitchell (parish clerk),

Parish Council Meeting 1. Public Session: Cllr. Button opened at the meeting at 7:35 PM. There were no members of the public 2. Members declaration of interest: no interests were declared 3. Apologies for non-attendance: there were apologies from Cllr. East and Cllr. Fairman. 4. Approve the minutes: the minutes of the meeting of December 6th were signed-off as correct. 5. Matters arising from the above minutes:  abandoned caravans on B3266: the parish council asked the clerk to contact Cllr. Fairman and ask him to put pressure on Cormac with regards to the removal of the caravans abandoned next to the B3266  Community Network road grants report: Since the starting price of the traffic control units was above £5000 the council decided not to pursue this option  Signage to Michaelstow on B3266: Cormac had confirmed that they would put new directional signs to Michaelstow at the top of Stock’s Lane off the B3266  Boundary review completion: The clerk confirmed that the boundary review was complete and that Michaelstow would now be within a boundary area named ' & ' which also included and  Review of water flow in Michaelstow: The council discussed water issues in the parish. They agreed that because the farmers are no longer in charge of ditching that there was a lot more floodwater on the roads. 6. Planning: No planning matters received 7. Accounts: Financial Matters a. Bank Balance: 25.01.19 - £8186.02 27.02.19 - £7904.16 b. Invoices & Payments:  clerks monthly salary paid by standing order on Ist £281.86 8. Local Maintenance Project (LMP): No issues reported. 9. Community Network / correspondence: A letter from Cormac thanked the parish council for their involvement in the Knight’s Mill road alterations. The council’s insurance company (BHIB) had sent round a reminder about checking overhanging trees on roads in the parish. Mr Scott Hopkins had sent a request for funds for maintenance of the churchyard and had been directed to the Michaelstow Community Fund for this. There was an email from Nicola Sherriff offering help to the parish council with climate change issues such as enhanced resilience plans in the parish. The clerk was directed to ask if her organisation was willing to give a talk on this for the annual parish meeting in May. The next community network meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, 12 March. 10. Parish Matters: There were several governance documents concerning The Code of Conduct, Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Internal Control that the clerk had upgraded. The parish council agreed that these had been reviewed. [http://www.michaelstow.org.uk/governance]. The clerk asked permission of the chair to copy his digital signature onto the documents to confirm this. 11. Date of next Meeting: The next meeting was scheduled for 4th April 2019. 12. To Close the meeting: Cllr Marshall, who had joined the meeting had taken the chair from Cllr Button. He closed the meeting at 8.12 pm.