(Enmtwttnrt Satlu (Hamjjua Serving Storrs Since 1896
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(Enmtwttnrt Satlu (Hamjjua Serving Storrs Since 1896 VOL LXVII NO 57 STORRS, CONNECTICUT Friday December 12, 1969 Maranda Calls Fascism Oppressive BY SHEILA COHEN Associate News Editor •Do we have to wait for fascism to come riding down Pennsylvania Ave. on a white horse before people recognize it for what it is?* Calling for a united front against fascism at a rally here Wednesday, Dec. 10, Doug Maranda of the Black Panther Party (BPP) said: "People aren't ready to shoot pigs. We need a program to get people Involved In liberation.* Sponsored by the Black Student Union, the rally drew a crowd of about 300 people. The audience was almost half white. Attacking the Progressive Labor (PL) Party's criticism of the BPP, Maranda said, "PL will argue about anything; they know their books so well." "I'm better off than an Intellectual who thinks he's going to lead the revolution in the streets,* he said. According to Maranda, PL has accused the BPP of being controlled by the Comm jnist Party because ■the Panthers don't agree with PL.* Maranda called PL and the Communist Party "armchair revolu- tionaries." ■PL and the Communist Party are afraid of niggers controlling their movements,* he said. The BPP has shown how Institutions are sup- posed to serve the people through their free break- fast program for children, according to Maranda. ■People can only achieve self-determination under socialism," he said. "We're not going to turn around and oppress our people once we achieve It." PL says we (BPP) don't deal wfth workers, Ma- randa said. "Why are we being attacked If all we're doing Is running breakfast programs?* he asked. "We're the only ones accomplishing anything; that's why we're being attacked,* he said. ■I can relate to working class whites better than PL people because we come from the same place," Maranda said. H e accused PL of not knowing how to deal with racism within their ranks. ■PL, the Communist Party and whites aren't my enemies — yet," the New Haven Panther said. 'Pigs, politicians and businessmen are my enemies; they're messing up the people.* Citing the trial of Bobby Seale as an example, Maranda said, "People still have faith in the courts and the democratic system; we have to destroy that •faith from within the courts.* The BPP wants action, not rhetoric, according to Maranda. "We want our needs met, but not at the expense of the people.* To be a revolutionary person is the highest manifestation of humanism right now,* Maranda New Haven Black Panther Partv Captain Doug Maranda raps at said. "You can't deal with pigs with flowers.* Black Student Union Rally In SS55 Wednesday night. 'Revolution- "Capitalism is what you see in the black com- munity; the reality of it,* he said. "People have aries aren't born,* he said, *but we sure are made." Calling (or a tried everything; now they're going to try Marxlst- united front against fascism, he emphasized the need for unity among Lenlnlsm." the people. "If 11 crazy niggers can hold off 500 pigs In Los Angeles, "Black people do not relate to words," according think of what the people could do.» He also denounced the Progressive to Maranda. "We relate to concrete actions." Later Party for its criticism of the Panthers. Harvard Suspends Black Demonstrators Black Panther CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) — About at Harvard construction sites. administration building. Extradition 40 black students who persisted In a They barricaded the windows and The sit-in ended peacefully six hours sit-in at Harvard's University Hall were doors of the faculty club, a red brick after it began with an announcement that suspended Thursday about four hours structure, and refused to let club em- the dissidents and university had agreed to Conn . after more than 100 blacks forced their ployees inside. to negotiate the demands. way Into the building. The protest began after a 9 a. m. But Wednesday night, the university DENVER - (AP) - A Denver The suspension order was read over rally In a driving rain in front of Mem- rejected the 20 per cent representation Judge ordered a second Black a bullhorn to the protesters, who had orial Hall In Harvard Yard. demand saying it was without justifi- Panther extradited to Connect- locked themselves Inside a suite of of- Then the demonstrators marched to cation. icut yesterday. fices on the building's first floor. the construction site. In a statement, the school said the 20 Eighteen-year-old Rory Hithe The rest of those who had taken part Along the way they split into two per cent figure was not in line with will be returned to face mur- In the seizure had departed voluntarily. groups, one going to the faculty club the ratio of blacks to whites set forth and the other to the structure being built. der charges in connection with The dissidents first seized all of Uni- in the 1960 census. the death of Alex Rackley, an- versity H all, barricading the doors and The latter took up positions in and The university said that according to windows from the inside with chains around the new building and prevented the census the non-white population of other Panther. and wooden bars. men reporting for work from entering. However, Judge Robert Cambridge and Boston is 9.3 per cent. Klngsley has Issued a 24-hour Later, however, they withdrew to the The men were sent home. "Granting that some upward adjust- suite of offices on the ground floor where The building involved was Gund Hall, ment may be appropriatebecauseof pop- stay of execution. This will they met for a time with administrative a new Graduate School of Design struc- ulation changes since 1960, the propor- allow Hlthe's defense attorneys officials and faculty members to dis- ture. tion still does not come anywhere near to take their case before the cuss their demands. They Involved The demand that blacks make up at to 20 per cent," the university said. Colorado Supreme Court. the university's hiring practices as they least 20 per cent of the work force at •Accession to the demand would The decision came after a apply to nonwhites. Harvard construction projects was one of therefore Involve gross and seemingly long hearing, similar to the one The blacks said they were protesting several advanced by about 75 black illegal discrimination,' the university held for another Panther mem- the university's rejection Wednesday students who seized control of Harvard's added. — ber, Landon Williams. He has night of a demand that blacks make up University Hall last Friday. also been extradited to Connect- at least 20 per cent of those employed University Hall Is the school's main icut. Last Day For Registration Today 9- 4 S.U.B. lett. (flimflgrtintt Batlg Glamjiita Serving Storrs Since 1896 Reply to Lionel Correction Friday, Dec. 12, 1969 To the editor: To the editor: I would like to make few re- In my rush to bring my re- The most blatant error is In marks regarding Lillian D. Li- view of «e Sam & Dave Soul paragraph eight. In the sentence onel's article which appeared Review up to the newspaper, I that reads "when they are sing- on Dec. 3 entitled 'Inhuman treat- made some quick corrections in ing, they step on each other's ment". pencil on the pages. When the toes" the words "do not" should It Is really sad to learn how story appeared in Tuesday's is- be placed after the second "they". 111 Informed people really are In sue of the "Campus", the mis- Sam & Dave have a uni- this highly educated society with takes were still there — glar- que style. Not only do they sing Moratorium: Chapter 3 reference to the Palestinian re- ing. I offer this list of correc- well as a duo, but each can sing fugees. tions for the puzzled reader. equally well solo — for example The Palestinian Refugees The fifth paragraph was a- • Sam's version of "That Lucky Old were not and are not after a bout the Lovelies, a trio from Sun". piece of bread or a green dol- Florida, who, on the basis of The war In Vietnam recognizes no holidays. Throughout the 'fes- 'Haste makes waste* and er- lar - they are really seeking winning a talent contest, were rors also. Please print this let- national dignity, human honor, asked by Sam & Dave to join tive' season, the weekly U.S. death toll will probably continue to hover ter to clear up any of the pro- and Justice. They chose not to the review. The adjective "fine" blems that the article may have Identify with the other Arab States was Inadvertantly placed in the at the 150-200 mark. Hundreds of Vietnamese, from the South and created. and refused any hand outs. Can sentence. I proceeded to discuss Thank you for your coopera- we blame them? why I would not have described tion. the North, will lose their IIVM. Furthermore, why should the the trio as "fine." Richard B. Kamlns Arab states try to cover up the Why? Is It to allow the South Vietnamese the time to prepare to Immoral and Inhuman deeds com- mitted by Israel? Wouldn't they govern and defend themselves. Are these truly reasonable goals? be encouraging the aggressive policy of Israel? Also, don't you An Opposing View At one point we thought they were. In the words of J. Robert think that Israel Is the one who should be morally and legally ob- To the editor: Moskin, Foreign Editor of look' magazine: "We thought the South ligated to do something about these refugees? Vietnamese leaders would use the time we helped to buy for them with I have two questions In my mind — first, whether or not I am the Take a look at the U.N.