
the Inside this issue: Norwegian Bake your way to a succcessful spring american story on page 13 Volume 128, #10 • May 19, 2017 Est. May 17, 1889 • Formerly Norwegian American Weekly, Western Viking & Nordisk Tidende $3 USD

A cut above

Paper cut artist Torben Jarlstrøm Clausen demonstrates his art at The Nordic Center in Duluth | page 11

Photo: Justin Mitchell Hands of Danish paper cut art- ist Torben Jarlstrøm Clausen with one of his paper cut beings. What’s inside? « Jeg går langsomt, Nyheter / News 2-3 men jeg går aldri tilbake. » Business 4-5 – Abraham Lincoln Opinion 6-7 Sports 8-9 Research & Science 10 Arts & Entertainment 11 Slow TV migrates with reindeer Taste of 12-13 Tove Andersson Norway near you 14-15 , Norway Travel 16-17 Norwegian Heritage 18-19 “The whole project is madness,” said Ole Rune on its head. Norsk Språk 20-21 Hætta, Program Director at NRK Sápmi. The eight-day program followed the Sara family’s Reindeer herding minute by minute took a new turn reindeer from the winter pastures on Finnmarksvidda to The NA Strikes Back 22-23 and the slow TV program had to take a break as the Kvaløya in Finnmark. reindeer took a different route than national TV channel Difficult conditions on Finnmarksvidda make the $1 = NOK 8.539 NRK had expected. “reinflytting” necessary but also unpredictable for the updated 05/15/2017 Slow TV concepts are not new to Norwegians, TV team. There is still winter, often bringing harsh but Finnmarksvidda through the eyes of the reindeer winds, and the TV team is dependent on the weather. In comparison is. Over 1,000 reindeer move each year to areas where 04/15/2017 8.5859 they can find food. This year one of them had a camera See > reinflytting page 19 11/15/2016 8.4366 05/15/2016 8.2120 Reindeer migrating. Photo: Hoang Le Giang 2 • May 19, 2017 Nyheter fra Norge theNorwegianamerican Nyheter Den nye amerikanske ambassaden Berit Reiss-Andersen er ny leder i Nobelkomiteen Det nye bygget er Nobelkomiteen har valgt Berit Reiss-An- en svær koloss i hvitt, dersen (62) til ny komitéleder etter , som døde i februar. Reiss- med grønt irret kob- Andersen var nestleder i Nobelkomiteen mens Five var leder, og hun har fungert ber i detaljene som komiteens leder etter Fives bortgang. Reiss-Andersen ledet også fredsprisut- Elin Martinsen delingen da Colombias president Juan NRK Manuel Santos fikk Nobels fredspris i desember i fjor, etter at nå avdøde Five Amerikanerne flyttet fra ambas- måtte melde forfall på grunn av sykdom. saden ved Slottet, og åpnet det nye bygget Reiss-Andersen er jurist og tidligere leder i Morgedalsvegen 36 på Huseby i Oslo 15. av Den Norske Advokatforening. Hun har mai. Det avslutter en mangeårig strid der også vært statssekretær for Arbeiderpar- mange ville ha ambassaden ut av sentrum, tiet i Justisdepartementet i 1996–1997. mens andre ikke ville ha den i nabolaget sitt. Hun ble valgt som medlem av Nobel- — Vi vil være gode naboer. Vi kommer komiteen av Arbeiderpartiet, og har vært til å ta kontakt med naboene, sier Jim De- medlem av komiteen siden 2012. Hun ble Hart, som er chargé d’affaires. Ambassaden Foto: Elin Martinsen / NRK valgt som nestleder i Nobelkomiteen da er for tiden ambassadørløs, mens vi venter på Dette er hovedinngangen i krysset Morgedalsvegen/Sørkedalsveien, rett bak Njårdhallen. Thorbjørn Jagland ble vraket som leder til at Trump skal utnevne ny. fordel for Five i 2015. Samme år begynte Det grønne på bygget er irret kobber. filosof og forsker Henrik Syse, nå nyvalgt Det er en historisk grunn til materialvalget. Sørkedalsveien. Den tredje inngangspavil- fra Sørkedalsveien vil kunne hvile mens de nestleder, sin periode i Nobelkomiteen, Før USA feiret 100-årsjubileet for Frihets- jongen er for biler, og her kommer også va- hører lyd tatt opp av Jana Winderens under- etter at han var blitt valgt av Høyre. gudinnen i 1986, ble statuen pusset opp. I rene til den amerikanske mini-butikken for vannsmikrofon. (Vilde Helljesen, NRK) den forbindelse oppdaget de at kobberet kom diplomatene. Det skal settes opp en benk og en lyd- fra Viksnes kobberverk på Karmøy. Mange amerikanere har pleid å dra til skulptur utenfor: «Raft of Ice». Nord-Norge deles i to — Arkitektene ble inspirert av dette. den gamle ambassaden ved Slottet for å han- På en lystavle vil du se koordinater fra 3. mai falt den siste brikken på plass. De hentet også inspirasjon fra Norges gamle dle typiske amerikanske varer som gullfisk, Nord-Norge skal deles i to framfor å bli gresslagte tak, sier DeHart. for den som husker de små, salte kjeksene. Se > ambassade, side 21 slått sammen til én stor region. Avtalen Men kobberet er fra Finland denne gan- — Butikken har Oreos, BBQ saus, mellom regjeringspartiene, KrF og Ven- gen. Campbell’s soup, mange godterier man ikke English Synopsis: The new American Embassy stre innebærer at Troms og Finnmark slås Det er tre inngangspaviljonger til ambas- får kjøpt her—og så beef jerky, sier Luke opened in Oslo on May 15. The large white building saden. Hovedinngangen går fra Morgedals­ Schtele, pressetalsperson hos ambassaden. has green copper details to commemorate the Norwe- sammen til én region, mens Nordland gian copper used for the Statue of Liberty. fortsetter alene. — Med denne avtalen vegen. Skal du søke visum går du inn fra Den som kommer inn inngangsporten får vi to regioner i Nord-Norge med ca 240.000 innbyggere hver, sier Helge An- dre Njåstad (Frp), leder av kommunal- og forvaltningskomiteen. Politikerne i Nord- Reptiler Jenter trives i Forsvaret Norge har bedt om en politisk avklaring. Flere sterke røster har anført at avstandene Hele 90 prosent av i en samlet nordnorsk region blir for store. jentene fra 97-kullet — Avtalen om inndeling av Nord-Norge lovlig som vil gi en god balanse mellom fylkene i anbefaler førstegangs­ Nord-Norge og også på landsbasis,­ sier Høyres Ingjerd Schou. Selve innstillingen tjenesten til andre fra kommunal- og forvaltningskomiteen kjæledyr om regionreformen ventes først å komme Sveinung Berg Bentzrød neste måned, med planlagt ­ Aftenposten behandling 8. juni. — Men region­kartet Det åpnes 15. august er vi nå enige om. Siden dette vil bli om- Den nye vernepliktsundersøkelsen er for talt i kommuneproposisjonen 11. mai, for at 19 dyrearter kan første gang gjennomført med kvinner som er valgte vi å gå ut med denne enigheten nå, holdes som kjæledyr kommet inn som en del av allmenn verne- sier Njåstad til NTB. plikt, og ikke fordi de selv har søkt seg til (VG) Forsvaret. Magnus Braaten Deltagelsen i undersøkelsen er ifølge Oslo får trolig samiske navn og skilt VG Forsvaret selv rekordhøy, med 3600 soldater Oslo kommune jobber for å få kommune­ som har besvart spørsmålene. I fjor var det Foto: Espen Hansen Riise / Aftenposten navnet på tre samiske språk. — I dag har Av de 19 ulike artene landbruksdeparte- noe under 7000 som fullførte førstegangs­ Kvinner trives bedre enn menn i Forsvaret. jeg invitert Sametinget til et samarbeid mentet nå unntar det generelle forbudet, er ni tjenesten. om dette, og se om vi kan komme fram slanger, syv øgler og tre skilpadder. Ifølge forsvarssjef Haakon Bruun-Hans- til hva som skal være de tre offisielle Det skjer etter at Mattilsynet i fjor sen viser undersøkelsen at forventningene søkelsen i 2012. samiske navnene på Oslo, sier byråd for sendte ut et forslag på høring om endring i hos de unge, som på forhånd var høye, er I stor grad handler det om muntlig oppvekst og kunnskap i Oslo kommune, regelverket for hold av eksotiske dyr. mer enn oppfylt: trakassering. To prosent av mennene sier de Tone Tellevik Dahl (Ap) etter et møte Frps landbrukspolitiske talsmann • Syv av ti svarer at tjenesten har inn­ opplever det samme, ifølge undersøkelsen. med Sametinget 12. mai. — Oslo kom- Morten Ørsal Johansen kunngjorde regel­ fridd eller overgått forventningene de hadde — Forsvaret har en nulltoleranse for mune er stolt av mangfoldet i vår by, og endringen i Oslo reptilpark 11. mai—om- før de begynte på førstegangstjenesten. trakassering og mobbing, sier forsvarssjef vi synes det er naturlig at vi får offisielle kranset av en kongeboa. • I alt sier 84 prosent at de trives med Bruun-Hanssen. samiske navn for Oslo, sier hun. Dermed — Folk er forskjellige og har ulike i in- tjenesten. Igjen er det kvinnene som trives — Her har Forsvaret fremdeles en jobb vil hovedstaden i så fall også få kom- teresser. Ikke alle passer til å ha hund og katt, best; ni av ti. å gjøre. Et tiltak vi har spilt inn er at dette muneskilt på samisk, slik loven krever det sier han til VG. • Færre kvinner som begynte i Fors- bør være en fast leksjon på alle befalsskoler, når steder får samiske navn. Sametinget er Forbudet mot reptiler i Norge har vært varet sommeren 2016 har droppet ut enn sier landstillitsvalgt for norske soldater i Sjø­ fornøyd med at Oslo nå jobber for å få tre gjeldende fra 1. januar 1977. menn, om man måler prosentvis andel. Men forsvaret, Anna Olivia Mohaugen. samiske kommunenavn—på sørsamisk, — Det har vært en lang politisk kamp kvinnene fikk også de sterkeste reaksjonene — Er det variasjon i rapportert trakas- lulesamisk og nordsamisk. Sørsamisk og med mye motstand. Derfor er vi stolte av å da de kom inn. sering mellom avdelingene der kvinner og lulesamisk snakkes i dag av omkring 500 Igjen dokumenterer imidlertid verne­ til 600 personer hver, mens nordsamisk, Se > reptiler, side 21 pliktsundersøkelsen at Forsvaret ikke klarer Se > soldater, side 21 som er det største samiske språket, har å få bukt med seksuell trakassering eller omkring 26.000 brukere. English Synopsis: Starting in August, 19 species of mobbing av kvinnene som er inne. Hele 15 English Synopsis: Following the first year of - Nor (Aftenposten) reptitles—including nine snakes, six lizards, and three prosent rapporterer at de opplever dette. An- way’s gender-neutral conscription, a survey shows turtles—can legally be kept as pets in Norway. delen har gått ned fra 23 prosent ved under- that the female conscripts are thriving in the military. theNorwegianamerican News May 19, 2017 • 3 Norway’s gender gap Ignoring all This week in brief Dual citizenship wins more votes In their party meeting over the first week- Though more equal oil advice end in May, Norway’s Progress Party than most countries, (FrP) became the most recent party to Norway’s government vote in favor of allowing dual citizenship, pay for Norway’s has not listened to the despite opposition from the party’s lead- ership. Crucially, this puts the “ja” votes women has room for Norwegian Environment in the majority, with Høyre, KrF, Venstre, Agency on new oil drills SV, and other minority parties having al- improvement ready approved of the change. Of the major parties, only the Center The Local Party (Sp) is against double citizenship. M. Michael Brady Labor (Ap) has asked for the government Norway’s government has not taken any Asker, Norway to investigate the effects of a change, an advice from the Norwegian Environment inquiry which has been delayed by Immi- Norway ranks consistently high in in- Agency (Miljødirektoratet) calling for a halt gration Minister (FrP). ternational comparisons of equality between to new oil drills, says a new analysis. It is unclear when exactly the matter women and men. In education, in the labor Illustration: Statistics Norway (SSB) The agency has reported to the govern- will be taken up in Stortinget, but at this market, and in politics, Norway is among the ment 33 times without ’s ad- point it’s all but certain that dual citizen- countries in which women do well compared ministration changing its policies, says the ship will become a reality for Norway. to men. In the most recent United Nations they are broad overviews. Like a global map report by the Norwegian Society for the Con- (Staff) Development Program (UNDP) Gender De- that shows no local features, they lack the servation of Nature (Naturvernforbundet). velopment Index (Further reading), Norway depth of detail that may reveal the ways in “When Høyre calls itself a party of Norway royals mark 80th birthdays ranks highest ahead of 10 other countries, in- which gender equality is experienced at the knowledge, it is remarkable that the party cluding the USA and Canada in a shared 10th local level, in the everyday lives of men and consistently fails to follow advice from envi- King Harald V turned 80 in February and place. Norway also is on top in the UNDP women that differ from country to country ronmental experts. It has never been so bad,” Queen Sonja will be 80 in July. The royal Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM), an and from culture to culture. Naturvernforbundet’s head Silje Ask Lund- couple celebrated their birthdays together, index that aims to measure “whether women Researchers at Statistisk sentralbyrå berg told news agency NTB. as they have several times over the years. and men are able to actively participate in (Statistics Norway), the central bureau for According to the report, the current gov- Several thousand people gathered economic and political life and take part in government statistics, have reported the ernment has ignored 33 of the 33 environ- around the Palace Square outside the Roy- decision-making” (Further reading). figures underlying Norway’s being a world mental advice reports submitted to it since al Norwegian Palace in Oslo to watch the These two international indices reflect leader in gender equality (Further reading). it took over in 2013. The previous govern- entertainment. Many of the royals went the efforts of the UNDP to chart common out on the balcony to look at the gathering global objectives for gender equality. But See > gender gap, page 6 See > oil advice, page 5 crowds, who sang the birthday song. Around 40 royals attended a gala dinner held on May 9 at the Royal Pal- ace. Denmark’s Royal Family arrived on their yacht, Dannebrog, which anchored Google Maps error loses tourists under the ancient Akershus Fortress. The President of Iceland, Gudni Johannesson; An error in the widely Finland’s President, Sauli Väinämö Ni- inistö; and Princess Sophie, the Countess used map system of Wessex, were also among those who arrived to celebrate the royal birthday. sends hundreds May 10 saw lunch aboard the Nor- wegian royal ship. Royal guests were seeking Preikestolen taken on a mini cruise in the Oslo Fjord. to a quiet village And 350 guests attended a dinner at the Norwegian Opera that evening. As expected, security was on alert The Local during the festivities, with many roads in the center of Oslo closed. Police cars and An error in Google Maps has sent hun- patrols were on every driveway leading dreds of tourists looking for the famous Preike­ towards the Palace square. stolen cliff formation on a narrow, winding de- (Sarah Bostock / The Foreigner) tour ending in the village of Fossmork.­ Although the famous cliff formation in Photo: Stefan Krause / Wikimedia Commons New US Embassy at Huseby open the Lysefjord can be seen from the village, it Somewhere on the other side of the fjord, a lost tourist is cursing Google Maps. The U.S. Embassy in Oslo is pleased to is 30 kilometers away from the path that leads announce that the construction of the new to the famous site of photo opportunities. embassy compound is completed. “We have sent hundreds of tourists away stolen and understand nothing. Google Maps Aftenposten. Since 1959, the U.S. Embassy has in no uncertainty that they’re on the wrong leads them over the Lysefjord bridge and “I think we should make sure people are been located at Drammensveien 18/Hen- side of the fjord. In the summer season up to into Fossmork. The road here is quite narrow shown the right direction, when it is such a rik Ibsens gate 48 in the heart of Oslo. 10 or 15 cars show up each day,” Helge Foss- and they sometimes get quite upset when we well-visited place. Road signs do not always Unfortunately, the current embassy build- mark told newspaper Stavanger Aftenblad, tell them to go back. solve the problem. Some people trust Google ing has become too small for the size of adding that there can be minibuses lining up “They borrow a set of binoculars and more,” Johansen said. the U.S. diplomatic mission in Oslo, and outside the village on summer days. can see all the people up on Preikestolen. Google said that it appreciates feedback its site cannot accommodate the features The road leading to the village is de- It’s quite funny. We get to speak with Chi- that enables it to improve its service. “We are required for a modern American embassy. scribed as “terrible” by Stavanger Aftenblad. nese and Japanese people, and there was an constantly working to improve Google Maps Therefore, in June 2004, the U.S. gov- Another village resident, Gunnar Bøe, American who wanted to buy a cabin,” Bøe and encourage people to report any problems ernment signed a purchase agreement with said that he is also visited by confused tour- told the newspaper. they find, so that we can make sure we re- the Norwegian government for a tract of ists. “When we are in the cabin, sometimes Roy Jarle Johansen of the Norwegian solve the issue as soon as possible,” Helle land at Huseby as the site for a new em- two, three, four, or five tourists come in. Ev- Public Roads Administration said that he Skjervold of Google Norway told Aften- bassy, and building began in May 2012. ery day. They say they are going to Preike­ would look into the issue, reports newspaper posten via email. The new embassy site incorporates numerous sustainable features, includ- This week’s news from Norway is brought to you through partnerships with: ing a restored stream and a ground source heat exchange system that will allow the embassy to meet nearly 100% of its heat- ing load. Furthermore, it is anticipated to reach a LEED Gold Certification by the Green Building Certification Institute. www.thelocal.no & theforeigner.no (Special release / U.S. Embassy Oslo) 4 • May 19, 2017 Business theNorwegianamerican Business News & Notes Leading digitalization: Biotec Pharmacon ASA granted patent CO2 emissions and improve road safety by Biotec Pharmacon ASA has been granted a removing up to 40,000 truck journeys in patent in the U.S. for the technology plat- populated urban areas. Happiness pays form of gel forming Soluble Beta-Glucan YARA Birkeland will initially operate (SBG). The claims cover the method for as a manned vessel, moving to remote op- producing a gel forming SBG and the prod- eration in 2019 and expected to be capable uct obtainable by this method as well as the of performing fully autonomous operations off for Norway medical use of the glucan gel. The patent is from 2020. The new zero-emission vessel valid to 2031. will be a game-changer for global maritime “We are very pleased with this patent transport contributing to meet the UN sus- as it secures our intellectual property in the tainability goals. important U.S. market for the technology “As a leading global fertilizer company platform of Woulgan. It will be important with a mission to feed the world and pro- in the market development not least in the tect the planet, investing in this zero emis- partner discussions as it gives a potential sion vessel to transport our crop nutrition partner security that any investments made solutions fits our strategy well. We are proud are being protected,” says Svein Lien, to work with to realize the CEO, Biotec Pharmacon ASA. world’s first autonomous, all-electric ves- (Biotec Pharmacon ASA) sel to enter commercial operation,” says Svein Tore Holsether, President and CEO of YARA and KONGSBERG to build first YARA. autonomous and zero emissions ship KONGSBERG is responsible for de- velopment and delivery of all key enabling The vessel YARA Birkeland will be the technologies on YARA Birkeland including world’s first fully electric and autonomous the sensors and integration required for re- container ship with zero emissions. Opera- mote and autonomous operations, in addi- tion is planned to start in the latter half of tion to the electric drive, battery, and propul- 2018, shipping products from YARA’s Pors- sion control systems. grunn production plant to Brevik and As a leading global maritime technol- in Norway. ogy company, KONGSBERG’s integrated Photo: Pixabay Named YARA Birkeland after YARA’s control and monitoring systems are already founder, the famous scientist and innovator Happy employees are better employees, and digitalization provides opportunities to change structures capable of providing technology for remote that leave workers frustrated and unsatisfied. Kristian Birkeland, the vessel will be the and unmanned operations. world’s first fully electric container feeder. (YARA) YARA’s new vessel will reduce NOx and Jennifer Vessels Next Step—Silicon Valley & Oslo, Norway Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (May 15, 2017) Winners Losers Digitalization—the use of technology to tributions and accomplishments are valued streamline work processes, access informa- more than position in the organization. Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Norsk Kr. 8.5393 tion, and improve global productivity—can As seen by Adobe, GE, Daimler Benz, Dansk Kr. 6.7762 Høland og Setskog 120.00 17.65% RenoNorden 6.05 -15.97% Polarcus 0.30 15.38% GC Rieber Shipping 9.06 -14.53% be considered the “next big paradigm shift,” and other global corporations embracing Svensk Kr. 8.8218 Seadrill 5.40 7.26% Schibsted ser. A 225.10 -5.80% impacting the way we all work, live, and re- technology, successful digitalization requires Islandsk Kr. 103.26 Atlantic Petroleum 13.30 6.40% IDEX 7.68 -5.65% late to one another. As with all change, this leadership to: Canadian $ 1.3643 Havila Shipping 0.18 5.88% Schibsted ser. B 199.50 -5.56% brings both benefits and challenges. • Build project teams instead of hierar- Euro 0.9110 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. Based on the recent Gallup polls indi- chies to dynamically achieve results cating that less than 15 percent of workers • Recognize, reward, and compensate today feel truly engaged and happy in their people based on goal achievement and pro- jobs, change is needed. Low employee satis- ductivity versus activity and hours The Scandinavian Hour faction is often due to lack of challenge and • Develop and demonstrate trust and re- opportunity—not feeling valued but rather spect for all employees Celebrating over 50 years on the air! trapped in traditional hierarchies and man- • Define and communicate a clear vision agement structures. for the future KKNW – 1150 AM Digitalization allows automation of re- • Innovate and engage employees in cre- Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST petitive tasks so employees can be utilized as atively and dynamically building solutions true “value added human resources” analyz- With an egalitarian culture and inclu- Streaming live on the internet at: ing and resolving problems, creatively de- sive leadership style, Norwegian organiza- www.1150kknw.com veloping innovative solutions, and enhanc- tions are well poised to make the transition ing customer experience. to the new world of work and digitalization. In addition, successful digitalization in- As evidenced by Tandberg—in which the volves use of technology to create and de- company culture was based on fun and in- Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church liver new products and services, integrate novation—by focusing on the people, profits complementary offerings from partners, and will follow. Den Norske Lutherske Minnekirke innovate continually to compete globally. Known for a high quality of life and The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church offers the best venue in Chicago for Norwegians This can provide many new opportunities happiness for citizens and employees, Nor- and Scandinavians to gather and celebrate Norwegian traditions. Along with Pastor David for employees to collaborate, innovate, and way can provide many great examples of Schoenknecht, we welcome you to our warm and friendly family of members. Bible Study starts grow in the workplace. leadership in the new world of digitalization. at 9:30am followed by worship service at 11am. Please visit us soon! In the Deloitte Human Capital Trends 2016, 92 percent of the 7,000 companies sur- The article was provided to The Norwegian May / June 2017 veyed say that today’s digital world of work American by Jennifer Vessels, CEO of Next has shaken the foundation of their organiza- Step, based in Silicon Valley with Oslo sub- May 28 Fantastisk 4th Family Worship tional structure. As a company shifts from sidiary, which is bringing best practices from June 4 Norwegian/English service / traditional functional hierarchies to project their leadership of Adobe, ShoreTel, and Pre- Holy Communion team approaches, values and culture, trans- cise’s digital transformation to Norwegian parency of goals, frequent feedback, and free enterprises. She can be reached at jvessels@ Lunch & Learn for potential members flow of information, and an employee’s con- nextstepgrowth.com. following service June 11 Norwegian/English service June 18 Youth Confirmation Paintings for sale by Odd Andersen at the Heritage We welcome Kenneth Andresen from Norway, who will lead services May 28th — June 18th! Museum at the Norwegian Home & Health Center in Brooklyn, NY. Call Odd Andersen at (201) 768-7842. 2614 North Kedzie Avenue, Chicago, IL 60647 • (773) 252-7335 • www.minnekirken-chicago.org theNorwegianamerican Business May 19, 2017 • 5 Espallargas honored for entrepreneurship Inventor of Therma SiC and founder of Seram Coatings named this year’s Female Entrepreneur

Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway

On March 8, International Women’s Day, Nuria Espallargas was named Nor- way’s Female Entrepreneur of the Year. The award is initiated by Innovation Norway and includes NOK 500,000 for further develop- ment of her company. Espallargas is one of the founders of Seram Coatings, a startup that was spun off from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). The company was established in December 2014 and com- mercializes their invention of Therma SiC, a powder based on silicon carbide and used as a wear coating in what is known as thermal spraying. Many attempts had been made to produce such a powder based on SiC, but no one had succeeded until Espallargas broke the code with Fahmi Mubarok at NTNU. It all started while she still was work- ing on her doctorate in material technology in Spain. While many had tried unsuccess- fully to create such a powder, Espallargas Photo: Stein J. Bjørge / Aftenposten was dedicated to providing the solution. She Nuria Espallargas and colleagues are about to build a 500 square meter factory in Trondheim, where the product ThermaSiC will be manufactured. (The came to Norway eleven years ago to finish spray on the image is not ThermaSiC.) her doctorate. While she could also have gone to the United Kingdom or Italy, she considered Scandinavia to be very exotic and as high temperatures up to 1500 degrees faces, rollers, gate valves, pumps, slides, ball million from the EU for development sup- chose Norway instead. After finishing her Celsius in air and 2400 degrees Celsius in valves, mechanical gears, and any kind of port. In competition with the top universities degree, she continued at NTNU and in 2012 inert atmosphere. Silicon carbide is one of wear protection. in Europe, they won the Academic Enter- she became the youngest female professor the world’s hardest synthetic materials and Seram Coatings received the prize for prise Award in Barcelona. They have many in technology. She received a start package possesses lower density than competing so- best entrepreneur in Mid-Norway in 2015. customers on the waiting list, and according and used it to hire Mubarok, a PhD student lutions such as tungsten carbide. This gives Last fall they received a grant of NOK 18 to plans it will be on the market this summer! from Indonesia. Together they tried, experi- the products a longer lifetime, lower main- mented, and failed for two years before they tenance costs, and a competitive advantage. finally succeeded. Compared to vacuum deposition methods, NORDIC FEST in AUBURN The product was patented in 2014. thermal spray has a significantly lower cost. Together with serial entrepreneur Gisle Typical applications would be sliding sur- Østereng, they founded Seram Coatings. NTNU Technology Transfer Office and a Rasmus Falck is a strong handful of investors invested NOK 20 mil- innovation and entrepre- lion in the company. The chairman is Sverre neurship advocate. The au- Skogen, who went to Denver University for thor of “What do the best business studies and is a seasoned industrial do better” and “The board leader who knows the potential users. of directors as a resource The product can be applied as a coat- in SME,” he received his ing by thermal spraying for the first time. masters degree from the It provides superior coating performance in University of Wisconsin-Madison. He currently corrosive and abrasive environments as well lives in Oslo, Norway.

< oil advice From page 3 Saturday June 3, 2017 10 am – 3 pm ments, led by from 2006 to search has also warned against drilling in Sponsored by 2013, rejected 189 out of 237 such reports. these areas, reports NTB. Lundberg said that not just the current Even though a decline in the oil industry VESTERDALEN LODGE 2-131 government but also its predecessors have in recent years cost 45,000 jobs in the indus- SONS OF NORWAY “let oil policies dictate both environmental try, it still employs around 250,000 people. MESSIAH LUTHERAN CHURCH and climate policies instead of setting limits. “Allocation of new exploration areas is 410 H Street NE Auburn, WA 98002 “The simple answer is that many people a key pillar of the government’s petroleum want more and are not willing to let there be policy and well-known from our manifesto. It • Variety of Vendors a limit to Norwegian oil industry,” she said. is important to maintain exploration activity, Last week, the government gave the which is vital for future employment, growth, • Lunch + Ethnic Foods to Sample + Bake Sale green light to 87 new boring locations in the and income for the welfare of many people,” • Craft displays and Demonstrations Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea. Two of Minister for Oil Terje Søviknes told NTB. • Genealogy information these are very close to an area in the Nor- Søviknes added that a broad majority wegian Sea where the Norwegian Environ- in parliament supported the current govern- • Children’s activities ment Agency has previously warned against ment policies of exploration to find new bor- • Door prizes and Raffle opening oil drilling, with the area only ten ing sites for oil and that areas licensed by the kilometers from land and near large deposits government are decided on following an as- • Musical Entertainment of seabirds and marine mammals, as well as sessment of all viewpoints. important spawning and breeding areas for “Parliament has taken its decisions tak- $1.00 Admission Includes Raffle fish, according to Naturvernforbundet. ing into account the viewpoints of environ- Ticket The Norwegian Institute of Marine Re- mental agencies,” he said. 6 • May 19, 2017 Opinion theNorwegianamerican An opinion column about current issues in Norway and the United States Join the conversation! < gender gap On the EDGE From page 3 Norway and the road towards renewable energy But they admit that there’s much room for improvement. In March this year, Statis- tics Norway released the results of a study that explained why this may be so. Entitled Linn Chloe Hagstrøm “Facts on gender equality” (Further read- The Norwegian American ing), summarized in the illustration shown on page 3. During the past two years, more than The largest gap was in pay. In 2015, the one in 10 oil industry jobs disappeared average gross annual income for women was from the Norwegian continental shelf, ac- NOK 354,000 ($43,844) compared to NOK cording to VG. The Norwegian national 530,100 ($65,642) for men. These figures re- economy has been in decline and unem- flect more than gender itself. In terms of total ployment has risen (with a solid hike in hours spent in both unpaid and paid work, ). This fall on September in a year women work more than men, in 11, the Norwegian parliamentary election part because more of their work is unpaid. will take place. I want to see a stronger Moreover, more women than men work part- focus on producing energy from natural time. Another figure suggests that the gender resources, creating more jobs that work gap in pay may be less than that shown by towards more environmentally friendly average annual earnings. In 2016, the aver- solutions in our energy production. Nor- age full-time monthly pay for a woman was way is hitting the ground running with its 87.5% that of a man. In private sector and major success in hydropower. public sector enterprises, municipal admin- Climate change is well underway, Photo: Statkraft istration, and national government agencies, and we must seek to protect our environ- Reinsforsen hydropower plant in the Rana River, near Mo i Rana. full-time men still earn more than full-time ment through finding better and more ef- women. fective solutions for energy production. In one sector of the Norwegian society, We got started through improving our is expanding the market for solar power in decreased while costs have increased and the gender gap has been reversed. Some 60% strategies for recycling and imposing tax- multiple sectors such as solar panel roofs and investments in the oil and gas sector have of all residents with higher education (col- es on goods and services that have high electric cars, and Norwegians should be in- heavily declined. Investments in renew- lege and university) are women. Some edu- emissions, and we need to continue ex- spired to follow suit. able energy rather than oil and gas could cators now wonder what should be done to ploring ways to produce energy in a more Wind is another clean, renewable re- propel the movement towards an even attract more men to higher education. environmentally friendly manner. source. Our neighbor Denmark has been greener Norway. According to Statkraft, an interna- highly successful in producing electricity Hydropower is renewable and pol- Further reading: tional renewable energy producer based through wind power. In 2015, Danish wind lution-free with minimal greenhouse • “Gender Development Index in Norway, 99 percent of all power gen- turbines set a global record in wind power gas emissions. While this is great, con- (GDI)”, United Nations Development Pro- eration on inland Norway comes from production. That year, wind power accounted structing hydropower plants also re- gram Human Development Reports, pub- hydropower. This is great news, as hy- for 42.1% of the total power consumption in quires major interference in nature, such lished online in 2016, link at: hdr.undp.org/ dropower has the lowest greenhouse gas Denmark, according to newspaper E24. Nor- as dammed rivers, altered water supply, en/content/gender-development-index-gdi emissions, the highest efficiency, and the way has huge wind resources that are hardly and the construction of roads and power • “Gender Empowerment Measure,” longest life of all power generation tech- taken advantage of. Norwegians have created lines. The interventions take their toll on updated 2017 online by the European Insti- niques. It does not contribute to air pollu- 400 MW of wind power, Swedes more than tute for Gender Equality (EIGE), based on tion, which is quite significant since one 1500 MW, and Danes closer to 3500 MW See > hydro, page 8 the European Commission’s database on of our greatest environmental challenges (Statkraft). Thus, we have opportunities in women and men in decision making, link at: is the stabilization of greenhouse gases. pre-existing technologies as well as investing eige.europa.eu Linn Chloe Hagstrøm A benefit to hydropower is that en- in the future through exploring new innova- is a -based con- • “Norway—world leader in gender ergy can be produced when it is windy tions in the field of renewable energy. equality,” Statistics Norway article pub- tributing editor, barista, and not very sunny. As a “Bergenser” I Fossil fuels have been central in Nor- and alumna from Pacif- lished online Dec. 5, 2003, link at: www.ssb. do not foresee Norway using solar pow- way’s ascension to power since the 1970s, ic Lutheran University no/en/befolkning/artikler-og-publikasjoner/ er very much, at least not in these parts yet we all know the limitations of this indus- in Tacoma, Wash. She is norway-world-leader-in-gender-equality of the country. Yet we can still be at the try. Since 2014, more than 40,000 jobs have passionate about social (English) forefront of creating better ways to uti- disappeared in the oil industry. Oil produc- science, feminism, vol- • “Fakta om likestilling” (Facts on lize this valuable energy resource. Tesla tion on the Norwegian continental shelf has leyball, and her mini schnoodle. gender equality”), Statistics Norway over- view published online March 17, 2017, link The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of The Norwegian American, and our publication of those views is not an at: www.ssb.no/befolkning/nokkeltall/likes- endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. tilling (Norwegian only)

Name: Subscribe now! Phone: 26 yearly issues filled with news from Norway, business, Address: sports, opinion, food, travel, language, and more! City/State/Zip: $ one year: 70 Email: the Card #: Norwegian Expiration: CVV: Amount/issues: Questions? Call us at (206) 784-4617 or email [email protected]. You can also pay by phone or mail a check to: american Norwegian American Weekly, 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155. theNorwegianamerican Opinion May 19, 2017 • 7

Letters to the Editor theNorwegianamerican Published since May 17, 1889 Do you have something to say? 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155 Tel: (206) 784-4617 • Email: [email protected] Write to us at The Norwegian American, Letter to the Editor, 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155, or email us at [email protected], subject line Publisher Ragnar Meyer-Knutsen Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity, or length. Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun [email protected] Assistant Editor / Nyheter, Business, The wrong train? Dear Arnold, The Norwegian side was much more Sports, Travel First of all, I’m sorry you are sometimes helpful. Under tog, the second meaning after Molly Jones [email protected] Dear Editor, receiving your paper so late! Fortunately, train (which had the parenthetical long form Opinion Editor As always, I find The Norwegian Amer- it seems the issue in question was at most a jernbanetog) was opptog, meaning parade or Linn Chloe Hagstrøm [email protected] ican a delightful read. I always smile and week late, as judged by the timing of your procession. Hypothesis from the English side Taste of Norway Editor comment on Emily’s contributions—so well email. I am happy to hear you enjoy the pa- confirmed. Daytona Strong [email protected] written in a charming and engaging manner. per (and flattered that you’d call out my writ- So no, not an error this time! But I ap- Advertising While I can speak a little Norsk and read ing as a particular favorite). preciate readers who have a critical eye on- Rhonda Staton [email protected] even less, I found what must be an error in As to the Norsk in question: after three our works. Subscriptions the creative article (“Norwegian 101: Fund- years studying the language, I read a little [email protected] raising (Pengeinnsamling),” published in the Norwegian and speak much, much less, but Sincerely, May 5, 2017, issue) written by Heidi Håvan it is my understanding that this usage of to- Editor Contributors Grosch. In the middle of the last paragraph is get is correct. For example, it’s used in the Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. a sentence “...so when the parade arrives (to- patriotic song that was written in 2014 for Julia Andersen New York, N,Y. Tove Andersson Oslo, Norway get kommer)...” The word toget is for a train, the bicentennial of Grunnlovsdagen—“Det Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. not a parade as intended. går et festtog­ gjennom landet.” As much as Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Please continue to keep the paper com- I love the idea that the song is about some Terje Birkedal Anchorage, Alaska M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway ing, even when up to two weeks late. kind of party train, the festtog in question is NorAm notes Syttende Mai photos David Burke Skoppum, Norway definitely a parade. Daughters of Norway Members Various Don’t forget to email your With best wishes, Being a word nerd, I went to the trusty Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. photos with captions and credits Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway Arnold Nelson Norsk-Engelsk Ordbok to look it up. From to [email protected] by May Christy Olsen Field Seattle, Wash. Winston-Salem, N.C. the English side, I was surprised not to find Sunny Gandara Beacon, N.Y. 31 to make it in our big Syttende tog as a translation of parade. But the entry Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Mai photo issue on June 17! Rosalie Grangaard Grosch Arden Hills, Minn. did have opptog, which I theorized must just Kari Heistad Edina, Minn. get shortened for popular usage. Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. Roy Jorgensen Hopewell Junction, N.Y Ilan Kelman , Norway Agnes Tharaldsen Scottsdale AZ Bill Peterson Mora MN Michael Kleiner Philadelphia, Penn. Geraldine Thompsen Green Valley AZ John Solli Staten Island NY Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. May Sandvik Wohlafka East Northport NY Richard Stenerson Redmond WA Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Lexi Seattle, Wash. Howard S. Tronsdal Stanwood WA Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. 24. mai Sverre Velle Straumgjerde Norway Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. William Aasen Rhoadsville VA Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Burnett N. Bordson Fergus Falls MN 29. mai Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C. David Moe Sun City, Calif. Jarle Eldevik Blue Jay CA Marianne Anderegg Redmond WA Maria Stordahl Nelson Seattle, Wash. Glenn Foss Echo MN Nettie Brown Albert Lea MN David Nikel Trondheim, Norway 19. mai Jack Pierce Jacobsen Sun Prairie WI David Brueland Seattle WA Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Tom Berg Greensboro NC Anne Jordheim Columbia MO Jorulf Brynestad Oak Ridge TN Barbara K. Rostad Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho Lillian Bergem Arnegard ND Col Hamilton Lawrence Coronado CA Mary E. Carlson San Pedro CA John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Nisa Courtice El Paso TX Harald Olafson Everett WA Finn Dyrvik Bedford NH Judith Gabriel Vinje Los Angeles, Calif. John Jones Mill Creek WA Leif Sather Gonvick MN Ralph L. Egeland Aurora IL Dianna Walla Tromsø, Norway Sara Elise Saatvedt Columbia City OR Harold Steinvik Sandhornøy Norway Edna Gahler Iver Grove Heights MN Linda Warren Washington, D.C. Rich Olsen Richland WA Jo Christian Weldingh Oslo, Norway 20. mai 25. mai Bertha Peterson Wallingford IA The Norwegian American strives to make Betty Hammer Marysville WA Madeline Blay Marysville WA Lynne Plasek Shoreview MN its news report fair and accurate. If you have a Matthew Allen Herset Kalispell MT Janet (Nesse) Grell Matawan NJ Reidun Seim Burnaby BC Canada question or comment about news coverage call Solveig M. Jacobsen Santa Cruz CA Neal Harrison Lynnwood WA Daniel A. Sevig Fossil OR (206) 784-4617. • The Norwegian American re- serves the right to edit any and all submissions for April Anne Ness Upper Saddle River NJ Lily Tofteland Hartmann Boulder CO style, grammar, accuracy, and/or space, and the Martha Ohm Red Bank NJ John L. Haugum Montevideo MN 30. mai right not to print submissions deemed libelous, Arlene Bredeson Olson Coon Rapids MN Martha Hefty Marysville WA Clarence A. Clausen Northfield MN in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this Olav Orvik Ålesund Norway Evelyn Knutsen Nesse Staten Island NY Vita Davies Sequim WA newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily those Sverre Olav Staurset Tacoma WA Charles Richard Schneider Oshkosh WI Grace Hansen Jamaica Estates NY of The Norwegian American, and our publication Louis H. Stangeland Stanwood WA Floyd W. Lien Minneapolis MN of those views is not an endorsement of them. 21. mai Anne Lian Timm Tulalip WA Charles Olsen Westland WI Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials Adrienne Dahl Rochester NY Virginia Onsrud Eugene OR should be directed to the editor-in-chief. • The Nor- Harald J. Hansen San Bruno CA 26. mai Fredrick Smith Lawrenceville NJ wegian American (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 2473- William Johnsen Brooklyn NY Marilyn E. Benson Silver Spring MD Atle L. Coleman Veka Seattle WA 1293) is published every other week by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Corine Phelps Grafton ND Carole Davick Papillion NE Clara Aasland Williamsen Tucson AZ Shoreline WA 98155 • Periodicals postage paid at Marilyn Gjerlow Staten Island NY Seattle, Wash. and at additional mailing offices. 22. mai Anne Devine Jorgensen New City NY 31. mai • POSTMASTER: Please send address changes Kristen Grobstok Kirkland WA Theo Linland Pineville NC Trini D. Aasen Anaheim CA to The Norwegian American, 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline WA 98155 • Annual Subscription Myrtle P. Jacobson Minot ND Susan Johansen Shiels Pelham NY Helen Anderson Carpio ND Cost: US $70 Domestic, US $94 to Canada, US Lillian S. Lien Minneapolis MN Tom Virding Englewood CO Elias Courtice El Paso TX $212 to Norway and all other foreign countries. Laura Pedersen Grants Pass OR Else Kinney-Patecell Bayside NY SINCE MAY 17, 1889. Formerly: Nels Stone Grand Marais MN 27. mai Winnie Slaaen Farsund Norway Norwegian American Weekly Arne Thune New Canaan CT Mrs. Kaare Bang Eugene OR Odd Vaarvik Chewelah WA Cherie Iverson Oak Harbor WA 1. juni Norway Times / Nordisk Tidende, Western Viking & Washington Posten Kari Molbach Wallise Agua Dulce CA Larry Locken Mount Vernon WA L. Brekken Spokane WA Inga Rude Jamestown ND Starleen Locken Corrion Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota 23. mai Magne A. Spor Milwaukie OR Mount Vernon WA Posten, Norrona, and Skandinaven Agnes Berge Ontario Canada Bruce Sverre Vatne Mendota Heights MN Helga Lellelid Colman SD Britt Graham Portland OR John N. Melland Modesto CA NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Jim Latourette Santa Cruz CA 28. mai Carrie Mjelve Camrose AB Canada Donald Peterson Milan MN Jorulf Brynestad Oak Ridge TN Tor M. Olufsen Burnaby BC Canada Gerd Rorvik Thornwood NY Carl I. Jarnes Aberdeen WA Joseph Plasek Madison WI

Want to see your birthday in The Norwegian American? Email [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617. Must be submitted one month in advance. NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed away? Please notify us! 8 • May 19, 2017 Sports theNorwegianamerican Norway’s best hurdler returns home Amalie Iuel prepares to leave LA to pursue a career as a professional athlete in Norway

Molly Jones The Norwegian American

After four years as a student-athlete at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, Amalie Iuel is returning to Norway to pursue a professional career in track and field. She will be coached by Leif Olav Alnes and training together with fellow Norwegian track and field athlete Karsten Warholm. “It’s going to be strange, but I’m look- ing forward to it,” said Iuel in an interview with Hanne Skjellum Mueller of NRK. The 23-year-old hurdler will be return- ing to Norway after living abroad for 11 years. She first left Norway with her family due to her father’s work with the Norwegian telecommunications company Telenor. In fact, it was at the International School of Bangkok in Thailand that she was first re- ally introduced to the 400-meter hurdles at the age of 17. While she wasn’t too keen on the idea at first, once Iuel tried it and realized she had a knack for it, she decided to pursue the sport. Her goal became to jump hurdles on Photo: Lars Os / NRK an American college team, and she had her Amalie Iuel graduates from USC this spring and plans to return to Norway to continue her athletic career far from Venice Beach (above). sights set on USC. While she had talked with the USC coaching staff about joining the team as a hurdler ahead of time, a staffing lie’s background and didn’t know that she as many points as possible. Now that she is training in Norway will help keep her injury change meant that Iuel had to go through try- could run so well. Fortunately we found that wrapping up her college career, however, she free. outs to earn her spot. out,” said Head Coach Caryl Smith Gilbert. is able to drop the other events. “There are fewer competitions, and I “I was eventually selected as a high It was fortunate for Iuel too; in order “I have stopped completely with the think that’s good for the body, and I’ve talk- jumper on the team. That was not exactly to keep her scholarship and stay at USC, heptathlon and high jump, so there’s more ed to Leif Olav about it already. Although what I had wanted,” she admitted. she had to be performing at the top of her focus on the hurdles and 400 meters. Then I’m very fond of competing, I think in a way Eventually, after about six months of game—and for her, that means hurdles. the technique improves and I get better train- that what I’ve been doing now the last four persuading the coaches to let her try the hur- Even though the 400-meter hurdles ing. In addition, I’m injury free,” she says years is not necessary if you want to suc- dles, she got her chance to impress them. became her specialty, she had to continue about her recent improvement. ceed,” she said. “We didn’t know anything about Ama- with other events as well to help USC earn Already this spring she has made im- Personally, she feels it is better to avoid pressive strides, setting the Norwegian re- setting concrete goals as her nerves often af- cord in the 400-meter hurdles (55.38), as fect her performance; she is generally more well as the 400-meter sprint (51.81). successful when she is relaxed. Throughout her time in California, Iuel “I think I have quite a lot of potential eliteserien has struggled with multiple injuries in her that I have not shown yet because I started legs and back. And it’s no surprise consider- so late. I know I have more inside and how I Norway’s Premier League ing all of the two-a-day trainings and meets can use it to improve, including my rhythm,” almost every weekend spread out over a long she says. results Standings season—all while working on her bachelor’s Looking ahead, Iuel hopes to perform degree in Human Biology. well enough in Norway to get sponsor- 5/6 Molde 0 – 1 Aalesund Teams PLD PTS She hopes that the more relaxed pace of ships—all while keeping a focus on fun.

5/7 Haugesund 0 – 0 Sogndal 1. Rosenborg 8 20 2. Odd 8 15 5/7 Tromsø 1 – 1 Kristiansund 3. Brann 8 14 < hydro 5/7 Viking 0 – 2 Sandefjord 4. Sarpsborg 08 8 14 From page 6 5. Stabæk 8 14 5/7 Vålerenga 1 – 1 Stabæk the landscape and affect fishing and biodi- environmental consequences. 6. Sandefjord 8 13 versity. Processes such as these create large During the Climate Summit in Paris last 5/7 Strømsgodset 1 – 1 Sarpsborg 08 7. Molde 8 11 wounds in an otherwise lush waterway with year, Norway set climate goals for 2030. If 5/7 Rosenborg 2 – 1 Brann 8. Haugesund 8 11 many tall waterfalls, streams, and lakes. Yet we are to commit to the promise of achiev- 9. Aalesund 8 11 regulation of waterways can be positive as it ing a 40 percent reduction in greenhouse gas 5/8 Lillestrøm 0 – 1 Odd can contribute to reduced flooding and pro- emissions by 2030 compared with the 1990 10. Vålerenga 8 10 vide the basis for drainage of water used for level, we must dedicate time and resources 5/12 Aalesund 0 – 1 Vålerenga 11. Tromsø 8 9 irrigation. The overall environmental impact to this cause. Climate change threatens all 5/13 Stabæk 0 – 0 Rosenborg 12. Strømsgodset 8 9 means that continued hydropower devel- peoples and we have to step up our game to 13. Sogndal 8 8 opment remains controversial. According combat the many environmental issues sur- 5/13 Odd 2 – 0 Strømsgodset 14. Kristiansund BK 8 8 to The Guardian, Norway is good at small facing. The Paris Climate Agreement is es- 5/13 Sandefjord 2 – 0 Haugesund 15. Lillestrøm 8 7 hydro development, meaning plants with sential for international cooperation in com- a capacity of ten MW or less that typically bating climate change and Norway should be 16. Viking 8 4 5/13 Sarpsborg 08 1 – 1 Tromsø use low head and run-of-the-river technolo- at the frontline. Norwegian hydropower is a gies. Rather than large-scale dams, pursuing great start, but we must continue the explora- 5/13 Kristiansund 1 – 1 Lillestrøm lower impact projects can continue to make tion of other options within renewable low- 5/13 Sogndal 4 – 0 Viking a difference while avoiding the worst of the emission technologies to get that home run.

5/13 Brann 4 – 1 Molde

To read more about football in Norway, visit www.uefa.com thank you for reading our paper! theNorwegianamerican Sports May 19, 2017 • 9 Sports News & Notes Lagerbäck takes over Athletics: Iuel fourth in US Football: Odd moves to second place Amalie Iuel raced into fourth place in the Odd beat Strømsgodset 2-0 on May 13 and Norway’s new head coach loses debut but 400-meter hurdles during a track and field crept up to second place in the table behind has everything to gain for Team Norway meet in Eugene, Oregon, on May 14. The Rosenborg, despite having a negative goal runner clocked a 56.07, which is well be- difference. Riku Riski and Fredrik Oldrup hind her own Norwegian record of 55.38. Jensen scored for the home team. (NRK) (NRK) Triathlon: Blummenfelt on the podium Football: Big win for Sogndal Kristian Blummenfelt (23) delivered a Sogndal beat Viking with a big 4-0 win fierce race in Yokohoma and took third on May 13. Gilbert Koomson scored the place in the World Triathlon Series on May first three goals in the match where Kjetil 13. He also took third place last year. Wæhler (41) debuted for the home team. (NRK) The victory sends Sogndal over the quali- fying line, while Viking sits in last place. Skiing: Date of Johaug hearing (NRK) Therese Johaug’s attorney Christian Hjort confirms to Aftenposten that the cross- Football: Tie in Kristiansund country skier who was suspended after test- It looked like Kristiansund would take the ing positive for the steroid clostebol will home victory on May 13, but Lillestrøm meet in the Court of Arbitration for Sport managed to make it 1-1 in the end. Jonas on June 6. Rønningen scored for the home team, but (NRK) Simen Rafn equalized six minutes before the end. Football: Seck ensures victory (NRK) Haugesund attacked viciously but came up Football: Tromsø & Sarpsborg draw short against Sandefjord’s goalkeeper Ing­ Sarpsborg 08 and Tromsø ended in a 1-1 Photo: Olav Olsen / Aftenposten var Jónsson. Abdoulaye Seck scored and Lars Lagerbäck at the press conference announcing him as the Norwegian team’s new coach in January tie when they played on May 13. Thomas had an assist in Sandefjord’s 2-0 victory on of this year. He faces an uphill battle in turning the team’s performance around. Lehne Olsen scored for Tromsø three min- May 13. Andre Sødlund scored the 2-0 goal utes before half time, while Erton Fejzul- in the 89th minute. lahu equalized for the home team. (NRK) Jo Christian Weldingh (NRK) Oslo, Norway

Lars Lagerbäck had a brutal start to soccer is in at the moment, few believed that his career as head coach for the men’s Nor- Lagerbäck would come in and miraculously wegian soccer team when Norway lost 2-0 turn everything around overnight. Even with against Northern Ireland in Belfast on March a victory in Belfast, the chances for quali- 26. “It’s my responsibility,” a humble Lager- fying would have been slim to none. If he bäck said to the press after a match that in all is given time to rebuild the team from the Sealift Inc. likelihood was the final nail in the coffin for ground up, he might have a chance to do what Norway’s chances to participate in the 2018 he is actually hired to do—take the team to World Cup. the European Championship in 2020. Lagerbäck was hired earlier this year Many claim that this is actually an ideal • Ship Owners • when former coach Per-Mathias Høgmo time to take over the team, as there are no ex- was sacked due to poor results in the ongo- pectations, and he probably won’t be blamed ing World Cup qualifiers. The signing was if the team doesn’t start winning right away. • Ship & Cargo Brokers • praised by most of the Norwegian media And since the chance of qualifying for the as Lagerbäck has had amazing results with World Cup is gone, he will be able to use the countries of a similar size in the past. Last remaining qualifying matches to figure out • Steamship Agents • summer, for example, he brought Iceland all which players to use and how to play. No the way to the quarter final in the European matter what, most Norwegian soccer pundits Championship, beating England in the round agree that it can’t get much worse. of 16. For a nation with around 330,000 in- Norway has participated in the FIFA habitants, that is nothing less than sensation- World Cup three times (1938, 1994, and al. It was described as the biggest upset in 1998), and once in the UEFA European English soccer history by the British media. Championship (2000). Norway had its most Being the head coach of Norway’s na- successful period from 1990 to 1998 under tional team is no easy task, however. The the legendary coach Egil “Drillo” Olsen. team has failed to reach a playoff since the At its height in the mid-90s, the team was year 2000, and when they lost against the ranked as high as second on the FIFA World Czech Republic last fall—a loss that cost Per Rankings. Mathias Høgmo his job—it was the ninth de- feat in 13 games. Norway is currently ranked Jo Christian Weldingh grew up in Lilleham- as number 86 on the FIFA World Ranking, mer, Norway, but is currently living in Oslo. which is an all-time low. He has a BA in Archaeology from The Univer- On the bright side, Lagerbäck has ev- sity of Oslo and a BA in Business Administra- erything to gain. With the state Norwegian tion from BI Norwegian Business School.

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Vesterheim the national Norwegian-American museum and heritage center • The largest collection of Norwegian-American artifacts in the world email high-res photos to [email protected] for our 17. mai photo spread • A national center for folk-art classes • Open all year in Decorah, Iowa 10 • May 19, 2017 Research & Science theNorwegianamerican

Technological steps forward: Norway developing hydrogen ferries

M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway

The car ferries that provide essential connections across fjords and to islands along Norway’s jagged coast act like a geographi- cal glue that keeps communities connected. Soon they may become the most prominent evidence of the country’s commitment to be climate neutral by 2030. As reported in this newspaper (June 19, 2015), the Ampere, the world’s first electric ferry, is now in service across the Sognefjord. Other electric ferries are now being built. Research and development now is tak- ing the next technological step of using hy- Photos: (above) Desodia / Wikimedia Commons, (top right) Jan Opseth, Norwegian drogen from an onboard tank as a fuel that is Public Roads Administration / Teknisk Ukeblad, (right) Tore Stensvold / Teknisk Ukeblad reacted with oxygen (from air) in a fuel cell Above: The MF Ole Bull car ferry will be the first one fitted with hydrogen fuel cells. to provide the power to run the electric mo- Top right: The symbol of the hydrogen-powered ferry project. tors that propel a ferry. The chief advantage Right: Camilla Røhme, the NPRA engineer heading the current hydrogen ferry R&D effort. of the design is that unlike an electric ferry that must call at one or more terminals with facilities to charge its batteries, a hydrogen- powered ferry is free to call anywhere and may serve routes between terminals lacking charging facilities, such as those between is- lands off the coast. The R&D challenges are both known effort points out that preparedness is essen- The Christian Michelsen Research presse/Pressemeldingsarkiv/Vegdirektoratet/ and unknown. The known ones are in elec- tial in ferry design. A viable ferry must have (CMR) institute at the University of Bergen vil-utvikle-f%C3%B8rste-hydrogen-elek- tric propulsion. Since the first electric boat sufficient backup battery capacity to function may well be the first to actually achieve hy- triske-ferje (in Norwegian) was developed in 1839, innumerable electric as an electric (only) ferry, in case its hydro- drogen-powered ferry operation. An ongoing • “NOK 70 million in funding is boats have been built, not least submarines. gen fuel cells fail. In turn, this requires that it CMR project now will install hydrogen fuel available for solutions for zero-emissions So the electric propulsion of boats is a ma- serve only routes that include terminals with cells on an operating car ferry, the MF Ole maritime transport under the PILOT-E ture technology. Though historically as old adequate battery charging facilities. She be- Bull [named for Bergen native virtuoso vio- scheme,” The Research Council of Nor- as electric propulsion, fuel cells were first lieves that this mix of design challenges can linist and composer Ole Bull (1810-1880)] way announcement, October 12, 2016, link: commercially used in the 1940s. The tech- best be met with new ferry designs specifi- that serves the route between Valestrand and www.forskningsradet.no/servlet/Satellite?c= nology of them has yet to mature. So for cally tailored for hydrogen-electric propul- Breistein near Bergen. One of the ferry’s two MidlerParent&cid=1254020064121&pagen boats, the principal R&D challenge lies in sion. diesel engines will be replaced by an electric ame=ForskningsradetEngelsk%2FHovedsid adapting hydrogen fuel cells to commercial- The Pilot-E scheme of funding, launched motor powered by commercially available emal&rendermode=preview ly viable maritime use. in 2016 by the Research Council of Norway, fuel cells combined with batteries. Experi- • “Fiskerstrand får støtte til hydro- In Norway, several R&D incentives aims to support R&D in reducing greenhouse ence gained will be used to set the course of gendrevet ferge” (Fiskerstrand awarded sup- are now concerned with that challenge. The gas emissions and in improving energy and development of hydrogen hybrid ferries as port for hydrogen-fueled ferry) Fiskerstrand largest is Lavere energiforbruk i Statens veg- climate technologies (Further reading). zero-emission solutions for coastal marine Holding press release, December 16, 2016, vesen (LEIV), [Lower energy consumption Last December, the Fiskerstrand shipyard vessels. link: www.fiskerstrand.no/site/img/293/ in the Norwegian Public Roads Adminis- at Fiskerstrand on the west coast of Møre Pressemelding_FV__PILOT-E__Fisker- tration (NPRA)], which includes a compre- & Romsdal County was awarded a Pilot-E Further reading: strand_faar_stoette_til_HYdrogendrevet_ hensive program for energy efficient and grant to pursue its HYBRIDShips (short for • “Vil utvikle første hydrogen-elek- ferge_16.12.16.pdf (in Norwegian) climate-friendly ferry operations (Further “Hydrogen and Battery Technology for Inno- triske ferje” (Will develop first hydrogen-elec- • “The first hydrogen ferry in - Nor reading). vative Powertrains in Ships”) R&D project tric ferry), Norwegian Public Roads Adminis- way,” Christian Michelsen Research (CMR) Camilla Røhme, the NPRA Senior En- that aims to design a purpose-built hydrogen- tration press release, February 8, 2017, link: Press Release, June 14, 2016, link: cmr.no/ gineer who heads the hydrogen ferry R&D powered ferry (Further reading). www.vegvesen.no/om+statens+vegvesen/ projects/10568/hydrogen-ferry

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2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] Your name and message here! Featuring great Nordic products Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments For more information, call Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats us at (206) 784-4617 or email and more! [email protected]. Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com theNorwegianamerican Arts & Entertainment May 19, 2017 • 11 Busy scissors: A summer of Danish paper cut artist Northern Lights leads Duluth workshop The all-female choir made famous by the Special Release music for Disney’s Frozen unveils new album Nordic Center

The Danish paper cut artist Torben countryman, Hans Christian Andersen,” says Jarlstrøm Clausen was busy with the scis- Aune. sors when he recently had an exhibition and The paper cut universe of Jarlstrøm paper cut workshop at the Nordic Center in Clausen is inhabited with beings that have Duluth, Minnesota. The Nordic Center was previously been engrossed in the paper. At pleased with the opportunity to present the that time the beings were weighed down by Danish paper cut artist for the workshop’s their own and ambient limitations: dedicated participants. “I can sense that the beings are in the As an introduction to the workshop, paper, but at that time they are sad,” he says. Jarlstrøm Clausen gave lectures on experi- “They are unresolved and have something in ences he has had on his travels around the their life that plagues them. After some help world with his scissors, including several from the scissors, they are all cut free from travels to the U.S. and Japan. After the lec- the paper and travel around happily in our ture, he demonstrated how he cuts people out diverse world.” According to him, this ex- of the paper. Then it was the 35 participants’ plains why all his paper cut beings smile and turn to put the scissors to the paper: look happy. “Paper was cut intensively through- out the event. The American participants The Nordic Center is a non-profit organiza- were very easy to activate. After a short in- tion with the mission of perpetuating Nordic troduction to my universe of paper cut be- culture and arts in the United States. ings, young and elderly people immediately grabbed the scissors and cut loose. That was Torben Jarlstrøm Clausen has had many pa- so nice,” says Jarlstrøm Clausen. per cut workshops in Denmark, Japan, and The Nordic Center in Duluth is devoted the U.S., where the participants have the op- to celebrating Nordic traditions. Dr. Alison portunity to put scissors to paper and redeem Aune, Professor of Art Education at the Uni- their very own paper cut beings. Participants versity of Minnesota, rejoices over this in- experience the very best of cutting paper— terest: “In Minnesota, we have a large and the moment when the paper is unfolded and deeply rooted Nordic tradition. While Nor- the happy paper cut being emerges. Torben wegians and Swedes predominate, we also Jarlstrøm Clausen is 52 years old and lives Special Release embrace Danish traditions. And it was so in Odense in Denmark with his wife, Lene. Decca Records nice to have Torben Jarlstrøm Clausen here They have two girls aged 18 and 22 years. to share his unique knowledge, skills, and For more information, visit his website, They helped inspire one of the big- primordial sound is what sets Cantus apart. enthusiasm for this paper art tradition that www.jarlstroem-klip.dk, or etsy shop, www. gest films in box office history, and now the Since its establishment in 1986, Cantus was also practiced by the well-known fellow etsy.com/shop/JarlstroemPaperArt. women of Cantus—the Norwegian choir has been led by one of Norway’s most ac- who sang the opening track to Disney’s ani- claimed conductors, Tove Ramlo-Ystad. A mated hit Frozen—released their very first singer herself and the choir’s Artistic Direc- album on Decca Records, entitled Northern tor, Ramlo-Ystad focuses on pure and simple Lights, on May 12. vocals, honing in on the beauty of the natural From a population of 170,000 in rural tone, while still maintaining homogeneity. Trondheim, 32 women helped unearth the This sound lends itself well to contemporary ethereal sounds of Norway for the world. and traditional Norwegian folk music, for During the first research trip to the country, the harmonious yet personal sound for which Frozen’s producers stopped at a shop and Cantus has become renowned. picked up some CDs for the journey. Driving Speaking about her time with Cantus, around the country exploring the beauties of Ramlo-Ystad said, “We have a saying in the land, the producers in turn discovered Cantus that we give from our hearts to your the sound of Cantus, the hidden voices of hearts. With our music, we have the oppor- Norway, and the “yoik”—a traditional form tunity to give something to other people, to of song from the Sámi people of the Nordic give joy and happiness, and to be a part of countries. that is very special. I am tremendously proud Comparable to the chanting of some Na- of everything the girls have achieved.” tive American cultures, the yoik often mim- The choir members are women aged be- ics the sounds of nature, and this is evoked tween 20 and 40, and all have day jobs out- in many of Cantus’s recordings on the new side the choir, ranging from student to nurse, album. The lead track, “Vuelie”—or “Earth hairdresser, lawyer, and architect. The pow- Song”—weaves the celestial voices of the erful female bond between choir members all-female choir with steady chanting remi- and their charismatic conductor is evident in niscent of repetitive rain or snow, in the all- their live performances and recordings, pro- familiar opening to the hit film. Written by ducing a sound that is almost otherworldly, composer Frode Fjellheim, the involvement and is one of the secrets behind their success. with Disney has given the choir and compos- The new album includes 12 tracks, all er much attention across the globe. composed by Norwegian composer Frode In an extensive feature in the London Fjellheim. Times that ran in print in April, Senior VP of Music at Disney, Tom MacDougall, said To learn more about Cantus, visit www.can- of the choir’s involvement with Frozen, “if tus.no. Northern Lights is available in digital we’d recorded in Los Angeles with session form from online retailers such as Amazon singers, it might have a familiarity that could and iTunes. The CD will be available on Photos: Justin Mitchell be from any other film… [We wanted] those June 2, 2017. Check your local retailer for Top: Jarlstrøm Clausen helps the workshop participants with their paper cuts. nuances that audiences might feel, but might availability. Middle: One of the artist’s happy beings, freed from the paper at last. not be able to quantify.” That unspeakable, Above: Torben Jarlstrøm Clausen in the doorway of The Nordic Center in Duluth. 12 • May 19, 2017 Taste of Norway theNorwegianamerican A fresh, savory Nordic spring Vegetables star in these Nordic recipes from The Scandi Kitchen

Photos: Peter Cassidy / This artichoke salad and beetroot tart with love (featured in our September 9, 2016, courtesy of Ryland Peters & Small are from one of our favorite Scandinavian issue; www.norwegianamerican.com/fea- There’s perhaps no better time than spring cookbooks, The Scandi Kitchen: Simple, tured/nordic-cookbooks-entice-and-inspire), to embrace vegetables and fresh herbs, and delicious dishes for any occasion by Brontë The Scandi Kitchen features a broad array of these two recipes, reprinted from The Scandi Aurell of the ScandiKitchen in London. The Scandinavian recipes. Tucked between clas- Kitchen by Brontë Aurell ($21.95) with per- mission from Ryland Peters & Small, illus- first book from Aurell, who has since pub- sics are treasures like these that show how trate the freshness of spring well. lished ScandiKitchen: Fika & Hygge—Com- fresh, vibrant, and healthful Scandinavian forting cakes and bakes from Scandinavia cooking can be. Artichoke Salad with Spelt Grains

It’s no secret that we love using grains in our salads at ScandiKitchen. Spelt is such a filling, wholesome grain—and it has an excellent bite to it. If you are not a fan of spelt, you can use rye grains instead.

150 g dried spelt grains 150 g feta cheese, chopped into cubes salt & freshly ground black pepper 2 tbsps. chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley two 250 g cans of artichoke hearts, 4-5 tbsps. flaked almonds, toasted drained freshly squeezed lemon juice 1⁄2 bunch spring onions, sliced olive oil, for drizzling diagonally

If soaking the grains overnight (I’d recommend this if you have time as it allows for a more even texture throughout), place them in double the amount of water. The next day, drain and rinse the grains. Place in a large saucepan with a good pinch of salt and boil for approximately 22 to 25 minutes, or until tender but still al dente. If you haven’t pre-soaked the grains, extend the cooking time by around 20 minutes. Drain and al- low to cool completely. Slice the artichoke hearts into large bite-sized pieces. Place in a bowl and add the sliced spring onions, feta, and parsley. Fold in the spelt grains, season to taste, and fold in the toasted almond flakes. Season with salt, pepper, and a squeeze of lemon juice and a drizzle of good oil. Serves 2 to 3 as a side salad.

Beetroot Tart with Fennel and Dill

I just love the purple beetroot with the fresh green dill—it brightens up the whole lunch table. The tart works well both warm and cold and it is lighter than traditional quiches as it uses less dairy filling.

3-4 fresh beetroot, approx. 300 g raw balsamic vinegar weight; or one 250 g pack of ready- 50 g walnuts, lightly crushed cooked beetroot 200 ml crème fraîche for the pastry: 100 ml milk 150 g butter 2 eggs 150 g plain flour 200 g feta cheese, crumbled 100 g wholegrain rye flour salt & freshly ground black pepper pinch of salt 1 tbsp. fresh dill 1 egg yolk 1 fennel bulb 4 tbsps. cold water olive oil

If using fresh beetroot, put them in a large saucepan of water and bring to a boil. Cook for 30 to 40 minutes (depending on the size of the beetroot) until soft. Rinse in cold water. The peel will come off easily when you rub them with your fingers. Set aside. To make the pastry, cube the butter and crumble it with the flours and salt. This is quickly done in a food processor. Add the egg yolk and water and quickly, without working the dough too much, shape into a ball. Leave to chill in the fridge or freezer for 30 minutes before using. Roll out the dough and carefully place into a fluted loose-based pie tin. Prick the bottom of the case with a fork in several places. Leave to rest for another 15 minutes in the fridge or freezer. Preheat the oven to 180°C / Gas 4. Pre-bake the crust in the middle of the preheated oven for around 10 minutes. Meanwhile, mix the crème fraîche, milk, eggs, crumbled feta, salt, pepper, and half the dill in a bowl. Cut the fennel lengthways and remove the bottom core. Thinly slice the fennel. In a saucepan, add a little oil and sauté the fennel on a low heat for 5 to 6 minutes. After a few minutes, add a few teaspoons of balsamic vinegar. Remove the crust from the oven. Scatter the sautéed fennel across the base and add one-third of the crème fraîche mixture. Thinly slice the beetroot and arrange the thin slices all across the tart in neat layers. Add the remaining crème fraîche dressing on top and scatter with half of the crushed walnuts. Return to the middle of the oven for around 20–25 minutes. When done, scatter the re- maining dill and walnuts on top. Serve warm. Serves 6 to 7. theNorwegianamerican Taste of Norway May 19, 2017 • 13 Bake your way to a successful spring Norwegian suksessterte is eaten to mark special occasions and the return of sunny days

Whitney Love Stavanger, Norway

Norwegian suksessterte is in my opinion one of the easiest ways to celebrate spring and Norway all in one go. This classically Norwegian cake is often eaten during Easter but also during confirmations where young Norwegians are affirmed into the Church of Norway, christenings, and birthdays. If you receive this cake as a gift or if one is made for you during one of these events, make no mistake, you are loved and you are special. Norwegian suksessterte, or suksesskake as it is sometimes called, is eaten to mark special occasions, usually ones a bit more official or stately if you will. This recipe for Norwegian suksessterte­ uses four whole eggs, is gluten free, and is quite popular during spring in Norway. I think its popularity is because of the eggs and their connection to rebirth, renewal, and the so- lidification of the end of winter—but it could honestly be all the sugar and butter used to make this cake. Either way, I simply adore Norwegian suksessterte. And you will too. If you want to be extra fancy, double this recipe and make a two-layer version. Norwegian suksessterte, or “success Photos: Whitney Love tart,” features a custard frosting and gluten- Nothing says spring like a sunny yellow cake. free almond meringue sponge. It is made with ingredients you find in every grocery store. It’s not overly expensive to make, is always Whitney Love is a cook- a crowd pleaser, and is, like most Norwegian book author and blogger. cakes, uncomplicated. She hails from Tucson, Ari- You’ll want to begin making this cake by zona and is currently living grinding your own raw almonds if you can, in Stavanger, Norway. She and of course allowing all of your ingredients runs the English language to come to room temperature before you be- blog Thanks For The Food gin. I grind my raw almonds in a food proces- where she documents her sor or blender as we tend to have raw almonds love affair with Norway through the lens of tra- in our pantry year-round, but you can also use ditional and modern Norwegian gastronomy. pre-ground almonds too. Find her online at thanksforthefood.com.

Your favorite recipes from our pages, in one convenient book! Suksessterte Custard frosting: Gluten-free almond sponge: A Taste of Norway: Flavors from 100 ml (1/3 cup + 1 tsp.) heavy cream 4 egg whites The Norwegian American cook- 125 g (1/2 cup + 2 tbsps.) granulated 150 g (1 1/2 cups) powdered sugar book: sugar 150 g (1 cup) ground almonds By popular demand, we're bring- 4 egg yolks ing you a collection of recipes that 1 vanilla pod, seeds removed have been featured on the pages 150 g (1/2 cup + 2 tbsps.) butter of The Norwegian American. From such acclaimed Nordic food writ- Vanilla custard frosting: ers as Daytona Strong, Sunny Gan- Combine the cream, granulated sugar, vanilla seeds, and egg yolks in a saucepan. While dara, Maria Stordahl Nelson, Whit- continually whisking, bring the pan to a medium heat until the custard is thick enough to coat ney Love, and this paper's own for- the back of a spoon. This should take about 7-10 minutes. mer editor, Christy Olsen Field, the Strain the frosting through a fine strainer or sieve and mix in the butter. Allow to cool spiral-bound cookbook will cover slightly, then cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge. main courses, soups and sides, Allow the mixture to cool for around 2 hours, or until thoroughly cool and thick. and of course sweets. It even has a few drink recipes! Gluten-free almond sponge: $29 + shipping Preheat your oven to 175C/350F. Using a standing mixer or hand mixer, whisk the egg whites until soft peaks form, then mix in the powdered sugar and chopped almonds by hand. Place the mixture in a greased spring form pan and bake for 30-35 minutes or until the edges slightly pull away from the sides. Order now through our Indiegogo Allow the cake to cool on a baking rack for 30-45 minutes, then assemble. Smooth the frosting over the top and sides of the cake sponge, then decorate with chopped almonds, mini campaign at igg.me/at/theNA. chocolate chips, almond slivers, or shaved dark chocolate. Serve at room temperature. 14 • May 19, 2017 Norway near you theNorwegianamerican What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events california massachusetts new york chief’s son of who terrorizes his rural commu- DON Turid Jespersen Heritage Day Nordic Kids Series: Trolls in the Tree Peder Balke: Painter of Northern Light nity with a series of increasingly dangerous June 10, 11:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. June 11, 12:00 p.m. now—July 9 fires. At Majestic Bay at 1:00 p.m. on May 20, Mission Viejo, Calif. West Newton, Mass. New York, N.Y. SIFF Cinema Uptown at 6:00 p.m. on May 22, Join us in celebrating Scandinavia. Displays Margaret Moody joins the Scandinavian Cultural This exhibition is the first in the United States and the Shoreline Community College The- and demos of jewelry making, knitting, and Center with a tale of Trolls in a Tree. The trolls to focus on Peder Balke, the Norwegian land- ater at 6:30 p.m. on May 31. Visit www.siff. Norwegian Hardanger embroidery, spinning want to take good care of the fairies’ garden, but scape and marine painter. It will bring together net/festival/pyromaniac for more info. and weaving, rosemaling, and baking. There they also want to make space for their toaster, 17 paintings by Balke borrowed from private will be a bake sale and a lunch counter. Scan- television, and chairs. Can the trolls learn to go collections, presented in context with paintings SIFF: Sami Blood dinavian gift vendors will be selling items. En- green? The show will be followed by a puppet- by his compatriots drawn from The Met collec- May 24 & 31 trance cost is $1 per person; children under 12 making activity. Cost is $8 or $4 for SCC Family tion. On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery Seattle, Wash. free. At the Norman Murray Community Cen- Members. Purchase tickets at scandicenter.org/ 624. Visit www.metmuseum.org/exhibitions/list- Sami Blood will be shown as part of SIFF. A ter. Contact [email protected] for more event/nordic-kids-series-trolls-in-the-tree/. ings/2017/peder-balke for more info. coming-of-age drama, Sami Blood is the prej- info. udiced term used to describe an indigenous ohio girl who attends a state school that pressures Minnesota her to break ties with her family and culture. Ohio Norsemen Constitution Day Festival colorado 4North At Majestic Bay at 4:30 p.m. on May 24 and May 28, 12:30—4:00 p.m. Scandinavian Midsummer Festival now—July 16 SIFF Cinema Uptown at 7:00 p.m. on May Fairview Park, Ohio June 24—25 Minneapolis, Minn. 31. Visit www.siff.net/festival/sami-blood for Join the Ohio Norsemen for a potluck buffet with Estes Park, Colo. 4North features four women artists that share a more info. Family event with Scandinavian music, dance, heritage from Scandinavia, as well as make their hot dogs and beverages. Bring a food donation to serve 10. Luncheon, music, and friendship of- crafts, and food vendors. Includes the Fjell- home in Duluth. While the work diverges in style Northern Lights & the Sun fered at no cost. Reservations required by May borg Viking re-enactors and encampment, and medium, the artists share their duel identity May 30, 6:00 p.m. 21; call (216) 767-5699. At Gemini Center Oak demonstration tents, children’s crafts activi- and connection to place. Threads throughout Seattle, Wash. Room. Parking in front or rear lots or library lot. ties, Scandinavian auto show, beer garden, the show reveal a deep reverence for the natural Pål Brekke is a Norwegian solar physicist, as- silent auction, and raffle. Hours are 9:30 a.m. world and the translation and transmutation of trophysicist, and Senior Advisor at the Norwe- Ohio Norsemen Coffee Hour to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday and 9:30 a.m. to patterns and symbols. Alison Aune, Kristin Aune, gian Space Centre. His lecture focuses on the June 17, 2:00—4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. on Sunday. Festival begins Saturday Ann Klefstad, and Arna Rennan create work that Northern Lights and the Sun’s relationship to Rocky River, Ohio with raising of the Midsummer Pole, followed sings in harmony and connects viewers to their the Earth. At Nordic Heritage Museum. by the Parade of Flags and Opening Ceremo- own personal home, wherever that may be. At Join the Ohio Norsemen for coffee hour held at Panera: 19705 Center Ridge Rd. Call (440) 979- nies. Free for all ages. Wheelchair accessible; the Galleri at Norway House. Admission is $5. Northern Lights Auktion 0681 if you have any questions. parking adjacent. At Bond Park, E. Elkhorn & June 3 MacGregor. Visit www.estesmidsummer.com Nisswa-Stämman Festival Seattle, Wash. Norse Viking Festival or call (303) 449-9596 for more info. June 8—9 Join the Nordic Heritage Museum for an un- June 23—25, 10:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m. Nisswa, Minn. forgettable evening designed for fun and Cortland, Ohio district of columbia Nisswa-stämman is a gathering of fiddlers, building financial support for the museum. The festival is full of family-friendly events, com- 2017 SelectUSA Investment Summit nyckel­harpers, hardingfele players, accordionists, Held at the Seattle Marriott Waterfront. bat demonstrations, games, and seminars fo- June 18—20 guitarists, vocalists, dancers, and aficionados of Guests can expect an evening full of laughter, cused on the Viking era. There are living-history Washington, D.C. Scandinavian folk music. At the Pioneer Village. fantastic auction lots, and a delicious Nordic- encampments, artisans, music, and more. At AmCham encourages Norwegian companies inspired meal accompanied by aquavit! Tick- Trumbull Country Fairgrounds. Visit www.norse- considering to expand their U.S. operations to Midtsommer Gala Celebration ets are $125 per guest or tables of 10 may be vikingfestival.com for more info and tickets. become part of the official Norwegian delega- June 22 reserved for $1,000. Visit nordicmuseum.org/ tion at the 2017 SelectUSA Investment Sum- Minneapolis, Minn. auktion for more info and tickets. mit, which provides an unparalleled opportu- The Midtsommer Gala Celebration is Norway oregon nity to bring together economic development House’s annual signature event set near the sum- Annual Midsummer Festival Nordic Woodcarving organizations and high-level government offi- mer solstice each year. The gala dinner features June 10, 11:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m. June 4, 11, 18 & 25, 9:00 a.m.—3:30 p.m. cials. Visit www.selectusasummit.us for info. the “Going Viking” awards to honor Norwegian Portland, Ore. Seattle, Wash. Americans who have significantly advanced the Scandinavians in traditional dress will greet hun- Learn Baroque Acanthus, Rococo, and Viking/ quality of life for others through their adventure- dreds of visitors. Food and crafts are available Dragon styles in this class. All levels welcome. illinois some spirit and extraordinary accomplishments. and two stages of entertainment and a beer gar- Bjornson Male Chorus Dinner Concert Classes are paid by the month. Visit nordic- The event also raises key funds that support all den promise continuous entertainment, all with a dragon.com for cost and more info. June 2, 6:30 p.m. Norway House programs throughout the year. At Nordic flavor. The Maypole will be raised at 2:00 Elk Grove Village, Ill. Minneapolis Event Center. p.m. and the Scandinavian of the Year award will SIFF: King’s Choice Social hour begins at 6:30 p.m. The concert be given at that time. At Oaks Park. Cost is $8 for will be held at 7:30 and followed by dinner. At June 9 & 11 Scandinavian Hjemkomst & Midwest Viking Fest adults, $7 for seniors and students, $17 for fami- Seattle, Wash. Avalon Banquets. Cost is $35. Make reserva- June 23—24 lies, and free for children 11 and under. Learn tions with John Lee at (847)741-4210. King’s Choice will be shown as part of SIFF. This Moorhead, Minn. more at www.scanheritage.org/midsummer. dramatic wartime epic is set over the course The Midwest Viking Festival and the annual Scan- of three days in 1940, when the aging King of Norsk Museum Reopening dinavian Hjemkomst Festival are joining forces Cook & Eat Special: Aquavit Tasting June 3 Norway is presented with an unimaginable ul- again to present a celebration of Nordic cultures June 28, 6:30—8:30 p.m. timatum from the German army: surrender or Sheridan, Ill. from the myths of Valhalla through medieval Eu- Portland, Ore. Norsk Museum will be reopening with many die! At SIFF Cinema Egyptian at 6:45 p.m. on rope to today. There will be re-enactors dressed What happens when you combine a wine tasting June 9 and SIFF Cinema Uptown at 12:00 p.m. new exhibits, entertainment, and the popular in period clothing, cooking over an open fire, and and the annual special summer Cook & Eat? A Taste of Norway breakfast, served from 8:00 on June 11. Visit www.siff.net/festival/kings- demonstrating historic crafts. Visitors will also summer aquavit session paired with open-faced choice for more info. to 11:00 a.m., with the museum opening from experience other Viking activities including glass sandwiches! Presented with House Spirits Distill- 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Cost is $8 in advance or silver smithing, chainmail production, wood carv- ery. At Nordic House. Tickets are $30. More info $10 at door for adults and $5 in advance or $7 Heritage Camp: A Nordic Smørgåsbord ing, and a variety of challenging Viking games. and tickets at www.scanheritage.org/cook-eat. June 26—30, 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. at the door for children. For advanced ticket Shoppers will take delight in the wide array of prices, contact Dave Johnson at dave.norsk- Seattle, Wash. items sold at the Scandinavian Marketplace such Washington Heritage Camp is open to boys and girls ages [email protected] or (815) 343-5070. After as rosemaling, wood carvings, jewelry, woolen breakfast, stay around and see master rose- Lessons from the Arctic 7 to 11 and will be a week of fun activities and clothing, and even home furnishings. Festival now—August 27 crafts related to all things Nordic! Cost is $175 maling artist Lynn Maxson, Norwegian folk admission is $15 per day with children under 12 dancers, and Inger’s Norwegian Gifts. Seattle, Wash. for Nordic Heritage Museum members, $125 free with a paid adult. At the Hjemkomst Center. This exhibition explains how Roald Amundsen for Leif Erikson Lodge members, and $200 For more info, visit www.nordiccultureclubs.org. spent his youth preparing for a life in the Polar general admission. Reservations are required. iowa Regions, his first trip to the Antarctic, three years National Exhibition of Folk Art in the Norwe- Scandinavian Summer Fest with the Inuit in the Arctic, and the historic Race Wisconsin gian Tradition June 25 for the South Pole. At Nordic Heritage Museum. Potluck Dinner & Syttende Mai Celebration June 8—July 19 Minneapolis, Minn. May 25, 6:30 p.m. Decorah, Iowa Norway Day and Svenskarnas Dag are working SIFF: Pyromaniac Mt. Horeb, Wis. Don’t miss this opportunity to admire recent together again to make an even bigger and bet- May 20, 22 & 31 Join Vennelag Lodge for a dinner and celebra- works of amazing folk art by contemporary art- ter ethnic celebration for the Scandinavian com- Seattle & Shoreline, Wash. tion of Syttende Mai. Professor Emeritus James ists from all over the country. Many of the piec- munity. The day begins with a worship service at Pyromaniac will be shown as part of the Seattle P. Leary, UW Madison Folklorist, will present on es are for sale through silent auction—a great 11:00 a.m., followed by a children’s parade and International Film Festival. Norwegian director the evolution of folk music among Norwegian way to add to your folk-art collection or to start dancing around the Midsummer pole. There will Erik Skjoldbjærg returns with a slow-burn psy- Americans in Wisconsin. For more info contact one. The judged exhibition includes knifemak- also be authentic Scandinavian foods, vendors, chological thriller based on the true story of a fire Cheryl Schlesser at [email protected]. ing, rosemaling, weaving, and woodworking— demonstrators, exhibitors, and handicrafts for a all in the Norwegian tradition. At Vesterheim. family-friendly event with activities for all ages. Free. At Minnehaha Park. Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 to be added to The Norwegian American! Check www.norwegianamerican.com/events for complete listings Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. theNorwegianamerican Norway near you May 19, 2017 • 15 Providing sanitation in pursuit of peace Pennye Nixon of Etta Projects is named the 2017 Greater Tacoma Peace Prize Laureate

Special Release Greater Tacoma Peace Prize

Pennye Nixon thoughtfully responded ics to ensure that individuals receive follow- tion and water projects. They quickly added to an inquiry about her work. “I like to talk up care. Nixon has seen attitudes in villages the health worker training program. Nixon about poop.” Nixon explained that there are change overnight. When women are empow- believes that sanitary conditions and health two precursors to public health—clean water ered, their status in the village increases. care create conditions for peace. Stable com- and sanitation—and that sanitation is often Etta Projects began in 2003 out of munities create conditions where individuals forgotten about when assisting impoverished a tragedy. Nixon’s daughter, Etta, was a can progress and grow. Nixon notes, “Peace areas. As the Founder and Director of Opera- 16-year-old Rotary International Exchange is about contentment.” It is hard for indi- tions for Etta Projects, Nixon directs projects Student. Bolivia was not Etta’s first choice, viduals to be content when they are fighting that construct sanitation facilities and pro- but she embraced her assignment anyway. for their basic needs. Etta Projects recently vide clean water in rural Bolivian villages. Etta quickly became a favorite among locals. added a Community Transformation Center These exceptional peacebuilding efforts are She attended a wealthy high school in Bo- to further development in rural villages. The why the Greater Tacoma Peace Prize (GTTP) livia but reached out to individuals of lower center coordinates with NGOs and local of- was proud to announce the selection of Pen- classes. Nixon mentioned that Etta played ficials to continue to build infrastructure and nye Nixon as the 2017 Laureate this April, at soccer with a class of people that her class- access to resources in the communities. the Etta Projects’ 13th Annual Auction. mates deemed unworthy to associate with. In addition to providing clean water and She also recounted a story of Etta saving a The GTTP has been awarded to local peace- sanitation, Etta Projects also trains women to sloth from oncoming traffic in a town square. makers annually since 2005. Last year’s re- become health workers in the villages. Nix- Etta passed away tragically in a bus crash af- cipient, Theresa Pan Hosely, led efforts for on explained that the women are trained in ter only three months in the country. How- Chinese reconciliation in Tacoma that result- groups and network across several villages. ever, her impact was so great that the local ed in the construction of the Tacoma Chinese The training empowers women who never government named a dining hall after Etta. Reconciliation Park. Laureates are award- had a role that was valued in a village before. The dining hall provides food for the poor in ed a trip to Oslo, Norway, to attend Nobel Health care workers provide basic care such as the city that Etta embraced. Peace Prize events. Tacoma is the only area tending to wounds, prenatal care, and treating In 2009 Etta Projects shifted its focus in the U.S. with a peace laureate recognized Photo: Elise Anderson the common cold. They also work with clin- from providing food to constructing sanita- by the Norwegian Nobel Institute. Pennye Nixon. Illinois’ Norsk Museum open for summer Visit one of the first Norwegian-American settlements in aptly named Norway, Ill.

Special Release Norsk Museum

What do Cleng Peerson, father of Nor- wegian immigration; Rev. Elling Eielsen, first Norwegian pastor in America; and the Sloopers, the first group of Norwegian set- tlers to America, have in common? They first settled in what is now called Norway, Illinois, in 1834, along the Fox Riv- er, the oldest permanent Norwegian settle- ment in America. Back in 1834, Illinois was still a new state, on the edge of the Louisiana Purchase, and Chicago was still a swampy Indian village. By 1836, word got back to Norway, Europe, to their families, friends, and neighbors, about the great opportuni- ties in this new country, and over the next 80 years, some 800,000 would leave Norway for America, about one quarter of Norway’s Photos courtesy of Norsk Museum entire population. At first, the immigration Left: The Norsk Museum is housed in the historic Hauge Lutheran Church. filtered through Rochester, N.Y., and- Nor Above: From left to right: Ralph Johnson, Steve Tanda, Burnell Brusveen, John Maack, way, Ill.; then as new territories opened, the and Dave Johnson pose with the Skagerrak Viking Ship, built by Maack last summer. masses spread across Wisconsin, Iowa, Min- nesota, and farther west. This summer you can step back in time of Norway, just north of Ottawa. This church fresh fruit, and many desserts. The break- at the museum. See our new Viking ship, the to where it all began. The Norsk Museum is was built by Rev. Elling Eielsen, the first Nor- fast got rave reviews at our maiden event Skagerrak! This ship is 1/3 scale, modeled open to the public Saturdays and Sundays wegian Lutheran minister in America. and word travels about good food, so we’re after an authentic Viking war ship, and hand from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. June through Sep- expecting many more diners this year. This built by John Maack at Waukegan Harbor. tember. This museum inhabits the former Opening day festivities breakfast is a fundraiser to support the pres- Hauge Lutheran Church, built in 1850, which Norsk Museum will be reopening Sat- ervation of the 170-year-old church building. The Norsk Museum is only 70 miles south- is proudly listed on the National Register of urday, June 3, to begin a new season with For advanced ticket prices, email or call Dave west of Chicago. Make a day of it! After you Historic Buildings. The building was added to many new exhibits, entertainment, and their Johnson at [email protected] tour the museum, walk across the street for the list of Illinois Historic Buildings last Oc- very popular Taste of Norway Breakfast. The or (815) 343-5070. Adult tickets are $8 or $10 lunch at the Norway Store. There are plenty tober. Springfield has since nominated it to the breakfast will be served from 8:00 to 11:00 [at door] and children at $5 or $7 [at door]. of other sites to see in the area. Private tours National Register of Historic Buildings. a.m., with the museum opening from 9:00 After breakfast, visitors are encouraged are available by reservation. Larger groups In 1825 Cleng Peerson and the Sloopers a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The menu includes delicious to stay around and see master rosmaling art- such as school field trips, senior groups, and left their home in Norway for religious free- home-cooked Norwegian specialties such ist Lynn Maxson, Norwegian Folk Dancers tour buses are asked to send early notifica- dom. After nine years in upstate New York, as fried kumla, Norwegian waffles, guma, from Chicago Leikarringen Heimhug, Inger’s tion. Find out more at www.norskmuseum. they made their permanent home in the village scrambled eggs with chives, fried potatoes, Norwegian Gifts, and view all the changes org and www.enjoylasallecounty.com. 16 • May 19, 2017 Travel theNorwegianamerican Diary of a Guidebook Writer: A trip to Bergen, Norway’s second city

David Nikel Trondheim, Norway

Surrounded by mountains and water, Bergen has one of the best city settings in all of Norway. This month my parents are visiting me from England. As it will be their fourth trip, I’m mixing things up by taking them to Ber- gen for the weekend. Bergen is one of the destinations asked about most by my read- ers, so it’s about time I covered it here for The Norwegian American! Bergen receives a great number of visi- tors for several reasons. It’s known as the gateway to the fjords, it’s at one end of one of the world’s most famous train journeys, it’s a popular stop with cruise ships, and it’s the start of the Hurtigruten coastal cruise of Norway. Many visitors seem to be content with a quick wander around the compact central area before moving on, but the city has so much more to offer even if you have Photos: David Nikel just one day to spare. Above: Central Bergen viewed from the top of the Fløibanen funicular railway. Left: The colorful (trust us) buildings of Bryggen brighten up rainy days. Let’s start with the obvious: the color- Below left: One of the bedrooms in the atmo- ful strip of former Hanseatic trading houses spheric Leprosy Museum. known as Bryggen, a UNESCO World Heri- Below: Despite not being original, Fantoft Stave tage site and one of Norway’s most famous Church is a great example of the architectural tourist attractions. style. A visit to Bryggen should be about so much more than taking a photograph of the iconic buildings. Even if you have just a few minutes to spare, take a wander up the nar- row alleyways between the buildings to soak up the atmosphere of a Bergen long gone. If you have more time, choose between two interesting museums to provide a little context on the area. The Hanseatic Museum inside a restored trading house sheds some light on the lifestyle of the German traders, while Bryggens Museum tells the fascinating story of the area’s restoration. From this Sep- tember, the latter museum hosts an exhibition of gold treasures from the Thracian culture in Bulgaria from 2500 B.C. to A.D. 300.

Fløibanen A trip up the Fløibanen funicular rail- way is a great way to appreciate Bergen’s stunning natural setting, and the station is just a couple minutes’ walk from Bryggen. The viewing platform at the top of the fu- nicular provides a beautiful panorama of the However long your visit, be sure to catch church from demolition, a Bergen busi- However long you have to spend in city below and also acts a gateway to miles at least the Rasmus Meyer Collection, which nessman bought it and relocated it piece by Norway’s second city, I hope you’ll find the of hiking trails around Mount Fløyen. includes many works by Edvard Munch, piece. In 1992, the church was burned to the ideas in this article useful. One of the most popular walks is the and the exhibition of Nikolai Astrup, whose ground, the first in a series of arson attacks 15-kilometer trail between Mount Fløyen bright landscape works have only recently linked to the Norwegian black metal music Guidebook news and Mount Ulriken. The hike starts by tak- begun to be discovered outside of Norway. scene. This reconstructed church, a faithful We’re now in a phase of rapid progress ing the bus and cable car to Mount Ulriken reconstruction of the original design, was as the guidebook nears completion. Since and ends with a ride on the funicular railway Fantoft Stave Church opened in 1997. my last column, I’ve had the chance to make back down to the city. Allow five hours to en- Stave churches are one of Norway’s updates and corrections to a proof layout. It joy the spectacular scenery and views as far most famous icons, but these wooden gems Leprosy Museum was fantastic to see my words brought to life inland as the Folgefonna glacier on a clear are often missed by travelers as they are In the late 19th and early 20th century, alongside pictures, maps, and so on. Some day. If you’re keen on exploring the moun- typically located in rural areas. If you’re not Bergen was an international center of leprosy mistakes only come to light when seen in tains around Bergen, just bear in mind that planning a trip to the fjords and have some (Hansen’s disease) with three hospitals dedi- context. The only downside was the time it the city receives a lot of year-round rainfall, time in Bergen to spare, you’re in luck! cated to treating the disease. One of them has took to fact-check a 380-page PDF file! so dress appropriately. A short trip on the and now been turned into a museum to remember an uphill walk brings you to this remarkable this dark chapter in Bergen’s past. Within the KODE Art Museum example of the architectural style—wooden dimly lit hall of the main building, tiny bed- David Nikel is a freelance Many visitors miss the outstanding gal- planks pegged together on a stone base with rooms line both sides. Inside a couple of the writer based in Norway. leries of KODE, Bergen’s art museum. The no glue or nails—despite not being an origi- rooms, the harrowing personal stories of for- He runs the popular www. four buildings set around the city lake are nal. mer residents are told. The museum’s opening lifeinnorway.net blog and is the author of the upcom- packed full of famous art from paintings and The original 12th-century church was hours are limited to just four hours per day ing MOON Norway guide- sculptures to videos and other visual installa- built in Fortun, a small rural village more from mid-May to mid-August, so some plan- book. tions. You could easily spend a full day here. than 150 miles from Bergen. To save the ning is required if you want to visit. theNorwegianamerican Travel May 19, 2017 • 17 Living luxuriously in Abu Dhabi and Dubai Known as the “Las Vegas of the Middle East,” the UAE is a tourist-friendly destination

Arlene & Thor Larsen Fishkill, N.Y.

The next time you’re dreaming of sun- nier skies, ignore your tendency toward the familiar and think more creatively about a change of venue. While Miami, Bermuda, and Palm Springs conjure up visions of warmth, sunshine, and resorts ready to cater to your every whim, consider instead some- place further afield: the United Arab Emir- ates. Dubai and Abu Dhabi are two of the richest and most powerful of the seven emirates that make up the UAE. Europeans and Asians flock to this part of the world, renown as a tourist destination, to be pam- pered at luxurious resorts and hotels that run the gamut from modest to lavish enough for kings and sheikhs. Because a popular tour company that we had used before was running a special and our frugal mind-set could not resist a bar- gain, we signed up for a trip in November. Needless to say, one should avoid this area from June through August due to excessive Photos: (above) Pixabay, heat. November provided sunny days with (left) Sam valadi / Flickr temperatures in the 70s and low 80s, and the Above: Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, the coun- Persian Gulf swept in pleasant breezes. try’s center of worship, is a modern paragon of Upon leaving the airport, the first thing traditional Islamic style. Like much in Dubai, it’s that strikes you about the country is the jaw- oversized—it can accomodate 40,000 worship- dropping architecture. The trip to the UAE pers, boasts the world’s largest carpet, and one is all about the skyline as you ride down of its many crystal chandeliers is the third largest the streets marveling at the gravity-defying in the world. Left: The UAE is known for its massive construc- unique designs, one after another. What tion projects, like the Burj Al Arab, a luxury hotel makes Dubai and Abu Dhabi so impressive that sits on its own constructed island. It is the is the fact that almost all buildings you see third-tallest hotel in the world (if you include the are fairly new. While people have lived here non-occupiable space above its helipad). since the Bronze Age, the area had been poor with farming and pearl diving being the main occupations until the discovery of oil around the 1960s. With the development of mosque in UAE. The seven enormous crys- the oil industry and the advantageous loca- tal chandeliers, the 96 columns in-laid with tion for commerce and free ports, Abu Dhabi marble and mother-of-pearl, and the 35 tons and Dubai have exploded in growth, import- of Iranian custom carpet provide a stunning Where in Norway? ing many workers and construction compa- visual experience. You’d know these swords anywhere—but especially in the nies to build these beautiful skyscrapers and As you ride along the Corniche, over- luxurious residences. looking the Persian Gulf, you view a large Hafrsfjord neighborhood of Madia, Stavanger, where “Sverd Besides the beaches and golf courses, island with two buildings in the harbor. One i fjell” is located. The monument, created by sculptor Fritz shopping in the amazing oversized malls is building is the royal palace that belongs to Røed and unveiled by King Olav V in 1983, commemorates the main diversion for tourists and locals the sheikh and the other is the Emirates Pal- the historic Battle of Hafrsfjord, which by tradition took alike. The shopping malls we saw were con- ace hotel. Since the sheikh did not invite us place there in the year 872, when King Harald Fairhair structed and decorated like palaces with dif- for tea, we did the next best thing: we went gathered all of Norway under one crown. Congratulations ferent colored marbles, stained glass, and to high tea at the Emirates Palace with its crystal chandeliers. Some even had water- Swarovski crystal chandeliers and gold-lined to Heidi Magnus, the lucky winner of one free month! falls, mosaics, sculptures, mobiles, and other walls. art works. Play lands with gigantic amuse- Due to the diverse immigrants liv- ment rides for children were provided at ing here and the country’s desire to have a some malls, and one had a professional-sized significant international role, English is the ice rink. Another mall had a large aquarium main language. The constitution provides for where you could scuba-dive with the fish, freedom of religion although the UAE is of- and one even had an indoor ski slope with a ficially a Muslim nation. chair lift so the kids could get in a few runs One of the most interesting aspects while parents shop. The dizzying array of of our visit was experiencing the unique shops and restaurants could keep you enter- Muslim culture here. The people are very tained for days. There are restaurants from wealthy and well educated, and women have all over the world: Asian, Italian, French, considerably more freedom than in some Indian, and even American fast food. The Muslim countries. Women typically acces- stores ran the economic gamut from Tiffany, sorize their modest clothing with beautiful De Beers, Gucci, and Louis Vuitton to H&M designer shoes and lots of gold and diamonds and American Eagle. Any shop in New York, and drive luxury cars such as Mercedes and Paris, or London is available here with no BMWs. tax added. The weather was perfect, the food On our first full day in Abu Dhabi, we was diverse and excellent, the culture was were taken to the massive and recently com- unique, and the people were very friendly Photo: Tranja / Foap / Visitnorway.com pleted Sheikh Zayed Mosque, which accom- and accommodating. Have a photo for “Where in Norway?” Submit it to [email protected]! modates 40,000 worshipers and is the largest 18 • May 19, 2017 Norwegian Heritage theNorwegianamerican Oceans of opportunity: Cities increasing trade with Norway Both Swartz and Yelena Barychev, Cor- porate Governance and Securities Partner at Michael Kleiner Blank Rome Counselors At Law, noted that Philadelphia, Penn. one of the biggest surprises for foreign com- panies is the legal system and the safeguards Philadelphia is a city of firsts—the they must take. They need an attorney, a birthplace of the nation, Declaration of Inde- CPA, and tax advisor. pendence, U.S. Constitution, and countless “With any problem you try to solve it,” others. On March 30, a first step was taken said Barychev. “First we analyze the needs of in “selling” Norwegian businesses on the the company. Do they need some real estate viability of the City of Brotherly Love for work? Do they need tax help? Do they need future investment. The Norwegian American licensing? Are they going to be a limited li- Chamber of Commerce Philadelphia, along ability? Do they need to protect their trade with representatives from the city, law, busi- name? We show them how to cope with the ness development, and higher education sec- legal system piece by piece. We help them tors, sought to answer the challenging ques- find easy solutions. Once they have that, tions raised in a collaborative report NACC things can start working for them.” conducted with five students from Temple The has numerous University’s School of Sport, Tourism, and exchange relationships with American uni- Hospitality Management. Temple hosted the versities. Turflinger pointed out that Ameri- on-site and virtual program, Oceans of Op- can universities are better at keeping track of portunity: Increasing Trade Between Nor- alumni than Norway, so universities should way and Philadelphia. Approximately 58 Photo: Michael Kleiner contact those Norwegian alumni to become people attended overall. From left: NACC Philly Board Member Michael Byrnes, CPA and Business Development Director at spokespeople. BDO USA, LLP; Tess Kristensen, NACC Philly Board Member and adjunct professor at Temple, who Gro Dyrnes, Regional Director Ameri- Though focused on Philadelphia, there worked with the students, was the moderator; Steinar Nerbøvik, CEO of Philly Shipyard and NACC were some elements from the report, first Philly Board Member; Frode Kjersem, President of NACC Philly; R. Aubrey Kent, Temple University’s cas for Innovation Norway, San Francisco, presented in December, that other cities School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Associate Dean and Professor; Lauren Swartz, Director, In- put a perspective on any city’s recruiting ef- could use. ternational Business Investment at City of Philadelphia, and Yelena Barychev, Corporate Governance forts. “The report is a guide to a new business and Securities Partner at Blank Rome Counselors At Law, LLP. “We need to take a step back,” she said. model to increase awareness of the Norwe- “All of us are trying to strengthen business gian Chamber of Commerce in Greater Phila- relations between Norway and America. delphia and awareness of Philadelphia in • Immigration policies/obtaining vi- tech, New York for finance. NACC chapters There’s a big difference between working Norway,” said NACC Philly President Frode sas and work permits can be the resource and network for these for an increased value situation for Nor- Kjersem in opening remarks. “We want all of • Identifying potential customers Norwegian companies. wegian business in Norway and increased you, the stakeholders, to critique the findings • Slowing Norwegian economy “As a leader, I don’t know much about establishments for Norwegian businesses and suggest how we can implement them in • Culture and language barriers Philadelphia and that’s not good,” said Jason in the U.S. It’s not entirely equal. If your the marketplace. We wanted to focus first on • Lack of familiarity with the area Turflinger, Managing Director of the Ameri- initiative is to establish more businesses in our region. We are a young chapter (2013) • Regulatory/legal issues can Chamber of Commerce Norway in Oslo. Philadelphia, you might be better working and we want to make our own space. The old • Acquiring a skilled workforce “I’m from Indiana and we have a lot of mem- with Select USA than Innovation Norway. chamber model is outdated. It worked well • Sourcing local suppliers bers interested in the rural U.S., but predom- We have complementary missions. Then, we for certain businesses, like shipbuilding and • Marketing products and services to inantly Houston, Boston, D.C., New York, need to go one step further in analyzing the fish, and some that already had a presence in American people and San Francisco. I’ve never had a member opportunities. There are opportunities in the the United States. We are living in an increas- Bilateral trade relations between Nor- come to me and ask ‘where should we set health tech, smart energy, tourism, and smart ingly globalized world and different products way and the U.S. “remain limited to the up my American business?’ They’ve already building sectors all over the world. We tell are being produced. The distinction between strong traditional Norwegian sectors, such decided. I have to get them before they make our customers to identify the niches. Why Norway and other places in the world is not as as oil and gas, information technology, a decision. There’s an over-simplification of is Philadelphia special? Why should you distinct. We need to come up with better rea- maritime, aquaculture, and shipping,” while what areas of the States cater to which in- choose the health care system of Philadel- sons why a chamber of commerce is relevant. Norwegian direct investment in the U.S. is dustries.” phia, rather than Texas, where Norway al- We have to look at other industries in Norway mainly in mining, oil and gas extraction, and Among Philadelphia’s assets are a ready has strong links and a lot of companies that might provide expertise on a project or manufacturing. These industries may not be Greater Philadelphia population of 6.28 mil- to piggyback on? Are there niches where has a new product to launch.” other cities’ strengths. The major Norwegian lion people; the second-lowest office rental Philadelphia is the place to choose? It’s su- The major finding in the report was that anchor business in Philadelphia is Philly rates; less labor costs; inexpensive cost of per important to collaborate with Norwegian 60% of Norwegian businesses polled did not Shipyard, which arrived in 1996 as Kværner, living compared to New York, Washington, companies or companies with some Norwe- know about Philadelphia; the 40% that had changed to Aker, then Philly Shipyard. The and Boston; a leader in life sciences, profes- gian links in the region that have ties back some awareness knew little. This event was Navy Yard had closed and Philly Shipyard sional and financial services, information to Norway. They want to help. They want to to build up awareness, while answering the saved it, answering a need. technology, energy, medical schools and have more Norwegian companies come to challenges that Norwegian businesses faced The industries of NACC members have medical centers, law and business schools; the region. They are role models and easier in the city and in America in general: expanded in the 21st century to include tech- home to 104 colleges and universities and to piggyback on. That’s what Innovation • Difficulty for Norwegian compa- nology, finance, banking, medicine, film- 500,000 students, with strengths in engineer- Norway has found most successful. nies in finding local partnerships making, business, law, tourism, food, jour- ing, computer science, information technol- “I really liked listening to Lauren say • Lack of success due to “a lack of nalism, writing, public relations, marketing, ogy, chemistry, physics, business, finance, how they go into the details about why Phila- professional networks that meet the needs of and women-owned businesses. Many busi- and biosciences. It’s the only American city delphia should be attractive. That can be easy those Norwegian companies” nesses choose “safe” cities: Houston for oil that is a World Heritage City. for Norway to relate to. It’s trustworthy. This • Fierce competition and gas, San Francisco/Silicon Valley for Lauren Swartz, Director of International can be a role model for showcasing to other Business Investment at the City of Philadel- potential Norwegian investors. You have phia, is a transplanted Scandinavian from enlightened me on the niches. Most busi- Minnesota. While selling Philadelphia, she nesses would not choose Philadelphia just Newspaper ads never could be talking about any city. because it’s a nice place to live. It has to be a “We host trade delegations from dif- complete business opportunity. If a city has go out of style. ferent countries all the time,” she said. “We a specific challenge or need that they want look for marketing partners. Then, you have help to solve, then we can work together to the right ingredients. You have to approach identify places where the Norwegian eco- Place yours today! this as ‘which of the world’s problems is system of companies can go to solve those your city solving?’ You have to be here to needs. They know that there’s a match. We take the next step, to be part of something know what Norwegian companies can de- Call 206-784-4617 or email [email protected] big. When companies see there are oppor- liver the solution to the needs.” to request a personalized advertising proposal tunities and partners who are already doing business here, then things start to flow and For copies of the report, e-mail: fkjersem@ the new people become your advocates.” gmail.com. theNorwegianamerican Norwegian Heritage May 19, 2017 • 19 Norwegian & American Women of Distinction

• Brynhild Haugland (1905-1998)

Jill Beatty Daughters of Norway

While the women of Minot make plans Through her legislative work, Haugland also for a new Daughters of Norway Lodge, here assisted her home city of Minot when she is a little history from the National Women’s aided Minot State University in acquiring 10 History Museum in celebration of the Na- new buildings. tional Foundation of Women Legislators Haugland also worked to improve the 70th Anniversary. They presented an online “farmer’s problems and living conditions,” display entitled “Women Wielding Power: and created legislation in the 1940s on a Photo: Tove Andersson First Female State Legislators.” “medical care program that other states have Reindeer, not in motion. The latest Slow TV enterprise came to an unexpected end due to recalcitrant North Dakota has three meritorious modeled.” For her commitment to aiding reindeer not following the show’s schedule. claims to fame: in 1892, it was the first state farmers, she was recognized by former first to elect a woman to statewide office; in 1933, lady Eleanor Roosevelt when she said “Go it was the first to have a woman as Speaker down the list of laws passed by the North < reinflytting of the House; and one of its female legisla- Dakota legislature in the last 15 years to help From page 1 tors holds the record for re-election. This meet the farmer’s problems and improve article is featuring one of these three ladies. his living conditions, and you will find that In addition, they’d need to travel across began with the 2009 airing of all seven hours Brynhild Haugland was born on July Brynhild Haugland had a hand in every one large areas without mobile coverage. Satellite and 16 minutes of the train journey between 28, 1905, in Minot, North Dakota. Haugland of them.” On March 20, 1995, North Da- equipment weighs too much, so NRK Sápmi Oslo and Bergen, commemorating its 100th was the daughter of Norwegian immigrants kota recognized Brynhild Haugland’s time and NRK Finnmark have had to come up with anniversary. and began attending public school in Minot of public service by awarding her the state’s many new solutions for getting wireless sig- Møklebust said he had “no idea” eight in 1913, finishing in 1924, after which she highest honor, the Theodore Roosevelt nals. Three teams alternated between driving years ago the genre would be such a success. taught in Minot until 1925. In 1928, she got Roughrider Award. from mountain top to mountain top where “It’s normally one of those ideas you get her teaching certificate at Minot State Nor- Haugland retired in 1990 after being they set up their own stations to get wireless late at night after a couple of beers in the bar, mal School. For her work in education she named Minot’s woman of the year in 1956, signals to the rest of Norway and the world. and when you wake up the next day, ‘Ahh, it’s won an award in the Public Service category 1971, and 1989. She cast a remarkable 22,000 NRK used drones to get the best possible not a good idea after all,’” he told CBS News of the Council of Advancement and Support votes during her time in office. Haugland is overview of the spectacular move. in an interview. of Education. most remembered by her quote, “Most any The non-stop transmission was meant to The slow TV concept, according to As the longest-serving state legislator in good thing can be accomplished eventually finish on April 28 with the reindeer swimming Møklebust, requires “an unbroken timeline. the U.S., Brynhild Haugland served 26 terms if you are not particular who gets the credit.” to Kvaløya. But the reindeer were in no hurry. That you don’t take away anything. That ev- (52 years) as a Republican Representative in “The plan is to give the show a rest and pick erything is in there. That all the boring stuff is the North Dakota Legislature, beginning in The Minot Daughters of Norway Lodge or- up broadcasing before the animals swim a in there.” It worked for trains and cruises and 1938 and ending in 1990. During her time ganizational meetings are planned for the few hundred meters across to the island where even for such typisk norsk fare as “National in office, Haugland focused on “education, next several months. The ladies meet in the they spend summer.” Rune Møklebust, Pro- Wood Night” and “National Knitting Night,” economic, and industrial development,” the South Room at the Minot Library at 1:30 gram Manager at NRK, explained to newspa- and even though the stars of the most recent “agricultural and dairy industry, transporta- p.m. Please see the Daughters of Norway per Aftenposten. show were uncooperative, the footage aired is tion, environmental concerns, clean air, State website for more information: www.daugh- “But is that not a breach of the slow TV mesmerizing and hypnotic. Prison Farm, handicapped accessibility, state tersofnorway.org. Or email norskjill@gmail. concept?” Aftenposten asked. parks, and tourism,” among other things. com for details. “Yes, but we must always redefine,” Reinflytting minutt for minuttis over, but you Møklebust answered. can still watch all the “episodes” at tv.nrk. Hunting of wild reindeer, as well as herd- no/serie/reinflytting-minutt-for-minutt. ing, is important in northern Norway for meat, hides, antlers, milk, and transportation for Born in Oslo, Tove studied several Arctic and Subarctic peoples. NRK anthropology, history of followed this herd from Lake Iešjávri, which religion and ethics at UIO lies in the municipalities of Alta, Karasjok, (University of Oslo.) She Photos: State Historical Society of North and Kautokeino. worked in social services Dakota (left 2011-P-016-0027, Many reindeer herders in northern Nor- and wrote Jeg heter Navn- below 10943-51) way used old Norwegian Navy landing craft løs (My name is nameless) Left: Brynhild Haugland in 1973. to ferry reindeer every year to various islands in 2002. She’s worked as Below: Grace Link, Brynhild Haugland, and in Troms and Finnmark counties. a freelance journalist since 2007, starting up Arthur A. Link pose for a photograph in the Reinflytting minutt for minutt is only the with travel, music, and book reviews, while Great Hall of the North Dakota Capitol Build- most recent in the slow TV concept, which writing poetry and fiction as a hobby. ing in Bismarck. The celebration may be in recognition of Haugland’s 50 years of service in the House of Representatives. Subscribe today! one year: $70

Photo: Karen Schulte Call (206) 784-4617, email [email protected], visit us on the web at www.norwegianamerican.com, or mail a check to: The Norwegian American, 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155. 20 • May 19, 2017 Norsk Språk theNorwegianamerican Norwegian Language Corner Folk, a much-used word NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES and TROLLS

Volume 1 With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, “Tuss og Troll” is now serialized in The Norwegian American’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the collections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard , Velle Espeland, Johannes Farestveit, and Nana Rise-Lynum. Translated by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng. Illustrated by Solveig Muren Sanden and Jens R. Nilssen. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed, and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad.

Photo: Pixabay Folk is one Norwegian word that needs no translation.

M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway

Folk is a much-used word. It appears • In 1920, Folkeforbundet became in all the Germanic languages, though oc- the Norwegian translation of League of Na- casionally respelled, as Volk in German. The tions, the international organization that ex- definition of folk in the electronic version isted until 1946. of the complete Oxford English Dictionary • From 1932 to 1935, the Folketeatret Oskeladden & dei gode hjelparane The Ash Lad & the good assistants is 10 pages long in printout. In Norwegian (literally “People’s Theatre”) was built in del 1 av 6 part 1 of 6 it’s among the most frequently used words Oslo, an initiative that aimed to provide the- in compounds, in which it’s joined with an- atre for working class people. Det var ein gong ein konge, og den kon- Once upon a time, there was a king other noun, usually with the letter e; the Clue • In 1949, the year of first import, gen hadde høyrt tale om eit skip som gjekk who had heard talk of a ship that went just Norwegian-English dictionary has 153 com- Folkevogn became the everyday Norwegian like fort på land som på vatn. Eit slikt skip as fast on land as it did on water. Such a ship pound words beginning with folk plus folk- name of the German car brand Volkswagen, ville han og ha, og til den som kunne byggja he longed for, and to the one who could lore, a loanword from English. itself a compound of the German nouns Volk det, lova han ut kongsdottera og halve riket. build such a ship he promised the princess The history of the word folk starts with and Wagen. Det lyste han ut på alle kyrkjebakkar over and half the kingdom. This he announced its first appearance in Old Norse and Old • In 1965, Folkeuniversitetet became heile landet. at all the church gates throughout the land. English. Through the centuries, the spelling the official name of non-academic adult edu- Det var mange som prøvde, men ille There were many who tried, but it and sense of folk are well preserved, which cation. gjekk det med dei fleste. Så var det tre brør went poorly with most of them. But there may explain the word’s prevalence today. • In 1970, Folkeregister (National borte i ei skogbygd. Den eldste heitte Per, were three brothers who lived in a village Among the folk compound words in Norwe- Register) was set up to provide national reg- den andre heitte Pål, og den yngste Espen deep in the forest. The eldest was called gian are proper names that reflect the evolu- istration of all residents. Oskeladd. Den sundagen det vart lyst ut om Peter, the next was called Paul, and the tion of the society of the country when they Along the way, folk compound words skipet kongen ville ha, slumpa Espen til å youngest was called Espen Ash Lad. The entered the language in the 19th and 20th came into the language, most reflecting the vera ved kyrkja, han og. Sunday when it was announced about the centuries; the following is a selection of the trends of their times of first use. Perhaps the Då han kom heim og fortalde det, bad ship that the king wanted, Espen was fortu- seven most-known ones: most recent addition came in 1997: folke­ Per mor si om niste, for no ville han i vegen nate enough to have been near the church. • In 1864, the first Folkehøgskole finansering, the Norwegian term for crowd og freista om han ikkje kunne byggja skipet When the Ash Lad came home and (folk high school) was established in Nor- funding, the modern form of alternative fi- og vinna kongsdottera og halve riket. Han told of the announcement, Peter asked his way, modeled after the first such school es- nancing made possible by the internet. tok nisteskreppa og strauk av garde. På ve- mother for some food to take with him, gen møtte han ein mann som var så gamal because now he wanted to try his luck and tablished in Denmark in 1844. og krokut. see if he could build the ship and win the • In 1882, playwright Henrik Ibsen This article originally appeared in Norwe- — Kvar skal du av? sa mannen. princess and half the kingdom. He took the published En Folkefiende (An Enemy of the gian on the Clue Dictionaries language blog — Eg skal bort i skogen og gjera trau til knapsack with his lunch, and off he went. People). at blogg.clue.no. far min, han likar ikkje å eta i lag med oss On the way he met a man who was very old andre, sa han Per. and disfigured. M. Michael Brady was — Trau skal det verta! sa mannen. “Where are you off to then?” asked educated as a scientist and — Men kva har du i sekken din? the man. with time turned to writing — Møk, sa Per. “I am going into the forest to make a and translating. — Møk skal det verta! sa mannen. wooden bowl for my father, as he does not Så strauk han Per bort i eikeskogen og like to eat with the rest of us,” said Peter. hogg og tømra alt han vann. Men alt han “Then wooden bowls it shall be!” said hogg og maksla, så vart det ikkje anna enn the man. “But what do you have in your store trau. Då det leid til middags, tok han knapsack?” opp nistesekken og ville eta. Men det var “Dirt,” said Peter. ikkje mat, det som var i sekken. Då vart han “Then dirt it shall be,” said the old man. lei og strauk heim att. Then Peter ran off into the oak forest Så ville han Pål i vegen og freista om and cut timber and hammered for all he ikkje han hadde lukke til å byggja skip og was worth. But all that he cut and all that vinna kongsdottera og halve riket. Han bad he made were nothing but wooden bowls. mor si om niste, og så tok han sekken på When it was lunchtime, he took his knap- nakken og la av garde ut i marka. På vegen sack so as to eat. But it was not food that møtte han ein gamal mann som var så kro- was in the knapsack. Thus he felt sorry for kut og stakkarsleg. himself, and ran back home. So now Paul wanted to try his luck and see if he could build the ship and win the princess and half the kingdom. He asked his mother for some food, and put the knap- Tuss og Troll 2-vol set sack on his back and set off into the forest. $35.95 with FREE On the way he met an old man who was so shipping in USA. disfigured and pitiful. www.astrimyastri.com theNorwegianamerican Norsk Språk May 19, 2017 • 21

< ambassade Fra side 2

« I walk slowly, but I never walk backward. » havområder i nord. Havtemperaturen fra – Abraham Lincoln disse punktene blir gitt flere ganger om da- gen. — Da kan du sette deg ned, lukke øy- Pondus by Frode Øverli nene og lytte til undervannsopptak fra havet, sier den norske kunstneren Jana Winderen. Foran inngangen til ambassade­ bygningen, og flere andre steder på det store ambassadeområdet, ligger store kampe­ steiner. Noen av dem er så svære at unger kan få trøbbel med å klatre opp på dem, an- dre er lett match—hoppe opp og hoppe ned. Farid Massabki er en av ingeniørene som fortsatt arbeider med å avslutte bygge- prosjektet. Han forteller at kampesteinene er møysommelig gravd ut i et sandtak nær .

Why should I be happy I have no woman... I wear size 15 shoes I suck at basketball! < reptiler no job... hardly about life? I’m 8 feet tall with But... and I haven’t been in But... Fra side 2 this weird little head on top! any friends... no a car since I was 13! clothes that fit... Yeah, but... kunne fortelle at regjeringen har myket opp reglene, sier Johansen. Blant Fremskrittpartiets hovedargu- Lunch by Børge Lund menter for å lovliggjøre hold av reptiler, har vært veksten i antall nordmenn som velger å trosse reglene og holde reptilene ulovlig. I dag er det omkring 100.000 ulovlige dyr i Norge, ifølge Mattilsynet. — Vi har sett at forbudet ikke har fungert, men på grunn av forbudet har ikke nordmenn kunnet ta med seg dyrene sine til veterinær. Når vi nå har opphevet forbudet, vil de endelig kunne benytte seg av veterinær som alle andre, sier Johansen. Dyrevernalliansen mener forskrifts­ endringen er problematisk. 11. mai advarer de alle privatpersoner mot å skaffe seg noen av de 19 dyreartene som nå er unntatt for- budet. This beautifully weighted strategy — Dette er en trist dag for dyre­ document is all you need for perfect goal Touching! Four years of velferden. Legalisering av reptiler i Norge hard work bears fruit... achievement! Let me demonstrate... vil være irreversibelt. I resten av Europa ser vi at myndigheter arbeider sammen Hjalmar med natur- og dyrevernsorganisasjoner for by Nils Axle Kanten å stramme inn på antall tillatte arter, men i Hmmm? Norge går vi altså nå i motsatt retning, sier Yeah... kommunikasjonsleder­ Live Kleveland. Ved privat hold av reptiler er det stor fare for dårlig velferd, mener hun. Det be- grunner hun med at krypdyr i motsetning til tradisjonelle familiedyr ikke er tamme. — Ville slanger og andre krypdyr er skapt for et liv i tropiske omgivelser. De er ikke tilpasset en tilværelse i et glassbur på gutterommet. Disse dyrene har ingen glede av kontakt med mennesker, mener hun. Thor Håkonsen, leder i Norsk Herpetol- ogisk Forening, skjønner lite av Dyrevern­ alliansens logikk. — Vi har allerede mellom 80.000 og Pappa, pappa! Aren’t No-hooo!!! There, there! You Hjalmar! Trina’s father I bigger than Trine?!!! I am bigger! are both big! Maja is at the door and wants 120.000 ulovlige dyr i Norge. Disse dyrene Waa-haa! is taller but Trine is... to talk with you... er ikke noe vanskeligere, og det blir feil om disse skal diskrimineres. Faktisk er mange av dem enklere å holde enn for eksempel fugler­ Han Ola og Han Per by Peter J. Rosendahl, with new translations by John Erik Stacy og katter, sier Håkonsen.

< soldater Fra side 2

menn deler rom, og der de ikke deler rom? spør Aftenposten. — Nei, men vi ser at blandede rom gir gode relasjoner mellom soldatene, og at det bidrar til mer samhold på tvers av kjønn. I Tillitsvalgtordningen er vi veldig positive til I think he will blandede rom. I have a nurse for get well again, Oh, you have to get me a nurse, Oh you big world! And — Vi har ingen oppfatning av at det kun you, Lars. This is How do you Mrs. Lars, but mother, I am much worse. I thought I would get a Cleopatra, my sister. er de som er fornøyde som besvarer, men think it’s going if he should get young and pretty nurse. with Lars, worse you must gleder oss over at svarprosenten var rekord- then, Doctor? call a nurse. høy, sier Mohaugen. 22 • May 19, 2017 The NA Strikes Back theNorwegianamerican

TheLast Norwegian chance! AmericanAct now! strikes back Help America’s only Norwegian newspaper fight against the scourge of lonely mailboxes

Long story short, we are running an In- diegogo campaign! You can read the long story at igg.me/at/theNA and donate in re- turn for fabulous rewards. But you can also donate by mail if you like! If you see something you want (and let’s be honest; you definitely want some of this stuff!), go ahead and call us with your credit card number or mail in the order form on this page with credit card info or a check. You’re also more than welcome to sim- ply donate to the cause of keeping The Nor- wegian American publishing, but be aware that we are not a non-profit, so unfortunately your donations are not tax deductible. Norwegian postcard fiction: Get a genuine Business card ads: You send us a digital The campaign ends on May 22, so don’t Norwegian postcard with an approximately version of your business card and we print wait! (We’ll cut a little slack for mail-in or- 100-word fiction (usually science fiction or it in the paper—what could be easier? Please ders, knowing how late some of you receive fantasy) story inspired by postcard. Written note that this offer is for landscape business the paper... but send them in right away!) by Editor Emily C. Skaftun. cards only and that they will print slightly Tusen takk! $26; 6 available (as of press day. If de- smaller than actual size. mand exceeds supply the “extra” orders will Six black & white ads: $250 Nils Anders mag- receive a postcard from a non-Norway coun- 12 black & white ads: $475 net-backed note- try such as Cuba, Mexico, Ireland, Iceland, Six color ads: $350 pad: You know Nils or Israel.) 12 color ads: $675 Anders, the hidden A Taste of Norway: Flavors from The Nor- person who’s be- wegian American cookbook: By popular Set of 20 vintage postcards: See the story Old Ballard aquavit club: Our friends at come our unofficial demand, we’re bringing you a collection on the next page for more on these fun post- Old Ballard Liquor Co. have offered this mascot. He hates it of recipes that have been featured on the cards! amazing perk to Seattle locals: one bottle when he can’t find pages of The Norwegian American. From $27 + shipping ($3 U.S., $4 Canada, $5 of aquavit each quarter plus two at Christ- a piece of paper to such acclaimed Nordic food writers as Day- Worldwide) mas (six total)! You get Älskar, Midsommar, write shopping lists tona Strong, Sunny Gandara, Maria Stordahl Skogen, Riktig, Tomten, and Ragnarok. For and love notes on, Nelson, and this paper’s own former editor, Scandinavian Hour ads: Be a part of the more info on Old Ballard, visit www.oldbal- so he’s here to help! Christy Olsen Field, the spiral-bound cook- Seattle-area institution known as the Scan- lardliquorco.com. We don’t have book will cover main courses, soups and dinavian Hour. This package is for three But wait, there’s more! You also get two an image of the actu- sides, and of course sweets. It even has a few 105-word ads to be aired on the show, worth Nils Anders shot glasses to skål with. al item yet, because drink recipes! $50 each. You write them or work with Doug $250 **Please note that this perk does we won’t order them $29 + shipping ($6 U.S., $10 Canada, Warne, the show’s host. not ship. LOCAL PICKUP ONLY!!** until the campaign $16 Worldwide) $125; 2 available closes, but we’re go- ing to make it look something like the image A nibble of Norway: The cookbook, the DJ for a day: Who’s a Radio Star? You are! above. It sort of looks like Nils Anders is in notepad, and a pen to go with them. Co-host the Seattle-area KKNW Scandina- jail! I wonder what he’s done? $34 + shipping ($8 U.S., $12 Canada, vian Hour with Doug Warne. Write and pres- $7 + shipping ($4 U.S., $5 Canada, $8 $18 Worldwide) ent an ad for your company or club fundrais- Worldwide) er, introduce a few records, and chat a bit on A bite of Norway: The cookbook, the note- air! The show records on weekdays and airs Nils Anders shot pad, a pen, and a waffle bandana (please on Saturday mornings. glass: If drinking is specify color) to tie the whole thing together. $150; 3 available more your thing than $55 + shipping ($9 U.S., $13 Canada, shopping lists and love $19 Worldwide) letters, we’ve got the glasses for you! These We accept check and debit or credit cards. To pay with a credit card over the phone, call us at tall shot glasses will (206) 784-4617. If you prefer to send a check, please make it payable to Norwegian American Weekly. go perfectly with your aquavit (or other booze Send your check or credit card info with this form to: 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155. or even espresso). The image to the right is an Card Holder Name: approximation, because these haven’t been or- Credit Card Number: dered yet either. $8 + $8 shipping Expiration Date: CVV: (U.S. only) Shipping Address:

Waffle bandana: These incredible bandanas (right) are only available through this cam- Billing Address (if different from shipping): paign. Designed exclusively for The Nor- wegian American by Kristin Derby and pro- duced by Hovden Formal Farm Wear, they look good enough to eat! Available in classic Phone: E-mail: black, Norwegian blue, red, and a vaguely waffle-toned cream. Package(s) desired: $25 + shipping ($5 U.S., $7 Canada, $11 Worldwide) theNorwegianamerican The NA Strikes Back May 19, 2017 • 23 Postcard mystery solved: Antique works of postal art get new life

Photos: Emily C. Skaftun & Molly Jones Above left: Many of the originals were in poor condition, with damaged corners and even cracks Molly Jones in the art. She had them restored and re-sized to a standard four by six inches. The Norwegian American Above: Van Noy’s poster displays some of Van Noy’s original antique postcards side-by-side with their restored counterparts. When we first found these vintage Nor- Left: All 20 of the postcards are available through The Norwegian American’s Indiegogo cam- wegian postcards hiding away in our old paign, for a limited time. office, we didn’t know where they came from—or really anything about them—but we knew we had exactly seven sets, and we ever, describing some aspects of Nor- She joined the organization in 1980, served decided to share them with you through our way’s culture on the reverse. as president of Embla lodge from 1995 to campaign. Well as it turns out, there’s a lot Van Noy’s collection also includes 1996, and remains involved through festi- more where that came from! two advertisements for Singer sewing vals and cooking classes. She has also made Shortly after sharing our Indiegogo machines, holiday cards for Easter, over 200 bunads since 1990 and presents campaign, we received a call from Esther Syttende Mai, and Christmas—some programs with a special focus on her col- Van Noy, who shared with us that she herself of which were reprinted in the pages lection of vintage postcards and Norwegian had created these postcards 20 years ago. of the Western Viking in the early history from the Vikings to the Norwegian Van Noy has been collecting antique 2000s—and antique postcards from Royal Family. Norwegian postcards for a few decades, and Sweden and Denmark. she went to a print shop in Puyallup, Wash., Shortly after making the post- If you would like to contact Esther Van Noy in the late 1990s to have the postcards en- cards, Van Noy delivered the seven or are interested in having her present a pro- hanced and restored. She made the first set to America. The lithographs and hand-tinted sets to the editors of the Western Viking, gram for your organization, please reach out of 10 in 1997 and another set of 10 in 1998, photographs depict the life and culture of two decades before we would uncover them to her at (253) 537-2938 or eovannoy@juno. printing 500 copies of each one. While she Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, and Lofoten with and offer them to you. We recently had the com. had hoped to sell most of these, she still has one of the most popular motifs being a pretty pleasure of meeting with her, learning more hundreds of sets remaining. maiden dressed in a bunad and surrounded about the postcards and seeing the originals, If you would like to purchase your own set Most of these postcards were originally by the stunning Norwegian nature. The post- and receiving more sets to offer to you! of vintage Norwegian postcards, please visit sent over a century ago from people in Nor- card featuring several figures was actually an In addition to collecting postcards, Van our Indiegogo campaign at igg.me/at/theNA. way to their relatives who had immigrated advertisement for a small coffee mill, how- Noy is a member of Daughters of Norway. But hurry! The campaign ends on May 22.

Notable Norwegians With David Moe

Floyd Bjørnstjerne Olson was in 1922 and re-elected in 1926. He earned a 82 of the state’s 87 counties. He defeated born November 13, 1891, in Minne- reputation for stern prosecution of corruption, the Republican candidate by nearly 200,000 apolis, Minn., the only child of a Nor- won a case against the local Ku Klux Klan, votes. He assumed the office of governor in wegian father and Swedish mother. He and made himself a name as a friend of labor. January 1931. Many of his political goals entered the University of Minnesota in Olson entered politics in 1920 when he were passed despite opposition from a con- 1910. After one year at the university, sought the nomination of the Democratic servative legislature throughout his career. he left Minnesota, working odd jobs in Party for the U.S. House of Representatives, He won re-election in 1932 and 1934. He Canada, Alaska, and Seattle. During but he failed to receive the Democratic en- planned to run for the U.S. Senate in 1936 those hard years, he learned a lot about dorsement. By 1923, he had come to the and many people considered him a potential the hardships of the working class. attention of local labor leaders for his pros- leader of a national Farmer Labor Party and He returned to Minnesota in 1913 ecution of several members of the Citizens a possible Presidential bid in 1940. Howev- and entered Northwestern Law College Alliance, and by 1924 he had secured the en- er, none of these plans ever came to be. night school and worked as a clerk in dorsement of the Hennepin County Farmer In December 1935, he was diagnosed a Minneapolis law office by day. He Labor central committee for governor of with stomach cancer. Since he was not told received his J.D. degree in 1915, was Minnesota. In July, he received the nomina- of his condition, he continued his plans for a admitted to the Minnesota Bar, and tion of the state party; however, he lost the bid for the U.S. Senate, making a public ap- became a practicing attorney in Min- general election to the Republican. pearance at Minnehaha Park in Minneapolis neapolis and married Ada Krejci of By 1930, Olson had decided to seek the on June 29, 1936. In August, he returned to New Prague, Minnesota. He became Farmer Labor party’s nomination for gover- the Mayo Clinic and died there on August Assistant Hennepin County attorney, nor once again and received it by March of 22, 1936. He was 44 years old. He was bur- appointed to serve out the term of his that year. Running on a “good government” ied at Lakewood Cemetery in Minneapolis, Photo: Wikimedia Commons predecessor who had been removed platform, he became the first Farmer Labor where thousands turned out for his funeral, Painting of Minnesota Governor Floyd B. for graft. He was elected to the post governor in the state of Minnesota, carrying remembered as a “champion of the people.” Olson by Carl Bohnen, 1937. FEARLESSLYRETIRE When your financial bases are covered, it can open up a world of possibilities in retirement. Let Thrivent Financial help you prepare for the risks all retirees face— and all of the “somedays” on your bucket list. You deserve to retire fearlessly. Contact us today!

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A full day of celebration in Seattle, Washington

Nordic Heritage Museum is Leona Olson was born on a The Last Resort Fire Depart- building a new home. Community farm near Monroe to Carl and ment began in 1969 when a support has been amazing from Milda (Nordlinder) Oman. She handful of dedicated individuals the start, with over 890 donors attended the University of Wash- formed what is now the largest making more than 1500 gifts to ington where she was a member collection of antique motorized the campaign. The new, modern of Theta Epsilon Sorority. After fire apparatus in the Pacific North- 57,000-sq. ft. museum and cul- college, she worked in printing west. Galen is the last remaining tural center will include a refined jobs including 38 years working founder of the organization. Pre- layout and expanded exhibition for The Seattle Times. Leona was serving history is often a thank- and educational spaces. The new the first woman in the U.S. to less act of perseverance with little museum is organized around a qualify as a Foto setter operator. or no recognition. Coincidentally, linear “fjord” weaving together She joined Normanna Sons The Seattle Fire Dept was formed stories of the homeland and of Norway Lodge #3 in Everett in 1889, the same year Seattle Nordic American experience. in 1972. Leona has been a dedi- began celebrating 17th of May. Construction is well underway, cated member holding several The LRFD’s rigs appear in pa- starting with the formal Ground- offices and chairmanships at rades, car and truck shows, fire breaking celebration in July, 2016. the lodge, including leading their station dedications, fire preven- A Grand Opening for this visionary pancake breakfasts for 24 years. tion exhibits and the annual Fire museum will be held in May, 2018. Grand Marshal She has been a member of the Honorary Marshals Festival in Pioneer Square. Total cost of the project is $47 17th of May committee for nearly Galen has supported our Bal- million and to date they have Donors of the New 20 years. The committee wishes Leona Olson Galen Thomaier & lard parade for over 40 years. The raised over $40 million. Join her a very happy retirement and 17th of May Committee takes this grand group of supporters, Nordic Museum is pleased to recognize her as an The Last Resort great pride in honoring Galen and represented by Kurt Ness. Kurt (represented by Kurt Ness) Honorary Marshal. Fire Department The Last Resort Fire Department. is a member of the NHM board and grandson of Trident Seafoods co-founder, Kaare Ness. Kurt is Kurt completed his Master’s at Director of Sales and Market- Seattle University before serving ing and Co-Owner of Integrated as European Sales Director for a Marine Systems, Inc., which local marine electronics company. designs and manufactures marine Kurt from an early age immersed refrigeration equipment for com- himself in his family’s Norwegian mercial fishing vessels and shore heritage; he continues to look for side processing facilities. Prior to ways to honor this community his involvement with IMS, Kurt through education, service and was the Captain of Oregon State cultural outreach. Kurt resides University Men’s Soccer Team, here in Ballard with his lovely wife where he graduated with honors. and two wonderful children. Learn more at www.17thofmay.org