Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Action Notes

Meeting: Community Network Meeting

Date: Tuesday 29 June 2021

Time: 7pm – 8.40pm

Location: Microsoft Teams

Present Title/Representing Councillor Claire Hewlett (Chair) Camelford Town Council Councillor Alan Burgis Camelford Town Council Councillor Andy Shaw Camelford Town Council Councillor Andrew McKersie Parish Council Cllr Ro Chapman Parish Council Cllr Carolyn Edwards Parish Council Cllr Fred Hockin Forrabury and Minster Parish Council Susan Theobald Lesneweth Parish Meeting Councillor Veronica Stansfield Parish Council Cllr Tracey Kingdon Parish Council Cllr Roger Lyle Parish Council Cllr Naomi Appleby Tremain Tintagel Parish Council Dominic Fairman CC Councillor Barry Jordan CC Cornwall Councillor Nigel Blackler Service Director for Infrastructure, – CLT representative Kerri Gendall Community Support Assistant, Cornwall Council Tina McGrath Community Link Officer for Camelford, Cornwall Council Apologies: Pippa Drummond (Family Hub Coordinator, Cornwall Council), Phil Banks ( Learning Trust), Simon Mitchell ( Parish Council), Paul Thomas (Chair of Our Camelford) Cllr Denis Lusby (St Breward Parish Council)

Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Action Notes:

Item Key/Action Points Log No. (Action by) 1 Introduction, apologies & virtual meeting procedure

As the meeting is the AGM, Tina chaired the beginning of the meeting. Tina welcomed all and introduced the Cornwall Councillors, Town and Parish Councils and Cornwall Council Officers.

2 Election of Chair (and Vice-Chair)

Nominations were requested in advance of the meeting. One nomination for Chair was received but no nominations for Vice Chair.

Chair: Cllr Burgis nominated Cllr Hewlett, seconded by Cllr Lyle.

Vote: Cllr Hewlett was elected unanimously as the Chair of Camelford Community Network Panel.

Cllr Hewlett chaired the rest of the meeting.

Vice Chair: The Chair asked for nominations for Vice Chair.

Cllr Lyle was nominated by Cllr Applyby Tremain, seconded by Cllr Jordan.

Vote: Cllr Lyle was elected unanimously as the Vice Chair of Camelford Community Network Panel.

3 Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference distributed with the Agenda.

Cllr Jordan proposed, Cllr Burgis seconded. Vote: The Terms of Reference were agreed by unanimous vote.

4 Schedule of Meetings

28 September 2021 30 November 2021 25 January 2022 29 March 2022

5 Welcomes and Introductions Previously covered in the meeting.


Information Classification: CONTROLLED

6 Notes of last Panel meeting (23 February 2021)

Cllr Shaw proposed, Cllr Burgis seconded. Vote: The notes from the last meeting were agreed as a true record by unanimous vote.

Actions: - Census 21: Tine to share contact details – COMPLETE - A39 by-pass update: stake holder list requested - COMPLETE

7 Cornwall Councillor update

Dominic Fairman CC Planning issues ongoing – once further information is available will ensure this is distributed. Traffic issue at Trethevy - hopefully more information available in September.

Barry Jordan CC Looking at the TROs with the Chief Executive to improve the process. CLD website encouraged to apply for grant funding. Chair of the Constitution and Governance Committee. Looking at the MP boundaries. Will also be looking at CGR recommendations not proceeded under previous administration (Davidstow/ ) CNPs will be reviewed but not removed. Received complaints regarding the Veor surgery – positive outcome of meetings. Suggestion for representatives from Veor Surgery, Assura and Dr Garett to be invited to a future meeting within the priorities.

Nigel Blackler – CLT rep - Request for information on the missing road markings/ spray on the road and missing cats eyes by Camelford Station – Nigel to look into Nigel Blackler this. -“ 20 is plenty” campaign discussion. Requests for Nigel to consider Nigel Blackler Delabole and St Teath as 20 is plenty schemes – further requests to be sent via Tina. - Speedwatch and suggestion to introduce average speed cameras in Helstone within the by-pass scheme. Nigel to investigate. Nigel Blackler

8 Town & Parish Council updates

Camelford Town Council: Physical meetings have now resumed, once a month (pre-covid they were once a fortnight). Following the success of the Zoom and Facebook Live meetings, future meetings will be recorded and available for anyone to view.


Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Neighbourhood Development plan – awaiting referendum, awaiting a date from Cornwall Council. Riverbank repair work Electric car charging points going into Churchfield car park in Camelford and eventually Clease car park.

Davidstow Parish Council: Back to physical meetings. Planning application numbers are high as usual. Concerns raised for the infrastructure in North Cornwall.

Delabole Parish Council: Held 2 meetings. Local issues, new and inherited. Planning wildflowers in the park. Desperate for local traffic calming. All Cllrs have completed the Code of Conduct training and the Clerk has completed her ILCA training

Forrabury & Minster Parish Council: Most volunteers involved in the Neighbourhood Development Plan have resigned – the Parish Council is looking to resolve this. Major issues with dog fouling. Bus shelter is looking fantastic.

Lesnewth Parish Meeting “A haven of peace”

St Breward Parish Council: Full Council. Working on devolution of the bus shelter and would like to move the public toilets to an easier accessible location. Survey of signage undertaken and looking at renewing

St Teath Parish Council: Now have a full Council Main priority is the Neighbourhood Plan Support offered to support Delabole Parish Council.

Tintagel Parish Council: A lot of community involvement and optimism in the Parish – re-building the Parish.

9 Panel priorities – general discussion

Panel members are asked to consider agreeing a set of Panel Priorities which will help to inform and shape future panel meetings.


Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Suggested priorities: - Davidstow proposed: Infrastructure growth in line with population growth. (November meeting priority) - St Breward: Health including dentistry and the future of the health facilities in Camelford. (next meeting priority) - “20 is plenty” and highways schemes (January 2022 meeting priority) - Footpath, signage and maintenance. (March 2022 meeting priority)

Vote: The above 4 items were agreed as the priorities for the CNP by unanimous vote.

10 A39 by-pass update – Panel agreed to have this as a standing agenda item - The business case is with Government for review by the Department of Transport at the moment. Hope to have a response before the next CNP in September. - Appointed land agents to assist landowners and support the team. - Work is continuing while awaiting the government decision.

Questions/ comments: - Land purchasing/ community opportunities. Suggestion for additional parking/ park and ride for Camelford. - Incorporating a cycle scheme with Delabole – Nigel to check a past cycle survey is included. - Blue Bells are protected – Nigel to check how these will be moved.

Next meeting: Tuesday 28 September 2021 at 7pm online via Microsoft Teams

It was agreed the next meeting will focus on the agreed priority “Health”. Infrastructure will be the focus for the November meeting.

Contact Officers:

If you have any queries about the Community Network Panel, please contact:

Name Role Telephone Email

Tina McGrath Community Link Officer 07483 168459 [email protected]

Kerri Gendall Senior Communities 07794 238088 [email protected] Support Assistant

Website: Camelford Community Network

Notes published: 30.07.21