
CURRICULUM VITAE (22 March 2017)

Gregory M. Reichberg

Work Address:

Peace Research Institute (PRIO) Hausmanns gate 3 PO Box 9229 Grønland NO-0134 Oslo,

Telephone: + 47 22 54 77 00 Mobile: +47 40 28 62 22 Fax: + 47 22 54 77 01 e-mail: [email protected]; web page: http://www.prio.no/page/Staff_detail//9375/37412.html.

Current Appointments:  Research Professor, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), 2007–  Professor (adjunct), Dept. of Political Science, , 2013–  Head, Research School on Peace and Conflict (consortium of Ph.D. level courses), 2013– Previous Appointments:  Director, PRIO Cyprus Center (Nicosia), 2009–2012.  Adjunct Professor of Philosophical Ethics at MF – Norwegian School of Theology, 2007–10.  Senior Researcher, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), 1998–2007.  Leader of PRIO’s Program on Ethics, Norms, and Identities, 2003–2009.  Adjunct Professor, Australian National University, M.A. Program in International Relations, Oslo, 2005–8.  Associate Professor of Philosophy, Fordham University, New York City, 1995– 99.  Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Catholic University of America, Wash. D.C, 1990–1995.  Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Political Science, University of Oslo, 1999–2001  Adjunct Professor, New York University, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 1995.  Lecturer, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, 1988-90

Areas of Specialization:  Systematic, general: Political philosophy, philosophy of religion  Systematic specific: Just war theory, military ethics, virtue theory  Historical: Thomas Aquinas, the development of normative conceptions of war and peace in Western thought, Roman Catholic tradition, comparative religious approaches. 2

Education:  Ph.D. in Philosophy, Emory University (Atlanta, Georgia), 1990.  Maîtrise en philosophie, Université de Toulouse, 1984  Licence en philosophie, Université de Toulouse, 1982.



Thomas Aquinas on War and Peace. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.

Moral Choice in the Pursuit of Knowledge: Thomas Aquinas on the Ethics of Knowing (Ph.D. Dissertation). Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, 1991.

Edited volumes

Nuclear Deterrence: An Ethical Perspective (edited with Mathias Nebel). Geneva: Caritas in Veritate Foundation, 2015.

Religion, War, and Ethics: A Sourcebook of Textual Traditions (edited with Henrik Syse and with the editorial assistance of Nicole Apostol). New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014.

Cyprus Offshore Hydrocarbons: Regional Politics and Wealth Distribution (edited with Hubert Faustmann and Ayla Gürel). Nicosia: PRIO Cyprus Centre Report 1/2012.

World Religions and Norms of War (edited with Vesselin Popovski and Nicholas Turner). Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2009.

Ethics, Nationalism, and Just War: Medieval and Contemporary Perspectives (edited with Henrik Syse). Washington, D.C: Catholic University of America Press, 2007.

The Ethics of War: Classic and Contemporary Readings (edited with Henrik Syse and Endre Begby). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2006.

The Classics of Western Philosophy: A Reader’s Guide (edited with Jorge Gracia and Bernard Schumacher). Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2003.

Articles and book chapters

“Charles Journet on the Impossibility of Christian Holy War,” Nova et Vetera (English edition), forthcoming, 2017.

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“Thomas Aquinas on Battlefield Martyrdom,” in Chivalrous Combatants? The Meaning of Military Virtue Past and Present, Bernhard Koch, ed. Baden-Baden: Nomos, forthcoming 2017.

“Thomas Aquinas,” in Just War Thinkers: From Cicero to the 21st Century, Daniel R. Brunstetter and Cian O’Driscoll, eds. New York: Routledge, forthcoming 2017.

“Jacques Maritain – Christian Theorist of Non-violence and Just War,” Journal of Military Ethics, forthcoming 2017.

“Historiography of Just War Theory,” in the Oxford Handbook of Ethics of War, Helen Frowe and Seth Lazar, eds. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015), published online at www.oxfordhandbooks.com/view/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199943418.001.0001/oxfordhb -9780199943418. Paper version forthcoming 2017.

“The Morality of Nuclear Deterrence: A Reassessment,” in Mathias Nebel and Gregory M. Reichberg, eds. Nuclear Deterrence: An Ethical Perspective. Geneva: Caritas in Veritate Foundation, 2015.

“Jacques Maritain, l’Espagne et la guerre sainte,” Revue thomiste 115.2 (2015): 215-233.

“The Decision to Use Military Force in Classical Just War Thinking,” Ashgate Research Companion to Military Ethics, James Turner Johnson and Eric D. Patterson, eds. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing, 2015, pp. 13-23.

“Catholic Christianity: Historical Development,” in Religion, War, and Ethics: A Sourcebook of Textual Traditions (edited with Henrik Syse). New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014.

“The Moral Equality of Combatants – A Doctrine in Classical Just War Theory? Response to Graham Parsons,” Journal of Military Ethics, vol. 12, issue 2 (2013): 181– 194. Second response to Graham Parsons, Journal of Military Ethics, vol. 12, issue 4, (2013): 370-372.

“Culpability and Punishment in Classical Theories of Just War,” in Just War: The State of the Art, A. F. Lang, Jr., C. O’Driscoll, and J. Williams, eds. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2013, pp. 157–180.

“History of Just War Theory,” International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Malden (MA): Blackwell Publishing, 2013, pp. 2863–2865.

“Jacques Maritain,” in Key Theological Thinkers – from Modern to Postmodern, Ståle Johannes Kristiansen and Svein Rise, eds. Farnham (Surrey): Ashgate, 2013, pp. 657– 668. Norwegian version in Ståle Johannes Kristiansen and Svein Rise, eds, Moderne teologi: Tradisjon og nytenkning hos det 20. Århundrets teologer. Oslo: Høyskoleforlaget (Norwegian Academic Press), 2008, pp. 653–60.

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“Legitimate Authority: Aquinas’s First Requirement of a Just War,” The Thomist, vol. 76, issue 3 (2012): 337-69.

“Discontinuity in Catholic Just War? From Aquinas to the Contemporary Magisterium,” in Just War Symposium, a special section of Nova et Vetera (English Edition), vol. 10, issue 4, 2012, pp. 1073–97.

“The Ethics of War. Part I: Historical Trends” (with Endre Begby and Henrik Syse), Philosophy Compass, vol. 7, issue 5, 2012, pp. 316–27.

“The Ethics of War. Part II: Contemporary Authors and Issues” (with Endre Begby and Henrik Syse), Philosophy Compass, vol. 7, issue 5, 2012, pp. 328–47.

“Suárez on Just War,” in Interpreting Suárez: Critical Essays, Daniel Schwartz, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp. 185–204.

“Aquinas’ Moral Typology of Peace and War,” Review of Metaphysics, vol. 64, issue 3, 2011, pp. 467–87.

“Thomas Aquinas on Military Prudence,” Journal of Military Ethics, vol. 9, issue 3, 2010, pp. 261-74.

“Aquinas on Battlefield Courage,” The Thomist, vol. 74, issue 3, 2010, pp. 337-368.

“Thomas Aquinas between Just War and Pacifism,” Journal of Religious Ethics, vol. 38, issue 2, 2010, pp. 219-41.

“Norms of War in Cross-religious Perspective” (with Vesselin Popovski and Nicholas Turner), in World Religions and Norms of War, V. Popovski, G. M. Reichberg, and Nicholas Turner (eds). Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2009, pp. 303-15.

“Norms of War in Roman Catholic Christianity,” in World Religions and Norms of War, Vesselin Popovski, Gregory M. Reichberg, and Nicholas Turner (eds). Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2009, pp. 142-65.

“Just War and Regular War: Competing Paradigms,” in David Rodin and Henry Shue, (eds), Just and Unjust Warriors: The Moral and Legal Status of Soldiers. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008, pp. 193–213.

“Jus ad Bellum,” in Larry May (ed.), War: Essays in Political Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008, pp.11–29.

“Preventive War in Classical Just War Theory,” Journal of the History of International Law, vol. 9, issue 1, 2007, pp. 5–33. Revised version (under the title “Forcible Preventive Disarmament in Traditional Just War Theory”) in Mary Ann Glendon, Russell Hittinger, and Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, The Global Quest for Tranquillitas Ordinis: Pacem in Terris, Fifty Years Later. Vatican City: Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, 2013), pp. 224–250.

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“Aquinas on Defensive Killing: A Case of Double-Effect?” The Thomist, vol. 69, July 2005, pp. 341-370. German translation by Kathrin Staniul-Stucky und Werner Wolbert: “Thomas von Aquin zur Tötung aus Notwehr: Ein Fall von Doppelwirkung?,” in Adrian Holderegger and Werner Wolbert, eds., Deontologie – Teleologie. Die neuere Diskussion und ihre Relevanz für die theologische Ethik. Fribourg (Switzerland): Academic Press (Series: Studien zur theologischen Ethik), 2012, pp. 319–344.

“ ‘Unterzeichnen Sie oder wir werden Sie bombardieren!’ Zur Ethik der Zwangsdiplomatie” [“ ‘Sign or We’ll Bomb!’ Ethics and Coercive Diplomacy”], in Jean- Christophe Merle, ed., Globale Gerechtigkeit–Global Justice. Stuttgart, Bad-Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 2005, pp. 129–49.

“The Idea of Double Effect – in War and Business,” (with Henrik Syse), Responsibility in World Business: Managing Harmful Side-Effects of Corporate Activity,” ed. by Lene Bomann-Larsen and Oddny Wiggen, Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2004, pp. 17–38.

“Philosophy Meets War: Francisco de Vitoria’s De Indis and De jure belli relectiones (1557)” The Classics of Western Philosophy, J. Gracia, G. Reichberg, & B. Schumacher (eds). Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2003, pp. 197–204.

“Humanitarian Intervention: A Case of Offensive Force?” (with Henrik Syse). Security Dialogue, vol. 33/3 (2002), pp. 220–33.

“Is there a ‘Presumption against War’ in Aquinas’s Ethics?” The Thomist, vol. 66, July 2002, pp. 337-67. Revised version in H. Syse and G. M. Reichberg, Ethics, Nationalism, and Just War: Medieval and Contemporary Perspectives (Washington, D.C. Catholic University of America Press, 2007), pp. 72–98.

“Beyond Privation: Moral Evil in Aquinas’s De Malo.” The Review of Metaphysics, vol. 55, no. 4 (June 2002), pp. 731–764.

“Just War or Perpetual Peace?” Journal of Military Ethics vol. 1, issue 1, 2002, pp. 16- 35.

“The Hard Questions of International Business: Some Guidelines from the Ethics of War.” Business Ethics and Leadership in Action. Edited by Heidi Høivik. Cheltenham, UK; Northamton (MA), US: Edward Elgar, 2002, pp. 304-18.

“The Intellectual Virtues (Ia IIae, qq. 57-58).” The Ethics of Aquinas. Edited by Stephen J. Pope. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2002, pp. 131–47.

“Le mal moral d'après le De malo de Saint Thomas d'Aquin.” Le mystère du mal. Péché, souffrance et rédemption. M-B. Borde, ed. Toulouse: Editions du Carmel, 2001, pp. 103- 135.

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“What Kind of War? 11 September and Beyond” (with Henrik Syse). Security Dialogue, vol. 32/4, 2001, pp. 499-501.

“Rettferdig krig eller evig fred?” Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift [Norwegian Political Science Journal], vol. 17 (special issue on Global Justice, edited by Andreas Føllesdal), 2001, pp. 196-220.

"Protecting the Natural Environment in Wartime: Ethical Considerations from the Just War Tradition" (with Henrik Syse). Journal of Peace Research, vol. 37, issue 4, 2000, pp. 449-468. Revised version in H. Syse and G. M. Reichberg, Ethics, Nationalism, and Just War: Medieval and Contemporary Perspectives (Washington, D.C. Catholic University of America Press, 2007), pp. 190–217.

“Conducting Business Amidst Human Rights Abuses: Some Lessons from the Just War Tradition,” (with Henrik Syse).” Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Meeting of the International Association for Business and Society. Edited by Donna J. Wood and Duane Windsor, 1999, pp. 71-76.

"Studiositas, the Virtue of Attention," The Common Things: Essays in Thomism and Education. Edited by Daniel McInerney. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 1999, pp. 143-52.

"Ancient and Early Medieval Thinking About Religion." Philosophy of Religion, A Guide to the Subject. Edited by Brian Davies. London: Geoffrey Chapman; Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 1998, pp. 5-11.

“The Thomists–Metaphysical Contrarians,” International Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 36, 1996, pp. 475-86.

“Contextualizing Theoretical Reason: Thomas Aquinas and Postmodern Thought.” Aquinas, vol. 38, 1995, 249-272; reprinted in Postmodernism and Christian Philosophy. Edited by R.T. Ciapalo. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1997, pp. 183-203.

“Thomas Aquinas on Moral Responsibility in the Pursuit of Knowledge.” Thomas Aquinas and his Legacy, David M. Gallagher, ed.. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1994, pp. 61-82.

“La communication de la nature divine en Dieu selon Thomas d’Aquin.” Revue thomiste, vol. 93, 1993, pp. 50-65.

“The Communication of the Divine Nature: Thomas’s Response to Neoplatonism.” The New Scholasticism, supplementary vol. 65, 1992, pp. 215-228.

“Imaginative Generalization as Epagoge in Whitehead.” Process Studies, vol. 17, 1988, pp. 152-162.

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Nominalism and the Inscrutability of Substance in Locke’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding.” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, vol. 61 (The Metaphysics of Substance), 1987, pp. 132-141.

“Popper en question, Quelques critiques sur la croissance du savoir.” Revue thomiste, vol. 85, nos. 3, 4, 1985, pp. 38-68; 431-56.

Propos sur le progrès philosophique, Quelques réflexions en marge de l’oeuvre de Jacques Maritain.” Nova et Vetera, vol. 58, 1983, pp. 18-26.

“La procession du Verbe.” Nova et Vetera, vol. 57, 1982, pp. 161-79.

“La recherche philosophique et la vérité.” Nova et Vetera, vol. 56, 1981, pp. 286-97.

Special journal issues

Thucydides and Civil War (with Henrik Syse), Journal of Military Ethics, vol. 5/4, 2006.

Ethics and International Law (with Henrik Syse), Journal of Military Ethics, vol. 3/2, 2004.

Ethics of War and Peace (with Henrik Syse), Journal of Peace Research, vol. 37/4, 2000.

Book Reviews:

 Brian Shanley, The Thomist Tradition in The Thomist, vol. 68, January 2004, pp. 157–161.  Pierre Hassner & Justin Vaïsse, Washington et le monde: Dilemmes d’une superpuissance, and Andrew J. Bacevich, American Empire: The Realities and Consequences of U.S. Diplomacy. In Ethics & International Affairs, vol. 17/3, 2003, pp. 131-35.  Charles Journet and Jacques Maritain, Correspondance, Vols. I-III, in The Thomist, vol. 64/1, n. 1, 2000, pp. 131-136.  Serge-Thomas Bonino, ed., Saint Thomas au XXe siècle: Actes du colloque du centenaire de la “Revue thomiste,” in The Thomist, vol. 60, 1996, pp. 479-484.

Book Notes in Journal of Peace Research:  Neff, Stephen C., 2005, War and the Law of Nations.  Biller, Peter, 2003. The Measure of Multitude: Population in Medieval Thought.  Daalder, Ivo H & Lindsay, James M., 2003. America Unbound: The Bush Revolution in Foreign Policy.  Jackson, Julian, 2003. The Fall of France: The Nazi Invasion of 1940.  Dinstein, Yoram, 2001. War, Aggression and Self-Defense., 3rd edition. 7 8

 French, Peter A., 2001. The Virtues of Vengeance.  Jaspers, Karl, 2000. The Question of German Guilt. Translated by E.B. Ashton, with a new introduction by Joseph W. Koterski.  Austin, Jay E. & Carl E. Bruch, eds., 2000. The Environmental Consequences of War: Legal, Economic, and Scientific Perspectives.  Hanssen, Beatrice, 2000. Critique of Violence: Between Poststructuralism and Critical Theory.  Boissard, Guy, 2000. Quelle neutralité face à l’horreur? Le courage de Charles Journet.  Morsink, Johannes, 1999. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Origins, Drafting, and Intent.  Richard Tuck, 1999. The Rights of War and Peace: Political Thought and the International Order From Grotius to Kant.  Daniel, Donald C.F., and Hayes, Bradd C., with Jonge Oudraat, Chantal de, 1999. Coercive Inducement and the Containment of International Crises.  Rommen, Heinrich A, 1998. The Natural Law: A Study in Legal and Social History and Philosophy.  Holbrooke, Richard, 1998. To End a War.  Covell, Charles, 1998. Kant and the Law of Peace.  Bird, Kai & Lifschultz, Lawrence, eds. 1998. Hiroshima's Shadow.  Sofsky, Wolfgang, 1997. The Order of Terror: The Concentration Camp.  Lisska, Anthony J., 1996. Aquinas's Theory of Natural Law: An Analytic Reconstruction.  Nielsen, Richard P., 1996. The Politics of Ethics: Methods for Acting, Learning, and Sometimes Fighting with Others in Addressing Ethics Problems in Organizational Life.

Articles in the Popular Press, Special Reports, TV appearances, and Interviews.

 (with Henrik Syse), «Diplomati, trusler, og makt» [diplomacy, threats, and power], Verdens Gang, 10 September 2013, pp. 36–37.  (with Henrik Syse), “Etikk og diplomati” [ethics and diplomacy], Verdens Gang (VG), 13 May 2013, pp. 30–31.  “Reshuffling the Cyprus Cards,” interviewed by Johan Adler, Cyprus Mail, 25 December 2011, p. 4.  “Etikk og juss i Konflikt” [ethics and law in assessing armed conflict], Dagsavisen (www.dagsavisen.no/meninger/article400121.ece.), 24 February, 2009, with Morten Bergsmo, Arne Willy Dahl, Hanne Sophie Greve, Nobuo Hayashi, , and Henrik Syse,  “Konkrete mennesker og abstrakte lån” [concrete human beings and abstract loans], with Henrik Syse. Website of the Catholic Student Association, Oslo (www.katstud.org; Fides et Ratio, Katolsk studentlag), http://www.katstud.org/nc/artikkeloversikt/artikkelvisning/article/konkrete- mennesker-og-abstrakte-laan/?tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=204.  “En kristen filosof. Om Jacques Maritain” [A Christian Philosopher: On Jacques Maritain], Lære et liv 4, 2006. Special issue on modern theology, pp. 34–39.

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 Brev til Zahrani [Letter to Zahrani on Pope Benedict XVI’s Regensburg speech], Broen: Katolsk Kirkeblad, 2006, no. 5.  “Corporate governance, the philosophical origins,” website of Investment Management, http://www.norges-bank.no/nbim/pension_fund/articles- letters/2006/corporate_governace_ethics.html; Norwegian version in the annual report, 2005: “Eirstying – den filosofiske begynnelsen” Statens pensjonsfond – Utland, Årsrapport 2005. p. 54.  “Preemptive War: What would Aquinas say?” Commonweal, vol. 131/2, January 30, 2004, pp. 9–10 (http://www.commonwealmagazine.org/article.php?id_article=831).  “Legitimate Authority, Just Cause, and the Decision to Invade Iraq,” published on the website of the Cardiff Centre for Ethics, Law and Society, Cardiff University, http://www.ccels.cardiff.ac.uk/issue/reichberg.html, posted 14 April, 2003. Reprinted in J. Gunning and S. Holm, eds., Ethics, Law and Society, vol. I (Ashgate: Aldershot, 2005), pp. 243–247.  “Klasebomber – legitimt i krig? (Cluster bombs, Legitimate in War?),” Dagbladet 20 July 2003 (with Cecilie Hellestveit and Kristin Harpviken).  “Folkerett og etikk” (International law and ethics), Dagens Næringsliv, 30 January 2003 (with Henrik Syse).  “ ‘Dobbel effect’ og sivile tap” (‘Double-effect’ and harm to civilians) with Henrik Syse), Dagbladet, 22 November 2001.  "Etikk og forretninger -- to sider av samme sak" (Ethics and business, two sides to the same issue), with Henrik Syse. Lønnsomhet som etisk problem. Oslo: Næringslivets Hovedorganisasjon (NHO), 1999, pp. 30-37.  ”Jødedommen, kristendommen – og Jesus,” interview in Tidens Tegn, vol. 7/3, 1999.  "Den katolske samvittigheten og krigen" (the Catholic conscience and war), St. Olav, issue 5, 1999, pp. 10-11.  "Kritiske spørsmål – i krig og forretninger" (Critical questions, in war and business), with Henrik Syse. Aftenposten, 25 August, 1998.  “Philosopher Explores Morals in an Information Age,” interview in Research News (The Catholic University of America), vol. 6/1, 1992.  “Blasphemy,” panel discussion on the television program “No Dogs or Philosophers Allowed,” aired in the Washington D.C. Metropolitan area, on Channel 33.

Professional Service:  Associate Editor, Journal of Military Ethics, from 2002–present.  Board Member, Peace Research Endowment, from 2011–present  Member of the Commission of Justice and Peace, Roman Catholic Diocese of Oslo, 2006–2009.  Union Leader, Forsker Forbundet at PRIO, 2001–2002.  Member of Executive Council, American Catholic Philosophical Association, 1995- 97.  Member of Executive Council, American Maritain Association, 1992-96.  Faculty Coordinator, Residential College Program, The Catholic University of America, 1992-95.

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 Facilitator, Ethics Discussion Group, St. Elizabeth’s Hospital (Washington, D.C.), Center for Violent Offenses.

Teaching – Seminars and Courses

Graduate courses (MA and Ph.D.):   Business for Peace: A New Dawn for International Peacekeeping? Research School on Peace and Conflict  Nuclear Weapons: Political, Legal, and Moral Perspectives; Research School on Peace and Conflict  Peace and Conflict Research: Theory and Issues; Research School on Peace and Conflict  Emerging Military Technologies: Normative Challenges; Research School on Peace and Conflict.  The Ethics of War and Peace (University of Oslo; Australian National University– Bjørknes International Academy, Oslo.  Classics of Political Philosophy – Vitoria, Hobbes, Locke, and Kant (University of Oslo).  The Political Thought of St. Augustine and Its Implications for Western Political Thought (University of Oslo).  Political Prudence, Leadership and Just War (University of Oslo)  The Christian Philosophy Debate: Medieval and Modern (Fordham University)  Metaphysical Themes in Contemporary Thomism (Fordham University)  Aquinas’s Disputed Questions on Truth (Catholic University of America)  Epistemic Responsibility in Medieval and Contemporary Philosophy (Catholic University of America)  Theory of Knowledge in Thomas Aquinas (Catholic University of America)

Undergraduate courses  God and the World (MF–Norwegian School of Theology, CUA)  Religion and Epistemology, MF–Norwegian School of Theology  Elements of Philosophy, MF–Norwegian School of Theology  Philosophical Anthropology, MF–Norwegian School of Theology, CUA  The Classical Mind (CUA)  Ethics (CUA, Fordham)  Human Action and Government (CUA)  Morality and Law (CUA)  Issues in Metaphysics (CUA, Fordham)  Love and Friendship in the Middle Ages (NYU)  Philosophy of Mind (Fordham)  Ethics and Engineering (CUA)