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334 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, APRIL 12, 1937. II. KARL HUNDASON, "KING OF SCOTS." BY A. B. TAYLOR, D.LiTT., F.S.A.ScoT. The extencontributioe Icelandith d f Ol o t e th cf no Saga Scottiso st h histor s beeha y n fully . AndersodemonstratedO . s A hi r n ni M y b monumental Early Sources of Scottish History, published in. 1922. The historical value of these contributions is often difficult to assess, but they are always of interest; and they cannot be dismissed lightly when t varianca the e yar e with Scottish sources therr fo , s everei y reasoo nt believe that most oral sagas were composed soon afte evente th r s they describe, and that the commemorative verses they contain were often mad thn eo e scen f actioneo . Such difficultie partle s occudu a s ye ar r e lengtth f timo o ht e during whic e sagath h s were handed dowy b n \vord of mouth before being committed to writing, and partly to the Norseman's notion of Scotland as a remote country, usually worth f firsy o mean an te importancey on splunderingb e t th no n t I bu ., following e identitstudth f o f yKarlo y Hundason, "Kin f Scots,o g " these considerations have been kept in mind. I. Karl Hundason—Karl, son of Hundi—is mentioned as a " King of Scots" in chap. 20 of the Orkneyinga Saga, but is quite unknown to any other historical source—Scottish, Irish, English, or Scandinavian.
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